What is synonym of word to issue

What is another word for Issue?

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Synonyms for issue

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  • affair
  • argument
  • concern
  • controversy
  • matter
  • point
  • problem
  • question
  • subject
  • topic
  • contention
  • puzzle
  • matter of contention
  • point of departure
  • consequence
  • effect
  • outcome
  • conclusion
  • culmination
  • end
  • eventuality
  • finale
  • fruit
  • payoff
  • sequel
  • termination
  • upshot
  • causatum
  • end product
  • number
  • copy
  • impression
  • installment
  • printing
  • circulation
  • delivery
  • dispersion
  • dissemination
  • granting
  • issuance
  • issuing
  • publication
  • supply
  • supplying
  • sending out
  • brood
  • descendants
  • get
  • heirs
  • offspring
  • posterity
  • progeny
  • scions
  • seed
  • progeniture
  • announce
  • circulate
  • declare
  • deliver
  • promulgate
  • publish
  • release
  • send
  • air
  • allot
  • assign
  • broadcast
  • consign
  • dispatch
  • dispense
  • emit
  • transmit
  • bring out
  • get out
  • give out
  • put in circulation
  • put out
  • send out
  • release
  • appear
  • arise
  • birth
  • emanate
  • exude
  • flow
  • ooze
  • originate
  • proceed
  • rise
  • spring
  • spurt
  • stem
  • vent
  • well
  • be a consequence
  • come forth
  • derive from
  • give off
  • give out
  • send forth
  • throw off

On this page you’ll find 329 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to issue, such as: affair, argument, concern, controversy, matter, and point.

  • beginning
  • cause
  • commencement
  • origin
  • source
  • start
  • introduction
  • opening
  • parent
  • cause
  • origin
  • parent
  • source
  • cause
  • origin
  • parent
  • source
  • parent
  • cause
  • origin
  • source
  • be quiet
  • conceal
  • hide
  • hold
  • keep
  • withhold
  • receive
  • retain
  • suppress
  • take
  • repress
  • hide
  • hold
  • keep
  • repress
  • retain
  • suppress

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.


What are other ways to say issue?

The verb issue is often used of a number of persons, a mass of matter, or a volume of smoke, sound, or the like, coming forth through any outlet or outlets: The crowd issued from the building. Emerge is used of coming forth from a place shut off from view, or from concealment, or the like, into sight and notice: The sun emerges from behind the clouds. Emanate is used of intangible things, as light or ideas, spreading from a source: Rumors often emanate from irresponsible persons.

How to use issue in a sentence

The place was well defended by earthworks and natural parapets, and for several hours the issue of the contest was doubtful.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • apply
  • apportion
  • authorize
  • bring
  • contribute
  • deal
  • deliver
  • disburse
  • distribute
  • dole out
  • execute
  • extend
  • furnish
  • give
  • impose
  • inflict
  • issue
  • measure out
  • mete out
  • offer
  • perform
  • portion
  • proffer
  • provide
  • regulate
  • serve
  • supply
  • tender
  • after-effects
  • causatum
  • chain reaction
  • consequences
  • end
  • eventuality
  • flak
  • impact
  • issue
  • outcome
  • payoff
  • remainder
  • residual
  • residuum
  • results
  • upshot
  • waves
  • advertise
  • annunciate
  • blast
  • blazon
  • broadcast
  • call
  • communicate
  • declare
  • disclose
  • disseminate
  • divulge
  • drum
  • give out
  • impart
  • intimate
  • issue
  • make known
  • make public
  • pass the word
  • proclaim
  • promulgate
  • propound
  • publicize
  • publish
  • release
  • report
  • reveal
  • run off at mouth
  • sound off
  • spread around
  • state
  • tell
  • trumpet
  • arise
  • arrive
  • attend
  • be present
  • be within view
  • blow in
  • bob up
  • break through
  • breeze in
  • check in
  • clock in
  • come
  • come forth
  • come into view
  • come out
  • come to light
  • crop up
  • develop
  • drop in
  • emerge
  • expose
  • issue
  • loom
  • make the scene
  • materialize
  • occur
  • pop in
  • pop up
  • present
  • punch in
  • punch the clock
  • recur
  • ring in
  • rise
  • roll in
  • show
  • show up
  • spring
  • surface
  • time in
  • turn out
  • turn up
  • arises
  • arrives
  • attends
  • blows in
  • bob up
  • breaks through
  • breezes in
  • checks in
  • clocks in
  • comes
  • comes forth
  • comes into view
  • comes out
  • comes to light
  • crop up
  • develops
  • drops in
  • emerges
  • exposes
  • is present
  • is within view
  • issues
  • looms
  • makes the scene
  • materializes
  • occurs
  • pops in
  • pops up
  • presents
  • punches in
  • punches the clock
  • recurs
  • rings in
  • rises
  • rolls in
  • shows
  • shows up
  • springs
  • surfaces
  • time in
  • turns out
  • turns up
  • appear
  • begin
  • come to light
  • commence
  • crop up
  • derive
  • emanate
  • emerge
  • ensue
  • flow
  • follow
  • happen
  • head
  • issue
  • occur
  • originate
  • result
  • rise
  • set in
  • spring
  • start
  • stem

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Английский язык,

вопрос задал aslakhanovadiana,

4 года назад

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Ответил Jasmina6434



What is synonym of world to issue?

——To set.

What is it?

—is it stable.

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. issue

    Effect is the strongest of these words; it is that which is directly produced by the action of an efficient cause; we say, «Every effect must have an adequate cause» (compare CAUSE). In regard to human actions, effect commonly relates to intention; as, the shot took effect, i. e., the effect intended. A consequence is that which follows an act naturally, but less directly than the effect. The motion of the piston is the effect, and the agitation of the water under the paddle-wheels a consequence of the expansion of steam in the cylinder. The result is, literally, the rebound of an act, depending on many elements; the issue is that which flows forth directly; we say the issue of a battle, the result of a campaign. A consequent commonly is that which follows simply in order of time, or by logical inference. The end is the actual outcome without determination of its relation to what has gone before; it is ordinarily viewed as either the necessary, natural, or logical outcome, any effect, consequence, or result being termed an end; as, the end of such a course must be ruin. The event (Latin e, out, and venio, come) is primarily exactly the same in meaning as outcome; but in use it is more nearly equivalent to upshot signifying the sum and substance of all effects, consequences, and results of a course of action. Compare ACCIDENT; CAUSE; CIRCUMSTANCE; END; EVENT.

    consequence, consequent, effect, end, end, event, outcome, outgrowth, result, sequel, upshot

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. issue

    effect, outcome, manifestation, end, result, progeny, posterity, conclusion, consequence, upshot, children, offspring

    cause, operation, working, principle, law, system, action, influence, origination, commencement, paternity, ancestry

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

  1. issuenoun

    an important question that is in dispute and must be settled

    «the issue could be settled by requiring public education for everyone»; «politicians never discuss the real issues»

    consequence, topic, emergence, progeny, subject, effect, offspring, military issue, way out, number, issuance, result, proceeds, exit, event, matter, publication, outcome, return, government issue, take, takings, yield, upshot, issuing, payoff, outlet, egress


  2. issue, numbernoun

    one of a series published periodically

    «she found an old issue of the magazine in her dentist’s waiting room»

    turn, figure, progeny, subject, act, issuing, military issue, takings, bit, payoff, consequence, take, publication, government issue, routine, event, upshot, return, effect, topic, offspring, egress, telephone number, outlet, identification number, phone number, number, numeral, yield, emergence, outcome, way out, exit, proceeds, matter, result, issuance


  3. topic, subject, issue, matternoun

    some situation or event that is thought about

    «he kept drifting off the topic»; «he had been thinking about the subject for several years»; «it is a matter for the police»

    topic, effect, progeny, matter, field of study, issuing, case, government issue, issuance, takings, theme, consequence, take, thing, subject area, result, study, event, upshot, return, subject, bailiwick, offspring, military issue, depicted object, egress, outlet, subject field, exit, national, discipline, number, yield, emergence, outcome, way out, affair, payoff, field, proceeds, publication, content, guinea pig


  4. issue, issuing, issuancenoun

    the act of providing an item for general use or for official purposes (usually in quantity)

    «a new issue of stamps»; «the last issue of penicillin was over a month ago»

    consequence, topic, emergence, progeny, subject, effect, offspring, military issue, way out, number, issuance, result, proceeds, exit, event, matter, publication, outcome, return, government issue, take, takings, yield, upshot, issuing, payoff, outlet, egress


  5. issue, military issue, government issuenoun

    supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government

    consequence, topic, emergence, progeny, subject, effect, offspring, military issue, way out, number, issuance, result, proceeds, exit, event, matter, publication, outcome, return, government issue, take, takings, yield, upshot, issuing, payoff, outlet, egress


  6. return, issue, take, takings, proceeds, yield, payoffnoun

    the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property

    «the average return was about 5%»

    topic, progeny, subject, output, exit, issuing, counter, rejoinder, income tax return, wages, military issue, takings, reward, payoff, regaining, final payment, take, publication, egress, government issue, event, upshot, return, comeback, restitution, retort, offspring, riposte, tax return, outlet, reappearance, result, recurrence, return key, coming back, replication, number, outcome, yield, bribe, getting even, emergence, effect, way out, restoration, production, paying back, proceeds, fruit, consequence, matter, homecoming, issuance


  7. consequence, effect, outcome, result, event, issue, upshotnoun

    a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon

    «the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise»; «his decision had depressing consequences for business»; «he acted very wise after the event»

    aftermath, progeny, resolution, issuing, case, government issue, military issue, return, takings, burden, resultant, payoff, consequence, core, take, publication, answer, impression, resultant role, event, upshot, subject, effect, topic, solvent, offspring, egress, gist, outlet, termination, exit, number, essence, yield, moment, emergence, outcome, way out, proceeds, force, solution, final result, import, matter, result, issuance


  8. offspring, progeny, issuenoun

    the immediate descendants of a person

    «she was the mother of many offspring»; «he died without issue»

    materialization, topic, young, emergence, progeny, subject, effect, offspring, military issue, materialisation, number, issuance, result, proceeds, exit, event, matter, yield, egress, outlet, outcome, return, government issue, take, takings, issuing, upshot, publication, payoff, way out, consequence


  9. emergence, egress, issuenoun

    the becoming visible

    «not a day’s difference between the emergence of the andrenas and the opening of the willow catkins»

    consequence, takings, topic, emergence, offspring, progeny, subject, effect, growth, egression, way out, number, issuance, result, proceeds, exit, event, matter, yield, emersion, outgrowth, outcome, return, government issue, take, military issue, issuing, upshot, outlet, publication, payoff, egress


  10. exit, issue, outlet, way outnoun

    an opening that permits escape or release

    «he blocked the way out»; «the canyon had only one issue»

    wall plug, emergence, subject, issuing, wall socket, government issue, military issue, takings, payoff, consequence, take, publication, result, event, upshot, return, effect, retail store, topic, offspring, departure, egress, electrical outlet, outlet, expiration, electric outlet, exit, electric receptacle, number, sales outlet, yield, mercantile establishment, loss, outcome, way out, going, vent, passing, proceeds, release, matter, progeny, issuance


  11. issue, publicationverb

    the act of issuing printed materials

    consequence, topic, emergence, publishing, progeny, subject, effect, offspring, military issue, way out, number, issuance, result, proceeds, exit, event, matter, publication, outcome, return, government issue, take, takings, yield, upshot, issuing, payoff, outlet, egress


  12. publish, bring out, put out, issue, releaseverb

    prepare and issue for public distribution or sale

    «publish a magazine or newspaper»

    unblock, supply, turn, let go, unloose, put under, let on, bring out, unwrap, reveal, disclose, inconvenience, release, expose, bother, bring on, write out, give up, go forth, unveil, cut, relinquish, put out, liberate, anaesthetize, expel, publish, extend, anesthetize, stretch out, loose, unloosen, give away, get out, break, let go of, incommode, egress, retire, disoblige, trouble, set off, douse, discommode, stretch forth, divulge, make out, write, produce, anaesthetise, resign, exhaust, exsert, smother, emerge, eject, discharge, anesthetise, free, print, uncover, secrete, hold out, come out, come forth, discover, unfreeze, introduce, let out


  13. issue, supplyverb

    circulate or distribute or equip with

    «issue a new uniform to the children»; «supply blankets for the beds»

    come out, bring out, emerge, supply, append, furnish, come forth, cut, release, cater, put out, add, ply, provide, publish, go forth, make out, render, write out, egress


  14. issueverb

    bring out an official document (such as a warrant)

    write out, release, emerge, put out, come forth, publish, bring out, supply, come out, cut, egress, go forth, make out


  15. issue, emerge, come out, come forth, go forth, egressverb

    come out of

    «Water issued from the hole in the wall»; «The words seemed to come out by themselves»

    supply, start, bulge out, come forward, step up, bring out, release, fall out, write out, out, go forth, come on, cut, bulge, surface, come in, step forward, step to the fore, come to the fore, put out, pop out, place, leave, egress, bug out, come out of the closet, publish, make out, push through, erupt, turn out, emerge, break through, show up, turn up, pop, go away, appear, protrude, come out, come forth


  16. write out, issue, make out, cutverb

    make out and issue

    «write out a check»; «cut a ticket»; «Please make the check out to me»

    discern, bang, shorten, cut off, ignore, screw, recognise, deal, grapple, distinguish, reduce, hack, make love, go forth, prune, do, jazz, geld, spot, roll in the hay, turn off, cut, be intimate, cut back, egress, write up, get along, turn out, release, pick out, slew, eff, switch off, bring out, make do, trim down, tell apart, contract, bed, do it, come out, trim back, rationalise, put out, have intercourse, rationalize, disregard, make out, abridge, manage, have sex, publish, trend, neck, fill out, bring down, fill in, slue, thin, emerge, abbreviate, have it away, sleep with, cut down, come forth, burn, contend, love, edit, hump, get laid, edit out, have it off, skip, sleep together, get by, foreshorten, dilute, write out, tailor, cope, curve, recognize, swerve, supply, bonk, know, thin out, snub, come, get it on, trim, sheer, complete, veer, fare, lie with, have a go at it


Matched Categories

    • Beginning
    • Cognitive Content
    • Communicate
    • Distribute
    • Income
    • Phenomenon
    • Relative
    • Write

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. emanated

    intransitive verb

    : to come out from a source
    transitive verb

    : emit

    she seems to emanate an air of serenity

    a sweet scent emanating from the blossoms

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. issuenoun

    egress, exit, outlet, passage out

  2. issuenoun

    delivering, delivery, sending out

  3. issuenoun

    event, consequence, end, termination, conclusion, consummation, result, effect, outcome, upshot, DÉNOUEMENT, FINALE, final or ultimate result, final event, finishing stroke, winding up

  4. issuenoun

    offspring, progeny, children, posterity, lineal descendants

  5. issuenoun

    (Med.) fontanel, artificial ulcer

  6. issuenoun

    (Law.) point in dispute

  7. issueverb

    deliver, send out, put forth

  8. issueverb

    distribute, give out

  9. issueverb

    put into circulation

  10. issueverb

    proceed, flow, emanate, arise, spring, originate, follow, ensue, come, take rise, be the effect, be derived, go forth, grow out, pass out, flow out, rush out

  11. issueverb

    end, terminate, result

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «issue»:

    question, matter, problem, subject, item, topic, point, issues, issuance, problems, theme, cause, case, issuing, questions, aspect, number, regard, publish, dossier, affair, issued, challenge, edition, area, emit, thing, concerned, asia, respect, problematic, file, matters, run

How to pronounce issue?

How to say issue in sign language?

How to use issue in a sentence?

  1. White House spokesman Josh Earnest:

    This is an issue that the administration takes very, very seriously. I think for quite obvious reasons.

  2. Mylene Scholnick:

    Fuel is definitely an issue and it is eating into profitability, when fuel comes down, the airlines keep aircraft longer, so we had seen ages pushed to 28, 30 years. Now with fuel back up, it won’t bring down the retirement age drastically but will stabilize it at around 25 years.

  3. Bashar Warda:

    To be honest, we have been encouraged by Vice President Pence’s announcement that the American help would go directly to the most people in need, this is the first time that the American administration has made a clear standpoint on this issue, which is really good.

  4. Bernie Sanders:

    It is also no secret that we have, as is the case in a democratic society, we have differences of opinion, i was on the floor of the Senate for eight and half hours, in disagreement with him over taxes. We disagree over the (Trans-Pacific Partnership). But by and large over the last seven years, on major issue after major issue, I have stood by his side.

  5. Kathy Hochul:

    I’m not letting the political theater out there affect what we’ve done. This is not a new issue for me, and I think that’s what we established.

Translations for issue

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • мәсьәләBashkir
  • lliurarCatalan, Valencian
  • ProblemGerman
  • τίτλος, θέμα, τεύχοςGreek
  • emisión, envío, herederos, cuestión, problema, preocupación, flujo, descendencia, progenie, entregar, emitir, extender, crecer, recibir, resultar, proceder, lucrar, natarSpanish
  • شمارهPersian
  • liikkeeseenlaskeminen, anti, juttu, vuodattaminen, poistaminen, lähdettäminen, jälkeläinen, kysymys, ongelma, vaihtoehto, asia, vuoto, poistuminen, lähettäminen, jälkikasvu, tuotto, lopputulos, annostella, [[tulla]] [[ulos]], virrata, kertyä, laskea liikkeelle, antaa, [[virrata]] [[ulos]], [[rynnätä]] [[ulos]], liittyä, yhtyä, jakaaFinnish
  • livraison, délivrance, numéro, émission, exsudat, fruit, rejeton, controverse, point, sortie, flux, fructus, drain, progéniture, descendance, polémique, question, problème, sortir, percée, descendre, déboucher, fructifier, émettre, livrer, délivrer, jaillir, faire, donner, publierFrench
  • sheelManx
  • հարց, խնդիրArmenian
  • emissione, esito, fuoriuscita, problematica, questioneItalian
  • problemNorwegian
  • problemPolish
  • emissão, tiragem, resultado, questão, problema, [[ponto]] [[de]] [[debate]], fluxo, envio, fimPortuguese
  • emisiune, problemăRomanian
  • потомство, вопросRussian
  • potomecSlovene
  • swala, sualaSwahili
  • பிரச்சினைTamil
  • konuTurkish
  • مسئلہUrdu
  • 问题Chinese
  • indabaZulu

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  • Românește (Romanian)
  • Nederlands (Dutch)
  • Ελληνικά (Greek)
  • Latinum (Latin)
  • Svenska (Swedish)
  • Dansk (Danish)
  • Suomi (Finnish)
  • فارسی (Persian)
  • ייִדיש (Yiddish)
  • հայերեն (Armenian)
  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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Are we missing a good synonym for issue?

How does the verb issue differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of issue are arise, derive, emanate, flow, originate, proceed, rise, spring, and stem. While all these words mean «to come up or out of something into existence,» issue suggests emerging from confinement through an outlet.

blood issued from the cut

How do arise and rise relate to one another, in the sense of issue?

Arise and rise may both convey the fact of coming into existence or notice but rise often stresses gradual growth or ascent.

new questions have arisen

slowly rose to prominence

When can derive be used instead of issue?

Although the words derive and issue have much in common, derive implies a prior existence in another form.

the holiday derives from an ancient Roman feast

Where would emanate be a reasonable alternative to issue?

The synonyms emanate and issue are sometimes interchangeable, but emanate applies to the coming of something immaterial (such as a thought) from a source.

reports emanating from the capital

How are the words flow and spring related as synonyms of issue?

Flow adds to spring a suggestion of abundance or ease of inception.

words flowed easily from her pen

When might originate be a better fit than issue?

The words originate and issue are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, originate implies a definite source or starting point.

the fire originated in the basement

When is it sensible to use proceed instead of issue?

In some situations, the words proceed and issue are roughly equivalent. However, proceed stresses place of origin, derivation, parentage, or logical cause.

advice that proceeds from the best of intentions

When could spring be used to replace issue?

While in some cases nearly identical to issue, spring implies rapid or sudden emerging.

an idea that springs to mind

In what contexts can stem take the place of issue?

The words stem and issue can be used in similar contexts, but stem implies originating by dividing or branching off from something as an outgrowth or subordinate development.

industries stemming from space research

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