What is the new word in oxford dictionary

New words: entirely new headword entries appearing in OED for the first time
New sub-entries: compounds or phrases integrated in to the body of newly or recently updated entries
New senses: new senses integrated in to the body of newly or recently updated entries
Additions to unrevised entries: new senses, compounds, or phrases appended to the end of existing OED entries which have not yet been updated for the Third Edition

New word entries

  • ahoi, n.: “A body or class of people who have been given the right to cultivate a plot of land without payment; tenants at will. Also as a count noun: a tenant…”
  • animalizing, n.: “The action of animalize, v. (in various senses); esp. the process of representing a person or thing as an animal with respect to appearance or…”
  • animately, adv.: “In an animate or animated manner; with life or animation.”
  • Anishinaabe, n. and adj.: “A member of any various (mostly Ojibwa-speaking) peoples of Canada and the United States, including the Ojibwa, Chippewa, Algonquin, Ottawa, and…” plus one more sense…
  • anjeer, n.: “The fruit of the fig tree, Ficus carica.”
  • ankara, n.: “A type of fabric especially popular in Nigeria and other countries in West Africa, featuring designs in bold contrasting colours, obtained by a wax…”
  • ankimo, n.: “In Japanese cookery: the liver of a monkfish, esp. as rubbed with salt and rinsed with sake, formed into a cylinder, steamed, and served cold in…”
  • ankle-biting, n.: “The action of biting a person’s ankle or ankles.” and other senses
  • ankle-biting, adj.: “Of an animal: prone to biting people’s ankles. Hence of a dog: small and aggressive.” and other senses
  • ankle bracelet, n.: “An electronic device worn round the ankle which monitors the wearer’s location or (occasionally) blood alcohol content; spec. a device of this sort…” and other senses
  • ankle-breaker, n.: “In general use: anything which causes, or is capable of causing a person to twist or break an ankle. Frequently hyperbolical. Also as a modifier.” and other senses
  • ankle-breaking, adj.: “In general use: that which causes, or is capable of causing a person to twist or break an ankle. Frequently hyperbolical.” plus one more sense…
  • ankling, n.: “A pedalling technique in which the heel is lowered on the downstroke and lifted on the upstroke, thereby increasing efficiency. Cf. ankle, v. 1.”
  • anklung, n.: “A musical instrument, shaken by the player, consisting of a wooden frame from which bamboo rods tuned in octaves are suspended.”
  • anma, n.: “A form of traditional Japanese massage therapy in which pressure is applied to certain points on the body using the hands. Frequently as a modifier…” plus one more sense…
  • anno, adv.: “Preceding a date: in the specified year of the Christian era. Cf. Anno Domini, adv.”
  • annona, n.: “Grain or other provisions paid as a tax by landowners to the major cities of the Roman Empire. Hence generally: rations, provisions.”
  • annotatable, adj.: “That can be furnished with notes, comments, etc.; able to be annotated.”
  • annoted, adj.: “Provided or supplied with notes, comments, etc.; = annotated, adj.”
  • announceable, adj. and n.: “That can be announced; that deserves to be the subject of an announcement.” plus one more sense…
  • annoyedly, adv.: “In an annoyed manner.”
  • annuality, n.: “Finance. Adoption of or adherence to a policy whereby funds allocated to a budget in a financial year must be spent within that period, with nothing…” plus one more sense…
  • annualization, n.: “The action or fact of calculating a variable (typically a rate of interest, inflation, return on an investment, etc.) on an annual basis, usually as…”
  • annuitize, v.: “transitive and intransitive. To convert (an investment) into an annuity or series of regular payments.” plus one more sense…
  • annuitized, adj.: “Designating the total value of an annuity or series of regular payments over a person’s lifetime or the lifetime of the payments.” plus one more sense…
  • annuitizing, n.: “The action of converting an investment or other sum of money into an annuity or series of regular payments.”
  • anodynic, adj.: “That soothes the mind or feelings; inoffensive, bland; anodyne.” plus one more sense…
  • anonym., n.2: “As a graphic abbreviation: = anonymous, n. 1 Cf. anon., n.”
  • anonyma, n.2: “With plural agreement. Works of unknown or unavowed authorship; anonymous works.”
  • anonymization, n.: “The action or practice of making a person or thing anonymous; esp. the removal of identifying particulars or details from something, esp. data or…”
  • anonymizer, n.: “A tool such as a program or proxy server which enables a user to use the internet anonymously by concealing his or her identifying information.”
  • anor, pron.: “As a graphic abbreviation in the titles of legal cases, preceded by and: one other; = another, pron. 3. Cf. ors., pron.”
  • anothery, n.: “Another one.”
  • asante sana, int. and n.: “Used to express gratitude: ‘thank you very much’.” plus one more sense…
  • ashrama, n.: “Each of the four stages of an ideal life.”
  • ati, adv. and int.: “As someone said; reportedly, allegedly, supposedly.” plus one more sense…
  • back to front, adv. and adj.: “In such a way as to reverse the usual or correct position or order; (esp. of clothing) with the back part in the position usually occupied by the…” plus one more sense…
  • bakla, n.: “(sometimes derogatory, potentially offensive) A person registered as male at birth who identifies with or presents a feminine gender expression, typically through behaviours, occupations, modes of…”
  • bambi, int. and adv.: “Used to express contextually a variety of emotions, such as surprise, wonder, sympathy, etc.” plus one more sense…
  • Bantuized, adj.: “Esp. of words: containing elements from a Bantu language or languages. Also: influenced by or adapted to Bantu culture.”
  • benga, n.: “A style of popular music originating in Kenya, influenced by traditional Kenyan music and characterized by fast-paced rhythms and the melodic…”
  • bobsled, v.: “intransitive. To travel or race in a bobsled.”
  • bobsledder, n.: “A person who rides a bobsled, esp. as a sport or pastime.”
  • bobsledding, n.: “The action, sport, or pastime of riding a bobsled.”
  • bobsleigh, v.: “intransitive. To travel or race in a bobsleigh.”
  • bobsleigher, n.: “A person who rides a bobsleigh, esp. as a sport or pastime.”
  • Bongo, n.4: “A style of hip-hop music originating in Tanzania; = Bongo Flava, n. Often as a modifier, esp. in Bongo music.” and other senses
  • Bongo Flava, n.: “A style of music originating in Tanzania, combining elements of American hip-hop with influences from reggae, R&B, Afrobeat, dancehall, and…”
  • Brahmaloka, n.: “In Buddhism and Hinduism: the highest celestial world or heaven. Also (Jainism): one of several realms of heaven.”
  • Brahmana, n.: “Any of a group of Vedic texts, composed in Sanskrit between 800 and 600 b.c. and containing expository material relating to Vedic sacrificial ritual.”
  • Brahmic, adj.1: “Of, relating to, or characteristic of Brahmanism or Brahmins, or more generally of Hindu peoples or Hinduism.”
  • Brahmic, adj.3: “Of or relating to Brahma (Brahma, n.1); spec. (Hindu Philosophy) of or relating to the ultimate reality of the universe (cf. Brahma, n.1 2); (also)…”
  • Brahmic, adj.4: “Of, relating to, or written in the Brahmi script (see Brahmi, n. adj.) or any of various scripts descended from it; designating any of these scripts.”
  • Brahms and Liszt, adj.: “(British slang) Drunk, intoxicated. Cf. Mozart and Liszt, adj.”
  • brotherboy, n.: “In Australian Aboriginal usage: a person registered as female at birth who identifies with or presents a masculine gender expression, typically through…”
  • buibui, n.: “A traditional garment worn by Muslim women in East Africa, typically a long black gown with a black head covering that leaves only the eyes or face…”
  • bulldoze, n.: “The action of clearing, levelling, or demolishing with or as with a bulldozer. Also figurative.” plus one more sense…
  • bulldozer, v.: “transitive. To demolish (buildings, etc.) or clear (land) with a bulldozer. Also with away, down, etc. Cf. bulldoze, v. 4a.” and other senses
  • bulldozered, adj.: “Cleared or demolished by a bulldozer. Cf. bulldozed, adj. 2.” plus one more sense…
  • bully beau, n.: “A man given to or characterized by riotous, thuggish, and threatening behaviour; a braggart, a hector (Hector, n. 2); spec. a dandyish man who…”
  • bullycide, n.: “Suicide committed by a person, especially a child or young adult, as a result of being bullied.”
  • bully hack, n.: “A man given to or characterized by violent or threatening behaviour; spec. one who looks after a prostitute in return for a share or all of her…”
  • busaa, n.: “A strong home-brewed traditional Kenyan beer made from fermented millet, maize, or sorghum flour.”
  • buveera, n.: “With plural agreement: plastic bags, plastic packaging. Cf. kaveera, n.”
  • Bw, n.: “A title of courtesy or respect prefixed to the surname or first name of a man. Cf. Bwana, n.”
  • bystanding, n.: “The fact or state of being a bystander; presence without involvement.”
  • casta, n.: “Any of several groups or classes of people distinguished chiefly on the basis of racial heritage or descent.” and other senses
  • casteist, adj. and n.: “A person who is prejudiced, antagonistic, or discriminatory towards a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular caste…” and other senses
  • catnep, n.: “The herb Nepeta cataria (see catnip, n. 1); (also) the leaves of this plant, used medicinally and as a stimulant for cats. Also as a modifier.”
  • chaiwala, n.: “A person who sells tea (and sometimes other drinks), typically on the street or from a small roadside establishment.”
  • changaa, n.: “A strong, home-brewed traditional Kenyan spirit made from fermented grains such as millet, maize, or sorghum.”
  • chapo, n.: “A thin pancake of unleavened wholemeal bread cooked on a griddle; = chapatti, n.”
  • chips mayai, n.: “In Tanzanian and Kenyan cookery: a thick omelette having fried potatoes (chips) mixed in with the eggs during cooking, served open rather than folded…”
  • collabo, v.: “intransitive. Esp. of musicians: to collaborate; to work together with another or others, or on a project.”
  • cyathium, n.: “A cup-shaped inflorescence found in plants of the genus Euphorbia (family Euphorbiaceae), consisting of a central reduced female flower surrounded by…”
  • daladala, n.: “A van or minibus that carries passengers for a fare as part of an informal transport system in Tanzania. Also as a modifier.”
  • debe, n.: “A square tin container for liquids, holding approximately four gallons (about 20 litres); (also) a measure of capacity equal to the amount it takes…”
  • deskmate, n.: “A person who sits next to another at school (now chiefly East African). Also: a person who shares a desk with another at work.” plus one more sense…
  • dirten, v.: “transitive. To make dirty, to soil.” plus one more sense…
  • Doc, n.4: “Chiefly in plural. Doc Martens boots or shoes (see Dr. Martens, n.).”
  • double-deck, v.: “transitive. To provide (something) with two decks, tiers, floors, etc.; to stack (things of the same type) in two layers, one above the other.” plus one more sense…
  • dumpsite, n.: “A place where refuse or waste is deposited; a rubbish tip.”
  • Dunning–Kruger, n.: “attributive and in the genitive (as Dunning–Kruger’s). Designating a postulated cognitive bias whereby people who have little ability in, or…”
  • dwarven, adj.: “In fantasy fiction, games, etc.: of or relating to dwarves (see dwarf, n. 3); (also) of the nature of a dwarf. Cf. dwarfish, adj. 2.” plus one more sense…
  • effeminizing, n.: “The action of making a person or thing effeminate or feminine; the process of becoming effeminate or feminine; (also) an instance of this.”
  • enby, n. and adj.: “(colloquial) A person who has a non-binary gender identity; cf. non-binary, adj. 2b.” plus one more sense…
  • escorting, n.: “The action or practice of escorting someone or something, esp. for protection or security.” plus one more sense…
  • eustress, n.: “Positive mental or emotional response to a stressor, typically manifesting in increased motivation, excitement, or happiness. Also: something that…”
  • federo, n.: “A (proposed) federal system of government; federalism.”
  • financeable, adj.: “Designating something for which funding or payment can be provided; that can be financed.”
  • financialization, n.: “The process by which financial institutions, markets, etc., increase in size and influence in an economy or region.”
  • financialize, v.: “transitive. To treat or regard (something) in terms of its financial value, potential for profit, etc. In later use also: to make (a resource, asset…”
  • financialized, adj.: “Treated or regarded in terms of financial value, potential for profit, etc. In later use also: (of a resource, asset, etc.) made tradable in, or…” plus one more sense…
  • finger trap, n.: “A toy or puzzle consisting of a small cylinder of woven bamboo, paper, straw, etc., into each end of which a person inserts a finger, only to find…” plus one more sense…
  • flava, n.: “Originally and chiefly in hip-hop and R&B: a distinctive individual musical style; the particular character, quality, or ‘flavour’ of a musician or…”
  • folx, n.: “People, folk; people in general. Cf. folk, n. 3a.”
  • githeri, n.: “In Central Kenya: a traditional dish consisting of boiled maize and legumes, typically beans.”
  • gombolola, n.: “In Uganda, chiefly in the kingdom of Buganda: a small administrative district forming a subdivision of a county. Cf. ssaza, n.”
  • gomesi, n.: “A traditional floor-length dress with a square neckline, short, puffed sleeves, and a sash tied around the waist, typically made of brightly coloured…”
  • Ho-Chunk, n. and adj.: “A member of an indigenous people originally inhabiting Wisconsin and surrounding areas, and now having populations in Wisconsin and Nebraska. Cf…” and other senses
  • hypersexualization, n.: “The action or process of making a person or thing pervasively, excessively, or inappropriately sexual; permeation with intense sexual or erotic…”
  • hypersexualize, v.: “transitive. To make (a person or thing) pervasively, excessively, or inappropriately sexual; to imbue or permeate with intense sexual or erotic…”
  • hypersexualized, adj.: “Made pervasively, excessively, or inappropriately sexual; imbued or permeated with intense sexual or erotic character, associations, or appeal.”
  • ignorability, n.: “The quality of being ignorable; the tendency to go unnoticed or be disregarded.”
  • ignoral, n.: “The action or an act of ignoring someone or something.”
  • ignoramus, v.: “transitive. To reject (a bill of indictment) with a notation of ‘ignoramus’ (see ignoramus, n. 1a). Also: to release (a person) from a charge by…”
  • ignorati, n.: “With plural agreement (usually with the): uneducated, unsophisticated, or ill-informed people considered collectively or as a class.”
  • ignored, adj.: “That has been paid no attention; disregarded; overlooked, unnoticed.” plus one more sense…
  • irio, n.: “In Kenyan cookery: a dish consisting of mashed potatoes or sweet potatoes with maize, peas, and leafy green vegetables such as spinach, typically…”
  • Isukuti, n.: “In Kenya: a wooden drum, traditionally made from a hollowed log, which is usually hung over the shoulder and played by striking with the fingers and…” plus one more sense…
  • jembe, n.: “A hand tool shaped like a hoe, with a blade set at an (acute) angle to the handle, used for digging, breaking up soil, removing weeds, etc.”
  • jiko, n.: “A type of portable charcoal or wood-burning stove, typically made of metal with a ceramic lining, used for cooking and heating.”
  • Kalenjin, n. and adj.: “A Southern Nilotic language family comprising twelve languages spoken in Kenya, eastern Uganda, and northern Tanzania; a language of this family. Cf…” and other senses
  • kalo, n.: “Millet flour. Also: bread made from this mixed with water and often cassava flour, forming a staple food in parts of Uganda.”
  • kashata, n.: “In East African cookery: a type of confectionery, typically made with coconut or peanuts or both, and flavoured with cinnamon and cardamom.”
  • Katikkiro, n.: “The highest-ranking officer of the kingdom of Buganda in central Uganda; (the title given to) the prime minister of Buganda.”
  • katogo, n.: “In Ugandan cookery: a dish usually eaten for breakfast, typically consisting of matoke (matoke, n.) and sometimes cassava boiled in a pot with…” plus one more sense…
  • kaveera, n.: “With singular agreement. As a mass noun: plastic bags, plastic packaging; (as a count noun) a plastic bag, a piece of plastic. Cf. buveera, n.”
  • kiondo, n.: “A handwoven bag made from cord or string, now usually of sisal, with long handles or straps that can be slung over the shoulder.”
  • kipande, n.: “In Kenya: an identity document formerly issued to black Africans; spec. a document that the British colonial government required all black African…”
  • kwanjula, n.: “An engagement ceremony where the families of the bride and groom formally meet; = introduction, n. additions .”
  • kyeyo, n.: “Work done by a Ugandan overseas, esp. that which is low-paid or unskilled. Often as a modifier, as in kyeyo job, kyeyo worker, etc. Cf. nkuba kyeyo…”
  • leso, n.: “A type of cotton fabric printed with designs in bright colours, typically in squares or rectangles featuring a border on all four sides, and used…”
  • mabati, n.: “Corrugated iron sheeting, used esp. as a building material for houses. Frequently as a modifier.”
  • machinga, n.: “A street vendor; a hawker.”
  • magendo, n.: “Illegal traffic or trade in officially controlled goods, or in commodities in short supply; = black market, n. Also: illegal or contraband goods so…”
  • majimbo, n.: “In Kenya: a system of government in which authority is devolved to local or regional administrative bodies.”
  • mama ntilie, n.: “A street vendor, typically a woman, selling cooked food at low prices from a handcart or stall. Also: a street stall or roadside restaurant run by…”
  • manamba, n.: “An indentured labourer or low-paid manual worker, esp. a migrant worker on a sisal plantation; (with plural agreement) such people collectively. Also…” plus one more sense…
  • mandazi, n.: “In East African cookery: a small cake consisting of sweetened dough fried in oil, usually triangular in shape and typically eaten as a snack or as an…”
  • manicule, n.: “An image, symbol, or typographic mark depicting a hand with a pointing forefinger (☛), esp. used in writing or printing to draw the reader’s…”
  • mbege, n.: “A traditional home-brewed beer of the Chagga people of Tanzania, made from fermented bananas and finger millet flour.”
  • mbu, adv.: “It would seem (that); apparently, reportedly, allegedly.”
  • mirabilis annus, n.: “A year of extraordinary events, esp. when regarded as omens or portents. Cf. annus mirabilis, n.”
  • Mozart and Liszt, adj.: “slang (originally and chiefly British) Drunk, intoxicated; = Brahms and Liszt, adj.”
  • mpango wa kando, n.: “An extramarital affair; sexual relations with someone other than one’s spouse or partner. Also: the person with whom one conducts such an affair; an…”
  • muhoi, n.: “A person who has been given the right to cultivate a plot of land without payment; a tenant at will. Cf. ahoi, n. (the usual plural form).”
  • multisexual, adj.: “Characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to, or sexual activity with, people of different sexes or gender identities; (now) spec. having any of…” plus one more sense…
  • muratina, n.: “The sausage tree, Kigelia africana (more fully muratina tree). Also (more fully muratina fruit): the fruit of this tree, which is used to make a…” plus one more sense…
  • muxe, n.: “In Zapotec communities of southern Mexico: a person registered as male at birth who identifies with or presents a feminine gender expression, typically…”
  • mwalimu, n.: “A teacher. Also as a title preceding a proper name, or as a form of address.”
  • mwananchi, n.: “A citizen; a member of the public. Cf. wananchi, n.”
  • nightertime, n.: “Night-time, the night. Esp. in by nightertime: at night, during the night; cf. a-nightertime, adv.”
  • nkuba kyeyo, n.: “A Ugandan person working overseas, esp. one doing a low-paid or unskilled job. Cf. kyeyo, n.”
  • nyama choma, n.: “In East African cookery: roasted or grilled meat.”
  • nyayo, n.: “A precedent or example set by a person. Now often in to follow a person’s nyayo: to follow in someone’s footsteps.”
  • ors., pron.: “As a graphic abbreviation in the titles of legal cases, preceded by and: others. Also occasionally in singular: one other.”
  • oyee, int.: “Expressing encouragement, incitement, or support: go on! go for it! long live——! hurrah!”
  • pangender, adj.: “Designating a non-binary person whose gender identity encompasses multiple genders, which may be experienced simultaneously or in a fluid…” plus one more sense…
  • para-, comb. form2: “Prefixed to the names of sports to designate their Paralympic form, as parabasketball, paraswimming, parasnowboarding, etc.”
  • pole pole, adv.: “Slowly or carefully; in an unhurried way; without haste. Also as int.”
  • pole sana, int.: “Expressing apology or regret for one’s own actions, or sympathy for an unfortunate situation: ‘I’m very sorry’; ‘what a shame’.”
  • postnup, n.: “A legal contract or agreement made between two people after their marriage, esp. one detailing the legal and financial rights and responsibilities of…”
  • sambaza, v.: “transitive. To send (mobile phone credit) to someone. Hence more generally: to share or send (something).”
  • saucepot, n.: “A pot for cooking or serving sauce. In later use more generally: a metal cooking pot that may be used for cooking any food, typically having a lid…” plus one more sense…
  • saucered, adj.: “Having a saucer-like shape or form; esp. (of the eyes) round and widened, typically with alarm, surprise, or another strong emotion (cf. eyes like…” plus one more sense…
  • Sena, n. and adj.: “The Bantu language of the Sena, a people inhabiting central and northwestern Mozambique and adjacent areas of Malawi and Zimbabwe.” and other senses
  • share-farm, v.: “intransitive. To farm under an arrangement whereby expenses and profits are shared between the property owner and the person who farms the land. Also…”
  • share mould, n.: “A thick sheet of iron manufactured so that it can be shaped and sharpened into a ploughshare.”
  • sharenting, n.: “The action or practice of sharing news, images, or videos of one’s children on social media websites.” plus one more sense…
  • sharesies, n.: “In childish or playful language: the action of sharing something with another or others. Frequently in to go (also do, play) sharesies.”
  • sharing, adj.: “Characterized by a tendency to share with others; generous, giving, selfless. Also: characterized by a tendency to discuss emotions, personal…”
  • Sheng, n.3 and adj.: “A street language blending Swahili with lexical and grammatical elements from English and other languages, originating as part of youth subculture of…” plus one more sense…
  • shrub, n.3: “A word in another language pronounced in a manner that is influenced by one’s mother tongue. Often in plural.”
  • shrub, v.2: “transitive. To pronounce or write (a word or words) in another language in a manner that is influenced by one’s mother tongue. Also intransitive.”
  • shrubbing, n.: “The action or practice of pronouncing a word or words in another language in a manner that is influenced by one’s mother tongue; an instance of this.”
  • singeli, n.: “A style of fast-paced electronic dance music originating in Tanzania, combining elements of hip-hop with influences from East African popular music…”
  • sistergirl, n.: “In Australian Aboriginal usage: a person registered as male at birth who identifies with or presents a feminine gender expression, typically through…”
  • situpa, n.: “In Southern Rhodesia (subsequently Zimbabwe) and Northern Rhodesia (subsequently Zambia): an official document that the British colonial government…”
  • sorpotel, n.: “A dish of Portuguese origin adopted in some former Portuguese colonies (esp. in northeastern Brazil, in Goa, and on the island of Zanzibar)…”
  • South Sudanese, adj. and n.: “Of or relating to southern Sudan or its inhabitants; (now spec.) of or relating to the Republic of South Sudan.” plus one more sense…
  • soya-based, adj.: “spec. Designating food or drink consisting of or derived from soybeans; (in later use) esp. designating such food or drink consumed in preference to…” plus one more sense…
  • soy-based, adj.: “Designating food or drink consisting of or derived from soybeans; (in later use) esp. designating such food or drink consumed in preference to meat…” plus one more sense…
  • soysage, n.: “A type of vegetarian (now typically vegan) sausage made with soy protein instead of meat.”
  • sportswash, v.: “transitive. To use sport or a sporting event to promote a positive public image for (a sponsoring or hosting government, organization, etc., or its…”
  • sportswashing, n.: “The use of sport or a sporting event to promote a positive public image for a sponsor or host (typically a government or commercial organization)…”
  • standability, n.: “The ability of a crop to stand upright without any support.” plus one more sense…
  • standard class, n. and adj.: “In the UK and Ireland: the cheapest accommodation or seating in railway travel.” plus one more sense…
  • standfirst, n.: “A brief introductory summary of an article in a newspaper or on a website, typically appearing immediately after the headline and typographically…”
  • stand your ground, adj. and n.: “Law. Designating a legal principle or state law that permits a person to use deadly force in self-defence, without first trying to retreat.” and other senses
  • stealthing, n.: “The action or practice of removing one’s condom during sex (or occasionally of intentionally damaging it prior to sex) without the knowledge and…” plus one more sense…
  • stress-busting, adj. and n.: “That alleviates or eliminates stress.” plus one more sense…
  • stress position, n.: “A body position or posture which puts stress on a person’s muscles, joints, etc.” and other senses
  • stress reliever, n.: “An activity, substance, etc., which alleviates (or is intended to alleviate) emotional or physiological stress.” plus one more sense…
  • sub-location, n.: “In Kenya: an administrative district forming a subdivision of a location (see location, n. 9).”
  • Sudanian, adj. and n.: “Of, belonging to, or relating to Sudan or its inhabitants; = Sudanese, adj.” and other senses
  • sudanophil, adj.: “That takes up a Sudan stain (which binds to lipids in tissues or cells); = sudanophilic, adj.”
  • taarab, n.: “A form of music originating in Zanzibar and popular in East Africa, combining Arabic singing styles with elements of African and Indian music.”
  • TERF, n.: “(typically derogatory) A feminist whose advocacy of women’s rights excludes (or is thought to exclude) the rights of transgender women. Also more generally: a person whose…”
  • Tonga, n.5 and adj.2: “A member of a Bantu-speaking people of Malawi.” and other senses
  • turn-by-turn, adj.: “Designating directions or instructions provided (now esp. by GPS or a GPS system) as a vehicle approaches each turn or navigation point. Also…” plus one more sense…
  • uji, n.2: “In Kenyan and Tanzanian cookery: a light liquid food, typically eaten for breakfast, made by boiling (often fermented) millet flour or another…”
  • unga, n.: “In East African cookery: maize meal or flour, used especially to make ugali (ugali, n.).”
  • unjabbed, adj. and n.: “That has not undergone vaccination; unvaccinated.” and other senses
  • unprocedural, adj.: “That does not follow ordinary or official procedure; irregular, illegal.”
  • unvaxxed, adj. and n.: “That has not undergone vaccination; unvaccinated.” plus one more sense…
  • vaxxer, n.: “A person who performs vaccinations; (also) an advocate of (mass) vaccination. Often contrasted with anti-vaxxer, n.”
  • villagize, v.: “transitive. To relocate (people) to planned villages, often compulsorily or forcibly, in an effort to exert control over previously scattered…” and other senses

New sub-entries

  • to show some ankle in ankle, n.: “to show some ankle and variants: (chiefly in political contexts) to reveal or suggest some information about one’s intentions, plans, etc., typically…”
  • ankle bell in ankle, n.: “(chiefly in plural) a small metallic bell, a number of which are strung together and worn round the ankles, typically used by dancers to produce…”
  • ankle-chain in ankle, n.: “(a) a fetter or shackle for the ankle; (b) a chain worn round the ankle as an ornamental accessory.”
  • ankle express in ankle, n.: “(chiefly with the) the act of walking, humorously represented as a form of public transport.”
  • ankle-grazing in ankle, n.: “(of an item of clothing) that reaches to the ankles.”
  • ankle-height in ankle, n.: “(a) n. the height of a person’s ankle in relation to the ground; (b) adj. (esp. of an item of clothing) that reaches to or covers the ankles.”
  • ankle holster in ankle, n.: “a holster for a handgun worn at the ankle.”
  • ankle monitor in ankle, n.: “an electronic device worn round the ankle which monitors the wearer’s location or (occasionally) blood alcohol content; spec. a device of this sort…”
  • ankle-skimming in ankle, n.: “(of an item of clothing) that reaches to the ankles.”
  • ankle-strapped in ankle, n.: “designating footwear fastened by straps round the ankle.”
  • ankle tap in ankle, n.: “(a) Association Football a foul in which a player kicks an opponent’s ankle; (b) Rugby a form of tackle in which a defender dives towards an opponent…”
  • ankle tapping in ankle, n.: “(a) Association Football the action of committing a foul by kicking an opposing player’s ankle; (b) Rugby the action of tackling an opponent by means…”
  • ankle wrap in ankle, n.: “(a) n. a bandage or brace wrapped around a person’s ankle in order to provide compression and support after an injury or while playing sport; (b)…”
  • ankle zip in ankle, n.: “a zip fastening placed at the ankle on an item of clothing or footwear.”
  • annual leave in annual, adj. and n.: “(originally) a period of authorized leave of absence, taken once a year; (now usually) paid leave taken by an employee from a yearly entitlement…”
  • annual parallax in annual, adj. and n.: “the maximum apparent difference in position of a celestial object during the course of a year due to the changing position of the earth in its orbit…”
  • annual range in annual, adj. and n.: “the size of the difference between the greatest and least value of a climatic variable, esp. monthly mean temperature, observed over a period of one…”
  • annual report in annual, adj. and n.: “a yearly review issued by a public body, society, or other organization documenting the previous year’s activities or events, spec. a company’s…”
  • Annunciation Day in annunciation, n.: “a Church festival commemorating the day on which the Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she would, by divine conception, become…”
  • anomalous water in anomalous, adj.: “a supposed polymeric form of water having properties markedly different from those of ordinary water and reputedly discovered in fine capillary…”
  • anonymous ftp in anonymous, n. and adj.: “free or public access to an FTP server that does not require authentication of the user (see FTP, n.); capability of such access.”
  • anoraked in anorak, n.: “wearing an anorak.”
  • another time in another, pron., adj., and adv.: “another time: at a later date, not now, esp. in response to a question, or to dismiss or delay a conversation. Also as a question: ‘shall we do this…”
  • another time, another place in another, pron., adj., and adv.: “Originally U.S. another time, another place (also sometimes another place, another time): indicating a remote or distant set of circumstances, often…”
  • bandanaed in bandana, n.: “wearing or covered with a bandana.”
  • bobsleigh shoe in bobsleigh, n.: “†(a) a smooth iron strip, typically having a curved profile, designed to be fixed to the underside of a wooden bobsleigh runner so as to decrease…”
  • bordel owner in bordel, n.: “a person who owns a brothel; = brothel owner.”
  • Brahmanically in Brahmanical, adj.
  • brothel madam in brothel, n.: “a woman who owns or runs a brothel; a female brothel keeper (cf. madam, n. 5).”
  • a bully is always a coward in bully, n.1: “Proverb. a bully is always a coward (and variants): expressing that people who habitually seeks to harm, coerce, or intimidate those whom they…”
  • bully van in bully, n.1: “a police van.”
  • bunker fuel in bunker, n.1: “any type of fuel (originally coal, later heavy fuel oil) used to power the engines of ships; spec. (in full bunker fuel oil) the lowest grade of…”
  • carbon budget in carbon, n.: “(a) (a record of) the inputs, outputs, and retention of carbon by an organism or ecosystem, forming part of the carbon cycle; (b) the maximum amount…”
  • caste-like in caste, n.: “characteristic of, resembling, or suggestive of a caste or caste system.”
  • castelessness in casteless, adj.
  • champagne saucer in champagne, n. and adj.: “a stemmed glass with a broad, shallow bowl, in which champagne is served.”
  • cringe factor in cringe, n. and adj.: “an element or aspect of a situation, event, etc., that causes a person to cringe with acute embarrassment or awkwardness.”
  • DM in D, n.: “(in plural, as DMs) Dr. Martens boots or shoes; see Dr. Martens, n.”
  • danger sign in danger, n. and adj.: “a sign indicating a potential danger or hazard, esp. any of a category of public signage with vividly coloured pictograms depicting the nature of the…”
  • on a dime in dime, n.: “North American. on (also upon) a dime: in a very small space or short distance; (figurative) quickly, suddenly, or unexpectedly. Frequently in to…”
  • dimmer switch in dimmer, n.: “a device that varies the brightness of an electric light; spec. (a) a dial, switch, or control panel (typically wall-mounted) that allows the gradual…”
  • disproportionate dwarfism in disproportionate, adj.: “dwarfism in which the shortening of the affected individual’s limbs is different in degree to that of the trunk.”
  • drying oil in drying, adj.: “an oil that solidifies in the air to form a hard film, typically used in oil paints and varnishes.”
  • dwarf honeysuckle in dwarf, n. and adj.: “(a) a low-growing perennial herbaceous plant of moorlands and mountains of Europe, Asia, and parts of North America, Cornus suecica (family…”
  • dwarf lemur in dwarf, n. and adj.: “any of several of the very small lemurs comprising the family Cheirogaleidae, the members of which are arboreal and nocturnal; (in later use) spec. a…”
  • dwarf galaxy in dwarf, n. and adj.: “a galaxy of relatively low luminosity and size.”
  • dwarf signal in dwarf, n. and adj.: “a low home signal (see home signal n. (b) at home, n.1 adj.compounds 2).”
  • extracurricularly in extracurricular, adj. and n.: “outside the normal curriculum; in addition to the principle course of study.”
  • financial adviser in financial, adj. and n.: “a person who gives advice on financial matters; spec. a person whose job is to provide advice to clients on investments, financial products and…”
  • financial aid in financial, adj. and n.: “financial assistance provided to an individual, organization, etc.; (in later use also) spec. (chiefly North American) financial assistance…”
  • financial crisis in financial, adj. and n.: “a situation or period characterized by financial difficulty or insecurity; spec. (often with the) a widespread sharp decline in the value of assets…”
  • financial instrument in financial, adj. and n.: “(originally) a means of funding something; (now chiefly) a monetary contract that can be traded, such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, etc.”
  • financial market in financial, adj. and n.: “a trading exchange for financial assets; a market in which stocks, bonds, etc., are traded; cf. market, n. 9, money market, n. 1.”
  • financial services in financial, adj. and n.: “professional services provided by the financial industry, such as banking, investment, insurance, pensions, mortgages, etc.; the economic sector…”
  • financial statement in financial, adj. and n.: “a formal statement of the financial activities or position of a company, organization, etc., in a given period; spec. (Finance and Accounting) a…”
  • gender expression in gender, n.: “the outward expression of gender (as defined culturally or biologically) or of gender identity (as an individual’s personal sense), typically through…”
  • gender presentation in gender, n.: “the outward expression of gender (as defined culturally or biologically) or of gender identity (as an individual’s personal sense), typically through…”
  • grease nipple in grease, n.: “a fitting by which lubricant can be applied directly to a bearing or other moving part of a machine using a grease gun; cf. zerk, n. 1.”
  • grease pencil in grease, n.: “a pencil made with coloured wax, typically used for marking hard, glossy, or non-porous surfaces such as glass or porcelain; a similar implement for…”
  • heat stress in heat, n.: “the physical stress undergone by an object, or the physiological stress experienced by an organism, as a result of high ambient temperature; (also)…”
  • hypersexual in hyper-, prefix: “characterized by or exhibiting an unusually high level of sexual desire or activity; focused on or preoccupied with sex to an extreme or excessive…”
  • Islamic finance in Islamic, adj.: “a financial system that conforms to Islamic principles and Sharia law, esp. by prohibiting the payment or receipt of interest.”
  • lark bunting in lark, n.1: “†(a) the corn bunting, Emberiza calandra (obsolete); (b) a North American sparrow, Calamospiza melanocorys, having greyish-brown and white or (in the…”
  • midgety in midget, n. and adj.: “resembling or suggestive of a midget; very small or insignificant, puny.”
  • personal finance in personal, adj., n., and adv.: “(often in plural) an individual or family’s income, expenditure, assets, and other financial affairs (as distinguished from those of a country…”
  • precision agriculture in precision, n. and adj.: “an approach to agricultural practice in which processes are finely adjusted, in response to natural variation within and between sites and crops, in…”
  • profoundly deaf in profoundly, adv.: “having hearing that is severely impaired, esp. to an extent that prevents the understanding of speech by listening only.”
  • proportionate dwarfism in proportionate, adj.: “dwarfism in which the affected individual’s limbs and trunk are shortened to (more or less) the same degree.”
  • public finance in public, adj. and n.: “(a) (often in plural) government revenue and expenditure, such as taxation, public spending, government borrowing and debt, etc.; (b) the branch of…”
  • public service announcement in public service, n.: “a message or announcement intended to raise awareness about a specific issue of public interest, esp. one commissioned by a government agency or…”
  • queue voting in queue, n.: “an electoral system in which voters express their preference by standing behind the candidate or a photograph of the candidate of their choice, and…”
  • sample this in sample, v.: “Kenyan English. sample this: (as a sentence adverbial) by way of illustration; as an instance, for example.”
  • sass-box in sass, n.: “a sassy person; (originally) one who is impudent, impertinent, or cheeky; (later also) one who is self-assured, bold, or spirited.”
  • sasswood tree in sasswood, n.: “any of several tropical West African leguminous trees of the genus Erythrophleum having bark used as an ordeal poison, esp. E. suaveolens and E…”
  • more sauce than meat in sauce, n.: “more sauce than meat and variants: used to imply that a work, theory, etc., is superficially pleasant or attractive, but contains little of real…”
  • saucer pass in saucer, n. and adj.: “a pass in which the puck travels through the air at a low trajectory, spinning in a manner likened a flying saucer, and lands flat on the ice.”
  • saucer sled in saucer, n. and adj.: “a large shallow circular sled without runners, made of plastic or metal and used for sliding downhill over snow or ice.”
  • shamba boy in shamba, n.: “a boy or man employed on a farm or plantation, esp. in manual labour; a farmhand.”
  • sharemaker in share, n.1: “a person who makes or repairs ploughshares.”
  • share house in share, n.2: “a house that is rented by two or more people living independently, who have separate bedrooms but share a kitchen, bathroom, and other communal…”
  • share plate in share, n.2: “a serving or selection of food that is shared by two or more diners, esp. in a restaurant; cf. sharing plate.”
  • share-taxi in share, n.2: “a taxicab or similar vehicle which is shared by passengers travelling to various destinations along the same route; a service of this type.”
  • share tenant in share, n.2: “a tenant farmer who gives a percentage of the income from their crops to a landowner as rent, and who is responsible for providing labour, equipment…”
  • share account in share, n.2: “a financial account consisting of or relating to shares owned; (now) spec. (a) British a building society deposit account with no fixed investment…”
  • share dividend in share, n.2: “a sum of money paid regularly (typically annually) by a company to its shareholders out of its profits or reserves; cf. dividend, n. 2.”
  • share draft in share, n.2: “(in a credit union) a written order used to access funds in an individual account; often as a modifier, esp. in share-draft account.”
  • share ramping in share, n.2: “the action of attempting to influence the share price of a company in order to profit from a resulting change in the price, e.g. buying shares in a…”
  • share split in share, n.2: “the division of a company’s stock into multiple new shares according to a specified ratio.”
  • share tipping in share, n.2: “the action or practice of predicting or giving expert advice about shares which are likely to prove successful investments; frequently as a modifier.”
  • shared appreciation in shared, adj.2: “(as a modifier) designating a type of mortgage in which the lender receives a portion of any increase in value of the property when it is sold…”
  • shared care in shared, adj.2: “care provided by more than one person; spec. an arrangement between two or more care providers, or between a welfare agency and the family of a…”
  • shared equity in shared, adj.2: “a type of mortgage scheme in which the government, a housing association, or some other provider lends a portion of the down payment in exchange for…”
  • shared memory in shared, adj.2: “(a) n. the use of the same portion of memory by two or more programs, as a means of sharing or passing data efficiently; memory used in this way; (b)…”
  • shared ownership in shared, adj.2: “the state or condition of sharing the ownership of something, spec. (in the United Kingdom) a system whereby the occupier of a dwelling buys a…”
  • shared parenting in shared, adj.2: “the sharing of parental duties between two or more people when bringing up a child.”
  • shared space in shared, adj.2: “a road, public square, etc., esp. in an urban area, that is designed to calm or reduce the flow of traffic and allow pedestrians, motorists, and…”
  • shared taxi in shared, adj.2: “a taxicab or similar vehicle which is shared by passengers travelling to various destinations along the same route, which only departs when all the…”
  • shareholder value in shareholder, n.: “the earnings made on a company’s shares by their holders, esp. considered as a measure of the company’s success.”
  • share price index in share price, n.: “an index of the value or performance of a stock market formed by selecting a number of prominent shares traded on a stock exchange and comparing the…”
  • sharing economy in sharing, n.2: “(in early use) a system or service which enables the distribution of intellectual property over the Internet; (later) an economy in which companies…”
  • short loin in short, adj., n., and adv.: “a cut of beef from the hindquarters of a steer or heifer, behind the ribs, including the top loin and the tenderloin, usually cut into steaks.”
  • single-serve in single, adj.: “(a) adj. containing a portion or serving of a packaged food or drink product suitable for one person; designating a product sold in such a portion…”
  • on a sixpence in sixpence, n.: “on (also upon) a sixpence: in a very small space or short distance. Frequently (and earliest) in to turn on (also upon) a sixpence and variants: to…”
  • snake-oil salesman in snake oil, n.: “(originally) a person who sells snake oil; (later chiefly figurative) a person who sells or promotes something which is superficially attractive or…”
  • sofa set in sofa, n.: “a set of furniture consisting of a sofa and matching chairs, esp. a three-piece suite of two armchairs and a sofa.”
  • soy burger in soy, n.1: “a vegetarian (now typically vegan) burger made with soy protein instead of meat; (also occasionally) a burger made with a mixture of meat and soy…”
  • soy cheese in soy, n.1: “any of various types of cheese-like food made with processed soybeans, (now) esp. one consumed as an alternative to cheese made with animal milk…”
  • soy meal in soy, n.1: “meal made from soybeans following the extraction of their oil, chiefly used as feed for livestock.”
  • soy nut in soy, n.1: “a soybean, esp. one that has been roasted until browned and crunchy, often consumed as an alternative to nuts; frequently in soy nut butter (cf…”
  • soy sausage in soy, n.1: “a vegetarian (now typically vegan) sausage made with soy protein instead of meat.”
  • soya sauce in soya, n.: “a sauce made from fermented soybeans, typically having a thin liquid consistency, a brown colour, and a salty or umami taste, used as a condiment or…”
  • soya bean curd in soya bean, n.: “a substance typically made from the curds of soy milk and formed into blocks, used chiefly in Asian and vegetarian or vegan cooking; = tofu, n.”
  • soybean curd in soybean, n.: “a substance typically made from the curds of soy milk and formed into blocks, used chiefly in Asian and vegetarian or vegan cooking; = tofu, n.”
  • soybean meal in soybean, n.: “meal made from soybeans following the extraction of their oil, chiefly used as feed for livestock.”
  • soybean rust in soybean, n.: “a disease of soybeans and other leguminous plants, caused by the fungi Phakopsora pachyrhizi (more fully Asian soybean rust) and P. meibomiae and…”
  • special hire in special, adj., adv., and n.: “(chiefly Ugandan English) a vehicle with a driver for public hire, now esp. a taxi.”
  • stand collar in stand, n.1: “(on a garment) a collar designed to stand upright rather than being folded down.”
  • stand-side in stand, n.1: “(a) n. the side nearest to a stand (see sense 19a) in a stadium, racecourse, etc.; (b) adj. of, relating to, or happening near the side of a stadium…”
  • stands side in stand, n.1: “(a) n. the side nearest to the stands (see sense 19a) at a racecourse; (b) adj. of, relating to, or happening by or near the side of a racecourse…”
  • stand table in stand, n.1: “a small table; cf. sense 32a.”
  • to stand in line in stand, v.: “Military. To get in formation; to take one’s place in the ranks.”
  • to stand in line in stand, v.: “Chiefly U.S. To wait one’s turn in a line or queue; to join or form a queue. Also (New York): to stand on line.”
  • as I stand here in stand, v.: “as (sure (also surely, certainly, etc.) as) I stand here (also before you) and variants: used to asseverate or emphasize the truth of a statement…”
  • to stand trial in stand, v.: “to stand trial: to be tried by a court of law for an offence.”
  • to stand tall in stand, v.: “To assume an erect, straight-backed posture; to draw oneself upright.”
  • to stand tall in stand, v.: “To exhibit pride, self-confidence, dignity, or fortitude.”
  • standard of proof in standard, n., adj., and int.: “the level of proof or amount of evidence required for success in a legal proceeding.”
  • standard of care in standard, n., adj., and int.: “the level of attention, caution, or prudence expected or required of a person, especially to ensure the safety or well-being of others.”
  • standard setter in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a person who or body that sets the standard in a given discipline, industry, area, etc.; a person who or body which sets standards.”
  • standard setting in standard, n., adj., and int.: “(a) adj. that establishes a standard in a given discipline, industry, area, etc.; (b) n. the establishment of a standard in a given discipline…”
  • standard form in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a way of writing a number, especially a large or small number, in which only one integer appears before the decimal point, the value being adjusted…”
  • standard form contract in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a contract consisting of standardized and non-negotiable terms, esp. where one party to the contract is in a weaker bargaining position than the…”
  • standard gravity in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a nominal value for the gravitational acceleration of a body in a vacuum near the earth’s surface; cf. G, n. 14a(b).”
  • standard lens in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a camera lens with a focal length approximately equal to the diagonal of the negative, giving a field of view similar to that of the naked eye.”
  • standard mattress in standard, n., adj., and int.: “(perhaps) a mattress on a permanent or stationary frame; a tall mattress; a mattress raised on posts; cf. standing bed.”
  • Standard Model in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a mathematical description of the elementary subatomic particles of matter and the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces by which they interact…”
  • standard operating procedure in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a set of instructions on how to carry out a particular operation within a company, industry, field, etc.; (also, more loosely) an established method…”
  • standard poodle in standard, n., adj., and int.: “the largest variety of poodle, standing 45 to 62 cm high at the shoulder; a dog of this variety.”
  • standard-size in standard, n., adj., and int.: “of a standard or regular size; = standard-sized adj.”
  • standard-sized in standard, n., adj., and int.: “of a standard or regular size; standard-size adj.”
  • standard temperature and pressure in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a set of standard conditions under which experiments are performed and which may be used as a basis for calculations involving quantities that vary…”
  • standard theory in standard, n., adj., and int.: “a model of generative grammar that distinguishes between two different representations of a sentence: deep structure (see deep structure n. at deep…”
  • on standby in standby, n., adj., and adv.: “Of an electrically powered (esp. electronic) device: in an operational mode or state of readiness in which the power is switched on but the device is…”
  • stander bearer in stander, n.: “= standard-bearer, n. (in various senses).”
  • standing desk in standing, n.1: “a desk designed to be used by a person standing upright, esp. (now) one used with the aim of reducing the amount of time spent sitting.”
  • standing buddle in standing, adj. and n.2: “a shallow inclined vat filled with water and used to sort and clean ore.”
  • standing ice in standing, adj. and n.2: “a layer of immobile ice; spec. sea ice that is attached to the shore, ocean bottom, etc.; cf. fast ice n. at fast, adj. compounds 1.”
  • standing martingale in standing, adj. and n.2: “a single adjustable strap fastened at one end to a horse’s girth on the saddle, passed between the horse’s front legs and fixed to the back of the…”
  • standing post in standing, adj. and n.2: “any one of a series of couriers or messengers stationed along a post route who carry letters, dispatches, etc., between one post-stage and another…”
  • standing count in standing, adj. and n.2: “a count of eight given to a boxer who has not been knocked down but who appears temporarily unfit to continue fighting; cf. count, n.1 1c.”
  • standing crust in standing, adj. and n.2: “a free-standing piecrust made and baked without the support of a dish or mould; a raised crust.”
  • standing image in standing, adj. and n.2: “a statue or idol; (also figurative) a false god.”
  • standing knee in standing, adj. and n.2: “a type of knee (knee, n. 7a) having the vertical part pointed upwards; opposed to hanging knee n.”
  • standing press in standing, adj. and n.2: “(a) Bookbinding a screw press with a heavy base used to press the pages of a book together; (b) an exercise in which a person raises a weight, such…”
  • standing seam in standing, adj. and n.2: “a raised interlocking seam which joins two adjacent metal roof panels; frequently as a modifier.”
  • standing charge in standing, adj. and n.2: “a fixed fee or payment; spec. a fixed surcharge paid for access to a service or product, esp. to a utility company, in addition to usage charges.”
  • standing joke in standing, adj. and n.2: “a person who or thing that regularly causes amusement or ridicule.”
  • standing rent in standing, adj. and n.2: “a fixed sum paid as rent; (in later use chiefly U.S.) a rent on land paid as a fixed amount of produce instead of money (now historical).”
  • standover merchant in standover, n.: “a person, esp. a man, who employs threatening behaviour to intimidate others; a bully.”
  • in stress for in stress, n.: “in stress for: in need of. Frequently with emphatic modifier, as in in great stress for, in dire stress for: in urgent need of. Now rare.”
  • stress fibre in stress, n.: “a type of fibrillar structure involved in the maintenance of cell shape and in cellular adhesion and motility; (in later use) spec. a fibre of this…”
  • stress-optical in stress, n.: “of or relating to the effects of physical stress on the optical properties of a substance.”
  • stress bunny in stress, n.: “a person who is stressed or has a tendency to become stressed.”
  • stress cardiomyopathy in stress, n.: “a syndrome mainly affecting older women, typically after an emotionally or physically stressful event, characterized by sudden impairment of the…”
  • stress disorder in stress, n.: “any of various physical disorders or mental conditions attributed to exposure to stress.”
  • stress-eat in stress, n.: “intransitive and transitive to eat unhealthily in response to or as a means of coping with stress.”
  • stress eater in stress, n.: “a person who has a tendency to eat unhealthily in response to or as a means of coping with stress.”
  • stress eating in stress, n.: “the action of eating unhealthily in response to or as a means of coping with stress.”
  • stress hormone in stress, n.: “any hormone involved in the disturbed physiological state of the body occurring in response to stress, esp. cortisol and the catecholamines…”
  • stress-induced in stress, n.: “(esp. of an illness or medical condition) caused by stress.”
  • stress management in stress, n.: “the fact or process of controlling one’s levels of stress, or coping with stress more effectively; the use of particular techniques to achieve this.”
  • stress protein in stress, n.: “any of a group of proteins whose synthesis is increased when a cell is exposed to stress (see sense 7) and which have a protective effect against…”
  • stress-related in stress, n.: “(esp. of an illness or medical condition) associated with or (partially) caused by stress.”
  • stress-accented in stress, n.: “characterized by or carrying stress accent; stressed.”
  • stressfulness in stressful, adj.: “the quality or condition of being stressful.”
  • tall relative in tall, adj. and adv.: “a relative, friend, or acquaintance with money or power who advances the interests of another person; an influential patron or sponsor.”
  • tank-topped in tank top, n.: “(of a garment, design, etc.) incorporating or featuring a tank top; (of a person) wearing a tank top.”
  • tarmacking in tarmac, v.: “the action or process of walking the streets looking for work; job hunting.”
  • on a tickey in tickey, n.: “on a tickey: in a small area or circle (esp. with reference to the ability of a vehicle to turn or manoeuvre within a small space); accurately…”
  • two bricks and a tickey high in tickey, n.: “two bricks and a tickey high, only a tickey high and variants: (of a person) very short or young.”
  • true anomaly in true, adj., n., adv., int.: “the angular distance of an orbiting celestial object or (in later use also) an artificial satellite from one of its apsides or (occasionally) from…”
  • to take turns in turn, n.: “to take turns: (of two or more people) to alternate in doing something, typically so that each person does or has his or her fair share.”
  • to serve a person’s turn in turn, n.: “To satisfy a person’s sexual needs. Obsolete.”
  • turn of duty in turn, n.: “turn of duty: a period of time spent on duty occurring in rotation with others; cf. tour of duty at tour, n. 1.”
  • turn of the tide in turn, n.: “the point at which the tide changes from ebb to flow, or the reverse; (figurative) a reversal in human affairs, esp. an advantageous reversal of…”
  • to take a turn for the worse in turn, n.: “to take a turn for the worse and variants: to (start to) worsen or deteriorate, esp. suddenly. Frequently (and in early use chiefly) with reference…”
  • to take a turn for the better in turn, n.: “to take a turn for the better and variants: to (start to) improve or get better, esp. suddenly. Cf. for the better at better, adj. n.1adv. phrases 7.”
  • turn of events in turn, n.: “turn of events: a change in the expected sequence of events; a development.”
  • turn-based in turn, n.: “designating a game, esp. a computer game, in which players take alternating turns; of or relating to such a game.”
  • turn-taking in turn, n.: “the action or fact of taking turns (see to take turns at phrases 1a(d)); spec. with reference to the structure of a typical conversation, in which…”
  • to turn one’s back to in turn, v.: “to turn one’s (also the) back to (also †unto): = to turn one’s back on at phrases 1a(c). Formerly also (with indirect object) †to turn (a person)…”
  • to turn a page in turn, v.: “to turn a (new) page: to make a fresh start or new beginning, esp. after a difficult or troubled period. Similarly to turn the page (on something)…”
  • to turn a wheel in turn, v.: “to turn a wheel: (of a vehicle) to move or be set in motion; figurative (of a person or thing) to move forward, to make progress, to begin working…”
  • Ugandan Asian in Ugandan, adj. and n.: “a Ugandan of South Asian origin or descent; = Uganda Asian n. at Uganda, n.”
  • ujamaa village in ujamaa, n.: “a settlement consisting of collective farms, established in Tanzania as part of the ujamaa socialist policy.”
  • vector graphics in vector, n.: “digital graphics created using mathematically defined elements (start and end points, angles, etc.) which can be scaled without any loss in image…”
  • yellow dwarf in yellow, adj. and n.: “a yellow or white G-type main sequence star (the sun being a star of this class).”
  • yes please in yes, adv., n., and int.: “Ugandan English. yes please: used to express affirmation or agreement; ‘that’s right’, ‘exactly’.”
  • zooarchaeological in zoo-, comb. form: “of, relating to, or concerned with zooarchaeology; designating animal remains recovered from an archaeological site.”

New senses

  • aneantizing, n., sense 1: “Weakening or wasting of the body or a part of the body.”
  • aneantizing, n., sense 2: “Destruction, ruin; loss.”
  • anhelant, adj., sense 1: “Exhibiting or characterized by laboured breathing or shortness of breath; gasping, panting. Also figurative. Cf. anhelous, adj.”
  • anhele, v., sense 2: “intransitive. To gasp, pant. rare.”
  • anility, n., sense 2: “Old women collectively. Obsolete.”
  • aninne, adv. and prep., sense A: “Within, inside; into a place.”
  • ankle, n., sense 1b: “A part of the leg of various animals that corresponds, or is supposed to correspond, to the human ankle; esp. the pastern, fetlock, or hock of a…”
  • ankle, n., sense 2: “The part of a shoe, boot, sock, etc., which covers the ankle.”
  • ankle, v., sense 3: “transitive. U.S. slang. In the entertainment industry: to walk out on (an organization, project, etc.); to quit. Also intransitive.”
  • anklet, n., sense 2: “Chiefly U.S. A sock reaching to just above the ankle; an ankle sock.”
  • anlike, adj. and n., sense B.1: “That which is similar to another.”
  • Anno Domini, adv. and n., sense B.1: “A particular year. rare.”
  • annotate, v., sense 1: “transitive. To make a mark or marks on (something). Obsolete. rare.”
  • annotate, v., sense 2: “transitive. To denote or signify (something). Obsolete. rare.”
  • annotation, n., sense 5: “Genetics. The action or an act of identifying coding and non-coding regions in a digital sequence of nucleotides and attaching biological information…”
  • annote, v., sense 1a: “transitive. To record (something); to note, to write down. Obsolete.”
  • announce, v., sense I.1c: “To make (something) known by public or official statement; to proclaim or authoritatively deliver (a… transitive. With direct speech as object.”
  • announce, v., sense I.2c: “transitive. To give information about the arrival, departure, etc., of (a train, plane, or other form of transport) via a public address system in a…”
  • announce, v., sense I.4: “intransitive. U.S. To declare oneself a candidate for public office. Frequently with for.”
  • announce, v., sense I.5: “intransitive. Chiefly North American. To act as an announcer (announcer, n. 2); esp. to provide commentary during sporting or other events, typically…”
  • announce, v., sense II.7: “transitive (reflexive). To make one’s presence known, esp. by a particular action, feature, or characteristic.”
  • annoy, v., sense I.2c: “intransitive. To cause annoyance; to be a source of irritation, exasperation, or displeasure.”
  • annoyingly, adv., sense 2: “As a sentence adverb, expressing annoyance or irritation at an event, situation, etc.”
  • annoyment, n., sense 2: “Something which causes annoyance or irritation; an annoyance, a nuisance.”
  • annualist, n., sense 1: “A writer of annals; a chronicler of yearly events; = annalist, n. Obsolete. rare.”
  • annualize, v., sense 1a: “transitive. To make (something) annual; to have (something) take place or be renewed on an annual basis. rare.”
  • annualize, v., sense 1b: “transitive. Finance. To calculate (a rate of interest, inflation, return on an investment, etc.) on an annual basis, as a projection from figures for…”
  • annualizing, n., sense 2: “Finance. The action or process of calculating a variable (typically a rate of interest, inflation, etc.) on an annual basis, as a projection from…”
  • annuate, v., sense 1: “transitive. To nod in assent or agreement to (something); to give one’s approval to.”
  • annuity, n., sense 3: “In the United States: a yearly supply of goods, provisions, or money issued by the government to a North American Indian tribe under the terms of a…”
  • annunciate, adj., sense 2: “Designating the Virgin Mary in the act of receiving, or after she has received, the announcement from the Archangel Gabriel that she would, by divine…”
  • annunciate, v., sense 2: “transitive. To express (something) in clear or definite terms; to say or pronounce (something) clearly; to enunciate.”
  • annunciation, n., sense 1c: “Christian Church. With the and usually with capital initial. A picture or representation of the Annunciation.”
  • annunciation, n., sense 3: “The action of a device indicating or announcing something by means of a visible or audible signal; an indication or announcement made in this way…”
  • anoint, v., sense I.2b: “transitive. To smear or rub (a dead body) with oil, spices, or another substance, typically in preparation for burial or to preserve it from decay…”
  • anoint, v., sense I.3b: “transitive. With complement. To pronounce or proclaim (a person) to be what is specified by the complement.”
  • anoint, v., sense I.3c: “transitive. To approve of (a person or thing); to endorse.”
  • anointed, adj. and n., sense A.4: “Chiefly English regional, Irish English, and Scottish. Of a person: cursed, damned; depraved, thoroughly bad; utter. Cf. nointed, adj. 2.”
  • anomalistic, adj., sense 2: “Of the nature of an anomaly; deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected; anomalous. Also with to: dissimilar to; apart or separate from…”
  • anomaly, n., sense 7: “Medicine. An abnormality of the structure or function of a part of the body, esp. one of developmental or genetic origin. Frequently with…”
  • anonym, adj. and n.1, sense A: “Designating a person whose name is not known or given. Obsolete. rare.”
  • anonymity, n., sense 1: “An anonymous person or thing.”
  • anonymous, n. and adj., sense B.1d: “Of a computer program, server, etc.: that enables a user to use a network (esp. the internet) without being identifiable or traceable, by concealing…”
  • anonymous, n. and adj., sense B.4a: “Usually with capital initial following a plural noun. Used as the designation of an association for the support and rehabilitation of addicts or…”
  • anonymous, n. and adj., sense B.4b: “Usually with capital initial following a plural noun. Also figurative: used humorously or satirically in the name of hypothetical support groups for…”
  • anonymously, adv., sense 2: “In a way that presents no outstanding, individual, or unusual features; unremarkably or impersonally.”
  • anorakish, adj.: “Overly studious, unfashionable, or socially inept; spec. displaying obsessive or fastidious concern with the details of a hobby or interest. Cf…”
  • another, pron., adj., and adv., sense B.I.1b: “With following number modifying a plural noun or noun phrase: designating an additional set of the specified thing.”
  • another gate, adv. and adj., sense A: “In another way, differently. Also: elsewhere. Cf. othergates, adv. Scottish and English regional in later use.”
  • assign, v., Additions: “transitive. To attribute (a particular sex or gender) to a person or to classify (a person) as being a particular sex or gender, esp. on the basis of…”
  • asymptomatic, adj.: “An individual who exhibits no symptoms or clinical signs (of a particular disease or condition). Also (with the and plural agreement): asymptomatic…”
  • barrel roll, n., sense 1a: “An act of rolling like a barrel; an instance of something rolling over on its longitudinal axis, esp. with reference to a vehicle in the course of a…”
  • bauble, n., sense I.1b: “A decoration hung on a Christmas tree, (now) esp. a small, light, brightly-coloured or shiny ball made of glass or plastic.”
  • bauble, n., sense I.4: “slang. In plural. The testicles. Cf. ball, n.1 12a, jewel, n. 7.”
  • bauble, n., sense III.8: “slang. The penis. Obsolete.”
  • biting, n., Additions: “Kenyan English. A bite-sized piece of food; a small snack, appetizer, or canapé. Cf. bite, n. 7c.”
  • bobsled, n., sense 3: “Chiefly U.S. A team winter sport in which timed runs are made in a bobsled (sense 2) down a steep ice-covered run with banked curves. Cf. bobsleigh…”
  • bobsleigh, n., sense 3: “A team winter sport in which timed runs are made in a bobsleigh (sense 2) down a steep ice-covered run with banked curves. Cf. bobsled, n. 3.”
  • boma, n., sense 1: “East African and South African. A barrier formed from thorny branches or wooden stakes, used for defence against attacks by enemies or wild animals…”
  • bordel, n., sense 3a: “A person (esp. a woman) who engages in sexual activity in return for payment; a prostitute. Obsolete.”
  • bounce, v., Additions a: “Ugandan English. intransitive. To be turned away or made to leave. Cf. sense 8b.”
  • bounce, v., Additions b: “Ugandan English. intransitive. To fail to find someone at their home, office, etc., or at a rendezvous.”
  • Brahma, n.1, sense 1b: “Buddhism. The god responsible for the protection of Buddhist teachings and the ruler of Brahmaloka. Cf. Brahmaloka, n.”
  • Brahmanist, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, relating to, characteristic of, conforming to, or advocating Brahmanism.”
  • Brahmin, n., sense 1: “A native or inhabitant of India. Obsolete.”
  • Brahmin, n., sense 4: “Now usually in form Brahman. A bovine animal of the Brahman breed (see compounds 2), or of the zebu type from which it is derived.”
  • Brahmoist, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, relating to, characteristic of, conforming to, or advocating Brahmoism.”
  • Bronze Age, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or dating from the Bronze Age. Also: designating this period.”
  • brothelling, n., sense 2: “The action or occupation of receiving payment for engaging in sexual activity with someone, esp. in a brothel; prostitution.”
  • brothelly, adj., sense 2: “Of or befitting a brothel; characteristic of or resembling a brothel, esp. with reference to decor.”
  • bulldoze, v., sense 2: “transitive. To advance (a proposal) or bring about (an objective) by acting in an unpleasantly forceful way. Also: to push (a measure or bill)…”
  • bulldoze, v., sense 3: “transitive. Mining (North American). To break up (large blocks of rock or ore) using explosives, in order to allow the material to be transported…”
  • bulldozed, adj., sense 2: “Cleared by a bulldozer; demolished by a bulldozer.”
  • bulldozer, n., sense 2: “U.S. A type of mechanical forging press for bending large pieces of iron and steel, used esp. in the manufacture of components for the railway.”
  • bulldozing, n., sense 1: “Originally and chiefly U.S. Originally: intimidation or coercion, esp. for political ends (now rare). Now usually: pushy or domineering behaviour…”
  • bulldozing, n., sense 2: “Mining (North American). The action of breaking up large blocks of rock or ore (esp. using explosives) in order to allow the material to be…”
  • bully, adj.1, adv., and int., sense B.1: “As an intensifier: very, exceedingly. Often as a euphemism for bloody (see bloody, adj. 8a). Cf. bally, adv.”
  • bully, adj.1, adv., and int., sense B.2: “Very well, excellently. Now rare.”
  • catnip, n., sense 2: “The volatile oil nepetalactone, obtained from some plants of the mint family (Lamiaceae), esp. the leaves and stems of catnip, Nepeta cataria, which…”
  • chit, n.5, sense 2: “Chiefly South Asian. Originally: a written reference testifying to a person’s ability or reliability, used when applying for a new job. Now usually…”
  • cowardize, v., Additions: “intransitive. Ugandan English. To act like a coward; to lose one’s nerve or resolve, to ‘chicken out’.”
  • cream puff, n., sense 4: “U.S. colloquial. A second-hand car maintained in excellent condition.”
  • cream puff, n., sense 6: “Scottish colloquial (chiefly Glasgow). A state of petty annoyance, esp. in in the cream puff. Cf. huff, n. 2b.”
  • cringe, n. and adj., sense A.2: “colloquial. Acute embarrassment or awkwardness; (also) something that causes this.”
  • cringe, n. and adj., sense B: “colloquial. Causing feelings of acute embarrassment or awkwardness; that makes one cringe; cringeworthy.”
  • Cushite, n. and adj., sense A.2: “The language spoken in the ancient region of Kush.”
  • Cushitic, n. and adj., sense A.2: “A native or inhabitant of the ancient region of Kush. Cf. Cushite, n. 1. historical.”
  • Cushitic, n. and adj., sense B.1: “Of or relating to Cushitic (sense A. 1), or any of the languages within it. Cf. Cushite, adj.”
  • Cushitic, n. and adj., sense B.2: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the ancient region of Kush or its inhabitants. historical. Cf. Cushite, adj.”
  • department, n., Additions: “A specified quality or aspect, typically with reference to the extent to which a person is thought to possess or exhibit it. Usually as in the ——…”
  • dime, n., Additions: “North American. on (also upon) a dime: in a very small space or short distance; (figurative) quickly, suddenly, or unexpectedly. Frequently in to…”
  • domesticate, v., Additions: “transitive. To translate (a text) in such a way that its foreign character is not retained or apparent; to remove the foreign character of (a…”
  • double-cross, v., sense 1: “transitive. Sport. To betray (one’s opponent or his or her backer) by winning or trying to win a match or race after making an illicit deal to lose…”
  • double-decker, n., sense 2a: “Originally and chiefly U.S. A large barn having two floors or storeys above the lowest floor, esp. one built into a hillside or slope. Now chiefly…”
  • double-decker, n., sense 5d: “An airliner having two passenger decks, one above the other.”
  • double-decker, n., sense 6: “A sole (of a boot or shoe) consisting of two layers; a boot or shoe having such a sole. Obsolete.”
  • double-decker, n., sense 10: “New Zealand. A sheep which has missed a shearing and has over a year’s worth of wool. Cf. double-fleecer n.”
  • double-decking, n., sense 1: “In a cotton mill: the action or practice of coupling two spinning mules together, so that they can be operated by a single worker. See double-deck…”
  • drophead, n., sense 1: “The top end of a structure or machine for lowering coal or other goods on to a ship or boat. Cf. quot. 1858 at drop, n. 18c. Obsolete.”
  • dwarf, n. and adj., sense A.I.2b: “A thing that is smaller than most others of its kind. Usually followed by a phrase introduced by of, indicating the nature or class of the thing…”
  • dwarf, n. and adj., sense A.II.4: “An illness, apparently characterized by fever (and perhaps other symptoms) and probably believed to be caused by a supernatural being or agency (cf…”
  • dwarf, n. and adj., sense B.1b: “Of a plant or animal, or a variety, breed, or group of these: that is unusually small or short; spec. that is reduced in size by selective breeding…”
  • dwarf, n. and adj., sense B.3: “Of, relating to, or characteristic of a person of unusually short stature; designating such a person, esp. one with dwarfism.”
  • dwarfdom, n., sense 3: “The condition or fact of being smaller or shorter than is expected, esp. as a result of a genetic or developmental process; dwarfism. Also…”
  • dwarfed, adj., sense 2: “That appears or seems small or insignificant in comparison to something larger or more important, or because it is being viewed from a distance.”
  • dwarfing, adj., sense 1b: “That causes something or someone to appear or seem small or insignificant.”
  • dwarfing, adj., sense 2: “That diminishes in size; becoming smaller. rare.”
  • dwarfish, adj. and n., sense A.2: “In folklore, mythology, and now esp. fantasy fiction, games, etc.: of or relating to dwarves (dwarf, n. 3), their realm, culture, or language; (also)…”
  • dwarfish, adj. and n., sense B.2: “Usually in form Dwarvish. Chiefly in or with reference to fantasy fiction: the (fictional) language of dwarves (dwarf, n. 3). Cf. sense A. 2.”
  • dwarfism, n., sense 1: “depreciative. The condition of being (relatively) inferior, unimportant, ineffectual, or insignificant or deficient in some respect. Cf. dwarf, n. 1b.”
  • dwarf-like, adj., sense 2: “figurative. That is (relatively) inferior, insignificant, weak, or ineffectual.”
  • dwarf man, n., sense 2: “In folklore, mythology, and esp. children’s and fantasy fiction: a (male) dwarf (dwarf, n. 3).”
  • dwarfy, adj., sense 2: “figurative. Inferior in power or quality. Obsolete. rare.”
  • effeminator, n., sense 2: “Veterinary Medicine. A surgical instrument used to remove the ovaries of cows or other female animals (and for various other procedures).”
  • extend, v., Additions: “intransitive. Ugandan English. To move from one’s seat, position, place in a queue, etc., so as to make room for someone else. Usually in imperative…”
  • extracurricular, adj. and n., sense B: “An extracurricular activity, course of study, achievement, etc.”
  • faience, n., sense 2: “Architecture. Moulded (usually glazed) terracotta in the form of blocks or tiles used esp. as a façade or cladding material.”
  • finance, n.1, sense 1b: “figurative. In Christian contexts: the suffering and death of Christ, regarded as the price paid for the redemption of humankind; (also) the…”
  • finance, n.1, sense 7b(a): “As a mass noun. Monetary resources; money used or intended for a particular purpose; financing, funding.”
  • finance, n.1, sense 7b(b): “As a mass noun. A type of a loan offered to a consumer by a retailer or lender, allowing the consumer to make a purchase (esp. of an expensive item…”
  • financer, n., sense 2: “A person concerned with or skilled in finance; esp. a person who or organization which provides capital or funding to others (cf. finance, v. 2).”
  • financial, adj. and n., sense B.2: “The finances or financial situation of an organization or individual.”
  • financier, n., sense 3: “A kind of small rich almond cake of French origin, typically baked in a rectangular mould. Also (and in earliest use) more fully financier cake.”
  • financing, n., sense 2: “The action or process of providing or obtaining capital or funding for a business, enterprise, etc.; an instance of this. Also: capital or funding…”
  • firebreak, n., sense 2: “A measure intended to stop the spread of something dangerous or harmful; (now) spec. a short period in which travel, business, and human contact are…”
  • flat bed, n. and adj., sense A.1: “Mining and Geology. A bed or layer of rock forming a plane surface when split. Cf. flat-bedded adj. Obsolete.”
  • flat bed, n. and adj., sense B.1c: “In other contexts: (of an apparatus or mechanism) distinguished as having or forming a horizontal surface (esp. in contrast to a drum or roller)…”
  • Galla, n. and adj., sense A.1b: “The Cushitic language of the Galla.”
  • Galla, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the Galla or their language.”
  • good-enough, adj., int., and adv., sense C: “Ugandan English. As a sentence adverb: fortunately, luckily.”
  • Gram, n.3, sense II.5: “The Gram stain.”
  • Hutu, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the Hutu.”
  • ignorable, n. and adj., sense A.2: “Something which can be ignored.”
  • ignorant, adj. and n., sense A.6: “Caribbean. Angry, quick-tempered. Chiefly in to get on ignorant (also to get ignorant): to become angry.”
  • ignoring, n., sense 2: “Criminal Law. The rejection of a bill of indictment by a grand jury as unfounded or insufficiently supported by evidence. Also: dismissal of charges…”
  • introduction, n., Additions: “Ugandan English. An engagement ceremony where the families of the bride and groom formally meet; = kwanjula, n. Also as a modifier, esp. in…”
  • Jat, n.1 and adj., sense B: “That is a Jat (sense A.); of, relating to, or characteristic of this group.”
  • Kamba, n. and adj., sense A.1: “The Bantu language of the Kamba, a people inhabiting the Ukambani region of central Kenya.”
  • Kamba, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the Kamba or their language.”
  • Kikuyu, n. and adj., sense A.2: “The Bantu language of the Kikuyu.”
  • Kikuyu, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, relating to, or belonging to the Kikuyu or their language.”
  • Kiswahili, n. and adj., sense B: “Of or relating to Kiswahili.”
  • lark, n.1, sense 3: “figurative. A person likened to a lark (sense 1); esp. a person who (habitually) gets up early and feels energetic early in the day. In later use…”
  • leopard-skin priest, n., sense 1: “An ancient Egyptian officiating priest who wore a distinctive robe made from leopard skin; = Sem, n.”
  • location, n., sense 9: “In Kenya: an administrative district forming a subdivision of a division (cf. division, n. 10b).”
  • lost, adj., Additions: “Ugandan English. Out of touch, not in contact. Often in you are lost (used as a greeting, or in response to a greeting): ‘it’s a long time since we…”
  • Luganda, n. and adj., sense B: “Of or relating to Luganda.”
  • lumberjack, n., sense 1: “A mechanical device used for lifting lumber. Cf. Jack, n.2 11. Obsolete.”
  • merry-go-round, n. and adj., sense A.3: “In Kenya: an informal cooperative savings scheme, typically run by and for women, in which each participant regularly contributes an amount, and the…”
  • midget, n. and adj., sense A.1a: “Originally English regional (south-western). A thing that is very small, or conspicuously smaller than is usual or expected, or in comparison to…”
  • midget, n. and adj., sense A.3c: “figurative. With preceding adjective. A person who is notably deficient in the specified quality, ability, etc. Cf. pygmy, n. 2b.”
  • midget, n. and adj., sense B.4: “North American (chiefly Canadian). Designating a level of amateur sport typically involving players aged 16 or 17.”
  • OK, adj., int.1, n.2, adv., sense B.1b: “Ugandan English. OK please: used to express assent, concession, or approval, esp. with regard to a previous statement, question, or request: ‘yes’…”
  • otherwise, n., adv., and adj., sense A.3: “Kenyan English. An option, choice, or alternative. Usually in to have no otherwise.”
  • pressed, adj.1, sense 3: “East African, South African, and West African. Feeling the need to urinate or defecate.”
  • run, v., sense 1: “intransitive. archaic and literary. my cup runneth over (and variants): used to indicate that one has even more of something than one would have…”
  • sample, v., Additions: “Kenyan English. sample this: (as a sentence adverbial) by way of illustration; as an instance, for example.”
  • sass, v., sense 2b: “to sass back. transitive. With direct speech or clause as object: to retort.”
  • sati, n., sense 2b: “In extended use: any similar custom or practice in which a person chooses to die or is killed after the death of a spouse. Also: (chiefly…”
  • sauce, n., sense II.3: “A liquid substance or preparation, esp. one used as a medicine or ointment. Obsolete.”
  • sauced, adj., sense 3: “slang (originally U.S.). Intoxicated, drunk. Also (and earliest) in sauced up. Cf. sauce, n. 6a.”
  • saucer, n. and adj., sense A.4: “Mechanics. A device, component, etc., resembling a saucer; spec. (a) Nautical a shallow socket for the spindle of a capstan (capstan, n. a); (b) †a…”
  • saucer, v., sense 3: “intransitive. Of eyes: to widen, esp. with awe, surprise, alarm, or other strong emotion.”
  • saucer, v., sense 4: “transitive. Ice Hockey. To hit (a pass) so that the puck travels through the air at a low trajectory, spinning in a manner likened to a flying…”
  • saucer bath, n., sense 1: “A shallow dish or saucer of water used as a bird bath.”
  • saucier, n., sense 2: “A type of saucepan designed for use in making sauces; (now) esp. a bowl-shaped, fairly shallow pan, typically with a relatively long handle. Also…”
  • saucing, n., sense 2: “Sauce.”
  • saucy, adj.1 and adv., sense A.III.10: “Esp. of clothes: bold and smart in style; stylish, chic.”
  • saucy, adj.1 and adv., sense A.III.11: “Australian. In Australian Aboriginal usage: dangerous; poisonous, venomous. Now rare.”
  • saucy, adj.1 and adv., sense A.III.12: “English regional. Of a road or path: slippery.”
  • share, n.2, sense I.1: “The action or practice of cutting, shearing, or shaving something; (also) the result of this. Obsolete.”
  • share, n.2, sense II.6b: “U.S. spec. A share in a property, esp. a holiday home, under a time-sharing scheme; = timeshare, n. 2b. Also: the house, apartment, etc., so shared…”
  • share, n.2, sense II.7: “An instance of posting or reposting something on a social media website or application.”
  • share, v.2, sense 7a: “transitive. To make (information, data, etc.) available to others.”
  • share, v.2, sense 7b: “transitive. To post or repost (a message, image, etc.) on a social media website or other online platform. Also intransitive.”
  • shareable, adj. and n., sense B: “A thing that may be shared, or is suitable for sharing; (now) spec. a serving of food that is or may be shared by two or more diners, esp. in a…”
  • share book, n., sense 1: “A book in which the ownership of shares is recorded; esp. (a) an official register of the shareholders of a company; (b) a book recording the shares…”
  • shared, adj.2, sense 2: “That has been shared with or made available to others; (now typically) that has been posted or reposted on a social media website or application.”
  • shared, adj.2, sense 3: “Designating a fictional setting in a book, film, video game, etc., that is used independently by multiple authors or creators, esp. in works that…”
  • share economy, n., sense 2: “An economic model in which goods and services are offered, exchanged, or shared between individuals, either free or for a fee, typically by means of…”
  • shareholding, n., sense 2: “The action or practice of owning shares.”
  • shareman, n., sense 1: “Scottish. A person who has a share of or part in something. Cf. sharesman, n. 1, skairsman, n. Obsolete.”
  • sharemilk, v., sense 2: “intransitive. To work as a sharemilker.”
  • sharer, n., sense 1b: “As the second element in compounds where the first element denotes what is shared.”
  • sharer, n., sense 3: “A person who is given to sharing or divulging personal information.”
  • sharg, adj. and n., sense A: “Weak, sickly, emaciated; (also) small, puny.”
  • sharing, n.2, sense 2b: “spec. The action of sharing or divulging details about one’s experiences, feelings, or past actions.”
  • shauri, n., sense 2: “An issue or problem. Now chiefly in phrase your (their,etc.) shauri : your (their, etc.) affair or concern.”
  • shenzi, n. and adj., sense B: “Barbarous, primitive, or uncivilized.”
  • sixpence, n., Additions: “on (also upon) a sixpence: in a very small space or short distance. Frequently (and earliest) in to turn on (also upon) a sixpence and variants: to…”
  • smoking, adj., Additions a: “colloquial (originally U.S.). Frequently in form smokin’. Originally Jazz. Very lively, energetic, or exciting; performing or performed at a very…”
  • smoking, adj., Additions b: “colloquial (originally U.S.). Frequently in form smokin’. Of a person: extremely good-looking, well-dressed, or sexually attractive; (more generally)…”
  • smoking hot, adj., sense 2: “That has just arrived or occurred; (of news or information) brand new; up-to-the-minute. Frequently with from. Cf. hot, adj. 10.”
  • smoking hot, adj., sense 3a: “colloquial. Frequently in form smokin’ hot. Originally Jazz. Very lively, energetic, or exciting; performing or performed at a very high level…”
  • smoking hot, adj., sense 3b: “colloquial. Frequently in form smokin’ hot. Extremely good-looking or sexually attractive; very sexy. Cf. hot, adj. 12i, smoking, adj. additions b.”
  • Somalian, adj. and n., sense B: “A native or inhabitant of Somalia. Cf. Somali, n. 1.”
  • soy, n.1, sense 3: “Originally: flour, meal, or protein derived from soybeans and used in various food products, often as a replacement for animal protein. Later also…”
  • sponge bag, n., sense 2: “Chiefly British. In plural. Men’s wool trousers of a type worn with formal attire (also spec. as part of the uniform worn by prefects at Eton…”
  • stage, n., Additions: “East African. A place designated for a bus, taxi, or other public vehicle to stop and let passengers on and off; a bus stop or taxi rank. Frequently…”
  • stand, n.1, sense II.17c: “U.S. A roadside establishment providing refreshments and accommodation for travellers. More fully tavern stand. Now historical.”
  • stand, n.1, sense III.26: “Scottish. A set of measures used for trading a particular commodity or type of merchandise, esp. as the standard in a particular burgh. Also stand…”
  • stand, n.1, sense IV.33: “A metal rod attached to a bicycle or motorcycle, used to keep it upright when not in use (see kick-stand n.).”
  • stand, n.1, sense V.37: “Chiefly Bee-keeping. A structure for housing a colony of bees; a bee hive.”
  • stand, v., sense I.5g: “transitive (in passive). Chiefly British colloquial. to be stood: (equivalent to the progressive, usually in senses 5a(a) 5d) to be continuously in a…”
  • stand, v., sense II.11a: “With to and infinitive. intransitive. To persevere in doing something, to continue to do something. Also with for to and infinitive. Obsolete.”
  • stand, v., sense II.15: “intransitive. colloquial and regional (chiefly U.S. and Caribbean). With adverb, adverbial phrase, or noun complement. To stay or remain in a…”
  • stand, v., sense V.29b(b): “intransitive. With at and noun phrase as complement. Of a hand on a clock, or the clock, etc.: to point to or indicate a given time; (of a dial…”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “intransitive. Originally: †(of a group) to stand on all sides of someone or something (obsolete). Later: to remain standing in a place without any…”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “intransitive. To withdraw or step down from a position or office. Cf. to stand down 4a at phrasal verbs 1.”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “intransitive. In extended and figurative use. To withdraw (from a situation, issue, etc.), esp. (in later use) to distance oneself emotionally in…”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “transitive. U.S. colloquial. To oppose (a person) by arguing a contrary point of view, esp. in an insistent or uncompromising manner; to overcome (a…”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “transitive. Originally: to withdraw or remove (a competitor) from a game, race, contest, competition, etc. Later also: to discharge (a worker)…”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “intransitive. To pay attention. Obsolete.”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “transitive. Now chiefly Nigerian English. To cause (someone or something) to be prominent, distinguished, or notable, especially due to their being…”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “intransitive. To go on strike; to continue to strike. Cf. standout, n. 1, to stick out 3b at stick, v.1 phrasal verbs 1. Obsolete.”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “intransitive. Originally: †(of a group) to stand on all sides of someone or something (obsolete). Later: to remain standing in a place without any…”
  • stand, v., sense 1: “transitive. U.S. colloquial. To fail to settle a debt or bill with (a person). Obsolete.”
  • stand, v., sense 2: “intransitive. To compete against (another candidate, esp. the incumbent) in a contested election. Cf. main senses 9c, 12.”
  • stand, v., sense 2: “intransitive. To sustain, support, or assist (someone or something).”
  • stand-alone, n. and adj., sense A.a: “Something that exists independently or in isolation from similar things. A person who stands in isolation or apart from others belonging to a…”
  • stand-alone, n. and adj., sense A.b: “Something that exists independently or in isolation from similar things. Any of various things that are free-standing or unconnected to another item…”
  • stand-alone, n. and adj., sense B.1: “Of a child: old enough to be able to stand unaided. rare.”
  • stand-alone, n. and adj., sense B.2: “Designating something that is free-standing or unconnected to another item, spec. a novel, film, etc., which does not have to be read, viewed, etc…”
  • standard, n., adj., and int., sense A.I.1e: “Used in the titles of newspapers and periodicals.”
  • standard, n., adj., and int., sense A.I.5: “slang. The penis. Obsolete.”
  • standard, n., adj., and int., sense A.III.17d: “In plural. Principles of acceptable conduct or behaviour, informed by ideas of morality, decency, etc. Often in high standards, low standards.”
  • standard, n., adj., and int., sense B.I.1e: “Esp. of the features of a commercial or technical product: as the ordinary or basic specification; not an extra feature or modification. Chiefly in…”
  • standard, n., adj., and int., sense B.I.1f: “Somewhat depreciative. Esp. of the arts, food, etc.: typical, conventional, commonplace; ordinary, average, unexceptional. Chiefly with modifying…”
  • standard, n., adj., and int., sense C: “British colloquial. Used to indicate that the preceding statement is exactly as expected: ‘of course’, ‘naturally’, ‘as usual’.”
  • standardism, n., sense 2: “The quality or state of being standard or maintaining standards.”
  • stand-away, n. and adj., sense A.1: “A divorce. Obsolete. rare.”
  • stand-away, n. and adj., sense B.1a: “Boxing slang. Of, relating to, or involving a fighting stance at a relatively great distance from one’s opponent, rather than at close quarters. Cf…”
  • stand development, n., sense 2: “Ecology. The changes that occur in a stand (stand, n.1 38) over time as individual plants grow and die at different rates.”
  • stand down, n., sense 1: “A person who withdraws from a game, match, or race. Cf. to stand down 4a at stand, v. phrasal verbs 1. Obsolete. rare.”
  • stand down, n., sense 2a: “A cessation of activity; spec. (chiefly Australian and New Zealand) a temporary or permanent discharge of workers. Also occasionally as a mass noun…”
  • standee, n., sense 3: “A self-standing display used for advertising purposes, esp. a life-size cut-out of a celebrity or character, typically made from cardboard or wood…”
  • stander, n., sense II.5: “A military or ceremonial flag of a particular kind. Cf. standard, n. 4a. Obsolete.”
  • stander, n., sense II.6: “slang. The penis. Cf. standard, n. 5. Obsolete. rare.”
  • stander, n., sense III.9: “U.S. Hunting. A hunter who stands at a particular place to wait for the game to be driven within shooting range.”
  • standing, n.1, sense 10: “coarse slang. An erection of the penis. Cf. stand, n.1 5. Obsolete.”
  • standing, adj. and n.2, sense B: “With the and plural agreement: those who stand (in various senses), considered collectively.”
  • standing order, n., sense 1b: “In general: any command or rule that remains in effect indefinitely.”
  • standing place, n., sense 1: “A plot of fallow land. Obsolete. rare.”
  • standing room, n., sense 2: “Canadian regional (Newfoundland). Any of several compartments between the thwarts of an undecked fishing boat to stand in while fishing. Now…”
  • standover, n., sense 3: “Cycling. The height of the top tube of the cycle frame above the ground when upright. Also more fully standover height.”
  • stand-up, n. and adj., sense A.1a: “Scottish. Probably: a vertical post or part of a structure. Obsolete. rare.”
  • stand-up, n. and adj., sense B.4a: “Esp. of furniture: designed to be used by a person standing upright. Frequently in stand-up desk (cf. standing desk n.).”
  • stanty, n.: “A tray, table, or stand for writing materials; = standish, n. 1.”
  • stress, n., sense III.13: “Music. Emphasis put on a particular note, phrase, sound, etc., typically by playing or singing more loudly or with more attack (attack, n. 10).”
  • stress, v., sense I.4b: “intransitive. Chiefly colloquial. To be or become stressed or anxious; to worry intensely. Cf. to stress out 1 at phrasal verbs .”
  • stress, v., sense IV.10b: “intransitive. To place particular emphasis on a point, statement, or idea made in speech or writing.”
  • stress, v., sense 1: “intransitive. To be or become stressed or anxious; to worry intensely. Cf. earlier stressed out adj. at stressed, adj. n.compounds .”
  • stress, v., sense 2: “transitive. To cause (a person) stress or anxiety. Cf. stressed out adj. at stressed, adj. n.compounds .”
  • stressability, n., sense 1: “The capacity to withstand stress (in various senses), esp. mechanical stress.”
  • stressing, n., sense 2: “The action or fact of becoming stressed or anxious. Also with out (cf. to stress out at stress, v. phrasal verbs ).”
  • stressless, adj., sense 2: “Of an activity, situation, etc.: not causing or characterized by emotional or physiological stress; relaxing, stress-free. Also occasionally of a…”
  • stress relief, n., sense 2: “Alleviation of emotional or physiological stress; easing of tension or anxiety. Also as a modifier, as in stress relief strategy, stress relief…”
  • stress-relieving, adj., sense 2: “That alleviates, or is intended to alleviate, emotional or physiological stress; relaxing, calming.”
  • stress test, n., sense 3b: “spec. A test designed to determine whether a bank or other financial institution is likely to fail or have serious problems given difficult economic…”
  • Sudani, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to Sudan or its inhabitants; = Sudanese, adj.”
  • Tanganyikan, adj. and n., sense A.2: “Of, belonging to, or relating to Lake Tanganyika in East Africa.”
  • tarmac, v., Additions: “intransitive. East African. To walk the streets looking for work; to seek employment, to job hunt.”
  • tearoom, n., sense 3: “South African. A small, local shop selling newspapers, cigarettes, confectionery, groceries, etc.; a convenience store. Cf. café, n. additions .”
  • tickey, n., sense 2: “A nickname for: a very small or short person.”
  • transvestism, n., sense 2: “figurative and in extended use: the fact or practice of changing one’s appearance, behaviour, etc., in a manner thought reminiscent of…”
  • Turkana, n. and adj., sense A.2: “The Nilotic language of the Turkana.”
  • Turkana, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the Turkana or their language.”
  • turn, n., sense I.6: “Scottish. A matter requiring to be dealt with or resolved; a piece of business. Also: (in plural) a person’s affairs. Obsolete.”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “intransitive. To turn this way and that; to move oneself about.”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “transitive. Horse Riding. To remove (a horse) temporarily from being ridden or raced.”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “transitive. figurative. to be turned in on oneself: to have one’s attention or interests directed to oneself or one’s inner life and away from…”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “intransitive. To stop operating; to switch itself off, to be turned off.”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “transitive. Genetics. To block the operation of (a genetic element); to suppress (the expression of a gene). Cf. to turn on 4 at phrasal verbs 1.”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “transitive. Genetics. To activate (the expression of a gene). Cf. to turn off 11 at phrasal verbs 1.”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “transitive (originally Criminals’ slang). To report or betray (a person, esp. an associate or accomplice) to the police or other authorities. Also…”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “intransitive. Originally and chiefly British and Irish English. To change the channel on a radio or television set; to change to a different channel…”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “intransitive. colloquial (chiefly British). To adopt a confrontational, combative, or difficult attitude, typically suddenly or unexpectedly…”
  • turn, v., sense 1: “transitive. Of a person: to discover, locate (something sought for); (of an event, an investigative procedure, etc.) to uncover, reveal (something of…”
  • Tutsi, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the Tutsi.”
  • Uganda, n.: “a Ugandan of South Asian origin or descent; = Ugandan Asian n. at Ugandan, adj. n.compounds .”
  • ujamaa, n., sense 2: “A settlement consisting of collective farms, established in Tanzania as part of the ujamaa socialist policy. Cf. earlier ujamaa village n. at…”
  • Wachagga, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the Wachagga.”
  • wash, v., Additions: “Finance (chiefly British). to wash its face: (of an organization, enterprise, asset, etc.) to reach a point when profits are equal to costs, or there…”
  • Watusi, n. and adj., sense B: “Of, belonging to, or relating to the Watusi.”
  • well-done, adj., n., and int., sense C.3: “In parts of Africa, esp. Nigeria and Uganda: used as a friendly greeting or salutation, esp. when encountering a person at work or in a state of…”
  • which, adj. and pron., sense A.III.5: “Chiefly in conditional, hypothetical, or interrogative expressions: any, some. Obsolete.”
  • which, adj. and pron., sense B.II.8c: “colloquial. Used to introduce a comment, exclamation, etc., in response or reaction to a preceding statement: ‘to which I say’, ‘which made me think…”
  • yes, adv., n., and int., Phrases 7: “Ugandan English. yes please: used to express affirmation or agreement; ‘that’s right’, ‘exactly’.”

Additions to unrevised entries

  • assign, v., Additions: “transitive. To attribute (a particular sex or gender) to a person or to classify (a person) as being a particular sex or gender, esp. on the basis of…”
  • asymptomatic, adj., Additions: “An individual who exhibits no symptoms or clinical signs (of a particular disease or condition). Also (with the and plural agreement): asymptomatic…”
  • biting, n., Additions: “Kenyan English. A bite-sized piece of food; a small snack, appetizer, or canapé. Cf. bite, n. 7c.”
  • bounce, v., Additions: “Ugandan English. intransitive. To be turned away or made to leave. Cf. sense 8b.”
  • bounce, v., Additions: “Ugandan English. intransitive. To fail to find someone at their home, office, etc., or at a rendezvous.”
  • bunker fuel in bunker, n.1: “any type of fuel (originally coal, later heavy fuel oil) used to power the engines of ships; spec. (in full bunker fuel oil) the lowest grade of…”
  • cowardize, v., Additions: “intransitive. Ugandan English. To act like a coward; to lose one’s nerve or resolve, to ‘chicken out’.”
  • DM in D, n.: “(in plural, as DMs) Dr. Martens boots or shoes; see Dr. Martens, n.”
  • danger sign in danger, n. and adj.: “a sign indicating a potential danger or hazard, esp. any of a category of public signage with vividly coloured pictograms depicting the nature of the…”
  • department, n., Additions: “A specified quality or aspect, typically with reference to the extent to which a person is thought to possess or exhibit it. Usually as in the ——…”
  • on a dime in dime, n.: “North American. on (also upon) a dime: in a very small space or short distance; (figurative) quickly, suddenly, or unexpectedly. Frequently in to…”
  • dimmer switch in dimmer, n.: “a device that varies the brightness of an electric light; spec. (a) a dial, switch, or control panel (typically wall-mounted) that allows the gradual…”
  • disproportionate dwarfism in disproportionate, adj.: “dwarfism in which the shortening of the affected individual’s limbs is different in degree to that of the trunk.”
  • domesticate, v., Additions: “transitive. To translate (a text) in such a way that its foreign character is not retained or apparent; to remove the foreign character of (a…”
  • drying oil in drying, adj.: “an oil that solidifies in the air to form a hard film, typically used in oil paints and varnishes.”
  • extend, v., Additions: “intransitive. Ugandan English. To move from one’s seat, position, place in a queue, etc., so as to make room for someone else. Usually in imperative…”
  • heat stress in heat, n.: “the physical stress undergone by an object, or the physiological stress experienced by an organism, as a result of high ambient temperature; (also)…”
  • hypersexual in hyper-, prefix: “characterized by or exhibiting an unusually high level of sexual desire or activity; focused on or preoccupied with sex to an extreme or excessive…”
  • introduction, n., Additions: “Ugandan English. An engagement ceremony where the families of the bride and groom formally meet; = kwanjula, n. Also as a modifier, esp. in…”
  • lost, adj., Additions: “Ugandan English. Out of touch, not in contact. Often in you are lost (used as a greeting, or in response to a greeting): ‘it’s a long time since we…”
  • sample this in sample, v.: “Kenyan English. sample this: (as a sentence adverbial) by way of illustration; as an instance, for example.”
  • short loin in short, adj., n., and adv.: “a cut of beef from the hindquarters of a steer or heifer, behind the ribs, including the top loin and the tenderloin, usually cut into steaks.”
  • single-serve in single, adj.: “(a) adj. containing a portion or serving of a packaged food or drink product suitable for one person; designating a product sold in such a portion…”
  • on a sixpence in sixpence, n.: “on (also upon) a sixpence: in a very small space or short distance. Frequently (and earliest) in to turn on (also upon) a sixpence and variants: to…”
  • smoking, adj., Additions: “colloquial (originally U.S.). Frequently in form smokin’. Originally Jazz. Very lively, energetic, or exciting; performing or performed at a very…”
  • smoking, adj., Additions: “colloquial (originally U.S.). Frequently in form smokin’. Of a person: extremely good-looking, well-dressed, or sexually attractive; (more generally)…”
  • sofa set in sofa, n.: “a set of furniture consisting of a sofa and matching chairs, esp. a three-piece suite of two armchairs and a sofa.”
  • stage, n., Additions: “East African. A place designated for a bus, taxi, or other public vehicle to stop and let passengers on and off; a bus stop or taxi rank. Frequently…”
  • tall relative in tall, adj. and adv.: “a relative, friend, or acquaintance with money or power who advances the interests of another person; an influential patron or sponsor.”
  • tarmac, v., Additions: “intransitive. East African. To walk the streets looking for work; to seek employment, to job hunt.”
  • tarmacking in tarmac, v.: “the action or process of walking the streets looking for work; job hunting.”
  • vector graphics in vector, n.: “digital graphics created using mathematically defined elements (start and end points, angles, etc.) which can be scaled without any loss in image…”
  • to wash its face in wash, v.: “Finance (chiefly British). to wash its face: (of an organization, enterprise, asset, etc.) to reach a point when profits are equal to costs, or there…”
Words and meanings added in March 2023

ableist adjective

academic freedom noun

agri-food noun

aid agency noun

alert noun, sense 3

almond milk noun

asexuality noun

asleep adjective, sense 2

attached adjective, sense 3

biometrics noun

biphobia noun

breakout room noun

burner noun, sense 3

character assassination noun

coconut milk noun

coercive control noun

coffee culture noun

colorism noun

colourism noun

commonality noun

computer-aided adjective

conversion therapy noun

county line noun

county lines noun

courtside noun

courtside adjective, adverb

culture war noun

dating noun

decolonize verb

deplatform verb

digital asset noun

digital detox noun

direction of travel noun

division of labour noun

doomscrolling noun

DQ noun

DQ verb

dry noun

error-prone adjective

escape room noun

evidence-based adjective

fact-check noun

fact-check verb

faith-based adjective

faith group noun

family therapy noun

fasting noun

fathering noun

fearmongering noun

fentanyl noun

follow request noun

gigafactory noun

girl crush noun

the glass is half-empty idiom

the glass is half-full idiom

goal-line technology noun

grade inflation noun

break ground idiom

group stage noun

hetero adjective

housing ladder noun

implicit bias noun

inclusive education noun

income stream noun

ink noun, sense 2

ink verb, sense 3

inking noun

interconnectedness noun

internally displaced person noun

Islamophobia noun

island noun, sense 3

issuance noun

kink noun, sense 4

laser pointer noun

lean into something phrasal verb

libertarian adjective

lie flat idiom

life lesson noun

lifelong learning noun

life partner noun

lifestyle disease noun

liminal adjective

the male gaze noun

malvertising noun

man crush noun

manufactured home noun

memory foam noun

MFA abbreviation

microbial adjective

MLK Day noun

mod noun, sense 2

mod verb, sense 2

modder noun

mood swing noun

multi-factor authentication noun

mutual aid noun

nation-building noun

nativism noun

needle exchange noun

notification noun, sense 2

oat milk noun

pass noun, sense 7

peak adjective, sense 2

phone mast noun

precarity noun

prepper noun

price cap noun

property ladder noun

push alert noun

push notification noun

rape culture noun

reel noun, sense 2

remote adjective, sense 4

remotely adverb, sense 2

revenge porn noun

rough sleeping noun

sea bass noun

shapewear noun

social engineering noun, sense 2

social isolation noun

spelt noun

stepdad noun

stepmum noun

sticker noun, sense 2

stranger danger noun

takedown noun, senses 2 and 3

thought experiment noun

transgressive adjective

troll factory noun

troll farm noun

tweeter noun, sense 2

unfancied adjective

upskirt adjective

upskirting noun

VAR noun

victim blaming noun

video assistant referee noun

white privilege noun

wildlife corridor noun

windfall tax noun

XXL abbreviation

Words and meanings added in August 2022

airplane mode noun

approval rating noun

autoplay noun

be above/beyond somebody’s pay grade idiom

bibimbap noun

blank check company noun

blockchain noun

bulgogi noun

business cycle noun

cold chain noun

comorbidity noun

content marketing noun

core competency noun

corporate culture noun

crony capitalism noun

crypto noun

C-suite noun

digital currency noun

digital media noun

digital nomad noun

digital wallet noun

electronic payment noun

elevator pitch noun

energy-saving adjective

e-payment noun

e-wallet noun

exceptionalism noun

face recognition noun

facial recognition noun

featured adjective

feedlot noun

feedstock noun

foldable adjective

food parcel noun

fuel efficiency noun

future-proofing noun

global economy noun

good-sized adjective

hallyu noun

hanbok noun

headline adjective

hump day noun

hybrid working noun

international law noun

involuntary manslaughter noun

jab verb, sense 2

K- prefix

K-beauty noun

K-drama noun

the Korean wave noun

lateral flow test noun

market-leading adjective

menstrual cycle noun

metaverse noun

middle-income adjective

mukbang noun

net worth noun

newborn noun

new economy noun

news cycle noun

NFT noun

non-fungible token noun

operating profit noun

organized crime noun

PCR test noun

phase something down phrasal verb

power lunch noun

price gouging noun

proceed to something phrasal verb

recapitalization noun

recount noun

rentable adjective

resource person noun

risk management noun

(have) skin in the game idiom

SPAC noun

spambot noun

terms and conditions noun

time off noun

town hall noun, sense 2

Ts and Cs noun

underemployment noun

use case noun

vaccine passport noun

value chain noun

vax noun

vax verb

watch list noun

won noun

zoonosis noun

zoonotic adjective

Words and meanings added in March 2022

Afrofuturism noun

Afrofuturist noun

Afrofuturist adjective

all-you-can-eat adjective

arancini noun

banh mi noun

barangay noun

barbacoa noun

bayanihan noun

bento noun

bua noun

caprese adjective

castmate noun

chachi noun

chakka jam noun

chicken rice noun

cold brew noun

comfort room noun

craft brewery noun

damad noun

Delta noun, sense 3

Dev noun

djembe noun

dragon fruit noun

eat-in adjective, sense 2

felicitate verb

festival of lights noun

food porn noun

food technologist noun

food technology noun

food truck noun

food-grade adjective

fried rice noun

gravitational wave noun

Greek yogurt noun

gur noun

HDB noun

homestay noun, sense 2

hose down phrasal verb

jamai noun

kefir noun

Kollywood noun

kopitiam noun

maa noun

maasi noun

mabuhay exclamation

macaron noun

main road noun

mama2 noun

mami noun

masa1 noun

masa2 noun

milk tea noun

nana2 noun

nasi lemak noun

Omicron noun, sense 2

Paleo diet noun

pandanus noun

panna cotta noun

pecorino noun

pho noun

phupha noun

pigs in blankets noun

plate verb, sense 3

rendang noun

roaster noun

sambal noun

sari-sari store noun

schnitzel noun

seeded adjective, sense 3

shohar noun

slider noun, sense 4

slider noun, sense 5

steak knife noun

sticky rice noun

sticky toffee pudding noun

street food noun

tikka masala noun

trail mix noun

tzatziki noun

Wagyu noun

yuzu noun

Zion noun

Words and meanings added in August 2021

abuzz adjective

after-party noun

alderwoman noun

allyship noun

alt- combining form

alternative rock noun

alt-rock noun

amp something up phrasal verb

athleisure™ noun

aw exclamation, sense 2

aww exclamation

between jobs idiom

BRICS abbreviation

brush something off phrasal verb

buzzworthy adjective

buzzy adjective

call to action noun

cheater noun

come off (as something) phrasal verb

crossover noun, sense 2

cross-play noun

deepfake noun

digital disruption adjective

disrupt verb, sense 2

disruption noun, sense 2

disruptor noun

do a number on somebody/something idiom

do somebody/yourself out of a job idiom

double down (on something) phrasal verb

duck out phrasal verb

the feels noun

fidget spinner noun

flash sale noun

flight shame noun

forever home noun

four-legged friend noun

gender reveal noun

GOAT noun

handsy adjective

happy place noun

hustle noun, sense 2

hydropower noun

hyperlocal adjective

incel noun

intersectional adjective

intersectionality noun

job security noun

Juneteenth noun

keyless adjective

layer up phrasal verb

loungewear noun

low-carbon adjective

mash something up phrasal verb

meet verb, sense 9

meta adjective

mockumentary noun

the next big thing noun

next up idiom

non-core adjective

nuanced adjective

on fire idiom

paraprofessional noun

paraprofessional adjective

payor noun

person of interest idiom

restorative justice noun

side hustle noun

silent auction noun

smize verb

smize noun

snuggly adjective

social justice noun

steal noun, sense 1

suspenseful adjective

the Bank of Mum and Dad idiom

thusly adverb

trippy adjective

unboxing noun

unencrypted adjective

unhinged adjective

up your game idiom

Words and meanings added in March 2021

ALS noun

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis noun

anti-vaccine adjective

ASD abbreviation

as if! idiom

authenticate verb

autism spectrum disorder noun

BDD abbreviation

be invested in something phrasal verb

binary noun, sense 2

blue Monday noun

body dysmorphic disorder noun

bot noun, sense 3

bubble with somebody/something phrasal verb

burpee noun

cancel verb, sense 4

cancel culture noun

circuit noun, sense 6

circuit breaker noun, sense 2

climate action noun

climate change denial noun

clinical trial noun

condole verb

CrossFit™ noun

defund verb

eco-anxiety noun

epinephrine noun

EpiPen™ noun

extra adjective, sense 2

femicide noun

flare noun, sense 5

foam roller noun

gender binary noun

high-intensity interval training noun

HIIT noun

history noun, sense 7

home entertainment noun

hot mess noun

informed consent noun

in-person adjective

internet of things noun

interval noun, sense 5

IoT noun

kettlebell noun

kill it idiom

kinesiology noun

life-changing adjective

life-limiting adjective

live-tweet verb

lock down phrasal verb

long Covid noun

Lou Gehrig’s disease noun

messed-up adjective

mess with somebody’s head idiom

mind-altering adjective

MND abbreviation

mountain climber noun

muscle memory noun

net-zero adjective

neurodiverse adjective

neurodiversity noun

neurotypical adjective

next-generation adjective

on the spectrum idiom

opioid noun

opioid adjective

passcode noun

physically distanced adjective

plank noun, sense 3

positivity noun

preferred pronoun noun

relatable adjective

remote learning noun

rep noun, sense 4

rewatch verb

rewatch noun

rosacea noun

SaaS noun

self-care noun

socially distanced adjective

soft play noun

support bubble noun

Tabata™ noun

take something to the next level idiom

toxicity noun, sense 3

toxic masculinity noun

trigger verb, sense 3

underappreciated adjective

unmute verb

voice message noun

watch noun, sense 4

young adult noun, adjective

zero-emission adjective

Words and meanings added in October 2020

air bridge noun, sense 2

air corridor noun, sense 2

ALPR noun

ANPR noun

assistance dog noun

automatic license plate recognition noun

automatic number plate recognition noun

bubble noun, sense 5

C-19 noun

click and collect noun

contact tracer noun

co-parenting noun

Covid noun

dockless bike noun

e-sport noun

face covering noun

face mask noun, sense 1

farm shop noun

filter noun, sense 5

free-from adjective

friend request noun

frontline adjective

gaslight verb

gaslighting noun

gender expression noun

gender-fluid adjective

genderless adjective

genderqueer adjective

gender studies noun

Generation Xer noun

Generation Yer noun

Generation Z noun

Generation Zer noun

Gen Xer noun

Gen Yer noun

Gen Z noun

Gen Zer noun

inclusionary adjective

inshallah exclamation

inspo noun

Ironman™ noun

JOMO abbreviation

knock-off noun

K-pop noun

Latinx noun

Latinx adjective

LBGTQI abbreviation

LGBTQIA abbreviation

man of colour noun

microaggression noun

mindful adjective, sense 2

misgender verb

modern slavery noun

Mx abbreviation

pansexual adjective

pansexual noun

pansexuality noun

parent verb

person of colour noun

physical distancing noun

plant-based adjective

play the race card idiom

queer adjective, sense 3

queerness noun

R noun, sense 2

red zone noun, sense 2

R number noun

SARS-CoV-2 noun

shield verb, sense 3

social bubble noun

spoiler alert noun

superspreader noun

tab noun, sense 2

take a/the knee idiom

third gender noun

transphobia noun

ultramarathon noun

unconscious bias noun

virtue signalling noun

wassup exclamation

whassup exclamation

woman of colour noun

YouTuber noun

Words and meanings added in May 2020

community spread noun

community transmission noun

contact tracing noun

corona noun, sense 2

coronavirus noun

COVID-19 noun

covidiot noun

deep-clean verb

elbow bump noun

elbump noun

flatten the curve idiom

hand gel noun

hand sanitizer noun

health professional noun

herd immunity noun

hot zone noun

nCoV noun

panic buying noun

patient zero noun

personal protective equipment noun

PPE noun

self-isolate verb

self-isolation noun

self-quarantine noun

self-quarantine verb

shelter in place idiom

social distance noun

social distancing noun

wet market noun

WFH abbreviation

work from home idiom

Words and meanings added in October 2018

aflutter adjective

amigo noun

aspirational adjective (sense 2)

(on the) back of an envelope idiom

(put/catch somebody) on the back foot idiom

off the back of something idiom

belter noun

belting adjective


you betcha idiom

too big to fail idiom

body image noun

boffo adjective

borderline personality disorder noun

bounce verb (sense 11)

bub noun

campy adjective

cantina noun

cease-and-desist adjective

climate-controlled adjective

closed shop noun (sense 2)

closing argument noun

coffee klatch noun

collateral damage noun

comedic adjective

community church noun

community garden noun

community hospital noun

community theater noun

comparison-shop verb

coping adjective

couple up phrasal verb

crasher noun

criminal damage noun

Crocs™ noun

cross a/the line idiom

crunch time noun

crush on somebody phrasal verb

cushy adjective (sense 2)

customizable adjective

debt relief noun

defence mechanism noun

dirty blonde adjective

disappear verb (senses 4, 5)

disposability noun

disposable adjective (sense 2)

ditz noun

doo-doo noun

in (deep) doo-doo idiom

druthers noun

due diligence noun

eat dirt idiom

edamame noun

edge case noun

empanada noun

empathetic adjective

empathetically adverb

employability noun

be running on empty idiom

enabler noun

fake somebody out phrasal verb

family leave noun

First World problem noun

Five Pillars of Islam noun

flip burgers idiom

food chain noun (senses 2, 3)

fourth wall noun

frequent flyer noun

frictionless adjective

frontwoman noun

fuel poverty noun

fulfil verb (sense 5)

fulfilment noun (sense 4)

fulfilment centre noun

ahead of/behind the game idiom

game over idiom

off/on your game idiom

come, get, etc. out of the gate(s) idiom

(right) out of the gate(s) idiom

grabby adjective

grrr exclamation

happy couple noun

hellacious adjective

hibachi noun

honour killing noun

hostile witness noun

hula noun

hypnotherapist noun

identity politics noun

iftar noun

Instagram™ noun

jicama noun

joe noun

junker noun

kanban noun

kiddo noun

kielbasa noun

kimchi noun

lei noun

little person noun

loosey-goosey adjective

low-hanging fruit noun

luau noun

marinara noun

meat market noun

mommy track noun

munchkin noun

nappy rash noun

make nice (with somebody) idiom

it’s official idiom

oligopoly noun

orzo noun

pad thai noun

pain point noun

party school noun

pay gap noun

people power noun

people skills noun

people smuggler noun

people smuggling noun

people trafficker noun

people trafficking noun

people-watching noun

permaculture noun

persuader noun

pix noun

plot hole noun

plus-one noun

police procedural noun

porcini noun

power grab noun

power trip noun

pretrial adjective

profit warning noun

Prosecco™ noun

protection order noun

protein shake noun

pseudoscience noun

like pulling teeth idiom

pull it/something out of the bag idiom

punitive damages noun

quantum physics noun

quesadilla noun

ramen noun

recreational drug noun

recuse verb

regime change noun

reliever noun

revenue stream noun

ricotta noun

go rogue idiom

rough sleeper noun

rumour mill noun

salat noun

screen name noun

second banana noun

self-aggrandizement noun

self-checkout noun

self-described adjective

selfhood noun

self-identification noun

self-identify verb

self-identity noun

self-involved adjective

self-loathing noun

self-management noun

self-medicate verb

self-obsessed adjective

self-reflection noun

self-report verb

self-report noun

self-sustaining adjective

self-titled adjective

shahada noun

street child noun

sucky adjective

all systems go idiom

have a thing for somebody/something idiom

tiramisu noun

tix noun

top banana noun

true crime noun

tush noun

unhip adjective

user experience noun

user interface noun

wage slave noun

warm fuzzy noun

white trash noun

winning ways idiom

witness tampering noun

woke adjective

working stiff noun

zaftig adjective

zonk verb

Words and meanings added in March 2018

adulting noun

al desko adjective, adverb

aleatory adjective

altcoin noun

AR noun

assisted dying noun

banger noun (sense 4)

the big mo idiom

binge watching noun

body fascism noun

body shaming noun

boom and bust noun

brain fade noun

broker noun (sense 3)

bust (out) some moves/a move idiom

chatbot noun

cheffy adjective

chiefdom noun

city lights noun

clean eating noun

clicktivism noun

fall off a cliff idiom

climate control noun

co-driver noun

co-parent verb

co-parent noun

cognitive dissonance noun

colour party noun

comfort food noun

comity noun

community organizer noun

comparison shopping noun

comparison site noun

compartmentalization noun

compostable adjective

conspiracy theorist noun

conspiracy theory noun

constellate verb

contact improvisation noun

contrarian noun

converter noun (sense 4)

cook up phrasal verb

corporate welfare noun

corset noun (sense 2)

cost-effectively adverb

cost-efficient adjective

crack wise idiom

crash and burn idiom

crazy adverb

credit agency noun

credit score noun

crime lab noun

crime scene noun

crime-busting adjective

crofting noun

cryptocurrency noun

curator noun (sense 2)

cutter noun (senses 3, 4)

cyberwarfare noun

cycle path noun

decapitate verb (sense 2)

declaration noun (senses 4, 5)

decoction noun

decongest verb

decorating noun

deets noun

demineralization noun

depersonalization noun

depleted uranium noun

deprecation noun

desalinate verb

dieback noun

digester noun

digital divide noun

disbarment noun

discussion forum noun

disengaged adjective

disharmonious adjective

display case noun

dissembler noun

disturber noun

ditherer noun

diva noun (sense 2)

DIYer noun

DLC noun

DM verb

DNA noun (sense 2)

doe-eyed adjective

have a dog in the fight/race/hunt idiom

like a dog idiom

like a dog with a bone idiom

throw somebody to the dogs idiom

dog walker noun

dog walking noun

do-it-yourselfer noun

double whammy noun

dox verb

drawcard noun

drawing card noun

dreamer noun (sense 4)

drop-in centre noun

drop-off noun

echo chamber noun

energy bar noun

energy drink noun

eye-opening adjective

fair trade noun

family practice noun

family values noun

fat shaming noun

fatberg noun

fault line noun

feminazi noun

financials noun

first base noun (sense 2)

fiscal cliff noun

on fleek idiom

food group noun

food hall noun

food insecurity noun

food pantry noun

food security noun

foot-dragging noun

fur baby noun

ghost verb (sense 3)

ghosting noun (sense 2)

gig economy noun

homeware noun

hot hand noun

house call noun

house sitter noun

kill switch noun

knock yourself out phrasal verb

Leaver noun

lurker noun

machine learning noun

magic number noun

mahoosive adjective

man cave noun

math rock noun

media-savvy adjective

mental health noun

metanarrative noun

microbeads noun

microplastic noun

mission impossible noun

mixed message noun

mod noun (sense 1)

monkey around phrasal verb

moral compass noun

moral hazard noun

mousseline noun

nanoplastic noun

do the needful idiom

negging noun

networker noun

neurosurgeon noun

niche adjective

nite noun

noir noun

non-refoulement noun

no-platforming noun

normcore noun

by a nose idiom

open marriage noun

orthorexia noun

peeps noun

penne noun

pharma noun

polyamory noun

precariat noun

pre-loved adjective

prink verb

property guardian noun

prorogue verb

pyjama day noun

refoulement noun

Remainer noun

Remoaner noun

replicant noun

road map noun (sense 3)

Scandi adjective

shawarma noun

shisha noun

shop verb (sense 2)

snowflake noun (sense 2)

soft-launch verb

spring cleaning noun

straw man noun

supermoon noun

ta-ra exclamation

tech-savvy adjective

tombstoning noun

tracklist noun

unicorn noun (sense 2)

vlog verb

voice assistant noun

wet wipe noun

youthquake noun

Zika noun

Words and meanings added in October 2017

AFAIC abbreviation

awks adjective

batboy noun

batgirl noun

biscotti noun

bodega noun

boreal adjective

bouillon cube noun

brewski noun

BRIC abbreviation

buddy-buddy adjective

cabalistic adjective

cabana noun

kick the can down the road idiom

cap noun (senses 6, 10)

card key noun

carny noun

carryall noun

cartoonish adjective

catbird noun, idiom

catch a cold idiom

cater for phrasal verb

cattail noun

celiac adjective

centre field noun

centre of mass noun

centripetal force noun

certifiable adjective (sense 2)

challah noun

channel noun (sense 4)

chavvy adjective

chaw noun

chawl noun

cherry bomb noun

cherry picker noun (sense 2)

child labour noun

child-maintenance noun

child support noun

chili dog noun

chiller noun

chill-out adjective

choke chain noun

choke collar noun

cis adjective

cisgender adjective

clean adjective (sense 5)

clicker noun

clock in phrasal verb

clone noun (sense 3)

too close for comfort idiom

in the closet idiom

cocoon verb (sense 2)

coeliac adjective

too cool for school idiom

be in somebody’s corner/have somebody in your corner idiom

crawler noun (sense 3)

criterium noun

critical care noun

crust verb

crystal noun (sense 4)

CSIS noun

customer service noun

cyclone noun (sense 2)

damaged goods noun

dampener noun

danger zone noun

dark meat noun

darling adjective (sense 2)

datable adjective (sense 2)

data warehousing noun

day camp noun

day labor noun

day labourer noun

the Day of Atonement noun

daypack noun

dead leg noun

dealmaker noun

death camp noun

death-defying adjective

debark verb

debt collector noun

debug noun

debutant noun

debutante noun

deep pockets noun

deep-pocketed adjective

deficit spending noun

double-double noun

live the dream idiom

each and every idiom

ear canal noun

early adjective (sense 2)

early doors idiom

early music noun

earmark noun (sense 2)

earn your stripes idiom

earth scientist noun

Easter bunny noun

Easter egg hunt noun

Easter Monday noun

ecstasy noun (sense 2)

ecstatic adjective (sense 2)

eish exclamation

FOMO abbreviation

forum noun (sense 2)

front room noun

gift card noun

green wall noun

head-mounted display noun

HMD abbreviation

ice chest noun

ICYMI abbreviation

identikit adjective

IDP abbreviation

IIRC abbreviation

in-line adjective

JAM noun (sense 4)

juke verb

killer instinct noun

lax adjective (sense 2)

legacy adjective (sense 2)

LGBTI abbreviation

LGBTQ abbreviation

living wall noun

low-carb adjective

Magic Marker noun

marginal adjective (sense 2)

MINT abbreviation

MMA abbreviation

monetize verb

mother ship noun (sense 2)

negative gearing noun

netminder noun

neurobiology noun

non-binary adjective

optics noun (sense 2)

outlier noun

PDA noun

peace officer noun

pet sitter noun

pinch point noun

pivot verb (sense 2)

plz adverb

podium noun

popularity contest noun

proxy server noun

proxy war noun

quarter-finalist noun

rakyat noun

rare earth noun

read-only adjective

red mist noun

roast verb (sense 4)

scheme noun (senses 3, 4)

Secret Santa noun

sharing economy noun

shootaround noun

showrooming noun

slam noun (sense 2)

smart casual noun

smiley adjective

sneak peek noun

soft launch noun

spoken word noun

STEAM abbreviation

cook, dance, etc. up a storm idiom

stretcher noun (sense 2)

like a stuck record idiom

sync verb (senses 1, 2)

TCO abbreviation

tear up phrasal verb

tech noun (sense 3)

tempeh noun

thought leader noun

thought leadership noun

touch point noun

upspeak noun

uptalk noun

virtual machine noun

watch your back idiom

the water cycle noun

web chat noun

whatshername noun

whatshisface noun

whatshisname noun

wingsuit noun

wriggle room noun

Words and meanings added in March 2017

above the line idiom

across preposition (sense 5)

architect noun (sense 3)

architect verb

around preposition (sense 6)

at-bat noun

at bat idiom

autocorrect noun

autocorrect verb

autonomous adjective (sense 3)

somebody’s back is turned idiom

bandwidth noun (sense 3)

batting average noun

beer money noun

below the line idiom

birther noun

birtherism noun

blind adjective (sense 7)

body shaming noun

boil the ocean idiom

boo-yah exclamation

bowling noun (sense 2)

box set noun

brand ambassador noun

Brexiteer noun

bring it idiom

bring it on! idiom

like a broken record idiom

buggy adjective

bundler noun

burn verb (sense 13)

burn rate noun

bury the lede/lead idiom

bust somebody’s chops idiom

bust your chops idiom

buy-to-let adjective

cage fighter noun

cage fighting noun

candy striper noun

at/in a canter idiom

canter verb (sense 2)

cap and trade noun

cardboard cut-out noun

caricature noun

carry noun

cascade verb (senses 3, 4)

cave-in noun (sense 2)

change something up phrasal verb

chaser noun (sense 3)

cherry-picking noun

chocolatey adjective

clean somebody’s clock idiom

clear blue water idiom

click rate noun

click-through noun (sense 3)

close1 verb (sense 6)

clutch adjective

comms noun

concealed carry noun

cross hairs noun

the Dark Web noun

the Deep Web noun

deprecate verb (sense 2)

deprived adjective (sense 2)

discombobulate verb

discombobulated adjective

discombobulating adjective

dodge a/the bullet idiom

dog whistle noun

downvote noun

downvote verb

driverless adjective

east-west adjective

eco-warrior noun

EDM noun

end-stage adjective

epiphany noun (sense 2)

exit interview noun

exit strategy noun

extreme vetting noun

face plant verb

face plant noun

fake news noun

fam noun

fangirl noun

fan site noun

FGM abbreviation

fintech noun

fitness tracker noun

five a day idiom

FLOTUS abbreviation

fps abbreviation

free school noun

freesheet noun

free-spirited adjective

game face noun

gendered adjective

gene editing noun

geography noun (sense 4)

glitch noun (sense 2)

glitchy adjective

golden thread noun

grime noun (sense 2)

graduate assistant noun

H2O noun

half-court noun

hard-ass adjective

hard-ass noun

hat tip noun

be having a moment idiom

heart verb

heart-wrenching adjective

heat map noun

home screen noun

hot-desk noun

hot-desk verb

hygge noun

hypertensive adjective

in the clutch idiom

in old money idiom

inside baseball idiom

jaffle noun

kabbalistic adjective

karmic adjective

keener noun

kick noun (sense 4)

labour camp noun

laggy adjective

land grab noun

land grabber noun

land grabbing noun

launderer noun

lead1 noun (sense 5)

lede noun

life-affirming adjective

limiting adjective (sense 2)

malicious adjective (sense 2)

mana noun

matcha noun

mic drop noun

minority report noun

mixed martial arts noun

money launderer noun

money laundering noun

nail-biter noun

new money noun

the new normal idiom

north-south adjective

old money noun

omnium noun

onboard verb

onboarding noun

open carry noun

own verb (senses 2, 4)

be past caring idiom

plush toy noun

pod noun (sense 2)

POTUS abbreviation

power brick noun

post-truth adjective

pre-order noun

pre-order verb

protect verb (sense 5)

qi noun

radiation belt noun

replayability noun

replayable adjective

replay value noun

ripper noun (sense 2)

safe space noun

SCOTUS abbreviation

search term noun

self-driving adjective

the Semantic Web noun

share noun (sense 4)

sheesh exclamation

sign-off noun

silver bullet noun

spammy adjective

spin room noun

streetwear noun

swag noun
(senses 2, 5, 7)

ta-da exclamation

be on a tear idiom

techie adjective

tee noun (sense 3)

TL;DR abbreviation

tracker noun (senses 2, 3)

trigger warning noun

uncosted adjective

unlike verb (sense 2)

unviable adjective

upvote verb

upvote noun

vape noun

vetting noun

view noun (sense 7)

walk verb (senses 7, 8)

wall noun (sense 5)

washable adjective (sense 2)

webcomic noun

wheelhouse noun (senses 2, 3)

white label noun

you and yours idiom

zakat noun

Words and meanings added in March 2016

angel noun (sense 4)

anyhoo adverb

awkward squad noun

back order noun

back-order verb

backstop noun

back-to-back adjective

bae noun

bailiwick noun

ballplayer noun

beardy adjective

beardy noun

block party noun

blog post noun

business angel noun

call somebody out phrasal verb

cam noun (sense 2)

capital noun (sense 5)

chemical adjective (sense 3)

class warrior noun

companion animal noun

cosplay noun

cosplay verb

cosplayer noun

counterargument noun

counterexample noun

culture warrior noun

dash cam noun

demo noun (senses 3 and 5)

dial something down phrasal verb

dial in phrasal verb

dial somebody in phrasal verb

dial up phrasal verb

dial something up phrasal verb

disciplinary adjective (sense 2)

double-dip verb

double-dip noun

double-dip recession noun

EdTech noun

ELL noun

entitled adjective

entitlement noun (sense 4)

fascism noun (sense 2)

frenemy noun

geek verb

gender gap noun

gender-neutral adjective

gnostic adjective

Gnosticism noun

hackathon noun

hacktivist noun

hangry adjective

hard power noun

heritage noun (sense 2)

heritage language noun

human capital noun

impactful adjective

interdisciplinarity noun

interoperability noun

keyboard warrior noun

kudos noun (sense 2)

listicle noun

man flu noun

manscaping noun

mansplain verb

mansplaining noun

manspreading noun

MNC noun

mudroom noun

MVP noun (sense 2)

net neutrality noun

network effect noun

on point idiom (sense 2)

political capital noun

postdoc noun

power couple noun

programmatically adverb

punch something up phrasal verb

put somebody on phrasal verb (sense 2)

reach out to somebody phrasal verb (sense 2)

rent-seeking noun

rent-seeking adjective

revenant noun

road warrior noun

sketchy adjective (sense 2)

social capital noun

soft key noun

soft power noun

standard issue noun

standard-issue adjective

STEM abbreviation

street adjective (sense 2)

street party noun

switcheroo noun

thanx exclamation

trackback noun

traction noun (sense 4)

warrior noun (sense 2)

WRT abbreviation

zip line noun

zip-lining noun

Words and meanings added in December 2015

ad blocker noun

agile adjective (sense 3)

always-on adjective

autotune noun

autotune verb

BAME abbreviation

big day noun

BME abbreviation

board shorts noun

brain freeze noun

Brexit noun

brittle noun

build noun (senses 2-5)

bush tucker noun

cash-rich adjective

clickbait noun

comfort break noun

comix noun

consumer confidence noun

consumer credit noun

consumer electronics noun

cross-disciplinary adjective

crowdfund verb

data-driven adjective

digital footprint noun

directional adjective (sense 3)

ecotown noun

embeddedness noun

emoji noun

equal marriage noun

experience points noun

eyeball noun

fandom noun

finger in the air idiom

flat white noun

frat boy noun

friend noun (sense 2)

fundraise verb

gender identity noun

geocache noun

Grexit noun

hedge fund noun

hoverboard noun

HVAC abbreviation

in-app adjective

in-app adverb

information security noun

infosec noun

intraoperative adjective

iterative adjective

jetpack noun

landscaping noun

level noun (sense 7)

level up phrasal verb

lifehack noun

life skill noun

mecha noun

meds noun

mentorship noun

millennial adjective

millennial noun

mindfulness noun

mind map noun

MMO noun

mood board noun

nanoscience noun

personal statement noun

picayune adjective

plus size noun

plus-size adjective

prank verb

preoperative adjective

preview noun (sense 4)

proof of concept noun

radicalization noun

riff noun (sense 2)

riff verb

ripped adjective

salad bar noun

selfie stick noun

service member noun

smartwatch noun

stand-up adjective (sense 4)

superfast adjective

takeaway noun

team building noun

touch-sensitive adjective

trail verb (sense 6)

trans adjective

trend verb

trending adjective

UAV noun

undead adjective

unlock verb (sense 4)

vertical adjective (sense 3)

vertical noun (sense 2)

vertical integration noun

voice-activated adjective

wearable noun

workup noun

world noun (sense 7)

XP noun

zero-hours adjective

Asked by: Celedonia Dodenhofft

asked in category: books and literature Last Updated: 2nd September, 2020

Whatevs, simples, chillax, sumfin and Jafaican have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. They are among 203 new words which appear in the dictionary for the very first time. Other words which are part of the October 2019 update include Jedi, nomophobia and easy-breezy.

Read complete answer here. In this regard, what is the new word in the dictionary?

The work of revising a dictionary is constant, and it mirrors the culture’s need to make sense of the world with words. This means, in other words, that we have the receipts (in a manner of speaking). New additions include ‘stan,’ ‘salutogenesis,’ ‘buzzy,’ ‘gig economy,’ ‘qubit,’ and ‘garbage time. ‘

Subsequently, question is, what is the newest word in English? 12 brand-new English words you should learn this week

  • Awesomesauce (adjective) Sauces are the new thumbs: When something is extremely good, feel free to call it awesomesauce.
  • Manspreading (noun)
  • Beer o’clock/ wine o’clock (noun)
  • Butt-dial / pocket-dial (verb)
  • Rage-quit (verb)
  • MacGyver (verb)
  • Mic drop (noun)
  • Mx.

Herein, how many words are in the Oxford English Dictionary 2019?

2019 updates More than 650 new words, senses, and subentries have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary in our latest update, including fake news, xoxo, and Jedi mind trick.

What are the new words of 2019?

40 New Words That Were Added to the Dictionary in 2019

  • of 40. Buzzy. Whether it’s the Battle of Winterfell or a popular local restaurant, this word refers to anything everyone can’t stop talking about.
  • of 40. Stan.
  • of 40. On-Brand.
  • of 40. Swole.
  • of 40. Screen Time.
  • of 40. Unplug.
  • of 40. Receipts.
  • of 40. Cybersafety.

The funniest new words and phrases added to the Oxford English Dictionary have been revealed — including ‘sharenting’, ‘fluthered’ and ‘sass-box’. 

As language is constantly evolving, more than 700 new terms were added from March to June 2022 including ‘cringe factor’, ‘stress bunny’, ‘stress eater’ and ‘vaccine hesitant’. 

In response to the pandemic, 2021 saw PPE, WFH, long Covid, social distancing and furlough added to the dictionary. 

According to research conducted by Unscrambled Words, these are the latest terms and phrases added to the dictionary. 

As language is constantly evolving, more than 700 new terms were added from March to June 2022. Phrases included ‘cringe factor’, ‘stress bunny’, ‘stress eater’ and ‘vaccine hesitant’. ‘Stress bunny’ describes someone who is stressed (stock image)

The funniest words added into the Oxford dictionary in 2022

1. Bully Van

Meaning: A UK police van, distinct in size and colour.

Usage: ‘Here comes the bully van.’

2. Cringe Factor

Meaning: An element or aspect of a situation, or event that causes a person to cringe with acute embarrassment or awkwardness.

Usage: ‘His dancing has a very high cringe factor.’

3. Drooking

Meaning: A drenching or soaking.

Usage: ‘It’s raining so hard outside, I’m drooking.’

4. Fluthered

Meaning: Drunk, intoxicated.

Usage: ‘He’s drunk so much, he’s absolutely fluthered.’

5. Gaslighter

Meaning: A person who deceives and psychologically manipulates another into questioning his or her own perceptions or sanity.

Usage: ‘Lay off them. You’re a gaslighter aren’t you?’

6. Langered

Meaning: Very drunk; intoxicated.

Usage: ‘She was so langered at the wedding.’

7. Sass-box

Meaning: A sassy person; one who is impudent, impertinent, or cheeky. One who is self-assured, bold, or spirited.

Usage: ‘She is such a little sass-box.’

8. Sharenting

Meaning: The action or practice of sharing news, images, or videos of one’s children on social media websites.

Usage: ‘They are always sharenting.’

9. Sharesies

Meaning: In childish or playful language: the action of sharing something with another or others.

Usage: ‘Do you want some? Sharesies.’

10. Soysage

Meaning: A type of vegetarian (now typically vegan) sausage made with soy protein instead of meat.

Usage: ‘The café now serves soysage.’

11. Stress Bunny

Meaning: A person who is stressed or has a tendency to become stressed.

Usage: ‘My boss is such a stress bunny.’

12. Stress Eater

Meaning: A person who has a tendency to eat unhealthily in response to or as a means of coping with stress.

Usage: ‘I am such a stress eater.’

13. Unjabbed

Meaning: A person who has not undergone vaccination; unvaccinated.

Usage: ‘They haven’t had a vaccine, they’re unjabbed.’

14. Vaccine Hesitant

Meaning: Hesitant, reluctant, or refusing to be vaccinated (or to have one’s children vaccinated) against an infectious disease or diseases.

Usage: ‘He’s vaccine hesitant.’

15. Vaxxer

Meaning: A person who performs vaccinations.

Usage: ‘She’s got a new job as a vaxxer.’

Source: Unscrambled Words 

The word ‘sharenting’ has been in circulation and describes the action of sharing videos, news or photos of their child on social media.

While watching a movie with a group of friends, you might wish to share some popcorn and use the word ‘sharesies’.

Cafes and restaurants offering meat-free alternatives have started incorporating the term ‘soysage’ to describe a type of vegan or vegetarian sausage.

The funny word ‘fluthered’ simply means drunk and ‘langered’ means very drunk or intoxicated. 

The word ‘sharenting’ has been in circulation and refers to the action of sharing videos, news or photos of their child on social media (stock image)

The term ‘cringe factor’ has become a popular phrase millennials used to describe an element or situation that causes a person to cringe, while ‘stress bunny’ refers to someone who is stressed. 

A person who is sassy or impudent might be described as a ‘sass-box’ while someone who eats unhealthy food during difficult situations might be dubbed a ‘stress eater’. 

Covid-related words were also included, such as ‘unjabbed’ which means unvaccinated and ‘vaxxer’ meaning a doctor who performs vaccinations. 

The Oxford English Dictionary is updated on a quarterly basis, and the updates make up the third edition. 

Other unique words added include ankle-biter (meaning a child) and Mozart and Liszt (meaning drunk). 

During each update, some existing words are either revised or removed from the dictionary.

Oxford dictionary has declared its official word of 2022 is "goblin mode," the group announced Monday. The phrase won an online vote to win the title for 2022.

Oxford dictionary has declared its official word of 2022 is «goblin mode,» the group announced Monday. The phrase won an online vote to win the title for 2022.
Getty Images

Goblin mode refers to “a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations,” according to The Oxford Dictionary.

Now, the esteemed tome has declared its official word of 2022 is “goblin mode,” the group announced Monday. The phrase won an online vote — the first in the publication’s history — to win the title for 2022.

“Given the year we’ve just experienced, ‘goblin mode’ resonates with all of us who are feeling a little overwhelmed at this point,” Oxford Languages President Casper Grathwohl told reporters.

While Oxford typically selects the word of the year internally, the organization opened the choice up to an internet vote for the first time this year, a historically fraught decision. 

Oxford instructed voters to choose a word that sums up “the ethos, mood, or preoccupations of the past twelve months.”

The competition ultimately came down to three choices: Goblin mode, metaverse and the hashtag IStandWith. Goblin mode won with 93% of the more than 340,000 votes cast, according to the Associated Press.

Goblin mode primarily sees use online.

Oxford’s word of the year in 2021 was “vax,” and it chose to skip selecting a word in 2020, arguing there was no single word that could do it justice.

Meanwhile, Merriam-Webster’s dictionary selected “gaslighting” as the official word of 2022, and it had selected “vaccine” in 2021.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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