What is the mechanism of word formation


  1. Word-formation.
    General notes.

  2. Affixation.

  3. Compounding

  4. Reduplication.

  5. Phrasal

  6. Conversion

  7. Substantivation.

  8. Adjectivization.

  9. Phrasal

  10. Shortening.

  11. Abbreviation.

  12. Back-formation

  13. Blending.

  14. Minor
    types of word-formation: change of stress.

  15. Sound
    interchange (Gradation).

  16. Sound
    imitation (Onomatopoeia).

  17. Lexicalization
    of the plural of nouns.

1. Word-formation

is the process of creating new words from the material available in
the word-stock according to certain structural and semantic patterns
specific for the given language.

types of word-formation in Modern English possess different degrees
of productivity. Some of them are highly-productive
conversion, substantivation, compounding, shortening, forming phrasal
verbs); others are semi-productive
blending, reduplication, lexicalization of the plural of nouns,
sound-imitation), and non-productive
interchange, change of stress).

2. Affixation

is a word-formative process in which words are created by adding
word-building affixes to stems. Affixation includes preftxation,
new words with the help of prefixes, and suffixation,
forming new words with the help of suffixes.

etymological point of view affixes are classified according to their
origin into native
-er, -nese, -ing, un-, mis-, etc.) and borrowed
e.g. -tion, -ment, -ance, -re-, sub-, etc.; Greek, e,g. -ist, -ism,
anti-, etc.).

can also be classified into
-ness, -able, -y, -ize, un- re-, dis- etc.) and non-productive
-th, -hood, -en, -ous, etc.).

and a root constitute the meaning of the word, the root morpheme
forming its semantic centre, affixes playing a dependent role in the
of the word.

and suffixes are semantically distinctive,
have their own
and a root constitute the meaning of the word, the root morpheme
forming its semantic centre, affixes playing a dependent role in the
meaning of the word.

or concretize the meaning of the word. The main
prefixes are:

  1. prefixes
    with a negative
    un-, in-, il-, ir-, im-, dis-, de-, non-);

  2. prefixes
    with different
    anti-, co-, counter-, inter-, mis-, over-, en-, post-, pre-, re-,
    self, semi-, sub-, ultra-, super-, undre-).

    a grammatical meaning they indicate or derive a certain part of
    speech. Most of frequently used suffixes are:

  1. noun-forming:
    (-or), -tion (-sion), -ity, -ance, -ence, -ment, -ness, -ics, -ture,
    -sure, -age, -ing;

  2. verb-forming:
    (-ise), -fy (-ify), -en, -ate;

  3. adjective-forming:
    -ible, -al, (-ial), -fill, -less, -ive;

  4. adverb-forming:
    -ward (-wards).

3. Compounding

words produced by combining two or more stems, which occur in the
language as free forms. They may be classified proceeding
from different criteria:

to the parts of speech to which they belong (e.g. cut-throat,
nouns, watch
making , tooth-picker-
nouns; bring
up, sit down

compound verbs, life-giving,

compound adjectives, etc.);

to the means of composition used to link their ICs (immediate
constituents) together (e.g. classroom,
timetable, H-bomb, grey-green,


to the structure of their ICs (e.g. gasometre,
handicraft, Anglo-Saxon,

to their semantic characteristics (e.g forget-me-not,
up-to-date, son-in-law,

classification of compounds according to the means of joining their
ICs together distinguishes between the following structural types:

  1. juxtapositional
    (neutral) compounds
    ICs are merely placed one after another: classroom,
    timetable, heartache, whitewash, hunting-knife, weekend, grey-green,
    deep-blue, U-turn,

  2. morphological
    ICs joined together with a vowel or a consonant as a linking
    element, e.g. gasometre,
    electromotive, postman,

  3. syntactic
    compounds (integrated phrases)
    are the result of the process of semantic isolation and structural
    integration of free word-groups, e.g. blackboard
    board), highway
    way), forget-me-not
    me not), bull’s
    eye, go-between, known-all, brother-in-law, upside-down,

classification of compounds according to the structure of their ICs
includes the following groups:

1. Compounds consisting of simple stems: railway, key-board,
snow-white, bookshelf, scarecrow, browbeat, etc.

2. Compounds where at least one of the ICs is a derived stem:
chain-smoker, shoe-maker, pen-holder, snow-covered, moon-tit,

3, Compounds where at least one of the ICs is a clipped stem:
photo-intelligence, bacco-box, maths- mistress, T-shirt, TV-set,
X-mas, etc.

4. Compounds where at least one of the ICs is a compound stem:
wastepaper-basket, newspaper-ownership, etc.

Compounds of Group 2 should not be mixed with derivational compounds
(Group 5) in which the second component doesn’t occur as a free
form. Derivational compounds are built by adding a suffix to phrases
of the A+N, N+N, Num+N type.

chain-smoker (N + (V = -er)):: slim-waisted ((A + N) + -ed).

many English words one can find unstressed stems approaching the
status of derivational affixes. They have generalized meaning and
their combining
capacity is very great. Such morphemes are called semi-affixes.

can be used in preposition (semi-prefixes,
half-, ill-, mini-, midi-, maxi-, self-) and in postposition
-man, -land,
-monger, -wright, -worthy, -proof, -like, -way(s)).

4. Reduplication

reduplication compounds are made by doubling a stem (often a
pseudomorpheme). Reduplicative compounds fall into three main

  1. Reduplicative
    compounds proper whose ICs are identical in their form, e.g.:
    murmur, bye-bye, blah-blah, pooh-pooh, goody-goody, etc.

  2. Ablaut
    (gradational) compounds whose ICs have different root-vowels, e.g:
    riff-raff, dilly-dally, ping-pong, chit-chat, singsong, etc.

  3. Rhyme
    compounds whose ICs are joined to rhyme, e.g.: willy-nilly,
    helter-skelter, hoity-toity, namby-pamby, walkie-talkie, etc.

5. Phrasal

verbs are combinations of a verb and adverb or a verb and preposition
(or verb with both adverb and preposition).

verbs may be either non-idiomatic or idiomatic. Non-idiomatic phrasal
verbs can retain their primary local meaning, e.g.: come in, come
out, come out of, take off, put down, etc. They may also have a kind
of perfective colouring, e.g. add up, eat up, drink up, swallow up,
rise up, etc.

idiomatic compounds meaning cannot be derived from ICs, e.g.: bring
up — виховувати,
bear out — підтверджувати,
give in – піддаватися,
out — сваритися,
take in — обманювати,

modern English fiction one can often come across verbs which denote
an action and at the same time modify it in occasional colligations
with prepositions
or adverbs e.g. He
then tiptoed down to dinner. We forced our way into the buffet.

6. Conversion

is a special type of affixless derivation where a newly-formed word
acquires a paradigm and syntactic functions different from those of
the original word (by conversion we mean derivation of a new word
from the stem of a different part of speech without the adding of any

a result the two words are homonymous, having the same morphological
structure and belonging to different parts of speech. As
a matter of fact, all parts of speech can be drawn into the
wordbuilding process of conversion to a certain extent. Its
derivational patterns are varied,
the most widespread among them being N —► V, V
A —► V.

example: N+V:
a face-to face, a walk-to walk, a
tube — to tube, a pen — to pen. V—>N:
to make-a make, to bite-a bite,
smoke — a smoke, to talk — a talk.

narrow-to narrow, empty-to empty, cool-to

7. Substantiation

is the process in which adjectives (or participles) acquire the
paradigm and syntactic functions of nouns. One should distinguish two
main types of substantivation: complete
and partial.


substantivized adjectives
the full paradigm of a noun, i.e. singular and plural case forms.
They may be associated with various determiners (definite, indefinite
and zero articles, demonstrative and possessive pronouns, etc.), e.g.
official, the official, officials, the officials, official’s,
officials this official, our officials,
Complete substantivation is often regarded as a pattern of conversion
(A N), though it may be argued, since, as a rule, it is the
result of ellipsis in an attributive phrase: a conservative
—► a
a convertible.

the case of partial
do not acquire the full paradigm of a noun. They fall into several

  1. partially
    substantivized adjectives (PSA) or participles
    are singular in form though plural in meaning. They are used with
    the definite article and denote a group or a class of people, e.g.
    rich, the accused, the English, the blind, the twing,

  2. PSA
    mostly in the plural and denoting a group or a class of people, e.g.
    greens, buffs, blues,

  3. PSA
    mostly in plural and denoting inanimate things, e.g. sweets,
    ancients, eatables,

  4. PSA
    properties as substantive abstract notions, e.g. the
    good, the evil, the beautiful, the singular,

  5. PSA
    languages, e.g. English,
    German, Ukrainian, Italian,

8. Adjectivization

of nouns by nouns is highly frequent in Modern English. Non-adjuncts
should not be considered as adjectives produced by means
of conversion. Nevertheless, some nouns may undergo the process of
adjectivization and function as attributes with idiomatic meanings,
e.g.: coffee-table
(n.) —> coffee-table (adj.) — «Of a large size and richly

9. Phrasal

built from phrasal verbs as a result of a combined effect of
compounding, conversion, and change of stress. They consist of ICs
identical to those of the corresponding phrasal verbs, but obtain, as
a rule, the single-stress pattern and either solid or hyphenated
spelling, e.g.: to
down —>
breakdown (a break-down).

10. Shortenings

exist two main ways of shortening: contraction
(initial shortening).

should distinguish between four types of contraction:

  1. Final
    clipping (apocope), i.e. omission of the final part of the word,
    e.g.: doc (< doctor), lab (< laboratory), mag -(<
    magazine), prefab (< prefabricated),
    vegs (< vegetables), Al (< Albert), Nick (< Nickolas), Phil
    (< Philip), etc.

  2. Initial
    clipping (apheresis), i.e. omission of the fore part of the word,
    e.g.: phone (< telephone), plane (< aeroplane), story (<
    history), van (< caravan), drome (< airdrome), Dora (<
    Theodora), Fred (< Alfred), etc.

  1. Medial
    clipping (syncope), i.e. omission of the middle part of the word,
    e.g.: maths (< mathematics), fancy (< fantasy), specs -(<
    spectacles), binocs
    (< binoculars), through (<thorough), etc.

  2. Mixed
    clipping, where the fore and the final parts of the word are dipped,
    e.g.: tec (< detective), flu (<influenza), fridge (<
    refrigerator), stach (< moustache), Liz (< Elizabeth), etc.

may be combined with affixation, i,e. by adding the suffixes -y, -ie,
-o, to clippings, e.g.: hanky (<handkerchief), comfy
unkie (<uncle), ammo (< Ammunition), etc.

11. Abbreviation

(initial shortenings) are words produced by shortening the ICs of
phrasal terms up to their initial letters. Abbreviations are
into 5 groups:

  1. Acronyms
    which are read in accordance with the rules of orthoepy as though
    they were ordinary words, e.g.: UNO /’ju:nou/ (< United Nations
    Organization), UNESCO /’ju:’neskou/ (< United Nations Educational
    Scientific and Cultural Organization), NATO /’neitou/ (< North
    Treaty Organization), SALT /so:lt/ (<Strategic Arms Limitation
    Talks), STEM /stem/ (< scanning transmission electron
    microscope), radar /reida/ (< radio detecting and ranging), etc.

  2. Alphabetic
    which letters get their full alphabetic pronunciation and a full
    stress, e.g.: USA /’ju:es’ei/ (< the United States ofAmerica),
    B.B.C. /’bi:’bi:’si:/ (< the British Broadcasting Corporation),
    M.P. /’em’pi:/ {<
    of Parliament), F.B.I. /’efbir’ai/ (< FederalBureau
    of Investigation), etc.

abbreviations are sometimes used for famous persons’ names, eg.: B.B.
(< Brigitte Bardot), FDR (< Franklin Delano Roosevelt), G.B.S.
(< George Bernard Shaw), etc.


in which the first IC is a letter (letters) and the second a complete
word, e.g.: A-bomb (<
bomb), V-day (<

day), Z-hour (< zero hour), L-driver (< learner-driver), ACD
solution (<acid citrate dextrose solution), etc.

or both ICs of compound abbreviations may be clipped, e.g.:
mid-August, Interpol (< International police), hi-fi (< high
fidelity), sci-fic (< science
fiction), etc.

4) Graphic
are used in texts for economy of space. They are pronounced as the
corresponding unabbreviated words,
(< Mister), m. (< mile), fl. (< foot/feet), v. (< verb),
ltd. (< limited), govt. (< government), usu. (< usually),
pp. (< pages, Co (< Company), X-mas
(< Christmas), etc.

5) Latin
sometimes are not read as Latin words but as separate letters or are
substituted by their English equivalents, e.g.:

/ai’i:/-that is, a.m. /ei’em/-before midday, in the morning, e.g.
-for example, Id. -in the same place, cf. -compare, etc.

12. Back-formation

is the derivation of new words (mostly verbs) by means of subtracting
a suffix or other element resembling it, e.g.: butle < butler,
< combustion, greed < greedy, lase < laser, luminisce <
luminiscent, sculpt < sculptor, etc.

13. Blending

is the formation of new lexical units by means of merging fragments
of words into one new word, or combining the elements of one word
a notional word, e.g.: smog (< smoke+fog), radiotrician
(radio+electrician), drunch (drinks+lunch), cinemagnate
(cinema+magnate), etc.

14. Minor
types of word-formation: change of stress

nouns and verbs of Romanic origin have a distinctive stress pattern.
Such nouns, as a rule, are forestressed, and verbs have a stress on
the second
syllable, e.g. ‘accent (a):: ac’cent (v.), ‘contest (n.):: ‘con’test
(v.), ‘record (n.):: re’cord (v.), etc.

same distinctive stress pattern is observed in some pairs of
adjectives and verbs, e.g.: ‘absent (a):: ab’sent (v.) ‘abstract (a)
::ab’stract(v.), etc.

interchange (Gradation)

belonging to different parts of speech may be differentiated due to
the sound interchange in the root, e.g.: food (a):: feed (v.), gold
(a):: gild (v,), strong (a):: strength (n), etc.

16. Sound
imitation (Onomatopoeia)

(onomatopoeic) words are made by imitating sounds produced by living
beings and inanimate objects, e.g.: babble, bang, buzz, crash,
giggle, hiss, moo, purr, rustle, etc.

17. Lexicalization
of the plural of the nouns

are cases when the grammatical form of the plural of nouns becomes
isolated from the paradigm and acquires a new lexical meaning. This
leads to the appearance of new lexical units, cf: look “погляд”
looks «зовнішність».


  1. Be
    ready to discuss the subject matter of word-formation

  2. Tell
    about affixation

  3. What
    do you know about compounding (composition)?

  4. Give
    examples of reduplication

  5. What
    are phrasal verbs and phrasal nouns?

  6. What
    can you tell about conversion?

  7. Comment
    on the substantivation and adjectivization.

  8. Tell
    about shortening: contractions and abbreviations.

  9. What
    is back-formation?

  10. Give
    examples of blending.

  11. Comment
    on the minor types of word-formation.

  12. What
    is the difference between gradation and onomatopoeia?

  13. What
    does «lexicalization of the plural of nouns» stand for ?

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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the geological formation, see Word Formation. For the study of the origin and historical development of words, see Etymology.

In linguistics, word formation is an ambiguous term[1] that can refer to either:

  • the processes through which words can change[2] (i.e. morphology), or
  • the creation of new lexemes in a particular language


A common method of word formation is the attachment of inflectional or derivational affixes.


Examples include:

  • the words governor, government, governable, misgovern, ex-governor, and ungovernable are all derived from the base word (to) govern[3]


Inflection is modifying a word for the purpose of fitting it into the grammatical structure of a sentence.[4] For example:

  • manages and managed are inflected from the base word (to) manage[1]
  • worked is inflected from the verb (to) work
  • talks, talked, and talking are inflected from the base (to) talk[3]



Examples includes:

  • etc. from et caetera

Acronyms & Initialisms[edit]

An acronym is a word formed from the first letters of other words.[5] For example:

  • NASA is the acronym for National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • IJAL (pronounced /aidʒæl/) is the acronym for International Journal of American Linguistics

Acronyms are usually written entirely in capital letters, though some words originating as acronyms, like radar, are now treated as common nouns.[6]

Initialisms are similar to acronyms, but where the letters are pronounced as a series of letters. For example:

  • ATM for Automated Teller Machine
  • SIA for Singapore International Airlines[1]


In linguistics, back-formation is the process of forming a new word by removing actual affixes, or parts of the word that is re-analyzed as an affix, from other words to create a base.[3] Examples include:

  • the verb headhunt is a back-formation of headhunter
  • the verb edit is formed from the noun editor[3]
  • the word televise is a back-formation of television

The process is motivated by analogy: edit is to editor as act is to actor. This process leads to a lot of denominal verbs.

The productivity of back-formation is limited, with the most productive forms of back-formation being hypocoristics.[3]


A lexical blend is a complex word typically made of two word fragments. For example:

  • smog is a blend of smoke and fog
  • brunch is a blend of breakfast and lunch.[5]
  • stagflation is a blend of stagnation and inflation[1]
  • chunnel is a blend of channel and tunnel,[1] referring to the Channel Tunnel

Although blending is listed under the Nonmorphological heading, there are debates as to how far blending is a matter of morphology.[1]


Compounding is the processing of combining two bases, where each base may be a fully-fledged word. For example:

  • desktop is formed by combining desk and top
  • railway is formed by combining rail and way
  • firefighter is formed by combining fire and fighter[3]

Compounding is a topic relevant to syntax, semantics, and morphology.[2]

Word formation vs. Semantic change[edit]

There are processes for forming new dictionary items which are not considered under the umbrella of word formation.[1] One specific example is semantic change, which is a change in a single word’s meaning. The boundary between word formation and semantic change can be difficult to define as a new use of an old word can be seen as a new word derived from an old one and identical to it in form.


  1. ^ a b c d e f g Bauer, L. (1 January 2006). «Word Formation». Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (Second Edition). Elsevier: 632–633. doi:10.1016/b0-08-044854-2/04235-8. ISBN 9780080448541. Retrieved 17 December 2021.
  2. ^ a b Baker, Anne; Hengeveld, Kees (2012). Linguistics. Malden, MA.: John Wiley & Sons. p. 23. ISBN 978-0631230366.
  3. ^ a b c d e f Katamba, F. (1 January 2006). «Back-Formation». Encyclopedia of Language & Linguistics (Second Edition): 642–645. doi:10.1016/B0-08-044854-2/00108-5. ISBN 9780080448541.
  4. ^ Linguistics : the basics. Anne, July 8- Baker, Kees Hengeveld. Malden, MA.: John Wiley & Sons. 2012. p. 217. ISBN 978-0-631-23035-9. OCLC 748812931.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: others (link)
  5. ^ a b Aronoff, Mark (1983). «A Decade of Morphology and Word Formation». Annual Review of Anthropology. 12: 360. doi:10.1146/annurev.an.12.100183.002035.
  6. ^ Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew (2018). An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure (2nd ed.). Edinburgh University Press. p. 71. ISBN 978-1-4744-2896-5.

See also[edit]

  • Neologism

The ‘Word Formation Process’ is regarded as the branch of Morphology, and it has a significant role in expanding the vocabulary that helps us communicate very smoothly. The main objectives of the word-formation process are to form new words with the same root by deploying different rules or processes.

In other words, we can say that the word-formation process is a process in which new words are formed by modifying the existing terms or completely changing those words.

Let us see the fundamental word-formation processes in linguistics:


‘Derivation’ is a significant word-formation process that attaches derivation affixes to the main form to create a new word. Affixes (prefixes or suffixes) are regarded as bound morphemes.

A morpheme is the smallest meaningful syntactical or grammar unit of a language that cannot be divided without changing its meaning. In contrast to the free morpheme, a bound morpheme doesn’t have any independent meaning, and it needs the help of a free morpheme to form a new word.

Let us see some examples of derivation in the below table:

Base Forms New Words
Appear Disappear
Justice Injustice
Lighten Enlighten
Friend Friendship
Happy Happiness

Back Formation

‘Back-Formation’ is a word-formation process that eliminates the actual derivational affix from the main form to create a new word. However, Back-Formation is contrary to derivation in terms of forming new words. Let us see some examples of Back-Formation in the below table:

Base Forms Back Formation
Insertion Insert
Donation Donate
Precession Process
Obsessive Obsess
Resurrection Resurrect


In conversion, a word of one grammatical form converts into another without changing spelling or pronunciation. For example, the term ‘Google’ originated as a noun before the verb.

A few years ago, we only used the term as a noun (search it on Google), but now we say ‘Google it. Let us see some examples of conversion in the below table:

Noun To Verb
Access – to access
Google – to google
Email – to email
Name – to name
Host – to host
Verb To Noun
To hope Hope
To cover Cover
To increase Increase
To attack Attack


‘Compounding’ is a word-formation process that allows words to combine to make a new word. Compounding words can be formed as two words joined with a hyphen. Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words Compounding Words
Class+room Classroom
Note+book Notebook
Break+up Breakup
Brother+in+law Brother in law
High+light Highlight


‘Clipping’ is another essential word-formation process that reduces or shortens a word without changing the exact meaning. In contrast to the back-formation process, it reserves the original meaning.

Clipping is divided into four types. They are:

  1. Back Clipping
  2. Fore Clipping
  3. Middle Clipping
  4. Complex Clipping

Every Clipping has different roles in words when they are assigned. Back Clipping removes the end part of a word; Fore Clipping removes the beginning part of a word; Middle Clipping reserves the middle position. Finally, Complex Clipping removes multiple pieces from multiple words.

Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words Clippings
Advertisement Ad
Photograph Photo
Telephone Phone
Influenza Flue
Cabletelegram Cablegram


In the ‘Blending’ word-formation method, the parts of two or more words combine to form a new word. Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words Blendings
Breakfast+lunch Brunch
Biographical+picture Biopic
Motor+hotel Motel
Spanish+English Spanglish
Telephone+marathon Telethon


‘Abbreviation’ is another famous and widely used word-formation method used to shorten a word or phrase. In the modern era, ‘Abbreviation is becoming more popular. Nowadays, people used to use it everywhere. Let us see some examples in the below table:

Words/Phrases Abbreviation
Junior Jr.
Mister Mr.
Mistress Miss.
Doctor Dr.
Department Dept.
Bachelor of Arts B.A.
Master of Arts M.A.
Master of Business Administration MBA


An Acronym is a popular word-formation process in which an initialism is pronounced as a word. It forms from the first letter of each word in a phrase, and the newly formed letters create a new word that helps us speedy communication. For example, ‘PIN’ is an initialism for Personal Identification Number used as the word ‘pin.’

However, let us see some other famous examples of acronyms in the below table for a better understanding:

Acronyms Words/Phrases
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ASAP As Soon As Possible
AWOL Absent Without Leave


‘Borrowing’ is another word-formation process in which a word from one language is borrowed directly into another language. Let us see some English words which are borrowed from another language:

Algebra Arabic
Cherub Hebrew
Murder French
Pizza Italian
Tamale Spanish


Now we know that Word-Formation Processes are the methods by which words are formed by deploying different types of rules. We can create new words by following the above word-formation methods.

We need to do one thing: we have to follow the fundamental rules or processes of word formation.

Azizul Hakim is the founder & CEO of englishfinders.com. He is a passionate writer, English instructor, and content creator. He has completed his graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature.

People in general have no difficulty coping the new words. We can very quickly understand a new word in our language (a neologism) and accept the use of different forms of that new word. This ability must derive in part from the fact that there is a lot of regularity in the word-formation process in our language.

In some aspects the study of the processes whereby new words come into being language like English seems relatively straightforward. This apparent simplicity however masks a number of controversial issues. Despite the disagreement of scholars in the area, there don´t seem to be a regular process involved.

These processes have been at work in the language for some time and many words in daily use today were, at one time, considered barbaric misuses of the language.

What is Coinage?

Coinage is a common process of word-formation in English and it is the invention of totally new terms. The most typical sources are invented trade names for one company´s product which become general terms (without initial capital letters) for any version of that product.

For example: aspirin, nylon, zipper and the more recent examples kleenex, teflon.

This words tend to become everyday words in our language.

What is Borrowing?

Borrowing is one of the most common sources of getting new words in English. That is the taking over of words from other languages. Throughout history the English language has adopted a vast number of loan words from other languages. For example:

  • Alcohol (Arabic)
  • Boss (Dutch)
  • Croissant (French)
  • Piano (Italian)
  • Pretzel (German)
  • Robot (Czech)
  • Zebra (Bantu)


A special type of borrowing is the loan translation or calque. In this process, there is a direct translation of the elements of a word into the borrowing language. For example: Superman, Loan Translation of Übermensch, German.

What is Compounding?

The combining process of words is technically known as compounding, which is very common in English and German. Obvious English examples would be:

  • Bookcase
  • Fingerprint
  • Sunburn
  • Wallpaper
  • Textbook
  • Wastebasket
  • Waterbed

What is Blending?

The combining separate forms to produce a single new term, is also present in the process of blending. Blending, takes only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word.  For instance, if you wish to refer to the combined effects of smoke and fog, there´s the term smog. The recent phenomenon of fund rising on television that feels like a marathon, is typically called a telethon, and if you´re extremely crazy about video, you may be called a videot.

What is Clipping?

Clipping is the process in which the element of reduction which is noticeable in blending is even more apparent. This occurs when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form, often in casual speech. For example, the term gasoline is still in use but the term gas, the clipped form is used more frequently. Examples

  • Chem.
  • Gym
  • Math
  • Prof
  • Typo

What is Backformation?

Backformation is a very specialized type of reduction process. Typically a word of one type, usually noun, is reduced to form another word of a different type, usually verb. A good example of backformation is the process whereby the noun television first came into ude and then the term televise is created form it.

More examples:

  • Donation – Donate
  • Option – Opt
  • Emotion – Emote
  • Enthusiasm – Enthuse
  • Babysit – Babysitter

What is Conversion?

Conversion is a change in the function of a word, as for example, when a noun comes to be used as a verb without any reduction. Other labels of this very common process are “category change” and “functional shift”. A number of nouns such as paper, butter, bottle, vacation and so on, can via the process of conversion come to be used as verbs as in the following examples:

  • My brother is papering my bedroom.
  • Did you buttered this toast?
  • We bottled the home brew last night.

What is an Acronym?

Some new words known as acronyms are formed with the initial letters of a set of other words. Examples:

  • Compact Disk – CD
  • Video Cassette Recorder – VCR
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration – NASA
  • The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – UNESCO
  • Personal Identification Number –PIN
  • Women against rape – WAR

What is Derivation?

Derivation is the most common word formation process and it accomplished by means of a large number of small bits of the English language which are not usually given separate listings in dictionaries. These small bits are called affixes. Examples:

  • Unhappy
  • Misrepresent
  • Prejudge
  • Joyful
  • Careless
  • Happiness

Prefixes and Suffixes

In the preceding group of words, it should be obvious that some affixes have to be added to the beginning of a word. These are called prefixes: unreliable. The other affix forms are called suffixes and are added at the end of the word: foolishness.


One of the characteristics of English words is that any modifications to them occur at the beginning or the end; mix can have something added at the beginning re-mix or at the end, mixes, mixer, but never in the middle, called infixes.


Activity 1

Identify the word formation process involved in the following sentences:

  1. My little cousin wants to be a footballer
  2. Rebecca parties every weekend
  3. I will have a croissant for breakfast.
  4. Does somebody know where is my bra?
  5. My family is vacationing in New Zealand
  6. I will babysit my little sister this weekend
  7. Would you give me your blackberry PIN?
  8. She seems really unhappy about her parents’ decision.
  9. I always have kleenex in my car.

10.  A carjacking was reported this evening.

(To check your answers, please go to home and check the link: Activities Keyword)

*You may require checking other sources

What is Word Formation?

Word formation process is subject of morphology where we learn how new words are formed. In linguistics, word formation process is the creation of a new word by making changes in existing words or by creating new words. In other words, it refers to the ways in which new words are made on the basis of other words.

Different Forms of Word Formation

Word Formation process is achieved by different ways to create a new word that includes; coinage, compounding, borrowing, blending, acronym, clipping, contraction, backformation, affixation and conversion.


Compounding is a type of word formation where we join two words side by side to create a new word. It is very common type of word formation in a language. Some time we write a compound word with a hyphen between two words and some time we keep a space and sometime we write them jointly. All these three forms are common in all languages.

Common examples of word compounding are:

·         Part + time = part-time

·         Book + case = bookcase

·         Low + paid = low-paid

·         Door + knob = doorknob

·         Finger + print = fingerprint

·         Wall + paper = wallpaper

·         Sun + burn = sunburn

·         Text + book = textbook

·         Good + looking = good-looking

·         Ice + cream = Ice-cream


In word formation process, borrowing is the process by which a word from one language is adapted for use in another language. The word that is borrowed is called a borrowing, a loanword, or a borrowed word. It is also known as lexical borrowing. It is the most common source of new words in all languages.

Common Examples of borrowed words in English language are:

·         Dope (Dutch)

·         Croissant (French)

·         Zebra (Bantu)

·         Lilac (Persian)

·         Pretzel (German)

·         Yogurt (Turkish)

·         Piano (Italian)

·         Sofa (Arabic)

·         Tattoo (Tahitian)

·         Tycoon (Japanese)


Blending is the combination of two separate words to form a single new word. It is different from compounding where we add two words side by side to make a new word but in blending we do not use both words in complete sense but new/derived word has part of both words e.g. word smog and fog are different words and when we blend them to make a new word, we use a part of each word to make a new word that is smog. We took first two letters from first word (sm) from smoke and last two (og) from fog to derive a new word smog.

Some more examples of blending are:

·         Smoke + murk=smurk

·         Smoke + haze= smaze

·         Motel (hotel + motor)

·         Brunch (breakfast + lunch )

·         Infotainment ( information + entertainment)

·         Franglais ( French + English)

·         Spanglish (Spanish + English )



Abbreviation is a process where we create a new word by making a change in lexical form of a word keeping same meaning. There are three main types of abbreviations.

1.    Clipping / Shortening / Truncation

2.    Acronyms / Initialism

3.    Contraction

Clipping / Shortening / Truncation

Clipping is the type of word formation where we use a part of word instead of whole word. This form of word formation is used where there is a long/multi-syllable word and to save time we use a short one instead of that long word e.g. the word advertisement is a long word and we use its short form ad (ads for plural form) instead of whole word.

Here are some examples of clipping:

·         Ad from advertisement

·         Gas from gasoline

·         Exam from examination

·         Cab from cabriolet

·         Fax from facsimile

·         Condo from condominium

·         Fan from fanatic

·         Flu from Influenza

·         Edu from education

·         Gym from gymnasium

·         Lab from laboratory

Acronyms / Initialism

An acronym is a word or name formed as an abbreviation from the initial letters in a phrase or a multi syllable word (as in Benelux). The initials are pronounced as new single words. Commonly derived word are written in upper case e.g. NATO.

Some common examples of acronyms are:

·         CD is acronym of compact disk

·         VCR is acronym of  video cassette recorder

·         NATO is acronym of North Atlantic Treaty Organization

·         NASA is acronym of National Aeronautics and Space Administration

·         ATM is acronym of  Automatic Teller Machine

·         PIN is acronym of Personal Identification Number

Some time the word is written in lower case (Initial letter capital when at start of sentence)

·         Laser is acronym of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

·         Scuba is acronym of  Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

·         Radar  is acronym of Radio Detecting And Ranging


A contraction is a word formed as an abbreviation from a word. Contractions are abbreviations in which we omit letters from the middle of a word or more than one words.

Some common contractions are below:

·         Dr is from Doctor.

·         St is from Saint.

·         He’s from He is.

·         I’ve is from I have.


Affixation is the word formation process where a new word is created by adding suffix or prefix to a root word. The affixation may involve prefixes, suffixes, infixes. In prefixes, we add extra letters before root word e.g. re+right to make a new word rewrite. In suffix, we add some extra letters with a base/root word e.g. read+able. In infixes, the base word is changed in its form e.g. the plural of woman is women that creates new word “women”.

1.    Prefixes: un+ plug = unplug

2.    Suffixes: cut + ie = cutie

3.    Infixes: man + plural = men

Zero-derivation (Conversion)

Zero-derivation, or conversion, is a derivational process that forms new words from existing words. Zero derivation, is a kind of word formation involving the creation of a word from an existing word without any change in form, which is to say, derivation using only zero. Zero-derivation or conversion changes the lexical category of a word without changing its phonological shape. For example, the word ship is a noun and we use it also as a verb. See below sentences to understand it.

1.    Beach hotel has a ship to enjoy honeymoon.

2.    Beach hotel will ship your luggage in two days.

In first sentence, the word ship is a noun and in second sentence the word ship (verb) is derived from the action of ship (noun) that transports luggage, so the word ship (verb) has meaning of transportation.


Backformation is the word formation process where a new word is derived by removing what appears to be an affix. When we remove last part of word (that looks like suffix but not a suffix in real) from a word it creates a new word.

Some very familiar words are below:

·         Peddle from peddler

·         Edit from editor

·         Pea from pease

Coinage / Neologism

It is also a process of word formation where new words (either deliberately or accidentally) are invented. This is a very rare process to create new words, but in the media and industry, people and companies try to surpass others with unique words to name their services or products.

Some common examples of coinage are: Kodak, Google, Bing, Nylon etc.


In word formation process, sometime new words are derives by based on the name of a person or a place. Some time these words have attribution to a place and sometime the words are attributes to the things/terms who discover/invent them. For example, the word volt is electric term that is after the name of Italian scientist Alessandro Volta.

Some common examples of eponyms are:

·         Hoover: after the person who marketed it

·         Jeans: after a city of Italy Genoa

·         Spangle: after the person who invented it

·         Watt: after the name of scientist James Watt

·         Fahrenheit:  after the name of German scientist Gabriel Fahrenheit

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