What is love using one word


  • 1 What is love explain in one word?
  • 2 How can you define love?
  • 3 What should I say to my lover?
  • 4 What words make a girl feel special?
  • 5 How do you make a girl miss you badly?
  • 6 How do you make a girl feel loved?
  • 7 How does a man flirt?

Love is a feeling, a deep sense of affection you have for someone…. To describe love in one word is quite difficult but if I’m to answer this, I would say, that one word would be UNDERSTANDING. Understanding is like the root of any relationship, be it with your parents or siblings or with opposite sex.

How can you define love?

The word is mostly used according to the first definition given in the dictionary: “an intense feeling of deep affection.” In other words, love is what one feels. Love should be seen not as a feeling but as an enacted emotion. To love is to feel and act lovingly

What are the 5 ways to show love?

We all give and receive love in 5 different ways: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch

Is love an expression?

The word love is used as an expression of affection towards someone else (I love you) but it also expresses pleasure (I love chocolate). To make it a little more complicated, the word “love” also expresses a human virtue that is based on compassion, affection and kindness

What should I say to my lover?

Things to Say in Love Notes

  • I smile every time I think of you.
  • You are the most important person in my life, now and always.
  • I miss your kisses.
  • You are my soulmate.
  • In all my life, I never believed I’d find a love like this.
  • As hard as I try, mere words really aren’t enough to express how I feel about you.

What words make a girl feel special?

Here aret things to say to a girl:

  • I wish you were a coin.
  • If my days started with a kiss from you then I would never drink coffee.
  • You brighten up my day every time I see you.
  • I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past.

How do I make her fall in love with me?

10 Ways to Make Her Fall in Love

  1. Start – and continue – a great conversation.
  2. Compliment her.
  3. Don’t ghost on her.
  4. Don’t be too serious.
  5. Ask her about the people who matter.
  6. Surprise her subtly.
  7. Be mindful of body language.
  8. Don’t just court her, attract her.

How do you tell if a woman really loves you?

14 Biggest Signs To Tell If She Loves You

  1. She Worries About You.
  2. She Shows Signs of Jealousy.
  3. She Shows Interest in Your Personal Life.
  4. She Always Makes Time for You.
  5. She Hates Being Away From You for Long Periods.
  6. She Takes Caring to New Levels.
  7. She’s Your Cheerleader.
  8. She Always Speaks Highly of You.

How do you make a girl miss you badly?

How To Make Her Miss You


How do you make a girl feel loved?

22 Simple Ways to Make a Girl Fall in Love With You

  1. Accept Her As She Is. One of the main ways a woman falls in love is when she knows she can be herself around you.
  2. Be Open With Emotions.
  3. Put Her First.
  4. Understand and Honor Her Love Language.
  5. Be Confident and Passionate.
  6. Show Appropriate Affection.
  7. Lighten Her Load.
  8. Show You’re Reliable and Dependable.

What words make a girl smile?

19 Heartfelt Texts That Will Make Her Smile Like Crazy

  • “Hey beautiful.
  • “I was just thinking about how wonderful you are.
  • “God, your laugh is incredible.”
  • “You’re everything to me.”
  • “I’m counting down the minutes until I get to see you.”
  • “I’m so in love with you.”
  • “I can’t stop thinking about how insanely beautiful you are.”
  • “I’m so excited to experience life with you.”

What makes a woman love a man deeply?

There are two main things that cause a woman to fall in love with a man, and those two things are: Respect and attraction. confidence, drive and ambition, masculinity, emotional strength), he will be able to trigger a woman’s feelings of sexual desire for him.

How does a man flirt?

If a guy likes you, he will flirt with you through lighthearted banter, some innocent jokes, and good-humored teasing. The real test on whether he likes you and if he’s flirting with you is if he pays attention to you or his friends. If he puts them off to talk to you or keep spending time with you, you win.

“What is love” is a question many psychologist have tried to answer. There are many theories proposed to define love, but many people have regarded love as an emotion better felt than studied and explained. Some even implied that love is simply a thing that science could not understand. Despite the prejudices, experts, just like ordinary people, never gave up on finding the true meaning of love. They never stopped searching for the reason why we are drawn to certain people and not others, why we fall in love and why do we stay in love? Love drives people yet we do not know what causes it. Prolific poets and writers wrote poems, sonnets and novels about love, painters expressed love through carefully crafted images, composers captured love in many songs and directors made a plethora of movies about love but do we already know what is love? Is there a general theory of love? Let Good Morning Quote discover the true meaning of love with these what is love theories and types that aim to define what love is, so we all can understand this concept fully.

1. Love is a chemical reaction

The theoretical physicist and science writer Jim Al-Khalili had a scientific answer to the question, “What is love?” According to him, same as hunger and thirst, love is also a strong neurological condition. The only distinctive quality of love against other neurological conditions is the fact that it has the ability to last and continue for a longer period of time. He compared lust and true love. Lust is only viewed as an ephemeral passionate sexual desire which involves an increased outburst of testosterone and estrogen. While true love is a long-term attachment and bond between two persons which involves a release of a whole new different set of chemicals like pheromones, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin. He also pointed that love is a survival mechanism we use to have long-term companionship, mutual defense, feeling of security and safety and feeling of belongingness.

What is Love? A chemical reaction

2. Love is colorful

Back in 1973, John Lee, publishes a book titled “The Colors of Love” where he identified different kinds of love and compared them on the colors of the color wheel. He defined what love means with the help of colors. According to him, like the three primary colors there are also three primary love styles. He referred to them as Eros Ludus, and Storge. Eros is the love of an ideal person, Ludus is love as a game and Storge is love as friendship. And like the combination of primary colors, the three kinds of love can also be combined with one another to create a secondary type of love which he referred to as Mania, Pragma, and Agape. When Eros and Ludus are combined together, it results for Mania or obsessive love. Pragma is the realistic or practical love while Agape is selfless love. All of the words he used are from the language Greek. Unlike the modern day definition of love, Greeks used different terms to refer to different kinds of love. Today, saying “I love you” can mean a lot of things so it may be necessary to add a modifier to make it more specific.

Love Theories in finding love

3. Love is a passionate commitment

According to the philosopher Julian Baggini, love is a passionate commitment. Although he acknowledges that love is hard to find and define since it comes from many things, he believed that all kinds of love is a kind passionate commitment that people nurture and develop even though we did not ask for it to come to our lives and even though it came to our lives uninvited. We can have different kinds of love like love for God, family, parents, lovers, children, country and friends. Every kind of love we give also is known to have different qualities, some are unconditional, blinded, steadfast, fickle, misguided, one-sided, taken-for-granted and reciprocated. But more than these qualities, love is a powerful feeling but without a passion, it can only be determined as dedication and without commitment, it is only an infatuation. It needs nurturing to survive.
The definition of true love

4. Love drives all great stories

Jojo Moyes, an award-wining novelist describes love as the driver of all great stories. It does not only drive amazing love stories but also motivates a lot of other love like the unconditional love of a mother or parent to a child, the worshiping love of people to God, the patriotic love of people for the nation, and the love for nature and friends. She added that love depends on the degree of our bond to it and the degree of how secure we feel with it. Love can be as dull as ordinary or as essential as the air we breathe. It can make us feel a lot of feelings like when we are deprived of it, sometimes it makes us feel obsessed, consumed and hurt but that is what drives a beautiful story.

what it definition, types and theories of true love for boys, girls and adults

5. Love is free, yet binds us.

What is love for Catherine Wybourne, a Benedictine nun? She ironically stated that “Love is free yet binds us”. It is a seemingly unbelievable statement but it is true. The paradox of love is that it is supremely free but it attaches us with bonds stronger than death. Love is God’s greatest blessing in our life. We can hold on to it for as long as we want since it can never be bought or sold and there is nothing that it will not be able to encompass. No huge obstacle can defeat it. To Catherine, love is much easier to be experienced rather than defined. We can love anyone but we should love God above all things and love our neighbors above ourselves. Love is the act of generosity, kindness, self-sacrifice and selflessness that binds us all.

what is love and finding love for men and women with love quotes and theories

6. Love is an intangible connection

Brene Brown also had an answer to the question “What is love?” She noted that love is an intangible connection between two people that feels exceptionally good. It is a strong and deep connection between people. The connection can commonly be measured by the degree of self-acceptance each person has for themselves and the level of honesty, exposure and vulnerability a person is willing to surrender and give to each other. There are also qualities that must be present in the connection. These are trust, respect and affection.  Trust is the belief that someone is reasonable, reliable, honest, and good, and has good intentions and integrity toward us. Respect is a particular way of thinking that someone is valuable, important and worthy of appreciation. And affection is the demonstration of good intentions to someone through action. Furthermore, she added that love is not an emotion but a connection where our feelings tend to be the reaction to the quality of connection or bond that is created. If there is connection, it will be easier to find love.

how to find true love by learning what is love and love theories for family, friends and partner love quotes

7. Love takes many forms

The psychotherapist Philippa Perry once said that “Love has many guises”. According to her, our ancestors did not just lump all different variations of feelings in one word like we did with the word “love”.  The types of love mentioned were Philia, Ludus, Pragma, Agape, Philautia and Eros. She may have defined them slightly different from the colors of love by John Lee. Philia was defined as a deep and commonly non-sexual love for best friends and family. Ludus was referred as an affection with so much play just like flirting and fooling around. Pragma is the love between long-term lovers which has maturity, commitment, understanding and goodwill. Agape is the generalized love for all humanity. Philautia is caring for oneself or self-love. And Eros is the most controversial of all which is love with sexual desire and passion. Although it is impossible to get all the types of love from one person; friends, family and humanity plays an important role for everybody.

quotes and sayings about different types of love and theories for everybody

8. Love is an emotion in action.

If Lee used the round color wheel to demonstrate the meaning of love, the Psychologist Robert Sternberg used triangle shape to propose his love theory. Here is Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Love. He said that love is composed of three components: intimacy, passion and commitment. Different combinations of these components results in different types of love. There are eight types he mentioned: Nonlove which is a casual interaction with the absence of the three components, Liking is intimacy alone which is seen in friendships where there is warmth, intimacy and closeness but lacks passion, decision and commitment, Infatuation is passion alone which is common on “love at first sight” events and is usually an extreme attraction for someone which lacks any real intimacy and commitment, Empty love is commitment alone where partners lack intimacy and passion which can commonly be seen on arranged marriage and at the end of long-term relationships, Romantic Love is the combination of passion and intimacy which is characterized by a strong closeness and connection with a powerful physical attraction, Companionate Love is a combination of intimacy and commitment which can be seen on best friend relationships, Fatuous Love is combined passion and commitment but lacks intimacy, and lastly, Consummate Love which is the combination of the three components but is described to be un-achievable and rare. In this theory, we can answer the question “What is true love?” with consummate love.

what is love theory psychology and quotations about love for god, family, friends and couples

9. Love is mere exposure

What is the definition of love? How does it happen? In 1968, Robert Zajonc, discovered the ‘mere exposure’ effect’ where we tend to like things and people that are familiar to us. We all get exposed to different things and different people every day and as it happens repetitively, it unwittingly allows us to practice love. The mere exposure theory also aids in explaining propinquity – the idea that one of the main determinants of interpersonal attraction is physical proximity. Let’s delve deeper into the theory of love and attraction. The Social Psychologist, Leon Festinger et al. conducted a series of studies back in 1950 where they discovered that the development of friendships are directly related to the distance. People are more likely to become friends and lovers when they live closer to each other.

what is love companionate, romantic and passionate love quotes and theories in finding true love

10. Love is attraction to similarities

Despite the famous science fact which can often be regarded as a love quote “Opposite attracts,” the theory of clone attraction says that we are actually more attracted to people who are similar to us in some ways. It can be similarities on personality, religious beliefs, physical appearance, education and many more. Research also dictates that couples with similarities last longer and live happier. A controversial tests also discovered that people tend to choose morphed versions of their faces when asked to pick an image that they think is attractive. Remember the common joke around circles of friends when we try to tell long-term couples that they are already starting to look alike. Maybe at the start, similarities are not obvious but it is eventually realized.

learn what is love and how to find love with lowe theories and love quotes

Learning about the theories of love can help each of us to have a good start on how to find love. Finding love is never easy but having an idea and a definite answer in mind on the question “What is love?” makes it easier for us to realize matters about what we feel. Indeed, there are a lot of definitions and theories about love but in the end, the decision on what you should consider as love lies in your opinion and beliefs. Let this list be your guide in finding love and feel free to share images with someone special on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Pinterest. If you love the article and is desiring for more, check out Lovely Wedding Quotes, Letting Go Quotes, Saturday Quotes, Friday Quotes, Quotes about Strength, Thanksgiving Quotes, Tagalog Love Quotes and Sexy Love Quotes.

Martha Weston

Martha lives in the Bay Area and is a dedicated reader of romance novels. She runs a yoga studio and taught yoga for many years. She always says that yoga fuels her writing. She’s also a vegetarian and advocate for living a healthy life. Martha has been writing for us for a while now, giving readers a glimpse into her lifestyle and work.

Coming up with a cohesive definition of love is a task that people have labored over for centuries. Because the love we feel for various people in our lives depends on context—how long we’ve known them, our specific relationship with them, etc.—it can be hard to conceptualize what love is exactly. Love can involve a mix of emotions, behaviors, and beliefs; and it is often associated with strong feelings of affection and respect. Some say that love is something that you only fully understand when you experience it yourself. While it is a hard concept to define, many have come up with different descriptions that help us better understand its different expressions. Below, we’re going to outline several different definitions of love and how they may apply to the relationships in your life. 

Love According To The Dictionary

The difficulty in creating an all-encompassing characterization of love is illustrated by the several different definitions that you come across in a dictionary. For example, the  of love according to Merriam-Webster range from “a strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties” to “an assurance of affection”. 

The dictionary definitions will also change depending on the specific source you’re referencing. The Cambridge Dictionary, for instance, includes a definition that is romantic, platonic, and familial : “to like another adult very much and be romantically and sexually attracted to them, or to have strong feelings of liking a friend or person in your family”.

Love Can Serve As The Foundation Of A Healthy Relationship

Love According To The Triangular Theory

Robert Sternberg’s  is a simple way of conceptualizing romantic love. According to this theory, true love is a combination of three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. 


Intimacy can be described as the comforting connection you feel with someone. Intimacy often exists when we bond with someone on a deep level. It can happen when you and your partner spend meaningful time together, empathize with one another, and share your lives.  


Passion is characterized by a sexual attraction to someone. Passion may fluctuate over time, but it can still be an important aspect of a relationship. You may feel passion when you and your partner become physical, kiss, or even just look at each other. 


Commitment indicates that one’s feelings have advanced to the point that they can see a future with their romantic interest. This aspect of love may develop when, for example, you ask your partner to move in with you. 

The three components of the triangular theory of love are interrelated; so, strengthening one area can help improve another. For example, you might notice how closely connected intimacy and commitment are when spending time alone with your partner makes you want to move in with them. 

Within this theory, there are eight different relationship types that may develop, based on which components exist in a partnership. For instance, you may experience romantic love—a love in which passion and intimacy are present, but commitment is not. Or you and your partner could feel companionate love—a love in which commitment and intimacy are present, but passion is not.

If a relationship covers all three points of the triangle, according to Sternberg’s theory, true love is present. Often, to develop these three components of love, you need to work past old habits, be vulnerable, and let someone see all of the different aspects of your personality and life. 

Love According To The Ancient Greeks

In ancient Greece, philosophers and other thinkers developed several different words for love, covering a range of relationships and situations. These forms of love help us understand how we express love for the people in our lives differently.  


Eros is a physical, sexual form of love. In Greece, Eros was the god of sexual desire. The Greeks believed this love could be dangerous, as it could cause people to behave in risky ways. Eros often happens during the beginning of a relationship, before deeper feelings take over. Eros doesn’t always indicate the presence of a partnership, though, and it doesn’t always lead to a more serious kind of love.


Philia is a platonic love—a love that you often see between friends. Philia was cherished in the world of ancient Greece as it was considered a pure form of love. Philia allows you to form a strong bond with friends, in which mutual affection and support are present. 


Ludus is a light and flirtatious expression of love. It often happens early in a relationship, but it does not necessarily have to occur between partners. Often characteristic of the feelings between young people, ludus is often referred to as playful love.


Pragma is a committed love that typically develops over a long period of time. Couples who experience pragma, which means practical, have formed a mutually beneficial relationship. This love embodies commitment, structure, and a common vision for the future. 


Agape love is characterized by selflessness and giving. It is often referred to as unconditional love, where you give without expecting to receive. It is also frequently attributed to people who are religious—the Greeks considered this type of love to be the love of the gods. 


This is the love of yourself. However, there are two kinds of love that philautia can indicate. First, there’s a narcissistic form of self-love. Then, there’s the type of self-love marked by confidence, self-acceptance, and knowledge of your worth. With the latter type of love, you make efforts to practice self-compassion and care for yourself. Self-love can be an important part of being in a romantic relationship.


This is familial love. Storge can describe the love between a parent and child, siblings, or other family members. 

Storge can also apply to a close friend, particularly if they’re someone who you’ve grown up with.

Love Can Serve As The Foundation Of A Healthy Relationship

How Do I Know If It’s Love?

When it comes to romantic relationships specifically, falling in love is an experience many people seek out. With all of the different definitions of love, though, it can be hard to know whether you indeed love someone. Although the presence of love in your life will depend on your exact situation and feelings, there are several signs that indicate you’re in love. 

One common indicator of love is empathy. When your partner feels discomfort, anger, or sadness, do you feel those emotions, too? Being able to understand and even experience your partner’s emotions is a sign that you have a loving relationship. 

You can also ask yourself whether you feel safe with your partner. While this can refer to physical safety, it may also describe a comfort and lack of distress when you’re around them. In some relationships, one partner feels as though they’re not able to say or do certain things, which can make it hard for a healthy partnership to form. 

If your partner prioritizes you in their life, commits to you, and works with you, that can signal the existence of love. This type of love is indicated in Sternberg’s triangular theory and the ancient Greeks’ pragma. Does your partner frequently talk about the future or want to share their life with you? This is a strong sign of love. 

In many cases, though, you’ll simply know that you’re in love. You may have an intuitive feeling that you’re with the right person or experience strong but ineffable emotions around them. In fact, the love you feel for your partner may be so unique that it doesn’t fit within someone else’s definition. 

If you’d like help parsing your feelings for your partner, talking to a therapist can help. A therapist can help you learn more about how you each prefer to express love while also giving you the tools to develop a strong, healthy relationship. 

Fostering Love With Online Therapy

Research shows that online therapy can help couples develop and nurture a loving relationship. In a study titled “More Than One Way to Say ‘I Love You’”, researchers found that online therapy improved participants’ ability to better understand one another and adopt more flexible points of view. Participants in the study reported experiencing enhanced relationship satisfaction and individual psychological improvement at a one-month follow-up. 

Online therapy can give you and your partner the tools and support to foster love in your relationship, regardless of how you define it. Utilizing an online therapy platform like ReGain, you and your partner can meet with a therapist remotely—through video call, voice call, or in-app messaging—which can be helpful if you’re not comfortable discussing topics like love in person. Your therapist can also connect you with useful resources, such as at-home exercises that can help you continue to develop a loving bond on your own time. Online therapy can help you and your partner address challenges in your relationship and develop a strong foundation of love. Continue reading for reviews of ReGain therapists from those who have sought help in the past. 

Therapist Reviews

“Sarah has been comforting to me through a very difficult transition. She has helped me to regain confidence and listen to my intuition. She is a great listener and has encouraged me to rediscover and use my voice.”

“With Cassandra’s help, we’ve been able to bring our relationship to a new, healthier, and much happier level, working through painful situations, growing as individuals and as a couple, and with tools to stay on this path. She’s very responsive, and it has been great to have her facilitate our messaging through the app all week. I highly recommend Cassandra. She’s skilled, supportive, and down-to-earth. We feel totally comfortable with her.”


Love can come in many forms and mean different things to different people. In relationships, love can be a binding phenomenon, helping partners deepen their connection and grow together. If you’d like help fostering love in your relationship, consider reaching out to a licensed therapist online. You and your partner deserve the strong bond that can come from a loving relationship.  

Love is a set of emotions and behaviors characterized by intimacy, passion, and commitment. It involves care, closeness, protectiveness, attraction, affection, and trust. Love can vary in intensity and can change over time. It is associated with a range of positive emotions, including happiness, excitement, life satisfaction, and euphoria, but it can also result in negative emotions such as jealousy and stress.

When it comes to love, some people would say it is one of the most important human emotions. Yet despite being one of the most studied behaviors, it is still the least understood. For example, researchers debate whether love is a biological or cultural phenomenon.

Love is most likely influenced by both biology and culture. Although hormones and biology are important, the way we express and experience love is also influenced by our personal conceptions of love.

How Do You Know?

What are some of the signs of love? Researchers have made distinctions between feelings of liking and loving another person.

Zick Rubin’s Scales of Liking and Loving

According to psychologist Zick Rubin, romantic love is made up of three elements:

  • Attachment: Needing to be with another person and desiring physical contact and approval
  • Caring: Valuing the other person’s happiness and needs as much as your own
  • Intimacy: Sharing private thoughts, feelings, and desires with the other person

Based on this view of romantic love, Rubin developed two questionnaires to measure these variables, known as Rubin’s Scales of Liking and Loving. Whereas people tend to view people they like as pleasant, love is marked by being devoted, possessive, and confiding in one another. 

Types of Love

Not all forms of love are the same, and psychologists have identified a number of different types of love that people may experience. These types of love include:

  • Friendship: This type of love involves liking someone and sharing a certain degree of intimacy.
  • Infatuation: This is a form of love that often involves intense feelings of attraction without a sense of commitment; it often takes place early in a relationship and may deepen into a more lasting love.
  • Passionate love: This type of love is marked by intense feelings of longing and attraction; it often involves an idealization of the other person and a need to maintain constant physical closeness.
  • Compassionate/companionate love: This form of love is marked by trust, affection, intimacy, and commitment.
  • Unrequited love: This form of love happens when one person loves another who does not return those feelings.

Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

Specifically, psychologist Robert Sternberg developed his well-regarded triangular theory of love in the early 1980s. Much research has built upon his work and demonstrated its universality across cultures.

Sternberg broke love into three components—intimacy, passion, and commitment—that interact to produce seven types of love.

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love
Type of Love Components
 Friendship  Intimacy
 Infatuation  Passion
 Empty  Commitment
 Romantic  Intimacy, passion
 Companionate  Intimacy
 Fatuous  Commitment, passion
 Consummate  Intimacy, compassion, commitment

Is Love Biological or Cultural?

Some researchers suggest that love is a basic human emotion just like happiness or anger, while others believe that it is a cultural phenomenon that arises partly due to social pressures and expectations. 

Research has found that romantic love exists in all cultures, which suggests that love has a strong biological component. It is a part of human nature to seek out and find love. However, culture can significantly affect how individuals think about, experience, and display romantic love.

Is Love an Emotion?

Psychologists, sociologists, and researchers disagree somewhat on the characterization of love. Many say it’s not an emotion in the way we typically understand them, but an essential physiological drive. Psychologist and biologist Enrique Burunat says, «Love is a physiological motivation such as hunger, thirst, sleep, and sex drive.» Conversely, the American Psychological Association defines it as «a complex emotion.» Still others draw a distinction between primary and secondary emotions and put love in the latter category, maintaining that it derives from a mix of primary emotions.

How to Practice Love

There is no single way to practice love. Every relationship is unique, and each person brings their own history and needs. Some things that you can do to show love to the people you care about include:

  • Be willing to be vulnerable.
  • Be willing to forgive.
  • Do your best, and be willing to apologize when you make mistakes.
  • Let them know that you care.
  • Listen to what they have to say.
  • Prioritize spending time with the other person.
  • Reciprocate loving gestures and acts of kindness.
  • Recognize and acknowledge their good qualities.
  • Share things about yourself.
  • Show affection.
  • Make it unconditional.

Impact of Love

Love, attachment, and affection have an important impact on well-being and quality of life. Loving relationships have been linked to:

  • Lower risk of heart disease
  • Decreased risk of dying after a heart attack
  • Better health habits
  • Increased longevity
  • Lower stress levels
  • Less depression
  • Lower risk of diabetes

Tips for Cultivating Love

Lasting relationships are marked by deep levels of trust, commitment, and intimacy. Some things that you can do to help cultivate loving relationships include:

  • Try loving-kindness meditation. Loving-kindness meditation (LKM) is a technique often used to promote self-acceptance and reduce stress, but it has also been shown to promote a variety of positive emotions and improve interpersonal relationships. LKM involves meditating while thinking about a person you love or care about, concentrating on warm feelings and your desire for their well-being and happiness.
  • Communicate. Everyone’s needs are different. The best way to ensure that your needs and your loved one’s needs are met is to talk about them. Helping another person feel loved involves communicating that love to them through words and deeds. Some ways to do this include showing that you care, making them feel special, telling them they are loved, and doing things for them.
  • Tackle conflict in a healthy way. Never arguing is not necessarily a sign of a healthy relationship—more often than not, it means that people are avoiding an issue rather than discussing it. Rather than avoid conflict, focus on hashing out issues in ways that are healthy in order to move a relationship forward in a positive way. 

Potential Pitfalls

As Shakespeare said, the course of love never did run smooth. No relationship is perfect, so there will always be problems, conflicts, misunderstandings, and disappointments that can lead to distress or heartbreak.

So while love is associated with a host of positive emotions, it can also be accompanied by a number of negative feelings as well. Some of the potential pitfalls of experiencing love include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Increased stress
  • Jealousy
  • Obsessiveness
  • Possessiveness
  • Sadness

While people are bound to experience some negative emotions associated with love, it can become problematic if those negative feelings outweigh the positive or if they start to interfere with either person’s ability to function normally. Relationship counseling can be helpful in situations where couples need help coping with miscommunication, stress, or emotional issues.

History of Love

Only fairly recently has love become the subject of science. In the past, the study of love was left to «the creative writer to depict for us the necessary conditions for loving,» according to Sigmund Freud. «In consequence, it becomes inevitable that science should concern herself with the same materials whose treatment by artists has given enjoyment to mankind for thousands of years,» he added.

Research on love has grown tremendously since Freud’s remarks. But early explorations into the nature and reasons for love drew considerable criticism. During the 1970s, U.S. Senator William Proxmire railed against researchers who were studying love and derided the work as a waste of taxpayer dollars.

Despite early resistance, research has revealed the importance of love in both child development and adult health.

Most people know what love is and are equipped with the capacity to love. Poetry set to music (lyrics) attempt to define this lofty state. There was a song made popular by Steve Winwood in the 1980’s which spoke of a “higher love“. We aspire to that standard, but what is “higher love?” There are certainly different genres of love. People have attempted to define love since Biblical times. In Corinthians 13 quotations can be found that define love. These familiar words are used in nearly every wedding ceremony. “Love is patient, love is kind…” It continues that love bears no envy, no pride, is not self-seeking, and so on. In reality, these are simply pure human virtues, but selflessness seems to be a common thread. Mothers recount that when their child was born, they looked at him for the first time and experienced a love that filled them from the bottom of their soul to the end of their existence. They say it was as if they never experienced love at all until that moment. They instinctively knew they would sacrifice themselves to save him without a moment’s hesitation. Innumerable songs have been sung about a mother’s love. Some bear that very title, as written by Jim Brickman (“…thank you for every selfless, unsung deed…”) and performed by Diana Ross (“…a mother’s love is forever, a mother’s love is for free…”).

The prevailing belief is that loving means putting another’s comfort and happiness above one’s own. This is true in theory, and most times is borne out in practice. However, one must place love for “self” first, or it’s impossible to fully love others. Any actions which help or satisfy others, but exact too large a cost to one’s own self-respect, feel hollow.Love is a verb. Loving our planet, for example, is real and admirable but without action, that love is moot. Acting upon love means improving a place, person or situation, even (and especially) without reward. This is a situation where size does not matter. Expending the effort to bend over and pick up a discarded coffee cup on the sidewalk is a manifestation of love. We LOVE love, we seek love, we aspire to love, we hope for love. It is what defines human growth and enlightenment on Planet Earth. Different people define love in different ways so browse through this collective wisdom and you can sharpen your own perspective. What is love? When we’re in it, we know it, as surely as we know when spring has arrived or the sun has risen. But how can we explain it? As easy as it is to feel, love is notoriously difficult to describe. Many great writers and thinkers have defined love throughout the ages, and they have managed to clarify that powerful mix of emotions that makes the rest of us so tongue-tied and starry-eyed. Below are some of the best thoughts about love, along with an explanation of the author’s words. The next time you’re at a loss for words with your significant other, try using one of these quotations to help explain how you feel.

Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone—we find it with another. - Thomas MertonLove is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone—we find it with another. – Thomas Merton

For Merton, it is clear that love is a basic requirement to live a fulfilling life. If human beings are to understand their purpose in the world, they must open themselves up to falling in love with another person. Only then can they comprehend what life is really all about. Merton feels that love is the ultimate fate of each person, if only they open their eyes and hearts to let it happen to them.

 Love is a taste of paradise. - Sholem Aleichem Love is a taste of paradise. – Sholem Aleichem

Although nowadays we tend to think of “paradise” as a white sandy beach with palm trees and fruity cocktails, the original definition of the word was more religious. “Paradise” in its traditional sense refers to the Garden of Eden, a wonderful home that was closed off to Adam and Eve due to their original sin. In this sense, love is the one thing that can offer us a reminder of the perfect comfort and acceptance we knew before we lost our innocence. “Paradise” can also refer to Heaven, and in this sense being in love can give us a little bit of transcendence right here on earth.

 Love is everything it's cracked up to be … It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.  - Erica Jong

 Love is everything it’s cracked up to be … It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for.  – Erica Jong

For novelist Erica Jong, you can’t have love without being willing to sacrifice to achieve it. Love may only come after a struggle, and it can take all the strength and courage we have to make it work. It also involves risk: after all, we might be painfully rejected by the object of our desires. In spite of all of these potential pitfalls, love is worth its high cost. It is the prize worth fighting for, and it truly is as wonderful as all the poets have always made it out to be.

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - AristotleLove is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. – Aristotle

For the ancient Greek philosophers, there were many different forms of love as well as many different words to describe it. Aristotle believed that the soul is the thing that makes each human being exist as an unique individual, and the soul could not be separated from the body. Love, though, presents a completely different case. When Aristotle states that two bodies, or people, share a soul, he suggests that there is only one person in the world who can love and understand you perfectly. This is because that special person is already a part of you. Our highest purpose, then, is to search the world until we find the matching piece of our soul in another human being. Although that could be a long and difficult process, Aristotle’s philosophy gives us hope that a soul to match our own is definitely out there, if only we continue the search.

Love doesn't make the world go 'round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. - Franklin P. JonesLove doesn’t make the world go ’round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile. – Franklin P. Jones

As we get older, we know enough to realize that love isn’t always the guiding force in the world. If that were true, there would be world peace and perfect marriages everywhere we looked. Jones reminds us that, despite our imperfections, love is the force in the world that makes life worth living. He knows that love will be a ride full of ups and downs, but, like a roller coaster, it will be exhilarating.

Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. - Ann LandersLove is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses. – Ann Landers

It should come as no surprise that world-famous advice columnist Ann Landers has a practical definition of love. She wisely points out that a strong and lasting love is solidly based in friendship. All of the same qualities that make great friends (unselfishness, loyalty, and a willingness to forgive) are also required in a successful romantic relationship. The only real difference between a lover and a friend is the fiery spark of passion, but this will quickly burn out without being fueled by mutual respect and understanding.

Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real. - Iris MurdochLove is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real. – Iris Murdoch

Iris Murdoch describes love from the point of the view of a mature adult. For her, a full understanding of love comes only after one is old enough to take into account the thoughts and feelings of someone else. Although it might seem obvious to say that other people are “real,” she means that until we grow up enough to accept that other people have their own thoughts and feelings, and that their needs might be different from ours, we will not be capable of falling in love. Everything before that point is mere infatuation, which is more about our own desires than the well-being of someone else. When we care more about our lover than ourselves, we have found true love.

Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up. - James BaldwinLove does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up. – James Baldwin

Like Iris Murdoch, James Baldwin is another novelist who views love as an important part of growing up. Part of becoming mature enough to understand love involves letting go of childish ideals. For Baldwin, real love is a much more difficult, even painful, aspect of life. He compares it to a struggle one must go through. Although the end result may be wonderful, getting there can hurt at times. Like any other part of the metamorphosis into adulthood, the growing pains will lead to fulfillment in the end.

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. - Robert FrostLove is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. – Robert Frost

Poet Robert Frost has a more playful definition of love. Rather than describing a struggle for knowledge or a painful sacrifice, he knows that pure desire is also a big part of falling in love. That desire can be incredibly powerful when the chemistry is right between two people. A person in love doesn’t just want their lover in their arms; they also want to be wanted. Frost realizes that being in love is a state of emotion that reinforces itself: the more in love you feel, the more you want to be in love. The magic of love fuels itself.

Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition. - Alexander SmithLove is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition. – Alexander Smith

Like Aristotle, Alexander Smith feels that people who share a true love are connected to each other on a higher level. To love someone is to see something in that person that you recognize in yourself. This could be a personality trait, a common belief, or a shared goal in life. No matter what the connection is based on, finding it will bring a lifetime of joy and contentment to the happy couple.

The Love Connection: Deep Dive into Relationships and Love

  • True Love or Just a Good Relationship? How to Tell the Difference
  • Unlock the Secrets to Loving Better: A Step-by-Step Guide
  • The Heart’s Reason: Decoding the Psychology of Love and Attachment
  • The Connection Between Love and Happiness
  • Understanding Love in Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide
  • He Love Me? He Loves Me Not? 30 Love Signs 30 Ways to Tell
  • 5 Steps Toward Happier, Healthier Relationships
  • Love, Relationship, and Zodiac Signs
  • 10 Romantic Ways to Express you Love
  • The Power of Love Songs and their Impact on Relationships

David Miller

Hi, I’m David Miller, a well-rounded journalist, writer, and designer who is passionate about life and the power of love. With a love for creativity and an urge to educate and entertain, I bring significant stories to life, give a unique insight through my writing, and infuse my designs with a touch of originality. My fascination with technology, cinema, TV series, and books keeps me at the forefront of contemporary events and popular culture. Additionally, I have been working as a couples and relationships counselor since 2012 and have a deep passion for helping people strengthen their relationships. I believe that life is meaningless without love and strive to spread this message through my work and personal life. In my free time, you can find me lost in a good book or engrossed in a movie, soaking up the latest creative inspiration. I am a proud resident of Greece, surrounded by my three amazing kids, and cherish every moment we get to explore and experience all the beauty this country has to offer.

Have you ever felt that people, who talk too much about nothing, start to irritate you after a while? In some situations, it’s possible to agree that talkative people can be too annoying! Of course, sometimes we cannot bring all the necessary nuances of some cases without a detailed story.

However, it doesn’t mean that you need to use many additional words to share your ideas. It’s easy to lose the whole essence of a conversation in the thousands of words!

Everybody knows how useful words can be! In this regard, you shouldn’t underestimate the power of one-word expressions and quotes! Even a single word of encouragement can help you to cheer up a person; while a simple word, said in a heated moment, is able to hurt a man to a core. Isn’t it powerful?

Words can be used as both a medicine and poison at the same time! Words are an efficient way to manipulate public opinion as well as each individual. That’s why you should always choose carefully what you want to say to avoid misunderstanding of any kind!

Perhaps, it sounds confusing, but one word may be enough to reach a specific goal! You’ll be surprised to hear that it’s easy to get a piece of motivation with the help of only one word! It’s not hard to remember motivational quotes, consisted only of a single word, to improve your life. Find your inspiration in the inspirational one-word quotes we’ve rounded up for you below!

What do you think of the idea to use famous one word sayings about life and love are the best ideas as captions for Instagram, Facebook, and other social networks in order to attract somebody’s attention? Sounds interesting, right? That’s why pay your attention to the following 1 word quotations.

They are simple to focus on and easy to use. You don’t need to spend a lot of time writing or reading these meaningful quotes and sayings: concise, deep, useful, universal, effective. Do you need any other reasons to save some of the great images with one word quotes to live by?

Whatever happens in your life, always remember that brevity is the soul of wit! Enjoy the following one word quotes for all occasions!

Inspirational Quotes To Show The Power Of One Word

Do you know at least one person who doesn’t need to be motivated? It’s easy to predict your negative answer. Sooner or later everybody needs to get a word of inspiration and motivation!

No matter how much purposeful and self-motivated you are, you’ll definitely face times of disappointment and tiredness on the way to your goal. In the case, you feel the lack of strength to move on, pay attention to the inspirational one word quotes! Be sure, even one word from the list below will inspire you:

  • Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace. – Buddha
  • Everything starts with one step, or one brick, or one word or one day. – Jeremy Gilley
  • I cannot take back one word or action; the past does not change for anyone. – Charles Van Doren
  • Sometimes kids ask how I’ve been able to write so many books. The answer is simple: one word at a time. Which is another good lesson, I think. You don’t have to do everything at once. You don’t have to know how every story is going to end. You just have to take that next step, look for that next idea, write that next word. – Andrew Clements
  • One word can end a fight; One hug can start a friendship; One smile can bring Unity; One person can change your entire life! – Israelmore Ayivor

Vital One Word Sayings about Life

It may seem that it’s almost impossible to tell others about your life or thoughts with the help of just one word! It’s a widespread mistake! From time to time, a single word, chosen carefully, maybe eloquent!

Why should you believe us? This is because almost all elements of our life, important for people, can be called in one word: happiness, love, family, belief, encouragement, support, etc. Who knows, maybe, these one word sayings about life will become your guiding principle:

  • My biggest regret could be summed up in one word, and that’s procrastination. – Ron Cooper
  • What drove me and kept me going over the decades? If I had to use a single word, it would be ‘curiosity’. –  Eve Arnold
  • Opportunities – You only get few chances to change yourself. Make sure you avail the opportunity that comes your way. – Unknown
  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • The meaning of life. The wasted years of life. The poor choices of life. God answers the mess of life with one word: ‘grace.’  – Max Lucado

Powerful 1 Word Quotes for You To Live By

You have already heard how powerful one word can be. However, you may think that it’s only the myth, created for too gullible people. You have the chance to admit that you were wrong with your thoughts!

Relevant quotes with 1 necessary word are exactly what you need to live by! Let the following one word quotes be your life motto:

  • All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. – Winston Churchill
  • Dare. Failures are made only by those who fail to dare, not by those who dare to fail. – Lester B. Pearson
  • The one word that no politician will ever speak, is ‘enough.’ Enough.  – Carl Hiaasen
  • If I had to describe myself in one word, ‘Hercules.‘  – Bryce Harper
  • I get paralyzingly nervous a lot of times, so I tried bravado. The way I dress and carry myself, a lot of people find it intimidating. I think my whole career can be boiled down to the one word I always say in meetings: ‘strength.’  – Lorde

Famous One Word Quotes about Everything

Every situation in our life can be defined with one word. It’s up to you to decide what word it will be! There are so many things that influence your choice of the word! Everything depends on the time, place, personal attitude, feelings, and so on.

In any case, famous one word quotes will interest you as soon as they reveal the most popular aspects of life!

  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • If someone was like, ‘Describe yourself in one word,’ I would never say, ‘Handsome.’ – Ian Harding
  • Encourage. Appreciation can make a day – even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. – Margaret Cousins
  • Forgive. Forgiveness doesn’t make the other person right; it makes you free. – Stormie Omartian
  • The one word that makes a good manager – decisiveness. – Lee Iacocca

Best One Word Quotes About Love

When people hear the word “love”, all of them associate it with something personal. As a rule, they unlikely to have the same thoughts. However, love has one meaning, common to everybody! What is love for you? Is it an innermost feeling, or a problem for you? If you still cannot define what love means exactly, don’t miss the best one word quotes about love! Isn’t it a good way to understand other people?

  • One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love. – Sophocles
  • The cure for all the ills and wrongs, the cares, the sorrows, and the crimes of humanity, all lie in the one word ‘love‘. It is the divine vitality that everywhere produces and restores life. – Lydia M. Child
  • Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. –  Don Miguel Ruiz
  • Love is a special word, and I use it only when I mean it. You say the word too much and it becomes cheap. – Ray Charles
  • I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant. – Martin Luther King

Universal Single Word to Use in Motivational Quotes

People are used to thinking that long texts and phrases are better to use to motivate somebody. It’s a common belief that you should make up a kind of essay to persuade a person to change his or her life, move on, reach different goals and so on.

Although a thousand words are useful, sometimes this way may be counterproductive! Do you really want to waste your precious time, trying to cheer somebody up? We don’t think so!

That’s why you’d better apply to motivational quotes with a single word! If it’s impossible to help your friend with a single word, you don’t have any chances to motivate him or her even with a thousand words!

  • One word sums up probably the responsibility of any vice–president, and that one word is ‘to be prepared‘. – Dan Quayle
  • Action. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Fly – Don’t think what would happen if you fail! Think, what if you fly? – Unknown
  • Dream – Have the courage to pursue your dreams. Live them and act on them. -Unknown
  • The strong manly ones in life are those who understand the meaning of the word patience. – Tokugawa Ieyasu

Witty One Word Captions for Instagram

Don’t know how to make your page on the social net popular? Do you think that you have tried everything? That’s not entirely true! You haven’t used witty one word captions for social pages, collected in the post!

The users of Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter will become interested in the short, but creative captions, used on your page! Don’t write long posts. They make everybody bored, so people begin losing their interest in your profile. One word captions are what you need!

  • Grateful. I am grateful for all of my blessings.
  • Kindness. I express myself with love and kindness.
  • Freedom – You’re free to go. Enjoy the air of freedom and live your life.
  • Question. I ask the right questions to progress in the right direction.
  • Think. I create my day and life with the thoughts I think.

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images

Great images with only one word are much more attractive than the same with long text. You’re surely puzzled over this statement now, aren’t you? In fact, one word contains the kind of mystery.

People can solve it, but the truth is that the answer will be different for different people. Don’t look for the deeper meaning of the following 1 word quotations on images, enjoy them:

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 1

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 5

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 4

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 3

Great 1 Word Quotations on Universal Images 2

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