What is the meaning of the word vague

Words are a unit of languages and the backbone of any communication. It is vital to understand the definition and meaning to comprehend what’s communicated to you. In your journey to improving your language and adding more vocabulary, learn the word «vague.»

Vague means that something written or spoken isn’t clearly expressed or explained. It is used when something is not well understood, defined, or grasped. Everyday use of «vague» revolves around information that doesn’t have a definite meaning. It can also be defined as something «subconscious.»

Now that you have a rough idea of «vague definition,» let’s go back to its history, etymology, use in sentences, and much more. It’s the best way to give you confidence in its usage when writing and speaking. More so, you will better understand the word when reading it or getting data that contains the word.

Office Men

What is the Definition of Vague?

The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives three meanings of the word «vague.» As an adjective: 1. «not clear in meaning: Stated in a way that is general and not specific.» 2. «Not thinking or expressing your thoughts clearly.» 3. «Not completely formed or developed.»

The best way of understanding the meaning of «vague» is by first understanding how it makes you feel. When something is «vague,» it will leave you feeling confused and uncertain about the situation. Also, most people use this word when they are not sure of the information, their thought, or the information they are giving. Example: The lawyer was vague on where she got the evidence.

As you continue to learn about the word vague, you will come across various forms. We’ve highlighted two forms to help you learn the words and how to use them in a sentence to avoid errors. They include:


The word vaguely is a verb meaning «roughly» or «slightly.» Vaguely is primarily used in situations that are uncertain, unclear, or indefinite. Example in a sentence: She gestured vaguely towards the office.


The word vagueness is a noun that does not have preciseness in thought and communication. It can also be defined as a lack of certainty and distinctness. Examples in a sentence: Given the vagueness of the instructions, we did very well to pass the exam.

What Is The Meaning Of Vague?

Vague also means something ambiguous or not unambiguous. Though rarely used in this way, «vague» can also be defined as not apparent or not very visible.

But still, the word vague has several meanings. According to the information found in most dictionaries, vague means something:

  • Stated in a way that is too general or not specific.
  • Not expressing one’s thoughts clearly.
  • Not completely formed.
  • Not strongly felt.
  • Not able to be seen clearly.

To elaborate more on that, when something is vague, it does not have a precise meaning. It is not easy to define, explain, or understand it. The word can show a situation where someone is not expressing themselves clearly or is uncertain about what they say.

Vague also means something or a situation that you are having difficulty comprehending. It makes it impossible for you to give precise information about something if the details you got are vague. Example: The couple was vague on the reasons they decided to elope.

How to Use Vague In a Sentence?

The word Vague is an adjective used to describe the state of nouns or pronouns. The word vague can be replaced with synonyms like «fuzzy,» «unclear,» and «indefinite.»

Many things can be vague such as outline, shape, number, stare, promise, idea, hint, impression, person, communication, symptoms, childhood memories, sense of excitement, authority, and many more. That is why vague phrases are common.

In all the words mentioned above, if the data, memory, or information is not precise, you can use the word vague at the beginning of the word. Example: A vague symptom of Coronavirus.

Learning how to use «vague» will make it easy for you to express yourself and interpret the information that has this word with ease. Here are a few sentences using the word «vague.»

  • I never understood her vague answers to my questions about what she did last night with Mike.
  • The instructions for this model are so vague that even I can’t figure it out.
  • The event schedule they gave us is very vague, but they did say the party starts at 7 pm.
  • His speech was so vague that people didn’t know what he was saying or where he stood on the issues.
  • It’s very vague, but I think this is the address you’re looking for.
  • The movie was a bit vague and hard to understand, but it had a lot of good things going for it.

Ten Examples of Vague In a Sentence

After understanding «vague» and its meaning, the next is to know how to use the word in a sentence. Learning how to structure the word differently in varying sentences will help you understand the word better. Here are ten examples of vague sentences.

  1. He was not happy with the vague response he got from the police.
  2. When I asked to borrow the segway, his response was vague.
  3. Her vague response made me suspect she had prescient knowledge on the issue.
  4. She has a vague recollection of the accident. That explains why nobody believes her.
  5. Since the plan details were vague, we did not know what to do next.
  6. If the response they give you is vague, ensure that you ask for clarification.
  7. The song had a vague connection to their love story. But they love it anyway.
  8. The terms and conditions of the gadget you are buying are rather vague. It might have repercussions that nobody expects.
  9. I do not have a vague idea of what I would suggest the boys do during their arrival birthday.
  10. I saw a vague outline of the tree through the fog. Being the first time, I loved it.
  11. The information you were given is vague and doesn’t affect the event’s schedule in any way.
  12. He was vague, but still, he got attention from his coworkers. It is no wonder he was not in a hurry to leave the company.

Dictionary Vague

How Do You Spell The Word Vague?

The word «vague» is spelled as v-a-g-u-e. 

Ensure that you get the proper spelling of the word vague so that you do not make a mistake when writing a message or some information. If you mistake the spelling, your message might get misunderstood. Again, don’t confuse the spelling with the word «plague» or «Hague.»

How Do You Pronounce Vague?

The pronunciation of the word «vague» depends on the English accent you are speaking. For example, in American English, the most preferred pronunciation is /veig/. But if you are using British English, the spelling will be /væɡ/.

The word can also be pronounced as veyg or veiig. The word is spelled using a strong «va » but pronounced as «ve» sound/ then followed by the sound «g.» The «ue» is silent. Most people mispronounce the word vague as they attempt to spell out the «ue» part of the word.

How Many Syllables Are Vague?

The word vague has one syllable, which is divided as vague. Since the word has only one syllable, the word stress is vague.

Synonyms Of The Word «Vague»

  • Equivocal
  • Uncertain
  • Unsure
  • Blurred
  • Unclear

Antonyms Of The Word «Vague»

  • Clear
  • Definite
  • Apparent
  • Secure
  • Sure

The History and Etymology of Vague

The word «vague» comes from the Latin word «vagus,» which means rambling, wondering, or strolling.

The noun word «vagus» is commonly used by Roman Catholicism to define someone who is vagrant or homeless. It is also associated with the word vagabond, which means someone wondering without knowing where he is going.

The French adopted the word «vague» and defined it as the movement on the surface of a liquid or ripple. The word vague was used in the middle French and then the new French.

The word has also been traced to Old Norse as «vegr» meaning sea. The English language then adopted it to mean something uncertain. A few impressive words that are similar to vague include tenebrous, ambiguous, and nebulous.

When Was Vague First Used?

Vague was first seen in the English language 400 years ago, around 1598. That positions it as a word with a rich history but still unique whenever used.

The word vague may sound like it has the same meaning as «vault,» but we assure you they don’t. They are not even the same in meaning and use. Vault is an old and rare word for a storehouse, but vague means unclear.


The word vague is used in different languages around the world. It is also used in various occupations and different sentences. The main purpose is to describe something that is not definite or unclear. It is described in most dictionaries as «not explicitly stated or expressed» or «indistinct in feelings, ideas, and characters.»

When you learn words and their meaning, it will be easier to communicate with others. Thus, the importance of vocabulary development cannot be overemphasized. With social media and people always sharing information, it is now essential to know the definition and meaning of words like vague.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

What does the word vague mean?

According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language and Collins English Dictionary, the word vague is an adjective that means unclear or not explicit. Something that is vague lacks understanding, has a lack of clear perception, has an indefinite way about it, is of an obscure origin, an obscure turn of phrase,  has a lack of precision and clear thinking, has a lack of precise meaning, does not have a specific date, or is an undefined term. The pronunciation of vague is veɪɡ. 

Many things can be vague, including vague shapes, a vague outline, vague promises, a vague rumor, vague murmurs, a vague understanding, a vague stare, a vague rumour, the vaguest idea, a vague premonition of disaster, a vague lack of precision, the vague hint of a thickening waistline, vague uneasiness, the vague outline of a building, a vague impression, a vague person, a vague date of his birth, a vague term of abuse, vague government’s communication, a vague tip-reimbursement policy, a vague way of doing things, vague early warning signals, a vague sense of uneasiness, the vague outline of a plane, vague symptoms of Coronavirus, vague feelings of sadness when thinking about the wispy memories of childhood, vague obscure battles of his own spirit, a vague undefined sense of excitement, vague shadowy figures, a vague gloom or faint recollection, a vague dim figure, an undefined authority, and more. 

Different languages around the world use words that mean vague. In looking at this list of translations of vague from Word Sense, you may notice that a lot of these look and sound similar to the word vague. These are called cognates, which are often formed when two words have the same root or language of origin. 

  •  Polish: niejasny‎ (masc.)
  •  Spanish: vago‎, impreciso‎
  •  Czech: vágní‎
  •  Bulgarian: неясен‎ (nejasen)
  •  Esperanto: svaga‎
  •  French: vague‎
  •  Greek: ασαφής‎ (masc.), αόριστος‎ (masc.)
  •  Turkish: anlaşılmaz‎, belirsiz‎, bulanık‎, karanlık‎, muğlak‎, (Ottoman) müphem‎, şüpheli‎, üstü kapalı‎
  •  Swedish: vag‎, oklar‎
  •  Portuguese: vago‎ (masc.)
  •  Finnish: epämääräinen‎, ympäripyöreä‎
  •  Dutch: vaag‎
  •  Catalan: vague‎
  •  Macedonian: нејасен‎, неодреден‎, магловит‎
  •  Russian: нея́сный‎, нечёткий‎, неопределённый‎, расплы́вчатый‎
  •  German: nebelhaft‎, schwach‎, unklar‎, undeutlich‎, ungenau‎, ungewiss‎, vage‎, verschwommen‎
  •  Japanese: 曖昧‎ (aimai), 漠然‎
  •  Italian: vago‎
  •  Hebrew: עמום‎ (‘amum), מעורפל‎ (me‘urpal), לא ברור‎ (lo barur)
  •  Mandarin: 模糊‎ (móhu), 糢糊‎ (móhu)

What is the origin of the word vague?

According to Etymonline, the word vague has been used since c16 and comes from the  Old French vague, Latin vagus, and Proto-Indo-European roots huog-o. This is a cognate with the Old Norse vakka, Old High German wankon, Old High German winkan, and Old English wincian. One can add the suffixes ness and ly to form the forms of speech vagueness (n.) and vaguely (adv.) 

How can the word vague be used in a sentence?

The word vague can be used in many different sentences in the English language. Using words in a sentence is a great way to memorize their definitions. You can also try making flashcards or quizzes to test your knowledge of the definitions of many different words. Try using this word of the day in a sentence today. You never know, it might become one of your new favorites. Below are a couple of examples of vague to get you started.

It was vague when the 42-year-old runner Diedrich would race again. Spokeswoman Rena Lunak said it could be in late March or early April with a wink. 

He began to wander around the home, pondering the vague mysteries of science and descriptions of human behavior. 

The cities software companies were vague about the hacking from the guest. Cisco said there was nothing to worry about, but the evidence was staggering. 

The student from Princeton University was vague about his impulse decision to light the frat house on fire. 

What are synonyms and antonyms of the word vague?

There are a number of different words that a person can choose to use in place of the word vague. These equivalent words are called synonyms, which are words and phrases that have the same meaning or definition as another given word or phrase. Learning synonyms is a great way to easily expand your English language vocabulary and help you avoid repeating yourself when writing or speaking. The below list of synonyms for the word vague is provided by Power Thesaurus. 

  •  indistinguishable
  •  evasive
  •  obscure
  •  doubtful
  •  weak
  •  unspecific
  •  fuzzy
  •  ill-defined
  •  blurred
  •  nebulous
  •  inattentive
  •  indeterminate
  •  undefinable
  •  dim
  •  dreamy
  •  unspecified
  •  mysterious
  •  indecisive
  •  imperceptible
  •  dull
  •  forgetful
  •  unsure
  •  indefinite
  •  foggy
  •  non-specific
  •  debatable
  •  wispy
  •  faint
  •  vagueness
  •  shady
  •  unclear
  •  cloudy
  •  confused
  •  distrait
  •  indefinable
  •  formless
  •  misty
  •  blurry
  •  rough
  •  woolly
  •  uncertain
  •  undecided
  •  unintelligible
  •  fog
  •  pale
  •  unresolved
  •  undetermined
  •  shapeless
  •  concealed
  •  murky
  •  inexact
  •  abstruse
  •  intangible
  •  generalized
  •  cryptic
  •  dubious
  •  absentminded
  •  enigmatic
  •  undefined
  •  arguable
  •  distracted
  •  opaque
  •  out of focus
  •  loose
  •  feeble
  •  indiscernible
  •  equivocal
  •  general
  •  sketchy
  •  hidden
  •  shadowy
  •  slight
  •  tenebrous
  •  unsettled
  •  imprecise
  •  hazy
  •  clouded
  •  elusive
  •  questionable
  •  unfocused
  •  impalpable
  •  faraway
  •  ballpark
  •  ambivalent
  •  dark
  •  amorphous
  •  incomplete
  •  inexplicit
  •  inconclusive
  •  indistinct
  •  approximate
  •  nonspecific
  •  unfixed
  •  inaccurate
  •  ambiguous
  •  soft
  •  bleary
  •  unknown
  •  broad
  •  abstracted
  •  distant

There are also plenty of different words that have the opposite meaning of the word vague. These opposite words are called antonyms, which are another great, quick and easy way to expand your English language vocabulary. This list of antonyms is also provided by Power Thesaurus.

  •  clear-cut
  •  distinct
  •  particular
  •  certain
  •  unequivocal
  •  firm
  •  plain
  •  decided
  •  transparent
  •  definitive
  •  detail-oriented
  •  detailed
  •  fairly obvious
  •  special
  •  explicit
  •  comprehensible
  •  black and white
  •  defined
  •  apparent
  •  strong
  •  easy as pie
  •  Clarity 
  •  unambiguous
  •  definite
  •  categorical
  •  precise
  •  audible
  •  alert
  •  express
  •  fun
  •  become focus
  •  obvious
  •  specific
  •  accurate
  •  perspicuous
  •  factual
  •  become the focus
  •  recognisably different
  •  concrete
  •  actual
  •  determinate
  •  clear
  •  demonstrable
  •  focused
  •  assured
  •  evident
  •  direct
  •  exact
  •  sure
  •  straightforward
  •  crystal clear

Overall, the word vague means undefined or unclear. This word is an adjective.


  1. vague: meaning, origin, translation | Word Sense 
  2. Vague synonyms – 2 024 Words and Phrases for Vague | Power Thesaurus 
  3. Vague | Etymonline
  4. Vague antonyms – 1 322 Opposites of Vague | Power Thesaurus 
  5. Vague definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary 


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.



: not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms



: not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : indistinct

only a vague notion of what’s needed


: slight

a vague hint of a thickening waistline


: not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious


: not thinking or expressing one’s thoughts clearly or precisely

vague about dates and places


: not sharply outlined : hazy

met by vague figures with shaded torchlightsEarle Birney


Choose the Right Synonym for vague

dark implies an imperfect or clouded revelation often with ominous or sinister suggestion.

muttered dark hints of revenge

vague implies a lack of clear formulation due to inadequate conception or consideration.

a vague sense of obligation

enigmatic stresses a puzzling, mystifying quality.

enigmatic occult writings

cryptic implies a purposely concealed meaning.

cryptic hints of hidden treasure

ambiguous applies to language capable of more than one interpretation.

equivocal applies to language left open to differing interpretations with the intention of deceiving or evading.

moral precepts with equivocal phrasing

Example Sentences

When my three years of military service ended, I looked around for some way to get to spend time in rural Vietnam as a civilian. The driving force was still primarily intellectual curiosity, along with a desire to improve my language ability in a non-Western language and some vague idea of doing folkloristic or literary studies in the future.

Neil L. Jamieson, Understanding Vietnam, (1993) 1995

There are vague memories in our souls of those misty centuries when the world was in its childhood.

Arthur Conan Doyle, A Study in Scarlet, 1887

At the end of half an hour Tom had a vague general idea of his lesson, but no more, for his mind was traversing the whole field of human thought, and his hands were busy with distracting recreations.

Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, 1876

It thrilled him with a vague uncertain horror, to know that behind the dusky shroud, there were ghostly eyes intently fixed upon him, while he, though he stretched his own to the utmost, could see nothing but a spectral hand and one great heap of black.

Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, 1843

The instructions she left were vague and difficult to follow.

He gave only a vague answer.

The judges determined that the law was too vague to be fairly enforced.

She has been vague about her plans for college.

We had only a vague idea of where we were.

I think I have a vague understanding of how it works.

He longed in some vague way for something different.

She felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him.

I had the vague impression that they were withholding information.

We could just barely make out the vague outline of a plane in the sky.

See More

Recent Examples on the Web

Two important points were, however, left vague.

Roger Cohen, New York Times, 6 Apr. 2023

Attempts over the past two centuries to present the resurrection as a vague symbol or literary device or imaginative indicator that the cause of Christ goes on are comically inadequate.

Robert Barron, wsj.com, 6 Apr. 2023

The plan was vague but Sullivan was ready.

Lawrence Specker | , al, 5 Apr. 2023

But Putin was vague on when Russia would actually send Belarus the nuclear warheads themselves.

Anton Troianovski, BostonGlobe.com, 26 Mar. 2023

But soon after, the vague language lends itself to be applied to a wider range of environmental and social problems. 1972: Public nuisance is included in a treatise issued by the American Law Institute.

Ananya Bhattacharya, Quartz, 24 Mar. 2023

This story was corrected to correct vague language.

David Axe, Forbes, 15 Mar. 2023

The language is vague and makes no distinction between drag performers and transgender people.

Tori Otten, The New Republic, 28 Feb. 2023

Additionally, many symptoms associated with lymphoma can be vague or caused by different, unrelated ailments.

Barbara Brody, Health, 26 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘vague.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


borrowed from French, going back to Middle French, going back to Old French, «wandering, vagabond,» borrowed from Latin vagus «moving freely, wandering,» perhaps akin to Old High German wankōn «to totter, stagger,» winkan «to waver, stagger, wink,» Old English wincian «to close the eyes» — more at wink entry 1

First Known Use

circa 1661, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of vague was
circa 1661

Dictionary Entries Near vague

Cite this Entry

“Vague.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vague. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on vague

Last Updated:
9 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

расплывчатый, смутный, неопределенный, неясный, рассеянный, неуловимый


- неопределённый, туманный, нечёткий, неясный; смутный

vague answer — неопределённый ответ
vague hope — смутная надежда
vague idea — смутное представление о чём-л.
vague term — неточный термин
vague resemblance — отдалённое /неуловимое/ сходство
to speak in vague language — высказываться неопределённо; нечётко формулировать свои мысли
to be vague about smth. /on a point/ — а) высказываться неопределённо /уклончиво/; б) не быть уверенным в чём-л., иметь смутное представление о чём-л.

- рассеянный, невыразительный, отсутствующий (о взгляде)
- нечёткий, неясно очерченный

vague outlines — неясные контуры; размытый контур; неясный контур


- неопределённость

in the vague — а) в неопределённом положении; б) в общем

Мои примеры


to confine oneself to vague generalities — ограничиться общими рассуждениями; ограничиваться общими заявлениями  
not the vaguest idea — ни малейшего представления  

Примеры с переводом

He gave only a vague answer.

Он дал довольно неопределённый ответ.

We had only a vague idea of where we were.

Мы имели лишь смутное представление о том, где мы были.

He was very vague on this point.

По этому вопросу он не высказал определённого мнения.

She was vague about her plans.

Она не сказала ничего конкретного о своих планах.

She spoke with a vague foreign accent.

Она говорила с едва заметным иностранным акцентом.

The vague shape of a figure loomed through the mist.

Размытые очертания чьей-то фигуры неясно вырисовывались сквозь туман.

The instructions she left were vague and difficult to follow.

Инструкции, которые она оставила, были расплывчатыми и трудновыполнимыми.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The judges determined that the law was too vague to be fairly enforced.

There are vague memories in our souls of those misty centuries when the world was in its childhood.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): vaguer
прев. степ. (superlative): vaguest

  • 1

    1) неопределённый, нея́сный, сму́тный; неулови́мый;

    2) рассе́янный; отсу́тствующий ( о взгляде

    и т.п.


    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > vague

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > vague

  • 3



    неясный, неопределённый, смутный, нечёткий

    He was vague about his promise. — Он ничего определенного не обещал.

    She was very vague about her plans for future. — У нее не было ясных/определенных планов относительно будущего

    — vague promises
    — few vague replies
    — vague terms
    — vague glance
    — vague idea about smth
    — vague instructions
    — vague feeling of fear
    — vague shape of a figure
    — be vague about the date of departure
    — have a vague feeling that smth might happen
    — have vague recollections of smth

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > vague

  • 4

    1. [veıg]


    in the vague — а) в неопределённом положении; б) в общем

    2. [veıg]

    1. неопределённый, туманный, нечёткий, неясный; смутный

    vague idea — неясная /туманная/ мысль

    vague resemblance — отдалённое /неуловимое/ сходство

    to speak in vague language — высказываться неопределённо; нечётко формулировать свои мысли

    to be vague about smth. /on a point/ — а) высказываться неопределённо /уклончиво/; б) не быть уверенным в чём-л., иметь смутное представление о чём-л.

    2. рассеянный, невыразительный, отсутствующий ()

    3. нечёткий, неясно очерченный

    НБАРС > vague

  • 5

    1. n неопределённость

    2. a неопределённый, туманный, нечёткий, неясный; смутный

    3. a рассеянный, невыразительный, отсутствующий

    4. a нечёткий, неясно очерченный

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. dim (adj.) blear; bleary; cloudy; dim; faint; foggy; fuzzy; hazy; ill-defined; indistinct; misty; mushy; shadowy; undefined; undistinct; vaporous; vapory

    2. lax (adj.) lax; loose; unfixed; unknown

    3. obscure (adj.) ambiguous; amphibological; blurry; cloudy; double-edged; double-faced; dusky; equivocal; imprecise; indeterminate; inexplicit; murky; nebulous; nubilous; obscure; opaque; sibylline; tenebrous; uncertain; unclear; unexplicit; unintelligible; unspecific

    4. open (adj.) indefinite; open; undecided; undetermined; unresolved; unsettled; unsure

    Антонимический ряд:

    certain; clear; definite; determined; evident; express; incontestable; incontrovertible; limited; lucid; manifest; perspicuous; pointed; positive; specific

    English-Russian base dictionary > vague

  • 6


    he was very vague on this point по этому вопросу он не высказал определенного мнения I have not the vaguest notion what to do не имею ни малейшего представления, что делать vague неопределенный, неясный, смутный; неуловимый; vague hopes смутные надежды vague рассеянный; отсутствующий (о взгляде и т. п.) vague rumours неопределенные слухи; vague resemblance отдаленное сходство vague rumours неопределенные слухи; vague resemblance отдаленное сходство

    English-Russian short dictionary > vague

  • 7

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > vague

  • 8

    veɪɡ прил.
    1) неопределенный, неясный, смутный;
    неуловимый He was very vague on this point. ≈ По этому вопросу он не высказал определенного мнения. I have not the vaguest notion what to do. ≈ Не имею ни малейшего представления, что делать. She was vague about her plans. ≈ Она не сказала ничего конкретного о своих планах. Syn: dim, hazy, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, obscure Ant: clear, definite, plain, sensible
    2) рассеянный;
    отсутствующий( о взгляде и т. п.)
    неопределенность — in the * в неопределенном положении;
    в общем неопределенный, туманный, нечеткий, неясный;
    смутный — * answer неопределенный ответ — * hope смутная надежда — * idea неясная мысль — * term неточный термин — * resemblance отдаленое сходство — to speak in * language высказываться неопределенно;
    нечетко формулировать свои мысли — to be * about smth. высказываться неопределенно;
    не быть уверенным в чем-л., иметь смутное представление о чем-л., иметь смутное представление о чем-л. — not the *st idea ни малейшего предствления рассеянный, невыразительный, отсутствующий ( о взгляде) нечеткий, неясно очерченный
    he was very ~ on this point по этому вопросу он не высказал определенного мнения
    I have not the vaguest notion what to do не имею ни малейшего представления, что делать
    vague неопределенный, неясный, смутный;
    vague hopes смутные надежды ~ рассеянный;
    отсутствующий (о взгляде и т. п.)
    ~ rumours неопределенные слухи;
    vague resemblance отдаленное сходство
    ~ rumours неопределенные слухи;
    vague resemblance отдаленное сходство

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > vague

  • 9


    неопределённый, неясный, расплывчатый; неточный

    be vague about smth.

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > vague

  • 10



    1) неопределённый, неясный, смутный; неуловимый

    He was very vague on this point. — По этому вопросу он не высказал определённого мнения.

    I have not the vaguest notion what to do. — Не имею ни малейшего представления, что делать.

    She was vague about her plans. — Она не сказала ничего конкретного о своих планах.



    2) рассеянный; отсутствующий

    3) нечёткий, бесформенный

    Англо-русский современный словарь > vague

  • 11


    1) неопределенный, неясный, смутный; неуловимый; vague hopes смутные надежды; vague rumours неопределенные слухи; vague resemblance отдаленное сходство; I have not the vaguest notion what to do не имею ни малейшего представления, что делать; he was very vague on this point по этому вопросу он не высказал определенного мнения

    2) рассеянный; отсутствующий (о взгляде и т. п.)


    dim, hazy, indefinite, indeterminate, indistinct, obscure


    clear, definite, plain, sensible

    * * *

    (a) неясный; смутный

    * * *

    смутный, неясный, неопределенный

    * * *

    [ veɪg]
    неопределенный, расплывчатый, неясный, смутный, рассеянный, отсутствующий, неуловимый

    * * *














    * * *

    1) неопределенный
    2) рассеянный; отсутствующий (о взгляде и т. п.)
    3) нечеткий

    Новый англо-русский словарь > vague

  • 12

    English-Russian scientific dictionary > vague

  • 13

    сму́тный, нея́сный, неопределённый

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > vague

  • 14

    неопределенный; неясный; смутный; неуловимый

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > vague

  • 15

    1) неочетливый

    2) маниловский
    3) расплывчатый
    4) неопределенный
    5) неясный
    6) смутный
    7) туманный

    Англо-русский технический словарь > vague

  • 16


    1) Общая лексика: бессмысленный, глухой, зыбкий, зыбучий, неопределённость, неопределённый, неуловимый, нечёткий, неясный, отсутствующий , половинчатый, расплывчатый, рассеянный, тайный, туманный, смутный, абстрактный, размытый

    2) Биология: неопределённый , нечёткий , неясный

    5) Дипломатический термин: неточный

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > vague

  • 17


    неопределенный, неясный, смутный; неуловимый

    рассеянный; отсутствующий

    нечеткий, бесформенный

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > vague

  • 18

    неясный, нечёткий, неопределённый

    * * *

    English-russian biological dictionary > vague

  • 19

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > vague

  • 20

    неопределенный, неясный, смутный; нерешительный, неувереный

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > vague


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • vague — 1. (va gh ) s. f. 1°   Masse d eau de la mer, d une rivière ou d un lac, qui est agitée et soulevée par les vents, ou par une autre impulsion. •   Tel qu à vagues épandues Marche un fleuve impérieux, MALH. II, 2. •   Comme par une vague une vague …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d’Émile Littré

  • vague — [ veıg ] adjective ** 1. ) not clearly or fully explained: Some aspects of the law were somewhat vague and ill defined. Witnesses gave only a vague description of the driver. vague promises: The politicians made vague promises about independence …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Vague — (v[=a]g), a. [Compar. {Vaguer} (v[=a]g [ e]r); superl. {Vaguest}.] [F. vague, or L. vagus. See {Vague}, v. i.] [1913 Webster] 1. Wandering; vagrant; vagabond. [Archaic] To set upon the vague villains. Hayward. [1913 Webster] She danced along with …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vague — / vāg/ adj: characterized by such a lack of precision that a person of ordinary intelligence would have to guess if particular conduct is being proscribed: characterized by a failure to describe forbidden conduct in terms sufficient to provide… …   Law dictionary

  • vague´ly — vague «vayg», adjective, va|guer, va|guest. 1. not definitely or precisely expressed: »His vague statement confused them. He gave a vague assent. SYNONYM(S): ambiguous. See syn. under obscure. (Cf. ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • vague — S3 [veıg] adj [Date: 1500 1600; : French; Origin: Latin vagus wandering, vague ] 1.) unclear because someone does not give enough detailed information or does not say exactly what they mean ▪ The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • vague — VAGUE. Eau de la mer, d une riviere, d un lac &c. agitée & eslevée au dessus de sa superficie. Il fait de grandes vagues. les vagues les ont pensé abismer. il fut englouti des vagues. rompre la vague. aller au devant de la vague. Vague. adj. de… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • Vague — Vague, n. [Cf. F. vague.] An indefinite expanse. [R.] [1913 Webster] The gray vague of unsympathizing sea. Lowell. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vague — Vague, v. i. [F. vaguer, L. vagari, fr. vagus roaming.] To wander; to roam; to stray. [Obs.] [The soul] doth vague and wander. Holland. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vague — (adj.) 1540s, from M.Fr. vague, from L. vagus wandering, rambling, vacillating, vague, of unknown origin. Related: Vagueness …   Etymology dictionary

  • vague ! — interj. soit ! expr. : E vague sus lo nas ! Et vlan dans le nez ! Vague encara qu ères ganarra… Passe encore que tu étais saoul… …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu



From Middle French vague, from Latin vagus (uncertain, vague, literally wandering, rambling, strolling).


  • IPA(key): /veɪɡ/
  • (Upper Midwestern US) IPA(key): /væɡ/
  • Rhymes: -eɪɡ, -æɡ


vague (comparative vaguer, superlative vaguest)

  1. Not clearly expressed; stated in indefinite terms.
    • 1921, Bertrand Russell, The Analysis of Mind:

      It follows from what has been said that a vague thought has more likelihood of being true than a precise one. To try and hit an object with a vague thought is like trying to hit the bull’s eye with a lump of putty: when the putty reaches the target, it flattens out all over it, and probably covers the bull’s eye along with the rest. To try and hit an object with a precise thought is like trying to hit the bull’s eye with a bullet. The advantage of the precise thought is that it distinguishes between the bull’s eye and the rest of the target.

    • 2004: Chris Wallace, Character: Profiles in Presidential Courage
      Throughout the first week of his presidency, Dulles and Bissell continued to brief Kennedy on their strategy for Cuba, but the men were vague and their meetings offered little in the way of hard facts.
    Synonyms: inarticulate, unclear; see also Thesaurus:incomprehensible
  2. Not having a precise meaning.

    a vague term of abuse

    Synonyms: ambiguous, equivocal
  3. Not clearly defined, grasped, or understood; indistinct; slight.

    only a vague notion of what’s needed

    a vague hint of a thickening waistline

    I haven’t the vaguest idea.

    Synonyms: ambiguous, equivocal, indistinct, obscure; see also Thesaurus:vague
  4. Not clearly felt or sensed; somewhat subconscious.

    a vague longing

  5. Not thinking or expressing one’s thoughts clearly or precisely.
    • 1962, Philip Larkin, «Toads Revisited»
      Waxed-fleshed out-patients / Still vague from accidents, / And characters in long coats / Deep in the litter-baskets []
    Synonym: dazed
  6. Lacking expression; vacant.
    Synonyms: vacant, vacuous
  7. Not sharply outlined; hazy.
    • 1922, Michael Arlen, “Ep./1/2”, in “Piracy”: A Romantic Chronicle of These Days:

      He walked. To the corner of Hamilton Place and Picadilly, and there stayed for a while, for it is a romantic station by night. The vague and careless rain looked like threads of gossamer silver passing across the light of the arc-lamps.

    Synonyms: fuzzy, hazy, ill-defined; see also Thesaurus:indistinct
  8. Wandering; vagrant; vagabond.
    • 1630, John Hayward, The Life and Raigne of King Edward VI
      The Lord Gray incourag’d his men to set sharply upon the vague villains
    • 1819, John Keats, “The Eve of St. Agnes”, in Lamia, Isabella, the Eve of St. Agnes, and Other Poems, London: [] [Thomas Davison] for Taylor and Hessey, [], published 1820, →OCLC, stanza VIII, page 87:

      She danced along with vague, regardless eyes, / Anxious her lips, her breathing quick and short: […]

    Synonyms: erratic, roaming, unsettled, vagrant, vagabond


  • extravagant
  • noctivagant
  • vagabond
  • vagary
  • vaguely (adverb)
  • vagueness (noun)
  • vagus


not clearly expressed

  • Bulgarian: неясен (bg) (nejasen)
  • Catalan: vague (ca)
  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 模糊 (zh) (móhu), 糢糊 (zh) (móhu)
  • Czech: vágní (cs)
  • Dutch: vaag (nl)
  • Esperanto: svaga
  • Finnish: epämääräinen (fi), ympäripyöreä (fi)
  • French: vague (fr)
  • Georgian: ბუნდოვანი (bundovani), გაურკვეველი (gaurḳveveli), გაუგებარი (gaugebari)
  • German: nebelhaft (de), schwach (de), unklar (de), undeutlich (de), ungenau (de), ungewiss (de), vage (de), verschwommen (de)
  • Greek: ασαφής (el) m (asafís), αόριστος (el) m (aóristos)
  • Hebrew: עמום (he) (‘amum), מעורפל(me‘urpal), לא ברור(lo barur)
  • Italian: vago (it)
  • Japanese: 曖昧 (ja) (aimai), 漠然とした (ja) (ばくぜんとした, bakuzen to shita)
  • Kazakh: белгісіз (belgısız)
  • Ladino: indechizo
  • Latin: vagus
  • Macedonian: нејасен m (nejasen), неодреден m (neodreden), магловит m (maglovit)
  • Maori: ngau, kāwekaweka, waowao, hākirikiri
  • Persian: مبهم (fa) (mobham)
  • Plautdietsch: onbestemt
  • Polish: niejasny (pl) m
  • Portuguese: vago (pt) m
  • Russian: нея́сный (ru) (nejásnyj), нечёткий (ru) (nečótkij), неопределённый (ru) (neopredeljónnyj), расплы́вчатый (ru) (rasplývčatyj)
  • Spanish: vago (es), impreciso (es)
  • Swedish: vag (sv), oklar (sv)
  • Turkish: anlaşılmaz (tr), belirsiz (tr), bulanık (tr), karanlık (tr), muğlak (tr), (Ottoman) müphem (tr), şüpheli (tr), üstü kapalı (tr)

not clearly felt or sensed

  • Bulgarian: смътен (bg) (smǎten)
  • Estonian: ebamäärane (et), ebaselge, ähmane
  • Finnish: epämääräinen (fi)
  • French: vague (fr)
  • Georgian: გაუგებარი (gaugebari), გაურკვეველი (gaurḳveveli)
  • German: leicht (de)
  • Maori: hākirikiri, hārau (of what is heard), hāraurau (of seeing and hearing), makaro, makaro (of seeing)
  • Portuguese: vago (pt) m

Translations to be checked

  • Arabic: (please verify) غَامِض(ḡāmiḍ)
  • Dutch: (please verify) vaag (nl)
  • French: (please verify) vague (fr)
  • German: (please verify) unbestimmt (de)
  • Hungarian: (please verify) bizonytalan (hu), (please verify) homályos (hu)
  • Korean: (please verify) 흐리다 (ko) (heurida), (please verify) 애매하다 (ko) (aemaehada)
  • Mandarin: (please verify) 含糊 (zh) (hánhú)
  • Manx: (please verify) neuvaghtal
  • Serbo-Croatian: (please verify) nèjasan (sh), (please verify) нѐјасан
  • Spanish: (please verify) vago (es)
  • Swedish: (please verify) vag (sv) (1-7), (please verify) obestämd (sv) (1-7)
  • Turkish: (please verify) muğlak (tr)


vague (plural vagues)

  1. (obsolete) A wandering; a vagary.
  2. An indefinite expanse.
    • 1870, James Russell Lowell, The Cathedral
      The gray vague of unsympathizing sea.


vague (third-person singular simple present vagues, present participle vaguing, simple past and past participle vagued)

  1. (archaic) to wander; to roam; to stray.
    • 1603, Philemon Holland (translator), The Philosophie, commonly called, the Morals
      [The soul] doth vague and wander.
  2. To become vague or act in a vague manner.
    • 1894, Mrs. Campbell Praed, Christina Chard, page 52:

      Vaguely, yes. I’ve vagued all my life; that’s been my curse.

    • 1939, John Steinbeck, East of Eden:

      A man’s mind vagued up a little, for how can you remember the feel of pleasure or pain or choking emotion?

    • 2009, Zoe Foster Blake, Air Kisses, →ISBN:

      What’s with you? You’re all vagued out.

  3. (Internet slang, intransitive) To make vague negative comments publicly; to make highly veiled complaints or insults.
    Synonym: vaguepost

Further reading[edit]

  • vague in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913
  • “vague”, in The Century Dictionary [], New York, N.Y.: The Century Co., 1911, →OCLC.
  • vague at OneLook Dictionary Search



From Latin vagus.


  • (Balearic) IPA(key): /ˈva.ɡə/
  • (Central) IPA(key): /ˈba.ɡə/
  • (Valencian) IPA(key): /ˈva.ɡe/


vague (feminine vaga, masculine and feminine plural vagues)

  1. vague

Derived terms[edit]

  • vagament

Further reading[edit]

  • “vague” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
  • “vague”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2023
  • “vague” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
  • “vague” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.



  • IPA(key): /vaɡ/

Etymology 1[edit]

From Middle French [Term?], from Old French vague (movement on the surface of a liquid, ripple), from Old Norse vágr (sea), from Proto-Germanic *wēgaz (wave, storm), from Proto-Indo-European *weǵʰ- (to drag, carry).

Cognate with Swedish våg (wave), Middle Dutch waeghe, wage (wave), Old High German wāge (wave), Old English wǣg (wave, billow, motion, flood). More at waw, wave.


vague f (plural vagues)

  1. wave
    • 2014, Indila, Comme un bateau

      Un peu comme un bateau qui trouve son équilibre entre les vagues et le chaos

      A little like a boat that finds its equilibrium between waves and chaos
Derived terms[edit]
  • creux de la vague
  • faire des vagues
  • nouvelle vague
  • vague de chaleur
  • vague de froid
  • vaguelette
  • vaguette

Etymology 2[edit]

From Middle French vague, borrowed from Latin vagus (uncertain, vague, literally wandering, rambling, strolling). Possibly a doublet of gai.


vague (plural vagues)

  1. vague


vague m (plural vagues)

  1. vagueness
    Synonym: distrait
Derived terms[edit]
  • terrain vague
  • vague à l’âme
  • vaguement

Further reading[edit]

  • “vague”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.




  1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive of vagar




  1. inflection of vagar:
    1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
    2. third-person singular imperative



  • IPA(key): /ˈbaɡe/ [ˈba.ɣ̞e]
  • Rhymes: -aɡe
  • Syllabification: va‧gue



  1. inflection of vagar:
    1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
    2. third-person singular imperative

Other forms: vaguest; vaguer

If your grasp of physics is vague and you’ve got a test coming up, it’s time to hit the books. When something is vague, it’s unclear, murky, and hard to understand.

Vague comes from the Latin vagus, which means wandering or rambling. Think of a vagabond, someone who wanders around the world with only a vague idea of where he’s going. There are a few big, impressive words for vague, including ambiguous, nebulous, and tenebrous.

Definitions of vague

  1. adjective

    lacking clarity or distinctness

    “saw a
    vague outline of a building through the fog”


    dim, faint, shadowy, wispy


    not clearly defined or easy to perceive or understand

  2. adjective

    not precisely limited, determined, or distinguished

    vague feelings of sadness”

    vague uneasiness”



    indefinable, undefinable

    not capable of being precisely or readily described; not easily put into words


    vague or not clearly defined or stated

  3. adjective

    not clearly understood or expressed

    “»their descriptions of human behavior become
    vague, dull, and unclear»- P.A.Sorokin”

    vague…forms of speech…have so long passed for mysteries of science»- John Locke”


    murky, obscure


    not clear to the mind

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘vague’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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vague — перевод на русский


Yes, I do remember vaguely.

— Да, припоминаю… смутно.

I think she has a vague idea.

Думаю, она могла смутно догадываться.

Yes. Vaguely.

Да, смутно.

Only vaguely.

Смутно. Только обрывки.

Показать ещё примеры для «смутно»…

— That sounds too vague.

— Это слишком расплывчато — А Как Вы?

Well, this isn’t vague.

Ну, я вот это не расплывчато.

When I got the call that you were coming back, the guy on the phone was a little vague.

Когда мне позвонили и сказали, что ты возвращаешься, звонивший говорил несколько расплывчато.

That’s awfully vague, Claudia.

— Это довольно расплывчато.

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Vaguely, three days ago, but the other night I made your acquaintance by radio.

Неопределенно. 3 дня назад, вечером я с вами познакомился по радио.

Too vague.

Чересчур неопределенно.

It’s pretty vague.

Довольно неопределенно.

You’re being vague.

Вы говорите очень неопределенно.

You see, it’s just vague enough to be completely untreatable.

Видите, все достаточно неопределенно, чтобы быть абсолютно не диагностируемым.

Показать ещё примеры для «неопределённо»…

I know it sounds rather vague, but I’m positive I can work it out.

Я знаю, это звучит довольно туманно, но я уверен, я могу работать.

No, rather vague.

Нет. Скорее, туманно.

It’s very vague.

Очень туманно.

Most of them are vague, some are contradictory.

Большинство туманно. Некоторые противоречивы.

I can vaguely remember it.

Не знаю. Так, туманно вспоминается.

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They might be, oh, just masses of color. Or they may be cloud forms or great landscapes or vague shadows or geometrical objects floating in space.

Возможно, это будет множество красок, стаи облаков или крупные ландшафты, неясные очертания, или геометрические формы, парящие в воздухе.

— Maybe by leaving her predictions vague and generalized, there’s less of a chance of someone finding’ out she’s a phony.

— Мoжет быть, oна делает неясные и oбщие прoгнoзы, чтoбы никтo не дoгадался, чтo oна шарлатанка.

You saw a vague outline.

— Но я видел его. — Неясные контуры…

Reports are vague. Seizures, comas.

Отчеты неясные: припадки, кома.

Vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos.

Неясные угрозы, зловещие пророчества, исчезают татуировки.

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Oh, sounds vaguely familiar, doesn’t it?

О, звучит достаточно знакомо, не так ли?

That sounds vaguely familiar.

Звучит знакомо.

His face is vaguely familiar.

Его лицо было мне знакомо.

Now that does sound vaguely familiar.

— Звучит как-то знакомо. — Точно?

You know, your face is vaguely familiar to me.

Хотя, твоё лицо мне кажется знакомо.

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— I have a vague idea.


It occurred to me… being vaguely familiar with the high-rises of West Baltimore… that the housing project began to take photos… of every registered resident as a security measure.

Мне пришло на ум… поскольку я немного знаком с историей высоток в Западном Балтиморе… я знаю, что при обеспечении социальным жильем… всех зарегистрированных жильцов фотографировали, в качестве меры безопасности.

Sounds vaguely ominous.

Звучит немного зловеще.

That’s because you haven’t done anything stupid, spontaneous, or even vaguely interesting since you were 17.

Это потому, что ты не сделал ничего глупого, спонтанного или хоть немного интересного с 17 лет.

You don’t seem very bad. You just seem sort of vaguely grouchy to me.

На мой взгляд ты не очень плохой, а просто немного ворчливенький.

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His manner is vague and aloof

Он пуглив и рассеян слегка,

Well. he did seem a little vague at the table.

— За столом он был немного рассеян.

I suppose he’s been a bit vague lately.

Мне показалось, что он был немного рассеян последнее время.

You were kind of… vague.

Ты рассеян

Mark’s so vague.

Марк такой рассеянный.

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I seem to recall something vaguely pleasant about the sensation, yes.

Что-то приятное припоминаю, да.

Vaguely rings a bell.

Что-то не припоминаю.

Vaguely, yeah.



Что-то припоминаю.

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Just vaguely.

Так слегка.

Look, I know Marc might not walk like a man, or talk like a man, and his features are vaguely lesbian, but the truth is he’s been my one constant over the years.

Я знаю, что Марк, возможно, ходит и говорит не как мужчина И его черты слегка лесбиянские, Но правда в том, что он постоянно был в моей жизни в течение многих лет.

Am I the only one that finds that vaguely disturbing?

Только мне одному это кажется слегка тревожным?

And then I was vaguely disappointed when I heard you weren’t gonna die or anything like that.

А потом был слегка разочарован, когда выяснилось, что ты не сдохнешь или типа того.

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Britannica Dictionary definition of VAGUE

[also more vague; most vague]


not clear in meaning


stated in a way that is general and not specific

  • The instructions she left were vague and difficult to follow.

  • He gave only a vague answer.

  • The judges determined that the law was too vague to be fairly enforced.


not thinking or expressing your thoughts clearly or precisely

  • She has been vague about her plans for college.

  • When I asked him what they talked about, he was rather vague. [=he did not tell me exactly what they talked about]


not completely formed or developed

  • vague memories/recollections

  • We had only a vague idea/notion of where we were.

  • I think I have a vague understanding of how it works.

  • He bore a vague resemblance to the famous actor. [=he looked a little like the famous actor]


not able to be described clearly


not clearly or strongly felt

  • He longed in some vague way for something different.

  • She felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him.

  • I had the vague impression that they were withholding information.


not able to be seen clearly

  • vague [=indistinct] figures in the distance

  • We could just barely make out the vague outline of a plane in the sky.

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