What is the meaning of the word architecture

What is architecture? The word architecture can have many meanings. Architecture can be both an art and a science, a process and a result, and both an idea and a reality. People often use the words «architecture» and «design» interchangeably, which naturally broadens the definition of architecture. If you can «design» your own career goals, aren’t you the architect of your own life? It seems there are no easy answers, so let’s explore and debate the many definitions of architecture, design, and what architects and social scientists call «the built environment.»

Definitions of Architecture

Some people think architecture is like pornography—you know it when you see it. Everyone may have an opinion and an elegant (or self-serving) definition for architecture. From the Latin word architectura, the word we use describes the job of an architect. The ancient Greek arkhitekton was the chief builder or master technician of all craftsmen and artisans. So, what comes first, the architect or the architecture? 

«architecture 1. The art and science of designing and building structures, or large groups of structures, in keeping with aesthetic and functional criteria. 2. Structures built in accordance with such principles.»—Dictionary of Architecture and Construction

«Architecture is the scientific art of making structure express ideas. Architecture is the triumph of human imagination over materials, methods, and men to put man into possession of his own earth. Architecture is man’s great sense of himself embodied in a world of his own making. It may rise as high in quality only as its source because great art is great life.» — Frank Lloyd Wright, from the Architectural Forum, May 1930

«It is about creating buildings and spaces that inspire us, that help us do our jobs, that bring us together, and that become, at their best, works of art that we can move through and live in. And in the end, that is why architecture can be considered the most democratic of art forms.»—2011, President Barack Obama, Pritzker Architecture Prize Ceremony Speech

Depending on the context, the word «architecture» can refer to any man-made building or structure, like a tower or monument; a man-made building or structure that is important, large, or highly creative; a carefully designed object, such as a chair, a spoon, or a tea kettle; a design for a large area such as a city, town, park, or landscaped gardens; the art or science of designing and building buildings, structures, objects, and outdoor spaces; a building style, method, or process; a plan for organizing space; elegant engineering; the planned design of any kind of system; a systematic arrangement of information or ideas; and the flow of information on a web page.

Tensil Architecture at Denver International Airport.
George Rose/Getty Images (cropped)

Art, Architecture, and Design

In 2005, the artists Christo and Jeanne-Claude implemented an idea, an art installation in New York City called The Gates in Central Park. Thousands of bright orange gates were placed throughout Central Park, the great landscape architecture of Frederick Law Olmsted, erected as designed by the artistic team. «Of course, ‘The Gates’ is art, because what else would it be?» wrote art critic Peter Schjeldahl at the time. «Art used to mean paintings and statues. Now it means practically anything human-made that is unclassifiable otherwise.» The New York Times was more pragmatic in their review called «Enough About ‘Gates’ as Art; Let’s Talk About That Price Tag.» So, if a man-made design can’t be classified, it must be art. But if it’s very, very expensive to create, how can it be simply art?

Depending on your perspective, you might use the word architecture to describe any number of things. Which of these items might be called architecture—a circus tent; a sports stadium; an egg carton; a roller coaster; a log cabin; a skyscraper; a computer program; a temporary summer pavilion; a political campaign; a bonfire; a parking garage; an airport, bridge, train station, or your house? All of them, and more—the list could go on forever.

The Architecture of the Car Park, 2010, by Herzog & de Meuron, 1111 Lincoln Road, Miami Beach, Florida.
Roger Kisby/Getty Images

What Does Architectural Mean?

The adjective architectural can describe anything related to architecture and building design. Examples are abundant, including architectural drawings; architectural design; architectural styles; architectural modeling; architectural details; architectural engineering; architectural software; architectural historian or architectural history; architectural research; architectural evolution; architectural studies; architectural heritage; architectural traditions; architectural antiquities and architectural salvage; architectural lighting; architectural products; architectural investigation.

Also, the word architectural can describe objects that have a strong shape or beautiful lines — an architectural vase; an architectural sculpture; an architectural rock formation; architectural drapery. Perhaps it is this use of the word architectural that has muddied the waters of defining architecture.

When Does a Building Become Architecture?

«The land is the simplest form of architecture,» wrote American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959), implying that the built environment is not exclusively man-made. If true, are the birds and the bees and all builders of natural habitats considered architects — and are their structures architecture?

U.S. architect and journalist Roger K. Lewis (b. 1941) writes that societies tend to value most a structure that «transcends service or functional performance» and that are more than mere buildings. «Great architecture,» writes Lewis, «has always represented more than responsible construction or durable shelter. Artfulness of form and artistry of building have long been the dominant standards for measuring the extent to which human made artifacts are transformed from the profane to the sacred.»

Frank Lloyd Wright *1867–1959) claimed that this artistry and beauty can only come from the human spirit. «Mere building may not know ‘spirit’ at all,» Wright wrote in 1937. «And it is well to say that the spirit of the thing is the essential life of that thing because it is truth.» To Wright’s thinking, a beaver dam, a beehive, and a bird’s nest may be beautiful, lower forms of architecture, but the «great fact» is this—»architecture is simply a higher type and expression of nature by way of human nature where human beings are concerned. The spirit of man enters into all, making of the whole a godlike reflection of himself as creator.»

Apple Headquarters Designed by Norman Foster in Cupertino, California.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

So, What Is Architecture?

«Architecture is an art bridging the humanities and the sciences,» says American architect Steven Holl (b. 1947). «We work bone-deep in Art — drawing lines between sculpture, poetry, music and science that coalesce in Architecture.»

Since the licensing of architects, these professionals have defined themselves and what they do. This hasn’t stopped anyone and everyone else from having an opinion with no one architecture definition.


  • Gutheim, Frederick ed. «Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture: Selected Writings (1894-1940).» Grosset’s Universal Library, 1941, p. 141
  • Harris, Cyril M. ed. «Dictionary of Architecture and Construction.» McGraw- Hill, 1975, p. 24
  • Holl, Steven. «Five Minute Manifesto.» AIA Gold Medal Ceremony, Washington, D.C. May 18, 2012
  • Lewis, Roger K. «Introduction.» Master Builders, Diane Maddex ed., National Trust for Historic Preservation, Wiley Preservation Press, 1985, p. 8
  • McIntire, Mike. «Enough About ‘Gates’ as Art; Let’s Talk About That Price Tag.» The New York Times, March 5, 2005,
  • Schjeldahl, Peter. «Gated.» The New Yorker, February 28, 2005,
  • Wright, Frank Lloyd. «The Future of Architecture.» New American Library, Horizon Press, 1953, pp. 41, 58–59

“What is architecture?” is a fundamental yet complex question that architects often ask themselves. It is a philosophical inquiry that cannot be fully answered, but encourages intellectual contemplation.

Unlike artists who work from the concrete to the abstract, architects must work in the opposite direction, starting with the abstract and translating it into the tangible. At its core, architecture stimulates our senses with designs that play with space and light, despite the practical constraints of engineering, safety, function, climate, and economics.

If you search for the term “what is architecture,” it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the various definitions and descriptions that come up.

Some people describe architecture as a language, a form of art, a collaborative process, a political statement, a reflection of culture, or even a science. All of these descriptions are right, but can also be confusing and still leave you wondering what architecture actually is.

Is it just the design of buildings and structures, or is there more to it than that?

In this article, we explore the various facets of architecture and examine its impact on society, culture, and the built environment. From ancient civilizations to modern-day cities, architecture has always been a reflection of the times and a means of expressing the values and aspirations of a society.

Whether through grand landmarks or everyday buildings, architecture has the power to inspire and uplift, as well as to reflect and challenge the status quo. So, what is it? Let’s delve deeper and find out.

What is Architecture?

What is Architecture?

Architecture is the design and construction of buildings and other physical structures. It involves the use of space, materials, and form to create functional and aesthetically pleasing environments for people to live, work, and play in.

Architects consider a wide range of factors when designing buildings, including the needs and preferences of the users, the site and context in which the building will be located, and the structural, technical, and environmental considerations that must be taken into account.

Architecture is both an art and a science, and requires a combination of creativity, technical expertise, and problem-solving skills.

But what do others say?

architecture, the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends. Although these two ends may be distinguished, they cannot be separated, and the relative weight given to each can vary widely. Because every society—settled or nomadic—has a spatial relationship to the natural world and to other societies, the structures they produce reveal much about their environment (including climate and weather), history, ceremonies, and artistic sensibility, as well as many aspects of daily life.


Architecture is a passion, a vocation, a calling – as well as a science and a business. It has been described as a social art and also an artful science. Architecture must be of the highest quality of design. Architecture provides, in the words of Marcus Vitruvius, the great Roman architect and historian, “firmness, commodity and delight.1

Architecture provides a sense of place and support of all types of human activity. Architecture helps the man-made fit in harmony with the environment while promoting health and well-being, enriching lives aesthetically and spiritually, providing economic opportunities, and creating a legacy that reflects and symbolizes culture and traditions.


“It is about creating buildings and spaces that inspire us, that help us do our jobs, that bring us together, and that become, at their best, works of art that we can move through and live in. And in the end, that is why architecture can be considered the most democratic of art forms.”

Barack Obama

What is Architecture?

In an effort to reconsider contemporary perceptions of architecture and explore diverse perspectives on the subject, ArchDaily invited its users to respond to four fundamental questions:

  • What is architecture?
  • What can architecture do?
  • What is your architectural position?
  • What is your design method?

The responses, gathered from around the world and totaling around 200 entries per question, largely reflected a shared understanding of the role and essence of architecture, with most ideas being complementary and non-conflicting. We’ve provided some of the best responses for “what is architecture” below:

 Architecture is the middle ground between interlocking spheres of Art, Science, and Engineering.

Material of life! Architecture has stuck to our mind and life; even if you are not an architect you still do architecture.

 Architecture is a way to enrich human life through the art and design of everyday spaces.

 Architecture is essentially the expression of man’s relationship with the surrounding world and the answer to spiritual, material, individual, social needs, and dreams.

 Architecture is a reflection of society.

 Architecture is a manifestation of the intersection of 2 different opposing forces like solid & void, light & dark, brought to life through artistic & well-thought design.

 Architecture is the canvas for living.

 Architecture is the integration of buildings and people’s way of life to create a well-designed functional environment.

Architecture can be distinguished from other types of built structures by its focus on suitability for use by humans, stability and permanence of construction, and the communication of experiences and ideas through its form. These characteristics are all important in architecture, but the relative emphasis on each may vary depending on the intended function of the building.

For example, in a utilitarian structure like a factory, the primary focus may be on practicality and function, while in a more expressive structure like a monumental tomb, the primary focus may be on aesthetics and symbolism.

In some buildings, such as churches and city halls, both function and communication may be equally important.

Why does architecture exist?

Architecture is a fundamental aspect of human society, shaping the built environment in which we live, work, and interact. But why does architecture exist? What purpose does it serve, and what role does it play in our lives?

These are questions that have been asked by people throughout history, and the answers to them have varied depending on the context and the culture in which they were asked.

Fundamentally however, it exists because of us – people…


Architecture is a human-centric discipline that relies on the creative and innovative ideas of people. Without people, there would be no architecture as we know it. The development of architecture is driven by the imagination and inspiration of individuals who envision and conceptualize new possibilities for the built environment.

These ideas are then brought to life through the efforts of people who are passionate about bringing these concepts to fruition. Without the involvement and dedication of people, the potential for architecture to shape and enrich the world around us would be lost.

Equally, architecture is a human-centric discipline that relies on the creative and innovative ideas of people. Without humans to create and experience it, architecture would not exist. Every architectural design and structure is created with the intention of being experienced by people, and the internal experience that these designs and structures create for the people inhabiting them is a key consideration in the design process.

What is Architecture?

Whether an architectural designer is consciously aware of it or not, every design has an impact on the experience of people. The way in which people interpret and experience architecture can vary based on their individual perspectives and beliefs. Some may view architecture as art, and the use of color, materials, composition, and design elements and principles can create an emotional response in them.

Others may view architecture as a political statement, and its confrontation of certain ideals may create a response in people. Still others may view architecture as a social statement, and its ability to make people feel comfortable and connected to a community may create an internal response in them. Ultimately, the experience of architecture is subjective and varies from person to person.

What does architecture give us

As humans, we perceive and experience our external environment, including the architecture within it, through a combination of physical sensations, thoughts, and emotions. Our internal experience is shaped by what we perceive through our five senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch.

When we encounter architecture, we may see the composition of design elements and principles, touch and feel the materials, smell various scents, and hear various sounds. These sensations lead to thoughts and ideas about the meaning a particular space or place holds for us as individuals or as a society.

Our emotions are also closely tied to our sensations and thoughts about architecture. An emotional response to architecture can range from feeling good and wanting to stay in a space, to feeling not so good and wanting to leave. Even a lack of awareness or emotional response to architecture is still a response.

The way we experience architecture, whether it be as art, a political statement, or a social statement, can elicit various emotional responses such as awe, inspiration, shock, repulsion, activation, confrontation, passion, or feelings of inclusion or exclusion.

Ultimately, the experiential response to architecture is subjective and personal to each individual, and it is through our sensations, thoughts, and emotions that we experience the built environment.

Where did it come from?

Architecture has a long and rich history that spans thousands of years and spans the globe. Some of the earliest examples of architecture can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, who built impressive structures such as pyramids, temples, and amphitheaters.

These early forms of architecture were often driven by religious or ceremonial purposes and were designed to evoke a sense of awe and grandeur.

Over time, architecture has evolved to meet the changing needs and values of society. As cultures and civilizations have interacted and exchanged ideas, architecture has taken on new forms and styles.

During the Middle Ages, for example, architecture in Europe was heavily influenced by the Romanesque and Gothic styles, which were characterized by heavy, ornate structures such as castles and churches.

In the Renaissance period, a renewed interest in classical forms and symmetry led to the development of the Baroque style, which was characterized by elaborate, ornamental details and grand, sweeping curves.

What is Architecture?

In the modern era, architecture has continued to evolve and adapt to new technologies and societal needs. The Industrial Revolution brought about new materials and construction techniques, leading to the development of styles such as the Bauhaus and International styles, which emphasized functionality and minimalism.

In more recent times, the rise of sustainability and environmental concerns has influenced the development of green architecture, which focuses on energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly building practices.

Throughout its history, architecture has been shaped by a wide range of factors, including cultural, technological, and social forces. As a result, it is a diverse and dynamic field that reflects the values and aspirations of the societies in which it exists.

Elements of architecture

Architecture is a complex and multifaceted discipline that involves the design and construction of buildings and other structures. At its core, architecture is concerned with creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces that meet the needs of the people who will use them. To achieve this, architects consider a wide range of factors, including design principles, materials, and construction techniques.

One of the key elements of architecture is design. Architects use a variety of principles and elements to create visually pleasing and functional spaces. These principles and elements include things like balance, proportion, scale, and unity, which help to create a cohesive and harmonious design.

Balance, for example, refers to the distribution of visual weight in a design, and can be achieved through the use of symmetry or asymmetry. Proportion refers to the relationship between the different parts of a design and the whole, and is important for creating a sense of unity and harmony.

Scale refers to the size of a design in relation to its surroundings, and is an important consideration in creating a sense of visual balance and harmony. Unity, on the other hand, refers to the overall cohesiveness of a design and is achieved through the use of consistent elements and themes.

Materials are another important consideration in architecture. Different materials have different properties and characteristics, and the choice of materials can significantly influence the appearance, functionality, and durability of a structure.

Common materials used in architecture include concrete, steel, wood, and glass, each of which has its own unique properties and characteristics. Concrete, for example, is a strong and durable material that is often used in the construction of foundations and load-bearing walls.

Steel is a strong and flexible material that is often used in the construction of high-rise buildings and other structures that require a high level of structural support. Wood is a versatile material that is often used in the construction of residential buildings and other structures where a natural appearance is desired.

Glass is a transparent material that is often used in the construction of windows and other glazed openings to allow light to enter a space.

Construction techniques are another key element of architecture. Architects must consider the structural integrity and stability of a building or structure, as well as the feasibility of its construction.

This involves making decisions about things like foundation type, load-bearing walls, and the use of reinforcing materials such as steel or concrete. Different construction techniques can be used to achieve different goals, such as maximizing structural stability, minimizing material use, or optimizing energy efficiency.

What is Architecture?

In addition to these technical considerations, architects must also consider the adaptability of a structure to meet the changing needs of its users. This might involve designing buildings that can be easily modified or expanded over time, or incorporating features such as flexible floor plans or modular construction that allow for easy reconfiguration.

By designing structures that are adaptable and flexible, architects can help ensure that buildings continue to meet the needs of their users over time, even as those needs change.

Overall, the elements of architecture are closely interrelated and work together to create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces that meet the needs of the people who will use them. By considering these elements and how they interact, architects can create structures that are both functional and beautiful, and that stand the test of time.

Types of architecture

Architecture is a diverse and multifaceted field that encompasses a wide range of building types and structures. Some common types of architecture include:

  • Residential architecture: This type of architecture encompasses the design and construction of homes, apartments, and other types of residential buildings. It includes a wide range of styles and design approaches, from traditional to modern, and is concerned with creating functional and comfortable living spaces that meet the needs of the people who will live in them.
  • Commercial architecture: This type of architecture involves the design and construction of buildings and spaces used for business and commerce, such as offices, retail spaces, and restaurants. It is focused on creating functional and attractive spaces that support the needs of the businesses and organizations that use them.
  • Public and institutional architecture: This type of architecture encompasses the design and construction of buildings and spaces used by the public, such as schools, libraries, museums, and government buildings. It is concerned with creating functional and welcoming spaces that serve the needs of the communities they serve.
  • Landscape architecture: This type of architecture involves the design and planning of outdoor spaces, such as parks, gardens, and public squares. It is concerned with creating functional and aesthetically pleasing landscapes that enhance the natural environment and meet the needs of the people who will use them.

Each type of architecture has its own unique challenges and considerations, and architects must be well-versed in a wide range of design approaches and techniques in order to create successful and functional spaces.

So, what is architecture?

Architecture is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses a wide range of building types and structures, each with its own unique characteristics and considerations. At its core, architecture is concerned with creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces that meet the needs of the people who will use them.

This includes designing spaces that are visually appealing, functional, and adaptable, as well as considering the materials and construction techniques used to create them.

But architecture is not just about the physical structures and spaces we create. It is also about the human experience of those spaces and structures. As architects and designers, it is our responsibility to consider the sensations, meanings, and emotional responses that our work will generate in people.

We have the power to create spaces that contribute positively to the world and enhance the lives of those who experience them.

Ultimately, the value of architecture comes down to personal experience. Good architecture is that which consciously addresses these issues and creates meaningful and enriching experiences for its users.

Bad architecture, on the other hand, ignores these issues and fails to consider the needs and experiences of those who will use it. By considering the human experience at the core of our work, we can create architecture that truly makes a positive impact on the world.

Still not sure? The below YouTube video “traverses the millennia of history and theory” to find the answer!

FAQ’s about what is architecture

What architecture means?

Architecture refers to the design and construction of buildings and other structures. It is a multifaceted discipline that encompasses a wide range of building types, including residential, commercial, public and institutional, and landscape architecture.

At its core, architecture is concerned with creating functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces that meet the needs of the people who will use them. This includes designing spaces that are visually appealing, functional, and adaptable, as well as considering the materials and construction techniques used to create them.

In addition to its practical and functional aspects, architecture can also be seen as a form of artistic expression. Architects and designers use a wide range of design principles, elements, and materials to create visually appealing and harmonious spaces that can inspire and delight those who experience them.

Architecture can also be a means of making a political or social statement, through the use of design elements and principles that convey a particular message or ideology.

Ultimately, the meaning of architecture is shaped by the experiences and perceptions of those who interact with it. Different people may have different interpretations and meanings of a particular structure or space, depending on their own experiences, backgrounds, and perspectives.

What are the 3 main types of architecture?

There are many types of architecture, each with its own unique characteristics and considerations. Some of the main types of architecture include:

  1. Residential architecture: This type of architecture encompasses the design and construction of homes, apartments, and other types of residential buildings. It includes a wide range of styles and design approaches, from traditional to modern, and is concerned with creating functional and comfortable living spaces that meet the needs of the people who will live in them.
  2. Commercial architecture: This type of architecture involves the design and construction of buildings and spaces used for business and commerce, such as offices, retail spaces, and restaurants. It is focused on creating functional and attractive spaces that support the needs of the businesses and organizations that use them.
  3. Public and institutional architecture: This type of architecture encompasses the design and construction of buildings and spaces used by the public, such as schools, libraries, museums, and government buildings. It is concerned with creating functional and welcoming spaces that serve the needs of the communities they serve.

Why is it called architecture?

The word “architecture” comes from the Greek word “arkhitekton,” which means “chief builder.” It refers to the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other structures. The term was first used in English in the mid-16th century to describe the design and construction of buildings, and has since come to encompass a wide range of building types and styles.

What is Architecture?

The word “architecture” is used to describe the practice of designing and constructing buildings and other structures, as well as the buildings and structures themselves. It is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including residential, commercial, public and institutional, and landscape architecture.

The term “architecture” is also used to describe the overall design and aesthetic of a building or structure, including the arrangement of its parts, the materials used to construct it, and the design principles and elements that are used to create it.

What is an architect in your own words?

An architect is a professional who designs and plans the construction of buildings and other structures. They use a combination of artistic and technical skills to create functional, aesthetically pleasing, and structurally sound spaces that meet the needs of the people who will use them.

Architects work closely with clients to understand their needs and goals, and use this information to create detailed plans and drawings that outline the design and construction of a building or structure.

They also work with contractors and other construction professionals to ensure that their designs are properly implemented and that the final result meets the required standards of quality and safety.

In addition to their design and planning responsibilities, architects may also be involved in the management of construction projects, including overseeing the budget and schedule, coordinating the work of contractors and other professionals, and ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the origin of the word architecture?
  2. What are architects called?
  3. Do architects build houses?
  4. Can I design houses without being an architect?
  5. Do architects have to be good at drawing?
  6. Can architects build?
  7. Do architects use math?
  8. What skills do architects need?
  9. Can architects make millions?
  10. Which country is best for architecture jobs?
  11. Which country is best for Architecture Masters?
  12. Does architecture have scope abroad?
  13. What is German architecture called?

1 : the art or science of building specifically : the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitable ones. 2a : formation or construction resulting from or as if from a conscious act the architecture of the garden.

What is the origin of the word architecture?

Architecture (Latin architectura, from the Greek ἀρχιτέκτων arkhitekton “architect”, from ἀρχι- “chief” and τέκτων “creator”) is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures.

What are architects called?

Licensure Once you’re licensed, you can officially call yourself an architect. Architects can put the initials R.A. (Registered Architect) after their names, but it’s more common to see AIA (American Institute of Architects), meaning they’re a member of the national professional association for licensed architects.

Do architects build houses?

An architect is a licensed professional who organizes space. Architects design houses, office buildings, skyscrapers, landscapes, ships, and even entire cities. The services offered by a licensed architect depend on the type of project being developed.

Can I design houses without being an architect?

Just because you may be legally practicing a particular discipline in architecture where you currently reside, doesn’t mean you may be able to perform the same services in other states. But the exciting thing is, even without an architectural license, you can design something in almost every state.

Do architects have to be good at drawing?

If you mean… “do you have to be good at drawing to get into architecture school?” then no. Usually really good technical skills will display you as a person with talent, but you will need to be creative.

Can architects build?

Architects design buildings, but their job description involves responsibility for much more than just the artistic elements of design. Architects also: Communicate effectively with clients to create buildings that satisfy the clients’ needs. Budget, coordinate, and oversee projects.

Do architects use math?

Geometry, algebra, and trigonometry all play a crucial role in architectural design. Architects apply these math forms to plan their blueprints or initial sketch designs. Since ancient times, architects have used geometric principles to plan the shapes and spatial forms of buildings.

What skills do architects need?

Here are five major skill sets you’ll need to be successful during your college years as an architecture major and beyond.

  • Math and science skills.
  • Design skills.
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills.
  • Team-building skills.
  • Communication skills.

Can architects make millions?

Most architects spend years in school, go through an internship and earn far less. And yet what we do as architects is just as needed. The average salary of a sole proprietor in the US is $70,000 according to recent surveys. The good news is, making a great income IS possible for an architect.

Which country is best for architecture jobs?

  • Norway. One of the few European countries to have crawled out of the Recession, Norway can boast explosive growth, low unemployment, and high wages.
  • Panama.
  • Brazil.
  • India.
  • Saudi Arabia.
  • Australia (in spots)

Which country is best for Architecture Masters?

Best countries known for Masters in Architecture programs abroad:

  • United States of America. Master of Architecture in USA is offered as MSc and MA Architecture with the availability of specializations like Urban Planning or Architecture Design.
  • United Kingdom.
  • Germany.
  • Singapore.
  • Australia.
  • Canada.

Does architecture have scope abroad?

Architecture, perhaps more than any other profession, is filled with people who want to live and work abroad. Some architecture students get a taste for travel while in school. Study abroad programs in the US are quite common. Often when students finish their degree they are drawn to the idea of living abroad.

What is German architecture called?

German Art Nouveau is commonly known by its German name, Jugendstil.

Architecture is the art and technique of designing a building or building environment. It is the artistic and technical process that involves the elaboration of organized and creative spaces to house different types of human activities.

Architecture is the arrangement of parts or elements that make up buildings or urban spaces in general.

This art is composed of the set of principles, norms, techniques and materials used by the architect to create an architectural space. O architect is the professional legally qualified to practice architecture.

Etymologically, the word architecture originated from the Greek arkhitekton, joining the terms arkhe («main is tekhton («builder» or «construction»). However, before reaching the Portuguese language, the word was absorbed by Latin, architectus.

What does the architect do?

The architect is the professional responsible for plan, organize and coordinate the construction of buildings, combining aspects related to the comfort, functionality and aesthetics of the property.

It is the architect who builds the plan for a project, as well as choosing the materials and layout of the entire construction. For this, the professional needs to take into account the acoustics, maintenance, lighting, ventilation, environmental impact, among other factors that may influence the final quality of the construction.

Unlike the civil engineer, for example, the architect’s work is directed towards the aesthetic and functional resolution of the work. On the other hand, engineering is responsible for solving structural and technical issues of the project, as well as the materials to be used.

Architecture course

To work as an architect, a person must have a degree in Architecture from an educational institution recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC). In addition, the recent graduate must also be duly registered with the Council of Architecture and Urbanism (CAU).

Architecture courses (usually titled «Architecture and urbanism», in Brazil) have an average duration of 5 years. The focus of the training is on Arts and Humanities, but it is also important to develop knowledge in the areas of Exact Sciences, such as mathematics and physics, for example.

In the job market, the architect can work in several areas, such as interior architecture, industrial architecture, building restoration, urbanism (planning of urban spaces), etc.

Symbol of Architecture

architecture symbol

The symbol is formed from the union of a square (sort of ruler used for drawings with precise straight lines) and a compass. The composition of the image creates a representation of Heaven and Earth.

The position of the compass refers to the celestial vault, while the square symbolizes the Earth and all things fixed on it.

architectural styles

Each civilization, at different times in history, built architectural projects based on its own elements. The inspiration for these particularities is in the culture, tradition and way of life of the respective societies.

Modern architecture

modern architecture - MASP

São Paulo Art Museum (MASP), Lina Bo Bardi (architect)

Modernism was a set of artistic-cultural movements that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century and that also influenced the architectural style of the time.

The buildings were inspired by the spirit of Industrial Revolution that reached its peak. Architects preferred the use of iron, glass and reinforced concrete as the main materials in their works.

The industrial character designs had simple, geometric shapes and, unlike classical architecture, with little (or no) ornamentation.

The priority was on the functionality of the buildings, that is, the way in which they could be integrated into urban life and people’s daily lives.

It was also with the advances brought about during modern architecture that they were the first skyscrapers built in the world. This type of construction is, without a doubt, one of the greatest landmarks of this architectural style.

Oscar Niemeyer, Le Corbusier and Lina Bo Bardi can be considered some of the most important architects of modernism.

know more about modern architecture.

Contemporary architecture

Heydar Aliyev Center - Contemporary Architecture

Heydar Aliyev Center, Zaha Hadid (architect)

Many people confuse the modern architectural style with the contemporary, mainly because they think that the term «modern» is synonymous with contemporaneity. In reality, both are different and portray different periods.

The so-called contemporary architecture consists of a set of different style references. This is a reflection of one of the most prominent features of postmodernity: the pluralism.

Contemporary architects prioritize the use of natural light and, above all, the integration of construction with the environment, without causing negative impacts on the local biome.

The works usually have an irregular shape, with large windows (a means of obtaining more natural light), and the use of recyclable materials.

This style also tends to incorporate new technologies, such as the Internet of Things, creating a direct communication relationship between people and the building.

roman architecture

Rome Coliseum - Roman Architecture

Rome Coliseum (Flavian Amphitheater)

Influenced by Greek and Etruscan architecture, Roman is part of the classical phase of architectural styles.

Roman architects saw the need to express through their works an idealization of beauty, but also to represent the reality experienced by citizens.

Unlike Greek architecture, this one kept its buildings predominantly in urban areas. The planning of temples, spas, aqueducts and amphitheaters was common.

Aesthetically, what characterizes Roman architecture is the valorization of arches, a heritage of the Etruscans. In addition, buildings used to have large vaults and column-free interior spaces.

greek architecture

greek architecture


Greek architecture, famous for its great works, reached its peak under Pericles’ government, especially in Athens.

The great names in Greek architecture were Ictínio and Callícrates, responsible for the construction of several monuments. The temples were the main works, built in carved stone, so adjusted that they did not need mortar.

One of the main features of this style is the use of columns. These were divided into three distinct architectural models, either by shape and shape:

  • the Doric, featuring columns of rigid lines and smooth capital, the most famous of which is the Parthenon, in Athens;
  • the Ionic, characterized by the lightness and elegance of the columns, visible in the temple of the goddess Niké, also in Athens;
  • the corinth, with the top (capitel) ornate in the form of leaves, found in the Temple of Apollo at Corinth, in present-day Turkey.

Gothic architecture

Milan Duomo

Milan Duomo (Cathedral of Milan)

The height of Gothic architecture was between the 12th and 13th centuries. However, this architectural style was only known as «Gothic» from the 15th century onwards, by the Renaissance.

Gothic architecture flourished in the midst of the renaissance of commerce (low Middle Ages), when cities began to grow.

The main buildings at the time were the churches, which brought together some of the strongest features of the Gothic period:

  • pointed arches;
  • vaults formed by a set of pointed arches;
  • facades with three arches;
  • flying buttress.

These structural innovations allowed, for the first time, buildings could have a greater verticality. For this reason, Gothic cathedrals are known for their imposing vertical elevation.

In addition, Gothic architecture also placed a high value on decorative facades. It was common to use expressive sculptures, lacework, balustrades rich in details and stained glass/rose windows.

Renaissance architecture

St. Peter's Basilica - Renaissance Architecture

St. Peter’s Basilica

It had greater representation between the 15th and 16th centuries, a period in which European society underwent intense ideological transformations.

Renaissance architecture was opposed to the Gothic style (it considered it very ugly). On the other hand, he valued aspects that referred to the concepts of anthropocentrism, symmetrical perfection with rigorous proportions and the «Reason Man».

Among some of the main aesthetic features of Renaissance architecture, the following stand out:

  • Symmetry enhancement;
  • Horizontality in form;
  • Columns supported by corbels;
  • Alternation of pediments;
  • semicircular arches;
  • Appreciation of delicate and articulated traits.

Sustainable architecture

Considered a strong trend within contemporary architecture, the sustainable architectural style began to become popular between the 1980s and 1990s.

As the name suggests, architects seek ensure the sustainability of the environment, ensuring that constructions do not cause negative impacts on nature.

For this, there are some principles that characterize sustainable architecture, such as:

  • Planning the work based on all the natural surroundings (ecosystems, hydrography, geology, etc.), as well as the local climatic conditions;
  • Reduce as much as possible the consumption of energy spent on the work, prioritizing the use of clean/renewable energy sources;
  • Use of ecological, recycled and regional materials (avoids the environmental wear and tear that the transport of materials could cause);
  • Ensure that the final work is integrated with the environment;
  • Ensure water savings during the construction of the building, as well as provide adequate infrastructure for that the building is able to save water (install timers / sensors on taps and showers, for example);
  • Ensure that the building produces energy in a sustainable way (installation of solar panels, for example).

Learn more about Sustainability.

1 : the art or science of building specifically : the art or practice of designing and building structures and especially habitable ones.

What is architecture simple words?

Architecture is defined as the art and science of designing buildings and structures. A wider definition would include within this scope the design of any built environment, structure or object, from town planning, urban design, and landscape architecture to furniture and objects.

What is architecture with example?

Architecture is defined as the method of designing and building something into a usable, pleasing form. An example of architecture is the design and construction of the Sears Tower. An example of architecture is the underlying design of a computer program. The art and science of designing and erecting buildings.

What is the importance of architecture?

The Importance of Architecture At its roots, architecture exists to create the physical environment in which people live, but architecture is more than just the built environment, it’s also a part of our culture. It stands as a representation of how we see ourselves, as well as how we see the world.

What is the main purpose of architecture?

‘Architecture is more than a mere record or reflection of who we are. Instead, the fundamental purpose of architecture is as a means for creating our cultures and ourselves’ Determining who we want to be, or what it would now mean to be fully human, could be properly understood as a design problem.

What is the aim of architecture?

The purpose of Architecture is to improve human life. Create timeless, free, joyous spaces for all activities in life. The infinite variety of these spaces can be as varied as life itself and they must be as sensible as nature in deriving from a main idea and flowering into a beautiful entity.

What is the best example of architecture?

20 Examples of Famous Architecture of the World

  • Empire State Building.
  • Petronas Towers Kuala Lumpur.
  • Leaning Tower Pisa.
  • Taj Mahal.
  • Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.
  • Flatiron Building.
  • Villa Savoye.
  • Kauffman Residence or Fallingwater.

What is the purpose of architecture?

What is the importance of architecture design?

Good architectural design pays for itself, saving time, money and mental health. Like good architecture, all successful businesses carefully consider the future – future growth, future changes and future finances. It’s necessary for every business and organisation, no matter the size, to maintain a healthy bottom line.

Where is the most beautiful architecture?

10 of the world’s most beautiful buildings

  • St. Paul’s Cathedral, England.
  • Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Roofing Megastore.
  • Westminster Abbey, England. Roofing Megastore.
  • Osaka Castle, Japan. Roofing Megastore.
  • St. Basil’s Cathedral, Russia.
  • Casa Mila, Spain.
  • Florence Cathedral, Italy.
  • Taj Mahal, India.

Which country has the best architecture?

6 Best Places to Study Abroad for Architecture Buffs

  1. China. When you study abroad in China, you’ll experience ancient Chinese architecture, which has developed over many centuries and can be seen throughout East Asia.
  2. England.
  3. France.
  4. Germany.
  5. Spain.
  6. The Netherlands.

What is the power of architecture?

Only then will architecture and urban space contribute their hermencutic power to the retrieval of the human potential to appropriate the world, The powers of architecture consist in (a) its ability to influence the spatiotcmporal articulation of life-praxis and thus to condition one’s fundamental relations to the …

What defines good architecture?

Good architecture creates spaces that have a strong emotional effect on people for better or worse. Comfortable or horrid to be in. Good architecture is conceptually rigorous. Good architecture protects the health safety and welfare of people. Good architecture doesn’t heat up the planet or waste resources.

Which architecture is best in world?

Here are the top famous architectural buildings in the world.

  • Gardens by the Bay, Singapore.
  • Linked Hybrid, Beijing.
  • Metropol Parasol, Seville, Spain.
  • Burj Khalifa, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  • Petronas Towers, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa, Pisa.
  • Taj Mahal, Agra.
  • Sydney Opera House, Sydney.

What are some famous architecture?

50 Iconic Buildings Around the World You Need to See Before You…

  • Hagia Sophia — Istanbul, Turkey.
  • The Guggenheim — New York City, USA.
  • Taj Mahal — Agra, India.
  • Dancing House — Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Château de Chenonceau — Chenonceaux, France.
  • Niterói Contemporary Art Museum — Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

How do you use the word Architectural in a sentence?

Architectural sentence example

  1. These islands are remarkable for a number of architectural remains of a very early date.
  2. The cathedral is of great historic and architectural interest.
  3. As a rule the buildings of Palmyra do not possess any architectural individuality, but these tombs are an exception.

What is meant by architectural style?

An architectural style is a set of characteristics and features that make a building or other structure notable or historically identifiable. A style may include such elements as form, method of construction, building materials, and regional character.

What is an example of an architectural feature?

Architectural feature means any part or appurtenance of a building or structure which is not a portion of the living area of the building or structure. Examples include: cornices, canopies, eaves, awnings, fireplaces, or projecting window elements.

What are some architectural features?

10 Architectural Features That Should Be Taken Out Of Rotation

  • The Nine-Light Window or Door.
  • The Half-Timber Infill.
  • The Knee Brace.
  • The Decorative Shutter.
  • The Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite Column Orders.
  • The Double-Hung Window.
  • The Gambrel Roof and Mansard Roof.
  • The Mini-Dormer and Eyebrow.

What is the most popular architectural design?

What is the example of architectural form?

The sphere, cylinder, cone and cube are examples of regular forms. These forms can be changed by the addition or subtraction of elements, but can still remain regular. An irregular form is one whose parts are dissimilar and generally inconsistent and asymmetrical.

What are the elements of architectural?

The 4 primary elements of architecture include the point, line, plane, and volume. The order of these elements represents the transformation from a single point to a one-dimensional line, from a line to a two-dimensional plane, and finally, from a plane to a three-dimensional volume.

What are the main architectural components?

The enterprise architecture model comprises five architectural components: Organizational Architecture, Business Architecture, Information Architecture, Application Architecture, and Technological Architecture.

What are architectural symbols used for?

Material symbols are used to represent materials or contents on floor plans, elevations, and detail drawings. Different symbols may be used to represent the same item on these drawings.

What are the basic functions of architecture?

Here are five important types of function in architecture.

  • Use and user function. Function can refer to intended uses and activities.
  • Technical function. Structural and mechanical systems are crucial to the function of architecture.
  • Environmental function.
  • Economic function.
  • Symbolic function.

He studied architecture at the University of British Columbia as an undergraduate and earned a master’s in architecture from the University of California at Berkeley — where he was given a teaching job in ethnic studies after students, angry about Vietnam, protested for a less Eurocentric curriculum. ❋ Philip Kennicott (2010)

One unwelcome trend in architecture is the inclusion of dual use cocktail spaces as a central function of museum spaces. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The immediate future in architecture is likely to please the Matthew Yglesiases of the world. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I can no longer use the word architecture in the traditional sense. ❋ William Safire (2004)

My mother received a degree in architecture from the University of Minnesota in 1922, and an MFA from ❋ Unknown (2001)

And in this church the architecture is the liturgy. ❋ Unknown (2009)

None of the architecture is historic; most of it is made of concrete block. ❋ Unknown (2006)

They do not build the houses very close together, and whether of rich or poor, the architecture is the same. ❋ Isabella Lucy (1883)

«A trifle naked if you like,» said my irrepressible companion, «but that’s what I call architecture, just as I don’t call bronze or marble clothes (save under urgent stress of portraiture) statuary.» ❋ Henry James (1879)

This kind of architecture is not doing enough to soften the harshness of the box. ❋ Unknown (2010)

In my opinion this kind of architecture is interesting … ❋ Unknown (2007)

At present Virginia offers a four-course in architecture which is taken up almost entirely with technical studies. ❋ Unknown (1925)

«Postmodernity in architecture is generally thought to be heralded by the return of» wit, ornament and reference «to architecture in response to the formalism of the International Style of modernism. ❋ Ben Barren (2005)

Nearly everything that encloses space on a scale sufficient for a human being to move in is a building, the term architecture applies only to buildings designed with a view to aesthetic appeal, «arguing that ❋ Unknown (2010)

The architectural historian James Marston Fitch wrote more than a half century ago that great leaps forward in architecture occur when three factors — theory, material, and technique — come into alignment under the pressure of social change. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A great deal of the architecture from the last decade, but certainly not all of it, is pretty unfortunate. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The most incredible architecture is gone, with some of the second tier architecture restored. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«My architecture class is great this week. I’ve gotten [two hours] of sleep and I almost have [a C] in [the class]. ❋ Abyssalknight (2007)

[The Empire] [State] [Building’s] architecture. What did YOU think it was? ❋ Bigzeus69 (2009)

«hey [Miss] [Grant] you should give me an A on my [project] on architecture because i interpreted it very creatively» ❋ Lonesome Ghost (2020)

[Homegirl’s] working with some serious architecture.
I’m [sitting] [at the beach], admiring all the architecture. ❋ The Architects (2007)

Wow, ever since [Daryl] got into [architecture], those tights n cape don’t look so bad on [‘im]. ❋ Beyondnothing (2011)

I made 2 huge [mistakes] in my life :
1. [Entering] the [architecture] faculty
2. Leaving it.. ❋ NIGGArchitect (2019)

[Saint Mark’s] Basilica in [Venice] is an example of [Byzantine] architecture. ❋ Architecture Major (2010)

[Architect]: Daaaaaym, look at that! That is one fine lookin’ [architecture] right there. I’d love to [get all up in there]. ❋ BadboopBadabeep (2016)

Dave: Hey bro check out that [architecture]
[Garry]: «looks at [sexy women]» Now that’s some fine architecture ❋ EpicGoatChild (2011)

«[Joy] and [I are] currently architecturing the [sections].»
-chip ❋ M (2005)

Meaning architecture

What does architecture mean? Here you find 49 meanings of the word architecture. You can also add a definition of architecture yourself




n. ~ 1. The design of and specifications for how something is constructed, especially buildings and large, static structures. — 2. Computing · The design and specifications of hardware, software, or [..]





Description of the fundamental underlying design of the components of the business system, or of one element of the business system (e.g., technology), the relationships among them, and the manner in [..]





1560s, from Middle French architecture, from Latin architectura, from architectus «architect» (see architect).





Architecture is defined as:   In reference to computers, software or networks, the overall design of a computing system and the logical and physical interrelationships between its components. The arc [..]





style and design of buildings or open spaces.





The design and interconnection of the main components of a hardware/software system. [D02275]





See Executable Architecture. [D04804]





The sum total of all of the specifications, protocols and implementations that define a particular networking system.





(IEEE) The organizational structure of a system or component. See: component, module, subprogram, routine.





See computer architecture, network architecture.





Internet Glossary A design. The term architecture can refer to either hardware or software, or to a combination of hardware and software. The architecture of a system always defines its broad outlines, and may define precise mechanisms as well.An open architecture allows the system to be connected easily to devices and programs made by other manufa [..]





The book of (Genesis 4:17,20,22) appears to divide mankind into two great characteristic sections, viz., the «dwellers in tents» and the «dwellers in cities.» To the race of Shem i [..]





(n.) A design. The term architecture can refer to either hardware or software, or to a combination of hardware and software. The architecture of a system always defines its broad outlines, and may def [..]










Specific configuration of hardware and software components in a programmable electronic system.





Architecture, Design, Analysis and Planning Tool





A computer graphics market requiring specialized applications that facilitate efficient planning, design, drafting, and analysis.





The art and science of designing and constructing buildings adapted to their purposes, one which is beauty.





A processor architecture is a specific combination of integrated circuit design and instructions that control how the processor works.





Architecture has two meanings depending upon its contextual usage.





The existing system architecture before entering a cycle of architecture review and redesign.





The logical view of the data models, data standards, and data structure. It includes a definition of the physical databases for the information system, their performance requirements, and their geogra [..]





Depicts the configuration of the target information system.





(n) an architectural product or work(n) the discipline dealing with the principles of design and construction and ornamentation of fine buildings(n) the profession of designing buildings and enviro [..]





The basic design of a computer’s hardware. Computers with different architecture, such as the PC and the Mac, cannot run each others’ programs.





The basic design of a computer’s hardware. Computers with different architecture, such as the PC and the Mac, cannot run each others’ programs.





An abstract technical description of a system or collection of systems. Modern software architectures employ interoperability interfaces to enable enterprises and whole industries to establish coheren [..]





Architecture, in computer software contex, is a framework or structure that provides the form of a software system and the conventions, policies, and mechanisms for composing itself with subsystems, o [..]





In the context of microprocessors, a family of chips that shares related features and can run the same software. Important features are the instruction set and the register file. artificial intelligen [..]





In the context of IT systems, as opposed to buildings, «architecture» describes the approach to designing and constructing of systems, networks, applications or even information storage. A variety of formal methodologies exist to support information architecture development, and even more exist to help develop Security Architecture.





The art and Science of designing buildings and structures. More generally, it is the design of the total built Environment, including town planning, urban design, and landscape architecture.





The kind of compluter you’re working on, where one «kind» of computer means all those computers sharing a compatible machine language. Since Perl programs are (typically) simple text files, not executable images, a Perl program is much less sensitive to the architecture it’s running on than programs in other languages, such as C [..]





The organizational structure and associated behavior of a system. An architecture can be recursively decomposed into parts that interact through interfaces, relationships that connect parts, and constraints for assembling parts. Parts that interact through interfaces include classes, components, and subsystems.





The kind of computer you’re working on, where one “kind of computer” means all those computers sharing a compatible machine language. Since Perl programs are (typically) simple text files, not e [..]









<computer architecture> Design, the way components fit together. The term is used particularly of processors, both individual and in general. «The ARM has a really clean architecture». It may also be used of any complex system, e.g. «software architecture», «network architecture». (01 Mar 1995)





1. The art or science of building; especially, the art of building houses, churches, bridges, and other structures, for the purposes of civil life; often called civil architecture. «Many other architectures besides Gothic.» (Ruskin) 3. Construction, in a more general sense; frame or structure; workmanship. «The architecture of grasse [..]





An enterprise-wide architecture is a logically consistent set of principles that guide the design and development of an organization’s information systems and technology infrastructure.





The art of designing and constructing buildings (structures), and other environmental features.





The art and science of designing buildings and other structures.





 A structured set of descriptive representations relevant for describing an object and being employed such that an instance of the object can be created and such that the descriptive representations [..]





Defines how a system is connected or interconnected and in some cases how the components are interconnected.





the overall structure of software components, the data and/or content that components manipulate, and the relationships between them





One of the fine arts (apparently); the art and science of building. Sometimes, there’s more art than science, from an engineer’s point of view.










Managing the process of planning, designing, and sometimes constructing buildings and other physical structures, surveyors or architects will be able to provide advice on use of space or building aest [..]





how a system is designed; includes how the components are connected to and operate with each other





The structure of a software-containing system, including the software and hardware components that make up the system, the interfaces and relationships between those components, and the component behaviors that are visible to other components.





The art of designing and constructing buildings, architecture

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architecture, the art and technique of designing and building, as distinguished from the skills associated with construction. The practice of architecture is employed to fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves both utilitarian and aesthetic ends.

Does architecture have meaning?

The word architecture can have many meanings. Architecture can be both an art and a science, a process and a result, and both an idea and a reality. People often use the words “architecture” and “design” interchangeably, which naturally broadens the definition of architecture.

What is the base word of architecture?

The root of the word architecture is the Greek arkhitekton (“master builder”), which makes sense because the ancient Greeks were very skilled at architecture — think of all those columns and stadiums and temples.

Why is it called architecture?

Architecture (Latin architectura, from the Greek ἀρχιτέκτων arkhitekton “architect”, from ἀρχι- “chief” and τέκτων “creator”) is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures.

What is architecture short essay?

Architecture is a skill that needs to be mastered. It can be taught, but only minds with a knack for peculiar thinking can truly master it. Architecture is a mixture of engineering, mechanics, and art. It is that one job wherein an individual must be an engineer, an artist, and most important of all, a realist.

What is architecture with example?

noun. Architecture is defined as the method of designing and building something into a usable, pleasing form. An example of architecture is the design and construction of the Sears Tower. An example of architecture is the underlying design of a computer program.

What are the three types of architecture?

  • Greek and Roman Classical Architecture. This type of architecture refers to the style that was prominently used in ancient Greece and Rome. …
  • Gothic Architecture. …
  • Baroque. …
  • Neoclassical Architecture. …
  • Victorian Architecture. …
  • Modern Architecture. …
  • Post-Modern Architecture. …
  • Neofuturist Architecture.

What do architects do?

Architects are professionals trained in the art and science of building design. They develop the concepts for structures and turn those concepts into images and plans, which eventually may become homes, office buildings and other facilities. Their work involves more than just the appearance of a structure.

What is the purpose of architect?

An architect is a person who plans, designs and oversees the construction of buildings. To practice architecture means to provide services in connection with the design of buildings and the space within the site surrounding the buildings that have human occupancy or use as their principal purpose.

What are the 7 types of architects?

Different types of Architects and what they do

  • Residential Architect. …
  • Commercial Architect. …
  • Interior Designer. …
  • Green Design Architect. …
  • Landscape Architect. …
  • Urban Designer. …
  • Industrial Architect.

Is architecture an engineer?

A: Architectural engineering focuses its study on the design of all building systems, including the mechanical, lighting/electrical, and structural systems of a building, while also planning the construction process of buildings and building systems.

What is the beauty of architecture?

Beauty, in architecture, lies in the performance and behavior of architectural structures and façade elements as a component. The structural form should have an aesthetic appeal while being simultaneously driven by engineering considerations.

What do architects like?

They must possess a variety of qualities, most of which they must excel in. Architects need to have a strong understanding of all building disciplines, including structural, electrical and mechanical. This takes smarts. And while simply being smart does not make you a good architect, it does give you a good foundation.

How many years does it take to study architecture?

To be an architect, you need to have a degree in Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BS Archi). BS Architecture is a five-year degree program that focuses on providing students with technical and aesthetic know-how about constructing any physical structure.

What can you gift to an architect?

Some of the most popular presents for architects include pens, sketchbooks, desk organizers, calculators, and world globes. These gifts are perfect for architects who are always working on new projects and need to have the necessary tools at their fingertips.

How do I create an architectural GIF?

Is Lego architecture a good gift?

Lego Architecture sets are incredible gift ideas for just about anyone. Young kids with moderate building skills all the way up to adult professionals and retired hobbyists will get hours of fun out of building these famous architectural models.

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