What is the meaning of the word on the street

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word on the street

The information, or the version of that information, that is currently spreading from person to person, often in a particular setting, like school or work. A: «The word on the street is that you’re pregnant.» B: «What? That is simply not true!» There are so many people stopping by Shelly’s office because word on the street is that she’s leaving the company.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

the word on the street

a rumour or piece of information currently being circulated. informal

1992 Victor Headley Yardie The word on the street was that Roy was hooked and had smoked a fair amount of the crack himself.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

See also:

  • the word on the street
  • word on the wire
  • know where (all) the skeletons are buried
  • 411
  • 4-1-1
  • four-one-one
  • secondhand information
  • the inside dope
  • inside dope
  • inside information

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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023


/strit/USA pronunciation  
n. [countable]

  1. a usually paved public road, as in a town or city:Turn left at the next street.
  2. such a road together with sidewalks and the nearby property:On what street do you live?
  3. the part of such a street where cars or other vehicles may pass, as opposed to the sidewalk.
  4. the inhabitants or people who pass frequently on a street:The whole street is talking about the arrest.

adj. [before a noun]

  1. of, near, or opening onto a street:a street door.
  2. taking place or appearing on the street:street musicians.
  3. coarse;
    vulgar:street language.
  4. suitable for everyday wear in public:street clothes.
  5. relating to life in a (usually urban, esp. inner-city) neighborhood:the street value of illegal drugs.


  1. Idioms, on or in the street:
    • without a home.
    • without a job or occupation.
    • out of prison;
      released from police custody;
      at liberty.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(strēt),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. a public thoroughfare, usually paved, in a village, town, or city, including the sidewalk or sidewalks.
  2. such a thoroughfare together with adjacent buildings, lots, etc.:Houses, lawns, and trees composed a very pleasant street.
  3. the roadway of such a thoroughfare, as distinguished from the sidewalk:to cross a street.
  4. a main way or thoroughfare, as distinguished from a lane, alley, or the like.
  5. the inhabitants or frequenters of a street:The whole street gossiped about the new neighbors.
  6. the Street, [Informal.]
    • the section of a city associated with a given profession or trade, esp. when concerned with business or finance, as Wall Street.
    • the principal theater and entertainment district of any of a number of U.S. cities.

  7. on or in the street:
    • without a home:You’ll be out on the street if the rent isn’t paid.
    • without a job or occupation;
    • out of prison or police custody;
      at liberty.

  8. British Terms up one’s street, See alley 1 (def. 7).


  1. of, on, or adjoining a street:a street door just off the sidewalk.
  2. taking place or appearing on the street:street fight; street musicians.
  3. coarse;
    vulgar:street language.
  4. suitable for everyday wear:street clothes; street dress.
  5. Informal Termsretail:the street price of a new computer; the street value of a drug.
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English strēt, strǣt; cognate with Dutch straat, German Strasse; all Latin (via) strāta paved (road); see stratum

streetless, adj. 
streetlike′, adj. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged roadway, concourse.
      Street, alley, avenue, boulevard all refer to public ways or roads in municipal areas. A street is a road in a village, town, or city, esp. a road lined with buildings. An alley is a narrow street or footway, esp. at the rear of or between rows of buildings or lots. An avenue is properly a prominent street, often one bordered by fine residences and impressive buildings, or with a row of trees on each side. A boulevard is a beautiful, broad street, lined with rows of stately trees, esp. used as a promenade. In some cities street and avenue are used interchangeably, the only difference being that those running one direction (say, north and south) are given one designation and those crossing them are given the other.

on the street‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):



Автоматический перевод

по улицам

Перевод по словам

on  — на, по, о, в, об, согласно, левая сторона
street  — улица, деловой или финансовый центр, уличный


Soldiers stand guard on street corners.

Солдаты стоят на страже на углах улиц.

He eked a living by singing on street corners.

Он перебивался тем, что пел на перекрёстках.

He came down to selling matches on street corners.

Он докатился до того, что торгует спичками на улицах.

They spend all day loafing around on street corners.

Целыми днями они слоняются по улицам.

In the town, where men gathered to yarn on street corners.

В городе, где мужчины собирались на перекрёстках, чтобы поболтать.

In some areas, drug dealers openly ply their trade on street corners.

В некоторых районах торговцы наркотиками открыто занимаются своим ремеслом на уличных перекрёстках.

I parked on the street.

Я припарковался на улице.

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There are a lot of crazy drivers on the streets.  

…those wretched mendicants on the streets of Calcutta…  

American men did not tag after girls on the street and declare their flame.  

In the movie, he plays a demented man trying to survive on the streets of Los Angeles.  

The UK has 500,000 stray dogs on its streets at any one time (=at any particular time).  

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1) «Everyone talkin’ about word on the street and what dat nigga said. I don’t give a fuck about what dat nigga said. Ho ass niggaz talk to goddamn much. Stay to yo’ own, get yo’ own…beeotch!» -Snoop Dogg («Bitch Niggaz»)


Bartholomew: «Man deez hoes only out to get da money. Gotta get they hair done and they nails done…damn dogg a playa just gotta get his nob slobbed sometimes. Bitches ain’t shit but hoes and tricks!»

Ebenezer: «Word on the street.»

by Nick D October 29, 2003

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information or gossip derived from sources outside mainstream society, usually judged as more reliable by the criminal underclass and mafiosi/gangster-types.

Carlo Bartolucci: That phone call I got, it came from outside high walls and fancy gates; it comes from a place you know about maybe from the movies. But I come from out there, and everybody out there knows, everybody lies: cops lie, newspapers lie, parent’s lyin’. The one thing you can count on — word on the street… yeah, that’s solid.

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A term used to tell someone of a rumor, it can be of a positive or negative sentiment. As a negative sentiment the rumor is without a source or anonymous and gives the listener the false impression that a lot of people know of this rumor mainly because of the word «streets». as a positive sentiment the rumor is based on visual facts and declare a positive response.

Negative sentiment: «Ay, word on the streets is that wifey’s been with your cousin Rome.»

Positive sentiment: Hey dude, surfs up and its firing-off at the point; let’s go get wet!

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word on the street — перевод на русский

Word on the street is you got a beef with somebody in the DA’s office.

Ходят слухи, что на вас точат зуб в окружной прокуратуре.

Word on the street is that Poppers is the new hot spot. Friday night, Poppers goes back to being the pisshole it always was.

Ходят слухи, что «Попперс» теперь новое модное местечко.

Um, word on the street is you’re looking for a manager.

Ходят слухи, что тебе нужен менеджер.

Word on the street is the last person who talked to the cops about freebo wound up dead.

Ходят слухи — те, кто говорит с копами про Фрибо — долго не живут.

Word on the street is, that ever since Lucifer went to the pokey, you’re the big kahuna downstairs.

Ходят слухи, что с тех пор, как Люцифер загремел в тюрьму Ты стал важным перцем здесь внизу.

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Word on the street is, Omar ain’t nowhere near them rises when the shit pop.

На улицах говорят, что Омара там и близко не было, когда всё случилось.

That’s the word on the street, huh?

Значит так на улицах говорят, да?

Word on the street is we should be looking for a Mr Harcourt.

На улицах говорят, что мы должны искать некоего мистера Харкурта.

No, but uh, word on the street is he’s out of here begging must Saturdays.

Нет, но на улицах говорят, что он попрошайничает здесь по субботам.

Word on the street is nobody’s tried to fence it yet.

На улицах говорят, что пока никто не пытался сбыть их.

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The word on the street is he’s back from the dead.

Говорят, он воскрес из мертвых.

Word on the street is, um, you medicate Timmy.

Говорят, что ты лечишь Тимми.

Word on the street is you set a new personal best for low-cut.

Говорят, ты побила личный рекорд по глубине выреза.

Word on the street is you’re gonna be okay.

Говорят, что ты поправишься.

Good, good, ’cause word on the street is he’s looking for a new model… Someone brave, you know, a pioneer.

Это хорошо, потому что говорят, что он ищет новую модель… кого-то смелого, ну вы знаете, первопроходца.

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The other word on the street is that this is the proverbial last tour.

Поговаривают это ваше последнее турне.

Word on the street is that Hannaway Capital, VanBuskirk Black and Company… and Hamilton Partners are all in the front— running for the bid.

поговаривают, что Hannaway Capital, VanBuskirkBlackandCompany… иHamiltonPartnersнаходятся втройкелидеров.

Word on the street is you’re the numbe r-one crew around town.

Поговаривают, что вы — лучшие

Word on the street is that Walker is gonna hit the First Unity branch tomorrow at noon.

Поговаривают, что Уокер собирается ограбить филиал Первого Объединенного завтра в полдень.

Word on the street it’s Smiley.

Поговаривают… это был Весельчак.

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And speaking of network, word on the street is they’re looking for a new anchor.

Кстати, о центре. Есть слухи, они ищут нового ведущего.

— Well… — That’s the word on the street.

Ходят такие слухи.

Word on the street give me too much credit.

Слухи мне много чего приписывают.

Word on the street was that you were looking for a new position.

— Были слухи, что ты искала новое место.

Word on the street was that you were looking for a new position, but if I misheard…

Были слухи, что ты искала новое место. Может, это неправда? ..

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Word on the street…

Слово на улице…

Well, Moody, word on the street is you couldn’t teach your way out of a paper bag.

— Ну, Муди, Слово на улице это ты не мог научиться вылезать из бумажного пакета

Word on the street is you’re back on the job market.

Слово на улице и вы снова на бирже труда.

Okay so what’s the word on the street?

Так что слово на улице?

Word on the street is you don’t need much intimidating.

Слово на улице — и тебя не нужно долго пугать.

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Any word on the street where Scott might be?

Любые слухи с улиц, где Скот может быть?

Word on the street is he’s a fucking ghost.

По слухам с улицы, он — блядский призрак.

The word on the street…

Слухи на улице…

Turk, spread the word on the streets… 1 million for whoever can tell me where I can find Fisk… tonight.

Турк, пусти на улицах слух… что я дам миллион любому, кто скажет где Фиск… сегодня.

But if Eddie could take the Captain out himself, why’d he put out word on the street looking for a hit man?

Но если Эдди мог взять капитан вне себя, почему он пустил слух на улицах о том что ищет киллера?

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