What is the opposite of the word hot


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Antonyms for Hot. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 13, from https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/hot

Antonyms for Hot. N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/hot>.

Antonyms for Hot. 2016. Accessed April 13, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/antonyms/hot.

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

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In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the antonyms for hot. These antonyms of the word hot are provided for information only.

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hotadjective

    Of a person, very physically or sexually attractive.

    That girl is hot!

    studly, handsome, hunky, lush, pretty, yummy, foxy, gorgeous, cute, beautiful, sexy, attractive, tasty, fit

  2. hotadjective



  3. hotadjective

    Of an object, having a high temperature.

    He forgot the frying pan was hot, and dropped it suddenly.

    icy, ice-cold, cold, chilly, freezing, frigid, freezing cold, chilled, glacial, cold as ice


  4. hotadjective

    Of the weather, causing the air to be hot.

    cold, icy, freezing, freezing cold

    boiling hot, baking, boiling, sweltering, sultry

  5. hotadjective

    Of a person or animal, feeling the sensation of heat, especially to the point of discomfort.

    freezing cold, freezing

    boiling hot, boiling, baking

  6. hotadjective


    feverish, temperature

  7. hotadjective

    Of food, spicy.

    Before moving to India, I never ate hot food. The Indians love spicy food.

    bland, mild

    piquant, tangy, spicy

  8. hotadjective

    Electrically charged

    a hot wire

    neutral, dead


  9. hotadjective



English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hot

    One is eager who impatiently desires to accomplish some end; one is earnest with a desire that is less impatient, but more deep, resolute, and constant; one is anxious with a desire that foresees rather the pain of disappointment than the delight of attainment. One is eager for the gratification of any appetite or passion; he is earnest in conviction, purpose, or character. Eager usually refers to some specific and immediate satisfaction, earnest to something permanent and enduring; the patriotic soldier is earnest in his devotion to his country, eager for a decisive battle.

    apathetic, calm, careless, cold, cool, dispassionate, frigid, heedless, indifferent, negligent, phlegmatic, purposeless, regardless, stolid, stony, stupid, unconcerned, uninterested, unmindful, unmoved

    animated, anxious, ardent, burning, desirous, eager, earnest, enthusiastic, fervent, glowing, impatient, impetuous, importunate, intense, intent, keen, longing, vehement, yearning, zealous

    Eager for (more rarely after) favor, honor, etc.; eager in pursuit.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these antonyms:2.6 / 7 votes

  1. hotadjective

    used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning

    «hot stove»; «hot water»; «a hot August day»; «a hot stuffy room»; «she’s hot and tired»; «a hot forehead»

    unlucky, stale, heatless, frosty, pleasant, nonviolent, ice-cold, raw, polar, old, frore, passionless, tasteless, bleak, unsexy, unwanted, unheated, slow, icy, uncharged, nonradioactive, acold, far, stone-cold, frigid, unwarmed, cool, emotionless, legal, cutting, chilly, frigorific, cold, shivery, unskilled, gelid, refrigerated, glacial, rimy, arctic, unpopular, algid, crisp, parky, nipping, uneager, inactive, bad, rimed, refrigerating, frozen, nippy, snappy, luckless, refrigerant, wintry

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  2. hot, ragingadjective

    characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense

    «the fighting became hot and heavy»; «a hot engagement»; «a raging battle»; «the river became a raging torrent»

    tasteless, shivery, ice-cold, frore, refrigerated, refrigerant, cutting, inactive, polar, legal, parky, cold, snappy, glacial, unsexy, uncharged, arctic, frigid, stale, nonviolent, nippy, unskilled, frosty, stone-cold, nonradioactive, far, icy, algid, wintry, frigorific, rimy, frozen, bad, refrigerating, luckless, slow, crisp, uneager, unwanted, cool, unpopular, nipping, gelid, pleasant, heatless, old, raw, bleak, chilly, unwarmed, unlucky, rimed, passionless, unheated, emotionless, acold

    spicy, angry, blistering, raging, red-hot, tempestuous, wild, live, furious

  3. hotadjective

    extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm

    «a hot temper»; «a hot topic»; «a hot new book»; «a hot love affair»; «a hot argument»

    uncharged, passionless, arctic, unskilled, frore, algid, icy, frozen, nonradioactive, unwarmed, glacial, chilly, crisp, cold, parky, unwanted, cool, rimed, bleak, shivery, far, unsexy, polar, frosty, unpopular, raw, acold, pleasant, rimy, nippy, unlucky, tasteless, gelid, refrigerated, refrigerant, nipping, refrigerating, frigid, slow, inactive, snappy, wintry, ice-cold, stale, luckless, uneager, frigorific, nonviolent, old, heatless, stone-cold, emotionless, legal, bad, unheated, cutting

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  4. hotadjective

    (color) bold and intense

    «hot pink»

    stale, tasteless, slow, old, frigorific, refrigerated, nippy, unpopular, cool, nonviolent, nonradioactive, luckless, unheated, uneager, heatless, frosty, refrigerating, chilly, cold, unsexy, far, gelid, emotionless, ice-cold, frozen, parky, unskilled, frore, wintry, unlucky, icy, raw, unwanted, crisp, pleasant, snappy, stone-cold, shivery, arctic, inactive, bad, glacial, cutting, unwarmed, algid, bleak, passionless, acold, frigid, nipping, rimy, rimed, refrigerant, polar, uncharged, legal

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  5. hotadjective

    sexually excited or exciting

    «was hot for her»; «hot pants»

    refrigerated, bleak, unsexy, refrigerating, frore, frosty, shivery, nonradioactive, slow, chilly, unwarmed, cold, inactive, unheated, glacial, polar, unwanted, icy, wintry, stale, crisp, luckless, nipping, ice-cold, parky, emotionless, snappy, rimed, stone-cold, frigid, nonviolent, algid, cutting, arctic, rimy, refrigerant, unlucky, pleasant, gelid, heatless, cool, far, acold, frigorific, unskilled, tasteless, uncharged, frozen, bad, legal, raw, passionless, unpopular, old, nippy, uneager

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  6. hotadjective

    recently stolen or smuggled

    «hot merchandise»; «a hot car»

    algid, nonviolent, frosty, emotionless, luckless, snappy, arctic, slow, tasteless, rimy, stone-cold, unwarmed, bleak, passionless, refrigerant, frigorific, unheated, shivery, far, icy, rimed, parky, glacial, old, bad, unskilled, refrigerated, unpopular, ice-cold, nipping, nippy, inactive, unwanted, crisp, pleasant, frigid, gelid, cutting, raw, unsexy, cool, uncharged, cold, acold, uneager, frozen, chilly, nonradioactive, frore, stale, legal, refrigerating, wintry, polar, unlucky, heatless

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  7. blistering, hot, red-hotadjective

    very fast; capable of quick response and great speed

    «a hot sports car»; «a blistering pace»; «got off to a hot start»; «in hot pursuit»; «a red-hot line drive»

    frigid, raw, refrigerated, bad, stone-cold, old, uneager, polar, snappy, glacial, slow, cutting, inactive, icy, frosty, cold, luckless, ice-cold, passionless, legal, rimed, arctic, nonviolent, rimy, emotionless, stale, crisp, nonradioactive, wintry, nippy, unheated, unlucky, tasteless, far, pleasant, unsexy, refrigerant, nipping, refrigerating, frore, unwanted, bleak, cool, acold, shivery, frigorific, unskilled, unwarmed, algid, gelid, uncharged, parky, frozen, chilly, unpopular, heatless

    virulent, blistering, red-hot, sizzling, vitriolic, voluptuous, blistery, acerbic, juicy, sulphurous, caustic, live, acrid, sulfurous, raging, acid, spicy, luscious, bitter, toothsome, acerb

  8. hotadjective

    wanted by the police

    «a hot suspect»

    nonradioactive, refrigerated, gelid, unwarmed, glacial, frozen, polar, acold, pleasant, rimy, nipping, bad, nonviolent, unsexy, stale, frosty, nippy, snappy, stone-cold, uneager, raw, icy, unskilled, parky, cool, refrigerating, unheated, wintry, inactive, cold, uncharged, shivery, ice-cold, frigid, unwanted, luckless, legal, tasteless, far, algid, unlucky, slow, unpopular, cutting, rimed, chilly, heatless, bleak, arctic, refrigerant, frore, crisp, passionless, frigorific, emotionless, old

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  9. hot, spicyadjective

    producing a burning sensation on the taste nerves

    «hot salsa»; «jalapeno peppers are very hot»

    parky, tasteless, refrigerating, icy, nipping, unskilled, cold, frigid, nonradioactive, chilly, unsexy, unwanted, pleasant, unheated, stale, passionless, luckless, gelid, slow, frozen, stone-cold, frosty, frigorific, uneager, frore, bad, rimy, polar, uncharged, bleak, glacial, wintry, acold, unpopular, heatless, shivery, raw, crisp, emotionless, nippy, cutting, inactive, cool, legal, ice-cold, arctic, nonviolent, unlucky, refrigerant, rimed, unwarmed, far, snappy, old, refrigerated, algid

    raging, naughty, live, red-hot, spicy, gamy, juicy, blue, racy, risque, savoury, gamey, piquant, blistering, savory, zesty

  10. hotadjective

    performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy

    «a hot drummer»; «he’s hot tonight»

    cutting, frigorific, rimed, frosty, uncharged, unpopular, cold, unheated, stale, polar, refrigerated, algid, emotionless, bad, rimy, pleasant, unskilled, refrigerating, nippy, frore, slow, gelid, cool, tasteless, legal, passionless, unsexy, stone-cold, old, glacial, raw, icy, chilly, uneager, bleak, unwanted, wintry, far, unlucky, heatless, parky, ice-cold, acold, nonviolent, crisp, inactive, refrigerant, frigid, arctic, nipping, shivery, frozen, nonradioactive, unwarmed, luckless, snappy

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  11. hotadjective

    very popular or successful

    «one of the hot young talents»; «cabbage patch dolls were hot last season»

    nipping, emotionless, bleak, snappy, acold, icy, unskilled, chilly, uncharged, cold, tasteless, arctic, inactive, unwarmed, slow, shivery, cool, pleasant, old, passionless, far, unpopular, unsexy, frozen, frore, unwanted, wintry, refrigerated, unheated, stale, glacial, polar, frosty, uneager, stone-cold, nonradioactive, nonviolent, rimed, crisp, gelid, algid, nippy, raw, ice-cold, luckless, bad, refrigerant, unlucky, frigorific, legal, refrigerating, cutting, heatless, frigid, rimy, parky

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  12. hotadjective

    very unpleasant or even dangerous

    «make it hot for him»; «in the hot seat»; «in hot water»

    stale, frosty, cutting, gelid, nonviolent, wintry, unwanted, emotionless, frozen, bad, snappy, cold, unheated, cool, frigid, acold, frigorific, refrigerant, icy, unskilled, unsexy, ice-cold, raw, luckless, refrigerated, refrigerating, old, stone-cold, crisp, glacial, bleak, unpopular, rimy, uncharged, inactive, frore, shivery, arctic, nippy, uneager, rimed, algid, far, legal, unlucky, tasteless, passionless, nonradioactive, parky, nipping, unwarmed, pleasant, slow, heatless, chilly, polar

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  13. hot, red-hotadjective

    newest or most recent

    «news hot off the press»; «red-hot information»

    far, cutting, wintry, cold, heatless, algid, refrigerant, unskilled, bleak, shivery, legal, unwanted, frosty, raw, unsexy, icy, chilly, glacial, frozen, unlucky, frigid, stone-cold, old, emotionless, luckless, uncharged, refrigerating, polar, frore, nipping, pleasant, arctic, nippy, unwarmed, refrigerated, gelid, acold, ice-cold, slow, parky, frigorific, passionless, nonradioactive, snappy, crisp, inactive, unheated, uneager, stale, rimy, bad, unpopular, tasteless, cool, nonviolent, rimed

    spicy, luscious, blistering, raging, red-hot, sizzling, toothsome, live, juicy, voluptuous

  14. hotadjective

    having or bringing unusually good luck

    «hot at craps»; «the dice are hot tonight»

    snappy, parky, acold, nonradioactive, frore, bleak, bad, glacial, polar, frigorific, heatless, uncharged, wintry, cutting, frozen, icy, frosty, tasteless, cold, slow, unwanted, ice-cold, pleasant, unpopular, emotionless, cool, arctic, inactive, frigid, algid, old, unlucky, rimed, unsexy, passionless, luckless, nonviolent, crisp, refrigerant, refrigerating, chilly, shivery, raw, nippy, stone-cold, unskilled, gelid, far, nipping, rimy, uneager, unheated, refrigerated, legal, stale, unwarmed

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  15. hotadjective

    very good; often used in the negative

    «he’s hot at math but not so hot at history»

    gelid, uneager, bleak, frosty, emotionless, bad, ice-cold, icy, pleasant, shivery, far, unpopular, refrigerant, frigid, nipping, passionless, acold, unsexy, crisp, unwanted, arctic, refrigerated, unheated, frozen, algid, legal, old, parky, nonradioactive, polar, glacial, chilly, luckless, stone-cold, tasteless, uncharged, cold, unskilled, stale, unlucky, nippy, raw, slow, unwarmed, rimy, frigorific, rimed, heatless, wintry, inactive, frore, cutting, nonviolent, refrigerating, snappy, cool

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  16. hotadjective

    newly made

    «a hot scent»

    ice-cold, snappy, glacial, unpopular, icy, luckless, frigorific, cold, acold, wintry, slow, polar, algid, frigid, frore, frosty, uneager, unwarmed, nippy, unlucky, unheated, pleasant, bleak, nipping, nonviolent, refrigerant, crisp, uncharged, arctic, chilly, rimy, shivery, unsexy, tasteless, passionless, frozen, cool, legal, stone-cold, inactive, old, unwanted, parky, gelid, stale, refrigerated, cutting, heatless, raw, rimed, bad, unskilled, nonradioactive, refrigerating, far, emotionless

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  17. hotadjective

    having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm

    «hot for travel»

    luckless, arctic, icy, bleak, parky, rimed, cutting, stone-cold, glacial, cool, bad, inactive, frore, unwanted, frosty, frigid, slow, gelid, chilly, cold, legal, far, old, shivery, snappy, wintry, nonviolent, nipping, rimy, unlucky, stale, refrigerating, heatless, frigorific, nonradioactive, passionless, tasteless, emotionless, unheated, ice-cold, uncharged, polar, refrigerated, acold, pleasant, algid, unwarmed, crisp, nippy, unsexy, unpopular, frozen, refrigerant, raw, uneager, unskilled

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  18. hotadjective

    of a seeker; very near to the object sought

    «you are hot»

    ice-cold, nipping, unwanted, old, stone-cold, cutting, pleasant, stale, icy, crisp, refrigerant, rimed, rimy, tasteless, glacial, unsexy, chilly, shivery, unheated, luckless, uncharged, frosty, far, unlucky, arctic, slow, emotionless, raw, unpopular, algid, wintry, refrigerated, frozen, frigid, parky, snappy, nonradioactive, inactive, acold, unwarmed, heatless, cool, uneager, unskilled, gelid, cold, bad, bleak, frigorific, frore, legal, passionless, polar, nonviolent, nippy, refrigerating

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  19. hotadjective

    having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity

    «hot fuel rods»; «a hot laboratory»

    luckless, icy, frosty, unheated, uneager, rimy, refrigerated, chilly, emotionless, nonviolent, unsexy, crisp, frigid, heatless, glacial, cold, cutting, gelid, acold, ice-cold, polar, snappy, legal, refrigerating, stale, pleasant, unskilled, tasteless, passionless, frozen, nippy, unlucky, wintry, stone-cold, inactive, bad, bleak, old, nipping, cool, parky, unwanted, frore, rimed, slow, nonradioactive, raw, algid, refrigerant, arctic, unpopular, uncharged, unwarmed, far, shivery, frigorific

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

  20. hot, liveadjective

    charged or energized with electricity

    «a hot wire»; «a live wire»

    unlucky, heatless, frosty, frigorific, uneager, unskilled, old, unheated, icy, unsexy, tasteless, ice-cold, glacial, refrigerated, cold, nipping, unwanted, legal, gelid, algid, frore, slow, acold, bad, unpopular, pleasant, rimed, unwarmed, far, stale, crisp, chilly, raw, frigid, nippy, arctic, parky, snappy, refrigerant, stone-cold, cool, shivery, nonviolent, inactive, cutting, emotionless, luckless, refrigerating, bleak, nonradioactive, frozen, polar, uncharged, passionless, wintry, rimy

    alive(p), live(a), bouncy, blistering, raging, springy, red-hot, unrecorded, spicy, live, lively, alive, resilient

  21. hotadjective

    marked by excited activity

    «a hot week on the stock market»

    icy, rimy, unpopular, uncharged, bad, parky, nipping, acold, unheated, arctic, cool, frigid, chilly, uneager, far, stone-cold, frosty, old, pleasant, cutting, cold, legal, luckless, refrigerating, snappy, glacial, frore, unskilled, bleak, nonviolent, nonradioactive, algid, emotionless, frozen, refrigerant, tasteless, wintry, heatless, gelid, frigorific, unsexy, rimed, refrigerated, unwarmed, passionless, shivery, ice-cold, unwanted, raw, polar, nippy, inactive, crisp, unlucky, stale, slow

    spicy, raging, red-hot, live, blistering

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. hotadjective

    torrid, sultry, fiery, scalding, scorching, grilling, broiling, tropical, candent, vehement, passionate, irascible, fervid, ardent, piquant, pungent, acrid, spicy

How to use hot in a sentence?

  1. Closer Weeklyin:

    Ive really been trying in the last year that 50 percent of the foods I eat are vegetables, its not easy but Im trying and I think it really makes a difference actually. Elizabeth Hurley SIZZLES IN HOT PINK BIKINI Staying active Back in 2017, Elizabeth Hurley toldThe Cutshe tries to break a sweat as much as possible. I dont do any regulated exercise, but Im very active, Elizabeth Hurley told the outlet at the time. On the weekends, I go for long hikes with my dogs. I try and stretch every day.

  2. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban:

    The issue (of resettlement) will be a hot potato in the coming period because even though this could be kept in a semi-secret state… someone somewhere — I think in Berlin this week — will announce that 4-500,000 Syrian refugees could be brought straight from Turkey to the EU, this nasty surprise still awaits Europeans.

  3. Kelly LeVeque:

    You place the ginger in hot water and let it steep, like you would with a tea bag. Drinking ginger steeped in hot or cold water will give you some of the same health benefits as when you add it as a spice to your food or blended into a smoothie, another way to incorporate it into your diet is to add into soups.

  4. Palani Mohan:

    The eagles don’t sit for you, they are wild birds, i was missing images all the time. There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing a shot, then it disappears like water on a hot marble plate.

  5. Reggie Guy:

    This is my city, if you see a police officer, tell them to come get a hot dog. This is about peace.

How to pronounce hot?

How to say hot in sign language?


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Table of Contents

  1. What is the opposite of hot?
  2. What is the opposite word of wet wait?
  3. What is dirt soaking?
  4. What to do after salting a hide?
  5. What is animal skin called?
  6. Is leather tanning bad for the environment?
  7. Does fake leather cause cancer?
  8. How many animals are killed each year for leather?
  9. Is it wrong to wear leather?

Antonym of Hot

Word Antonym
Hot Cold
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite word of wet wait?

Antonym of Wet Word. Antonym. Wet. Dry. Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is dirt soaking?

General description. Soaking is carried out to allow hides and skins to reabsorb any water which may have been lost after flaying, in the curing process, or during transport. Soaking also cleans the hides and skins (removal of dung, blood, dirt, etc.) and removes interfibrillary material.

What to do after salting a hide?

After salting, roll the hide up and place on an incline to allow fluids to drain away from the hide. Wait approximately 12 hours. Unroll the hide and shake all of the wet salt off. Apply a new layer of fresh salt to the skin as explained above.

What is animal skin called?

Hide, the pelt taken from a cow, steer, or bull of the bovine species, from the pelt of a horse, or from the integument of some other large adult animal. The pelts of smaller animals are commonly called skins—namely, sheepskins, goatskins, calfskins, etc. For the preservation and tanning of hides, see leather.

Is leather tanning bad for the environment?

High environmental costs As currently practised, leather production is linked to some serious sustainability issues, not least as a by-product of the meat industry. Extensive rearing of livestock has severe environmental impacts such as deforestation, water and land overuse, and gas emissions.

Does fake leather cause cancer?

Phthalates are suspected of causing cancer and may adversely affect human reproduction or development. They’re found in vinyl flooring, shower curtains, synthetic leather, miniblinds, wallpaper, and anything made with PVC vinyl.

How many animals are killed each year for leather?

159 million animals

Is it wrong to wear leather?

Like fur, leather is simply something no one should buy or wear. “We need to be addressing animal issues when we talk about sustainable fashion,” says Sewell. Even if you set aside the animal-rights issue, there’s an environmental downside to buying real leather: It has to be tanned, or processed until it becomes soft.


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Hot — cold
Горячий — холодный (температура)

Hot — frosty
Жаркий — морозный (погода)

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@amcsijancsi, 😅. Я неправильно понял. Тогда вот переводы:

Что противоположно «горячему»?
Антоним «горячего»?
Какое слово противоположно слову «горячий»?
Какой антоним слова «горячий»?

  • Русский

Можно сказать:
1) Буквально.
Пример: Что противоположно горячему? Какое слово противоположно слову «горячий»?
2) С помощью термина «антоним». Антоним — это противоположное по значению слово.
Пример: Какой антоним к слову «горячий»? Какой антоним у слова «горячий»?

  • Русский

Какой антоним к слову «горячий»? Приведите пример антонима к слову «горячий». Какое слово противоположно по значению слову «горячий»? Приведите пример слов, противоположных по значению слову «горячий».

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Как сказать на Русский? What is the opposite of 'hot'?
What is the opposite of the word 'hot'?

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Opposite of Hot, Antonyms of hot with meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF

What are opposite words or antonyms?

Opposite words or Antonyms means those words that oppose the meaning of each other completely. For example Dark/Light, White/Black etc.

Normally the question that comes to mind when we are trying to learn these vocabulary words is that “Why should I memorize these Opposites when I know the basic words?”

These words are very useful in our daily routine vocabulary. Here I will tell you what are the benefits of using antonym and opposites? If you know the opposites of all the vocabulary words in your collection then your collection can be increased and you have a variety of words to use in your conversation. In your writing and speaking if you use the variety of words instead using repeating the same words it will cast a good impression. And your writing and speaking will become professional.

Note: You must know that antonyms and synonyms are two different terms. Synonyms means the words that have same meanings but in case of antonym it is completely different as I discussed above.

Opposite of Hot, Antonyms of hot with meaning and Example Sentences in English PDF

What is the meaning of hot?

The meaning of hot is having a high degree of heat or a high temperature.

Opposite of Hot (Antonyms of Hot)

  • Temperate
  • Dry
  • Cool
  • Iced
  • Unexcited
  • Unimportant
  • Impassive
  • Dull
  • Ice-cold
  • Damp
  • Snowy
  • Lethargic
  • Cold as ice
  • Happy
  • Unemotional
  • Gentle
  • Chill
  • Spiritless
  • Mild
  • Collected
  • Cooled
  • Halfhearted
  • Bitter
  • Calm
  • Icy
  • Easy-going
  • Glacial
  • Frozen
  • Passive
  • Gleeful
  • Coolish
  • Bone-chilling
  • Moderate
  • Unheated
  • Blizzardly
  • Leaden
  • Chilled
  • Fresh
  • Unsensual
  • Algid
  • Nippy
  • Joyful
  • Subfreezing
  • Wet
  • Coldish
  • Content
  • Subdued
  • Subzero
  • Pleased
  • Moist
  • Freezing cold
  • Flat
  • Apathetic
  • Arctic
  • Peaceful
  • Frigid
  • Refrigerated
  • Freezing
  • Unhappy
  • Unpassionate
  • Chilly
  • Cold
  • Emotionless
  • Dispassionate

Examples of Hot in Sentences

  • It was very hot summer.
  • It’s very hot today.
  • You looks hot in black.
  • The milk was very hot.
  • He touched the hot utensil.

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