What is intel excel


  1. What is Microsoft Excel and What Does It Do?
  2. What Excel Is Used For
  3. Spreadsheet Cells and Cell References
  4. Data Types, Formulas, and Functions
  5. Excel and Financial Data
  6. Excel’s Other Uses
  7. Excel Alternatives
  8. Подключаем к Экселю GPU и ускоряем Эксель в 300 раз
  9. Предуведомление
  10. Структура
  11. Конфигурация
  12. Производительность
  13. Асинхронность
  14. Help Us Protect Glassdoor
  15. Aidez-nous à protéger Glassdoor
  16. Helfen Sie mit, Glassdoor zu schützen
  17. Help ons Glassdoor te beschermen
  18. Ayúdanos a proteger Glassdoor
  19. Ayúdanos a proteger Glassdoor
  20. Ajude-nos a proteger o Glassdoor
  21. Aiutaci a proteggere Glassdoor
  22. Intel Management Engine, Explained: The Tiny Computer Inside Your CPU
  23. What Is Intel ME?
  24. What Is Intel Active Management Technology (AMT)?
  25. Can You Disable It?
  26. Why the Secrecy?
  27. Is Your Computer’s Intel ME Vulnerable?

What is Microsoft Excel and What Does It Do?

This versatile program helps you make sense of your data

Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program that is used for storing, organizing, and manipulating data.

The information we’ve prepared refers to Microsoft Excel in general and is not limited to any specific version of the program.

What Excel Is Used For

Electronic spreadsheet programs were originally based on paper spreadsheets used for accounting. As such, the basic layout of computerized spreadsheets is the same as the paper ones. Related data is stored in tables — which are a collection of small rectangular boxes or cells organized into rows and columns.

All versions of Excel and other spreadsheet programs can store several spreadsheet pages in a single computer file. The saved computer file is often referred to as a workbook and each page in the workbook is a separate worksheet.

Spreadsheet Cells and Cell References

When you look at the Excel screen — or any other spreadsheet screen — you see a rectangular table or grid of rows and columns.

In newer versions of Excel, each worksheet contains roughly a million rows and more than 16,000 columns, which necessitates an addressing scheme in order to keep track of where data is located.

The horizontal rows are identified by numbers (1, 2, 3) and the vertical columns by letters of the alphabet (A, B, C). For columns beyond 26, columns are identified by two or more letters such as AA, AB, AC or AAA, AAB, etc.

The intersection point between a column and a row is the small rectangular box known as a cell. The cell is the basic unit for storing data in the worksheet, and because each worksheet contains millions of these cells, each one is identified by its cell reference.

A cell reference is a combination of the column letter and the row number such as A3, B6, and AA345. In these cell references, the column letter is always listed first.

Data Types, Formulas, and Functions

The types of data that a cell can hold include:

  • Numbers
  • Text
  • Dates and times
  • Boolean values
  • Formulas

Formulas are used for calculations — usually incorporating data contained in other cells. These cells, however, may be located on different worksheets or in different workbooks.

Creating a formula starts by entering the equal sign in the cell where you want the answer displayed. Formulas can also include cell references to the location of data and one or more spreadsheet functions.

Functions in Excel and other electronic spreadsheets are built-in formulas that are designed to simplify carrying out a wide range of calculations – from common operations such as entering the date or time to more complex ones such as finding specific information located in large tables of data.

Excel and Financial Data

Spreadsheets are often used to store financial data. Formulas and functions that are used on this type of data include:

  • Performing basic mathematical operations such as summing columns or rows of numbers
  • Finding values such as profit or loss
  • Calculating repayment plans for loans or mortgages
  • Finding the average, maximum, minimum and other statistical values in a specified range of data
  • Carrying out What-If analysis on data, where variables are modified one at a time to see how the change affects other data, such as expenses and profits

Excel’s Other Uses

Other common operations that Excel can be used for include:

  • Graphing or charting data to assist users in identifying data trends
  • Formatting data to make important data easy to find and understand
  • Printing data and charts for use in reports
  • Sorting and filtering data to find specific information
  • Linking worksheet data and charts for use in other programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Word
  • Importing data from database programs for analysis

Spreadsheets were the original «killer apps» for personal computers because of their ability to compile and make sense of information. Early spreadsheet programs such as VisiCalc and Lotus 1-2-3 were largely responsible for the growth in popularity of computers like the Apple II and the IBM PC as a business tool.

Excel Alternatives

Other current spreadsheet programs that are available for use include:

  • Google Sheets: A free, web-based spreadsheet program
  • Excel Online: A free, scaled-down, web-based version of Excel
  • Open Office Calc: A free, downloadable spreadsheet program.

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Подключаем к Экселю GPU и ускоряем Эксель в 300 раз

Попалась мне задачка оптимизации, а так как я большой фанат Экселя, то и выбор инструмента был скорым. Единственная пакость: Эксель дико медленный. Так, на одну итерацию уходило как минимум 35 минут, а таких итераций планировалось сделать 1275 (как минимум)!

Цель этого небольшого проектика – ускорить исполнение VBA скриптов задействуя все доступные мне железяки: GPU и CPU. Ну и до кучи, так как библиотека моя, была реализована многозадачность.

Для тех, кто любит читать только код и не любит «растекания мыслию по древу», код находится здесь, инсталлятор здесь, архивированная библиотека и примеры (Excel/VBscript) здесь. Примеры также включены в инсталляцию (папка «demo»).


Excel (можно и без него, см. про ненормальное программирование в самом конце).

.Net framework v4.0.

Windows/System32/ должен содержать opencl.dll.


Внутренности библиотеки состоят из двух непересекающихся частей: конфигурации доступного оборудования (только информация, поменять там ничего нельзя) и, собственно, программирования найденных устройств.


Конфигурация просто вываливает в табличку всю доступную информацию об устройствах, «до самой последней гнилушки». Логически OpenCl делит компьютер на платформы, внутри которых находятся устройства. Так, на моём домашнем компьютере обнаружилась только одна платформа с CPU на 4 процесса (Pentium 4417U 2.30GHz) и 12-ядерным GPU (Intel HD Graphics 610). А вот на компьютере жены обнаружилось целых 2 платформы: первая, с i3-7100U и 23-ядерной Intel HD Graphics 620, и вторая, опять же с i3-7100U и 5-ядерным GPU Hainan. Что интересно, интернеты говорят, что Intel HD Graphics 620 идёт с 24 ядрами. Либо OpenCl недосчитался, либо ядро отвалилось.

Программирование было реализовано на двух примерах: оценке производительности и параллельного исполнения кода.


Производительность оценивалась двумя способами:

Умножением больших матриц.

Кодом, заимствованным с CodeProject («How to Use Your GPU in .NET»).

Время, затраченное на умножение двух матриц 2000 на 2000 (вычисления с двойной точностью) приведено на рисунке ниже. Обратите внимание на логарифмическую шкалу!

Время, затраченное на умножение двух матриц 2000 на 2000.

Обозначения CPU и GPU соответствуют использованию OpenCl на CPU и GPU. Native CPU – случаю использования простейшей программы на C# для перемножения матриц. Ну а VBA он и в Африке VBA. Кроме измерения времени результаты OpenCl вычислений сравнивались с результатами VBA (все сошлись!).

Довольно неожиданным открытием для меня стало то, что OpenCl на всех CPU считает в 8 раз быстрее, чем C# на одном процессоре. Так как у меня 2 процессора с 4 потоками, можно было бы предположить четырёхкратное уменьшение времени исполнения. Видимо здесь играет существенную роль то, что драйвер процессора, который компилирует CL-код, компилирует сразу в машинный код, а не использует интерпретатор, как C#.

Ну и результаты теста производительности полностью:

Время вычисления VBA:

OpenCl на CPU в

раза быстрее VBA.

OpenCl на GPU в

раз быстрее VBA.

OpenCl на GPU в

раза быстрее CPU.

OpenCl на CPU в

раза быстрее C#, CPU.

раз быстрее VBA.

Следующим тестом производительности был тест, позаимствованный с CodeProject. Для моего домашнего Pentium 4417U (2 x 2.30 ГГц) выдал мне такие результаты производительности в Гфлопсах:


Как, наверное, всем известно, Эксель до боли однозадачен. Чтобы запустить две задачи одновременно, надо приложить довольно много усилий. Всё описанное выше запускалось командой ExecuteSync. Тем не менее, кроме функции ExecuteSync имеются также и функции ExecuteAsync и ExecuteBackground. Отличие первой функции от второй в том, что ExecuteAsync использует callback, в то время как вторая возвращает информацию о завершении исполнения в свойстве ExecutionCompleted (True/False), которое надо время от времени опрашивать.

В принципе, первой была создана функция ExecuteAsync, но по мере тестирования было замечено, что с callback работать довольно сложно:

Эксель не любит и рушится:

Когда при отладке исполняется callback.

Когда из callback функции что-либо пишется в таблицу.

Поэтому, в примере я использую ExecuteBackground. Результат работы в асинхронном режиме просто ошеломляет! Прогресс-бар бегает, процессы исполняются параллельно на CPU и GPU, поочерёдно завершаются, причём на один завершённый процесс CPU приходится 4 процесса GPU, как и предсказывали расчёты производительности умножения матриц.

Ну и обещанное ненормальное программирование (а всё написанное до того было нормальным программированием?).

Как оказалось, Эксель особо-то и не нужен! VBscript тоже поддерживает COM, правда со своими ограничениями: отсутствие типизации приводит к тому, что массивы необходимо передавать через object или ArrayList. Тем не менее, конфигурация работает как есть даже без дополнительных телодвижений:

Конфигурация устройств через VBscript.


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Intel Management Engine, Explained: The Tiny Computer Inside Your CPU

Chris Hoffman is Editor-in-Chief of How-To Geek. He’s written about technology for over a decade and was a PCWorld columnist for two years. Chris has written for The New York Times and Reader’s Digest, been interviewed as a technology expert on TV stations like Miami’s NBC 6, and had his work covered by news outlets like the BBC. Since 2011, Chris has written over 2,000 articles that have been read more than one billion times—and that’s just here at How-To Geek. Read more.

The Intel Management Engine has been included on Intel chipsets since 2008. It’s basically a tiny computer-within-a-computer, with full access to your PC’s memory, display, network, and input devices. It runs code written by Intel, and Intel hasn’t shared a lot of information about its inner workings.

This software, also called Intel ME, has popped up in the news because of security holes Intel announced on November 20, 2017. You should patch your system if it’s vulnerable. This software’s deep system access and presence on every modern system with an Intel processor means it’s a juicy target for attackers.

What Is Intel ME?

So what is the Intel Management Engine, anyway? Intel provides some general information, but they avoid explaining most of the specific tasks the Intel Management Engine performs and precisely how it works.

As Intel puts it, the Management Engine is “a small, low-power computer subsystem”. It “performs various tasks while the system is in sleep, during the boot process, and when your system is running”.

In other words, this is a parallel operating system running on an isolated chip, but with access to your PC’s hardware. It runs when your computer is asleep, while it’s booting up, and while your operating system is running. It has full access to your system hardware, including your system memory, the contents of your display, keyboard input, and even the network.

We now know that the Intel Management Engine runs a MINIX operating system. Beyond that, the precise software that runs inside the Intel Management Engine is unknown. It’s a little black box, and only Intel knows exactly what’s inside.

What Is Intel Active Management Technology (AMT)?

Aside from various low-level functions, the Intel Management Engine includes Intel Active Management Technology. AMT is a remote management solution for servers, desktops, laptops, and tablets with Intel processors. It’s intended for large organizations, not home users. It’s not enabled by default, so it isn’t really a “backdoor”, as some people have called it.

AMT can be used to remotely power on, configure, control, or wipe computers with Intel processors. Unlike typical management solutions, this works even if the computer isn’t running an operating system. Intel AMT runs as part of the Intel Management Engine, so organizations can remotely manage systems without a working Windows operating system.

In May 2017, Intel announced a remote exploit in AMT that would allow attackers to access AMT on a computer without providing the necessary password. However, this would only affect people that went out of their way to enable Intel AMT—which, again, isn’t most home users. Only organizations who used AMT needed to worry about this problem and update their computers’ firmware.

This feature is just for PCs. While modern Macs with Intel CPUs do also have the Intel ME, they do not include Intel AMT.

Can You Disable It?

You can’t disable the Intel ME. Even if you disable Intel AMT features in your system’s BIOS, the Intel ME coprocessor and software is still active and running. At this point, it’s included on all systems with Intel CPUs and Intel provides no way to disable it.

While Intel provides no way to disable the Intel ME, other people have experimented with disabling it. It isn’t as simple as flicking a switch, though. Enterprising hackers have managed to disable the Intel ME with quite some effort, and Purism now offers laptops (based on older Intel hardware) with the Intel Management Engine disabled by default. Intel likely isn’t happy about these efforts, and will make it even more difficult to disable the Intel ME in the future.

But, for the average user, disabling the Intel ME is basically impossible—and that’s by design.

Why the Secrecy?

Intel doesn’t want its competitors to know the exact workings of the Management Engine software. Intel also seems to be embracing “security by obscurity” here, attempting to make it more difficult for attackers to learn about and find holes in the Intel ME software. However, as the recent security holes have shown, security by obscurity is no guaranteed solution.

This isn’t any sort of spying or monitoring software—unless an organization has enabled AMT and is using it to monitor their own PCs. If Intel’s Management Engine was contacting the network in other situations, we’d likely have heard of it thanks to tools like Wireshark, which allow people to monitor traffic on a network.

However, the presence of software like Intel ME that can’t be disabled and is closed source is certainly a security concern. It’s another avenue for attack, and we’ve already seen security holes in Intel ME.

Is Your Computer’s Intel ME Vulnerable?

On November 20, 2017, Intel announced serious security holes in Intel ME that had been discovered by third-party security researchers. These include both flaws that would allow an attacker with local access to run code with full system access, and remote attacks that would allow attackers with remote access to run code with full system access. It’s unclear just how hard they would be to exploit.

Intel offers a detection tool you can download and run to find out if your computer’s Intel ME is vulnerable, or whether it’s been fixed.

To use the tool, download the ZIP file for Windows, open it, and double-click the “DiscoveryTool.GUI” folder. Double-click the “Intel-SA-00086-GUI.exe” file to run it. Agree to the UAC prompt and you’ll be told whether your PC is vulnerable or not.

If your PC is vulnerable, you can only update the Intel ME by updating your computer’s UEFI firmware. Your computer’s manufacturer has to provide you with this update, so check the Support section of your manufacturer’s website to see if there are any UEFI or BIOS updates available.

Intel also provides a support page with links to information about updates provided by different PC manufacturers, and they’re keeping it updated as manufacturers release support information.

AMD systems have something similar named AMD TrustZone, which runs on a dedicated ARM processor.


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Попалась мне задачка оптимизации, а так как я большой фанат Экселя, то и выбор инструмента был скорым. Единственная пакость: Эксель дико медленный. Так, на одну итерацию уходило как минимум 35 минут, а таких итераций планировалось сделать 1275 (как минимум)!

Цель этого небольшого проектика – ускорить исполнение VBA скриптов задействуя все доступные мне железяки: GPU и CPU. Ну и до кучи, так как библиотека моя, была реализована многозадачность.

Для тех, кто любит читать только код и не любит «растекания мыслию по древу», код находится здесь, инсталлятор здесь, архивированная библиотека и примеры (Excel/VBscript) здесь. Примеры также включены в инсталляцию (папка «demo»).



  • Excel (можно и без него, см. про ненормальное программирование в самом конце).

  • .Net framework v4.0.

  • Windows/System32/ должен содержать opencl.dll.


Внутренности библиотеки состоят из двух непересекающихся частей: конфигурации доступного оборудования (только информация, поменять там ничего нельзя) и, собственно, программирования найденных устройств.


Конфигурация просто вываливает в табличку всю доступную информацию об устройствах, «до самой последней гнилушки». Логически OpenCl делит компьютер на платформы, внутри которых находятся устройства. Так, на моём домашнем компьютере обнаружилась только одна платформа с CPU на 4 процесса (Pentium 4417U 2.30GHz) и 12-ядерным GPU (Intel HD Graphics 610). А вот на компьютере жены обнаружилось целых 2 платформы: первая, с i3-7100U и 23-ядерной Intel HD Graphics 620, и вторая, опять же с i3-7100U и 5-ядерным GPU Hainan. Что интересно, интернеты говорят, что Intel HD Graphics 620 идёт с 24 ядрами. Либо OpenCl недосчитался, либо ядро отвалилось.

Программирование было реализовано на двух примерах: оценке производительности и параллельного исполнения кода.


Производительность оценивалась двумя способами:

  1. Умножением больших матриц.

  2. Кодом, заимствованным с CodeProject («How to Use Your GPU in .NET»).

Время, затраченное на умножение двух матриц 2000 на 2000 (вычисления с двойной точностью) приведено на рисунке ниже. Обратите внимание на логарифмическую шкалу!

Время, затраченное на умножение двух матриц 2000 на 2000.

Время, затраченное на умножение двух матриц 2000 на 2000.

Обозначения CPU и GPU соответствуют использованию OpenCl на CPU и GPU. Native CPU – случаю использования простейшей программы на C# для перемножения матриц. Ну а VBA он и в Африке VBA. Кроме измерения времени результаты OpenCl вычислений сравнивались с результатами VBA (все сошлись!).

Довольно неожиданным открытием для меня стало то, что OpenCl на всех CPU считает в 8 раз быстрее, чем C# на одном процессоре. Так как у меня 2 процессора с 4 потоками, можно было бы предположить четырёхкратное уменьшение времени исполнения. Видимо здесь играет существенную роль то, что драйвер процессора, который компилирует CL-код, компилирует сразу в машинный код, а не использует интерпретатор, как C#.

Ну и результаты теста производительности полностью:

Время вычисления VBA:



OpenCl на CPU в


раза быстрее VBA.

OpenCl на GPU в


раз быстрее VBA.

OpenCl на GPU в


раза быстрее CPU.

OpenCl на CPU в


раза быстрее C#, CPU.

C#, CPU в


раз быстрее VBA.

Следующим тестом производительности был тест, позаимствованный с CodeProject. Для моего домашнего Pentium 4417U (2 x 2.30 ГГц) выдал мне такие результаты производительности в Гфлопсах:

GFlops, single

GFlops, double








Как, наверное, всем известно, Эксель до боли однозадачен. Чтобы запустить две задачи одновременно, надо приложить довольно много усилий. Всё описанное выше запускалось командой ExecuteSync. Тем не менее, кроме функции ExecuteSync имеются также и функции ExecuteAsync и ExecuteBackground. Отличие первой функции от второй в том, что ExecuteAsync использует callback, в то время как вторая возвращает информацию о  завершении исполнения в свойстве ExecutionCompleted (True/False), которое надо время от времени опрашивать.

В принципе, первой была создана функция ExecuteAsync, но по мере тестирования было замечено, что с callback работать довольно сложно:

Эксель не любит и рушится:

  • Когда при отладке исполняется callback.

  • Когда из callback функции что-либо пишется в таблицу.

Поэтому, в примере я использую ExecuteBackground. Результат работы в асинхронном режиме просто ошеломляет! Прогресс-бар бегает, процессы исполняются параллельно на CPU и GPU, поочерёдно завершаются, причём на один завершённый процесс CPU приходится 4 процесса GPU, как и предсказывали расчёты производительности умножения матриц.

Ну и обещанное ненормальное программирование (а всё написанное до того было нормальным программированием?).

Как оказалось, Эксель особо-то и не нужен! VBscript тоже поддерживает COM, правда со своими ограничениями: отсутствие типизации приводит к тому, что массивы необходимо передавать через object или ArrayList. Тем не менее, конфигурация работает как есть даже без дополнительных телодвижений:

Конфигурация устройств через VBscript.

Конфигурация устройств через VBscript.

И, наконец, всё в одном месте:



Всё в архиве.

Примеры в папке «demo».

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet developed by Microsoft for Windows, macOS, Android, iOS and iPadOS. It features calculation or computation capabilities, graphing tools, pivot tables, and a macro programming language called Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Excel forms part of the Microsoft 365 suite of software.

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office Excel (2019–present).svg
Microsoft Excel.png

A simple bar graph being created in Excel, running on Windows 11

Developer(s) Microsoft
Initial release November 19, 1987; 35 years ago
Stable release

2103 (16.0.13901.20400)
/ April 13, 2021; 23 months ago[1]

Written in C++ (back-end)[2]
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Type Spreadsheet
License Trialware[3]
Website microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/excel
Microsoft Excel for Mac

Excel for Mac screenshot.png

Excel for Mac (version 16.67), running on macOS Big Sur 11.5.2

Developer(s) Microsoft
Initial release September 30, 1985; 37 years ago
Stable release

16.70 (Build 23021201)
/ February 14, 2023; 54 days ago[4]

Written in C++ (back-end), Objective-C (API/UI)[2]
Operating system macOS
Type Spreadsheet
License Proprietary commercial software
Website products.office.com/mac
Microsoft Excel for Android

Excel for Android.png

Excel for Android running on Android 13

Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Stable release

/ December 22, 2021; 15 months ago[5]

Operating system Android Oreo and later
Type Spreadsheet
License Proprietary commercial software
Website products.office.com/en-us/excel
Microsoft Excel for iOS and iPadOS

Developer(s) Microsoft Corporation
Stable release

/ February 15, 2023; 53 days ago[6]

Operating system iOS 15 or later
iPadOS 15 or later
Type Spreadsheet
License Proprietary commercial software
Website products.office.com/en-us/excel


Basic operation

Microsoft Excel has the basic features of all spreadsheets,[7] using a grid of cells arranged in numbered rows and letter-named columns to organize data manipulations like arithmetic operations. It has a battery of supplied functions to answer statistical, engineering, and financial needs. In addition, it can display data as line graphs, histograms and charts, and with a very limited three-dimensional graphical display. It allows sectioning of data to view its dependencies on various factors for different perspectives (using pivot tables and the scenario manager).[8] A PivotTable is a tool for data analysis. It does this by simplifying large data sets via PivotTable fields. It has a programming aspect, Visual Basic for Applications, allowing the user to employ a wide variety of numerical methods, for example, for solving differential equations of mathematical physics,[9][10] and then reporting the results back to the spreadsheet. It also has a variety of interactive features allowing user interfaces that can completely hide the spreadsheet from the user, so the spreadsheet presents itself as a so-called application, or decision support system (DSS), via a custom-designed user interface, for example, a stock analyzer,[11] or in general, as a design tool that asks the user questions and provides answers and reports.[12][13] In a more elaborate realization, an Excel application can automatically poll external databases and measuring instruments using an update schedule,[14] analyze the results, make a Word report or PowerPoint slide show, and e-mail these presentations on a regular basis to a list of participants. Excel was not designed to be used as a database.[citation needed]

Microsoft allows for a number of optional command-line switches to control the manner in which Excel starts.[15]


Excel 2016 has 484 functions.[16] Of these, 360 existed prior to Excel 2010. Microsoft classifies these functions in 14 categories. Of the 484 current functions, 386 may be called from VBA as methods of the object «WorksheetFunction»[17] and 44 have the same names as VBA functions.[18]

With the introduction of LAMBDA, Excel will become Turing complete.[19]

Macro programming

VBA programming

Use of a user-defined function sq(x) in Microsoft Excel. The named variables x & y are identified in the Name Manager. The function sq is introduced using the Visual Basic editor supplied with Excel.

Subroutine in Excel calculates the square of named column variable x read from the spreadsheet, and writes it into the named column variable y.

The Windows version of Excel supports programming through Microsoft’s Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), which is a dialect of Visual Basic. Programming with VBA allows spreadsheet manipulation that is awkward or impossible with standard spreadsheet techniques. Programmers may write code directly using the Visual Basic Editor (VBE), which includes a window for writing code, debugging code, and code module organization environment. The user can implement numerical methods as well as automating tasks such as formatting or data organization in VBA[20] and guide the calculation using any desired intermediate results reported back to the spreadsheet.

VBA was removed from Mac Excel 2008, as the developers did not believe that a timely release would allow porting the VBA engine natively to Mac OS X. VBA was restored in the next version, Mac Excel 2011,[21] although the build lacks support for ActiveX objects, impacting some high level developer tools.[22]

A common and easy way to generate VBA code is by using the Macro Recorder.[23] The Macro Recorder records actions of the user and generates VBA code in the form of a macro. These actions can then be repeated automatically by running the macro. The macros can also be linked to different trigger types like keyboard shortcuts, a command button or a graphic. The actions in the macro can be executed from these trigger types or from the generic toolbar options. The VBA code of the macro can also be edited in the VBE. Certain features such as loop functions and screen prompt by their own properties, and some graphical display items, cannot be recorded but must be entered into the VBA module directly by the programmer. Advanced users can employ user prompts to create an interactive program, or react to events such as sheets being loaded or changed.

Macro Recorded code may not be compatible with Excel versions. Some code that is used in Excel 2010 cannot be used in Excel 2003. Making a Macro that changes the cell colors and making changes to other aspects of cells may not be backward compatible.

VBA code interacts with the spreadsheet through the Excel Object Model,[24] a vocabulary identifying spreadsheet objects, and a set of supplied functions or methods that enable reading and writing to the spreadsheet and interaction with its users (for example, through custom toolbars or command bars and message boxes). User-created VBA subroutines execute these actions and operate like macros generated using the macro recorder, but are more flexible and efficient.


From its first version Excel supported end-user programming of macros (automation of repetitive tasks) and user-defined functions (extension of Excel’s built-in function library). In early versions of Excel, these programs were written in a macro language whose statements had formula syntax and resided in the cells of special-purpose macro sheets (stored with file extension .XLM in Windows.) XLM was the default macro language for Excel through Excel 4.0.[25] Beginning with version 5.0 Excel recorded macros in VBA by default but with version 5.0 XLM recording was still allowed as an option. After version 5.0 that option was discontinued. All versions of Excel, including Excel 2021 are capable of running an XLM macro, though Microsoft discourages their use.[26]


Graph made using Microsoft Excel

Excel supports charts, graphs, or histograms generated from specified groups of cells. It also supports Pivot Charts that allow for a chart to be linked directly to a Pivot table. This allows the chart to be refreshed with the Pivot Table. The generated graphic component can either be embedded within the current sheet or added as a separate object.

These displays are dynamically updated if the content of cells changes. For example, suppose that the important design requirements are displayed visually; then, in response to a user’s change in trial values for parameters, the curves describing the design change shape, and their points of intersection shift, assisting the selection of the best design.


Additional features are available using add-ins. Several are provided with Excel, including:

  • Analysis ToolPak: Provides data analysis tools for statistical and engineering analysis (includes analysis of variance and regression analysis)
  • Analysis ToolPak VBA: VBA functions for Analysis ToolPak
  • Euro Currency Tools: Conversion and formatting for euro currency
  • Solver Add-In: Tools for optimization and equation solving

Data storage and communication

Number of rows and columns

Versions of Excel up to 7.0 had a limitation in the size of their data sets of 16K (214 = 16384) rows. Versions 8.0 through 11.0 could handle 64K (216 = 65536) rows and 256 columns (28 as label ‘IV’). Version 12.0 onwards, including the current Version 16.x, can handle over 1M (220 = 1048576) rows, and 16384 (214, labeled as column ‘XFD’) columns.[27]

File formats

Excel Spreadsheet

Filename extension

.xls, (.xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb — Excel 2007)

Internet media type


Uniform Type Identifier (UTI) com.microsoft.excel.xls
Developed by Microsoft
Type of format Spreadsheet

Microsoft Excel up until 2007 version used a proprietary binary file format called Excel Binary File Format (.XLS) as its primary format.[28] Excel 2007 uses Office Open XML as its primary file format, an XML-based format that followed after a previous XML-based format called «XML Spreadsheet» («XMLSS»), first introduced in Excel 2002.[29]

Although supporting and encouraging the use of new XML-based formats as replacements, Excel 2007 remained backwards-compatible with the traditional, binary formats. In addition, most versions of Microsoft Excel can read CSV, DBF, SYLK, DIF, and other legacy formats. Support for some older file formats was removed in Excel 2007.[30] The file formats were mainly from DOS-based programs.


OpenOffice.org has created documentation of the Excel format. Two epochs of the format exist: the 97-2003 OLE format, and the older stream format.[31] Microsoft has made the Excel binary format specification available to freely download.[32]

XML Spreadsheet

The XML Spreadsheet format introduced in Excel 2002[29] is a simple, XML based format missing some more advanced features like storage of VBA macros. Though the intended file extension for this format is .xml, the program also correctly handles XML files with .xls extension. This feature is widely used by third-party applications (e.g. MySQL Query Browser) to offer «export to Excel» capabilities without implementing binary file format. The following example will be correctly opened by Excel if saved either as Book1.xml or Book1.xls:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Workbook xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet"
 <Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet1">
  <Table ss:ExpandedColumnCount="2" ss:ExpandedRowCount="2" x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Name</Data></Cell>
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Example</Data></Cell>
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="String">Value</Data></Cell>
    <Cell><Data ss:Type="Number">123</Data></Cell>

Current file extensions

Microsoft Excel 2007, along with the other products in the Microsoft Office 2007 suite, introduced new file formats. The first of these (.xlsx) is defined in the Office Open XML (OOXML) specification.

Excel 2007 formats

Format Extension Description
Excel Workbook .xlsx The default Excel 2007 and later workbook format. In reality, a ZIP compressed archive with a directory structure of XML text documents. Functions as the primary replacement for the former binary .xls format, although it does not support Excel macros for security reasons. Saving as .xlsx offers file size reduction over .xls[33]
Excel Macro-enabled Workbook .xlsm As Excel Workbook, but with macro support.
Excel Binary Workbook .xlsb As Excel Macro-enabled Workbook, but storing information in binary form rather than XML documents for opening and saving documents more quickly and efficiently. Intended especially for very large documents with tens of thousands of rows, and/or several hundreds of columns. This format is very useful for shrinking large Excel files as is often the case when doing data analysis.
Excel Macro-enabled Template .xltm A template document that forms a basis for actual workbooks, with macro support. The replacement for the old .xlt format.
Excel Add-in .xlam Excel add-in to add extra functionality and tools. Inherent macro support because of the file purpose.

Old file extensions

Format Extension Description
Spreadsheet .xls Main spreadsheet format which holds data in worksheets, charts, and macros
Add-in (VBA) .xla Adds custom functionality; written in VBA
Toolbar .xlb The file extension where Microsoft Excel custom toolbar settings are stored.
Chart .xlc A chart created with data from a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that only saves the chart. To save the chart and spreadsheet save as .XLS. XLC is not supported in Excel 2007 or in any newer versions of Excel.
Dialog .xld Used in older versions of Excel.
Archive .xlk A backup of an Excel Spreadsheet
Add-in (DLL) .xll Adds custom functionality; written in C++/C, Fortran, etc. and compiled in to a special dynamic-link library
Macro .xlm A macro is created by the user or pre-installed with Excel.
Template .xlt A pre-formatted spreadsheet created by the user or by Microsoft Excel.
Module .xlv A module is written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) for Microsoft Excel
Library .DLL Code written in VBA may access functions in a DLL, typically this is used to access the Windows API
Workspace .xlw Arrangement of the windows of multiple Workbooks

Using other Windows applications

Windows applications such as Microsoft Access and Microsoft Word, as well as Excel can communicate with each other and use each other’s capabilities. The most common are Dynamic Data Exchange: although strongly deprecated by Microsoft, this is a common method to send data between applications running on Windows, with official MS publications referring to it as «the protocol from hell».[34] As the name suggests, it allows applications to supply data to others for calculation and display. It is very common in financial markets, being used to connect to important financial data services such as Bloomberg and Reuters.

OLE Object Linking and Embedding allows a Windows application to control another to enable it to format or calculate data. This may take on the form of «embedding» where an application uses another to handle a task that it is more suited to, for example a PowerPoint presentation may be embedded in an Excel spreadsheet or vice versa.[35][36][37][38]

Using external data

Excel users can access external data sources via Microsoft Office features such as (for example) .odc connections built with the Office Data Connection file format. Excel files themselves may be updated using a Microsoft supplied ODBC driver.

Excel can accept data in real-time through several programming interfaces, which allow it to communicate with many data sources such as Bloomberg and Reuters (through addins such as Power Plus Pro).

  • DDE: «Dynamic Data Exchange» uses the message passing mechanism in Windows to allow data to flow between Excel and other applications. Although it is easy for users to create such links, programming such links reliably is so difficult that Microsoft, the creators of the system, officially refer to it as «the protocol from hell».[34] In spite of its many issues DDE remains the most common way for data to reach traders in financial markets.
  • Network DDE Extended the protocol to allow spreadsheets on different computers to exchange data. Starting with Windows Vista, Microsoft no longer supports the facility.[39]
  • Real Time Data: RTD although in many ways technically superior to DDE, has been slow to gain acceptance, since it requires non-trivial programming skills, and when first released was neither adequately documented nor supported by the major data vendors.[40][41]

Alternatively, Microsoft Query provides ODBC-based browsing within Microsoft Excel.[42][43][44]

Export and migration of spreadsheets

Programmers have produced APIs to open Excel spreadsheets in a variety of applications and environments other than Microsoft Excel. These include opening Excel documents on the web using either ActiveX controls, or plugins like the Adobe Flash Player. The Apache POI opensource project provides Java libraries for reading and writing Excel spreadsheet files.

Password protection

Microsoft Excel protection offers several types of passwords:

  • Password to open a document[45]
  • Password to modify a document[46]
  • Password to unprotect the worksheet
  • Password to protect workbook
  • Password to protect the sharing workbook[47]

All passwords except password to open a document can be removed instantly regardless of the Microsoft Excel version used to create the document. These types of passwords are used primarily for shared work on a document. Such password-protected documents are not encrypted, and a data sources from a set password is saved in a document’s header. Password to protect workbook is an exception – when it is set, a document is encrypted with the standard password «VelvetSweatshop», but since it is known to the public, it actually does not add any extra protection to the document. The only type of password that can prevent a trespasser from gaining access to a document is password to open a document. The cryptographic strength of this kind of protection depends strongly on the Microsoft Excel version that was used to create the document.

In Microsoft Excel 95 and earlier versions, the password to open is converted to a 16-bit key that can be instantly cracked. In Excel 97/2000 the password is converted to a 40-bit key, which can also be cracked very quickly using modern equipment. As regards services that use rainbow tables (e.g. Password-Find), it takes up to several seconds to remove protection. In addition, password-cracking programs can brute-force attack passwords at a rate of hundreds of thousands of passwords a second, which not only lets them decrypt a document but also find the original password.

In Excel 2003/XP the encryption is slightly better – a user can choose any encryption algorithm that is available in the system (see Cryptographic Service Provider). Due to the CSP, an Excel file cannot be decrypted, and thus the password to open cannot be removed, though the brute-force attack speed remains quite high. Nevertheless, the older Excel 97/2000 algorithm is set by the default. Therefore, users who do not change the default settings lack reliable protection of their documents.

The situation changed fundamentally in Excel 2007, where the modern AES algorithm with a key of 128 bits started being used for decryption, and a 50,000-fold use of the hash function SHA1 reduced the speed of brute-force attacks down to hundreds of passwords per second. In Excel 2010, the strength of the protection by the default was increased two times due to the use of a 100,000-fold SHA1 to convert a password to a key.

Other platforms

Excel for mobile

Excel Mobile is a spreadsheet program that can edit XLSX files. It can edit and format text in cells, calculate formulas, search within the spreadsheet, sort rows and columns, freeze panes, filter the columns, add comments, and create charts. It cannot add columns or rows except at the edge of the document, rearrange columns or rows, delete rows or columns, or add spreadsheet tabs.[48][49][50][51][52][53] The 2007 version has the ability to use a full-screen mode to deal with limited screen resolution, as well as split panes to view different parts of a worksheet at one time.[51] Protection settings, zoom settings, autofilter settings, certain chart formatting, hidden sheets, and other features are not supported on Excel Mobile, and will be modified upon opening and saving a workbook.[52] In 2015, Excel Mobile became available for Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile on Windows Store.[54][55]

Excel for the web

Excel for the web is a free lightweight version of Microsoft Excel available as part of Office on the web, which also includes web versions of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Excel for the web can display most of the features available in the desktop versions of Excel, although it may not be able to insert or edit them. Certain data connections are not accessible on Excel for the web, including with charts that may use these external connections. Excel for the web also cannot display legacy features, such as Excel 4.0 macros or Excel 5.0 dialog sheets. There are also small differences between how some of the Excel functions work.[56]

Microsoft Excel Viewer

Microsoft Excel Viewer was a freeware program for Microsoft Windows for viewing and printing spreadsheet documents created by Excel.[57] Microsoft retired the viewer in April 2018 with the last security update released in February 2019 for Excel Viewer 2007 (SP3).[58][59]

The first version released by Microsoft was Excel 97 Viewer.[60][61] Excel 97 Viewer was supported in Windows CE for Handheld PCs.[62] In October 2004, Microsoft released Excel Viewer 2003.[63] In September 2007, Microsoft released Excel Viewer 2003 Service Pack 3 (SP3).[64] In January 2008, Microsoft released Excel Viewer 2007 (featuring a non-collapsible Ribbon interface).[65] In April 2009, Microsoft released Excel Viewer 2007 Service Pack 2 (SP2).[66] In October 2011, Microsoft released Excel Viewer 2007 Service Pack 3 (SP3).[67]

Microsoft advises to view and print Excel files for free to use the Excel Mobile application for Windows 10 and for Windows 7 and Windows 8 to upload the file to OneDrive and use Excel for the web with a Microsoft account to open them in a browser.[58][68]


In addition to issues with spreadsheets in general, other problems specific to Excel include numeric precision, misleading statistics functions, mod function errors, date limitations and more.

Numeric precision

Excel maintains 15 figures in its numbers, but they are not always accurate: the bottom line should be the same as the top line.

Despite the use of 15-figure precision, Excel can display many more figures (up to thirty) upon user request. But the displayed figures are not those actually used in its computations, and so, for example, the difference of two numbers may differ from the difference of their displayed values. Although such departures are usually beyond the 15th decimal, exceptions do occur, especially for very large or very small numbers. Serious errors can occur if decisions are made based upon automated comparisons of numbers (for example, using the Excel If function), as equality of two numbers can be unpredictable.[citation needed]

In the figure, the fraction 1/9000 is displayed in Excel. Although this number has a decimal representation that is an infinite string of ones, Excel displays only the leading 15 figures. In the second line, the number one is added to the fraction, and again Excel displays only 15 figures. In the third line, one is subtracted from the sum using Excel. Because the sum in the second line has only eleven 1’s after the decimal, the difference when 1 is subtracted from this displayed value is three 0’s followed by a string of eleven 1’s. However, the difference reported by Excel in the third line is three 0’s followed by a string of thirteen 1’s and two extra erroneous digits. This is because Excel calculates with about half a digit more than it displays.

Excel works with a modified 1985 version of the IEEE 754 specification.[69] Excel’s implementation involves conversions between binary and decimal representations, leading to accuracy that is on average better than one would expect from simple fifteen digit precision, but that can be worse. See the main article for details.

Besides accuracy in user computations, the question of accuracy in Excel-provided functions may be raised. Particularly in the arena of statistical functions, Excel has been criticized for sacrificing accuracy for speed of calculation.[70][71]

As many calculations in Excel are executed using VBA, an additional issue is the accuracy of VBA, which varies with variable type and user-requested precision.[72]

Statistical functions

The accuracy and convenience of statistical tools in Excel has been criticized,[73][74][75][76][77] as mishandling missing data, as returning incorrect values due to inept handling of round-off and large numbers, as only selectively updating calculations on a spreadsheet when some cell values are changed, and as having a limited set of statistical tools. Microsoft has announced some of these issues are addressed in Excel 2010.[78]

Excel MOD function error

Excel has issues with modulo operations. In the case of excessively large results, Excel will return the error warning #NUM! instead of an answer.[79]

Fictional leap day in the year 1900

Excel includes February 29, 1900, incorrectly treating 1900 as a leap year, even though e.g. 2100 is correctly treated as a non-leap year.[80][81] The bug originated from Lotus 1-2-3 (deliberately implemented to save computer memory), and was also purposely implemented in Excel, for the purpose of bug compatibility.[82] This legacy has later been carried over into Office Open XML file format.[83]

Thus a (not necessarily whole) number greater than or equal to 61 interpreted as a date and time are the (real) number of days after December 30, 1899, 0:00, a non-negative number less than 60 is the number of days after December 31, 1899, 0:00, and numbers with whole part 60 represent the fictional day.

Date range

Excel supports dates with years in the range 1900–9999, except that December 31, 1899, can be entered as 0 and is displayed as 0-jan-1900.

Converting a fraction of a day into hours, minutes and days by treating it as a moment on the day January 1, 1900, does not work for a negative fraction.[84]

Conversion problems

Entering text that happens to be in a form that is interpreted as a date, the text can be unintentionally changed to a standard date format. A similar problem occurs when a text happens to be in the form of a floating-point notation of a number. In these cases the original exact text cannot be recovered from the result. Formatting the cell as TEXT before entering ambiguous text prevents Excel from converting to a date.

This issue has caused a well known problem in the analysis of DNA, for example in bioinformatics. As first reported in 2004,[85] genetic scientists found that Excel automatically and incorrectly converts certain gene names into dates. A follow-up study in 2016 found many peer reviewed scientific journal papers had been affected and that «Of the selected journals, the proportion of published articles with Excel files containing gene lists that are affected by gene name errors is 19.6 %.»[86] Excel parses the copied and pasted data and sometimes changes them depending on what it thinks they are. For example, MARCH1 (Membrane Associated Ring-CH-type finger 1) gets converted to the date March 1 (1-Mar) and SEPT2 (Septin 2) is converted into September 2 (2-Sep) etc.[87] While some secondary news sources[88] reported this as a fault with Excel, the original authors of the 2016 paper placed the blame with the researchers misusing Excel.[86][89]

In August 2020 the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) published new guidelines in the journal Nature regarding gene naming in order to avoid issues with «symbols that affect data handling and retrieval.» So far 27 genes have been renamed, including changing MARCH1 to MARCHF1 and SEPT1 to SEPTIN1 in order to avoid accidental conversion of the gene names into dates.[90]

Errors with large strings

The following functions return incorrect results when passed a string longer than 255 characters:[91]

  • type() incorrectly returns 16, meaning «Error value»
  • IsText(), when called as a method of the VBA object WorksheetFunction (i.e., WorksheetFunction.IsText() in VBA), incorrectly returns «false».


Microsoft Excel will not open two documents with the same name and instead will display the following error:

A document with the name ‘%s’ is already open. You cannot open two documents with the same name, even if the documents are in different folders. To open the second document, either close the document that is currently open, or rename one of the documents.[92]

The reason is for calculation ambiguity with linked cells. If there is a cell ='[Book1.xlsx]Sheet1'!$G$33, and there are two books named «Book1» open, there is no way to tell which one the user means.[93]


Early history

Microsoft originally marketed a spreadsheet program called Multiplan in 1982. Multiplan became very popular on CP/M systems, but on MS-DOS systems it lost popularity to Lotus 1-2-3. Microsoft released the first version of Excel for the Macintosh on September 30, 1985, and the first Windows version was 2.05 (to synchronize with the Macintosh version 2.2) on November 19, 1987.[94][95] Lotus was slow to bring 1-2-3 to Windows and by the early 1990s, Excel had started to outsell 1-2-3 and helped Microsoft achieve its position as a leading PC software developer. This accomplishment solidified Microsoft as a valid competitor and showed its future of developing GUI software. Microsoft maintained its advantage with regular new releases, every two years or so.

Microsoft Windows

Excel 2.0 is the first version of Excel for the Intel platform. Versions prior to 2.0 were only available on the Apple Macintosh.

Excel 2.0 (1987)

The first Windows version was labeled «2» to correspond to the Mac version. It was announced on October 6, 1987, and released on November 19.[96] This included a run-time version of Windows.[97]

BYTE in 1989 listed Excel for Windows as among the «Distinction» winners of the BYTE Awards. The magazine stated that the port of the «extraordinary» Macintosh version «shines», with a user interface as good as or better than the original.

Excel 3.0 (1990)

Included toolbars, drawing capabilities, outlining, add-in support, 3D charts, and many more new features.[97]

Excel 4.0 (1992)

Introduced auto-fill.[98]

Also, an easter egg in Excel 4.0 reveals a hidden animation of a dancing set of numbers 1 through 3, representing Lotus 1-2-3, which is then crushed by an Excel logo.[99]

Excel 5.0 (1993)

With version 5.0, Excel has included Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), a programming language based on Visual Basic which adds the ability to automate tasks in Excel and to provide user-defined functions (UDF) for use in worksheets. VBA includes a fully featured integrated development environment (IDE). Macro recording can produce VBA code replicating user actions, thus allowing simple automation of regular tasks. VBA allows the creation of forms and in‑worksheet controls to communicate with the user. The language supports use (but not creation) of ActiveX (COM) DLL’s; later versions add support for class modules allowing the use of basic object-oriented programming techniques.

The automation functionality provided by VBA made Excel a target for macro viruses. This caused serious problems until antivirus products began to detect these viruses. Microsoft belatedly took steps to prevent the misuse by adding the ability to disable macros completely, to enable macros when opening a workbook or to trust all macros signed using a trusted certificate.

Versions 5.0 to 9.0 of Excel contain various Easter eggs, including a «Hall of Tortured Souls», a Doom-like minigame, although since version 10 Microsoft has taken measures to eliminate such undocumented features from their products.[100]

5.0 was released in a 16-bit x86 version for Windows 3.1 and later in a 32-bit version for NT 3.51 (x86/Alpha/PowerPC)

Excel 95 (v7.0)

Released in 1995 with Microsoft Office for Windows 95, this is the first major version after Excel 5.0, as there is no Excel 6.0 with all of the Office applications standardizing on the same major version number.

Internal rewrite to 32-bits. Almost no external changes, but faster and more stable.

Excel 95 contained a hidden Doom-like mini-game called «The Hall of Tortured Souls», a series of rooms featuring the names and faces of the developers as an easter egg.[101]

Excel 97 (v8.0)

Included in Office 97 (for x86 and Alpha). This was a major upgrade that introduced the paper clip office assistant and featured standard VBA used instead of internal Excel Basic. It introduced the now-removed Natural Language labels.

This version of Excel includes a flight simulator as an Easter Egg.

Excel 2000 (v9.0)

Included in Office 2000. This was a minor upgrade but introduced an upgrade to the clipboard where it can hold multiple objects at once. The Office Assistant, whose frequent unsolicited appearance in Excel 97 had annoyed many users, became less intrusive.

A small 3-D game called «Dev Hunter» (inspired by Spy Hunter) was included as an easter egg.[102][103]

Excel 2002 (v10.0)

Included in Office XP. Very minor enhancements.

Excel 2003 (v11.0)

Included in Office 2003. Minor enhancements.

Excel 2007 (v12.0)

Included in Office 2007. This release was a major upgrade from the previous version. Similar to other updated Office products, Excel in 2007 used the new Ribbon menu system. This was different from what users were used to, and was met with mixed reactions. One study reported fairly good acceptance by users except highly experienced users and users of word processing applications with a classical WIMP interface, but was less convinced in terms of efficiency and organization.[104] However, an online survey reported that a majority of respondents had a negative opinion of the change, with advanced users being «somewhat more negative» than intermediate users, and users reporting a self-estimated reduction in productivity.

Added functionality included Tables,[105] and the SmartArt set of editable business diagrams. Also added was an improved management of named variables through the Name Manager, and much-improved flexibility in formatting graphs, which allow (x, y) coordinate labeling and lines of arbitrary weight. Several improvements to pivot tables were introduced.

Also like other office products, the Office Open XML file formats were introduced, including .xlsm for a workbook with macros and .xlsx for a workbook without macros.[106]

Specifically, many of the size limitations of previous versions were greatly increased. To illustrate, the number of rows was now 1,048,576 (220) and columns was 16,384 (214; the far-right column is XFD). This changes what is a valid A1 reference versus a named range. This version made more extensive use of multiple cores for the calculation of spreadsheets; however, VBA macros are not handled in parallel and XLL add‑ins were only executed in parallel if they were thread-safe and this was indicated at registration.

Excel 2010 (v14.0)

Microsoft Excel 2010 running on Windows 7

Included in Office 2010, this is the next major version after v12.0, as version number 13 was skipped.

Minor enhancements and 64-bit support,[107] including the following:

  • Multi-threading recalculation (MTR) for commonly used functions
  • Improved pivot tables
  • More conditional formatting options
  • Additional image editing capabilities
  • In-cell charts called sparklines
  • Ability to preview before pasting
  • Office 2010 backstage feature for document-related tasks
  • Ability to customize the Ribbon
  • Many new formulas, most highly specialized to improve accuracy[108]

Excel 2013 (v15.0)

Included in Office 2013, along with a lot of new tools included in this release:

  • Improved Multi-threading and Memory Contention
  • FlashFill[109]
  • Power View[110]
  • Power Pivot[111]
  • Timeline Slicer
  • Windows App
  • Inquire[112]
  • 50 new functions[113]

Excel 2016 (v16.0)

Included in Office 2016, along with a lot of new tools included in this release:

  • Power Query integration
  • Read-only mode for Excel
  • Keyboard access for Pivot Tables and Slicers in Excel
  • New Chart Types
  • Quick data linking in Visio
  • Excel forecasting functions
  • Support for multiselection of Slicer items using touch
  • Time grouping and Pivot Chart Drill Down
  • Excel data cards[114]

Excel 2019, Excel 2021, Office 365 and subsequent (v16.0)

Microsoft no longer releases Office or Excel in discrete versions. Instead, features are introduced automatically over time using Windows Update. The version number remains 16.0. Thereafter only the approximate dates when features appear can now be given.

  • Dynamic Arrays. These are essentially Array Formulas but they «Spill» automatically into neighboring cells and does not need the ctrl-shift-enter to create them. Further, dynamic arrays are the default format, with new «@» and «#» operators to provide compatibility with previous versions. This is perhaps the biggest structural change since 2007, and is in response to a similar feature in Google Sheets. Dynamic arrays started appearing in pre-releases about 2018, and as of March 2020 are available in published versions of Office 365 provided a user selected «Office Insiders».

Apple Macintosh

Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011

  • 1985 Excel 1.0
  • 1988 Excel 1.5
  • 1989 Excel 2.2
  • 1990 Excel 3.0
  • 1992 Excel 4.0
  • 1993 Excel 5.0 (part of Office 4.x—Final Motorola 680×0 version[115] and first PowerPC version)
  • 1998 Excel 8.0 (part of Office 98)
  • 2000 Excel 9.0 (part of Office 2001)
  • 2001 Excel 10.0 (part of Office v. X)
  • 2004 Excel 11.0 (part of Office 2004)
  • 2008 Excel 12.0 (part of Office 2008)
  • 2010 Excel 14.0 (part of Office 2011)
  • 2015 Excel 15.0 (part of Office 2016—Office 2016 for Mac brings the Mac version much closer to parity with its Windows cousin, harmonizing many of the reporting and high-level developer functions, while bringing the ribbon and styling into line with its PC counterpart.)[116]


  • 1989 Excel 2.2
  • 1990 Excel 2.3
  • 1991 Excel 3.0


Legend: Old version, not maintained Older version, still maintained Current stable version
Microsoft Excel for Windows release history

Year Name Version Comments
1987 Excel 2 2.0 Renumbered to 2 to correspond with contemporary Macintosh version. Supported macros (later known as Excel 4 macros).
1990 Excel 3 3.0 Added 3D graphing capabilities
1992 Excel 4 4.0 Introduced auto-fill feature
1993 Excel 5 5.0 Included Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and various object-oriented options
1995 Excel 95 7.0 Renumbered for contemporary Word version. Both programs were packaged in Microsoft Office by this time.
1997 Excel 97 8.0
2000 Excel 2000 9.0 Part of Microsoft Office 2000, which was itself part of Windows Millennium (also known as «Windows ME»).
2002 Excel 2002 10.0
2003 Excel 2003 11.0 Released only 1 year later to correspond better with the rest of Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, etc.).
2007 Excel 2007 12.0
2010 Excel 2010 14.0 Due to superstitions surrounding the number 13, Excel 13 was skipped in version counting.
2013 Excel 2013 15.0 Introduced 50 more mathematical functions (available as pre-packaged commands, rather than typing the formula manually).
2016 Excel 2016 16.0 Part of Microsoft Office 2016
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh release history

Year Name Version Comments
1985 Excel 1 1.0 Initial version of Excel. Supported macros (later known as Excel 4 macros).
1988 Excel 1.5 1.5
1989 Excel 2 2.2
1990 Excel 3 3.0
1992 Excel 4 4.0
1993 Excel 5 5.0 Only available on PowerPC-based Macs. First PowerPC version.
1998 Excel 98 8.0 Excel 6 and Excel 7 were skipped to correspond with the rest of Microsoft Office at the time.
2000 Excel 2000 9.0
2001 Excel 2001 10.0
2004 Excel 2004 11.0
2008 Excel 2008 12.0
2011 Excel 2011 14.0 As with the Windows version, version 13 was skipped for superstitious reasons.
2016 Excel 2016 16.0 As with the rest of Microsoft Office, so it is for Excel: Future release dates for the Macintosh version are intended to correspond better to those for the Windows version, from 2016 onward.
Microsoft Excel for OS/2 release history

Year Name Version Comments
1989 Excel 2.2 2.2 Numbered in between Windows versions at the time
1990 Excel 2.3 2.3
1991 Excel 3 3.0 Last OS/2 version. Discontinued subseries of Microsoft Excel, which is otherwise still an actively developed program.


Excel offers many user interface tweaks over the earliest electronic spreadsheets; however, the essence remains the same as in the original spreadsheet software, VisiCalc: the program displays cells organized in rows and columns, and each cell may contain data or a formula, with relative or absolute references to other cells.

Excel 2.0 for Windows, which was modeled after its Mac GUI-based counterpart, indirectly expanded the installed base of the then-nascent Windows environment. Excel 2.0 was released a month before Windows 2.0, and the installed base of Windows was so low at that point in 1987 that Microsoft had to bundle a runtime version of Windows 1.0 with Excel 2.0.[117] Unlike Microsoft Word, there never was a DOS version of Excel.

Excel became the first spreadsheet to allow the user to define the appearance of spreadsheets (fonts, character attributes, and cell appearance). It also introduced intelligent cell re-computation, where only cells dependent on the cell being modified are updated (previous spreadsheet programs recomputed everything all the time or waited for a specific user command). Excel introduced auto-fill, the ability to drag and expand the selection box to automatically copy a cell or row contents to adjacent cells or rows, adjusting the copies intelligently by automatically incrementing cell references or contents. Excel also introduced extensive graphing capabilities.


Because Excel is widely used, it has been attacked by hackers. While Excel is not directly exposed to the Internet, if an attacker can get a victim to open a file in Excel, and there is an appropriate security bug in Excel, then the attacker can gain control of the victim’s computer.[118] UK’s GCHQ has a tool named TORNADO ALLEY with this purpose.[119][120]


Besides the easter eggs, numerous games have been created or recreated in Excel, such as Tetris, 2048, Scrabble, Yahtzee, Angry Birds, Pac-Man, Civilization, Monopoly, Battleship, Blackjack, Space Invaders, and others.[121][122][123][124][125]

In 2020, Excel became an esport with the advent of the Financial Modeling World Cup.[126]

See also

  • Comparison of spreadsheet software
  • Numbers (spreadsheet)—the iWork equivalent
  • Spreadmart
  • Financial Modeling World Cup, online esport financial modelling competition using Excel


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  • Bullen, Stephen; Bovey, Rob; Green, John (2009). Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel and VBA (2nd ed.). Boston: Addison Wesley. ISBN 978-0-321-50879-9.
  • Dodge, Mark; Stinson, Craig (2007). Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Inside Out. Redmond, Wash.: Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-2321-7.
  • Billo, E. Joseph (2011). Excel for Chemists: A Comprehensive Guide (3rd ed.). Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-470-38123-6.
  • Gordon, Andy (January 25, 2021). «LAMBDA: The ultimate Excel worksheet function». microsoft.com. Microsoft. Retrieved April 23, 2021.

External links

Wikibooks has a book on the topic of: Excel

  • Microsoft Excel – official site

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Часто приходится работать с крупными файлами Excel, в которых вычисления затрагивают не менее 40 тысяч строк и более 20-30 столбцов с исходными данными. Не самый лучший метод использования для этого Excel, но так надо.

Во вложении файл с примитивнейшими формулами с вычислениями в многопоточном режиме. Использовать 1 ядро для теста нецелесообразно, как это было в соседней ветке.

Поглядываю на линейку Ryzen 9 для замены своего Ryzen 7 200. Больше всего, конечно, напрягается процессор.

Хотелось бы увидеть результаты ваших тестов на современных процессорах в формате:
1) Время работы макроса 1 мин 40 сек.
2) ЦП AMD Ryzen 7 2700
3) ОЗУ 16 ГБ DDR 4 2133 МГц
4) Материнка MSI B450-A PRO
5) Office 2019 x64. Важно 32 или 64 бит.

Даже если у вас сборка попроще, любопытно будет посмотреть насколько соизмеряются оценки в синтетических тестах с приростом производительности в конкретных задачах Excel.

Serguei1988, Intel Core i9-12900K., сток
Serguei1988, Intel Core i5-11600, сток
mraklbrw, Ryzen 7 5800X
snake32, Intel Core i5-10900
snake32, ЦП AMD Ryzen 9 5950Х (unlimit+PBO = 218W в пике)
dimank666, ЦП Intel Core i7-8700K, разгон 4700
K2K, i5 10600K сток — 4.5ггц
amodoz, QuadCore AMD A10-9600P, 2600 MHz


Дно пробито

3948 / 2660 / 371

Регистрация: 07.10.2020

Сообщений: 18,819

08.01.2022, 01:53


Argus34 мужик это бесполезный тест — для проверки скорости вычислений только процессора давно уже есть специальное ПО .

Сообщение от Argus34
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3) ОЗУ 16 ГБ DDR 4 2133 МГц

и ты взял такую память для АМД ? Сразу видно «прошаренность» в теме . Или она таки на нормальной частоте работает — от 2800 и выше ?

Кулер хоть под процц нормальный поставил или тоже как и с ОЗУ ?


1 / 1 / 1

Регистрация: 08.06.2019

Сообщений: 9

08.01.2022, 10:38



Сообщение от Wadim_Ymniy
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Argus34 мужик это бесполезный тест — для проверки скорости вычислений только процессора давно уже есть специальное ПО .

Я знаю, что есть и ПО, и сотни сайтов, в которых можно посмотреть результаты в попугаях. Но мне нужно собственное понимание, как будет вести себя конкретная программа Excel при наращивании мощности процессора. Важно выяснить, даст ли двукратный прирост в попугаях увеличение скорости расчетов в Excel хотя бы на 80%.

Сообщение от Wadim_Ymniy
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и ты взял такую память для АМД ? Сразу видно «прошаренность» в теме . Или она таки на нормальной частоте работает — от 2800 и выше ?

Память работала на частоте 2933, ни секундой быстрее этот файл не стал считаться. Вернул на стандартные 2133.
Вернемся к п.1. Мне нужно понимание работы в конкретной единственной программе. Что показывает высокая частота ОЗУ в каких-то вымышленных примерах мне не так интересно.

Сообщение от Wadim_Ymniy
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Кулер хоть под процц нормальный поставил или тоже как и с ОЗУ ?

Температура процессора в 47 C под непрерывной 100% нагрузкой меня вполне устраивает. Покупал около 2 лет назад, даже смотреть сейчас не хочется.


Дно пробито

3948 / 2660 / 371

Регистрация: 07.10.2020

Сообщений: 18,819

08.01.2022, 11:03


Память работала на частоте 2933, ни секундой быстрее этот файл не стал считаться. Вернул на стандартные 2133.

интересно — первый раз слышу что АМД на более быстрой памяти быстрее работать не стал : видимо тайминги слишком высокие были . Ну или работа накопителя тоже влияет на результат . А может процц не слишком хорошо буститься .


1 / 1 / 1

Регистрация: 08.06.2019

Сообщений: 9

08.01.2022, 11:21



Сообщение от Wadim_Ymniy
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интересно — первый раз слышу что АМД на более быстрой памяти быстрее работать не стал : видимо тайминги слишком высокие были . Ну или работа накопителя тоже влияет на результат . А может процц не слишком хорошо буститься .

Накопитель Samsung 970 EVO Plus MZ-V7S250BW 250ГБ.
Экспериментировал со своим реальным отчетом: размер файла 40Мб, перекинул его на обычный HDD, тоже ничего не изменилось. Конечно, система и сам Office стоят на самсунге. Этого, похоже, достаточно. Местоположение самого файла Excel уже роли нам не играет.

Здесь самый главный затуп — это сам Excel. Многие плюются в сторону тех, кто громоздкие вычисления проводит в Excel. Но что поделать, того требует работа. Поэтому не хочется вливать деньги в железо, если оно не сможет показать весь свой потенциал.


Дно пробито

3948 / 2660 / 371

Регистрация: 07.10.2020

Сообщений: 18,819

08.01.2022, 11:32


Вероятно всё дело в частоте ядер и кеша — попробуй процц разгогнать перед тестом : если поможет — то лучше брать Инуль типа 11700К — если нет , что угодно .


1 / 1 / 1

Регистрация: 08.06.2019

Сообщений: 9

08.01.2022, 12:31



Сообщение от Wadim_Ymniy
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Вероятно всё дело в частоте ядер и кеша — попробуй процц разгогнать перед тестом : если поможет — то лучше брать Инуль типа 11700К — если нет , что угодно .

Кстати, вчера уже попробовал. Разогнал немного, только на 7%, не люблю я это дело. Прирост по времени составил 5%. Опять же 5% могут быть посчитаны с погрешностью, т.к. продолжительность первоначального замера была всего 100 секунд. Но тоже вполне ощутимый результат.

Попросил еще на работе коллег погонять файл. У одного есть AMD Ryzen 7 3700X и 32 Гб DDR4 3000 МГц. Давно хотел потестить его комп, но как-то не удавалось созвониться.


Дно пробито

3948 / 2660 / 371

Регистрация: 07.10.2020

Сообщений: 18,819

08.01.2022, 12:38


Если роляет частота ядер и кеша с латентностью лучше взять Интуль на апдейт . А разгонять проще когда ядер 6 — к примеру отключить два ядра и провести тест раза 3 , потом разогнать на 10% эдак процентов и провести тест ещё раз 3 .


426 / 145 / 2

Регистрация: 08.04.2017

Сообщений: 6,444

09.01.2022, 01:25


1. Время работы макроса: 7 секунд.
2. ЦП: Intel Core i9-12900K.
3. ОЗУ: DDR 5 6000 МГц.
4. Мат. плата: ASUS ROG Strix Z690F-Gaming.
5. MS Office LTSC Стандартный 2021 года, 32-разрядный.
6. Windows 11 Pro.


Тестирование процессоров в работе с Excel (многопоточные вычисления)


426 / 145 / 2

Регистрация: 08.04.2017

Сообщений: 6,444

10.01.2022, 23:16


У бати на компе прогнал. Честно говоря, думал, что будет намного быстрее.

1. Время работы макроса: 1 минута 17 секунд.
2. ЦП: Intel Core i5-11600.
3. ОЗУ: DDR 4 3600 МГц.
4. Мат. плата: ASRock B560 Pro4.
5. MS Office LTSC Стандартный 2021 года, 32-разрядный.
6. Windows 10 Pro.


Тестирование процессоров в работе с Excel (многопоточные вычисления)


Дно пробито

3948 / 2660 / 371

Регистрация: 07.10.2020

Сообщений: 18,819

10.01.2022, 23:17


Видимо таки однопоток роляет


100 / 84 / 17

Регистрация: 01.04.2017

Сообщений: 779

11.01.2022, 01:28


1. Время работы макроса: 8 секунд.
2. ЦП: Ryzen 7 5800X.
3. ОЗУ: DDR 4 32 GB 2933 МГц.
4. Мат. плата: Gigabyte B550 Aurus Pro V2.
5. MS Office 365 X64, не обновлённый уже около года.
6. Windows 10 Home X64.


Тестирование процессоров в работе с Excel (многопоточные вычисления)


100 / 84 / 17

Регистрация: 01.04.2017

Сообщений: 779

11.01.2022, 01:29


Wadim_Ymniy, разрыв >10x. В чём-то другом дело.


Дно пробито

3948 / 2660 / 371

Регистрация: 07.10.2020

Сообщений: 18,819

11.01.2022, 01:33


Латентность памяти у тебя какая на АМД ?


100 / 84 / 17

Регистрация: 01.04.2017

Сообщений: 779

11.01.2022, 01:34


Wadim_Ymniy, если вопрос адресован мне — то не смотрел.


Дно пробито

3948 / 2660 / 371

Регистрация: 07.10.2020

Сообщений: 18,819

11.01.2022, 01:54


У Интуль как правило ниже заметно — отсюда в том числе скорость расчётов идти может

Argus34 латентность памяти сколько ?


426 / 145 / 2

Регистрация: 08.04.2017

Сообщений: 6,444

11.01.2022, 04:39


Да, меня тоже результаты, мягко говоря, удивляют. Не на столько же разница должна быть.


9145 / 7043 / 460

Регистрация: 15.12.2010

Сообщений: 38,180

11.01.2022, 11:44


Сообщение от Serguei1988
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Да, меня тоже результаты, мягко говоря, удивляют. Не на столько же разница должна быть.

На i5-11600 лимиты надо отключить. Память в каком режиме gear 1 или gear 2?
Памяти оперативной сколько?


3231 / 1421 / 233

Регистрация: 26.02.2009

Сообщений: 7,401

Записей в блоге: 5

11.01.2022, 12:10


1. Время работы макроса: 47-49 секунд.
2. ЦП: Intel Core i5-10900 (в начале 152W пока бустит несколько сек. потом 115W; 70 градусов; Куллер DeepCool 400EX)
3. ОЗУ: DDR4 2*16Gb 3200CL16-18-18-38-560-2T
4. Мат. плата: Asus TUF Gaming Z490-PLUS
5. MS Excel 2013 (15.0.5407.1000), 64-разрядный.
6. Windows 10 Pro. 20H2

Тут явно что-то не то) не может 12900К и 5800Х быть в 6 раз быстрее
Дома есть 5950Х но там тоже офис древний и ещё не активированный в придачу)


Тестирование процессоров в работе с Excel (многопоточные вычисления)


426 / 145 / 2

Регистрация: 08.04.2017

Сообщений: 6,444

11.01.2022, 14:14


gfadsa111, так у меня же не отключены лимиты в 12900К.
Всё в стоке.

Да, забыл объём памяти указать: 16 ГБ. Какой Gear не смотрел.

Добавлено через 1 минуту
Вот вам и тесты, блин)

Автор, бери систему на Ryzen 5800X. пушка будет под твои задачи


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[SOLVED] Best CPU Solution for Large Complicated Excel Files

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    Apr 25, 2019

You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites correctly.
You should upgrade or use an alternative browser.

Apr 25, 2019




  • #1

I work at an investing firm and we often receive significant amounts of data on companies that we need to crunch in excel. At the extreme, this can be as much as 20 million data points, with millions of rows of volatile formulas such as indirect functions, index match, etc running off of this data, interconnected across dozens of tabs. As a result, my company-issued laptop which we use as a desktop replacement, a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon, either can’t do these tasks or it can take several days to do a task that could have taken 20 minutes if it weren’t for the lag. I’m running a dual core i7 with 2.7ghz or so and 16 gb of ram — so lots of room for improvement to say the least.

Even when not working with these very large and complex files, my CPU reaches 100% utilization literally every single day and causes significant efficiency to my workflows.

There would be a major financial return on investing in high powered desktops or laptops for our organization and I have convinced the firm of the need. Because of the nature of our work, we are willing to pay for something that will be lag free for everything we do because it will directly pay for itself many times over.

Some are going to tell me I should use Tableau or something else for these files and I would ask those people to, respectfully, please press the back button on your browser now.

For Excel in particular, are there any limits to how much it can take advantage of clock speed, cores, or i7/I9/Xeon?

Does anyone have ideas on the best path to take to not have CPU be a bottleneck? What computer should we be buying? We’d probably pay up to $4k per machine if necessary.

Our IT firm is horrendous and has been really unhelpful here. In general everyone we speak to underestimates our level of need because they do not understand our work.

Thank you very much in advance for your honest advice.


  • geofelt


  • Apr 26, 2019
A bunch of questions, let me see if I can address some:

Task manager interpretation can be tricky. In your case when you see 100% you can be certain that all cores are fully utilized and that cpu performance is your limiting factor.
Windows will spread out the activity across all available threads.
So, if you happen to see less that 100% busy, your limitation could very well be because you are limited by the performance of a single thread and what you see is that thread activity spread over many threads.
Individual single thread performance is almost always of great importance.

Memory utilization is also tricky. Windows manages memory and keeps some amount available for instant use. Windows will also keep unused code in ram so…


Jan 4, 2016




  • #2

To give any such recommendations, workload analysis should be performed.
Monitoring of CPU, RAM, Disk usage is necessary.

Component hitting 100% utilization obviously needs to be upgraded.
If cpu is at 100% utilization, then more cores are necessary. Then again — too much cores may not give any improvement over somewhat less cores.

For example i7-8700(k) has 6 cores/12 threads. Should be enough for your workload.
i9-9900(k) has 8 cores/16 threads. Would it provide better performance for your type of workload? Hard to tell. You’d have to test it.


Jan 10, 2006




  • #3

100% on both cores? including HT cores? how much memory are you using?
The key question is how parallel is the data, if each ‘row’ is independent of others then you can create a high degree of parallelism, if each core is not then you will struggle.
You need to test it.
Does anyone in the business have a better PC? Can you encourage any suppliers to ‘demonstrate’ a PC with a modern CPU?
Personally I’d be thinking next gen ryzen (coming very soon), get an R7, and you might get 12cores, 24 threads (if rumours are true) at a decent clock speed (rumours). Intel you are stuck on 8 cores unless you go i9, in which case 8 core 16 threads, and something that is a monster to cool, is high in the stack and I wouldn’t want it in an office machine (v noisy without careful consideration). Or go workstation class machines, high end desktop, threadripper, xeon etc. but you are probably hitting diminishing returns at that point.
Will it be real time, not a chance, could it be 1-2 mins, quite possibly.
Re-working your workflow however is a consideration for the next 12-24 months, you are at the edge, and that’s not a fun place to be.


Mar 18, 2013




  • #4

To follow up with what SkyNetRising was saying- the tricky part is Excel does use multiple cores- but not for all functions. So some functions will get faster the more cores you provide, but then you can easily get bottlenecked if you rely on a function (example given on MS forum is macros) that can only use 1 thread. On that basis you really need a combination of high core count and high clock speed to get the best balance.

Here is a recent review of the new ThreadRipper cpu’s which includes a comparison in an Excel workload (however keep in mind your workload may be quite diffrent):

Note that the 2990WX has twice the core count of the 2950X, yet actually performs slower than the latter due to lower clocks / reduced memory bandwidth.

I would strongly recommend you look at a desktop machine however, you cannot hit the frequencies or core counts with laptops.

Edit: If you would like some recommendations to look at, I think a good HEDT based machine would be a good idea. To keep in a sensible budget you probable need to look at a machine with 12 — 16 cores.

Current Intel Options: i9-9920X (12 core, up to 4.4ghz) or i9-9960X (16 cores, also up to 4.4 ghz).
AMD options: Threadripper 2920X (12 cores up to 4.3ghz) or 2950X (16 cores up to 4.4ghz)

The 2950X will likely sit between the two Intel options in performance (however it costs less than the 9920X) so probably represents the best value, however Intel might be the way to go if you are looking for best performance at any cost.

Memory wise, all these cpu’s need quad channel memory so you’ll need to be pairing them with at least 32gb of ram (4 x 8).

The other thing that is a good idea with this type of workload (and in general) is fast storage- ideally you want your data to be stored on a NVME SSD drive for best loading / saving performance.

Last edited: Apr 25, 2019


Mar 14, 2013




  • #5

Do you plan to use a desktop/server?

Im familiar with Tableau and we tend to run it in a vm with pretty high cpu and ram resource (12cores and 64gb ram), with the SQL running in a seperate mssql vm.


Mar 25, 2010




  • #8

What version of Office are you using, and is it 32 or 64 bit office? You would want 64 bit office, since 32 bit office will still limit memory use for the program.

Excel is pretty bad with speed and crashing/locking up when there is a lot of data and calculations it does, it is probably the #1 complaint I see for «computer is running slow».

We have also been buying programs like Tableau.

For a system, a desktop workstation or a laptop workstation (not a light system like the Carbon, those never get very fast due to heat issues) are good. I like the Lenovo workstation laptops if you need to be portable.

In my tests a few years ago, a 3 years older quad core i7 ran Excel much faster and more stable than a newer dual core laptop i5.


Mar 14, 2013




  • #9

What version of Office are you using, and is it 32 or 64 bit office? You would want 64 bit office, since 32 bit office will still limit memory use for the program.

Excel is pretty bad with speed and crashing/locking up when there is a lot of data and calculations it does, it is probably the #1 complaint I see for «computer is running slow».

We have also been buying programs like Tableau.

For a system, a desktop workstation or a laptop workstation (not a light system like the Carbon, those never get very fast due to heat issues) are good. I like the Lenovo workstation laptops if you need to be portable.

In my tests a few years ago, a 3 years older quad core i7 ran Excel much faster and more stable than a newer dual core laptop i5.

I agree. If it has to be a laptop, look a proper desktop replacements with the higher end 6 core cpus.


Oct 9, 2006




  • #10

If you need portability, buy a laptop.
Unfortunately, laptops have limited cooling capability and can throttle under heavy cpu load.
A laptop solution does not seem to be right for this application.

Next is the question of How multithreaded your EXCEL application may be.
How much does YOUR app depend on single thread performance?

I suggest you build a pilot test system.
Set up a representative test benchmark.

Today, the fastest single thread processors come from Intel 9th gen. I suggest a test system based on a i9-9900K with 16 threads that costs about $500. Add to that a motherboard, lots of ram and you can build for less than your $4000 budget.
If your workload is truly multithreaded, then there are processors with higher core/thread counts. On your pilot system, you can reduce the thread count to see if there is a big impact on run times. If reducing threads has a big impact, then consider a processor that gives up on cpu speed for more tasks.
Amdahl’s law may start to impact your results with a very large number of threads

Also, see if you can determine how much ram you need to hold all of your data in ram where access is fastest. 128gb is possible.
If it is impractical to hold everything in ram, you need to consider a very fast I/O configuration.

Apr 25, 2019




  • #11

First of all, thank you all very much for taking the time to help out here. It is unbelievably helpful to be talking to people who actually know what they’re talking about.

100% on both cores? including HT cores? how much memory are you using?

The key question is how parallel is the data, if each ‘row’ is independent of others then you can create a high degree of parallelism, if each core is not then you will struggle.

You need to test it.

Does anyone in the business have a better PC? Can you encourage any suppliers to ‘demonstrate’ a PC with a modern CPU?

Personally I’d be thinking next gen ryzen (coming very soon), get an R7, and you might get 12cores, 24 threads (if rumours are true) at a decent clock speed (rumours). Intel you are stuck on 8 cores unless you go i9, in which case 8 core 16 threads, and something that is a monster to cool, is high in the stack and I wouldn’t want it in an office machine (v noisy without careful consideration). Or go workstation class machines, high end desktop, threadripper, xeon etc. but you are probably hitting diminishing returns at that point.

Will it be real time, not a chance, could it be 1-2 mins, quite possibly.

Re-working your workflow however is a consideration for the next 12-24 months, you are at the edge, and that’s not a fun place to be.

How can I tell if it’s 100% on both cores? When I go to task manager, the CPU column says 100% so I assume it’s all cores? Memory typically doesn’t go above 70% or so and I have 16 gb of RAM so would assume I don’t need more than 32 gb in the new computer.

Nobody has a better PC at our firm. It’s a good idea to have someone demo a PC — I can ask about this.

We were discussing having one very fast desktop for the office that people share for when they get the super complex files, and our IT vendor came up with the below — anyone have any views on this / if it would be optimal? This was the fastest processor they had in their inventory. Sounds like Ryzen might be even better? Would i9 be better than Xeon all else equal for these purposes or the reverse? They have a similar version of the below but with i9.

Dell Precision 5820 Tower,
Intel Xeon W-2145 3.7GHz, 34.5GHz Turbo, 8C
64GB of RAM
(2) 512GB SSD, RAID 1,
Dual NVIDIA® Quadro® P1000, 4GB, 8 mDP,

Then we were thinking of buying ThinkPad X1 Extreme laptops for each of us to use day to day , which has the following processor available:

8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-8850H vPro 6 Core Processor (2.60GHz, up to 4.30GHz with Turbo Boost, 9MB Cache)
32 gb of RAM
512 GB SSD

I don’t love that it’s i7 (vs i9 or Xeon which I presume is better) and only has 2.60GHz clock speed (so for single threaded actions in Excel it sounds like you guys are saying this would create a bottleneck) but I like that it’s 6 cores. But would a desktop CPU be faster than a laptop CPU, assuming the same cores / clock speed / i version?

To follow up with what SkyNetRising was saying- the tricky part is Excel does use multiple cores- but not for all functions. So some functions will get faster the more cores you provide, but then you can easily get bottlenecked if you rely on a function (example given on MS forum is macros) that can only use 1 thread. On that basis you really need a combination of high core count and high clock speed to get the best balance.

Here is a recent review of the new ThreadRipper cpu’s which includes a comparison in an Excel workload (however keep in mind your workload may be quite diffrent):

Note that the 2990WX has twice the core count of the 2950X, yet actually performs slower than the latter due to lower clocks / reduced memory bandwidth.

I would strongly recommend you look at a desktop machine however, you cannot hit the frequencies or core counts with laptops.

Edit: If you would like some recommendations to look at, I think a good HEDT based machine would be a good idea. To keep in a sensible budget you probable need to look at a machine with 12 — 16 cores.

Current Intel Options: i9-9920X (12 core, up to 4.4ghz) or i9-9960X (16 cores, also up to 4.4 ghz).
AMD options: Threadripper 2920X (12 cores up to 4.3ghz) or 2950X (16 cores up to 4.4ghz)

The 2950X will likely sit between the two Intel options in performance (however it costs less than the 9920X) so probably represents the best value, however Intel might be the way to go if you are looking for best performance at any cost.

Memory wise, all these cpu’s need quad channel memory so you’ll need to be pairing them with at least 32gb of ram (4 x 8).

The other thing that is a good idea with this type of workload (and in general) is fast storage- ideally you want your data to be stored on a NVME SSD drive for best loading / saving performance.

Super helpful. I think building our own machine would be out of the question because nobody here has the time or expertise. Can the processors you are contemplating be gotten in off the rack computers that have standard warranties, etc or would you recommend going to a company that builds custom machines (like Puget Systems (or maybe you know of one better than them))?

I didn’t realize that certain CPUs required certain amounts of memory — I always thought they were independent — thanks for calling to my attention. Is it just the CPUs you mentioned that require this or is there some rule of thumb around core count or something? Would more than 32 gb be advisable even if I’m only hitting 70% RAM usage or so on a heavy day even with 16 gb currently?

Yes we’d be using SSD for local storage but we also run files off of a network which I do think adds some sluggishness to the setup.

You mentioned single threaded excel operations are going to be hampered by low clock speed. I’m assuming the below would not be a good setup then due to the low basic clock speed? It has 4.30GHz Turbo Boost but I’m not sure what that means in practice. I asked my IT department to overclock my laptop and they said it would be a heating concern.

8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-8850H vPro 6 Core Processor (2.60GHz, up to 4.30GHz with Turbo Boost, 9MB Cache)
32 gb of RAM
512 GB SSD

He does say they could go for a desktop machine….

Correct — we are open to getting desktops for the team.

The reason we’d prefer laptops in a perfect world is that we are frequently on the road traveling to various cities meeting with companies and will often be forced to do work on airplanes, in hotels, etc.

That said, we do have a remote desktop solution that could theoretically allow us to use our current underpowered laptops to remote into our higher powered desktops at the office while we’re on the road which could mitigate the issue but hotels often have bad wifi / aggressive firewalls and planes especially are nightmares for internet access. It’s also more convenient to have one system that we can use everywhere that has all of our settings, plugins, programs, files, etc on it rather than having both a desktop and laptop.

However, a desktop is absolutely a direction we are willing to go down if the performance difference is large between a laptop like the one I outlined above and what these desktops can do for Excel in particular. Performance is our number one concern and we spend most of our time in the office.

That said, if you were to tell me that Excel caps out at a certain level and with the level of speed in the laptop I mentioned, we will be on an asymptote with respect to performance for what the program can handle that can’t really be improved upon much, then we would prefer the convenience of a laptop.

What version of Office are you using, and is it 32 or 64 bit office? You would want 64 bit office, since 32 bit office will still limit memory use for the program.

Excel is pretty bad with speed and crashing/locking up when there is a lot of data and calculations it does, it is probably the #1 complaint I see for «computer is running slow».

We have also been buying programs like Tableau.

For a system, a desktop workstation or a laptop workstation (not a light system like the Carbon, those never get very fast due to heat issues) are good. I like the Lenovo workstation laptops if you need to be portable.

In my tests a few years ago, a 3 years older quad core i7 ran Excel much faster and more stable than a newer dual core laptop i5.

I switched over to 64 bit office and don’t know if it made any difference unfortunately.

Funny you should mention Lenovo workstation laptops: I had been discussing the P72 with my team which is, according to their site, the fastest mobile workstation Lenovo makes. However, here’s the fastest processor available with the P72:
Intel® Xeon® E-2186M 6 core processor with vPro™ (2.90GHz, up to 4.80GHz with Turbo Boost Technology, 12MB Cache)

And this is the highest option for the X1 Extreme
8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-8850H vPro 6 Core Processor (2.60GHz, up to 4.30GHz with Turbo Boost, 9MB Cache)

Am I wrong to assume that the processors aren’t that different because they’re both 6 cores and only 0.30 GHz different at the low end and 0.50 GHz different with Turbo Boost? Or does the higher «Cache» make a difference — or is Xeon much faster than i7?

They really make this stuff difficult to compare for the average person like myself!

Is there a laptop that is better than the ones I’ve outlined, with higher clock speeds and 6+ cores, etc?

If you need portability, buy a laptop.
Unfortunately, laptops have limited cooling capability and can throttle under heavy cpu load.
A laptop solution does not seem to be right for this application.

Next is the question of How multithreaded your EXCEL application may be.
How much does YOUR app depend on single thread performance?

I suggest you build a pilot test system.
Set up a representative test benchmark.

Today, the fastest single thread processors come from Intel 9th gen. I suggest a test system based on a i9-9900K with 16 threads that costs about $500. Add to that a motherboard, lots of ram and you can build for less than your $4000 budget.
If your workload is truly multithreaded, then there are processors with higher core/thread counts. On your pilot system, you can reduce the thread count to see if there is a big impact on run times. If reducing threads has a big impact, then consider a processor that gives up on cpu speed for more tasks.
Amdahl’s law may start to impact your results with a very large number of threads

Also, see if you can determine how much ram you need to hold all of your data in ram where access is fastest. 128gb is possible.
If it is impractical to hold everything in ram, you need to consider a very fast I/O configuration.

Thanks — so I’m assuming this means a laptop with the same processor specs on paper as a desktop will be slower due to this cooling problem?

On your RAM point, are you saying that having more RAM is going to help me from a CPU perspective when that is the part that is maxing out in Task Manager? Does RAM step in to compensate somehow?

I agree. If it has to be a laptop, look a proper desktop replacements with the higher end 6 core cpus.

Sounds like you’re saying the laptops with 6 cores are true replacements for desktops from a performance perspective? Or you’re just saying they are the best among bad options?

Last edited: Apr 26, 2019


Jan 10, 2006




  • #12

I’d say best amongst bad options, ok for short bursts of speed, but not sustained speed.

The desktop/workstation that was offered is ok, the quadro is overkill as is the ram, unless your switch to 64 bit excel has an impact on ram usage.

If you are at 100% then both cores will be, right clicking on the cpu graph in taskmanager will give the option to show individual cores. If all four are high then note will probably be useful.


Mar 14, 2013




  • #13

Yeah I agree, pretty good, but not as good as the desktop chips.

Ideally a workstation with a 9900k would be great as you get 8c/16t and also very high single core performance.


Oct 9, 2006




  • #14

A bunch of questions, let me see if I can address some:

Task manager interpretation can be tricky. In your case when you see 100% you can be certain that all cores are fully utilized and that cpu performance is your limiting factor.
Windows will spread out the activity across all available threads.
So, if you happen to see less that 100% busy, your limitation could very well be because you are limited by the performance of a single thread and what you see is that thread activity spread over many threads.
Individual single thread performance is almost always of great importance.

Memory utilization is also tricky. Windows manages memory and keeps some amount available for instant use. Windows will also keep unused code in ram so that it is available for instant reuse. Other than cost, you can hardly have too much ram.
If you look at the hard fault page rate, that would identify a serious shortage of ram if the number is anything like one per second.

Since you are looking at multiple units, it makes sense to have a test system built.
I have no personal experience with PUGET systems, but I like their performance articles and think they would be a good option for a professionally built machine.

I3-I7-I9 does not tell the whole story.
It used to be that I3 was 2 cores, I5 was 4 and so on.
Laptop processors have different I-X meanings.
To get a reasonable idea of the performance capability of a processor, google the processor name and passmark.
For example i9-9900K would result in this:
It would identify a i9-9900K as having 8 cores plus 8 hyperthreads.
A hyperthread is a separately dispatchable thread that uses residual capabilities of the main core.
The performance rating of 20163 is the overall capability as measured by many user sample benchmarks.
The single thread rating of 2899 is the performance capability of a single thread.
The I7-8850H has 6 cores(12 threads) and a total rating of 13119 and single thread of 2474

The clock rate does not tell all. The performance per clock is what is important.
Today, the performance per clock for current 9th gen processors is about the same. Today, ryzen is very close to Intel on performance per clock, but not quite there.
Supposedly that will reach parity on the next ryzen gen.

There is a stock clock rate that all cores can run at.
Then, there is a turbo rate which allows a single core to speed up if conditions are right.
This happens when temperatures are under control and when other threads are not highly utilized.

K suffix processors can have adjustable core speeds(sometimes called overclocking)
This allows all cores to operate at a consistently high clock rate.
This is done by increasing core voltage.
How high is determined by the quality of the chip, something that Intel can not guarantee.
Running at higher voltage causes an increase in heat buildup so overclocking needs a better than average cooler.
As of 2/6/2019 from silicon lottery:
What percent can get an overclock at a somewhat sane vcore in the 1.275v to 1.312
And AVX offset = 2.

4.8 100%
4.9 86%
5.0 39%
5.1 8%
Current ryzen processors top out around 4.3

The intel processors will normally have integrated graphics which is sufficient for display purposes.
Some apps can use the CUDA cores of Nvidia graphics, but I have no knowledge if your app had that capability; I think not.

On ram, there are two things to look at, quantity and speed.
On quantity, you want to hold as much of the data you are working on in ram if possible. I have no idea as to what you would need. If you know the size of the data sets you will be working with, that might be a start.
I might guess that a kit of 2 x 16gb is right.
Buy what you need up front, ram must be matched and is sold as kits so adding ram later can be an issue.

Faster ram can benefit some applications but there is no need to go crazy on ram speeds. Base speed is perhaps 2400, 3000 to 3600 is likely right.

As to handling both a laptop and a desktop setup, I think you can handle that.
In the event that you need Nvidia CUDA cores for processing, the Lenovo thinkpad X1 extreme 15″ laptop comes with GTX1050ti graphics.
A fully loaded laptop run for a long time may throttle or reduce performance because of the limited cooling capability that needs to be crammed into a small space.

Since you are going to need a laptop solution, at least in part, why not buy a X1 extreme and test it out?
That way, you will get a better idea of how your apps perform before committing to a full blown roll out.


Mar 18, 2013




  • #15

First of all, thank you all very much for taking the time to help out here. It is unbelievably helpful to be talking to people who actually know what they’re talking about.

How can I tell if it’s 100% on both cores? When I go to task manager, the CPU column says 100% so I assume it’s all cores? Memory typically doesn’t go above 70% or so and I have 16 gb of RAM so would assume I don’t need more than 32 gb in the new computer.

Nobody has a better PC at our firm. It’s a good idea to have someone demo a PC — I can ask about this.

We were discussing having one very fast desktop for the office that people share for when they get the super complex files, and our IT vendor came up with the below — anyone have any views on this / if it would be optimal? This was the fastest processor they had in their inventory. Sounds like Ryzen might be even better? Would i9 be better than Xeon all else equal for these purposes or the reverse? They have a similar version of the below but with i9.

Dell Precision 5820 Tower,
Intel Xeon W-2145 3.7GHz, 34.5GHz Turbo, 8C
64GB of RAM
(2) 512GB SSD, RAID 1,
Dual NVIDIA® Quadro® P1000, 4GB, 8 mDP,

Then we were thinking of buying ThinkPad X1 Extreme laptops for each of us to use day to day , which has the following processor available:

8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-8850H vPro 6 Core Processor (2.60GHz, up to 4.30GHz with Turbo Boost, 9MB Cache)
32 gb of RAM
512 GB SSD

I don’t love that it’s i7 (vs i9 or Xeon which I presume is better) and only has 2.60GHz clock speed (so for single threaded actions in Excel it sounds like you guys are saying this would create a bottleneck) but I like that it’s 6 cores. But would a desktop CPU be faster than a laptop CPU, assuming the same cores / clock speed / i version?

Super helpful. I think building our own machine would be out of the question because nobody here has the time or expertise. Can the processors you are contemplating be gotten in off the rack computers that have standard warranties, etc or would you recommend going to a company that builds custom machines (like Puget Systems (or maybe you know of one better than them))?

I didn’t realize that certain CPUs required certain amounts of memory — I always thought they were independent — thanks for calling to my attention. Is it just the CPUs you mentioned that require this or is there some rule of thumb around core count or something? Would more than 32 gb be advisable even if I’m only hitting 70% RAM usage or so on a heavy day even with 16 gb currently?

Yes we’d be using SSD for local storage but we also run files off of a network which I do think adds some sluggishness to the setup.

You mentioned single threaded excel operations are going to be hampered by low clock speed. I’m assuming the below would not be a good setup then due to the low basic clock speed? It has 4.30GHz Turbo Boost but I’m not sure what that means in practice. I asked my IT department to overclock my laptop and they said it would be a heating concern.

8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-8850H vPro 6 Core Processor (2.60GHz, up to 4.30GHz with Turbo Boost, 9MB Cache)
32 gb of RAM
512 GB SSD

Correct — we are open to getting desktops for the team.

The reason we’d prefer laptops in a perfect world is that we are frequently on the road traveling to various cities meeting with companies and will often be forced to do work on airplanes, in hotels, etc.

That said, we do have a remote desktop solution that could theoretically allow us to use our current underpowered laptops to remote into our higher powered desktops at the office while we’re on the road which could mitigate the issue but hotels often have bad wifi / aggressive firewalls and planes especially are nightmares for internet access. It’s also more convenient to have one system that we can use everywhere that has all of our settings, plugins, programs, files, etc on it rather than having both a desktop and laptop.

However, a desktop is absolutely a direction we are willing to go down if the performance difference is large between a laptop like the one I outlined above and what these desktops can do for Excel in particular. Performance is our number one concern and we spend most of our time in the office.

That said, if you were to tell me that Excel caps out at a certain level and with the level of speed in the laptop I mentioned, we will be on an asymptote with respect to performance for what the program can handle that can’t really be improved upon much, then we would prefer the convenience of a laptop.

I switched over to 64 bit office and don’t know if it made any difference unfortunately.

Funny you should mention Lenovo workstation laptops: I had been discussing the P72 with my team which is, according to their site, the fastest mobile workstation Lenovo makes. However, here’s the fastest processor available with the P72:
Intel® Xeon® E-2186M 6 core processor with vPro™ (2.90GHz, up to 4.80GHz with Turbo Boost Technology, 12MB Cache)

And this is the highest option for the X1 Extreme
8th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-8850H vPro 6 Core Processor (2.60GHz, up to 4.30GHz with Turbo Boost, 9MB Cache)

Am I wrong to assume that the processors aren’t that different because they’re both 6 cores and only 0.30 GHz different at the low end and 0.50 GHz different with Turbo Boost? Or does the higher «Cache» make a difference — or is Xeon much faster than i7?

They really make this stuff difficult to compare for the average person like myself!

Is there a laptop that is better than the ones I’ve outlined, with higher clock speeds and 6+ cores, etc?

Thanks — so I’m assuming this means a laptop with the same processor specs on paper as a desktop will be slower due to this cooling problem?

On your RAM point, are you saying that having more RAM is going to help me from a CPU perspective when that is the part that is maxing out in Task Manager? Does RAM step in to compensate somehow?

Sounds like you’re saying the laptops with 6 cores are true replacements for desktops from a performance perspective? Or you’re just saying they are the best among bad options?

I don’t know where you are based, in the UK I recommend talking to PC Specialist (www.pcspecialist.co.uk) who build machines to order. They would undoubtedly be able to work out a specification to suit your needs.

In terms of laptops vs Desktops- that 6 core laptop will be a big step forward from your current machine, that is for sure. The turbo frequency is the speed the chip will boost to on a single thread for short term operation, the all core max speed will be a bit lower (but still higher than the base speed a lot of the time). The tricky part is that as the machine balances the heat produced the actual speed of the processor is hard to determine. In my experience a full powered desktop of the same generation is quite a bit faster in heavy use cases than the laptop equivalent, even if on paper the 2 cpu’s offer similar performance. The cooling solutions on laptops just can’t sustain the clock speed.

It might be a case of having a good desktop machine at the office to work on, and a separate laptop to take with you? That is how I operate (I do 3D design work mainly).

With regards to memory, if you aren’t maxing out 16gb now (and the workload isn’t likely to increase significantly in the future) then honestly you probably don’t need more. 32gb would be ample (and give you lots of headroom), more than that wouldn’t net you any more performance. The key with ram is that you need enough to hold the data set you are working on- if you run out of ram the system is forced to work from the local storage, and even a top of the line NVME ssd is still an order of magnitude slower than system ram. Once you get to the stage you have enough ram to deal with the job you are doing, adding more isn’t going to provide a benefit.

The other issue with ram is the speed and number of channels- higher speed ram will help (although honestly high clocked ram isn’t going to make much difference in this type of workload imo). High bandwidth is probably more important here, that is why I mentioned the number of modules. The type of processor used will determine how many is optimal, for standard desktop / laptop cpu’s ram is best used in pairs for ‘dual channel’ operation. This is because most cpu’s offer 2 ram controllers, and by providing a module to each allows the memory load to be split between the modules effectively doubling throughput- this means configuring 8gb of ram as 2 x 4gb modules provides double the maximum bandwidth of a single 8gb module. When it comes to the high end processors I mentioned (the Intel Core ‘X’ series and AMD Threadripper cpu’s), these offer 4 memory channels on the processor and so you need to be installing memory in matched sets of 4 modules for best performance. These cpu’s will function with less modules installed but it would be a sub-optimal setup.


Mar 25, 2010




  • #16

Don’t get the X1, or any slim model for heavy CPU usage. Just not enough space for cooling. Workstation or larger business systems like the Lenovo T models are better. Or a desktop.


Jan 29, 2008




  • #17

QUOTE=»EricThomas, post: 20997523, member: 2740889″]
I work at an investing firm and we often receive significant amounts of data on companies that we need to crunch in excel. At the extreme, this can be as much as 20 million data points, with millions of rows of volatile formulas such as indirect functions, index match, etc running off of this data, interconnected across dozens of tabs. As a result, my company-issued laptop which we use as a desktop replacement, a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon, either can’t do these tasks or it can take several days to do a task that could have taken 20 minutes if it weren’t for the lag. I’m running a dual core i7 with 2.7ghz or so and 16 gb of ram — so lots of room for improvement to say the least.

Even when not working with these very large and complex files, my CPU reaches 100% utilization literally every single day and causes significant efficiency to my workflows.

There would be a major financial return on investing in high powered desktops or laptops for our organization and I have convinced the firm of the need. Because of the nature of our work, we are willing to pay for something that will be lag free for everything we do because it will directly pay for itself many times over.

Some are going to tell me I should use Tableau or something else for these files and I would ask those people to, respectfully, please press the back button on your browser now.

For Excel in particular, are there any limits to how much it can take advantage of clock speed, cores, or i7/I9/Xeon?

Does anyone have ideas on the best path to take to not have CPU be a bottleneck? What computer should we be buying? We’d probably pay up to $4k per machine if necessary.

Our IT firm is horrendous and has been really unhelpful here. In general everyone we speak to underestimates our level of need because they do not understand our work.

Thank you very much in advance for your honest advice.

We have very complex excel sheets that are on the order of hundreds of megabytes with no graphics. I deal with similar issues on a regular basis where billions of potential solutions must be evaluated from that data.

Unfortunately Excel is slow as @#$@#T@#$% even when threaded. (That’s the hazard of using an live interpreter.) It also tends to be unstable with really really huge files. Trying to collating the data using several spreadsheets becomes problematic if you use VBA and try to go beyond 32Bit memory boundary. And the VBA is flaky to begin with.

You could try something like spreadsheet gear. It turns excel files into compiled code and it will run faster. But to be honest this is where you should consider getting a good programmer who knows what they are doing to write it for you in VBA and to dump the data into a B-Tree database. Then you would use sparce array techniques to preserve memory on C++ (NOT .NET unless you want to deal with unsafe directives). It would be a metric ton faster no matter what hardware you run it on.

Sep 24, 2019




  • #18

I work at an investing firm and we often receive significant amounts of data on companies that we need to crunch in excel. At the extreme, this can be as much as 20 million data points, with millions of rows of volatile formulas such as indirect functions, index match, etc running off of this data, interconnected across dozens of tabs. As a result, my company-issued laptop which we use as a desktop replacement, a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon, either can’t do these tasks or it can take several days to do a task that could have taken 20 minutes if it weren’t for the lag. I’m running a dual core i7 with 2.7ghz or so and 16 gb of ram — so lots of room for improvement to say the least.

Even when not working with these very large and complex files, my CPU reaches 100% utilization literally every single day and causes significant efficiency to my workflows.

There would be a major financial return on investing in high powered desktops or laptops for our organization and I have convinced the firm of the need. Because of the nature of our work, we are willing to pay for something that will be lag free for everything we do because it will directly pay for itself many times over.

Some are going to tell me I should use Tableau or something else for these files and I would ask those people to, respectfully, please press the back button on your browser now.

For Excel in particular, are there any limits to how much it can take advantage of clock speed, cores, or i7/I9/Xeon?

Does anyone have ideas on the best path to take to not have CPU be a bottleneck? What computer should we be buying? We’d probably pay up to $4k per machine if necessary.

Our IT firm is horrendous and has been really unhelpful here. In general everyone we speak to underestimates our level of need because they do not understand our work.

Thank you very much in advance for your honest advice.

I build PC’s for a Hedge Fund with similar use case. Almost all of our users are Excel based. I would echo a lot of what has been said here. But in summary:

1. Run Office in 64 bit as 32 bit limits RAM usage — this is very critical and often overlooked

2. PROCESSOR — Excel seems to need a) high single core performance 2) High # of physical cores

I would use i7 8700K or better and if you are seriously willing to spend $4000 (which I understand working for a hedge fund) consider using i9 9980XE.

3. RAM — Use as much quality DDR4 RAM as you are willing to buy — RAM is historically cheap. A lot of prebuilt PC’s (Dell / Lenovo) use single stick of RAM. Use 2 or 4 binned sticks. Speed (MHz) and timing (CL) are also important. Try to use 3000 MHz or better and 16CL or less. A good rule of thumb when comparing RAM is to divide the total MHz by the CL where a higher number should equal better performing RAM. Not scientific but…

Enable a XMP profile in the BIOS. RAM speed is limited if you don’t overclock it. There are lots of good resource videos on this. A lot of PC builders do not enable XMP by default. You are leaving performance on the table.

4. MOTHERBOARD — Use a mobo with quality VRM. These high end processors require high end power delivery. You should be spending at least $150-$200 on a good motherboard. Just having the processor is not enough. Even if you are not overclocking buy a quality 300 series board from ASUS / GIGABYTE / MSI / EVGA. Can not stress this enough.

5. STORAGE — Put your Operating System (and as much else as budget allows) on m.2 PCIE storage. These are electrically connected to the board and don’t SATA bottleneck so they transfer on par or better than SSD’s in RAID. They have become extremely reliable and relatively cheap.

Excel hardware requirements for Excel are highly dependent on THE WAY YOU MODEL. We have heavy Excel users who write complex models that are fine on 4 core i7-7700’s with 16GB RAM. More often though — we use i7 8700K or better and 32 GB RAM. We have some 9900k’s and 9980XE’s.

My general feeling is that 9980XE’s w/ 4 memory channels perform best, but you will see seriously diminishing returns over 8700k/9900k’s with 2 memory channels, financially speaking. What most people don’t understand though — is that 15-30 minutes saved per week over 4 year PC life would be worth way more than an extra $2,000 up front for a lot of Finance applications. If it does anything at all in your use case, well worth the investment. Just be prepared to deal with thermals. Heat is the enemy of performance!

Hope this helps!

Last edited: Sep 24, 2019

Dec 22, 2019




  • #19

I have similar issues.

Huge Excel files, VBA Macros that take days to run. In my quest I melted a few mother boards along with the CPU.
What I learned is.
64 Bit.
Remove the auto load start up stuff. All of it.
Turn off screen refresh in the VBA.
Turn off «Auto Calculate» in VBA. Calculate only when you need to

I found out the hard way that the «Ultra Durable» motherboards are worth the money!
The Power Supply needs to be really clean, another painful lesson.
M.2 I like the «Pro» version and the software that comes with it. The «memory magic» really did work. But with all the RAM, I don’t see the drives being used that much. The drives did not make that much of a difference.

The RAM is maxed out on the 4 core / 8 processor Z-Book, with 32 GB.

My fully loaded 17″ Z-Book performs well beyond what the specs imply. Well beyond. And thanks to the latest «remote desk top» with Google, I can have my desk top crunching all night and do the lighter secondary crunching from a hotel room in …. I have the VBA regularly save data to a second directory, then close the file so I can monitor the internal spread sheet values periodically. But this requires a second PC that can access the «cruncher». The Z Book will run a smaller VBA Macro at 3 times to 5 times the time as the «Desk Top Cruncher».

I found that for my files, the number of cores really do matter A LOT. My desk top «Cruncher» is running 20 processors on a 10 core i7-6950X CPU and they are all pegged at 100% most of the time. I tried over clocking… not a positive experience and we will leave it at that.

The GPU makes no difference. Went from a Very small 1050 to a 20something Ti for $1,300 and no difference at all.

Cooling. When the Z-Book is crunching, yes, heat is an issue. I got a USB driven secondary fan to put under the Z-Book which helped processor speed a little, if any at all. The desk would get hot enough to wonder about the table top finish.

Initially, the Desk Top had CPU temp issues.. The desk top «Cruncher» is now sporting a pricey «Quiet» multi fan cooling brick that made CPU temp issues a thing of the past. The self contained water cooling unit was not up to the task and the downward facing fans of the new CPU cooler probably help keep the overall board temps.

After going though a few Motherboards, I used a laser temp probe when I installed the last one. There was one «hot spot», no where near the potential cooling of the downward air flow from the CPU cooler. I tie strapped in a 40 mm fan right above the hot spot which might not have made any difference since the «very durable» Mother Board is obviously up to the task.

I installed 128 of high speed, low latency memory on the desk top cruncher.. and the meter says I seldom gets over 10%. Memory probably matters, but there is a limit. It matters a lot on the lap top.

The Cache size of the CPU probably matters more than the expected, but no first hand knowledge on how much.

My biggest challenge of late is files getting corrupted. Microsoft needs to step up their game in my opinion in regard to Huge file management and very extensive VBA Macros. To protect the work, I have added layers of «Back Up» versions of files, and redundant saves. Easy in VBA after you realize it needs to be done.

Good luck on your journey.



Jan 10, 2006




  • #20

Are you getting to the point of needing to be off excel? Use alteryx or similar?

Jan 12, 2020




  • #21

I have a very similar problem, and in fact came here looking for answers. However, while I’m seeing the kind of grinding performance degradation you report, there is a difference between my setup and yours. That difference — or rather, the thing we have in common — may hint at the solution.

The difference is that my data sets are not large. My data typically lives in tables of a few hundred rows and some tens of columns, so the order of up to 10,000 cells and no more. However, I still regularly put Excel on its back, having to wait several minutes or more every time I make even the smallest change. And that points to what I suspect is the fatal similarity between our situations:

…volatile formulas such as indirect functions, index match

Volatility. To quote Adam Savage from Mythbusters, “Well there’s yer prablem!”

I use INDIRECT() extensively, along with other volatiles. I also make widespread use of conditional formatting, which I believe is also volatile. And as I say, even with a good high end laptop, I can reduce 64-bit Excel to a gibbering heap despite my relatively small data sets.

Like you, I have been trying to understand what aspects of the hardware are most relevant, and I was seriously considering getting a heavy duty desktop just for my Excel load. But I am changing tack now, and for the following reason.

The problem as I’ve been experiencing it is not just that my current hardware can’t handle my current workload. It’s that the performance gets unbearable so quickly as I increase sheet complexity (i.e. more sophisticated computations rather than more data) that I suspect I’m seeing a nice practical example of exponential, or at least very high order polynomial, complexity. The computational demand I am imposing is growing so much faster than linearly that I suspect no matter how much hardware I throw at it, it won’t take long to kill that too.

I suspect that the underlying reason is simple and comes from two things. First, I use Excel like a programmer (which I am), such that I expect to be able to do the kinds of things that can only be done using INDIRECT() (unless you drop into VB, and I have some self respect!) But second, Excel just isn’t built to handle extensive use of volatiles. The tool tolerates occasional use of INDIRECT() (say), but it really rather you didn’t. And while that’s fine for the vast, vast majority of users (which explains why your IT guys don’t get you), it’s no use for we few, we happy few, we band of bloody-minded hacker types.

Solution? Well I think I have one, but you’re not gonna like it. I’m currently seriously considering moving to something like a Python/R/Gnuplot stack, and maybe even throwing in LaTeX as the documentation component. The undoubtedly pretty eye-candy of Excel is nice, as is the spreadsheet-ness as well. I live in that tool and, apart from this volatility issue, even like it. But I just can’t get stuff done anymore, and now I’ve pondered reverting to a solution where my source is just plaintext, where I can easily version using git or the like, and where I can apply good programming practices more widely across my creations…well, I’ve heard the siren song and it’s hard to unhear it.

There. I told you you weren’t going to like it.

P.S. This is worth a look (and is some evidence that if I am a lunatic for thinking in this way, then at least I’m not alone):

View: https://youtu.be/S8wO4ppE9L8

Feb 10, 2020




  • #22

Like Tomazs reminds everyone, INDIRECT function is in use, evil, possibly the worst thing you can do in Excel. On even moderate size spreadsheets this function can cause disastrous performance just by itself. especially when referencing data on other worksheets. Optimization is hugely important, no VLOOKUPS (Office 2016+ is way better if you must).

The proper tool is important, recognize Excel’s limits, there are limits to how much hardware you can throw at it. I deal with this weekly. In our case the associates can do what their manager wants, but most do it poorly leading to horrible performance on even small spreadsheets. There are definitely better and much worse ways of crunching data which can make significantly more difference than CPU and RAM. If you need more than a current gen i7, SSD, 16Gb RAM then that is a sign in most cases. Obviously I am only speaking to my experience and don’t know everything about your situation (or Excel). DB based analytics solutions were created for a reason.

Sep 2, 2020




  • #23

I have a very similar problem, and in fact came here looking for answers. However, while I’m seeing the kind of grinding performance degradation you report, there is a difference between my setup and yours. That difference — or rather, the thing we have in common — may hint at the solution.

The difference is that my data sets are not large. My data typically lives in tables of a few hundred rows and some tens of columns, so the order of up to 10,000 cells and no more. However, I still regularly put Excel on its back, having to wait several minutes or more every time I make even the smallest change. And that points to what I suspect is the fatal similarity between our situations:

Volatility. To quote Adam Savage from Mythbusters, “Well there’s yer prablem!”

I use INDIRECT() extensively, along with other volatiles. I also make widespread use of conditional formatting, which I believe is also volatile. And as I say, even with a good high end laptop, I can reduce 64-bit Excel to a gibbering heap despite my relatively small data sets.

Like you, I have been trying to understand what aspects of the hardware are most relevant, and I was seriously considering getting a heavy duty desktop just for my Excel load. But I am changing tack now, and for the following reason.

The problem as I’ve been experiencing it is not just that my current hardware can’t handle my current workload. It’s that the performance gets unbearable so quickly as I increase sheet complexity (i.e. more sophisticated computations rather than more data) that I suspect I’m seeing a nice practical example of exponential, or at least very high order polynomial, complexity. The computational demand I am imposing is growing so much faster than linearly that I suspect no matter how much hardware I throw at it, it won’t take long to kill that too.

I suspect that the underlying reason is simple and comes from two things. First, I use Excel like a programmer (which I am), such that I expect to be able to do the kinds of things that can only be done using INDIRECT() (unless you drop into VB, and I have some self respect!) But second, Excel just isn’t built to handle extensive use of volatiles. The tool tolerates occasional use of INDIRECT() (say), but it really rather you didn’t. And while that’s fine for the vast, vast majority of users (which explains why your IT guys don’t get you), it’s no use for we few, we happy few, we band of bloody-minded hacker types.

Solution? Well I think I have one, but you’re not gonna like it. I’m currently seriously considering moving to something like a Python/R/Gnuplot stack, and maybe even throwing in LaTeX as the documentation component. The undoubtedly pretty eye-candy of Excel is nice, as is the spreadsheet-ness as well. I live in that tool and, apart from this volatility issue, even like it. But I just can’t get stuff done anymore, and now I’ve pondered reverting to a solution where my source is just plaintext, where I can easily version using git or the like, and where I can apply good programming practices more widely across my creations…well, I’ve heard the siren song and it’s hard to unhear it.

There. I told you you weren’t going to like it.

P.S. This is worth a look (and is some evidence that if I am a lunatic for thinking in this way, then at least I’m not alone):

View: https://youtu.be/S8wO4ppE9L8

Try converting data to Tables and time consuming lookups & calculations to PowerQuery within Excel.

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What is Excel?

What is Excel

Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program available in the Microsoft Office Package. MS Excel is used to create Worksheets (spreadsheets) to store and organize data in a table format.

Microsoft Excel is one of the most used software application in the world. Excel have the Powerful Tools and Functions, using it for wide verity of applications across the global IT Companies. It is easy to enter the data, read and manipulate the data. Excel stores the data in a table format in Rows and Columns.

Here is a screen-shot of a Microsoft Excel File:

Microsoft Excel

  • What is Excel in Computer?
  • What is Excel Used for?
  • Where Excel is Used?
  • Features of MS Excel:
    • Key Components:
    • Usage
    • Industries
    • Interface
    • Data Analysis
    • Data Visualization
    • Templates
    • Enhancing Excel Features
    • Programming Language
    • Macros
    • Add-ins
    • Integration with Other Office Applications:
    • Security Features
    • Resource and Support Communities:
    • Limitations
    • Data security and privacy
    • Data accuracy and integrity
    • Alternative Applications
    • Conclusion
  • Excel Objects and Definitions
    • What is Excel Ribbon?
    • What is Excel Workbook?
    • What is Excel Worksheet?
    • What is Excel Range?
    • What is Excel Cell?
    • What is Excel Row?
    • What is Excel Column?
    • What are Excel Macros?
    • What is Excel VLookUp?

What is Excel in Computer?

In computer terms, Excel is a spreadsheet application in Microsoft Office Pack. It is one of the most using Applications in business industries. We can store any kind of the data in the spreadsheets in the Excel Range or Excel Cells. We can also insert Images, Shapes, Charts, Pivot Tables in the Excel Sheets to understand the data.

What is Excel Used for?

Microsoft Excel used for storing the data, processing the data, analyzing and presenting the data.

  • We can enter data in Strings, Dates or Numerical type of Data in the Excel Cells and Save the Files for future reference
  • We can use verity of formulas available in Excel to perform calculations
  • We can Develop Tools and Dashboards
  • We can Interact with Other Applications
  • We can connect to verity of Data Bases
  • We can represent data in Charts
  • We can drill down and analyze the data using Pivot Tables

Read More Uses

Where Excel is Used?

Microsoft Excel used in almost all industries. Here are the some of the real-time Excel Using industries and domains:

  • Financial sector is excessively using to perform different kind of calculations.
  • Analytical professional use Excel almost everyday for applying the basic analytical techniques and tools.
  • Banking Sector use to understand the Customer
  • Retail Associates uses for analyzing the POS data to check the change and trend in sales
  • Reporting Analysts uses for generating Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly Reports.
  • Healthcare Teams uses for performing the longitudinal data analysis.
  • Market Research Analysts uses for finding the frequencies and cumulative aggregates.
  • VBA Developers uses for developing the Office Applications, Tools, Office Add-ins and Dashboards.

Features of MS Excel:

The following features of Excel made the Excel as most widely using application:

  • Graphical Features of Excel

    Excel have verity of the graphical features to represent the data in Charts and pictorial format. For Example, Charts, Shapes, Smart Arts, Clip Arts, Pictures.

  • Data Base Features of Excel

    Excel can be used as data base and perform of verity of data operations. For example, Pivot Tables, Slicers, Tables, Spark lines, Database, Sorting, Filtering, Data Validation, Grouping, etc.

  • Functional Features of Excel

    Excel Tools and Functions will help to perform powerful calculations and enhance the Excel Application Features. For example, Formulas, VBA Macros, Add-ins, Hyperlinks, Conditional Formatting, Spell Check, Protection, etc.

Key Components:

Excel is a spreadsheet software developed by Microsoft that is used to perform calculations, data analysis, and data visualization. Some of the key components of Excel include:

  • Workbook: A workbook is the main file that contains one or more worksheets where you can enter data, perform calculations, and create charts and graphs.
  • Worksheet: A worksheet is a single spreadsheet within a workbook that consists of rows, columns, and cells.
  • Cell: A cell is a rectangular box in a worksheet where you can enter data, formulas, and functions.
  • Range: A group of adjacent cells, which can be selected and formatted together.
  • Chart: A chart is a visual representation of data in a worksheet that can help you to identify patterns and trends.
  • PivotTable: A PivotTable is a powerful tool that allows you to summarize and analyze large amounts of data quickly and easily.
  • Sparklines: Sparklines are small, simple charts that are used to show trends in data over time.
  • Ribbon: The Ribbon is a graphical user interface that contains all the tools and commands you need to work with Excel. It is organized into tabs, which are further divided into groups of related commands.
  • Quick Access Toolbar: The Quick Access Toolbar is a customizable toolbar that provides quick access to frequently used commands.
  • Name box: The box located to the left of the formula bar, which displays the reference of the selected cell or range.
  • Solver: Solver is an add-in tool that allows you to find the optimal solution to a problem by changing the values of certain variables.
  • Goal Seek: Goal Seek is a tool that allows you to determine the value of a variable that will achieve a certain goal in a formula.
  • Scenario Manager: Scenario Manager is a tool that allows you to create and compare different scenarios for a worksheet by changing the input values of certain variables.
  • Power Query: Power Query is a tool that allows you to transform and analyze large amounts of data from various sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and web pages.
  • Power Pivot: Power Pivot is an add-in tool that allows you to create advanced data models and perform complex data analysis using large amounts of data.
  • Data Tables: Data Tables are tools that allow you to calculate multiple results based on different sets of input values for one or more formulas.
  • Web Queries: Web Queries are tools that allow you to import data from a website directly into Excel, making it easier to collect and analyze data from the internet.
  • Get & Transform: Get & Transform is a feature that allows you to connect to various data sources, transform and reshape data, and load it into Excel for analysis and reporting.
  • Freeze Panes: Freeze Panes is a feature that allows you to keep certain rows or columns visible as you scroll through a worksheet, making it easier to view and analyze large amounts of data.
  • Collaboration Tools: Excel also provides various collaboration tools that allow multiple users to work on the same worksheet simultaneously, such as shared workbooks and co-authoring.
  • Protect Workbook/Worksheet: Protect Workbook/Worksheet is a feature that allows you to restrict access to certain parts of a workbook or worksheet by setting password protection, so that only authorized users can view or edit the data.
  • Error Checking: Error Checking is a feature that allows you to identify and correct errors in your formulas and functions, which can help to ensure data accuracy.
  • Templates: Excel Templates are pre-designed spreadsheets that you can use to quickly create different types of documents, such as budgets, calendars, and invoices.
  • Macro: A macro is a set of instructions that automate repetitive tasks in Excel.
  • Office Add-ins: Office Add-ins are third-party tools that you can install in Excel to extend its functionality, such as data connectors, visualization tools, and productivity apps.
  • Merge cells: A tool that allows you to combine multiple cells into a single, larger cell.
  • Autofill: A tool that allows you to quickly fill a series of cells with a pattern or sequence of data.
  • Data Validation: Data Validation is a feature that allows you to restrict the type of data that can be entered into a cell. This can help to ensure data accuracy and consistency.
  • Custom Number Formats: Custom Number Formats are tools that allow you to create your own number formats, making it easier to display numbers in a way that is more meaningful for your data.
  • Text to Columns: Text to Columns is a feature that allows you to split data in a column into multiple columns based on a delimiter, such as a comma or space.
  • Flash Fill: Flash Fill is a tool that allows you to automatically fill in data based on a pattern that you specify, making it easier to clean and transform data.
  • Print Options: Excel also provides various print options that allow you to customize the layout and formatting of your worksheet before printing, such as page orientation, margins, and scaling.
  • Page Layout View: Page Layout View is a feature that allows you to view your worksheet as it will appear when printed, making it easier to adjust the layout and formatting.
  • Filter: A tool that allows you to display only specific data in a worksheet, based on certain criteria.
  • Sort: A tool that allows you to arrange data in a worksheet in ascending or descending order, based on certain criteria.
  • Function: A function is a built-in formula that performs a specific calculation or task, such as SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN.
  • Formula: A formula is an equation that performs a calculation in a cell based on the values in other cells.
  • Formula bar: The area at the top of the Excel window where you can view and edit the contents of a selected cell.
  • Cell reference: A way to identify a cell in a worksheet, which is a combination of the column letter and row number, such as A1, B2, etc.
  • Relative reference: A cell reference that changes when you copy or move a formula to a different location in a worksheet.
  • Absolute reference: A cell reference that remains constant when you copy or move a formula to a different location in a worksheet, which is denoted by a dollar sign ($).
  • Mixed reference: A cell reference that has both absolute and relative components, which is denoted by a dollar sign ($) before the column or row reference.
  • Dynamic Arrays: Dynamic Arrays are a new feature in Excel that allow you to create formulas that automatically expand or shrink to fit the size of the data, making it easier to perform calculations on large datasets.
  • Formula auditing: A tool that allows you to trace the relationships between cells and formulas in a worksheet, which can help you identify errors and troubleshoot problems.


Excel is a widely used spreadsheet program developed by Microsoft. It is part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications and is used to organize, analyse, and manipulate data. Excel allows users to create, format, and manipulate tables of numerical and textual data in rows and columns.

Users can perform various mathematical and statistical calculations on the data, create charts and graphs to visualize the data, and use formulas and functions to automate calculations and analysis. Excel also provides various tools and features for data analysis, such as sorting, filtering, and pivot tables, that allow users to extract insights quickly and easily from large data sets.


Excel can be used in a variety of industries and professions, including finance, accounting, marketing, and research. It is often used for budgeting, financial forecasting, tracking expenses, inventory management, and analyzing sales data.


Excel has a user-friendly interface and is widely available on Windows and Mac OS systems. Additionally, Excel supports collaboration features, such as sharing workbooks and co-authoring, which allow multiple users to work on the same spreadsheet simultaneously.

Data Analysis

Another important feature of Excel is its ability to handle large amounts of data. Excel can handle millions of rows of data and thousands of columns, making it ideal for working with large datasets. Additionally, Excel provides several features for managing large datasets, such as sorting, filtering, and searching.

Excel also allows users to collaborate on workbooks in real-time using cloud-based solutions like OneDrive or SharePoint. This feature makes it easy for teams to work on the same document simultaneously and ensures that everyone is working with the most up-to-date version of the data.

Data Visualization

Excel also provides various tools for data visualization, which make it easy to create charts, graphs, and other visualizations that help to communicate data insights. With features like sparklines and conditional formatting, users can quickly identify trends and patterns in data without the need for complex analysis.

Overall, Excel is an essential tool for anyone who works with data. Its extensive feature set, customizability, and ease of use make it an ideal choice for businesses, researchers, educators, and individuals. Whether you are working with small datasets or large, Excel can help you manage and analyze your data efficiently, saving you time and improving your productivity.


Excel also provides various templates that help users get started with common tasks, such as budgeting, invoicing, and project management. These templates can be customized to meet specific needs, making it easy for users to create professional-looking spreadsheets without starting from scratch.

Enhancing Excel Features

Another way to overcome some of the limitations of Excel is to use Excel add-ins or plugins that provide additional features and capabilities. There are many add-ins available that can help users automate tasks, perform advanced analysis, and enhance visualization.

  • For example, the Analysis ToolPak add-in provides a wide range of statistical and engineering functions, while the Power Query add-in allows users to extract and transform data from a variety of sources. The Solver add-in can help users find optimal solutions for complex problems, while the Power Pivot add-in provides advanced data modeling and analysis capabilities.
  • In addition to add-ins, users can also consider using Excel templates or pre-built solutions that provide pre-configured spreadsheets and models for specific use cases. There are many templates available for financial modeling, budgeting, project management, and other applications. These templates can help users save time and avoid errors by providing pre-built formulas and templates for common tasks.

Finally, to improve collaboration and data sharing, users can consider using cloud-based collaboration platforms such as Microsoft Teams or SharePoint. These platforms allow users to share and collaborate on Excel spreadsheets in real-time, providing a more efficient and collaborative workflow.

Programming Language

Excel also has a programming language called VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) that allows users to automate repetitive tasks and create custom solutions. With VBA, users can create macros, which are small programs that automate common tasks, such as formatting data or generating reports.

VBA also provides access to many of Excel’s built-in features, as well as the ability to create custom functions and procedures. This allows users to create highly customized solutions that can save time and increase efficiency.


In addition to add-ins, templates, and complementary tools, users can also consider using Excel macros to automate repetitive tasks and improve productivity. Macros are small programs written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) that can be used to automate tasks and add custom functionality to Excel.

  • With macros, users can automate tasks such as formatting, data entry, and data cleaning, as well as perform more advanced tasks such as data analysis and modeling. Macros can also be used to create custom functions and formulas that can be reused in other Excel spreadsheets.
  • To create macros, users need to have a basic understanding of VBA programming. Excel provides a built-in macro recorder that allows users to record their actions and convert them into VBA code. Users can also write their own code from scratch or modify existing code to create more complex macros.
  • Macros can be saved as part of the Excel spreadsheet or as a separate file, and can be easily shared with other users. However, it is important to be cautious when using macros as they can potentially contain malicious code that can harm your computer or compromise your data.
  • Excel VBA Macros can be a powerful tool for automating tasks and improving productivity in Excel. By learning how to write and use macros, users can save time and improve their workflow, and add custom functionality to Excel spreadsheets. However, it is important to be careful when using macros, and to ensure that they come from a trusted source and do not contain any malicious code.


In addition to its core features, Excel also supports a wide range of add-ins and third-party applications that can further extend its functionality. For example, users can install add-ins to enhance data visualization, automate data entry, or integrate Excel with other software tools.

Integration with Other Office Applications:

One of the advantages of Excel is its compatibility with other Microsoft Office applications, such as Word and PowerPoint. Excel data can easily be copied and pasted into these applications, allowing users to create professional-looking documents and presentations that include charts, tables, and graphs.

Excel also supports a wide range of file formats, including CSV, TXT, XML, and HTML, making it easy to share data with other applications or import data from external sources. Additionally, Excel can connect to external data sources such as SQL databases, SharePoint lists, and OData feeds, allowing users to work with data from a wide range of sources.

Security Features

Excel also provides various security features, such as password protection and file encryption, that help to keep data safe and secure. This is especially important when working with sensitive or confidential information.

Finally, Excel is widely supported by third-party tools and services, which can further enhance its capabilities. For example, there are many add-ins and plug-ins available that provide additional functionality, such as data analysis tools, charting software, and collaboration platforms.

In conclusion, Excel is a powerful and versatile tool that provides many features and capabilities for managing and analyzing  data. Whether you are a business owner, financial analyst, researcher, or student, Excel can help you work with data more efficiently and effectively. Its ease of use, customizability, and compatibility with other applications make it an ideal choice for anyone who works with data on a regular basis.

Resource and Support Communities:

Excel’s popularity has led to the development of many resources and support communities, which can help users learn how to use the software effectively. These resources include online tutorials, user forums, and training courses, which can help users become proficient in Excel quickly.

  • Furthermore, Excel’s features are constantly evolving, with new updates being released on a regular basis. These updates often include new tools and functionality that help users work with data more effectively.
  • In addition to its features, Excel’s versatility and wide range of applications make it an essential tool for many industries and professions. For example, Excel is commonly used in finance and accounting for budgeting, forecasting, and financial modeling. It is also used in marketing and sales for data analysis, customer segmentation, and campaign tracking.
  • In research, Excel is used for data cleaning, manipulation, and analysis. Excel is also frequently used in education, where it is used to teach data analysis, statistics, and financial modeling.

In summary, Excel is a powerful and versatile tool that provides many features and capabilities for managing and analyzing data. Its ease of use, customizability, compatibility with other applications, and wide range of applications make it an essential tool for many industries and professions. With its continued development and support, Excel is likely to remain a key tool for data management and analysis for years to come.


Despite its many advantages, Excel is not without its limitations. One limitation is its ability to handle extremely large datasets. While Excel can handle millions of rows of data, it may become slow and unwieldy with datasets that exceed this limit.

  • Additionally, Excel is not well-suited for complex data modeling and analysis. While it provides many tools and features for data analysis, it may not be the best choice for advanced statistical analysis or machine learning.
  • Another limitation of Excel is its potential for errors. Because it relies on manual data entry and manipulation, it is vulnerable to human errors such as typos and miscalculations. Additionally, its use of cell-based formulas and references can lead to errors when cells are moved or deleted.
  • Finally, Excel’s use of proprietary file formats can make it difficult to share data with users who do not have access to the software. While Excel can save files in a variety of formats, users may need to use specialized software to open or work with these files.
  • While Excel is a powerful and versatile tool for managing and analyzing data, it does have some limitations. Users should be aware of these limitations and choose the appropriate tools and software for their specific needs. Despite its limitations, Excel remains a popular and widely used tool for data management and analysis, and its continued development and support make it a valuable tool for many industries and professions.

Data security and privacy

Another important consideration when working with Excel is data security and privacy. Excel files can contain sensitive and confidential data, such as financial records, personal information, or trade secrets. As such, it is important to take appropriate measures to protect this data from unauthorized access or disclosure.

  • One way to improve data security in Excel is to use password protection. Excel allows users to password-protect their spreadsheets and workbooks, which can prevent unauthorized access or editing. Passwords should be strong and complex, and users should avoid sharing passwords with others or storing them in an insecure location.
  • Another way to improve data security is to restrict access to Excel files. Users can use file permissions to control who has access to their Excel files and what they can do with them. For example, users can set read-only permissions for certain users, or prevent users from copying or printing the file.
  • Users should also be aware of the risks associated with sharing Excel files over email or cloud storage services. Excel files can be intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties if they are not encrypted or secured properly. To avoid these risks, users can use secure file-sharing services or encrypt their Excel files before sharing them.
  • Finally, users should be aware of privacy laws and regulations that may apply to their use of Excel. For example, certain types of data, such as personal information or medical records, may be subject to specific data protection laws. Users should ensure that they are complying with applicable privacy laws and regulations when working with Excel.

In conclusion, data security and privacy are important considerations when working with Excel. By using password protection, access restrictions, secure file-sharing, and complying with privacy laws, users can protect their sensitive data and ensure that it is not disclosed or accessed by unauthorized parties.

Data accuracy and integrity

Another important consideration when working with Excel is data accuracy and integrity. Excel spreadsheets can be prone to errors, such as data entry mistakes, formula errors, or incorrect formatting. These errors can lead to incorrect analysis, decision-making, or reporting, and can have serious consequences for businesses or organizations.

  • To ensure data accuracy and integrity, users should follow best practices for data entry and management in Excel. This includes using consistent and clear naming conventions for data and columns, validating data as it is entered, using data validation rules to restrict data entry to specific formats or ranges, and using formulas and functions to perform calculations and analysis.
  • Users should also be careful when using copy-and-paste or importing data from external sources, as these actions can introduce errors or inconsistencies in the data. Users should validate and clean data as it is imported, and ensure that data is formatted consistently with the rest of the spreadsheet.
  • Another way to improve data accuracy and integrity is to perform regular checks and audits of Excel spreadsheets. Users can use tools such as Excel’s auditing and error-checking features to identify potential errors or inconsistencies in their data, and correct them before they become serious issues. Users can also use third-party tools or add-ins that provide more advanced auditing and error-checking capabilities.

In conclusion, data accuracy and integrity are critical considerations when working with Excel. By following best practices for data entry and management, validating and cleaning data, performing regular checks and audits, and using tools and add-ins that improve data accuracy and integrity, users can ensure that their Excel spreadsheets are reliable, accurate, and trustworthy.

Alternative Applications

To mitigate some of the limitations of Excel, there are several alternatives and complementary tools that users can consider. For example, users can consider using more advanced data analysis software such as Python, R, or MATLAB, which offer more powerful statistical analysis and machine learning capabilities.

  • Users can also consider using cloud-based data management and analysis tools such as Google Sheets or Microsoft Power BI, which offer collaborative features, more powerful data visualization options, and support for larger datasets.
  • Finally, to ensure compatibility and interoperability with other software and systems, users can consider using open-source or non-proprietary file formats such as CSV or JSON, which can be read and manipulated by a wide range of software tools and platforms.
  • In summary, while Excel remains a valuable tool for data management and analysis, it is important for users to be aware of its limitations and consider using complementary tools and software to meet their specific needs. By combining Excel with other tools and techniques, users can work more efficiently, reduce errors, and extract more value from their data.


Excel is constantly evolving, with new features and capabilities being added with each new version. For example, recent updates have introduced new functions, new chart types, improved data analysis tools, and enhanced collaboration features.

  • Excel is also widely used in data analysis and business intelligence. With features like Power Query and Power Pivot, users can easily connect to external data sources, clean and transform data, and create interactive dashboards and reports.
  • In addition to its business applications, Excel is also used extensively in education, where it is used to teach data analysis, mathematical modeling, and financial analysis.
  • Overall, Excel is a powerful and versatile tool that can be used to perform a wide range of tasks. Whether you are a small business owner, financial analyst, researcher, or student, Excel can help you manage and analyse data more efficiently, saving you time and improving your productivity. With its user-friendly interface, extensive feature set, and customizability, Excel is a valuable tool for businesses, professionals, and individuals alike.

In conclusion, while Excel has some limitations, there are many ways to overcome these limitations and enhance its capabilities. By using add-ins, templates, and complementary tools and software, users can work more efficiently, perform advanced analysis, and share data more effectively. With its continued development and support, Excel is likely to remain a key tool for data management and analysis for years to come.

Excel Objects and Definitions

Excel Ribbon

What is Excel Ribbon?

Excel ribbon is the navigation menu in Excel, shows all the Controls and Commands in different Tabs.

Microsoft Excel Workbook

What is Excel Workbook?

Excel Workbook is the Main File which can contain at one or more worksheet or spreadsheets.

What is Excel - Worksheet?

What is Excel Worksheet?

Excel workbook can contain more than one worksheet. It is a spreadsheet with rows, columns and cells.

What is Excel - Range?

What is Excel Range?

Excel range is the worksheet object contains one or more Cells.

Excel Cell

What is Excel Cell?

Cell is an Object of Excel Sheet to enter information. It represents with Column Name followed by Row Number.

What is Excel Rows?

What is Excel Row?

Rows are the Records in Excel Spreadsheet. Excel Rows are represented by row numbers (1,2,3,…).

What is Excel Columns?

What is Excel Column?

Columns are Fields in Excel Spreadsheet. Each Column in a sheet represented with a unique Column Name, starts with Column name A.

What is Excel Macro?

What are Excel Macros?

A Macro is a re usable tiny program which we can save and run to repeat the same action or tasks in Excel.

What is VLOOKUP Function in Excel

What is Excel VLookUp?

VLOOKUP Function in Excel helps to lookup the corresponding values of a Range, Table and Arrays.

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