What is another word for small

What is another word for Small?

  • narrow-minded, character trait

  • unimportant, narrow-minded

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. smalladjective

    In a small fashion.

    tiny, microscopic, minuscule, little, minute

    capital, old, grown-up, large, adult, big, generous

  2. smalladjective

    Young, as a child.

    Remember when the children were small?

    young, wee, little

    grown-up, big, capital, large, generous, old, adult

  3. smalladjective

    adult, big, capital, grown-up, generous, large, old

  4. smalladjective

    lowercase, minuscule

    big, uppercase, capital, majuscule

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. small

    Fine (Latin finis, end) denotes that which has been brought to a full end, finished. From this root-sense many derived meanings branch out, causing words quite remote from each other to be alike synonyms of fine. That which is truly finished, brought to an ideal end, is excellent of its kind, and beautiful, if a thing that admits of beauty; as, a fine house, fine trees, a fine woman, a fine morning; if a thing that admits of the removal of impurities, it is not finished till these are removed, and hence fine signifies clarified, clear, pure, refined; as, fine gold. That which is finished is apt to be polished, smooth to the touch, minutely exact in outline; hence fine comes to be a synonym for all words like dainty, delicate, exquisite; as, fine manners, a fine touch, fine perceptions. As that which is delicate is apt to be small, by an easy extension of meaning fine becomes a synonym for slender, slight, minute, comminuted; as, a fine thread, fine sand; or for filmy, tenuous, thin; as, a fine lace, fine wire; and as a thin edge is keen, sharp, fine becomes also a synonym for these words; as, a fine point, a fine edge. Compare BEAUTIFUL; MINUTE.

    beautiful, clarified, clear, comminuted, dainty, delicate, elegant, excellent, exquisite, fine, gauzy, handsome, keen, minute, nice, polished, pure, refined, sensitive, sharp, slender, slight, smooth, splendid, subtile, subtle, tenuous, thin

    big, blunt, clumsy, coarse, great, heavy, huge, immense, large, rude, stout, thick

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. small

    little, diminutive, slight, minute, feeble, trivial, insignificant, paltry, narrow, mean, weak, slender, fine, inferior

    great, large, big, considerable, bulky, extensive, ample, spacious, stout, strong, important, broad, liberal

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smallnoun

    the slender part of the back

    rangy, gargantuan, larger, immoderate, gigantic, monstrous, man-sized, giant, overlarge, enormous, bouffant, large, double, sizable, plumping, galactic, too large, super, epic, macro, colossal, massive, elephantine, monumental, jumbo, uppercase, volumed, vast, coarse, loud, old, extensive, large-mouthed, blown-up, tremendous, king-size, bulky, mountainous, sizeable, huge, puffy, cosmic, unlimited, queen-size, hulking, increased, titanic, outsize, oversized, prodigious, heroic, monolithic, bear-sized, humongous, thumping, superior, voluminous, larger-than-life, queen-sized, macroscopical, spacious, wide, limitless, enlarged, harsh, Brobdingnagian, whacking, astronomical, bigger, life-sized, wide-ranging, life-size, whopping, capacious, extended, medium-large, largish, deep, large-scale, outsized, macroscopic, ample, banging, big, much(a), grand, full-size, stupendous, hulky, broad, king-sized, biggish, walloping, mammoth, great, immense, oversize, lifesize, astronomic

  2. smalladjective

    a garment size for a small person

    medium-large, large-mouthed, immoderate, prodigious, coarse, monstrous, enlarged, sizeable, rangy, life-size, large-scale, galactic, deep, queen-sized, increased, oversize, volumed, giant, big, cosmic, broad, extended, biggish, macroscopical, larger, jumbo, sizable, titanic, unlimited, overlarge, extensive, ample, grand, super, much(a), gigantic, life-sized, enormous, tremendous, immense, capacious, gargantuan, thumping, too large, whacking, double, voluminous, mountainous, queen-size, mammoth, astronomical, banging, large, old, whopping, superior, puffy, wide, blown-up, outsize, hulky, king-sized, man-sized, macroscopic, bear-sized, elephantine, astronomic, lifesize, great, full-size, macro, vast, bouffant, king-size, massive, limitless, stupendous, bulky, hulking, plumping, humongous, loud, spacious, epic, largish, wide-ranging, monolithic, monumental, colossal, bigger, larger-than-life, huge, uppercase, Brobdingnagian, oversized, harsh, heroic, walloping, outsized

  3. small, littleadjective

    limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent

    «a little dining room»; «a little house»; «a small car»; «a little (or small) group»

    short, piddling, trivial, niggling, picayune, diminished, footling, lilliputian, humble, lowly, modest, slight, petty, minuscule, minor, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, pocket-size, small(a), fiddling, little, small-scale, piffling, low

    queen-size, monolithic, uppercase, spacious, prodigious, large, banging, large-scale, mountainous, whacking, limitless, plumping, life-size, elephantine, superior, epic, deep, titanic, oversize, lifesize, hulking, rangy, macroscopical, hulky, sizable, Brobdingnagian, biggish, humongous, extended, full-size, immoderate, larger, bulky, capacious, immense, voluminous, tremendous, volumed, broad, grand, vast, man-sized, largish, great, double, massive, ample, old, loud, astronomical, wide-ranging, coarse, much(a), super, macroscopic, jumbo, whopping, gigantic, large-mouthed, king-size, bouffant, bigger, unlimited, monstrous, extensive, walloping, big, outsized, harsh, enormous, huge, gargantuan, heroic, medium-large, bear-sized, increased, monumental, enlarged, overlarge, cosmic, puffy, blown-up, king-sized, mammoth, colossal, larger-than-life, sizeable, outsize, giant, astronomic, stupendous, galactic, macro, wide, life-sized, too large, queen-sized, oversized, thumping

  4. minor, modest, small, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sizedadjective

    limited in size or scope

    «a small business»; «a newspaper with a modest circulation»; «small-scale plans»; «a pocket-size country»

    pocketable, underage, diminished, mild, minor(ip), nonaged, humble, lowly, meek, modest, minuscule, minor, pocket-sized, belittled, venial, pocket-size, small(a), little, small-scale, low

    coarse, outsize, biggish, sizable, outsized, large-scale, galactic, great, massive, superior, rangy, ample, larger, vast, medium-large, sizeable, astronomic, capacious, extensive, full-size, oversized, plumping, unlimited, big, lifesize, mountainous, limitless, immense, prodigious, grand, hulking, humongous, too large, huge, tremendous, bouffant, macro, broad, banging, immoderate, oversize, man-sized, much(a), wide-ranging, queen-size, gargantuan, blown-up, largish, spacious, colossal, double, voluminous, gigantic, life-sized, deep, thumping, whacking, enlarged, large-mouthed, large, volumed, king-sized, cosmic, uppercase, heroic, monumental, life-size, giant, bulky, king-size, stupendous, jumbo, larger-than-life, wide, whopping, bigger, enormous, extended, Brobdingnagian, harsh, old, increased, epic, queen-sized, astronomical, puffy, monolithic, titanic, monstrous, hulky, walloping, macroscopical, elephantine, bear-sized, loud, super, mammoth, overlarge, macroscopic

  5. little, smalladjective

    (of children and animals) young, immature

    «what a big little boy you are»; «small children»

    piddling, small-scale, trivial, picayune, diminished, lowly, footling, minor, humble, lilliputian, slight, minuscule, fiddling, petty, short, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, low, pocket-size, small(a), little, modest, piffling, niggling

    astronomical, lifesize, monstrous, colossal, ample, life-sized, puffy, jumbo, harsh, enlarged, titanic, plumping, galactic, massive, gargantuan, bulky, prodigious, much(a), extended, hulking, big, macroscopical, large-scale, wide-ranging, spacious, enormous, mountainous, mammoth, double, huge, bouffant, monumental, biggish, thumping, giant, medium-large, unlimited, old, king-size, elephantine, volumed, coarse, full-size, rangy, hulky, larger, whopping, monolithic, man-sized, immoderate, bear-sized, wide, increased, loud, bigger, walloping, large-mouthed, cosmic, macroscopic, larger-than-life, astronomic, heroic, sizable, voluminous, epic, extensive, blown-up, Brobdingnagian, uppercase, super, oversize, whacking, broad, queen-size, tremendous, sizeable, great, banging, humongous, limitless, deep, oversized, overlarge, life-size, superior, queen-sized, large, capacious, outsized, outsize, stupendous, king-sized, macro, largish, vast, immense, gigantic, grand, too large

  6. small(a)adjective

    slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope

    «a series of death struggles with small time in between»

    puffy, spacious, titanic, plumping, humongous, astronomic, limitless, monumental, immoderate, stupendous, queen-size, Brobdingnagian, large-mouthed, rangy, walloping, jumbo, oversize, bouffant, heroic, enormous, vast, great, colossal, king-size, extensive, huge, deep, macroscopic, monstrous, much(a), coarse, bigger, hulky, wide-ranging, cosmic, queen-sized, gigantic, big, large-scale, enlarged, largish, giant, gargantuan, monolithic, increased, super, sizeable, outsize, thumping, macro, too large, galactic, wide, life-size, massive, voluminous, larger, whacking, macroscopical, blown-up, old, harsh, bear-sized, large, extended, overlarge, outsized, superior, lifesize, loud, immense, mountainous, whopping, banging, hulking, elephantine, ample, larger-than-life, bulky, unlimited, man-sized, epic, capacious, oversized, grand, full-size, uppercase, biggish, prodigious, sizable, king-sized, life-sized, mammoth, volumed, broad, astronomical, medium-large, double, tremendous

  7. humble, low, lowly, modest, smalladjective

    low or inferior in station or quality

    «a humble cottage»; «a lowly parish priest»; «a modest man of the people»; «small beginnings»

    down(p), dispirited, minor, downcast, subaltern, scummy, base, baseborn, low-down, modest, petty(a), scurvy, pocket-sized, lower-ranking, secondary, humbled, gloomy, miserable, lowly, low, broken, small(a), down in the mouth, blue, humble, downhearted, grim, meek, low-toned, low-pitched, little, menial, pocket-size, small-scale, depleted, crushed, mild, junior-grade, diminished, abject, depressed, minuscule, low-spirited, belittled, humiliated

    plumping, macroscopical, colossal, large, mountainous, deep, enlarged, whacking, sizeable, voluminous, wide-ranging, unlimited, extended, humongous, king-sized, hulking, heroic, outsize, epic, astronomic, large-mouthed, sizable, whopping, galactic, outsized, giant, hulky, oversized, coarse, queen-size, life-size, double, Brobdingnagian, king-size, larger-than-life, largish, thumping, bigger, massive, immoderate, banging, overlarge, oversize, rangy, wide, tremendous, life-sized, monolithic, lifesize, grand, bear-sized, medium-large, walloping, blown-up, titanic, cosmic, much(a), capacious, great, super, gigantic, macro, volumed, large-scale, bouffant, ample, superior, huge, bulky, immense, larger, astronomical, old, monumental, harsh, too large, spacious, stupendous, limitless, enormous, biggish, queen-sized, full-size, big, gargantuan, elephantine, uppercase, monstrous, man-sized, extensive, jumbo, vast, increased, loud, prodigious, puffy, broad, macroscopic, mammoth

  8. little, minuscule, smalladjective


    «little a»; «small a»; «e.e.cummings’s poetry is written all in minuscule letters»

    piddling, small-scale, minuscular, picayune, trivial, lowly, footling, minor, humble, lilliputian, slight, minuscule, fiddling, diminished, petty, short, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, low, pocket-size, small(a), little, modest, piffling, niggling, miniscule

    enlarged, queen-sized, cosmic, outsized, lifesize, sizable, heroic, elephantine, broad, tremendous, huge, hulking, queen-size, wide, banging, giant, bear-sized, volumed, life-sized, super, king-size, wide-ranging, hulky, great, biggish, unlimited, whacking, mountainous, coarse, oversize, titanic, macroscopical, plumping, stupendous, astronomic, whopping, thumping, increased, double, epic, immoderate, jumbo, massive, deep, spacious, macroscopic, king-sized, colossal, capacious, superior, blown-up, large-scale, sizeable, extensive, macro, larger-than-life, vast, enormous, bigger, uppercase, overlarge, much(a), galactic, Brobdingnagian, old, monolithic, man-sized, medium-large, too large, outsize, monumental, large, loud, limitless, walloping, bouffant, prodigious, humongous, ample, full-size, harsh, voluminous, gargantuan, largish, mammoth, astronomical, large-mouthed, oversized, monstrous, immense, puffy, gigantic, grand, extended, life-size, big, bulky, rangy, larger

  9. little, smalladjective

    (of a voice) faint

    «a little voice»; «a still small voice»

    piddling, small-scale, trivial, picayune, diminished, lowly, footling, minor, humble, lilliputian, slight, minuscule, fiddling, petty, short, pocket-sized, little(a), belittled, low, pocket-size, small(a), little, modest, piffling, niggling

    life-sized, large-scale, jumbo, colossal, increased, titanic, limitless, whopping, massive, ample, broad, larger, medium-large, galactic, plumping, life-size, bigger, overlarge, tremendous, huge, man-sized, banging, wide, immense, super, Brobdingnagian, king-sized, too large, sizeable, gigantic, voluminous, macro, bulky, bouffant, big, vast, superior, great, king-size, heroic, oversized, elephantine, oversize, epic, spacious, monstrous, enlarged, rangy, unlimited, capacious, mammoth, humongous, sizable, harsh, lifesize, puffy, large-mouthed, coarse, monumental, full-size, walloping, loud, astronomic, wide-ranging, cosmic, blown-up, bear-sized, outsized, deep, much(a), enormous, thumping, giant, large, hulking, biggish, largish, astronomical, macroscopical, monolithic, double, stupendous, extended, outsize, prodigious, whacking, larger-than-life, volumed, grand, gargantuan, mountainous, extensive, uppercase, queen-size, immoderate, macroscopic, queen-sized, old, hulky

  10. smalladjective

    have fine or very small constituent particles

    «a small misty rain»

    small(a), low, belittled, humble, minuscule, lowly, modest, diminished, minor, little, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized

    massive, big, capacious, monstrous, deep, larger, oversize, sizable, life-size, immense, large-mouthed, puffy, king-sized, sizeable, large, monumental, full-size, man-sized, superior, bulky, outsized, mammoth, lifesize, immoderate, queen-size, gargantuan, voluminous, increased, tremendous, monolithic, wide-ranging, enlarged, harsh, life-sized, colossal, volumed, extended, heroic, spacious, plumping, uppercase, largish, ample, queen-sized, banging, huge, hulking, medium-large, giant, old, coarse, large-scale, bouffant, double, gigantic, hulky, titanic, outsize, cosmic, overlarge, epic, grand, humongous, king-size, bear-sized, astronomic, wide, whacking, macroscopic, much(a), Brobdingnagian, blown-up, walloping, thumping, loud, unlimited, larger-than-life, macro, bigger, jumbo, galactic, oversized, broad, whopping, elephantine, super, too large, astronomical, mountainous, vast, extensive, limitless, stupendous, biggish, great, enormous, prodigious, macroscopical, rangy

  11. modest, smalladjective

    not large but sufficient in size or amount

    «a modest salary»; «modest inflation»; «helped in my own small way»

    little, low, belittled, mild, meek, lowly, minuscule, modest, diminished, small(a), minor, humble, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized

    humongous, voluminous, huge, astronomical, largish, big, immoderate, full-size, titanic, oversized, massive, bouffant, plumping, overlarge, bear-sized, hulking, biggish, harsh, monstrous, rangy, thumping, jumbo, bigger, walloping, spacious, double, large-mouthed, large, elephantine, ample, colossal, galactic, capacious, Brobdingnagian, wide-ranging, epic, medium-large, extended, queen-size, macroscopic, astronomic, wide, life-size, prodigious, life-sized, king-sized, heroic, cosmic, outsized, puffy, oversize, superior, large-scale, hulky, loud, vast, uppercase, giant, whacking, super, deep, monumental, larger, mammoth, broad, monolithic, macroscopical, grand, unlimited, king-size, mountainous, extensive, man-sized, macro, sizeable, larger-than-life, blown-up, enlarged, much(a), bulky, increased, volumed, outsize, tremendous, banging, old, coarse, lifesize, enormous, whopping, gigantic, gargantuan, limitless, immense, too large, great, queen-sized, sizable, stupendous

  12. belittled, diminished, smalladverb

    made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth)

    «her comments made me feel small»

    diminished, wasted, atrophied, lowly, humble, lessened, modest, small(a), minuscule, minor, pocket-sized, belittled, weakened, pocket-size, vitiated, little, small-scale, low

    macroscopic, rangy, large-scale, mountainous, voluminous, blown-up, extended, loud, enlarged, whacking, extensive, broad, largish, cosmic, walloping, bear-sized, wide-ranging, astronomical, queen-size, vast, deep, oversized, humongous, increased, giant, king-sized, stupendous, huge, large, full-size, jumbo, old, hulking, hulky, too large, galactic, massive, banging, lifesize, biggish, bigger, spacious, medium-large, big, monumental, macro, plumping, enormous, colossal, much(a), gargantuan, outsize, limitless, outsized, king-size, overlarge, uppercase, man-sized, mammoth, large-mouthed, puffy, thumping, heroic, great, macroscopical, ample, gigantic, capacious, immoderate, wide, harsh, epic, life-sized, sizeable, tremendous, unlimited, bulky, titanic, life-size, larger-than-life, immense, elephantine, sizable, superior, larger, queen-sized, monstrous, Brobdingnagian, double, coarse, grand, monolithic, prodigious, super, oversize, bouffant, astronomic, whopping, volumed

  13. smalladverb

    on a small scale

    «think small»

    sizeable, mammoth, colossal, vast, bulky, wide-ranging, queen-sized, ample, puffy, giant, voluminous, queen-size, volumed, capacious, enormous, large, humongous, oversize, large-scale, lifesize, enlarged, increased, loud, larger, sizable, macroscopic, macro, jumbo, double, hulky, stupendous, astronomic, great, hulking, large-mouthed, astronomical, coarse, massive, medium-large, outsized, overlarge, oversized, grand, galactic, banging, gigantic, cosmic, king-size, superior, heroic, uppercase, immense, bigger, extended, monumental, whopping, elephantine, epic, limitless, titanic, super, biggish, gargantuan, tremendous, too large, outsize, largish, unlimited, life-sized, monstrous, much(a), walloping, king-sized, prodigious, life-size, thumping, whacking, bouffant, rangy, big, immoderate, huge, macroscopical, bear-sized, blown-up, broad, deep, Brobdingnagian, spacious, extensive, man-sized, old, wide, mountainous, harsh, plumping, full-size, larger-than-life, monolithic

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pocket size

    Submitted by anonymous on July 5, 2020  

  2. bite-sized

    easily done, understood, or managed

    the teacher presented the new information in bite-sized chunks.

  3. coffinlike

    small is a great word for coffinlike because a coffin is small

    the house was coffinlike.

  4. little

    small in size, amount, or degree (often used to convey an appealing diminutiveness or express an affectionate or condescending attitude).

    the plants will grow into little bushes.

    Submitted by JP03 on September 1, 2015  

  5. pépite

    Submitted by anonymous on April 2, 2020  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smalladjective

    little, diminutive, tiny, puny, dwarf, minikin, dwarfish, stunted, liliputian, pygmean, pygmy, miniature, not great, not large

  2. smalladjective

    minute, microscopic, molecular, atomic, corpuscular

  3. smalladjective

    petty, trifling, trivial, inconsiderable, insignificant, unimportant

  4. smalladjective

    slender, scanty, paltry, moderate

  5. smalladjective

    feeble, weak, faint, slight

  6. smalladjective

    mean, sordid, selfish, illiberal, ungenerous, mercenary, narrow, narrow-minded

  7. smalladjective

    shallow, unintelligent, unintellectual, ungifted, sappy, stolid, dull, feeble-minded

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. smalladjective

    little, minute, diminutive, petty, slight, inconsiderable, puny, tiny, weazened, undeveloped, dwarfish, runty, wee, stunted, inappreciable, undersized, atrophied, miniature, trivial, insignificant, trifling, frivolous, mean, narrow-minded, illiberal, sordid, ungenerous, contracted, short, limited, piping, feeble, weak, microscopic, infinitesimal, molecular, corpuscular, atomic, fine, homeopathic

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «small»:

    little, small-, small-scale, tiny, minor, low, smaller, klein, slight, modest, malé, siu, small-sized, light, petit, young, kid, petite, petites, iittle, piccolo, petty, limited, weak, petits, reduced, kleine, harness, pup, restricted, mala, few, boy, hsiao, minimal, short, mic, narrow, xiao, junior, wee, mini, mild, kiddo, smallholder, baby

Suggested Resources

  1. small

    Song lyrics by small — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by small on the Lyrics.com website.

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How to use small in a sentence?

  1. Heather Greven:

    We’ve found a way to build a program of influencers big and small ; most have around 1,000 followers. Makeup bloggers, Greek life on campus, doggie Instagrams, drag queens and everyone in between have been really receptive to us sliding into their dm’s to save democracy. Our influencers are typically nonpolitical and have audiences who trust them, so when they are providing links to register or pledge to vote we see really great engagement levels.

  2. Jin Zhongkun:

    There’s a whole ecosystem that has developed around Alibaba, it used to be that Zhejiang was supported by small and medium-sized enterprises that focused on exports, but now you see a lot of really good venture capital firms.

  3. Zully Broussard:

    I’m excited, not nervous, i know there’s going to be a life out there that’s extended. I feel like there is a higher power behind all this, making it happen. I didn’t realize it was so huge. I’m just a small part of the chain.

  4. Tana Guetzko:

    It’s unheard of to do a Major League Baseball game in a town this small, we hope everybody likes the quaintness and the people, we’re very excited, this is history that’s being made.

  5. Harriet Whiley:

    If you’re a healthy adult, you’re less likely to get [sick], especially if you take steps to minimize your risk, however, there’s always a small chance.

Translations for small

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • صغيرArabic
  • kiçikAzerbaijani
  • бәләкәйBashkir
  • малы́, мале́нькі, малады́Belarusian
  • ма́лъкBulgarian
  • ছোটBengali
  • petitCatalan, Valencian
  • жима, кегийChechen
  • malý, mladýCzech
  • малъOld Church Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian
  • пӗчӗкChuvash
  • ifanc, bach, bychan, ieuanc, mânWelsh
  • liden, lilleDanish
  • gering, klein, jungGerman
  • sueEwe
  • μικρός, νέοςGreek
  • juna, malgrandaEsperanto
  • pequeño, joven, chico, minúsculas, pequeñaSpanish
  • väikeEstonian
  • که, کوچک, جوان, خرد, برناPersian
  • nuori, pieniFinnish
  • lítilFaroese
  • petit, jeune, minusculeFrench
  • lyts, jongWestern Frisian
  • beagIrish
  • beagScottish Gaelic
  • pequenoGalician
  • begManx
  • קטנה, קטנים, קטנות, קטןHebrew
  • छोटाHindi
  • kicsi, kisHungarian
  • պստիկ, պուճուր, փոքրիկ, փոքր, փոքրատառ, մանրArmenian
  • kecilIndonesian
  • ńta, ọbeleIgbo
  • mikraIdo
  • lítill, smárIcelandic
  • giovane, piccoloItalian
  • קָטָןHebrew
  • 小さい, 若いJapanese
  • მცირე, პატარაGeorgian
  • кішкене, кішіKazakh
  • តូចKhmer
  • 작은Korean
  • بچووکKurdish
  • кичине, кичинекейKyrgyz
  • paulus, iuvenis, parvusLatin
  • ນ້ອຽLao
  • mažasLithuanian
  • mazsLatvian
  • мал, мали, малаMacedonian
  • жижигMongolian
  • छोटा, लहानMarathi
  • kecilMalay
  • żgħira, żgħir, żgħarMaltese
  • နုပ်, သေးBurmese
  • klein, nietig, minuscuul, jongDutch
  • liten, ungNorwegian
  • petit, pichon, pichòtOccitan
  • ਛੋੱਟਾPanjabi, Punjabi
  • mały, młodyPolish
  • وړوکی, کوچنیPashto, Pushto
  • pequeno, minúsculo, jovemPortuguese
  • pitschen, giuvenRomansh
  • mici, mic, tânărRomanian
  • мале́нький, молодо́й, ма́лый, ма́ленький, маленькийRussian
  • अल्पSanskrit
  • ма̑л, mȃlSerbo-Croatian
  • කුඩාSinhala, Sinhalese
  • malýSlovak
  • majhenSlovene
  • i vogëlAlbanian
  • ung, liten, småSwedish
  • mdogoSwahili
  • சிறிய, இளைய, சிறிய்Tamil
  • చిన్నTelugu
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  • maliitTagalog
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  • бәләкәй, кече, кечекTatar
  • молоди́й, мали́й, мале́нькийUkrainian
  • چھوٹاUrdu
  • kichikUzbek
  • nhỏ, nhỏ nhắn, tiểuVietnamese
  • minudik, smalik, yunikVolapük
  • קלייןYiddish
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Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for small?

How is the word small distinct from other similar adjectives?

Some common synonyms of small are diminutive, little, miniature, minute, and tiny. While all these words mean «noticeably below average in size,» small and little are often interchangeable, but small applies more to relative size determined by capacity, value, number.

a relatively small backyard

In what contexts can diminutive take the place of small?

In some situations, the words diminutive and small are roughly equivalent. However, diminutive implies abnormal smallness.

When can little be used instead of small?

The meanings of little and small largely overlap; however, little is more absolute in implication often carrying the idea of petiteness, pettiness, insignificance, or immaturity.

your pathetic little smile

When could miniature be used to replace small?

The words miniature and small can be used in similar contexts, but miniature applies to an exactly proportioned reproduction on a very small scale.

a dollhouse with miniature furnishings

When is it sensible to use minute instead of small?

The words minute and small are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, minute implies extreme smallness.

a minute amount of caffeine in the soda

How are the words tiny and minute related as synonyms of small?

Tiny is an informal equivalent to minute.

tiny cracks formed in the painting

What is another word for “small”? The list below provides some fantastic SMALL synonyms with example sentences in English. Learn these other words for small to improve and expand your vocabulary in English.

Small Definition and Examples

Meaning of Small: Something that is of a reduced measure in comparison to what is average or what is expected.


  • “That baby is really cute but he seems small for his age”
  • “It is no longer a cliché to say that good things come in small quantities.”
  • “A small green snake slithered across the wet road.”

List of Synonyms for Small

Different words to use instead of “small”:

  • Cramped
  • Diminutive
  • Dinky
  • Dwarf
  • Eensy
  • Eensy-weensy
  • Elfin
  • Half-pint
  • Homuncular
  • Ickle
  • Inadequate
  • Inappreciable
  • Inconsequential
  • Inconsiderable
  • Insignificant
  • Insufficient
  • Itsy-bitsy
  • Lilliputian
  • Little
  • Little-bitty
  • Meager
  • Measly
  • Microscopic
  • Mingy
  • Mini
  • Miniature
  • Minor
  • Minuscule
  • Minute
  • Negligible
  • Nugatory
  • Pathetic
  • Petite
  • Pint-sized (informal)
  • Pocket-sized
  • Poky
  • Portable
  • Puny
  • Pygmy or pigmy
  • Short
  • Slight
  • Slightly built
  • Small-boned
  • Small-scale
  • Squat
  • Stingy
  • Stubby
  • Stunted
  • Teensy
  • Teensy-weensy
  • Teeny
  • Teeny (informal)
  • Teeny-weeny
  • Tiddly
  • Tiny
  • Titchy
  • Trifling
  • Trivial
  • Undersized
  • Ungenerous
  • Unimportant
  • Vest-pocket
  • Wee
  • Weeny

Small Synonyms with Examples

  • Tiny

For example: The baby put his tiny hand in mine.

  • Petite

For instance: She was fair-haired and petite.

  • Mini

For example: To this end, the mini bell was designed.

  • Teeny-weeny

For instance: It’s a teeny-weeny little top.

  • Little

For instance: She gave a little laugh.

  • Slight

For instance: I woke up with a slight headache.

  • Minute

For instance: The kitchen on the boat is minute.

  • Skimpy

For instance: They provided only skimpy details.

  • Miniature

For instance: A day is a miniature of eternity.

  • Wee

For instance: I felt a wee bit guilty about it.

  • Diminutive

For instance: She has diminutive hands for an adult.

  • Pygmy (with animals)

For instance: He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.

More interesting examples with the word “small”

  • “We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher’s Day!”
  • “Prospective buyers should study the small ads in the daily newspaper.”
  • “We don’t need to do big things—we can start out small.”
  • “According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines.”
  • “One of the small children began to wail with terror.”
  • “He took a small key from his pocket and slowly inserted it into the lock.”
  • “We crossed a small iron bridge over a meandering stream.”
  • “According to present law, the authorities can only punish smugglers with small fines.”
  • “When two industrial giants clash, small companies can get caught in the crossfire.”
  • The president wants to make it easier for small businesses to get bank loans.

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SMALL Synonym: List of 12 Synonyms for SMALL with ExamplesPin

Last Updated on December 15, 2020

What is another word for small?

926 synonyms found


[ smˈɔːl], [ smˈɔːl], [ s_m_ˈɔː_l]

Related words: small business loan, small business owner, small business news, small business owner salary, small business grants, how to start a small business, how to start a small business in your garage, startup small business loans, how to start a small business in texas, how to start a small business in california

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  • Is the internet?

    Table of Contents

    Similar words for small:

    • all (adjective)

    • baby (adjective)

    • brief (adjective)

    • cramped (adjective)

    • diminutive (adjective)

    • exiguous (adjective)

    • fine (adjective)

    • humble (adjective)

    • imperceptible (adjective)

    • imponderable (adjective)

    • inadequate (adjective)

    • inconsequent (adjective)

    • inconsequential (adjective)

    • inconsequential/inconsiderable (adjective)

    • insignificant (adjective)

    • lank (adjective)

    • lesser (adjective)

    • light (adjective)

    • limited (adjective)

    • little (adjective)

    • low (adjective)

    • marginal (adjective)

    • mere (adjective)

    • miniature (adjective)

    • minor-league (adjective)

    • minute (adjective)

    • modest (adjective)

    • narrow (adjective)

    • narrow-minded, nasty (adjective)

    • nominal (adjective)

    • off (adjective)

    • other relevant words (adjective)

    • outside (adjective)

    • paltry (adjective)

    • petty (adjective)

    • picayune (adjective)

    • piddly (adjective)

    • pulverous (adjective)

    • restricted (adjective)

    • secondary (adjective)

    • short (adjective)

    • slender (adjective)

    • small (adjective)

    • smallish (adjective)

    • sordid (adjective)

    • sorry (adjective)

    • stunted (adjective)

    • thin (adjective)

    • tiny in size, quantity (adjective)

    • trifling (adjective)

    • trivial (adjective)

    • underdeveloped (adjective)

    • undersized (adjective)

    • ungenerous (adjective)

    • unimportant (adjective)

    • unnoticeable (adjective)

    • unobservable (adjective)

    • unostentatious (adjective)

    • weak (adjective)

    • weightless (adjective)

    • atomic (noun)

    • atomlike (noun)

    • bantam (noun)

    • belittled (noun)

    • bittie (noun)

    • decreased (noun)

    • diminished (noun)

    • dinky (noun)

    • dwarfish (noun)

    • elfin (noun)

    • elflike (noun)

    • gnomish (noun)

    • half-size (noun)

    • ignoble (noun)

    • immature (noun)

    • infinitesimal (noun)

    • lilliputian (noun)

    • littler (noun)

    • littlest (noun)

    • lowercase (noun)

    • lowly (noun)

    • micro (noun)

    • microscopic (noun)

    • microscopical (noun)

    • midget (noun)

    • miniscule (noun)

    • minor (noun)

    • petite (noun)

    • pocket-size (noun)

    • reduced (noun)

    • runty (noun)

    • slim (noun)

    • smaller (noun)

    • smallest (noun)

    • soft (noun)

    • subatomic (noun)

    • subgross (noun)

    • teensy-weensy (noun)

    • teentsy (noun)

    • weensy (noun)

    • humble (verb)

    • subordinate (verb)

    • other synonyms
    • frivolous

    • other relevant words

    How to use «small» in context?

    for small

    Homophones for small

    Holonyms for small

    Hyponyms for small

    Antonyms for small

    Synonyms for Small:

    • adj.

      all (adjective)

      • small.

      baby (adjective)

      • most mini,
      • tiny,
      • more mini,
      • wee.

      brief (adjective)

      • to point,
      • most compendiary,
      • more breviloquent,
      • boiled down,
      • short sweet,
      • more compendiary,
      • most breviloquent.

      cramped (adjective)

      • more two by four,
      • most crabbed,
      • more circumscribed,
      • more squeezed,
      • more two-by-four,
      • in decipherable,
      • in-decipherable,
      • most squeezed,
      • most two-by-four,
      • un-comfortable,
      • most pent,
      • most two by four,
      • most circumscribed,
      • in commodious,
      • un comfortable,
      • two by four,
      • in-commodious,
      • more pent.

      diminutive (adjective)

      • more pocket-sized,
      • bitsier,
      • more pint-sized,
      • under size,
      • more pint sized,
      • teensyweensy,
      • bittiest,
      • more pocketsized,
      • pocket sized,
      • more undersize,
      • most pint sized,
      • teeny-weeny,
      • most peewee,
      • teeny weeny,
      • most button,
      • most pocket sized,
      • pint sized,
      • bittier,
      • more pocket sized,
      • most pint-sized,
      • more peewee,
      • bitsiest,
      • teensy weensy,
      • teenyweeny,
      • more button,
      • most pocket-sized,
      • pocketsized,
      • most undersize,
      • most pocketsized.

      exiguous (adjective)

      • meager.

      fine (adjective)

      • more finedrawn,
      • most finegrained,
      • most finedrawn,
      • more fragile,
      • most fine grained,
      • more powdered,
      • more finegrained,
      • most pulverized,
      • more pulverized,
      • Finedrawn,
      • more fine drawn,
      • more fine grained,
      • most gossamery,
      • most fine drawn,
      • fine grained,
      • most powdered,
      • trans-parent,
      • more fine-grained,
      • most fine-spun,
      • most fine spun,
      • finegrained,
      • powdered,
      • fragile,
      • trans parent,
      • fine spun,
      • most quality,
      • more gossamery,
      • more fine-spun,
      • threadlike,
      • more fine spun,
      • gossamer,
      • more fine-drawn,
      • most fine-grained,
      • fine drawn,
      • most fine-drawn,
      • more quality.

      humble (adjective)

      • Low-born,
      • low-ranking,
      • proletarian,
      • menial,
      • lowborn,
      • unassuming,
      • unpretentious.

      imperceptible (adjective)

      • in distinguishable,
      • more undetectable,
      • most undetectable,
      • gradual,
      • in distinct,
      • in discernible,
      • in visible,
      • in sensible,
      • evanescent,
      • un-detectable,
      • in-conspicuous,
      • in-audible,
      • in-visible,
      • in conspicuous,
      • in-sensible,
      • in audible,
      • un detectable,
      • in-distinguishable,
      • in-discernible,
      • in-distinct.

      imponderable (adjective)

      • in-tangible,
      • in tangible.

      inadequate (adjective)

      • in complete,
      • glitcher,
      • un equal,
      • more stinted,
      • in-substantial,
      • impotent,
      • incapable,
      • more niggardly,
      • in-apter,
      • in-adequate,
      • un-equal,
      • in-aptest,
      • in apter,
      • in-capable,
      • in commensurate,
      • bushleague,
      • glitchest,
      • in competent,
      • lemon,
      • most lemon,
      • junkest,
      • in aptest,
      • un-qualified,
      • in-complete,
      • incomplete,
      • minus,
      • un qualified,
      • too little,
      • un productive,
      • junker,
      • most stinted,
      • in substantial,
      • in adequate,
      • in capable,
      • more lemon,
      • in-commensurate,
      • un-productive,
      • in-competent,
      • most niggardly.

      inconsequent (adjective)

      • in-consequent,
      • in consequent.

      inconsequential (adjective)

      • two bit,
      • entry level,
      • in-consequential,
      • in consequential.

      inconsequential/inconsiderable (adjective)

      • wimpier,
      • entrylevel,
      • most shoestring,
      • most entry level,
      • more shoestring,
      • un considered,
      • more entry level,
      • runtest,
      • twobit,
      • more entry-level,
      • runter,
      • in-sufficient,
      • wimpiest,
      • more entrylevel,
      • most entrylevel,
      • most entry-level,
      • un-considered.

      insignificant (adjective)

      • more purportless,
      • irrelevant,
      • most purportless,
      • most minimal,
      • most minim,
      • in significant,
      • un-substantial,
      • in-significant,
      • un substantial,
      • more minim,
      • non essential,
      • meaningless.

      lank (adjective)

      • most fleshless,
      • all skin bones,
      • all skin and bones,
      • Fleshless,
      • more fleshless,
      • thin as a rail,
      • thin as rail.

      lesser (adjective)

      • most nether,
      • third string,
      • most smallfry,
      • most secondfiddle,
      • more second string,
      • most third string,
      • more third-string,
      • sub ordinate,
      • more secondstring,
      • more third string,
      • secondstring,
      • most second fiddle,
      • most secondstring,
      • more second fiddle,
      • secondfiddle,
      • more second-string,
      • bushest,
      • most third-string,
      • most second-fiddle,
      • more small-fry,
      • more small fry,
      • most second string,
      • thirdstring,
      • most small-fry,
      • most small fry,
      • sub-ordinate,
      • more thirdstring,
      • most thirdstring,
      • more second-fiddle,
      • more nether,
      • smallfry,
      • more smallfry,
      • more secondfiddle,
      • most second-string.

      light (adjective)

      • Imponderous,
      • sylphlike,
      • tissuelike,
      • featherweight,
      • lightest,
      • frothy,
      • light-footed,
      • Floatable,
      • lithe,
      • unheavy,
      • weightless.

      limited (adjective)

      • limited.

      little (adjective)

      • delicate,
      • least,
      • undersized,
      • smallish,
      • self-centered,
      • puny,
      • few,
      • inconsequent,
      • compact,
      • short,
      • hidebound,
      • minute,
      • concise,
      • succinct.

      low (adjective)

      • low-set,
      • unelevated,
      • second rate,
      • low-lying,
      • secondrate,
      • uncostly,
      • cut-rate,
      • cut rate,
      • second-rate,
      • marked down,
      • rock bottom,
      • squatty,
      • not high,
      • ground-level,
      • ground level,
      • lowset,
      • low-hanging,
      • rock-bottom,
      • bottommost.

      marginal (adjective)

      • most verging,
      • more rimming,
      • most rimming,
      • more verging.

      mere (adjective)

      • pure and simple,
      • unmixed,
      • unadorned.

      miniature (adjective)

      • more scaleddown,
      • most small scale,
      • most scaleddown,
      • more small-scale,
      • most itty-bitty,
      • most itsy bitsy,
      • more small scale,
      • scaleddown,
      • most itsy-bitsy,
      • ittybitty,
      • more itty bitty,
      • more itty-bitty,
      • most small-scale,
      • most itty bitty,
      • more itsy bitsy,
      • most smallscale,
      • toyest,
      • more scaled down,
      • most scaled-down,
      • most ittybitty,
      • more itsybitsy,
      • itsybitsy,
      • miter,
      • smallscale,
      • more itsy-bitsy,
      • small scale,
      • more smallscale,
      • more scaled-down,
      • itty bitty,
      • more ittybitty,
      • itsy bitsy,
      • more minikin,
      • most scaled down,
      • mitest,
      • most minikin,
      • most itsybitsy.

      minor-league (adjective)

      • more younger,
      • more subaltern,
      • sub altern,
      • most subaltern,
      • minorleague,
      • minor-league,
      • sub-altern,
      • below mark,
      • most younger.

      minute (adjective)

      • piddling.

      modest (adjective)

      • unostentatious,
      • unornamented,
      • unextravagant,
      • Unembroidered,
      • inelaborate,
      • unradical,
      • unextreme,
      • unembellished,
      • unexcessive.

      narrow (adjective)

      • Incapacious,
      • straiter,
      • linear.

      narrow-minded, nasty (adjective)

      • ignoble,
      • selfish,
      • grudging,
      • base,
      • vulgar,
      • illiberal.

      nominal (adjective)

      • more token,
      • un necessary,
      • lowpriced,
      • low priced,
      • un-necessary,
      • most token.

      off (adjective)

      • in operative,
      • un-available,
      • most canceled,
      • not duty,
      • not on duty,
      • un available,
      • in-operative,
      • more canceled.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • slummier,
      • inappreciable,
      • reined in,
      • to the point,
      • lesser,
      • the point,
      • busher,
      • slender,
      • found wanting,
      • peewee,
      • no big deal,
      • penny ante,
      • undersize,
      • poky,
      • Gossamery,
      • less important,
      • low-down,
      • on the edge,
      • hardly any,
      • big zero,
      • beanstalk,
      • no biggie,
      • low,
      • Rimming,
      • Pulverulent,
      • brief,
      • rinkydink,
      • cramped,
      • ungenerous,
      • scurvy,
      • fine-drawn,
      • second-fiddle,
      • insignificant,
      • penny-ante,
      • snubber,
      • piddly,
      • Purportless,
      • too little too late,
      • small-scale,
      • compendiary,
      • secondary,
      • mini,
      • bitty,
      • marginal,
      • under-size,
      • underdeveloped,
      • scraggy,
      • Minikin,
      • slummy,
      • unobservable,
      • mere,
      • scratcher,
      • thin,
      • inadequate,
      • fine-grained,
      • Toyer,
      • exiguous,
      • baby,
      • bitsy,
      • undernourished,
      • lank,
      • entry-level,
      • Manacled,
      • scrimpy,
      • small-fry,
      • two-by-four,
      • picayune,
      • closed in,
      • breviloquent,
      • wimpy,
      • diminutive,
      • modest,
      • nickel-and-dime,
      • imperceptible,
      • itty-bitty,
      • lithesome,
      • second-string,
      • a notch under,
      • scaled down,
      • sorry,
      • not large,
      • humble,
      • Fine-spun,
      • derisory,
      • little,
      • imponderable,
      • minuscule,
      • twiglike,
      • below the mark,
      • pocket-sized,
      • off,
      • shoestring,
      • light as a feather,
      • remote,
      • tucked up,
      • lowdown,
      • pint-sized,
      • undetectable,
      • weak,
      • gracile,
      • reedy,
      • third-string,
      • poler,
      • niggardly,
      • itsy-bitsy,
      • Substract,
      • twiggy,
      • not big,
      • small time,
      • scaled-down,
      • inconsequential,
      • sticker,
      • Unconsequential,
      • nominal,
      • petty,
      • smalltime,
      • Non-essential,
      • beside point,
      • scraggiest,
      • shrimpy,
      • light,
      • dwarf,
      • Stalky,
      • jammed in,
      • not enough,
      • narrow,
      • miniature,
      • not employed,
      • stunted,
      • negligible,
      • paltry,
      • not worth mentioning,
      • weedy,
      • sordid,
      • on vacation.

      outside (adjective)

      • un likelier,
      • out-side,
      • un-likelier,
      • un likeliest,
      • out side,
      • un-likely,
      • un-likeliest,
      • outside,
      • un likely.

      paltry (adjective)

      • more unconsequential,
      • most unconsequential,
      • most low-down,
      • un-consequential,
      • more derisory,
      • low down,
      • more lowdown,
      • more low down,
      • most derisory,
      • most lowdown,
      • un consequential,
      • most low down,
      • more low-down.

      petty (adjective)

      • in-essential,
      • scratchest,
      • more peanut,
      • most peanut,
      • more penny-ante,
      • most penny ante,
      • more pennyante,
      • narrow minded,
      • in essential,
      • most nickel-and-dime,
      • most pennyante,
      • more nickel and dime,
      • most penny-ante,
      • pennyante,
      • more pettifogging,
      • narrowminded,
      • most pettifogging,
      • nickel and dime,
      • most nickel and dime,
      • more penny ante,
      • more nickel-and-dime.

      picayune (adjective)

      • of no account.

      piddly (adjective)

      • more rinkydink,
      • rinky-dink,
      • most rinkydink,
      • most rinky-dink,
      • most rinky dink,
      • diddliest,
      • scrimpiest,
      • more rinky dink,
      • scrimpier,
      • more rinky-dink,
      • rinky dink,
      • diddlier.

      pulverous (adjective)

      • Pulverous.

      restricted (adjective)

      • more secured,
      • most impeded,
      • most clogged,
      • more chained,
      • more tempered,
      • de-creased,
      • most hampered,
      • more checked,
      • most fettered,
      • most repressed,
      • more defined,
      • more moderated,
      • pre vented,
      • most encircled,
      • more clogged,
      • more bridled,
      • re-strained,
      • most moderated,
      • most bridled,
      • most barred,
      • most suppressed,
      • re pressed,
      • more manacled,
      • fettered,
      • more obstructed,
      • more blocked,
      • most chained,
      • most deterred,
      • more hampered,
      • most decreased,
      • more fettered,
      • encircled,
      • most manacled,
      • most checked,
      • most stayed,
      • de-fined,
      • most blocked,
      • more shortened,
      • more foiled,
      • more impeded,
      • more narrowed,
      • pre-scribed,
      • more tethered,
      • most tethered,
      • sur rounded,
      • more barred,
      • most narrowed,
      • most foiled,
      • most secured,
      • impeded,
      • de creased,
      • governed,
      • pre-vented,
      • most tempered,
      • re strained,
      • more repressed,
      • most hitched,
      • more suppressed,
      • more decreased,
      • more hitched,
      • more stayed,
      • re-pressed,
      • sur-rounded,
      • most curbed,
      • most defined,
      • more encircled,
      • most obstructed,
      • tempered,
      • most shortened,
      • de fined,
      • more curbed,
      • more deterred.

      secondary (adjective)

      • most accessory,
      • re-liefer,
      • re-liefest,
      • de-pendent,
      • more substract,
      • more reserve,
      • most reserve,
      • most backup,
      • de pendent,
      • reliefer,
      • re lief,
      • most substract,
      • re-lief,
      • more backup,
      • re serve,
      • more accessory,
      • re-serve,
      • re liefest,
      • reliefest,
      • re liefer.

      short (adjective)

      • shortest,
      • curt,
      • sawed-off,
      • abridged,
      • condensed,
      • not long,
      • squat,
      • stumpy,
      • close to the ground,
      • clipped.

      slender (adjective)

      • most lithesome,
      • more gracile,
      • most gracile,
      • more lithesome.

      small (adjective)

      • trifling,
      • beggarly,
      • spare,
      • scant,
      • pocket,
      • teeny,
      • minimal,
      • stingy,
      • teensy,
      • miserly,
      • sparing,
      • deficient,
      • weeny,
      • nugatory,
      • slight,
      • scrawny,
      • toy.

      smallish (adjective)

      • shortlived,
      • un-developed,
      • short lived,
      • shrimpier,
      • shrimpiest,
      • snubbest,
      • more truncated,
      • most truncated.

      sordid (adjective)

      • scurvier,
      • de-generate,
      • scurviest,
      • dis-reputable,
      • un cleaner,
      • un cleanly,
      • un-cleanlier,
      • selfseeking,
      • de generate,
      • un cleanest,
      • un cleanlier,
      • de-graded,
      • un cleanliest,
      • un-cleanly,
      • un-cleaner,
      • un-cleanest,
      • dis reputable,
      • self seeking,
      • de graded,
      • un-cleanliest,
      • slummiest,
      • slumest,
      • slumer,
      • uncleanly,
      • un clean.

      sorry (adjective)

      • Despisable,
      • scummier,
      • scummy.

      stunted (adjective)

      • small fry,
      • shrimper,
      • yea big,
      • half-pint,
      • shrimp,
      • runtish,
      • Undergrown,
      • runted,
      • yea high,
      • scrubber.

      thin (adjective)

      • most attenuate,
      • stilt,
      • more twiglike,
      • under-weight,
      • more shriveled,
      • under nourished,
      • more beanpole,
      • most beanpole,
      • stickest,
      • most beanstalk,
      • most twiglike,
      • gangling,
      • most shriveled,
      • under weight,
      • most shadow,
      • polest,
      • stalkiest,
      • more attenuate,
      • more undernourished,
      • most undernourished,
      • more shadow,
      • reedier,
      • stiltest,
      • under-nourished,
      • more beanstalk,
      • reediest,
      • stilter,
      • stalkier,
      • scraggier.

      tiny in size, quantity (adjective)

      • young,
      • insufficient,
      • trivial,
      • scrubby.

      trifling (adjective)

      • no big thing,
      • more loitering,
      • forget it,
      • idling,
      • most loitering,
      • in sipid,
      • in-sipid.

      trivial (adjective)

      • skindeep,
      • skin deep.

      underdeveloped (adjective)

      • under-developed,
      • under developed.

      undersized (adjective)

      • under sized,
      • under-sized.

      ungenerous (adjective)

      • un charitable,
      • un-charitable,
      • most grudging,
      • more grudging,
      • un-generous,
      • un generous.

      unimportant (adjective)

      • unimportant,
      • shallow,
      • of no consequence/of little consequence,
      • unessential,
      • set,
      • ineffectual,
      • bush-league,
      • unconsidered,
      • inferior,
      • small-time,
      • superficial.

      unnoticeable (adjective)

      • unnoticeable.

      unobservable (adjective)

      • un-observable,
      • un observable.

      unostentatious (adjective)

      • un-ostentatious,
      • un ostentatious.

      weak (adjective)

      • unaccented,
      • unstressed,
      • forceless,
      • weakest.

      weightless (adjective)

      • light as feather.
    • n.

      • dead,
      • croaky,
      • grating,
      • adenoidal,
      • brittle,
      • fruity,
      • disembodied,
      • flat,
      • breathy,
      • appealing.

      • bad.

      • over,
      • format,
      • full page,
      • dotted line,
      • capitalize,
      • bold,
      • font,
      • lower,
      • capitalise,
      • copperplate,
      • galley.

      • restricted,
      • prohibitive,
      • youth,
      • exclusive,
      • limiting,
      • under control,
      • restrictive,
      • specific,
      • within limits,
      • finite.

      atomic (noun)

      • atomic.

      atomlike (noun)

      • atomlike.

      bantam (noun)

      • bantam.

      belittled (noun)

      • belittled.

      bittie (noun)

      • bittie.

      decreased (noun)

      • decreased.

      diminished (noun)

      • diminished.

      dinky (noun)

      • dinky.

      dwarfish (noun)

      • dwarfish.

      elfin (noun)

      • elfin.

      elflike (noun)

      • elflike.

      gnomish (noun)

      • gnomish.

      half-size (noun)

      • half-size.

      ignoble (noun)

      • mean.

      immature (noun)

      • immature.

      infinitesimal (noun)

      • infinitesimal.

      lilliputian (noun)

      • lilliputian.

      littler (noun)

      • littler.

      littlest (noun)

      • littlest.

      lowercase (noun)

      • lowercase.

      lowly (noun)

      • lowly.

      micro (noun)

      • micro.

      microscopic (noun)

      • microscopic.

      microscopical (noun)

      • microscopical.

      midget (noun)

      • midget.

      miniscule (noun)

      • miniscule.

      minor (noun)

      • minor.

      petite (noun)

      • petite.

      pocket-size (noun)

      • pocket-size.

      reduced (noun)

      • reduced.

      runty (noun)

      • runty.

      slim (noun)

      • slim.

      smaller (noun)

      • smaller.

      smallest (noun)

      • smallest.

      soft (noun)

      • soft.

      subatomic (noun)

      • subatomic.

      subgross (noun)

      • subgross.

      teensy-weensy (noun)

      • teensy-weensy.

      teentsy (noun)

      • teentsy.

      weensy (noun)

      • weensy.
    • v.

      humble (verb)

      • poor,
      • pitiful.

      subordinate (verb)

      • tributary.
    • Other synonyms:

      • shrunken,
      • muffled,
      • small-minded,
      • confined,
      • little bitty,
      • whispery,
      • pubescent,
      • miniaturized,
      • long,
      • handheld,
      • prepubescent,
      • subdued,
      • teenaged,
      • naughty,
      • syncopated,
      • pint-size,
      • toytown,
      • bite-sized,
      • teen,
      • spoilt,
      • low-keyed,
      • teenage.

      • subaltern,
      • subordinate,
      • measly,
      • minor league,
      • discreet,
      • inconsiderable,
      • preteen,
      • adolescent,
      • low-key,
      • insubstantial,
      • pert,
      • spoiled,
      • fractional,
      • junior,
      • hushed.

      • muted,
      • cunning,
      • narrow-minded,
      • quietly,
      • monotone.

      • under,
      • quiet.

      • neat.


      • futile.

      Other relevant words:

      • scanty.

    How to use «Small» in context?

    Small towns, villages, hamlets and farms are often the center of important history and an important part of the fabric of a community. Some of these communities are rich in heritage and offer a unique experience, while others are struggling to retain their identity and are in the process of revitalization. Regardless of their size, these communities are rich in character and offer a unique opportunity to experience small town life.

    Paraphrases for Small:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Adjective
        little, tiny.
      • Proper noun, singular
        little, tiny.
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Adjective
        smaller, small-size.
      • Proper noun, singular
        smaller, small-sized.
    • Independent

      • Adjective
        diminutive, humble, less, lowercase, lowly, meager, meagre, minimum, significant, simple, tight, smail, space-saving, SMAII, mini-soccer.
      • Proper noun, singular
        less, Las, Persons, Bas, computers, disputes, periods, aims, projects.
      • Noun, plural
        Babies, Cities, levels, pieces, limitations, girls, LAMBS, entrepreneurs, weaknesses, variables.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        aims, sounds.
    • Exclusion

      • Adjective
    • Other Related

      • Adjective
        brief, compact, cramped, faint, feeble, inconsiderable, insignificant, lesser, light-duty, low-level, mali, marginal, miniscule, minuscule, moderate, modest, narrow, negligible, scant, scarce, skinny, small-scale, small-time, sparse, trivial, unimportant, Medium-sized, artisanal, smaller-scale, light-weight, small-sized, Small-bodied, modest-income, small-calibre, small-island, small-footprint.
      • Proper noun, singular
        lesser, modest, small-scale, smallest, towns.
      • Noun, plural
        small-scale, towns, minibuses.

    Homophones for Small:

    • sgml, 1 Samuel, sanely, Smalley, sesame oil, seconal, sawmill, sinhala, somali, semiannual, Simone Weil, squamule, samanala, Sexagesimal, samuel, sea snail, sea mile, smell, signal, seismal, senile, seasnail, simal, Semiannually, smelly, somalia, simnel, seemly, Suez Canal, seminole, sunnily, smilo, samiel, seminal, seamanly, son-in-law, smile, sex manual, snail, sign manual, 2 Samuel, snow lily, simile, seasonal, sea animal, signally, smiley.

    Holonyms for Small:

    • n.

      • body
        dorsum, back.

    Hyponym for Small:

    • n.

      • attribute
      • body
        body part.

    Word of the Day

    narrowed down

    calm down,
    cut down,


    • SMALL synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • SMALL synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — SMALL synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of SMALL
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for SMALL


    • Lilliputian.
    • bantam.
    • bitsy.
    • bitty.
    • button.
    • little.
    • midget.
    • mini.

    What is another word for very small?

    What is another word for very small?

    minuscule microscopic
    little diminutive
    teensy-weensy teeny-weeny
    Lilliputian itsy-bitsy
    itty-bitty nanoscopic

    Is minute another word for small?

    Minutus is the Latin word for “small,” and it gave rise to both the adjective minute (my-NOOT), or incredibly small, and the noun minute (MIN-it), or 60 seconds of time. Though they are pronounced differently, both words refer to small measurements.

    What is the adjective of small?

    / (smɔːl) / adjective. comparatively little; limited in size, number, importance, etc. of little importance or on a minor scalea small business.

    What is the verb of small?

    small. (obsolete, transitive) To make little or less. (intransitive) To become small; to dwindle.

    What type of noun is small?

    (uncountable) The state or quality of being small. (countable) The result or product of being small.

    What is the noun for small?

    noun. Definition of small (Entry 3 of 3) 1 : a part smaller and especially narrower than the remainder the small of the back. 2a smalls plural : small-sized products. b smalls plural, chiefly British : smallclothes especially : underwear.

    What is a small dictionary called?

    A mini-dictionary is a little dictionary, also called a pocket dictionary.

    What is the smallest dictionary?

    The Smallest English Dictionary in the World, Bryce’s (1890) BRYCE’S ENGLISH DICTIONARY. 1 1/8″ (27mm) x 3/4″ (20mm), 384 pages set in 1-1/2 pt type. There is an interesting story behind how I ended up buying a copy of The Smallest English Dictionary in the World.

    What is the longest word in the dictionary?


    What is a small box or can called?

    tin [noun] means “thing” small box, casket, chest, container, case, receptacle.

    What is an honest person called?

    Someone who is veracious speaks the truth — like your brutally honest friend who always lets you know what she thinks about your outfits, your hairstyle, your lasagna recipe, and your taste in movies.

    What is another name for boxes?

    What is another word for box?

    case casket
    carton container
    pack package
    bin crate
    packet receptacle

    What is small box?

    The expression “small-box retailer” contrasts with the more often used “big-box retailer.” A small-box retailer operates a retail business out of a small storefront, whereas a big-box retailer sells more product under one roof in a larger retail facility.

    What is a small box discount store?

    Definition. A retail sales use with a floor area less than Twelve thousand (12,000) square feet that offer for sale a combination and variety of convenience shopping goods and consumer shopping goods: and continuously offer a majority of the items in their inventory for sale at a price less than ten dollars ($10.00).

    What are small retail stores?

    A small retailer or “small-box retailer” is the opposite of a “big-box retailer” and they operate their business within a small physical retail space. These retailers stypically focus on niche products or custom goods and services.

    Table of Contents

    Rhymes with Small

    • montreal
    • senegal
    • peterpaul
    • luminol
    • forestall
    • vantol
    • vanhall
    • vandall
    • mcphaul
    • mcnall
    • mcfaul
    • mcfall
    • install
    • enthral
    • baseball
    • squall
    • sprawl
    • scrawl
    • sabol
    • recall
    • nepal
    • metall
    • mehall
    • mccaul
    • mccall
    • fairall
    • engwall
    • edsall
    • depaul
    • befall

    How do you pronounce small?

    Pronounce small as smɔl.

    US — How to pronounce small in American English

    UK — How to pronounce small in British English

    Sentences with small

    Quotes about small

    10. small

    adjective. [‘ˈsmɔl’] (of a voice) faint.

    • little
    • fat
    • wide
    • smal (Middle English (1100-1500))
    • smæl (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

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