What is the missing word in this sentence

«Know» works in context. There are different kinds of «knowing». You might know something because of years of careful study, like «Jack knows quantum physics better than Heisenberg.» You might know by intuition or common sense, like «You know that young people fall in love.» If you think that «know» only applies to the careful-study kind of knowing: No, it doesn’t. It is readily understood to mean either kind (and other kinds of knowing).

I think most readers would assume from the context that «know» here refers to knowledge gained from personal experience, or possibly from intuition. When it’s really necessary to distinguish, I don’t know of a single, commonly-used word that could be substituted. You’d have to either use an obscure word or use a phrase to clarify. Life if you wanted to make clear that Jack’s knowledge of physics in fact does not come from years of study but that he just somehow seems to have an intuition about these things, you would say, «Jack knows quantum physics by intuition» or some such.

In your case, you could say, «You know from experience that sports teaches discipline» or «You have seen that sports teaches discipline.» You might say, «You intuit that sports teaches discipline» if you insist on using a single word, but that just sounds awkward to me. As I say, I think most readers would take it for granted that you meant knowledge gained from experience or observation, especially with the «as a sportsman» stuck on the front. If your intent was that he knows this because he is read studies in psychology journals of research demonstrating this, then you would need different words to make that clear.

Let’s look at another example from the same Use of English exercise.  

Here’s the next gap from the Use of English exercise.  

The word set in this part of the sentence tells us that we need a phrasal verb and one that means to travel. There are two options here and the words are out or off. We can also use a particular expression for this context, which is sailing and the expression is to set sail.

Columbus didn’t succeed (12) …….. finding the Spice Islands but he (13) …….. manage to discover the Americas.

There he (14) …….. across another pepper; the chilli, which had been used in cooking in South America for thousands of years.

In this sentence we need to think about what the general meaning of the sentence is. Here it means to discover. We can see that the word across is used after the gap so that must be a phrasal verb and the correct word in this case is came to create came across.

Soon (15) …….. Columbus’s discovery, large quantities of chillies were being shipped back to Spain from the Caribbean.

In the sentence we look at the word soon so we clearly need a word that refers to time. In this gap the only word we can use is after.

Later, people realised that chillies would actually grow in southern Europe and it wasn’t long before fresh chillies were (16) …….. sale in European markets.

In this final sentence the word sale would help us decide what the correct word is. We obviously need to a word that used with it and it is probably a preposition. There are two possible options with the word sale; we can talk about something being on sale or for sale.

117 просмотров

Fill in the missing words into the sentences.

1. Many people don’t _______________ of tabloids.

2. The ______________ could help us to solve many global problems.

3.He _______________ his job last month and he’s now looking for another one.

4.E-mail _____________ to be a very good means of communication.

5.I asked him to _____________ us two tickets for the concert.

6.In _________________, I would like to thank everybody who took part in this conference.

7. They often ____________________ books from the library.

8. He is a _____________________ so I think you should follow his advice.

Английский язык

13 Май, 18


117 просмотров

Can you guess what the missing words are in this sentence:

«52 w___ in a y___

Did you guess right? The correct sentence should read ’52 weeks in a year‘.

Take a look at the following ten sentences and try and guess the missing words (click on show answers to see the answers):

  1. 4 s___ in a y___.
  2. 30 d___ in S___.
  3. 32 t___ in a m___.
  4. 26 l___ in the E___ a___.
  5. 50 s___ on the A___ f___.
  6. 206 b___ in the h___ b___.
  7. 88 k___ on a p___.
  8. 52 c___ in a p___ of p___ c___.
  9. 11 p___ in a f___ t___.
  10. 44 P___ of A___.

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Fill in the missing words into the sentences.

Many people don’t _______________ of tabloids.

The ______________ could help us to solve many global problems.

He _______________ his job last month and he’s now looking for another one.

E-mail _____________ to be a very good means of communication.

I asked him to _____________ us two tickets for the concert.

In _________________, I would like to thank everybody who took part in this conference.

They often ____________________ books from the library.

He is a _____________________ so I think you should follow his advice.

borrow book approve wisdom of the ancients proved conclusion man of great wisdom quit


Write the words in the correct form


He is a very _________________ person, that’s why he doesn’t like thrillers and horror films.


There is no _______________ information on this web page.


I don’t understand why you jumped to such a strange ___________________.


Advertisements often make the goods look more _________________ than they are in a real life.


Would you like to become a ________________ when you grow up?


The Internet is a very convenient means of ___________________________.


Choose the correct answer

It’s ____ , isn’t it? a) a wonderful day b) wonderful day

_________ like rock music. a) much people b) many people

She screamed in ________. a) a horror b) horror

Do you believe in ____ at first sight? a) a love b) love

I am reading ______. a) book b) a book

We had ____ while we were in the country. a) good weather b) a good weather

I’m going to buy _______. a) a bread b) some bread

The streets are covered with _________. a) snow b) a snow


Fill in the missing words

He asked: “Do you go in for sports?”

He asked me ________________________________ for sports.

She said: “I don’t want to go to school tomorrow.”

She said that she ______________________ to go to school ________________________.

Alex said: “there is a swimming pool near my school.”

Alex said that there _________ a swimming pool near ______ school.”

Steve asked: “What is your hobby?”

Steve was interested __________________________________________.

Ann said: “He phoned you in the morning.”

Ann said that he ____________________________ the morning.”

The teacher said: “There are no mistakes in your test.”

The teacher said that there __________ no mistakes in ___________ test.”


Read the text and choose the correct option.

Joanne Rowling is a British writer famous for series of books about Harry Potter. Her books attracted worldwide attention, won a lot of awards and made her rich and well-known all over the world. However, Joanne Rowling’s life was not always a story of success.

The idea of a story about a young boy attending a school of magic came into her mind in 1990 during a train trip, and she began to write the book immediately on getting home. It was in December of the same year when Rowling’s mother died. Her death deeply influenced Joanne’s writing and she described Harry’s loss of his parents in detail as she knew how it felt.

Soon after this Rowling moved to Portugal and got married there. She and her husband had a child in 1993 but separated later that year, so Rowling and her daughter moved to Edinburgh. Joanne’s depression resulted in the idea of the soul-sucking creatures called Dementors which she described in her books. Her marriage turned out to be a failure, she did not have a job and was short of money but she still continued writing. She often wrote in cafes as taking her little daughter for a walk was the best way to make her fall asleep and get some free time to write.

In 1995 Rowling finished her first book which was offered to twelve publishers. However, none of them agreed to print it. Only a year later it was finally published. This marked the beginning of changes in Joanne Rowling’s life and finally made her a famous and successful writer.

Her mother’s death had a serious influence on the book a) True b) False

Joanne Rowling was always successful in her life. a) True b) False

She took her daughter with her when she wrote in a cafés. a) True b) False

The idea of the book came to her when her mother died. a) True b) False

Rowling got married in Edinburgh. a) True b) False

Rowling’s first book was published in 1996. a) True b) False

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