What is isna in excel

The ISNA function is a type of error handling function in Excel. It helps to find out whether any cell has “#N/A error” or not. This function returns the value “true” if “#N/A error” is identified. It returns “false” if there is any value other than “#N/A error.”

The ISNA function is a part of the IS functions. It helps in handling “#N/A errors,” analyzing data, and making comparisons.


ISNA formula in excel

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Source: ISNA Function in Excel (wallstreetmojo.com)

Table of contents
  • What is ISNA Function in Excel?
    • Syntax
    • Parameters
    • Purpose of ISNA Function in Excel
    • How to Use the ISNA Function in Excel? (with Examples)
      • Example #1
      • Example #2
      • Example #3
      • Example #4
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Recommended Articles


It is clear from the preceding syntax that the ISNA formula in Excel has only one parameter. It is explained as follows:

  • Value: The value can be another function, formula, cell, or value that needs to be tested. It is a very flexible parameter.

The ISNA function in Excel returns the following values:

  • True: If the “value” parameter returns “#N/A error” or,
  • False: If the “value” parameter does not return “#N/A error”

The examples given in the subsequent section will further explain the ISNA function.

Purpose of ISNA Function in Excel

The goal of the ISNA function is to identify whether “#N/A error” exists in any cell, formula, value or not. “#N/A error” is more common in the formulas which require Excel to find something. If a formula looks for any value that does not exist, the system returns “#N/A error.”

It returns “true” or “false” based on the existence of “#N/A error.” This function helps Excel users deal with the “#N/A error” by replacing it with another value.

How to Use the ISNA Function in Excel? (with Examples)

This section will explain the uses of the ISNA function with the help of examples containing actual data. As stated earlier, it uses only one mandatory parameter.

You can download this ISNA Function Excel Template here – ISNA Function Excel Template

Example #1

In the following image, we have used the FIND function of ExcelFind function in excel finds the location of a character or a substring in a text string. In other words it finds the occurrence of a text in another text, as it gives us the position, the output returned by this function is an integer.read more. It returns the position of the “i” character in cell A2.

ISNA function example 1

So, the output of the FIND function is 7.

ISNA function example 1-1

Now, let us pass the previous FIND function as a parameter.

ISNA function example 1-2

Here, we have used the FIND function in the parameter which returns the output “7”. ISNA function returns “false” because the output of the value parameter is not “#N/A error.”

Example #2

Let us pass “#N/A” directly as a parameter to the ISNA formula in Excel.

Example 2

On directly passing “#N/A” as a parameter to the ISNA function, it returns the value “true.” This proves that ISNA detects “#N/A error” present in any cell.

ISNA function example 2-1

Example #3

Let us pass “#VALUE!” as a parameter to the ISNA formula in Excel.

Example 3

The “#VALUE!” parameter is also a data missing error. ISNA returns the value “false” because it does not detect any error other than “#N/A error.”

ISNA value

Example #4

In this example, we use the lookup function as a parameter of the ISNA function.

Example 4

Here, the output that we get is “true.”

Output is true

Frequently Asked Questions

#1 – What does the ISNA function do in Excel?

It helps the Excel user in the following ways:

– It detects “#N/A errors.”
– It helps handle “#N/A errors” by returning a particular value, reference, message or formula.
– It helps replace the “#N/A error” with a text of your choice when combined with VLOOKUP and IF function.
– It finds whether a certain value exists in a column or not when combined with the MATCH functionThe MATCH function looks for a specific value and returns its relative position in a given range of cells. The output is the first position found for the given value. Being a lookup and reference function, it works for both an exact and approximate match. For example, if the range A11:A15 consists of the numbers 2, 9, 8, 14, 32, the formula “MATCH(8,A11:A15,0)” returns 3. This is because the number 8 is at the third position.
read more
– It facilitates comparison between two columns when combined with the MATCH function.
– It helps analyze results, especially when working with groups of formulas.

#2 – How to use the ISNA function with VLOOKUP in Excel?

#3 – What is the opposite of the ISNA function in Excel?

The opposite of the ISNA function is “NOT(ISNA(yourformula)).”

If “yourformula” gives “#N/A error,” the ISNA function will return the value “true.” If “yourformula” has no errors, the ISNA function will return the value “false.”

  • The ISNA function is an error handling function in Excel that helps to identify “#N/A error” in a cell.
  • The ISNA function, used as a worksheet function, has only one parameter.
  • The value parameter can be another function, formula, cell, or value that needs to be tested.
  • It returns a Boolean value (true or false).
  • The value “true” is returned if “#N/A error” is found and “false” is returned if “#N/A error” is not found.

Recommended Articles

This has been a guide to ISNA Function in Excel. Here we discuss how to use this formula along with an Excel example and a downloadable template. You may also look at these useful functions in Excel –

  • IFERROR Excel FunctionThe IFERROR function in Excel checks a formula (or a cell) for errors and returns a specified value in place of the error.read more
  • #Div/0! Excel Error#DIV/0! is the division error in Excel which occurs every time a number is divided by zero. Simply put, we get this error when we divide any number by an empty or zero-value cell.read more
  • #VALUE! Error in Excel#VALUE! Error in Excel represents that the reference cell the user has either entered an incorrect formula or used a wrong data type (mostly numerical data). Sometimes, it is difficult to identify the kind of mistake behind this error.read more
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Excel ISNA Function Guide: How and When to Use (2023)

Excel ISNA Function Guide: How and When to Use (2023)

So you have taken all your time to write a lookup function. But as you hit Enter, instead of the desired value, all that you get in return is the #N/A error.

Duhh… 🥴

A function or a formula returns the #N/A error in Excel when it fails to find the value it has been asked for. No matter how distasteful it looks, you will face the #N/A function in Excel very often. Especially if you use the lookup functions 🙈

But that’s alright – We have the ISNA function in Excel to handle the #N/A errors. To know all about the ISNA function of Excel, jump straight into the guide below.

And yeah, download our free sample workbook here to tag along with the guide.

How to use the ISNA function in Excel

Using the ISNA function in Excel is literally the easiest. You only need to write the ISNA function and refer to the cell or the formula that you want to be checked for the #N/A error.

For example, check here.

List of error value and words

The above image has a list of values. Some are error values, and others are formulas or values.

You can use the ISNA function to check each of these cells – do they contain the N/A error? Let’s do it together here 👇

  1. In the first cell, write the ISNA function as follows:

= ISNA (A2)

Applying the ISNA excel function
  1. Hit Enter, and that’s it.
The ISNA function evaluates the cell
  1. Drag and drop the same formula to the whole list. Here come the results:
The ISNA function evaluates all values

For all those cells that have the #N/A error, we get TRUE. And for all the cells with any other value, the ISNA function returns FALSE.

Using the ISNA function alone in Excel makes little sense. However, it becomes super useful when used together with other functions of Excel to evaluate a formula.

Excel ISNA VLOOKUP formula example

The VLOOKUP function is one of Excel’s most commonly known (and used) lookup functions 🔍

It looks for a given lookup value in the first column of a lookup range and returns the corresponding value from any row of that range.

For example, here:

Data for ages

The image above has a list of age records extracted from the national database (let’s assume that 😜).

Below, we have a list of people (on the right) whose ages we want to extract from the list on the left.

  1. For that, write the VLOOKUP function as follows:


Writing the VLOOKUP function
  • D2 contains the lookup value (Charles). The person whose age is sought.
  • $A$2:$B$8 contains the table array from where the lookup value is sought.
  • 2 tells the column number in the table array from where this value is sought. We need the age, so we have referred to column 2 (Ages).
  • 0 represents the exact match mode. We do not want VLOOKUP to return approximate matches.

Note that we have turned the table array reference into an absolute one ($A$2:$B$8). This is because we will drag drown this formula to the whole list later👀

And we don’t want Excel to change the cell reference for the table array when we do that.

Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Office Specialist
  1. All good? Hit Enter to get the results as follows:
Excel runs the VLOOKUP function

We get the age of Charles from the table array – that’s 30. But some names in the list (on the right side), might not be present in the list (on the left side) 🤔

How will the VLOOKUP function find the ages for such names? Let’s see that below.

  1. Drag and drop the same formula to the entire list of names.
the N/A error occurs

There are the results. For the names present in the list (on the left side), the VLOOKUP returns the age of the people 🧓

But for the names missing from there, we get the #N/A error. Is there some way we can avoid this error?

The ISNA function can help you do that. For that:

  1. Wrap the VLOOKUP function in the ISNA function as follows:


Wrapping the VLOOKUP function in ISNA
  1. Hit Enter to see the results for yourself.
ISNA function evaluates the VLOOKUP function
  1. Drag and drop the same to the whole list as follows:
Excel ISNA returns TRUE FALSE

What has the ISNA function done? It evaluates the VLOOKUP function for the #N/A error. If the VLOOKUP function results in an error – the ISNA returns TRUE ✅

And if not, the ISNA function returns FALSE.

This can help you know which name would return an #N/A error beforehand. Accordingly, you can amend your function to prevent the #N/A error.

Excel IF ISNA formula Example

Using the ISNA function with other functions can help you evaluate an #N/A error. But how can you fix this error?

For that, you need to use the IF function together with ISNA. How? Check it out here 🚀

In the example above, we have the TRUE and FALSE values for where there is or there is not an #N/A error. But now we want to replace them with results.

So what do we exactly want to do?

  • We want the VLOOKUP function to return the age where the name exists in the table array.
  • And if the name doesn’t exist in the table array, we want the value “No Record Found” returned.

To do this, we need to use the ISNA and IF functions together as below 📌

  1. Wrap the VLOOKUP function in the ISNA function.


Wrapping the VLOOKUP function in ISNA
  1. Wrap the above function in the IF Function as follows:

= IF ( ISNA ( VLOOKUP ( D2, $A$2:$B$8, 2,0 ) ),

Wrapping the ISNA in the IF function

Until now, we have only nested the above formula in the IF function 🎁

  1. Write the value_if_true argument for the IF function.

= IF ( ISNA ( VLOOKUP ( D2, $A$2:$B$8, 2,0 ) ), “No Record Found”

Specifying the value if true

The IF function returns the value_if_true if the answer of the ISNA function comes out TRUE. And the ISNA function would return TRUE when the VLOOKUP function returns the #N/A error 📍

This means the #N/A error to be posed by the VLOOKUP function would now be replaced by the value “No Record Found”.

  1. Write the value_if_false argument for the IF function.

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(D2,$A$2:$B$8,2,0)),”No Record”,VLOOKUP(D2,$A$2:$B$8,2,0))

Specifying the value if false

So at this stage, here’s the summary of what would happen📝

The above function would return:

  • “No Record Found” if the VLOOKUP fails to find the given name in the table array; and
  • The age of the person if the VLOOKUP finds the given name in the table array.

Kasper Langmann, Microsoft Office Specialist
  1. Hit Enter, and that’s it.
The function returns the age
  1. Drag and drop the same to the whole list.
No more #N/A errors

Yay! We no more have any unpleasant #N/A errors on our list. Either we have the age of the given person or the value specified by us 🏆

That’s it – Now what

And here the ISNA function comes to an end. It is one of the simplest functions of Excel that only performs a logical test and returns a Boolean value (True or False).

The ISNA function can become all the more useful if used together with other functions from the super big functions library of Excel 💪

While all the functions of Excel are equally useful, there are some functions that one must master. Like the VLOOKUP, SUMIF, and IF functions.

Don’t worry if you’re not good at them already. My 30-minute free email course will take you through them all. To enroll, click here now.

Frequently asked questions

The ISNA function performs a logical test in Excel. It checks a given cell or a formula for the #N/A error. If the cell contains or the formula returns the #N/A error, the ISNA function would return TRUE, or FALSE if vice versa.

It is often used together with other functions (like the IF or the VLOOKUP function).

No. There’s no isnotblank function in Excel.

However, Excel offers an ISBLANK function that you can use to check if a cell is not blank. To check if a cell (Say A1) is not blank, you can use the IF function as follows:

= IF (A2<>””, “Not Blank”, “Blank”)

If A1 is not blank, the IF function would return “Not Blank”.

Kasper Langmann2023-02-23T14:52:50+00:00

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  1. Метод WorksheetFunction.IsNA (Excel)
  2. Синтаксис
  3. Параметры
  4. Возвращаемое значение
  5. Примечания
  6. Поддержка и обратная связь
  7. IS functions
  8. Description
  9. Syntax
  10. Remarks
  11. Examples
  12. Example 1
  13. Excel ISNA Function – How To Use
  14. Syntax
  15. Important Characteristics of ISNA Function in Excel
  16. Examples of ISNA Function
  17. Example 1 – Simple ISNA function
  18. Example 2 – ISNA function with VLOOKUP function
  19. ISNA vs IFNA
  20. How to Choose Between ISNA & IFNA
  22. How to Choose Between ISNA & ISERROR
  23. ISNA vs ISERR
  24. How to Choose Between ISNA & ISERR

Метод WorksheetFunction.IsNA (Excel)

Проверяет тип значения и возвращает значение True или False в зависимости от того, ссылается ли значение на значение ошибки #N/A (значение недоступно).


expression. IsNA (Arg1)

Выражение Переменная, представляющая объект WorksheetFunction .


Имя Обязательный или необязательный Тип данных Описание
Arg1 Обязательный Variant Value — значение, которое требуется протестировать. Значение может быть пустым (пустая ячейка), ошибкой, логическим, текстовым, числом или ссылочным значением или именем, ссылающимся на любое из этих значений, которое требуется проверить.

Возвращаемое значение



Аргументы значений функций IS не преобразуются. Например, в большинстве других функций, где требуется число, текстовое значение 19 преобразуется в число 19. Однако в формуле ISNUMBER(«19») значение 19 не преобразуется из текстового значения, и функция IsNumber возвращает значение False.

Функции IS полезны в формулах для проверки результата вычисления. В сочетании с функцией IF они предоставляют метод для обнаружения ошибок в формулах.

Поддержка и обратная связь

Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


IS functions


Each of these functions, referred to collectively as the IS functions, checks the specified value and returns TRUE or FALSE depending on the outcome. For example, the ISBLANK function returns the logical value TRUE if the value argument is a reference to an empty cell; otherwise it returns FALSE.

You can use an IS function to get information about a value before performing a calculation or other action with it. For example, you can use the ISERROR function in conjunction with the IF function to perform a different action if an error occurs:

= IF( ISERROR(A1), «An error occurred.», A1 * 2)

This formula checks to see if an error condition exists in A1. If so, the IF function returns the message «An error occurred.» If no error exists, the IF function performs the calculation A1*2.


The IS function syntax has the following argument:

value Required. The value that you want tested. The value argument can be a blank (empty cell), error, logical value, text, number, or reference value, or a name referring to any of these.

Returns TRUE if

Value refers to an empty cell.

Value refers to any error value except #N/A.

Value refers to any error value (#N/A, #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, #NUM!, #NAME?, or #NULL!).

Value refers to a logical value.

Value refers to the #N/A (value not available) error value.

Value refers to any item that is not text. (Note that this function returns TRUE if the value refers to a blank cell.)

Value refers to a number.

Value refers to a reference.

Value refers to text.

The value arguments of the IS functions are not converted. Any numeric values that are enclosed in double quotation marks are treated as text. For example, in most other functions where a number is required, the text value «19» is converted to the number 19. However, in the formula ISNUMBER( «19»), «19» is not converted from a text value to a number value, and the ISNUMBER function returns FALSE.

The IS functions are useful in formulas for testing the outcome of a calculation. When combined with the IF function, these functions provide a method for locating errors in formulas (see the following examples).


Example 1

Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, press F2, and then press Enter. If you need to, you can adjust the column widths to see all the data.


Excel ISNA Function – How To Use

The Excel ISNA function checks whether a value is #N/A or not. The function only returns TRUE upon finding the #N/A error. It returns FALSE for all other values or errors. The objective of the ISNA function is to solely recognize and handle #N/A errors and return TRUE when an #N/A error is found and FALSE for everything else.

By #N/A here, we mean ‘not available’ and ISNA literally means ‘Is not available?’. Now with the emergence of newer functions, there are more refined ways of dealing with #N/A errors but since the ISNA function has been around since Excel 2003, it has served as a decent method of identified #N/A errors.

In this tutorial we will show you how the ISNA function works, its synergy effects with other functions, and where it stands against similar error handling functions.

Table of Contents


The syntax of the ISNA function is as follows:


value – The value or expression to be tested for #N/A error.

Important Characteristics of ISNA Function in Excel

  • The ISNA function only deals with #N/A errors
  • When the function comes across an #N/A error it returns TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE
  • ISNA is generally used along with the IF function to handle #N/A errors
  • If the formula has any typos or misspelling, the function returns a #NAME?

Examples of ISNA Function

Now would be a good time to look into some examples to understand the ISNA function.

Example 1 – Simple ISNA function

Let’s take a look at ISNA in its simplest form.

We are checking column A for #N/A errors using the ISNA function in its simplest form:

The ISNA function finds an #N/A error in «A2» and hence returns a «TRUE». For all other errors and values, ISNA returns «FALSE». This implies that the ISNA function only singles out #N/A errors.

This is a very basic application of the ISNA function. Let’s move onto more practical examples.

Example 2 – ISNA function with VLOOKUP function

While looking up a value from a set of data, there is of course the possibility of not finding it. When trying to find that missing value using a lookup function (including VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, XLOOKUP), the result is #N/A since the value is not available.

For example, we have a list of dry cake mixes used for baking and their prices.

We are trying to find the prices of a chocolate cake mix and a marble cake mix. Let’s use the VLOOKUP function to find them:

The list of cake mixes doesn’t have «Marble cake» which is why VLOOKUP has returned an «#N/A» error.

Let’s have a look at the results after adding the ISNA function.

We have added the ISNA function to the VLOOKUP function:

All this is doing right now is telling us whether there was an #N/A error while finding the mentioned cake mixes or not.

Was there a ‘not available’ error finding «Chocolate cake» mix? FALSE. Chocolate cake mix is present in our dataset.

Was there a ‘not available’ error finding «Marble cake» mix? TRUE. Marble cake mix is not present in our dataset.

Our objective here is to find the prices of the cake mixes which the ISNA function isn’t doing alone. We will have to add the IF function to get the desired results. Let us do that for you.

We have nested the ISNA and VLOOKUP functions in the IF function like so:

This formula works as follows:

VLOOKUP is told to find the data mentioned in cell «E6» which is «Chocolate cake». The table given to VLOOKUP for searching is within the cell range «B2:C11»; VLOOKUP must find «E6» in the 1 st column (column B) of the given table and return the corresponding value from the 2 nd column (column C). «0» indicates that VLOOKUP must find an exact match.

Since «Chocolate cake» is enlisted in the range of cake mixes, VLOOKUP finds it, picks up the corresponding price from the 2 nd column, and returns the value «$3.21».

The result «$3.21» is passed to ISNA where ISNA checks it for an #N/A error. It doesn’t find an #N/A error and results in «FALSE». The result FALSE is passed to the IF function, which then displays the original result of the VLOOKUP function and so the result «$3.21» is displayed.

In the next case, we will now try to find the price of a «Marble cake» mix. Since the «Marble cake» mix is not listed in our data set so the VLOOKUP is not able to find it in column B and results in an #N/A error. The result is handed over to ISNA and it turns «#N/A» into TRUE. The result TRUE is passed to the IF function, which shows the message «Not Available!» as the final output of the formula.


Stepping out of the IS functions family a bit, the IFNA function returns the value specified if the expression resolves to #N/A, otherwise it returns the result of the expression. This would be particularly useful against the ISNA function as we get the same result from IFNA without having to nest ISNA and VLOOKUP functions into the IF function.

Let us show you how the same outcome can be easily achieved by the IFNA function.

Take note that we have attained the exact same results as in the previous example by lesser work using the formula:

Since «Chocolate cake» was available in our set of data, the VLOOKUP function did its work and returned the value «$3.21». No work for IFNA here.

For the next instance, VLOOKUP could not find «Marble cake» in column B and results in an #N/A error. The result is handed over to IFNA and it turns «#N/A» into «Not available» and returns that as the result.

That was fairly uncomplicated compared to using IF, ISNA, and VLOOKUP functions together.

How to Choose Between ISNA & IFNA

The ISNA function may be a suitable tool where the results are needed as TRUE/FALSE but if you’re going for a specified result where you want to have control over the outcome, ISNA will have to be used with the IF function whereas IFNA alone would do the same thing.


Quite like ISNA but as the name suggests, ISERROR (is error?) deals with a larger amount of Excel errors and returns TRUE if any error is detected and FALSE otherwise. While this may seem to be the answer to more problems, it will be hard to pinpoint what error has been detected by the function. Upon using ISERROR with VLOOKUP and IF, ISERROR will cover up the underlying problem and return the custom result instead.

Let’s refer to the previous example and see how this applies.

If you notice, «Chocolate cake» is available in the dataset. Here, we have used the ISERROR function instead of the ISNA function and made a spelling error in the name of the formula (VLOOKUP is misspelled as VLOOKP). The formula:

The result of the VLOOKUP function results in a #NAME? error due to incorrect spelling. The result is passed onto the ISERROR function which results in TRUE as it has found a #NAME? error. IF function is commanded to return the custom text «Not available» which has covered up the #NAME? error and it appears as if the chocolate cake mix data is not available.

This doesn’t truly reflect the scenario since the chocolate cake mix and its price is listed in the table. Let’s see what happens when we try to pass the same error through the ISNA function.

Making the same typo with ISNA would result in a #NAME? error. Hence, a truer representation comes from the ISNA function here which only works for #N/A errors and shows the underlying problem which is the #NAME? error, indicating a spelling error.

Quite useful, ISERROR best serves the need to cover up more errors, affirming whether there are any errors or not.

How to Choose Between ISNA & ISERROR

In most cases, it would be more prudent to use the ISNA function as it would display other errors indicating the relevant issue with the data or formula.

On the other hand, the ISERROR function would work better where more errors need to be handled. It will deal with a greater number of errors including the #N/A error and will confirm whether there are any errors in the data or not.


The ISERR function is the same as its ISERROR brother but it returns TRUE for all errors other than the #N/A error and FALSE otherwise. While it will be helpful using ISERR so there is one less error to think about, it will not work for #N/A errors like in the previous example. Let us demonstrate:

It’s nearly the end of the tutorial and we are well aware that there’s going to be no marble cake tonight. As apparent, the ISERR function has resulted in an #N/A error as VLOOKUP could not find «Marble cake» in the dataset despite the command to return «Not Available!».

How to Choose Between ISNA & ISERR

When in need of narrowing down the errors to be checked, ISERR will work for covering up all errors excluding the #N/A error. It is the exact flip of the ISNA function which will be convenient to deal only with #N/A errors. Both result in TRUE/FALSE upon finding the respective errors.

That’s all ISNA has to say about itself but we still have a little riddle for you:

What kind of career would a spider excel in?

See you with another chip from the Excel block!


The Excel ISNA function checks whether a value is #N/A or not. The function only returns TRUE upon finding the #N/A error. It returns FALSE for all other values or errors. The objective of the ISNA function is to solely recognize and handle #N/A errors and return TRUE when an #N/A error is found and FALSE for everything else.

By #N/A here, we mean ‘not available’ and ISNA literally means ‘Is not available?’. Now with the emergence of newer functions, there are more refined ways of dealing with #N/A errors but since the ISNA function has been around since Excel 2003, it has served as a decent method of identified #N/A errors.

In this tutorial we will show you how the ISNA function works, its synergy effects with other functions, and where it stands against similar error handling functions.

Excel ISNA Function


The syntax of the ISNA function is as follows:



value – The value or expression to be tested for #N/A error.

Important Characteristics of ISNA Function in Excel

  • The ISNA function only deals with #N/A errors
  • When the function comes across an #N/A error it returns TRUE otherwise it returns FALSE
  • ISNA is generally used along with the IF function to handle #N/A errors
  • If the formula has any typos or misspelling, the function returns a #NAME?

Examples of ISNA Function

Now would be a good time to look into some examples to understand the ISNA function.

Example 1 – Simple ISNA function

Let’s take a look at ISNA in its simplest form.


We are checking column A for #N/A errors using the ISNA function in its simplest form:


The ISNA function finds an #N/A error in «A2» and hence returns a «TRUE». For all other errors and values, ISNA returns «FALSE». This implies that the ISNA function only singles out #N/A errors.

This is a very basic application of the ISNA function. Let’s move onto more practical examples.

Example 2 – ISNA function with VLOOKUP function

While looking up a value from a set of data, there is of course the possibility of not finding it. When trying to find that missing value using a lookup function (including VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, XLOOKUP), the result is #N/A since the value is not available.

For example, we have a list of dry cake mixes used for baking and their prices.


We are trying to find the prices of a chocolate cake mix and a marble cake mix. Let’s use the VLOOKUP function to find them:


The list of cake mixes doesn’t have «Marble cake» which is why VLOOKUP has returned an «#N/A» error.

Let’s have a look at the results after adding the ISNA function.


We have added the ISNA function to the VLOOKUP function:


All this is doing right now is telling us whether there was an #N/A error while finding the mentioned cake mixes or not.

Was there a ‘not available’ error finding «Chocolate cake» mix? FALSE. Chocolate cake mix is present in our dataset.

Was there a ‘not available’ error finding «Marble cake» mix? TRUE. Marble cake mix is not present in our dataset.

Our objective here is to find the prices of the cake mixes which the ISNA function isn’t doing alone. We will have to add the IF function to get the desired results. Let us do that for you.


We have nested the ISNA and VLOOKUP functions in the IF function like so:

=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(E6,$B$2:$C$11,2,0)), "Not Available!", (VLOOKUP(E6,$B$2:$C$11,2,0)))

This formula works as follows:

VLOOKUP is told to find the data mentioned in cell «E6» which is «Chocolate cake». The table given to VLOOKUP for searching is within the cell range «B2:C11»; VLOOKUP must find «E6» in the 1st column (column B) of the given table and return the corresponding value from the 2nd column (column C). «0» indicates that VLOOKUP must find an exact match.

Since «Chocolate cake» is enlisted in the range of cake mixes, VLOOKUP finds it, picks up the corresponding price from the 2nd column, and returns the value «$3.21».

The result «$3.21» is passed to ISNA where ISNA checks it for an #N/A error. It doesn’t find an #N/A error and results in «FALSE». The result FALSE is passed to the IF function, which then displays the original result of the VLOOKUP function and so the result «$3.21» is displayed.

In the next case, we will now try to find the price of a «Marble cake» mix. Since the «Marble cake» mix is not listed in our data set so the VLOOKUP is not able to find it in column B and results in an #N/A error. The result is handed over to ISNA and it turns «#N/A» into TRUE. The result TRUE is passed to the IF function, which shows the message «Not Available!» as the final output of the formula.


Stepping out of the IS functions family a bit, the IFNA function returns the value specified if the expression resolves to #N/A, otherwise it returns the result of the expression. This would be particularly useful against the ISNA function as we get the same result from IFNA without having to nest ISNA and VLOOKUP functions into the IF function.

Let us show you how the same outcome can be easily achieved by the IFNA function.


Take note that we have attained the exact same results as in the previous example by lesser work using the formula:

=IFNA(VLOOKUP(E6,$B$2:$C$11,2,0),"Not Available!")

Since «Chocolate cake» was available in our set of data, the VLOOKUP function did its work and returned the value «$3.21». No work for IFNA here.

For the next instance, VLOOKUP could not find «Marble cake» in column B and results in an #N/A error. The result is handed over to IFNA and it turns «#N/A» into «Not available» and returns that as the result.

That was fairly uncomplicated compared to using IF, ISNA, and VLOOKUP functions together.

How to Choose Between ISNA & IFNA

The ISNA function may be a suitable tool where the results are needed as TRUE/FALSE but if you’re going for a specified result where you want to have control over the outcome, ISNA will have to be used with the IF function whereas IFNA alone would do the same thing.


Quite like ISNA but as the name suggests, ISERROR (is error?) deals with a larger amount of Excel errors and returns TRUE if any error is detected and FALSE otherwise. While this may seem to be the answer to more problems, it will be hard to pinpoint what error has been detected by the function. Upon using ISERROR with VLOOKUP and IF, ISERROR will cover up the underlying problem and return the custom result instead.

Let’s refer to the previous example and see how this applies.


If you notice, «Chocolate cake» is available in the dataset. Here, we have used the ISERROR function instead of the ISNA function and made a spelling error in the name of the formula (VLOOKUP is misspelled as VLOOKP). The formula:

=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKP(E6,$B$2:$C$11,2,0)), "Not Available!", (VLOOKP(E6,$B$2:$C$11,2,0))) //Incorrect Formula

The result of the VLOOKUP function results in a #NAME? error due to incorrect spelling. The result is passed onto the ISERROR function which results in TRUE as it has found a #NAME? error. IF function is commanded to return the custom text «Not available» which has covered up the #NAME? error and it appears as if the chocolate cake mix data is not available.

This doesn’t truly reflect the scenario since the chocolate cake mix and its price is listed in the table. Let’s see what happens when we try to pass the same error through the ISNA function.


Making the same typo with ISNA would result in a #NAME? error. Hence, a truer representation comes from the ISNA function here which only works for #N/A errors and shows the underlying problem which is the #NAME? error, indicating a spelling error.

Quite useful, ISERROR best serves the need to cover up more errors, affirming whether there are any errors or not.

How to Choose Between ISNA & ISERROR

In most cases, it would be more prudent to use the ISNA function as it would display other errors indicating the relevant issue with the data or formula.

On the other hand, the ISERROR function would work better where more errors need to be handled.  It will deal with a greater number of errors including the #N/A error and will confirm whether there are any errors in the data or not.

Recommended Reading: IFERROR Function In Excel


The ISERR function is the same as its ISERROR brother but it returns TRUE for all errors other than the #N/A error and FALSE otherwise. While it will be helpful using ISERR so there is one less error to think about, it will not work for #N/A errors like in the previous example. Let us demonstrate:


It’s nearly the end of the tutorial and we are well aware that there’s going to be no marble cake tonight. As apparent, the ISERR function has resulted in an #N/A error as VLOOKUP could not find «Marble cake» in the dataset despite the command to return «Not Available!».

How to Choose Between ISNA & ISERR

When in need of narrowing down the errors to be checked, ISERR will work for covering up all errors excluding the #N/A error. It is the exact flip of the ISNA function which will be convenient to deal only with #N/A errors. Both result in TRUE/FALSE upon finding the respective errors.

That’s all ISNA has to say about itself but we still have a little riddle for you:

What kind of career would a spider excel in?






Web design

See you with another chip from the Excel block!

В этом руководстве рассматриваются различные способы использования функции ISNA в Excel для обработки ошибок #N/A.

Когда Excel не может найти запрошенное, в ячейке появляется ошибка #Н/Д. Для перехвата и обработки таких ошибок можно использовать функцию ISNA. Какая от этого практическая польза? По сути, это помогает сделать ваши формулы более удобными для пользователя, а ваши рабочие листы — более привлекательными.

Функция Excel ISNA используется для проверки ячеек или формул на наличие ошибок #Н/Д. Результатом является логическое значение: TRUE, если обнаружена ошибка #N/A, FALSE в противном случае.

Эта функция доступна во всех версиях Excel 2000–2021 и Excel 365.

Синтаксис функции ISNA максимально прост:


Где ценность — это значение ячейки или формула, которую вы хотите проверить на наличие ошибок #Н/Д.

Чтобы создать формулу ISNA в ее базовой форме, укажите ссылку на ячейку в качестве ее единственного аргумента:


Если указанная ячейка содержит ошибку #Н/Д, вы получите значение ИСТИНА. В случае любой другой ошибки, значения или пустой ячейки вы получите ЛОЖЬ:
Функция Excel ISNA

Как использовать ISNA в Excel

Использование функции ISNA в чистом виде имеет мало практического смысла. Чаще она используется вместе с другими функциями для оценки результата определенной формулы. Для этого просто поместите эту другую формулу в ценность аргумент ИСНА:


В приведенном ниже наборе данных предположим, что вы хотите сравнить два списка (столбцы A и D) и определить имена, которые присутствуют в обоих списках, и те, которые появляются только в списке 1.

Чтобы сравнить имя в A3 с каждым именем в столбце D, используйте следующую формулу:

=ПОИСКПОЗ(A3, $D$2:$D$9, 0)

Если значение поиска найдено, функция ПОИСКПОЗ возвращает его относительное положение в массиве поиска, в противном случае возникает ошибка #Н/Д. Чтобы проверить результат MATCH, мы вкладываем его в ISNA:

=ISNA(ПОИСКПОЗ(A3, $D$2:$D$9, 0))

Эта формула идет в ячейку B3, а затем копируется в ячейку B14.

Теперь вы можете четко видеть, какие учащиеся прошли все тесты (имя недоступно в столбце D > ПОИСКПОЗ возвращает #Н/Д > ISNA возвращает ИСТИНА) и у кого есть хотя бы один непройденный тест (имя появляется в столбце D > нет ошибки > ISNA возвращает ЛОЖЬ).
Использование формулы ISNA в Excel

Кончик. В Excel 365 и Excel 2021 вы можете использовать более современную функцию XMATCH. вместо ПОИСКПОЗ.

Формула ЕСЛИ ISNA в Excel

По замыслу функция ISNA может возвращать только два логических значения. Чтобы отобразить ваши пользовательские сообщения, используйте его в сочетании с функцией ЕСЛИ:

ЕСЛИ(ИСНА(…), «text_if_error«, «text_if_no_error«)

Немного уточнив наш пример, давайте выясним, какие ученики из группы А не провалили ни одного теста, и вернём для них «Нет проваленных тестов». Для оставшихся студентов мы вернем «Failed». Для этого в логическую проверку ЕСЛИ вставьте формулу ПОИСКПОЗ ISNA, чтобы ЕСЛИ стала самой внешней функцией:

=ЕСЛИ(ИСНА(ПОИСКПОЗ(A3,$D$2:$D$9,0)), «Нет неудачных тестов», «Ошибка»)

Теперь результаты выглядят намного лучше и интуитивно понятны, согласны?
ЕСЛИ НЕ формула

Как использовать ISNA в Excel с функцией ВПР

Комбинация IF ISNA — это универсальное решение, которое можно использовать с любой функцией, которая ищет что-то в наборе данных и возвращает ошибку #Н/Д, когда искомое значение не найдено.

Синтаксис функции ISNA с функцией ВПР следующий:

ЕСЛИ(ИСНА(ВПР(…), «custom_text«, ВПР(…))

В переводе на человеческий язык это говорит: если функция ВПР приводит к ошибке #Н/Д, вернуть пользовательский текст, в противном случае вернуть результат ВПР.

В нашей примерной таблице предположим, что вы хотите вернуть предметы, по которым учащиеся не прошли тесты. Для тех, кто успешно прошел все тесты, будет отображаться «Нет неудачных тестов».

Чтобы искать предметы, мы создаем эту классическую формулу ВПР:

=ВПР(A3, $D$3:$E$9, 2, ЛОЖЬ)

А затем вложите его в общую формулу IF ISNA, описанную выше:

=ЕСЛИ(ISNA(ВПР(A3, $D$3:$E$9, 2, ЛОЖЬ)), «Нет неудачных тестов», ВПР(A3, $D$3:$E$9, 2, ЛОЖЬ))
Использование функции ISNA с функцией ВПР

В Excel 2013 и более поздних версиях вы можете использовать функцию IFNA для обнаружения и обработки ошибок #N/A. Это делает вашу формулу короче и легче для чтения.

Например, мы заменяем ошибки #N/A на тире («-«) и получаем такое изящное решение:

=ЕСЛИНА(ВПР(A3, $D$3:$E$9, 2, ЛОЖЬ), «-«)
Использование функции IFNA с функцией VLOOKUP

Пользователям Excel 365 и 2021 вообще не нужны никакие функции-оболочки, поскольку современный преемник функции ВПР, функция КСПР, может изначально обрабатывать ошибки #Н/Д:

=XLOOKUP(A3, $D$3:$D$9, $E$3:$E$9, «-«)

Результат будет точно таким же, как показано на скриншоте выше.

Формула SUMPRODUCT ISNA для подсчета ошибок #N/A

Чтобы подсчитать ошибки #Н/Д в определенном диапазоне, используйте функцию ЕСНА вместе с СУММПРОИЗВ следующим образом:


Здесь ISNA возвращает массив значений TRUE и FALSE, двойное отрицание (—) преобразует логические значения в 1 и 0, а СУММПРОИЗВ суммирует результат.

Например, чтобы узнать, сколько учащихся успешно прошли все тесты, измените формулу ПОИСКПОЗ для диапазона значений поиска (A3:A14) и вложите ее в ISNA:


Формула определяет, что у 9 учащихся нет непройденных тестов, т.е. функция ПОИСКПОЗ возвращает 9 ошибок #Н/Д:
Подсчет #N/A ошибок

Вот как создавать и использовать формулы ISNA в Excel. Я благодарю вас за чтение и с нетерпением жду встречи с вами в нашем блоге на следующей неделе!

Доступные загрузки

Примеры формул ISNA (файл .xlsx)

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Date yes Add (Subtract) Days to a Date Concatenate Dates Convert Date to Number Convert Date to Text Month Name to Number Create Date Range from Dates Day Number of Year Month Name from Date First Day of Month Add (Subtract) Weeks to a Date If Functions with Dates Max Date Number of Days Between Dates Number of Days in a Month Number of Weeks Between Dates Number of Years Between Dates Split Date & Time into Separate Cells Countdown Remaining Days Insert Dates Random Date Generator Using Dynamic Ranges — Year to Date Values Add (Subtract) Years to a Date Date Formula Examples Extract Day from Date Get Day Name from Date Count Days Left in Month / Year Count Workdays Left in Month / Year Get Last Day of Month Last Business Day of Month / Year Number of Work / Business Days in Month Weekday Abbreviations Auto Populate Dates Number of Months Between Dates Quarter from a Date Years of Service Change Date Format Compare Dates Time yes Add (Subtract) Hours to Time Add (Subtract) Minutes to Time Add (Subtract) Seconds to Time Add Up time (Total Time) Time Differences Change Time Format Convert Minutes to Hours Convert Time to Decimal Convert Time to Hours Convert Time to Minutes Convert Time to Seconds Military Time Round Time to Nearest 15 Minutes Overtime Calculator Number of Hours Between Times Convert Seconds to Minutes, Hours, or Time Count Hours Worked Time Differences Time Format — Show Minutes Seconds Text yes Add Commas to Cells Get First Word from Text Capitalize First Letter Clean & Format Phone #s Remove Extra Trailing / Leading Spaces Add Spaces to Cell Assign Number Value to Text Combine Cells with Comma Combine First and Last Names Convert Text String to Date Convert Text to Number Extract Text From Cell Get Last Word Remove Unwated Characters Extract Text Before or After Character How to Split Text String by Space, Comma, & More Remove Special Characters Remove First Characters from Left Substitute Multiple Values Switch First & Last Names w/ Commas Remove Specific Text from a Cell Extract Text Between Characters (Ex. Parenthesis) Add Leading Zeros to a Number Remove Line Breaks from Text Remove all Numbers from Text Reverse Text Remove Non-Numeric Characters Remove Last Character(s) From Right Separate First and Last Names Separate Text & Numbers Round yes Round Formulas Round Price to Nearest Dollar or Cent Round to Nearest 10, 100, or 1000 Round to Nearest 5 or .5 Round Percentages Round to Significant Figures Count yes Count Blank and Non-blank Cells Count Cells Between Two Numbers Count Cells not Equal to Count if Cells are in Range Count Times Word Appears in Cell Count Words in Cell Count Specific Characters in Column Count Total Number of Characters in Column Count Cells that Equal one of two Results Count Cells that do not Contain Count Cells that Contain Specific Text Count Unique Values in Range Countif — Multiple Criteria Count Total Number of Cells in Range Count Cells with Any Text Count Total Cells in a Table Lookup yes Two Dimensional VLOOKUP VLOOKUP Simple Example Vlookup — Multiple Matches Case Sensitive Lookup Case Sensitive VLOOKUP Sum if — VLOOKUP Case Sensitive Lookup Case Sensitive VLOOKUP Find Duplicates w/ VLOOKUP or MATCH INDEX MATCH MATCH Lookup — Return Cell Address (Not Value) Lookup Last Value in Column or Row Reverse VLOOKUP (Right to Left) Risk Score Bucket with VLOOKUP Sum with a VLOOKUP Function VLOOKUP & INDIRECT VLOOKUP Concatenate VLOOKUP Contains (Partial Match) 17 Reasons Why Your XLOOKUP is Not Working Double (Nested) XLOOKUP — Dynamic Columns IFERROR (& IFNA) XLOOKUP Lookup Min / Max Value Nested VLOOKUP Top 11 Alternatives to VLOOKUP (Updated 2022!) VLOOKUP – Dynamic Column Reference VLOOKUP – Fix #N/A Error VLOOKUP – Multiple Sheets at Once VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP Combined VLOOKUP & MATCH Combined VLOOKUP Between Worksheets or Spreadsheets VLOOKUP Duplicate Values VLOOKUP Letter Grades VLOOKUP Return Multiple Columns VLOOKUP Returns 0? Return Blank Instead VLOOKUP w/o #N/A Error XLOOKUP Multiple Sheets at Once XLOOKUP Between Worksheets or Spreadsheets XLOOKUP by Date XLOOKUP Duplicate Values XLOOKUP Multiple Criteria XLOOKUP Return Multiple Columns XLOOKUP Returns 0? Return Blank Instead XLOOKUP Text XLOOKUP with IF XLOOKUP With If Statement Misc. yes Sort Multiple Columns Use Cell Value in Formula Percentage Change Between Numbers Percentage Breakdown Rank Values Add Spaces to Cell CAGR Formula Average Time Decimal Part of Number Integer Part of a Number Compare Items in a List Dealing with NA() Errors Get Worksheet Name Wildcard Characters Hyperlink to Current Folder Compound Interest Formula Percentage Increase Create Random Groups Sort with the Small and Large Functions Non-volatile Function Alternatives Decrease a Number by a Percentage Calculate Percent Variance Profit Margin Calculator Convert Column Number to Letter Get Full Address of Named Range Insert File Name Insert Path Latitute / Longitude Functions Replace Negative Values Reverse List Range Convert State Name to Abbreviation Create Dynamic Hyperlinks Custom Sort List with Formula Data Validation — Custom Formulas Dynamic Sheet Reference (INDIRECT) Reference Cell in Another Sheet or Workbook Get Cell Value by Address Get Worksheet Name Increment Cell Reference List Sheet Names List Skipped Numbers in Sequence Return Address of Max Value in Range Search by Keywords Select Every Other (or Every nth) Row Basics yes Cell Reference Basics — A1, R1C1, 3d, etc. Add Up (Sum) Entire Column or Row Into to Dynamic Array Formulas Conversions yes Convert Time Zones Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit Convert Pounds to Kilograms Convert Time to Unix Time Convert Feet to Meters Convert Centimeters to Inches Convert Kilometers to Miles Convert Inches to Feet Convert Date to Julian Format Convert Column Letter to Number Tests yes Test if a Range Contains any Text Test if any Cell in Range is Number Test if a Cell Contains a Specific Value Test if Cell Contains Any Number Test if Cell Contains Specific Number Test if Cell is Number or Text If yes Percentile If Subtotal If Sumproduct If Large If and Small If Median If Concatentate If Max If Rank If TEXTJOIN If Sum yes Sum if — Begins With / Ends With Sum if — Month or Year to Date Sum if — By Year Sum if — Blank / Non-Blank Sum if — Horizontal Sum Count / Sum If — Cell Color INDIRECT Sum Sum If — Across Multiple Sheets Sum If — By Month Sum If — Cells Not Equal To Sum If — Not Blank Sum if — Between Values Sum If — Week Number Sum Text Sum if — By Category or Group Sum if — Cell Contains Specific Text (Wildcards) Sum if — Date Rnage Sum if — Dates Equal Sum if — Day of Week Sum if — Greater Than Sum if — Less Than Average yes Average Non-Zero Values Average If — Not Blank Average — Ignore 0 Average — Ignore Errors Math yes Multiplication Table Cube Roots nth Roots Square Numbers Square Roots Calculations yes Calculate a Ratio Calculate Age KILLLLLLL Calculate Loan Payments GPA Formula Calculate VAT Tax How to Grade Formulas Find yes Find a Number in a Column / Workbook Find Most Frequent Numbers Find Smallest n Values Find nth Occurance of Character in Text Find and Extract Number from String Find Earliest or Latest Date Based on Criteria Find First Cell with Any Value Find Last Row Find Last Row with Data Find Missing Values Find Largest n Values Most Frequent Number Conditional Formatting yes Conditional Format — Dates & Times Conditional Format — Highlight Blank Cells New Functions XLOOKUP Replaces VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, and INDEX / MATCH Logical yes AND Checks whether all conditions are met. TRUE/FALSE IF If condition is met, do something, if not, do something else. IFERROR If result is an error then do something else. NOT Changes TRUE to FALSE and FALSE to TRUE. OR Checks whether any conditions are met. TRUE/FALSE XOR Checks whether one and only one condition is met. TRUE/FALSE Lookup & Reference yes FALSE The logical value: FALSE. TRUE The logical value: TRUE. ADDRESS Returns a cell address as text. AREAS Returns the number of areas in a reference. CHOOSE Chooses a value from a list based on it’s position number. COLUMN Returns the column number of a cell reference. COLUMNS Returns the number of columns in an array. HLOOKUP Lookup a value in the first row and return a value. HYPERLINK Creates a clickable link. INDEX Returns a value based on it’s column and row numbers. INDIRECT Creates a cell reference from text. LOOKUP Looks up values either horizontally or vertically. MATCH Searches for a value in a list and returns its position. OFFSET Creates a reference offset from a starting point. ROW Returns the row number of a cell reference. ROWS Returns the number of rows in an array. TRANSPOSE Flips the oriention of a range of cells. VLOOKUP Lookup a value in the first column and return a value. Date & Time yes DATE Returns a date from year, month, and day. DATEDIF Number of days, months or years between two dates. DATEVALUE Converts a date stored as text into a valid date DAY Returns the day as a number (1-31). DAYS Returns the number of days between two dates. DAYS360 Returns days between 2 dates in a 360 day year. EDATE Returns a date, n months away from a start date. EOMONTH Returns the last day of the month, n months away date. HOUR Returns the hour as a number (0-23). MINUTE Returns the minute as a number (0-59). MONTH Returns the month as a number (1-12). NETWORKDAYS Number of working days between 2 dates. NETWORKDAYS.INTL Working days between 2 dates, custom weekends. NOW Returns the current date and time. SECOND Returns the second as a number (0-59) TIME Returns the time from a hour, minute, and second. TIMEVALUE Converts a time stored as text into a valid time. TODAY Returns the current date. WEEKDAY Returns the day of the week as a number (1-7). WEEKNUM Returns the week number in a year (1-52). WORKDAY The date n working days from a date. WORKDAY.INTL The date n working days from a date, custom weekends. YEAR Returns the year. YEARFRAC Returns the fraction of a year between 2 dates. Engineering yes CONVERT Convert number from one unit to another. Financial yes FV Calculates the future value. PV Calculates the present value. NPER Calculates the total number of payment periods. PMT Calculates the payment amount. RATE Calculates the interest Rate. NPV Calculates the net present value. IRR The internal rate of return for a set of periodic CFs. XIRR The internal rate of return for a set of non-periodic CFs. PRICE Calculates the price of a bond. YIELD Calculates the bond yield. INTRATE The interest rate of a fully invested security. Information yes CELL Returns information about a cell. ERROR.TYPE Returns a value representing the cell error. ISBLANK Test if cell is blank. TRUE/FALSE ISERR Test if cell value is an error, ignores #N/A. TRUE/FALSE ISERROR Test if cell value is an error. TRUE/FALSE ISEVEN Test if cell value is even. TRUE/FALSE ISFORMULA Test if cell is a formula. TRUE/FALSE ISLOGICAL Test if cell is logical (TRUE or FALSE). TRUE/FALSE ISNA Test if cell value is #N/A. TRUE/FALSE ISNONTEXT Test if cell is not text (blank cells are not text). TRUE/FALSE ISNUMBER Test if cell is a number. TRUE/FALSE ISODD Test if cell value is odd. TRUE/FALSE ISREF Test if cell value is a reference. TRUE/FALSE ISTEXT Test if cell is text. TRUE/FALSE N Converts a value to a number. NA Returns the error: #N/A. TYPE Returns the type of value in a cell. Math yes ABS Calculates the absolute value of a number. AGGREGATE Define and perform calculations for a database or a list. CEILING Rounds a number up, to the nearest specified multiple. COS Returns the cosine of an angle. DEGREES Converts radians to degrees. DSUM Sums database records that meet certain criteria. EVEN Rounds to the nearest even integer. EXP Calculates the exponential value for a given number. FACT Returns the factorial. FLOOR Rounds a number down, to the nearest specified multiple. GCD Returns the greatest common divisor. INT Rounds a number down to the nearest integer. LCM Returns the least common multiple. LN Returns the natural logarithm of a number. LOG Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base. LOG10 Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number. MOD Returns the remainder after dividing. MROUND Rounds a number to a specified multiple. ODD Rounds to the nearest odd integer. PI The value of PI. POWER Calculates a number raised to a power. PRODUCT Multiplies an array of numbers. QUOTIENT Returns the integer result of division. RADIANS Converts an angle into radians. RAND Calculates a random number between 0 and 1. RANDBETWEEN Calculates a random number between two numbers. ROUND Rounds a number to a specified number of digits. ROUNDDOWN Rounds a number down (towards zero). ROUNDUP Rounds a number up (away from zero). SIGN Returns the sign of a number. SIN Returns the sine of an angle. SQRT Calculates the square root of a number. SUBTOTAL Returns a summary statistic for a series of data. SUM Adds numbers together. SUMIF Sums numbers that meet a criteria. SUMIFS Sums numbers that meet multiple criteria. SUMPRODUCT Multiplies arrays of numbers and sums the resultant array. TAN Returns the tangent of an angle. TRUNC Truncates a number to a specific number of digits. Stats yes AVERAGE Averages numbers. AVERAGEA Averages numbers. Includes text & FALSE =0, TRUE =1. AVERAGEIF Averages numbers that meet a criteria. AVERAGEIFS Averages numbers that meet multiple criteria. CORREL Calculates the correlation of two series. COUNT Counts cells that contain a number. COUNTA Count cells that are non-blank. COUNTBLANK Counts cells that are blank. COUNTIF Counts cells that meet a criteria. COUNTIFS Counts cells that meet multiple criteria. FORECAST Predict future y-values from linear trend line. FREQUENCY Counts values that fall within specified ranges. GROWTH Calculates Y values based on exponential growth. INTERCEPT Calculates the Y intercept for a best-fit line. LARGE Returns the kth largest value. LINEST Returns statistics about a trendline. MAX Returns the largest number. MEDIAN Returns the median number. MIN Returns the smallest number. MODE Returns the most common number. PERCENTILE Returns the kth percentile. PERCENTILE.INC Returns the kth percentile. Where k is inclusive. PERCENTILE.EXC Returns the kth percentile. Where k is exclusive. QUARTILE Returns the specified quartile value. QUARTILE.INC Returns the specified quartile value. Inclusive. QUARTILE.EXC Returns the specified quartile value. Exclusive. RANK Rank of a number within a series. RANK.AVG Rank of a number within a series. Averages. RANK.EQ Rank of a number within a series. Top Rank. SLOPE Calculates the slope from linear regression. SMALL Returns the kth smallest value. STDEV Calculates the standard deviation. STDEV.P Calculates the SD of an entire population. STDEV.S Calculates the SD of a sample. STDEVP Calculates the SD of an entire population TREND Calculates Y values based on a trendline. Text yes CHAR Returns a character specified by a code. CLEAN Removes all non-printable characters. CODE Returns the numeric code for a character. CONCATENATE Combines text together. DOLLAR Converts a number to text in currency format. EXACT Test if cells are exactly equal. Case-sensitive. TRUE/FALSE FIND Locates position of text within a cell.Case-sensitive. LEFT Truncates text a number of characters from the left. LEN Counts number of characters in text. LOWER Converts text to lower case. MID Extracts text from the middle of a cell. PROPER Converts text to proper case. REPLACE Replaces text based on it’s location. REPT Repeats text a number of times. RIGHT Truncates text a number of characters from the right. SEARCH Locates position of text within a cell.Not Case-sensitive. SUBSTITUTE Finds and replaces text. Case-sensitive. TEXT Converts a value into text with a specific number format. TRIM Removes all extra spaces from text. UPPER Converts text to upper case. VALUE Converts a number stored as text into a number.

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