What is mary poppins long word

Table of Contents

  1. Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious really a word?
  2. What is the longest N word?
  3. What is Megalohydrothalassophobia?
  4. What causes Thalassophobia?
  5. How many types of phobias are there?
  6. What are the Top 5 Fears of humans?
  7. Can phobias be cured?
  8. Is a phobia a mental illness?
  9. What are symptoms of a phobia?
  10. Are Phobias a form of OCD?
  11. Is OCD related to agoraphobia?
  12. How can you tell the difference between phobias?
  13. What are some examples of OCD?
  14. What are the 4 types of OCD?
  15. Does OCD get worse with age?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (pronounced /ˌsuːpərˌkælɪˌfrædʒəlˌɪstɪkˌɛkspiːˌælɪˈdoʊʃəs/) is an English word, with 34 letters, that was in the song with the same title in the Disney musical movie Mary Poppins.

Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious really a word?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a nonsensical word that is sometimes used to describe something as being great or extraordinary. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is used especially by children and fans of Disney movies to describe something as being really good.

What is the longest N word?

15-letter words that start with n

  • notwithstanding.
  • nonprescription.
  • neurophysiology.
  • nonprofessional.
  • noncontributory.
  • neuropsychology.
  • neuropsychiatry.
  • neoconservatism.

What is Megalohydrothalassophobia?

Parallel Phobias and Treatment And this one, in particular, is a relatively common phobia. Bathophobia (fear of depths), cymophobia (fear of waves), megalohydrothalassophobia (fear of large underwater sea creatures and objects), and aquaphobia (fear of water) may also evolve into thalassophobic reactions.

What causes Thalassophobia?

A negative or past traumatic event can also trigger a deep fear of oceans. Traumatic experiences of being frightened while swimming, or almost drowning are also leading causes of thalassophobia.

How many types of phobias are there?

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identifies three different categories of phobias: social phobias, agoraphobia, and specific phobias.1 When people talk about having a phobia of a specific object such as snakes, spiders, or needles, they are referring to a specific phobia.

What are the Top 5 Fears of humans?

The top ten phobias include:

  • Arachnophobia: The fear of spiders.
  • Ophidiophobia: The fear of snakes.
  • Acrophobia: The fear of heights.
  • Agoraphobia: The fear of situations in which escape is difficult.
  • Cynophobia: The fear of dogs.
  • Astraphobia: The fear of thunder and lightning.
  • Trypanophobia: The fear of injections.

Can phobias be cured?

Almost all phobias can be successfully treated and cured. Simple phobias can be treated through gradual exposure to the object, animal, place or situation that causes fear and anxiety. This is known as desensitisation or self-exposure therapy.

Is a phobia a mental illness?

Phobias are diagnosable mental disorders. The person will experience intense distress when faced with the source of their phobia. This can prevent them from functioning normally and sometimes leads to panic attacks.

What are symptoms of a phobia?

People with phobias often have panic attacks….Physical symptoms

  • sweating.
  • trembling.
  • hot flushes or chills.
  • shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.
  • a choking sensation.
  • rapid heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • pain or tightness in the chest.
  • a sensation of butterflies in the stomach.

Are Phobias a form of OCD?

While some do not consider phobias to be true OC Spectrum Disorders, they do have obsessive-compulsive features that are quite similar to OCD. Phobias and OCD are both categorized as anxiety disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) published by the American Psychiatric Association.

Objective: Panic Disorder (PD) and agoraphobia (AG) are frequently comorbid with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but the correlates of these comorbidities in OCD are fairly unknown.

How can you tell the difference between phobias?

Specific Phobias The DSM-5 outlines criteria for a specific phobia diagnosis: The fear or anxiety is about a specific object or situation. The object of the phobia nearly always causes immediate anxiety or fear. The phobia causes avoidance of the object or situation, or they are endured with great discomfort.

What are some examples of OCD?

Common compulsive behaviors in OCD include: Repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure they’re safe. Counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other senseless things to reduce anxiety. Spending a lot of time washing or cleaning. Ordering or arranging things “just so”.

What are the 4 types of OCD?

What are the four different types of OCD?

  • Contamination & Washing.
  • Doubt About Accidental Harm & Checking.
  • Just Right OCD — Symmetry, Arranging, & Counting.
  • Unacceptable Taboo Thoughts & Mental Rituals.

Does OCD get worse with age?

Because symptoms usually worsen with age, people may have difficulty remembering when OCD began, but can sometimes recall when they first noticed that the symptoms were disrupting their lives.

According to the 20th volume of the Oxford English Dictionary, there are a total of 171,476 words in current use. With this number of words, your mind will begin to imagine which words are the longest and how many letters they have. Well, you needn’t wonder anymore, this article has got you covered.

A very high percentage of the longest words in English are medicine and chemistry terminologies. However, you will not find some of them in the dictionary as space is an essential constraint of a dictionary.

For example, the longest word in the English language is METHIONYLTHREONYLTHREONYGLUTAMINYLARGINYL…ISOLEUCINE which is the full chemical name for the human protein titin. The word has 189,819 letters, taking about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chemical names in the dictionary is that there is no limit to how long it can be.

In the same light, the longest word to ever appear in the literature is from Assemblywomen, a play by Aristophanes published in 391 BC. LOPADOTEMACHOSELACHOGALEOKRANIOLEIPSAN…PTERYGON is a Greek word that has a total of 171 letters that translates to 183.

However, this article is focused on the longest English words in the dictionary. There are several lengthy words in the dictionary. Continue reading to appreciate a few of them.

PneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisThis is the longest word in the dictionary, with a total of forty-five letters. Also, it has 19 syllables which divides as pneu-mo-no-ul-tra-mi-cro-scop-ic-sil-i-co-vol-ca-no-co-ni-o-sis.

The forty-five-letter word is a noun that refers to a lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica, quartz dust, very fine ash or sand dust found in volcanoes.

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was invented in the 1930s during the annual meeting of the National Puzzlers’ League (N.P.L.) by Everett M. Smith (the president). The word was coined in imitation of very long medical terms. The 45-letter word is a synonym for the disease known as silicosis.

Additionally, it first appeared in the supplement to the Merriam-Webster New International Dictionary in the year 1939.

HippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobiaThe second position on the list is Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, with a total of thirty-six letters. Plus, it has 15 syllables which divides into hip-po-pot-o-mon-stro-ses-quip-ped-al-i-o-pho-bi-a.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a noun that refers to the fear of long words. Isn’t it ironic that the word that means the fear of long words is actually one of the longest words in the dictionary?

Additionally, the prefix hippopoto- and monstro- which alludes to hippopotamus and monsters, were only added to the word to blow the word out of proportion. You don’t necessarily need them for the meaning. The word’s true meaning comes for the Latin word sesquipedalis, which means a foot and a half long and the word phobia, meaning an irrational fear.

SupercalifragilisticexpialidociousSupercalifragilisticexpialidocious is the third-longest word in the English language, having a total of thirty-four letters. However, it is not a word that appears in all dictionary, only a few. Plus, it has 14 syllables which divides into su-per-cal-i-frag-i-lis-tic-ex-pi-al-i-do-cious.

The thirty-four-letter word is an adjective that means extraordinarily good or wonderful. However, the oxford dictionary defines the word as a nonsense word typically used by children to express excited approbation.

If you ever watched Mary Poppins (the 1964 film) as a child, you might remember supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as first used by Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins described it as a word to use when you have nothing to say.

PseudopseudohypoparathyroidismThis is the fourth-longest word in the dictionary, and the longest non-coined word in the English language with a total of thirty letters is pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism. The thirty-letter word has 11 syllables, which divide into Pseu-do-pseu-do-hy-po-pa-ra-thy-roid-ism.

Pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, which is often abbreviated as PPHP, is a noun that refers to the condition that causes the soft tissues and joints in the body to harden, leading to a round face, short stature and short hand bones. This condition is often inherited

Pseudo means false or fake. The word consists of the word pseudo twice because the disorder stimulates the peculiar symptoms of pseudohypoparathyroidism, whereby the body does not respond to the parathyroid hormone. This shows two-level of faking it or falseness going on.

FloccinaucinihilipilificationThe fifth on the list is Floccinaucinihilipilification coming with a total of twenty-nine letters. Floccinaucinihilipilification has 12 syllables which divides into floc-ci-nau-ci-ni-hil-i-pil-i-fi-ca-tion.

Floccinaucinihilipilification is a noun that refers to the action or habit of estimating something as worthless or valueless. It is mostly never used except in a list of the longest words in the English language. However, when it is used, it is often in reference to itself.

The twenty-nine letter word dates back to the mid-18th century having Latin roots. It is made up of the Latin words flocci, nauci, nihili, and pili, which means little value. The first recorded use of Floccinaucinihilipilification was in a letter by William Shenstone in 1741.

AntidisestablishmentarianismFollowing closely on the list is Antidisestablishmentarianism, with a total of twenty-eight letters. Antidisestablishmentarianism is pronounced in 12 syllables which divides into an-ti-dis-es-tab-lish-ment-ar-i-an-is-m.

Antidisestablishmentarianism originally referred to the opposition of the Church of England’s disestablishment and the advocacy that the church should continue to receive government patronage. However, it is now being used to describe any opposition to withdrawing government support from religions or churches.

Also, in 1838, Antidisestablishmentarianism was first said by Weekley. The word was first recorded in Gladstone’s “Church and State. Furthermore, the twenty-eight-letter word, a prime example of a sesquipedalian word, is never really used today and was rarely used after it was formed.

HonorificabilitudinitatibusHonorificabilitudinitatibus is the longest word in the dictionary that features only alternating consonants and vowels with 27 letters. Also, it has a total of 11 syllables, which divides into Hon-ori-fi-ca-bi-li-tu-dini-tat-i-bus.

Honorificabilitudinitatibus is a noun that means the state of being able to achieve honours. Also, it is the ablative and dative plural of the Latin word honorificabilitudinitas. The twenty-seven letters only appeared only once in Shakespeare’s works (Love’s Labour’s Lost).

IncomprehensibilitiesComing eighth on the list is incomprehensibilities with a total of twenty-one letters. The pronunciation of Incomprehensibilities comes in 8 syllables, which divides into in-com-pri-hen-si-bi-li-ties.

Incomprehensibilities is a noun that refers to the things that are impossible to understand or comprehend; it could also mean unintelligible.

The word was derived in Middle English from the Latin word incomprehēnsibilis; it was first recorded sometime in the early 1300s. Also, during the 1990s, the word was named the longest word in common usage.

UncharacteristicallyWith 20 letters words, the next letter is uncharacteristically. The pronunciation of the word comes in 8 syllables, which divides into un-char-ac-ter-is-ti-ca-lly.

Uncharacteristically, it is an adverb that means performing an action in a way that is not typical for a person or thing. The first known use of uncharacteristically was in 1748.

UncopyrightableIsograms are words that have no repeated letters in their spellings; there are several isograms in the English dictionary. The longest isogram is subdermatoglyphic, with a total of 17 letters. However, subdermatoglyphic is not included in the dictionary; that is why it is not part of this list.

On the other hand, the next longest isogram is uncopyrightable, which is a word included in the English dictionary, has a total of 15 letters. Plus, it has six syllables that break down into un-co-py-righ-ta-ble.

Uncopyrightable is an adjective that means not allowed to or not able to be protected by copyright, the first known use of the word was in 1926.

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What is the longest word in Mary poppins?


How many letters in longest word in Mary Poppins?

Well the longest word is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (the
one in the song) so that’s 33 exactly.

What is the long word in Mary Poppins?

The long word in Mary Poppins is:

What is the word that Mary Poppins says could change your life?

From the Mary Poppins (1964) song:
«And then you’ve got a lot to say
But better use it carefully
Or it may change your life»
The word is «supercalifragilisticexpialidocious».

How do you spell Mary Poppins s?

The word (in song) from Mary Poppins (1964) is spelled

Table of Contents

  1. What is the long word in Mary Poppins?
  2. What words is the simplified version of the term supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
  3. Why is it important to be a truth seeker?
  4. What is another word for seeker?
  5. What it means to be a seeker?
  6. What is a spiritual seeker?
  7. Is seeker a real word?


What words is the simplified version of the term supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?

The word is a compound word, and said by Richard Lederer in his book Crazy English to be made up of these words: super- “above”, cali- “beauty”, fragilistic- “delicate”, expiali- “to atone”, and -docious “educable”, with all of these parts combined meaning “Atoning for educability through delicate beauty.” According to …

Why is it important to be a truth seeker?

Truth-seekers courageously follow reason and evidence wherever they lead. When necessary, truth-seekers reformulate their point of view, incorporating their new knowledge.

What is another word for seeker?

In this page you can discover 8 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for seeker, like: searcher, quester, applicant, aspirant, candidate, hopeful, petitioner and seek.

What it means to be a seeker?

A seeker is someone who always wants to know more, to the point where their mind becomes restless. If you’re a seeker you’re not just curious — you are defined by your curiosity. As a seeker, you are constantly mapping the world, designing it and improving it. You question things about life and spirituality.

What is a spiritual seeker?

Spiritual seekers are those who follow the path of self-discovery. The path can be a lifelong path or one sought as a result of a life-changing event, such as trauma.

Is seeker a real word?

noun. a person or thing that seeks.

What is that long word that Mary Poppins says?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (pronounced /ˌsuːpərˌkælɪˌfrædʒəlˌɪstɪkˌɛkspiːˌælɪˈdoʊʃəs/) is an English word, with 34 letters, that was in the song with the same title in the Disney musical movie Mary Poppins.

Does supercalifragilisticexpialidocious have a meaning?

So in the film, the word has no meaning, although it acts as a powerful keepsake from the children’s magical adventure. Inan interview with a website in Los Angeles, Richard Sherman once said it was a word constructed in the same way he and his brother used to make up words in their childhood.

What does super cala fragilistic mean?

The word is a compound word, and said by Richard Lederer in his book Crazy English to be made up of these words: super- “above”, cali- “beauty”, fragilistic- “delicate”, expiali- “to atone”, and -docious “educable”, with all of these parts combined meaning “Atoning for being educable through delicate beauty.”

Is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a official word?

Is “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” a real word? In that it has some meaning and exists in lyrics, a play, scripts and dictionaries, yes, it is real. Like floccinaucinihilipilification, it is a compound word with more use as a conversation piece than in actual conversation.

When did Mary Poppins use the word something to say?

The word was popularised in the 1964 film Mary Poppins, in which it is used as the title of a song and defined as “something to say when you have nothing to say”.

Which is the longest word in common usage?

Mary Poppins described it as the word to use “when you have nothing to say.” It appears in some (but not all) dictionaries. 6 Incomprehensibilities set the record in the 1990s as the longest word “in common usage.” How many times have you used this twenty-one-letter term? 7 Strengths has only nine letters, but all except one of them are consonants!

Where did the term ” long word ” come from?

Origins: The Roman poet Horace used this term to caution young poets against relying on words that used a large number of letters. It was adopted in the 17th century by poets to ridicule their peers who used lengthy words. Fun Fact: This word is most often used in humorous contexts.

Who was the original singer of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious in Mary Poppins?

” Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ” / ˌsuːpərˌkælɪˌfrædʒɪˌlɪstɪkˌɛkspiˌælɪˈdoʊʃəs / ( listen) is a song from the 1964 Disney musical film Mary Poppins. The song was written by the Sherman Brothers, and sung by Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke. It also appears in the stage show version .

Which is the longest word used in Mary Poppins?

supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rate (Adult / Slang) (Abbreviation) The awesome word used in Mary Poppins, the film. Usage: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is not technically the longest word in the dictionary.

What does Mary Poppins say about when you dont know what to say?

According to Mary Poppins: A word you say when you don’t know what to say. (Expression) A word you say when you don’t know what to say. Usage: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! (Verb) a word that is said when you really dont know what to say.

What did Mary Poppins say about spelling it backwards?

Her claim was not about spelling it backwards, but saying it backwards; if one breaks the word into several sections or prosodic feet (“super-cali-fragi-listic-expi-ali-docious”) and recites them in reverse sequence, and also modifies “super” to “rupes”, it comes close to what Poppins said in the film.

What does Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious mean in Mary Poppins?

According to Dictionary and Cambridge Dictionary, the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a nonsense word that means wonderful or good. This long word was popularised in the Walt Disney movie Mary Poppins starring Julie Andrews and Dick van Dyke.

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