What is min in excel

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This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the MIN function in Microsoft Excel.


Returns the smallest number in a set of values.


MIN(number1, [number2], …)

The MIN function syntax has the following arguments:

  • Number1, number2, …    Number1 is optional, subsequent numbers are optional. 1 to 255 numbers for which you want to find the minimum value.


  • Arguments can either be numbers or names, arrays, or references that contain numbers.

  • Logical values and text representations of numbers that you type directly into the list of arguments are counted.

  • If an argument is an array or reference, only numbers in that array or reference are used. Empty cells, logical values, or text in the array or reference are ignored.

  • If the arguments contain no numbers, MIN returns 0.

  • Arguments that are error values or text that cannot be translated into numbers cause errors.

  • If you want to include logical values and text representations of numbers in a reference as part of the calculation, use the MINA function.


Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, press F2, and then press Enter. If you need to, you can adjust the column widths to see all the data.











Smallest of the numbers in the range A2:A6.



Smallest of the numbers in the range A2:A6 and 0.


Need more help?

What is the MIN Function? The MIN function is categorized under Excel Statistical functions. This cheat sheet covers 100s of functions that are critical to know as an Excel analyst. MIN will return the minimum value in a given list of arguments. From a given set of numeric values, it will return the smallest value.


  • 1 What does MIN and MAX mean in Excel?
  • 2 What does min mean in spreadsheet?
  • 3 What are sum Average and Min in Excel?
  • 4 How do you use minimum?
  • 5 What is max and min function?
  • 6 What is the meaning of Min in computer?
  • 7 What is the syntax of MIN function?
  • 8 What is AVG and MIN function in Excel?
  • 9 What is min max average?
  • 10 What does Max in Excel mean?
  • 11 What is a sentence for minimum?
  • 12 Is a minimum or are a minimum?
  • 13 What is a maximum number?
  • 14 How do you use max and min in the same formula?
  • 15 How do you use Min in Excel?
  • 16 What min means?
  • 17 What is min full form?
  • 18 Which value is find by MIN () function?
  • 19 How do you find max and min?
  • 20 What is Max minus Min divided by 2?

What does MIN and MAX mean in Excel?

The MIN and MAX functions are just what the names imply. MIN will find the lowest number in a range, while MAX finds the largest number in a range.

What does min mean in spreadsheet?

Summary. The Excel MIN function returns the smallest numeric value in the data provided. The MIN function ignores empty cells, the logical values TRUE and FALSE, and text values. Get the smallest value.

What are sum Average and Min in Excel?

Excel Basic Formulas: Sum, Average, Min, Max, and Count

Sum Adds all the cells together and gives you the total sum.
Min Returns the smallest value from the selection you provide.
Max Returns the largest value from the selection you provide.
Count Counts how many cells have values in them.

How do you use minimum?

“We need a minimum of ten volunteers.” “We need three meals a day at a minimum.” “He pays above the minimum required.”

What is max and min function?

The MAX and MIN functions are two such functions. The MAX function allows you to find the highest number in given range. The MIN function does the opposite, providing you with the lowest number in a defined range.

What is the meaning of Min in computer?

Short for minimum, min is a formula function used in Microsoft Excel and other spreadsheet programs to find the minimum value in a range of cells.

What is the syntax of MIN function?

The MIN function syntax has the following arguments: Number1, number2,Number1 is optional, subsequent numbers are optional. 1 to 255 numbers for which you want to find the minimum value.

What is AVG and MIN function in Excel?

AVERAGE, MIN, and MAX Functions in Excel. AVERAGE: Finds the value of numbers in a particular cell and returns the mean value of one or more values. It can be names, arrays, and references that contain numbers. MIN: Finds the minimum value in a range of cells.

What is min max average?

Min & Max: Shows you the lowest (Min) and the highest (Max) value in your column. Mean: Also called “average”: Sums up all the values in your column and divides them by the number of values.

What does Max in Excel mean?

MAX will return the largest value in a given list of arguments. From a given set of numeric values, it will return the highest value. Unlike MAXA function, the MAX function will count numbers but ignore empty cells, text, the logical values TRUE and FALSE, and text values.

What is a sentence for minimum?

Definition of minimum
1 : the least quantity assignable, admissible, or possible Keep expenses to a bare minimum. He was sentenced to a minimum of 10 years in prison.

Is a minimum or are a minimum?

1 A minimum of two personnel are required to. It is tempting to say that the plural “two personnel” is embedded in the singular “a minimum” and so the copula should be plural. “A minimum” (singular) is the grammatical subject of the copula and so the copula should be singular (is).

What is a maximum number?

The maximum is a unique number for a given set of data. This number can be repeated, but there is only one maximum for a data set. There cannot be two maxima because one of these values would be greater than the other.

How do you use max and min in the same formula?

To do this, there are a couple of formulas involved. To find the value of the minimum figure we are going to use =MIN (B2: B6). This formula will output the smallest value of all in the data set above. To find the maximum value in the data above, we are going to use the formula =MAX (b2: B6).

How do you use Min in Excel?

Calculate the smallest or largest number in a range

  1. Select a cell below or to the right of the numbers for which you want to find the smallest number.
  2. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the arrow next to AutoSum. , click Min (calculates the smallest) or Max (calculates the largest), and then press ENTER.

What min means?

noun (SMALLEST) [ C usually singular ] written abbreviation for minimum , used in signs, advertisements, etc.: Holiday cottage: min.

What is min full form?

1, The full form of MIN is Mobile Identification Number. It’s used on Technology ,Communication in Worldwide. Mobile Identification Number (MIN) is a unique number used to identify a mobile phone within a wireless carrier’s network.

Which value is find by MIN () function?

Answer: Explanation: The Excel MIN function returns the smallest numeric value in a range of values. The MIN function ignores empty cells, the logical values TRUE and FALSE, and text values, get the smallest value.

How do you find max and min?

Finding max/min: There are two ways to find the absolute maximum/minimum value for f(x) = ax2 + bx + c: Put the quadratic in standard form f(x) = a(x − h)2 + k, and the absolute maximum/minimum value is k and it occurs at x = h. If a > 0, then the parabola opens up, and it is a minimum functional value of f.

What is Max minus Min divided by 2?

Step 2: Take the difference of max minus min and divide by 2
max – min = 2 – (-2) = 4 and 4 divided by 2 is 2. Thus, the amplitude, A is 2.

Microsoft Excel поддерживает множество функций, предназначенных для упрощения математических расчетов в электронной таблице. МИН – одна из них, и по названию уже можно понять, что она как-то связана с минимальным значением. Все об этой функции и ее применении в Excel вы узнаете далее.

Объявление и написание функции МИН

Начать стоит с самого важного – синтаксиса функции, поскольку при неправильной записи на экране просто появится ошибка. МИН (MIN) состоит всего из одного аргумента, поэтому запутаться будет тяжело. Задача этой функции – возвращение наименьшего значения из указанного перечня данных. То есть вы выбираете несколько ячеек, а функция покажет, какое число в них минимальное. Кстати, точно так же работает и МАКС, поэтому сегодняшнее руководство можете применить при вычислении максимального значения, объявив подходящую функцию.

Просмотр синтаксиса функции МИН в Excel

Выше вы видите скриншот с окном «Аргументы функции», которое можно использовать для создания функции. В поле «Число» для МИН вы вписываете тот самый диапазон, который и нужно обработать. Если таких диапазонов несколько, запишите второй в «Число2», после чего на экране появится поле «Число3», и так может продолжаться долго, пока вы не впишите все требуемые диапазоны. Если хотите написать функцию в ячейке самостоятельно, используйте для этого =МИН(), а в скобках указывайте диапазоны чисел, отделяя их знаком «;», как об этом сказано в подсказке от разработчиков.

Запись функции МИН в Excel

Во время объявления диапазона вы можете выделить его прямо в таблице, и запись появится автоматически. Это общее правило, относящееся ко всем функциям в Excel, поэтому вы, скорее всего, знаете о его существовании. В случае с МИН использование подобного выделения как никогда окажется кстати.

Выбор диапазона данных для функции МИН в Excel

Ниже вы видите, что после расчетов, то есть когда вы нажимаете клавишу Enter, в ячейке с функцией отображается всего одно число, которое и является минимальным в указанных диапазонах. Не получится перечислить все стороны применения подобных расчетов, но обычно пользователь уже сам знает, зачем ему нужно возвращать минимальное число в диапазоне.

Просмотр результата возвращения числа функции МИН в Excel

При указании в одной функции МИН нескольких диапазонов с данными в результате все равно будет одно число, то есть то, которое является среди всех значений самым маленьким. Это удобно, когда в подсчеты берется сразу несколько столбцов значений, находящихся в одной или разных таблицах.

Несколько диапазонов в функции МИН в Excel

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Математические операции и функция МИН

Кратко расскажу о том, как вы можете использовать функцию МИН, выполняя различные математические расчеты. Самый простой пример – сложение двух диапазонов данных. Вам нужно объявить несколько функций МИН в одной ячейке, поставив между ними «+», в результате чего два минимальных значения сложатся, а на экране отобразится их сумма. Конечно, вместо плюса вы можете подставить любой знак, а в качестве второй функции при расчетах необязательно использовать МИН.

Математические операции с функцией МИН в Excel

Запись МИН в других функциях

Некоторые пользователи, только начинающие свой путь в Microsoft Excel, не знают, что в рамках одной функции может находиться и другая. Конечно, непосредственно в МИН нельзя засунуть еще какое-то выражение, поскольку функция применяет только аргумент, а вот саму МИН можно поместить в другую функцию. Например, объявите логическую операцию =ЕСЛИ(МИН(A1:A10)). Вы видите, что первое выражение для ЕСЛИ – это возвращение минимального значения. 

Вставка функции МИН в ЕСЛИ в Excel

Теперь нужно решить, какой знак поставить, а затем записать значения лжи и истины. Полностью формула выглядит следующим образом: =ЕСЛИ(МИН(A1:A10)>X;”+”;”-”). То есть если МИН будет больше указанного числа, значение ЕСЛИ станет «+», в противном случае «-». Вместо X можно подставить любую другую функцию, если в этом есть надобность.

Запись аргументов для ЕСЛИ с применением функции МИН в Excel

Если описание выше вам показалось сложным, объявите ЕСЛИ самостоятельно и откройте окно «Аргументы функции». В нем вы увидите разделение на поля и поймете, что в логическом выражении нужно написать саму функцию МИН и число либо другую функцию после знака «больше», «меньше» или «равно». Дополнительно сами разработчики представляют подсказки, поэтому понять принцип действий будет нетрудно.

Просмотр окна Аргументы функции при записи ЕСЛИ в Excel

Как видно, МИН – простая функция, которая прекрасно сочетается с другими и может помочь при обработке массивов данных, когда вручную найти требуемое значение не получается. Соблюдайте синтаксис, следите за тем, с какими диапазонами данных работаете, и все у вас получится.

Return value 

The smallest value in supplied data

Usage notes 

The MIN function returns the smallest numeric value in the data provided. The MIN function can be used to return the smallest value from any type of numeric data. For example, MIN can return the fastest time in a race, the earliest date, the smallest percentage, the lowest temperature, or the bottom sales number. 

The MIN function takes multiple arguments in the form number1, number2, number3, etc. up to 255 total. Arguments can be a hardcoded constant, a cell reference, or a range, in any combination. MIN ignores empty cells, text values, and the logical values TRUE and FALSE.

Basic example

The MIN function returns the smallest numeric value in supplied data:

=MIN(12,17,25,11,23) // returns 11

When given a range, MIN returns the smallest value in the range:

=MIN(A1:A10) // minimum value in A1:A10

Mixed arguments

The MIN function can accept a mix of arguments:


Logical values

The MIN function will ignore logical values and numbers entered as text that appear on the worksheet. However, if such values are provided directly as arguments, MIN will use them:

=MIN(5,TRUE) // returns 1
=MIN(7,5,"3") // returns 3


When MIN encounters an error in a range, it will return an error. To calculate a minimum value while ignoring errors, you can use the AGGREGATE function, which can be configured to ignore errors.

Other functions

Excel provides other functions that deal with minimum values and rank:

  • To calculate the minimum value with criteria, use the MINIFS function.
  • To retrieve the nth smallest value in a data set, use the SMALL function.
  • To determine the rank of a number in a set of data, use the RANK function.


  • Arguments can be provided as numbers, names, arrays, or references.
  • MIN accepts up to 255 arguments. If arguments contain no numbers, MIN returns 0.
  • MIN ignores empty cells, text values, and TRUE and FALSE in references.
  • MIN will evaluate numbers as text and logical values supplied directly as arguments.
  • To include logical values in a reference, see the MINA function.

Returns the minimum value in a given list of arguments

What is the MIN Function?

The MIN Function[1] is categorized under Excel Statistical functions. MIN will return the minimum value in a given list of arguments. From a given set of numeric values, it will return the smallest value. Unlike the MINA function, the MIN function ignores numbers, text, and logical values TRUE and FALSE and text values.

In financial modeling, the MIN formula can be useful in calculating debt schedules and depreciation schedules.


=MIN(number1, [number2], …)

Number1 and number2 are the arguments used for the MIN function, where Number1 is required and the subsequent values are optional.

In MS Excel 2007 and later versions, we can provide up to 255 number arguments to the MIN function. However, in Excel 2003 and earlier versions, it can only accept up to 30 number arguments.

Arguments can be provided as constants, or as cell references or ranges. If an argument is supplied to the function as a reference to a cell, or an array of cells, the MIN function will ignore blank cells and text or logical values contained within the supplied cell range. However, logical values and text representations of numbers that are supplied directly to the function will be included in the calculation.

How to Use the MIN Function in Excel

As a worksheet function, the MIN function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet. To understand the uses of the function, let us consider an example:


Let us calculate the lowest marks from the following data:

MIN Function

The formula used was:

MIN Function - Example 1

The MIN function ignored the empty value and returned 25 as the result.

MIN Function - Example 1a

As seen above, MIN will ignore empty values. In this example, if we provide a logical value, the function will ignore it and will give the same result, but MINA will consider it, as shown below:

MIN Function - Example 1b

A Few Things to Remember about the MIN Function

  1. #VALUE! error – Occurs if any values that are provided directly to the MIN function are non-numeric.
  2. The primary difference between MIN and MINA is that MINA evaluates TRUE and FALSE values as 1 and 0, respectively. Hence, if we wish to include logical values, we need to use the MINA function.

Click here to download the sample Excel file

Additional Resources

Thank you for reading CFI’s guide to the MIN Function. To learn more, check out these additional CFI resources:

  • Excel Functions for Finance
  • Advanced Excel Formulas Course
  • Advanced Excel Formulas You Must Know
  • Excel Shortcuts for PC and Mac
  • See all Excel resources

Article Sources

  1. MIN Function

MIN function is categorized under statistical functions in Excel. It is used to find the minimum value from a given set of data/arrays. In addition, it returns the minimum value from a given set of numeric values.

For example, suppose we have data from A2:B6 and need to determine the minimum values. In such a scenario, we can use the MIN Excel function. In this example, applying the MIN function formula =MIN(A2:B6) may give us the minimum value among the cell range from A2 to B6. 

  • It counts numbers but ignores empty cells, text, the logical values “TRUE” and “FALSE,” and text values.
  • We can use it to calculate the minimum salary of the employee, the minimum time/score, the lowest expense or revenue amount, etc.
Table of contents
  • MIN in Excel
    • MIN Formula in Excel
    • How to Use MIN Function in Excel?
      • Example #1
      • Example #2
      • Example #3
      • Example #4
      • Example #5
      • MIN function can be used as a VBA function.
    • Things to Remember
    • Recommended Articles

MIN Formula in Excel

Below is the MIN formula in Excel.

MIN Formula in Excel

The MIN formula has at least one critical parameter: number1, and the subsequent rest numbers are optional.

Compulsory Parameter:

  • number1: It is the required number.

Optional Parameter:

  • [number2]: The subsequent rest numbers are optional.

How to Use MIN Function in Excel?

The MIN function in Excel is very simple and easy to use. Let us understand the working of the MIN function in some examples. It can be used as a worksheet function and as a VBAVBA functions serve the primary purpose to carry out specific calculations and to return a value. Therefore, in VBA, we use syntax to specify the parameters and data type while defining the function. Such functions are called user-defined functions.read more function.

You can download this MIN Function Excel Template here – MIN Function Excel Template

Example #1

In this example, we have a student database with their score details. Now we need to find out the minimum score for these students.

MIN Example 1

Here, we must apply the function =MIN(C3:C18)

MIN Example 1-1

It will return the minimum score from the given list of scores, as shown in the table below.

MIN Example 1-2

Example #2

In this example, we have student details with their score, but here some students did not have any scores.

MIN Example 2

Now, we must apply the function =MIN(G3:G18)

MIN Example 2-1

The MIN function ignores the empty cells and then calculates the minimum score from the given data, as shown in the below table.

MIN Example 2-2

Example #3

Suppose we have a student’s details with their score, but some of the student’s score values are Boolean.

MIN Example 3

Then, apply the function here =MIN(J3:J18).

MIN Example 3-1

The MIN function in Excel ignores these Boolean values cells and then calculates the minimum score from the given data, as shown in the below table.

MIN Example 3-2

Example #4

Suppose we have a list of names, and we have to calculate the name with minimum length.

Example 4

Here, we have to apply the LEN function to calculate the length of the name, then use the MIN function to find the name with minimum length.

Example 4-1

It will give you the result shown below.

Example 4-2

Example #5

We can use the MIN function to find the MIN date from the given set of dates and the minimum time from the given time. We can use it to find the minimum currency from the given data, as shown in the below table.

Example 5

MIN function can be used as a VBA function.

Sub MINcal()

Dim Ans As Integer //declare the Ans as integer

Ans = Applicaltion.WorksheetFunction.MIN(Range(“A1:B5”))  // Apply Excel MIN function on range A1 to B5

MsgBox Ans //Display the MIN value in the Message box.

End Sub

Things to Remember

  • It throws #VALUE! Error if any of the supplied values are non-numeric.
  • It counts numbers but ignores empty cells, text, the logical values “TRUE” and “FALSE,” and text values.
  • If this function has no numbers in the arguments, it will return the 0 as output.

Recommended Articles

This article is a guide to the MIN Function in Excel. We discuss the MIN formula and how to use the MIN function along with an Excel example and downloadable Excel templates. You may also look at these useful functions in Excel: –

  • VBA BooleanBoolean is an inbuilt data type in VBA used for logical references or logical variables. The value this data type holds is either TRUE or FALSE and is used for logical comparison. The declaration of this data type is similar to all the other data types.read more
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totn Excel Functions

This Excel tutorial explains how to use the Excel MIN function with syntax and examples.


The Microsoft Excel MIN function returns the smallest value from the numbers provided.

The MIN function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Statistical Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel. As a worksheet function, the MIN function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.


The syntax for the MIN function in Microsoft Excel is:

MIN( number1, [number2, ... number_n] )

Parameters or Arguments

It can be a number, named range, array, or reference to a number.
number2, … number_n
Optional. These are numeric values that can be numbers, named ranges, arrays, or references to numbers. There can be up to 30 values entered.


The MIN function returns a numeric value.

Applies To

  • Excel for Office 365, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013, Excel 2011 for Mac, Excel 2010, Excel 2007, Excel 2003, Excel XP, Excel 2000

Type of Function

  • Worksheet function (WS)

Example (as Worksheet Function)

Let’s look at some Excel MIN function examples and explore how to use the MIN function as a worksheet function in Microsoft Excel:

Microsoft Excel

Based on the Excel spreadsheet above, the following MIN examples would return:

=MIN(A2, A3)
Result: 7.2

=MIN(A3, A5, -3)
Result: -3

Result: 5.4

=MIN(A2:A6, 3.6)
Result: 3.6

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