Table of Contents
- What is the last word in the dictionary?
- What is the second to last word in the dictionary?
- What is the third word in the dictionary?
- What is the top of each page in a dictionary?
- What is a mini dictionary called?
- How are guide words used in the dictionary?
- What is head word and guide word?
- What is the first dictionary definition that you can find for virus?
- What is the full word for virus?
- Is a virus a cell?
- What are viruses in your own words?
- What’s another word for virus?
- What are two examples of a virus?
- Who gave the term virus?
- Who found first virus?
- What was the first virus in the world?
Also called headword, guide word. a word printed at the top of a page in a dictionary or other reference book to indicate the first or last entry or article on that page.
Zyzzyva, a genus of South African weevils found on or near palm trees, is the newest last word you’ll find in the Oxford English Dictionary. Zyzzyva replaces the previous last word in the OED, zythum, an ancient Egyptian malt beer.
What is the second to last word in the dictionary?
But penultimate means “next to last” or “second to last.” It’s probably because it adds an emphatic extra syllable to the word ultimate that people think it somehow means “more” than ultimate—but it really means less.
What is the third word in the dictionary?
Everyone knows what the third word means. What is the third word? The answer is “energy”. The riddle says that the word ends in the letters g-r-y; it says nothing about the order of the letters.
What is the top of each page in a dictionary?
Dictionary The top of every page in a dictionary shows a word called the guide words on adjacent pages indicate all the words that. Snows a word called the guide word. The two guide. e pages indicate all the words that can occur alphabetically between the on the two pages.
What is a mini dictionary called?
A mini-dictionary is a little dictionary, also called a pocket dictionary.
How are guide words used in the dictionary?
Guide words appear on each page of a dictionary. They tell you the first word and last word on the page. The other words on the page come between the guide words in alphabetical order. To put words in alphabetical order, put them in order by their first letters.
What is head word and guide word?
: either of the terms at the head of a page of an alphabetical reference work (such as a dictionary) indicating the alphabetically first and last words on the page.
What is the first dictionary definition that you can find for virus?
1 : a disease-causing agent that is too tiny to be seen by the ordinary microscope, that may be a living organism or may be a very special kind of protein molecule, and that can only multiply when inside the cell of an organism. 2 : a disease caused by a virus.
What is the full word for virus?
VIRUS: Vital Information Resources Under Seize.
Is a virus a cell?
Because they can’t reproduce by themselves (without a host), viruses are not considered living. Nor do viruses have cells: they’re very small, much smaller than the cells of living things, and are basically just packages of nucleic acid and protein.
What are viruses in your own words?
Virus, infectious agent of small size and simple composition that can multiply only in living cells of animals, plants, or bacteria. The name is from a Latin word meaning “slimy liquid” or “poison.”
What’s another word for virus?
In this page you can discover 38 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for virus, like: sickness, poison, disease, contagion, infection, toxin, communicability, phage, germ, bane and illness.
What are two examples of a virus?
- measles.
- rubella.
- chickenpox/shingles.
- roseola.
- smallpox.
- fifth disease.
- chikungunya virus infection.
Who gave the term virus?
Martinus Beijerinck
Who found first virus?
Two scientists contributed to the discovery of the first virus, Tobacco mosaic virus. Ivanoski reported in 1892 that extracts from infected leaves were still infectious after filtration through a Chamberland filter-candle. Bacteria are retained by such filters, a new world was discovered: filterable pathogens.
What was the first virus in the world?
As noted by Discovery, the Creeper program, often regarded as the first virus, was created in 1971 by Bob Thomas of BBN. Creeper was actually designed as a security test to see if a self-replicating program was possible.
What are the first and last words on a page in the dictionary called?
The definition of a guide word is a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page. An example of guide word is the word “hesitate” printed on a page in a dictionary with the word “hesitate” listed as the first word on the page.
What are the words found at the top of each page in a dictionary?
Dictionary The top of every page in a dictionary shows a word called the guide words on adjacent pages indicate all the words that. Snows a word called the guide word. The two guide. Place them between the words in the box on the right.
What is head word and guide word?
: either of the terms at the head of a page of an alphabetical reference work (such as a dictionary) indicating the alphabetically first and last words on the page.
What is a word with 6 letters?
6-letter words
- abroad.
- accept.
- access.
- across.
- acting.
- action.
- active.
- actual.
What is a 7 letter word that starts with E?
7 letter words that start with E
- eagerly.
- eaglets.
- eagling.
- eanling.
- earache.
- earbobs.
- eardrop.
- eardrum.
What is a 6 letter word that starts with E?
6-letter words starting with E
Eaddys | Eadies |
eagers | eagled |
eagles | eaglet |
eagres | Eakers |
Eakins | Eakles |
What things start with letter E?
Toddler A-Z – 50 Objects That Start with the Letter “E”
- Eagle.
- Earmuffs.
- Earphones.
- Earplug.
- Earrings.
- Ears.
- Earth.
- Earthenware.
What is a word that ends with E?
8 letter words that end with E
- abampere.
- abatable.
- abattage.
- abdicate.
- abductee.
- abessive.
- abeyance.
- abidance.
What is a six letter word that starts with R?
6-letter words starting with R
Raabes | rabato |
rabbis | rabbit |
rabble | Rabels |
Rabers | Rabhas |
rabies | Rabins |
What’s a 5 letter word that starts with R?
5-letter words starting with R
Raads | Raahe |
ragde | raged |
ragee | rager |
rages | ragga |
raggs | raggy |
What are all the R words?
R Words
- Beginning. run. rice. rat. rag. rake. red. wrist. raisin. rabbit. ribbon. radio. rocket. ranch. rich. race. ring. rain.
- Middle. carrot. bird. earring. horse. iron. arm. giraffe. fork. shirt. lizard. fairy. pirate. scissors. turtle. camera. party. nurse.
- Ending. four. bear. deer. ear. tear. pear. jar. alligator. doctor. feather. dollar. mother. hammer. ladder. car. chair.
What is a 7 letter word that starts with R?
7-letter words starting with R
Raatzes | Rabagos |
radiale | radials |
radians | radiant |
radiata | radiate |
radical | radicel |
What is a 4 letter word that starts with R?
4-letter words starting with R
raad | Rabb |
race | rach |
rack | RACQ |
racy | rada |
rade | RAdm |
What’s that start with R?
- race.
- rack.
- racy.
- rads.
- raff.
- raft.
- raga.
- rage.
What’s the R word on TikTok?
What body part starts with an R?
Body part with R (98x)
- Retina.
- Ribcage.
- Ribs.
- Right foot.
- Right hand.
- Right leg.
- Ringfinger.
- Rodilla.
What body part starts with an M?
Body part with M (100x)
- Mano.
- Manos.
- Marrow.
- Membrane.
- Metatarsal.
- Molar.
- Molars.
function getWWWW(string){
return 'wwww';
(You might need to provide some more information as to what you want happening. Do you want the 3rd directory to be retrieved? Or the last directory? etc. Until you provide me with that, my answer is valid.)
(The above answer was provided when the author gave the URL and asked how to get the ‘wwww’, and nothing else. Damn grace editing periods.)
var path = location.pathname;
var directories = path.split("/");
var lastDirecotry = directories[(directories.length - 1)];
Haven’t tested and might need a little reworking, but you get the idea.
answered Apr 7, 2010 at 7:05
Tyler CarterTyler Carter
60.4k20 gold badges130 silver badges150 bronze badges
if you are on a page with this url,
var hrefParts = location.href.split('/');
hrefParts[hrefParts.length - 1] == "wwww";
var href = "";
href.split('/')[href.length - 1] == "wwww" // you get the idea...
answered Apr 7, 2010 at 7:06
Alex GyoshevAlex Gyoshev
11.9k4 gold badges48 silver badges74 bronze badges
var url = "";
var last = url.replace(//$/, "").split('/').splice(-1, 1);
answered Apr 7, 2010 at 7:10
330k66 gold badges523 silver badges623 bronze badges
you could use window.location.pathname and split the string.
something like this:
var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
answered Apr 7, 2010 at 7:24
In this tutorial, we create a program for the First and Last Word Selector using jquery and CSS.
I hope you will see on multiple websites, large font size on the first alphabet, if you not seen on website then you will be definitely seen on the magazines or newspaper, this post is similar to that.
therefore, in this program, I will use a small jquery function for styling first and last word selector of any paragraph. you can use this program, first and last word selector after a few changes.
therefore here I can use CSS Pseudo-elements, but that works on the first line and the first letter (info). so, in this program to create::first-word and the::last-word selector using CSS and jQuery.
As before I have already discussed that jquery is a JavaScript library, that the reason I used JS. there is a simple JavaScript library function used, you can understand very easy way.
which function based on jQuery. you don’t have to create the function, only you need to put the ID in the paragraph then just link the code. I hope you will understand the code segment after getting the code, if you want to use this program on your website, definitely you can use but after a few changes in the code.
Explanation of Source Code to create First and Last Word Selector Using jQuery and CSS
Let’s discuss, about the program which I will create first and last word selector, First I have created two div and I have placed the ids for both div. I have placed the two paragraphs content inside the div id.
the first Id to highlight the first word and second ID to highlight the last word. therefore, the first word and last word ID look like this <div id="Firstword">
and <div id="Lastword">
therefore, in the CSS file taken div width:700px; font-size:16px; text-align:justify;
etc. and I have taken classes one class is .Firstword
and second class .Lastword
, puts all the properties inside the classes.
furthermore, jQuery detects the first word and last word using two separate functions. these are the whole concept which I have used for creating the first and last word selector with the help of CSS and JavaScript.
I hope you will enjoy this program, below I am sharing the code segment, when you getting the code you will understand more. for creating the program you have to create three files, first file for HTML, Second File for CSS & third file for JavaScript. Follow the process to create the program successfully.
First Step: Create HTML file as name “index.html” | change file name as you want
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |
<html lang=«en» > <head> <meta charset=«UTF-8»> <title>First word and Last Word Selector using JS</title> <link rel=«stylesheet» href=«css/stylesheet.css»> </head> <body> <div id=«Firstword»>Established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more—or—less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. </div> <div id=«Lastword»>randomised words which don‘t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet, you need to be sure there isn‘t anything embarrassing hidden Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet </div> <script src=‘’></script> <script src=«js/functions.js»></script> </body> </html> |
Second Step: Create CSS file as Name “stylesheet.css” | Change file name as you want
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 |
div { font—family: sans—serif; width: 700px; text—align: justify; margin: 20px auto; font—size: 16px; font—weight: 500; line—height: 33px; } .Firstword { color:green; font—weight: 900; font—size: 30px; } .LastWord { color: blue; font—weight: 900; font—size: 30px; } |
Third Step: Create Javascript function file as name “functions.js” | Change file name as you want
$.fn.lastWord = function() { var text = this.text().trim().split(» «); var last = text.pop(); this.html(text.join(» «) + (text.length > 0 ? » <span class=’Lastword’>» + last + «</span>» : last)); }; $.fn.firstWord = function() { var text = this.text().trim().split(» «); var first = text.shift(); this.html((text.length > 0 ? «<span class=’Firstword’>»+ first + «</span> « : first) + text.join(» «)); }; $(«#Firstword»).firstWord(); $(«#Lastword»).lastWord(); |
Therefore, see the code segment to create the First and Last Word Selector Using jQuery and CSS. you will be created successfully.
you have to face any trouble then comment me down below. I will try to resolve the problem as soon as possible. thanks for viewing these post.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This page in a nutshell: In Wikipedia, sometimes debates get heated. Whenever this occurs, it is of primary importance that you always ensure that you get The Last Word. |
Getting in the last word is advantageous
In Wikipedia, even more than in real life, getting The Last Word in a debate is crucial, as it is the only proof of your argumentative success over competing editors. The following is a useful collection of suggestions on why and how to obtain your right to have the Last Word, however tenaciously your opponent may be trying to rob you of your privilege.
Reasons for getting the last word[edit]
Nelson’s last word: ‘It’s an mdash, Hardy.’ Wikiquote has a selection of famous last words you can use. (The strategy is to expire after the utterance)
Getting the last word means that you win the debate. It also shows your moral superiority. This should convince your opponent that you are correct, and will certainly impress your fellow Wikipedians.
It is particularly important to get the last word where you are in some doubts as to the merits of your case. The last word will serve as a clinching argument that will make up for any deficiencies in your logic. Achieving the last word now also brings the advantage that you may subsequently point to your success in this debate as the clinching argument in future debates. However, if you did not win the last discussion, we still recommend claiming incessantly that you did.
How to get the last word[edit]
The sucker wasted all reserves in the first rounds. Time for the
final blow
Last Word.
We recommend the following tried and tested tactics to aid you in taking what is rightfully yours.
Often, your opponent will not understand the importance of the last word (abr. TLW™) and will readily concede the ground to you (in which case it’s nevertheless mandatory to rub it in their face on all relevant talk pages). However, sometimes your opponent is well aware of this Wikipedian convention and will attempt to wrongfully deprive you of your right. Do not give ground to such intimidation. Pursue your case with fortitude and vigour. If your actual arguments have already been stated on the page, do not fear to repeat them in a slightly different form. CAPITALISING YOUR ARGUMENT, or bolding sections, can be used to give variety if you fear you are being repetitive.
“ | I know what you’re doing, you are just trying to have the WP:WORD! | ” |
Debates are like boxing matches. Try to make your opponent do the footwork so they get exhausted while you preserve your energy for the final blow Last Word. If they bring any arguments you cannot immediately refute, play dumb and ask for clarification, it helps wear off the adversary’s patience. Ask for more sources and better sources (ideally in that order). If they insolently keep providing answers, arbitrarily stop replying for a while. Better yet, point out that their answer dodges the real question, which is something tangentially (if at all) related to your original point. Be sure to post on their user talk page, so they have additional opportunities for frustration thoughtful response. You can conserve your own energy by posting one question on the article talk page, posting a second question on their user talk page, then posting that second question on the article talk page and the first question on the user talk page.
Harold foolishly conceded the last word to William
Elegance is relative. Cheat, if you think you can get away with it. Call in your friends uninvolved users to keep the other party busy and distract from the original debate. Exploit the headstart you have over impudent newbies. Most of them walk into debates like knifers into a gunfight: Easy prey.
Muriel got TLW™, by outliving all the members of her Wikiproject
In the last resort, it is very advisable to use warning templates as early as possible (go there now and pick one or three) and to cite any convenient policies that you think will be useful to your cause. (Vandalism templates are usually the best). After all, one template says more than a thousand words, and it’s an elegant way to get the last word in case the other bastard user just won’t concede the ground.
NB: If your opponent attempts to seize the last word for themselves, be careful to point out the folly of this strategy, perhaps citing this project page. Alternatively, state that since your opponent loves to get the last word, you will graciously cede it to them. These clever techniques allow you to simultaneously regain the last word for yourself while making any sort of reply from your opponent seem in bad faith. |
Other complementary tactics[edit]
A senior Wikipedian loses TLW™ to a promising upstart
The following are practical enhancements to all TLW™ strategies:
- Remind
the little shitsyour opponents that they should abide by Wikipedia:Assume good faith and Wikipedia:No personal attacks. If you are, why shouldn’t they? - Liberally employ vandalism accusations. It is at least theoretically possible that their edits are vandalism, so there is no reason not to raise this concern.
- If the «arguments» of the other side are being agreed to by one or more people, chances are you’re dealing with sockpuppets, so make sure to appropriately demand proof of innocence.
- Noticeboard reports are strongly recommended but carry the great risk of being overlooked or not yielding a useful response (beware of the bad admins™). You may want to distribute the risk by posting to several noticeboards at once, including but by no means limited to Wikipedia:Wikiquette assistance, Wikipedia:Administrators’ noticeboard, and of course the chronically underused ANI, as well as all specific pages applicable in the given situation.
- Block the jerk or get them blocked by one of the good admins™, and protect their talk page – then post your comment.
- Don’t forget to bring up Jimbo. After all, he’s the principal authority and mentioning him will give you an edge. Maybe excluding debates with Jimbo himself, but even then, it’s still worth a try.
- Indicate that you are «Unwatching» the page after your final last word (well, technically this tactic makes the word Unwatching the de facto last word). That way the other editor will know that it’s futile to add additional comments after your last word. The best thing about this tactic is you don’t have to actually Unwatch the page. You can still monitor the page to see if there are any more attempts to usurp your position as the one with the last word, in which case you can continue to do battle and say you «just happened to be walking by».
- It’s worth noting there is a useful countertactic to someone claiming they are Unwatching a page in order to get the last word. What you do is put the {{dubious}} tag right after their «Unwatching» comment. They won’t be able to object to you doing that, because they are purportedly not watching the page any more. Even if they use the «I just happened to be walking by[dubious – discuss]» excuse, they will have to admit you got under their skin, which is a victory in itself, and you will then be free to add your own last word.
- Delete any other editors’ comments which follow your last word. Technically this is a violation of the Editing Others’ Comments Policy, but you can get away with it if you claim the other editor was not merely being uncivil but was actually engaged in Trolling or even Vandalism, which are exceptions to the Editing Other’s Comments Policy under a different policy, i.e., the Removing Uncivil Comments Policy.
See also[edit]
- m:How to win an argument
- How to win a revert war
- Wikipedia:Adminitis
- Wikipedia:Advice for hotheads
- Wikipedia:Assume bad faith
- Wikipedia:Just drop it
- Wikipedia:Mind your own business
- Wikipedia:Mutual withdrawal
- Wikipedia:Sarcasm is really helpful
- Wikipedia:The Truth
- Wikipedia:The Most Important Thing Possible
- Wikipedia:Drop the stick and back slowly away from the horse carcass