Word Of The Day
Not to be confused with «climb», a clime is a region known for its weather. In the dead of winter, we dream about heading to sunny climes, where we can hang out in shorts.
The key to remembering clime is that it’s so similar to «climate,» with which it shares the Greek root klima, «zone.» So a clime is a zone that has a characteristic climate. Folks in colder climes think nothing of the kind of snowfall that we down here in the south get all panicked about. But then again, when they come here to our warmer clime, they forget to put on sunscreen; people from one clime can learn a lot from a visit to a different clime.
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allusion / illusion / delusion
Novelists, magicians, and other tricksters keep these words busy. Novelists love an allusion, an indirect reference to something like a secret treasure for the reader to find; magicians heart illusions, or fanciful fake-outs; but tricksters suffer from delusions, ideas that have no basis in reality.
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predominate / predominant
If you win an election by a 3:1 margin, are you the predominant winner or the predominate winner?
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discreet / discrete
Discreet means on the down low, under the radar, careful, but discrete means individual or detached. They come from the same ultimate source, the Latin discrētus, for separated or distinct, but discreet has taken its own advice and quietly gone its separate way.
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the meaning of a word
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make out the meaning of a word
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strain the meaning of a word
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > strain the meaning of a word
the example helps to bring out the meaning of the word
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the example helps to bring out the meaning of the word
the secondary meaning of a word
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > the secondary meaning of a word
(the) secondary meaning of a word
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > (the) secondary meaning of a word
to learn the meaning of the word
узнать (менять/изменять) значение слова
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to learn the meaning of the word
get at the meaning
English-Russian base dictionary > get at the meaning
example helps to bring out the meaning of the word
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obscure the meaning of the word
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > obscure the meaning of the word
play upon the meaning of the word
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > play upon the meaning of the word
to look up the meaning of the word
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to look up the meaning of the word
1. n часто речь, разговор, слова
2. n размолвка, ссора
high words — разговор на повышенных тонах, крупный разговор
3. n замечание, совет
4. n тк. вести; известие, сообщение
5. n тк. обещание, заверение
6. n рекомендация, совет
7. n тк. приказ, приказание
8. n пароль, пропуск
пословица, поговорка
9. n слух, молва
10. n рел. Слово господне
11. n рел. Слово, бог-слово, Христос
12. n рел. муз. театр. текст, слова; либретто; текст
control word — управляющее слово; командное слово; команда
13. n вчт. код; кодовая группа; группа символов
symbol word — слово обозначающее символ; название символа
14. n вчт. биол. кодовое слово
in a word — одним словом, короче говоря
in the words of … — говоря словами такого-то …
on the word — как только было сказано; без промедления; тут же, сейчас же
15. v выражать словами; подбирать слова, выражения; формулировать
Синонимический ряд:
1. expression (noun) affirmation; assertion; asseveration; comment; declaration; designation; expression; locution; remark; statement; term; utterance; vocable
4. order (noun) behest; bidding; charge; command; commandment; dictate; direction; directive; injunction; instruction; mandate; order
5. password (noun) catchword; countersign; password; shibboleth; signal; watchword
6. pledge (noun) assurance; commitment; guarantee; pledge; warrant
8. report (noun) account; advice; buzz; communication; cry; gossip; grapevine; hearsay; information; intelligence; message; murmur; news; on-dit; report; rumble; rumor; rumour; scuttlebutt; speerings; talk; tattle; tidings; tittle-tattle; whispering
10. express (verb) couch; express; formulate; phrase; put; style; voice
Антонимический ряд:
English-Russian base dictionary > word
1. n значение; смысл
2. n арх. намерение, цель, замысел
3. a значительный; выразительный
4. a имеющий намерение
Синонимический ряд:
1. meaningful (adj.) expressive; knowing; meaningful; poignant; pointed; significant
2. acceptation (noun) acceptation; definition; denotation; gist; idea; import; intent; interpretation; message; point; purport; sense; significance; significancy; signification; sum and substance; understanding; value
3. end (noun) aim; animus; design; end; goal; intendment; intent; intention; object; objective; plan; purpose; target; view
4. adding up to (verb) adding up to; connoting; counting; denoting; expressing; importing; intending; mattering; signifying; spelling; weighing
5. meaning (verb) aiming; contemplating; designing; intending; meaning; planning; projecting; proposing; purposing
English-Russian base dictionary > meaning
1. [ʹmi:nıŋ]
1. значение; смысл
a word with six meanings — слово, имеющее шесть значений
double meaning — двоякое значение; двусмысленность
what is the meaning of all this? — что всё это значит?
to understand smb.’s meaning — понять, что кто-л. хочет сказать
their conversation had not the remotest meaning for him — он совершенно не понимал, о чём они говорят
there is a central core of meaning in every novel — в каждом романе имеется центральная тема
намерение, цель, замысел
2. [ʹmi:nıŋ]
1. (много)значительный; выразительный
meaning look — многозначительный /выразительный/ взгляд
2. имеющий намерение
НБАРС > meaning
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > word
значение, смысл
The word has many meanings. — У этого слова много значений
— learn the meaning of the word
— illustrate the meaning of the phrase
— look up the meaning of the word
— know the meaning of smth
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > meaning
1. сущ. значение;
смысл to misconstrue a meaning ≈ неправильно понимать accepted meaning ≈ общепринятое понимание clear meaning ≈ ясное/понятное значение in the accepted meaning of the word ≈ в обычном значении слова with meaning ≈ многозначительно basic meaning ≈ основное значение connotative meaning ≈ коннотативное значение, коннотация equivocal meaning ≈ двусмысленность figurative meaning ≈ образное, переносное, метафорическое значение literal meaning ≈ буквальное, прямое значение obscure meaning ≈ темное, неясное значение grammatical meaning ≈ грамматическое значение lexical meaning ≈ лексическое значение referential meaning ≈ референциальное значение Syn: implication, import, sense, significance, signification, purport, respect
2. прил.
1) значащий;
(много) значительный;
выразительный Syn: significant, expressive
2) имеющий цель, намерение
значение, смысл — the * of a word значение слова — a word with six *s слово, имеющее шесть значений — multiple * многозначность — double * двоякое значение;
двусмысленность — what is the * of all this? что все это значит? — to understand smb.’s * понять, что кто-л. хочет сказать — their conversation had not the removest * for him он совершенно не понимал, о чем они говорят — you haven’t got my * вы меня не поняли — with * многозначительно — full of * многозначительный — there is a central core of * in every novel в каждом романе имеется центральная тема( устаревшее) намерение, замысел( много) значительный;
выразительный — * look многозначительный /выразительный/ взгляд имеющий намерение
double ~ двоякое значение double ~ двусмысленность
meaning pres. p. от mean ~ выразительный ~ значащий;
(много) значительный;
выразительный ~ значащий, выразительный ~ значение;
with meaning многозначительно ~ значение, смысл ~ вчт. значение ~ значение ~ многозначительный ~ смысл
procedural ~ вчт. процедурная семантика
~ значение;
with meaning многозначительно
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > meaning
См. также в других словарях:
The Meaning of Liff — … Wikipedia
The meaning of Wallington — The meaning of WallingtonWallington, a common English place and family name, has two main known meanings coming from two different time periods, one is from the anglo saxon invasion of Albion and the Norman conquest of England.Anglo saxon… … Wikipedia
The Meaning of Meaning — Although the original text was published in 1923 it has been used as a textbook in many fields including linguistics, philosophy, language, cognitive science and most recently semantics. The book has been in print continuously since 1923. The… … Wikipedia
Meaning (philosophy of language) — The nature of meaning, its definition, elements, and types, was discussed by philosophers Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas. According to them meaning is a relationship between two sorts of things: signs and the kinds of things they mean (intend … Wikipedia
not know the meaning of the word — (not) know the meaning of the word if you are talking about a quality or an activity and you say that someone does not know the meaning of the word, you mean they do not have that quality or they have no experience of that activity. Work? He… … New idioms dictionary
know the meaning of the word — (not) know the meaning of the word if you are talking about a quality or an activity and you say that someone does not know the meaning of the word, you mean they do not have that quality or they have no experience of that activity. Work? He… … New idioms dictionary
not know the meaning of the word — informal behave as if unaware of the concept referred to or implied Humanity? You don t know the meaning of the word! * * * not know the meaning of (the word) see ↑meaning • • • Main Entry: ↑know … Useful english dictionary
know the meaning of something — know/not know/the meaning of something informal phrase used for emphasizing how much or how little you understand something Hungry? You don’t know the meaning of hunger. Thesaurus: ways of saying that you know, understand or agreesynonym ways of… … Useful english dictionary
know the meaning of — (something) : to understand (something) because you have experienced it I know the meaning of loneliness. [=I know what it is like to be lonely] often used in negative statements Those people don t know the meaning of hard work. often used in an… … Useful english dictionary
Midnight and the Meaning of Love — … Wikipedia
not know the meaning of — (the word) see ↑meaning • • • Main Entry: ↑know … Useful english dictionary
What is the meaning of this?
В чём смысл этого? / Что это означает?
What is the meaning of life?
В чём смысл жизни?
What is the meaning of this proverb?
Что значит эта пословица?
What is the meaning of this sentence?
Что означает это предложение?
I sensed the real meaning of his letter
Я понял истинный смысл его письма.
I can’t make out the meaning of this poem.
Я не могу понять смысла этого стихотворения.
He could not touch the meaning of the poem.
Ему не удалось постичь смысл этого стихотворения.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
The meaning of the poem has always been a puzzle.
We disagreed on the apparent meaning of the movie.
Living in a warzone, the children knew the meaning of fear.
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(redirected from Meanings)
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia.
a. The denotation, referent, or idea associated with a word or phrase: How many meanings does the word «dog» have?
b. Something that is conveyed or intended, especially by language; sense or significance: The writer’s meaning was obscured by convoluted prose.
2. An interpreted goal, intent, or end: «The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority» (Conor Cruise O’Brien).
3. A sense of importance or purpose: When he became a teacher, he felt that his life had meaning.
1. Disposed or intended in a specified manner. Often used in combination: a well-meaning fellow; ill-meaning intentions.
2. Full of meaning; expressive: gave me a meaning look.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. the sense or significance of a word, sentence, symbol, etc; import; semantic or lexical content
2. the purpose underlying or intended by speech, action, etc
3. the inner, symbolic, or true interpretation, value, or message: the meaning of a dream.
4. valid content; efficacy: a law with little or no meaning.
5. (Philosophy) philosophy
a. the sense of an expression; its connotation
b. the reference of an expression; its denotation. In recent philosophical writings meaning can be used in both the above senses. See also sense12
expressive of some sense, intention, criticism, etc: a meaning look.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
(ˈmi nɪŋ)
1. what is intended to be or actually is expressed or indicated; import: the three meanings of a word.
2. the end, purpose, or significance of something.
3. intentioned (usu. used in combination): a well-meaning person.
4. expressive: a meaning look.
mean′ing•ly, adv.
syn: meaning, sense, significance, purport denote that which is expressed or indicated by language or action. meaning is general, describing that which is intended to be, or actually is, expressed: the meaning of a statement. sense often refers to a particular meaning of a word or phrase: The word “run” has many senses. sense may also be used of meaning that is intelligible or reasonable: There’s no sense in what you say. significance refers to a meaning that is only implied: the significance of a glance. It may also refer to a meaning the importance of which is not immediately perceived: We did not grasp its significance until years later. purport usu. refers to the essential meaning of something complicated: the purport of a theory.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
– intention – opinion
1. ‘meaning’
The meaning of a word, expression, or gesture is the thing or idea that it refers to or represents.
The word ‘guide’ is used with various meanings.
This gesture has the same meaning throughout Italy.
The meaning of what someone says is what they intend to express.
The meaning of his remark was clear.
2. ‘intention’
Don’t use ‘meaning‘ to refer to what someone intends to do. Don’t say, for example, ‘His meaning was to leave without paying‘. Say ‘His intention was to leave without paying’.
Their intention is to finish the work by Friday.
3. ‘opinion’
Don’t use ‘meaning’ to refer to what someone thinks about something. Don’t say, for example, ‘I think he should go. What’s your meaning?‘ You say ‘I think he should go. What’s your opinion?’
My opinion is that this is completely the wrong thing to do.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun | 1. | lexical meaning — the meaning of a content word that depends on the nonlinguistic concepts it is used to express grammatical meaning — the meaning of a word that depends on its role in a sentence; varies with inflectional form signified, sense — the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted; «the dictionary gave several senses for the word»; «in the best sense charity is really a duty»; «the signifier is linked to the signified» connotation, intension — what you must know in order to determine the reference of an expression referent — something referred to; the object of a reference moral, lesson — the significance of a story or event; «the moral of the story is to love thy neighbor» nuance, subtlety, nicety, refinement, shade — a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude; «without understanding the finer nuances you can’t enjoy the humor»; «don’t argue about shades of meaning» overtone — (usually plural) an ulterior implicit meaning or quality; «overtones of despair» point — a brief version of the essential meaning of something; «get to the point»; «he missed the point of the joke»; «life has lost its point» |
2. | meaning — the idea that is intended; «What is the meaning of this proverb?»
idea, thought — the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking about; «it was not a good idea»; «the thought never entered my mind» semantics — the meaning of a word, phrase, sentence, or text; «a petty argument about semantics» implication, significance, import — a meaning that is not expressly stated but can be inferred; «the significance of his remark became clear only later»; «the expectation was spread both by word and by implication» tenor, strain — the general meaning or substance of an utterance; «although I disagreed with him I could follow the tenor of his argument» undercurrent, undertone — a subdued emotional quality underlying an utterance; implicit meaning denotation, reference, extension — the most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to; «the extension of `satellite of Mars’ is the set containing only Demos and Phobos» reference — the relation between a word or phrase and the object or idea it refers to; «he argued that reference is a consequence of conditioned reflexes» connotation — an idea that is implied or suggested |
Adj. | 1. | meaning — rich in significance or implication; «a meaning look»
meaningful — having a meaning or purpose; «a meaningful explanation»; «a meaningful discussion»; «a meaningful pause» |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. significance, message, explanation, substance, value, import, implication, drift, interpretation, essence, purport, connotation, upshot, gist, signification I became more aware of the symbols and their meanings.
4. force, use, point, effect, value, worth, consequence, thrust, validity, usefulness, efficacy a challenge that gives meaning to life
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
1. That which is signified by a word or expression:
acceptation, connotation, denotation, import, intent, message, purport, sense, significance, significancy, signification, value.
2. The thread or current of thought uniting or occurring in all the elements of a text or discourse:
3. What one intends to do or achieve:
aim, ambition, design, end, goal, intent, intention, mark, object, objective, point, purpose, target, view, why.
Idioms: end in view, why and wherefore.
4. The gist of a specific action or situation:
Effectively conveying meaning, feeling, or mood:
The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ý nghĩa
Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈmiːnɪŋ] n
[word] → sens m
two words with similar meanings → deux mots aux sens similaires
she doesn’t know the meaning of the word! (= doesn’t understand the concept) → elle ne sait pas ce que cela veut dire!, elle ne connaît pas le sens du mot!
(= significance) → sens m
to give meaning to sth → donner un sens à qch
a challenge that gives a meaning to life → un défi qui donne un sens à la vie
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(miːn) – past tense, past participle meant (ment) – verb
1. to (intend to) express, show or indicate. `Vacation’ means `holiday’; What do you mean by (saying/doing) that?
2. to intend. I meant to go to the exhibition but forgot; For whom was that letter meant?; He means (= is determined) to be a rich man some day.
ˈmeaning noun
the sense in which a statement, action, word etc is (intended to be) understood. What is the meaning of this phrase?; What is the meaning of his behaviour?
(of a look, glance etc) showing a certain feeling or giving a certain message. The teacher gave the boy a meaning look when he arrived late.
ˈmeaningful adjective
(often used loosely) important in some way. a meaningful statement/relationship.
ˈmeaningless adjective
without meaning or reason; of no importance. meaningless chatter.
be meant to
to be required or supposed; to have to. The child is meant to be asleep!
mean well
to have good intentions. He meant well by what he said.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ مَعْنَى význam betydning Bedeutung σημασία significado merkitys signification značenje significato 意味 뜻 betekenis betydning znaczenie significado значение betydelse ความหมาย anlam ý nghĩa 含意
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