What is meaning of word a professional

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Doctor explains x-ray to patient

A professional is a member of a profession or any person who works in a specified professional activity. The term also describes the standards of education and training that prepare members of the profession with the particular knowledge and skills necessary to perform their specific role within that profession. In addition, most professionals are subject to strict codes of conduct, enshrining rigorous ethical and moral obligations.[1] Professional standards of practice and ethics for a particular field are typically agreed upon and maintained through widely recognized professional associations, such as the IEEE.[2] Some definitions of «professional» limit this term to those professions that serve some important aspect of public interest[3] and the general good of society.[4][5]

In some cultures, the term is used as shorthand to describe a particular social stratum of well-educated workers who enjoy considerable work autonomy and who are commonly engaged in creative and intellectually challenging work.[6][7][8][9]


In narrow usage, not all expertise is considered a profession. Occupations such as skilled construction and maintenance work are more generally thought of as trades or crafts. The completion of an apprenticeship is generally associated with skilled labour, or trades such as carpenter, electrician, mason, painter, plumber and other similar occupations.


In his study The Rise of Professional Society historian Harold Perkin characterizes professional society; «Where pre-industrial society was based on passive property in land and industrial society on actively managed capital, professional society is based on human capital created by education and enhanced by strategies of closure, that is, the exclusion of the unqualified.» Specifically, it is the management of human capital, and not just specialized skill which Perkin argues is a mark of the professional classes, at one point going so far as to compare it to a modern form of feudalism.[10]

Although professional training appears to be ideologically neutral, it may be biased towards those with higher class backgrounds and a formal education. In his 2000 book, Disciplined Minds: A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering System that Shapes Their Lives, Jeff Schmidt observes that qualified professionals are less creative and diverse in their opinions and habits than non-professionals, which he attributes to the subtle indoctrination and filtering which accompanies the process of professional training. His evidence is both qualitative and quantitative, including professional examinations, industry statistics and personal accounts of trainees and professionals.[11]

A key theoretical dispute arises from the observation that established professions (e.g. lawyers, medical doctors, architects, civil engineers, surveyors) are subject to strict codes of conduct. Some have thus argued that these codes of conduct, agreed upon and maintained through widely recognized professional associations, are a key element of what constitutes any profession.[12] Others have argued that strict codes of conduct and the professional associations that maintain them are merely a consequence of ‘successful’ professionalization, rather than an intrinsic element of the definition of professional (ism); this implies that a profession arises from the alignment between a shared purpose (connected to a ‘greater good’), a body of knowledge, actual behavior in terms of actions and decisions, and expectations held by societal stakeholders.[13]


The etymology and historical meaning of the term professional is from Middle English, from profes, adjective, having professed one’s vows, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin professus, from Latin, past participle of profitēri to profess, confess, from pro- before + fatēri to acknowledge; in other senses, from Latin professus, past participle. Thus, as people became more and more specialized in their trade, they began to ‘profess’ their skill to others, and ‘vow’ to perform their trade to the highest known standard. With a reputation to uphold, trusted workers of a society who have a specific trade are considered professionals. Ironically, the usage of the word ‘profess’ declined from the late 1800s to the 1950s, just as the term ‘professional’ was gaining popularity from 1900 to 2010.[14][15] Notably, in American English the rise in popularity of the term ‘professional’ started at the beginning of the 20th century[16] whereas in British English it started in the 1930s and grew fastest in the 1960s and 1970s.[17]

Guilds and licensing practices[edit]

The notion of a professional can be traced to medieval European guilds, most of which died off by the middle of the nineteenth century, the exception being the scholars guild, or university.[18]

With most guilds formally abolished outside of the realm of academia, establishing exclusivity and standards in a trade (i.e. the successful professionalization of a trade) had to be achieved via other means such as licensing practices, of which might begin as an informal process established by voluntary professional associations, but then eventually become law due to lobbying efforts. Paralleling or soon after the fall of guilds professional associations began to form in Britain and the US. In the US a number of interested parties sought to emulate the model of apprenticeship which European guilds of the Middle Ages had honed to achieve their ends of establishing exclusivity in trades[19] as well as the English concept of a gentleman which had come to be associated with higher income and craftsmanship.[18][20] Examples are the Lazzaroni who lobbied to create the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and professional associations who lobbied to create the American Medical Association (AMA). According to Miller et al., «Lazzaroni opposed reforms for no apparent reason other than that they were proposed by scientists outside of their tight knit group.».[21] In his seminal work The Transformation of American Medicine (1982) Paul Starr argues that a significant motivation in the development of the AMA was to gain authority over unlicensed practitioners so as to minimize competition among medical practitioners, thereby enhancing the earning power and prestige of medical professionals. The licensing process Starr argues, was unnecessarily prolonged and the costs were artificially enhanced with the specific aim of deterring potential practitioners from entering the field. In his book, The Early Development of Medical Licensing Laws in the United States, 1875–1900, Ronald Hamowy wrote:

«The American Medical Association (AMA) was established as a permanent national organization at Philadelphia in 1847 at a convention attended by some 230 delegates representing more than forty medical societies and twenty-eight schools. From its inception, one of its primary aims was the upgrading of medical education and a concomitant reduction in the number of physicians. Its committee on raising medical standards reported at its first meeting that «the large number of Medical Colleges throughout the country, and the facility with which the degree is obtained, have exerted a most pernicious influence» on the profession. With the object of ameliorating this situation, recommendations were carried calling for a specified minimum preliminary education as a prerequisite for admission to a medical college, a lengthening of the period of study for graduation from a medical school, including compulsory clinical instruction at a hospital prior to the issuance of a diploma, and professional participation in some licensing scheme for physicians. Indeed, so important was the issue of education considered by the AMA that one of its first acts was the establishment of a Committee on Medical Education…»

As technology progressed throughout the twentieth century, the successful professionalization of a given field was increasingly made possible through the idea of specialization.[10]

As was the case with guilds who claimed to establish exclusivity in a trade in the name of serving the public good, there are often subtle dichotomies present in the idea professionalizing a field, whether in the name of serving some notion of the public good or as a result of specialization. For example, while defenders of guilds have argued that they allowed markets to function by ensuring quality standards, Sheilagh Ogilvie has instead argued that markets of the Middle Ages flourished when guilds were abolished and that there is much evidence to support the notion that individuals prefer a wide variety of products of varying quality and price to being granted protections which they did not ask for, and which artificially constrain consumer options.[19] With regard to modern forms of professional specialization, does specialization which accompanies advances in technology naturally result in exclusivity, or have our licensing systems and laws been artificially engineered with the intention of limiting the number of individuals who reach the point of specialization?

In certain cases the want to specialize can have adverse and bias effects on an industry. In his seminal work From Poor Law to Welfare State: A History of Social Welfare in America (1994) Walter Trattner argues that social workers began to emphasize individualized casework at the expense of alternative methods which utilize holistic methods to address social issues.[23]

The granting of degrees through universities in many cases serves as one major component of licensing practices, but there are numerous legal stipulations and in some cases even informal social norms which also act in this capacity. Nevertheless, the university system constitutes one of the last remaining widely spread guild (or quasi-guild) and continues to serve as an indispensable means for the professionalization of fields of work. While it is true that most guilds disappeared by the middle of the nineteenth century, the scholars guild persisted due to its peripheral standing in an industrialized economy. In the words of Elliot Krause, «The university and scholars’ guilds held onto their power over membership, training, and workplace because early capitalism was not interested in it…».[18]

See also[edit]

  • Amateur
  • Centre for the Study of Professions
  • Organizational culture
  • Professional boundaries
  • Professional services
  • Professional sports
  • Semi-professional


  1. ^ Postema, Gerald J. (1980). «Moral responsibility in professional ethics». N.Y.U. L. Rev. 55. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
  2. ^ «IEEE.org Index Page». IEEE.ORG. IEEE.ORG. Archived from the original on 15 May 2015. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
  3. ^ Harvey, L.; Mason, S.; Ward, R. (1995). Role of Professional Bodies in Higher Education Quality Monitoring. Birmingham: Quality in Higher Education Project. ISBN 1-85920-108-3.
  4. ^ Sullivan, William M. (2nd ed. 2005). Work and Integrity: The Crisis and Promise of Professionalism in America. Jossey Bass.
  5. ^ Gardner, Howard and Shulman, Lee S., The Professions in America Today: Crucial but Fragile. Daedalus, Summer 2005. (pgs. 13–14)
  6. ^ Gilbert, D. (1998). The American class structure: In an age of growing inequality. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Press.
  7. ^ Beeghley, L. (2004). The structure of social stratification in the United States. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  8. ^ Eichar, D. (1989). Occupation and Class Consciousness in America. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. ISBN 978-0-313-26111-4
  9. ^ Ehrenreich, B. (1989). Fear of falling: The inner life of the middle class. New York: Harper Perennial.
  10. ^ a b Perkin, Harold (1989). The Rise of Professional Society; England Since 1885. Routledge Inc.
  11. ^ Schmidt, J. (2000). Disciplined Minds – A Critical Look at Salaried Professionals and the Soul-Battering System that Shapes their Lives. Rowman & Littlefield, pp.293.
  12. ^ Barker, Richard (July 1, 2010). «The Big Idea: No, Management Is Not a Profession». Harvard Business Review (July–August 2010). Retrieved 16 October 2019 – via hbr.org.
  13. ^ Romme, G. (2016). The Quest for Professionalism: The Case of Management and Entrepreneurship. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oxford University Press. 28 January 2016. ISBN 978-0-19-873773-5. Retrieved 16 October 2019.
  14. ^ «Simple Definition of profess». merriam-webster.com. Merriam Webster. 2015. Retrieved 26 March 2016.
  15. ^ «Google Books NGram Viewer». books.google.com/ngrams. 2018. Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  16. ^ «Google Books NGram Viewer (American English)». books.google.com/ngrams. 2018. Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  17. ^ «Google Books NGram Viewer (British English)». books.google.com/ngrams. 2018. Retrieved 14 November 2018.
  18. ^ a b c Krause, Elliot (1996). Death of Guilds: Professions, States, and The Advance of Capitalism, 1930 to The Present. Yale University Press, New Haven and London.
  19. ^ a b Ogilvie, Sheilagh (2019). The European Guilds: An Economic Analysis. Princeton University Press.
  20. ^ Perkin, Harold (1993). The Rise of Professional Society. Routledge, London and New York.
  21. ^ Miller, Lillian (1972). The Lazzaroni: Science and Scientists in The Mid Nineteenth Century America. Smithsonian Institution Press.
  22. ^ Trattner, Walter (1994). From Poor Law to Welfare State: A History of Social Welfare in America, 5th Edition. The Free Press.

External links[edit]

Asked by: Blake Purdy

Score: 4.6/5
(67 votes)

A professional is a member of a profession or any person who earns a living from a specified professional activity.

What it means to be a professional?

Professionalism involves being reliable, setting your own high standards, and showing that you care about every aspect of your job. It’s about being industrious and organized, and holding yourself accountable for your thoughts, words and actions.

What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

  • Professional appearance.
  • Reliable.
  • Ethical behavior.
  • Organized.
  • Accountable.
  • Professional language.
  • Separates personal and professional.
  • Positive attitude.

What is professional in simple words?

A professional is someone who has a specialised job which only very well trained people can perform, such as Doctors, lawyers, and teachers. … «His behaviour was always professional» (meaning: he behaved in a proper way, like someone of his profession should).

What is an example of a professional?

The definition of a professional is someone who works in a particular field. An example of a professional is someone who plays football in the NFL. … A business graduate school is an example of something professional. A certified public accountant is an example of someone professional.

24 related questions found

What are the 5 professions?

Professions & Occupations

  • Accountant — a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.
  • Actor /Actress — a person that acts in a play or a movie.
  • Architect — a person that designs building and houses.
  • Author — They write books or novels.
  • Baker — They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.

Which jobs are considered professional?

Professional jobs include:

  • teachers.
  • doctors/surgeons/dentists.
  • accountants.
  • lawyers.
  • engineers.
  • architects.
  • artists/authors.
  • designers.

Who can be called professional?

The term professional refers to anyone who earns their living from performing an activity that requires a certain level of education, skill, or training.

How do you describe a professional person?

The very word professional implies that you are an expert. … Become an expert in the skills and tools necessary to do your job. Always perform to the best of your abilities. Keep your knowledge up to date.

What are professional skills?

Professionals skills are abilities that can help you succeed in your job. A professional skill describes a habit, personality trait or ability that positively affects your performance in the workplace. Having professional skills can benefit people in nearly all job positions, industries and work environments.

What are 10 characteristics of professionalism?

Here are 10 characteristics true professionals possess in the workplace (not in any order of importance).

  • A Neat Appearance. …
  • Proper Demeanor (in Person and Online) …
  • Reliable. …
  • Competent. …
  • Communicator. …
  • Good Phone Etiquette. …
  • Poised. …
  • Ethical.

How do you look professional?

Let’s dive in.

  1. BE ORGANIZED. It is impossible to look professional without being organized. …
  2. PUNCTUALITY. Nothing screams unprofessionalism like someone who does not know how to manage their time. …

What makes you a true professional?

Genuine professionals practice good self regulation. This means they stay professional under pressure. They are polite and respectful to the people around them. They show a high degree of emotional intelligence, and are careful to consider the emotions and needs of others.

What is the difference between being a professional and being professional?

to carry out a task or series of duties. You get paid to do certain work. But being professional involves a whole other level of standards and standing out. You can be a professional anything, but not be professional doing it.

How can I be professional in life?

10 Simple Qualities That Can Help You Achieve Professional Success and Satisfaction in Life

  1. Be authentic.
  2. Be truthful.
  3. Challenge yourself.
  4. Put love first.
  5. Be thoughtful.
  6. Be a good human being.
  7. Practice patience.
  8. Live your dreams.

Is professionalism a skill?

Communicating effectively and appropriately for the workplace is also an essential part of professionalism. Regardless of the job or industry, professionalism is easy to spot. … This is because professionalism, in and of itself, is not one skill but the blending and integration of a variety of skills.

How do you say someone is very professional?


  1. competent.
  2. efficient.
  3. experienced.
  4. licensed.
  5. qualified.
  6. skillful.
  7. ace.
  8. expert.

What is a true professional?

Professionals are the kind of people that others respect. They are the first to be considered for promotions. … Consequently, true professionals possess inner drive, passion and focus—an attitude that helps them establish and achieve their personal and career goals.

How do you use the word professional?

These 15 phrases can help establish you as a positive force in any office environment.

  1. «Let’s touch base.»
  2. «Our state-of-the-art technology.»
  3. «I appreciate your attention to this matter»
  4. «Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me»
  5. «I look forward to hearing from you soon.»

What is your professional qualification?

Professional qualifications are vocational training courses that relate to a specific industry or career path. … They are typically regulated and awarded by relevant professional bodies, and are designed to ensure that everyone employed in a particular job meets the minimum required standards of professional expertise.

What is basic level profession?

Explanation: example: if you can start any business in starting it base is good it’s called basic level profession for example of fertilizers can grow his crops and his crops are in a good condition it is mean that its basic level profession is very good.

What is required to be a professional in one sentence?

Answer: you need to work hard and understand whether u r good or not. plzz follow me. Professional means being expert and for being expert u need to love and work hard for that thing .

Which stream has highest salary?

Take a look at the top 10 highest paying jobs in India (in no particular order) as of 2021.

  • Data Science. …
  • Digital Marketing. …
  • Medical Professionals. …
  • Machine Learning Experts. …
  • Blockchain Developers. …
  • Software Engineers. …
  • Chartered Accountant. …
  • Lawers.

What jobs are most needed?

Top 10 Most In-Demand USA Jobs

  • Registered Nurse. …
  • Software Engineer. …
  • Information Security Analyst. …
  • Occupational Therapist. …
  • Web Developer. …
  • Data Scientist. …
  • Operations Manager. …
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer.

What is the difference between professional and non professional?

As nouns the difference between professional and nonprofessional. is that professional is a person who belongs to a profession while nonprofessional is one who is not a professional; an amateur.

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Blake Purdy

Score: 4.6/5
(67 votes)

A professional is a member of a profession or any person who earns a living from a specified professional activity.

What it means to be a professional?

Professionalism involves being reliable, setting your own high standards, and showing that you care about every aspect of your job. It’s about being industrious and organized, and holding yourself accountable for your thoughts, words and actions.

What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

What are the 5 qualities of a professional?

  • Professional appearance.
  • Reliable.
  • Ethical behavior.
  • Organized.
  • Accountable.
  • Professional language.
  • Separates personal and professional.
  • Positive attitude.

What is professional in simple words?

A professional is someone who has a specialised job which only very well trained people can perform, such as Doctors, lawyers, and teachers. … «His behaviour was always professional» (meaning: he behaved in a proper way, like someone of his profession should).

What is an example of a professional?

The definition of a professional is someone who works in a particular field. An example of a professional is someone who plays football in the NFL. … A business graduate school is an example of something professional. A certified public accountant is an example of someone professional.

24 related questions found

What are the 5 professions?

Professions & Occupations

  • Accountant — a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.
  • Actor /Actress — a person that acts in a play or a movie.
  • Architect — a person that designs building and houses.
  • Author — They write books or novels.
  • Baker — They make bread and cakes and normally work in a bakery.

Which jobs are considered professional?

Professional jobs include:

  • teachers.
  • doctors/surgeons/dentists.
  • accountants.
  • lawyers.
  • engineers.
  • architects.
  • artists/authors.
  • designers.

Who can be called professional?

The term professional refers to anyone who earns their living from performing an activity that requires a certain level of education, skill, or training.

How do you describe a professional person?

The very word professional implies that you are an expert. … Become an expert in the skills and tools necessary to do your job. Always perform to the best of your abilities. Keep your knowledge up to date.

What are professional skills?

Professionals skills are abilities that can help you succeed in your job. A professional skill describes a habit, personality trait or ability that positively affects your performance in the workplace. Having professional skills can benefit people in nearly all job positions, industries and work environments.

What are 10 characteristics of professionalism?

Here are 10 characteristics true professionals possess in the workplace (not in any order of importance).

  • A Neat Appearance. …
  • Proper Demeanor (in Person and Online) …
  • Reliable. …
  • Competent. …
  • Communicator. …
  • Good Phone Etiquette. …
  • Poised. …
  • Ethical.

How do you look professional?

Let’s dive in.

  1. BE ORGANIZED. It is impossible to look professional without being organized. …
  2. PUNCTUALITY. Nothing screams unprofessionalism like someone who does not know how to manage their time. …

What makes you a true professional?

Genuine professionals practice good self regulation. This means they stay professional under pressure. They are polite and respectful to the people around them. They show a high degree of emotional intelligence, and are careful to consider the emotions and needs of others.

What is the difference between being a professional and being professional?

to carry out a task or series of duties. You get paid to do certain work. But being professional involves a whole other level of standards and standing out. You can be a professional anything, but not be professional doing it.

How can I be professional in life?

10 Simple Qualities That Can Help You Achieve Professional Success and Satisfaction in Life

  1. Be authentic.
  2. Be truthful.
  3. Challenge yourself.
  4. Put love first.
  5. Be thoughtful.
  6. Be a good human being.
  7. Practice patience.
  8. Live your dreams.

Is professionalism a skill?

Communicating effectively and appropriately for the workplace is also an essential part of professionalism. Regardless of the job or industry, professionalism is easy to spot. … This is because professionalism, in and of itself, is not one skill but the blending and integration of a variety of skills.

How do you say someone is very professional?


  1. competent.
  2. efficient.
  3. experienced.
  4. licensed.
  5. qualified.
  6. skillful.
  7. ace.
  8. expert.

What is a true professional?

Professionals are the kind of people that others respect. They are the first to be considered for promotions. … Consequently, true professionals possess inner drive, passion and focus—an attitude that helps them establish and achieve their personal and career goals.

How do you use the word professional?

These 15 phrases can help establish you as a positive force in any office environment.

  1. «Let’s touch base.»
  2. «Our state-of-the-art technology.»
  3. «I appreciate your attention to this matter»
  4. «Should you have questions, please feel free to contact me»
  5. «I look forward to hearing from you soon.»

What is your professional qualification?

Professional qualifications are vocational training courses that relate to a specific industry or career path. … They are typically regulated and awarded by relevant professional bodies, and are designed to ensure that everyone employed in a particular job meets the minimum required standards of professional expertise.

What is basic level profession?

Explanation: example: if you can start any business in starting it base is good it’s called basic level profession for example of fertilizers can grow his crops and his crops are in a good condition it is mean that its basic level profession is very good.

What is required to be a professional in one sentence?

Answer: you need to work hard and understand whether u r good or not. plzz follow me. Professional means being expert and for being expert u need to love and work hard for that thing .

Which stream has highest salary?

Take a look at the top 10 highest paying jobs in India (in no particular order) as of 2021.

  • Data Science. …
  • Digital Marketing. …
  • Medical Professionals. …
  • Machine Learning Experts. …
  • Blockchain Developers. …
  • Software Engineers. …
  • Chartered Accountant. …
  • Lawers.

What jobs are most needed?

Top 10 Most In-Demand USA Jobs

  • Registered Nurse. …
  • Software Engineer. …
  • Information Security Analyst. …
  • Occupational Therapist. …
  • Web Developer. …
  • Data Scientist. …
  • Operations Manager. …
  • Diagnostic Medical Sonographer.

What is the difference between professional and non professional?

As nouns the difference between professional and nonprofessional. is that professional is a person who belongs to a profession while nonprofessional is one who is not a professional; an amateur.

«I want to judge my players on their professional behaviour, their ­professional lives. ❋ Dominic Fifield (2010)

It took 11 years for her to get another pro film credit though the term «professional» applies only loosely to 1993’s straight-to-VHS «Cyborg 2», though she spent time honing her craft in her brother’s film school projects and music videos. ❋ Unknown (2011)

Also, the term professional distance sounds wrong to me, because I believe you have as much validity and professionalism for being in the E.D. as a paid social worker or other paid professional would. ❋ Susan Palwick (2007)

The term professional is used more generally to denote a white collar working person, or a person who performs commercially in a field typically reserved for hobbyists or amateurs. ❋ Unknown (2010)

The term professional is defined as engaging in a specified occupation for pay. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Image via: the L Magazine, I discuss use of the term professional, and how MFA programs have defined the term. ❋ Unknown (2009)

The term professional is not meant to imply a high standard of commitment and attainment: it meant then, as it still does, the pursuit of a trade or calling to the end of paying the rent and buying liquor. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It is no more clearly demonstrated than in their ability to have the word «professional» «exhibiting a courteous, conscientious, and generally business-like manner in the workplace» given a negative connotation by our country’s judiciary when applied to counsel representing class members who object to proposed class action settlements and/or attorneys’ fee requests — the so-called «professional objector.» ❋ Lawrence W. Schonbrun (2011)

If you do fill out the FAFSA and your personal financial situation changes, maybe a lost job, as you suggest, you can ask for what they call a professional judgment review. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Go to the financial aid office, ask for what they call a professional judgment review. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Today, it is so easy to respond to every notice by email that there are what I call professional posters. ❋ Unknown (2009)

One of the essential attributes of a professional is a sense of standards and values. ❋ Unknown (1995)

Finally, if, as will be clearly seen, it is desirable that what we call professional ethics persist and that self-advertisement be discouraged, society must, for its own protection, adopt some other means than epithets to correct the evils of self-advertisement and quackery. ❋ William H. Allen (N/A)

The husband’s — as well, of course, as the wife’s — peculiarities should be what we call a professional secret. ❋ William J. Robinson (N/A)

«And she’s quite what you call a professional beauty, isn’t she?» asked ❋ Ada Leverson (1897)

Bob finally realized his dream of becoming a professional [bowler].
35 year old [white female] professional seeks black male for [bondage] fantasies. Must be discreet. ❋ Mike 8643654578678567743345 (2007)

[Your girl] is [loose]; she [aint nothing] but a professional. ❋ Kevin (2004)

Girls not only give [professionals], but women do to. And if [you don’t] give [your man] a professional, he’ll find someone who will. ❋ Kevin (2004)

Person A: That [Brett] [Hodgson] guy..[what do you think] of him?
Person B: Hes an absolute professional! ❋ Talulah91 (2009)

«In [Dade County] they call’em ‘ANIMALS’
In [Savannah] they call’em ‘PROFESSIONALS’
~by the late [Camoflage] ❋ Creammy_3 (2003)

Brittany thinks she looks professional with her [animal print] [prostiboots] and [vest]. ❋ Angela Parra-Samra (2009)

She [gave] him a professional in a [public bathroom]. ❋ Jhjkl (2008)

«Don’t [worry], [I’m a] professional» ❋ MissBoo (2010)

As a professional with [integrity], I think you should be more [objective] and less [subjective]. ❋ Nuk_ (2017)

I want to [get real] fucked up tonight. [Im thinking] about heading over to 7-11 picking up a [dew] slurppy and making myself a professional. ❋ Mike J Smith (2007)

Table of Contents

  1. What is the root word of professional?
  2. What is the part of speech for professional?
  3. What is professionalism simple words?
  4. What are examples of professional?
  5. What jobs fall under professional services?
  6. What’s another word for professionalism?
  7. Which is the best definition of professionalism?
  8. What is a professional manner?
  9. What are three characteristics of professionalism?
  10. How do I look professional?
  11. How can I talk perfectly?
  12. How can I talk more clearly?
  13. Why do I struggle to speak clearly?
  14. How can I talk faster and clearer?
  15. Can you learn to talk faster?

: someone who does a job that requires special training, education, or skill : someone who is a member of a profession. : someone who is paid to participate in a sport or activity.

The etymology and historical meaning of the term professional is from Middle English, from profes, adjective, having professed one’s vows, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin professus, from Latin, past participle of profitēri to profess, confess, from pro- before + fatēri to acknowledge; in other senses, from Latin …

What is the part of speech for professional?

pronunciation: pr fe sh n l parts of speech: adjective, noun features: Word Combinations (adjective, noun), Word Explorer. part of speech: adjective.

What is professionalism simple words?

“The skill, good judgment, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well” Merrium-Webster, n.d. “’Professionalism’ is commonly understood as an individual’s adherence to a set of standards, code of conduct or collection of qualities that characterize accepted practice within a …

What are examples of professional?

The term professional refers to anyone who earns their living from performing an activity that requires a certain level of education, skill, or training….Types of professionals include:

  • Accountant.
  • Teacher.
  • Technician.
  • Laborer.
  • Physical.
  • Commercial Banker.
  • Engineer.
  • Lawyer.

What jobs fall under professional services?

Professional services firms exist in many different industries. They include lawyers, advertising professionals, architects, accountants, financial advisers, engineers, and consultants, among others. Basically, they can be any organization or profession that offers customized, knowledge-based services to clients.

What’s another word for professionalism?

What is another word for professionalism?

ability civility
rectitude respectability
skill competence
probity steadiness
thoroughness acumen

Which is the best definition of professionalism?

1 : the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person. 2 : the following of a profession (such as athletics) for gain or livelihood.

What is a professional manner?

Professional manner means that the personnel performing the services will possess the skill and competence consistent with the prevailing business standards in the industry.

What are three characteristics of professionalism?

Professionalism includes a variety of personal qualities and behaviors that demonstrate commitment to effective performance in a given job. Commitment and confidence, responsibility and dependability, honesty and ethics, and appearance and professional presence are central professional characteristics.

How do I look professional?

12 Ways To Appear More Professional & Confident At Work

  1. Dress Appropriately. Yes, Appearance does matter.
  2. Well Groomed. The first impression is the one that sticks to us.
  3. Be on Time. Punctuality is very important at work.
  4. Be Positive.
  5. Good posture.
  6. Eye Contact.
  7. Good Conversationalists.
  8. Do not Overthink.

How can I talk perfectly?

When it’s your turn to talk…

  1. Get your thinking straight. The most common source of confusing messages is muddled thinking.
  2. Say what you mean. Say exactly what you mean.
  3. Get to the point. Effective communicators don’t beat around the bush.
  4. Be concise.
  5. Be real.
  6. Speak in images.
  7. Do it with thought and care.
  8. Use your eyes.

How can I talk more clearly?

Following are some fairly painless tips for speaking better:

  1. Avoid skipping words.
  2. Speak long phrases or full sentences.
  3. Make sure you pronounce even small words like “a” and “the.” If, like most people, you normally pronounce the word “a” as “uh,” keep doing so.
  4. Avoid running words together.

Why do I struggle to speak clearly?

Difficulty with speech can be the result of problems with the brain or nerves that control the facial muscles, larynx, and vocal cords necessary for speech. Dysarthria refers to a difficulty in pronouncing certain sounds or words that is usually due to a problem with muscle control.

How can I talk faster and clearer?

Speed Talking Tips

  1. Start with tongue twisters.
  2. Enunciate well.
  3. Breathe deeply.
  4. Control the breath.
  5. Breathe less during the course of your read to leave more room for words.
  6. Find a rhythm to it.
  7. Phrase carefully.
  8. Being cautious with multisyllabic words.

Can you learn to talk faster?

Try to practice three to four different tongue twisters a day, saying them out loud at faster and faster speeds. You may also want to time yourself as you say the tongue twisters so you can track how fast and how well you can say them as you practice them every day.

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