What is arcsin in excel

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В этой статье описаны синтаксис формулы и использование функции ASIN в Microsoft Excel.


Возвращает арксинус числа. Арксинус числа — это угол, синус которого равен числу. Угол определяется в радианах в диапазоне от -пи/2 до пи/2.



Аргументы функции ASIN описаны ниже.

  • Число    — обязательный аргумент. Синус искомого угла; значение должно находиться в диапазоне от -1 до 1.


Чтобы выразить арксинус в градусах, умножьте результат на 180/ПИ( ) или используйте функцию ГРАДУСЫ.


Скопируйте образец данных из следующей таблицы и вставьте их в ячейку A1 нового листа Excel. Чтобы отобразить результаты формул, выделите их и нажмите клавишу F2, а затем — клавишу ВВОД. При необходимости измените ширину столбцов, чтобы видеть все данные.





Арксинус числа -0,5 в радианах, -пи/6 (-0,5236)



Арккосинус числа -0,5 в градусах



Арккосинус числа -0,5 в градусах


Нужна дополнительная помощь?

This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the ASIN function in Microsoft Excel….Example.

Formula Description Result
=ASIN(-0.5)*180/PI() Arcsine of -0.5 in degrees -30
=DEGREES(ASIN(-0.5)) Arcsine of -0.5 in degrees -30

What is cosh in Excel?

Description. The Microsoft Excel COSH function returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number. The COSH function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Math/Trig Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel.

What is the formula for Arcsin?

arcsin(x), sin-1(x), inverse sine function….Arcsin rules.

Rule name Rule
Complementary angles arcsin x = π/2 – arccos x = 90° – arccos x
Arcsin sum arcsin α + arcsin(β) = arcsin( α√(1-β2) + β√(1-α2) )
Arcsin difference arcsin α – arcsin(β) = arcsin( α√(1-β2) – β√(1-α2) )
Cosine of arcsine

How do I calculate an angle in Excel?

The Excel DEGREES function converts angles (expressed in radians) to degrees. For example, the formula =DEGREES(PI()) returns 180. angle – Angle in radians that you want to convert to degrees….Converting degrees to radians manually.

Formula Degrees
=PI() 180
=90*PI()/180 90
=45*PI()/180 45
=30*PI()/180 30

How do you write COS 1 in Excel?

Excel ACOS Function

  1. Summary. The ACOS function returns the inverse cosine of a number.
  2. Get the inverse cosine of a value, in radians.
  3. Angle in radians.
  4. =ACOS (number)
  5. number – The value to get the inverse cosine of. The number must be between -1 and 1 inclusive.
  6. The ACOS function returns the inverse cosine of a value.

What is COS 1 equal to?

As you can see below, the cos-1 (1) is 270° or, in radian measure, 3Π/2 . ‘-1’ represents the minimum value of the cosine function ever gets and happens at Π and then again at 3Π ,at 5Π etc..

How do you write cos in Excel?

Copy the example data in the following table, and paste it in cell A1 of a new Excel worksheet. For formulas to show results, select them, press F2, and then press Enter….Example.

Formula Description Result
=COS(60*PI()/180) Cosine of 60 degrees 0.5
=COS(RADIANS(60)) Cosine of 60 degrees 0.5

How do you calculate cosh in Excel?

This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the COSH function in Microsoft Excel….Example.

Formula Description Result
=COSH(EXP(1)) Hyperbolic cosine of the base of the natural logarithm. 7.6101251

What is the range of Tanh?

(-1 to 1)
Tanh or hyperbolic tangent Activation Function The range of the tanh function is from (-1 to 1). tanh is also sigmoidal (s – shaped).

What is Arctan formula?

Arctan definition The arctangent of x is defined as the inverse tangent function of x when x is real (x∈ℝ). When the tangent of y is equal to x: tan y = x. Then the arctangent of x is equal to the inverse tangent function of x, which is equal to y: arctan x= tan-1 x = y.

How is the cosine value of an angle calculated in Excel?

COS Excel function is an inbuilt trigonometric function in excel which is used to calculate the cosine value of given number or in terms or trigonometry the cosine value of a given angle, here the angle is a number in excel and this function takes only a single argument which is the input number provided. COS Excel Function

How does the cos function in Excel work?

The Excel COS function returns the cosine of an angle given in radians. To supply an angle to COS in degrees, multiply the angle by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert to radians. number – The angle in radians for which you want the cosine.

How is cos ( 90 ° ) calculated in Excel?

Note: cos (90 °) = 0 is known, but the RADIANS function (90) determines the value of the radians of the angle with a certain error, therefore, a nonzero value was obtained for the 90 ° angle. In a similar way, create a sine table in Excel:

How to calculate Cos for angle in VBA?

We understood from the above step that firstly, RADIANS need to be calculated before calculating COS. After calculating RADIANS, we have to calculate the COS on that RADIANS, and it will give the desired result, which will be COSINE for each angle. As we discussed earlier, we can use it in the VBA code as well as in Microsoft Excel.

  • Редакция Кодкампа

17 авг. 2022 г.
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Преобразование арксинуса можно использовать для «растягивания» точек данных, которые находятся в диапазоне значений от 0 до 1.

Этот тип преобразования обычно используется при работе с пропорциями и процентами.

Мы можем использовать следующую формулу для выполнения преобразования арксинуса в Excel:

#perform arcsine transformation on value in cell A1

В следующих примерах показано, как выполнить преобразование арксинуса для наборов данных в Excel.

Пример 1: Преобразование арксинуса значений в диапазоне от 0 до 1

Предположим, у нас есть следующий набор данных в Excel:

Мы можем использовать следующую формулу для преобразования арксинуса значения в ячейке A2:

Преобразование арксинуса в Excel

Затем мы можем навести указатель мыши на правый нижний угол ячейки A2, пока не появится крошечный знак плюс « + », затем дважды щелкните его, чтобы скопировать и вставить формулу арксинуса в каждую ячейку в столбце B:

Пример 2: Преобразование арксинуса значений вне диапазона от 0 до 1

Обратите внимание, что преобразование арксинуса работает только со значениями в диапазоне от 0 до 1. Итак, если у нас есть вектор со значениями за пределами этого диапазона, нам нужно сначала преобразовать каждое значение в диапазон от 0 до 1.

Например, предположим, что у нас есть следующий набор данных в Excel:

Прежде чем мы выполним преобразование арксинуса для значений, мы должны сначала разделить каждое значение на максимальное значение в наборе данных:

Теперь каждое значение в наборе данных находится в диапазоне от 0 до 1. Затем мы можем выполнить преобразование арксинуса для значений в столбце B:

Дополнительные ресурсы

Как преобразовать данные в Excel (логарифм, квадратный корень, кубический корень)
Как выполнить преобразование Бокса-Кокса в Excel
Как найти антилог значений в Excel


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This article describes the formula syntax and usage of the ASIN function in Microsoft Excel….Example.

Formula Description Result
=ASIN(-0.5)*180/PI() Arcsine of -0.5 in degrees -30
=DEGREES(ASIN(-0.5)) Arcsine of -0.5 in degrees -30

How do you angle degrees in Excel?

The Excel DEGREES function converts angles (expressed in radians) to degrees. For example, the formula =DEGREES(PI()) returns 180. angle – Angle in radians that you want to convert to degrees….Converting degrees to radians manually.

Formula Degrees
=PI() 180
=90*PI()/180 90
=45*PI()/180 45
=30*PI()/180 30

How do you do trigonometry on Excel?

Click the “Formulas” tab and click “Math & Trig” button in the Function Library group. Scroll down and select “RADIANS” in the list of functions. Type “A2” in the Angle box and click “OK.” Click to highlight cell B2 and drag the fill handle down to cell B20.

What does Asin mean in math?

arc sine
The math. asin() method returns the arc sine of a number.

How do you convert Arcsin to degrees?

Use this arcsine calculator to easily calculate the arcsine of a number. Online arcsine calculation tool with output in degrees or radians….How to calculate the arcsine of a number?

x arcsin(x) (°) arcsin(x) (rad.)
1/2 30° π/6
√2 / 2 45° π/4
√3 / 2 60° π/3
1 90° π/2

How do you figure out angles?

The formula for finding the total measure of all interior angles in a polygon is: (n – 2) x 180. In this case, n is the number of sides the polygon has. Some common polygon total angle measures are as follows: The angles in a triangle (a 3-sided polygon) total 180 degrees.

What can R do that excel cant?

Excel’s spreadsheets have a finite number of rows and columns, however, so you’ll be unable to analyze massive datasets that can be handled with R. R allows you to clean and organize data, gives more visualization options, and if there’s a topic you want to explore, then there’s likely a way to do it in R.

What is arccos Python?

arccos is a multivalued function: for each x there are infinitely many numbers z such that cos(z) = x . The convention is to return the angle z whose real part lies in [0, pi]. For real-valued input data types, arccos always returns real output.

How do you find the formula for half angle identities?

The formula for half angle identities is as below: 1 Sine of a Half Angle Sine of a Half Angle: s i n ( a 2) = ± ( 1 − c o s a) 2 2 Cosine of a Half Angle Cosine of a Half Angle: c o s ( a 2) = ± ( 1 + c o s a) 2 3 Tangent of a Half Angle Tangent of a Half Angle: t a n ( a 2) = 1 − c o s a s i n a = s i n a 1 + c o s a More

How do you find the half-angle of sin 2A?

It is to note that we get half-angle formulas from double angle formulas. Both sin (2A) and cos (2A) are obtained from the double angle formula for the cosine. The formula for half angle identities is as below: \[ext{Sine of a Half Angle} : sin(\frac{a}{2}) = \pm \sqrt{\frac{(1 – cos a)}{2}}\]

How do you get half-angle formulas from double angle formulas?

We obtain half-angle formulas from double angle formulas . Both sin (2 A) and cos (2 A) are derived from the double angle formula for the cosine: cos (2 A) = cos 2 ( A) − sin 2 ( A) = cos 2 ( A) − (1 − cos 2A) = 2cos 2 ( A) − 1. So, . If we now replace A by (1/2) A, and take the square root we get: .

How do you find the tangent of a half angle?

For computing the tangent of the half-angle, tan (2A), we need to combine the identities for sine and cosine: These are actually the use of Greek letters such as alpha (α), beta (β), theta (θ) and gamma (γ) to denote angles. It represents the signs of trigonometric functions in each quadrant.

Therefore, if the angle is in degrees, multiply it by p/180° to convert it to radians. With Excel, this conversion can be written PI( )/180. For example, to convert 45° to radians, the Excel expression would be 45*PI( )/180 which equals 0.7854 radians.


  • 1 Does sin in Excel use radians or degrees?
  • 2 How do you convert between degrees and radians?
  • 3 What function converts 245 degrees to radians?
  • 4 How do you put excel in degree mode?
  • 5 What is Asin in Excel?
  • 6 How do you write trig functions in Excel?
  • 7 How do I change my ti 84 to radians?
  • 8 How do you convert from degree 11 to radians?
  • 9 Why is my Excel in radians?
  • 10 How do I put degrees in sin in Excel?
  • 11 What is Radian function?
  • 12 Can Excel use degrees?
  • 13 How do you convert radians to degrees minutes and seconds in Excel?
  • 14 How do you do arcsine in Excel?
  • 15 Is arcsin the same as sin 1?
  • 16 How do you convert arcsin to sin?
  • 17 What is math and trig in Excel?
  • 18 How do you write sin 2 in Excel?
  • 19 How do I put my TI-30X calculator in radian mode?
  • 20 How do I put my TI-84 calculator into degree mode?

Does sin in Excel use radians or degrees?

When we want to find the sine of an angle in excel, we are required to use the SIN function. The values of the angles are usually in degrees, and the SIN function will need the values to be converted before being supplied to it. To convert the values from degrees to radians, the RADIANS function in excel.

How do you convert between degrees and radians?

To convert the value of angle in degree, to its equivalent radians, we need to multiply the given value with π/180. For example, the value of 180 degrees is π in radians.

What function converts 245 degrees to radians?

To convert degrees to radians, multiply by π180° π 180 ° , since a full circle is 360° or 2π radians. Cancel the common factor of 5 . Factor 5 5 out of 245 245 . Factor 5 5 out of 180 180 .

How do you put excel in degree mode?

Inserting Degree Symbol in Excel

  1. Select the cell in which you want to insert the degree symbol.
  2. Press F2 to get into the edit mode.
  3. Use the keyboard shortcut – ALT + 0176 (you need to hold the ALT key and then press 0176 from the numeric keypad of your keyboard).

What is Asin in Excel?

The Excel ASIN function returns the inverse sine of a number. Return the inverse sine of a value in radians.The number must be between -1 and 1 inclusive.

How do you write trig functions in Excel?

How to Use Trig Functions in Excel

  1. Launch Excel and start a new spreadsheet.
  2. Click in cell A2 and type “0”.
  3. Click in cell B2 to enter the formula for converting the degrees in A2 to radians.
  4. Click in cell C2 to use the Sine function.

How do I change my ti 84 to radians?

Convert Degrees to Radians with the TI-84 Plus Calculator

  1. Put the calculator in Radian mode.
  2. If necessary, press [2nd][MODE] to access the Home screen.
  3. Enter the number of degrees.
  4. Press [2nd][APPS][1] to paste in the degree function.
  5. Press [ENTER] to convert the degree measure to radians.

How do you convert from degree 11 to radians?

Degree to Radian Formula

  1. Radian measure = (π/ 180) × Degree measure.
  2. Degree measure = (180/π) x Radian measure.

Why is my Excel in radians?

Excel always uses radians for trigonometric functions. Unlike a calculator, it does not have a setting to use degrees by default. You can use the RADIANS function to convert degrees to radians.

How do I put degrees in sin in Excel?

The Excel SIN function returns the sine of an angle given in radians. To supply an angle to SIN in degrees, multiply the angle by PI()/180 or use the RADIANS function to convert to radians. Get the sine of an angle provided in radians.

What is Radian function?

The RADIANS function converts a specified number from degrees to radians. The specified number is an angle measured in degrees, which is converted to an approximately equivalent angle measured in radians.

Can Excel use degrees?

The DEGREES function is a built-in function in Excel that is categorized as a Math/Trig Function. It can be used as a worksheet function (WS) in Excel. As a worksheet function, the DEGREES function can be entered as part of a formula in a cell of a worksheet.

How do you convert radians to degrees minutes and seconds in Excel?

On the contrary, if you have radians in Column A, you want to convert the values in Column A to degrees in Column B, you should type this formula =DEGREES(A2) in B2. See screenshots: With the same steps, you can also convert angle units between degrees and minutes, or degrees and seconds.

How do you do arcsine in Excel?

You can simply perform arcsin transformation in excel workbook itself with a formula =DEGREES(ASIN(SQRT(X/100))).

Is arcsin the same as sin 1?

Arcsine {sin^-1(x), arcsin(x)} is the inverse of sine. For example, sin(π/2) = 1 . Arcsin(1) = π/2 .

How do you convert arcsin to sin?

The inverse sine function, arcsine, will take the ratio of the opposite/hypotenuse (x) and return the angle, θ. So, knowing that, for our triangle, arcsin(x) = θ we can also write that: Sine: sin(arcsin(x)) = x. Cosine: cos(arcsin(x)) = √(1-x²)

What is math and trig in Excel?

The Excel Math & Trig functions perform many of the common mathematical calculations, including basic arithmetic, conditional sums & products, exponents & logarithms, and the trigonometric ratios. Some more math-related functions are also discussed in the Statistical functions and Engineering functions categories.

How do you write sin 2 in Excel?

The sine squared is marked as SIN(X)^2 in column C. Note that the results for the sine squared do not have negative. This is because the negatives shall cancel each other during the multiplication to only remain with positives.

How do I put my TI-30X calculator in radian mode?

The TI-30X Pro is a model of scientific calculator produced by Texas Instruments. If you want to calculate the measure of angles in radians, as opposed to degrees and gradians, the calculator can easily be put into “Radian Mode” by pressing the “MODE” button and selecting “RAD” in the menu.

How do I put my TI-84 calculator into degree mode?

Set your calculator to Degrees mode by pressing the MODE key, pressing the down arrow until you reach the row with the options “Degree” and “Radian,” highlighting “Degree” using the right arrow key, and pressing ENTER. Now all angles will be measured in degrees.

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