What is the meaning of mum is the word

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Mum’s the word is a popular English idiom. It is related to an expression used by William Shakespeare, in Henry VI, Part 2.[1]

The word «mum» is an alteration of momme, which was used between 1350 and 1400 in Middle English with very close to the same meaning, «be silent; do not reveal».


«Mum’s the word» means to keep silent or quiet.

Mum is a Middle English word meaning ‘silent’,[2] and may be derived from the mummer who acts without speaking.[3]
Note the similar English word «mime» (Old English «mīma», Latin «mimus») meaning silent actor or imitator.


The origins of the phrase can be traced back to the fourteenth century and William Langland’s narrative poem, Piers Plowman:

Thou mightest beter meten the myst on Malverne hulles
Then geten a mom of heore mouth til moneye weore schewed!

It can also be seen in popular fifteenth-century Towneley Plays:[4]

Though thi lyppis be stokyn, yit myght thou say ‘mum’.

The phrase notably appears in Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 2, Act 1, Scene 2:

Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.


  1. ^ ««Henry Act VI Part 2»«.
  2. ^ » ««mum»«.
  3. ^ ««Definition of Phrases»«. Archived from the original on 2011-02-07. Retrieved 2009-01-10.
  4. ^ OED

‘Mum’s the word’ is one of the most used idioms in the English language. We all know what it means but very few of us can see the logic of it in our everyday language and how it is related to our mothers.

The phrase has emerged in that form from a line in Shakespeare’s Henry VI Part 2 and it means to be quiet, to be silent, not to utter a word.  In the play, it appears as an instruction: “Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.”:

“Hume must make merry with the duchess’ gold;
Marry, and shall. But how now, Sir John Hume!
Seal up your lips, and give no words but mum:
The business asketh silent secrecy.”

(Act 1 Scene 2)

Origin of ‘Mum’s the word’

However, in using the word ‘mum’ Shakespeare was using one of the Old English words that were still in use in his time. It has nothing to do with ‘mother,’ which is how we use the word today, and it is that that leads to the confusion that this is about one’s mother.

There is a similar word in Old High German – “stum” – which indicates a common ancestry. In modern German the word became “stumm” and is the origin for the phrase “keep schtum,” which we also use in English today.

The word “mum” is related to the modern English word ‘mime’ which is to communicate without speaking.

The first time the word ‘mum,’ meaning silence, appears in literature is in the Middle English 1376 poem, Piers Plowman by William Langland:

“Thou mightest beter meten the myst on Malverne hulles. Then geten a mom of heore mouth til moneye weore schewed!,” which means that you may as well measure the mists on the Malvern hills as to try and get her to speak until you offer her payment.”

It also appears in the fifteenth-century Towneley Mystery Plays:

“Though thi lyppis be stokyn, yit myght thou say ‘mum’.”

Mum's the word

“Mum’s the word”, Shakespeare idiom

Development of the idiom ‘Mum’s the word’

In 1540 in John Palgrave’s translation of The Comedye of Acolastus we come across a variant of the phrase, “I dare not to do so moche as put my hande to my mouthe, and say mum, is counseyle”, which led to Shakespeare using it in the same way in Henry VI Part 2.

 The first instance of the use of the phrase ‘mum’s the word’ to caution someone to keep silent appeared in a tourist guide, A Walk Around London and Westminster, published in 1720, “But mum’s the word – for who would speak their mind amongst Tarrs and commissioners”.

What ‘Mum’s the word’ is not

‘Mum’ has nothing to do with Egyptian mummies, The word ‘mummy, applied to embalmed Egyptian corpses’ derives from ‘mum’ being an alternative name for the bitumen used for embalming. That may be the same word but it has completely different roots.

Neither does ‘’mum’ come from the humming sound, ‘mmmm’ made with a closed mouth, indicating an unwillingness or inability to speak.

It has been suggested, that ‘mum’ shares the same root as “mummer,” a type of play which has been popular in Britain since medieval times. The characters were stereotypical, one representing good – Saint George – and the other evil – a Turkish knight or rogue soldier. There are still some mummers groups today, their traditions kept alive by Morris and sword dancing groups.

Mummers were not mimes: they were lively, raucous plays with music and dancing and singing, and a lot of audience participation. Collections were taken after the show and everyone got drunk. That is directly the opposite of the meaning of ‘mum’, which is ‘silent.’

Other idioms for keeping silent or quiet

Put a sock in it

Hold your tongue

Button your lip

Keep under wraps

Zip it

Bite your lip

Zip your lip

Keep it under your hat

Bite your lip

Bite your tongue

Keep your cards close to your chest

Put a cork in it

Keep a lid on it

Words with similar meanings to ‘mum’









Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Meaning of MUM IS THE WORD in English

You must keep the secret; keep silent; don’t tell anyone. — Often used as an interjection. * /We are planning a surprise party for John and mum is the word./ * /»Mum is the word!» the robber captain told his men./

Dictionary of English idioms .

     Словарь английских идиом.

Last Updated: April 20, 2022 | Author: howto-Trust


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  • 2 Is mum a real word?
  • 3 Why do the British say mum?
  • 4 What is a mum person?
  • 5 Why is mum called mum?
  • 6 Do British say mom or mum?
  • 7 What is mum in British slang?
  • 8 What is a mum in Texas?
  • 9 What does stay mum mean?
  • 10 Why do British people say bloody?
  • 11 Is it mam or ma am?
  • 12 What does close mouthed mean?
  • 13 What does do not keep your mum mean?
  • 14 What does mean numb?
  • 15 What is the meaning of the word tight lipped?
  • 16 What mean diplomatic?
  • 17 What does Deatening mean?
  • 18 What is pins and needle?
  • 19 What does deprived mean?
  • 20 What is the meaning of Excusitis?
  • 21 What muffling means?
  • 22 How do you spell Deading?
  • 23 What does gnarly mean?
  • 24 What is mediocrity person?

What does mum mean in slang?

MUM. Definition: Mother. Type: Slang Word (Jargon)

Is mum a real word?

When to Use Mum

Mum can be a noun or an adjective. As an adjective, mum is a synonym of silent, like in the phrase mum’s the word. … It is also an alternative spelling of mom, where it means mother. Mom is more common in American English, while mum is more common in British English.

Why do the British say mum?

In terms of recorded usage of related words in English, mama is from 1707, mum is from 1823, mummy in this sense from 1839, mommy 1844, momma 1852, and mom 1867. So in fact both ‘mom’ and ‘mum’ are words derived from the word ‘mamma’ with early recorded usage back in the 1570s in England.

What is a mum person?

Someone who’s mum has nothing to say, especially on a particular subject. If you agree to keep someone’s secret, you could tell them, “Mum’s the word!” A shy child who’s new at school might stay mum all day, and even your most talkative friend might remain mum on controversial topics like religion and politics.

Why is mum called mum?

Mum is a Middle English word meaning ‘silent’, and may be derived from the mummer who acts without speaking. Note the similar English word “mime” (Old English “mīma”, Latin “mimus”) meaning silent actor or imitator.

Do British say mom or mum?

One word in particular that stands out in English dialects is the word we use for our mothers. The British typically use ‘mum’, and the Americans, ‘mom’.

What is mum in British slang?

In the U.K. and other places, mum is used as a word for mom or madam. It’s also commonly used as a short way of saying chrysanthemum, a type of flower.

What is a mum in Texas?

A mum is a large arrangement of ribbons, bells, charms, and a button sewn together and designed to be worn pinned to a woman’s dress or – if it gets too big – around a woman’s neck. The male counterpart to a mum is the garter, which is a smaller, less flashy version of the mum designed to fit around a man’s arm.

informal. : to not tell anyone (about something) She told him to keep/stay mum about the project.

Why do British people say bloody?

Bloody. Don’t worry, it’s not a violent word… it has nothing to do with “blood”.”Bloody” is a common word to give more emphasis to the sentence, mostly used as an exclamation of surprise. Something may be “bloody marvellous” or “bloody awful“. Having said that, British people do sometimes use it when expressing anger…

Is it mam or ma am?

It’s correct spelling is “Ma’am” and “mam” is just a short-form or is a word used by people who do not know the correct spelling.

What does close mouthed mean?

Definition of closemouthed

: cautious in speaking : uncommunicative also : secretive.

What does do not keep your mum mean?

keep mum – refuse to talk or stop talking; fall silent; “The children shut up when their father approached”

What does mean numb?

Definition of numb

1 : unable to feel anything in a particular part of your body especially as a result of cold or anesthesia It was so cold that my fingers went numb. 2 : unable to think, feel, or react normally because of something that shocks or upsets you : indifferent He stood there numb with fear.

What is the meaning of the word tight lipped?

: not willing to speak about something. : having your lips pressed tightly together because you are thinking hard, angry, etc.

What mean diplomatic?

: involving the work of maintaining good relations between the governments of different countries : of or relating to diplomats or their work. : not causing bad feelings : having or showing an ability to deal with people politely.

What does Deatening mean?

Definitions of deadening. the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine) synonyms: constipation, impairment, stultification. type of: debasement, degradation. a change to a lower state (a less respected state)

What is pins and needle?

What is pins and needles? Pins and needles feels like pricking, tingling or numbness on the skin. It happens when the blood supply to the nerves is cut off. This is usually when you sit or sleep on part of your body.

What does deprived mean?

: to take (something) away from (someone or something) : to not allow (someone or something) to have or keep (something) The change in her status deprived her of access to classified information. The new environmental law will deprive some fishermen of their livelihood. They’re depriving him of a chance to succeed.

What is the meaning of Excusitis?

New Word Suggestion. A mediocre person who is suffering from the sickness of a mental disease of MAKING EXCUSES every time that aren’t made by the successful person.

What muffling means?

1 : to wrap up so as to conceal or protect : envelop. 2 obsolete : blindfold. 3a : to wrap or pad with something to dull the sound muffle the oarlocks. b : to deaden the sound of. 4 : keep down, suppress muffled her anger.

How do you spell Deading?


  1. Dieing is a word, but it’s one you should almost never use, and it never refers to death.
  2. Dying refers to death.
  3. Dyeing refers to coloring a fabric or other material.

What does gnarly mean?

Definition of gnarly

1 : gnarled gnarly branches. 2 slang : very bad: such as. a : very difficult or challenging to deal with a gnarly [=thorny, knotty] problem gnarly conditions Having …

What is mediocrity person?

: the quality of something that is not very good : the quality or state of being mediocre. : a person who does not have the special ability to do something well.

mum’s the word!


это секрет!; тсс!, тише!, ни слова!, чур, молчать!; ≈ об этом ни гугу

‘Ed Truesdale was in town yesterday.’ (This with a knowing eye, as much as to say, «mum’s the word».) (Th. Dreiser, ‘The Titan’, ch. LIV) — — Вчера был здесь Эд Трусдейл… (при этом многозначительный взгляд, как бы говорящий: «помалкивай»).

‘Well, Walter,’ she said mockingly… ‘why don’t you talk to me?’ He did not reply. ‘Or is mum the word?’ (A. Huxley, ‘Point Counter Point’, ch. VII) — — Ну, Вальтер, — сказала насмешливо Люси… — почему вы не разговариваете со мной? — Он не ответил. — Или вы дали обет молчания?

‘For goodness’ sake don’t tell Mrs. Holloway what I told you.’ ‘Mum’s the word.’ (D. Cusack, ‘The Sun Is Not Enough’, ch. 13) — — Ради бога, не передавайте миссис Холлуэй то, что я рассказала вам. — Буду нем как рыба.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..

Смотреть что такое «mum’s the word!» в других словарях:

  • Mum’s the word — is a popular English idiom. It is related to an expression used by William Shakespeare, in Henry VI, Part 2.[1] Meaning Mum s the word means to keep quiet, to say nothing. Mum is a Middle English word meaning silent . [2] The word may be derived… …   Wikipedia

  • Mum’s the Word — est un film américain de Leo McCarey sorti en 1926. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Voir aussi …   Wikipédia en Français

  • mum’s the word — Mum Mum, a. [Of imitative origin. Cf. {Mumble}.] Silent; not speaking; as, to keep mum. Thackeray. [1913 Webster] The citizens are mum, and speak not a word. Shak. [1913 Webster] {mum s the word} keep this a secret; don t tell anybody. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mum’s the word — ► mum s the word do not reveal a secret. Main Entry: ↑mum …   English terms dictionary

  • mum’s the word — When people use this idiom, they mean that you should keep quiet about something and not tell other people …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • mum’s the word! — ˌmum s the ˈword! idiom (informal) used to tell sb to say nothing about sth and keep it secret Main entry: ↑mumidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • mum’s the word — SAY NOTHING, keep quiet, don t breathe a word, don t tell a soul, keep it secret, keep it to yourself, keep it under your hat; informal don t let on, keep shtum, don t let the cat out of the bag. → mum * * * mum s the word Complete silence or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mum is the word — You must keep the secret; keep silent; don t tell anyone. Often used as an interjection. * /We are planning a surprise party for John and mum is the word./ * / Mum is the word! the robber captain told his men./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • mum is the word — You must keep the secret; keep silent; don t tell anyone. Often used as an interjection. * /We are planning a surprise party for John and mum is the word./ * / Mum is the word! the robber captain told his men./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • mum is the word — You must keep the secret; keep silent; don t tell anyone. Often used as an interjection. We are planning a surprise party for John and mum is the word. Mum is the word! the robber captain told his men …   Словарь американских идиом

  • mum’s the word —    When people use this idiom, they mean that you should keep quiet about something and not tell other people.   (Dorking School Dictionary)    ***    To say mum s the word means that the subject or plan is a secret and must not be revealed.    … …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

What is the meaning of ‘mum’s the word’?

The expression ‘mum’s the word’ is an English figure of speech and idiom which is used to tell someone that they must keep a particular information secret.

You use the expression ‘mum’s the word’ when you want your listener to keep something secret. The expression basically translates to ‘do not tell anyone about this’.

Examples of ‘mum’s the word’ used in sentences:

  • I think John is the one, but mum’s the word until I am hundred percent sure he is the one.
  • We are going to organize a surprise birthday party for him, so please mum’s the word for now.

Keep mum

Keep mum is another expression that is very similar to ‘mum’s the word’ in terms of meaning in the sense that it also is used to tell someone not to disclose a secret to any other person.

means to keep this a secret; don’t tell anybody

I don’t want anybody to know about this affair until next week, so mum’s the word!

by Venera December 22, 2005


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mum’s the word

keep quiet about it (possibly from the sound one makes when trying to speak with closed lips, Attributed to William Shakespeare)

Remember, until further notice, mum’s the word.

by The Return of Light Joker January 9, 2010


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mums the word

to keep quiet about something

I heard Elaine’s parents are out of town tonight and she’s lonely! I’m gonna go over. Mums the word!

by P Ha September 30, 2004


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mums the word

to keep quiet about something; my lips are sealed.

mum means mmmmmm (the sound made when putting your lips together)

came from Shakespeare quote:

«Seal up your lips and give no words but mum.»

person 1: «Please don’t tell anyone about my affair.»

person 2: «Don’t worry i won’t. Mums the word.»

by bnm15 July 4, 2009


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