What is compound word preposition

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and some other word or element in a sentence.

If there are two or more words (a preposition and a non-preposition word), it is a compound preposition.

They can consist of two-word combinations (instead of) or three-word (in addition to) combinations.

Here are some examples of compound prepositions:

  • In front of
  • According to (meaning: as stated by)
  • Instead of (meaning: as an alternative)
  • Ahead of (meaning: in front of or before)
  • In view of (meaning: because of)
  • As of (meaning: indicates the time/date when something starts)
  • On top of
  • On account of (meaning: because of)
  • In lieu of (meaning: instead)
  • In accordance with (meaning: something we are complying to)
  • Because of
  • Along with (meaning: together with)
  • By means of (meaning: a particular method or process of)
  • In addition to (meaning: when you want to say another item connected to what you are talking to)
  • Rather than (meaning: a contrary choice or wish)
  • Relating to
  • As a result of
  • Out of (meaning: from)
  • In spite of (meaning: despite; without being affected by something)
  • Next to
  • Apart from (meaning: except for; when you are making an exception)
  • On behalf of (meaning: used when speaking for someone)
Compound Preposition List Examples

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Examples of Compound Prepositions in Sentences

  1. My house is in front of the supermarket.
  2. According to the weather report, it is going to rain tomorrow.
  3. Instead of going to the beach, we went shopping.
  4. The plane is ahead of schedule.
  5. She was sick, so her friend stood in place of her.
  6. The store is open as of today.
  7. She stacked the heavy boxes on top of each other.
  8. She bought a new dress in addition to the shoes.
  9. In spite of his parents’ protests, he went to the concert.
  10. I couldn’t go to school on account of the blizzard.
  11. The business gave their employees bonuses in lieu of holiday time.
  12. The project was completed in accordance with the guidelines.
  13. The show was cancelled because of the snowstorm.
  14. The date was postponed on account of the speaker’s illness.
  15. We went to the movies along with our friends.
  16. She paid the bills by means of snail mail.
  17. He bought the new video game in addition to the old ones.
  18. He enjoys meeting friends rather than staying home.
  19. My assignment is related to geometry.
  20. The examinations have been rescheduled as a result of the extreme weather conditions.
  21. He stood out of his friend’s way.
  22. In spite of the weather, they went out.
  23. In addition to studying hard, he played video games all night long.
  24. Instead of going to the movies, we stayed home and watched TV.
  25. I bought the book on account of it being cheap.
  26. The book is next to the table.
  27. Apart from the high prices, it was an enjoyable experience.
  28. On behalf of the students, I would like to say thank you for everything you’ve done.

Useful Links

  • 45 Pronoun Examples in Sentences
  • 55 Official Symbol Names in English
  • 41 Flower Names in English with Pictures (Flower List)
  • 3D Shape Names in English (Beginner Friendly)
  • 103 Common Nouns List in English You Should Know (Alphabetized)

Other Common Questions

Some other useful things to know related to our topic on compound preposition examples.

Compound Preposition Vs Double Preposition

There is a small difference between compound and double prepositions.

A double preposition consists of two or more preposition words made into one word, for example, inside, upon, into and throughout.

A compound preposition consists of a simple preposition and a non-preposition word as discussed.

Compound Prepositions Test with Answers

  1. We went outside __________ the rain.

Ahead of

In spite of

In place of

2. I’ll have tea __________ coffee, please.

In lieu of

Apart from

Instead of

3. The car is parked __________ the station.

In front of

Along with

By means of

4. __________ going to the movies, we stayed home and watched TV.

Rather than

In spite of

As a result of

5. They teach the course __________ live weekly classes and continuous expert support.

According to

On account of

By means of


  1. in spite of
  2. instead of
  3. in front of
  4. rather than
  5. by means of

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I’m an Irish tutor and founder of TPR Teaching. I started teaching in 2016 and have since taught in the UK, Spain, and online.

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A preposition that contains two or more prepositional words is called a compound preposition. Also, we can say it is a combination of words. 

Compound prepositions are established by connecting the preposition words in a sentence before the noun, pronoun, adjective, and adverb.

Moreover, a compound preposition is prepared through the conjunction of a prepositional or a non-propositional word and a simple preposition word that is used with a noun, adjective, or adverb, respectively.

Examples: About, across, along, beyond, besides, outside, According to, aside from, because of, as of, next to, on account of, apart from, but for, close to, depending on, due to, in between, in case of, etc., are some compound prepositions.

compound preposition

Examples of Compound Prepositions are in Sentences

  1. The examination dates have been postponed because of the strike.
  2. His car is parked in front of my house.
  3. The behaviour of this patient is far from normal.
  4. I can not stay here as of now.
  5. Joseph was never close to his parents.
  6. This theory is wrong according to his philosophy.
  7. She was upset because of her daughter’s behaviour.
  8. The match was delayed due to rain.
  9. This dog is sitting next to me for one hour.
  10. The country has subdivided because of politicians.
  11. All I got in return for my hard-earned money has turned into a piece of junk.
  12. I found his name on top of the list.
  13. We will inform you later depending on the situation.
  14. She always talks about her father.
  15. There is no difference between these two sheets.
  16. The boy swims across the river.
  17. There is nothing left inside the container.
  18. The principal sat beside his college professor in the auditorium.
  19. The van is stopped in front of the hospital.
  20. You have to leave your position in case of any change in the plan.

List of Compound Prepositions

  • According to
  • As to
  • Onto
  • Across
  • After
  • Beyond
  • Without 
  • Opposite to
  • Away from
  • Aside from
  • In favor of
  • In front of
  • Because of
  • As for
  • Near to
  • Behind
  • Along
  • Outside
  • On account of
  • On behalf of
  • But for
  • Ahead of
  • Close to
  • Despite 
  • Depending on
  • Due to
  • In addition to
  • Next to
  • In between
  • In case of
  • Owing to
  • Along with
  • Around
  • Between
  • Apart from
  • In return for
  • Out of
  • Instead of
  • Outside of
  • Other than
  • Together with
  • Up to
  • Above
  • About

More Types of Preposition

  1. Phrase Preposition
  2. Disguised Preposition
  3. Simple Preposition

In this post, we are covering preposition, its types with examples and rules. Following points will be covered.

  1. What is a preposition?
  2. List of Prepositions
  3. Types of Preposition
    • Simple Preposition
    • Double preposition
    • Compound preposition
    • Participle preposition
    • Phrase preposition
  4. Types of Prepositions According to Function
    • Preposition of time
    • Preposition of place
    • Preposition of manner
    • Preposition of cause and effect
    • Preposition of instruments/devices
    • Preposition of direction/movement
    • Preposition of agent
  5. Rules of Preposition

A preposition is an important part of the English language and grammar. Prepositions are common but they seem complicated when we use them. These are the words used to link the noun and pronoun or other words.

Preposition is used to prove a correlation between nouns and pronouns in a sentence.


  • She is going to school.
  • He put the flowers by the door.
  • The jug was placed on the table.

In above sentences the bold words are prepositions.

Preposition + Noun

I gave the jug to Alan.

Preposition + Pronoun

I gave the wallet to him.

Preposition + Gerund

I devoted my time to stitching.

2 – List of Prepositions

  • Above
  • About
  • Absent
  • Across
  • After
  • Along
  • Among
  • Around
  • As
  • Before
  • Behind
  • Below
  • Beside
  • Beneath
  • Between
  • Beyond
  • By
  • Considering
  • Despite
  • During
  • Except
  • For
  • From
  • Given
  • In
  • Inside
  • Into
  • Minus
  • Of
  • Off
  • On
  • Onto
  • Opposite
  • Outside
  • Over
  • Per
  • Plus
  • Round
  • Since
  • Than
  • Through
  • To
  • Towards
  • Under
  • Until
  • Up
  • Upon
  • Via
  • Without
  • Within

3 – Types of Preposition

There are different types of prepositions

  1. Simple preposition
  2. Double preposition
  3. Compound preposition
  4. Participle preposition
  5. Phrase preposition

3.1 – Simple Preposition

It usually contains only two syllables.

Simple prepositions are; by, at, in, of, off, out, till, up, to, with, on, etc.

Simple Preposition Examples

  • Cat sat on the bed.
  • There is some water in the jug.
  • He is working hard to pass the exam.
  • My baby is suffering from flu.
  • I am from Islamabad.
  • She is working at grocery store.
  • This book belongs to Tom.

3.2 – Double preposition

When two simple prepositions are combined, they are called double prepositions. They habitually indicate directions.

Double prepositions are

  • into
  • upon
  • along
  • onto
  • out of
  • behind
  • without
  • within
  • next to

Double preposition examples

  • Once upon a time, there was a lion.
  • The cat climbed onto the table.
  • The dog is sitting behind the chair.
  • Hira never goes out without her mobile.
  • The ducks are eating along the river.
  • The bank is next to the post office.

3.3 – Compound preposition

Compound prepositions composed of two or more words. They are easy to known because the last word of a compound preposition is always simple preposition.

Compound preposition = Prefix + Noun / adjective / adverb

Compound prepositions are

  • In behalf of
  • According to
  • Beyond
  • In front of
  • Beneath
  • Besides
  • Between
  • Without
  • Around

Compound preposition examples

  • The children ran around the table.
  • His personality is beyond imagination.
  • There is a station beneath this area.
  • There is a show inside the box.
  • The dog is jumping around the seat.
  • The auto pulled along the drive way.
  • She is picked in front of bank.

3.4 – Participle preposition

There are the verbs that act as a preposition. Frequently, such words end in –ing and –ed.

Participle prepositions are

  • During
  • Considering
  • Barring
  • Provided
  • Laughing
  • Concerning
  • Frustrated

Participle prepositions examples

  • The teacher, sometimes gets frustrated with her class.
  • Everyone, please keep quiet during the class.
  • The kept following her home.
  • Considering his education, he did a great job.
  • Sara is interested in anything concerning novels.
  • All the brothers were there including the mother.

3.5 – Phrase preposition

Group of words used with a single preposition is called phrase preposition.

For example,

  • On the behalf
  • On time
  • At home
  • Before class
  • By virtue of
  • Inspite of
  • In place of
  • On the floor

Sometimes they are used as an adverb and sometimes as a preposition.

  1. A word is preposition when it adds noun or pronoun. For example, The knife lies in the basket.
  2. A word is an adverb when it adds verb. For example, Let’s move on.

Phrase preposition =  Preposition + object + modifier

  • Jon received the trophy on the behalf of his friend.
  • The match got canceled because of heavy rain.
  • I will get to the class on time.
  • Teacher met to discuss lecture before class.
  • In course of time, the wounds healed.

4 – Types of Prepositions According to Function

There are many types of prepositions according to function.

  1. Preposition of time
  2. Preposition of place
  3. Preposition of manner
  4. Preposition of cause and effect
  5. Preposition of instruments / devices
  6. Preposition of direction / movement
  7. Preposition of agent

4.1 – Preposition of time

These types of prepositions show time in a sentence. It discusses the specific time period like dates, days of the week etc.

Preposition of time

  • At: Used for precise time.
  • In: Used for months, years, centuries and long periods.
  • On: Used for days and dates.


At 9 o’clock In June On Monday
At night In the spring On 8 February
At breakfast In 1991 On Sunday
At dinner In December On a summer eve
At noon In the age On independence day
At school In the past On my birthday
At college In the future On new year’s eve
At university In the summer On the way
At home In a row On a ship
At sunrise In the garden On a radio
At the moment In the sky On 30th June 2010
At the cinema In winter On the wall

Uses of at

  1. We have a meeting at 9 a.m.
  2. I went home at lunch time.
  3. We have a party at midnight.
  4. The shop closes at 6 o’ clock
  5. The stars shine at night.

At is used to express

  1. Exact time           at 5 o’ clock
  2. Meal time           at lunch
  3. Festivals               at New Year
  4. With age              at the age of 20
  5. Time                      at this time

Uses of in

  1. I shall return in an hour.
  2. In this town, it often rain in July.
  3. Would you think we will go to Greece in the future?
  4. I shall be successful in the next year.
  5. We will go to hill station in the summer.

In is used to express

  1. Parts of the day                in the morning
  2. Months                               in December
  3. Centuries                           in 20th Century
  4. Years                                   in 2013
  5. Season                                in Autumn
  6. Time period                      in those days

Uses of on

  1. I work on Monday.
  2. His birthday on 1st April.
  3. Vacations end on Tuesday.
  4. We are going to Texas on 1st June.
  5. We will meet on Friend’s Day

On is used to express

  1. Festivals                             on independence day
  2. Dates                                  on 1st May
  3. Days of the week             on Monday
  4. Occasion                            on that day
  5. Anniversaries                   on wedding day

4.2 – Preposition of Place

These types of prepositions show a place in a sentence.

  • At:  It is used to discuss a certain point.
  • In: It is used an enclosed space.
  • On: It is used to discuss a surface.

Examples of Preposition of Place

Uses of In

  • I live in Multan
  • She is in the bus.
  • He is the most famous artist in the world.
  • She watches TV in the room.
  • Google is the best search engine in the world.

Uses of At

  • I met him at the bust stop.
  • We are going to watch the movie and we met him at cinema.
  • Sun rises at 05:30 a.m.
  • There is a rod at the roof.

Uses of On

  • Look at the lizard on the wall.
  • There is a book on the table.
  • There is a smile on her face.
  • My room is on the first floor of the hotel.
  • There is a beautiful picture of my father on the wall.

4.3 – Preposition of Manners

Preposition of manners are about the method something happens or how something is complete. Commonly used words are “by” and “with”. Some other words are also used (in, like, on).


  • She will dies by the cancer.
  • Teacher faces students with big courage.
  • My baby sings like a cuckoo bird.
  • We are going by taxi.
  • The tourist arrived on the island on a bus.

4.4 – Prepositions of cause and effect

They are used to show the cause of something or a reason of something done.

Commonly used words are; due to, because of, from hence, on account, therefore through etc.


  1. He cannot run the bicycle because of his leg.
  2. He is sick from fever.
  3. Her sales increased repeatedly through good marketing.
  4. The quarrel was increased due to discourtesy of both sides.
  5. She does not eat meal regularly on account of her disease.

4.5 – Preposition of Devices / Instrument

This type of preposition is used to express different technologies, machines or devices. Some words are used for, by, with and on.

On, with = describe the use of machines and devices.

For examples,

  1. My aunt is back home by taxi.
  2. Bob opened the lock with an old key.
  3. May I do my work on your computer?
  4. We are going on a trip by ferry.
  5. My work is done with the use of your cell phone.

4.6 – Preposition of Direction / Movement

This type of preposition tell us a direction or location of something.

Some words used are

  • Across
  • Along
  • Among
  • At
  • Behind
  • Below
  • Into
  • Towards
  • Onto etc.


  1. Supervisor walked towards the examination hall.
  2. Sana was sitting among her family.
  3. Meet me at the bus stop.
  4. The ducks are eating along the river.
  5. I have the poster below the mirror.

4.7 – Preposition of agent

These types of prepositions are used to show a causal connection between noun and usually a verb. Words used as preposition of agent are:

  • By
  • With


  1. A literature book was written by John Keats.
  2. This work was done by me.
  3. Some institutes were closed by government.
  4. Hira graduated with a public administration degree.

Some commonly used prepositions are:

In front of

It is used to show that someone is standing in front of other person. For example,

The teacher stands in front of the class.


It is used to show that at the back of something.


There is a shoe behind the table.


It is used to show that two things or boejcts


There is a strong relationship between Tom and Alice.

Across from

It is used to show an opposite direction.


She lives across from school.

Next to

It is used to show that a person that is at the side of another thing.


A guard stands next to the entrance gate.


It is used to show low level of something.


There are boxes under the bed.

5 – Rules of prepositions

There are three rules

  1. Pair them accurately.
  2. Watch what follows them.
  3. Avoid using them at the end of sentences

5.1 – Pair them properly

Determining which preposition to exercise be a capable of tricky prepositions. It is notably difficult when dealing with idioms. Idiomatic expressions are expressions you just give birth to memorize, and at what time errors are made.

That’s why you need to write them accurately with their places and easy to understand.

5.2 – Watch what follows them

Prepositions are always be followed by a noun / pronouns. The noun is called the object of preposition. Note that a verb can’t be the object of a preposition.


The bone was for the dog. (correct)

The bone was for walked. (incorrect)

5.3 – Avoid using them at the end of sentences

Because prepositions must be followed by a noun and have an object, they should rarely be sited at the end of sentences.


The table is where I put my books on. (incorrect)

I put my books on the table. (correct)

Further Reading:

  • 50 sentences of prepositions
  • Preposition Usage and Examples
  • Learn Prepositions

what is preposition 
types of prepositionsPin

What is preposition? Types of prepositions

What do you say when someone asks you about prepositions you mostly know about simple prepositions like on, at, in etc. but there are two more types compound and complex.

What are Compound Prepositions?

Compound Prepositions are phrases made up of a combination of two or three words which acts as prepositions. These are different from simple prepositions as they are made up of a combination of two or three words.

Though, their function is the same. Just as simple prepositions act as one-word connectives, compound prepositions act as two-word or three-word connectives.

Compound Prepositions are also known as complex prepositions or phrasal prepositions.

How to Form Compound Prepositions

Let us understand the structure of two-word compound prepositions. The first word is usually an adjective, adverb, or conjunction. The second word is a simple preposition.

The three-word compound prepositions have a different structure. The first and the last words here are simple prepositions, and the central one is either a noun or an article.

Following is a list of two-word compound prepositions:

according to   due to  
along with   except for  
apart from   instead of  
because of   prior to  
contrary to regardless of

Here are some frequently used sentences with two-word compound prepositions.

  • According to his mother, he always gets up late in the morning.
  • As of next week, we are visiting the library.
  • The officials in the meeting wasted a lot of time arguing instead of agreeing.
  • My house is next to the old lady’s house.
  • My father likes to cut pictures out of my magazines.

Following are some examples of three-letter compound prepositions:

in aid of in line with  
on behalf of    in relation to  
in front of   with reference to  
in accordance with   with respect to  
in line with by means of

Let us look at some sentences used in daily life with three-word compound prepositions in them.

  • He ran away from the dog as far as he could.
  • Her aunt attended the ceremony on behalf of her mother.
  • There is an ice cream shop in front of the park.
  • I have a Yoga class in addition to my therapy session today.
  • They carried their bags on top of their heads.


There are different types of prepositions based on their job in a sentence. Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn all and explore preposition worksheets for your kids to help them learn faster.

Quick Links

Compound prepositions or complex prepositions are composed of two prepositions together to function as one preposition. Compound prepositions must not be joined together, but are two separate words that function as one word. One compound preposition.

Compound/complex prepositions include:

  • Prior to, pursuant to, according to, because of, similar to,  subsequent to, instead of, left to, whereas, outside of, close to, aside from, ahead of, far from, that of, as per, etc.

Examples of compound prepositions in context

  • We left Sam behind instead of driving him to his destination.
  • Because of the earthquake, we’ll now endeavour to protect our house.
  • I live close to Maria.
  • Aside from the fact that I go to class I also attend night school Monday to Friday.
  • Pursuant to our agreement we can meet next week.
  • I talked to the rugby team as per our arrangement.
  • The weather is going to be great according to Jack.
Prepositions in English
cursos de inglés

See also:

Advanced grammar:
  • Articles (a/an, the, zero article)
  • Pronouns: subject, object and possessive
  • Question tags
  • English conditionals
  • Interrogatives in English
  • Determiners
  • Phrasal verbs
  • Prefixes and suffixes
  • Reported and direct speech
  • Numbers: cardinal, ordinal, and Roman numbers
  • The verb: “get”
  • ‘Get’ vs. ‘go’ and ‘got’ vs. ‘gotten’
  • Copular verbs
  • Cleft sentences
  • Subjunctive in English
  • Vulgar and taboo in English
  • Ellipsis
  • Split infinitive
  • Emphasis with inversion
  • Gerunds in English
  • To + infinitive
  • Bare infinitive
  • British and American spelling

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