What is french word for right

The French word for right is



The gender of droite is feminine. E.g. la droite.


The plural of droite is droites.

French Definition

     1. adj. Correct, juste, bon.
           Is this the right way to Montmartre?
           Est-ce que c’est le bon chemin pour aller à Montmartre ?
           I don’t have the right folder.
           Je n’ai pas le bon fichier.
     2. adj. Droit, droite.
     3. adj. (Géom) 90°. Droit, rectangle.
           Right angle.
           Angle droit.
           Right triangle.
           Triangle rectangle.
     4. v. Directement, justement.
     5. v. À droite.
     6. n. Droit (juste, équitable).
           Might makes right. (adage populaire)
           La force fait le droit.
           Two wrongs don’t make a right. (adage populaire)
           Deux mauvaises actions ne s’additionnent pas pour en faire une bonne.
     7. n. Droite.
           Keep to the right.
           Tiens ta droite.
           Reste sur la droite.
     8. interj. C’est ça.
     9. interj. N’est-ce pas ?
     10. v. Corriger.
           She set out to right a wrong.
           Elle entreprit de corriger un tort.

Translations for right and their definitions

à droite
     1. prep. on the right; to the right
droite pronunciation
     1. adj. feminine singular of droit
     2. n. (geometry) straight line
     3. n. (politics) the right, right wing
     4. n. right, right-hand side
droit pronunciation
     1. n. right (entitlement)
           J’ai le droit de dormir.
             I have the right to sleep
     2. n. law (study of law)
           Il est étudiant en droit.
             He is a law student
     3. n. (geometry) right angle
           Un angle de trois droits.
             An angle of 270 degrees.
     4. adj. right (on the right-hand side)
           Donne-moi ta main droite.
             Give me your right hand.
     5. adj. straight (not bent or crooked)
           Une rue droite.
             A straight road.
     6. adj. (geometry) right (of an angle)
     7. adv. straight, straight on
     8. adv. upright, straight, not bent or crooked
           Tenez votre tête droit
             Keep your head straight
     1. adv. agreed
           Oui, je suis d’accord avec vous. — Yes, I agree with you.
     2. interj. sure!, OK!, of course!, naturally!
     1. adj. correct, right
           Votre réponse est correcte. — Your answer is correct.
     2. adj. (colloquial) passable, okay
           Le restaurant auquel nous sommes allés était correct, sans plus. — The restaurant we went to was okay, but nothing more.
     3. adj. (Québec, colloquial) OK, fine, alright
           Chuis tellement désolé ! T’es correct ? — I’m so sorry! You OK?
           Ouais, c’est correct. — Yeah, it’s fine.
     1. adj. adroit, dextrous
     2. adj. (dated) right-handed
     3. adj. (heraldry) dexter; right-hand side of the shield
juste pronunciation
     1. adj. fair, just
           La vie n’est pas juste. — Life isn’t fair.
     2. adj. reasonable
     3. adj. correct
     4. adv. exactly, precisely
           Il est juste là! — It is right there!
     5. adv. upright, not crooked or bent
     6. adv. just, only
           Je veux juste un œuf. — I just want one egg.




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right (opposite of left) connected to right (legal term)?

This is both an EL&U question and a FL&U question, so I’ve double-posted accordingly to maximize visibility.

Here’s the thing that struck me as odd today.

In English, we would say «his right arm.» But we would also say «he has the right to something.»

In French, we would say «le bras droit.» And we would say «Il a le droit de quelque chose.»

So, given that the English «right» is not (so far as I can tell) in any way similar to the French «droit,» how is it that they both happen to have these two disparate meanings in both languages? I’m inclined to say it’s not a coincidence. How would that happen?

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asked Jan 6, 2013 at 3:24

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This would be general reference if everyone had a subscription to OED…

Here are the OED etymological notes for right (adj.)

Broadly the same range of meanings is found in all of the early Germanic languages; however, senses relating to the right-hand side (of the human body, etc.) appear to be restricted to West Germanic languages, and are not common in the earliest stages even of these, hence they seem likely to show secondary developments (compare swither adj. for the usual word in Old English, and see dexter adj. for the evidence for an Indo-European word with this meaning). In Old English this meaning is recorded only in right hand n., in which the word probably referred originally to the perception that the right hand was the stronger and the more appropriate for most tasks. (In a number of the Romance languages the same meaning has also developed in a derivative of classical Latin rectus, ultimately from the same base; compare French droit, Catalan dret, Spanish derecho, Portuguese direito, Romanian drept < classical Latin dīrectus.)
On the form history see discussion at right n. The Old English (Anglian) form ræht (apparently showing a reflex of the Anglian smoothed form reht : see α. forms) has not been satisfactorily explained; compare cnæht and gefæht , Anglian variants respectively of knight n. and fight n., and see further A. Campbell Old Eng. Gram. (1959) §227 note 2.

In Old English frequent as the first element in compounds, some of which provide the earliest attestation of particular senses (compare senses A. 8a, A. 9, A. 14a).

Probably influenced semantically in a number of senses by association with classical Latin rectus rect adj. (especially in the technical uses at sense A. 2) and with Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French, French droit .

Here are the OED etymological notes for right (n.)

Cognate with or formed similarly to Old Frisian riucht (West Frisian rjocht , rjucht ), Old Dutch reht (Middle Dutch recht , Dutch recht ), Old Saxon reht (Middle Low German recht ), Old High German reht (Middle High German reht , German recht ) < the Germanic base of right adj. Compare also Old Icelandic réttr , Old Swedish rätter (Swedish rätt ), Old Danish ræt (Danish ret ), which reflect a different formation (u -stem) ultimately < the same Germanic base. In some senses (especially sense 15 and Phrases 3) probably also partly aphetic < i-riht n.
In Old English a strong neuter (a -stem); the prefixed form geriht i-riht n. is also commonly attested. The early Kentish form reoht (see α. forms) shows regular breaking of short e before a velar fricative, while the regular Anglian form reht (see α. forms) shows smoothing of the diphthong. In West Saxon, on the other hand, monophthongization and raising before a palatalized fricative followed by a dental consonant (palatal mutation) resulted in the form riht or (with laxed vowel after r ) ryht (originally only word-finally or if followed by a front vowel, but apparently soon extended analogically to such forms as genitive plural rihta ), a change that is also attested in later Kentish sources. Such forms gradually spread northwards in late Old English and early Middle English (compare Older Scots richt beside less frequent recht ). See further A. Campbell Old Eng. Gram. (1959) §§304–11, R. M. Hogg Gram. Old Eng. (1992) I. §§5.113–18, R. Jordan Handb. der mittelenglischen Grammatik (1934) §69.

In Middle English the semantic development was probably influenced by similar developments shown by Anglo-Norman and Old French dreit , Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French droit droit n.1, as were a number of phrasal constructions.

answered Jan 6, 2013 at 3:34

The second meaning (direction) of right, as noted in the OED definition, comes from the fact that the good hand or the correct hand was usually the right hand.

English also has the word adroit (meaning dexterous) which comes from French. The words, right, adroit, direct, and even royal and regal are all cognates said to stem from the PIE root, reg:

from PIE root *reg- «move in a straight line,» also «to rule, to lead straight, to put right»

The corresponding terms for left are gauche and sinister.

answered Jan 6, 2013 at 5:14

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Principales traductions Anglais Français right adj (correct, true) (réponse,…) bon, bonne adj     correct adj   What’s the right answer to this question?   Quelle est la bonne réponse à cette question ?   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Vos réponses au quizz ne sont pas correctes. right adj (appropriate) (façon,…) bon, bonne adj   That’s not the right way to lay the table. You’ve put the glasses on the wrong side of the place settings.   Ce n’est pas la bonne façon de mettre la table. Tu as mis les verres du mauvais côté des couverts. right adj (just) légitime adj   It’s only right that you have a fair trial.   Il est légitime que tu aies droit à un procès équitable. be right vi + adj (person: be correct about [sth](personne) avoir raison loc v   You’re right; that is a beautiful painting.   Tu as raison, c’est un beau tableau. be right to do [sth] v expr (person: do wisest thing) (personne) avoir raison de faire [qch] loc v   Abigail was right to leave her husband; he was an awful man.   Abigail a eu raison de quitter son mari, il était horrible. right adj (side: not left) droit adj    (objet : colonne, file,…) de droite loc adj   Put your names in the right column and your ages in the left.   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Levez le bras droit et dites «Je le jure».   Inscrivez votre nom dans la colonne de droite et votre âge dans celle de gauche. right adv (to the right-hand side) (direction) à droite adv   Look right and left before pulling out of an intersection.   Regarde à droite et à gauche avant de t’engager sur un carrefour. right n (good) bien nm   We have to learn right from wrong.   Nous devons apprendre à distinguer le bien du mal. right n often plural (entitlement) (souvent au pluriel) droit nm   Women had to fight for the right to vote.   Les femmes ont dû se battre pour obtenir le droit de vote. the right n (direction) droite nf   Turn to the right at the corner.   Prends à droite au coin. the right n (right-hand side) droite nf   My back really hurts on the right.   J’ai très mal dans le dos à droite. your right n ([sb]‘s right-hand side) droite nf   The headlight controls are on your right.   La manette des phares est à ta droite.
Traductions supplémentaires Anglais Français right adj (boxing) (Boxe) droit adj   He dealt him a quick right cut.   Il lui a porté un rapide coup droit. right adj (opportune) (moment,…) bon, bonne adj     idéal adj   This is the right time to start a new job.   C’est le bon moment pour commencer un nouveau boulot.   C’est la période idéale pour démarrer un nouveau boulot. right adj (exact) (mesure,…) exact adj   Is this measurement right?   Est-ce que ces mesures sont exactes ? right adj (healthy) en forme loc adj     (se porter) comme un charme loc adv   I’m feeling right as rain today.   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Je me sens en pleine forme quand je fais du sport.   Je me porte comme un charme aujourd’hui. right adj (sane, normal) (esprit,…) sain adj   No one in their right mind would say such a thing.   Aucune personne saine d’esprit n’oserait dire une chose pareille. right adj (most convenient) (endroit,…) bon, bonne adj   She’s always in the right place at the right time.   Elle est toujours au bon endroit au bon moment. right adj UK (authentic) (emphase) fini adj   Your brother’s a right idiot!   Ton frère est un idiot fini ! right adj (political wing: conservative) (Politique) de droite loc adj     the right wing : la droite nf   The right wing will win the elections.   Le parti de droite va remporter l’élection.   La droite va remporter les élections. right adj (angle) (angle) droit adj   They’re at right angles to each other.   ils forment un angle droit. be right for [sb] adj (compatible with [sb]) être fait pour [qqn] vi + adj + prép   Everyone knew Marshall and Elaine were right for each other.   Tout le monde savait que Marshall et Elaine étaient faits l’un pour l’autre. right adv (conditions) en ordre loc adv   Don’t worry, my dad will set everything right.   Ne t’inquiète pas, mon père mettra tout en ordre. right adv (straight, directly) tout droit loc adv     directement adv   She walked right to the front and started speaking.   Elle a marché tout droit jusqu’à l’avant et a pris la parole.   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Elle lui a dit directement ce qu’elle pensait. right adv informal (well) bien adv   This pen doesn’t work right.   Ce stylo ne marche pas bien. right adv (exactly) (familier) pile adv     exactement adv   The tree fell over right where we had been standing.   L’arbre s’est abattu pile là où on était.   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. C’est exactement ce que je te disais hier ! right adv (immediately) (immédiatement) juste adv   It broke down right after the warranty expired.   Ça s’est cassé juste après l’expiration de la garantie. right adv (justly) (de façon juste) comme il faut adv   Act right and you will be rewarded.   Agit comme il faut et tu seras récompensé. right adv (squarely) en plein adv   The plant was placed right in the middle of the table.   La plante a été disposée en plein milieu de la table. right adv UK, informal (very) vraiment adv    (populaire) bien adv   He’s right clever, he is.   Il est vraiment intelligent, pour sûr.   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. Il est bien intelligent, not’ maître, pour sûr. right adv (completely) totalement adv   We’re right out of eggs at the moment, I’m afraid.   J’ai bien peur que nous ne soyons totalement à court d’œufs. right adv informal (correctly) bien adv   Stop! You’re not doing it right.   Arrête ! Tu ne le fais pas bien. right?,
interj (seeking confirmation) n’est-ce pas ? interj    (plus familier) pas vrai interj   You’re a French teacher, right?   Vous êtes professeur de français, n’est-ce pas ? Right interj (OK, so) alors interj     bon interj   Right — who’s going to make the coffee?   Alors ! Qui va faire le café ? right n (justice) devoir nm   He’ll do right by you.   Il accomplira son devoir envers toi. right n (boxing: punch) (Boxe : coup) droite nf   He threw him a sharp right on the chin.   Il lui a porté une droite directe dans la mâchoire. right n often plural (business: ownership) droits nmpl   The author sold the rights to her novel to a film production company. right n informal (right-hand turn) à droite loc adv     prendre à droite, tourner à droite loc v   Can you remember the directions? A right, then a left, then another right and it’s just at the end of the street.   Tu te souviens de l’itinéraire ? Une fois à droite, puis à gauche, et ensuite encore à droite et c’est juste au bout de la rue. right n (military: position, formation) (Militaire) flanc droit nm   Our right came round and encircled the enemy.   Notre flanc droit vint encercler l’ennemi. right n (shoes, gloves) (chaussure, gant,…) droit adj   This shoebox has got two rights in it. There must be a mistake!   Cette boîte à chaussure contient deux pieds droits. Il doit y avoir une erreur ! right n (political persuasion) (Politique : tendance) droite nf   The country has moved to the right in recent years.   Le pays a basculé davantage à droite ces dernières années. the right n (legislative group) (Politique) la droite nf   The right will never vote for these reforms.   La droite ne votera jamais ces réformes. right n (baseball: right field) (Base-ball) champ droit nm   He hit the ball out to right.   Il a frappé la balle au champ droit. the Right n (conservative political wing) (Politique : parti conservateur) la droite nf   The Right argues that those measures will encourage dependency on the government.   La droite soutient que ces mesures vont encourager la dépendance au gouvernement. right⇒ vi (resume upright position) (véhicule, bateau) se redresser⇒ v pron   The boat turned, righted and sailed away.   Le navire a viré, s’est redressé et s’est éloigné. right [sth] vtr (make upright) redresser⇒ vtr   They righted the fence and reinforced it.   Ils ont redressé et renforcé la clôture. right [sth] vtr (put in good order) remettre de l’ordre dans, rétablir l’ordre dans loc v + prép   She righted her affairs.   Elle a remis de l’ordre dans sa vie. right [sth] vtr (redress) (un tort) redresser⇒ vtr   He tried to right the wrongs of his youth.   Il a essayé de redresser les torts de sa jeunesse.
Verbes à particule
right Anglais Français get [sth] right vtr phrasal sep informal (be correct about) bien comprendre adv + vtr   Let me repeat it back to you to make it sure I got it right.   Je vais vous relire ce que j’ai noté pour m’assurer que j’ai bien compris ce que vous voulez. get [sth] right vtr phrasal sep informal (do correctly) bien faire adv + vtr     bien réussir adv + vtr     ne pas se tromper⇒ v pron   I practised the music over and over to be sure to get it right in the performance.   J’ai répété le morceau encore et encore pour être sûr de ne pas me tromper au concert.
Formes composées
right Anglais Français absolutely right adj emphatic (completely correct) (avoir) entièrement raison   You told me I would love this movie, and you were absolutely right. accrued right n (law: demand for remedy) droit acquis nm acquired right n (law: gained by activity) droits acquis nmpl all right,
interj informal (OK) d’accord interj Note: «Alright» is used in informal writing, but «all right» is preferred in formal, edited writing.   All right, let’s go to the pub.   D’accord, allons au pub. all right,
adj informal (fine, well) bien adv   I was a bit nauseous yesterday but I’m feeling all right again today.   J’avais un peu mal au ventre hier mais je vais bien de nouveau aujourd’hui. all right,
adj informal (average, mediocre) ne pas être trop mal vi    (nourriture) ne pas être trop mauvais vi    (familier) aller (encore), passer (encore), passer (tout juste) loc v   The food was all right, I suppose — nothing special.   La nourriture n’était pas trop mauvaise, mais elle n’était pas exceptionnelle non plus.   Cette phrase n’est pas une traduction de la phrase originale. L’entrée, ça allait (encore), mais le plat est était vraiment immangeable. all right,
adv informal (satisfactorily) bien adv   The car always works all right for me.   La voiture marche toujours bien pour moi. all right,
adv slang (certainly, without a doubt) bien adv   You didn’t see me, but I was there, all right.   Tu ne m’as pas vu mais j’étais bien là. the alt-right n (right-wing movement) (Politique américaine, anglicisme) l’alt-right nf    (Politique américaine) l’alt-droite nf    (Politique américaine) la droite alternative, la droite radicale, la nouvelle droite nf alt-right adj (relating to right-wing movement) (Politique américaine, anglicisme) de l’alt-right loc adj    (Politique américaine) de l’alt-droite loc adj    (Politique américaine) de la droite alternative, de la droite radicale, de la nouvelle droite loc adj at right angles adv (geometry: at 90 degrees) à angle droit   The two roads meet at right angles. be right back v expr informal (return soon) revenir tout de suite loc v   I’ll be right back; I have to run over to the grocery store for some eggs.   Je reviens tout de suite : je dois aller à l’épicerie chercher des œufs. be right for [sb] v expr (be compatible with [sb]) être fait pour vi + adj + prép   Everyone knew Marshall and Elaine were right for each other.   Tout le monde savait bien que Marshall et Elaine étaient faits l’un pour l’autre. before your eyes,
right before your eyes,
before your very eyes
adv (right in front of you) sous ses yeux loc adv   His father was murdered right before his eyes.   Son père a été assassiné sous ses yeux. bottom right,
the bottom right
n (lower right-hand area) coin inférieur droit nm bottom right adv (at the lower right-hand area) en bas à droite loc adv bottom right corner,
bottom right-hand corner
n (lower corner on the right-hand side) coin inférieur droit nm     en bas à droite loc adv   The time and date are displayed at the bottom right corner of your screen. bottom-right adj (at lower right-hand area) en bas à droite loc adv class right n usually plural (business: privileges by member class) (Finance) droit spécifique nm Coming right up! interj (agreeing to bring [sb] [sth]) Je vous apporte ça tout de suite ! interj   «I’ll have the salad.» «Coming right up!»   – Je vais prendre la salade. – Je vous apporte ça tout de suite ! dead right,
dead straight
adj slang (totally correct) avoir complètement raison, avoir totalement raison loc v   How did you know that answer? You are dead right! You were dead right about that guy; he is a total creep!   Comment tu connaissais la réponse ? Tu as complètement raison ! Tu avais complètement raison pour ce mec : c’est vraiment un sale type ! divine right n (doctrine: power is God-given) droit divin nm   He acted as if the Presidency was his by divine right.   Il agissait comme si la présidence lui appartenait par droit divin. do [sth] right vtr + adv informal (do correctly) bien faire adv + vtr   After 20 years, he finally learned to do it right.   Après 20 ans, il a finalement appris à bien le faire. do right by [sb] v expr (treat fairly) bien agir envers loc v     bien se comporter envers v pron   You are going to have to do right by her and marry her.   Il va falloir que tu te comportes bien avec elle et que tu l’épouses. do the right thing v expr (act correctly) bien faire adv + vi   It’s not too late for you to start doing the right thing. exclusive right to sell n (business: sole agent) droit de vente exclusif, droit d’exclusivité nm     exclusivité de la vente (de [qch]) nf feel right at home v expr informal, figurative (be comfortable) se sentir à l’aise, se sentir chez soi v pron   This is such a welcoming village — I feel right at home here.   C’est un village très accueillant : je m’y sens à l’aise (or: je m’y sens chez moi). feel right vi + adj informal (person: be well) se sentir bien v pron + adv   I don’t feel right.   Je ne me sens pas bien. feel right vi + adj often negative (situation: seem acceptable) être une chose à faire⇒ vi   Borrowing his car without asking doesn’t feel right.   Emprunter sa voiture sans permission n’est pas une chose à faire. from under [sb]‘s nose,
right from under [sb]‘s nose,
from under [sb]‘s very nose
expr figurative (in full view of [sb]) sous le nez de [qqn] expr fundamental right n US, often plural (law: basic entitlement) droit fondamental nm get it right v expr informal (do [sth] correctly) y arriver loc v   If you can’t get it right, don’t bother trying!   Si tu n’y arrives pas, laisse tomber. get off on the right foot v expr figurative (have a good start) (figuré) partir du bon pied loc v get right back up v expr informal, figurative (recover quickly) se remettre rapidement de [qch] v pron guess right vi (answer correctly by chance) deviner juste vi + adv   Carl thought Denise had taken the money, and he guessed right.   Carl pensait que Denise avait pris l’argent et il avait deviné juste. hang a right v expr informal (turn right while driving) prendre à droite, tourner à droite loc v have a right to [sth] v expr (be entitled to [sth]) avoir le droit à [qch], avoir le droit de faire [qch] loc v   You have a right to representation by a lawyer.   I’m going to say whatever I want to; I have a right to free speech.   Vous avez le droit d’être représenté par un avocat. // Je vais dire ce que j’ai envie. J’ai le droit à la liberté d’expression. have a right to do [sth],
have the right to do [sth]
v expr (be entitled to do [sth]) avoir le droit de faire [qch] loc v have no right v expr (not be entitled) ne pas avoir le droit (de faire [qch]) loc v   My son was complaining that everyone was controlling his life and we had no right because he was an adult.   Mon fils se plaignait que tout le monde contrôlait sa vie et que nous n’en avions pas le droit parce que c’était un adulte. have no right to do [sth] v expr (not be entitled) ne pas avoir le droit de faire [qch] loc v   You have no right to complain about the situation.   Tu n’as pas le droit de te plaindre de la situation. have the right v expr (be entitled) avoir le droit loc v   You can’t talk to me like that! You don’t have the right!   Ne me parlez pas comme ça ! Vous n’avez pas le droit ! have the right to do [sth] v expr (be entitled to do [sth]) avoir le droit de faire [qch] loc v   We have the right to be here. You can’t make us leave.   Nous avons le droit d’être ici : vous ne nous chasserez pas. have your heart in the right place v expr figurative (have good intentions) avoir bon cœur, être bien intentionné loc v in the right expr (justified) avoir raison loc v in your own right expr (independently) à part entière expr in your right mind adj (sane) sain d’esprit adj   Nobody in their right mind would drive a motorcycle without wearing a helmet.   Une personne saine d’esprit ne conduirait jamais de moto sans porter de casque. inalienable right,
n (right that cannot be taken away) droit inaliénable nm   Freedom of speech should be an inalienable right these days, but unfortunately, it s not so everywhere.   La liberté de parole devrait être un droit inaliénable mais, malheureusement, ce n’est pas le cas partout. incorporeal right n often plural (law: for intangible property) droit incorporel nm inspection right n usually plural (business: stockholder privilege) droit d’inspection nm inspection right n (law: of discovery) droit d’inspection nm just right adj informal (perfect) parfait adj   Those curtains would be just right for the living room.   Ces rideaux seraient parfaits pour le salon. just right adv informal (perfectly) parfaitement, comme il faut adv   Joan has a talent for roasting the potatoes just right.   Joan est douée pour rôtir les pommes de terre parfaitement (or: comme il faut). keep right,
keep left
vi + adv (sign: stay on left, right) (Circulation automobile) serrez à droite, serrez à gauche   The road sign said «keep left.»   Sur le panneau routier était indiqué « serrez à gauche ». legal right n (entitlement granted by law) droit, droit juridique nm make [sth] right⇒ vtr (correct, make amends for) arranger les choses loc v   You’re going to have to find a way to make right your past behaviour.   Tu t’es mal comporté dans le passé, tu devras trouver une manière d’arranger les choses.    (familier) rectifier le tir loc v   Tu t’es mal comporté dans le passé, tu devras trouver une manière de rectifier le tir. not quite right adj (slightly wrong) pas tout à fait exact, pas tout à fait correct adv + adj     pas parfait adj    (familier) clocher⇒ vi   It is a good translation, but that word choice is not quite right.   C’est une bonne traduction mais ce choix de mot n’est pas tout à fait exact. off the bat,
right off the bat
adv figurative, informal (straight away, from the very start) tout de suite loc adv     immédiatement adv     d’emblée loc adv   Mr. Davis walked into the room, and right off the bat, students began asking questions. off the reel,
right off the reel
expr US, figurative (immediately) tout de suite loc adv on the nose,
right on the nose
adj informal, figurative (exact, precise) exact, précis, parfait adj     exactement, précisément, parfaitement adv    (taper, mettre) dans le mille loc adv   Your guess was right on the nose.   C’est exactement ça !   Tu as tapé dans le mille avec ton estimation. on the right adv (to the right-hand side) à droite loc adv   The post office is further down this street, on the right.   La poste se trouve au carrefour, à droite.     sur la droite loc adv   La poste se trouve un peu plus loin, sur la droite. on the right of prep (to the right-hand side of) à droite de loc prép   The post office is on the right of the bakery.   La poste se trouve à droite de la boulangerie. on the right side of [sth] expr (to the right of) à droite de loc prép   British and Japanese automobiles have the steering wheel on the right side of the car.     du côté droit de loc prép   En Angleterre et au Japon, on conduit du côté droit de la route. L’église est du côté droit de la route, tandis que le bar est à gauche. on the right side of [sb] expr figurative (in favour with) (figuré) dans les (petits) papiers de loc prép   You’ll need to stay on the right side of your boss if you want to get that promotion.   Il faudra que tu continues d’être dans les petits papiers du patron si tu veux cette promotion.     dans les bonnes grâces de loc prép   Il faudra que tu restes dans les bonnes grâces du patron si tu veux cette promotion.     se faire bien voir⇒ v pron   Il faudra continuer à bien te faire voir de ton patron si tu veux cette promotion.     bien vu de adj   Il faudra continuer être bien vu par ton patron si tu veux cette promotion. on the right side of [sth] expr figurative (on moral side of) du bon côté de loc prép   When future generations look back on this moment, they will be able to see who was on the right side of this issue. on the right side of the law expr (legal) dans la légalité loc adv   The protesters felt that they were on the right side of the law.   Les manifestants étaient convaincus d’être dans la légalité.     du bon côté de la loi loc adv   Les manifestants étaient convaincus d’être du bon côté de la loi. on the right track expr (following the correct path) sur la bonne route loc adv   Non, nous ne sommes pas perdus ; nous sommes sur la bonne route.     sur le bon chemin loc adv on the right track expr figurative (not mistaken or misled) se ressaisir⇒ v pron   After failing her class last semester, she got back on the right track and passed this semester.   Après un premier semestre passable, elle s’est ressaisie et a fini l’année troisième de sa promo.     sur la bonne voie loc adv   Je suis sur la bonne voie pour faire éclater la vérité avec ce nouveau témoignage.    (figuré) dans le droit chemin loc adv    (figuré) se prendre en main, se reprendre en main loc v   Après avoir échoué ses cours le semestre dernier, elle s’est remise dans le droit chemin et a bien réussi ce semestre.   Après avoir échoué ses cours l’an passé, elle s’est prise (or: reprise) en main et a bien réussi.    (figuré) reprendre le droit chemin loc v out of the chute,
straight out of the chute,
right out of the chute
expr US, figurative, informal (at the very start) dès le début, dès le départ loc adv play your cards right v expr figurative (act sensibly, cleverly) bien se débrouiller, bien s’y prendre loc v pron     bien mener son affaire, bien mener sa barque loc v preemptive right,
also UK: preemptive right
n (priority over others) droit de préemption nm a proper charlie,
a right charlie
n UK, slang (idiot, fool) idiot, idiote nm, nf    (familier) crétin, crétine nm, nf    (familier) charlot nf    (familier) andouille nf   Dan made me look a proper charlie in front of my mates.   Dan m’a fait passer pour un idiot (or: un crétin) devant mes potes.   Dan m’a fait passer pour un charlot (or: une andouille) devant mes potes. put [sth] right vtr + adj (rectify) rectifier⇒ vtr put [sth] right with [sb] v expr (make amends) se faire pardonner (auprès de [qqn]) v pron   He attempted to put things right with her by bringing her roses.   Il a tenté de se faire pardonner en lui offrant des roses. qualified right n usually plural (law: government can override) droit absolu nm Quite right too! interj (expressing emphatic agreement) Très juste ! interj    (familier) Et comment ! interj     Grave !, Trop !   «I’m not going to lend Pete any more money because he never pays me back.» «Quite right too!» radical right n (politics: extreme right wing) droite radicale nf    (parti politique) extrême droite nf   L’EDF est un parti d’extrême droite d’Antarctique central qui prône un discours racial très controversé. right about adv (more or less, approximately) vers prép   There was a farm right about here a long time ago.   Il y a bien longtemps, il y avait une ferme vers là-bas. right about adv US (the opposite way round) demi-tour nm right about here adv (in this vicinity) par ici loc adv   We should find the treasure right about here.    (courant) dans les parages loc adv    (fam) dans le coin loc adv right about now adv US, informal (at almost exactly this moment) là, maintenant loc adv   She phones every day at the same time; in fact, she should be phoning right about now.   Elle appelle à tous les jours à la même heure ; en fait, elle devrait appeler là, maintenant. right after,
immediately after
conj (at once when) juste après que, immédiatement après que, toute de suite après que loc conj     juste après, immédiatement après, toute de suite après adv + prép   The ambulance came right after the police arrived. We saw it right after he did.   L’ambulance est arrivée juste après l’arrivée de la police. Nous l’avons vu juste après lui. right after,
immediately after
prep (immediately following) juste après, tout de suite après adv + prép   We set off right after breakfast. Right after the wedding, the couple flew off to Jamaica for their honeymoon.   On est partis juste après le petit déjeuner. Juste après le mariage, le couple s’est envolé pour la Jamaïque pour leur lune de miel. right along adv (without delay) tout de suite loc adv   You might have missed that bus, but another one will be right along.
french vocab

Last updated:

March 10, 2023

Learning vocabulary is one of the cornerstones of learning French.

By knowing the most common vocabulary, you’ll get better at everyday communication—which gets you closer to interacting with some of the 300 million people who speak French around the world. 

In this post, we’ll get you started with more than 250 easy and common French words!

You’ll be well on your way to having a solid base in the French language in no time. 


  • Most Common French Words
  • Important French Verbs
  • French Question Words
  • French Household Words
  • French Words for Food & Drinks
  • French Words for School or Work
  • French Words for Making Descriptions
  • French Words for Animals & Nature

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can take anywhere.
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Most Common French Words

hello in french

Let’s start with some essential vocabulary that you’ll end up using a lot in French conversations: 

  • Bonjour ! Hello / Good morning!
  • Bonsoir ! Good evening!
  • Oui — Yes
  • Non — No
  • Excusez-moi — Excuse me
  • Je suis désolé / Je suis désolée I’m sorry (with an extra e if you’re female)
  • S’il vous plaît Please 
  • Merci Thank you
  • À bientôt See you soon
  • Bonne soirée Good night (when saying goodbye)
  • Bonne nuit — Good night (when you’re about to sleep)
  • Au revoir — Goodbye

Important French Verbs

running up a mountain

Aside from the conversational words and phrases above, you’ve also got to know the absolute most common French verbs:

  • Être to be
  • Avoir to have
  • Aller to go

These verbs are irregular, meaning they don’t follow the same rules of usage (or conjugation) that so-called regular verbs do.

Most French verbs are regular, meaning you only have to learn the endings of their group.

In French, there are three groups of so-called regular verbs, denoted by their infinitive (unconjugated) endings: -er verbs, -ir verbs and -re verbs.

Here are the most common verbs in each group:

-Er Verbs

  • Parler — to speak
  • Aimer — to like
  • Chanter — to sing
  • Danser to dance
  • Fermer — to close
  • Demander — to ask
  • Étudier — to study
  • Regarder — to watch
  • Visiter — to visit (a place)
  • Habiter — to live
  • Jouer — to play
  • Laver — to wash
  • Penser — to think
  • Utiliser — to use
  • Trouver — to find
  • Manger to eat

-Ir Verbs

  • Finir — to finish
  • Bâtir — to build
  • Choisir — to choose
  • Remplir to fill
  • Grandir — to grow
  • Grossir — to gain weight
  • Obéir — to obey
  • Punir — to punish
  • Réfléchir — to reflect
  • Réussir — to succeed / pass (a test)

-Re Verbs

  • Vendre — to sell
  • Attendre — to wait
  • Détendre — to relax
  • Entendre to hear
  • Fondre — to melt
  • Descendre — to go down / descend
  • Pendre — to hang
  • Perdre — to lose
  • Prétendre — to claim
  • Répondre — to respond

With all these different kinds of verbs, it’s handy to have a verb conjugation tool, like the one from Reverso.

Another option is to study these verbs in action with FluentU, which features authentic French videos with interactive subtitles. Click on any French verb or other word used in the video to see its definition, along with grammar notes and examples.

You can then add new words to flashcards and take personalized quizzes to grow your French vocabulary. 

The language learning program is also available on iOS and Android, so you can take your French study with you wherever you go. 

French Question Words

French questions

Looking for directions? Do you want to know the price of something?

Whatever you do on your trip to France, you’re definitely going to need to ask for help or direction at some point.

Here are some common expressions to help you get around:

  • Où ? — Where?
  • Qui ? — Who?
  • Quoi ? — What?
  • Quand ? — When?
  • Comment ? — How?
  • Pourquoi ? — Why?
  • Combien ? — How much? / How many?

Of course, the beauty of learning language is to be able to communicate with native speakers, which means people might also ask you questions!

Key phrases:

  • Comment vous appelez-vous ? — What’s your name?
  •  Je m’appelle… — I’m called…
  • Quel âge avez-vous ? How old are you?
  • J’ai…ans — I’m… years old 
  • Vous venez d’où ? Where are you from?
  • Je suis… I am…

des États-Unis — from the United States

du Royaume-Uni — from the United Kingdom

d’Espagne — from Spain

d’Allemagne — from Germany

du Canada — from Canada

d’Australie — from Australia

Are you from a country that’s not included on this list? Take a look at this map of the world to learn your country’s name.

French Household Words


It’s crucial to learn the French words that describe the places where we live.

Check out the following common words that denote specific rooms and spaces in our households.

  • La maison  the house
  • La salle  the room
  • La cuisine  the kitchen
  • La salle à manger  the dining room
  • Le bureau  the office
  • Le salon  the living room
  • La chambre  the bedroom
  • La salle de bain the bathroom (may not include a toilet)
  • Les toilettes the bathroom (includes a toilet, sometimes exclusively)
  • Le sous-sol the basement
  • Le grenier attic
  • La porte  the door
  • La fenêtre  the window
  • Le couloir the hall
  • L’escalier the stairs
  • Le mur  the wall
  • Le sol  the floor
  • Le plafond  the ceiling

Common words associated with rooms in the house:

  • Le bureau the desk
  • L’ordinateur the computer
  • L’étagère  the bookshelf
  • Le livre  the book
  • La télévision  the television
  • Le canapé / Le sofa  the couch
  • La chaise the chair
  • La lampe the lamp
  • Le rideau  the curtain
  • Le réfrigérateur  the fridge
  • Le four  the oven
  • La cuisinière  the stove
  • L’évier  the sink
  • La table  the table
  • Le lit  the bed
  • L’oreiller  the pillow
  • La commode  the dresser
  • L’horloge  the clock
  • La baignoire  the bathtub
  • La douche  the shower
  • Les toilettes  the toilet
  • La brosse à dents the toothbrush
  • Le dentifrice  the toothpaste
  • Le tapis  the rug
  • Le miroir  the mirror
  • Le téléphone  the telephone

French Words for Food & Drinks


Hungry or thirsty? Check out the most common French words for food and drinks.

  • Le restaurant  the restaurant
  • Le café  the cafe / coffee
  • Le thé  the tea
  • Le jus  the juice
  • Le lait  the milk
  • Le vin  the wine
  • La bière  the beer
  • L’eau water
  • Le fruit  the fruit
  • La pomme  the apple
  • La banane the banana
  • L’orange the orange
  • La fraise — the strawberry
  • Le raisin the grape
  • Les légumes the vegetables
  • La salade  the salad
  • La carotte  the carrot
  • La pomme de terre  the potato
  • La tomate  the tomato
  • La laitue  lettuce
  • Le champignon  mushroom
  • La viande meat
  • Le poisson  fish
  • Le poulet chicken
  • Le bœuf  beef
  • Le petit-déjeuner breakfast
  • Le déjeuner lunch
  • Le dîner dinner
  • Le repas the meal
  • Le goûter the snack
  • L’assiette the plate
  • Le couteau the knife
  • La fourchette the fork
  • La cuillère the spoon
  • La tasse the cup

French Words for School or Work


Headed to a French-speaking region for employment or to study? Then the following words are essential!

  • L’école  the school
  • Le crayon  the pencil
  • Le stylo  the pen
  • Le cahier  the notebook
  • La salle de classe  the classroom
  • La calculatrice  the calculator
  • La matière scolaire  the school subject
  • L’histoire  history
  • La géographie  geography
  • La musique  music
  • Les sciences the sciences
  • Les mathématiques mathematics
  • Le sport  sports
  • Le français French
  • L’anglais English
  • Les notes grades (marks)
  • Le professeur / la professeure  the teacher
  • L’étudiant(e) / L’élève  the student

The following are common words associated with jobs and work:

  • L’entreprise  the company
  • L’emploi  the job
  • Le travail  the work
  • Le dentiste  the dentist
  • L’écrivain  the writer
  • Le médecin  the doctor (medical)
  • Le serveur / la serveuse  the waiter / waitress
  • L’avocat  the lawyer
  • Le caissier / la caissière  the cashier
  • L’ingénieur(e)  the engineer
  • Le mécanicien / la mécanicienne the mechanic
  • Le plombier / la plombière the plumber
  • Le pompier / la pompière  the firefighter
  • Le policier / la policière  — the police officer
  • L’architecte the architect
  • Le travailleur / la travailleuse   the worker
  • Le boulanger / la boulangère  the baker
  • Le boucher / la bouchère  the butcher
  • Le coiffeur / la coiffeuse  the hairdresser

French Words for Making Descriptions

diverse people

The following are common words that can be used to describe yourself, others or inanimate things.

  • Grand(e) — big
  • Petit(e) — small
  • Chaud(e) — hot
  • Froid(e) — cold
  • Intelligent(e) — smart
  • Fâché(e) angry
  • Triste sad
  • Heureux / heureuse happy
  • Drôle funny
  • Jeune  young
  • Vieux / vieille   old
  • Nerveux / nerveuse   nervous
  • Beau / belle  beautiful
  • Facile  easy
  • Difficile hard
  • Effrayé(e) scared
  • Ennuyé(e)  bored
  • Ennuyeux / ennuyeuse  boring
  • Étrange strange
  • Fort(e)  strong
  • Possible  possible
  • Impossible  impossible
  • Sportif / sportive   athletic

Keep in mind that some adjectives change genders depending on the gender of the noun it describes.

In this list, the masculine forms are given first, with the feminine forms being either those with an added -e or the second form of the adjective.

Interested in more adjectives? Check out how to say common colors in French as well!

French Words for Animals & Nature


The following are common French words that can be used to describe animals or nature.

  • Le chien the dog
  • Le chat the cat
  • Le lapin the rabbit
  • Le lion the lion
  • Le cheval the horse
  • La vache the cow
  • Le requin the shark
  • Le singe the monkey
  • Le cochon the pig
  • L’oiseau the bird
  • La souris the mouse
  • La tortue the turtle
  • Un canard the duck
  • Un crapaud the toad
  • Une grenouille the frog
  • Le soleil the sun
  • La pluie  the rain
  • Le vent the wind
  • La neige the snow
  • Le nuage  the cloud
  • L’éclair  the lightning
  • Le tonnerre  the thunder
  • L’orage the storm
  • La montagne  the mountain
  • La plage  the beach
  • La forêt  the forest
  • La terre soil / the earth
  • La colline  the hill
  • Le lac  the lake
  • L’océan  the ocean
  • La météo the weather forecast
  • Quel temps fait-il ? What’s the weather?
  • Il fait chaud It is hot
  • Il fait froid It is cold

And just like that, you have 250+ words to bring your French to the next level. Practice these words often and watch your French comprehension and production vastly improve!

Bonne chance ! (Good luck!)

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Are you learning French?

Would you love to chat to French speakers with ease, without stumbling over your words?

Getting to a decent level in any language takes time because there’s lot of vocabulary you need to learn. 

But, one big shortcut you can use at the beginning is to work out which words and expressions you are likely to need right from the start and focus on those.

And the good news is you don’t have to worry about it doing it for yourself – because I’ve done it for you!

Here’s my list of the 79 essential French phrases you need to start speaking right away.

Thanks to these common French phrases, you’ll know exactly what to say in your first conversations with native speakers.

They’ll serve you for your first interactions and well into the future.

Pro Tip

By the way, if you want to learn French fast and have fun while doing it, my top recommendation is French Uncovered which teaches you through StoryLearning®.

With French Uncovered you’ll use my unique StoryLearning® method to learn French naturally through story… not rules. It’s as fun as it is effective.

If you’re ready to get started, click here for a 7-day FREE trial.

Anyway, back to our common French phrases…. let’s discover what they are!

Need-To-Knows About French To Use These Common French Phrases

street in Antibes France

Before we dive into the phrases themselves, there are a couple of need-to-knows about French that’ll help you make the most of this list of common French phrases.

French Pronunciation

I’ve included an approximate guide for how to pronounce each of the phrases in this post based on phonetic English. Although this is no substitute for listening to recordings or native speakers pronouncing the words, it’ll help you get started.

I’ve used ‘j’ to represent the French ‘j’ sound. But be aware that in French, it has a soft pronunciation, not like the English ‘j’ in ‘John’.

For a more detailed look at dive into pronunciation, you can check out my comprehensive French pronunciation guide.

A Note On Tu And Vous

French, like many other languages, has two ways to say “you” depending on your level of familiarity with the person you are speaking to.

The basic rule is:

  • When you’re speaking to strangers, especially people who are older than you, you should use vous. 
  • When you’re speaking to someone you are on familiar terms with or when you speak to children, you can use tu.

In my list, I’ve given the form you are most likely to need for that each phrase. Where you might need either, I’ve included both.

Finally, in very informal spoken French, tu es and tu as can be abbreviated to t’es and t’as respectively.

While this might not be considered strictly ‘correct’, it is quite common.

So I’ve used this form in my list for a couple of the more informal expressions to show where you might come across it.

By the way, if you’re interested in informal language, you can also check out this post on 23 colloquial French phrases for impressing the locals.

Common French Greetings You Already Know 

First, let’s look at the basic greetings in French. These are fairly simple. And you no doubt already know at least some of them.

  • #1 Bonjour ! – Hello! (the standard greeting in French)
    • (bon jour)
  • #2 Bonsoir ! – Good evening! (replaces bonjour in the evening)
    • (bon swah)
  • #3 Salut ! – Hi! (a more informal greeting)
    • (sa loo)
  • #4 Enchanté(e) ! – Nice to meet you! (a standard expression when meeting someone for the first time)
    • (on shon tay)

Common French Phrases For Continuing The Conversation

cyclist on Parisian street

After greeting someone, you’ll want to move the conversation on with some small talk. Here are a few of the standard questions and answers.

  • #5 Ça va ? – How are you? (the basic way to enquire how someone is)
    • (sa va)
  • #6 Ça roule ? – How’s it going? (a much more informal way to ask the same question, to be used with people you are on very informal terms with)
    • (sa rule)
  • #7 Comment vas-tu/comment tu vas ? Comment allez-vous ? – How are you? (a slightly more elegant version of ça va ? in both the formal and informal forms)
    • (komon va too, komon too va, komon tallay voo) – the ‘n’ is nasal and not pronounced strongly
  • #8 Ça va/je vais bien – I’m well (the first version is the same as the question but with different intonation. The second is another way to say it)
    • (sa va/juh vay byan)
  • #9 Et toi ? – And you?
    • (ay twah)
  • #10 Ça va le travail/le boulot/le taf ? – How’s work? (boulot and taf are much more informal words for “work” that you may hear)
    • (sa va luh tra vai, luh boo low, luh taff – the last syllable of travail rhymes with “eye”)
  • #11 Comment va ton père ? Ton père va bien ? – How’s your father? (two ways to express this)
    • (komon va ton pair, ton pair va byan)
  • #12 Tu fais quoi comme travail/c’est quoi ton travail ? – What’s your job?/What work do you do? (can also be used with the vous form)
    • (too fay kwah kom tra vai/say kwah ton tra vai)

Must-Know French Phrases For Being Polite 

Next, here are the basic expressions of courtesy that you need to know right from the start.

  • #13 Merci – Thank you (the standard word for this)
    • (mair see)
  • #14 Merci bien – Thank you (the bien adds some extra politeness or friendliness to the expression)
    • (mair see byan)
  • #15 Merci beaucoup – Thank you very much (when you want to express extra gratitude)
    • (mair see bo coo)
  • #16 De rien – It’s nothing (the standard reply to merci)
    • (duh ryan)
  • #17 Il n’y a pas de quoi – It’s nothing/don’t mention it (another, perhaps stronger, way to respond to merci)
    • (ill nee ah pah duh kwah)
  • #18 Excusez-moi/pardon – Excuse me, sorry (both can be used to apologise or when trying to get past)
    • (eh skyoo zay mwah/pah don)
  • #19 Excusez-moi ?/Comment ? – Sorry? Excuse me? Pardon? (used when you don’t hear what someone says. Note that the French word pardon shouldn’t be used for this)
    • (eh skyoo zay mwah/komon)
  • #20 Je suis désolé(e) – I’m sorry (a stronger apology than excusez-moi/pardon)
    • (juh swee dehsolay/ pah don)
  • #21 Vas-y, Allez-y – Go on, go ahead (a way to tell somebody to advance, move forward; also to tell someone they can do something: vas-y, sers-toi ! “Go ahead, help yourself!”)
    • (va zee, allay zee, sair twah)

Basic French Phrases For Dealing With Problems

Paris tuileries garden

Another situation you might find yourself in is one where you have to deal with a problem. Here are some important questions and expressions to use when you are having difficulties or when everything is not going according to plan.

  • #22 Pouvez-vous… ? – Can you…? (can be combined with a range of other verbs)
    • (poo vay voo)
  • #23 Pouvez-vous parlez plus lentement s’il vous plaît ? – Can you speak more slowly please?
    • (poo vay voo parlay ploo lon tuh mon sih voo play)
  • #24 Pouvez-vous le répéter s’il vous plaît ? – Can you repeat it please?
    • (poo vay voo luh reh peh tay sih voo play)
  • #25 Pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plaît ? – Can you help me please!
    • (poo vay voo mayday sih voo play)
  • #26 Je ne comprends pas – I don’t understand
    • (juh nuh compron pah)
  • #27 Je n’ai rien compris ! – I didn’t understand anything/I haven’t understood anything
    • (juh nay rien compree)
  • #28 Je ne parle pas (beaucoup) français – I don’t speak (much) French
    • (juh nuh pahl pah bo coo duh fron say)
  • #29 Je suis perdu – I’m lost
    • (juh swee pair doo)
  • #30 Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire ? – What does that mean?
    • (kess kuh sa vuh deer)
  • #31 Parlez-vous français/anglais ? – Do you speak French/English?
    • (parlay voo fron say/ong glay)
  • #32 Je ne me sens pas très bien – I don’t feel very well
    • (juh nuh muh son pah tray byan)
  • #33 Je suis malade – I’m ill/sick
    • (juh swee ma lad)
  • #34 J’ai envie de vomir – I’m going to vomit (literally, “I feel like vomiting”)
    • (jay onvee duh vomeer)
  • #35 Attention ! Fais/faites attention ! – Careful! Be Careful!
    • (ah ton sion, fay/fet ah ton sion)
  • #36 Au secours ! – Help!
    • (oh suhcoor)

French Question Words

chenonceau castle France

Learning the basic question words can get you a long way, even if you don’t know much else of the language. Here they are in French:

  • #37 Quoi ? – What?
    • (kwah)
  • #38 Quand ? – When?
    • (kon)
  • #39 Qui ? – Who?
    • (kee)
  • #40 Comment ? – How?
    • (komon)
  • #41 Combien ? – How many?
    • (kom byan)
  • #42 Où ? – Where?
    • (oo)
  • #43 Pourquoi ? – Why?
    • (pour kwah)
  • #44 Quel(le) ? – Which? (this question word agrees with the noun. The four possible forms are quel, quelle, quels, quelles – but they are all pronounced exactly the same)
    • (kell)

Check out this post on forming questions in French for more details on how to ask questions correctly.

Common French Questions

Ok, so now you know the essential French question words. But what about using them to form real questions? Here are some of the most common French questions you’re likely to ask or be asked.

  • #45 Comment tu t’appelles ? (tu t’appelles comment ?) – What’s your name? (the first one, you are more likely to find in a textbook – the second is more likely in spoken French)
    • (komon too tappel, too tappel komon)
  • #46 Quel âge as-tu ? (t’as quel âge ?) – How old are you? (the same here – the first version is the “textbook” form, the second is more common in informal spoken French)
    • (kel aj ah too, too ah kel aj)
  • #47 Quelle heure est-il ? (il est quelle heure ?) – what’s the time (both forms are possible, the second is more common in informal spoken French)
    • (kel er et ill/ill ay kell er)
  • #48 C’est combien ? Ça coûte combien ? – How much is it? How much does that cost?
    • (say kom byan, sa coot kom byan)
  • #49 Tu viens d’où ?/t’es d’où ? – Where do you come from?/where are you from?
    • (too vyen doo/tay doo)
  • #50 Tu comprends ? – Do you understand? (make the question with intonation)
    • (too kom pron)
  • #51 Tu parles anglais/français ? – Do you speak English/French? (spoken, informal version – make the question with intonation)
    • (too pahl ong glai/fron say)
  • #52 Parlez-vous anglais/français ?  – Do you speak English/French? (formal, polite version)
    • (parlay voo ong glai/ fron say)
  • #53 Où est la salle de bains ?/Où sont les toilettes ? – Where is the toilet?
    • (oo ay lah sal duh ban/oo son lay twah let)

Important Answers In French 

Here are some indispensable expressions for giving information about yourself as well as answering some other basic questions in French.

  • #54 Je m’appelle… – My name’s… (the standard expression)
    • (juh mappel)
  • #55 Je suis (Roger/Irlandais(e)/professeur) – I’m Roger/Irish/a teacher (can be used to give your name, nationality, job or many others)
    • (juh swee roh jay/ear lon day/ear lon days/proh feh suhr)
  • #56 J’ai 30 ans – I’m 30 (literally, “I have 30 years” – and note that you must not omit ans at the end or the sentence won’t make sense)
    • (jay tront on)
  • #57 Je viens d’Écosse/je suis d’Écosse – I come from Scotland/I am from Scotland
    • (juh vyen dekoss/juh swee duh lekoss)
  • #58 Oui – Yes
    • (wee)
  • #59 Non – no
    • (noh)
  • #60 Peut-être – Maybe
    • (puh tetr)
  • #61 Tout le temps/tous les jours – All the time/every day
    • (too luh ton/too lay jour)
  • #62 Parfois, des fois – sometimes
    • (pah fwah, day fwah)
  • #63 Jamais – Never
    • (ja may)
  • #64 Bien sûr – Of course
    • (byan sure – pronounced with an ‘s’ sound and not a ‘sh’)

Simple French Phrases For Special Occasions

baguettes and wine on French beach

If you’re lucky and make some French friends, you may even be invited to some special occasions in France. Here are the phrases you’ll need for those situations.

  • #65 Amuse-toi bien ! Amusez-vous bien ! – Have fun!
    • (ah myooz twah byan, ah myoozay voo byan)
  • #66 Bon voyage ! – Have a good trip!
    • (bon voyaj)
  • #67 Bonnes vacances ! – Have a good holiday!
    • (bonn vah konce)
  • #68 Bon appétit ! – Bon appétit! (note that the final ‘t’ is not pronounced in French – and nor should it be in English for that matter!)
    • (bon appuh tee)
  • #69 Félicitations ! – Congratulations!
    • (fay liss ee tah sion)
  • #70 Bienvenue ! – Welcome!
    • (byan vuh noo)
  • #71 Joyeux anniversaire ! – Happy birthday!
    • (jway uh zannee ver sair)
  • #72 Joyeux Noël ! – Happy/merry Christmas!
    • (jway uh no ell)
  • #73 Bonne année ! – Happy New Year!
    • (bonn annay)

Essential French Expressions For Saying Goodbye

Parisian bridge by night

Finally, here are a few useful phrases for saying goodbye.

  • #74 Au revoir ! – Good bye! (the standard phrase)
    • (oh ruh vwah)
  • #75 Bonne journée ! – Good day! (the feminine form of bonjour is used at the end of a conversation)
    • (bonn jour nay)
  • #76 Bonne soirée ! – Good evening! (again, the feminine form of bonsoir is used)
    • (bonn swah ray)
  • #77 Bonne nuit ! – Good night!
    • (bonn nwee)
  • #78 À bientôt ! – See you soon!
    • (ah byan toe)
  • #79 À demain ! – See you tomorrow!
    • (ah duh man)

Never Get Lost For Words In French Again

view of eiffel tower from place trocadero

So there you are! 79 common French phrases to help you take your first steps in your new language.

You’ll be amazed by how far these greetings, questions and basic courtesy phrases will get you in your first conversation with a French speaker.

With this list, you’ll be able to greet a French speaker politely, introduce yourself, get to know them better and deal with any problems that might come up.

So now, all that remains is for you to go find someone to talk to in French. Armed with this list, you’ll never be lost for words again.

And maybe, it might just be the start you need to go on to learn to speak French fluently!

If you’re at beginner or false beginner level in French and want to learn to speak the language confidently, then I recommend my French Uncovered course.

It’s a complete beginner programme that teaches you through the power of story. So you not only will you improve your French quickly, you’ll have fun doing it!

Unlike traditional methods where you learn through grammar rules, in French Uncovered, you immerse yourself in a story and learn as you read and listen.

It’s the same method I used to learn Italian in 3-months from home. Find out more and try it out by clicking here.

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