What is powerpoint word used for


  1. What is the Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel?
  2. Key Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel
  3. What is Microsoft PowerPoint?
  4. How does PowerPoint work?
  5. What is PowerPoint Used for?
  6. Advantage of Using PowerPoint
  7. Difference between PowerPoint and Word
  8. What is Microsoft Word?
  9. Key differences between PowerPoint and Word
  10. Difference between PowerPoint and Excel
  11. What is Microsoft Excel?
  12. Key differences between PowerPoint and Excel
  13. Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel together
  14. Using PowerPoint and Word Together
  15. Using PowerPoint And Excel Together.
  16. Final Thoughts
  17. Office теперь называется Microsoft 365
  18. Бесплатная или премиум-версия: Microsoft 365 поможет вам
  19. Создайте что-нибудь впечатляющее
  20. Надежное хранение
  21. Поделиться с друзьями.
  22. Защитите своих близких
  23. Больше приложений и меньше интерфейсов
  24. Лучшие инструменты. Ваша лучшая команда. Мир у вас под рукой.
  25. Создавайте в любом месте, в любое время и с помощью любого приложения
  26. Ваш контент Ваш Microsoft 365
  27. Работайте вместе более эффективно
  28. Возобновление работы с нужного места
  29. Больше приложений и меньше интерфейсов
  30. Предоставьте своим ученикам и преподавателям возможность достичь большего
  31. Создавайте в любом месте, в любое время и с помощью любого приложения
  32. Расширьте возможности своих преподавателей
  33. Новый подход к обучению
  34. Соберите класс вместе
  35. Больше приложений и меньше интерфейсов

What is the Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel?

Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, and Excel make it possible to do so much with regards to our jobs. The trio has something to offer for almost everyone. But, what exactly is the difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, and what does each piece of software do? Let’s find out!

The main difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel is the purpose of each software. PowerPoint is used for making presentations. Excel is the most helpful for capturing, tracking, and analyzing data with the help of graphical charts. Word is used for creating documents such as reports and books.

But, there is a lot more to it and in this article, I’m going to talk about what each one does, the differences between the three, and finally, how can we leverage the power of the three applications by working with all of them together. So, keep reading!

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs. The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

Key Difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel

Although these three applications can be used in a way that all three work together, there are differences that set them apart. Each application is used for different tasks and in this section, that is what we are going to talk about. So, let’s get into it.

  • PowerPoint is used to present data or talking points in a slide show format. Presentations are a great way to summarize information, a project report, learnings from a research study, and much more. Microsoft PowerPoint helps you to create presentations.
  • Excel is used to manage and organize data. You can capture data, record information over time, and analyze the data by creating charts and graphs using that data.
  • Microsoft Word is used to create detailed reports, brief summaries, proposals, and pretty much anything that requires a lot of text. This is because it is a word processor.

As you can see, each application has a different goal, and thus are designed to be different from each other. Obviously, if the goal or the objective of the software is different, there are bound to be several differences in the functionalities. That said, I shall not focus on the differences in the functionalities of the three applications as pretty much everything will be different.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most powerful tools that any company can use when it comes to meetings and presentations. PowerPoint uses a slide show method of giving presentations.

PowerPoint has a wealth of features that help professionals get their messages across to their colleagues or clients. We have a large library of articles that cover everything that you need to know about PowerPoint. So, after reading this article, why not go check some of them out.

How does PowerPoint work?

To use PowerPoint, you need to have Microsoft Office installed on your PC, laptop, or Mac. Most new machines come with Office pre-installed with no payment necessary. In some cases, you will only have a free trial and will need to buy a license key.

If you do not have Office at all, you can buy it from a retail store or online. Regardless of which method you choose, you will most likely need to download it. Here is a link to the Microsoft website where you will be able to download the MS Office Suite.

Once Office is installed, you will be able to open PowerPoint and start making presentations.

What is PowerPoint Used for?

PowerPoint is used for making slide show presentations. You may need a presentation for various reasons. For instance, you may want to create a presentation giving an overview of your organization, or a pitch presentation for your investors, or perhaps a summarized performance presentation for the annual report.

The purpose of creating a presentation can be endless. The type of presentations that you make depends on what your profession is. Below is a small indicative list of professions and what they use PowerPoint for.

  • Salesperson: There is no better way for a salesperson to get a message across to their potential clients than a presentation.
  • Entrepreneurs: They would use PowerPoint for the same reason as a salesperson would need presentations. If you have meetings to sell your service, product or to raise funding, a presentation can go a long way in helping.
  • Managers: Managing a team of people is not easy. If you want to really make an impression on your team, why not use presentations? You could also use them when delivering reports to your peers or reporting managers.
  • Public Speakers: This is the most common use of presentations. Using presentations is the best way to keep your audience engaged while you give an awe-inspiring speech.

Advantage of Using PowerPoint

The main advantage of using PowerPoint is that you can create intriguing and visually appealing presentations for your clients, boss, or a classroom of students. PowerPoint has a massive selection of features that allow you to create truly personalized representations of your data, product, or service.

Difference between PowerPoint and Word

For us to talk about the difference between PowerPoint and Word, the easiest way to do this would be to talk about what Word is and what it does first. Let’s get straight to it.

What is Microsoft Word?

MS Word is a word processor. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite. MS Word is the most commonly used application within all the offerings of MS Office. Here are some of the reasons why MS Word is so popular. This list should also help explain exactly what MS Word is used for –

  • Microsoft Word used for creating large pieces of content, articles, or even blog posts.
  • Microsoft Word is also used for creating detailed reports, writing summaries, capturing information about a research, etc.
  • Word is also perfectly suited for filling out application for an award, circulating instructions for a questionnaire, and other business needs.
  • Microsoft Word can also be used to write business proposals, business agreements and contracts, and other business related confidential documents, etc.
  • It is also used within the educational domain to write anything from essays to speeches.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Word

The difference between Microsoft Word and PowerPoint is pretty big. While MS Word is used to create detailed documents, PowerPoint is used to present as much information with as little text as possible.

PowerPoint can be seen as a visual representation of data and MS Word is a text-based representation of data. Other than that, it is hard to mention other differences because they are completely different applications.

Difference between PowerPoint and Excel

We have already discussed, in some detail, what PowerPoint is. So, for this section, we will focus more on Excel and this should highlight what the differences are between the two. Let’s get straight to the point.

What is Microsoft Excel?

Excel is a program that is commonly used by accountants within a company. It can be used to manage any form of data that needs to be organized and managed. It can also be used to summarize data by creating graphs and charts.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Excel

There is one major difference between PowerPoint and Excel and that difference is the use of data.

Excel manages and organizes data and while you can turn the data into charts, Excel is not really the program that you want to use to present the data. PowerPoint is the better program for representing data.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data. Let me share what I mean by that in our next section.

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel together

Now this is where everything gets interesting and to be honest, this is where the power of Microsoft Office really stands out. All the programs can be used together to create a smooth workplace that runs like clockwork. Here’s how PowerPoint, Word, and Excel can be used together.

Using PowerPoint and Word Together

You can place your presentations inside of MS Word documents which can help to remove the tediousness of repeating the same points in your presentation in word. Here’s how to do it.

  1. In PowerPoint go to the “Files” tab and select it. You should get a drop-down menu.
  1. In the drop-down menu, select the “Export” option. You should get another drop-down menu.
  1. Select “Create Handouts”. This will open a dialogue box.
  1. Now, select what layout you want.
  1. Paste the link directly into your Word document, and you are done!

Doing this will allow real-time changes within word if they are done in PowerPoint.

Using PowerPoint And Excel Together.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data by creating a chart in PowerPoint and linking it to the Excel file. We have a full tutorial on this which you can read by clicking on the link below –

Final Thoughts

We have reached the end of this article. Hopefully, you have walked away with enough knowledge to impress your peers and understand the key differences between the three applications.

We discussed the differences between these three products and what they all do. Be sure to bookmark this page and keep up to date with all of our articles which are designed to make your work a lot easier.


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Новый Microsoft 365 объединяет ваши любимые приложения Microsoft на единой, интуитивно понятной платформе


Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, and Excel make it possible to do so much with regards to our jobs. The trio has something to offer for almost everyone. But, what exactly is the difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel, and what does each piece of software do? Let’s find out!

The main difference between PowerPoint, Word, and Excel is the purpose of each software. PowerPoint is used for making presentations. Excel is the most helpful for capturing, tracking, and analyzing data with the help of graphical charts. Word is used for creating documents such as reports and books.

But, there is a lot more to it and in this article, I’m going to talk about what each one does, the differences between the three, and finally, how can we leverage the power of the three applications by working with all of them together. So, keep reading!

A Quick Note Before We Begin – if you want to make jaw-dropping presentations, I would recommend using one of these Presentation Designs. The best part is – it is only $16.5 a month, but you get to download and use as many presentation designs as you like! I personally use it from time-to-time, and it makes my task of making beautiful presentations really quick and easy!

Although these three applications can be used in a way that all three work together, there are differences that set them apart. Each application is used for different tasks and in this section, that is what we are going to talk about. So, let’s get into it.

  • PowerPoint is used to present data or talking points in a slide show format. Presentations are a great way to summarize information, a project report, learnings from a research study, and much more. Microsoft PowerPoint helps you to create presentations.
  • Excel is used to manage and organize data. You can capture data, record information over time, and analyze the data by creating charts and graphs using that data.
  • Microsoft Word is used to create detailed reports, brief summaries, proposals, and pretty much anything that requires a lot of text. This is because it is a word processor.

As you can see, each application has a different goal, and thus are designed to be different from each other. Obviously, if the goal or the objective of the software is different, there are bound to be several differences in the functionalities. That said, I shall not focus on the differences in the functionalities of the three applications as pretty much everything will be different.

What is Microsoft PowerPoint?

Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most powerful tools that any company can use when it comes to meetings and presentations. PowerPoint uses a slide show method of giving presentations.

PowerPoint has a wealth of features that help professionals get their messages across to their colleagues or clients. We have a large library of articles that cover everything that you need to know about PowerPoint. So, after reading this article, why not go check some of them out.

How does PowerPoint work?

To use PowerPoint, you need to have Microsoft Office installed on your PC, laptop, or Mac. Most new machines come with Office pre-installed with no payment necessary. In some cases, you will only have a free trial and will need to buy a license key.

If you do not have Office at all, you can buy it from a retail store or online. Regardless of which method you choose, you will most likely need to download it. Here is a link to the Microsoft website where you will be able to download the MS Office Suite.

Once Office is installed, you will be able to open PowerPoint and start making presentations.

What is PowerPoint Used for?

PowerPoint is used for making slide show presentations. You may need a presentation for various reasons. For instance, you may want to create a presentation giving an overview of your organization, or a pitch presentation for your investors, or perhaps a summarized performance presentation for the annual report.

The purpose of creating a presentation can be endless. The type of presentations that you make depends on what your profession is. Below is a small indicative list of professions and what they use PowerPoint for.

  • Salesperson: There is no better way for a salesperson to get a message across to their potential clients than a presentation.
  • Entrepreneurs: They would use PowerPoint for the same reason as a salesperson would need presentations. If you have meetings to sell your service, product or to raise funding, a presentation can go a long way in helping.
  • Managers: Managing a team of people is not easy. If you want to really make an impression on your team, why not use presentations? You could also use them when delivering reports to your peers or reporting managers.
  • Public Speakers: This is the most common use of presentations. Using presentations is the best way to keep your audience engaged while you give an awe-inspiring speech.

Advantage of Using PowerPoint

The main advantage of using PowerPoint is that you can create intriguing and visually appealing presentations for your clients, boss, or a classroom of students. PowerPoint has a massive selection of features that allow you to create truly personalized representations of your data, product, or service.

Difference between PowerPoint and Word

For us to talk about the difference between PowerPoint and Word, the easiest way to do this would be to talk about what Word is and what it does first. Let’s get straight to it.

What is Microsoft Word?

MS Word is a word processor. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite. MS Word is the most commonly used application within all the offerings of MS Office. Here are some of the reasons why MS Word is so popular. This list should also help explain exactly what MS Word is used for –

  • Microsoft Word used for creating large pieces of content, articles, or even blog posts.
  • Microsoft Word is also used for creating detailed reports, writing summaries, capturing information about a research, etc.
  • Word is also perfectly suited for filling out application for an award, circulating instructions for a questionnaire, and other business needs.
  • Microsoft Word can also be used to write business proposals, business agreements and contracts, and other business related confidential documents, etc.
  • It is also used within the educational domain to write anything from essays to speeches.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Word

The difference between Microsoft Word and PowerPoint is pretty big. While MS Word is used to create detailed documents, PowerPoint is used to present as much information with as little text as possible.

PowerPoint can be seen as a visual representation of data and MS Word is a text-based representation of data. Other than that, it is hard to mention other differences because they are completely different applications.

Difference between PowerPoint and Excel

We have already discussed, in some detail, what PowerPoint is. So, for this section, we will focus more on Excel and this should highlight what the differences are between the two. Let’s get straight to the point.

What is Microsoft Excel?

Excel is a program that is commonly used by accountants within a company. It can be used to manage any form of data that needs to be organized and managed. It can also be used to summarize data by creating graphs and charts.

Key differences between PowerPoint and Excel

There is one major difference between PowerPoint and Excel and that difference is the use of data.

Excel manages and organizes data and while you can turn the data into charts, Excel is not really the program that you want to use to present the data. PowerPoint is the better program for representing data.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data. Let me share what I mean by that in our next section.

Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Word and Excel together

Now this is where everything gets interesting and to be honest, this is where the power of Microsoft Office really stands out. All the programs can be used together to create a smooth workplace that runs like clockwork. Here’s how  PowerPoint, Word, and Excel can be used together.

Using PowerPoint and Word Together

You can place your presentations inside of MS Word documents which can help to remove the tediousness of repeating the same points in your presentation in word. Here’s how to do it.

  1. In PowerPoint go to the “Files” tab and select it. You should get a drop-down menu.
  1. In the drop-down menu, select the “Export” option. You should get another drop-down menu.
  1. Select “Create Handouts”. This will open a dialogue box.
  1. Now, select what layout you want.
  1. Paste the link directly into your Word document, and you are done!

Doing this will allow real-time changes within word if they are done in PowerPoint.

Using PowerPoint And Excel Together.

You can use PowerPoint to present your Excel data by creating a chart in PowerPoint and linking it to the Excel file. We have a full tutorial on this which you can read by clicking on the link below –

Final Thoughts

We have reached the end of this article. Hopefully, you have walked away with enough knowledge to impress your peers and understand the key differences between the three applications.

We discussed the differences between these three products and what they all do. Be sure to bookmark this page and keep up to date with all of our articles which are designed to make your work a lot easier.


What is the basic element of PowerPoint?

The most basic element of a PowerPoint presentation is the slide. Slides are comprised of a combination of textual and visual elements. Text may be organized as captions, paragraphs, or bulleted points.

What does PPT stand for in water?

Salinity is a measurement of how much salt is dissolved in the water. Common units of salinity are: Parts per thousand (PPT)

Do I have PowerPoint on my computer?

To check if your PC has PowerPoint Click on the search icon in your taskbar. Type in “Powerpoint” to search for the program. If it exists, it will appear as an icon in the results. Click on the icon to open the program.

Does Windows 10 have PowerPoint?

Windows 10 includes online versions of OneNote, Word, Excel and PowerPoint from Microsoft Office. The online programs often have their own apps as well, including apps for Android and Apple smartphones and tablets.

What are the main features of PowerPoint?

Basic PowerPoint Features

  • Design. The design features of PowerPoint allow you to customize the appearance and format of the slides.
  • Animation. PowerPoint animation is divided between slide transitions and element animation.
  • Presentation.
  • Integration.

    Who gave the idea of PowerPoint?

    Robert Gaskins
    Robert Gaskins invented the PowerPoint idea, managed its development at a start-up for three years, and then headed Microsoft’s business unit in Silicon Valley for another five years.

    What does PowerPoint stand for in Microsoft Office?

    What Does Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) Mean? Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful presentation software developed by Microsoft. It is a standard component of the company’s Microsoft Office suite software, and is bundled together with Word, Excel and other Office productivity tools.

    What do you need to know about Microsoft PowerPoint?

    Definition – What does Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) mean? Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful presentation software developed by Microsoft. It is a standard component of the company’s Microsoft Office suite software, and is bundled together with Word, Excel and other Office productivity tools. The program uses slides to convey information rich in …

    Which is an example of Microsoft PowerPoint software?

    PowerPoint is computer software created by Microsoft which allows the user to create slides with recordings, narrations, transitions and other features in order to present information. An example of PowerPoint is presentation software made by Microsoft.

    When did Microsoft come out with power point?

    MS Office. Powerpoint Word Excel Outlook Microsoft PowerPoint is a slideshow presentation program first developed by Forethought, Inc. for the Macintosh computer in 1987 and purchased by Microsoft in 1990. Microsoft has released several updated versions, each offering more features and incorporating better technology than the one before it.

    What Does Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) Mean? Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful presentation software developed by Microsoft. It is a standard component of the company’s Microsoft Office suite software, and is bundled together with Word, Excel and other Office productivity tools.

    Definition – What does Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT) mean? Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful presentation software developed by Microsoft. It is a standard component of the company’s Microsoft Office suite software, and is bundled together with Word, Excel and other Office productivity tools. The program uses slides to convey information rich in

    Who is the creator of Microsoft PowerPoint?

    Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Microsoft PowerPoint is a slide show presentation program currently developed by Microsoft. PowerPoint’s predecessor, “Presenter”, was created by Forethought Inc., and PowerPoint was officially launched on May 22, 1990, as a part of the Microsoft Office suite.

    PowerPoint Presentation
    The full form of PPT is PowerPoint Presentation. It is a presentation program and is one of the many programs that the Microsoft runs under Microsoft Office. The PPT file contains images, sentences and sound in the form of a presentation.

    Where is PowerPoint in laptop?

    Where do you find or start PowerPoint?

    1. Open My Computer.
    2. Click or select the C: drive.
    3. Navigate to the Program Files (x86) folder, then the Microsoft Office folder.
    4. In the Microsoft Office folder, if there is a root folder, open that folder.
    5. Look for a file named POWERPNT.

    Does my laptop have PowerPoint?

    How do I know if I have PowerPoint?

    To see if PowerPoint (or any Office program) is installed, go to the Control Panel (Classic view) and then Programs and Features and see if it is listed there. If you downloaded it, the version you got may have been a trial version which may be expired, but it should still be listed in Programs and Features.

    What are the 3 types of presentation?

    Beautiful.ai is here to make this even easier with a description of different types of presentations to help you choose.

    • Informative Presentations.
    • Instructive Presentations.
    • Persuasive Presentations.
    • Motivational Presentations.
    • Decision-making Presentations.
    • Progress Presentations.

      What is a powerful presentation tool?

      1. Visme. Visme is a cloud-based presentation tool that allows you to create highly visual presentations to engage viewers and communicate your ideas. It features an intuitive, drag-and-drop design method for creating presentations. The business version also prioritizes brand consistency and company-wide image storage.

      What are the major features of PowerPoint?

      PowerPoint offers word processing software, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed to be easy to use and learn. These are some main & advance features of MS Powerpoint, Customize Color Schemes. Add Animation effects.

      What is PowerPoint and main components?

      The parts of the PowerPoint window Title Bar: Displays the document name followed by a program name. Menu Bar: Contains a list of options to manage and customize documents. Standard Toolbar: Contains shortcut buttons for the most popular commands. Formatting Toolbar: Contains buttons used for formatting.

      What does PPT stand for in school?

      Planning and Placement Team
      Individualized Education Program (IEP) – Planning and Placement Team (PPT)

      What is a part per trillion?

      A concentration of one part per trillion means that there is one part of that substance for every one trillion parts of either air, water or soil in which it is contained. One part per trillion is equivalent to one nanogram per kilogram.

Unlock the full potential of Microsoft PowerPoint with our comprehensive guide, filled with tips and tricks to create stunning presentations.

PowerPoint as known as PPt is a widely used software tool designed to create professional and visually appealing presentations for various purposes. This software has become a staple in the corporate world, education sector, and many other industries. In this guide, we will provide an introduction to PowerPoint, its features, and functionalities, along with some tips to help you create compelling and effective presentations.

Whether you are using PowerPoint for business, education, or personal use, this guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the software’s capabilities. By the end of this guide, you will have the knowledge and tools necessary to create presentations that are both informative and visually appealing.

Explanation of What PowerPoint Is

What PowerPoint is?

PowerPoint is a software tool developed by Microsoft that allows users to create presentations with the use of slides. The software provides a platform for individuals to create multimedia presentations that incorporate text, images, audio, and video elements. PowerPoint has become a widely used tool in the corporate world, education sector, and many other industries due to its user-friendly interface and ability to create professional-looking presentations quickly and efficiently.

Why people need free PowerPoint?

People often seek out free PowerPoint alternatives for various reasons. One of the primary reasons is that the cost of a Microsoft Office subscription, which includes PowerPoint, can be prohibitively expensive for some individuals and small businesses. Additionally, some users may not require the full range of features offered by PowerPoint and may prefer a simpler, more streamlined presentation tool. Another reason people seek out free PowerPoint alternatives is that they may be using a different operating system, such as Mac or Linux, that is not compatible with the Microsoft Office suite. In this case, they may require a presentation tool that is compatible with their operating system.

Some problems/trends exist in the current PowerPoint market

In terms of problems in the current PowerPoint market, one issue is that many presentations created using the software can be dull and uninspiring. This has led to a trend towards more visually appealing and engaging presentations, with a focus on storytelling and multimedia elements. Additionally, there is a growing demand for presentation tools that are more collaborative and accessible, allowing multiple users to work on a presentation simultaneously and from different locations.Another trend in the PowerPoint market is the rise of mobile presentation tools, which allow users to create and deliver presentations directly from their mobile devices. This trend is driven by the growing use of mobile devices for work and the need for greater flexibility and convenience in creating and delivering presentations.

Version History and System Requirements

Microsoft PowerPoint 2021

Microsoft PowerPoint 2021: Released on October 5, 2021, as part of the Microsoft Office 2021 suite. It includes new features such as improved collaboration and sharing options, enhanced presenter view, and new design themes and icons.

Operating System: Windows 10, Windows Server 2019, or later

Processor: 1.1 GHz or faster, 2-core


Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2.0 or higher for Windows 10 (or WDDM 1.3 or higher for Windows 10 Fall Creators Update).

Hard Disk Space: 4 GB of free hard disk space

Display: 1280 x 768 screen resolution?(64-bit Office required for 4K and higher)

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019

Microsoft Office 2019 and Microsoft PowerPoint 2019 were released (also known as Office). On April 27, 2018, Microsoft launched the Office 2019 Commercial Preview for Windows 10, and on June 12, 2018, it did the same for macOS. The launch took place on September 24, 2018.

Operating System: Windows 10 or later version; Windows Server 2019 or later version.

Processor: 1.6 GHz or faster, 2-core.

RAM: 4 GB RAM; 2 GB (32-bit) RAM.

Hard Disk Space: 4 GB of available disk space.

Display: 1280 x 768 screen resolution.

Microsoft powerpoint 2007

Released on January 30, 2007, as part of the Microsoft Office 2007 suite. It introduced the ribbon interface and included new features such as SmartArt graphics and the ability to save presentations as PDF files.

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later; Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 or later.

Processor: 500 MHz or higher.

RAM: 256 MB or higher.

Hard Disk Space: 1.5 GB of available disk space.

Display: 1024 x 768 or higher resolution monitor. m Requirements:

What Is the Difference between MS Word and MS PowerPoint?

Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint are both part of the Microsoft Office suite, but they have different purposes and functions. Here are the main differences between the two programs and the advantages of using PowerPoint over Word:

1. Purpose

Microsoft Word is primarily used for creating and editing text-based documents, such as letters, resumes, reports, and essays.Microsoft PowerPoint is designed for creating multimedia presentations, which can include text, images, videos, animations, and other types of media.

2. Function

In Word, you can create and format text, add images and tables, and create lists and bullet points. You can also insert charts and graphs, but they are typically simpler and less interactive than those in PowerPoint.

In PowerPoint, you can create slides with a variety of layouts and designs, add multimedia elements, and customize animations and transitions. You can also create speaker notes and use the presenter view to control the presentation during delivery.

3. Advantages of PowerPoint over Word

Visual appeal: PowerPoint presentations are visually engaging and can hold the audience’s attention better than text-based documents. This is especially useful for presenting complex or technical information.

Interactive features: PowerPoint allows you to create interactive elements such as hyperlinks, buttons, and quizzes, which can engage the audience and help reinforce key points.

Multimedia capabilities: PowerPoint lets you easily incorporate images, videos, and audio into your presentation, which can enhance the overall impact and effectiveness of your message.

4. Example usage scenario

Let’s say you are giving a sales pitch to a potential client. You could use Microsoft Word to create a text-based document outlining your company’s products and services, but it may not be as engaging or memorable as a PowerPoint presentation. Instead, you could use PowerPoint to create a visually appealing and interactive presentation that showcases your products with images and videos, includes customer testimonials, and uses animations and transitions to highlight key features and benefits.

Here are some pros and cons of using PowerPoint over Word:


Visually engaging and memorable.

Interactive features can engage the audience.

Multimedia capabilities can enhance the overall impact of the message.


May take more time to create than a simple text-based document.

Can be overused or misused, leading to a lack of effectiveness or engagement.

Requires some design and multimedia skills to create a professional-looking presentation.

How to Download Microsoft PowerPoint for Free

Microsoft PowerPoint is a paid software, but there are a few ways to get it for free. Here’s how to download Microsoft PowerPoint for free:

Sign up for a free trial of Microsoft 365: Microsoft offers a 30-day free trial of its Microsoft 365 suite, which includes PowerPoint. Go to the Microsoft 365 website and sign up for the trial. You’ll need to provide a valid email address and payment information, but you won’t be charged until the trial period ends.

Use the free online version of PowerPoint: Microsoft also offers a free, online version of PowerPoint that you can use in your web browser. Simply go to the Microsoft PowerPoint website and sign in with your Microsoft account or create a new one. You’ll have access to a limited set of features, but it’s a great option if you just need to create a simple presentation.

Here’s a guide to downloading and installing Microsoft PowerPoint using the free trial:

  • Go to the Microsoft 365 website (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365) and click on «Try for free» or «Start free trial.»

  • Follow the prompts to sign up for the trial, providing your email address and payment information. You won’t be charged until the trial period ends.

  • Once you’ve signed up, go to the Microsoft PowerPoint download page (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/powerpoint) and click on «Download now.»

  • The installer will download to your computer. Double-click on the installer file to begin the installation process.

  • Follow the prompts to complete the installation. You may need to sign in with your Microsoft account or create a new one.

  • Once the installation is complete, you can launch PowerPoint from the Start menu or by double-clicking on a PowerPoint file.

Note: The steps may vary slightly depending on your operating system and the version of Microsoft PowerPoint you’re downloading.

How Can I Create a PowerPoint?

Get to know the PowerPoint interface

The PowerPoint interface, including the Ribbon, the Slides tab, the presentation window, the Notes pane, the Comments pane, the Quick Access toolbar, and the Status bar.

    Create a new presentation

    Open PowerPoint.

    Select Blank presentation, or select one of the themes.

    Select More themes to view the gallery and search for more.

    Add a slide

    Select the slide you want your new slide to follow.

    Select Home > New Slide.

    Select Layout and the you type want from the drop-down.


    When you save your files to the cloud, you can share and collaborate with others.

    Select File > Save As.

    Select a OneDrive folder and name the file.

    After you save once to OneDrive, AutoSave is enabled that saves your file automatically, every few seconds, as you work.

    Efficiency Tips for Making PowerPoint

    Use keyboard shortcuts: Keyboard shortcuts can save you time and make it easier to navigate and edit your presentation. Some common shortcuts include «Ctrl+C» to copy, «Ctrl+V» to paste, and «Ctrl+Z» to undo.

    Use templates: PowerPoint offers a wide variety of templates that you can use to quickly create professional-looking presentations. You can also create your own templates to save even more time.

    Use the Slide Master: The Slide Master is a powerful tool that allows you to customize the layout and formatting of your slides. By making changes to the Slide Master, you can apply those changes to all slides in your presentation.

    Use Design Ideas: The Design Ideas feature in PowerPoint can help you create professional-looking slides quickly and easily. This feature suggests layouts, color schemes, and other design elements based on the content of your slides.

    Use the Selection Pane: The Selection Pane allows you to manage and organize the objects on your slides. You can use it to select, reorder, and hide objects, which can be especially helpful if you have a complex slide with many elements.

    Use the Eyedropper tool: The Eyedropper tool allows you to quickly match the color of any object on your slide. This can help you create a consistent color scheme throughout your presentation.

    Use the «Reuse Slides» feature: If you have a slide from a previous presentation that you want to use in your current presentation, you can use the «Reuse Slides» feature to quickly add it to your presentation.

    Free PowerPoint Template Website Recommend

    There are many websites where you can find free PowerPoint templates. Here are a few recommendations:

    1. WPS built-in template store

    WPS Office has a built-in template store with a wide variety of free PowerPoint templates. You can access the store directly from within the WPS Office application.

    2. MS template

    Microsoft Office also offers a selection of free PowerPoint templates that you can download from their website.

    3. Slidego

    SlideGo provides high-quality free and premium PowerPoint templates, designed by professional graphic designers.

    Common Issues with PowerPoint and How to Fix Them

    Can I use word and PowerPoint for free?

    It depends on the software you are using. If you are using Microsoft Office, you can access free online versions of Word and PowerPoint through Office Online.

    How do I get PowerPoint on my Chromebook?

    If you are not using Microsoft Office, you can use a web-based presentation software, such as Google Slides, which is accessible on any device with a web browser, including Chromebooks.

    Which is better word Excel or PowerPoint?

    This depends on your specific needs and the task at hand. Word is a word processing tool, Excel is a spreadsheet tool, and PowerPoint is a presentation tool. Each has different features and is better suited for different tasks.


    We hope that this post will provide you more insight into PowerPoint, as well as tips on how to create PowerPoint presentations. Also, if you’re sick of utilizing the same old PowerPoint templates for your presentations, why not download WPS Office’s free PowerPoint and utilize their enormous template library? You have access to a variety of expertly created templates with WPS Office, which may help you make your presentations more aesthetically appealing and interesting. The best thing is that it is totally free as well! Get WPS Office right away to experience how their templates can elevate your presentations.

  • Slidesgo

  • PowerPoint Tutorials

What is PowerPoint and what it is used for | Quick Tips & Tutorial for your presentations

Who has never used a PowerPoint template as visual support for their presentation? However, do we really know what it is and what it is used for?

Although it may be clear to us, answering this question clearly and concisely is not so easy, so Slidesgo has decided to tell you today what PowerPoint is and what it is used for so that you will never have doubts again and everything will be crystal clear.

What is PowerPoint and what it is used for

PowerPoint is a program that belongs to the Microsoft Office suite along with other famous software such as the Word processor or the Excel spreadsheet. It is very likely that you have heard of or even used all of them, but without being completely clear about what they are and what they are for. Let’s answer these questions!


  1. What is PowerPoint: Definition
  2. What is PowerPoint used for
  3. What is a slide in PowerPoint

What is PowerPoint: Definition

As we have mentioned, PowerPoint is, in short, software for editing presentations. Through slides (don’t worry, now we are going to talk about them too) you can present the content you want adapting it to your liking.

What is PowerPoint

The editing procedure is simple: either create a new presentation from scratch or modify a previously created template, such as those available in Slidesgo.

There is no limit to creating a PowerPoint template: you can use and edit images, text, music, add animations, and much more. Being creative with PowerPoint is very easy, as the design options are practically endless. If you have doubts about what you can do in PowerPoint and how at Slidesgo School we have a whole section dedicated to PowerPoint tutorials.

what  is PowerPoint used for

So, what do you need to create a PowerPoint presentation? Well, two things. A subscription to the Microsoft Office suite, which will allow you to use their other products and even combine them with your presentations, and, above all, a desire to let your imagination run wild!

What is PowerPoint used for

We already know what it is, now let’s see what it’s for so you can start editing and creating your presentations.

What is PowerPoint what it is used for

In short, PowerPoint is visual support. The information is usually clearer when the speech is accompanied by a visual tool, whether it is an image, a video, or in this case, everything collected in a presentation. 

The two areas in which PowerPoint excels are business and also education, although it can be very useful in any field or subject. You can use, for example, a PowerPoint as a visual aid in the presentation of a marketing plan to capture the attention of the audience or to teach a lesson on history.

Apart from attracting the attention of the listener, PowerPoint allows you to summarize concepts and highlight the information that you believe has priority in your speech.

What is a slide in PowerPoint

All right, we are moving up a level. The next question is an «A» question: what is a PowerPoint slide? If you don’t know, don’t worry, we will tell you in detail.

What is PPT

Slides are the units that make up your presentation. These are the ones you are going to edit and where you are going to add your content. You can add everything previously mentioned: text, tables, charts, graphs, images, videos, you can animate them for transition, change the background, and much more.

And this is the end of the lesson. We hope you found it useful and that it will be a help when you are editing in PowerPoint. If you want to know more about this tool, you can read this article from Slidesgo School about the advantages of Google Slides and PowerPoint.

Do you find this article useful?

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