What is my least favorite word

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Posted on Nov 21, 2013

After «moist,» of course.

There are TONS of words in the English language.

Some of them are great, like «balderdash.»

Or «hullabaloo.»

But there are some that are just…horrendous. Like «phlegm.»

Or «pustule.»

So — if you were master of the English language and could get rid of one word, what would it be?

Choose wisely.

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OK so I saw a poll for your favourite word and it spurred me on to ask this question. Only because I severely detest the word «Batch». Ugh. I don’t know if «Blatch» is a word but that’s even worse. So what’s your least favourite word?

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Comments ( 72



best |

  • Moist, clunge and the mosty disgusting sentence ever:

    «A moist waft of phlegm»

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    • Hahahaha. Like it.

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  • I hate the word scrumptious…always have since I was a kid..ughhhhhhh!!!

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    • It sort of reminds me of bubbly fat. Not really sure why.

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  • Wart, pustule, whitehead, blackhead, angina, crotch, biggot, upchuck, prego (refering to pregnant women). I’m sure there’s more. I’ll think of them soon

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    • haha. I used to live in a place called Whitehead, with Blackhead just a mile away!

      My least favourite word is shite — coz my mom always told us that we were shite.

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      • Awww :(

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      • Oh my gosh! Towns with those names!! Ewwwwwww!!!! Hahahhaa.

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  • #1, Butt-cheek
    #2, Casserole
    #3, Booklet
    #4, Pamphlet
    #5, Toes

    Top five words I hate. #1 is my least favorite.
    And I happen to find #5 very attractive for some reason but i hate the word. Very weird. :)

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  • i HATE the word «ya’ll»

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  • Pussy. I hatehatehate that word.

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  • when people pronounce ‘whore’ like ‘whooower’ uuuugggg i feel like im being molested when i hear that.

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  • never say blood fart out loud….its fucking disgusting

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    • Hahahaha. That reminded me of queefe. Another AWFUL word!!!!!!!

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      • Yeah that is pretty gross.

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  • I HATE THE WORD «PANTIES»!! OMG! No, for real. I hate the word panties. It seems so dirty. My uncle was with his daughter who was 3 at the time and was like «did you remember to put your panties on?» and he said it normally as if he was talking about shoes. It disgusted me. And she says it too and I find it soooo disturbing.

    I also don’t like «pussy», «dick», or «rod». For the same reason. Weirdly enough I’m okay with «cock» XD

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  • rubbish, toss, seldom, ass-wipe, lol, omg, putrid, dudette, bothered, ski-doo, piece, cake

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  • Blurb… Sounds like someone puking or some putrid yellow/brown/black vat or something.

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  • I hate when grown adults say Mang instead of Man or when they spell things wrong on purpose: Dude=Dood, Rock=Rawk, ect…

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  • I first heard the word CACOPHONY not too long ago and immediatly hated it with passion. I just looked it up and it means ; a harsh mixture of sounds. So i guess it makes sense that it would be a ugly word.
    Also, there used to be a porn producer a while ago that used to always say FUCK HOLE to the actresses and it really ticked me off.

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    • I agree, I hate fuckhole!

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  • Statistics. I can’t pronounce it.

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  • I don’t know what my least favourite word is but I can tell you two of my most favourite. Two little words my mother said to me earlier this afternoon and which woke me what I only now realise has been a nightmare. She relayed these two little words from the mouth of an oncologist who doesn’t get to say them often enough.

    All. Clear.

    Although it made me cry and still is making me cry, I hope anyone waiting for these two little words, either now or in the future, gets to hear them too. I feel very lucky today.

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    • Aw Dappled — I wondered where you were. Well I’m very happy for you both :) good health to you x

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      • Thank you, Miss Tottykins on the other side of the planet. :) x

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    • Had to google the word ‘oncologist’ but omg you had a tumour? Anyhow congratz! ^ Hopefully many more people can share your luck :O

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      • Not me. My mum. This is the first day in a while I can say that my mother doesn’t have cancer any more. Some people, both on IIN and off it, have tried to monopolise and make me feel even worse. If that’s the kind of thing that makes them feel good, I pity them. But I still hope they find some way to be happier than they are. And I hope others get to hear news as overwhelming (but ultimately positive) as I’ve just received. It’s a dreadful illness and it’s taken some important people in my life but we’re starting to get the measure of it. :)

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        • ah well it would of been bad either way, but watching it happen to someone you care about is the worst :( You shouldn’t feel bad, its not something that’s in your control. Most important thing with this kind of stuff is a positve attitude, sometimes mentality can make so much of a difference O__O
          bleugh, this advice is coming a weee bit too late since you probably don’t need it anymore ah vell

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  • it was always natural as a young boy to yell penis all the time. and then i was fine with tits and pussy. but wen it came to vagina it just sounded so weird. lol, so i put vaj, dunno if that was wat u were going for, and wth is minge?… My fav word is conundrum !!!!

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    • Minge is an English word I think, for vagina. My bf says it all the time — I hate it.

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  • coupon because everyone says it differently!

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    • How else can you say coupon?

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      • I have heard it said like «kupon or Coopon» and also «Q-pon»

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        • Ew @ Q-pon

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          • I had the same reaction to that.

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          • Haha, funny :)

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  • «juicy wet hole» that offends me i dont know why

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    • Hmmm yeah I wouldn’t like anyone to say that about mine I have to say.

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  • words that people mispronounce.

    like when people say «wrastling» instead of «wrestling»
    or when people say «It-lee» instead of «Italy»

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    • For me, its woof instead of wolf. Drives me absolutely out of mind crazy. But my most hated word is broad. My mom used to call me that when she thought she was being tough, and threatening. Ohh I’m so scared.

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      • i agree. woof is what the dogs do. wolf is an animal ;)

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    • My dad seems to purposely mispronounce words. And put accent on the wrong sylables.

      He says BATT-rees (batteries), DEEEE-troit (Detroit), ambyooLANCE, rucks (rocks). He calls the remote control the TEEE VEEEE handle.

      There’s so many more….He’s strange.

      I think wrasslin’ is actually a real word.

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      • Lol @ TEEE VEEEE handle. I haven’t heard that one before! I like the way it makes it sound like a mechanical device :D

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        • He picked up a bunch of that shit from being a truck driver. So like the handle is like slang for CB radio or something, so somehow it comes from that….as far as I know. I’ve never heard anyone say it besides him though so maybe he made it up himself.

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      • OMFG, i love yelling AmbyooLance in a rednecky accent, its sounds so stoopid. i hated it till i did it, then is was just funny to me

        then after we can go gator wrasslin’


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  • «Cry», god I hate that word!

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  • Rubbish. Fecal. Supper. I will kill you if you say any of those words to me.

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  • «Pahk ya Cah.»

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    • Baah-ston?

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      • No, thank God.

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    • Hehe you’re from the UK too? :)

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      • Trying to figure out where I live, eh? Not going to work.

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  • I hate the word exactly.

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  • Poop
    Improper Grammar that some people use
    Nipples (Depends on the situation)

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  • I hate when someone is saying something then they say «oooh that’s so interesting,don’t you think that’s interesting,I find that VERY interesting.» I just wanna drug em in the face lol. I like when southern folks say «hmya» for words like yeah,and here its so funny.

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    • lol

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  • i hate it when people say retard, not just because of what it means but it’s also a generally strange word..

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  • moderation

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  • «panties» and «menstrual blood»

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  • I dont like the word enjoy on frozen dinners,and when people say it when serving food.Makes my skin crawl.

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    • Hahaha actual lol x

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  • One of my least favourite words is actually the word ‘peeve’ lol, idk.. just urks me :S

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  • When people say, «doughnit» instead of «doughnut»

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  • Pretty much anything that people in Pennsylvania say as slang.

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  • panties

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    • Haha oh yeah I hate that — and kiddies.

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  • Delicious isn’t one of my favourite words, but I don’t hate it.

    Check out this song, if you want to hear more about favourite and least favourite words: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pq2DcrLcQII&feature=related

    [Word by The Left Rights]

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    • O….K…. I’m listening to Pretty on the Inside right now — but that is the weirdest thing I have ever heard!!!

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      • :D And that’s just for starters!

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  • «Whatever» makes it seem like the person isn’t paying attention.

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  • Who are my fellow Batch haters?

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  • Minge and Frilly…I don’t even really know why I hate them but I get the impression that only really annoying people use these words.

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What is your least favorite English word?

3 years ago

1 Answers

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Personally I’m not sure if I have a least favourite word, but one of my former colleagues hated the words «moist» and «quiche», even more so when said together. Not sure why though, since a dry quiche doesn’t sound very appetising.

3 years ago


Forum>What is your least favorite English word?

Though this is in the INFP forum, the question applies to everyone, and it’s quite simple:

What is your favorite word in the English language?


What is your least favorite word?

My favorite word is callipygean.

It’s a lovely word that rolls off the tongue, describing the loveliest thing I can think of.

My least favorite word is creepy.

The reason I hate the word creepy is because it has been the most commonly predicated word people have used to describe me. I can think of at least ten different people who called me this on separate occasions, and a few others who probably said it. In none of those occasions was I actually trying to creep anyone out.

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Least fav — «chick» is my trigger word. If someone (male or female) uses the word chick to describe women, I start burning down villages.

Most fav word? Wonder or enchantment. I have a million of them — hard to pick.

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My favorite word is «Argon». I’ve allways liked the sound of it…

My least favorite word has to be yolo (if it is concidered one -.-), no explanation needed.

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My favorite word has to be «weird»….Many people seem to misunderstand the term.

My least favorite word…..hmm….maybe «Normal»?

Favourite: Nuzzle. Because it’s the cutest word ever said ever by anyone ever.

Unfavourite: Eh, it’s two words. The phrase ‘real world’. I hate your real world!
Although ‘moist’ is an awful word as well. Just, ugh.

Favorite words: Melancholia, Nostalgia and Wistfulness

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Favourite word, not sure, but I definitely know my two least favourite words when strung together. «Parental Sex». Eeeeeeecccck.

I don’t know if I have one favorite, but some of my favorites are whisper, inextricably, and murmur.

Least favorite: cackle. (it just sounds creepy)

I’m not sure I have a favorite word. I know my least favorite though is «Disappointed.» I hate that word with a burning passion. Never can another word make me feel so awful.

Some pretty awesome words:
yoink, simulacra, interstice, exigent, exsect, corona, brackish

Some least favorite words:
yolo, fly (as a word for cool or fine), swag, fornicate, werd

Favorite words: Melancholia, Nostalgia and Wistfulness

@Nostalgic, I think he wants to have a threesome with us. :laughing:

Saiio said:

I’m not sure I have a favorite word. I know my least favorite though is «Disappointed.» I hate that word with a burning passion. Never can another word make me feel so awful.

I’m so disappointed you feel that way.

For some reason I always think of Marge Simpson when I hear the word ‘disappointed’.

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@Nostalgic, I think he wants to have a threesome with us. :laughing:

When I made my username, I wanted one of those three, I’m happy one of them wasn’t taken.

But yes, I obviously like your names (which I immediately noticed).

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When I made my username, I wanted one of those three, I’m happy one of them wasn’t taken.

But yes, I obviously like your names (which I immediately noticed).

Yeah, Melancholy and Nostalgic really do go together, I must say. :wink:

Yeah, Melancholy and Nostalgic really do go together, I must say. :wink:

Is the »Monsieur» a random french word you like or do you also speak french?

Is the »Monsieur» a random french word you like or do you also speak french?

The ‘Monsieur’ part is twofold. It’s fitting because I’m Canadian where we are known for our French population. And secondly, it’s kind of an homage to all the French poets I like.

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The ‘Monsieur’ part is twofold. It’s fitting because I’m Canadian where we are known for our French population. And secondly, it’s kind of an homage to all the French poets I like.

I am actually from Montreal, Quebec. :tongue:

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