What is the hardest word in english to say

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What are the 10 most difficult words in English?

As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English.

  • Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out.
  • Ironic.
  • Irregardless (instead of regardless)
  • Whom.
  • Colonel.
  • Nonplussed.
  • Disinterested.
  • Enormity.

What is the longest and hardest word to say in English?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica or quartz dust. The term is also a synonym for the disease known as “silicosis.” Everett K.

What are the 5 unfamiliar words?

5 unfamiliar words with meaning and example

  • Conduct: Personal behavior.
  • Scarce: Insufficient to satisfy the need.
  • Appoint: Assign to a position.
  • Level: Having no part higher than another.
  • Convince: To move by argument.
  • Inspire: To fill with an animating.
  • Know: To see or comprehend as reality or truth.

What are 20 difficult words?

20 Most Difficult Words to Pronounce in the English Language

  • Colonel.
  • Worcestershire.
  • Mischievous.
  • Draught.
  • Quinoa.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Scissors.
  • Anemone.

Is there a word with 1000 letters?

It’s a technical word referring to the lung disease more commonly known as silicosis.

What word takes 3.5 hours to say?

A word of warning… the “word” takes about 3.5 hours to say. The word is 189,819 letters long. It’s actually the name of a giant protein called Titin. Proteins are usually named by mashing-up the names of the chemicals making them.

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet. The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. A perfect pangram is a pangram where each of the letters appears only once.

Top 10 Hardest Words to Spell

  • Weird.
  • Intelligence.
  • Pronunciation.
  • Handkerchief.
  • logorrhea.
  • Chiaroscurist.
  • Pochemuchka.
  • Gobbledegook.

What are the difficult words?

7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say

  • Rural.
  • Sixth.
  • Sesquipedalian.
  • Phenomenon.
  • Onomatopoeia.
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
  • Worcestershire.

What are some uncommon words?

10 unusual words to add to your English vocabulary

  • Anachronism. An anachronism is something (or someone) that is out of place in terms of time or chronology.
  • Accismus. A form of irony in which someone feigns indifference to something he or she desires.
  • Cacophony.
  • Draconian.
  • Limerence.
  • Pareidolia.
  • Riposte.
  • Sanctimony.

What are the 5 longest words?

10 Longest Words in the English Language

  • Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (36 letters)
  • Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (34 letters)
  • Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism (30 letters)
  • Floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters)

What is the hardest spelling bee word?

Top Ten Most Brutal Spelling Bee Words

  • Soubrette. Year: 1953.
  • Albumen. Year: 1928.
  • Eudaemonic. Year: 1960.
  • Chiaroscurist. Year: 1998.
  • Autochthonous. Year: 2004.
  • Insouciant. Year: 1951.
  • Staphylococci. Year: 1987.
  • Foulard. Year: 1931. Origin: This word is from French.

What are the top 5 hardest words to pronounce?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What are the D words?

List of positive words that start with D

Dynamic Dear Decent
Dutiful Decisive Driven
Devoted Delicious Deserving
Dapper Determined Destined
Dedicated Diamond Distinctive

What is the world longest name?

The longest personal name is 747 characters long, and belongs to Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Sr. (b. 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021.

What’s the longest word in Japanese?

A funny phrase in japanese is “toragahitowokamoutosurutokinounarinow” 虎が人を噛もうとするときのうなり声。 It is 37 letters long and is comprised of a 17 syllables. It is a very odd phrase, as it is defined as “the growl a tiger makes when it is about to about to bite someone”.

Can you say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Pronunciation
It is pronounced pneu·mo·no·ul·tra·mi·cro·scop·ic·sil·i·co·vol·ca·no·co·ni·o·sis.

What is shortest word in English?

The shortest word is a. Some might wonder about the word I since it consists of one letter, too. In sound, a is shorter because it is a monophthong (consists of one vowel), while I is a diphthong. Both do consist of one letter in the English writing system, and in most fonts I is the narrowest letter.

What begins with E and ends with E Riddle?

What starts with E ends with E and only has one letter in it?! – The Answer Wall.

What is the 27th letter in the alphabet?

The ampersand, also known as the and sign, is the logogram &, representing the conjunction “and”. It originated as a ligature of the letters et—Latin for “and”.

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Hi there! I’m Cary Hardy, an education expert and consultant. I’ve worked with students of all ages and backgrounds, and I love helping them unlock their full potential. I’m also a big believer in lifelong learning- there’s always something new to learn!

I got my start in education as a teacher, working with students in grades K-12. After several years of teaching, I transitioned into the world of educational consulting. I’ve since worked with schools and districts all over the country, helping them improve their curriculums and instruction methods.

I’m passionate about helping people achieve their dreams, and I believe that education is the key to unlocking everyone’s potential. Thanks for reading!

See all posts by Cary Hardy

One of the biggest challenges facing people who are trying to learn English as a second language is the thought that, there are so many hard English words to pronounce! 

What makes a word hard to pronounce? Often times the
difficult words to pronounce for non-native English speakers are those that are spelled completely different from how they are pronounced.

Not all English words are pronounced phonetically.  When a word is pronounced phonetically, it is pronounced how it is spelled. Take the word “know”, if it was pronounced phonetically, the “k” would be spoken. However, the “k” is not spoken and this makes “know” one of the English
language’s tricky pronunciation words. 

Take a look at the
English vocabulary words below. These are hard words for kids to say, even if they are native English speakers, and that can trip up adults as well. So don’t be ashamed to look them up and practice the correct way to pronounce them.

1. Accede

How is it pronounced?

“ak-SEED”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean? 

To accede means to give your consent or approval to someone else’s actions. It can also mean that you agree with the opinions of a group.

2. Alias

How is it pronounced?

“AY-lee-iss”, emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean? 

An alias is an assumed name or identity.

3. Anathema

How is it pronounced?

“un-NATH-uh-muh”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean? 

This means that you dislike something or someone intensely

4. Anemone

How is it pronounced?

“uh-NEH-muh-nee”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

Properly called a “sea anemone”, this is a marine animal that lives on reefs and ocean floors. It’s a sedentary animal that attaches itself to a particular area and doesn’t move, that many people think looks like a flower.

There is also a type of flowering land plants that are called anemones.

5. Antarctic

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

The Antarctic is simply the South Pole.

6. Brewery

How is it pronounced?

“BROO-uh-ree”, emphasis on the first syllable.

What does it mean?

Why is it that words that have something to do with drinking are such hard words to say when drunk? This three syllable word is used for bars specializing in beer. They often brew their own beers.

7. Camaraderie

How is it pronounced?

“kah-muh-RAH-duh-ree”, emphasis on the third syllable

What does it mean?

This is the feeling of warmth and familiarity you get when around a group of trusted friends.

8. Cavalry

How is it pronounced?

“KAV-uhl-ree”, emphasis on the first syllable. 

What does it mean?

Traditionally, the cavalry were soldiers on horseback. Now, cavalry is usually used to mean someone or something who offers help when you really need it.

9. Choir

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean? 

A choir is a group of singers. Traditionally, choirs sang religious songs during church services.

10. Colonel

How is it pronounced? 


What does it mean?

A military officer. 

11. Comfortable

How is it pronounced?

“KUHM-fer-tuh-buh”, with emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean?

If you are comfortable, you are relaxed and at ease. 

12. Defibrillator

How is it pronounced?

“dee-FIB-ruh-ley-ter”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

If you watch a lot of medical TV shows, you might have seen this. It’s that device, with two paddles attached to wires that are held to someone’s chest to deliver a shock that is supposed to help restart your heart.

13. Deteriorate

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

When someone deteriorates their condition grows worse. This can also be used to talk about a situation you find yourself in. Basically, things are getting bad.

14. Draught

How is it pronounced? 


What does it mean?

An alcoholic beverage, usually traditional kept in a keg. Like draught beer.

15. Epitome

How is it pronounced?

“ih-PIT-uh-mee”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

Someone or something that is the perfect example of a quality or of a type.

16. Espouse

How is it pronounced?

“ih-SPOWZ”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

When you follow or support a particular idea. Usually you are vocal and proud about your support.

17. Espresso

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

When you order an “espresso” you are asking for a type of strong Italian coffee.

18. Explicit

How is it pronounced?

“ik-SLIS-it”, with emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

This is not one of those hard words to say with a lisp, as you are supposed to sound like your lisping slightly. When you are explicit about something, you state it clearly and in complete detail. 

19. Exponentially

How is it pronounced?

“ek-spoh-NEN-shuh-lee”, emphasis on the third syllable

What does it mean?

This is an adverb that means something is increasing rapidly.

20. Ignominious

How is it pronounced? 

“ig-nuh-MIN-ee-uhs”, emphasis on the third syllable

What does it mean?

This is usually used as an adverb to describe and action that is considered disgraceful or dishonorable.

21. Isthmus

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

This is the name of a geographical feature. An isthmus is a narrow piece of land that is located between two different seas.

22. Know

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

This is a tricky word because it is an example of a word with what we call a silent “k”. To know how to pronounce “know”, you need to know it has a silent k.

23. Knell

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

The rule about a silent “k” makes for tricky pronunciation words. Here’s another word where the “k” is silent and so is the second “l”. This word is used to refer to the ringing of a bell. Usually, this is a big church bell that makes a slow, loud noise.

24. Library

How is it pronounced?

“LAHY-brer-ee”, emphasis in the first syllable

What does it mean?

This is a building which contains a collection of books and other published materials.

25. Mauve

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

Mauve is a color. It is a shade of pale purple.

26. Mischievous

How is it pronounced?

“MISS-chiv-us”, with the emphasis on the first syllable.

What does it mean?

This is an adjective that basically means behaving in a way that causes “trouble”. A mischievous action is not bad or evil. It is usually playful and with no malice behind it. 

27. Nadir

How is it pronounced?

“NAY-deer”, emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean?

This means reaching the lowest point.

28. Neophyte

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

This word is used to refer to a beginner, someone who is new to a task, job, or a group.

29. Often

How is it pronounced?

“AW-fuhn”, emphasis in the first syllable

What does it mean?

If you do something “often” you do it a lot or repeatedly.

30. Onamatopeia

How is it pronounced?

“on-o-mot-o-PEE-a”, with the emphasis on the fifth syllable.

What does it mean?

This is a term for a word that refers to a sound. These words actually imitate the sound they are supposed to refer to, such as “roar” or “buzz”. It has six syllables which make it quite
a mouthful to pronounce, even for native speakers of English.

31. Otorhinolaryngologist

How is it pronounced?

“oh-toh-rye-no-lar-ing-GOL-uh-jee”, emphasis on the seventh syllable.

What does it mean?

This nine syllable word is the formal title of a specific type of medical doctor. This is a doctor who specializes in treating eye, nose, and ear conditions. The simpler way to refer to these types of doctors is as an ENT doctors. 

32. Panacea

How is it pronounced?

“pan-uh-SEE-uh”, emphasis on the third syllable

What does it mean?

This refers to a remedy for illness.

33. Phlegmatic

How is it pronounced?

“fleg-MAT-ik”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

This is someone who is easy-going. No matter what happens around them they remain calm and collected.

34. Penguin

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

A penguin is a type of flightless sea bird. They are typically black and white.

35. Phenomenon

How is it pronounced?

“fi-NOM-uh-non”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

A phenomenon is an event that is observable,

36. Puerile

How is it pronounced?

“PYOO-er-il”, emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean?

When you think something is “purile” you believe it is foolish or childish.

37. Quinoa

How is it pronounced?

Either “KEEN-wah,” “ken-WAG, or “KEN-o-ah”

What does it mean?

Quinoa is an ancient grain that has grown in popularity in the recent decade because of its nutritional values. It’s considered a “superfood” and is actually a Spanish word.

38. Quixotic

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

This is someone who is very idealistic, to the point that their ideas are impractical or unrealistic.

39. Rural

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

When you say a place is “rural” you mean that it is located in the countryside.

40. Sanguine

How is it pronounced?

“SANG-gwin”, emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean?

Someone who is sanguine is cheerful and hopeful, even if they are facing a bad situation.

41. Scissors

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

These are two bladed cutting instruments that you use to cut into thin materials such as paper or cloth. 

42. Sixth

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

When you say something is the “sixth”, your saying it is item number six in a sequence.

43. Specific

How is it pronounced?

“spi-SIF-ik”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

This means that something is clearly defined.

44. Squirrel

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

A squirrel is a bushy tailed rodent that lives in trees.

45. Staid

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

Someone who is staid is sedate and calm.

46. Successful

How is it pronounced?

“SUKH-ses-fuhl”, emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean?

If you are successful in pronouncing this word, then you pronounced it correctly. When you are successful in something, you accomplished your aim or your purpose.

47. Surfeit

How is it pronounced?

“SUR-fit”, emphasis in the first syllable

What does it mean?

A surfeit is an extra amount of something.

48. Temperature

How is it pronounced?

“tem-PER-uh-cher”, emphasis on the second syllable

What does it mean?

This is a scientific measurement meant to gague the degree of heat that is present in an object or a substance. 

49. Truculent

How is it pronounced?

“TRUHK-yeh-luhnt”, emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean?

Someone who is truculent is quick tempered. They get into arguments or fights easily.

50. Worcestershire

How is it pronounced?


What does it mean?

A special sauce that originated in Worcester, a town in England. The town name is also pronounced the as “WOOster-sher”.

51. Zephyr

How is it pronounced?

“ZEF-er”, emphasis on the first syllable

What does it mean?

This refers to a breeze that is soft and mild.


If you want to learn how to correctly pronounce tricky vocabulary words, the answer is: Practice, practice, practice.

It’s also a really good idea to get a native language speaker as an English tutor who can listen to you say these words and help you with your pronunciation.  You can also practice using these hard to pronounce words in conversation which will really help you learn them.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the hardest word to say in the English language?
  2. What are the five tricky words?
  3. How many common exception words are there in Year 1?
  4. Is there a common exception word?
  5. Is once a common exception word?
  6. Is eye a tricky word?
  7. Are sight words?
  8. What is the difference between common exception words and tricky words?
  9. What are the tricky words in phonics?
  10. What are the Phase 3 tricky words?
  11. How many jolly phonics tricky words are there?

At 29 letters, floccinaucinihilipilification has earned the unofficial title of the longest non-technical word in the English language. Don’t let its length fool you. It simply means the act or habit of estimating something as worthless.

What are the five tricky words?

Study the word list: The five tricky words. Letters and Sounds, Phase Two

the get off the bus
to get to the top
I I pat a dog
no no lid on the pan
go go to the log hut

How many common exception words are there in Year 1?

The statutory requirements of the Year 1 Spelling Curriculum include the common exception words: the, a, do, to, today, of, said, says, are, were, was, is, his, has, I, you, your, they, be, he, me, she, we, no, go, so, by, my, here, there, where, love, come, some, one, once, ask, friend, school, put, push, pull, full.

Is there a common exception word?

The statutory requirements of the Year 2 Spelling Curriculum include the common exception words: door, floor, poor, because, find, kind, mind, behind, child, children*, wild, climb, most, only, both, old, cold, gold, hold, told, every, everybody, even, great, break, steak, pretty, beautiful, after, fast, last, past.

Is once a common exception word?

Some ideas for teaching common exception words include: Mnemonics – e.g. a mnemonic for the word ‘once’ could be: only noises can echo.

Is eye a tricky word?

Once the student has learned those letter-sound correspondences, the word will no longer be tricky or seem irregular. However, only about 4% of English words have a completely irregular spelling, such as ‘eye’.

Are sight words?

Sight words are the words that appear most frequently in our reading and writing. These are the words like ‘a’, ‘I’, ‘or’, ‘and’, ‘the’ and so on. They are usually small, and easily recognised, and the spelling of these words is not always straightforward in regard to how they sound.

What is the difference between common exception words and tricky words?

Sometimes called red words or tricky words, common exception words are rebels. They don’t quite follow the spelling or phonics rules that children are taught in years 1 and 2. Why is this important? The thing about common exception words is that they’re very, well, common!

What are the tricky words in phonics?

Tricky words are those words which cannot be sounded out easily. Emergent readers may find them difficult to read as they have not yet learned some of the Graphemes in those words.

What are the Phase 3 tricky words?

What are the Phase 3 Tricky Words? Phase 3 Tricky Words include we, be, me, he, she, my, they, was, her & all.

How many jolly phonics tricky words are there?

Jolly Phonics 72 tricky words

Table of Contents

  1. How do you deal with hatred?
  2. Which word has the most meanings?
  3. What word takes 3.5 hours to say?
  4. What is the meaning of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
  5. What is the longest word in Mexico?
  6. What is titin chemical name?
  7. What is the longest chemical formula?
  8. What is the longest Hawaiian word?
  9. What do Hawaiians call their state fish?
  10. How do you say triggerfish in Hawaiian?
  11. Do Hawaiians still speak Hawaiian?
  12. What race are the Hawaiians?
  13. What are Hawaiians called?
  14. Is speaking Hawaiian illegal?
  15. Is Hawaiian a dying language?

The Most Difficult English Word To Pronounce

How do you deal with hatred?

Here’s How to Eliminate Hatred with 4 Simple Steps

  1. TALK TO THE PERSON YOU HATE. It’s highly unlikely that you’ll want to do this. …
  2. PRACTICE MINDFULNESS. I know this sounds cheesy but it’s one of the most effective ways to overcome grudges. …
  3. BE MORE EMPATHETIC. Try to put yourself in the place of the person you detest. …

Which word has the most meanings?


  • Rural.
  • Otorhinolaryngologist.
  • Colonel.
  • Penguin.
  • Sixth.
  • Isthmus.
  • Anemone.
  • Squirrel.

What word takes 3.5 hours to say?

It’s the longest word in English and if you want to hear it, click on the viral video found on YouTube of a guy pronouncing the word. A word of warning… the “wordtakes about 3.

What is the meaning of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word as “a nonsense word, originally used esp. by children, and typically expressing excited approbation: fantastic, fabulous”, while Dictionary.com says it is “used as a nonsense word by children to express approval or to represent the longest word in English.”

What is the longest word in Mexico?

Long words

Word Letters Part of speech
hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia 33 noun
esternocleidooccipitomastoideo 30 noun
hexakosioihexekontahexafobia 28 noun
anticonstitucionalmente 23 adverb

What is titin chemical name?

So what’s the word? Wikipedia’s says that it’s “Methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminylarginyl … isoleucine” (ellipses necessary), which is the “chemical name of titin, the largest known protein.” Also, there’s some dispute about whether this is really a word.

What is the longest chemical formula?

(C18H24N2O6), a miticide and contact fungicide used to control powdery mildew in crops. The IUPAC name for Titin. This is the largest known protein and so has the longest chemical name. Written in full, it contains 189,819 letters.

What is the longest Hawaiian word?


What do Hawaiians call their state fish?


How do you say triggerfish in Hawaiian?

The reef triggerfish (Rhinecanthus rectangulus), also known as the rectangular triggerfish, wedgetail triggerfish, or by its Hawaiian name humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa (pronounced [ˈhumuˈhumuˈnukuˈnukuˈwaːpuˈwɐʔə], meaning ‘triggerfish with a snout like a pig’), also spelled humuhumunukunukuapua’a or just humuhumu for short, …

Do Hawaiians still speak Hawaiian?

However, the language is still classified as critically endangered by UNESCO. A creole language, Hawaiian Pidgin (or Hawaii Creole English, HCE), is more commonly spoken in Hawaiʻi than Hawaiian….Hawaiian language.

Native to Hawaiian Islands
Region Hawaiʻi and Niʻihau
Ethnicity Native Hawaiians
Native speakers ~24,000 (2008)

What race are the Hawaiians?

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person who has origin in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islander group, such as Carolinian, Chuukese (Trukese), Fijian, Kosraean, Melanesian, Micronesian, Northern Mariana Islander, Palauan, Papua New Guinean, Pohnpeian, Polynesian, …

What are Hawaiians called?

Native Hawaiians, also known as Kanaka Maoli, are the indigenous or aboriginal people (and their descendants) of the Hawaiian islands. Their ancestors were the original Polynesians who sailed to Hawai’i and settled the islands around the 5th century AD.

Is speaking Hawaiian illegal?

The Hawaiian Language Banned After the annexation of Hawaii as a territory of the United States in 1898, the language was officially banned from schools and the government. Use of the Hawaiian language was even banned at Kamehameha Schools – a private school system reserved only for children of Hawaiian descent.

Is Hawaiian a dying language?

After the takeover of the monarchy, the provisional government banned Hawaiian medium education in 1896 and discouraged speaking the language at home. … The Hawaiian language renaissance is in the middle of the second generation. The language is still endangered but the growing number of native speakers is encouraging.

Have you ever seen a word and had no idea how to say it? Or worse, thought you knew how to pronounce something only to find out you’ve been saying it wrong?

Learning correct pronunciation is hard in any language, but it’s especially challenging in a language like English that’s full of exceptions and contradictions—take “tough” and “though,” for example. There are many English words foreigners can’t say!

From those just learning English to the most well-read native speakers, anyone can have trouble figuring out how to pronounce certain words properly. 

So, what is the hardest word to pronounce in the English language?

Let’s take a look!

  1. Anemone
  2. Asterisk 
  3. Colonel
  4. Comfortable
  5. Floccinaucinihilipilification
  6. Isthmus
  7. Mischievous
  8. Otorhinolaryngologist
  9. Sixth
  10. Synecdoche
  11. Worcestershire

Start your journey to reach fluency

1. Anemone


What it means: A soft-bodied, brightly colored sea animal that resembles a plant and sticks to a rock; also a type of garden plant

We wouldn’t blame you if you thought “anemone” was pronounced “AN-uh-moan” or “an-uh-MOAN,” due to the fact that it’s quite uncommon for a single “e” to be pronounced at the end of an English word. But the mighty anemone doesn’t play by those rules!

When I was at the beach, I saw a bright pink sea anemone trapping small fish.

2. Asterisk


What it means: A symbol in printed text resembling a star (*)

A lot of people think this word is pronounced “asterix”—that might be because of the comic book character Astérix. But don’t get it twisted: The keyboard symbol has nothing to do with the comic strip hero.

The writer put an asterisk beside the title of her report to call the readers’ attention to a note at the bottom of the page. 

3. Colonel           


What it means: A high-ranking officer in the military

It might be pretty obvious why this word is often pronounced incorrectly—just look at it! Going by its arrangement of consonants and vowels, you’d think that it has three syllables. But nope! The English exception rears its ugly head. This word is pronounced in the same way as those little seeds you use to make popcorn. 

The colonel retired after 30 years of service in the army.             

4. Comfortable


What it means: The feeling of being relaxed and having no discomfort or pain

If you split this word into two parts, you get “comfort” and “able.” Since each of those words has two syllables, then the word “comfortable” should have four, right? Well, no. It’s actually pronounced as a three-syllable word. The middle “o” might as well not even be there!

When I have guests, I like to make them comfortable by offering soft towels and luxurious bedding.

5. Floccinaucinihilipilification


What it means: The act of calling something worthless

No list of difficult English words to pronounce would be complete without this one! “Floccinaucinihilipilification” is one of those words people use to show off their impressive vocabulary; it has the distinction of being the longest non-technical, non-medical word in English. When you first see it, you might assume its pronunciation is—ha ha, just kidding! This one is a bit too long for most people to simply sound out.

My brother’s floccinaucinihilipilification of my rare coin collection made me really mad. They’re actually very valuable! 

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6. Isthmus


What it means: A narrow piece of land connecting two larger pieces

Is-th-mus? Ith-mus? Trying to pronounce the “th” in the middle of this word probably makes you feel like you have rocks in your mouth. Luckily, you don’t have to, because the “th” is silent! Why is it there, then? Don’t ask us!

A 400-mile isthmus known as the Isthmus of Panama connects the countries of Costa Rica and Colombia. 

7. Mischievous


What it means: Playfully causing minor trouble

The funny thing about this word is that it’s mispronounced for no good reason. For some reason, it’s common for people to add an extra syllable so that it sounds like “mis-CHEEV-ee-uhs.” That second “ee” sound has no place in this word.

“I didn’t take any cookies,” said the little girl with a mischievous grin. 

8. Otorhinolaryngologist


What it means: A doctor who specializes in the treatment of the ear, nose and throat

Clocking in at 21 letters, this word is certainly a tongue twister. With a word this long, it’s always challenging to figure out which syllable to emphasize. Maybe it’s just us, but wouldn’t it be simpler to say “ear, nose and throat doctor”?

My mother is an otorhinolaryngologist at the new hospital downtown. 

9. Sixth


What it means: The number six in a sequence

Unfortunately, this isn’t one of those words where some letters are silent. You have to pronounce the “x” and “th” sounds consecutively, which can really trip a person up—especially if “sixth” comes before another word that begins with an “s” sound (“the sixth song,” for instance).  

When I was in the sixth grade, I won the school talent show.

10. Synecdoche


What it means: A figure of speech in which a part is substituted for the whole

Since it contains a “ch,” it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think this word should be pronounced “sin-ek-DOCH” or something similar. Instead, the “ch” makes a “k” sound and, just as in “anemone,” it ends with a long “e” sound.

A common synecdoche is “wheels” when referring to a car.   

11. Worcestershire


What it means: A tart, savory sauce typically used with meats; also, a county in England

How many syllables do you count in this word? Four? Sorry, try again! While there’s actually more than one way to say it, “Worcestershire” is typically pronounced with only three syllables. And forget that “er” sound in the middle—it might as well not even be there!

The secret to my famous beef stew is to add a few tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce.

What do you think is the hardest word to pronounce?

As we’ve seen, there are many hard-to-pronounce words in English. Some have sounds that are nearly impossible to get your tongue around, while others just don’t seem to make sense. The good news is that if you can learn these words, you can probably conquer any English word!
Are there any words we missed? What would top your list of hard words to say in English?

Start your journey to reach fluency

Andrea is a Canadian freelance writer and editor specializing in English, e-learning, EdTech, and SaaS. She has a background as an ESL teacher in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia. In her free time, Andrea loves hanging out with her husband and son, creating recipes in the kitchen, and reading fiction. She also loves camping and jumping into lakes whenever possible. Learn more about Andrea on LinkedIn or check out her website.

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