What is the fifth word in this sentence

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Is fifth a pronoun?

No, the word ‘fifth’ is a noun and an adjective.Examples:I made the appointment for the fifth of the month. (noun)The office is on the fifth floor. (adjective)A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun in a sentence. The pronoun that takes the place of the noun ‘fifth’ is it.Example:This book is the fifth in the series. It picks up the story right where the last book left off.

What is a sentence including the word cacophony?

Here is a sentence:
What is a sentence including the word cacophony?
That is the sentence

What is the fourth word in this sentence?

The word that is fourth in this sentence is the word fourth.

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a sentence with the word boundary?

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What is the 5th word in this sentence? перевод - What is the 5th word in this sentence? русский как сказать

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What is the 5th word in this sentence?


Результаты (русский) 1: [копия]


Что такое 5 слово в этом предложении?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 2:[копия]


Что является 5-слово в этом предложении?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (русский) 3:[копия]


что 5 — слово в этом предложении?

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

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Complete the following sentences with a / an, the or no article.
1. Text One is very difficult.
2. There is a new word in the second text.
3. There are new words in Text Two.
4. I don’t like Lesson Twenty. It is a easy lesson.
5. Have you bought Book Two?
6. What is the date today? – It’s the second of November.
7. We had six lessons last Wednesday.
8. Who was the first president of the United States?
9. When did Jack London write his first book?
10. Is it your fifth visit to the British Museum?

Complete the following sentences with a / an, the or no article.
1. Are you on the phone?
2. There is a telephone on the desk.
3. Do you like to listen to the radio or watch TV in the evening.
4. – Wait a minute, please. – Sorry, I can’t. I’m in a hurry.
5. Alan’s grandmother always speaks in a very low voice.
6. “Why are you late?” Bob asked in an angry voice.
7. “It’s fantastic!” he said in a loud voice.
8. It takes me an hour to clean the kitchen.
9. There are four weeks in a month.
10. This newspaper comes out six times a week.

What tense should be used if the sentence has one of these words?
1. now – Present Continuous
2. at the moment – Present Continuous
3. recently – Present Perfect
4. the other day – Past Simple
5. last week – Past Simple
6. this week – Present Simple
7. next week – Future Simple
8. already – Present Perfect
9. lately – Present Perfect
10. the day before yesterday – Past Simple

Which is right? Complete the sentences.
1. At the moment the delegation is arriving at the station.
2. The delegation has just arrived at the station.
3. The delegation arrived at the station this morning.
4. The delegation has already arrived at the station.
5. The delegation arrived at the station two hours ago.
6. I am staying at the Sputnik Hotel. I’ll be happy to see you tonight.
7. When I visit Moscow I usually stay at the Sputnik Hotel.
8. I think next time he will stay at the Sputnik Hotel.
9. I was in Moscow two years ago. I stayed at the Sputnik Hotel.
10. I have never stayed at the Sputnik Hotel. Is it a good hotel?

Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. He has already bought a ticket to London.
2. Не has never bought train tickets.
3. He bought the ticket the other day.
4. He bought the ticket two hours ago.
5. He usually buys tickets himself.
6. He is buying a ticket at the moment.
7. He has just bought the ticket.
8. He has bought eleven tickets this month.
9. He bought eleven tickets last month.
10. He has bought eleven tickets lately.

Complete the sentences. Use the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect.
1. The Coopers live in Liverpool.
2. The Coopers have always lived in Liverpool.
3. The Coopers have lived in Liverpool since 1993.
4. The Coopers have lived in Liverpool for two years.
5. I want to be a doctor.
6. I have always wanted to be a doctor.
7. We have had this house since December.
8. Mrs. Norman has known him since 1980.
9. She knows him very well.
10. She has always known him.

Make questions with Who. (Who is the subject of a sentence.) Write short answers.
1. Who is already bought a ticket to New York? I have.
2. Who bought the tickets 3 days ago? They did.
3. Who going to buy ticket to London? we are.
4. Who has always wanted to visit the museum? They have.
5. Who is work hard recently? They have.
6. Who work hard last month? They did.
7. Who was interested in geography? They were.
8. Who has been always interested in history? They have.
9. Who lives in London? His parents do.
10. who has always lived London? His parents have.

Write sentences as in the examples.
1 What a tasty apple! Is the tastiest apple I have ever eaten!
2. What a big tomato! It’s the biggest tomato I have ever seen!
3. What a funny story! It’s the funniest story he had ever written!
4. What an expensive coffee! It’s the most expensive coffee I have ever bought!
5. What a comfortable train! It’s the most comfortable train I have ever seen!
6. What lazy pupil! He’s the laziest pupil I have ever taught!
7. What the fast car! It’s the fastest I have ever seen!
8. What a fantastic trip! It’s the most fantastic trip I have ever had!
9. What the bad present! It’s the worst present she has ever chosen!
10. What a good song! It’s the best song we have ever sung!

Which is right? Complete the sentences.
1. He has never been to Omsk.
2. I have always wanted to see these.
3. Have you ever met his aunt?
4. Have you learnt the new words already?
5. – Who has been to Canada? – They have.
6. They have a lot of work to do, don’t they?
7. There is nobody in the classroom.
8. It is the cheapest ticket I have ever bought.
9. – The bike is too expensive for me. Have you got a cheaper bike? – Sorry, this is the cheapest bike we have.
10. Does it often happen?

Correct each sentence. Do not change the underlined words.
1. I haven’t bought the textbook yet.
2. I have always known him.
3. Have you read Part Two?
4. She has just seen the film.
5. The Williams usually have three meals a day.
6. He often goes to North America, but he has never been in South America!
7. I didn’t buy the ticket yesterday.
8. “Look at the last sentence?” said Mike’s teacher in an angry voice.
9. There is no snow in the street.
10. Who has got much luggage? – We have.

Помогите пожалуйста.
Exercise 8. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.
I wonder if you could tell me who was awarded the _______ (SCHOLAR)?
Do you think that you pay enough _______ (ATTEND) in class?
Could you tell me what the _______ (SOLVE) to number seven is?
My dad said Id better spend more time on my _______ (STUDY).
I would like to know what qualifications _______.(TEACH) require in your country.
Joshua was suspended from school for a week for bad _______ (BEHAVE).
I did six hours of _______ (REVISE) for the test, and I still failed!
Please send photocopies of all your _______ (CERTIFY) to us at the address below.
Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in capitals.
Being unable to read
It seems 1) _______ (THINK) today not to provide children with a decent 2) _______ (EDUCATE).There is such an emphasis on 3) _______ (ACADEMY) achievement these days that its easy to forget what a problem 4) _______ (LITERATE) used to be. Being unable to read can be 5) _______ (INTENSE) embarrassing and can make someone feel like a complete 6) _______ (FAIL). Someone who cant read is often 7) _______ (UNDERSTAND) afraid of certain situations. The problem can seem 8) _______ (SOLVE). However, given the right teacher, a lot of hard work and a 9) _______ (REASON) amount of time, anyone can learn. Being able to read can lead to an 10) _______ (IMPROVE) quality of life.

Ответ оставил Гость

1. Scholarship.
2. Attention.
3. Solution.
4. Studying.
5. For Teaching.
6. Behaviour.
7. Revision.
8. Certificates.

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Check – 3

V – 1

Find the word with the same or similar meaning.

Example: dull – c)

a) original b) fascinating c) boring

1. to report

a) to borrow b) to inform c) to explain

2. advertisement

a) commercial b) review c) quiz

3. headline

a) article
title c) conclusion

4. quality

a) popular b) original c) serious

5. handbook

a) manual b) guidebook c) encyclopedia

6. fascinating

a) gripping b) brilliant c) amusing

Complete each sentence with one of the words or phrases below.

whenever wisdom tabloids events celebrate prove

book broadcast issue suggested

1. … contain a lot of photographs
and have a more sensational reporting style.

2. Smoking is bad. Can you … it?

3. Local newspapers give information on different … happening in the
local area.

4. I’d like to … tickets for a group of students to London.

5. Series is a long drama or comedy or documentary that is … in parts,
usually at a certain time of day.

6. The first … of the newspaper “The Daily Courant” was published in London in 1702.

7. … you ask for help, I’ll help you.

8. My uncle … making green tea as it is very good for the health.

9. Mikhail Lomonosov was known as a man of great … .

10. How did you … the turn of the century?

III. The word in capitals above each of the
following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank
space. Fill each blank in this way.

Example: MANAGE

He is the manager of a popular singer.

1. DAY

… newspapers are published on
every day of the week except Sunday.


Who is your favourite TV … ?


Pamela thinks that the Internet
is the most useful means of … .


I prefer to read articles about
… affairs in our town.


I think CD books will be much
more popular with teenagers of my generation than … books.

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: I’ve got a lot of …
(work/ works) to do for the weekend. –

I’ve got a lot
of work
to do for the weekend.

1. What (is/ are) her progress in

2. (Is/ Are) there any news from Andy?

3. Where (is/ are) Granny’s glasses?

4. (Is/ Are) these goods from America?

5. I got a lot of useful (information/ informations).

6. Do you eat much (fruit/ fruits)?

7. I like any kind of (weather/ weathers).

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct variant.

Example: My mother disapproved of … (to read/ reading)
thrillers. —

My mother
disapproved of reading thrillers.

1. I have never dreamed of (to win/ winning) a competition.

2. My sister always enjoys (to go/ going) for a walk.

3. The angry neighbour told the teenagers to stop (to speak/ speaking)
too loud.

4. Do you think she’ll manage (to pass/ passing) her Maths exam?

5. My mum is always at home. She quitted (to work/ working) last year.

6. The teacher reminded us (to bring/ bringing) some flowers to decorate
the classroom.

7. Linda suggested me (to drink/ drinking) a cup of tea now.

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