What is in your mind now one word

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

что у тебя на уме

что у вас в голове

что у тебя в голове

то, что у вас на уме

I can’t understand what’s in your mind.

Let me say, I think I know what’s in your mind.

Who knows what’s in your mind?

All I know is you killed your girlfriend and I don’t know what’s in your mind.

Nobody can see what’s in your mind.

you know what’s in your mind

You’ll find out if it’s true, what’s in your mind.

You speak what’s in your mind.

I know what’s in your mind.

You can’t show someone what’s in your mind.

The only thing that’s left is what’s in your mind‘s eye.

I know exactly what’s in your mind, and it’s utter nonsense.

When you profess a belief, you should be prepared to turn what’s in your mind and heart into action.

Если вы исповедуете какую-либо веру, вы должны быть готовы воплотить все, что накопилось в вашем уме и сердце, в реальные дела.

With Google Keep, you can quickly capture what’s in your mind and remember more easily whatever you want.

С помощью Google Keep вы можете быстро захватить то, что у вас на уме, и запомнить все, что захотите.

I know what’s in your mind, Mr. Smollett, and it does you credit.

Я знаю, о чем вы думаете, мистер Смоллетт, и это делает вам честь.

Is it true that at the highest level many goals are scored because of what’s in your mind?

Это правда, что на высоком уровне забито много голов, что у тебя на уме?

In the past you have explained that the photographs capture the «real» or what’s outside of you, and that the drawings and installations are more of a projection of what’s in your mind

Вы раньше разъясняли, что фотографии ловят «реальное» или то, что существует вне нас, а рисунки и инсталляции — скорее проекции вашего ума.

You can approach the act of writing with nervousness, excitement, hopefulness, or even despair… the sense that you can never completely put on the page what’s in your mind and heart.

К действу писания можно приступать нервозно, возбужденно, с надеждой или даже с отчаянием — с чувством, что вам никогда не перенести на бумагу то, что у вас на уме или на сердце.

«My grandmother used to say they can take everything from you except what’s in your mind,» Ylitalo said.

«Моя бабушка говорила, что они могут забрать у тебя все, кроме того, что у тебя в уме», — сказал Илитало.

What’s in your mind, man?

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 23. Точных совпадений: 23. Затраченное время: 166 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

«What do you have in mind?» is the usual way of asking what people are thinking of doing, or what would they prefer to do, as in your first example.

‘What is in your mind’ is not a set phrase, not a collocation, nor a very common arrangement of words. It is not common because it is not a common thought — we very rarely, if ever, ask people to tell us


that is


their minds! The phrase «It’s about being in your body» is very similar- what is that supposed to mean? How can we not be in our bodies?

With dance, (the tango in this case) or any sort of artistic or creative activity, the artist is free to express whatever he wants of what is «in his mind»: the «issues» that the person is dealing with, their interests, thoughts or preoccupations at any particular time.

I’m not at all sure what you mean but I think the answer has to be yes, «What is in your mind?» can’t stand alone. It could be used alone in an advert or some other specialised context,but otherwise it would be part of a dialogue. I can’t think of any interactive context in which «What is in your mind?» would be an understandable part. It is does however fit well in an article about the tango which also includes «You dance who you are». Comments about art are often in very unusual language.

«What’s going on in your mind?» is the nearest I can get to it as an fairly common everyday possibility.

If somebody asked me «What is in your mind?» I would tell them » What is that supposed to mean? You must be out of yours»:D


your one word

What Is Your One Word? – This Principle Will Change Your Life!

Evan Carmichael explains how we all have one word that defines our life. When we find that one word, and live by it, the quality of our entire life changes.

What Is Your One Word? – This Principle Will Change Your Life! – Watch FREE On Youtube:

From the book “YOUR ONE WORD” Get it now on Amazon.
Speaker: Evan Carmichael

Transcript – What Is Your One Word? – This Principle Will Change Your Life! – (Motivational Speech)

I’m going to share a secret with you. A secret so powerful that once you discover it, every decision you make in your life and business will become easier. Doors will start to open where before you struggled to make any progress. You’ll finally feel like you’re living your life with a purpose instead of fighting the world around you.

Great leaders have used this secret to build powerful companies, spark important movements and create meaningful change, and now you can too.

Here’s the secret.

There is one word that defines who you are. There is one word that connects all the things in your life that make you come alive.

Think about the friends you have, the music you listen to, the books you read, the movies you watched, the companies you’ve worked for, the businesses you’ve started… Think about everything in your life now that you enjoy. They are all connected. Until you figure out what that connection is, you’ll never live up to your potential.

What’s your favorite song and what does it have to do with who your best friend or favorite book is? The answer is everything. And it can be boiled down to one simple, powerful word.

Great people can be described in one word. Martin Luther King Jr – equality. Oprah Winfrey – heart. Steve Jobs – impact. You________?.

If you want to break free from the chains of mediocrity and really make an impact, then it starts with finding your one word. You have to stand for something powerful and important.

On August 23rd, 1963 a quarter of a million people went to Washington DC to hear Martin Luther King Jr. speak at the Lincoln Memorial. How did he get so many people to come out? He didn’t have a newsletter or a Twitter account. He wasn’t making Youtube videos or using Google ad words. He didn’t have a website, didn’t use Facebook.

He didn’t have any of the tools that make it so easy for us today to reach people and start movements and yet 250,000 people came out. Why? Because he stood for something important. The cause he believed in touched people’s hearts and led them to action. It was so important that people willingly spread the word and promoted his cause because it was their cause too.

The process you’re about to go through is important. It’s one of the most valuable exercises you’ll ever do in your life. The results are life changing. We’re going to go over the five core questions:

Number 1: What makes you happy?
Number 2: What connects your happiness?
Number 3: What trait do you hate?
Number 4: What’s your constant?
Number 5: Is this really who you are?

And then we’ll discuss the four limiting beliefs that hold you back from doing something great:

Number 1: It’s too bold.
Number 2: What do you think?
Number 3: Someone else is doing it.
Number 4: It’s too simple.

Have an open mind. Be honest with yourself and eliminate all distractions for the next few minutes. Let’s go.

If you want to achieve success, start with what you happy before worrying about what your one word is. Think about everything that makes you happy. Start by making a list. Just write down what comes to mind and don’t worry yet about where it leads. You get lost in happiness and make your list. Here are a few questions to get you started:

What is your favorite movie?
What is your favorite book?
What is your favorite song?
Who is your best friend?
What is your favorite quote to live by?
What kind of people do you like to hang out with?
Who was your favorite boss?
Why are you with your significant other?
Who was your favorite teacher?
What do or did you love most about your parents?
What activities make you come alive?
What do you look forward to most in your week?
When was the last time you felt overwhelmingly happy?

Answer these questions and add whatever else comes to mind that makes you happy. Fill the page with happiness and feel the energy that comes from it. This is where the magic starts to happen.

You have your page of all the things that make you happy, right? If not, do it now. It’s important. Don’t just watch another video. I want you to take action.

There’s one common theme that connects all the things that make you happy. You may have many reasons why Mrs. Jones was your favorite teacher. There could be 10 things you love about your favorite movie that people you hang out with have lots of different personalities, but there is one theme that unites them all. One thing they together share. This is a connective tissue that will make all your future decisions easier. This is the powerful mantra that will give you a sense of purpose and help you change the world for the better.

This is your one word. Find the common theme in the list of things that make you happy and write it down. If it doesn’t pop off the page the next to each of the things that make you happy, write why you like it? You’ll notice a pattern that emerges. Some words will come up over and over again.

Take the words you’ve used most commonly to describe your happiest moments and group them together. If you can’t get it down to one word yet, don’t worry. Just try to get the final list from this exercise down to five words or fewer. Now we’re making progress.

Some people get their one word immediately. They have their one word and they’re ready to apply it. If that’s you, congratulations. For most people, the process is long and requires digging deeper. You may have written down multiple words and steel feel unsure how to narrow them down to just one.

Does it have to be a verb? Can it be a noun? How about an adjective? The answer is any of them. Verbs are often the easiest because they are action oriented. You might want to inspire the world or make an impact or contribute or shine or love, but it doesn’t have to be a verb. For example, maybe your heroes, your grandmother, Jane, so you try to live a life inspired by her. Jane becomes your one word.

You can also combine multiple words that may seem like they’re not related into a more meaningful one word that unites them. For example, if you love adventure, but you also value caring for others, maybe your one word becomes hard, which you would define as following your heart adventure and being heartfelt towards others caring. You take two seemingly unrelated words and bring them together to form your one word like heart, to better define who you are and what kind of life you want to live.

This is a process. You may have picked the word, but you’re not confident that it’s right. You may feel that what you chose is too big, too daunting, too scary. If that’s you, keep watching. We’ll figure it out together.

If you don’t know who you are, then start by thinking of who you aren’t. Going negative helps a lot of people clarify their search for their one word. Think of all the things that make you unhappy and make a new list. Write down the people you can’t stand being around, the tasks you hate doing, the movies you never want to see, the things that make you dread going to work.

Make a list of everything in every one that makes you unhappy. Make it real. Make it painful. Nobody is judging you here. If you can’t stand the thought of seeing aunt Suzie at Christmas, put her on the list, but be careful…
This is not a list of your fears or your limiting personal beliefs. It’s a list of the traits that you are truly allergic to that just bring you down and that make you unhappy.

The list is the start, but the power is in seeing what connects them and Susie, the boss you hated most, the people you despise being around the task you dread doing, they too are all connected. What theme binds them together when you’ve got it? Think about the opposite to find your one word. For example, if you’re negative team is neglect. Your one word might be care. If it’s discouraged, your one word might be inspire, destroyed turns into create, hates turns into love and so on. Your one word is not a new year’s resolution. This is not deciding on a ward because you were inspired by your speech that you heard or seminar you attended.

It’s not picking a word to be the person your parents or friends want you to be. Your one word is a constant. It has always been with you and will always remain. It’s who you are and always have been. Think about your favorite movie from 10 years ago or from when you were a little child. You’ll still like that movie today. You’ll still like it in 20 years, even though the special effects don’t seem as great and the technology is dated because that movie means something to you. It represents a theme that is at the core of who you are. So is your one word.

Your one word isn’t something you get bored of or grow tired of. It’s always there and always will be.

If you’re still trying to decide what your one word is, look at your list of things that make you happy and think back to 10 years ago, which word best describes who you were back then?

Think about how you imagine your life in 20 years. Which word best describes who you’ll be?

Then many things will change with time, your opinions, your environment, your family, your friends, but your core value, your one word doesn’t change if you’re still having a hard time finding your constant. Think back to your parents. There’s a reason psychologists ask their patients to talk about their relationship with their parents. Now I’m no psychologist, but I have found fairly consistently that someone’s one word often has roots back in their childhood and with their parents. Quite often the core values you have today come from your parents. They shaped the way you see the world, how you should treat others and what you consider good and bad behavior. If your mother was carrying and she might have taught you to care for others care. If your father was resourceful, he might have instilled resourcefulness in you.

Resourceful. The opposite can also be true. You might have seen something in your parents that you never want to embody, so you take on the opposite of their values. If your mother had a gambling problem and constantly risks, every paycheck she earned, you might seek the opposite of risk security. If your father ran out on you when you are young and was never there for you growing up, you might crave the opposite of unreliable, dependable. Spending a few minutes thinking about your parents and the mark they left on you could reveal the answer to finding your one word. You can build a life and business around security or dependable, just as much as you can around belief care or resourceful. You’re parents impacted you in positive and negative ways. Having an awareness of their impact can set you up for future success.

What you might ask if my one word is money, it’s not. If you think it is, you just haven’t found out what truly makes you come alive. Now, don’t get me wrong. Money is great. Money lets us do amazing things. We need to make money to stay alive and the more money we make, the more we can build. But understand this money is a tool, not a core value. It can help take you where you want to go, but it’s not the driver. There is always something deeper behind the need for money and until you figure that out, you’ll always limit yourself. Money comes from providing value. If people aren’t willing to pay you for what you’re doing, you’re not giving them enough value. On the flip side, the way to make a lot of money quickly is to provide a lot of value quickly.

Why do you love money so much? Say your dream is to make enough money in the next year to travel around the world. What you’re really seeking isn’t money. It’s adventure experiences or excitement. What most people do is set a money goal then try to figure out the fastest way to reach that money goal they take on business opportunities that they aren’t excited about because it promises to move them closer to their money goal. They tell themselves they don’t care what they do within reason as long as it brings in the money because that’s their real goal. They say it doesn’t matter, but it does matter. Money comes from giving value and if you don’t have the love for your business and you won’t put in the crazy work that’s needed to provide that value, you’ll quit as soon as it starts getting hard and the idea of working hard at something you don’t like just so that you can live the life you want at some point in the future is crazy to me.

Start living that life now saying that money is your one word is a crutch. You just haven’t dug deep enough inside yourself to discover who you really are. For all of this to work, you have to be brutally honest and real with yourself. This isn’t about who you should be or hope to be. It’s not about what your family wants you to be or what your culture tells you to be. It’s about who you really are and leveraging that to build a purposeful and happy life for yourself. It’s about living your version of your life and following your dreams, not theirs. If you keep living in a world where you can’t be yourself and you’re constantly striving for this ideal life of someone who isn’t who you actually are, you’ll never be fulfilled. You don’t have to be ashamed or afraid of your one word. It’s who you are and it will guide you for the rest of your life. Look at your one word and ask yourself, is this really deep down who I am? If your answer is yes, you’re ready to move on to build something awesome. If you answer no, go back and try the exercises again. Sleep on it, reflect on it in the shower. Go for a walk in, think about it. Meditate on it.

John Paul Dejoria, his parents divorced when he was two when he was nine he sold newspapers and Christmas cards door to door to help his family when his single mother wasn’t able to support him anymore. He was sent to live in a foster home in Los Angeles where he joined the gang and we’re his high school math teacher told him he would never succeed at anything in life. His later jobs included being a janitor and an insurance salesman. Today he’s a billionaire.

Oprah Winfrey was originally named Orpah, but people mispronounce it so often that she kept the name Oprah. She was born to an unmarried teenage mother who worked as a maid. She spent the first years of her life in poverty and was so poor that she often wore dresses made out of potato sacks and the local kids teased her about it. She was molested by her cousin, uncle, and family friend when she was nine at 13 she ran away from home and at 14 had a child who died prematurely. She is currently North America’s first and only multibillionaire black person.

When Abraham Lincoln was nine years old, his mother died from an illness. He was formerly educated for less than one year. He gave all the income he earned to his father until he was 21 the first love of his life died when he was 22 or three of the four children he had died before they reached adult hood.

His wife was eventually committed to a mental health asylum, and he suffered from melancholy, now referred to as clinical depression. In his political career, he was defeated eight times, trying to be everything from a congressman to senator to vice president. In 1860 he won the election to become president of the United States and is now considered to be one of the greatest presidents in American history. How did their stories compare to yours?

It’s hard to imagine that you had less support than John Paul Dejoria had fewer resources and Oprah Winfrey or more personal setbacks, and Abraham Lincoln, you have in this video and inside you the tools you need to succeed. It’s up to you. Act Boldly for your sake and the world’s belief.

your one word

There is one word that defines who you are. Find what it is and your life will change forever.

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Selim Aydin

Finding a better job Which would offer me more advantages

Anna Egorova

earn much money

Viktoria Voloshina

to pass my exam and to get high points

Alexey Venkov

find girl to go out

Joanna Murrey

to give the textbook with exam work of korean)))

Viktor Astakhov

I’ve passed the final exam)

Selim Aydin

Congratulations mate!

Vitalik Kazarov

Well, I have to replace a radiator in my car tomorrow) It had totally leaked today)

Viktor Astakhov

Thank you)

Andrey Korchun

Going into bed))

Marina Lopatina

i know that i should go reading «War and peace» by Tolstoy right now but i dont really want to,so i’m here.

Katya Razumova

It’s pretty interesting book. (I have read it in one month, actually)

I am going to pass 3 exams next week. It’s fun! ….Oh….

Viktor Astakhov

Try the summary)

Maria Medvedeva

the divorce

Elena Bozhuk-Mayskiy-Zhuk

summer fun in the city

Selim Aydin

Fuck…Tomorrow is Monday !!!

Elena Prekrasnaya

Tomorrow is presentation of degree work.

Yury Zagumennov

Everything’s OK… Meditation and silence in my mind…

Vitalik Kazarov

Good luck, Elena)
Yuri, yeah, way of Zen?)

Yury Zagumennov

Indeed :)

Olga Nikolaeva

to learn more and more english words!

Yury Zagumennov

To Ольга Николаева:

That’s the right spirit! Keep on!

Ann Ivanova

Um sleep sleep and again sleep.. hm tomorrow i have big day guys )

Yury Abdukarimov

The Russian woman I love who has cast me aside for a stupid reason.

Dima Dubakov

I wanna be batman. Can you change my mind)))

Privet Mphet

my supper…

Simon Mackey

Dima Dubakov Do you really want to wear womens tights and your underwear over the top of them?)))
Did I change your mind ?)))

Dima Dubakov

hah))) Im not sure he does wear womens tights. But yep, you did. Now i wanna be ironman)

Galia Dzhabbarova

I dont know why you are always on my mind.I think about you all the time..

Aygul Bakirova

I want to win an olympiad. unfortunately is impossible/for now/(

Alena Panferova

How not to oversleep tomorrow..

Natalia Tikhonovich

i’m in England now! hurey! )) it’s the big gift from God! )))

Ekaterina Fedina

About the south of France! An early morning, a cup of coffe. Silence and calm…

Nastya Nettle

How to spend time today effectively.

Elena Shakhova

how to celebrate my birthday. actually i have no idea(

Elena Bozhuk-Mayskiy-Zhuk

I do not want to be friends with people who annoy me.

Dasha Kosheleva

to take a driving test

Elena Bozhuk-Mayskiy-Zhuk

I think about how tired cold. I want summer.

Anastasia Moiseeva


Elena Shakhova

where to find a dress for school-leaving party

Alina Ivanova

i miss my lover…

Ulyana Gertsen

i am going to washing up

Dariya Semenyuk

I want to go out right now.But most of all i wish to pass my tests in May))

Adelina Volina

many different things: Im ready been locked up in the office too long, but walls’re tumbling down ( I quit damn job), It s time to get it — to learn many languages, english, espanola, to become ace in web design, and want to go abrode for half a year

Elena Bozhuk-Mayskiy-Zhuk

I think, I need to go to the bookstore.

Alexandra Proxionova


Elena Bozhuk-Mayskiy-Zhuk


Kristina Muzykantova


Alina Ivanova


Marion Leto

bed xD

Yulia Malyarevich

I work, and I dream about summer…

Sergey Delinni

So many times I’ve seen the dream — the best of dreams I’ve ever seen. And there was thing I’ve lost one day. It was a key from door of fain that I’ve closed one day. And I’ve found this key and opened this door. There was a sun I’ve never seen before and there was love I’ve never feeling more.

Katya Aranan

I love chocolate chip cookies, especially Famous Amos! *o*
Bcoz of you I’m thingking about them now…ugh… :(

Katya Aranan

Arrrrgh, noooooooo!!! I’m on a diet! Stop that! :))) I have to wait untill all my lessons finish, then I’ll be eating all the sweetes I want to!))) haha!!!
But now I’m suffering… :C
If I’ll not be able to survive untill tmrw morning, that’ll be your fault! :D

Katya Aranan

No. For a ballerina, work is always on the 1st place. Then goes food/family/friends/ rest )

Katya Aranan

hah))) men don’t wear a tutu :DDD well, usually not)))
An ballet dancer should be strong enough to hold a ballerina in one hand high above his head while doing smthg with his feet O.O
That’s why they always have a good body… :3 hehehe…)))
I am strong willed…. I haven’t eaten a piece of chocolate for 2 weeks!!! Even if I’m a sweeteater)))

Katya Aranan

she should weigh her hight- 117. That’s the ideal weight :/
For example, I’m 162 cm. I should weigh 45 :/
I have heavy bones, thanks to mom, and I broke my diet about a month ago(p.s and soon are my exams..that’s why I have to keep it now))) so now I weigh 50…
But I don’t want to be skinny or smth like that. I’m glad with the body I have… I don’t understand some girls who are mad over getting slim…a lot of them are just sick with anorexia… That’s sad(

Katya Aranan

I answered, a bit higher)))

Katya Aranan

hm…well…from 159- 170…maybe…so the average is.. 165)
Sorry, you’ll never be able to become a ballerina xDDDD
You’re handsome the way you are now)))

Katya Aranan

well, there are tall ones…but most of them are miniature and light)

Katya Aranan

hm… Well… A horror movie is a movie, right? ;DDD
I think you are strong enough…)))
Now you understand that »Art needs sacrifices…») The work of a dancer isn’t always as beautiful and easy as it seems…

Katya Aranan

ok ok ok)
I think I have it :DDD

Katya Aranan

!!!! O.O !!!!
Give me ur address, I’m comin’ after the cookies!!! :DDD
Btw, we can’t chew a bubble gum… We can choke… )))
Yes…we dance, jump, spin on tiptoes)

Katya Aranan

Awwww that’s not fair!!! You’ll eat all your cookies by the time I’ll get there! :/

Katya Aranan

Hello, your majesty, I need the Sand Man, he owes’ me some cookies… :D

Katya Aranan

Is that the password too? :D
Hey, wait a minute, how do u know the password???? :///

Katya Aranan

yeah right, then down the hole, then drink/eat something strange, then meet the mad Hatter and the Easter bunny bla-bla-bla :)
My imagination is too developed…
Drink in Wonderland with them tea…eat cookies… Hey! Stop-stop-stoooop… I shouldn’t think about that :///
Let’s chat about something else)
Tell me about urself…

Katya Aranan

Hmmm….that means eating all the cookies in ur house left… Don’t worry, I’ll find all the sweets when I’ll get there :))) Good luck to you too) see ya! :D

Katya Aranan

NOOOOO!!! You ate all of them!!! And didn’t leave anything for me :C
Of course they have a lot of kcal))) After eating smthg sweet, I always have to do excercises, to strech, etc… otherwise I feel guilty… :)))
So…how many days are you going to live in the Gym? haha

Anna Berdnikova

I think of looking for a buddy to improve english….huh..maybe somedays I will find such a person

Katya Aranan

OH! We were made to eat all the sweetes in the world! I love only ice cold milk!!! :D
Could have left a little bit for me :c
Heh…I like chocolate chip more…. Oh, my favourite is DOUBLE chocolate chip!!! :P mmm!!!
Well… I have my classical ballet class 6 times a week for about 2 hours… On monday we have other dance classes and ballet theory…so it takes about 5,5 hours all in all))) Doing physical excercises helps you ti clean your mind…leave all the problems… :)
I ate an ENORMOUS ice cream today!!!! :DDD
Vanilla ice cream with chocolate topping and with nuts!!! :P goodbye diet! At last!!! :)
Now I’m doing exercises… But it was worthy eating the ice cream I was waiting for so long….

Katya Aranan

:P I’m not eating ice cream everyday! I was waiting for this day so long! Could have been happy for me :P
:))) I’m not going to get »baloony» haha
Don’t worry)))

Katya Aranan

I’m happy you’re happy for me :D
What’re you doing now? How’s life? :)

Katya Aranan

yeah that’s right… Just like a small lie… If u continue lying…u’ll get used to it…and later…u might be like Jim Carrey in »Liar-liar» haha)))
Oh…my dinner consists of only a glass of milk…sometimes with some kind of fruit) Ehm…what time is it there’?

Katya Aranan

people, what do u think of this???
P.S. I always sigh as Anna Leisonne, when I write…)

You make me slowly fall in love,
And count at night all stars above.
You stop my heartbeat for a while,
I’ll walk for you another mile…
I’ll wear out shoes, sore feet in blood
Will pass throug hot sands, rocks and mud,
To only hear that dearest voice…
I am in love, I have no choice…
I send my kisses every night,
My only postman is moons’ light.
All flowers hear your lovely name.
I wish your feelings are the same…

Anna Leisonne. 2012.

Katya Aranan


Yulia Inan

rather sweet and romantic poem)

Katya Aranan

thank you….)

Yulia Inan

u r welcome)

Chaniece Brackeen

Find a partner to teach me Russian ^^

Elena Bozhuk-Mayskiy-Zhuk

tired of the job

Olga Iyul


Natasha Cash

the dog is very quiet today….

Nailya Medvedeva

Oh, I want to bed

Nailya Medvedeva

I want to go to sleep)

Siarhei Zavadski

Happy Mothers Day to all the mom’s out there. Wishing you all the love, peace & happiness that you all so rightfully deserve!

M — For the MILLION things she gave me,
O — For shes growing OLD,
T — For the TEARS she shed to save me,
H — For her HEART of purest gold,
E — For her EYES, with love-light shining,
R — For she is always RIGHT and always be.

Yulya Khodatskaya

about my boyfriend)

Ahmed Ferjani

A Mojito in a bar in front of Portorico’s sea :-)

Larisa Petrova

Don’t forget to ask where laborers have puted the brush

Nikol Shop

3 формы глагола put : put-put put
лучше употребитьPast simple, потому что это простое действие в прошедшем времени
… where laborers put the brush

Rashad Aslanov


Elena Meriin

I’m in love:)

Валентина Солдатенко

In a month I’m again going to Norway.What should I buy 4 my relatives? That’s a question.

Svetlana Butenina

I don’t want to lose my friend Т-Т

Karim Tenchurin

I don’t think i need anythin at all.

Larisa Petrova

I count on success of my idea

Rashad Aslanov

money and the ways of earning it

Anna Dyachuk

I want to learn german

Larisa Petrova

I have two old bank notes of 100 UAN denomination each. I do not know either they are acceptable or came out of using.

Валентина Солдатенко

My leg hasn’t hurt for 3 nights(TTT).I was able to sleep,though I have had a very bad sleep 4 six months.I’m so glad about that!

Rashad Aslanov

girl, my colleague)

Larisa Petrova

About purchasing the horticultural sundries.

Alisa Kazakova

about shool and English

Larisa Petrova

I want to grow the best verdant lawn.

Josh Romanov

«to earn more money.»

Josh Romanov

in English we would say: «to get a high mark.»

Josh Romanov

in English we say: «to find a girl to go out with.»

Josh Romanov

this does not make sense in English. Try again.

Larisa Petrova

The ordered trees will be delivered to us on Thursday. We will plant it in order to create something like verdant hedge.

Larisa Petrova

It’s a great treat to me to be in the mountains.

Jorge Hevia

A lot of work to do, but lucky me, I have a job, feeling blessed

Валентина Солдатенко

I want my mum to let us sleep at night.

Ленара Смолянова

I think how to take my son to Moscow..Its really difficult…

Elya Zaripova

travelling to Europe: how in general and where to get money

Ivan Petrov

Teach English

Валентина Солдатенко

Whom are you going to teach? Little kids or grown-ups?

Ivan Petrov


Dzhon Khanford

To see if there are any interesting people here.

Кристиночка Акопова

To get a new job,where I’d like to work

Кристиночка Акопова

And to be well again,because I’m ill

What’s on your mind?

Что у тебя на уме?

You were at my door
I heard you knocking but I didn’t care at all
I had been in all night just staring at the wall
I didn’t really want to see you anymore

Coming from the road
You took your coat off and you threw it on the floor
You said «I can’t believe
you wanna hurt me so»
I said «I’m not supposed to be like this, you know»
Well, I just had to let you go

What’s on your mind?
When you’re lost in time
What’s on your mind?
Tell me why
Why does it have to be this way?

You were in that dream that I was dreaming
I was dreaming in a dream
Your nylon dress and I was floating back downstream
I wanted love to come and swallow everything

Everything gets real
Sooner or later, doesn’t matter how you feel
You slammed that door shut on the night of glass and steel
I cannot blame you for believing what you believe
Well, I just had to let you go

Why do you always stay
Miles away
And two steps behind
Where the past is still living
Beautiful and forgiven
Do you not see
That you live in a dream

Ты стояла у моей двери,
Я слышал, как ты стучала, но мне было наплевать.
Всю ночь я пялился на стену,
Мне больше не хотелось тебя видеть.

Вернувшись с дороги,
Ты сняла пальто и бросила его на пол,
Ты сказала: «Не могу поверить,
что ты хочешь причинить мне боль»,
Я ответил: «Знаешь, так и не должно было выйти».
Что ж, мне просто пришлось отпустить тебя.

Что у тебя на уме?
Когда ты теряешься во времени,
Что у тебя не уме?
Ответь мне, почему,
Почему должно быть именно так?

Ты была в том сне, что мне снился,
Я мечтал во сне,
Твое нейлоновое платье, я плыл по течению,
Хотел, чтобы любовь пришла и поглотила все.

Все становится реальным,
Рано или поздно, неважно, что ты чувствуешь.
Ты захлопнула дверь в ту ночь из стекла и стали,
Я не могу винить тебя за веру в то, во что ты верила.
Что ж, мне просто пришлось отпустить тебя.

Почему ты всегда
Далеко в мечтах заходишь
И остаешься позади,
Где прошлое все еще живо,
Прекрасна, прощена?
Разве не видишь,
Ты живешь в мире грез?

Понравился перевод?


Перевод песни What’s on your mind? — Madrugada

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