The plant is sensitive to extreme heat and cold.
They are living in extreme poverty.
She went on an extreme diet.
Many thought that the punishment was too extreme for the crime.
The plan was rejected as too extreme.
This is an extreme example of what can happen when a company grows too quickly.
He has extreme opinions when it comes to politics.
Members of the extreme right opposed the legislation.
After spending lavishly for years, the company has now gone to the opposite extreme and has cut expenses drastically.
His mood changed from one extreme to the other.
See More
Recent Examples on the Web
Car buyers are increasingly choosing extreme ends of the finance spectrum to afford the high prices.
—Jamie L. Lareau, Detroit Free Press, 3 Apr. 2023
The extreme weather triggered by America’s unique geography creates hazards.
—Seth Borenstein, Fortune, 2 Apr. 2023
The flooding, which follows several years of extreme drought, showcases the weather whiplash typical of California, which vacillates between too wet and too dry.
—Evan Bush, NBC News, 2 Apr. 2023
But the weather doesn’t have to be extreme.
—David Moore, Dallas News, 31 Mar. 2023
The faulty gene causes blood cells to become misshapen into a characteristic crescent or sickle shape that can slow or halt blood flow, damaging tissues and leaving patients in extreme pain.
—Angelica Peebles,, 29 Mar. 2023
The only wiggle room the Israeli leader has, analysts say, is if negotiators reach a moderated judicial overhaul plan bill over the Knesset’s recess period, which ends April 30, and where concessions to his right-wing coalition members need not be too extreme.
—Nadeen Ebrahim, CNN, 29 Mar. 2023
Hundreds of people, primarily teenagers, gathered outside the Kentucky state Capitol Wednesday to protest against one of the most extreme anti-transgender rights bills in the country, which the Senate is expected to vote into law.
—Tori Otten, The New Republic, 29 Mar. 2023
After mapping dozens of possible scenarios, Republican legislative leaders settled on the most extreme partisan gerrymandering possible.
—Dan Kaufman, The New Yorker, 28 Mar. 2023
The world has already warmed 1.1°C, and, as the New York Times reports, with every additional fraction of a degree, tens of millions more people worldwide will be exposed to life-threatening climatic extremes, from heat waves to floods, to scarcity of food and fresh water.
—Ginny Whitelaw, Forbes, 1 Apr. 2023
But on the way to making its case that both parties are beholden to their extremes, the video includes a pretty glaring omission: the sitting president and mainstream Democrat who handily defeated Sanders, Warren, and others in the last Democratic presidential primary.
—Daniel Strauss, The New Republic, 28 Mar. 2023
Sondheim, himself a protégé of Hammerstein, took this to extremes in the ’70s, veering away from the traditional song form in favor of accretive harmonic shapes that provided rich subtext for his lyrics — so much so that critics began complaining of having nothing to hum.
—Vulture, 28 Mar. 2023
Going to extremes to pay for college:A new reality for some families Federal data show that the net price for Kalamazoo’s highest-income students fell 5% while rising 26% for its lowest-income students.
—Jon Marcus And Fazil Khan, USA TODAY, 27 Mar. 2023
Chapter 4 takes the nonstop choreography of mano a mano combat, foot chases, car chases, and gun violence to delirious extremes.
—Armond White, National Review, 24 Mar. 2023
Scientists have long cautioned that warming temperatures would lead to wetter and drier global extremes such as severe rainfall and intense droughts.
—David Gelles, New York Times, 24 Mar. 2023
To make the Fleetwood fit this role, Cadillac has pushed its styling and handling to extremes inappropriate to the size and design of the new C-bodies.
—Csaba Csere, Car and Driver, 16 Mar. 2023
Her choices are intensified by the shrewd sound design, which features the unsettling buzz of an active hive whenever Dre is pushed to emotional extremes.
—Joshua Alston, Variety, 15 Mar. 2023
See More
These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘extreme.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
- extreme
- ɪksˈtri:m
1. сущ.
1) а) противоположность the intermediate space between those extremes ≈ промежуточное пространство между двумя крайностями Extremes meet. ≈ Противоположности сходятся. б) лог. крайние члены силлогизма (субъекты и предикаты, соединяемые общим средним термином) в) мн.;
мат. крайние члены (математической пропорции)
2) высокая степень чего-либо, высшее достижение He was dressed in the extreme of the English fashion. ≈ Он был одет по последнему слову английской моды.
3) крайность at the other extreme ≈ в другой крайности to run to an extreme ≈ впадать в крайность This would be running into a very absurd extreme. ≈ В таком случае это дойдет просто до абсурда.
2. прил.
1) самый отдаленный, крайний, предельный Syn : last, outermost, utmost, uttermost, farthest
2) а) непомерный, чрезвычайный, чрезмерный He knew that he was in extreme peril. ≈ Он знал, что находился в большой опасности. Syn : extraordinary б) исключительный, особенный The nature of anything is best known from the examination of extreme cases. ≈ Сущность чего бы то ни было познается в исследовании каких-либо особенных случаев. Syn : special
3) уст. последний my extreme hope ≈ моя последняя надежда
крайняя степень — in the * в высшей степени, чрезвычайно — at the * of poverty в ужасающей /страшной/ нищете — to run to an * впадать в крайность — to go to *s удариться в крайности;
прибегать к крайним мерам — I find the task wearisome in the * я считаю эту работу в высшей степени скучной — his enthusiasm was carried to the * его энтузиазм не знал предела обыкн. pl (крайняя) противоположность;
диаметрально противоположные предметы или явления — love and hate are *s любовь и ненависть — противоположные чувства — *s meet крайности /противоположности/ сходятся — to go to the other * впадать в другую крайность (математика) экстремум, экстремальное, крайнее значение (математика) крайний член пропорции (логика) крайний термин (больший или меньший в отличие от среднего) крайний, предельный;
самый дальний — the * edge /border/ of a field самый (дальний) край поля — * length наибольшая длина — * range крайний предел, максимум;
наибольшая дальность (полета) (военное) предел досягаемости — * old age глубокая старость — * youth ранняя молодость, юность — the country’s * north крайний север страны — at the * end в самом конце крайний, чрезвычайный;
высший — * patience величайшее терпение — * poverty крайняя нищета — * penalty (юридическое) высшая мера наказания — * fashions крайности моды — * cold weather clothing (специальное) полярное обмундирование — to go on an * diet сесть на голодную диету предельный, экстремальный — * conditions предельно тяжелые /экстремальные/ условия работы или испытания крайний, экстремистский — to hold * views придерживаться крайних воззрений, быть экстремистом
extreme pl мат. крайние члены (пропорции)
~ крайний;
extreme old age глубокая старость;
extreme views крайние, экстремистские взгляды;
extreme youth ранняя молодость
~ крайний;
extreme old age глубокая старость;
extreme views крайние, экстремистские взгляды;
extreme youth ранняя молодость ~ крайний ~ крайняя степень, крайность;
to run to an extreme впадать в крайность;
to go to extremes идти на крайние меры ~ последний;
in one’s extreme moments перед смертью ~ предельный ~ чрезвычайный ~ экстремальный
the ~ penalty (of the law) юр. высшая мера наказания
~ reform радикальная реформа
~ крайний;
extreme old age глубокая старость;
extreme views крайние, экстремистские взгляды;
extreme youth ранняя молодость
~ крайний;
extreme old age глубокая старость;
extreme views крайние, экстремистские взгляды;
extreme youth ранняя молодость
in the ~ в высшей степени;
extremes meet крайности сходятся
~ крайняя степень, крайность;
to run to an extreme впадать в крайность;
to go to extremes идти на крайние меры
~ последний;
in one’s extreme moments перед смертью
in the ~ в высшей степени;
extremes meet крайности сходятся
~ крайняя степень, крайность;
to run to an extreme впадать в крайность;
to go to extremes идти на крайние меры
sample ~ крайнее значение выборки
smallest ~ нижний предел
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь.
Смотреть что такое «extreme» в других словарях:
extrême — [ ɛkstrɛm ] adj. et n. m. • estreme XIIIe; lat. extremus, superl. de exter → 1. extérieur I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui est tout à fait au bout, qui termine (un espace, une durée). L extrême limite. ⇒ dernier. À l extrême pointe : tout au bout. Point, zone… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Extreme — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Extreme Gary Cherone y Nuno Bettencourt, 2008 Información personal … Wikipedia Español
Extreme — or Xtreme may refer to:In music: *Extreme (band), an American band ** Extreme (album), an album by Extreme *Xtreme (group), a Latin music group ** Xtreme (album), an album by Xtreme * Extremes (album), an album by Collin Raye *Extreme Records, a… … Wikipedia
Extreme — Ex*treme , a. [L. extremus, superl. of exter, extrus, on the outside, outward: cf. F. extr[^e]me. See {Exterior}.] 1. At the utmost point, edge, or border; outermost; utmost; farthest; most remote; at the widest limit. [1913 Webster] 2. Last;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
extreme — EXTREME. adj. de tout genre. Qui est au dernier point, au souverain degré. Extreme joye. extreme plaisir. extreme passion. amour extreme. extreme peine. extreme misere. besoin. extreme. extreme malheur. extreme froid. chaleur extreme. rigueur… … Dictionnaire de l’Académie française
Extreme — Pays d’origine Malden, Massachusetts … Wikipédia en Français
Extreme G — Éditeur Acclaim Développeur Probe Entertainment Date de sortie AN 25 octobre 1997 EUR 9 décembre 1997 JAP … Wikipédia en Français
Extreme-G — Éditeur Acclaim Développeur Probe Entertainment Date de sortie AN 25 octobre 1997 EUR 9 décembre 1997 JAP … Wikipédia en Français
Extreme-G 2 — Éditeur Acclaim Développeur Probe Entertainment Date de sortie AN7 octobre 1998 JAP1999 Genre Course … Wikipédia en Français
extreme — [ek strēm′, ikstrēm′] adj. [ME & OFr < L extremus, last, outermost, superl. of exterus, outer: see EXTERNAL] 1. at the end or outermost point; farthest away; most remote; utmost 2. a) in or to the greatest degree; very great or greatest… … English World dictionary
Extreme 40 — Des Extreme 40 lors de l iShares Cup 2008 à Kiel Gréement Marconi avec GV à corne Débuts … Wikipédia en Français
Britannica Dictionary definition of EXTREME
very great in degree
The plant is sensitive to extreme heat and cold.
They are living in extreme poverty.
If you have to go out in the storm, use extreme caution. [=be very careful]
Extreme accuracy is required.
extreme old age
[more extreme; most extreme]
very serious or severe
She went on an extreme diet.
Many thought that the punishment was too extreme for the crime.
extreme weather conditions
This situation calls for extreme [=drastic] measures.
The plan was rejected as too extreme.
This is an extreme example of what can happen when a company grows too quickly.
[more extreme; most extreme]
very far from agreeing with the opinions of most people
not moderate
He has extreme opinions when it comes to politics.
Members of the extreme right/left opposed the legislation.
always used before a noun
in the farthest possible position
In the photo, she is at/on the extreme right/left. [=she is in the position that is farthest to the right/left]
The city is in the extreme northern part of the state.
unusual and dangerous
extreme sports
He is a fan of extreme skiing/snowboarding.
always used before a noun,
involved in an unusually dangerous sport
competing in an extreme sport
an extreme athlete
He is an extreme snowboarder/skier.
go to extreme lengths
see length
It is extremely [=very] hot/cold in here.
She is extremely generous.
The story has an extremely complicated plot.
It is extremely [=highly, very] unlikely that we will know anyone there.
Britannica Dictionary definition of EXTREME
either one of two opposite conditions, feelings, positions, etc., that are thought of as being far from what is normal or reasonable
After spending lavishly for years, the company has now gone to the opposite/other extreme and has cut expenses drastically.
His mood changed/swung from one extreme to the other.
— often plural
experiencing extremes of emotion
The temperature in the desert ranges between extremes of heat and cold.
Their political views represent the extremes within the party.
There are people at both extremes within the party.
an amount or degree that is far beyond what is normal or reasonable
The movie changes the story to such an extreme [=changes it so much] that it’s hardly recognizable.
They are being pushed/driven to ridiculous extremes. [=being forced to do much more than seems reasonable]
◊ If you carry/take (something) to extremes or go to extremes, you do much more than most people would consider reasonable or normal.
The problems in our school system can be solved without going to (such) extremes.
Problems can occur when people carry/take dieting to extremes.
to the greatest possible degree
— used to make a statement more forceful
I’m finding it difficult in the extreme [=very/extremely difficult] to deal with this situation.
Other forms: extremes; extremest
Something extreme is far out, either in terms of distance or intensity. Extreme sports are wild or dangerous, and an extreme height is very high.
When you talk about extreme things, you’re talking about things that are very, very…something. An extreme point is the farthest distance from a place. Extreme eating is a type of contest — like hot dog-eating — in which people eat a freakish amount of food to compete with each other. An extreme biker is biking down dangerously steep mountain sides. Anything extreme is pushing the limits and taking things about as far as they can go.
Definitions of extreme
of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity
“extreme cold”
“extreme caution”
“extreme pleasure”
utmost, uttermost
possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree
far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree; to an utmost degree
extreme example”“extreme temperatures”
“extreme danger”
beyond reasonable limits
beyond a norm in views or actions
extreme conservative”“an
extreme liberal”“extreme views on integration”
“extreme opinions”
beyond reasonable limits
the furthest or highest degree of something
“he carried it to
extremes” -
most distant in any direction
extreme edge of town”-
separated in space or coming from or going to a distance
the point located farthest from the middle of something
DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘extreme’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of or its editors.
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Extreme may refer to:
Science and mathematicsEdit
- Extreme point, a point in a convex set which does not lie in any open line segment joining two points in the set
- Maxima and minima, extremes on a mathematical function
- Extremophile, an organism which thrives in or requires «extreme»
- Extremes on Earth
- List of extrasolar planet extremes
- Extremism, political ideologies or actions deemed outside the acceptable range
- The Extreme (Italy) or Historical Far Left, a left-wing parliamentary group in Italy 1867–1904
- Extreme Networks, a California-based networking hardware company
- Extreme Records, an Australia-based record label
- Extreme Associates, a California-based adult film studio
Computer scienceEdit
- Xtreme Mod, a peer-to-peer file sharing client for Windows
Sports and entertainmentEdit
- Extreme sport
- Extreme Sports Channel A global sports and lifestyle brand dedicated to extreme sports and youth culture
- Los Angeles Xtreme, a defunct XFL franchise
- Extreme metal, an umbrella term for a group of related heavy metal subgenres
- Extreme (band), an American band
- Extreme (album), an album by Extreme
- Xtreme (group), a bachata duo
- Xtreme (album), an album by Xtreme
- Extremes (album), an album by Collin Raye
- X-Treme, a stage name of Italian singer and producer Agostino Carollo
- Extreme Sports Channel, a global TV channel dedicated to extreme sports and youth culture
- RTL CBS Extreme, a Southeast Asian TV channel simply known as «Extreme» prior to the rebranding as Blue Ant Extreme
- Extreme (1995 TV series), a 1995 American action series that aired on ABC
- Extreme (2009 TV series), a 2009 American television series that aired on the Travel Channel
- «Extreme» (CSI: Miami), a season two episode of CSI: Miami
- The Extreme (novel), a 1998 Animorphs novel by K. A. Applegate
- Extremes (novel), by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
- Extreme Studios, a forerunner of the American comic book studio Image Comics
- Adam X the X-Treme, a character in the Marvel Comics universe
- Extreme, an autobiography by Sharon Osbourne
Other usesEdit
- Chevrolet Extreme, a name for the Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck
- Extrême, a pre-filled ice-cream cone brand by Nestlé
See alsoEdit
Wikiquote has quotations related to Extremes.
- Extremities (disambiguation)
- Lunatic fringe (disambiguation)