What is the appropriate meaning of the word accord



From Middle English accorden, acorden, borrowed from Old French acorder (compare modern French accord and accorder), from Vulgar Latin *accordāre, from Latin concordāre via suffix substitution (with Latin ad-), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *ḱḗr ~ *ḱr̥d-, and thus distantly related to English heart (via Proto-Germanic *hertô).


  • (UK) IPA(key): /əˈkɔːd/
  • (US) IPA(key): /əˈkɔɹd/
  • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)d


accord (countable and uncountable, plural accords)

  1. Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action.
  2. A harmony in sound, pitch and tone; concord.
    • 17th century, Sir John Davies, The Self-Subsistence of the Soul:

      Those sweet accords are even the angels’ lays.

  3. Agreement or harmony of things in general.

    the accord of light and shade in painting

  4. (countable, perfumery) A distinctive mixture of fragrances or the odor thereof.
    • 2010 November 18, Daphna Havkin-Frenkel; Faith C. Belanger, Handbook of Vanilla Science and Technology, John Wiley & Sons, →ISBN:

      Oriental fragrances often incorporate an accord referred to as amber. It is a perfumery accord using vanilla, olibanum, balsamic resins, and citrus to varying degrees.

    • 2016 October 15, Valerie Ann Worwood, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, Revised and Expanded: Over 800 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Recipes to Create Health, Beauty, and Safe Home and Work Environments, New World Library, →ISBN, page 450:

      Accord is the perfumer’s word for a perfume formulation that can be incorporated into any perfume calling for a particular note.

  5. (law) An agreement between parties in controversy, by which satisfaction for an injury is stipulated, and which, when executed, prevents a lawsuit.
  6. (international law) An international agreement.

    The Geneva Accord of 1954 ended the French-Indochinese War.

  7. (obsolete) Assent
  8. Voluntary or spontaneous impulse to act.

    Nobody told me to do it. I did it of my own accord.


  • (concurrence of opinion): consent, assent
  • (international agreement): treaty

Derived terms[edit]

  • bon-accord
  • of one’s own accord
  • with one accord


  • chord


agreement or concurrence of opinion

  • Arabic: تَفَاهُم‎ m (tafāhum)
  • Bengali: সামঞ্জস্য (śamonjośśo)
  • Belarusian: пагадне́нне n (pahadnjénnje)
  • Bulgarian: съгла́сие (bg) n (sǎglásie)
  • Cebuano: panaghiuyon
  • Czech: souhlas (cs) m
  • Estonian: kokkulepe
  • Finnish: sopusointu (fi)
  • French: entente (fr) f
  • German: Übereinstimmung (de) f, Einvernehmen (de) n, Übereinkommen (de) n, Übereinkunft (de) f
  • Hebrew: הֶסְכֵּם‎ m (heskem)
  • Hindi: समझौता (hi) m (samjhautā)
  • Ido: akordo (io)
  • Indonesian: kesepakatan (id), persetujuan (id)
  • Interlingua: accordo
  • Italian: accordo (it) m
  • Japanese: 合意 (ja) (ごうい, gōi)
  • Korean: 협정 (hyeopjeong)
  • Macedonian: слога f (sloga), сложност f (složnost)
  • Polish: porozumienie (pl) n
  • Portuguese: acordo (pt) m
  • Romanian: acord (ro) n, înțelegere (ro) f
  • Russian: согла́сие (ru) n (soglásije)
  • Spanish: acuerdo (es) m, convenio (es) m
  • Ukrainian: зго́да f (zhóda)

harmony of sounds

  • Bengali: সামঞ্জস্য (śamonjośśo)
  • Belarusian: ако́рд m (akórd), гармо́нія (be) f (harmónija)
  • Bulgarian: ако́рд (bg) m (akórd), хармо́ния (bg) f (harmónija)
  • Dutch: akkoord (nl) n
  • Finnish: harmonia (fi)
  • German: Akkord (de) m
  • Hindi: समझौता (hi) m (samjhautā)
  • Korean: 일치 (ko) (ilchi)
  • Polish: akord (pl)
  • Russian: акко́рд (ru) m (akkórd), гармо́ния (ru) f (garmónija)
  • Ukrainian: ако́рд (uk) m (akórd), гармо́нія (uk) f (harmónija)


accord (third-person singular simple present accords, present participle according, simple past and past participle accorded)

  1. (transitive) To make to agree or correspond; to suit one thing to another; to adjust.
  2. (transitive) To bring (people) to an agreement; to reconcile, settle, adjust or harmonize.
    • 1660, Robert South, The Scribe instructed, &c.:

      all which particulars, being confessedly knotty and difficult, can never be accorded but by a competent stock of critical learning

  3. (intransitive) To agree or correspond; to be in harmony; to be concordant.
    • 1671, John Milton, “The Third Book”, in Paradise Regain’d. A Poem. In IV Books. To which is Added, Samson Agonistes, London: [] J. M[acock] for John Starkey [], →OCLC, lines 9–11, page 54:

      Thy actions to thy words accord, thy words / To thy large heart give utterance due, thy heart / Conteins of good, wiſe, juſt, the perfect ſhape.

    • 1910, Emerson Hough, chapter II, in The Purchase Price: Or The Cause of Compromise, Indianapolis, Ind.: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, →OCLC:

      Carried somehow, somewhither, for some reason, on these surging floods, were these travelers, []. Even such a boat as the Mount Vernon offered a total deck space so cramped as to leave secrecy or privacy well out of the question, even had the motley and democratic assemblage of passengers been disposed to accord either.

  4. (intransitive) To agree in pitch and tone.
  5. (transitive, law) To grant as suitable or proper; to concede or award.
    • 1817 December, Percy Bysshe Shelley, “The Revolt of Islam. []”, in [Mary] Shelley, editor, The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. [], volume I, London: Edward Moxon [], published 1839, →OCLC, page 217:

      And, when the blinding tears had fallen, I saw
      That column, and those corpses, and the moon,
      And felt the poisonous tooth of hunger gnaw
      My vitals, I rejoiced, as if the boon
      Of senseless death would be accorded soon;— []

    • 1951, United Nations, Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, article 14:

      In respect of the protection of industrial property, [] a refugee shall be accorded in the country in which he has his habitual residence the same protection as is accorded to nationals of that country.

    • 2010 December 16, European Court of Human Rights, A, B and C v. Ireland[1], number 25579/05, marginal 235:

      In the present case, and contrary to the Government’s submission, the Court considers that there is indeed a consensus amongst a substantial majority of the Contracting States of the Council of Europe towards allowing abortion on broader grounds than accorded under Irish law.

  6. (intransitive, obsolete) To give consent.
  7. (intransitive, archaic) To arrive at an agreement.

Derived terms[edit]


transitive: to make to agree or correspond

transitive: to bring to an agreement

intransitive: to agree or correspond; to be in harmony


  • Cradoc



Deverbal from accorder. Compare with Catalan acord.


  • IPA(key): /a.kɔʁ/


accord m (plural accords)

  1. chord
  2. agreement
  3. permission, consent

Derived terms[edit]

  • accord parfait
  • accorder
  • d’accord
  • d’un commun accord
  • désaccord


  • Danish: akkord
  • German: Akkord
  • Norwegian Bokmål: akkord
  • Norwegian Nynorsk: akkord
  • Ottoman Turkish: اقورد(akord)
    • Turkish: akor, akort
  • Swedish: ackord

Further reading[edit]

  • “accord”, in Trésor de la langue française informatisé [Digitized Treasury of the French Language], 2012.


  • cocard



(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


accord m (plural accords)

  1. (Jersey) agreement
  • С русского на:
  • Английский
  • С английского на:
  • Все языки
  • Азербайджанский
  • Албанский
  • Арабский
  • Африкаанс
  • Болгарский
  • Венгерский
  • Вьетнамский
  • Гаитянский
  • Греческий
  • Грузинский
  • Датский
  • Иврит
  • Индонезийский
  • Ирландский
  • Исландский
  • Испанский
  • Итальянский
  • Казахский
  • Каталанский
  • Корейский
  • Латинский
  • Латышский
  • Литовский
  • Македонский
  • Монгольский
  • Немецкий
  • Нидерландский
  • Норвежский
  • Папьяменто
  • Персидский
  • Польский
  • Португальский
  • Румынский, Молдавский
  • Русский
  • Сербский
  • Словацкий
  • Словенский
  • Суахили
  • Тагальский
  • Тамильский
  • Турецкий
  • Украинский
  • Урду
  • Финский
  • Французский
  • Хинди
  • Хорватский
  • Чешский
  • Шведский
  • Эстонский
  • 1

    accord [əˊkɔ:d]

    1) согла́сие;

    2) соотве́тствие, гармо́ния

    3) неофициа́льное соглаше́ние



    акко́рд, созву́чие

    1) согласо́вывать(ся); соотве́тствовать, гармони́ровать

    2) предоставля́ть, жа́ловать; ока́зывать;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > accord

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > accord

  • 3

    Politics english-russian dictionary > accord

  • 4

    1. сущ.
    1) одобрение, согласие in accord with smth. ≈ в соответствии с чем-л., согласно чему-л. out of accord with smth. ≈ вразрез( в противоречии) с чем-л. Old enemies can become new friends even if all their national interests are not in complete accord. ≈ Старые враги могут стать новыми друзьями, даже если их национальные интересы не полностью совпадают.
    2) соглашение;
    договоренность, сделка to come to accord, reach an accord ≈ достичь согласия They came to an accord that profits would be shared equally. ≈ Они договорились разделить доходы поровну. We reached an accord with the neighboring country about our common border. ≈ Мы достигли консенсуса с сопредельным государством по вопросу общей границы. Syn: contract, agreement
    3) гармония, соответствие Syn: conformity, compliance
    4) муз. аккорд, созвучие ∙
    2. гл.
    1) (обыкн. with) согласовываться, гармонировать, соответствовать to accord with ≈ соответствовать;
    гармонировать accord with what has gone before ≈ согласовываться/совпадать с тем, что было прежде to accord with smb.’s wishes ≈ отвечать( чьим-л.) желаниям Our information does not accord with his report. ≈ Наша информация не согласуется с его рапортом. It doesn’t accord with what you said yesterday. ≈ Это не соответствует тому, что вы говорили вчера. Unfortunately, the young man’s political principles do not accord with those of his father. ≈ К несчастью, политические принципы молодого человека не согласуются с принципами его отца.
    2) предоставлять, жаловать;
    оказывать to accord a favour ≈ оказать( кому-л.) услугу to accord permission ≈ дать разрешение( кому-л.) to be accorded permission ≈ получить разрешение (сделать что-л.) to accord a request ≈ выполнить( чью-л.) просьбу to accord a hearty welcome ≈ оказать радушный прием to be accorded wide recognition ≈ получить широкое признание He was accorded honours (a warm welcome). ≈ Ему были оказаны почести (теплый прием). We accorded a hero’s welcome to him (we accorded him a hero’s welcome). ≈ Мы встретили его как героя. Syn: give

    согласие, единство;
    — true * of hearts подлинный союз сердец;
    — to be in *, to be of one * сходиться во взглядах, придерживаться одного мнения;
    — to bring into * согласовывать гармоничное сочетание, гармония ( красок и т. п.) (музыкальное) аккорд соглашение;
    договоренность > of its own * само по себе, самотеком;
    > of one’s own * добровольно, по собственной воле, по собственному почину;
    > with one * единодушно, единогласно;
    > in * with smth. в соответствии с чем-л., согласно чему-л.;
    > out of * with smth. вразрез с чем-л. предоставлять, жаловать;
    — to * a warm welcome оказать теплый прием;
    — to * smb. permission дать разрешение кому-л.;
    — to be *ed permission to do smth. получить разрешение сделать что-л.;
    — to be *ed recognition получить широкое признание (обыкн. with) согласовываться, гармонировать, соответствовать;
    — his conduct and his principles do not * его поведение плохо согласуется с его принципами;
    — to * with smb.’s hopes отвечать чьим-л. надеждам

    accord муз. аккорд, созвучие;
    of one’s own accord добровольно;
    of its own accord самотеком ~ договор ~ договоренность ~ единство ~ предоставлять, жаловать;
    to accord a hearty welcome оказать радушный прием;
    to be accorded wide recognition получить широкое признание ~ предоставлять ~ согласие;
    with one accord единодушно ~ согласие ~ согласие;
    соглашение ~ согласовывать(ся) ;
    соответствовать, гармонировать ~ согласовывать ~ соглашаться ~ соглашение ~ соответствие, гармония ~ соответствовать ~ улаживать

    ~ предоставлять, жаловать;
    to accord a hearty welcome оказать радушный прием;
    to be accorded wide recognition получить широкое признание

    ~ предоставлять, жаловать;
    to accord a hearty welcome оказать радушный прием;
    to be accorded wide recognition получить широкое признание

    accord муз. аккорд, созвучие;
    of one’s own accord добровольно;
    of its own accord самотеком

    accord муз. аккорд, созвучие;
    of one’s own accord добровольно;
    of its own accord самотеком

    ~ согласие;
    with one accord единодушно

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > accord

  • 5


    accord муз. аккорд, созвучие; of one’s own accord добровольно; of its own accord самотеком accord договор accord договоренность accord единство accord предоставлять, жаловать; оказывать; to accord a hearty welcome оказать радушный прием; to be accorded wide recognition получить широкое признание accord предоставлять accord согласие; with one accord единодушно accord согласие accord согласие; соглашение accord согласовывать(ся); соответствовать, гармонировать accord согласовывать accord соглашаться accord соглашение accord соответствие, гармония accord соответствовать accord улаживать accord предоставлять, жаловать; оказывать; to accord a hearty welcome оказать радушный прием; to be accorded wide recognition получить широкое признание accord and satisfaction мировое соглашение accord and satisfaction соглашение о замене исполнения accord предоставлять, жаловать; оказывать; to accord a hearty welcome оказать радушный прием; to be accorded wide recognition получить широкое признание accord муз. аккорд, созвучие; of one’s own accord добровольно; of its own accord самотеком accord муз. аккорд, созвучие; of one’s own accord добровольно; of its own accord самотеком accord согласие; with one accord единодушно

    English-Russian short dictionary > accord

  • 6

    1. n согласие, единство; гармония

    2. n гармоничное сочетание, гармония

    3. n муз. аккорд

    4. n соглашение; договор; договорённость

    5. v предоставлять, жаловать

    6. v согласовываться, гармонировать, соответствовать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. agreement (noun) agreement; chime; chorus; concert; concord; concordance; concurrence; conformity; consent; consonance; convention; deal; harmony; pact; peace; rapport; treaty; tune; unanimity; understanding

    5. adapt (verb) accommodate; adapt; conform; fit; reconcile; suit

    6. agree (verb) affirm; agree; assent; be harmonious; be in harmony; check; check out; cohere; coincide; comport; concur; consist; consort; correspond; dovetail; fit in; get together; go; harmonise; harmonize; jibe; march; match; quadrate; rhyme; square; tally

    7. grant (verb) allow; award; bestow; concede; confer; deign; give; give in; give up; grant; present; show; vouchsafe; yield

    Антонимический ряд:

    argue; challenge; conflict; contend; controvert; deny; differ; disagree; disagreement; disallow; dispute; dissension; oppose; opposition; strife; withhold

    English-Russian base dictionary > accord

  • 7



    1) согласие, единство, согласованность

    in accord with smth. — в соответствии с чем-л., согласно чему-л.

    out of accord with smth. — вразрез с чем-л., в противоречии с чем-л.

    Old enemies can become new friends even if all their national interests are not in complete accord. — Старые враги могут стать новыми друзьями, даже если их национальные интересы не полностью совпадают.

    2) соглашение; договор; договорённость

    Dayton Accords — полит. Дейтонские соглашения

    to come to accord, to reach an accord — достичь договорённости

    They came to an accord that profits would be shared equally. — Они договорились разделить доходы поровну.

    We reached an accord with the neighbouring country about our common border. — Мы достигли соглашения с сопредельным государством по вопросу общей границы.


    3) гармония, соответствие





    1) гармонировать, соответствовать, согласовываться

    to accord with smb.’s wishes — отвечать чьим-л. желаниям

    Our information does not accord with his report. — Наша информация не согласуется с его рапортом.

    It doesn’t accord with what you said yesterday. — Это не соответствует тому, что вы говорили вчера.

    Unfortunately, the young man’s political principles do not accord with those of his father. — К сожалению, политические принципы молодого человека не согласуются с принципами его отца.

    2) предоставлять, оказывать; жаловать, даровать

    to be accorded permission to do smth. — получить разрешение сделать что-л.

    to accord smb.’s request — выполнить чью-л. просьбу

    We accorded him a hero’s welcome. — Мы встретили его как героя.


    Англо-русский современный словарь > accord

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > accord

  • 9





    одобрение, согласие









    предоставлять, оказывать




    согласовываться, гармонировать, соответствовать

    to accord with smb.’s aspirations — соответствовать (чьим-л.) стремлениям

    * * *

    «соглашение Плаза»: соглашение пяти ведущих стран Запада (США, Великобритания, Франция, Германия и Япония) в сентябре 1985 г. в Нью-Йорке в отеле «Плаза» о совместных координированных валютных интервенциях для ослабления доллара США.

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > accord

  • 10

    1. [əʹkɔ:d]

    1. согласие, единство; гармония

    to be in accord, to be of one accord — сходиться во взглядах, придерживаться одного мнения

    2. гармоничное сочетание, гармония ()

    4. соглашение; договор; договорённость

    of its own accord — само по себе, самотёком

    of one’s own accord — добровольно, по собственной воле, по собственному почину

    with one accord — единодушно, единогласно

    in accord with smth. — в соответствии с чем-л., согласно чему-л.

    out of accord with smth. — вразрез /в противоречии/ с чем-л.

    2. [əʹkɔ:d]

    1. предоставлять, жаловать

    to accord a warm [hearty] welcome — оказать тёплый [радушный /сердечный/] приём

    to accord smb. permission — дать разрешение кому-л.

    to be accorded permission to do smth. — получить разрешение сделать что-л.

    2. (

    with) согласовываться, гармонировать, соответствовать

    his conduct and his principles do not accord — его поведение плохо согласуется с его принципами

    to accord with smb.’s hopes [wishes] — отвечать чьим-л. надеждам [желаниям]

    НБАРС > accord

  • 11

    1) согласие, единство

    1) предоставлять, оказывать

    2) согласовываться, соответствовать

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > accord

  • 12

    1. I

    2. V

    accord smb. smth. offic. accord smb. permission давать /предоставлять/ кому-л. разрешение; accord smb. a request выполнить чью-л. просьбу; accord smb. a favour оказать кому-л. услугу; the government accorded the new ambassador full recognition правительство признало полномочия нового посла

    3. XI

    4. XVI

    accord with smth. accord with one’s principles согласовываться /находиться в соответствии/ с чьими-л. принципами и т. д., соответствовать чьим-л. принципам и т. д.; his statement accords with the previous evidence его заявление не противоречит предыдущим показаниям

    5. XXVII1

    accord with what… accord with what has gone before согласовываться /находиться в соответствии, совпадать/ с тем, что было /происходило/ прежде и т. д.

    English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases > accord

  • 13

    1) согласие; соглашение | соглашаться

    2) предоставлять; жаловать

    to accord prosecution — 1. предоставить слово для обвинения 2. согласиться с доводами обвинения;

    Англо-русский юридический словарь > accord

  • 14

    1) согласие; with one accord единодушно

    2) соглашение

    3) соответствие, гармония

    of one’s own accord добровольно

    of its own accord самотеком

    1) согласовывать(ся); соответствовать, гармонировать

    2) предоставлять, жаловать; оказывать; to accord a hearty welcome оказать радушный прием; to be accorded wide recognition получить широкое признание



    * * *

    1 (n) согласие

    2 (v) оказывать

    * * *

    одобрение, согласие

    * * *

    [ac·cord || ə’kɔːd]
    согласие, соглашение; единство; гармония; договор, договоренность; созвучие, соответствие, аккорд
    предоставлять, жаловать, оказывать; согласовывать, уладить; гармонировать, согласовываться, соответствовать

    * * *








    * * *

    1. сущ.
    1) одобрение
    2) соглашение
    2. гл.
    1) (обыкн. accord with) согласовываться
    2) предоставлять

    Новый англо-русский словарь > accord

  • 15

    согласие; соглашение; согласовываться; в соответствии с

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > accord

  • 16


    1) одобрение; согласие, гармония

    out of accord with smth. — вразрез/в противоречии с чём-либо

    2) соглашение, договор, сделка

    3) муз. созвучие, аккорд

    1) соответствовать, гармонировать

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > accord

  • 17

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > accord

  • 18

    1. аккорд; согласие, единство, гармония;

    2. соглашение, договор;

    accord and satisfaction — мировое соглашение.

    * * *


    1) аккорд; согласие, единство, гармония;

    2) соглашение, договор;

    Англо-русский словарь по социологии > accord

  • 19

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > accord

  • 20

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > accord


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • accord — [ akɔr ] n. m. • acort XIIe; acorde v. 1080; de accorder I ♦ (Personnes) 1 ♦ État qui résulte d une communauté ou d une conformité de pensées, de sentiments. ⇒ communion, concert, concorde, entente, fraternité, harmonie, intelligence, paix,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • accord — Accord, m. acut. signifie consentement de deux ou plusieurs sur un fait. Consensus, comme, Ils sont tous d un accord, In idem consentiunt. Accord aussi se prend pour le contract qui contient ledit consentement. Tabulae pactorum conuentorum, comme …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Accord — is of the semantic paradigm: agreement, harmony, alignment or concurrence and may refer to: Places* Accord, New York, a hamlet in Ulster County, seat of the Town of RochesterPeace agreements*Arab Israeli conflict ** Camp David Accords (1978) in… …   Wikipedia

  • accord — ACCORD. s. m. Convention, paction que l on fait pour terminer un differend, Faire un accord, passer un accord. je me tiens à l accord qui a esté fait. il sont en termes d accord. Il signifie aussi, Consentement. Je suis d accord, cela s est fait… …   Dictionnaire de l’Académie française

  • accord — ac·cord 1 /ə kȯrd/ vt 1: to bring into agreement 2: to grant or give esp. as appropriate, due, or earned vi: to be consistent or in harmony ◇ Accord in this sense is often used to introduce a case or an authority that accords with the case or… …   Law dictionary

  • Accord — Ac*cord , n. [OE. acord, accord, OF. acort, acorde, F. accord, fr. OF. acorder, F. accorder. See {Accord}, v. t.] 1. Agreement or concurrence of opinion, will, or action; harmony of mind; consent; assent. [1913 Webster] A mediator of an accord… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Accord — Lugar designado por el censo de los Estados Unidos …   Wikipedia Español

  • Accord — (englisch für Akkord) steht für: Honda Accord, Typenbezeichnung der Automarke Honda Accord (Landmaschinenhersteller), Landmaschinenhersteller siehe Kverneland ASA Accord (Supermarkt) Kette im Saarland, (REWE Group) Accord (Nigeria) eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • accord — ► VERB 1) give or grant someone (power or recognition). 2) (accord with) be in agreement or consistent with. ► NOUN 1) an official agreement or treaty. 2) agreement in opinion or feeling. ● of one s own accord …   English terms dictionary

  • Accord De Xi’an — L accord de Xi an de décembre 1936, est un traité qui conduira au deuxième front uni entre les nationalistes et les communistes chinois contre l Empire du Japon. Contexte Dan les années 1930, les intentions expansionnistes de l Empire du Japon ne …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Accord de xi’an — L accord de Xi an de décembre 1936, est un traité qui conduira au deuxième front uni entre les nationalistes et les communistes chinois contre l Empire du Japon. Contexte Dan les années 1930, les intentions expansionnistes de l Empire du Japon ne …   Wikipédia en Français

Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Legal, Acronyms, Idioms, Wikipedia.

Related to accord: Honda



v. ac·cord·ed, ac·cord·ing, ac·cords


1. To give or grant, especially as being due or appropriate: accorded the president the proper deference.

2. Archaic To cause to conform or agree; bring into harmony.


To be in agreement, unity, or harmony. See Synonyms at correspond.


1. Agreement; harmony: act in accord with university policies.

2. A settlement or compromise between conflicting parties: The strikers and the owners reached an accord.

3. Spontaneous or voluntary desire to take a certain action: The children returned on their own accord. He confessed of his own accord.

[Middle English accorden, from Old French acorder, from Medieval Latin accordāre, to bring into agreement : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin cor, cord-, heart; see kerd- in Indo-European roots.]

ac·cord′er n.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. agreement; conformity; accordance (esp in the phrase in accord with)

2. consent or concurrence of opinion

3. with one accord unanimously

4. pleasing relationship between sounds, colours, etc; harmony

5. a settlement of differences, as between nations; compromise

6. of one’s own accord voluntarily


7. to be or cause to be in harmony or agreement

8. (tr) to grant; bestow

[C12: via Old French from Latin ad- to + cord-, stem of cor heart]

acˈcordable adj

acˈcorder n

Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to be in agreement or harmony; agree.


2. to make agree or correspond; adapt.

3. to grant; bestow: to accord due praise.

4. Archaic. to settle; reconcile.


5. agreement; harmony.

6. a harmonious union of sounds, colors, etc.

7. concurrence of opinions or wills; agreement: to reach an accord.

8. an international agreement.


1. of one’s own accord, without external compulsion or suggestion; voluntarily.

2. with one accord, with unanimous agreement.

[1100–50; Middle English; late Old English acordan < Old French acorder < Vulgar Latin *accordāre= Latin ac- ac- + -cordāre, derivative of cor heart, mind]

ac•cord′a•ble, adj.

ac•cord′er, n.

Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


If you do something of your own accord, you do it freely and because you want to do it.

She knew they would leave of their own accord.

Be Careful!
You must use ‘own’ in sentences like these. You do not say, for example, ‘She had gone of her accord‘.

Be Careful!
You also do not say that someone does something ‘on’ their own accord.

Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: accorded
Gerund: according

I accord
you accord
he/she/it accords
we accord
you accord
they accord
I accorded
you accorded
he/she/it accorded
we accorded
you accorded
they accorded
Present Continuous
I am according
you are according
he/she/it is according
we are according
you are according
they are according
Present Perfect
I have accorded
you have accorded
he/she/it has accorded
we have accorded
you have accorded
they have accorded
Past Continuous
I was according
you were according
he/she/it was according
we were according
you were according
they were according
Past Perfect
I had accorded
you had accorded
he/she/it had accorded
we had accorded
you had accorded
they had accorded
I will accord
you will accord
he/she/it will accord
we will accord
you will accord
they will accord
Future Perfect
I will have accorded
you will have accorded
he/she/it will have accorded
we will have accorded
you will have accorded
they will have accorded
Future Continuous
I will be according
you will be according
he/she/it will be according
we will be according
you will be according
they will be according
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been according
you have been according
he/she/it has been according
we have been according
you have been according
they have been according
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been according
you will have been according
he/she/it will have been according
we will have been according
you will have been according
they will have been according
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been according
you had been according
he/she/it had been according
we had been according
you had been according
they had been according
I would accord
you would accord
he/she/it would accord
we would accord
you would accord
they would accord
Past Conditional
I would have accorded
you would have accorded
he/she/it would have accorded
we would have accorded
you would have accorded
they would have accorded

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:

Noun 1. accord - harmony of people's opinions or actions or charactersaccord — harmony of people’s opinions or actions or characters; «the two parties were in agreement»


concordance, concord, harmony — a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole

community of interests, community — agreement as to goals; «the preachers and the bootleggers found they had a community of interests»

meeting of minds, concurrence — a state of cooperation

consensus — agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole; «the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions»; «those rights and obligations are based on an unstated consensus»

sense of the meeting — general agreement reached by an assembled group; «no vote was taken, but after each discussion the chair summed up the sense of the meeting»

unanimity — everyone being of one mind

unison — corresponding exactly; «marching in unison»

social contract — an implicit agreement among people that results in the organization of society; individual surrenders liberty in return for protection

2. accord - concurrence of opinionaccord — concurrence of opinion; «we are in accord with your proposal»

accordance, conformity

agreement — the verbal act of agreeing

3. accord - a written agreement between two states or sovereignsaccord — a written agreement between two states or sovereigns

pact, treaty

written agreement — a legal document summarizing the agreement between parties

alliance — a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim

commercial treaty — a treaty governing commerce between two or more nations

peace treaty, pacification, peace — a treaty to cease hostilities; «peace came on November 11th»

convention — (diplomacy) an international agreement

4. accord — sympathetic compatibility

compatibility — capability of existing or performing in harmonious or congenial combination

Verb 1. accord - go togetheraccord — go together; «The colors don’t harmonize»; «Their ideas concorded»

concord, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, consort, agree

correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check — be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; «The two stories don’t agree in many details»; «The handwriting checks with the signature on the check»; «The suspect’s fingerprints don’t match those on the gun»

blend in, blend, go — blend or harmonize; «This flavor will blend with those in your dish»; «This sofa won’t go with the chairs»

2. accord - allow to haveaccord — allow to have; «grant a privilege»  

allot, grant

give — accord by verdict; «give a decision for the plaintiff»

give — transfer possession of something concrete or abstract to somebody; «I gave her my money»; «can you give me lessons?»; «She gave the children lots of love and tender loving care»

enfranchise — grant voting rights

Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



2. sympathy, agreement, concert, harmony, accordance, unison, rapport, conformity, assent, unanimity, concurrence I found myself in total accord.
sympathy conflict, disagreement, contention, discord


1. grant, give, award, render, assign, present with, endow with, bestow on, confer on, vouchsafe, impart with On his return home, the government accorded him the rank of Colonel.
grant refuse, withhold, hold back

accord with something agree with, match, coincide with, fit with, square with, correspond with, conform with, concur with, tally with, be in tune with (informal), harmonize with, assent with Such an approach accords with the principles of Socialist ideology.

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To come to an understanding or to terms:

2. To be compatible or in correspondence:

agree, check, chime, comport with, conform, consist, correspond, fit, harmonize, match, square, tally.

3. To let have as a favor, prerogative, or privilege:

4. To give formally or officially:


1. Harmonious mutual understanding:

2. Pleasing agreement, as of musical sounds:

3. An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action:

4. A formal, usually written settlement between nations:

The American Heritage® Roget’s Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


إتِّفَاق، إنْسِجَام، مُطَابَقَهيَتَلائَم مَع، يَنْسَجِم مَعيَمْنَح


i overensstemmelse medstemme medvise


samræmiveita, láta njótavera í samræmi viî






B. VT [+ welcome, praise] → dar (to a) [+ honour] → conceder (to a)

Collins Spanish Dictionary — Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005



vt (= grant) → accorder
to accord sth to sb, to accord sb sth → accorder qch à qn

vi (= correspond) to accord with sth → être en accord avec qch

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈkoːd) verb

1. (with with) to agree with. His story accords with what I saw happen.

2. to grant or give to (a person). They accorded the president great respect.


agreement. That is not in accord with your original statement.

acˈcordance: in accordance with

in agreement with. The money will be given out in accordance with his instructions.

acˈcordingly adverb

1. in agreement (with the circumstances etc). Find out what has happened and act accordingly.

2. therefore. He was very worried about the future of the firm and accordingly he did what he could to help.

according to

1. as said or told by. According to John, the bank closes at 3 p.m.

2. in agreement with. He acted according to his promise.

3. in the order of. books arranged according to their subjects.

4. in proportion to. You will be paid according to the amount of work you have done.

of one’s own accord

of one’s own free will. He did it of his own accord, without being forced to.

with one accord

(everybody) in agreement. With one accord they stood up to cheer him.

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


n. acuerdo, convenio, arreglo, transacción;

v. acordar, poner de acuerdo;

of one’s own ___espontáneamente, voluntariamente;

of mutual ___de acuerdo mutuo.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used without object)

to be in agreement or harmony; agree.

verb (used with object)

to make agree or correspond; adapt.

to grant; bestow: to accord due praise.

Archaic. to settle; reconcile.


proper relationship or proportion; harmony.

a harmonious union of sounds, colors, etc.

consent or concurrence of opinions or wills; agreement.

an international agreement; settlement of questions outstanding among nations.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

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Idioms about accord

    of one’s own accord, without being asked or told; voluntarily: We did the extra work of our own accord.

Origin of accord

1100–50; Middle English ac(c)corden,late Old English acordan<Old French acorder<Vulgar Latin *accordāre, equivalent to Latin ac-ac- + cord- heart, mind; see cordial, heart

synonym study for accord


ac·cord·a·ble, adjectiveac·cord·er, nounnon·ac·cord, nounpre·ac·cord, noun, verb (used without object)

un·ac·cord·a·ble, adjectiveun·ac·cord·ed, adjectivewell-ac·cord·ed, adjective


accord , afford

Words nearby accord

accompany, accomplice, accomplish, accomplished, accomplishment, accord, accordance, accordant, accordatura, according, according as

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


What does accord mean?

To accord is to agree or be in harmony with someone or something.

Accord is usually used formally to mean to work together. It is often used in official decrees, analysis of public figures, and governmental affairs.

Related to this, an accord is an agreement. In particular when nations agree to something, we often say they have reached an accord, as with the Paris Climate Accords.

To accord can also mean to grant or bestow. Oftentimes an item that is accorded is something that will strengthen a relationship or agreement, as with according someone praise or forgiveness.

Example: Failure to reach an accord will mean the battle will continue for years to come.

Where does accord come from?

The first records of the term accord come from the 1100s. It comes from the Latin accordāre. In Latin, the term cord means “heart” or “mind.” In the same way, accord means “to add heart” or “lend mind,” as one does when they accord.

One of the most common uses of accord is in the phrase of one’s own accord, meaning “voluntarily” or  “done without being asked to.” If you do something of your own will, you are showing a desire to accord with those who benefit from your action. If you empty the dishwasher of your own accord, you’re showing the people you live with a desire to help take care of your home, which can create accord among everyone you live with.

Did you know … ?

How is accord used in real life?

Accord is usually used in academic or professional settings, although it is sometimes used casually as well.

BREAKING: France, Germany, Italy issue joint statement saying Paris climate accord can’t be renegotiated.

— The Associated Press (@AP) June 1, 2017

BREAKING: After years of talks, Colombia and FARC rebels announce accord for ending half-century of war.

— The Associated Press (@AP) August 24, 2016

Even if you want to stick to an idea, if it doesn’t work for you, it will change on its own accord. Be patient.

— Yoko Ono ☮️🏳️ (@yokoono) August 31, 2017

Try using accord!

Which of the following is NOT a synonym for accord?

A. agree
B. fight
C. confirm
D. afirm

Words related to accord

deal, pact, reconciliation, bestow, confer, give, affirm, agree, conform, correspond, accordance, concert, concord, concurrence, conformity, congruence, correspondence, harmony, okay, rapport

How to use accord in a sentence

  • They signed an accord in November, but continue to accuse each other of violating the agreement.

  • The accord also outlines the safety protocols and protective items that should be in each school building before students and teachers enter.

  • They agreed to authorize subpoenas in early October that lawmakers never had to send after the three tech executives agreed to appear on their own accord.

  • The so-called deadline for a stimulus accord came and went yesterday with no deal, and yet Nancy Pelosi remains “optimistic.”

  • He noted that singling out patterns of misconduct among officers could potentially lend itself to the “rotten apple” theory — the idea that there are a few bad cops who misbehave of their own accord.

  • You can accord it a place, and then—hopefully—like Amelia and Sam find a way to get on with your life.

  • They simply would not leak this shocking story about big lineup changes on their own accord.

  • The administration has not explained how the strikes accord with international law.

  • When he felt anxious or needed to think, his feet carried him, once again of their own accord, to a station.

  • Failure to reach an accord will add yet more potentially apocalyptic uncertainties to the Middle Eastern scene.

  • Then, with one accord, they all rose and began to steer their way around the furniture toward the hall, Goliath following.

  • I always try to do the right thing, but, anyway, these arms and hands would do good of their own accord.

  • I watched over you till you recovered consciousness of your own accord, and now—now I am here to guide you safely back to the inn.

  • About a week later, Edward had a communication from Bruce expressing a strong desire for accord and amity.

  • A few days ago I was lunching with Ostrovsky, and he proposed, entirely of his own accord, to write a libretto for me.

British Dictionary definitions for accord


agreement; conformity; accordance (esp in the phrase in accord with)

consent or concurrence of opinion

with one accord unanimously

pleasing relationship between sounds, colours, etc; harmony

a settlement of differences, as between nations; compromise

of one’s own accord voluntarily


to be or cause to be in harmony or agreement

(tr) to grant; bestow

Derived forms of accord

accordable, adjectiveaccorder, noun

Word Origin for accord

C12: via Old French from Latin ad- to + cord-, stem of cor heart

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with accord

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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