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This list is a collection of more than 1000 Hindi Words with their pronunciation and meanings in English. There are more than 500 million people who speak Hindi all over the world and learning these 1000 Hindi words will help you to talk or communicate with those people.
Below given words are most widely used by Hindi speaking people and the collection of most common Hindi words will help you make your Hindi Vocabulary very strong. The meaning of a particular Hindi word is given in the next column to help you to know the use of that word.
पूर्वाह, दोपहर पहले | poorvah | AM |
अपराह्न, दोपहर बाद | apraahn | PM |
जन्मा | janmaa | born |
अंक | ank | numeral |
अंग | ang | organ |
अंगूठी | angoothee | ring |
अंजीर | anjeer | fig |
अंडा | anda | egg |
अंत | ant | end |
अंतरिक्ष | antriksh | space |
अंतिम | antim | final |
अंधेरा | andhera | dark |
अंश | ansh | fraction |
अक्सर | aksar | often |
अगर | agar | if |
अगला | aglaa | next |
अचानक | achanak | sudden |
अच्छा | achchha | good |
अच्छी तरह से | achchhee tarah se | well |
अजीब | ajeeb | strange |
अणु | anu | molecule |
अतीत | ateet | past |
अथवा | athva | or |
अधिक | adhik | more |
अधिक | over | |
अधिनियम | adhiniyam | act |
अध्ययन | adhyayan | study |
अनुभव | anubhav | experience |
अनुभाग | anubhag | section |
अनुमान | anuman | guess |
अन्य | anya | other |
अपना | apna | one’s, one’s own |
अपनी | apnee | her own; hers |
अपने | apne | your |
अब | /ab/ | now |
अब तक | aab tak | still |
अभी तक | abhee tak | yet |
अभ्यास | abhyas | practice |
अमीर | ameer | rich |
अलग | alag | differ |
अलग | separate | |
अवधि | avadhi | period |
अवधि | term | |
असली | aslee | real |
आ | aa | come |
आंकड़ा | aankda | figure |
आंख | aankh | eye |
आकर्षित | aakarshit | draw |
आकार | aakar | shape |
आकार | size | |
आग | aag | fire |
आगे | aage | forward |
आठ | aath | eight |
आत्म | aatm | self |
आदमी | aadmee | man |
आदि | aadi | et cetera |
आदेश | aadesh | order |
आधा | aadha | half |
आधार | aadhaar | base |
आधुनिक | aadhunik | modern |
आप | aap | you |
आपूर्ति | aapoorti | supply |
आबाद | aabad | populate |
आम | aam | common |
आया | aayaa | came |
आयोजित | aayojit | held |
आवश्यक | aavashyak | necessary |
आवश्यकता | avashyaktaa | need |
आवश्यकता | require | |
आवाज | aavaaj | voice |
आविष्कार | avishkar | invent |
आशा | aasha | hope |
आश्चर्य | aashcharya | wonder |
आश्चर्य | surprise | |
आसमान | aasmaan | sky |
आसानी | aasaanee | ease |
इंच | inch | inch |
इंजन | injan | engine |
इंतजार | intjaar | wait |
इकट्ठा | ikatthaa | collect |
इकट्ठा | gather | |
इकाई | ikaai | unit |
इच्छा | ichchha | wish |
इतिहास | itihas | history |
इन | in | these |
इस | is | this |
इस प्रकार | is prakaar | thus |
इसका | iskaa | his (informal) |
इसके | iske | of this; for this |
इसलिए | islie | so; therefore |
इसी | isee | this (emphatic) |
इसी तरह | isee tarah | similar |
उंगली | ungalee | finger |
उचित | uchit | proper |
उच्च | uchch | high |
उज्ज्वल | ujjval | bright |
उठाओ | uthaao | pick |
उठाना | uthana | raise |
उत्तर | uttar | north |
उत्तर | reply | |
उत्तेजित | uttejit | excite |
उत्पाद | utpaad | product |
उत्पादन | utpaadan | produce |
उदाहरण | udaharan | example |
उद्योग | uddhog | industry |
उन | un | those |
उनका | unkaa | theirs; his (formal) |
उनकी | unkee | theirs; his (formal) |
उनके | unke | their |
उन्हें | unhein | them |
उन्होंने | unhone | oblique case of they |
उपकरण | upakarana | tool |
उपयोग | upyog | use |
उम्मीद | um’mīda | expect |
उम्र | umra | age |
उसके | uske | his |
उसके (स्त्रीलिंग) | her | |
उसे | use | him |
ऊपर | oopara | up |
ऊपर | above | |
ऊर्जा | urja | energy |
एक | ek | one |
एक | a | |
एक | an | |
एक बार | ek baar | once |
एक साथ | ek saath | together |
एकल | ekal | single |
अणु | anu | atom |
एवं | evam | 1. thus, so. 2. and. |
एहसान | ahsaan | favor |
ऐसा | aisa | such |
ऐसा नहीं | aisaa nahee | don’t |
ऐसी | aisee | of this sort |
ऐसे | aisee | of this sort |
ऑक्सीजन | ŏksījana, okseejana | oxygen |
ओह | oha | oh |
और | aura | and |
और न ही | aura nahee | nor |
और भी | aura bhee | even |
कंधे | kandhe | shoulder |
कंपनी | kampanī, kampanee | company |
कई | kai | many |
कई | several | |
कटौती | katautee | cut |
कठिन | kathin | hard |
कदम | kadama | step |
कनेक्ट | kanekt | connect |
कपड़े | kapaṛē, kapare | clothe |
कपास | kapaas | cotton |
कप्तान | kaptaan | captain |
कभी | kabhee | ever |
कभी नहीं | kabhee nahee | never |
कम | kam | low |
कम | short | |
कम | less | |
कम से कम | kam se kam | least |
कमरे | kamre | room |
कर | kar | do |
कर | make | |
कर सकते हैं | kar sakte hain | can |
करता है | karta hai | does |
करीब | kareeb | close |
करेगा | karega | shall |
कला | kalaa | art |
कल्पना | kalpna | imagine |
कवर | kavar | cover |
कविता | kavita | poem |
कहना | kahna | say |
कहा | kahaa | said |
कहानी | kahanee | story |
का पालन करें | ka paalan karein | follow |
का प्रतिनिधित्व | kaa paratinidhitva | represent |
कांच | kaanch | glass |
कागज | kagaj | paper |
कान | kaanch | ear |
कानून | kanoon | law |
काफी | kafee | quite |
काम | kaam | work |
काम | job | |
कार | kaar | car |
कारण | kaaran | cause |
कारण | reason | |
कार्ड | kard | card |
कार्य | kaarya | 1. action, act; activity. 2. work, task duty. |
कार्यालय | kaaryalaya | office |
काला | kaalaa | black |
कि | ki | that |
किताब | kitab | book |
किनारे | kinare | shore |
किया | kiya | did |
किया | done | |
किसी भी | kisee bhee | any |
की | kee | of |
की अनुमति | kee anumati | allow |
की ओर | kee or | toward |
कीट | keet | insect |
कुंजी | kunjee | key |
कुक | kuk | cook |
कुछ | kuccha | some |
कुछ | few | |
कुछ | certain | |
कुछ नहीं | kuchha nahee | nothing |
कुत्ते | kutte | dog |
कुर्सी | kursee | chair |
कूद | kood | jump |
कृपया | kripya | please |
के खिलाफ | le khilaf | against |
के बाद | ke baad | after |
के बाद से | ke baad se | since |
के बारे में | ke baare mein | about |
के बीच | ke beech | between |
के बीच | among | |
के माध्यम से | ke madhyam se | through |
के लिए | ke lie | for |
केंद्र | kendra | center |
केवल | keval | only |
कैसे | kaise | how |
कॉल | kaal | call |
कॉलोनी | kolonee | colony |
कोई | koi | becoming |
कोट | kot | coat |
कोने | kone | corner |
कोमल | komal | gentle |
कोर्स | korsa | course |
कोशिश | koshish | try |
कौन | kaon | who |
कौशल | kausahal | skill |
क्या | kyaa | what |
क्यों | kyon | why |
क्रिया | kriya | verb |
क्रीज | kreez | crease |
क्रोध | krodh | anger |
क्लास | klaas | class |
क्षेत्र | kshetra | area |
क्षेत्र | field | |
क्षेत्र | region | |
खंड | khand | segment |
खंड | khand | block |
खड़ा हुआ | khada hua | stood |
खड़े | khade | stand |
खतरे | khatre | danger |
खत्म | khatm | finish |
खरीद | khareed | buy |
खरीदा | khareeda | bought |
खर्च | kharch | spend |
खाने | khaane | eat |
खिंचाव | khinchaav | stretch |
खिड़की | khidkee | window |
खींच | kheench | pull |
खुद | khud | own |
खुला | khula | open |
खुश | khush | happy |
खून | khoon | blood |
खेत | khet | farm |
खेल | khel | game |
खेलने | khelne | play |
खोज | khoj | search |
खोया | khoya | lost |
खोल | khol | shell |
गंध | gandh | smell |
गति | gati | speed |
गया | gaya | been |
गयी | gayee | went |
गये | gaye | plural perfective aspect of जाना |
गरम | garam | hot |
गरीब | gareeb | poor |
गर्दन | gardan | neck |
गर्म | garm | warm |
गर्मियों | garmiyon | summer |
गर्मी | garmee | heat |
गलत | galat | wrong |
गहरा | gahraa | deep |
गांव | gaanv | village |
गाइड | gā’iḍa, gaaida | guide |
गाना | gaanaa | sing |
गाय | gaay | cow |
गिनती | ginatee | count |
गिर गया | gir gaya | fell |
गिरावट | giravat | fall |
गीत | geet | song |
गुणा | guna | multiply |
गुलाब | gulab | rose |
गुलाम | gulam | slave |
गेंद | gend | ball |
गैस | gais | gas |
ग्रह | grah | planet |
ग्रे | gray | gray |
घंटे | ghante | hour |
घटना | ghatnaa | event |
घटाना | ghataanaa | subtract |
घटित | ghatit | occur |
घड़ी | ghadee | watch |
घड़ी | clock | |
घर | ghar | home |
घर | house | |
घाटी | ghaatee | valley |
घास | ghaas | grass |
घोड़ा | ghoda | horse |
चढ़ाई | chadhai | climb |
चमक | chamak | shine |
चयन | chayan | choose |
चयन | select | |
चरित्र | charitra | character |
चर्चा | charchaa | discuss |
चलना | chalanaa | walk |
चला गया | chala gyaa | went |
चला गया | gone | |
चलाने | chalaane | run |
चलो | chalo | let |
चांद | chaand | moon |
चांदी | chandee | silver |
चादर | chadar | sheet |
चार | char | four |
चार्ज | charg | charge |
चार्ट | chart | chart |
चाल | chaal | move |
चाहते हैं | chahte he | want |
चाहिए | chahiye | must |
चाहिए | should | |
चाहे | chahe | whether |
चिकित्सक | chiktsik | doctor |
चिल्लाओ | chillao | shout |
चीनी | cheen | sugar |
चुंबक | chumbak | magnet |
चुप | chup | silent |
चेहरा | chehra | face |
चौथाई गेलन | chauthaai gelan | quart |
छड़ी | chhadee | stick |
छह | chhah | six |
छात्र | chhatra | student |
छेद | chhed | hole |
छोटे | chhote | small |
छोटे | chhote | tiny |
छोड़ | chhod | leave |
छोड़ा | chhoda | left |
जंगली | jangalee | wild |
जगह | jagah | place |
जगह | stead | |
जड़ | jad | root |
जन्मा | janma | born |
जब | jab | when |
जब तक | jab tak | until |
जबकि | jabki | while |
जमीन | jameen | ground |
जला | jalaa | burn |
जल्दी करो | jaldee karo | hurry |
जवाब | javaab | answer |
जहां | jahaan | where |
जहाज | jahaaj | ship |
जाँच | jaanch | check |
जादू | jaadoo | spell |
जाना | jaana | go |
जारी रखने के | jaree rakhne ke | continue |
जिसका | jiskaa | whose |
जीत | jeet | win |
जीना | jeenaa | live |
जीवन | jeevan | life |
जूता | jootaa | shoe |
जैसा | jaisa | as |
जैसा | like | |
जो | jee | which |
जोड़ | jod | add |
जोड़ी | jodee | pair |
जोर | jor | loud |
ज्यादा | jyaada | much |
झटका | jhataka | blow |
झील | jheel | lake |
झूठ | jhooth | lie |
टाई | taai | tie |
टायर | tayar | tire |
टीम | teem | team |
टुकड़ा | tukda | piece |
टोपी | topee | hat |
ट्यूब | ṭyūba, tyooba | tube |
ट्रक | traka | truck |
ट्रैक | traik | track |
ठंड | thand | cold |
ठीक | theek | fine |
डबल | dabal | double |
डर | dar | fear |
डर | afraid | |
डाल | daal | put |
डिग्री | digree | degree |
डिजाइन | dezine | design |
डॉलर | ḍŏlara, dolara | dollar |
ड्राइव | ḍrā’iva, draaiva | drive |
ड्रॉप | draup | drop |
ढोंग | dhong | pose |
तक | taka | to |
तक पहुँचने | tak pahuchne | reach |
तट | tata | coast |
तत्व | tatva | element |
तथा | tatha | 1. conj. and. 2. adv. in the same way as |
तथ्य | tathya | fact |
तय | taya | decide |
तरल | taral | liquid |
तरह | tarah | kind |
तल | tal | bottom |
तस्वीर | tasveer | picture |
ताजा | taaja | fresh |
तापमान | taapmaan | temperature |
तार | taar | wire |
तालिका | taalikaa | table |
तीन | teen | three |
तीसरे | teesre | third |
तुम | tum | you (informal) |
तुलना | tulna | compare |
तेज़ | tej | sharp |
तेजी | tejee | fast |
तेल | tel | oil |
तैयार | taiyaar | ready |
तैयार | prepare | |
तैरना | tairnaa | swim |
तो | to | then |
तो | so | |
तोड़ | tod | break |
तोड़ दिया | tod diya | broke |
त्रिकोण | trikon | triangle |
त्वचा | twacha | skin |
त्वरित | twarit | quick |
था | thaa | was |
था | had | |
थी | thee | was |
थे | the | were |
थोड़ा | thoda | little |
दक्षिण | dakṣiṇa, dakshina | south |
दरवाजा | darvaajaa | door |
दर्ज | darja | enter |
दशमलव | dashmalav | decimal |
दस | dashmalav | ten |
दांत | daant | teeth |
दावा | daavaa | claim |
दिन | din | day |
दिया | diya | gave |
दिल | dil | heart |
दीवार | deevaar | wall |
दुकान | dukaan | store |
दुकान | shop | |
दुनिया | duniya | world |
दुश्मन | dushman | enemy |
दूध | doodh | milk |
दूर | door | far |
दूर | distant | |
दूसरा | doosraa | second |
दूसरे | doosre | another; secondly |
दृष्टि | drashti | sight |
दे | de | give |
देखना | dekhna | see |
देखभाल | dekhbhaal | care |
देखा | dekha | saw |
देखें | dekhein | view |
देखो | dekho | look |
देर से | der se | late |
देश | desh | country |
दो | do | two |
दोनों | donon | both |
दोपहर | dopahar | noon |
दोस्त | dost | friend |
दोहराना | doharaana | repeat |
दौड़ | daud | race |
दौर | daur | round |
दौरान | dauraan | during |
द्वारा | dwaaraa | by |
द्वीप | dweep | island |
धक्का | dhakka | push |
धन | dhan | money |
धन्यवाद | dhanyavaad | thank |
धातु | dhaatu | metal |
धारा | dhaaraa | stream |
धीमी | dheemee | slow |
धोने | dhone | wash |
ध्वनि | dhwani | sound |
नई | nai | new |
नकल | nakal | copy |
नक्शा | nakshaa | map |
नदी | nadee | river |
नमक | namak | salt |
नमस्कार | namaskaar | Welcome, Greetings, Casual Greetings |
नमस्ते | namaste | Hello, Hi, Greetings on first meet, Welcome |
नहीं | nahee | no |
नहीं होगा | nahee hogaa | won’t |
नाक | naak | nose |
नाप | naap | measure |
नाम | naam | name |
नाव | naav | boat |
निकट | nikat | near |
नियंत्रण | niyantran | control |
नियम | niyam | rule |
निरीक्षण | nireekshana | observe |
निर्धारित | nirdhaarit | determine |
निर्भर | nirbhar | depend |
निर्मित | nirmit | made |
नींद | neend | sleep |
नीचे | neeche | under |
नीचे | neeche | down |
नीला | neelaa | blue |
नृत्य | nritya | dance |
नेतृत्व | netratwa | lead |
नेतृत्व | led | |
नोट | not | note |
नोटिस | notis | notice |
नौ | nau | nine |
पंक्ति | pnkti | row |
पंख | pankh | wing |
पकड़ | pakad | hold |
पकड़ | catch | |
पकड़ा | pakadaa | caught |
पक्ष | paksha | side |
पक्षी | pakshee | bird |
पड़ोसी | padausee | neighbor |
पढ़ा | padhaa | read |
पतली | patlee | thin |
पता | pata | know |
पता था | pataa thaa | knew |
पत्थर | patthar | stone |
पत्नी | patnee | wife |
पत्र | patra | letter |
पथ | path | path |
पदार्थ | padaartha | substance |
पर | par | on |
पर | at | |
परिणाम | parinaam | result |
परिवर्तन | parivartan | change |
परिवार | parivaar | family |
परीक्षण | pareekshan | test |
पर्ची | parchee | slip |
पर्याप्त | paryaapt | enough |
पल | pal | moment |
पल | instant | |
पशु | pashu | animal |
पश्चिम | passchim | west |
पहनना | pahnanaa | wear |
पहले | pahle | before |
पहले | first | |
पहले | ago | |
पहाड़ | pahaad | mountain |
पहाड़ी | pahaadee | hill |
पहिया | pahiyaa | wheel |
पहुंचना | pahuchnaa | arrive |
पांच | paanch | five |
पाउंड | paaund | pound |
पानी | paanee | water |
पाया | paayaa | found |
पार | paar | cross |
पार्टी | paartee | party |
पास | paas | pass |
पिच | pich | pitch |
पिछले | pichhale | last |
पिता | pita | father |
पिता | dad | |
पीछे | peechhe | behind |
पीले | peele | yellow |
पुराना | puraanaa | old |
पुरुषों | purushon | men |
पूंछ | poonchh | tail |
पूछना | poochhna | ask |
पूरा | pooraa | complete |
पूरे | poore | whole |
पूर्ण | poorna | full |
पूर्व | poorva | east |
पृथ्वी | prathvee | earth |
पेज | pej | page |
पेड़ | ped | tree |
पेय | pey | drink |
पैटर्न | paitarn | pattern |
पैमाने | paimaane | scale |
पैर | pair | feet |
पैर | foot | |
पैर | leg | |
पैरा | pairaa | paragraph |
पोशाक | poshaak | dress |
पोस्ट | post | post |
प्यार | pyar | love |
प्रकट | prakata | appear |
प्रकार | prakar | type |
प्रकाश | prakash | light |
प्रकृति | prakrati | nature |
प्रक्रिया | prakriya | process |
प्रणाली | pranaalee | system |
प्रति | prati | f. noun) copy of an original. |
प्रतिशत | pratishat | cent |
प्रतीक | prateek | symbol |
प्रतीत | prateet | seem |
प्रत्यक्ष | pratyakṣa, pratyaksha | direct |
प्रत्यय | pratyaya | suffix |
प्रत्येक | pratyek | each |
प्रदान | pradaan | provide |
प्रभाव | prabhaav | effect |
प्रमुख | pramukh | chief |
प्रमुख | major | |
प्रयोग | prayog | experiment |
प्रवाह | pravaah | flow |
प्रसन्न | prasanna | glad |
प्रसार | prasaar | spread |
प्रसिद्ध | prasaddhi | famous |
प्रस्ताव | prastaav | offer |
प्रस्ताव | motion | |
प्राकृतिक | praakratik | natural |
प्राप्त | praapt | get |
प्राप्त करना | praapt karnaa | receive |
प्रारंभ करना | praarambh karnaa | begin |
प्रिंट | ||
प्रिय | priya | dear |
प्रेस | press | press |
फल | fal | fruit |
फसल | fasal | crop |
फार्म | farm | form |
फिट | fit | fit |
फिर | fir | again |
फ़ीड | feed | feed |
फूल | fool | flower |
फेंक | fenk | throw |
फ्लैट | flait | flat |
बंद | band | off |
बंदरगाह | bandargaah | port |
बंदूक | bandook | gun |
बगीचा | bageechaa | garden |
बचा | bachaa | save |
बच्चे | bachche | child |
बच्चे | baby | |
बच्चों | bachchon | children |
बड़ा | badaa | large |
बड़ा | big | |
बड़ी | badee | big, large; great |
बड़े | bade | big; large; great; elder |
बढ़त | badhat | edge |
बढ़ने | badhne | grow |
बढ़ी | badhee | grew |
बतख | batakh | duck |
बता | bataa | tell |
बताया | bataayaa | told |
बना | bana | create |
बनाना | banaanaa | build |
बराबर | baraabar | equal |
बर्फ | barf | snow |
बर्फ | ice | |
बल | bal | force |
बल्कि | balki | rather |
बल्ला | balla | bat |
बस | bas | just |
बसा | basaa | settle |
बहन | bahan | sister |
बहुत | bahut | very |
बहुत | lot | |
बहुवचन | bahuvachan | plural |
बांह | baanh | arm |
बाकी | baakee | rest |
बाकी | else | |
बाजार | baazaar | market |
बात | baat | thing |
बात | spoke | |
बाद | baad | speech; discussion, dispute; argument |
बादल | baadal | cloud |
बार | baar | bar |
बारिश | baarish | rain |
बारी | baaree | turn |
बाल | baal | hair |
बाहर | baahar | out |
बिंदु | bindu | point |
बिजली | bijalee | power |
बिजली | electric | |
बिट | bit | bit |
बिल्ली | billee | cat |
बिस्तर | bistar | bed |
बीच | beech | middle |
बीज | beej | seed |
बीस | bees | twenty |
बुनियादी | buniyaadee | basic |
बुरा | buraa | bad |
बेचने | bechne | sell |
बेटा | beta | son |
बेल | bel | bell |
बेहतर | behtar | better |
बैंक | baink | bank |
बैंड | baind | band |
बैठना | baithnaa | sit |
बॉक्स | bauks | box |
बोर्ड | bord | board |
बोलना | bolnaa | speak |
ब्याज | byaaj | interest |
ब्राउन | brā’una, braauna | brown |
भरने | bharne | fill |
भव्य | bhavya | grand |
भाई | bhaai | brother |
भागफल | bhagfal | quotient |
भागा | bhaagaa | ran |
भाप | bhaap | steam |
भारत | bhaarata | India |
भारी | bhaaree | heavy |
भारी | huge | |
भालू | bhaaloo | bear |
भावना | bhaavnaa | sense |
भाषण | bhaashanaa | speech |
भाषा | bhaasha | language |
भिन्न हो | bhinna ho | vary |
भी | bhee | also |
भी | too | |
भी | either | |
भीड़ | bheed | crowd |
भुगतान | bhugtaan | pay |
भूमि | bhoomi | land |
भेजा | bhejaa | sent |
भेजें | bhejein | send |
भोजन | bhojana | food |
मंजिल | manjil | floor |
मई | mai | may |
मकई | makai | corn |
मक्खी | makkhee | fly |
मछली | machhalee | fish |
मजबूत | majboot | strong |
मज़ा | majaa | fun |
मतलब | matlab | mean |
मतलब | meant | |
मदद | madad | help |
मन | man | mind |
मरना | marnaa | die |
मशीन | masheen | machine |
महाद्वीप | mahadweep | continent |
महान | mahaan | great |
महिला | mahilaa | lady |
महिला | woman | |
महिलाओं | mahilaaon | women |
मां | māṁ, maan | mother |
मांस | maans | meat |
माउंट | maunt | mount |
माता पिता | mata pita | parent |
मानव | maanav | human |
मामला | maamlaa | matter |
मामले | maamle | case |
मारना | maarna | hit |
मार्क | maark | mark |
मास्टर | mastar | master |
माह | maah | month |
मिट्टी | mittee | soil |
मिनट | minat | minute |
मिला | milaa | got |
मिलो | milo | meet |
मिश्रण | miśraṇa, mishrana | mix |
मिस | mis | miss |
मील | meel | mile |
मुंह | munh | mouth |
मुक्त | mukta | free |
मुख्य | mukhya | main |
मुझे | mujhe | me |
मुलायम | mulayam | soft |
मुश्किल | mushkil | difficult |
मुसीबत | museebat | trouble |
मुस्कान | muskaan | smile |
मूल | mool | original |
मूल्य | mulya | value |
मृत | mrat | dead |
में | mein | in |
मेरा | meraa | mine |
मेरे | mere | my |
मेला | melaa | fair |
मैं | main | I |
मैंने | maine | I |
मैच | maich | match |
मोटी | motee | thick |
मौत | maut | death |
मौसम | mausam | weather |
मौसम | season | |
यकीन | yakeen | sure |
यदि | yadi | if; whether |
यह | yah | it |
यहाँ | yahaan | here |
या | yaa | or |
यात्रा | yatra | travel |
यात्रा | visit, trip | |
याद | yaad | remember |
यार्ड | yard | yard |
युद्ध | yuddha | war |
युवा | yuvaa | young |
योजना | yojana | plan |
रंग | rang | color, Paint |
रक्षा | rakshaa | protect |
रखना | rakhnaa | keep |
रखना | lay | |
रखा | rakhaa | kept |
रगड़ | ragad | rub |
रस्सी | rassee | rope |
रहना | rahanaa | stay |
रहा | rahaa | (auxiliary verb) |
रही | rahee | (auxiliary verb) |
रहे | rahe | masculine plural form of continuous aspect auxiliary verb |
राग | raag | melody |
राग | chord | |
राजधानी | raajdhaanee | capital |
राजा | raajaa | king |
राज्य | raajya | state |
रात | raat | night |
राष्ट्र | raashtra | nation |
रास्ता | raastaa | way |
रिकॉर्ड | rikord | record |
रूप | roop | form; shape; appearance; aspect |
रेखा | rekhaa | line |
रेगिस्तान | registaan | desert |
रेडियो | rēḍiyō, rediyo | radio |
रेत | ret | sand |
रेल | rel | rail |
रॉक | rauk | rock |
रोक | rok | stop |
रोटी | rotee | bread |
रोना | ronaa | cry |
रोल | rol | roll |
लंबा | lambaa | tall |
लंबाई | lambaai | length |
लंबे समय तक | lambe samay tak | long |
लकड़ी | lakdee | wood |
लग रहा है | lag rahaa hai | feel |
लगता है | lagtaa hai | think |
लगता है | find | |
लगा | lagaa | felt |
लड़का | ladkaa | boy |
लड़की | ladkee | girl |
लड़की | chick | |
लड़ाई | ladaai | fight |
लहर | lahar | wave |
लाख | laakh | million |
लागत | laagat | cost |
लाना | laanaa | bring |
लाया | laayaa | brought |
लाल | laal | red |
लिए | lie | holding; taking with one |
लिखना | likhana | write |
लिखा | likhaa | wrote |
लिखित | likhit | written |
लिफ्ट | lift | lift |
लिया | lia | taken |
लिये | lie | took; received; accepted |
ले | le | carry |
ले लिया | le liya | took |
लेकिन | lekin | but |
लेना | lena | take |
लॉग इन करें | log in karein | log |
लोग | log | people |
लोगों | logon | people (plural) |
लोन | loan | lone |
लोहा | loha | iron |
वजन | vajan | weight |
वन | van | forest |
वर्ग | varg | square |
वर्णन | varṇana, varnana | describe |
वर्तमान | vartmaan | present |
वर्तमान | current | |
वर्ष | varsh | year |
वसंत | vasant | spring |
वसा | vasaa | fat |
वस्तु | vastu | object |
वह | wah | he |
वह | she | |
वहाँ | wahaan | there |
वही | wahee | same |
वाक्य | vaakya | sentence |
वाक्यांश | vaakyansh | phrase |
वापस | vaapas | back |
वार्ता | vaartaa | talk |
वाली | vaalee | of him or her’ used in feminine way |
वाले | vale | used to denote a relationship to the noun, verb, or adjective preceding the postposition (male term) |
विकसित | viksit | develop |
विकास | vikaas | opening, expanding |
विचार | vichar | idea |
विचार करना | vichaar karnaa | consider |
विज्ञान | vigyaan | science |
विधि | vidhi | method |
विपरीत | vipreet | opposite |
विभाजन | vibhaajan | divide |
विभाजन | division | |
विमान | vimaan | plane |
विशेष | vishesh | special |
विशेष | particular | |
विशेष रूप से | vishesh roop se | especially |
विश्वास | vishwaas | believe |
विषय | vishay | subject |
विस्तृत | vistrat | wide |
विस्तृत | broad | |
वृत्त | vratt | circle |
वृद्धि | vraddhi | rise |
वे | ve | they |
व्यंजन | vyanjan | consonant, dishesh |
व्यक्ति | vyakti | person |
व्यवस्था | vyavsthaa | arrange |
व्यस्त | vyasta | busy |
व्यापार | vyaapar | trade |
व्यायाम | vyaayam | exercise |
शनि | shani | sat |
शब्द | shabd | word |
शब्दकोश | shabdkosh | dictionary |
शब्दांश | shabdaansh | syllable |
शरीर | shareer | body |
शर्त | shart | condition |
शहर | shahar | city |
शहर | town | |
शांत | shaant | quiet |
शाखा | shaakha | branch |
शाम | shaam | evening |
शामिल | shaamil | include |
शामिल होने | shamil hone | join |
शायद | shayad | perhaps |
शासन | shaasan | govern |
शिकार | shikaar | hunt |
शिविर | shivir | camp |
शीघ्र | sheegra | soon |
शीघ्र | early | |
शीतल | sheetal | cool |
शीर्ष | sheersha | top |
शुरुआत | shuruaat | start |
शुरू हुआ | shuru hua | began |
शेयर | sheyar | share |
शो | sho | show |
शोर | shor | noise |
संकेत मिलता है | sanket milta hai | indicate |
संख्या | sankhya | number |
संगीत | sangeet | music |
संचालित | sanchaalit | operate |
संज्ञा | sangyaa | noun |
संपत्ति | sampatti | property |
संपूर्ण | sanpporna | total |
संभव | sambhav | possible |
संभावित | sambhaavit | probable |
संयंत्र | sanyatra | plant |
संयोग | sanyog | chance |
सकता है | saktaa hai | could |
सक्षम | saksham | able |
सच | sach | TRUE |
सटीक | sateek | exact |
सड़क | sadak | street |
सड़क | road | |
सतह | satah | surface |
सदी | sadee | century |
सदैव | sadaiv | always |
सपना | sapnaa | dream |
सप्ताह | saptaah | week |
सफर | safar | train |
सफलता | saflataa | success |
सफेद | safed | white |
सब | sab | all |
सबसे | sabse | most |
सभी | sabhee | every single one; absolutely all |
समय | samaya | time |
समर्थन | samarthan | support |
समस्या | samasya | problem |
समाधान | samaadhaan | solution |
समानता | samaantaa | equate |
समुद्र | samudra | sea |
समूह | samooh | group |
सरल | saral | simple |
सर्दियों | sardiyon | winter |
सर्वश्रेष्ठ | sarvshreshtha | best |
सवारी | savaaree | ride |
सवाल | sawaal | question |
सहमत | sahmat | agree |
सही | sahee | right |
सही | correct | |
साइन | sā’ina, saaina | sign |
सागर | saagar | ocean |
सात | saat | seven |
साथ | saath | with |
सादे | sade | plain |
साधन | saadhan | instrument |
साफ | saaf | clean |
साबित | saabit | prove |
सामग्री | saamagree | material |
सामने | saamne | front |
सामान्य | saamanya | general |
सामूहिक | saamoohik | mass |
सिखाना | sikhaanaa | teach |
सितारा | sitara | star |
सिर | sir | head |
सिवाय | sivaay | except |
सीखना | seekhna | learn |
सीट | seet | seat |
सीधे | seedhe | straight |
सीमा | seemaa | range |
सुंदर | sundar | pretty |
सुंदरता | sundartaa | beauty |
सुझाव है | sujhaav hai | suggest |
सुनना | sunanaa | hear |
सुना | sunaa | heard |
सुनो | suno | listen |
सुप्रभात | suprabhaat | Good Morning |
सुबह | subaha | morning |
सुरक्षित | surakshit | safe |
सूखा | sookhaa | dry |
सूची | soochee | list |
सूट | soot | suit |
सूरज | sooraj | sun |
से | se | from |
से | than | |
सेट | set | set |
सेब | seb | apple |
सेल | sel | cell |
सेवा कर | seva kar | serve |
सैनिक | sainik | soldier |
सोचा | sochaa | thought |
सोना | sona | gold |
सौ | sau | hundred |
सौदा | sauda | deal |
स्कूल | skool | school |
स्कोर | skor | score |
स्टील | steel | steel |
स्टेशन | sṭēśana, steshana | station |
स्ट्रिंग | istring | string |
स्तंभ | istambh | column |
स्तर | istar | level |
स्थिति | isthiti | position |
स्थिति जानें | isthiti janein | locate |
स्पर्श | sparsh | touch |
स्पष्ट | spasht | clear |
स्वर | swar | vowel |
स्वर | tone | |
स्वागत | swaagat | Welcome |
हंसी | hansee | laugh |
हजार | hazaar | thousand |
हड्डी | haddee | bone |
हत्या | hatyaa | kill |
हम | ham | we |
हमारे | hamare | our |
हमें | hamein | us |
हमेशा की तरह | hameshaa kee tarah | usual |
हर | har | every |
हरा | haraa | beat |
हरे रंग | hare rang | green |
हर्ष | harsh | joy |
हल | hal | solve |
हवा | hawaa | air |
हवा | wind | |
हां | haan | yes |
हाजिर | haajir | spot |
हाथ | haath | hand |
हालांकि | haalanki | though |
हिस्सा | hissaa | part |
हुआ | hua | became; came about; was |
हुई | hui | becoming |
हुए | hue | becoming |
हूँ | hoon | am |
है | hai | is, has. have |
हो | ho | be |
हो सकता है | ho saktaa hai | might |
होगा | hogaa | will |
होगा | would | |
होता | hota | happening |
होती | hotee | happening |
होते | hote | are |
होते हैं | hote hain | contain |
होना | hona | happen |
होने | hone | be |
आराम | ārāma, aaraama | rest |
मित्रों | Mitron | Friends |
लड़ना | ladnaa | fight |
Exercise Questions about Common Words in Hindi:
If you have seriously learned the above given 1000+ Words of Hindi language then answering the below questions will be very easy.
- What is मित्रों (Mitron) means in English?
- What is the word ‘Idea’ means in Hindi
- How many people speak Hindi worldwide?
- What is ‘wife’ called in Hindi?
- Do you know the Hindi word for ‘Students’
Please tell us the answers to the above questions about Hindi Words in the comments section.
Other Common Words:
- 1000 Most Common Spanish Words
- 1000+ Common French Words
Indians are known for our own set of peculiar words that are a part of our daily vocabulary. Remember that angrez friend who constantly asks you to translate your sentence? Well, usually, I am that angrez friend, so I took it upon myself to figure out the english meaning of Hindi words I hear way too often.
1. Ghanta
English Meaning of Hindi Words (Translation): Nothing
Ghanta Meaning: Originally, the term ghanta means either a bell or an hour. But the slang term loosely translates to doing absolutely nothing. I mean, what are we really doing with our lives? Ghanta.
We found a t-shirt by Urban Me (Rs 499) to support your mood.
2. Bhasad
English to Hindi Word (Translation): An Illogical Act
Bhasad Meaning: Usually related to childish pranks and utter folly, the term comes into play out of frustration. Kya bhasad macha rakhi hai?
3. Jhand
English to Hindi Word (Translation): F***ed up
Jhand Meaning: There is nothing in the Hindi vocabulary that defines the messed up the emotional state of your being better than this term. Life jhand hai = an upcoming existential crisis. Am I ready for it? Absolutely not!
4. Hing / Heeng
English Meaning of Hindi Words (Translation): Asafoetida
Hing Meaning: A powerful spice used in almost every Indian dish, Asafoetida is actually a gum that is extracted from the roots and stem of the Ferula species but is commonly sold in the powder form. So, don’t be surprised if you find this term in random recipes and can’t figure out what it means!
P.S. It’s good for digestion, get your tiny box of healthy here (Rs 40).
5. Gulchare
English to Hindi Word (Translation): Shameful Fun
Gulchare Meaning: Not a 100% legit translation but you get the point. A derogatory term used to define a woman who has fun on her own terms (in her love life in most cases because she’s a grown-ass lady).
Go ahead, be a little besharam with your this crazy tee (Rs 499).
6. Bakchodi
English Meaning of Hindi Words (Translation): Gossip and Baseless Conversations
Bakchodi Meaning: Bakchodi mat kar! (STFU) Usually used to shut down your one friend who doesn’t understand the concept of an intelligent conversation.
Gift them a copy of How to Talk to Anyone (Rs 160) for some fruitful encounters.
7. Makhana
English to Hindi Words (Translation): Fox Nut / Euryale Ferox
Makhana Meaning: That yummy & healthy substitute for popcorn and chips. Very popular during fasts and often munched on roasted or fried during winters. Friendships have ended over this delicious snack.
Did I trigger a craving? Order yourself a pack immediately (Rs 225).
8. Jugaad
English Meaning of Hindi Words (Translation): Low-Cost Solution
Jugaad Meaning: We all have that one friend who has an elaborate but cost-effective solution to any problem. Be it finding a place to eat or getting you into a club, he/she is the ultimate jugaadu.
9. Chichhora
English to Hindi Words (Translation): Foppish
Chichhora Meaning: Though Google translates this hindi term in english as Floopish – someone who is excessively obsessed with his appearance, the local slang does have a more perversive take on the word (Basically, Varun Dhawan’s character from Main Tera Hero).
10. Jhakaas
English Meaning of Hindi Words (Translation): fantastic
Jhakaas Meaning: Jhakaas is a Marathi word which made it to our everyday lingo. Remember, how the catchphrase “smokin’!” was replaced by jhakaas in the Hindi dubbed version of the movie, The Mask (1994). Hey girl, I just bought a jhakaas watch! (Isn’t this word just so cool!)
11. Yaar
English Meaning of Hindi Words (Translation): a friendly form of address
Yaar Meaning: There are so many words equivalent to a friend like “mate”, “dude” or “bro” but yaar has to be the most prevalent of them all. We can’t imagine talking to our friends without using the word yaar (just adds a personal touch). Additionally, arre yaar is also used to express anguish, while abey yaar conveys annoyance.
GIFs: Tumblr, Giphy.
You may speak Hindi in your daily life, but there are many words in Hindi you don’t know the meaning of. No worries! Learn the word meaning in Hindi for 50 different words and flaunt your expertise in front of your friends!
Table of Contents
- History 101
- Word meaning in Hindi
- 1. Utsukta
- 2. Jhapatna
- 3. Hav bhaav
- 4. Sukha
- 5. Baadh
- 6. Mauj masti
- 7. Teerthyatra
- 8. Behrupiya
- 9. Akela
- 10. Bhukhmari
- 11. Kanjoos
- 12. Sahasi
- 13. Pata lagana
- 14. Betuka
- 15. Mehnati
- 16. Vijay
- 17. Pagal
- 18. Bhayankar
- 19. Phurtila
- 20. Bedhanga
- 21. Sateek
- 22. Majboot
- 23. Nirasha
- 24. Sehmati
- 25. Ati prasanna
- 26. Bhesh
- 27. Pareshan
- 28. Hutatma
- 29. Khudra
- 30. Vibhishika
- 31. Attalika
- 32. Uddayan
- 33. Kuladhipati
- 34. Prathmopachhar
- 35. Naisargik
- 36. Prarabdh
- 37. Pavati
- 38. Garisth
- 39. Bhagnavashesh
- 40. Kinkartavyavimudh
- 41. Damak
- 42. Rim jhim
- 43. Hunkaar
- 44. Premsakt
- 45. Kimkartavyavimudh
- 46. Loh-path-gamini
- 47. Abhiyaantriki
- 48. Vyombala
- 49. Rahasya
- 50. Tamak
- In a nutshell
Before we get into the word meaning in Hindi for the 50 words we have selected, let’s also learn why English is so widely used in India.
History 101
Many people in urban India, even those in tier 2 cities, don’t use Hindi exclusively even though they’ve studied it. They are unable to read the Devanagari script, and prefer to speak ‘Hinglish’ or simply English for their convenience, especially in professional settings.
The issue of language became a top priority for the Indian Constituent Assembly in 1946. Since the British rule, English was in use for all official matters because the posts were primarily occupied by Englishmen. But when Indians assumed various government positions after independence, many found it difficult to speak in English.
Hence, along with English, the assembly declared Hindi and the Devanagari script to be official languages. But decades later, these language appear to be losing favor in everyday conversation.
We are moving towards English but we must not forget the beauty and convenience in communication that Hindi brings into our lives. Plus, being multilingual will only add to our profiles as we study both the languages deeply. There are so many words in Hindi that we may no longer use in our daily conversations but should know about.
So here are 50 word meaning in Hindi you’ve probably never heard of. Take the challenge and figure out what they mean before you actually read the description and share your score below!
1. Utsukta
Meaning- Excitement and joy feelings.
Example- “Kya tumne in kitabo se kuch sikha hai?” Meenal ne utsukta se pucha.
2. Jhapatna
Meaning- To move quickly, to attack, or to walk.
Example- Kutte ne billi ko dekh kar tezi se jhapat kar hamla karna chaha.
3. Hav bhaav
Meaning- A gesture, posture, or a form of non-verbal communication.
Example- Shikshika ke kathor shabd unke utsah janak aur dayalu hav bhav ko jhutla rahe the.
4. Sukha
Meaning- Completely dry or dried out of moisture.
Example- Khel shetra me to jese sukha pada ho aisa haal hai.
5. Baadh
Meaning- A flood that submerges land and causes destruction.
Example- Is varsh gaav me bhayankar baadh ayi, jisne bohot sara nuksaan kiya tha.
6. Mauj masti
Meaning- Fun and enjoyment.
Example- Maa apne bachho ko bhaag daud aur mauj masti karne deti hai.
7. Teerthyatra
Meaning- Person out on a pilgrimage – a journey to visit religious places.
Example- Kehte hai ki bharat me sarvapratham coffee ka paudha arab se aaye ek teerthyatri ne lagaya tha.
8. Behrupiya
Meaning- One who amazes and fools people by taking on various forms.
Example- Aaj kal ke neta bade behrupiya ho gaye hai, logo ke saath chal kar rahe hai.
9. Akela
Meaning- Alone or one of a kind.
Example- Ye shayad akela aisa college hai jaha guru apne shishya ko itna utsah se sikhate hai.
10. Bhukhmari
Meaning- Starvation.
Example- Hum har varsh desh me bhukhmari ke karan kai jawan bachho ko kho dete hai.
11. Kanjoos
Meaning- Miser.
Example- Woh kanjoos mahila jo ekdum gareebo ki tarah rehti thi, paya gaya ki uske paas kai gadiya, ghar aur dher sara paisa hai.
12. Sahasi
Meaning- A person who does great work out of their courage.
Example- Woh aurat itni sahasi thi ki usne apne pati ko tyaag kar diya aur us jagah se bahar aayi.
13. Pata lagana
Meaning- To find out.
Example- Police ka kam choro ka pata lagana hai.
14. Betuka
Meaning- Nonsensical and impractical.
Example- Yeh ek bada hi betuka prastaav hai.
15. Mehnati
Meaning- Someone who is hardworking.
Example- Svaasth seva kshetra (the healthcare sector) me kaam karne wale log bade hi mehnati hote hai.
16. Vijay
Meaning- Victory.
Example- Ladai me hona bhar vijay sunischit karta hai.
17. Pagal
Meaning- Crazy.
Example- Kuch manushya dhan ke peeche pagal hai.
18. Bhayankar
Meaning- Scary and Fearful.
Example- Uska krodh bada hi bhayankar tarike se havi hota hai.
19. Phurtila
Meaning- Who has agility or quickness.
Example- Kasrat karne se shareer phurtila bana rehta hai.
20. Bedhanga
Meaning- Out of sync.
Example- Insaan ka rehne ka tarika bedhanga nahi hona chahiye.
21. Sateek
Meaning- Precise and to the point.
Example- Aaj mujhe Ramanujan ne bade sateek tareeke se ganit samjhaya.
22. Majboot
Meaning- Strong and resistant.
Example- Yeh ped bohot majboot hai.
23. Nirasha
Meaning- Sadness and despair.
Example- Zindagi me kabhi nirash nahi hona chahiye.
24. Sehmati
Meaning- Consent and agreeing with someone.
Example- Vidhyartiyo ko dasvi ke bad ka raasta apni sehmati se hi chunni chahiye, dabaav me aake nahi.
25. Ati prasanna
Meaning- Delighted.
Example- Bacho ko padhai karte dekh man ati prasanna ho jata hai.
26. Bhesh
Meaning- A disguise.
Example- Behrupiya police ka bhesh le kar ghum raha hai.
27. Pareshan
Meaning- Getting troubled and irritated.
Example- Padhai karte samay shor ke karan hum pareshan hojate hai.
28. Hutatma
Meaning- Martyr.
Example- Flora fountain ka purana naamkaran hutatma chowk rakha gaya tha.
29. Khudra
Meaning- Retail store.
Example- Khane ka sab samaan khudra se lena chahaiye.
30. Vibhishika
Meaning- Disastrous and horrific.
Example- Gaav me baadh ana ek badi vibhishika hai.
31. Attalika
Meaning- Skyscraper/tall building.
Example- Mumbai shehar me ek bohot badi aur aakarshit attalika hai.
32. Uddayan
Meaning- Aviation.
Example- Chote bete ki iccha hai ke wo uddayan shetra me kaam kare.
33. Kuladhipati
Meaning- Chancellor.
Example- Kuladhipati ka kaam hota hai ke wo dhyaan rakhe ki desh me sab sahi tarike se chal raha hai.
34. Prathmopachhar
Meaning- First aid.
Example- Chot lagne pe sabse pehle prathmopachhar karna chahiye.
35. Naisargik
Meaning- Natural.
Example- Naisargik ko nuksan pohchana mane manushya jaat ko nuksan pohchana.
36. Prarabdh
Meaning- Destiny.
Example- Hota wohi hai jo prarabdha me likha hota hai.
37. Pavati
Meaning- Acknowledgement.
Example- Kisi ki bhi mehnat ki pavati karni chahiye.
38. Garisth
Meaning- Indigestible.
Example- Kachha kela kafi garisth hota hai.
39. Bhagnavashesh
Meaning- Broken remains/ruins.
Example- Kai sadiyon se dafn Indus valley ki bhagnavashesh ki khoj 1829 me hui thi.
40. Kinkartavyavimudh
Meaning- Confused/puzzled.
Example- Vidhyartiyo ko apne bhavishya ki soch sabse zyada kinkartavyavimudh kar deti hai.
41. Damak
Meaning- Radiance.
Example- Sone ke zewarat me kaafi chamak aur damak hoti hai.
42. Rim jhim
Meaning- The pitter-patter of rain
Example- Baarish ki rim jhim aawaz kaano ko sukoon de jati hai.
43. Hunkaar
Meaning- Roar.
Example- Chidiya ghar me sher zoron se hunkaar lagata hai.
44. Premsakt
Meaning- Lovesick.
Example- Manjusha aur Ramanuj premasakt hai.
45. Kimkartavyavimudh
Meaning- In a dilemma.
Example- Kisi do cheezon me se chunna ho to manushya kimkartavyaimudh me chala jata hai.
46. Loh-path-gamini
Meaning- A train.
Example- Bharat me loh-path-gamini svatantrata ke pehle hi aa gayi thi.
47. Abhiyaantriki
Meaning- Engineer.
Example– Aajkal ke vidhyarti abhiyaantriki ya chikitsak banne ko hi safalta samjhte hai.
48. Vyombala
Meaning- Air hostess.
Example- Hawai jahaz me vyombala aapki zaroorato ko dhyaan me rakhti hai.
49. Rahasya
Meaning- Mystery.
Example- Purani haveli me ek bahut parana rahasya chupa hai, jiske baare me kaafi kam log jaante hai.
50. Tamak
Meaning– Passion.
Example- Sangeet manoj ka tamak tha.
In a nutshell
- There is no such thing as an easy or difficult word, rather its usage is dependent upon its application. So it’s simple to use it if you know what the word means.
- It’s also easier to remember a word if you use it frequently. Using each lesser-known word in this article and revising its meaning in Hindi in your everyday conversations will make the process easier.
- The more you use these words in your Hindi speaking, the better it will get. Remember – practice makes perfect!
If you still need more assistance feel free to reach out to us.
You can also comment below and let us know how many of these words you already knew!
Hindi is an Indo-European language, meaning that many words come from the same root as English!
If you’re learning Hindi or simply looking to expand your vocabulary, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of frequently used Hindi words and phrases, along with their pronunciation and meaning in Hindi.
Learning the correct pronunciation of Hindi words is crucial for effective communication. That’s why we’ve included audio for each word, so you can hear how it’s supposed to be pronounced. We understand that understanding the meaning of words is just as important, so we’ve also provided the Hindi meaning of each word.
Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced Hindi speaker, this article is designed to help you improve your language skills. So, let’s get started and explore the world of Hindi pronunciation and meaning!
As an official language of India (next to Tamil, Marathi, Punjabi, Telugu and many others), Hindi is native to northern India and Pakistan (where the Hindustani language or dialect is called Urdu and written with an Arabic script rather than Hindi Devanagari alphabet.)
Obviously, learning Hindi takes a long time. You need to learn not just the Hindi alphabet and pronunciation, but all the grammar rules such as the different verb tenses, how to make an adjective agree with a noun and proper sentence structure.
But to get you started with the Hindi language, here are some basic Hindi vocabulary, expressions, words and phrases that are useful when going to parts of India.
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The Importance Of Hindi
Whether it is spirituality, food, art, architecture or industry that has led you to want to learn Hindi, Hindi is a great language to speak and the learning process doesn’t have to be difficult.
Hindi is the most widely spoken language in India and derives from Sanskrit, written in the Devanagari script. Because of their similarities, learning how to speak Hindi will help you to speak Sanskrit, Urdu, Nepalese, Bengali, and Gujarati.
One other thing to remark is that Hindi is written from left to right, so that’s a good start too, right? At least this is something that English speakers are familiar with! It’s also fairly easy to read Hindi as words are generally written as they are pronounced because each character of the Hindi alphabet has a different sound.
First things first… make sure you practice those greetings and basic Hindi phrases!
Hindi Formal Registers
When we speak English, we have several registers in which we talk:
- the formal (used with persons of authority or strangers)
- the informal or colloquial (for friends and family).
In Hindi, there are many more subtleties to the formal and informal registers. There can be several versions of formal speak, depending on the rank of the person you are talking to (whether in terms of caste or just your boss), and their relationship with you. There are also several informal registers, variations from friendly to intimate.
This is hard for Hindi translators to convey. Words might appear as synonyms and have the same English translation, but belong to different levels of formality. There are many approaches to learning including immersion. You can read Hindi newspapers and improve your Hindi language skill.
Hindi Greetings and Salutations
1. Hello in Indian
Knowing how to say hello in Hindi is the bare minimum. The Hindi word for “hello” is namaste — literally, “I bow to you” — which they will. Though some Indians will shake hands, most bring their palms together in front of their chest, fingers up, and bow slightly. You can also say namaskaar or, as a respectful greeting to superiors or elders, pranaam. You can say these Hindi words of greeting at any time of day.
If you are speaking Urdu (a language with a lot of Persian and Arabic words), you will say assalaam-aleikum, “may God be with you”, a phrase that the Muslim people of Pakistan took from Arabic.
“Hi” is suno or suniye.
2. Goodbye
Knowing how to say goodbye in Hindi is super easy. When leaving, you might say namaste again, or phir milenge (”see you”). A casual “bye” is “alvida, whereas a more formal “farewell” is vidai.
3. Good morning!
Suprabhaat is the Indian greeting for «good morning».
4. Good evening!
5. Welcome!
When welcoming someone you know very well, use aaiye and padhariye!
When welcoming a stranger, use swagat.
6. Nice to meet you
7. How are you in Hindi
Saying «how are you«:
- To a man or a group of people: Aap kaise hain?
- To a woman or a group comprised only of women: Aap kaisi hain?
There are also casual ways to ask «how are you?» in Hindi, including:
8. I am fine
9. Who are you in Hindi / What is your name
Aap-kaa naam kyaa hai. (formal)
10. My name is…
My name is…
Meraa naam (insert name here) hain.
It is interesting to note that this sentence is not modified according to gender — it’s the same phrase whether it is spoken to a man or a woman.
11. See you (tomorrow)
12. What’s new?
13. Nothing much
Developing a thirst for more Hindi words? Search for «Hindi classes Belfast» to start learning while in Northen Ireland.
Being polite in Basic Hindi
14. Please
Kripaya, used at the beginning of a sentence.
15. Thank you in Hindi
It is important to know how to say thank you in Hindi, and to be polite when you are in India. When you look in your English-Hindi dictionary for the Hindi translation of “thank you”, you will find dhanyavaad. However, it is important to note that this word is not used lightly in the Indian language.
Thanks for everyday things such as handing someone their Hindi dictionary or holding open the door are implied. The word “dhanyavaad” is frequently used for very big favours and almost never with family or intimate friends — whom you can inadvertently insult if you thank them!
16. You’re welcome (as a reply to “thank you”)
In case someone else has thanked you (no headache there), here are some ways you can say “You’re welcome”:
17. Excuse me, sorry
How do you say excuse me or «sorry» in Hindi?
Like many other aspects of the Hindi tongue, there are several registers for the expression “excuse me”, depending on the formality. This is one thing where Hindi to English translation dictionaries and apps often fail:
18. The forms of “you”
Some languages have a formal “you” and an informal “you” (English has lost its informal “you”).
Hindi has formal, informal and intimate. Knowing how intimate is intimate enough is difficult, however, so it’s better to err on the side of caution and use the informal with friends and family.
Depending on who you are addressing, you should use:
Register | To whom? | Word |
Formal/respectful | Elders, superiors | Aap |
Informal | Good acquaintances, friends | Tum |
Intimate | Good friends and siblings, lovers | Tu |
19. Mister, Mrs.
While you can use Mistar and Misez for Mr. and Mrs, the Indian designations are Sri and Srimati.
When addressing someone, adding -jee after their name is a sign of respect:
Mataa (mother) = mataa-jee
Pitaa (father) = pitaa-jee
Mina (girl’s name) = Mina-jee
Getting around in Hindi: Buying and Getting Places
Hopefully, if you get the chance to learn Hindi with a holiday, you will also be doing some shopping — and hopefully more than just at the pharmacy! Here are some simple phrases you might need in shops (and to help you get there!) Rather than have to translate English to the Hindi language on an app on your phone, try to pick up the basics first.
20. How much is this?
Not everything is priced in the shops, so you need to know this important phrase:
21. I like this
When presented with several options in a shop (the red or the blue saree?) you should use these Hindi phrases:
22. I am hungry/thirsty
When on your shopping spree, if you ever feel peckish (or thirsty) and want to go get something to eat, say:
23. Right and left and middle
When searching for the perfect gift, you might need some Indian-language directions to get to the right place:
24. Means of transportation
And of course, you need to know how to get there! Here’s how to translate words for modes of transportation:
Subway: sabwe, bhumigat paidal par path
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Other Useful Hindi Phrases for English Speakers
Of course, dictionaries are useful, and you shouldn’t visit India without a Hindi — English dictionary in your pack or loaded onto your phone.
But words are one thing, intelligible sentences are something else. It’s not enough to simply translate English to Hindi word for word — the sentences need to be grammatically correct, and adapted to the status of the person you are talking to… And while translation software is getting better and better, it’s still not the same as having a human Hindi translator — or learning to speak Hindi yourself.
Here are some ready-to-use Indic phrases to help you out when travelling on the Indian subcontinent.
25. I’m not feeling well.
This sentence is important if you are feeling ill and need to lie down or get to a doctor.
26. Can you help me?
If you are among strangers, you need to know how to ask for help without an English dictionary:
Kya aap meri madad kar sakte hain?
Or, in an urgent situation, just “help”:
27. Words for “doctor” and “police”
The translations from English to Hindi are easy in this case, as the words are taken from English:
28. Do you speak English?
While many language courses like to teach you “Do you speak Hindi?” as one of the first phrases in a new language, learning how to say “do you speak English” is much more useful for a beginner Hindi speaker.
Kya ap angrezi bolte/bolti (m/f) hai?
29. I don’t speak Hindi
You might sometimes be addressed by people who want to help or just sell you something. Either way, you should tell them this:
Mujhe hindi nahi ati hai . (I don’t speak Hindi.)
30. I don’t understand.
Being an intermediate student in a language can be frustrating. You know more than a few basic phrases, your vocabulary is fine for everyday situations, but you still often find yourself reaching for your Hindi dictionary to read signs; when talking to people, you will be using an English translator app for some phrases; when listening, use this sentence a lot:
Mai samjha/samjhi nahi.
31. Talk more slowly
Sometimes the problem is not so much that the person is using new words you don’t know, but that you can’t tell because they are talking so fast your brain can’t catch get it all translated to English by the time they’ve finished the sentence. You ask ask them so speak more slowly:
Dhire dhire boliye.
32. What does it mean? How do you say it?
Of course, everyone appreciates it when someone makes an effort in learning their language. Since many Hindi speak fair to good English, you can try asking these questions and you’l have a good chance of understanding the answer:
What does [insert Hindi word] mean?
How do you say [insert English words]?
Professions In Hindi
Meanwhile, looking for a particular tradesman, craftsman, or service is quite common when travelling or when relocating, so here are just some of the most common professions and their Hindi words.
Doctor | daaktar |
Lawyer | vakeel |
Dentist | dentist |
Cook | rasolya |
Banker | mahaajan |
Secretary | sachiv |
Gardener | kaachhi |
Farmer | kisaan |
Carpenter | badhi |
Architect | vaastukaar |
Postman | daakiya |
Pilot | viman chalak |
Teacher | adhyaapak |
Taking Lessons For Hindi Beginners
Perhaps you have already mastered the above and have tried to learn even more Hindi words and phrases online, with the use of apps or even by listening to radio and podcasts. Alternatively, you may have found it easier to grasp some of the elements of this language by reading articles or even books which are written in Hindi.
Every learner works differently and gains knowledge at a different pace so, particularly if you’re in a hurry to learn a new language, then you may need to turn to Hindi lessons with a real-life instructor if you really want to become proficient in the language.
Tutors are available online and in person and are a great way to interact with second language lessons in a way that fits your lifestyle. We’ll learn more about finding tutors in a moment, but first, let’s take a look at how you could improve your language skills with the use of the basic Internet and phone apps.
Learning Hindi Online
If you just need to know how to say hello in India then a full course or teacher might not be needed. If you want to learn enough Hindu words to have full sentences, it is time for full lessons.
With the wide reach of the Internet, we have access to a range of content, courses and tutors originating from all over the world.
So, with all of this in mind, where do you start when looking for Hindi lessons online? Well, looking at our phrases for beginners is a good place to start, followed by…
With some resources like DuoLingo, Rocket Languages, Babbel and HindiPod101, you can benefit from some free lessons, with the opportunity to pay for a subscription if you wish to advance further.
There is no better option, as each tool is different from the others and may have features that appeal to some more than others. See below for more details.
Rocket Languages
Rocket Languages is a website that offers free lessons in Hindi, including how to learn Hindi common phrases, salutations, and pronunciation tools. For instance, you might, with the help of this site, learn how to say ‘my name is …’, ‘do you speak English’ and other helpful expressions.
DuoLingo is a very popular award-winning language learning app that boasts the ability to help you learn Hindi online by spending just five minutes a day going over its mini-tutorials.
The addictive free app enables students to earn points for each correct answer, race against the clock to quizzes and move up levels. All of these aspects combined make of DuoLingo an exciting way to learn a new language like Hindi.
Podcasts can be a great way to immerse yourself in Hindi.
HindiPod101, meanwhile, is a podcast-style website which additionally offers you the opportunity to work with and talk to a dedicated online tutor, which could be hugely advantageous to those who respond well to a bit of one-to-one tuition.
Verbal Planet
Verbal Planet is a website and flexible learning tool which helps new starters to grasp the Hindi language.
Like many online resources, this website allows you to learn around your own schedule, offering you a variety of lessons to pick and choose from to fit your lifestyle. You don’t have to commit to a whole programme of study all at once either, you can choose to pay for a single class or book an entire course depending on your preference, financial situation, and your goals.
The success of this website is most of all down to its native, experienced Hindi teachers who can offer lively, fun and interesting conversations in their mother tongue language. The interactive lessons make it so that you are never left wondering if a pronunciation or meaning is right!
Search for «Hindi classes London» to start learning!
Amazon Kindle
Of course, Amazon Kindle has many different options for those who are looking to learn Hindi, too.
Learning Hindi With A Tutor
You may be lucky enough to know someone among your multicultural friendship group who speaks Hindi whether as a first or second language and who can help you to study it on a one to one basis. You will only ever get basic Hindi when learning alone without talking to others. Hindi sentences can be hard sentences to say, and you might be getting things wrong. Only another human will be able to pick this up and correct you.
If you are set on learning Hindi with a tutor, someone who is accustomed to teaching pupils like you how to pick up this Indian language, then why not consult Superprof? Our many tutors are here and ready to help!
One of the best ways to find an experienced Hindi tutor is to consult experienced tutors via platforms like Superprof, a leading, international company allowing tutors and students to connect and form working partnerships.
With the use of Superprof’s user-friendly website, you can instantly locate tutors offering Hindi language services in your area, as well as those farther afield who are able to offer online tuition.
One Last Lesson From Us: Learning Hindi Numbers!
As well as learning Hindi and Indian greetings, and some simple Hindi phrases and words, numbers can be very useful, too. When confronted with Hindi vocabulary, one thing that seems to stump a lot of people are the Hindi numbers. Hindi uses a decimal system, and as long as you are counting from one to ten it’s literally a simple matter of memory and logic.
After that, they function along the principles of prefix (unit) + suffix (decimal). Thus, pentsadh is 65, chavti is 34.
Numeral | Word | Prefix | Decimal suffix | Decimal name (20, 30, 40) |
1 | ek | ik- | -ah | das |
2 | do | ba- | -bis | bees |
3 | tin | te- or ti- | -tis | tis |
4 | char | chav- | -lis | chalis |
5 | panch | pent- | -an | pachas |
6 | cheh | chiya- | -sadh | saadh |
7 | saat | sata- | -hatar | sattar |
8 | aath | adha- | -asi | assi |
9 | nao | un- (-1) + the suffix of the next decimal up (unnasi = 80-1 = 79 | -ave | nabbe |
10 | das | ek sau |
However, here are a few things a beginner Hindi learner ought to know:
99 is ninyaanave, NOT un-ek-sau
If you wish to learn and have fun, check out our previous article about Hindi quizzes and games.
Here hot core 10,000+ Hindi words of 100+ Category, which contains the most important and most frequently used Hindi words. In this free lesson, you’ll learn more basic Hindi words and Perfect your pronunciation of basic Hindi words by hearing our audio/sounds.
A meaning full collection of one or more letters is called a word.
they are of five types:
1.according to the meaning of words,
2.according to the birth of words,
3.according to the growth of words,
4. according to the changes of words,
5. according to the manner of words.
एक या एक से अधिक अक्षरों का समुदाय, जिसका कोई अर्थ हो उसे शबद कहते हैं | उदा : गाय, भारत, मंदिर, सुन्दर
शबद के भेद :
1. अर्थ की दृष्टि से
2.व्युत्पती की दृष्टि से(बनावट की दृष्टि से)
3. विकास की दृष्टि से(भाषा की दृष्टि से)
4. रूपांंतर की दृष्टि से(विकार की दृष्टि से )
5.व्यवहार की दृष्टि से
Hindi Words with Various Meanings – I
Posted by on Feb 21, 2015 in Hindi Language
In Hindi, there are many words which could refer to another Hindi word. You might think that these words are synonyms, but they are not exactly synonyms. These words would be used in the Hindi literature like Hindi novels and poem. And you’d need to check which referred word would fit the context.
I have divided the topic in two posts to make it easy for you to grasp the words. Let’s check out the word in this post, the romanized spellings will help you with the pronunciation scheme for the words.
Hindi | Romanized Hindi | Equivalent English Words | |
1 | अर्थ | Artha | धन (Dhan – Money), कारण (Karan – Reason) |
2 | अम्बर | Ambar | वस्त्र (Vastr – Cloth), आकाश (Aakash – Sky) |
3 | अरुण | Aruṇ | सूर्य का सारथी (Surya ka Sarthi – Driver of Sun), लाल (Laal – Red) |
4 | अक्षर | Akṣar | वर्ण (Varn – Alphabet), शिव (Shiv), मोक्ष (Moksh – Salvation), सत्य (Saty – Truth) |
5 | अमृत | Amr̥it | अन्न (Anna – Food), दूध (Dudh – Milk), जल (Jal – Water) |
6 | अग्र | Agra | पहले (Pehle – At first), श्रेष्ठ (Shesth – best), आगे का (Aage ka – of ahead) |
7 | अपेक्षा | Apekṣa | आशा (Aasha – Hope), आवश्यकता (Aavashyakata – need) |
8 | अवकाश | Avakaash | अवसर (Avasar – Chance), छुट्टी (Chutti – Vacation) |
9 | अवधि | Avadhi | निथररित समय सीमा (Nirtharit Samay Sima – Deadline), काल (Kaal – Time) |
10 | आराम | Aaraam | बगीचा (Bageecha – Garden), विश्राम (Vishram – Rest) |
11 | आत्मा | Aatma | परमात्मा (Parmaatma – God), सूर्य (Surya – Sun), अग्नि (Agni – Fire) |
12 | कल | Kal | आगामी (Aagami – Coming), बीता हुआ काल, (Beeta Hua Kal – Past) सुन्दर (Sundar – Beautiful) , मशीन (Machine) |
13 | कनक | Kanak | सोना (Sona – Gold), गेंहू (Genhu – Wheat) |
14 | काल | Kaal | समय (Samay – Time), मृत्यु (Mrityu – Death) |
15 | काम | Kāma | कामदेव (Kaamdev – God of Love), कार्य (Karya – Work) |
16 | कुल | Kul | सब (Sab – All), वंश (Vansh – Ancestry) |
17 | ग्रहण | Grahaṇ | चन्द्र-सूर्य ग्रहण (Chandr -Surya Grahan – Moon or Sun Eclipse), लेना (Verb. Lena – To take) |
18 | गुण | Guṇ | स्वभाव (Svabhav – Nature), रस्सी (Rassi – Rope) |
19 | गुरु | Guru | शिक्षक (Shikshak – Teacher), बड़ा (Bada – Big), भारी (Bhari – Heavy) |
20 | गौ | Gau | गाय (Gaay – Cow) , पृथ्वी (Prithvi – Earth) |
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About the Author: Nitin Kumar
Nitin Kumar is a native Hindi speaker from New Delhi, India. His education qualification include Masters in Robotics and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, he is working in the Research and Development in Robotics in Germany. He is avid language learner with varied level of proficiency in English, German, Spanish, and Japanese. He wish to learn French one day. His passion for languages motivated him to share his mother tongue, Hindi, and culture and traditions associated with its speakers. He has been working with Transparent Language since 2010 and has written over 430 blogs on various topics on Hindi language and India, its culture and traditions. He is also the Administrator for Hindi Facebook page which has a community of over 330,000 members.
Hindi to English Dictionary
Roughly 6,500 languages are spoken in the world today. Even with the diversity in the number of languages, a single language stands out the most and that is English. English language has established itself as the international language long ago. All the latest researches, global conferences and diplomatic meetings occur in English language. English has made itself known as the language of science and progress. And that is the reason that majority of the population learns English in order to keep up with the pace of the progressing world. Even if some local book or movie gains popularity, it is translated into English language so that the majority can benefit as well. So, no matter where you belong in the world or whatever language you speak, you cannot deny the significance that English language carries.
Even if your local language is Urdu or Hindi, you might have learnt English as well. Hindi is the national language of India and it has around 490 million speakers around the world. But the Hindi speaker who wants to migrate to some other country or make some breakthrough progress, he would need to learn English in order to make his message known. The rest of the countries do not speak Hindi. So, instead, you would have to adapt to their language. And what would be a better tool than a Hindi to English Dictionary to help you adapt effectively?
Dictionary Hindi to English
Wherever you are and whatever time it is, you can easily access our Online Hindi to English Dictionary. It is totally free and authentic. Our Hindi to English Dictionary will let you translate all Hindi Meanings in English. You won’t even need to carry a printed Hindi to English Dictionary all the time to translate every word you intend to say. You just need access to your phones and here you go! Whatever Hindi word you will type, you would be instantly presented with its English counterpart.
On this page, you can find top 50 Hindi words along with their English Meanings. So, basically every Hindi to English meaning is merely a click away! When you will click on any Hindi word in our Hindi to English Dictionary online, you would find the following additional information related to the word:
- Hindi to English Meanings.
- All the relevant Hindi Meanings. We have included multiple meanings to aid your vocabulary.
- Definitions of the word.
- The part of speech that the particular word belongs to. For example, it could be a verb, noun or an adjective.
- Appropriate pronunciation.
- From which language the word originated from.
- Synonyms. They are the same meaning words. We have included authentic and multiple synonyms to build up your vocabulary efficiently.
- Antonyms. They are the words with opposite meanings.
So, don’t hesitate and browse our Hindi to English Dictionary for every sort of Hindi to English Meaning.
Frequently asked Questions
Q. How can I translate Hindi to English?
Visit UrduPoint’s online Hindi to English Dictionary and type your required Hindi word in the search bar. UrduPoint will automatically generate a list of similar words and translate them into English.
Q. Is UrduPoint’s Hindi to English Dictionary free?
Yes, our Hindi to English Dictionary online is totally free and accessible to everyone residing anywhere in the world.
Q. What should I expect to find along with English Meanings?
You can find English definitions, pronunciation, form, origin, synonyms and antonyms of the word you are searching. All of this is meant to boost up your learning experience.
Q. What type of dictionaries can I find on UrduPoint?
UrduPoint presents you with three types of dictionaries on our website. English to Urdu Dictionary, Urdu to English Dictionary and Roman Urdu to English dictionary. In addition, you can also translate into Hindi language.
Q. Does UrduPoint provide authentic Hindi to English Meanings?
Yes. All the meanings are well researched and authentic. UrduPoint takes great care to provide you with genuine knowledge, which is error free.
23 Nov 2010
Posted at 12:51h
in Word stuff
Historically, these great British Isles, where I live, have a habit of being invaded. (Although, thankfully, not for some time.)
The upside to this, of course, along with nice straight roads built by the Romans, is that the English language is a rich and colourful blend of Latin words, Anglo Saxon words and French words.
But that’s not all. The Brits, of course, love to “visit” other countries – whether we’re invited or not. And during the era of British rule in India (1612 – 1947) numerous words of Indian origin entered the English language.
These Indian words came from a variety of languages including Hindi, Urdu, Punajabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Marathi, Kashmir, Sindhi, and the sacred, ancient language Sanskrit.
And today, over 700 words in the Oxford English dictionary have Indian origin. Here are just a few of them:
Bandanna: From the Hindi word Bandhana meaning to tie.
Bangle: From the Hindi word Bangri meaning glass bracelet.
Bungalow: From the Hindi word Banla meaning “house in the Bengal style” or single story house.
Chit: From the Hindi word Chitthi meaning a slip of paper (used instead of money).
Cot: From the Hindi word Khat meaning portable bed, couch or hammock.
Cummerbund: From the Urdu word Kamar-band meaning waistband.
Cushy: From: the Hindi word Khush meaning happy, easy, pleasant.
Doolally: From the town of Deolali, the location of an army base and sanatorium where soldiers leaving India in the late 19th century were sent before leaving for home. Those that became mentally deranged after contacting a fever, or Tap in Urdu, were said to have gone Doolally Tap.
Guru: A Hindi word meaning spiritual leader or guide, teacher instructor. From the Sanskrit words Guruh meaning weighty, heavy, grave.
Khaki: An Urdu word meaning dusty or dust coloured.
Pundit: From the Hindi word Pandit meaning a learned man. From the Sanskrit word Panditah meaning learned scholar.
Pukka: From the Hindi words Pakka meaning cooked, solid, substantial.
Pyjamas or Pajamas: From the Urdu word payjamah meaning leg garment.
Shampoo: From the Hindi word Champo, meaning to press and massage.
Thug: From the Hindi word Thag meaning a thief or conman and the Sanskirt word Sthaga meaning robber.
Yoga: A Sanskrit word for the union of mind, body and spirit.
Any favourite Indian words? And Chicken Tikka Massala, Tarka Dal, Sag Aloo and Bhindi Bhaji don’t count!
Table of Contents
- What is meaning of how?
- What is the Hindi word of project?
- What is Hendi?
- How do you write a project?
- How do I make a project?
- What are the 5 stages of a project?
- What are the 4 phases of project management?
- What is a good project name?
- How do I choose a code name?
- How do you choose a project title?
- How do I name my program?
- How do I choose a course name?
- How do you name a loyalty program?
- How do I choose a name for my coaching company?
- What’s another word for coaching?
- What can you call yourself besides a life coach?
- How do I start my own coaching company?
- Do Life Coaches make money?
- Is coaching a good business?
- Is there a demand for life coaches?
- How can I become a certified life coach for free?
- What is the average income of a life coach?
- How much money do life coaches make a year?
- Can I be a life coach without certification?
- Do you need a degree to be a life coach?
- How do coaches get paid?
- Do teachers get paid more if they coach?
- What is Krzyzewski salary?
- What is the average college football coach salary?
1 : a literary and official language of northern India. 2 : a complex of Indo-Aryan languages and dialects of northern India for which Hindi is the usual literary language.
What is meaning of how?
: in what manner or way : by what means. : for what reason. : to what degree, extent, or amount.
What is the Hindi word of project?
countable noun /ˈprɒdʒekt ˈप्रॉजेक्ट्/ A project is a carefully planned task that requires a lot of time and effort. परियोजना nf.
What is Hendi?
Noun. hendi n (genitive singular hendis, plural hendi) (rare) event, incident.
How do you write a project?
Steps to writing your own project proposal
- Step 1: Define the problem.
- Step 2: Present your solution.
- Step 3: Define your deliverables and success criteria.
- Step 4: State your plan or approach.
- Step 5: Outline your project schedule and budget.
- Step 6: Tie it all together.
- Step 7: Edit/proofread your proposal.
How do I make a project?
Project Management Basics: 6 Steps to a Foolproof Project Plan
- Step 1: Identify & Meet with Stakeholders.
- Step 2: Set & Prioritize Goals.
- Step 3: Define Deliverables.
- Step 4: Create the Project Schedule.
- Step 5: Identify Issues and Complete a Risk Assessment.
- Step 6: Present the Project Plan to Stakeholders.
What are the 5 stages of a project?
Five phases of project management
- Project Initiation.
- Project Planning.
- Project Execution.
- Project Monitoring and Controlling.
- Project Closing.
What are the 4 phases of project management?
Whether you’re in charge of developing a website, designing a car, moving a department to a new facility, updating an information system, or just about any other project (large or small), you’ll go through the same four phases of project management: planning, build-up, implementation, and closeout.
What is a good project name?
List of Good Project Names
- Sirius.
- Skyhawks.
- Soul Spartans.
- Sputnik.
- Stratos.
- Red Butter.
- Revolution.
- Rhinestone.
How do I choose a code name?
When thinking up sets of codenames, consider picking things relevant to your company’s history, geography, culture, etc. (See the Intel example, below). Consider naming your projects after your conference rooms. We frequently see amazing conference room naming systems at our clients’ offices.
How do you choose a project title?
How to Name A Project Title?
- Represent the Goals of the Organization.
- Team Objectives and Customer needs.
- Sort name of the Project Work and Deliverables.
- Easy to understand and pronounce.
- Creative and Professional.
- Easy to remember and recognize.
How do I name my program?
- 4 Tips For Choosing The Perfect Program Name.
- People Remember Name By SOUND, Not By Sight.
- Use Words That Increase Your Ideal Clients Status.
- Use Names That Promise Results, Benefits, And/Or Solutions.
- Test-Drive Options & Get Feedback.
- 3 Ways To Use Holistic Coaching In Your Sessions.
How do I choose a course name?
There are a few things Amy recommends keeping in mind when coming up with your course name, and those are:
- Make it easy to remember.
- Make it easy to say out loud.
- Use keywords your audience will recognize.
- Make it interesting.
- Make sure it’s not too creative (you shouldn’t have to repeatedly explain what it means).
How do you name a loyalty program?
To ensure that the name has a lasting impression on your shoppers here are a few essential tips that you can follow while naming your loyalty rewards program.
- The name should be tied to your brand.
- Keep it simple and descriptive.
- Capture the emotion.
How do I choose a name for my coaching company?
Here’s some tips to help you choose the perfect name for your coaching business….Choosing your coaching business name.
- Is it short or clear?
- Is it easy to spell and pronounce?
- Is it memorable?
- Does it say who you are?
- Can you get a matching domain?
What’s another word for coaching?
What is another word for coaching?
instruction | schooling |
training | tutoring |
preparation | drilling |
tuition | tutelage |
guidance | pedagogy |
What can you call yourself besides a life coach?
2) Consider alternatives to ‘coach’ that better embody the spirit of the work you do. Look for nouns that describe roles, such as ‘teacher,’ ‘advisor,’ ‘guide,’ ‘mentor,’ ‘advocate,’ ‘champion.
How do I start my own coaching company?
Starting a Coaching Business Isn’t Easy. Here’s How to Do It Successfully.
- Attract the best and repel the rest.
- Envision your ideal business and work backwards.
- Don’t share all of your knowledge at once.
- Be clear about your message and your value.
- Only work with your perfect client.
Do Life Coaches make money?
About becoming a coach, the average income of a life coach in the U.S. today is between $30,000 – $40,000. Only 10% to 20% or so make six-figure incomes, and many more life coaches don’t make anywhere near $30,000. It’s not an easy path, and clients simply will not fall in your lap.
Is coaching a good business?
Online coaching can be a rewarding career for anyone who enjoys helping people. The ability to provide coaching service over the Internet makes it a business that you can start with a small monetary investment. The required time investment is another story.
Is there a demand for life coaches?
Life Coaches in the US industry outlook (2020-2025) Although growth in the overall economy will lessen the need for industry services to a degree, continued struggles along numerous segments of the economy, coupled with higher disposable income as a whole, will increase demand.
How can I become a certified life coach for free?
If you decide you still want to look into free online coaching courses and training seminars, the ones listed below are a good place to start:
- Life Coach Training Institute.
- Oxford Home Study Center.
- Inner Life Skills.
- Life Purpose Institute.
- Coach Training Alliance.
- iNLP Center.
- Universal Coach Institute.
- CoachU.
What is the average income of a life coach?
The average salary of a certified life coach in North America as of 2019 is $62,500. The average global life coach salary is $47,100.
How much money do life coaches make a year?
This simple question can be answered in several different ways. If you’re looking for just one number, the average life coach in North America makes $61,900 per year, according to the most recent study conducted by the International Coach Federation.
Can I be a life coach without certification?
Yes. You can be a life coach without a certification. There are currently no existing regulations that you are required to meet before you can call yourself a life coach.
Do you need a degree to be a life coach?
There is no life coach degree necessary for life coaching, though getting certified as a life coach is a good start. Some life coaches start with social work, teaching, or consulting backgrounds. A previous career in human resources management offers another good segue into life coaching.
How do coaches get paid?
Head coaches receive the largest stipends. These stipends pay a set amount per year, and the stipends usually are paid in installments. An average annual stipend for a high school assistant coach is $4500. The actual amount depends on the standards set by the salary schedule established by the school district.
Do teachers get paid more if they coach?
If you’re trying to decide whether to focus on coaching or teaching for your future career, the difference in coaches’ pay vs. teachers’ pay could have a significant impact on the route you choose. In general, teachers make more money than coaches – sometimes even twice or three times as much.
What is Krzyzewski salary?
$7 million
USA TODAY Sports’ annual review of coaches’ compensation found that the average total pay for FBS head coaches in 2020-21 is $2.7 million, a 1.1% increase from last year’s average. Those figures include the pay reductions that some coaches are taking this year.