What is the game word association

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Word Association is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together. The game is based on the noun phrase word association, meaning «stimulation of an associative pattern by a word»[1] or «the connection and production of other words in response to a given word, done spontaneously as a game, creative technique, or in a psychiatric evaluation».[2]


Once an original word has been chosen, usually randomly or arbitrarily, a player will find a word that they associate with it and make it known to all the players, usually by saying it aloud or writing it down as the next item on a list of words so far used. The next player must then do the same with this previous word. This continues in turns for any length of time, but often word limits are set, so that the game is agreed to end after, for instance, 400 words.

Usually, players write down the next word by merely using the first word that comes to their mind after they hear the previous one. Sometimes, however, they may put in more thought to find a more creative connection between the words. Exchanges are often fast and sometimes unpredictable (though logical patterns can usually be found without difficulty). Sometimes, a lot of the game’s fun can arise from the seemingly strange or amusing associations that people make between words.

The game can be played actively or passively, sometimes taking many weeks to complete, and can in fact be played with any number of players, even one. Example: Soda, Sprite, Fairy, Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, Pans, Skillet, Kitchens, Refrigerator, Drinks, Soda


In some games, extra limitations are added; for instance:

  • The associations between words must be strictly obvious, rather than the usual «first word that comes to mind», which can often require explaining to see how it is connected with the previous word.
  • If played in-person, a time limit of two or three seconds can be placed to make a very fast-paced game, often combined with the previous rule of an ‘explicit’ connection, and extra emphasis on the idea that a previously used word cannot be repeated.
  • Word Disassociation (sometimes called Dissociation) is sometimes played. In this game, the aim is to say a word that is as unrelated as possible to the previous one. In such games, however, it is often found that creativity is lowered and the words stray towards[colloquialism] having obvious associations again. This game is sometimes known as «Word for Word».
  • Sometimes, repeated words are forbidden or otherwise noted on a separate list for interest.
  • A variant with an arbitrary name (sometimes called Ultra Word Association) involves associating words in a grid, where the first word is placed in the top-left, and where each word must be placed adjacent to another one and must associate with all those words adjacent to it.


It is believed[3][by whom?] that word association can reveal something of a person’s subconscious mind (as it shows what things they associate together), but others[who?] are skeptical of how effective such a technique could be in psychology.

Often, the game’s goal is to compare the first and final word, to see if they relate, or to see how different they are, or also to see how many words are repeated. Likewise, players often review the list of words to see the pathways of associations that go from beginning to end.

Word association has been used by market researchers to ensure the proper message is conveyed by names or adjectives used in promoting a company’s products. For example, James Vicary, working in the 1950s, tested the word ‘lagered’ for a brewing company. While about a third of his subjects associated the word with beer, another third associated it with tiredness, dizziness and so forth. As a result of the study, Vicary’s client decided not to use the word.[4]

In the early years of psychology, many doctors noted that patients exhibited behavior that they were not in control of. Some part of the personality seemed to have an influence on that person’s behavior that was not in their conscious control. This part was, by function, unconscious, and became so named the Unconscious. Carl Jung theorized that people connect ideas, feelings, experiences and information by way of associations … that ideas and experiences are linked, or grouped, in the unconscious in such a manner as to exert influence over the individual’s behavior.[] These groupings he named Complexes.[5]

See also[edit]

  • Implicit Association Test
  • iAssociate
  • Password


  1. ^ Dictionary.com
  2. ^ Dictionary.com’s 21st Century Lexicon
  3. ^ Gough, Harrison G. Studying creativity by means of word association tests. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol 61(3), Jun 1976, 348-353
  4. ^ Vance Packard, The Hidden Persuaders, Penguin, 1961 paperback edition, p. 129
  5. ^ Jung, Carl G. (1910). «The Association Method». American Journal of Psychology. 21 (2): 219–269. doi:10.2307/1413002. hdl:11858/00-001M-0000-002B-AD55-2. JSTOR 1413002. Retrieved 16 November 2013.

External links[edit]

  • Critical Stimulus — Psychoanalysis based on Carl Jung’s Association Method
  • powerhouse.me.uk
  • WordAssociation.org
  • Scientific study on word associations in various languages
  • Funny Farm Online Association Game
  • Online game of word association
  • Word Associations Network

When was the last time you played a game that allowed you to fully use your IQ? If you are really interested in these types of games, then you have come to the right place. There are numerous aspects of this activity that make it remarkable so stay tuned, because we are presenting you with a fun way to spend time with your group of friends.

“Word Association” Game Objective

The goal of the game is the following: players must be creative and find connections between various words.

What is Needed to Play “Word Association”

The materials required to play this game are some pieces of paper and some pens, that you will use to write the words.

“Word Association” Game Setup

This game acts as a fast and useful word machine in which multiple words are being generated from the main one raised by the first player. When that first word is spoken, the other players will follow suit by saying words that are related to the first one. All players should be positioned in a circle and when it comes to the location, one should choose a quiet spot. Participants will greatly benefit from playing in a calm atmosphere where they can concentrate and everyone can be clearly heard.

How to Play “Word Association”

Step 1. 

The players will secure a quiet location and form a circle. The leader of the game will read the rules out loud and will make sure everyone understands how to play the game. He will then proceed to write a bunch of different words on the pieces of paper.

Step 2.

The leader will randomly choose a word and start the game. Preferably, it should be a verb or a noun so that you can easily make up other words from thereon.

Step 3.

Afterward, in a clockwise manner, each player will take turns and say a word closely related to the previous one.

Step 4.

The game will continue until somebody is wrong or doesn’t know what to say. The time limit for speaking is 5 seconds and each player must remain within that temporal cycle. If a player repeats a previously spoken word, he is eliminated.

Step 5.

Eliminated players can contribute from outside of the game. They can intercept mistakes or make sure nobody steps over the time limit. To participate directly, the eliminated players must wait until the next round.

How to Win at “Word Association” Game

This is a type of game that demands you to be quick on your feet and think fast and efficiently. In order to win, you have to be mindful of the words you say and to make sure they are in close relation with the previous ones. If your vocabulary isn’t that rich, then chances are you will be eliminated quickly.

The Benefits of Playing “Word Association”

This is a great game if you are looking to test your knowledge. Participants are encouraged to be creative and think quickly. It also helps in developing your IQ, memory, and vocabulary. Moreover, it creates a fun and relaxed atmosphere in which players are comfortable communicating and interacting with one another. 

Word Association Games

A word association game is a game in which a word is given to a student and then that student must say an associated word or phrase. Word association games are a fantastic way to help students practice using their existing vocabulary and to learn new English words.

While playing word association games, students are likely to encounter words that they have not heard before. These words are associated with the vocabulary they already know, and so it is very easy for students to guess the meanings of these new words. This makes word association games fantastic for learning new words.

Let’s look at some different ways in which you can play word association games with your students.

Simple Word Association

The simplest way to play word association games in class is to simply give one student a word and ask that student to say the first thing that comes to mind. For example, if you say the word “drink” a student might say the word “juice”. Then, the next student should say the first word which comes to their mind, for example, “orange”.

If you’re playing this game with kids, then to make it even more fun you could get them to pass a ball as they play. When a student has the ball it is their turn, and once they have said their word they should pass the ball to the next player.

However, if you are playing word association games while social distancing in the classroom, then it is probably best not to pass a ball around. Instead, you could ask your students to stand up from their desks when it is their turn.

Word Association Topics

Another fun way to play word association games in class is to choose a particular topic and ask students to say words associated with that topic. Usually, when playing word association games, students would start at one word, and after a few turns, the words might become completely unrelated to the original topic.

But when playing a word association game with a particular topic, all words must be related to the main topic. For example, if you choose the topic ‘food’ then every word must be a kind of food. If a student says ‘milk’ for example, then that student would be out as it is a drink and not a food.

Here are some topics you could use for your next word association game:

  • Types Of Food
  • Types Of Drinks
  • Countries
  • Hobbies
  • Sports
  • Superheroes
  • Colors
  • Furniture in a house
  • School Subjects
  • Types Of Weather

Guess The Secret Word

A really fun way to get your students thinking while playing a word association game is to have them try and guess a secret word. Rather than have students say any associated word that comes to mind, instead think of a secret word and tell them some words associated with that.

Then students should try to guess what the secret word is. To make it more fun you could even ask students to guess other words which might be associated to the secret word.

For example, if the secret word was ‘yellow’ you could say the word “banana” to your students. Then they might guess something like “apple” and you can tell them it is not related. But when they say something like “lemon” you can tell them that it is associated with it.

After some time students will be able to guess the secret word. This way of playing a word association game is a fantastic way to get students to practice their thinking skills while learning new vocabulary.

Ryhming Words

This way of playing word association games can lead to some hilarious answers. Simply give students a word and ask them to come up with a word which rhymes. In this game, the words don’t necessarily have to be related. They just need to rhyme.

For example, you might say the word “cold” and students might say “old”, “mold”, “bold”, “told”, etc. The first student who can’t come up with a rhyming word is out.

Chain Game

This last word association style game is one you have probably played at some point in your life. In this game a student would say one word and then the next student must say a word which starts with the last letter of the previous word.

For example, if the word was ‘pizza’ then the next student must say a word beginning with ‘a’. Then, the next student might say “apple” and so the next student must say a word beginning with ‘e’. And so, on. The first student who cannot say a word is out.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found some inspiration for your next word association game.

Before you go, don’t forget to check out our free lesson materials, including ESL Games, PowerPoint Games, ESL Worksheets, ESL PowerPoints, and ESL Printables.

Word Association is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together.

How to play

Once an original word has been chosen, usually randomly or arbitrarily, a player will find a word that they associate with it and make it known to all the players, usually by saying it aloud or writing it down as the next item on a list of words so far used. The next player must then do the same with this previous word. This continues in turns for any length of time, but often word limits are set, so that the game is agreed to end after, for instance, 400 words.

Usually, players write down the next word by merely using the first word that comes to their mind after they hear the previous one. Sometimes however they may put in more thought to find a more creative connection between the words. Exchanges are often fast and sometimes unpredictable (though logical patterns can usually be found without difficulty). Sometimes, a lot of the game’s fun can arise from the seemingly strange or amusing associations that people make between words. It is also found amusing what you can get from an original word, and how they contrast distinctly, for example, from the word «tea» you could get the word «murder».

The game can be played actively or passively, sometimes taking many weeks to complete, and can in fact be played with any number of players, even one.Example:
Peter Pan,Pot and pans,Kitchens,


In some games, extra limitations are added, for instance:

* The associations between words must be strictly obvious, rather than the usual «first word that comes to mind», which can often require explaining to see how it is connected with the previous word.
* Word Disassociation (sometimes called «Dissociation») is sometimes played. In this game, the aim is to say a word that is as unrelated as possible to the previous one. In such games, however, it is often found that creativity is lowered and the words stray towards having obvious associations again. There is a song about Word Disassociation by Neil Cicierega (Lemon Demon) on his «Damn Skippy» album. This game is sometimes known as «Word for Word».
* Sometimes, repeated words are forbidden or otherwise noted on a separate list for interest.
* A variant with an arbitrary name (sometimes called Ultra Word Association) involves associating words in a grid, where the first word is placed in the top-left, and where each word must be placed adjacent to another one and must associate with all those words adjacent to it.

A game based on the Word Association game which is sometimes popular for informal social gatherings is «Bobsledding».


Here is an example of how a Word Association game might run:



It is believed by some that this game can reveal something of a person’s subconscious mind (as it shows what things they associate together), however some are skeptical of how effective such a technique could be in psychology. However, more often than not, most of the fun of the game comes from observing the erratic links between words, where the amusement comes from wondering how someone else’s mind managed to make such an association.

Often, the game’s goal is to compare the first and final word, to see if they relate, or to see how different they are, or also to see how many words are repeated. Likewise, players often review the list of words to see the pathways of associations that go from beginning to end.

Certain popular psychologists like Derren Brown have shown an ability to predict people’s word associations, and some suggest that humans actually find it very difficult to «disassociate» words such that they become more predictable when told to do so. For instance, the aforementioned Derren Brown once predicted two words in a sequence of «disassociated» words made by a professional psychologist (after failing twice). Notably, the man disassociated the word «school» with «tie», where the actual «association» is quite clear.

Word association has been used by market researchers to ensure the proper message is conveyed by names or adjectives used in promoting a company’s products. For example, James Vicary, working in the 1950’s, tested the word ‘lagered’ for a brewing company. While about a third of his subjects associated the word with beer, another third associated it with tiredness, dizzyness and so forth. As a result of the study, Vicary’s client decided not to use the word. [Vance Packard, «The Hidden Persuaders», Penguin, 1961 paperback edition, p. 129]

Word association dates back to Avicenna, in the 11th century, who developed a system for associating changes in the pulse rate with inner feelings, which is seen as an anticipation of the word association test. He treated a very ill patient afflicted with love sickness («Ishq») by «feeling the patient’s pulse and reciting aloud to him the names of provinces, districts, towns, streets, and people.» He noticed how the patient’s pulse increased when certain names were mentioned, from which Avicenna deduced that the patient was in love with a girl whose home Avicenna was able to locate through this examination. Avicenna advised the patient to marry the girl he is in love with, and the patient soon recovered from his illness after his marriage.Ibrahim B. Syed PhD, «Islamic Medicine: 1000 years ahead of its times», «Journal of the International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine», 2002 (2): 2-9 [7] ]

In the early years of psychology, many doctors noted that patients exhibited behavior that they were not in control of. Some part of the personality seemed to have an influence on that person’s behavior that was not in his/her conscious control. This part was, by function, unconscious, and became so named the Unconscious. Carl Jung theorized that people connect ideas, feelings, experiences and information by way of associations…..that ideas and experiences are linked, or grouped, in the unconscious in such a manner as to exert influence over the individual’s behavior. These groupings he named Complexes.

The quest for the early analysts was how to access and free the contents of the unconscious. Early methods of this treatment included hypnosis, dream analysis, and word association. Word association research started as a psychological science with Darwin’s cousin, Sir Francis Galton, who thought that there might be a link between a person’s I.Q. (intelligence quotient) and word associations. A typical association is such: if I say «cat», you might say «dog». This indicates that you associate dog with cat, a common association. A common «association test» would be list of trigger words that the person being tested would respond to as quickly as possible. Often these responses were timed, and it became obvious that certain words could cause a considerable delay in the individual’s response. Sir Francis was unable to find a direct link between intelligence and word association, however Jung became curious about the time delay that occurred in responding to certain words. Jung theorized that the delay between stimulus and response indicated some sort of block in self expression. One type of block might be that too many possible answers rush to the surface and create a sort-of expression log-jam, and that one is unable to answer until one sorts out all the possible answers. Another possibility is that the individual feels “uncomfortable” with the response, or that the response is “inappropriate”, thus they resist expressing the answer. This resistance to answer is part of the phenomena that Freud described as repression.

ee also

*Forum game


* [http://www.wordassociation.org/ WordAssociation.org]
* [http://shygypsy.com/farm/p.cgi Funny Farm Online Association Game]

Wikimedia Foundation.

How do you play word associations?

You can let your child pick the first word, for example cat. You then think of a word off the top of your head that is connected like dog it’s an animal. Your child then chooses the next word that they associate with ‘dog’ – for example, ‘bone’. You keep going until you get stuck.

How do you improve word association?

How to improve your vocabularyMake use of spaced repetition algorithms (SRSs) Study vocabulary in context. Make the vocabulary personal, and emotional. Read regularly, and from a variety of sources. Link vocabulary with mnemonics and word associations. Pool new vocabulary from a frequency list.

What is picture word association?

Word-Picture Associations Help Students with LBLD Develop Vocabulary. When such an approach is used for vocabulary instruction, learners do not merely memorize definitions; rather, they build relationships between preexisting knowledge and new information in an attempt to develop their vocabulary base.

What does the word pictures mean?

1 : a design or representation made by various means (such as painting, drawing, or photography) 2a : a description so vivid or graphic as to suggest a mental image or give an accurate idea of something the book gives a detailed picture of what is happening.

What are the three types of association?

The three types of associations include: chance, causal, and non-causal.

What is word association in English?

Word Association is a common word game involving an exchange of words that are associated together.

What is word association technique?

A simple enabling exercise where research participants suggest words they can associate in any way with something relevant to the research, such as a brand or activity. They are asked to do this quickly, without thinking too hard and without analysing or censoring their responses.

Who invented word association?

Francis Galton

What is word storm?

Word Storm is an activity that combines the use of vocabulary words in context with the students’ speculation about their functional application. Students work in pairs or groups and teach each other the vocabulary.

What is Storm Short answer?

A storm is a violent meteorological phenomena in which there is heavy rain, and wind due to moisture in the air. Hail and Lightning are also common in storms. A storm is associated with severe weather and may be marked by strong wind, thunder, lightning and heavy precipitation such as ice.

What makes up a storm?

A thunderstorm is a storm with lightning and thunder. Its produced by a cumulonimbus cloud, usually producing gusty winds, heavy rain and sometimes hail. What causes a thunderstorm? The basic ingredients used to make a thunderstorm are moisture, unstable air and lift.

What does the size and strength of a storm depend on?

The size and strength of a storm depends on the amount of energy in the atmosphere. Greater differences in temperature and air pressure produce stronger storms. Types of storms include thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and winter storms such as blizzards.

How are thunderstorms named or classified?

A thunderstorm is a rain shower during which you hear thunder. Since thunder comes from lightning, all thunderstorms have lightning. A thunderstorm is classified as “severe” when it contains one or more of the following: hail one inch or greater, winds gusting in excess of 50 knots (57.5 mph), or a tornado.

How is the strength of a storm determined?

The intensity of a hurricane is measured by the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. This rates the storms from one to five based on sustained wind speed and the potential property damage those winds can cause. The intensity of a hurricane is measured by the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale.

How is your weather named or classified?

It is not easy to measure wind speed in a tornado. This system is called the F-Scale or Fujita Scale; it classifies tornadoes by their estimated wind speed, which is determined by looking at how strong the wind must have been to cause the resulting damage. Tornadoes are classified into five categories, F-0 through F-5.

What are the 3 types of tornadoes?

Did You Know There’s More than One Type of Tornado?Rope Tornado. The slenderest and most common form of twister is the rope tornado. Cone Tornado. Wedge Tornado. Multi-Vortex and Satellite Tornadoes. Non-Supercell Tornadoes. Size Isn’t Everything.

What is the most powerful tornado ever?

The most “extreme” tornado in recorded history was the Tri-State Tornado, which spread through parts of Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana on Ma. It is considered an F5 on the Fujita Scale, even though tornadoes were not ranked on any scale at the time.

What does the F mean in a tornado?


Can an f1 tornado pick up a person?

Even a tiny tornado can lift a child. The arrow is pointing to a man in a truck being lifted. A person caught by an F1 —-the tornado that lifted the boy—has a chance of survival.

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