What is the modern word for players

a) Read
and act the dialogues.

b) Make
up the dialogues based on the models using as many words as possible
dealing with topic «At the theatre.»

Dialogue 1 At the Theatre

  • Good evening, Mr. McDonald!
    Never expected to meet you.

  • Good evening, Mr. Bailey!
    This is a small world. How are you?

  • I am doing fine, thanks. How
    is life treating you?

  • Never felt better in my
    life. Thanks.

  • Pleased to hear it.
    Incidentally, where do you have a seat?

  • In
    the stalls, row С
    and where is your seat?

  • In the box, close to the
    stage. So I don’t have to use opera glasses.

  • Fine. What do you think of
    the play?

  • Frankly
    speaking I don’t like it. The action develops slowly. Some scenes
    are dull. The cast is not very good. Do you share my opinion?

  • Yes, I do. That happens to
    be a rather poor performance. Have you been to this theatre before?

  • I am here for the first
    time. The hall is beautifully decorated and the chandelier is

  • I
    advise you to see «The Twelfth Night» by Shakespeare at
    this theatre. I am sure
    you will be impressed.

  • I
    had a chance of seeing the play at the Sovremyennik Theatre in
    Moscow. It was
    many years ago.

  • It would be interesting for
    you to compare the two performances. Don’t you think so?

  • I
    fully agree with you here. I have been dreaming of seeing a play by
    in this country. So I’ll do my utmost to see «The Twelfth

  • The
    lights are going down. In a minute the curtain will be up. We must
    hurry to
    the hall.

  • Be seeing you later.

Dialogue 2

Alice: Do you fancy going to
the Drama theatre on Sunday? They are doing a new play by O’Neil.

Jane: I’d love to. Do you
think we’ll manage to get tickets? I know that his plays are very
popular with the public.

Alice: You’re quite right,
but I’ve already booked seats by telephone.

Jane: Oh, it’s wonderful.
Is it a matinee or an evening performance?

It’s an evening performance. I don’t like matinees with lots of
who are very noisy.

Jane: Where shall we sit?

Alice: Our seats are in the
rear stalls. You’d better take opera glasses.

Jane: Yes, of course.
Shall we meet outside the theatre at 7.15?

It suits me fine.

Then it’s settled. Good-bye.

See you soon.

Dialogue 3 After the performance

Alice: Well, how did you
find the performance?

Jane: The cast was just

Alice: No wonder, with so
many stars in it. You can call it an all-star cast.

Jane: N’s acting
impressed me greatly. He is always very good, but tonight he was at
his best. Don’t you think so?

Alice: Agree, I greatly
enjoyed the last scene of the second act when he finds out the truth
about his brother. His acting was very convincing.

Jane: The actress who
played his wife was not bad either, was she?

Alice: I think, she might
have been a bit more natural. There was something stilted about her

Jane: Was there? I’m
afraid I can’t agree with you. And did you like the scenery?

Alice: It was splendid. It
contributed very much to the success of the performance.

Jane: I’m very thankful
to you for this lovely evening. After all, it was your idea to see
the play.

Alice: Nothing to speak


in pairs make up your own dialogues, using the dialogues above as an


the text paying close attention to the words dealing with the

mecca of British theatre-goers
is London, which boasts more than 200 professional theatres, many of
which are concentrated in the West End and on the South Bank. The
centre of the theatre scene in the US is Broadway in New York.


are presented every year, many of them costing several million
dollars or pounds. Production costs, however, are not a guarantee of
Most large theatres are repertory

with a stock

of actors performing a

of plays at this particular theatre only. Provincial theatres are
mainly served by touring

as they usually cannot afford their own repertory

can look at the bills
and decide which play to see. «Hamlet» may be on at the
Old Vic, a serious drama by a contemporary playwright
at the Royal Court or an Italian opera at Covent Garden. If the
or show
is not sold
one can buy tickets for the


or the

at the box-office.
Families and tourists often prefer to attend matinee

in the afternoon.


Explain the meaning of the following:

a stage production, box-office success, a repertory theatre, a stock
company, a touring company, a repertoire, a contemporary playwright,
a matinee performance, a theatre-goer, a bill.


Name the parts of the theatre mentioned in the text.


Match each part of a theatre on the left with its definition on the

aisle a)
ticket office

backstage b)
the hall at the entrance to a theatre

balcony c)
the way between the seats in a theatre

box d)
a line of seats for people side by side

box-office e)
the seats on the ground floor

circle f)
sunken area in front of the stage where an orchestra

may play

(gods) g) the part of a theatre where people can sit above the

pit ground level

row h)
one of the upper parts in a theatre, in which the

seats are arranged in part of a circle around the


the highest upper floor in a theatre

a small room in a theatre, on either side, from which

a small group of people can watch the play

the raised area in a theatre where actors perform

the area out of sight of the audience


Name the famous theatres mentioned in the text. Which other British
theatres have you heard of?

the following words and expressions in sentences of your own:

box-office, a billboard, a stage, the stalls, the gallery, the cast,
a cloakroom, a check, a play-bill, an usher, all evening
performance, a matinee performance,
a rehearsal, to dance the main part, to play the leading role, to
burst into
applause, to get curtain calls.

the story and tell about your first visit to the theatre.

never forget my first visit to the Maly Theatre. It was ages ago,
but I enjoyed the play so much that it stands out in my memory quite
vividly. I saw
the play «Inspector-General» by Gogol. I am sure that
you’ll agree with me that this play is full of humour and has a lot
of funny episodes. The scenery was fine.
The cast was well chosen, but best of all
1 liked Igor Ilynsky who played the leading
role. To my mind he is an excellent actor. No wonder he was a great
with the public. When the last curtain fell Ilynsky got more curtain
calls than the other actors and actresses and was presented with


in English:

Яка п’єса
йде сьогодні?
2) Чи
варто її дивитись?
коштують перші ряди партеру?
4) Дайте мені,
ласка, два
билета в бельэтаж. 5) Я боявся,
не дістану квитків,
так як
входу був напис
квитки розпродані»
6) Я дуже
радий, що
мені вдалося купити квитки.
7) Ось
Давайте купимо
у неї
програму. Я
хочу знати склад виконавців.
8) Ця
опера дуже подобається публіці.
чарівністю вона завдячує музиці


the words corresponding to the following definitions:

the first rows in the English theatre which are bookable; 2) the
place where we
leave our coats in the theatres; 3) a person who sells the
programmes or shows people
to their seats; 4) the seats in the English theatres which have no
numbers and
people occupy them on the principle of: first come, first served; 5)
a line of people
waiting for their turn; 6) a person who examines our tickets at the
entrance to
a theatre; 7) different seats in the theatre in England; 8) all
actors and actresses acting
in a play; 9) people watching the performance.

the words in column A with those in column B:

  1. an

  2. a
    musician b.бельетаж

  3. a
    prompter c.
    номерок (гардероба)

  4. a
    composer d.

  5. a
    stage-manager e.

  6. a
    cloakroom f.

  7. a
    curtain g.

  8. a
    check h.

  9. a
    stage i.

  10. scenery j.


  11. an
    opera-house k.

  12. a
    rehearsal 1.

  13. the
    dress-circle m.

  14. a
    seat n.

  15. the
    comedy o.

  16. to
    applaud p.

questions to which the following sentences would be the answers:

Everybody liked the play very much. 2) I have got a friend who
remembers all
his visits to the Bolshoi Theatre. 3) This opera owes much of its
charm to its delightful music and splendid scenery. 4) I went to the
box office to get tickets for
the ballet «The Nutcracker» but found out that there were
no more tickets left. 5) First of all let’s go inside and check our
seats. 6) The audience was highly pleased with the play «The
Taming of the Shrew» by William Shakespeare. 7) This play draws
the audience and pays its way in spite of the fact that it has a
long run.

the following text without using a dictionary.

never forget my first visit to the Bolshoi Theatre. It was ages ago,
but it stands
out in my memory quite vividly. My mother bought two tickets
for a matinee performance of the ballet «The Sleeping Beauty»
by Tchaikovsky.

came to the theatre long before the performance began. A sign at the
of the theatre read «House full». Many people were
standing at the theatre asking if we had an extra ticket.

left our coats in the cloak-room and bought a programme from the
usher to
see what the cast was. I remember we were glad to see that
Plisetskaya was dancing
the main part.

twelve sharp the lights went down and the performance began. I had
never seen anything more wonderful. The scenery and the dancing were
When the last curtain fell the house burst into applause. The
dancers got
many curtain calls and were presented with flowers. The performance
was a great success with the public. This first visit to the Bolshoi
Theatre is one of my brightest


the following sentences into Russian without using a dictionary.

1) «I’m sorry I have not
booked the seats for this show.» «Don’t worry. The play is
not worth seeing.» 2) «I was at the concert yesterday.»
— «What turns did you like best?» — «I should
rather say that the whole programme was very interesting.» 3)
To my mind one of the singers is extremely gifted. ‘She has a
wonderful voice. She performed four songs and each of them was met
with a storm of applause. 4) The concert owed much of its charm to
the singers. They sang to the accompaniment of guitars.

the text paying close attention to the words and word combinations
referring to the theatre.

not content with amateur

but interested in becoming professional actors usually attend a
school of acting. An agent may then find them a role/part
in a new play for which they must audition.
Actors who have proved suitable at the audition are

in various roles according to age, sex, ability and experience. The

and leading

have the chief parts, while the juvenile

is played by a young but gifted
actor or actress. There are generally a number of supporting

Young, innocent-looking girls are required for ingenue
roles, while character actors specialize in playing eccentric parts.

small part which requires considerable talent is called a
cameo role.

those of actors who merely appear on stage without speaking. Should
a member of the cast fall ill, an understudy
who has learned the part takes over.

players are given their scripts
so that they can learn their lines
and cues
by heart. Rehearsals
under the guidance of the director continue until the dress

just before the play’s premiere/first

That night everyone suffers from first night nerves: stage fright,
fear of drying up, missing cues etc. Backstage,
the dressing

actors and actresses put on their costumes and are made up. The
director waits in
the wings

with last-minute stage directions, the stage manager makes sure that
the previously built and painted scenery/set
is in place, that the prompter
is in position and that the

and props
are ready. At last the lights dim and the curtain
rises; the first scene


Answer the questions:

  1. What is the purpose of

  2. Who is responsible for
    casting actors?

  3. Is gift an in-born or
    acquired quality?

  4. What is the difference
    between a cameo role and a walk-on part?

  5. What do we call an actor who
    takes over in case of the illness of some member of the cast?

  6. What is the difference
    between «cast» and «company»?

  7. What are three synonyms to
    the word «theatrical»?

  8. Suggest the word which means
    something said or done as a signal for an actor to speak in a play.

  9. What is the difference
    between «rehearsal» and «dress rehearsal»?


Match each part of a stage on the left with its definition on the

backstage a)
something built and provided with furniture,

scenery, etc, to represent
the scene of the action of a play

curtain b)
at or towards the back of the stage

downstage c)
at or towards the front of the stage

behind the stage, especially in the dressing rooms of

footlights e)
a room behind the stage where an actor can get ready for his

scenery f)
the sides of a stage, where an actor is hidden from

set g)
a sheet of heavy material drawn across the front of the stage

spotlight h)
a row of lights along the front of the floor of a stage

trapdoor i)
a lamp with a movable narrow beam

upstage j)
the set of painted backgrounds and other objects
on a stage

wings k)
a small door, covering an opening in the floor on a


Match the people below with a suitable definition:

hero heroine cast star
stunt man troupe understudy villain

leading lady

  1. the actress who performs
    chief parts

  2. the main bad character in a

  3. a set of actors in a play

  4. a company of dancers,
    members of a circus

  5. the most important male part
    in a play

  6. a famous actor or actress

  7. an actor who learns an
    important part in a play so as to be able to take over if necessary

  8. a person who takes the part
    of an actor at dangerous points

  9. the most important female
    part in a play

  10. an actor who acts
    artificially, unnaturally

the extract from a Shakespeare play As
You Like It.

It is a famous speech known as The
seven ages of man,

by a character called Jaques. After reading the speech answer the
questions below.


All the world’s stage

all the men and women merely players:

have their exits and their entrances;

one man in his time plays many parts,

acts being seven ages. At first the infant,

and puking in his nurse’s arms.

then the whining school-boy, with his satchel,

shining morning face, creeping like snail

to school. And then the lover,

like furnace, with a woful ballad

to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,

of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,

in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,

the bubble reputation

in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,

fair round belly with good capon lin’d,

eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,

of wise saws and modern instances;

so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts

the lean and slipper’d pantaloon

spectacles on nose and pouch on side,

youthful hose well sav’d a world too wide

his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,

again toward childish treble, pipes

whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

ends his strange eventful history,

second childishness and mere oblivion

teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

What is the modern word for ‘players’?

What are exits and entrances, parts and acts in the theatre?

What are they in a person’s

Does the baby seem attractive? Why?

What doesn’t the
school-boy want to do?

What is the lover doing?

Do all of these words
describe the soldier? — violent, quick-tempered, clever

What does the judge like

How old is the man in
the sixth age?

What can’t the man in
the seventh age do?

There’s a negative criticism of each of the seven people. Who …

  • keeps on complaining?

  • wants fame so much that
    he’ll probably kill himself?

  • looks rather ridiculous?

  • sounds and smells awful?

  • probably wouldn’t notice
    either the sound or the smell?

  • will probably mature with

  • sounds a real bore?

The lover writes a ballad «to his mistress’ eyebrow». What
point is Shakespeare making about the lover?

Explain the phrase «bubble reputation».


and do the tasks following the text.

playing Joseph in a nativity play at the age of five, my theatrical

really took

I was chosen to be the back end of the pantomime horse in our school
end-of-term show. Success there or rather lack of it led to my being
given the job of stagehand
for all future productions. Even scenery
falling over in the middle of an Italian light opera and the
last-minute panic over the missing set
for an ancient Greek tragedy
failed to persuade our drama

that I would be less of a risk on

than off.

leaving school, I joined an amateur
dramatic society
full of enthusiasm but rather short on experience, technique and
timing. For some years I was restricted to bit parts in sketches,
satirical revues

and one or two slapstick
My finest

came when I had to stand in for a member of the cast who had been
taken ill — I was the general male understudy
— and take the part of the villain
in a Victorian melodrama; lots of overacting and asides to the
audience. I had only a very short rehearsal beforehand and I thought
my performance was reasonably competent. The producer, however,
suggested that I took up some less public hobby, like pottery or

deterred, I joined a repertory company as stage and costumes
manager, also responsible for props
and make-up.
And I was their prompter
as well. During my time with them I wrote a number of scripts,
most of which were rejected, but one of which was accepted and
performed. It turned out to be the most terrible flop.
I didn’t do much acting there — just one part, if I remember
rightly, in the chorus
of a musical,

of West-Side
Nobody ‘discovered’ me. What I had always wanted was to play the
hero in something like Romeo
and Juliet

or to have a

in an Oscar Wilde comedy
of manners.

When I turned fifty, however, I began to accept that it was
probably not going to happen.

can imagine my surprise and delight, then, when some nights ago I
learned that I had landed the
title role

in Shakespeare’s classic play Macbeth
with the Royal Shakespeare Company. I couldn’t believe my luck.
that superb monologue before Duncan’s murder, the passages with the
witches on the heath, that fantastic Tomorrow
and tomorrow and tomorrow

speech in Act 5, Scene 5. The dress

with co-stars Olivier and Glenda Jackson, was a dream. And with the
first night to follow — ten curtain

— bouquets — reviews the next day: ‘Smash hit!’ ‘Don’t miss it!’ «A
box-office winner!’ ‘Triumph for new Macbeth!’.

then that horrible ringing sound in my ears.

Retell the text as if describing your friend’s theatrical


Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

  1. After the performance, come
    __________________________ and meet some of the cast.

  1. The actors walked on to the
    __________________________ and the play began.

  1. After
    the interval,
    the change of _________________________ brought a gasp of
    surprise from the audience.

  1. The _______________________
    is open daily for ticket sales.

  1. We
    agreed to meet in the _____________________ of the theatre, near
    the cloakroom.

  1. My brother, who is fond of
    acting, has joined an ______________________ dramatic society.

  1. All the seats in the theatre
    were _______________________ weeks before the first performance.

  1. He
    played the

    in the ________________________ of «Macbeth».

  1. Halfway through the first
    act the leading man forgot his _______________ .

  1. When he forgot his lines the
    ______________________ whispered them from the side of the stage.

  1. For the first night’s
    performance the _______________________ had to be called in to
    take the part because the leading lady had been taken ill.

  1. During the dress
    ________________________ he was relaxed, but he was very nervous on
    the ______________________ .

  1. The actor had six
    _______________________ ______________ after his marvellous

  1. During the
    _______________________ we had a drink and discussed the first act
    of the play.

  1. Lawrence Olivier gave an
    excellent ______________________ in the play.

  1. There was an interesting
    _________________________ of the theatrical in the paper last week.

the English for the following words and expressions and use them in
of your own.

великим успіхом,
роль, ставити
задоволення від вистави,
(зазнала невдачі).

1. actor, actress

2. audience

3. cast

4. company

5. choreographer

6. critic

7. director

8. playwright

9. prompter

10. designer

11. stage hand

12. stage manager

13. understudy

14. usher, usherette

the person who writes reviews of new plays, musicals, etc.

. all
the people who act in a play or a musical

another actor’s part in order to be able to take his place
if he or she is ill or unable to perform

the actors of their next line in a speech if they forget it

e. shows people coming to
watch the play or musical to their

up or arranges the steps for the dancers who perform on stage

the scenery, etc. on stage

a group of actors, singers or dancers who work together, e.g.
The Royal Shakespeare_______.

i. the people who come to
watch a play or a musical

helps behind the scenes during a production, e.g. by
moving scenery, etc.

k. a person who writes

is responsible for everything that happens on stage during a

m. a person whose job is

decides now a play is preformed; tells the actors what to

who in the theatre? Match the words (1-14) on the left with a
suitable definition
(a-n) on the right.

the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:





















We picked up the tickets we had ordered at the theatre
________ .

The is
the large area just inside the main doors of a theatre where people
meet and wait, while the audience sit.

  1. He
    was given the Evening Standard Actor of the Year award for his
    in Cyrano
    de Bergerac.

  1. We
    walked down the
    ______ behind
    an usher as he showed us to our seats in ____ F.

The was
terrible. Several of the actors forgot their lines, one or two
dancers fell over and there was a problem with the lighting. Let’s
hope the play’s
a lot better when it opens on Saturday.

6. When
you buy tickets you can choose to sit downstairs in the______ or
upstairs in the
_______ .

  1. If
    you can’t get to see the play in the evening, you can always go to
    or afternoon performance.

  2. The audience really loved
    the new musical, as they showed by their loud _______ at the end.

  1. The is the area where the
    actors stand and perform.

never go to see a play on its .
I prefer to wait a few weeks. It’s usually
better then.

11. In front of the stage is
an area where the musicians sit. This is called the ______.

you want to know more about the play or the actors in it, you can
always buy
_____ before
the performance.

audience became silent as the
up and the play began.

Before going on stage, the actors often wait in the
that is, the area to the side of the stage, hidden from the

is usually a short
_______ of
about 15-20 minutes between the acts of a play.

16.They normally for at
least two months before they perform in public.

17. The actors put on their
costumes and make-up in the _____.


words or word combinations to the definitions:

  1. the part of the theatre
    where the audience sits;

  2. a raised platform in a
    theatre where the actors appear;

  3. the highest balcony where
    the cheapest seats arc placed;

  4. a place where hats and coats
    may be left;

  1. a piece of wood or metal
    with a number on it given in return for hat or a coat;

  1. a set of actors in a play;

  2. the main role;

  3. a trial performance of a

  4. a person who shows people to
    their seats;

  5. seats in the theatre above
    the stalls.

what they do:

a dancer, an usher, an actor,
a conductor, a singer, a clerk, a ticket taker, an actress, a
musician, a composer, a prompter, a producer, a spectator, a


each group of four words below, one is different. Underline the word
that is different— that is ‘odd
man out’.

  1. producer, actor, cast,

  2. theatre, scene, ship,

  3. play, game, performance,

  4. ear, stalls, pit, balcony.

  5. ticket, box-office,
    newsreel, usher.

  6. actor, dancer, singer,

  7. roof, footlights, scenery,

  8. violinist, physicist,
    pianist, composer.

  9. script, playwright,
    interval, dramatist.

  10. spectator, audience,
    theatre-goer, fan.

  11. ballet, curtain, opera,

12.admiration, amazement,
failure, adoration.

13.impression, effect,
feeling, fantasy.

14.tragedy, rehearsal, gala
night, matinee;

15.part, package, role,

16.comedy, tragedy, poster,


the text.

Night at the

Here we are outside the
theatre. It is the Library Theatre which is underneath the Central
‘Library in Manchester. We are going to see a modern play which is
very popular with theatre-goers.

Passing through the revolving
door and down the stairs we come to the box office where the tickets
are sold. Luckily we booked our seats a few weeks ago or would not
be able to-get in, because for this play all the seats had already
been sold. It is so popular that this is the second time it has been
produced here.

We leave our raincoats in the
cloakroom. At the entrance to the theatre itself an attendant in
uniform tears our theatre tickets in half. He gives us our halves
back so that we can find our seats by their numbers. Another
attendant shows us to our scats and sells us a programme that will
tell us which parts the actors are playing and how many acts there
are in the play.

Then we take our seats about
halfway down the auditorium.

All around us people are
settling down into their seats, reading their programmes, passing
chocolates. Everybody is excited, looking forward to the play. We
all have a clear view of the stage because the seats are set on wide
steps which slope down to the level of the stage. On the front row,
you are so close you can smell the paint on the scenery but not too
close to spoil your view of the actors. Even on the back row you
have a perfect view of the stage because this is a small theatre.

This auditorium holds only
300 seats, but many theatres are much larger. In a small theatre you
can always be sure to hear and see everything and really feel that
you are with the actors in everything they do and in all the places
they visit. But many plays are still produced in very large, old
theatres where it is difficult to see and hear properly if you are
on the back row. There are sometimes so many stalls (ground-floor
seats) in these theatres that they are divided into orchestra
stalls, centre stalls, and rear stalls, with the pit behind them.
Above, there is the dress circle and boxes, then the balcony and,
high above, the gallery, or the «gods»!

The auditorium seems to be
full now. In a few minutes the play will begin. The attendants close
the doors and draw the curtains over them. The warning bell rings to
tell everyone the play is about to begin. People whisper excitedly.
Slowly the lights begin to come up on the stage.

in the text the equivalents to the following:

популярна серед театралів,
2) театральна каса, 3) купити
4) поставлена (п’єса)
5) гардероб, 6) найти місця

7) роль, 8) передні
/ задні
9) зал уміщує,
10) партер, 11) амфітеатр,
12) зал заповнений,
13) загораються


the sentences from Russian into English.

  1. В
    цьому сезоні це найпопулярніша п’єса.

  2. Я
    не театрал, але
    теж дуже хочу подивитися цю п’єсу.

  3. Ми
    купили квитки
    заздалегідь у касі театру,
    тепер не повинні стояти у черзі,
    купити квиток.

  4. Эта
    ставиться у
    цьому театрі вже вдруге.

  5. Ми
    купили програмку, щоб
    грає головні ролі,
    акторів у п’єсі

  6. Глядацька
    зала вміщує 300

  7. Але
    більшість старих театрів дуже великі,
    партер у
    цих театрах
    поділяється на
    ряди партера»,

  8. За
    партером ідет
    над ним бельетаж,
    балкон і


in the blanks with the corresponding words, given below.

we want to go to …. we must first look through …. to find out
what… .As it is sometimes rather difficult to get…. we must book
them at … some people don’t like to have …. far from … . They
try to get tickets for … . If we have little …money we take
seats on … .When we come to any theatre in Russia we leave our
coats in …. and take …. in order to get them back when …. is
over. If we want to know …. we buy … . We look through it to
find out who plays …. in the performance we are going to see.
After this we take our seats and wait for the lights to … . Soon
the lights go down, …. goes up and the play begins.

The curtain, a theatre, go
down, the billboard, the lending role, is on, the cast, tickets, a
check, a playbill, seats, the performance, the stage, book, the
stalls, the gallery, go up, box-office, cloakroom.


the words given in brackets.

An (білетер)
shows us to our seats and sells us a programme. 2) This (глядацька
holds 500 seats. 3) The play (репетирується)
by a company of actors for some time and then (іде)
as long as (збирає
повну залу).
4) The actors (грають
свої ролі)
so realistically, so true to life. 5) The third bell, isn’t it?
в залі гасне)
and the orchestra stops (настроюють
6) Young people tried to get (за
to the dressing rooms to speak with the actress.
7) I have never seen the (глядацька
applaud so much. I think there were five (викликів
8) They say that the theatre begins with the (гардероба).


in prepositions or adverbs.

play is very popular …. theatre-goers. 2) … this play all the
seats had already been sold. 3) We passed … the door we came ….
box-office where the tickets are sold. 4) …the entrance …. the
theatre we were met…. an attendant in uniform. 5) The seats ….
the theatre are found …. their numbers, but if you can’t do that
an usher will show you …. your seats. 6) …. the front row you
can clearly see everything. 7) In modern theatres where the seats
slope down to the level of the stage even …. the back row you have
a perfect view of the stage. 8) The pit is … the rear stalls. 9)
Slowly the lights begin to come…. 10) For this play all the seats
had already been sold and we were able to get the tickets only ….
the balcony. 11) The seats were good, two pit stalls …. the third
row. 12) .We wanted to go …. wings to see the actors making … .
13) The orchestra began tuning …. and the lights went…. 14)
After a short overture the curtain rose …. a scene of 18-th
century Paris.


words and expressions to the following definitions:

l)What do we call a person
who shows people to their seats in the theatre? 2) What expression
do we use if we want to say that we remember something very well? 3)
What do we call the performance which takes place in the day time?
4) What does the sign «House full» at the entrance of the
theatre mean? 5) What will you do if you want to go to the theatre
very much but can’t buy the tickets beforehand? 6) What expression
means everybody liked the performance very much?


the meaning of the following sentences replacing the underlined word
by its antonym.

lights went

and the performance was
We’ve got fine
seats quite

to the stage. As the performance was bad all tickets were still
in the box-office
The curtain went

and the performance began.


detailed explanation to the italicized words:

are very many state
Russia, which have a permanent
of them has a great variety
of shows,
Great Britain it is not like that. A play is
a few weeks by a
company of actors
together mostly for the first time, and it is then allowed
to run
long as it draws
the audience
pays its way — which may be for several years.

the theatre in Great Britain is as follows: there are two kinds of
seats: bookable
seats —
that can be booked in advance, and unbookable ones — those, which
have no numbers and the spectators occupy them on the principle
of: first
come, first served.
to the names of the parts of the theatre in England they are as
follows: all the front rows, as far as the barrier are the
barrier separates the stalls from the other part of the house.
There are separate entrances for different parts of the theatre. The
part behind the barrier. The seats there are not bookable and have
no numbers.
You have to
stand in a queue
get in there and also for the
the gallery is the dress-circle. People having seats there as well
as in the stalls are supposed to wear some sort of evening dress.


out equivalents to the underlined words from the ones given below:

English National Theatre is working temporarily in the Old Vic
Theatre. » This is the first state theatre Britain has ever
had. It has a
of actors and actresses. In the past few years London has become the
theatrical experime
In 1964 Peter Brook and Charles Morovvitz formed an experimental
group attached to the Royal Shakespeare Company and presented «The
Theatre of Cruelty». What’s characteristic of this theatre?
Firstly images
become much more important than words and the actor and the director
the same creative rights as

Secondly there’s a readiness to alter or
the classics

to see if they can show us anything about present day-problems…
Some companies place
great importance on physical discipline
others put
the emphasis on

freedom of movement. «The Living Theatre» can be an
of this. The most modem building is the New London Theatre, it was
in 1973 and has in one complex a restaurant, underground parking for
cars, tower
block for tenants and a theatre. The New London Theatre is modem
and very comfortable. The scenery
can be lowered through louvered panels in
the ceiling. Walls,

Образы, театральный
эксперимент, декорации, переделывать,
переписывать классические произведения,
особо выделяют, придают большое значение,
современный дизайн, разделяют с автором
право на творчество.


prepositions and postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.

His plays are very popular … the public. He touches … serious
social problems
… his plays. Besides, he is a great master … intrigue. 2. Where
are our seats?
— … the orchestra stalls,… the seventh row. 3. Who is … the
cast today? 4.
N. was … his best tonight. 5. They say it’s not easy to get
tickets … this play. Let’s
try to book seats … telephone. 6.
you like to go … the theatre tonight?
7. Let’s take opera-glasses, our seats are … the balcony.


the following sentences into their opposites making other necessary

They say his new play is a
complete failure

with the public. 2. Everybody agrees
that T. was
at his worst

yesterday. 3. This play is
still on

at the Art Theatre. 4.
My friend said that he had
enjoyed every minute of the

play. 5. N.’s acting was
true to life.

6. When one sits on
the front rows one has a good view of the
7. The play was so dull that spectators were
bored to death.

8. My brother often
goes to matinees.


into English.

ми дивилися нову п’єсу
в театрі Комедії.
мала великий успіх.
ролі виконували молоді талановиті
вистави сприяли
2. Дзвенить
другий дзвоник.
до зали.
наші місця?
– В 12-му
партера. Я сподіваюся,
добре буде
видно сцену. 3.
сподобався спектакль? – Склад
виконавців був неперевершений.
Актриса, яка
грала головну
роль, була
особливо гарна.
4. Я
б дуже хотіла подивитися
нову п’єсу
– Кажуть,
нього важко дістати квитки.
– А що,
ми спробуємо замовити
по телефону? – Гарна
Давай спробуємо.
5. Давай купимо
сьогодні грає у спектаклі.
б, щоб був перший склад.
6. Ви
бачили нову
в театрі
7. В оперному
вона повинна стати
подією в театральному житті нашого
спробуємо дістати квитки біля входу.
(to pick up tickets at the entrance).


the sentences using the phrases from the brackets.

  1. When
    we were at the theatre last, we had seats… (in the stalls; in the
    pit; in the
    boxes; in the dress-circle; in the balcony; in the fifth row).

  2. We bought the tickets…
    (right before the performance; five days in advance; at the
    box-office; at the theatre agency).

3. It
was… (an evening performance; an afternoon performance).

4. The house was… (full;
nearly empty).

  1. The
    play we saw… (is based on a novel by a well-known American
    writer; is
    written by a young English playwright).

  2. It
    is… (a new production; the first production of a young director;
    the latest production).

  3. The play is… (amusing;
    dull; funny; sad; instructive; entertaining; worth seeing; no good;
    boring; not bad; awful; stupid).

  4. The play… (raises a lot of
    problems; gives food for thought; has a happy ending).

  5. The plot is… (quite
    simple; most interesting; primitive; rather unusual).

10. The
cast was… (excellent; not very good; not bad; bad).

  1. The main part was played
    by… (a talented young actor; a well-known actor; a new star).

  2. The
    actor appeared on the stage for the first time… (in the part
    of…; in the latest
    production of…; in an amateur performance).

  3. The performance was… (a
    success; a failure; a great success; a complete failure).

  4. The
    audience… (was carried away by the performance; followed the play
    with great
    attention; remained cold; was bored).

(liked it; didn’t like it at all; enjoyed it immensely; think it was
a waste of
time; wish 1 had stayed at home).


the sentences.

When we were at the theatre last, we saw… 2. We bought tickets
at… 3. We had seats in… 4. The performance began at… 5. The
house was… 6. The play is by… (is based on…) 7. The cast
was… 8. The leading lady (man) was… 9. The audience… 10. I
liked (didn’t like) the play because… 11.
What I liked about the play
was (is) that… 12. The most exciting scene is… 13. On the


in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs where necessary.

Reserve tickets … advance. 2. You can reserve a room… cable or
letter. 3. The
film is dubbed… Russian. 4. His name was not included… the list.
5. …the whole
the play is good. 6. Everybody was carried the
performance. 7. We are
to meet… the entrance…the theatre. 8. Am I… your way? 9. Has
the novel been adapted… the screen? 10. He has nothing … common
… these people. 11…. the
end evil was punished. 12. We had to queue… tickets. 13. They had

the balcony. 14. The book is good, which is not the case …the
stage version. 15.
Judging… his words it was a failure.


into English.


грає головну роль
нашому останньому фільмі.
2. Я не знав,
спектакль пройшов
з великим успіхом.
3. Якби
не гра акторів,
провалилась би.
4. Якби
не актриса,
грала головну роль,
не мала
б такого великого успіху.
5. Я впевнений,
б могли екранізувати цей роман.
б вам не спробувати?
Він давно міг би зробити гарний фільм,
узявши за основу цей роман.
що він цього не зробив.
Я пропонує включити цей номер у програму.


ви хочете сидіти
(мати місця)? 2. Скільки
часу вам довелося стояти за квитками?
3. Хто
буде диригувати
оркестром? 4. У
якому ряду ми будемо сидіти?
5. Дати
вам бінокль?
6. Я б
взяв квитки на вечірню виставу.
7. До
якого театру взяти квитки?
8. Як
вам подобається спектакль?
9. Ви
можете купити квитки у будь-якій
театральній касі.
10. Ця
комедія користується успіхом?
11. Який
сюжет п’си?
12. Де
відбувається дія? 14.
такі п’єси
– марна трата часу.
15. Цю
дивитися не варто.
цілому мені сподобалася вистава.


the joke and tell a few words about your last visit to the theatre.
What did you like best of all there?

A stage manager was present
at a performance. He seemed to be highly pleased with it. When the
performance was over he was asked whether it was the leading lady or
the leading man whom he most applauded. Neither the one nor the
other, but the prompter,» replied the stage manager, «for
it was him that I heard most during the performance.»


the joke, think of its beginning and tell the joke with as many
details as you can add to it.

the performance a man in the pit was much annoyed by a young couple
to him, who kept on whispering. «Excuse me,» he said, «but
I can’t hear a word
that is being said.» «I like that,» exclaimed the
talkative young man. «It’s no business
of yours, sir, what I am telling my wife.»


will you act and what will you say if:

  1. you want to know what is on;

  2. you don’t know how to get to
    the theatre;

  3. you come to the box-office
    to buy tickets;

  4. you don’t know where to
    leave your things;

  5. you can’t find your seats;

  6. you want to know the cast;

  7. you are eager to listen and
    your neighbour is talking all the time;

  8. you come home very late.


dialogues, using the situations given below.

  1. Nick and Mark are talking
    about their last visit to the cinema. Nick is very fond of going to
    the pictures. Mark prefers the theatre. Mark complains that the
    film has been a bore. Nick tries to persuade him that he ought to
    have enjoyed it, for it is the hit of the season.

  2. You are late for the
    concert. You can’t find your seats, as the concert has already
    begun. When at last the usher shows you to your seats you find them
    occupied. The usher talks to the people to find out what happened.

  3. During
    the interval two friends discuss the play. Tom thinks that the
    acting is perfect, but his friend doesn’t agree with him. He
    doesn’t think that the actors
    their parts true to life. And besides they wear too much make-up.
    Tom insists that the scenery is quite out of the ordinary.

in the gaps with appropriate words.

audience scene performance interval

curtain box-office orchestra Opera

foyer gangway footlights

opera-glasses art balconies cloak-room

  1. We buy seats (tickets) at
    the _______.

  2. Above the ground floor there
    are generally several curved _______ with even steeper slopes of

  3. Seats in the first rows of
    the stalls are called _______ stalls.

  4. Each person in large ______
    can see actors on the stage.

  5. The _______ is dropped or
    lowered between the scenes of acts of a play.

  6. During the ________ you may
    go to the refreshment room (buffet).

  7. We leave our coats and wraps
    in the _______.

  8. The concluding _______ is
    superbly done.

  9. Many people walk down the
    _______ looking for their seats.

  10. The _______ is a great

  11. It is a real piece of
    ________ and its creation calls for talent and inspiration.

  12. An intricate system of
    _______ illuminates the stage.

  13. In the ______ the actors
    usually make up.

  14. I would like to go to the
    ______ House.

  15. The attendant proposes us
    _______ on hire.

  16. Several doors separate the
    _______ from the seating area.


Choose the best variant.

  1. The actors were very pleased
    that there was such a large _______ for the first night of the new

Assembly audience congregation meeting

  1. Julia had two curtain
    _______ after her long tirade.

Calls demands requests shouts

  1. Alice Crichton felt nervous
    on the stage because she had never performed in ______ before.

Audience fan company public

  1. The audience _______ out
    laughing when the actor fell over.

Broke called burst shouted

  1. During the _______ they had
    a drink and discussed the first act of the play.

Break interval interruption pause

  1. During the dress ______ the
    leading actress was relaxed, but she was very nervous on the first

Performance production repetition rehearsal


in the following words in the gaps provided:

matinee box-office tickets check curtain

play-bill stage performance seats acts stalls

cloak-room book scenery billboard gallery cast

If we want to go to the
theatre we should first look through the _______ to find out which
is on. It is sometimes difficult to get the ________ , so we should
_______ them at the _______ . Some people don’t like to have
_______ far from the _______ . They try to get tickets for the
_______ . If we have little money we take seats on the _______ .
When we come to the theatre we usually leave our coats in the
________ and take a ________ to get them back when the _______ is

If we want to know the
_______ we buy a _______ . We look through it to find out who
_______ the leading part in the performance. I usually go to the
______ . I like going to Mariinski Theatre because the _______ there
is beautiful. The performances are always exciting. When it is over
the dancers or singers get many _______ calls. The performances are
always a _______ with the public.


in the gaps with suitable words:

  1. A new _____ of ‘Olivier’
    is a great success.

  2. It was all star _____.

  3. ‘Hamlet’ is ______ by L.

  4. They gave two full ______
    every week.

  5. The play has a very
    complicated ______.

  6. The play is ______ in India.

  7. She became famous after her
    _____ role in the musical.

  8. This play is the funniest
    ______ I’ve seen in long time.

  9. Before he became a famous
    actor, he studied ______ in Paris.


two parts of the sentences:

the play there was…

character is shown as a villain.

thought the whole play…

quality of the acting.

best about the production is…

audience was bored to death.

Many of
the characters in O’Neill’s plays…

starring role in The
Wizard of Oz

the first few scenes of the play…

TV and
cinema are eclipsing theatrical art, which is actually dying.

It is
often believed that…

one has
a good view of the stage.

opera owes much of its charm to…

a big
party for the cast.

play was so dull that…

delightful music and splendid scenery.

one sits in the front rows…

based on his own family.

Garland became famous after…

very well acted.


Discuss the following:

  • Why is that people go to the
    theatre? What do they look for there?

  • What ‘rivals’ has the
    theatre got nowadays? Are they rivals, in fact?

  • Do personal qualities of an
    actor matter?

  • What do you think of
    experimental techniques in the theatre, e.g. theatre-in-the-round?

  • All the world is stage.

  • Confessions of a former
    actor or actress.

on one of the following topics:

  • The history of English

  • British Drama Theatre today.

  • Theatre in the USA.

  • Shakespeare as actor and

  • G.B. Show and British

  • Theatre in Ancient Greece.

  • The history of Russian
    theatre. Prominent names.

  • K.S. Stanislavsky, his role
    in the Moscow Art Theatre, his influence on world theatre.

  • Experimental techniques in
    the theatre.

  • Y. Lysenko and Ukrainian

For advanced students

Additional text 1


Оснащение урока:

рабочая тетрадь к учебнику «New Hotline Intermediate» (автор Tom Hutchinson, издательство Oxford University Press), портрет В.Шекспира, картинки с изображением театра Глобус, города Stratford-on-Avon, листы со стихотворением The Seven Ages of Man, иллюстрации к стихотворению, журнал “Speak Out”, различные издания со стихотворениями и сонетами Шекспира, ПК с презентацией по теме, мультимедийный проектор.

Цели урока:

  1. Обучать работе со стихотворными произведениями, умению анализировать содержание прочитанного текста.
  2. Развивать навыки говорения в процессе творческого общения друг с другом и с учителем на основе изучаемой темы.
  3. Воспитывать интерес учащихся к культурному наследию Великобритании, прививать понимание эстетической ценности поэзии.

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент. Постановка задач урока.

Hello my dear friends! Today we are having a very interesting and unusual lesson as we are going to speak about William Shakespeare. We are going to have a short discussion of the most well-known facts of his biography, his plays and what is more we are going to read and discuss an extract from a play written by Shakespeare.

2. Проверка домашнего задания.

But first of all I would like to check your home task. Your task was to read the text about W. Shakespeare in your Workbooks and to find out as much information as it is possible in different sources about the great British poet. I am going to tell your some information about William Shakespeare and you will tell me if it is true or false.

— Shakespeare was born in the 17th century. Is it true? (False, in the 16th)
— William got a good education in London. (False, in the local grammar school in Stratford)
— William married late. (False, he married at the age of 18)
— His wife was 9 years older than he. (True)
— William Shakespeare had 3 children. (True, a daughter and twins — a son and a daughter)
— Shakespeare never acted on the stage. (False)
— Shakespeare died in London and was buried in Westminster Abbey.
(False, he died in Stratford-on-Avon and was buried there).

3. Творческое задание на развитие воображения.

Here is a chance to use your imagination. Picture yourself in a London street during Shakespeare time. Relax and use your imagination to experience what it would be like. Pay attention to all 5 senses.
What do you


Think of positive and negative things. Now share your feelings with the class.

. Беседа о произведениях В. Шекспира.

When people mention Shakespeare’s name they do not usually think about his biography, they think about a great number of his works that are known to many people all over the world.
What things did Shakespeare write?
His plays are divided into comedies and tragedies. Can you name any of them?

(Hamlet, Prince of Denmark; Othello; King Lear; Macbeth; Romeo and Juliet; A Midsummer Night’s Dream; The Taming of the Shrew; Much Ado about Nothing; The Comedy of Errors; Twelfth Night)

5. Аудирование. “To be, or not to be?”

You are going to listen to an extract from a famous play. Do you remember its name? Who is the main character?

6. Работа с известными выражениями из произведений Шекспира.

“To be, or not to be; that is the question” This quotation is known to everybody, but there are a lot of other famous quotations and interesting expressions from Shakespeare’s plays. Let us translate them into Russian.

— The beginning of the end. Начало конца.
— All is well that ends well. Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.
— Much ado about nothing. Много шума из ничего.
— To win golden opinion. Заслужить благоприятное мнение.

7. Декламирование учащимися отрывков из произведений Шекспира.

Shakespeare wrote many sonnets (154). They are loved by many people and were translated into many languages. Shakespeare’s plays are still popular nowadays. They are staged and many of them have contemporary meaning. Now you are going to listen to an extract from a very famous play and then you tell me its name. As you know Nastya Stankevich likes English poetry very much and she is going to recite the extract for you.

Romeo and Juliet. Balcony Scene.

8. Работа со стихотворением The Seven Ages of Man (from “As You Like It”)

1. “All the world’s a stage, and all the man and women merely players.” These words are from a famous speech, known as The Seven Ages of Man, by character called Jaques. Do you know how to translate them? What do you think the ages in man’s life are?

2. Now listen to the extract, follow it in your papers and then answer the question:
What are the seven ages that Jaques describes? While listening you can underline the key words. (Прослушивание текста, записанного на аудиокассете)

“AS YOU LIKE IT” (by W. Shakespeare) Act II, Scene7







All the world`s a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse`s arms.
And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel,
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school, and then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad
Made to his mistress` eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon`s mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lin`d,
With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,
Full of wise saws and modern instances;
And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
Into the lean and slipper`d pantaloon
With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,
His youthful hose well sav`d world too wide
For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
That ends his strange eventful history,
Is second childishness and mere oblivion
Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

3. Take the papers and in pairs read this extract again and try to understand it.
But do not translate it word by word. You have got a glossary for better understanding.

Glossary (by line number)

  1. merely – просто
  2. mewling and puking зд. плакать и срыгивать
  3. whining – жалуясь и хныча
  4. satchel – ранец
  5. creeping
  6. like snail – moving slowly like snail
  7. furnace – очаг, печь
  8. woful – sad
  9. oaths – проклятия, ругательства
  10. bearded like the pard – with the beard like a priest
  11. justice – judge
  12. belly – живот
  13. сapon lin`d – как откормленный петух
  14. saws – пословицы, афоризмы
  15. instances — examples
  16. shifts – передвигается
  17. lean – thin
  18. slipper`d – with slippers on
  19. pantaloon – trousers
  20. pouch – кисет
  21. hose – рейтузы
  22. The trousers which were saved from when he was young are now much too
    big for his body, which has shrunk. (усохло)
  23. treble – дискант, сопрано
  24. oblivion – забывчивость
  25. sans — without

4. Comprehension check.

— What is the modern word for players?
— What are exits and entrances, parts and acts in the theatre? What are they in a person’s life?
— Does the baby seem attractive? What does not the school-boy want to do?
— What is the lover doing?
— Do all these words describe the soldier?
violent quick-tempered clever
— What can not man in the seventh age do?
— There is a negative criticism of each of the seven people. Who …

  • keeps on complaining?
  • wants fame so much that he will probably kill himself?
  • looks rather funny?
  • sounds and smells awful?
  • probably would not notice any sounds or smell?
  • sounds a real bore?
  • will probably be mature with age?

9. Практика устной речи. Самостоятельные высказывания учащихся по анализируемому произведению.

“As You Like It” was written nearly four hundred years ago. How much are Shakespeare’s descriptions of people still true today? Do you know anyone that resembles one of the characters? Shakespeare describes the ages of man very cynically. How could each person and age be described in a more flattering way?

10. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок.

11. Домашнее задание: выразительное чтение стихотворения.

Подборка по базе: Тема 4. Развитие основных физических качеств. всероссийский физк, Для студентов.doc, Ваган Курсач 71% плагиаьта.docx, Анализ и прогноз. осн. экон. показ для студентов.rtf, егор курсач.pdf, Рабочая программа учебного курса Обществознание 8-9 классы.docx, Рабочая программа учебного курса История 6-9 классы.doc, Тема 1. Словосочетание (для студентов).doc, Монтаж курсач цех.doc, Рабочая программа элективного курса _3D-моделирование_.docx

The length of time a person lives is called the life span. Most scientists believe that the approximate limit to the potential human life span is about 120. The life span can vary. Some people die young, while others reach very old ages.

The average predicted length of life is known as life expectancy. At present the average life expectancy in the US is 75.

Preadult (from birth to age 18). Children and teenagers grow physically; develop the basis for emotional, intellectual and spiritual spheres. Individuals begin to develop lifelong habits, attitudes and behaviors.

Adult entry (19 to 24) – time of transition. People decide what to do in future. Some marry and have children

Young adulthood (25 to 39). Most of people have children, households and active careers. People begin to choose lifestyles that’ll shape their later years.

Middle age (40 – 59) – attend children’s weddings, become grandparents. People are also reminded of their mortality by the death of friends and family members.

Older adulthood (60 – 74) – spouses frequently face serious health crisis. Most people retire from work.

Old age (75 and over). The quality of life in these later years depends on the characteristics of lifestyles during a person’s earlier years.

As people age they change in various ways. Their appearance is altered; their physical strength increases and then declines.
Ex. 3 Answer the questions:

1 What are some of the joys and problems of each age?

2 Are you happy with your present age?

3 How do you feel about growing older?

4 In your childhood were you afraid of getting older? Or did you want to grow up as soon as possible?
Ex. 4 Vocabulary. With which age or ages do you associate the following? Use your dictionary and discuss together.

Nappies, pension, wrinkles, moo cows and gee gees, a mortgage, comics, false teeth, swings and roundabouts, a satchel, swotting, going grey, expecting a baby, an inability to sleep, an inability to get up, wise, innocent, mature, being responsible, ambitious, naughty, absent-minded, going bald, playing truant.
Text 2
Ex. 1 Reading. This is an extract from a Shakespeare play As You Like It. It is a famous speech, known as The seven ages of man, by a character called Jaques. What are the seven ages that Jaques describes?
‘AS YOU LIKE IT’ (by W. Shakespeare) Act II, Scene 7.

All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players:

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,

Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms.

And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel,

And shining morning face, creeping like snail

Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,

Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad

Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,

Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,

Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,

Seeking the bubble reputation

Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,

In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,

With eyes severe, and beard or formal cut,

Full of wise saws and modern instances;

And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts

Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon

With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,

His youthful hose well sav’d a world too wide

For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,

Turning again toward childish treble, pipes

And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

That ends his strange eventful history,

Is second childishness and mere oblivion

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.
Ex. 2 Comprehension check

1 What is the modern word for players? 2 What are exits and entrances, parts and acts in the theatre? What are they in a person’s life? 3 Does the baby seem attractive? 4 What doesn’t the school-boy want to do? 5 What is the lover doing? 6 Do all of these words describe the soldier? violent quick-tempered clever 7 What does the judge like doing? 8 How old is the man in the sixth age? 9 What can’t the man in the seventh age do?
Ex. 3 There is a negative criticism of each of the seven people. Who …

– keeps on complaining?

– wants fame so much that he’ll probably kill himself?

– looks rather ridiculous?

– sounds and smells awful?

– probably wouldn’t notice either the sound or the smell?

– will probably mature with age?

– sounds a real bore?
Ex. 4 What do you think?

1 As You Like It was written nearly four hundred years ago. How much are Shakespeare’s descriptions of people still true today? Do you know anyone that resembles one of the characters? 2 Shakespeare describes the ages of man very cynically. How could each person and age be described in a more flattering way?
Text 3
Ex. 1 Read the text.
From birth to 6 years: Early childhood is a stage in human development. It is similar to play age in psychological development, which more specifically is age 3-6. Infants and toddlers experience life more holistically than any other age group. Social, emotional, cognitive, language, and physical lessons are not learned separately by very young children. Adults who are most helpful to young children interact in ways that understand that the child is learning from the whole experience, not just that part of the experience to which the adult gives attention.

From 6 to 12/13 years: When the nursery child becomes a school child, he experiences a further transformation of his social life. His energies become diverted from the intimate relationships within his family and are invested in two main activities: peer relationships and learning. The child now for the first time discovers how he stands amongst a group of his equals, how clever, how popular, how energetic he is compared with others of his age.

The central change between these two groups is the growth of social empathy which is part and parcel of the child’s development into a social creature inhabiting not one social context but several. No longer can he see himself merely as the centre of a family group. Now he not only makes contact with other worlds but belongs to them in his own right. Once, as he recognized that his parents could be different from those of other children, he learned to identify with them, gaining prestige with the boast ‘My daddy can drive at a hundred miles an hour!’ Now he identifies with two or more groups at once: ‘We went to Mablethorpe on Sunday’, he says to his teacher, and ‘We’ve been making a collage of a space-landing’, he tells his mother (or, a frequent example: ‘If I’m trying to teach him something, and I know perfectly well it’s right – «Oh, that’s not how we do it at school», he says’). At the same time, his peers are no longer just companionable bodies with whom to play in geographical proximity, but psychological separation: now in playing they can each become vital members of an integrated communal game, every child holding a key role, so that the whole group is clearly greater than the sum of its parts and the withdrawal of one child can spoil the action completely. The beginnings of real loyalty and obligation can be detected in some of these peer group relationships.

If the home is the medium through which the child acquires his first understanding of the world, the second edition is the school’s; and the place of the teacher in helping the child to dovetail the two versions successfully is crucial. Both parents and teachers can walk a knife-edge in keeping the child’s loyalties to both groups intact.

School is the context which crystallizes the child’s transformation into a social creature, which formalizes his experience of the peer group and of outside adult authority, and which presents a new set of demands which may be totally alien to the expectations of home but which are too powerful for the child to reject altogether.
Ex. 2 Discussion

1 It is said that children learn more in the first two years of life than at any other stage. What kinds of things have most children learnt by the age of two? What do they learn themselves, and what are they taught?

2Say what you think are the three most important qualities of an ideal parent. Are there any other qualities that you would like to add to your list?

3 How would you rate the way that your parents brought you up? If you are a parent, how do you rate yourself? If you are not a parent, do you think you would make a good one?

4 The sentences below appear on a chart that is often found in baby clinics and child centres, but the second halves of the sentences have been mixed up. Match the first half of a sentence in column A with an appropriate second half in column B.
Children Learn What They Live


If a child lives with criticism,

If a child lives with hostility,

If a child lives with ridicule,

If a child lives with shame,

If a child lives with tolerance,

If a child lives with encouragement,

If a child lives with praise,

If a child lives with fairness,

If a child lives with security,

If a child lives with approval,

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,


she learns to be patient.

he learns justice.

she learns to be shy.

he learns confidence.

she learns to have faith.

he learns to like himself, she learns to condemn.

she learns to appreciate.

he learns to fight.

he learns to feel guilt.

he or she learns to find love in the world.

Text 4
Ex. 1 Read the stories of six people commenting on their childhood and their parents. After each one discuss the following:

1 Relate their comments to the points on the chart. Some comments may relate to more than one point.

2 Each person could continue by assessing the effects of their upbringing on their lives today. Do this for them. For example, the first person might start:

Maybe that’s why I’m never nervous about exams and interviews. When I got this job…
Six people’s childhood memories

1 I used to like to do well just to see the look of pleasure on my dad’s face. He’d say ‘Pet, it’s like a tonic to me when you do well – I don’t know how I have such clever children!’ But I never felt I was being pushed too hard. If I did badly he’d just say ‘Well what’ll it matter a hundred years from now that you failed your Geography exam!’

2 Whatever I did was just never quite good enough. I wasn’t very strong as a child – I used to get attacks of asthma, so I couldn’t do PE or games. Well, anyway, when I was twelve I was so thrilled because I was put in the second eleven for cricket. I was so sure he’d be pleased. Do you know what he said? Second team? When I was your age I was in the first for cricket, rugby, andhockey.’ I felt so crushed, I just crawled away and cried – in private of course!

3 Our house was always open to whoever came round. You’d never know how many people would sit down to a meal. My parents were always inviting people in, and my sisters and I brought friends from school. They used to love coming to our house because they were made so welcome. There were no petty rules, and as long as we tidied up they didn’t mind what we did. We called a lot of my parents’ friends ‘Uncle’ or ‘Aunt’ so-and-so. We never used to know who our real relations were! But what was so nice for us kids was that we grew up surrounded by a lot of adults, not just our parents, so we heard what they had to say, and they listened to our opinions as well.

4 I think it started out of sheer boredom – I mean – they gave me every material benefit, pocket money any time I asked; I had my own brand-new BMW when I was seventeen. I wanted for nothing except their time – I mean – they were always so busy, always getting dressed up to go somewhere, and so wrapped up in each other. I really don’t know why they had children. They always said I was a mistake! Anyway I started hanging about with this bunch of ‘yobbos’ and they said ‘Try it’ – and I thought ‘Why not? Who cares?’

5 They finally split up when I was four. It’s one of my earliest memories – my dad sitting me on his knee and saying, ‘Mummy and daddy have decided to live in different houses and I want you to decide which house you want to live in.’ Can you imagine asking a child of four? I hadn’t a clue what to say, but my very much bigger brother was standing behind him mouthing, ‘Say mum, say mum.’ So I did, and I never saw my dad again except once when I was about ten – from the top of a double-decker bus. At least, I think it was him – I’m sure it was, that time – only I still keep thinking I see him all over the place. I’ve had three step-dads – it’s not the same.

6 She was like a sea of calm, nothing ruffled her, she always had time. Me and the others would be scrapping about something, and she’d say ‘OK, OK, let’s calm down, let’s go back to the beginning and sort it out – so we did, and it was sorted out!’ I remember this school friend of mine, she fell off her bike and completely smashed her front teeth. She didn’t cry because she was hurt, but because her mother was so particular about her appearance. She said ‘She’ll kill me, she thinks I have such lovely teeth!’ I thought ‘Gosh – how weird, I couldn’t bear it if my mother was like that!’ In fact this friend came to my mum first and she rang and told her mum what had happened. Fancy not being able to go to your own mum!
Ex. 2 Answer the questions:

1 What type of parents do you consider real parents?

2 Whom do you sympathize?
Text 5
Ex. 1 Reading

You are going to read an article from an American magazine called Harper’s. It is about creating better and brighter babies.
Background information

1 Divide into two groups of equal size.
Group AYou will read a short extract from a talk given in 1973 by Dr Benjamin Spock, a world famous pediatrician and author of books on child care. Read and take notes under the following headings:

– relationships between parents and children up until the middle of the twentieth century

– the influence of Freud

– the influence of Dewey

– Dr Spock’s interpretation of Freud and Dewey

– the effect of these influences on children.

I think in previous centuries, and still in the first half of the twentieth century, parents felt they had to intimidate their children, just the way I was intimidated, scolded all the time, made to feel evil, threatened with loss of love, and maybe some kind of punishment. I used to be scared of my parents, I was scared of the policeman on the block, I was scared of my teachers, I was scared of barking dogs, I was scared of bullies. Now I think that it was Freud and Dewey particularly who changed that point of view. Freud said in so many words, it isn’t by disciplining or intimidating your children, it’s by loving them, then they love you, and they want to be worthy of you, and they want to grow up to be mature people like you. In other words it’s the love between parent and child that makes them mature, and become responsible. And I think it was Dewey who said, you don’t have to force children to learn, they’re wild to learn. I think both of these philoso­phers gave parents more trust in their children. I think my job was to translate this into ordinary language and apply it to ordinary home situations. And that what the book really says is, not only trust yourself as a parent, it says, trust your children. They will want to grow up responsible. So I think many fewer parents tried to intimidate their children in the last twenty-five years. And I think that’s why their children are that independent. So when the Government says, ‘Don’t reason about the war, go off and fight it because we tell you to’, young people say, ‘Wait a minute, maybe you’re not right. Maybe it isn’t the right war.’ And I think that when universities say to youths, ‘Never mind your ideas about how you should be taught, we’re in this business, you take it from us.’ And I think young people said, ‘Well, maybe it is our business. We’re the ones who are here for the education.’ So I think that I had a small part in translating Freud and Dewey.

Group В

Read the letter written to a newspaper, and answer the questions.

a) According to the writer, what have children lost these days, and what have they gained?

b) What is wrong with school?

c) How does he characterize the 1960s and the 1980s?

d) What are youth’s problems?

e) In what ways does the writer criticize youth? Is it for the things parents are traditionally critical about (for example being untidy, irresponsible, or lazy), or is it something different?

Discuss your answers in your own groups.

Pennington Street, The Highway, London E1 9XW
Our Children’s Future

As a parent and an observer of mankind, I grow increasingly concerned about the life that our children inherit, the values that they hold dear, and their expectations for the future. Childhood seems to last but a few years until children become a market force to be bombarded with advertisements on the television. They demand to have all that they see, and regard it as their right to be entertained every waking moment.

At school, most children are bored by the lessons, which they see as irrelevant to life as they perceive it. Life is about having fun, and having fun now. Or, at the other extreme, school is fiercely competitive, and pupils are pushed by parents to achieve at all costs.

The 1960s were a time of great liberalization, when youth thought it could right all wrongs. Its ideals of love and peace are now much scorned as hollow, hippy phrases. If the world veered to the left in ’68, then it has lurched to the right in the past fifteen years. The 1980s were undoubtedly a more selfish, inward-looking era, with the individual out to look after himself, regardless of the effect this might be having on others. The new gods are money and materialism, and teenagers want now what it took their parents half a gener­ation to achieve.

If youth has learnt to question the wisdom of its elders, it has so far found nothing to replace it with. No wonder there is drug abuse on a scale never seen before. No wonder so many children seek the help of psychiatrists. What are they to fill the emptiness of their souls with?

JAMES STUART, Gloucester.

“Happy English.ru”


урока: All the world is
a stage.


  Познавательный аспект: знакомство
с театральной жизнью Великобритании, России, с театральными актерами.

   Развивающий аспект:
развитие дедуктивного мышления, воображения,
внимания, развитие социокультурной компетенции.

   Воспитательный аспект:
воспитание  убежденности  в приоритетности
общечеловеческих ценностей; формирование потребностей и способностей  к
рефлексии и критическому мышлению.

   Учебный аспект: формирование
лексических и грамматических навыков  говорения; формирование навыков поискового
чтения; совершенствование навыков аудирования в целях к подготовке к ЕГЭ.

Оборудование: мультимедийные
средства, раздаточный лексичейски и грамматический материал.

Ход урока.

1.     Приветствие.
Организационный момент. Сообщение цели урока.

Good morning, young ladies and gentleman. Today we shall speak about “Theatre”,
its atmosphere and our attitude to it. We’ll find out some fact about Russian
and Britain famous actors, playwrights, ballet dancers and others. We shall go
on preparing for the final exams (
through different exercises.

2.     Фонетическая

Let’s read the quotation on the screen about “theatre”. Mind
the intonation!
(учащиеся читают хором, индивидуально)

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men
and women merely players.”
These words are from a famous speech,
known as The Seven Ages of Man, by character called Jaques, written by one of
the most famous playwright not only in Britain but in the whole world W.

3.     Речевая

How do you understand this Quotation?

What are “the seven ages” each person has in his/her life? Can you name them?
записывает ответы учащихся на доске

Работа со
Seven Ages of Man”
(from “As You Like It” by W. Shakespeare)

would like you to listen to the extract from the play and compare Jaques’ seven
ages of man with those ones we’ve written on the board. While listening to you
can underline the key words (
Приложение 1 – стихотворение “The Seven Ages of Man)

take the papers and in pairs read this extract again and try to understand it.  But
do not translate it word by word. You have got a glossary for better
understanding. (
2 –

) Tell me, please, what seven stages are there according to the
extract? (
ответ: 1. The infant.
2. The school boy. 3. The lover. 4. The soldier. 5. The justice. 6. The lean
and slipper’d pantaloon. 7. Second childishness, sans teeth, sans eyes, sans


— What is the
modern word for players? (actors)

 — What are exits
and entrances, parts and acts in the theatre? What are they in a person’s life?
(ответы учащихся)

 — Does the baby
seem attractive? What does not the school-boy want to do?

 — What is the
lover doing?

 — What words can
describe the soldier?

 — There is a
negative criticism of each of the seven people. Who …

 keeps on
complaining? (the lover)

 wants fame so
much that he will probably kill himself? (a soldier)

 looks rather
funny? (a school boy)

 sounds and smells
awful? (an infant)

 probably would
not notice any sounds or smell? (the second childishness)

 sounds a real
bore? (the pantaloon)

 will probably be
mature with age? (the justice)

Работа с текстом. Совершенствование
поискового чтения.

— In the ex.6, p.201 in your textbook there is the
dialogue between Dima and Lisa. They speak about the theatre, theatre directors,
performances, plots, the reaction of the audience and what not. And the task
for you is to find the description of the plot of the remake of Shakespeare’s
famous play “As you like it” in their dialogue. — Which words can help you? (
you have 2 minutes.

— What is the title of the remake version of the
Shakespeare play? (“The Fairy tale of the Forest of Arden”)

Who wrote the script? (Peter
Fomenko and his friend Yuli Kim)

— Can you find the description of the theatre where
the performance took place? Read it, please.

Проверка домашнего задания.

Your home task for today was to find the information
about some famous Russian people connected with theatre. You see, it’s quite
important to be aware of some facts about our history, culture, language and
nation itself not to put our foot in awkward situations like our character Lisa
did.  (ex.2, p.200)

Совершенствование лексического навыка.

is the word “theatre” associated with?
из тематических лексических единиц, данных на распечатках, см. Приложение 3)

Совершенствование грамматического навыка
(Выполнение задания формата ЕГЭ).

I’d like you to open your Work Books on p.66. Let’s do ex.4. As you remember
such type of the exercise you will come across to the final exam (
You have 3 minutes.

Подведение итогов урока. Выставление
оценок. Домашнее задание.

You work very hard today. Thank you for your participation! Your home task is
SB p. 207 ex. D (Write about your visit to the theatre) Your marks are…


“AS YOU LIKE IT” (by W. Shakespeare)
Act II, Scene7

All the world`s a stage,

 And all the men and women merely

 They have their exits and their

 And one man in his time plays many

 His acts being seven ages. At first
the infant,

 Mewling and puking in the nurse`s

 And then the whining school-boy,
with his satchel,

 And shining morning face, creeping
like snail

 Unwillingly to school, and then the

 Sighing like furnace, with a woful

 Made to his mistress` eyebrow. Then
a soldier,

 Full of strange oaths and bearded
like the pard,

 Jealous in honour, sudden and quick
in quarrel,

 Seeking the bubble reputation

 Even in the cannon`s mouth. And then
the justice,

 In fair round belly with good capon

 With eyes severe, and beard of
formal cut,

 Full of wise saws and modern

 And so he plays his part. The sixth
age shifts

 Into the lean and slipper`d

 With spectacles on nose and pouch on

 His youthful hose well sav`d world
too wide

 For his shrunk shank; and his big
manly voice,

 Turning again toward childish
treble, pipes

 And whistles in his sound. Last
scene of all,

 That ends his strange eventful

 Is second childishness and mere

 Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste,
sans everything         



merely – просто

mewling and puking – зд. 
плакать и

whining – жалуясь и хныча

satchel – ранец


 like snail – moving
slowly like snail

furnace – очаг, печь

woful – sad

oaths – проклятия,

bearded like the pard –
with the beard like a priest

justice – judge

belly – живот

сapon lin`d – как
откормленный петух

saws – пословицы,

instances — examples

shifts – передвигается

lean – thin

slipper`d – with slippers

pantaloon – trousers

pouch – кисет

hose – рейтузы

The trousers which were
saved from when he was young are now much too

 big for his body, which
has shrunk.

treble – дискант, сопрано

oblivion – забывчивость


Приложение 3


,Like, approve,People,Emotions,Performance,Parts of the theatre,Theatre,Dislike, whistle



,Splendid!,playwright,producer,actors,The boxes,The dress circle,The stalls 

(УМК «Happy English.ru» К.Кауфман и М.Кауфман.

Учитель: Бердиева Р.З.)

Тема урока: All the world is a stage.


Познавательный аспект: знакомство с театральной жизнью Великобритании, России, с театральными актерами.

Развивающий аспект: развитие дедуктивного мышления, воображения, внимания, развитие социокультурной компетенции.

Воспитательный аспект: воспитание убежденности в приоритетности общечеловеческих ценностей; формирование потребностей и способностей к рефлексии и критическому мышлению.

Учебный аспект: формирование лексических и грамматических навыков говорения; формирование навыков поискового чтения; совершенствование навыков аудирования в целях к подготовке к ЕГЭ.

Оборудование: мультимедийные средства, раздаточный лексичейски и грамматический материал.

Ход урока.

  1. Приветствие. Организационный момент. Сообщение цели урока.

— Good morning, young ladies and gentleman. Today we shall speak about «Theatre», its atmosphere and our attitude to it. We’ll find out some fact about Russian and Britain famous actors, playwrights, ballet dancers and others. We shall go on preparing for the final exams (ЕГЭ) through different exercises.

  1. Фонетическая зарядка.

— Let’s read the quotation on the screen about «theatre». Mind the intonation! (учащиеся читают хором, индивидуально)

«All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.» These words are from a famous speech, known as The Seven Ages of Man, by character called Jaques, written by one of the most famous playwright not only in Britain but in the whole world W. Shakespeare.

  1. Речевая разминка.

— How do you understand this Quotation? (ответы учащихся)

— What are «the seven ages» each person has in his/her life? Can you name them? (Учитель записывает ответы учащихся на доске)

  1. Работа со стихотворением «The Seven Ages of Man» (from «As You Like It» by W. Shakespeare)

  • I would like you to listen to the extract from the play and compare Jaques’ seven ages of man with those ones we’ve written on the board. While listening to you can underline the key words (см. Приложение 1 — стихотворение «The Seven Ages of Man»)

  • Now take the papers and in pairs read this extract again and try to understand it. But do not translate it word by word. You have got a glossary for better understanding. (см. Приложение 2 — глоссарий)

  • (Comprehension check) Tell me, please, what seven stages are there according to the extract? (ответ: 1. The infant. 2. The school boy. 3. The lover. 4. The soldier. 5. The justice. 6. The lean and slipper’d pantaloon. 7. Second childishness, sans teeth, sans eyes, sans everything).

  • (Oral practice)

— What is the modern word for players? (actors)

— What are exits and entrances, parts and acts in the theatre? What are they in a person’s life? (ответы учащихся)

— Does the baby seem attractive? What does not the school-boy want to do?

— What is the lover doing?

— What words can describe the soldier?

— There is a negative criticism of each of the seven people. Who …

keeps on complaining? (the lover)

wants fame so much that he will probably kill himself? (a soldier)

looks rather funny? (a school boy)

sounds and smells awful? (an infant)

probably would not notice any sounds or smell? (the second childishness)

sounds a real bore? (the pantaloon)

will probably be mature with age? (the justice)

  1. Работа с текстом. Совершенствование поискового чтения.

— In the ex.6, p.201 in your textbook there is the dialogue between Dima and Lisa. They speak about the theatre, theatre directors, performances, plots, the reaction of the audience and what not. And the task for you is to find the description of the plot of the remake of Shakespeare’s famous play «As you like it» in their dialogue. — Which words can help you? (ответы учащихся) So, you have 2 minutes.

— What is the title of the remake version of the Shakespeare play? («The Fairy tale of the Forest of Arden»)

— Who wrote the script? (Peter Fomenko and his friend Yuli Kim)

— Can you find the description of the theatre where the performance took place? Read it, please. (p.203)

  1. Проверка домашнего задания.

Your home task for today was to find the information about some famous Russian people connected with theatre. You see, it’s quite important to be aware of some facts about our history, culture, language and nation itself not to put our foot in awkward situations like our character Lisa did. (ex.2, p.200)

  1. Совершенствование лексического навыка.

  • What is the word «theatre» associated with? (Учащиеся составляют Word-Web из тематических лексических единиц, данных на распечатках, см. Приложение 3)

  1. Совершенствование грамматического навыка (Выполнение задания формата ЕГЭ).

— I’d like you to open your Work Books on p.66. Let’s do ex.4. As you remember such type of the exercise you will come across to the final exam (ЕГЭ) You have 3 minutes.

  1. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание.

— You work very hard today. Thank you for your participation! Your home task is SB p. 207 ex. D (Write about your visit to the theatre) Your marks are…

Приложение 1

«AS YOU LIKE IT» (by W. Shakespeare) Act II, Scene7

All the world`s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players:

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,

Mewling and puking in the nurse`s arms.

And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel,

And shining morning face, creeping like snail

Unwillingly to school, and then the lover,

Sighing like furnace, with a woful ballad

Made to his mistress` eyebrow. Then a soldier,

Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,

Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,

Seeking the bubble reputation

Even in the cannon`s mouth. And then the justice,

In fair round belly with good capon lin`d,

With eyes severe, and beard of formal cut,

Full of wise saws and modern instances;

And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts

Into the lean and slipper`d pantaloon

With spectacles on nose and pouch on side,

His youthful hose well sav`d world too wide

For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,

Turning again toward childish treble, pipes

And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,

That ends his strange eventful history,

Is second childishness and mere oblivion

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything

Приложение 2


merely — просто

mewling and puking — зд. плакать и срыгивать

whining — жалуясь и хныча

satchel — ранец


like snail — moving slowly like snail

furnace — очаг, печь

woful — sad

oaths — проклятия, ругательства

bearded like the pard — with the beard like a priest

justice — judge

belly — живот

сapon lin`d — как откормленный петух

saws — пословицы, афоризмы

instances — examples

shifts — передвигается

lean — thin

slipper`d — with slippers on

pantaloon — trousers

pouch — кисет

hose — рейтузы

The trousers which were saved from when he was young are now much too

big for his body, which has shrunk. (усохло)

treble — дискант, сопрано

oblivion — забывчивость

sans — without

Приложение 3



Dislike, whistle



Like, approve


Parts of the theatre

The stalls

The boxes


The dress circle



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