What is plain text in microsoft word

Word processors can generally save documents as plain text files, and the files they create are usually formatted better than text you copy and paste. For most programs, to save a file as plain text: From the File menu, select Save As…, and specify ASCII or Text as the file format.

Besides, What is Rich Text Format in word?

RTF stands for Rich Text Format and is a universal document file format and is easily read by many of the word-processing packages. It is particularly useful to those using a different word-processing package from those used on campus.

As well as What is plain text example? Plain text, Plain-text, or Plaintext is any text, text file, or document containing only text. … The picture is a visual example of plain text vs. formatted text. Most associate plain text files with the file extension .

Furthermore What does keep text only mean in Word?

“Keep Text Only” is the same as pasting as “Unformatted Text” (the latter option can be found in the Paste Special dialog box) which means that the pasted text assumes the formatting at the insertion point. No formatting is brought into the document by the pasted text.

Can you send a Word document in a text message?

can a word text doc be sent to a cell phone as a text and if so ho ? The short answer is no. However if the recipient has an e-mail equipped mobile you can send it as an e-mail message. If not then you will need to copy and paste the text into a web page that will allow you to send SMS text messages.

How do I open a rich text document?

To Upload: Go to your Google Drive and look for the upload icon. When you click on it, choose Files… Select the . rtf file and click Open.

What is difference between rich text and plain text?

Rich Text: Rich Text Format (RTF) is a file format that allows the exchange of text files between different editors. … Plain Text: Plain text contains no formatting, only line breaks and spacing. Therefore no text formatting (such as font sizes and colors, bolding or italics) can be used.

What is the best format to save a text document?

For Plain text files the simplest, and most durable format is ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). It has been developed since 1963 and must be the single most supported format ever.

What is plain text code?

“Plain text is a pure sequence of character codes; plain Un-encoded text is therefore a sequence of Unicode character codes.” styled text, also known as rich text, is any text representation containing plain text completed by information such as a language identifier, font size, color, or hypertext links.

What is the difference between plain text and formatted text?

Plain Text: Plain text contains no formatting, only line breaks and spacing. Therefore no text formatting (such as font sizes and colors, bolding or italics) can be used. Since it allows for text formatting, Rich Text is a popular default format for the creation of emails.

What is plain text and cipher text?

If you can make sense of what is written, then it is in plaintext. Ciphertext, or encrypted text, is a series of randomized letters and numbers which humans cannot make any sense of. An encryption algorithm takes in a plaintext message, runs the algorithm on the plaintext, and produces a ciphertext.

How do I keep text only in Word?

On the Word Options dialog box, click the Advanced button in the left pane. Scroll down to the Cut, copy, and paste section. Select Keep Text Only from the drop-down list for Pasting from other programs. You can change all of them if you like as I have done, but the default values should work fine for most people.

Where is keep text only in Word?

How to set default paste settings for Microsoft Word

  1. Open Microsoft Word.
  2. Create a blank document. …
  3. Click on File.
  4. Click on Options.
  5. Click on Advanced.
  6. Under the “Cut, copy, and paste” section, use the “Paste from other programs” drop-down menu and select the Keep Text Only option.

How do I remove text formatting in Word?

Clear formatting from text

  1. Select the text that you want to return to its default formatting.
  2. In Word: On the Edit menu, click Clear and then select Clear Formatting. In PowerPoint: On the Home tab, in the Font group, click Clear All Formatting .

Can you send a text with an attachment?

Compose a text message as you normally do. Touch the Action Overflow or Menu icon, and choose the Insert or Attach command. You may also see a Paperclip icon on the message composition screen. … Picture: Take a picture and attach it to the text message, or choose an image stored in the phone’s Gallery.

How do I attach a PDF to an iphone text message?

You can attach a pdf to an iMessage. Open the pdf in whatever app it resides. Then tap the share icon and select Messages from the share option. Then select the person that you want to send the text to.

Can you text a word document on iPhone?

Open the Word doc and copy the text. Send as a new message and paste it in.

How do I convert a rich text document to word?

How to convert RTF to DOC

  1. Upload rtf-file(s) Select files from Computer, Google Drive, Dropbox, URL or by dragging it on the page.
  2. Choose “to doc” Choose doc or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)
  3. Download your doc.

What is an open document text file?

What is an ODT file? ODT files are type of documents created with word processing applications that are based on OpenDocument Text File format. These are created with word processor applications such as free OpenOffice Writer and can hold content such as text, images, objects and styles.

What is a TXT doc?

A TXT file is a standard text document that contains plain text. It can be opened and edited in any text-editing or word-processing program. TXT files are most often created by Microsoft Notepad and Apple TextEdit, which are basic text editors that come bundled with Windows and macOS, respectively.

What is plain text used for?

Plain text is used for much e-mail. A comment, a “. txt” file, or a TXT Record generally contains only plain text (without formatting) intended for humans to read. The best format for storing knowledge persistently is plain text, rather than some binary format.

What is plain text mode?

Normal mode refers to regular text that you can apply formatting options to, such as bold and italics, whereas HTML mode refers to plain text without any formatting options. …

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  • Introduction
  • What is Plain Text?
  • Why Plain Text?
  • An Example of the Plain Text Workflow
  • Parting Thoughts

Reading time: 10 minute(s) @ 200 WPM.


The Plain Text Workflow is an alternative to writing with a word processor. Mind you, I said writing, not typesetting or formatting, which is a major part of what word processors do. The idea of the plain text workflow is that you separate the act of writing from that of producing a formatted, typeset final document. You initially capture your words using a plain text editor, perhaps using a lightweight formatting language like Markdown. Then, using freely-available software such as pandoc, you translate your plain text document into whatever file format you need to provide (to a colleague, reviewer, literary agent, journal editor, blog post, email, website, etc.), be it Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, PDF, HTML, or whatever. You might also bring this translated file into your word processor to continue tweaking the formatting. However, your original words are captured in one or more plain text files, which remain the source from which various other document formats flow. With the plain text workflow, you work in plain text, and all of those other document formats are outputs from your plain text source document.

This concept was described in 1999 by Allin Cottrell:

I am suggesting, therefore, that [there] should be two distinct “moments” in the production of a printed text using a computer. First one types one’s text and gets its logical structure right, indicating this structure in the text via simple annotations. This is accomplished using a text editor, a piece of software not to be confused with a word processor . . . Then one “hands over” one’s text to a typesetting program, which in a very short time returns beautifully typeset copy.

Although Cottrell was talking about printed copy here, he goes on to say that his remarks apply to digital documents as well.

Writing in plain text is not new, and dates back at least to 1978 when the TeX computer typesetting system was created by Donald Knuth. What is new is that writers are increasingly turning (or re-turning) to plain text because they are sick of having to deal with complicated, bloated, expensive word processing software, proprietary file formats that constantly change, incompatibilities across word processor versions and computer platforms (including, now, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices), collaborators and co-authors who each use a different word processor, et sic porro. Plain text files have been around since the birth of modern computing. HTML, the foundation of the Internet and World Wide Web, is a plain-text markup language. All computer programming source code is written in plain text. And now, as W. Caleb McDaniel has written in Why (and How) I Wrote My Academic Book in Plain Text, it “seems like the ancient past of personal computing is becoming the wave of the future.”

What is Plain Text?

A plain text file differs from a word processor file because plain text contains only the letters, numbers, and symbols that appear on a standard keyboard, known as the ASCII character set. Word processor files, however, contain additional, invisible formatting commands that the software uses to produce fonts, text styles such as boldface and italics, bulleted lists, placeholders for endnotes, footnotes, and bibliographic citations, and so on. Each word processor vendor uses different formatting commands, such that a document file from one vendor’s word processor cannot be used directly in another vendor’s word processor. At the very least, the proprietary file format of word processor A needs to be converted into the proprietary format of word processor B. Often, the files cannot be read at all, or if they can, some of the formatting may be lost in translation.

Plain ASCII text files, on the other hand, are universal and will be readable on any conceivable type of computing device that humanity will produce in the foreseeable future. Although we are not sure at this time how much of the future is foreseeable, the plain text format does alleviate all future and backward compatibility issues. Plain text files are multi-platform: You can edit them on a Mac, iPad, iPhone, Windows PC, Android, Unix/Linux, all without any compatibility worries.

Without plain text files, if you are collaborating on a book with several co-authors and each uses a different word processor (Microsoft Word and Apple Pages and LibreOffice, say), then each author needs to use a different proprietary document format. This can complicate the process of collaboration, because in order for all authors to contribute to the book, each of their word processor file formats would have to be translated, then changes integrated back into the original document, raising the possibility of different versions of the same file getting mixed up, etc., etc. But if all authors are writing in plain text, the file compatibility problem is eliminated because every computer, and all editing software, can read and write plain text. One copy of the plain text document could be kept on a cloud storage medium, such as Dropbox, and every co-author could then edit that same text file directly, using whatever plain text editing software they desired.

And because it is “ubiquitously compatible and futureproof,” plain text is an excellent archival format. In Forget fancy formatting: Why plain text is best, David Sparks writes:

Although modern word processing programs can do some amazing things—adding charts, tables, and images, applying sophisticated formatting—there’s one thing they can’t do: Guarantee that the words I write today will be readable ten years from now.

If you’ve ever dusted off a 3.5-inch floppy disk (or, God forbid, a 5.25-incher), and then dusted off your old external floppy disk drive, fired it up and retrieved that brilliant essay that you wrote in Wordstar back in 1984, you know the problem. That old word processor format is no longer readable, because good old Wordstar has gone extinct. You could try opening the Wordstar file in a plain text editor, but all those proprietary formatting commands have turned your words into gibberish. If Wordstar had used the plain text file format, this problem would not exist.

Another advantage of plain text is that it works well with version control systems (VCS), software that writers can use to archive and retrieve drafts of their writing projects. Long used by software developers to store and track changes in their programming source code, VCSs such as Draft are now available specifically for writers. Benefits of a VCS include tracking every change in a document; tracking writing experiments, while keeping the main file intact; tracking co-authoring and collaboration; and tracking individual contributions. The proprietary, often binary file formats used for word processor files generally do not fare well in a VCS, but plain text files are what VCSs were designed for.

There are distinct advantages to setting down your words in plain text instead of in a word processor. Because plain text editing software is by design fairly minimal and uncomplicated, a writer can concentrate on writing and not be distracted by the myriad of formatting and typesetting options, icons, menus, widgets, gadgets, buttons, and other digitalia that a typical word processor presents. For example, here is a screenshot of Microsoft Word running on a Mac:

And the corresponding screenshot of MacDown, a free plain-text Markdown editor for the Mac:

Any questions?

Another plus is that most computers come with a free editor for plain text, for example Notepad for Windows and TextEdit for the Mac. There are also many third-party free and paid text editors with added features, for Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android.

Furthermore, plain text files can be used with reference management software, such as Zotero, to insert literature citations into the text and to produce formatted bibliographies. While Zotero and other reference managers have toolbar plugins for Microsoft Word, LibreOffice, and OpenOffice, which enable writers to access their references while writing with those word processors, it can also insert plain-text citation markers into plain-text documents. With a couple of additional steps those markers can be converted into formatted literature citations and bibliographies for both footnotes and endnotes. (Of course, users of LaTeX and BibTeX have been doing this for decades, but that’s another blog post.)

In addition to containing links to bibliographic databases, plain text files can include embedded computer code for producing data analyses, simulations, graphics, and other data-based content. For example, using programming statements from R, the open-source statistical and graphics platform, along with a variant of the Markdown language, one can write a single, plain-text document that will produce elegant formatting, an automatically generated table of contents, well-formatted mathematical expressions, tables, crisp figures, and an automatically generated bibliography. (Click here for an example.) With this approach, your plain-text file becomes not only the source of your finished, typeset document, but also maintains a record of the data management and analysis steps taken to arrive at your final result. For more details, see RStudio as a Research and Writing Platform.

By now I hope that I have convinced you that there are numerous advantages to writing in plain text. We now turn to an example.

An Example of the Plain Text Workflow

The following example uses Markdown as the starting point. The name Markdown is a play on the word markup. Probably the best-known markup language is HTML, or hypertext markup language, which is used to “mark up” a plain text file to create Web pages. HTML creates its markup with “tags.” If you look at a list of HTML tags, you will see that there are a lot of them. Markdown, in contrast, is what is known as a lightweight markup language, having a simple syntax that is easy to create using any text editor. Because it has a lightweight syntax, Markdown is easy to read in its raw form, unlike markup languages such as HTML and XML.

Click here to view an example of a Markdown file, and here to view the file rendered as HTML. You could also open the Markdown text in a Markdown-friendly editor, like MacDown, and be able to view the original Markdown and its HTML rendering side-by-side. More information on Markdown and its syntax can be found here.

Markdown’s lightweight syntax allows you to create a plain text source document on any text editor, on any computing device. The aim of the plain text workflow is to provide a simple means of setting down words efficiently. As mentioned earlier, keeping this Markdown file on a cloud storage account such as Dropbox would make it accessible, and editable, from any computing device that was synced to the Dropbox account, including mobile devices.

Using the MacDown editor, we can export this Markdown file to either HTML or PDF. However, the pandoc file conversion utility lets us convert Markdown files to any of the major word processor document formats (as well as a number of other formats). These include HTML, docx, ODT, EPUB, LaTeX, and PDF.

Pandoc is free and runs on all major computer platforms. Installation instructions are here, and the essential instructions can be found here. Greatly more detailed instructions are here, meant for people who are “command-line experts.”

Yes, pandoc is a command-line tool. There is no graphical user interface, no menu system, no point-and-click to pandoc. It’s a blinking cursor, waiting for you to type a command. But do not be afraid. We will work through a simple example, which most of the time will be all that you need.

Once pandoc is installed, you need to open up a terminal window, also called a command prompt or command shell. The exact way you would open up a command-line interface will vary according to your computer platform, but all of them basically look something like this:

To verify that pandoc is installed correctly, type:

pandoc --version

and you should see something that looks like:

pandoc 1.18
Compiled with pandoc-types, texmath, highlighting-kate 0.6.3
Default user data directory: /Users/rlent/.pandoc
Copyright (C) 2006-2016 John MacFarlane
Web:  http://pandoc.org
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is no warranty, not even for merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose.

Let’s try converting our markdown file, which, if you download it, should be renamed to markdown.md, to a Microsoft Word docx file. The conversion command is as follows:

pandoc -s -f markdown -t docx markdown.md -o markdown.docx

The first item typed on the command line is the name of the application, pandoc. The other items are command-line options, and are simply a sequence of options telling pandoc what we want it to do. Thus the -s means we want a “standalone” file, that is, a complete file and not just a piece of a file. The -f means “from,” meaning we want to convert from Markdown (the next item) to (the -t) a docx file (Starting to get it?). Next is the name of the input file (markdown.md), followed by -o for “output,” then the name we want to give to the converted file (markdown.docx).

For all of this to work, you need to be in the folder (directory) of your computer’s filesystem where the input file is located. In the command window you would have to use the cd command to navigate to the proper location. See Getting started with pandoc for more details.

You will also need the picture of the guy with the big fish downloaded into the same folder.

Assuming that everything worked, you should now have a file called markdown.docx, which if opened in Microsoft Word should look like a bona fide Word file, with proper formatting as created in the original, plain-text Markdown file.

What if a colleague didn’t have Word and instead wanted a PDF file? Just type:

pandoc -s -f markdown markdown.md -o markdown.pdf

Pandoc can figure out that you want PDF output by the filename extension specified on the output file.

Parting Thoughts

Other workflows, of course, are possible. You could capture your words in longhand with pen and paper and then type your manuscript into a computer file. You could dictate into a computer or smartphone, and software will automagically convert your spoken words to text. If you write exclusively on one computer, are happy with your word processing software, and you’re getting published, then that system is working and you may not want to mess with it. If a group of co-authors all agree to use the same word processing software, then the collaborative writing project is made easier. (Unless the word processor vendor goes out of business, changes its file format, or releases a new version of the software that no longer works with your favorite reference manager.) You should use whatever writing workflow enables you to initially capture your words, edit them, and then produce a finished product, be it printed on paper or stored in a digital file.

Like many things in computing, the plain text workflow is just one of numerous options. (Remember that Yahoo stands for You Always Have Other Options.) But unlike many of the alternatives, plain text has been around a long time, will continue to be around, and is resistant to change. Using the tools described here, the plain text workflow can give you “the reckless freedom to write anywhere.”


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What is Text.:- Collection of words or letters is called as text.

This is a plain text-Geeks for Geeks

This is a rich text- Geeks for Geeks

It is clear from the above two types of text that what we are dealing with now lets see them one by one in detail and the difference between them.

Plain text is a text with no styles attached or embedded with it. It is just a plain text i.e. simple text. It was created by American Hardware Designers in the 60s 70s. And the files with plain text are saved with .txt or .TXT extension.

Advantages of plain text –

  • if you write something in plain text then whenever you open that file on any machine then the end result will be same that is it will show the text as it is on every system. Unlike rich text if you format the text and add the styles to it then it might create problem if the end person doesn’t have suitable app for it then it will distort its styles as a result it will leave a bad impression on the user.
  • It is fast and flexible as it doesn’t uses styles and formatting therefore it is fast and flexible.
  • file size of plain text format is less as compared to rich text format.

Disadvantages of plain text –

  • In the todays era almost 90% of the  word processor uses rich text format.
  • It looks very basic i.e. without styles.
  • To read the plain text it becomes boring sometimes.

Examples of plain text –

  • https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qxWMnVSpMy3ZxbTT0cmBZoeLPjSWOTWz/view?usp=sharing
  • If you paste the text in the normal word processor then it will look like the image given below i,e. with no styles and formatting.

Rich text is a text with styles attached or embedded with it so whenever you are copying the rich text and pasting to editor which support rich text then it will automatically include all the styles formatting spacing etc. Rich text format was created by Microsoft in 80s and they discontinued the development of rich text in 2008..Rich text files are usually save with .rtf or .RTF extension.

if you paste the given rich text in notepad or editor with only plain text format then it will look like the above image as the plain text editor will only include the text without styles and formatting.

Advantages of rich text –

  • In almost 90% of word processors supports the rich text format.
  • It looks interesting that a text with styles like the text given below in green color Geeks for geeks rather than simple text as it include styling and formatting as a result developer learn how to style and format the text.
  • To keep the end user connected to the text without getting bored.

Disadvantages of rich text –

  • If the rich text file is opened in word processor which do not support rich text then it doesn’t looks good to the user as the formatting might not support the word processor.
  • file size is large as compared to plain text as it includes styles and formatting information with it
  • it is also bit complex to add the styles and formatting as it takes more time compared to plain text

Examples of rich text –

  • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mOFZ9Y84nx56mKKfwzaviUTplGGPxM0o/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=100618971610824625854&rtpof=true&sd=true
  • If you paste the text in the editor which support rich text then it will include all the styles, formatting as it is like the image given below

Difference between Rich text and Plain text :


 PLAIN TEXT                                                

                                        RICH TEXT    
1. Text with no Formatting Text with Formatting
2.  Styles are absent Styles are embedded with it.
3.  Files are saved with .txt or .TXT extension Files are saved with .rtf extension or any extension that supports rich text format like .docx
4.  Created by American Hardware Designers in the 60s,70s Created by Microsoft in 80s and later they discontinued the development in the year 2008
5. It is the default text format of notepad, command terminal etc It is the default text format of Microsoft Word , Google docx etc
6. Used in email,cryptography etc. Used in html webpages, Microsoft words etc. 
7. Example-Geeks for Geeks. Example GEEKS FOR GEEKS
8. Not used much as everywhere rich text format is used as it makes  formatting easy. It is used widely as it is makes the formatting a ease.
9. Whenever the rich text is pasted in plain text editor then it only includes symbols,spaces,line breaks. Whenever the rich text is pasted in rich text editor then it includes all the formatting and styles.
10. Whenever the plain text is pasted in rich text editor then it is pasted as it is. Whenever the plain text is pasted in plain text editor then it is pasted as it is.
11. File size is small as compared to rich text file File size is large as compared to plain text file
12. Compatible to all the word processors Compatible to only word processors which supports rich text format.


It all depends on the user that which type of text he/she would like to use like if he/she works more on docx and notepad++ then they should prefer using rich text. and vice versa.

Having covered some bigger topics, I decided to write this simple plain text vs. rich text comparison post, within which I’ll try to explain both types, which is the best, and when it is good to use either file type.

A plain text file is as plain as they come, it has no text formatting; which means no font sizes and colors, bolding or italics, or other types of markup.

All it has are plain text, line breaks, and spacing. That’s all!

A rich text file, which is the default format for Microsoft Word and similar popular word processors, is as the name suggests is richer and allows formatting.

Let’s compare the two, but before we get to that part, let me briefly explain an RTF file.

rich text files vs. plain text files

What is an RTF File

This is a cross-platform document file format with better text adjustability than plain text files.

This file format allows the user to perform several formatting tasks, such as font sizes and colors, bolding, italics, and others.

Being a cross-platform file means that RTF allows the exchange of text files between different editors. RTF is the default format of popular word processors like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages and Notes, and many others.

What is Plain Text

In layman’s terms, plain text is any text that isn’t formatted or unformatted documents. It doesn’t have any special formatting (i.e., downloadable font types, font sizes, bold font, or italics).

Plain text only uses standard characters, and they are available on almost any application used for typing.

rtf and plain text file

Rich Text Files vs. Plain Text Files: The Differences between Them

There are several differences between rich text files and plain text files—most of which have to do with formatting—and here are some of them:


While RTF supports the inclusion of JPEG, PNG, Enhanced Metafile (EMF), Windows Metafile (WMF), Apple PICT, and other picture formats, plain text files do not.

Although some of these picture types might not be supported on a few RTF readers and won’t be displayed, most RTF writers usually convert an unsupported picture type to a supported picture type.

To go around this picture format compatibility issue, writers include the same picture in two different picture types in one document—there’s a higher chance of one format being a supported type.


Most word processing software and email platforms support the RTF format importing, and this makes it a cross-platform format; on the other hand, plain text can be used on almost all systems without a single issue. This is also one of the main differences between rich text formats and plain text files.

Most applications that read RTF files can read many RTF dialects, including the ones unknown to them. Documents with foreign dialects still display basic formatting elements such as bold, italics, text underlining and alignment, font specification, and document margins.

If I were to give the two types of files an interoperability score, I’d give RTF 87% percent and Plain text files would get 98%.


Applications that handle rich text files allow users to import objects such as tables or charts from spreadsheet applications.

Although these objects are not widely supported in some RTF programs, they are available on Windows and Mac word processors. 

The RTF processing programs also allow the drawing of objects or shapes, such as rectangles, ellipses, lines, arrows, and polygons.

If you have used a plain .txt file processor, you know that the best you do is objects (whether drawn or imported) are out of the question.

rich text files vs. plain text files differences between them

This is Why Should You Use Plain Text

1. Ease of use

Plain text files do not come with any complicated structures or appurtenances, and this characteristic makes them easy to use.

There is an almost flat learning curve and it’s extremely easy to type for the first time. You don’t have to worry about format, shortcuts, or format—just type away!

And plain text files don’t require third-party apps as most operating systems have built-in applications for making .txt files

2. Portability

What I like about plain text files is that they are portable and work with practically almost any operating system.

I already touched on this when I compared the interoperability of RTF and plain text.

I already gave it 98% because plain text files can be used on Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and all Linux distros.

This means that “compatibility issues” don’t exist for .txt files and can be opened by pretty much any document or text creation software.

3. Plain Text Files Are Fast

I do not think there’s a 21st-century computer that can struggle with .txt files or .txt processing software.

The case is slightly different for word processors that can handle RTF because they’re built to handle more complex features like tables, pictures, and macros.

Being without all features, .txt files open quickly and easily. Plus, .txt files are smaller in size than other file types, making them easier to transfer. That is not all, operating systems find it easier to index plain text files, and this means they’ll show up faster in system-wide searches.

4. Not Distractive

With plain text, you neither waste time looking at fancy formatting features nor on extra grammar and spell checking features.

The text is simple, all you have to do is write! Nothing else.

Use Plain Text Files to Capture Your Thoughts.

This is Why You Shouldn’t Use Plain Text

If you’re writing official documents, writing a blog post for instant publishing, writing an academic assignment that needs some diagrams and objects, or if you need to craft a story with elaborate formatting; don’t use plain text.

In fact, plain text should only be used for small documents that you can format later.

Final Words on Rich Text vs. Plain Text   

Choosing between rich text and plain text is a matter of convenience—when you want to write quickly and easily without any distractions, plain text is a better option.  

They’re also perfect if you want to access the document on various applications or operating systems.

On the other hand, rich text is convenient when you want to format and style your document— Google Docs, Scrivener, Word, and Co are popular because they have features for handling rich text.

As long as you know the benefits, stick to your cup of tea.

How do I convert a Word document to plain text?

Method 2

  1. open the document in Word,
  2. do a “Save as” in Word (goto File > Save as),
  3. select “Save as type” (see image) as “plain text”,
  4. click “Save”,
  5. when the dialogue box appears (for non-English OSs) check “allow character substitution” and then click “OK”,

How do I convert a Word document to HTML email?

To create an HTML email with Microsoft Word, open MS Word, click on “File”, “Save As”, choose where you want to save the file and then change the “Save As Type:” option to “Web Page, Filtered” as in the screen shot below. You may receive the following message saying that it will remove “office specific” tags.

How do I display a Word document in HTML?

RE: How to embed Word document in HTML page

  1. Open your document in Microsoft Word and then press “Alt-F-A” to open the Save As dialog box.
  2. Click the “Save as Type” drop-down box.
  3. Open the MHTML file you just created, using a text editor such as Notepad or an HTML editor such as Dreamweaver.

How do I copy HTML code?

Do the following:

  1. Select the top most element, you want to copy. (To copy all, select )
  2. Right click.
  3. Select Edit as HTML.
  4. New sub-window opens up with the HTML text.
  5. This is your chance. Press CTRL+A/CTRL+C and copy the entire text field to a different window.

Is there a way to convert Microsoft Word to HTML?

Mammoth is designed to convert .docx documents, such as those created by Microsoft Word, Google Docs and LibreOffice, and convert them to HTML. Mammoth aims to produce simple and clean HTML by using semantic information in the document, and ignoring other details.

What kind of files can be converted to HTML?

Word to HTML supports Word files (.DOCX and .DOC), PDF files, RTF (rich text format), Open Doc files (from Libre or Open Office) and .TXT plain text files. If your document contains images, tables or other rich content this will also be converted to HTML for you.

How can I Save A Word document as a HTML file?

Save it as “Web Page, Filtered” if available. On some versions of Word, you can save it as a “slimmer” HTML file that looks the same, but will load faster as a web page. If you do not plan to convert the document back to a Word file again later, select “Web Page, Filtered” instead.

How can I convert a docx file to HTML?

You can convert docx files by passing the path to the docx file and the output file. For instance: If no output file is specified, output is written to stdout instead. The output is an HTML fragment, rather than a full HTML document, encoded with UTF-8.

How do I convert a file to text?

How to use document Converter

  1. Step 1 – Upload a document file. Select a document file from your computer using the browse function.
  2. Step 2 – Choose to TXT. Choose . TXT destination format. We support most document formats.
  3. Step 3 – Download your converted TXT file. Download your converted TXT file immediately.

How do I save a text file as plain text?

In a Windows Microsoft Word document, click the Save As button from the File menu. Select Save As Type from the drop-down list then select Plain Text (*. txt). Click the Save button and a File Conversion window will open.

Is Microsoft Word plain text?

Word processors can generally save documents as plain text files, and the files they create are usually formatted better than text you copy and paste. For most programs, to save a file as plain text: From the File menu, select Save As…, and specify ASCII or Text as the file format.

What is Rich Text Format in Word?

RTF stands for Rich Text Format and is a universal document file format and is easily read by many of the word-processing packages. It is particularly useful to those using a different word-processing package from those used on campus.

Does Windows have a file converter?

File Converter is a very simple tool which allows you to convert and compress one or several file(s) using the context menu in windows explorer. And it’s FREE!

Where do I save a text file?

Export data to a text file by saving it

  1. Go to File > Save As.
  2. The Save As dialog box appears.
  3. In the Save as type box, choose the text file format for the worksheet.
  4. Browse to the location where you want to save the new text file, and then click Save.

What type of file is TXT?

text file
TXT is a file extension for a text file, used by a variety of text editors. Text is a human-readable sequence of characters and the words they form that can be encoded into computer-readable formats.

What is the best PDF to text Converter?

PDFelement. One of the best PDF to Text converters, PDFelement Pro gives users the ability to easily convert a PDF document to Text and other formats in a few simple clicks. The text and formatting on the original PDF document will not be altered in any way.

Is there a way to convert a document to plain text?

This free online converter lets you convert your document and ebook to plain text. Just upload a document file and click on “Convert file”. After a short time you will be able to download your converted text document.

How do I convert a Doc to a TXT?

Step 1 : Run Word to Text converter and click on Add Files/ Add folders to load Word files. Step 2 : Choose RTF / TXT file format from the list & setup all DOCX to TXT Conversion options. Step 3 : Click on Convert button to export Word to TXT & Analyze live DOC to Text conversion process. How to Convert Word to Text Documents?

How can I save Microsoft Word documents as plain text?

One can also save Microsoft Word documents as plain text files by changing their file attributes from .docx or .doc to .txt file. When a user performs conversion of DOCX or DOC file to TXT format, all the formatting from Word file is removed and only plain text remains after the conversion of DOCX to TXT.

Can a docx file be converted to a.rtf file?

One can receive DOCX files as separate .txt or .rtf documents on user specified location. These plain text files or Rich Text files can easily be open on Windows OS without Word installation. Word to TXT conversion tool does not possess any file or size limitation in licensed version. One can convert unlimited Word DOCX or DOC to text file.

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