What is national word

nationality word

Glossary of Grammatical and Rhetorical Terms

Nauruan refers both to a person who lives in the Pacific island of Nauru and to the Austronesian language spoken in Nauru. Nauruan is the only nationality word that’s a palindrome.

Updated on February 12, 2020


A nationality word is a word that refers to a member (or to a characteristic of a member) of a particular country or ethnic group.

Most nationality words are either proper nouns or adjectives related to proper nouns. Thus, a nationality word is usually spelled with an initial capital letter.

See Examples and Observations below. Also see:

  • Demonym
  • Endonym and Exonym
  • Name
  • Onomastics
  • Place Name and Toponym
  • Proper Name

Examples and Observations

  • «The English are polite by telling lies. The Americans are polite by telling the truth.»
    (Malcolm Bradbury, Stepping Westward. Martin Secker & Warburg, 1965)
  • «[Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s account of his first sea voyage] reads like the standard chauvinistic traveler’s joke, featuring a Dane, a Swede, a Prussian, a Hanoverian, and a Frenchman, the humor based mainly on their poor command of English—by an Englishman who spoke no other mother tongue.»
    (Kenneth R. Johnston, The Hidden Wordsworth: Poet, Lover, Rebel, Spy. W.W. Norton, 1998)
  • «He showered quickly, dressed himself in khaki pants and a native box-cut shirt, a gauzy dress item called a barong tagalog, a gift from his Filipino friend Major Aguinaldo.»
    (Denis Johnson, Tree of Smoke. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2007)
  • «Because a newborn baby can be brought up to be a Hottentot* or a German, an Eskimo** or an American, because each group of people seems to be born with the same kinds of individual differences, democracy is not a pipe dream, but a practical working plan.»
    (Margaret Mead, And Keep Your Powder Dry: An Anthropologist Looks at America, 1942. Berghahn Books, 2000)
    *This ethnic group is now referred to as the Khoikhoi (also spelled Khoekhoe).
    **In most contexts, the preferred term today is Inuit or Alaskan Native.
  • «Mrs. Thanh joined her Vietnamese and Cambodian neighbors in a tenants association that was working for improved conditions in their apartment houses.»
    (Elizabeth Bogan, Immigration in New York. Frederick A. Praeger, 1987)
  • «The name ‘Parminter’ suggested a rather fluffy, woolly kind of fellow, so with the aid of a droopy mustache I made him terribly, terribly British—what they would call in England a chinless twit.»
    (Barry Morse, Pulling Faces, Making Noises: A Life on Stage, Screen & Radio. iUniverse, 2004)
  • «[T]he immigrants ventured into their new communities, buying houses, launching businesses, and establishing relations with their Canadian and Australian neighbors and coworkers.»
    (Nan M. Sussman, Return Migration and Identity: A Global Phenomenon, A Hong Kong Case. Hong Kong University Press, 2010)
  • «Our visitor will appreciate our delicacy and taste. We shall show him that we are not Russian vulgarians, which is too often the case I fear, and although shortbread is not, strictly speaking, an English confection but a Scottish one, I am certain that he will not be in the least put out. Except that we must remember to call it Scots. Not Scottish. That also is frowned upon, I am told.»
    (Dirk Bogarde, West of Sunset, 1984. Bloomsbury Academic, 2013)
  • Different Kinds of Nationality Words: American and Irish
    «Among the adjectives that can be used as heads of noun phrases . . . are certain nationality adjectives: the English, the Irish, the Japanese: e.g. The English are great travellers. But not all nationality adjectives can be treated like this; for instance, American. This word is, when the need arises, fully converted to the class of noun; it can be pluralized or used with the indefinite article. The following lists show the very different properties of these two kinds of nationality word [an asterisk indicates an ungrammatical or unconventional structure]:
    an American
    two Americans
    *the American are gregarious
    the Americans are gregarious
    * an Irish
    * two Irishes
    the Irish are gregarious
    *the Irishes are gregarious
    In fact, American belongs to a class of words that, although originating from adjectives, have come to be incorporated in the class of noun as well.»
    (David J. Young, Introducing English Grammar. Hutchinson, 1984)
  • Nationality Words in Superlative Constructions
    «If the adjective’s meaning is shifted to denote a related qualitative (non-intersecting) property, then it will be allowed to occur in superlative constructions. For example, the nationality adjective Mexican can be understood as expressing the quality or qualities that are quintessential to being Mexican. This interpretation of Mexican is non-intersecting, and sentences such as (44) are not only possible but very common: (44) Salma Hayek is the most Mexican of the top-tier movie actresses.» (Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach, «Characterizing Superlative Qualifiers.» Adjectives: Formal Analyses in Syntax and Semantics, ed. by Patricia Cabredo Hofherr and Ora Matushansky. John Benjamins, 2010)
  • Polysemy and Nationality Words
    «Many adjectives . . . are polysemous, denoting a categorial property in one sense and a scalar one in another. For example, a nationality adjective like British denotes a categorial property in its central sense, as in a British passport, the British Parliament, but also has an extended sense denoting a scalar property (‘like typical or stereotypical British people or things’), as in He’s very British; the primacy of the categorial sense is reflected in the fact that the adjective will not normally be interpreted in the scalar sense unless there is some grading modifier present. To a significant extent, therefore, the gradable/nongradable contrast applies to uses of adjectives, rather than simply to the adjectives themselves.»
    (Rodney Huddleston, Introduction to the Grammar of English. Cambridge University Press, 1984)
  • Stranded Names
    «A place name like Hong Kong is ‘stranded’ with no related nationality word, which means that circumlocutions with a prepositional phrase like from Hong Kong are often needed.»
    (Andreas Fischer, The History and the Dialects of English: Festschrift for Eduard Kolb. Winter, 1989)
    «Bruce Lee has not always been regarded by Hong Kongers as a Hong Konger (as suggested earlier, he has for a long time been regarded by Hong Kongers as about as much of a Hong Konger as Hong Kong Disneyland).»
    (Paul Bowman, Beyond Bruce Lee. Wallflower Press, 2013)

What does the word national means?

1 : one that owes allegiance to or is under the protection of a nation without regard to the more formal status of citizen or subject. 2 : a competition that is national in scope —usually used in plural.

Does national mean country?

National means relating to the whole of a country or nation rather than to part of it or to other nations.

What type of word is national?

National is an adjective that refers to something or someone that belongs to a nation or country. The word national describes anything that is common to, shared by, or represents a group of people or a place that is considered a nation, like the national anthem sung before the national pastime of baseball.

What is the etymology of the word nation?

nation (n.) 1300, nacioun, “a race of people, large group of people with common ancestry and language,” from Old French nacion “birth, rank; descendants, relatives; country, homeland” (12c.)

What does nation mean in Latin?


What does nation mean in French?

nation f. the nation (= the people of this country) la nation.

Is ice cream masculine or feminine in French?

The gender of glace is feminine. E.g. la glace.

What is the French word for orange?


Which French words are feminine?

All the nouns ending in a double consonant + e are usually feminine. elle, enne, emme, esse, erre, ette… La pelle (shovel), une selle (saddle), la chaussette (the sock), la fillette (the little girl), La tristesse (sadness), la terre (earth), la femme (woman)…

What is ice cream called in Italian?


What 3 flavors are in spumoni?

The Classic Most traditional spumoni served today are made up of a combination of cherry, pistachio, and either chocolate or vanilla ice creams.

What is the most famous dessert in Italy?


What is the 3 flavor ice cream called?

Neapolitan ice cream

Does Blue Bunny make spumoni ice cream?

Blue Bunny Premium Spumoni Ice Cream, 3 Gallon Tub — 1 each Our tricolor spumoni is an Italian inspired treat that blends chocolate ice cream, artificially flavored pistachio ice cream and cherry flavored ice cream with fruit mix and mixed nuts.

What’s the difference between ice cream and gelato?

Ingredients: While both gelato and ice cream contain cream, milk and sugar, authentic gelato uses more milk and less cream than ice cream and generally doesn’t use egg yolks, which are a common ingredient in ice cream. …

What is the most popular ice cream flavor?

The most popular flavor among U.S. adults is the classic chocolate ice cream, with around one in six respondents picking it as their favorite flavor. Additional polling from YouGov revealed the most popular topping is hot fudge, with 31 percent saying this is their favorite ice cream topping.

What are the top 3 selling ice cream flavors?

The IDFA survey found the top five best-selling flavors in the US are: vanilla, chocolate, cookies n’ cream, mint chocolate chip and chocolate chip cookie dough.

What’s the least popular ice cream flavor?

butter pecan

What is Haagen Dazs most popular flavor?

Top 5 Häagen-Dazs Flavors in 2020

  • Vanilla.
  • Coffee.
  • Strawberry.
  • Vanilla Milk Chocolate Almond Bar.
  • Butter Pecan.

What ice cream is as good as Haagen Dazs?

We tried four major ice cream brands to find out which one makes the best vanilla. The brands we tried were: Haagen-Dazs, Ben & Jerry’s, Edy’s, and Breyers. We liked Haagen-Dazs the best because it was the most creamy and smooth, plus it had the truest and richest vanilla flavor. Ben & Jerry’s was a very close second.

What does Haagen Dazs mean in English?

Häagen-Dazs is a brand of ice cream shops and ice cream franchises. The “Häagen-Dazs” name was invented by Mattus since it was “Danish-sounding”. He used it as a tribute to Denmark’s good treatment of Jews during World War II. An outline of Denmark was also used on their early labels. The name is not Danish.

What is the best ice cream brand?

The 10 Best Store-Bought Vanilla Ice Cream Brands, Ranked

  • Haagen-Dazs. Courtesy of Fresh Direct.
  • Van Leeuwen. Courtesy of Van Leeuwen.
  • Adirondack Creamery. Courtesy of Fresh Direct.
  • Ben & Jerry’s. Courtesy of Ben & Jerry’s.
  • Jeni’s. Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream.
  • Turkey Hill. Turkey Hill.
  • Breyers.
  • Stonyfield Vanilla Frozen Yogurt.

What is the most popular flavor in the world?


Is Haagen Dazs a made up word?

Not Germanic in origin or even Danish as their creators might have intended, the name Häagen-Dazs is in fact just two made up words smashed together with a hyphen. Reuben and Rose Mattus, founders of Häagen-Daz, began the brand in New York City.

Is Haagen Dazs high quality?

Haagen-Dazs has set the bar high when it comes to what makes a luxury ice cream luxurious. One of the biggest criteria that must be met to be part of this elite group of ice cream that allows ice creams like Haagen-Dazs to command a hefty price tag for its product centers around standard overrun.

Is Haagen Dazs healthy?

Just one serving of Haagen Dazs fulfills half of the recommended daily value of saturated fat, the fat associated with risk of cardiovascular disease and other health problems.

What is the most unhealthy ice cream?

The Most Fattening Ice Cream Flavors

  • Häagen-Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter (360 calories, 24 grams of fat).
  • Ben and Jerry’s Chubby Hubby (330 calories, 20 grams of fat).
  • Häagen-Dazs Butter Pecan (310 calories, 23 grams of fat).
  • Sheer Bliss Pomegranate with chocolate chips (320 calories, 20 grams fat).

Kayumova Shakhnoza Kobiljonovna
A teacher of TerSU,
Burikulov Ozodbek
A student of TerSU

Translation trains to scorch flexibility for the most appropriate words to convey what is meant. Translation theory derives from comparative linguistics. It is mainly an aspect of semantics.

Translation is a craft consisting of replacing one statement in one language by the statement or message in another language. The American linguist Nida did much for the development of translation theory. In his books, almost every translation problem is discussed. He adapts transformational grammar to translation. He proposes eight model kernel sentences as transnational stages between source and target language structures.

Theoretical studies in translation have kept abreast with the recent advances in linguistics, which provided some new insights into the mechanism of translation and the factors determining it.

The theory of translation has benefited from new syntactic and semantic models in linguistics and from development of such hyphenated disciplines as psycho-and-sociolinguistics. Equally insightful was the contribution to the theory of translation by semiotics, a general theory of sign systems.

Every language has a specific system, which differs from that of any others. This is all the more so with respect to English, Uzbek and Russian, whose grammatical systems are typologically and genetically heterogeneous. English and Russian belong to the Germanic and Slavonic groups respectively in the Indo — European family of languages. The Uzbek language patronize to the Turkish group of the Altaic family. Concerning the morphological type both English and Russian are inflected, though the former is notable for its analytical character and the latter for its synthetic character in the main, Uzbek is an agglutinative language.

The choice of the way of approach to expressing the denotative meanings of the units of specifically national lexicon is strictly predetermined by some definite factors to which belong first of all the semantic and structural complexity (or similarity) of the units of the culturally biased specific lexicon of the source language. The choice of the method of translating may partly be influenced by the sphere of circulation of the specific notion in the source language. The meaning of specifically national units of lexicon can be conveyed by the following methods: [1]

By transcription or Transliteration Exclusively. The units of the nationally specific lexicon, whose meanings are rendered at the phonological level, usually belong to genuine internationalisms and comprise social and political units of lexicon in the main (cf. lord, lady, mister, shilling, Kazak, mirshab, kozi, etc.):

Сен такаббур худбин қозисан.  You’re a supercilious half-baked kozi.

By Transcription or Transliteration and Explication of Their Genuine.

Nationally Specific Meaning. An additional explication of genuine nationally specific meaning becomes necessary when the unit/notion of the culturally biased lexicon is introduced in the target language for the first time or when it is not yet known to the broad public of the target language readers/ listeners. The explanation may be given either in the translated passage/speech flow, where the culturally biased unit is used, or in a footnote -when a lengthy explication becomes necessary:

Тўйга келган келинларнинг ҳамаси тиллақош тақиб олган эдилар. — All brooms who come to the party, wear tillakosh (a jewelry for wearing on head only for brooms, and it is decorated with precious stones).

By Ways of Word-for-Word or Loan Translation. When the componential parts making up the units of the nationally specific lexicon are at the same time the main transparent bearers of their proper sense, expressed through their meaning, a faithful translation of such sense units may be achieved either by way of word-for-word translation or by way of loan translation.

Translated word-for-word are the specific national units of lexicon as first (second, third) reading — биринчи ўқилишданоқ (парламент билан боғлиқ); деворий газета — wall newspaper; кундалик дарслик китоб — student’s everyday record book.

The denotative meaning of many units of the specific national lexicon may be rendered by way of loan translating as well.

Used literature

  1. Казакова Т.А. Translation techniques. Санкт-Петербург. 2000
  2. Комиссаров В.Н. Теория перевода (лингвистические аспекты). — М., 1990.
  3. Саломов Г. Таржима назариясига кириш. — Т., 1990.
  4. Roger. N. Bell. Translation and translating . (Theory and practice). London, New York. 1995.


[1] Komissarov V.N. Koralova A.L. A Manual of translation from English into Russian M., Higher school, 1990.

National Word Day is March 15

There seems to be a day for just about everything. I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if I came across National Let’s Eat Takeout Day, and I’d probably support it if it existed. Earth Day is real enough, but why only one day? Shouldn’t we make every day Earth Day? Maybe we wouldn’t want to turn off the lights for an hour every night, but perhaps we could turn off the TV, or do something else that’s good for the environment.

Now we have National Word Day. Have you never heard about it? Here’s what you need to know!

Have you ever noticed we don’t use a lot of the words in our vocabulary? By the time you reach the age of four, you already know 10,000 words. Once you reach adulthood, you’ll probably know 20,000 to 35,000 different words, and you’ll keep learning new ones until you reach middle age (and possibly even later if you have a curious mind and like to read).

How many of the words you know do you use in everyday speech? I couldn’t find an answer to this question, but I’m ready to guess we probably use the same 10,000 we knew when we were little, if we even use that many.

There are currently 171,476 words in the English language, with more being added every day. I know because I counted them especially for you. Alright, I didn’t. I looked that up.

According to the same source, a further 47,156 words have become obsolete or archaic. What happened to them? People stopped using them so they became extinct. When we stop using words, they just die out of the language, and you have to admit that the mass-extinction of words is rather a sad thing.

That’s why we have National Word Day. It’s a words-conservation drive!

What Should You Do on National Word Day?

We are encouraged to give seldom-used words an airing in the hope that others will pick them up and use them too. National Word Day is a celebration of language. We are encouraged to take the words we use in conversation to the next level, making our speech much more colorful, individual and interesting.

If we are able, we are asked to actually immortalize a word. Is it possible? Yes, it is! We’ll see how a little further on.

Last, but not least, we’re asked to read the dictionary until we find a word we didn’t know. We must then memorize that word and immediately put it to use in our speech and in our writing.

When Is National Word Day?

In celebration of a poet and playwright who has kept many words that would otherwise have become obsolete alive, National Word Day is celebrated on the Ides of March. That’s the 15th of March, the day when Caesar is believed to have been assassinated. This day was immortalized by Shakespeare, keeping the word “Ides” alive, even though it’s usually only used when we read Shakespeare’s play.

On the Ides of March, you get your chance to make a seldom-used word or words immortal. Start thinking which ones you will choose! I think I will go for “rabelaisian,” a word I so seldom use that I had forgotten how to spell it and had to look it up. I like it because it rolls off the tongue nicely, and because it refers to bold, coarse, robust humor which I generally keep out of this blog, but I still enjoy. I would be quite sad if that word died out.

Who Started National Word Day?

I just did! And if I may say so, I’ve got it off to a good start with this blog post. Who gave me the right to do this? Well, it’s a free country isn’t it? You don’t think I have enough credibility to start a special day all on my own? I probably don’t, but you’re going to help me, aren’t you? What’s in it for you? Absolutely nothing! I won’t even promise you my eternal gratitude for your contribution.

Look at it this way: if one person celebrates National Word Day, people will think they’re crazy. If two people celebrate it, people will think it’s a conspiracy, but if you can get three people celebrating the day, people might just think it’s a movement, and join in. Well, that’s my theory anyway.

Who’s up for joining me in the celebration? You’d better start preparing now. It’s like Christmas shopping. If you wait too long, all the best words will be taken. Which one will you choose? Make your pledge now, and don’t forget to invite your friends!

Библиографическое описание:

Рустамов, Д. А. National and cultural aspect of the word and its meaning / Д. А. Рустамов. — Текст : непосредственный // Молодой ученый. — 2019. — № 34 (272). — С. 93-95. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/272/62010/ (дата обращения: 14.04.2023).

The language is the means of characterizing and differentiating the man. Looking at language culture as a form of national culture is of a special interest in culture learning and learning the people. In as much as the language is the basis and root of any culture. In this respect the language is regarded as a unity of generally excepted conception of people about the universe. The question of the unity of language and culture has been a point of interest for scientists for several centuries.

National difference in seeing, hearing and calling the events of the general reality are marked with national or people’s general looking. Of course it would be inappropriate to speak about the notion of lacuna here. Because external features of the event can be seen quickly, and notwithstanding what its appearance is, this phenomenon is called somehow. But inner peculiarities of things and events can be named or unnamed according to whether they have been looked at by spiritual glance. As a result a phenomenon being named in one language might be unnamed in another. The condition with no name chooser is estimated as national-mental lacuna. This place is filled with another units. For instance, word combinations or set expressions may fulfill such a task. Such alternatives as Старшийбрат in Russian and ака in Uzbek (elder brother) and младшийбрат in Russian and ука in Uzbek (little brother) can be examples for such phenomena. But in many cases the comparison of these two languages show that such condition may not exist as well. For example such words as амма, холаin Uzbek have no exact alternatives in Russian, and this shows that this language has lacuna based on national-mental values. Verbal description of the universe can be seen in being split to special features of expressive means — semantic and sememe semic structure of the word. In verbal description of reality plays significant role in the category of national-spiritual activeness which has national-mental basis and categorization of the phenomena of the reality, characteristics and conceptualization as well as in the stabilizing the meaning quality.

The language and culture are multi-aspect and colorful phenomena. That is why condition of national-mental culture in the domain of the language while being presented scientifically and given certain conclusions on the basis of the principle of “from form to meaning”, cannot be perceived identically. Lexeme differs from other units of verbal expression in higher meaning value and relative independence. This feature of it served for using the word like a language expression according to the principle of part-whole naming (synecdochic naming).

It is known that, the history of learning meaning features of the word dates back to ancient times. The problem/question of naming and the relation between things/objects and words were in the agenda of ancient philosophy. They were in opposition according to recognizing the naturalness or relativity of relations between thing/objects and words. Scientists who acknowledged the natural relation between word meaning and the named object used the term “fyuzey” (natural) as their slogan. Those who denied the natural relation between the name and the named, and considered these relations to be conditional, had the term “tesey” (according to agreement) for their slogan. The first ideas of such thinkers as Heraclites, Ephesus, Alexandrian about the problem became known as “continic conception about the word” [1. 192–193]. In the Renaissance period scientific-idealistic interpretation of word and meaning, language and speech improved a little. Linguistic system of ideas known as “Concept of Verbal Meaning of the Period of Renaissance” are of special attention. In the Renaissance period, namely in its period connected with Enlightenment interpretation of word and verbal meaning received a new form. As linguistics began interpreting the language from the comparative historical point of view, verbal essences began to be learned on the basis of mutually different and similar relations of languages which was base on the principle of relativism. Besides, religious-idealistic core was preserved in the science of language. The direction of learning meanings developed under this principle in perceiving the meanings, understanding and characterizing of the word pays main attention to three aspects of its object of learning:

a) Historical-cultural aspect of word meaning;

b) Literal-aesthetic aspect of word meaning;

c) Philosophical aspect of word meaning.

XIX century linguistics left its footprints in the history of the science with its name of Historical comparative linguistics. Wilhelm Humboldt based on his broad linguistic knowledge, classified the world languages, learned the origin and morphological structure of every language, devided them into language families” [2. 229]. He put forward the idea of the unity of people’s language and people’s spirit, and created the idea of verbal relativity in linguistics. We have to remember the following words Wilhelm von Humboldt: “We can say the idea that languages are organs of original understanding and original perception is generally excepted truth.” He says that thought is not only connected with language but also conditioned on with every certain language. Humboldt writes in his “About Difference of Forms of Languages and Their Impact on Spiritual Development of Man” that “The language is an organ which creates thought. Thinking and language make up a single integrity” [4. 65].

We cannot say that the scientist’s thoughts about the integrity of language and thought were fully and changelessly acknowledged by his followers. For example A. A. Potebnya considered himself to be Humboldt’s follower and apprentice, and formed his own views under the influence of Humboldt’s theory of “inner form of the word.” The scientist characterizes the notion of external and inner forms in connection with new words and creating their meaning [5. 176].

Some ideas on the twofold oppositional nature of a verbal sign were given by such scientists as Saussure, B. A. Serebrennikov, A. S. Melnichuk, A. A. Ufimtseva. Saussure marks verbal sign as an ideal phenomenon in the consciousness and does not see the meaning out of it. He gives room to both of them as one unit in social consciousness. Ch. Pirs, R. Yakobson, E. C. Kubryakova, A. A. Ufimtseva and others consider the verbal unit to be material and the meaning to be ideal phenomena [3. 18–28]. We think that differentiating/no differentiating, separating/ not separating language and speech is connected with whether we are speaking about a language peculiarity or speech peculiarity.

Many sidedness of the language is marked with extensiveness of its mutual relations with other phenomena. A linguist R. Yakobson, speaking about some aspects of the language, marked it from the point of view of its relations as “…the basis of intellectual and spiritual life and a means of communication” [7. 306].

In the framework of relations of the language, relations with culture, takes a special place. That is why the relation of the language and culture is marked with several factors:

Firstly, the language is a complex material, and it is made up of language and speech levels connected on the basis of the dialectics of denying mutual denying. The culture is reflected in different qualities and quantities in these levels;

Secondly, language levels are of different nature, and differ according to the degree of reflecting the culture;

Thirdly, not all the levels of the language are at the same extent with the cultural development, and this fact can be the cause of pointing out relative independence among them.;

Fourthly, the fact that the language and culture are not integral in the lexical level which is regarded to be an outstanding means of expression of national culture can be seen in the volume of borrowings as well as existence of universal lexical phenomena;

Fifthly, looking at the results of pointing out the language’s feature of expressing the culture as at its form, or strengthening of the idea that the language is a part of many unit culture make the case more complicated.

Categorization and conceptualization of the culture in language is connected with seeing the reality from different angles.

The unity of culture and language results in recognizing the heterogeneousness ofits constituent parts (that is culture and language). This situation results in interpreting the relation of the language and culture differently. We can bring the following as the most characteristic examples for our idea:

1) Language is independent for the culture;

2) Language is continuation of the culture;

3) Language is a form of the culture [6. 37].

Language is a means of understanding and interpreting stable qualities of man as well as of the society. Language characterizes the reality. At the same time the language is a unique phenomenon to characterize itself.


  1. Верещагин Е. М., Костомаров ВТ, Лингвострановедческая теория слова. — М.: Русский язык, 1980. — 320 с.
  2. Комилов Н. Тафаккур карвонлари: Шарқу Ғарбнинг цивилизацивий алоқалари. — Тошкент: Шарқ, 2011. — 320 б.
  3. Кубрякова Е. С. Возвращаясь к определению знака // Вопросы языкознания. 1993. № 4. –С. 18–28.
  4. Маҳмудов Н. Тилимизнинг тилла сандиғи. — Тошкент: Ғафур Ғулом, 2012. — 152 б.
  5. Потебня А. А. Эстетика и поэтика. — М.: Искусство, 1976. — 616 с.
  6. Швейцер А. Д., Никольский Л. Б. Введение в социолингвистику. — М.: Высшая школа, 1978. — 216 с.
  7. Якобсон Р. Избранные работы по лингвистике. — Благовещенск: БГК им. И. А. Бодуэна де Куртене, 1998. — 448 с.

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