What is the meaning of the word cheap

Recent Examples on the Web

This type of gas is often cheaper, but its sale is usually curtailed during the summer travel season because of its environmental effect.

Ben Wojdyla, Popular Mechanics, 12 Apr. 2023

Sling is also considered one of the cheaper live streaming services available.

Josie Howell | , al, 12 Apr. 2023

The meaning of grass painting By the early 1960s, homeowners were already looking for ways of achieving perfect turf on the cheap.

Ted Steinberg, Fortune, 11 Apr. 2023

More information on how to stream live TV, sports events, and movies on the cheap: • What is Philo?

oregonlive, 10 Apr. 2023

Much of the cast is stuck in cheap-looking wigs, meant to evoke the early ’90s.

Noel Murray, Chron, 10 Apr. 2023

His legislation, broadly, tried to address children in poverty, broadband access, a teacher shortage, making clean trucks cheaper, increasing banking for low-income neighborhoods, helping veterans, encouraging people to serve and pushing businesses to invest in high-tech infrastructure.

Ovetta Wiggins, Washington Post, 9 Apr. 2023

For visitors, these gondolas offer stunning views on the cheap.

Christopher Muther, BostonGlobe.com, 6 Apr. 2023

However, criminals can get relatively cheap relay boxes that capture key fob signals up to 300 feet away and transmit them to your car.

Kim Komando, USA TODAY, 6 Apr. 2023

Low interest rates put in place to support the economy after the Great Recession made borrowing cheap and pushed investors to seek out higher returns from riskier companies, spurring financing and growth for tech companies.

Joe Rennison Eli Murray, New York Times, 31 Mar. 2023

Lemieux was on the ice to hoist it, receiving only a two-game suspension for cheap-shotting Draper.

Viv Bernstein, Detroit Free Press, 29 May 2021

The tree was usually found on land that had been given away or sold cheap by the federal government—and then had to be repurchased at very high cost.

Verlyn Klinkenborg, The New York Review of Books, 2 Mar. 2023

There are some rough edges, such as the cheap-feeling steering wheel stalks and some of the other switchgear.

James Morris, Forbes, 5 June 2021

Modest performance, some cheap-looking interior plastics, clumsy optional dual-clutch transmission.

Mike Sutton, Car and Driver, 16 Nov. 2022

This one is on the $260 million worth of players who came up cheap.

Los Angeles Times, 19 Oct. 2022

Johnny Bright, a star at Drake, was cheap-shotted over his race and his talent.

Globe Staff, BostonGlobe.com, 23 July 2022

Waititi has infused the film with the same cheesy, cheap-looking aesthetic that gave his previous films such low-key charm.

Ann Hornaday, Washington Post, 5 July 2022

Jose Barrero remade himself into the Cincinnati Reds’ starting shortstop Reds Opening DayWilliams: Why Cincinnati Reds Opening Day is annual reminder to never leave early Would those be fair shots at a cheap and the city’s worst team?

Mike Bass Special To The Cincinnati Enquirer Usa Today Network, The Enquirer, 29 Mar. 2023

Naturally, a webcam this cheap comes with a few trade-offs.

Michael Andronico, CNN Underscored, 4 Mar. 2021

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cheap.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

дешевый, низкий, плохой, дешево, дешевка


- дешёвый; недорогой

cheaper edition — удешевлённое издание
cheap and nasty — дёшево, да гнило

- продающий (что-л.) по низкой цене

cheap restaurant — ресторан, где можно дёшево пообедать
cheap department store — универмаг, торгующий по доступным ценам

- удешевлённый, предоставляемый по сниженной цене

cheap trip — экскурсия по льготному тарифу
cheap fares — сниженный тариф на проездные билеты
cheap tripper — путешественник, пользующийся сниженным /туристическим/ тарифом

- лёгкий, доставшийся легко

cheap victory — лёгкая /дёшево доставшаяся/ победа

- презр. доступная; не строгих правил; ≅ дешёвка
- плохой; (ничего) не стоящий

cheap jewelry — амер. поддельные драгоценности, побрякушки
cheap finery — убогая роскошь (одежды); потуги на роскошь
cheap workmanship — плохая работа
cheap humour — плоский юмор
cheap flattery — грубая лесть

- низкий, подлый; не заслуживающий уважения

cheap trick — низкая уловка
cheap politics — политиканство
to feel cheap — упасть в собственных глазах, чувствовать себя неловко
to hold smth. cheap — в грош не ставить, не считаться с чем-л.
to make oneself cheap — потерять чувство собственного достоинства; позволять вольности по отношению к себе

- эк. обесцененный; имеющий низкую покупательную силу (о валюте)

cheap money — а) обесценивающиеся деньги; деньги с низкой покупательной способностью; б) дешёвые деньги, невысокая стоимость займов, нестеснённый кредит; низкие процентные ставки

- амер. разг. прижимистый, скупой

cheap customers — прижимистые клиенты
he is the cheapest man I know — такого скряги я ещё не встречал


- дёшево; недорого; по дешёвке

to buy [to sell] cheap — купить [продать] по дешёвой цене

- легко, дёшево

to come /to get/ off cheap — дёшево /легко/ отделаться

- плохо, недостойно; гадко

I wish she wouldn’t act so cheap — хотелось бы, чтобы она вела себя поприличнее /с большим достоинством/


- дешёвые товары, особ. книги в мягкой обложке
- уст. дешёвка; (выгодная) покупка

on the cheap, for cheap — по дешёвке

Мои примеры


those bypast days when gasoline was cheap — те давно минувшие времена, когда бензин был дёшев  
a cheap shot to the back of the head — подлый / нечестный удар по затылку  
cheap rouble — обесценившийся рубль  
cheap success — дешёвый, лёгкий успех  
to hold cheap — ни в грош не ставить  
to get off cheap — дёшево отделаться  
cheap dress — дешевое платье  
very cheap store — очень дешевый магазин  
to go cheap — продаваться по дешёвой цене  
cheap place to pick up natty threads — место, где можно дёшево приобрести приличную одежду  
a cheap trick — дешевая [глупая] шутка  
to appear on the cheap side — разг. прибедняться  

Примеры с переводом

Words are cheap.

Слова ничего не стоят.

It’s not cheap to live in the city.

Жить в городе недёшево.

This old chair is cheap.

Этот старый стул — дешёвый.

In times of war, life is cheap.

Во время войны жизнь ничего не стоит.

That’s a cheap jibe.

Это глупая шутка.

He got drunk on cheap wine.

Он напился допьяна дешёвым вином.

He felt cheap about his mistake.

Он почувствовал себя глупо из-за своей ошибки.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The trains provided cheap travel for the masses.

This coat was dirt cheap informal (=very cheap).

Window locks are fairly cheap and absolutely essential.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

cheapen  — дешеветь, удешевлять, унижать, снижать цену
cheaply  — дешево, легко
cheaper  — более дешевый

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): cheaper
прев. степ. (superlative): cheapest

_cheap laborer_ — cheap not because she is a poor laborer — she is not; generally she is an admirable one — quick to learn, faithful to discharge. ❋ Ida M. Tarbell (1900)

At the word cheap I felt a deep sense of dishonor, a sense that I now was at the lowest rung of this society, that I had fallen low. ❋ Ayaan Hirsi Ali (2010)

I don’t think this is the end of credible news, although the word cheap does come to mind. ❋ Leo C. Wolinsky (2011)

I use the term cheap since you got all the instances for a keyword for that measly price. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Allow me to first address your use of the word «cheap ❋ Michael Cohen (2011)

These differences speak to a larger contrast in baseball between the clubs at the top of the revenue ladder, which generally stockpile older, more expensive veterans, and every other team, where drafting well and finding reclamation projects on the cheap is the only affordable formula for success. ❋ Unknown (2010)

House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith has made a career of fighting what he calls «cheap foreign labor,» and one of his projects is to harass American business into becoming the enforcement agent for U.S. immigration laws. ❋ Unknown (2011)

In an email recently sent from his campaign to supporters, Kirk claims to be indignant about what he calls a cheap campaign stunt, Dan’s gas price event in Lincolnshire last week, but Kirk himself fully and knowingly participated in the mother of all cheap campaign stunts, the Iraq War, and it wasn’t so cheap and was very deadly. ❋ Ellen Beth Gill (2008)

Long-time wmtc readers may remember a discussion we had about Canadian perceptions of the US — of the positive variety — which I called cheap shopping vs. health care. ❋ Unknown (2008)

And what he is accusing Romney and others of is taking what he called cheap shots without offering alternatives. ❋ Unknown (2007)

My sense is that we’ve got around ten years before we’re going hit the end of what we call cheap oil. ❋ Unknown (2004)

Kimberley, Dipico accused the NP of reintroducing racism through what he described as cheap and destructive politics. ❋ Unknown (1996)

It was no trouble for them to walk thirty or forty miles to get what they called cheap religion. ❋ Emily Bronson Conger (N/A)

Oh, in Roumania, one can buy a title cheap — and so you can be ❋ August Strindberg (1880)

KUWAIT: First Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah yesterday lashed out at what he called cheap media leaks from last week’s joint meeting between members of the ruling family and the Cabinet.

I wish to use the term «cheap prostitute­» instead». ❋ The Huffington Post News Editors (2011)

1. » [That guy’s] cheap »
2. » She’s [real] cheap » or » He’s real cheap »
3. » You’re cheap! » » Man, that’s cheap »
4. » Those [jeans] are cheap! » ❋ Bill Abnovsky (2006)

Olvier is very cheap ❋ Jon (2003)

Counter-Strike -The n00b cannon —Kills with pretty much one hit, even when shot in the toe.
[Marvel vs capcom 2]: [Cable’s] air [hyper viper beam] is cheap. Playing well with magneto is not cheap as skill is required to be good with him.
Halo 2: Plasma Pistol battle rifle combo aka «The combo»
«ha ha—he’s using the combo!- How cheap ❋ Duffath (2005)

There may be a guy or girl you see [who in] the interest of popularity does certain things to make themself look «cool,» but in [your opinion] the things they do are really lame. You may say that this person is cheap. If my computer was to crash in the middle of my writing a long blog I would have said, «What the…? That’s so cheap.» You may come home after [a long day] and there is nothing you would like to watch on TV. In that case, TV is being cheap. ❋ 100Percen% (2006)

Tom: [A penny] saved is [a penny] earned.
Jack: You [cheap ass] loser.
Tom: I’ve saved up 100,000,000 pennies. That’s $1,000,000 damn dollars! Who’s laughing now?
Jack: A**hole!!!
Matt: You cheap loser why dont you spend your money on booze, hookers, and drugs like me?
Fred: I’d rather be cheap and rich, instead of spending and being poor. ❋ SamRoe (2008)

[Scrub]/n00b: Hey, [AHVB] is cheap!
Scrub/n00b: Don’t pick [Cable], he’s cheap!
Scrub/n00b: I’m not playing against you! You’re cheap! ❋ RS (2003)

Marc is so cheap that he uses cold water to [wash dishes] to save money
Marc is so cheap he brings his dates out to thier parents fridge for dinner.
Marc is so cheap he buys water at the bar and tells people its vodka
Marc is so cheap that he makes 45k a year, has 30k [in the bank] and drives around a 15 year old paintless [dodge neon]. ❋ FOrty (2006)

[Man], [my ex] was so cheap. ❋ MightyStalin666 (2003)

I’ve been called cheap so many times in the [Arcade’s] [Soul Calibur 2], mostly by the same people that challenge me over and over. There are precious few others that aren’t just scrubs that take their losses like men, use a different character, and scrape together a win.
These same scrubs and whiners pick the SAME character over and over and over, believe that there are tiers for the characters ([Yoshimitsu] is kickass, and Yunsung is worst by a landslide? You wish.), and post on SoulCalibur.com, which is worse than the SomethingAwful Forums.
Heck, one guy is so vehement that he’s resorted to the most childish tactics of blocking the coin input with his leg, and making oh-so-creative names of me in conquest like «[Kentar] Sux» and «Gaythar.» simply because the first time I played him, I beat him. ❋ Kenthar (2004)

«[Are you] bringing a [soda] with you to the [burger joint]? Boy, you are cheap ❋ ZZZZ (2006)

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A cheap host is just that, a cheap host.

The Mortuary uses zombies as cheap labor.

Люди, живущие вечно, используют порабощённых зомби в качестве дешевой рабочей силы.

Drugs are almost always cheap to produce.

Основная история здесь заключается в том, что наркотики почти всегда дешевы для производства.

One candidate: cheap sensors and cheap internet connections.

Один из кандидатов: дешевые датчики и дешевое подключение к интернету.

The cheap fabric that many manufacturers use and distribute contain dyes made with cheap chemicals.

Органические ткани: дешевая ткань, которую используют и распространяют многие производители, содержит красители, изготовленные из дешевых химических веществ.

We have cheap oil, cheap gas, cheap renewables.

Most people make inexpensive products by taking cheap design, cheap labor, cheap components, and making a cheap laptop.

Большинство людей делают недорогие продукты, используя дешёвый труд, дешёвые компоненты, и у них получается дешёвый лэптоп.

The 1980s were a golden age for the Korean economy, bringing three blessings: cheap dollars, cheap oil, and cheap loans.

80-е годы стали «золотым веком» корейской экономики — это было время дешевого доллара, дешевой нефти и дешевых кредитов.

Cheap materials, cheap production, and therefore, cheap prices.

And cheap fuel means cheap electricity and electricity is the foundation of our economics.

А атомная электростанция и дешевое электричество — главный элемент нашей конкурентоспособности.

Everyone likes cheap gas or cheap electricity.

If an entrepreneur wants to open an offshore company, then he will get such advantages as cheap registration and cheap service.

Если предприниматель хочет открыть оффшорную компанию, то он получить такие преимущества, как дешевая регистрация и дешевое обслуживание.

China makes a lot of good cheap products, but an amazingly cheap product with a major international label is almost certain to be bogus.

Китай производит много хороших дешевых продуктов, но удивительно дешевый продукт с крупным международным брендом почти наверняка окажется фальшивым.

Anne bought a cheap violin and a not-so cheap piano.

Энн купила дешёвую скрипку и не очень-то дешёвое пианино.

It’s a cheap trick from a man in a cheap suit.

Guys who buy cheap suits tend to trust guys who wear cheap hair.

Мужики, покупающие дешёвые костюмы, склонны доверять мужикам с дешёвыми волосами.

Check out the other team’s… cheap fabric, cheap stitching.

Посмотри на форму другой команды — дешевая ткань, дешевое шитье.

Travel can be cheap and cheap doesn’t mean bad.

Путешествие может быть дешевым, а дешевое не значит плохое.

Tk farms and data centers such companies are usually built in areas with cheap electricity and cheap heat abduction.

Т.к фермы и дата центры таких компаний обычно построены в местах с дешевой электроэнергией и дешевым тепло отведением.

Among them there are also cheap, and fairly expensive counterparts cheap drugs.

Среди них также есть и дешёвые, и довольно дорогие аналоги недорогих препаратов.

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Meaning cheap

What does cheap mean? Here you find 12 meanings of the word cheap. You can also add a definition of cheap yourself




«low in price, that may be bought at small cost,» c. 1500, ultimately from Old English noun ceap «traffic, a purchase,» from ceapian (v.) «trade,» probably from an early [..]





Rich and cheap refer to the pricing of a new security in the primary market, relative to comparable securities in the secondary market. A new issue is considered to be cheap if it is inexpensive compared to the rest of the market. Rich, or overvalued bonds, have lower yields than bonds with similar terms and credit ratings. Cheap, or undervalued bo [..]





relatively low in price or charging low prices; "it would have been cheap at twice the price"; "inexpensive family restaurants" brassy: tastelessly [..]





not costing much money















(adj) relatively low in price or charging low prices(adj) tastelessly showy(adj) of very poor quality; flimsy(adj) embarrassingly stingy





insumptuosus, vilis





just as cheap, just as well. (5)





frugal, thrifty, economical





Cheap is a term that refers to a move or a tactic that is considered overpowered, generally used for moves that are easily performered and quite damaging. Unfortunately cheap, just like the term broken is taken out of context (usually this is called by more casual/beginner players).





1). Low in price — in no way does the «cheap» in Cheap Joe’s mean anything other than the best possible quality at the best possible prices.

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