What is hobby where did the word hobby come from

Look at the pictures and read the underlined words and headings. What do you think about the topics of these texts? Then read texts 13 and match them with pictures A−C.
Where does the word ‘hobby’ comes from?
Задание рисунок 1
1. We all know what a hobby is. It is something we enjoy doing in our free time.

The word comes from the name of a child’s toy −
hobby horse. It is a wooden stick with a horse’s head. Children play with a hobby horse, they pretend to ride a horse. It’s great fun for kids! So something we do for pleasure, not for money, is called a hobby.
Coin collecting is an ancient hobby!
Задание рисунок 2
2. Coin collecting is one of the oldest hobbies in the world. No one could really tell when it started. It is known that there were coin collectors in ancient Rome.

Coin collecting is known both as the ‘hobby of kings’ and the ‘king of hobbies’. The first Roman emperor Caesar Augustus was one of the most famous coin collectors. He enjoyed collecting old and foreign coins. He also liked to give them as presents to his friends.

Jigsaw puzzles started in 1767!
Задание рисунок 3
3. The jigsaw puzzle is now one of the most popular hobbies. The first jigsaw puzzle was made by John Spilsbury, an English teacher of geography. He used the puzzle to teach his pupils geography. He drew the map of Europe on wood and cut it along the borders of the European countries.

The first jigsaw puzzle was a map of England and Wales, with each county making up a separate piece. Now the biggest jigsaw puzzle is nearly
7 meters long, contains 32,256 pieces and weighs 17 kg. Is your room big enough for it?


ГДЗ Английский язык 5 класс FORWARD часть 2 Вербицкая. UNIT 10. Interests and hobbies. Номер №1


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Посмотрите на картинки и прочтите подчеркнутые слова и заголовки. Что вы думаете о тематике этих текстов? Затем прочтите тексты 13 и сравните их с картинками A – C.
Откуда взялось слово «хобби»?
1. Все мы знаем, что такое хобби. Это то, чем мы любим заниматься в свободное время.
Слово происходит от названия детской игрушки − лошадка−хобби. Это деревянная палка с головой лошади. Дети играют с лошадкой−хобби, они делают вид, что едут на лошади. Это отличное развлечение для детей! То, что мы делаем для удовольствия, а не ради денег, называется хобби.
Коллекционирование монет − старинное хобби!
2. Коллекционирование монет − одно из древнейших увлечений в мире. Никто не мог точно сказать, когда это началось. Известно, что в Древнем Риме были коллекционеры монет.
Коллекционирование монет известно как «хобби королей» и «король увлечений». Первый римский император Цезарь Август был одним из самых известных коллекционеров монет. Он любил коллекционировать старые и иностранные монеты. Еще он любил дарить их своим друзьям.
Пазлы появились в 1767 году!
3. Пазл сейчас одно из самых популярных увлечений. Первую головоломку составил Джон Спилсбери, учитель географии английского языка. Он использовал головоломку, чтобы научить своих учеников географии. Он нарисовал на дереве карту Европы и вырезал ее по границам европейских стран.
Первой головоломкой была карта Англии и Уэльса, где каждое графство составляло отдельный кусок. Сейчас самый большой пазл имеет длину почти 7 метров, состоит из 32 256 деталей и весит 17 кг. Достаточно ли велика ваша комната для этого?

1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – B.

A collection of assorted seashells spread across a white background.

Hobby: collecting seashells

In Tristram Shandy, the term «hobby-horse» was used to refer to whimsical obsessions, which led to the current use of the word «hobby»

A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one’s leisure time. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. Participation in hobbies encourages acquiring substantial skills and knowledge in that area. A list of hobbies changes with renewed interests and developing fashions, making it diverse and lengthy. Hobbies tend to follow trends in society, for example stamp collecting was popular during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as postal systems were the main means of communication, while video games are more popular nowadays following technological advances. The advancing production and technology of the nineteenth century provided workers with more leisure time to engage in hobbies. Because of this, the efforts of people investing in hobbies has increased with time.

Hobbyists may be identified under three sub-categories: casual leisure which is intrinsically rewarding, short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no preparation, serious leisure which is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer that is substantial, rewarding and results in a sense of accomplishment, and finally project-based leisure which is a short-term, often one-off, project that is rewarding.[1]


A grey-haired person using a computer with two monitors.

Writing and editing articles for Wikipedia is a hobby for some people.

In the 16th century, the term «hobby» had the meaning of «small horse and pony». The term «hobby horse» was documented in a 1557 payment confirmation for a «Hobbyhorse» from Reading, England.[2] The item, originally called a «Tourney Horse», was made of a wooden or basketwork frame with an artificial tail and head. It was designed for a child to mimic riding a real horse. By 1816 the derivative, «hobby», was introduced into the vocabulary of a number of English people.[3] Over the course of subsequent centuries, the term came to be associated with recreation and leisure. In the 17th century, the term was used in a pejorative sense by suggesting that a hobby was a childish pursuit, however, in the 18th century with more industrial society and more leisure time, hobbies took on greater respectability.[4] A hobby is also called a pastime, derived from the use of hobbies to pass the time. A hobby became an activity that is practiced regularly and usually with some worthwhile purpose.[5] Hobbies are usually, but not always, practiced primarily for interest and enjoyment, rather than financial reward.


Prior to the mid-19th century, hobbies were generally considered as an obsession, childish or trivial, with negative connotations.[6] However, as early as 1676 Sir Matthew Hale, in Contemplations Moral and Divine, wrote «Almost every person hath some hobby horse or other wherein he prides himself.»[7] He was acknowledging that a «hobby horse» produces a legitimate sense of pride. The cultural shift towards acceptance of hobbies was thought to begin during the mid 18th century as working people had more regular hours of work and greater leisure time, spending more time to pursue interests that brought them satisfaction.[8] However, there was concern that these working people might not use their leisure time in worthwhile pursuits. «The hope of weaning people away from bad habits by the provision of counter-attractions came to the fore in the 1830s, and has rarely waned since. Initially, the bad habits were perceived to be of a sensual and physical nature, and the counter attractions, or perhaps more accurately alternatives, deliberately cultivated rationality and the intellect.»[9] The book and magazine trade of the day encouraged worthwhile hobbies and pursuits. The burgeoning manufacturing trade made materials used in hobbies cheap and was responsive to the changing interests of hobbyists.

In 1941, George Orwell identified hobbies as central to European culture at the time: «Another English characteristic which is so much a part of us that we barely notice it … is the addiction to hobbies and spare-time occupations, the prolateness of English life. We are a nation of flower-lovers, but also a nation of stamp-collectors, pigeon-fanciers, amateur carpenters, coupon-snippers, darts-players, crossword-puzzle fans. All the culture that is most truly native centers round things which even when they are communal are not official—the pub, the football match, the back garden, the fireside and the ‘nice cup of tea’.»[10]

Deciding what to include in a list of hobbies provokes debate because it is difficult to decide which pleasurable pass-times can also be described as hobbies. During the 20th century the term hobby suggested activities, such as stamp collecting, embroidery, knitting, painting, woodwork, and photography. Typically the description did not include activities like listening to music, watching television, or reading. These latter activities bring pleasure, but lack the sense of achievement usually associated with a hobby. They are usually not structured, organized pursuits, as most hobbies are. The pleasure of a hobby is usually associated with making something of value or achieving something of value. «Such leisure is socially valorized precisely because it produces feelings of satisfaction with something that looks very much like work but that is done of its own sake.»[5] «Hobbies are a contradiction: they take work and turn it into leisure, and take leisure and turn it into work.»[11] A 2018 study using survey results identified the term «hobby» to most accurately describe activities associated with making or collecting objects, especially when done alone.[6]

Cultural trends related to hobbies change with time. In the 21st century, the video game industry has been popular as a hobby involving millions of children and adults. Stamp collecting declined along with the importance of the postal system. Woodwork and knitting declined as hobbies, because manufactured goods provide cheap alternatives for handmade goods. Through the internet, an online community has become a hobby for many people; sharing advice, information and support, and in some cases, allowing a traditional hobby, such as collecting, to flourish and support trading in a new environment.[citation needed]


Hobbyists are a part of a wider group of people engaged in leisure pursuits where the boundaries of each group overlap to some extent. The Serious Leisure Perspective[12] groups hobbyists with amateurs and volunteers and identifies three broad groups of leisure activity with hobbies being found mainly in the Serious leisure category. Casual leisure is intrinsically rewarding, short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no preparation. Serious leisure is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer that is substantial, rewarding and results in a sense of accomplishment. Finally, project-based leisure is a short-term often a one-off project that is rewarding.[1]

The terms amateur and hobbyist are often used interchangeably. Stebbins[12] has a framework which distinguishes the terms in a useful categorization of leisure in which casual leisure is separated from serious Leisure. He describes serious leisure as undertaken by amateurs, hobbyists and volunteers. Amateurs engage in pursuits that have a professional counterpart, such as playing an instrument or astronomy. Hobbyists engage in five broad types of activity: collecting, making and tinkering (like embroidery and car restoration), activity participation (like fishing and singing), sports and games, and liberal-arts hobbies (like languages, cuisine, literature). Volunteers commit to organizations where they work as guides, counsellors, gardeners and so on. The separation of the amateur from the hobbyist is because the amateur has the ethos of the professional practitioner as a guide to practice. An amateur clarinetist is conscious of the role and procedures of a professional clarinetist.

A large proportion of hobbies are mainly solitary in nature.[13] However, individual pursuit of a hobby often includes club memberships, organized sharing of products and regular communication between participants. For many hobbies there is an important role in being in touch with fellow hobbyists. Some hobbies are of communal nature, like choral singing and volunteering.

People who engage in hobbies have an interest in and time to pursue them. Children have been an important group of hobbyists because they are enthusiastic for collecting, making and exploring, in addition to this they have the leisure time that allows them to pursue those hobbies. The growth in hobbies occurred during industrialization which gave workers set time for leisure. During the Depression there was an increase in the participation in hobbies because the unemployed had the time and a desire to be purposefully occupied.[14] Hobbies are often pursued with an increased interest by retired people because they have the time and seek the intellectual and physical stimulation a hobby provides.

Types of hobbies[edit]

Hobbies are a diverse set of activities and it is difficult to categorize them in a logical manner. The following categorization of hobbies was developed by Stebbins.[1]


Collecting includes seeking, locating, acquiring, organizing, cataloging, displaying and storing.[15] Collecting is appealing to many people due to their interest in a particular subject and a desire to categorize and make order out of complexity. Some collectors are generalists, accumulating items from countries of the world. Others focus on a subtopic within their area of interest, perhaps 19th century postage stamps, milk bottle labels from Sussex, or Mongolian harnesses and tack, Firearms (both modern and vintage).

A photo album spread open to show a collection of stamps.

Collecting is an ancient hobby, with the list of coin collectors showing Caesar Augustus as one. Sometimes collectors have turned their hobby into a business, becoming commercial dealers that trade in the items being collected.

An alternative to collecting physical objects is collecting records of events of a particular kind. Examples include train spotting, bird-watching, aircraft spotting, railfans, and any other form of systematic recording a particular phenomenon. The recording form can be written, photographic, online, etc.

Making and tinkering[edit]

Making and tinkering includes working on self-motivated projects for fulfillment. These projects may be progressive, irregular tasks performed over a long period of time.[1] Making and Tinkering hobbies include higher-end projects, such as building or restoring a car or building a computer from individual parts, like CPUs and SSDs. For computer savvy do-it-yourself hobbyists, CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machining may also popular. A CNC machine can be assembled and programmed to make different parts from wood or metal.

Tinkering is ‘dabbling’ with the making process, often applied to the hobby of tinkering with car repairs, and various kinds of restoration: of furniture, antique cars, etc. It also applies to household tinkering: repairing a wall, laying a pathway, etc. Examples of Making and Tinkering hobbies include Scale modeling, model engineering, 3D printing, dressmaking, and cooking.

Scale modeling is making a replica of a real-life object in a smaller scale and dates back to prehistoric times with small clay «dolls» and other children’s toys that have been found near known populated areas. Some of the earliest scale models of residences were found in Cucuteni–Trypillia culture in Eastern Europe. These artifacts were dated to be around 3000-6000 BC.[16] Similar models dating back to the same period were found in ancient Egypt, India, China and Mesopotamia archaeological sites.[17]

At the turn of the Industrial Age and through the 1920s, some families could afford things such as electric trains, wind-up toys (typically boats or cars) and the increasingly valuable tin toy soldiers. Scale modeling as we know it today became popular shortly after World War II. Before 1946, children as well as adults were content in carving and shaping wooden replicas from block wood kits, often depicting enemy aircraft to help with identification in case of an invasion.[citation needed]

With the advent of modern plastics, the amount of skill required to get the basic shape accurately shown for any given subject was lessened, making it easier for people of all ages to begin assembling replicas in varying scales. Superheroes, aero planes, boats, cars, tanks, artillery, and even figures of soldiers became quite popular subjects to build, paint and display. Although almost any subject can be found in almost any scale, there are common scales for such miniatures which remain constant today.

Model engineering refers to building functioning machinery in metal, such as internal combustion motors and live steam models or locomotives. This is a demanding hobby that requires a multitude of large and expensive tools, such as lathes and mills. This hobby originated in the United Kingdom in the late 19th century, later spreading and flourishing in the mid-20th century. Due to the expense and space required, it is becoming rare.

3D Printing is a relatively new technology and already a major hobby as the cost of printers has fallen sharply. It is a good example of how hobbyists quickly engage with new technologies, communicate with one another and become producers related to their former hobby. 3D modeling is the process of making mathematical representations of three dimensional items and is an aspect of 3D printing.

Dressmaking has been a major hobby up until the late 20th century, in order to make cheap clothes, but also as a creative design and craft challenge. It has been reduced by the low cost of manufactured clothes.

Cooking is for some people an interest, a hobby, a challenge and a source of significant satisfaction. For many other people it is a job, a chore, a duty, like cleaning. In the early 21st century the importance of cooking as a hobby was demonstrated by the high popularity of competitive television cooking programs.

Activity participation[edit]

Activity participation includes partaking in «non-competitive, rule-based pursuits.»[1]

Outdoor pursuits are the group of activities which occur outdoors. These hobbies include gardening, hill walking, hiking, backpacking, cycling, canoeing, climbing, caving, fishing, hunting, target shooting (informal or formal), wildlife viewing (as birdwatching) and engaging in watersports and snowsports.

One large subset of outdoor pursuits is gardening. Residential gardening most often takes place in or about one’s own residence, in a space referred to as the garden. Although a garden typically is located on the land near a residence, it may also be located on a roof, in an atrium, on a balcony, in a windowbox, or on a patio or vivarium.

Gardening also takes place in non-residential green areas, such as parks, public or semi-public gardens (botanical gardens or zoological gardens), amusement and theme parks, along transportation corridors, and around tourist attractions and hotels. In these situations, a staff of gardeners or groundskeepers maintains the gardens.

A variety of flowers and vegetables in an indoor garden.

Indoor gardening is concerned with growing houseplants within a residence or building, in a conservatory, or in a greenhouse. Indoor gardens are sometimes incorporated into air conditioning or heating systems.

Water gardening is concerned with growing plants that have adapted to pools and ponds, along with aquascaping in planted aquariums. Bog gardens are also considered a type of water garden. A simple water garden may consist solely of a tub containing the water and plants.

Container gardening is concerned with growing plants in containers that are placed above the ground.

Liberal arts pursuits[edit]

Flash photo of a costumed magician at a party with several excited children.

Many hobbies involve performances by the hobbyist, such as singing, acting, juggling, magic, dancing, playing a musical instrument, martial arts, and other performing arts.

Some hobbies may result in an end product. Examples of this would be woodworking, photography, moviemaking, jewelry making, software projects such as Photoshopping and home music or video production, making bracelets, artistic projects such as drawing, painting, Cosplay (design, creation, and wearing a costume based on an already existing creative property), creating models out of card stock or paper – called papercraft. Many of these fall under the category visual arts.

Writing is often taken up as a hobby by aspiring writers and usually appears in the form of personal blog, guest posting or fan fiction (literary art resulting in creation of written content based on already existing, licensed creative property under specified terms).[18]

Reading books, ebooks, magazines, comics, or newspapers, along with browsing the internet is a common hobby, and one that can trace its origins back hundreds of years. A love of literature, later in life, may be sparked by an interest in reading children’s literature as a child. Many of these fall under the category literary arts.

Sports and games[edit]

Main article: Game

Stebbins[1] distinguishes an amateur sports person and a hobbyist by suggesting a hobbyist plays in less formal sports, or games that are rule bound and have no professional equivalent. While an amateur sports individual plays a sport with a professional equivalent, such as football or tennis. Amateur sport may range from informal play to highly competitive practice, such as deck tennis or long distance trekking.

The Department for Culture, Media, and Support in England suggests that playing sports benefits physical and mental health. A positive relationship appeared between engaging in sports and improving overall health.[19]

Psychological role[edit]

During the 20th century there was extensive research into the important role that play has in human development. While most evident in childhood, play continues throughout life for many adults in the form of games, hobbies, and sport.[20] Moreover, studies of aging and society support the value of hobbies in healthy aging.[21]

Significant achievements[edit]

There have been many instances where hobbyists and amateurs have achieved significant discoveries and developments. These are a small sample.

  • Amateur astronomers have explored the skies for centuries and there is a long list of Notable amateur astronomers who have made major discoveries. Amateur astronomers Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp discovered the Comet Hale–Bopp.[22]
  • A substantial amount of early scientific research came from the amateur activities of the wealthy, such as Antoine Lavoisier’s contributions to the science of chemistry and Benjamin Franklin’s investigations into electricity.[23][24]
  • Open source is a development model using the internet to cooperate on projects. It is most notable in the development of software and widely used software, which has been developed and maintained by large numbers of people, including many home-based amateurs with high level expertise.
  • While the general public was not aware of nature observation which was formally conducted as field research, during the 1930s, practitioners of the hobby went on to become the pioneers of the conservation movement that flourished in the UK from 1965 onwards.

See also[edit]

  • Avocation
  • Entertainment
  • Community of interest
  • List of hobbies
  • Personal life
  • Play (activity)


  1. ^ a b c d e f Stebbins, Robert (2015). Serious Leisure: A Perspective for Our Time. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers.
  2. ^ The Phrase Finder (1996–2012). «Hobby-horse». The Phrase Finder. Gary Martin. Retrieved 5 May 2012.
  3. ^ Douglas Harper (2001–2012). «hobby». Online Etymology Dictionary. Douglas Harper. Retrieved 5 May 2012.
  4. ^ Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 11.
  5. ^ a b Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 12.
  6. ^ a b Daily, Larry Z. (3 July 2018). «Towards a definition of «hobby»: An empirical test of a proposed operational definition of the word hobby». Journal of Occupational Science. 25 (3): 368–382. doi:10.1080/14427591.2018.1463286. ISSN 1442-7591. S2CID 169312007.
  7. ^ Sir Matthew Hale (1676). Contemplations moral and divine. Printed by William Godbid, for William Shrowbury at the Bible in Duke-Lane, and John Leigh at the Blew Bell Fleet Street near Chancery-lane. p. 201.
  8. ^ Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 3.
  9. ^ Thomson F M L. ‘’The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750–1950 Vol 2’’. Cambridge University Press, 1990, p. 327
  10. ^ Orwell, George (28 February 1941). «The Lion and the Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius». England Your England.
  11. ^ Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 23.
  12. ^ a b «The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP)». The Serious Leisure Perspective (SLP). Retrieved 18 February 2016.
  13. ^ Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 28.
  14. ^ Gelber, Steven (1991). «A Job You Can’t Lose: Work and Hobbies in the Great Depression». Journal of Social History. Oxford University Press. 24 (4): 741–766. doi:10.1353/jsh/24.4.741. JSTOR 3788855.
  15. ^ Gelber S M. ‘’Hobbies: leisure and the Culture of Work in America’’ Columbia University Press, 1999, p. 11.
  16. ^ «History of modeling. Making models from antiquity to the present day | Architekton | Kiev, Ukraine». Architekton. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  17. ^ «History of modeling. Making models from antiquity to the present day | Architekton | Kiev, Ukraine». Architekton. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  18. ^ «Terms of Service | FanFiction». www.fanfiction.net. Retrieved 28 August 2020.
  19. ^ «Analysis of health and educational benefits of sport and culture». gov.uk. Retrieved 18 August 2015.
  20. ^ Carlisle R P Ed, ‘’Encyclopedia of Play in Today’s Society Vol 1’’, SAGE Publications, 2009 page x
  21. ^ Pillay, Srini (20 June 2017), «How Hobbies Impact Your Head and Your Heart», Psychology Today
  22. ^ Laboratory, Charli Schuler : Jet Propulsion. «NASA — Spotlight: It’s Amateur Night in Space». www.nasa.gov. Retrieved 17 March 2021.
  23. ^ «Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier». Science History Institute. June 2016. Retrieved 20 March 2018.
  24. ^ Cohen, I. Bernard (1990). Benjamin Franklin’s Science. Harvard University Press. ISBN 978-0-674-06659-5.

External links[edit]

  • Learn Hobbies Online
  • Hobby at Merriam-Webster

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Hobbies.

Wikiquote has quotations related to hobby.

Look up hobby or pastime in Wiktionary, the free dictionary.

Страница 14

Interests and hobbies. – Интересы и увлечения.

1. Look at the pictures and read the underlined words and headings. What do you think about the topics of these texts? Then read texts 1-3 and match them with pictures A-C. – Посмотрите на картинки и прочитайте подчеркнутые слова и заголовки. Что вы думаете о темах этих текстов? Затем прочитайте тексты 1-3 и сопоставьте их с картинками A-C.

1) Did you know where does the word ‘hobby’ comes from? – Знаете ли вы, откуда взялось слово «хобби»?

We all know what a hobby is. It is something we enjoy doing in our free time.
The word comes from the name of a child’s toy − hobby horse. It is a wooden stick with a horse’s head. Children play with a hobby horse, they pretend to ride a horse. It’s great fun for kids! So something we do for pleasure, not for money, is called a hobby.

Мы все знаем, что такое хобби. Это то, чем мы с удовольствием занимаемся в свободное время.
Слово происходит от названия детской игрушки − «Лошадь на палочке» (hobby horse). Это деревянная палка с лошадиной головой. Дети играют с лошадкой, они притворяются, что катаются на лошади. Это отличное развлечение для детей! Итак, то, что мы делаем для удовольствия, а не за деньги, называется хобби.

2) Did you know coin collecting is an ancient hobby! –  Знаете ли вы, что коллекционирование монет — это древнее хобби!

Coin collecting is one of the oldest hobbies in the world. No one could really tell when it started. It is known that there were coin collectors in ancient Rome.
Coin collecting is known both as the ‘hobby of kings’ and the ‘king of hobbies’. The first Roman emperor Caesar Augustus was one of the most famous coin collectors. He enjoyed collecting old and foreign coins. He also liked to give them as presents to his friends.

Коллекционирование монет — одно из старейших увлечений в мире. Никто на самом деле не мог сказать, когда это началось. Известно, что в Древнем Риме были коллекционеры монет.
Коллекционирование монет известно как «хобби королей», так и «король хобби». Первый римский император Цезарь Август был одним из самых известных коллекционеров монет. Ему нравилось коллекционировать старинные и иностранные монеты. Он также любил дарить их своим друзьям.

3) Did you know Jigsaw puzzles started in 1767! – Знаете ли вы, что пазлы появились в 1767 году!

The jigsaw puzzle is now one of the most popular hobbies. The first jigsaw puzzle was made by John Spilsbury, an English teacher of geography. He used the puzzle to teach his pupils geography. He drew the map of Europe on wood and cut it along the borders of the European countries.
The first jigsaw puzzle was a map of England and Wales, with each county making up a separate piece. Now the biggest jigsaw puzzle is nearly 7 meters long, contains 32,256 pieces and weighs 17 kg. Is your room big enough for it?

Пазл сейчас одно из самых популярных увлечений. Первую головоломку составил Джон Спилсбери, учитель географии английского языка. Он использовал головоломку, чтобы научить своих учеников географии. Он нарисовал на дереве карту Европы и вырезал ее по границам европейских стран.
Первой головоломкой была карта Англии и Уэльса, где каждое графство составляло отдельный кусок. Сейчас самый большой пазл имеет длину почти 7 метров, состоит из 32 256 деталей и весит 17 кг. Достаточно ли велика ваша комната для этого?

Ответ: 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A.

Lesson 6: My Hobby

what is a hobby in english

Lesson plan:

Vocabulary: My hobby (My hobby)

Grammar: Present Continuous

Conversation patterns: Free time

Speech Clichés: Preferences

Hobby types, hobby essay writing, hobby topics

We will start today’s lesson with a lexical topic about a hobby, which will appeal not only to parents, educators and teachers, but also to children.


“What is a hobby? A hobby is what you enjoy doing in your free time. Hobbies make your life more interesting ”, — it is written in the picture.

Speaking about hobbies in English, we mean the types of hobbies, i.e. activities that you can do in your free time and that can become favorite activities in a child’s life. In the table, we have collected the popular activities today, which are the hobbies of many children and their parents.


For the qualitative development of speech, modern programs offer younger students such a type of activity as writing an essay on the topic «Hobbies» (essay about hobbies). To do this, you cannot do without knowing the words from the table above.

On social networks, in tutorials and manuals, you can find many topics (topics) about hobbies. These are stories on a given topic that help the child learn to formulate their thoughts, develop speech and reading skills.

Time rules PresentContinuous, use of the present for a long time, verbs in PresentContinuous

One of the leading grammatical instructions is the canons of the temporal. And if younger schoolchildren could already hear about the Present Simple time in English, then Present Continuous will become a discovery for that audience who has not yet studied this grammatical category.

Present Continuous time in English is a process that lasts for a certain period of time in the present, i.e. an action taking place in a given period of time. There is a certain rule for using this time, which must be followed in order to correctly formulate sentences in English in Present Continuous. To do this, you need to get acquainted with the auxiliary verbs of the studied grammatical unit.

Present Continuous verbs — verbs of the present long tense.

Present Continuous verbs can be divided into two groups. The first group is auxiliary verbs that are used in sentences and texts, sometimes in dialogues. The second group is all the other verbs that denote the action of the object.

The first group of verbs in English in Present Continuous tense:

For example:

I am dancing now. I’m dancing now.

He is dancing now. He’s dancing now.

We are listening to music now. We are now listening to music.


Rule PresentContinuous in english:

Not much different from other tenses, in Present Continuous (present long) there are three forms of the verb — positive (+), interrogative (?) And negative (-).


Pronoun I + auxiliary Verb am + verb (verb)+end «ing«;

Pronouns He, She, It +auxiliary verb is +verb+end «ing«;

Pronouns We, you, They +auxiliary verb are + verb+ ending «ing».


In the tense category Present Continuous, the adverbs «now» and «at the moment» are used:

Conversation patterns: Free time


There are no basic phrases intended to describe your time in your free time. However, your attention is offered words and phrases that can often be used by children in their essays on this topic. It will not be difficult to tell about your free time in English if you put into practice the speech patterns that we have prepared:

Free time is a favorite topic not only of junior schoolchildren, but also of their parents, as the child is inspired by the fact that in the lesson he needed to tell about what he likes to do in his free time.

This fosters a love for the subject, a craving for new knowledge, and also develops communication skills, imagination, speech and many other functions necessary for a child at this stage.

How I spend my free time — after learning the material in this lesson, the topic «Hobbies» and «Free time» will become one of your child’s favorite topics and can cause them to become attracted to foreign languages.

Speech Clichés: Preferences

Sharing Preferences in English means relaxing a little during an English lesson and telling your classmates about your favorite activities.

Educators see this topic as an additional impetus for students in the fight against learning English.

Every schoolchild, tired of learning alphabets, solving mathematical examples and copying texts, dreams of telling about what he really likes (s), albeit in English. In the table, we have collected preference verbs in English:


When using preference verbs in your sentences, you must follow one simple rule:

After the preference verbs, add the ending “ing»and then your proposal would look like this:

I enjoy swimming (I like swimming).

Source: https://100urokov.ru/predmety/urok-6-moyo-hobbi

How to learn English with a hobby?

what is a hobby in english

It is no secret that English is the language of international communication, so it is logical that there is much more new and useful information on any topic in the English-speaking segment of the Internet. You have probably noticed that many instructions and diagrams have been translated from English. Why wait for someone to translate a new instruction when you can read or listen to it yourself in the original?

Learning English for your hobby is not that difficult. Make a list of basic terms, translate them using multitran.ru dictionary or any other, and keep this glossary close at hand.

Next, remember what sources you use to find information about your hobby in your native language and find similar ones, only in English. In addition, if you are looking for something in a search engine, then enter the original query immediately in English.

Here are some ideas for where you can find useful hobby information:

— subscribe to blogs by interest.

— watch video guides and tutorials in English in

— communicate on thematic forums

— study English-language sites that sell goods for your hobby, this will help to significantly expand your vocabulary in the right direction

— subscribe to mailing lists

— take an online English course on your hobby

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Source: http://www.comfortenglish.com/learn-english-with-hobby/

Let’s talk about a hobby?

what is a hobby in english

A simple rule of thumb: If a conversation with a person is not going well, ask about their hobbies. If your interlocutor is passionate about catching butterflies, fishing, carving wooden trinkets or some other pleasant nonsense and loves to talk about this occupation, consider that the dialogue was a success. The hobby topic is inexhaustible, because you can spend hours discussing knitting threads or chess problems, arguing and agreeing, finding common ground and learning new things.

In this article, we will find the right phrases and words for talking about hobbies in English.

What can I ask?

What is your hobby? How do you spare your free time?

What kinds of activities do you prefer in a free time?

Having heard such questions, we immediately answer:

  • When I have a free time, I
  • In my spare time I
  • When I’m free from routine activities, I do
  • I relax by (go hiking)
  • I’m interested in
  • I enjoy
  • I’m keen on

Add “quite” or “really” to heighten the emotion and show you are passionate about it, so everyone will believe in your enthusiasm and interest.

You can not limit yourself to short answers, but give a detailed explanation: what exactly, when and how fanatically you are doing. Did they ask? So let them listen:

  • I handmade. I’m very creative person keen on doing unusual things by myself.
  • I sport activities, such as riding a bike in summer and skiing in winter, athletics and volleyball. This make me feel good and keep fit.
  • Music is my favorite hobby. I to listen to it, visit concerts and parties. Also I play guitar and piano.

Why are you doing this?

You can explain why your hobby is interesting and useful, why do you spend all your free time, effort, money on some business? Sports, for example. After all, how many lazy people are going to sign up and do not sign up for training, in sections, different clubs. Maybe by telling your friend what sport is so wonderful about, you will gain a like-minded person? This is done something like this:

I really enjoy going to the fitness center because

Source: http://begin-english.ru/article/sprosit-o-hobbi-na-angliyskom/

The strangest hobbies of stars and ordinary people

Each person has a hobby: someone loves to embroider, someone plays football, someone bakes delicious pies. But there are people whose favorite hobby raises only one question: “What? Are you really doing this? » Today we want to tell you about the weird hobbies that are practiced abroad. At the same time, you will enrich your vocabulary with useful vocabulary, and your horizons with fascinating information.

Giving away ten dollars to strangers — giving away 10 dollars to strangers

Reed Sandridge is unemployed who distributes money to passers-by. Every day he gives $ 10 to someone he thinks are going through tough times. Reed keeps a notebook where he writes down when and to whom he gave the money, as well as how the person intends to spend it.

The benefactor is well aware that $ 10 is precious little even for a beggar (down-and-out). However, the purpose of his action is not to enrich anyone, but rather to spread an idea that it is necessary to help someone who needs it.

You can read Reed’s blog and learn more about this movement.

Egg shell carving — egg shell carving

Remember the saying You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs (you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs), an analogue of our «The forest is chopped — the chips are flying»? Times are changing, and now this saying has lost its meaning: an omelet can be made without breaking eggs, but by turning them into works of art.

While you and I are making scrambled eggs and poached eggs, foreigners are carving amazing patterns on the shell. This is truly intricate work. This hobby requires deep concentration and attention to detail, you have to tinker with the shells (bother with egg shells).

But this lesson helps to take your mind off the routine and create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Geocahing — geocaching

If as a child you read adventure books and always dreamed of finding treasure, take up this hobby. Abroad, about 3 million people are fond of geocaching, who like to spend time outdoors (outdoorsman).

So, people take a thing of little value, put it in a waterproof box and hide it in some historical or just interesting place, although sometimes «caches» can be hidden in the wilderness (off the beaten track) … At the same time, they write down the coordinates of the location of the thing and register them on the site.

Another «cache» takes coordinates and looks for a thing, after finding a cache, he hides his «treasure» in another place, then history repeats itself. This hobby will take you out into the fresh air and introduce you to interesting locations.

Ghost hunting — ghost hunting

Have you always envied the guys from the Ghostbusters movie and wanted to hunt afterworld guests? Then join the fans of this hobby, hunt down ghosts and explore paranormal phenomena.

Ghostbusters travel to haunted places and try to collect evidence of the existence of ghosts.

I must say that this is an expensive hobby, so for people with ordinary income it can only be an occupation in their free time (avocation).

Bug fighting — beetle fights

Source: https://englex.ru/the-strangest-hobbies/

Hobbies and Pastimes. Hobbies and hobbies in English

Pauline Updated January 10, 2019

Hobby is what we do in our free time, what we are very passionate about and interested in. In your free time from what? From work? Someone can refute such a definition, since they managed to combine their favorite activities with earning a living, and someone even got rich on this!

Pastimes is a pleasant pastime. That is, watching movies or going shopping can hardly be called a hobby, but rather pastimes. Although, if you are a movie fan, for example, then it may well be a hobby.

So we will not be tied strictly to definitions, set a framework, let’s just talk about interests!

Acting — Game (acting) backpacking — Backpacking
baking — baking biking — Cycling blogging — Blogging
board-game — Board games camping — Camping with tents cards — cards
carpentry — Carpentry carving — Carving chess — Chess
collecting — Collecting cooking — Cooking crafts — Crafts
Crossword puzzles — Crossword Puzzles dancing — dancing drawing — Drawing
embroidery — embroidery fishing — Fishing gardening — gardening
genealogy — Genealogy graffiti — Graffiti handicraft — Handicraft, handicraft
hiking — Hiking hunting — Hunting ice-skating — Ice skating
ikebana — ikebana Jigsaw puzzles — Puzzles jogging — Jogging
juggling — juggling kite-flying — Launching kites knitting — Knitting
languages ​​- Languages model-making — modeling movies — movies
music — music origami — origami painting — Drawing
photography graphy Playing the piano — Playing the piano poetry — poetry
pottery-making — Pottery puppetry — Puppet theater puzzle — Riddles, puzzles
reading — Reading Rock climbing — rock climbing scrapbook — Scrapbooking
scuba diving sewing — Sewing shopping — Shopping trip
skydiving — Skydiving snooker — Billiards snooker snooker / pool / billiard — Billiards snooker
snorkelling — Snorkeling sports — sports weaving — weaving
woodworking — Woodworking writing — writing art yoga — yoga

How to tell about your interests

  • My hobbies are. (painting and embroidery) — My hobbies are painting and embroidery.
  • I / love (dancing) — I like to dance.
  • I’m interested in (ofing sports) — I am interested in sports.
  • I’m passionate about (playing the violin) — I like to play the violin (I have a passion to play the violin)
  • I’m very enthusiastic about (writeing stories) — I am very fond of writing stories (I write with enthusiasm).
  • I’m fond of (watching American movies) — I love watching American movies.
  • I’m keen on (gardening) — I am fond of gardening.
  • I am a (film) buff — I’m a big movie lover.
  • (Playing snooker) is fun — playing billiards is exciting.

Pay attention to the prepositions in the constructions — be interested IN, be keen ON, be fond OF, be passionate ABOUT. Be enthusiastic ABOUT — these are the prepositions to remember. Also, note that the gerund (-ing) is always used after preposition constructions, not the infinitive. For more details, see the article on the gerund and infinitive in English.

Hobbies in China and the Philippines

Of course, this is not a complete list of hobbies, only the most common ones.

I would like to tell you a little about hobbies in different countries.

Many of my Chinese students do not understand what a hobby is at all. And in general, what is free time, since some children in high school leave for classes at 5 am, return home at 10 pm !!! Not all schools have such a strict army regime, but in general they are definitely stricter than in Russia. Teaches discipline, clogs their brain with information, but. Does not develop creative inclinations at all. And I think this is important!

Moreover, one 18-year-old student of mine recounted in tears that her father had forbidden her to practice dancing and playing the guitar — dancing and playing the guitar (which one has long dreamed of with all her heart!), and told her — if you want a hobby — sit better, draw. And then music is too emotional and distracts from studying And in China, it is customary to listen to your parents. And not only at the age of 18.

Of those who are luckier — play computer games, go in for sports (mainly ping-pong, tennis, badminton, basketball), drawing, painting, music… Many Chinese people say that their hobby is eating! But they really are foodies.

The older generation dance a lot, play national instruments, sing in parks, play their games — Majong and Xiangqi (chess).

Also, many in the parks play Wazi — shuttlecock, which is kicked. We bought ourselves one, practice

Source: https://4lang.ru/english/vocabulary/hobbies-and-pastimes

How to talk about a hobby in English?

Among the methods of studying and better mastering a foreign language, one can single out the compilation of texts and writing essays on various topics. One of the most exciting topics is “My hobby. My hobby «.

The ability to talk or write about your hobby in English will interest the interlocutor, impress the selection committee or potential employer.

It will be interesting for native speakers to hear from you not only information about work and study, but also to find out how you spend your free time.

What does the word «hobby» mean?

The word «hobby» comes from the English hobby, as they once called miniature horses and ponies, and then — a children’s toy horse (hobby horse). This phrase acquired the meaning of a favorite pastime after the release of Laurence Stern’s novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Each hero of this work is endowed with his own «hobby horse».

About him Stern wrote the following: “This is a playful horse that takes us away from reality — a whim, a butterfly, a picture, nonsense () — in a word, everything we try to sit on in order to gallop away from everyday worries and troubles. «He is the most useful animal in the world — and I positively do not see how people could do without him.» Thus, the English phraseological unit to ride a hobby appeared, corresponding to the Russian equivalent of «to sit on your skate», that is, to talk on a favorite topic.

Writing a story about your hobby

The first thing you need to do in order to write an essay about your hobby is to decide on the type of hobby. If you are simultaneously passionate about playing the piano, collecting watches and painting, you can try writing an essay about everything at once, but it will be easier to settle on one thing.

When the topic is selected, and you have decided what you want to talk about, it remains only to correctly present your hobby, you can use as a sample any topic in English on the topic “my hobby”, which can be found on the relevant Internet resources.

Or you can do it yourself. There are several general rules, following which you can write an interesting and uncomplicated story about your hobby.

1. Decide on a topic. Make sure you know the English version of your hobby.

2. Write down the basic terms that will be needed in the story.

3. Divide the story into semantic paragraphs (introduction — main part — conclusion). Getting started, as they say, is already half the battle, so start beautifully competently and intriguingly. Here are some phrases that would work for such an introduction.

  • I can’t imagine my life without — I can’t imagine my life without
  • You won’t believe but I really enjoy — You won’t believe, but I really like
  • Actually, I’m keen on — Actually I’m addicted
  • I’m fond of — I like

Source: https://englishfull.ru/topiki/o-hobbi-na-anglijskom.html

About hobbies in English

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The pace of modern life is so fast that sometimes we do not have enough time to devote enough attention to ourselves and our interests. But in no case can you ignore yourself.

Any activity that brings you pleasure can be turned into a hobby. By doing it, you will not only fight everyday stress, but also broaden your horizons.

In this article you will find out where the word «hobby» came from, what types of hobbies exist and, most importantly, how to tell about a hobby in English.

How did the word «hobby» appear?

The word «hobby» is of English origin. It used to be the name of small horses and ponies, and then — a children’s toy horse (hobby horse). The phrase hobby horse in the meaning of a favorite pastime became popular after the release of the novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, a Gentleman, written by Lawrence Stern.

Each hero of this work has his own «hobby horse», about which Stern writes: «This is a playful horse that takes us away from reality — a whim, a butterfly, a picture, nonsense () — in a word, everything we try sit on horseback to gallop away from everyday worries and troubles. «He is the most useful animal in the world — and I positively do not see how people could do without him.»

This is the origin of the English phraseological unit to ride a hobby, which corresponds to the Russian equivalent of «to sit on your skate», that is, to speak on a favorite topic. Now is the time to find out what kinds of hobbies exist.

Active hobbies in English. Active hobbies

Of all the active hobbies, the first thing that comes to mind is, of course, sports. Any sport can become your hobby.


Swimming Swimming
Tennis Tennis
Archery Archery
Bodybuilding Body-building
Gymnastics Gymnastics
Football Футбол
Diving Diving
Hand-to-hand fighting Hand-to-hand fight
Running Running
Yoga Yoga

For adrenaline lovers, extreme hobbies are more suitable.


Mountain biking Mountain bike
Rock climbing Rock climbing
Parkour / free running Parkour
parachuting Parachuting
hang gliding Hang gliding
Snowboarding Snowboarding
Windsurfing Windsurfing
Rafting River rafting (rafting)

Also, the following activities can be attributed to active types of hobbies.


Dancing Dancing
Visiting theater, museums Visiting theaters, museums
Travelling Travels
Camping Camping with tents
Paintball Paintball
Airsoft Airsoft
Mushrooming Picking up mushrooms
Graffiti Graffiti
Historical restoration Historical reconstruction
horse riding Riding
Darts Darts
Speleology / caveology Speleology

Calm hobbies in English. Quiet hobbies

Quiet hobbies include activities that you can indulge in without leaving your home. Although, for example, yoga can be practiced at home, you still won’t be able to sit quietly on the couch. So, what types of hobbies do not require much physical effort from you.


Reading Reading
Writing (poems, stories) Writing (poetry, stories)
Drawing Drawing
language learning Learning languages
self-education Self-education
Watching movies, cartoons Watching films, cartoons
Doing puzzles Collecting puzzles
Table games (chess, checks, narde) Board games (chess, checkers, backgammon)
Doing crosswords, Sudoku Solving crosswords, Sudoku
Calligraphy Calligraphy
Cooking Cooking

If you are a child of the computer age and prefer to spend your free time in front of the monitor, then you can find your hobby on the Internet (online hobbies):

  • Search for information you are interested in on various sites (surf the Internet).
  • Start a blog.
  • Study web design, programming, 3D graphics.
  • Play online games (play free online games).
  • Become a Wikipedia editor.

Needlework. Handicraft

Or maybe you like handicraft? Sleight of hand and no stress — this is the motto of needlewomen! Let’s see what you can do with your hands.


macrame Macrame
Painting on wood / glass / fabric Painting on wood / glass / fabric
woodcarving Woodcarving
Making of hand-made things Hand-made things
clothes decoration Dressing up clothes
Embroidering Embroidery
Knitting and crocheting Knitting and crocheting
Bead weaving Beading
Scrap booking Scrapbooking
patchwork fabric Patchwork sewing
Clay modeling Clay crafting

Collecting. Collecting

We should also highlight collecting, because anything that surrounds us can become its objects. Let’s find out how to call this hobby in English. So, you can collect the following items.


Money, coins (numismatics) Money, coins (numismatics)

Source: https://engblog.ru/about-hobby

Look at the pictures and read the underlined words and headings. What do you think about the topics of these texts? Then read texts 1-3 and match them with pictures A-C. — Посмотрите на картинки и прочитайте подчеркнутые слова и заголовки. Что вы думаете о темах этих текстов? Затем прочитайте тексты 1-3 и сопоставить их с картинками A-C.
Did you know where the word ‘hobby’ comes from? — Знаете ли вы, откуда произошло слово «хобби»?
1. We all know what a hobby is. It is something we enjoy doing in our free time.
The word comes from the name of a child’s toy — hobby horse. It is a wooden stick with a horse’s head. Children play with a hobby horse, they pretend to ride a horse. It’s great fun for kids! So something we do for pleasure, not for money, is called a hobby.

1. Мы все знаем, что такое хобби. Это то, что нам нравится делать в свободное время.
Слово происходит от названия детской игрушки — конек. Это деревянная палка с головой лошади. Дети играют с коньком, они делают вид, что едут на лошади. Это большое удовольствие для детей! Так что то, что мы делаем для удовольствия, а не ради денег, называется хобби.
Did you know that coin collecting is an ancient hobby? — Знаете ли вы, что коллекционирование монет является древним хобби?
2. Coin collecting is one of the oldest hobbies in the world. No one could really tell when it started. It is known that there were coin collectors in ancient Rome.
Coin collecting is known both as the ‘hobby of kings’ and the ‘king of hobbies’. The first Roman emperor Caesar Augustus was one of the most famous coin collectors. He enjoyed collecting old and foreign coins. He also liked to give them as presents to his friends.
2. Коллекционирование монет является одним из старейших хобби в мире. Никто не может точно сказать, когда это началось. Известно, что были нумизматы в древнем Риме.
Коллекционирование монет известно как «хобби королей» и «король хобби». Первый римский император Цезарь Август был одним из самых известных коллекционеров монет. Он любил собирать старые и иностранные монеты. Он также любил давать их в качестве подарков своим друзьям.
Did you know that jigsaw puzzles started in 1767? — Знаете ли вы, что головоломки (пазлы) начались в 1767 году?
3. The jigsaw puzzle is now one of the most popular hobbies. The first jigsaw puzzle was made by John Spilsbury, an English teacher of geography. He used the puzzle to teach his pupils geography. He drew the map of Europe on wood and cut it along the borders of the European countries.
The first jigsaw puzzle was a map of England and Wales, with each county making up a separate piece. Now the biggest jigsaw puzzle is nearly 7 meters long, contains 32,256 pieces, and weighs 17kg. Is your room big enough for it?
3. Головоломки являются в настоящее время одним из самых популярных хобби. Первая головоломка была сделана Джоном Спилсбери, английским преподавателем географии. Он использовал головоломки, чтобы научить своих учеников географии. Он составил карту Европы на дереве и разрезал ее вдоль границ европейских стран.
Первая головоломка была картой Англии и Уэльса, каждое из графств составляло отдельную часть. Теперь самая большая головоломка длиной около 7 метров, содержит 32,256 частей, и весит 17 кг. Является ли ваша комната достаточно большой для нее?

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