What is another word for order

What is another word for Order?

  • organization, arrangement

  • organization, association

  • administration, arrangement

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What is another word for order?

3477 synonyms found


[ ˈɔːdə], [ ˈɔːdə], [ ˈɔː_d_ə]

Related words: order status, order number, order details, tracking my order, order history, order number, refund order

Related questions:

  • What is the status of my order?
  • How do i track my order?
  • What is my order number?
  • Where can i find my order number?
  • What is the status of my refund order?

    Table of Contents

    Similar words for order:

    • other relevant words (adjective)

    • Medal of Honor (noun)

    • act (noun)

    • administration (noun)

    • advice, approval (noun)

    • alignment (noun)

    • announcement, information (noun)

    • appropriate behavior, good manners (noun)

    • arrange (noun)

    • arrangement (noun)

    • arrangement, organization (noun)

    • array (noun)

    • association (noun)

    • association, fellowship (noun)

    • attitude, manner (noun)

    • attribute (noun)

    • award (noun)

    • behest (noun)

    • canon (noun)

    • caste (noun)

    • categorization (noun)

    • category (noun)

    • chain (noun)

    • check for paying money (noun)

    • church (noun)

    • class (noun)

    • class, kind (noun)

    • class, rank (noun)

    • class, status (noun)

    • classification (noun)

    • cloister (noun)

    • club (noun)

    • coexistence (noun)

    • combination (noun)

    • command; rule (noun)

    • commandment (noun)

    • company (noun)

    • condition (noun)

    • congress (noun)

    • consecrate (noun)

    • correctness (noun)

    • course (noun)

    • crowd of people (noun)

    • decision about blame (noun)

    • decoration (noun)

    • decorum (noun)

    • decree (noun)

    • decree, pronouncement (noun)

    • defiance (noun)

    • degree (noun)

    • demand (noun)

    • directive (noun)

    • disobedience, disregard (noun)

    • dispensation (noun)

    • disposal (noun)

    • disposition (noun)

    • document (noun)

    • draft (noun)

    • edict (noun)

    • expediency/expedience (noun)

    • extent (noun)

    • fellowship (noun)

    • fettle (noun)

    • fiat (noun)

    • first concern (noun)

    • fitness (noun)

    • follow-up (noun)

    • formation (noun)

    • fraternity (noun)

    • gild (noun)

    • grade (noun)

    • grouping (noun)

    • happening or being at same time, place (noun)

    • harmony, agreement (noun)

    • helping (noun)

    • indocility (noun)

    • injunction (noun)

    • instruction (noun)

    • intractability (noun)

    • judgment (noun)

    • judgment, decree (noun)

    • law (noun)

    • law, rule (noun)

    • law, rule of behavior, action (noun)

    • law; authorization (noun)

    • lawfulness (noun)

    • league (noun)

    • legislative document (noun)

    • line (noun)

    • lodge (noun)

    • lot (noun)

    • management (noun)

    • management of an organization or effort (noun)

    • matter (noun)

    • mixture, blend (noun)

    • monition (noun)

    • notice (noun)

    • order (noun)

    • ordered system (noun)

    • organization (noun)

    • paper/papers (noun)

    • pass (noun)

    • peace (noun)

    • pecking order (noun)

    • policy (noun)

    • portion of food (noun)

    • precedence (noun)

    • precept (noun)

    • priority (noun)

    • procession (noun)

    • program (noun)

    • propriety (noun)

    • protocol (noun)

    • queue (noun)

    • range (noun)

    • recalcitrance (noun)

    • recalcitrancy (noun)

    • recommendation (noun)

    • regulation (noun)

    • request; purchase agreement (noun)

    • restraint (noun)

    • routine (noun)

    • rule (noun)

    • rule, edict (noun)

    • rules of conduct, behavior in certain situation (noun)

    • scale (noun)

    • secluded religious place (noun)

    • sect (noun)

    • sentence (noun)

    • sequel (noun)

    • significance, meaning (noun)

    • sort (noun)

    • standardization (noun)

    • structure (noun)

    • structure, composition (noun)

    • succession (noun)

    • symmetry (noun)

    • systematic classification (noun)

    • tidy (noun)

    • train (noun)

    • tranquility (noun)

    • type (noun)

    • union (noun)

    • unruliness (noun)

    • will (noun)

    • acquire (verb)

    • adjure (verb)

    • adjust (verb)

    • align (verb)

    • arrange, organize (verb)

    • ask (verb)

    • bid (verb)

    • book (verb)

    • call (verb)

    • categorize (verb)

    • classify (verb)

    • clean (verb)

    • collate (verb)

    • command (verb)

    • commission (verb)

    • communication (verb)

    • conduct (verb)

    • constitute (verb)

    • control (verb)

    • counsel (verb)

    • demand (verb)

    • dictate (verb)

    • direct (verb)

    • distribute (verb)

    • enact (verb)

    • force (verb)

    • get (verb)

    • govern (verb)

    • graduate (verb)

    • impose (verb)

    • institutionalize (verb)

    • lay (verb)

    • line (verb)

    • marshal (verb)

    • methodize (verb)

    • neaten (verb)

    • order (verb)

    • pattern (verb)

    • prescribe (verb)

    • rank (verb)

    • ready (verb)

    • rearrange (verb)

    • regulate (verb)

    • require (verb)

    • requisition (verb)

    • rule (verb)

    • separate (verb)

    • sequence (verb)

    • settle (verb)

    • simplify (verb)

    • sort (verb)

    • standardize (verb)

    • straighten (verb)

    • summon (verb)

    • systematize (verb)

    • tabulate (verb)

    • tell (verb)

    • trig (verb)

    • warn (verb)

    • will (verb)

    • wish (verb)

    • other synonyms
    • adjustment

    • arrange

    • arrangement

    • authorize

    • book

    • calmness

    • clear up

    • command

    • course

    • denomination

    • direct

    • enact

    • impose

    • institutionalize

    • line

    • other relevant words

    • prepare

    • prescribe

    • rank

    • request

    • require

    • separate

    • simplify

    • straighten

    • trig

    • warn

    • other relevant words (noun)

    How to use «order» in context?

    for order

    Holonyms for order

    Hypernyms for order

    Hyponyms for order

    Meronyms for order

    Antonyms for order

    Synonyms for Order:

    • adj.

      Other relevant words: (adjective)

      • sequence,
      • shape,
      • state,
      • manner,
      • quantity.
    • n.

      Medal of Honor (noun)

      • decoration.

      • booth,
      • mandate,
      • bus,
      • law,
      • brown-bag,
      • all-you-can-eat,
      • bill of fare,
      • BYO,
      • bill,
      • cellar,
      • injunction.

      • bulk,
      • amount,
      • pile,
      • shipment,
      • purchase,
      • layer,
      • heap.

      • ritual,
      • tradition,
      • legalism,
      • custom,
      • adherence,
      • obedience,
      • observance,
      • compliance,
      • rite,
      • observation,
      • give and take,
      • cooperation,
      • complaisance,
      • integrity.

      • police,
      • panel,
      • by the authority of,
      • flash mobbing,
      • under the command of,
      • flash mob,
      • Support Group.

      • environment,
      • circumstance,
      • conditions,
      • deployment,
      • formation,
      • background,
      • climate,
      • lineup,
      • event,
      • situation,
      • state of affairs,
      • categorization,
      • context.

      • covenant,
      • brief,
      • Systemization,
      • codicil,
      • article,
      • conveyance,
      • systematization,
      • criminal record,
      • bond,
      • affidavit,
      • clause,
      • contract.

      • baptism,
      • kilter,
      • amen,
      • fettle,
      • better,
      • call down,
      • baptise,
      • baptize,
      • the Book of Common Prayer,
      • fitness,
      • celebrate,
      • trim,
      • benediction,
      • catechism,
      • condition,
      • anthem.

      • coreligionist,
      • brethren,
      • Baha’i,
      • congregation,
      • precede,
      • animism,
      • brother,
      • procession,
      • cult,
      • succession,
      • Consecution,
      • ascetic,
      • cleric.

      • streak,
      • course,
      • insist on something,
      • plead,
      • beg,
      • round,
      • train,
      • suite,
      • claim,
      • ask for,
      • invite,
      • progression.

      • association,
      • league,
      • arabesque,
      • federation,
      • coloration,
      • column,
      • articulation,
      • check,
      • union,
      • fraternity,
      • configuration,
      • sorority,
      • chronology,
      • confederation,
      • congress,
      • argyle.

      • description,
      • boss around,
      • nature,
      • lot,
      • order around,
      • instruct,
      • push around,
      • tax with.

      • cross-section,
      • bracket,
      • tier.

      • knight,
      • knighthood,
      • MBE,
      • dame,
      • dub.

      • generic,
      • subspecies.

      act (noun)

      • Measures,
      • warrants.

      administration (noun)

      • super visions,
      • super-vision,
      • directings,
      • Overseeing,
      • super-visions,
      • over-sight,
      • over sights,
      • overseeings,
      • pro visions,
      • over-seeing,
      • conductings,
      • over seeing,
      • over-seeings,
      • super vision,
      • governings,
      • pro-vision,
      • over sight,
      • over-sights,
      • over seeings,
      • pro-visions,
      • administerings,
      • pro vision.

      advice, approval (noun)

      • recommendation.

      alignment (noun)

      • Calibrations,
      • sightings,
      • positionings,
      • calibration,
      • positioning.

      announcement, information (noun)

      • notice.

      appropriate behavior, good manners (noun)

      • decorum.

      arrange (noun)

      • arrange.

      arrangement (noun)

      • grouping,
      • syntax.

      arrangement, organization (noun)

      • computation,
      • array,
      • management,
      • rule,
      • establishment,
      • composition,
      • line,
      • neatness,
      • orderliness,
      • harmony,
      • ordering,
      • plan,
      • procedure,
      • system,
      • adjustment,
      • tidiness,
      • classification,
      • cast,
      • codification,
      • standardization,
      • distribution,
      • propriety,
      • disposal,
      • structure,
      • form,
      • method,
      • regularity,
      • regulation,
      • symmetry,
      • scheme,
      • scale,
      • assortment,
      • aligning,
      • layout,
      • placement,
      • uniformity,
      • series.

      array (noun)

      • de sign,
      • de-sign,
      • dis-play,
      • exhibition,
      • de signs,
      • dis plays,
      • dis-plays,
      • throngs,
      • de-signs,
      • dis play.

      association (noun)

      • tie in,
      • out fits,
      • co-operative,
      • co-operatives,
      • co operatives,
      • tieup,
      • out-fits,
      • rat pack,
      • tiein,
      • gang,
      • out fit,
      • combo,
      • out-fit,
      • tribe,
      • partnership,
      • cooperatives,
      • co operative,
      • combos,
      • rat packs.

      association, fellowship (noun)

      • guild.

      attitude, manner (noun)

      • fashion.

      attribute (noun)

      • order.

      award (noun)

      • gold,
      • feather in cap,
      • gold stars,
      • gold star,
      • GOLDS,
      • feather cap.

      behest (noun)

      • promptings,
      • be hests,
      • expressed desire,
      • expressed desires,
      • be-hests,
      • be hest,
      • solicitations,
      • solicitation,
      • be-hest.

      canon (noun)

      • formula,
      • dogma,
      • table,
      • screed,
      • decretum,
      • maxim,
      • screeds,
      • decretums.

      caste (noun)

      • cultural levels,
      • social order,
      • social orders,
      • caste,
      • cultural level.

      categorization (noun)

      • cataloging.

      category (noun)

      • feather,
      • stripe,
      • species,
      • breed,
      • ilk,
      • kingdom,
      • mold,
      • variety,
      • stock,
      • level,
      • make,
      • race,
      • category,
      • taxonomy,
      • clan,
      • designation,
      • persuasion,
      • strain,
      • phylum,
      • Family,
      • step,
      • genus,
      • grain,
      • denomination,
      • style,
      • degree,
      • genotype,
      • kind,
      • people.

      chain (noun)

      • catena,
      • catenae.

      check for paying money (noun)

      • draft.

      church (noun)

      • ism,
      • de nominations,
      • de-nominations,
      • de-nomination,
      • ISMS,
      • de nomination.

      class (noun)

      • kidney,
      • pro vinces,
      • school,
      • pro vince,
      • genuses,
      • pro-vinces,
      • humor,
      • pro-vince,
      • hierarchy,
      • Kidneys,
      • genres.

      class, kind (noun)

      • type.

      class, rank (noun)

      • estate.

      class, status (noun)

      • rank,
      • grade,
      • taxonomic group,
      • position,
      • slot,
      • branch,
      • pecking order,
      • sort,
      • set,
      • station,
      • subclass,
      • genre,
      • pigeonhole.

      classification (noun)

      • typecasting,
      • codifications,
      • Taxonomies,
      • co-ordination,
      • coordinations,
      • distributings,
      • co ordinations,
      • alloting,
      • cataloguings,
      • orderings,
      • tabulatings,
      • categorizings,
      • gradings,
      • coordination,
      • sizing,
      • collocations,
      • pigeonholings,
      • allotings,
      • collocation,
      • sortings,
      • co ordination,
      • sizings,
      • co-ordinations,
      • Cataloguing,
      • typecastings.

      cloister (noun)

      • monastery,
      • lamaseries,
      • Priorate,
      • friary,
      • friaries,
      • re-treat,
      • chapter house,
      • lamasery,
      • religious communities,
      • religious community,
      • re treats,
      • Priories,
      • re-treats,
      • chapter houses,
      • priorates,
      • priory,
      • hermitage.

      club (noun)

      • club,
      • hangout.

      coexistence (noun)

      • coetaneousness,
      • co existences,
      • co incidence,
      • co-existence,
      • simultaneousness,
      • coetaneousnesses,
      • contemporaneousness,
      • contemporaneousnesses,
      • coevalities,
      • simultaneousnesses,
      • co-existences,
      • co incidences,
      • synchronicities,
      • co-incidence,
      • coevality,
      • co existence,
      • synchronicity,
      • co-incidences.

      combination (noun)

      • coalescence,
      • Olio,
      • everything but kitchen sink,
      • soups,
      • medley,
      • soup.

      command; rule (noun)

      • dictate.

      commandment (noun)

      • mitzvos,
      • mitzvot,
      • mitzvoth,
      • mitzvah,
      • mitzvahs.

      company (noun)

      • retinue,
      • troop.

      condition (noun)

      • predicaments,
      • way things are,
      • like it is,
      • way things shape up,
      • size of it,
      • situations,
      • riffs,
      • phase,
      • how things are,
      • how things stack up,
      • how it goes,
      • ballgame,
      • where it’s at,
      • riff,
      • predicament.

      congress (noun)

      • the House,
      • de legates,
      • the hills,
      • the houses,
      • legislative bodies,
      • legislative body,
      • senates,
      • senate,
      • de-legates.

      consecrate (noun)

      • consecrate.

      correctness (noun)

      • bon ton,
      • bon tons,
      • good breedings,
      • correctitudes,
      • correctitude,
      • good breeding.

      course (noun)

      • un folding,
      • Movements,
      • un-folding.

      crowd of people (noun)

      • company.

      decision about blame (noun)

      • judgment.

      decoration (noun)

      • medal,
      • garters,
      • purple hearts,
      • garter,
      • laurels.

      decorum (noun)

      • politeness,
      • Habits,
      • courtlinesses,
      • good grace,
      • convenances,
      • Convenance,
      • etiquette,
      • courtliness,
      • good graces.

      decree (noun)

      • de cree,
      • the words,
      • riot acts,
      • ukases,
      • the word,
      • chargings,
      • de crees,
      • promulgation,
      • de-cree,
      • de-crees,
      • the riot acts,
      • decree,
      • the riot act,
      • ukase,
      • riot act.

      decree, pronouncement (noun)

      • dictum.

      defiance (noun)

      • recalcitrance,
      • Impugnment,
      • Factiousness,
      • throwing of the gauntlet,
      • enjoinder,
      • spite,
      • rebelliousness,
      • impudence,
      • Insurgence.

      degree (noun)

      • sheepskin,
      • baccalaureate,
      • Dignification,
      • shingles,
      • baccalaureates,
      • shingle,
      • testimonials,
      • sheepskins.

      demand (noun)

      • Impetration,
      • impetrations,
      • importunity,
      • counterclaims,
      • search,
      • counter claims,
      • Entreatment,
      • Prayers,
      • inter rogations,
      • entreatments,
      • counter-claims,
      • counter-claim,
      • call fors,
      • inter-rogations,
      • searches,
      • counterclaim,
      • Importunities,
      • inter-rogation,
      • counter claim,
      • inter rogation.

      directive (noun)

      • memorandum,
      • messages.

      disobedience, disregard (noun)

      • defiance.

      dispensation (noun)

      • dispensation.

      disposal (noun)

      • be-quest,
      • de termination,
      • placings,
      • be quest,
      • be-quests,
      • de-terminations,
      • winding ups,
      • be quests,
      • de terminations,
      • de-termination.

      disposition (noun)

      • dis positions,
      • dis-positions,
      • dis position,
      • dis-position.

      document (noun)

      • papers.

      draft (noun)

      • cheque,
      • bank draft,
      • bank drafts,
      • letter credit,
      • cheques,
      • money orders,
      • money order.

      edict (noun)

      • edict.

      expediency/expedience (noun)

      • judiciousness,
      • profitableness,
      • Meetness,
      • Utilitarianisms,
      • advantageousnesses,
      • propitiousness,
      • Opportunities,
      • utilitarianism,
      • pragmatism,
      • expediency,
      • meetnesses,
      • advantageousness,
      • profitabilities,
      • profitablenesses,
      • judiciousnesses,
      • pragmatisms,
      • expedience,
      • profitability,
      • desirabilities,
      • propitiousnesses,
      • desirability.

      extent (noun)

      • spaciousness,
      • wideness,
      • Elbowroom,
      • extent,
      • period of time.

      fellowship (noun)

      • sodality,
      • companionability,
      • companionabilities.

      fettle (noun)

      • emotional state,
      • emotional states,
      • state mind,
      • sound conditions,
      • state of mind,
      • sound condition.

      fiat (noun)

      • fiat.

      first concern (noun)

      • priority.

      fitness (noun)

      • admissibility,
      • patness,
      • Concurrency,
      • seasonableness,
      • auspiciousness,
      • congruousness.

      follow-up (noun)

      • sequel.

      formation (noun)

      • evolution,
      • crystallization,
      • de posits,
      • de posit,
      • de-posits,
      • Crystallizations,
      • de-posit,
      • formings.

      fraternity (noun)

      • sisterhood,
      • frat,
      • frats.

      gild (noun)

      • gild.

      grade (noun)

      • rung,
      • rating,
      • grades.

      grouping (noun)

      • rangis,
      • rangi.

      happening or being at same time, place (noun)

      • coexistence.

      harmony, agreement (noun)

      • peace.

      helping (noun)

      • plateful,
      • Platefuls.

      indocility (noun)

      • in docility,
      • un-towardnesses,
      • uncontrollableness,
      • un-controllablenesses,
      • un-controllability,
      • un-towardness,
      • dis-orderliness,
      • un-controllableness,
      • un controllabilities,
      • un towardness,
      • dis orderlinesses,
      • un controllablenesses,
      • un manageability,
      • un-governableness,
      • un towardnesses,
      • un-controllabilities,
      • un governableness,
      • in docilities,
      • in-docilities,
      • un-governablenesses,
      • un manageabilities,
      • un-manageabilities,
      • dis-orderlinesses,
      • wildnesses,
      • dis orderliness,
      • un governablenesses,
      • in-docility,
      • un-manageability,
      • un controllableness,
      • un controllability.

      injunction (noun)

      • in junctions,
      • in-junctions,
      • in junction,
      • in-junction.

      instruction (noun)

      • instructions,
      • in formation.

      intractability (noun)

      • intractability.

      judgment (noun)

      • be-lief,
      • weigh ins,
      • sifting,
      • re views,
      • re searches,
      • weighins,
      • weigh in,
      • re view,
      • ex amination,
      • weigh-ins,
      • siftings,
      • in quest,
      • probings,
      • weighin,
      • re gards,
      • re search,
      • in quests,
      • be lief,
      • close studies,
      • re-gard,
      • in-quests,
      • re-view,
      • assayings,
      • weigh-in,
      • Re-search,
      • in-quest,
      • close study,
      • re-views,
      • ex-aminations,
      • ex aminations.

      judgment, decree (noun)

      • ruling.

      law (noun)

      • equity,
      • bylaws,
      • due processes,
      • jurisprudences,
      • REGS,
      • jurisprudence,
      • due process,
      • bylaw,
      • Reg.

      law, rule (noun)

      • ordinance.

      law, rule of behavior, action (noun)

      • precept.

      law; authorization (noun)

      • enactment.

      lawfulness (noun)

      • goodness,
      • tranquility,
      • calm,
      • seemliness,
      • probity,
      • properness,
      • decorousness,
      • niceness,
      • law and order,
      • suitability,
      • rectitude,
      • uprightness,
      • peacefulness,
      • quiet,
      • rightness,
      • control.

      league (noun)

      • consortium,
      • consortia.

      legislative document (noun)

      • act.

      line (noun)

      • scar.

      lodge (noun)

      • lodge.

      lot (noun)

      • great deal,
      • great deals.

      management (noun)

      • direction(s).

      management of an organization or effort (noun)

      • administration.

      matter (noun)

      • sub stances,
      • sub stance,
      • up shot,
      • sub-stances,
      • up-shot,
      • sub-stance,
      • up shots,
      • up-shots.

      mixture, blend (noun)

      • combination.

      monition (noun)

      • fore warnings,
      • fore-warnings,
      • monition,
      • fore-warning.

      notice (noun)

      • whole story,
      • writeup,
      • lowdown,
      • Posters,
      • info,
      • re mark,
      • re marks,
      • write up,
      • whole stories,
      • re-marks,
      • infos,
      • Re-mark,
      • manifesto,
      • lowdowns.

      order (noun)

      • normalcy,
      • rules of order,
      • arrangement,
      • put,
      • ordination,
      • organization,
      • efficiency,
      • normality,
      • steadiness,
      • rescript,
      • parliamentary procedure,
      • stability,
      • order of magnitude,
      • parliamentary law,
      • purchase order,
      • consistency.

      ordered system (noun)

      • cosmos.

      organization (noun)

      • brotherhood.

      paper/papers (noun)

      • re cord,
      • Certifications,
      • re-cords,
      • documentations,
      • documentation,
      • identification papers,
      • re-cord,
      • re cords,
      • visa,
      • certification,
      • VISAS,
      • identification paper.

      pass (noun)

      • safe-conduct,
      • furlough,
      • free ride,
      • safe-conducts,
      • safeconduct,
      • COMPS,
      • COMP.

      peace (noun)

      • cease-fire,
      • rest,
      • accord,
      • quietness,
      • neutrality,
      • nonaggression,
      • armistice,
      • concord,
      • truce,
      • repose,
      • placidness,
      • serenity,
      • friendliness,
      • nonresistance,
      • quiescence,
      • amity.

      pecking order (noun)

      • rankings,
      • social stratification,
      • social pyramid,
      • Social Hierarchy,
      • corporate ladder,
      • class structure,
      • social structure,
      • due order,
      • chain of command,
      • line of dominance,
      • social ladder,
      • power structure,
      • Social Hierarchies.

      policy (noun)

      • the numbers,
      • the books,
      • the number,
      • guideline,
      • the book.

      portion of food (noun)

      • helping.

      precedence (noun)

      • antecedence,
      • precedence,
      • primacy,
      • precession,
      • anticipation,
      • earliness.

      precept (noun)

      • by word,
      • by-words,
      • pre-cept,
      • pre cept,
      • by words,
      • by-word.

      priority (noun)

      • greatest importances,
      • pre-eminence,
      • transcendences,
      • greatest importance,
      • pre eminences,
      • transcendence,
      • crash project,
      • pre-eminences,
      • pre eminence,
      • previousnesses,
      • right way,
      • Previousness,
      • crash projects.

      procession (noun)

      • pro cess,
      • pro cessions,
      • pro-cession,
      • pro-cessions,
      • pro-cesses,
      • pro cession,
      • autocades,
      • autocade,
      • pro-cess.

      program (noun)

      • plan of action,
      • plan action.

      propriety (noun)

      • legitimacy,
      • ethicality,
      • recommendability,
      • becomingness,
      • correctness.

      protocol (noun)

      • concordat,
      • concordats.

      queue (noun)

      • queue.

      range (noun)

      • diapasons,
      • ex-tensity,
      • ex tensities,
      • diapason,
      • ex-tensities,
      • para-meter,
      • extensity,
      • purview,
      • para-meters,
      • para meter,
      • para meters,
      • ex tensity,
      • run of,
      • run ofs,
      • extensities,
      • earshots,
      • earshot.

      recalcitrance (noun)

      • de-spite,
      • de-spites,
      • despites,
      • de spite,
      • de spites.

      recalcitrancy (noun)

      • recalcitrancy.

      recommendation (noun)

      • re-commendations,
      • letter of support,
      • favorable mentions,
      • re commendation,
      • favorable mention,
      • re-commendation,
      • two cents’ worths,
      • two cents’ worth,
      • good words,
      • good word,
      • letter support,
      • re commendations.

      regulation (noun)

      • no-no,
      • numbers,
      • no-nos.

      request; purchase agreement (noun)

      • booking,
      • application,
      • reservation,
      • materials,
      • reserve,
      • goods,
      • engagement.

      restraint (noun)

      • straitjacket,
      • pinions,
      • straitjackets,
      • pinion,
      • restraint.

      routine (noun)

      • beaten paths,
      • schticks,
      • wonts,
      • schtick,
      • beaten path.

      rule (noun)

      • keynotes,
      • brocards,
      • no-no’s,
      • nono’s,
      • no no’s,
      • keystones,
      • Decretion,
      • Brocard,
      • decretions.

      rule, edict (noun)

      • canon.

      rules of conduct, behavior in certain situation (noun)

      • protocol.

      scale (noun)

      • ladder,
      • ladders.

      secluded religious place (noun)

      • cloister.

      sect (noun)

      • splinter group.

      sentence (noun)

      • sentences,
      • penalty,
      • sending river,
      • considered opinions,
      • sending up river,
      • considered opinion,
      • sending the river,
      • sending up the river.

      sequel (noun)

      • spin off,
      • aftereffect,
      • finishings,
      • spin-off,
      • part two,
      • causatum,
      • After-math.

      significance, meaning (noun)

      • matter.

      sort (noun)

      • likes of,
      • likes ofs.

      standardization (noun)

      • Levelness.

      structure (noun)

      • morphology,
      • interrelations,
      • interrelation,
      • morphologies.

      structure, composition (noun)

      • makeup.

      succession (noun)

      • Sequacity,
      • subsequence,
      • sub sequences,
      • sub sequence,
      • sequacities,
      • subsequences,
      • sub-sequence,
      • sub-sequences.

      symmetry (noun)

      • centrality,
      • shapeliness,
      • proportionalities,
      • Centralities,
      • equipoise,
      • proportionality.

      systematic classification (noun)

      • typology.

      tidy (noun)

      • ordered,
      • organized,
      • well-kept,
      • Manicured,
      • uncluttered,
      • orderly,
      • neat,
      • just so,
      • shipshape.

      train (noun)

      • entourage.

      tranquility (noun)

      • Imperturbation,
      • imperturbations,
      • law orders,
      • restfulnesses,
      • law order,
      • ataraxias,
      • restfulness,
      • ataraxia,
      • law and orders.

      type (noun)

      • sub divisions,
      • sub-divisions,
      • sub division,
      • sub-division.

      union (noun)

      • labor union.

      unruliness (noun)

      • intractableness,
      • Indocility.

      will (noun)

      • in heritances,
      • in-heritances,
      • in heritance,
      • in-heritance.
    • v.

      acquire (verb)

      • contract for.

      adjure (verb)

      • be sought,
      • be-sought.

      adjust (verb)

      • getting it together,
      • swim with tide,
      • grins and bear it,
      • dis-posed,
      • dost as romans do,
      • tailor makes,
      • gotten act together,
      • re-models,
      • fiddles with,
      • dis-pose,
      • re-modelling,
      • swimming with the tide,
      • grinned and bear it,
      • got act together,
      • re-model,
      • re dressing,
      • re-dress,
      • making conform,
      • grinning and bear it,
      • doth as romans do,
      • made conform,
      • gat it together,
      • grin bear it,
      • re-modelled,
      • getting act together,
      • grinned bear it,
      • gets it together,
      • re dressed,
      • re dress,
      • re modeled,
      • re-dressing,
      • fiddling with,
      • re-modeled,
      • tailor make,
      • swam with the tide,
      • grinning bear it,
      • re-dresses,
      • re model,
      • makes conform,
      • dis pose,
      • tailormaking,
      • finetune,
      • swims with the tide,
      • didst as romans do,
      • doest as romans do,
      • swimming with tide,
      • re modelled,
      • tailor making,
      • re models,
      • tailormake,
      • did as romans do,
      • dis posed,
      • gets act together,
      • tailor-making,
      • swims with tide,
      • re-dressed,
      • does as romans do,
      • dis-posing,
      • grins bear it,
      • tailor-makes,
      • gat act together,
      • re modelling,
      • tailor made,
      • gotten it together,
      • swam with tide,
      • re-modeling,
      • doeth as romans do,
      • re dresses,
      • dis posing,
      • tailormakes,
      • doing as romans do.

      align (verb)

      • allineating,
      • co ordinates,
      • makes parallel,
      • allineated,
      • co ordinate,
      • made parallel,
      • making parallel,
      • allineates,
      • evened up,
      • evens up.

      arrange, organize (verb)

      • dispose,
      • catalogue,
      • manage,
      • sort out,
      • furnish,
      • space,
      • index,
      • range,
      • locate,
      • lay out,
      • put away,
      • fix,
      • line up,
      • classify,
      • formalize,
      • class,
      • adapt,
      • streamline,
      • set in order,
      • set guidelines,
      • file,
      • right,
      • establish,
      • routine,
      • assign,
      • regularize,
      • regiment.

      ask (verb)

      • filed for,
      • pro mote,
      • pro-mote,
      • pro-moting,
      • re quest,
      • pro motes,
      • pro-motes,
      • pro moting,
      • files for,
      • contends for,
      • re quests,
      • request,
      • re-questing,
      • re-quests,
      • re questing,
      • re-quest,
      • contending for,
      • filing for,
      • re quested,
      • re-quested,
      • contended for.

      bid (verb)

      • in vite,
      • de sires,
      • make pitch,
      • pro position,
      • made a play for,
      • de-siring,
      • make pass at,
      • makes a pitch,
      • makes pass at,
      • made pitch,
      • makes a play for,
      • making a pitch,
      • making a play for,
      • made a pass at,
      • de sire,
      • makes play for,
      • de-sired,
      • de-sire,
      • de-sires,
      • pro-positioned,
      • made a pitch,
      • making pass at,
      • in-vite,
      • pro-positioning,
      • made pass at,
      • makes a pass at,
      • making pitch,
      • making play for,
      • pro-positions,
      • pro positioning,
      • pro positioned,
      • de siring,
      • de sired,
      • made play for,
      • makes pitch,
      • making a pass at,
      • pro positions.

      book (verb)

      • be spoken,
      • pro cured,
      • be-spoke,
      • be spoke,
      • pre-engages,
      • pro-cured,
      • pre engages,
      • pro cure,
      • pro cures,
      • pre-engage,
      • be-speak,
      • be-speaks,
      • pre engage,
      • be speak,
      • penciled in,
      • pencilling in,
      • pencils in,
      • re-serving,
      • be spake,
      • pre-engaged,
      • be speaking,
      • pro-cures,
      • re serving,
      • Preengaged,
      • be speaks,
      • re-serve,
      • making reservation,
      • penciling in,
      • made reservation,
      • pre engaged,
      • sews up,
      • pro-cure,
      • re served,
      • pencilled in,
      • makes reservation,
      • sewing up,
      • pre engaging,
      • re-served,
      • pro curing,
      • Preengaging,
      • pre-engaging,
      • be-spake,
      • pro-curing,
      • preengages,
      • be-speaking,
      • re serve,
      • be-spoken,
      • re-serves.

      call (verb)

      • de-clare,
      • ex-acts,
      • de creed,
      • de-creed,
      • prayed to,
      • praying to,
      • ex-acted,
      • ex act,
      • ex acting,
      • pro claim,
      • pro claiming,
      • ex acts,
      • prays to,
      • appeals to,
      • de clare,
      • de-clares,
      • pro claimed,
      • ex acted,
      • appealing to,
      • pro-claims,
      • ex-act,
      • pro-claiming,
      • ex-acting,
      • de clares,
      • pro claims.

      categorize (verb)

      • designate,
      • label,
      • stamp,
      • assort,
      • brand.

      classify (verb)

      • ranked out,
      • taking measure,
      • takes measure,
      • buttoning down,
      • sizes up,
      • in-corporate,
      • takes ones measure,
      • take ones measure,
      • took measure,
      • puts down as,
      • typecasts,
      • taking ones measure,
      • putting down for,
      • takes one’s measure,
      • take one measure,
      • putting down as,
      • buttoned down,
      • taking one’s measure,
      • took ones measure,
      • took one measure,
      • broke down,
      • buttons down,
      • taking one measure,
      • breaks down,
      • in corporate,
      • in corporates,
      • took one’s measure,
      • in-corporates,
      • takes one measure,
      • ranking out,
      • puts down for,
      • sized up,
      • brake down,
      • ranks out.

      clean (verb)

      • wash,
      • wipe,
      • purify,
      • launder,
      • clean,
      • sanitize,
      • scrub,
      • clear,
      • sweep,
      • sterilize,
      • Disinfect,
      • filter,
      • cleanse,
      • purge.

      collate (verb)

      • re late,
      • re-lated.

      command (verb)

      • re-strains,
      • laying down law,
      • calls the signals,
      • force up on,
      • re straining,
      • sending for,
      • laying down the law,
      • de-bar,
      • calling upon,
      • de-bars,
      • calls on,
      • called the signals,
      • de-barred,
      • calling up on,
      • lay down law,
      • laid down law,
      • takes charge,
      • call signals,
      • puts foot down,
      • gives directions,
      • giving orders,
      • forcing up on,
      • gave orders,
      • marks out,
      • re-straining,
      • calls up on,
      • re strain,
      • called up on,
      • forcing upon,
      • lays down the law,
      • inter-dict,
      • re-strain,
      • laid down the law,
      • sends for,
      • forced up on,
      • called signals,
      • gave directions,
      • took charge,
      • de-barring,
      • forces up on,
      • re strains,
      • takes lead,
      • calling the signals,
      • putting foot down,
      • ordinated,
      • took lead,
      • re-strained,
      • gives orders,
      • calling signals,
      • marked out,
      • re strained,
      • inter dict,
      • de barred,
      • de barring,
      • de bar,
      • call up on,
      • taking lead,
      • forces upon,
      • giving directions,
      • lays down law,
      • de bars,
      • calls signals.

      commission (verb)

      • dis patches,
      • confiding to,
      • in ducts,
      • in-ducting,
      • dis-patching,
      • in-ducts,
      • in duct,
      • in vested,
      • in ducting,
      • in ducted,
      • in vest,
      • dis-patched,
      • in-vested,
      • dis patched,
      • dis-patches,
      • dis patch,
      • confided to,
      • in-vest,
      • in-vesting,
      • in-vests,
      • dis-patch,
      • in-duct,
      • dis patching,
      • in-ducted,
      • confides to,
      • in vests,
      • in vesting.

      communication (verb)

      • enjoin,
      • say.

      conduct (verb)

      • calls tune,
      • trailblazes,
      • super vising,
      • call tune,
      • over sees,
      • over-see,
      • presides over,
      • wielding baton,
      • super-vised,
      • over-seen,
      • over-sees,
      • super vised,
      • called the tune,
      • runs things,
      • called tune,
      • calls the tune,
      • ran things,
      • trailblazed,
      • super vise,
      • wields baton,
      • super-vise,
      • over see,
      • over seen,
      • calling tune,
      • wielded baton,
      • calling the tune,
      • over saw,
      • over-saw,
      • presiding over.

      constitute (verb)

      • de legate,
      • de-legate.

      control (verb)

      • steer,
      • superintend,
      • harness,
      • dominate,
      • administer,
      • lead,
      • oversee,
      • command,
      • preside,
      • pilot,
      • supervise,
      • discipline,
      • bridle,
      • execute.

      counsel (verb)

      • in forms,
      • re-commend,
      • kibitzed,
      • in forming,
      • re commended,
      • show ropes,
      • putting to,
      • re commends,
      • re-commended,
      • gave pointer,
      • in-forms,
      • keeps posted,
      • putting heads together,
      • giving pointer,
      • puts heads together,
      • putting bug ear,
      • putting bug in ear,
      • wises up,
      • gives two cents,
      • gives pointer,
      • giving two cents,
      • showed ropes,
      • shows ropes,
      • co unselling,
      • in form,
      • shows the ropes,
      • puts bug in ear,
      • puts on to,
      • put bug ear,
      • putting on to,
      • wising up,
      • re-commends,
      • showing the ropes,
      • puts to,
      • puts bug ear,
      • wising one up,
      • re commend,
      • wised one up,
      • re-commending,
      • co-unselling,
      • gave two cents,
      • in-forming,
      • showed the ropes,
      • re commending,
      • keeping posted,
      • showing ropes,
      • kibitzes,
      • wises one up.

      demand (verb)

      • be-sieged,
      • insisting on,
      • counter-claimed,
      • in-quires,
      • clamored for,
      • be-siege,
      • counter claiming,
      • hits up,
      • impetrates,
      • clamors for,
      • hitting up,
      • in quired,
      • in quires,
      • whistled for,
      • Impetrated,
      • whistles for,
      • be sieges,
      • be sieged,
      • be sieging,
      • sued for,
      • be-sieging,
      • in quiring,
      • be-sieges,
      • sues for,
      • clamoring for,
      • counter-claiming,
      • in-quire,
      • in-quired,
      • suing for,
      • insisted on,
      • in-quiring,
      • be siege,
      • Impetrating,
      • counter claimed,
      • in quire,
      • whistling for,
      • insists on.

      dictate (verb)

      • took the reins,
      • walked heavy,
      • calling play,
      • call play,
      • walking heavy,
      • reads riot act,
      • reading riot act,
      • take reins,
      • takes the reins,
      • reading the riot act,
      • called the play,
      • calls play,
      • walks heavy,
      • took reins,
      • calling the play,
      • taking reins,
      • lays down,
      • reads the riot act,
      • calls the play,
      • taking the reins,
      • called play,
      • takes reins.

      direct (verb)

      • de livered,
      • de liver,
      • de-liver,
      • de livers,
      • de-livering,
      • de livering,
      • de-livered,
      • de-livers.

      distribute (verb)

      • dis tributes,
      • dis-tributes,
      • dis tribute,
      • dis-tribute.

      enact (verb)

      • got floor,
      • trans acting,
      • makes into law,
      • carried through,
      • steamrolls,
      • jamming through,
      • puts through,
      • puts in force,
      • trans-acted,
      • put force,
      • putting force,
      • gotten floor,
      • railroading through,
      • trans acts,
      • gets floor,
      • making in to law,
      • railroads through,
      • votes favorably,
      • makes in to law,
      • puts force,
      • gets the floor,
      • steamrolling,
      • gat floor,
      • get floor,
      • voting favorably,
      • trans act,
      • getting floor,
      • steamrolled,
      • trans acted,
      • make in to law,
      • got the floor,
      • gotten the floor,
      • trans-acts,
      • carries through,
      • getting the floor,
      • putting through,
      • gat the floor,
      • railroaded through,
      • making into law,
      • jammed through,
      • made into law,
      • trans-act,
      • jams through,
      • making laws,
      • made in to law,
      • voted favorably,
      • putting in force,
      • makes laws,
      • trans-acting,
      • voting in.

      force (verb)

      • bare hard on,
      • bears hard on,
      • ex torts,
      • brings pressure bear up on,
      • brought pressure to bear up on,
      • bring pressure bear upon,
      • re-strict,
      • ex-torts,
      • brings pressure to bear upon,
      • bearing hard on,
      • over-comes,
      • brought pressure bear up on,
      • bringing pressure bear upon,
      • over come,
      • bringing pressure to bear up on,
      • concusses,
      • puts screws to,
      • putting squeeze on,
      • bringing pressure to bear upon,
      • brings pressure bear upon,
      • puts squeeze on,
      • over coming,
      • re strict,
      • strongarm,
      • bore hard on,
      • ex tort,
      • putting screws to,
      • brings pressure to bear up on,
      • over-coming,
      • bring pressure bear up on,
      • pinned down,
      • beared hard on,
      • brought pressure bear upon,
      • over comes,
      • brought pressure to bear upon,
      • bringing pressure bear up on,
      • bring pressure to bear up on,
      • ex-tort.

      get (verb)

      • pre pared,
      • pre pare,
      • pre-pare,
      • pre-paring,
      • pre-pared,
      • pre paring,
      • pre pares.

      govern (verb)

      • am the driver seat,
      • serving people,
      • was the driver’s seat,
      • wert drivers seat,
      • over-ruling,
      • were driver’s seat,
      • wast in the driver’s seat,
      • be in the drivers seat,
      • be in drivers seat,
      • were the driver’s seat,
      • art in the driver seat,
      • super intends,
      • is driver seat,
      • held dominion,
      • pulling the strings,
      • art in power,
      • being driver seat,
      • wert the drivers seat,
      • was in drivers seat,
      • be the drivers seat,
      • be drivers seat,
      • over rules,
      • am the driver’s seat,
      • wert in driver seat,
      • art the driver seat,
      • were in drivers seat,
      • being drivers seat,
      • over-rule,
      • art the drivers seat,
      • be the driver seat,
      • wast power,
      • was driver seat,
      • heading up,
      • being the drivers seat,
      • be in the driver seat,
      • assuming command,
      • is in power,
      • is drivers seat,
      • wears crown,
      • wert the driver’s seat,
      • over-rules,
      • super-intend,
      • were in power,
      • wast the driver seat,
      • was power,
      • was in driver seat,
      • were in driver’s seat,
      • being in driver seat,
      • wear crown,
      • wast in the driver seat,
      • are in the driver seat,
      • was in the driver seat,
      • is driver’s seat,
      • wast in drivers seat,
      • was in the drivers seat,
      • holds office,
      • were the driver seat,
      • holds dominion,
      • pulls the strings,
      • was the driver seat,
      • holds sway,
      • being in the drivers seat,
      • wast drivers seat,
      • are in drivers seat,
      • super intending,
      • wast the driver’s seat,
      • holding dominion,
      • exercised authority,
      • wast driver seat,
      • be in driver seat,
      • being in power,
      • assumed command,
      • am driver’s seat,
      • wert in the drivers seat,
      • serve people,
      • are driver seat,
      • be power,
      • held office,
      • serves the people,
      • occupies throne,
      • were power,
      • am in driver seat,
      • holding office,
      • am driver seat,
      • wert in the driver seat,
      • wert driver’s seat,
      • wast in power,
      • art in drivers seat,
      • wearing the crown,
      • super intend,
      • over ruling,
      • occupying throne,
      • am power,
      • was drivers seat,
      • being in driver’s seat,
      • super-intending,
      • wert in power,
      • occupied throne,
      • wast driver’s seat,
      • am in driver’s seat,
      • am drivers seat,
      • was in the driver’s seat,
      • is in the driver seat,
      • art in driver seat,
      • super intended,
      • are in driver’s seat,
      • am the drivers seat,
      • wert power,
      • wert driver seat,
      • were in the driver seat,
      • being in the driver’s seat,
      • wast the drivers seat,
      • is in drivers seat,
      • being driver’s seat,
      • are power,
      • super-intended,
      • are in the driver’s seat,
      • wert in driver’s seat,
      • pulls strings,
      • serving the people,
      • pulled strings,
      • are driver’s seat,
      • wore crown,
      • are in power,
      • were in driver seat,
      • being the driver’s seat,
      • art the driver’s seat,
      • wast in driver’s seat,
      • was in power,
      • served the people,
      • am in drivers seat,
      • wearing crown,
      • are the drivers seat,
      • over rule,
      • assumes command,
      • art in driver’s seat,
      • was the drivers seat,
      • being in the driver seat,
      • served people,
      • wert in drivers seat,
      • art in the drivers seat,
      • be driver seat,
      • is in driver’s seat,
      • over-ruled,
      • being power,
      • are in the drivers seat,
      • are the driver’s seat,
      • being the driver seat,
      • are drivers seat,
      • was in driver’s seat,
      • are the driver seat,
      • be driver’s seat,
      • is in the drivers seat,
      • wast in the drivers seat,
      • were in the drivers seat,
      • over ruled,
      • serves people,
      • be the driver’s seat,
      • exercises authority,
      • is the drivers seat,
      • art power,
      • is in driver seat,
      • is in the driver’s seat,
      • pulled the strings,
      • were in the driver’s seat,
      • is the driver seat,
      • was driver’s seat,
      • being in drivers seat,
      • is the driver’s seat,
      • wert in the driver’s seat,
      • is power,
      • art in the driver’s seat,
      • wert the driver seat,
      • pulling strings,
      • are in driver seat,
      • super-intends,
      • were drivers seat,
      • were driver seat,
      • were the drivers seat,
      • wast in driver seat.

      graduate (verb)

      • measured out,
      • marks off,
      • pro portioned,
      • measuring out,
      • pro-portioned,
      • measures out,
      • pro portioning,
      • pro-portioning.

      impose (verb)

      • in-fringe,
      • moves on,
      • in fringed,
      • in-fringing,
      • in fringes,
      • intro-duces,
      • in fringing,
      • in-fringes,
      • moving on,
      • moves in on,
      • moved on,
      • moved in on,
      • intro duces,
      • took advantage,
      • intro duce,
      • in fringe,
      • in-fringed,
      • takes advantage,
      • intro-duce,
      • moving in on.

      institutionalize (verb)

      • makes official,
      • making official.

      lay (verb)

      • re posing,
      • de-posited,
      • sets out,
      • re posed,
      • re-pose,
      • de posited,
      • de-positing,
      • re-posed,
      • re sting,
      • re-posing,
      • re-sting,
      • de positing,
      • re pose.

      line (verb)

      • de-lineate,
      • butts against,
      • out lines,
      • under lined,
      • in-scribes,
      • under lines,
      • in-scribing,
      • out-line,
      • out lined,
      • out line,
      • out lining,
      • in scribes,
      • under-line,
      • de lineated,
      • in-scribe,
      • de lineate,
      • butted against,
      • under lining,
      • under-lined,
      • under-lines,
      • in scribe,
      • out-lining,
      • de-lineated,
      • under line,
      • butting against,
      • out-lines,
      • out-lined.

      marshal (verb)

      • de ployed,
      • de ploy,
      • de-ploy,
      • de ploys,
      • de-ploying,
      • de ploying,
      • de-ployed,
      • de-ploys.

      methodize (verb)

      • polices up,
      • policed up,
      • policing up.

      neaten (verb)

      • puts order,
      • whipping into shape,
      • put order,
      • putting order,
      • puts good shape,
      • whip in to shape,
      • puts in good shape,
      • putting in good shape,
      • whips into shape,
      • whipping in to shape,
      • whipped into shape,
      • whipped in to shape,
      • shaping up,
      • whipt into shape,
      • shapes up,
      • put good shape,
      • putting good shape,
      • whipt in to shape,
      • straightening up,
      • whips in to shape.

      order (verb)

      • devise,
      • chart,
      • program,
      • stabilize,
      • orchestrate,
      • stratify,
      • organize,
      • rationalize,
      • prepare,
      • plot,
      • rate,
      • maintain,
      • support,
      • design,
      • mediate,
      • compose,
      • balance,
      • subordinate,
      • unify,
      • unsnarl,
      • integrate,
      • screen,
      • frame,
      • sift,
      • categorize,
      • score,
      • schedule.

      pattern (verb)

      • de signing,
      • de-signing,
      • de signed,
      • de-signed.

      prescribe (verb)

      • de-fine,
      • writ prescription,
      • de fined,
      • de-fining,
      • de fines,
      • pre-scribe,
      • de fining,
      • de-fines,
      • pre scribes,
      • pre-scribing,
      • pre-scribes,
      • pre-scribed,
      • pre scribed,
      • wrote prescription,
      • pre scribe,
      • de fine,
      • de-fined,
      • writing prescription,
      • pre scribing,
      • writes prescription.

      rank (verb)

      • puts in line,
      • puts line,
      • places formation,
      • placed formation,
      • gave precedence,
      • places in formation,
      • placing formation,
      • giving precedence,
      • put line,
      • placing in formation,
      • putting line,
      • place formation,
      • gives precedence,
      • placed in formation.

      ready (verb)

      • letting in on,
      • pro vides,
      • paving the way,
      • gets ready,
      • paved way,
      • gotten ready,
      • pro vided,
      • paves way,
      • pro-vided,
      • psyching up,
      • fits out,
      • pro-vide,
      • letted in on,
      • pro vide,
      • paves the way,
      • lets in on,
      • gears up,
      • pro viding,
      • re-adies,
      • pro-vides,
      • gearing up,
      • gets set,
      • re adies,
      • gat set,
      • getting set,
      • got set,
      • pro-viding,
      • gotten set,
      • paving way,
      • makes ready,
      • psychs up,
      • paved the way,
      • gat ready,
      • pave way.

      rearrange (verb)

      • re set,
      • re-setting,
      • re worked,
      • re distribute,
      • re organizing,
      • re-vamping,
      • re setting,
      • re-positions,
      • re placed,
      • re constructs,
      • re distributing,
      • re-shuffle,
      • re shuffles,
      • re sets,
      • re-places,
      • re-constructs,
      • re-organized,
      • re-arranged,
      • re vamped,
      • re place,
      • re works,
      • re position,
      • re shuffled,
      • re-positioning,
      • re positions,
      • re shuffling,
      • re positioning,
      • re-arranging,
      • re-arranges,
      • re-distributed,
      • re-placed,
      • re places,
      • re-position,
      • re-vamped,
      • re-set,
      • re vamps,
      • re-organizing,
      • re-distribute,
      • re-arrange,
      • re arranging,
      • re-wrought,
      • re arrange,
      • re-shuffles,
      • re arranges,
      • re organize,
      • re-shuffled,
      • re-distributes,
      • re-vamps,
      • re-organize,
      • re-working,
      • re arranged,
      • re construct,
      • re positioned,
      • re-worked,
      • re-shuffling,
      • re-organizes,
      • re distributes,
      • re distributed,
      • re working,
      • re-work,
      • re placing,
      • re-distributing,
      • re-vamp,
      • re shuffle,
      • re-sets,
      • re-positioned,
      • re organized,
      • re-constructing,
      • re constructed,
      • re-works,
      • re organizes.

      regulate (verb)

      • pulls things together,
      • re-adjusts,
      • re adjust,
      • re-adjusted,
      • re-adjusting,
      • re adjusts,
      • pulling things together,
      • trueing,
      • pulled things together,
      • re adjusted,
      • re adjusting.

      require (verb)

      • insisted up on,
      • insisting upon,
      • pushed for,
      • pushing for,
      • re quire,
      • insists up on,
      • pushes for,
      • insists upon,
      • insisted upon,
      • insist up on,
      • re quiring,
      • asserted oneself,
      • re-quired,
      • re-quires,
      • re quires,
      • re-quire,
      • asserts oneself,
      • insisting up on,
      • re quired,
      • re-quiring,
      • asserting oneself.

      requisition (verb)

      • puts dibs on,
      • put for,
      • putting dibs on,
      • putting in for,
      • putting for,
      • puts in for,
      • puts for.

      rule (verb)

      • cracked whip,
      • wert authority,
      • running the show,
      • cracking the whip,
      • kept under ones thumb,
      • sate on top of,
      • am in authority,
      • kept under one thumb,
      • crack whip,
      • pre-sided,
      • is in authority,
      • being authority,
      • keeps under one thumb,
      • pre-sides,
      • wast authority,
      • is authority,
      • pre dominating,
      • took over,
      • keeping under thumb,
      • held reins,
      • keeps under one’s thumb,
      • pre-dominating,
      • art authority,
      • sat top of,
      • pre vailing,
      • keeps under thumb,
      • takes over,
      • cracking whip,
      • ran show,
      • keep under one thumb,
      • keeping under one thumb,
      • are authority,
      • cracks the whip,
      • held the reins,
      • run show,
      • holds the reins,
      • wast in authority,
      • kept under one’s thumb,
      • pre vailed,
      • pre side,
      • pre-dominates,
      • keeps under ones thumb,
      • being in authority,
      • were in authority,
      • sits top of,
      • sate top of,
      • kept under thumb,
      • were authority,
      • running show,
      • pre dominates,
      • runs the show,
      • pre sided,
      • be authority,
      • pre-vail,
      • art in authority,
      • hold reins,
      • sitting on top of,
      • cracks whip,
      • pre vails,
      • keeping under ones thumb,
      • pre dominate,
      • keeping under one’s thumb,
      • pre-side,
      • pre-vailed,
      • pre sides,
      • pre vail,
      • holds reins,
      • pre-siding,
      • pre-dominated,
      • are in authority,
      • keep under ones thumb,
      • cracked the whip,
      • was in authority,
      • sit top of,
      • holding reins,
      • pre dominated,
      • pre siding,
      • am authority,
      • sat on top of,
      • pre-vails,
      • ran the show,
      • pre-dominate,
      • wert in authority,
      • sits on top of,
      • rule roost,
      • was authority,
      • sitting top of.

      separate (verb)

      • dis-criminate,
      • ropes off,
      • putting on one side,
      • closes off,
      • drawing apart,
      • drew apart,
      • put side,
      • stands between,
      • putting one side,
      • intervaling,
      • put one side,
      • puts side,
      • compartmenting,
      • standing between,
      • dis criminate,
      • dis criminating,
      • puts on side,
      • putting side,
      • puts one side,
      • stood between,
      • putting on side,
      • dis-criminates,
      • dis-criminating,
      • dis criminates,
      • singles out,
      • dis criminated,
      • dis-criminated,
      • draws apart,
      • puts on one side.

      sequence (verb)

      • concatenate,
      • chain,
      • progress,
      • link,
      • succeed,
      • follow,
      • string,
      • thread.

      settle (verb)

      • comes to decision,
      • puts an end to,
      • comes decision,
      • comes to agreement,
      • came a conclusion,
      • formed judgment,
      • came to a decision,
      • dis-charge,
      • setting to rights,
      • coming conclusion,
      • came agreement,
      • coming an agreement,
      • sets rights,
      • comes to conclusion,
      • came to conclusion,
      • came to a conclusion,
      • sets to rights,
      • coming to decision,
      • come an agreement,
      • dis-charged,
      • makes a decision,
      • forms judgment,
      • come decision,
      • come a decision,
      • cleaning up,
      • coming to an agreement,
      • dis charging,
      • put in to order,
      • coming decision,
      • came to agreement,
      • came decision,
      • came conclusion,
      • set rights,
      • came a decision,
      • nailing down,
      • dis charged,
      • comes to an agreement,
      • came an agreement,
      • comes to a conclusion,
      • coming to conclusion,
      • makes decision,
      • comes a conclusion,
      • made decision,
      • coming to agreement,
      • putting end to,
      • putting into order,
      • dis-charges,
      • making a decision,
      • comes a decision,
      • dis charges,
      • forming judgment,
      • come agreement,
      • puts end to,
      • comes to a decision,
      • dis-charging,
      • putting in to order,
      • come conclusion,
      • puts in to order,
      • coming agreement,
      • coming to a conclusion,
      • puts into order,
      • come a conclusion,
      • coming a decision,
      • making decision,
      • comes an agreement,
      • comes conclusion,
      • setting rights,
      • coming to a decision,
      • came to decision,
      • dis charge,
      • came to an agreement,
      • coming a conclusion,
      • comes agreement,
      • making certain.

      simplify (verb)

      • boiled down,
      • dis involves,
      • brake it down,
      • getting to meat,
      • made plain,
      • cuts the frills,
      • gat down basics,
      • cuts frills,
      • drawing picture,
      • letted daylight in,
      • de-ciphered,
      • de ciphered,
      • ex-plained,
      • get down basics,
      • gets the meat,
      • de-ciphering,
      • ex plaining,
      • gotten down to basics,
      • puts nutshell,
      • dis-involve,
      • puts in a nutshell,
      • gets meat,
      • gets down basics,
      • hits the high spots,
      • got meat,
      • gotten meat,
      • hits high spots,
      • un-scramble,
      • putting straight,
      • cleans it up,
      • got down basics,
      • dis-entangles,
      • de cipher,
      • ex plain,
      • making plain,
      • gat the meat,
      • gat to the meat,
      • getting down basics,
      • dis entangled,
      • re duces,
      • ex-plain,
      • hitting high spots,
      • getting to the meat,
      • got the meat,
      • un-scrambles,
      • dis entangle,
      • dis-entangle,
      • drew a picture,
      • makes clear,
      • gotten to the meat,
      • gat meat,
      • getting meat,
      • letted sunlight in,
      • hit high spots,
      • get the meat,
      • got to meat,
      • puts straight,
      • makes plain,
      • draws picture,
      • dis-entangled,
      • dis-entangling,
      • puts one straight,
      • getting down to basics,
      • gets to the meat,
      • ex plains,
      • drawing a picture,
      • makes perfectly clear,
      • letting daylight in,
      • breaking it down,
      • get meat,
      • letting sunlight in,
      • re-duce,
      • putting one straight,
      • dis entangles,
      • dis-involving,
      • dis-involved,
      • getting the meat,
      • re-duces,
      • cleaning it up,
      • lets daylight in,
      • draws a picture,
      • de-ciphers,
      • got to the meat,
      • gat down to basics,
      • un-scrambling,
      • made perfectly clear,
      • un scramble,
      • putting nutshell,
      • dis involving,
      • un scrambling,
      • ex-plaining,
      • gat to meat,
      • gotten down basics,
      • puts in nutshell,
      • boiling down,
      • cutting frills,
      • cutting the frills,
      • drew picture,
      • de ciphering,
      • puts a nutshell,
      • putting in a nutshell,
      • cleaned it up,
      • gets to meat,
      • dis involved,
      • draw picture,
      • dis entangling,
      • gotten to meat,
      • de ciphers,
      • ex-plains,
      • got down to basics,
      • gets down to basics,
      • broke it down,
      • put nutshell,
      • making perfectly clear,
      • dis involve,
      • putting in nutshell,
      • un-scrambled,
      • de-cipher,
      • un scrambled,
      • hitting the high spots,
      • ex plained,
      • re duce,
      • put a nutshell,
      • un scrambles,
      • cut frills,
      • lets sunlight in,
      • breaks it down,
      • putting a nutshell,
      • gotten the meat,
      • dis-involves.

      sort (verb)

      • puts in shape,
      • puts shape,
      • putting shape,
      • put rights,
      • puts rights,
      • putting rights,
      • putting to rights,
      • put shape,
      • puts to rights,
      • putting in shape.

      standardize (verb)

      • brought into line,
      • bringing into line,
      • stereo-typing,
      • brought in to line,
      • mass produces,
      • bring in to line,
      • brings in to line,
      • mass producing,
      • mass produced,
      • stereo typed,
      • stereo typing,
      • bringing in to line,
      • brings into line.

      straighten (verb)

      • un ravel,
      • un-ravelled,
      • un curled,
      • un fold,
      • made plumb,
      • un-coils,
      • puts upright,
      • un-bent,
      • un twisted,
      • un ravels,
      • makes plumb,
      • un ravelling,
      • un-twisted,
      • un folds,
      • putting upright,
      • puts perpendicular,
      • un-twisting,
      • un twists,
      • un bending,
      • un-coil,
      • un-curls,
      • un-curled,
      • un bent,
      • un bend,
      • smartening up,
      • un twist,
      • un-bends,
      • un-raveling,
      • un snarl,
      • puts vertical,
      • making straight,
      • making plumb,
      • un-twist,
      • made straight,
      • un-raveled,
      • un-bended,
      • un folded,
      • makes straight,
      • un curling,
      • un twisting,
      • un-fold,
      • un coil,
      • un-curling,
      • un snarls,
      • un-snarled,
      • un-snarls,
      • un-coiled,
      • un-folded,
      • un coiled,
      • un-bending,
      • un-curl,
      • un bended,
      • un-ravelling,
      • un curls,
      • un-coiling,
      • un-snarling,
      • un bends,
      • un-ravels,
      • un ravelled,
      • un snarled,
      • un-snarl,
      • smartens up,
      • un raveling,
      • un-ravel,
      • un coils,
      • un curl,
      • un-twists,
      • un snarling,
      • putting vertical,
      • un-bend,
      • putting perpendicular,
      • un raveled,
      • un coiling,
      • un-folds.

      summon (verb)

      • calling in,
      • calls in to action,
      • calling into action,
      • call in to action,
      • calls in,
      • re calls,
      • calls into action,
      • called into action,
      • re-calls,
      • calls together,
      • re calling,
      • calls forth,
      • re-call,
      • re-called,
      • re-calling,
      • calling in to action,
      • called in to action.

      systematize (verb)

      • making uniform,
      • de-vise,
      • tightening up,
      • de-vising,
      • de vised,
      • makes uniform,
      • pulls together,
      • pulled together,
      • de vising,
      • de vise,
      • de-vised,
      • made uniform.

      tabulate (verb)

      • Tabularizing,
      • Tabularized,
      • tabularizes.

      tell (verb)

      • brake the news,
      • ex-press,
      • spitted out,
      • dis close,
      • re presented,
      • breaks news,
      • broke news,
      • cluing in,
      • dis-closes,
      • re-cited,
      • dis-closed,
      • dis closing,
      • re-cites,
      • dis closed,
      • ex pressing,
      • reeling off,
      • lets know,
      • spat it out,
      • re citing,
      • break news,
      • gives facts,
      • dis closes,
      • leaves word,
      • ex pressed,
      • letting slip,
      • spitted it out,
      • letting know,
      • makes known,
      • re-presents,
      • left word,
      • brake news,
      • re porting,
      • ex press,
      • reeled off,
      • dis-close,
      • letted slip,
      • giving facts,
      • Re-present,
      • re-veal,
      • lays open,
      • leaving word,
      • dis-closing,
      • re cited,
      • breaks the news,
      • broke the news,
      • putting before,
      • re-presenting,
      • re-presented,
      • reels off,
      • re-ported,
      • re veals,
      • re present,
      • spat out,
      • spitting it out,
      • breaking the news,
      • ex-pressing,
      • leaved word,
      • spits out,
      • spitting out,
      • re cites,
      • puts before,
      • re ported,
      • re presenting,
      • spits it out,
      • re-porting,
      • re presents,
      • lets slip,
      • gave facts,
      • letted know,
      • re-veals,
      • clues in,
      • opens up.

      trig (verb)

      • slicking up,
      • slicks up.

      warn (verb)

      • gave the high sign,
      • fore warns,
      • making aware,
      • re-proves,
      • gave warning,
      • gave high sign,
      • fore arming,
      • laying it out,
      • giving high sign,
      • re-proving,
      • gives the high sign,
      • fore-armed,
      • re-minding,
      • makes aware,
      • fore warned,
      • re proves,
      • giving warning,
      • fore arms,
      • fore-arming,
      • giving the high sign,
      • fore-warn,
      • pre dict,
      • re-prove,
      • putting on guard,
      • fore armed,
      • gave fair warning,
      • giving fair warning,
      • putting guard,
      • pre-dict,
      • fore-arms,
      • gives fair warning,
      • gives warning,
      • fore-warns,
      • re-minded,
      • re-proved,
      • fore warn,
      • re minds,
      • lays it out,
      • re minding,
      • re proved,
      • puts guard,
      • put guard,
      • re-minds,
      • gives high sign,
      • re prove,
      • puts on guard,
      • laid it out.

      will (verb)

      • in tend,
      • in-tended,
      • in tending,
      • decided on,
      • in-tend,
      • re solves,
      • in-tending,
      • deciding on,
      • re-solving,
      • in-tends,
      • re solve,
      • in tends,
      • re-solve,
      • re-solved,
      • re-solves,
      • in tended,
      • decides on.

      wish (verb)

      • praying for,
      • setting one’s heart on,
      • prayed for,
      • set one heart on,
      • setting ones heart on,
      • sighed for,
      • setting heart on,
      • set ones heart on,
      • sets one heart on,
      • sighs for,
      • spoils for,
      • sets one’s heart on,
      • sighing for,
      • Desiderating,
      • looked forward to,
      • prays for,
      • spoiled for,
      • sets heart on,
      • Desiderated,
      • yenning,
      • sets ones heart on,
      • yenned,
      • setting one heart on,
      • looks forward to,
      • spoilt for.
    • Other synonyms:

      • approach,
      • wild.

      • bank,
      • regular.

      • bar,
      • fit.

      • charge.

      • entreaty,
      • bidding,
      • words,
      • directive,
      • over,
      • appeal,
      • commandment,
      • plea,
      • instruction,
      • summons,
      • word,
      • behest,
      • demand.

      • call,
      • spread.

      • tight.

      • go.


      • alignment.


      • collocate.


      • disposition,
      • setup.


      • constitute.


      • pencil in,
      • Preengage,
      • make reservation,
      • lining up,
      • hired,
      • sew up,
      • sewed up,
      • sets up,
      • set up,
      • enroll,
      • lined up,
      • lines up.


      • tranquillity.

      clear up

      • untangle.


      • force upon,
      • sent for,
      • call upon,
      • send for,
      • ordinating,
      • call the signals,
      • lay down the law,
      • called upon,
      • calling on,
      • call on,
      • take charge,
      • mark out,
      • forced upon,
      • taking charge,
      • ordinate,
      • put foot down,
      • inhibits,
      • prohibit,
      • adjure,
      • give orders,
      • ordinates,
      • calls upon,
      • marking out,
      • give directions,
      • take lead,
      • called on.


      • policy.


      • sect.


      • Lectured.


      • railroading,
      • Enacting,
      • railroad through,
      • put in force,
      • carrying through,
      • Instituting,
      • voted in,
      • railroaded,
      • steamroll,
      • railroad,
      • made laws,
      • carry through,
      • make laws,
      • vote favorably,
      • jam through,
      • make into law,
      • put through,
      • vote in,
      • get the floor,
      • votes in,
      • enact.


      • move in on,
      • infringe,
      • take advantage,
      • saddled,
      • read riot act,
      • move on,
      • Saddling,
      • taking advantage.


      • made official,
      • make official.


      • rimmed,
      • Furrowing,
      • queuing,
      • under-lining,
      • queued,
      • Fringing,
      • furrowed,
      • butt against,
      • Rimming.

      Other relevant words:

      • require,
      • alphabetize,
      • remodeled,
      • typecast,
      • Impetrate,
      • catalogued,
      • tipping off,
      • run things,
      • wear the crown,
      • let slip,
      • counsel,
      • make a pass at,
      • Docketing,
      • form judgment,
      • Ticketing,
      • put down as,
      • make conform,
      • concuss,
      • sets down,
      • whip into shape,
      • Hungered,
      • breaking down,
      • tightens up,
      • trig,
      • grading,
      • straighten,
      • making known,
      • set down,
      • Chaired,
      • tabularize,
      • Sprucing,
      • neaten,
      • trued,
      • gear up,
      • contend for,
      • operate,
      • Postulated,
      • wish,
      • calling forth,
      • run the show,
      • lay down,
      • sandbagging,
      • marshal,
      • setting out,
      • kibitzing,
      • conscripted,
      • settled,
      • ordained,
      • normalize,
      • ordain,
      • Postulating,
      • exercise authority,
      • timed,
      • got it together,
      • schematized,
      • sandbagged,
      • clued in,
      • spit it out,
      • tightened up,
      • harmonize,
      • labeled,
      • prepping,
      • button down,
      • hold sway,
      • spit out,
      • yens,
      • trailblazing,
      • pull together,
      • swim with the tide,
      • tabbed,
      • warms up,
      • wise up,
      • come to an agreement,
      • insist,
      • normalizing,
      • pave the way,
      • Told,
      • spacing,
      • cleans up,
      • homogenizes,
      • make a decision,
      • readies,
      • warmed up,
      • psyched up,
      • prescribe,
      • dragoons,
      • reposition,
      • take one’s measure,
      • held sway,
      • make a pitch,
      • pull strings,
      • leave word,
      • give two cents,
      • repositioned,
      • promotes,
      • re-adjust,
      • take the reins,
      • obtrude,
      • Dragooning,
      • tip off,
      • pressurizes,
      • pins down,
      • give facts,
      • trues,
      • put in order,
      • tailormade,
      • sandbag,
      • straighten up,
      • calibrates,
      • necessitate,
      • group,
      • Policed,
      • give out,
      • Proportioned,
      • set to rights,
      • Numbered,
      • put before,
      • pulling together,
      • call the play,
      • tell,
      • homogenize,
      • tabbing,
      • reshuffling,
      • sue for,
      • laid down,
      • Cinching,
      • redistributes,
      • standardize,
      • Policing,
      • fitting out,
      • shotgunning,
      • place,
      • come to a conclusion,
      • Dunning,
      • fine tune,
      • spoil for,
      • conscripting,
      • institutionalize,
      • called in,
      • dun,
      • reshuffle,
      • holding sway,
      • Shepherding,
      • looking forward to,
      • hit up,
      • calling together,
      • requisitioned,
      • clue in,
      • reshuffled,
      • lay,
      • concussed,
      • call into action,
      • warming up,
      • Bracketing,
      • labelled,
      • getting ready,
      • direction,
      • made known,
      • invited,
      • call together,
      • make certain,
      • put down for,
      • make uniform,
      • call in,
      • clamor for,
      • empower,
      • resetting,
      • homogenizing,
      • captaining,
      • headed up,
      • put in shape,
      • simplify,
      • pinning down,
      • Spruced,
      • take over,
      • oversees,
      • put heads together,
      • psych up,
      • CODED,
      • Proportioning,
      • let in on,
      • tabulate,
      • redistributing,
      • schematizing,
      • dragoon,
      • get it together,
      • normalizes,
      • rearrange,
      • let know,
      • appealed to,
      • repositions,
      • clean up,
      • Piloted,
      • geared up,
      • rank out,
      • set out,
      • makes certain,
      • frocking,
      • readjusted,
      • habituate,
      • ticket,
      • put dibs on,
      • Levied,
      • graduate,
      • force,
      • fiddle with,
      • commission,
      • Valuing,
      • truing,
      • walk heavy,
      • Desiderate,
      • be in the driver’s seat,
      • called forth,
      • pin down,
      • pigeonholed,
      • concussing,
      • Bumming,
      • shotgunned,
      • take measure,
      • Operated,
      • reel off,
      • show the ropes,
      • opened up,
      • tailor-make,
      • redistribute,
      • making ready,
      • decide on,
      • Deputing,
      • strong arm,
      • wield baton,
      • put in for,
      • park,
      • sizing up,
      • govern,
      • Hungering,
      • conduct,
      • bring into line,
      • put to,
      • Docketed,
      • redistributed,
      • readjust,
      • got ready,
      • piloting,
      • governed,
      • homogenized,
      • calibrating,
      • size up,
      • put screws to,
      • Concerting,
      • file for,
      • wore the crown,
      • lay open,
      • coding,
      • impose,
      • puts in order,
      • kept posted,
      • Dunned,
      • put end to,
      • make decision,
      • PREPS,
      • normalized,
      • tidy,
      • put bug in ear,
      • call forth,
      • make a play for,
      • collate,
      • Deputed,
      • deputes,
      • hold the reins,
      • be in authority,
      • adjust,
      • put an end to,
      • putting in order,
      • Tyrannized,
      • distribute,
      • shape up,
      • desiderates,
      • posits,
      • hold dominion,
      • grouped,
      • bid,
      • elect,
      • get act together,
      • come to conclusion,
      • keep posted,
      • spoiling for,
      • made ready,
      • break the news,
      • counterclaiming,
      • Shotguns,
      • heads up,
      • cite,
      • sigh for,
      • Hoped,
      • wears the crown,
      • counterclaimed,
      • even up,
      • assume command,
      • repositioning,
      • make play for,
      • keep under thumb,
      • pressurize,
      • marked off,
      • Bummed,
      • spruces,
      • evening up,
      • serve the people,
      • mass produce,
      • teach,
      • read the riot act,
      • exercising authority,
      • occupy throne,
      • fiddled with,
      • make parallel,
      • pray to,
      • tighten up,
      • tipped off,
      • trailblaze,
      • Cinched,
      • clear decks,
      • set heart on,
      • put into order,
      • called together,
      • implores,
      • break down,
      • cleaned up,
      • come to decision,
      • opening up,
      • schematize,
      • fit out,
      • set apart,
      • grin and bear it,
      • laying open,
      • made certain,
      • be in power,
      • be in driver’s seat,
      • governs,
      • Allineate,
      • holding the reins,
      • put in good shape,
      • reset,
      • head up,
      • polices,
      • warm up,
      • open up,
      • give pointer,
      • come to a decision,
      • calibrate,
      • pressurizing,
      • Dragooned,
      • running things,
      • mark off,
      • exhort,
      • shotgun,
      • Regimenting,
      • make ready,
      • taking over,
      • get set,
      • regulate,
      • sandbags,
      • straightened up,
      • insist on,
      • police up,
      • summon,
      • prepped,
      • appeal to,
      • made a decision,
      • call shots,
      • tips off,
      • preside over,
      • wised up,
      • prep,
      • calibrated,
      • get,
      • Selecting,
      • Labelling,
      • Co-ordinates,
      • warn,
      • sets apart,
      • Escorted,
      • DUNS,
      • straightens up,
      • sit on top of,
      • wise one up,
      • Chairing,
      • get ready,
      • settle,
      • sized,
      • Ticketed,
      • laid open,
      • systematize,
      • Frocked,
      • breaking news,
      • pull the strings,
      • captained,
      • separate,
      • Summoned,
      • measure out,
      • pressurized,
      • call the tune,
      • bring pressure to bear upon,
      • kibitz,
      • pray for,
      • direct,
      • put squeeze on,
      • put on to,
      • whistle for,
      • presided over,
      • setting apart,
      • make known,
      • codify,
      • depute,
      • crack the whip,
      • Bracketed,
      • reshuffles,
      • deal with,
      • hold office,
      • set one’s heart on,
      • Tabulated,
      • Graduating,
      • entrusting,
      • book,
      • setting down,
      • bear hard on,
      • timing,
      • pattern,
      • marking off,
      • pull things together,
      • co-ordinate,
      • come to agreement,
      • Methodize,
      • requisition,
      • look forward to,
      • embodies,
      • keep under one’s thumb,
      • laying down,
      • confide to,
      • align,
      • resets,
      • schematizes,
      • put to rights,
      • Filed,
      • Shepherded.


      • ready.


      • picking out,
      • picks out,
      • write prescription,
      • pick out,
      • picked out.


      • place in formation,
      • put in line,
      • putting in line,
      • valuate,
      • give precedence.


      • ask.


      • look for,
      • assert oneself,
      • push for,
      • looked for,
      • insist upon,
      • looks for,
      • looking for.


      • rope off,
      • roped off,
      • Separating,
      • close off,
      • compartmentalizes,
      • Islands,
      • compartmentalized,
      • closing off,
      • put on side,
      • stand between,
      • compartmented,
      • draw apart,
      • roping off,
      • compartmentalizing,
      • closed off,
      • single out,
      • Islanded,
      • intervaled,
      • singled out,
      • put on one side,
      • singling out,
      • compartmentalize,
      • islanding.


      • make clear,
      • get to meat,
      • streamlines,
      • made clear,
      • get to the meat,
      • hit the high spots,
      • draw a picture,
      • put in a nutshell,
      • break it down,
      • let sunlight in,
      • put in nutshell,
      • clean it up,
      • let daylight in,
      • unscramble,
      • unscrambled,
      • make plain,
      • make perfectly clear,
      • boils down,
      • boil down,
      • unscrambles,
      • cut the frills,
      • unscrambling,
      • get down to basics,
      • streamlining,
      • put one straight.


      • uncurl,
      • unbent,
      • uncurls,
      • put vertical,
      • untwisted,
      • smartened up,
      • unsnarls,
      • make plumb,
      • uncurling,
      • unbends,
      • untwisting,
      • unsnarling,
      • uncoiling,
      • uncoiled,
      • untwist,
      • uncoil,
      • smarten up,
      • unbended,
      • uncoils,
      • untwists,
      • unsnarled,
      • put perpendicular,
      • uncurled,
      • put upright,
      • unbend,
      • put straight,
      • make straight.


      • slick up,
      • slicked up.


      • give the high sign,
      • made aware,
      • lay it out,
      • forearmed,
      • put on guard,
      • give warning,
      • make aware,
      • forearming,
      • give fair warning,
      • give high sign.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • faction,
      • sphere,
      • voucher,
      • award,
      • line of action,
      • pronounce,
      • practice,
      • sentence,
      • communion,
      • fellowship,
      • society,
      • party,
      • guide,
      • church,
      • status,
      • debenture,
      • line-up,
      • say-so,
      • action,
      • order of succession,
      • resolution,
      • religious order,
      • subgenus,
      • section,
      • stage,
      • community,
      • affiliation,
      • head,
      • standing,
      • body,
      • DO,
      • superspecies,
      • draught,
      • Sectarism,
      • way,
      • whack,
      • process,
      • footing,
      • superfamily,
      • proceeding,
      • warrant,
      • act on,
      • kelter,
      • superorder,
      • suborder,
      • deliverance,
      • report,
      • pass judgment,
      • subfamily,
      • echelon,
      • Subtribe,
      • superclass,
      • reduce to order,
      • pronouncement,
      • LINEs,
      • will,
      • pronounce on,
      • fig,
      • Hest.

    How to use «Order» in context?

    Where does order come from?

    Order derives from the Latin wordORDER meaning «a putting into a certain place; arrangement.» A sensible and organized lifestyle is something that humans have been striving for for centuries. Cleanliness, normality, and predictability were considered to be the marks of an orderly life. Many cultures have their own version of orderliness, which may or may not coincide with the Western definition. In ancient Greece, an orderly life was associated with virtue. Orderliness was one of the defining factors of the successful businessman in China, where meticulously planned and executed feats were associated with honor.

    Paraphrases for Order:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, singular or mass
        disorder, reorder.
    • Independent

      • Proper noun, singular
        decision, Gains, Recommendations, payments, decisions, ‘ordonnance.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        decision, effort, necessary, regard, regards.
      • Verb, past tense
      • Verb, past participle
        controlled, dated, instructed, Issued, Operated.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        wishes, wants.
      • Verb, base form
        decision, states.
    • Other Related

      • Coordinating conjunction
      • Proper noun, singular
        injunction, ordered, ordinance, prescription, Ordonnance, Prescriptions, Records, warrants, purposes, ordinances, modalities, decrees, ordre, orden, ‘ordre.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        approximately, behest, commandment, coven, dispensation, edict, hierarchy, injunction, orderliness, ordinance, precept, prescription, sake, termination, Prescribing, ensuring, sequencing, requisitioning, ordre, ‘ordre.
      • Verb, past tense
        condemned, ordinance.
      • Verb, past participle
        sorted, Commanded.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
      • Verb, base form
        condemn, convict, impose, instruct, ordinance, prescribe, Commanded, condemns, ordre.

    Holonyms for Order:

    • n.

      • group

    Hypernym for Order:

    • n.

      • attribute
        Corinthian Order, composite order, Ionian Order, Tuscan Order, ionic order, Doric Order, Dorian Order.
      • communication
        word, short order, summons, marching orders.
      • group
        fungus order, plant order, animal order, Protoctist Order.
      • state
        concordance, rule of law, harmony, quiet, tranquillity, tranquility, concord, stability, civil order, peace, polity.
    • v.

      • change
        tidy, tidy up, straighten out, square away, clean up, systematise, systematize, disentangle, systemize, systemise, unsnarl, neaten, collate, straighten.
      • communication
        require, direct, wish, place, command, reorder, warn, send for, commission, call, instruct, prescribe.

    Hyponym for Order:

    • n.

      • attribute
        artistic style, idiom.
      • communication
        asking, command, request, dictation, bid, bidding.
      • group
        taxonomic group, taxon, taxonomic category.
      • state
    • v.

      • change
        arrange, set up.
      • communication
        call for, quest, request, ask for, bespeak.

    Meronym for Order:

    • n.

      • group
        suborder, Family.

    Word of the Day

    narrowed down

    calm down,
    cut down,

    Nearby words

    • ordains
    • ordeal
    • ordeal bean
    • ordeal tree
    • ordeals
    • Order
    • (oh,) what a shame
    • (oneself to)
    • …only to do something
    • …or bust
    • …or something (like that)


    • ORDER synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • ORDER synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — ORDER synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of ORDER
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for ORDER


    order, synonym order, another word for order, words like order, thesaurus order

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    How does the verb order contrast with its synonyms?

    Some common synonyms of order are arrange, marshal, methodize, organize, and systematize. While all these words mean «to put persons or things into their proper places in relation to each other,» order suggests a straightening out so as to eliminate confusion.

    ordered her business affairs

    Where would arrange be a reasonable alternative to order?

    The words arrange and order are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, arrange implies a setting in sequence, relationship, or adjustment.

    arranged the files numerically

    When can marshal be used instead of order?

    The meanings of marshal and order largely overlap; however, marshal suggests gathering and arranging in preparation for a particular operation or effective use.

    marshaling the facts for argument

    When would methodize be a good substitute for order?

    While in some cases nearly identical to order, methodize suggests imposing an orderly procedure rather than a fixed scheme.

    methodizes every aspect of daily living

    When might organize be a better fit than order?

    In some situations, the words organize and order are roughly equivalent. However, organize implies arranging so that the whole aggregate works as a unit with each element having a proper function.

    organized the volunteers into teams

    In what contexts can systematize take the place of order?

    The synonyms systematize and order are sometimes interchangeable, but systematize implies arranging according to a predetermined scheme.

    systematized billing procedures

    • form
    • line
    • plan
    • procedure
    • regulation
    • rule
    • structure
    • system
    • adjustment
    • aligning
    • array
    • assortment
    • cast
    • categorization
    • classification
    • codification
    • composition
    • computation
    • disposal
    • disposition
    • distribution
    • establishment
    • grouping
    • harmony
    • layout
    • lineup
    • management
    • method
    • neatness
    • ordering
    • orderliness
    • pattern
    • placement
    • procession
    • progression
    • propriety
    • regularity
    • scale
    • scheme
    • sequence
    • series
    • setup
    • standardization
    • succession
    • symmetry
    • tidiness
    • uniformity
    • control
    • law
    • peace
    • calm
    • decorousness
    • decorum
    • discipline
    • goodness
    • integrity
    • niceness
    • orderliness
    • peacefulness
    • probity
    • properness
    • propriety
    • quiet
    • rectitude
    • rightness
    • seemliness
    • suitability
    • tranquility
    • uprightness
    • law and order
    • line
    • place
    • position
    • bracket
    • branch
    • breed
    • cast
    • caste
    • degree
    • description
    • estate
    • family
    • feather
    • genre
    • genus
    • grade
    • hierarchy
    • ilk
    • kidney
    • kind
    • nature
    • pigeonhole
    • rank
    • set
    • slot
    • sort
    • species
    • station
    • stripe
    • subclass
    • type
    • pecking order
    • taxonomic group
    • authorization
    • charge
    • decree
    • direction
    • directive
    • injunction
    • instruction
    • law
    • mandate
    • permission
    • regulation
    • rule
    • behest
    • bidding
    • commandment
    • dictate
    • ordinance
    • precept
    • say-so
    • stipulation
    • ukase
    • word
    • application
    • purchase
    • shipment
    • amount
    • booking
    • bulk
    • commission
    • engagement
    • goods
    • materials
    • quantity
    • requisition
    • reservation
    • reserve
    • stipulation
    • association
    • brotherhood
    • club
    • community
    • company
    • fraternity
    • guild
    • league
    • lodge
    • sect
    • sisterhood
    • society
    • sodality
    • sorority
    • union
    • buy
    • call for
    • charge
    • direct
    • hire
    • instruct
    • obtain
    • request
    • require
    • tell
    • warn
    • adjure
    • bid
    • book
    • decree
    • dictate
    • enact
    • engage
    • enjoin
    • ordain
    • prescribe
    • reserve
    • secure
    • apply for
    • call the shots
    • call the signals
    • contract for
    • pull strings
    • rule the roost
    • send away for
    • assign
    • conduct
    • distribute
    • establish
    • file
    • place
    • plan
    • adapt
    • adjust
    • align
    • alphabetize
    • array
    • catalogue
    • class
    • classify
    • codify
    • control
    • dispose
    • fix
    • formalize
    • furnish
    • group
    • index
    • line
    • locate
    • manage
    • marshal
    • neaten
    • normalize
    • pattern
    • range
    • regiment
    • regularize
    • regulate
    • right
    • routine
    • settle
    • space
    • standardize
    • streamline
    • systematize
    • tabulate
    • tidy
    • lay out
    • line up
    • methodize
    • put away
    • put to rights
    • set guidelines
    • set in order
    • sort out

    On this page you’ll find 555 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to order, such as: form, line, plan, procedure, regulation, and rule.

    • dishonesty
    • indecency
    • turbulence
    • violence
    • lawlessness
    • liberty
    • license
      • denial
      • veto
      • request
      • answer
        • division
        • separation
        • disorder
        • disorganization
        • cancel
        • give up
        • refuse
        • disallow
        • prevent
        • rescind
        • disarrange
        • disorder
        • keep
        • break
        • change
        • confuse
        • depart
        • disorganize
        • disturb
        • jumble
        • leave alone
        • mismanage
        • mix up
        • unsettle
        • upset
        • mess up
        • muddle

        Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

        TRY USING order

        See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

        How to use order in a sentence

        With social distancing projected to continue for the foreseeable future, startups are acknowledging that they are going to have to offer some kind of unique discount to customers in order to bring in enough cash to help the business survive.



        OCTOBER 26, 1985


        • amendment
        • announcement
        • bill
        • clause
        • code
        • commitment
        • decree
        • edict
        • enactment
        • judgment
        • law
        • measure
        • order
        • ordinance
        • resolution
        • statute
        • subpoena
        • summons
        • verdict
        • warrant
        • writ
        • beseech
        • charge
        • entreat
        • implore
        • obligate
        • order
        • require
        • supplicate
        • acclimatize
        • accommodate
        • accustom
        • adapt
        • alter
        • arrange
        • compose
        • conform
        • dispose
        • do as Romans do
        • doctor
        • fiddle with
        • fine-tune
        • fit
        • fix
        • fix up
        • get act together
        • get it together
        • grin and bear it
        • habituate
        • harmonize
        • make conform
        • modify
        • order
        • quadrate
        • reconcile
        • rectify
        • redress
        • regulate
        • remodel
        • settle
        • suit
        • swim with the tide
        • tailor
        • tailor-make
        • tune
        • acclimatizes
        • accommodates
        • accustoms
        • adapts
        • alters
        • arranges
        • composes
        • conforms
        • disposes
        • doctors
        • does as Romans does
        • fiddles with
        • fine-tunes
        • fits
        • fixes
        • fixes up
        • gets acts together
        • gets it together
        • grins and bears it
        • habituates
        • harmonizes
        • makes conform
        • modifies
        • orders
        • quadrates
        • reconciles
        • rectifies
        • redresses
        • regulates
        • remodels
        • settles
        • suits
        • swims with the tide
        • tailor-makes
        • tailors
        • tunes
        • administering
        • agency
        • application
        • authority
        • charge
        • command
        • conduct
        • conducting
        • control
        • directing
        • direction
        • dispensation
        • disposition
        • distribution
        • enforcement
        • execution
        • governing
        • government
        • guidance
        • handling
        • jurisdiction
        • legislation
        • order
        • organization
        • overseeing
        • oversight
        • performance
        • policy
        • power
        • provision
        • regulation
        • rule
        • running
        • strategy
        • superintendence
        • supervision
        • surveillance
        • adjust
        • allineate
        • coordinate
        • even
        • even up
        • fix
        • make parallel
        • order
        • range
        • regulate
        • straighten

        Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

        WiktionaryRate these synonyms:1.5 / 2 votes

        1. ordernoun


        2. ordernoun


        3. ordernoun


        4. ordernoun


        5. ordernoun


        6. ordernoun


        7. ordernoun


        8. ordernoun


        9. ordernoun

          To set in some sort of order.


        10. orderverb

          To arrange, set in proper order.


        11. orderverb

          A command.


        12. ordernoun

          A request for some product or service.


        13. ordernoun


        14. ordernoun


        15. ordernoun


        16. ordernoun

          Magnolias belong to the order Magnoliales.


        17. ordernoun


        English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

        1. order

          Instruction implies superiority of knowledge, direction of authority on the part of the giver; a teacher gives instructions to his pupils, an employer gives directions to his workmen. Order is still more authoritative than direction; soldiers, sailors, and railroad employees have simply to obey the orders of their superiors, without explanation or question; an order in the commercial sense has the authority of the money which the one ordering the goods pays or is to pay. Command is a loftier word, as well as highly authoritative, less frequent in common life; we speak of the commands of God, or sometimes, by polite hyperbole, ask of a friend, «Have you any commands for me?» A requirement is imperative, but not always formal, nor made by a personal agent; it may be in the nature of things; as, the requirements of the position. Prohibition is wholly negative; it is a command not to do; injunction is now oftenest so used, especially as the requirement by legal authority that certain action be suspended or refrained from, pending final legal decision. Compare ARRAY; CLASS; LAW; PROHIBIT; SYSTEM.

          command, direction, injunction, instruction, mandate, prohibition, requirement

          allowance, consent, leave, liberty, license, permission, permit

        Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

        1. ordernoun

          arrangement, condition, sequence, direction, rank, grade, class, decree, succession, series, method, injunction, precept, command

        2. orderverb

          arrange, dispose, regulate, adjust, direct, command, classify, ordain, enjoin, prescribe, appoint, manage

          disarrangement, confusion, unsettlement, inversion, execution, disorder

        Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

        1. ordernoun

          (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed

          «the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        2. order, order of magnitudenoun

          a degree in a continuum of size or quantity

          «it was on the order of a mile»; «an explosion of a low order of magnitude»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, magnitude, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        3. ordernoun

          established customary state (especially of society)

          «order ruled in the streets»; «law and order»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        4. ordering, order, ordinationnoun

          logical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements

          «we shall consider these questions in the inverse order of their presentation»

          society, social club, ordinance, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        5. orderliness, ordernoun

          a condition of regular or proper arrangement

          «he put his desk in order»; «the machine is now in working order»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, methodicalness, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        6. decree, edict, fiat, order, rescriptnoun

          a legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)

          «a friend in New Mexico said that the order caused no trouble out there»

          society, social club, rewrite, order of magnitude, revision, revise, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order, revisal

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        7. order, purchase ordernoun

          a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities

          «IBM received an order for a hundred computers»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        8. club, social club, society, guild, gild, lodge, ordernoun

          a formal association of people with similar interests

          «he joined a golf club»; «they formed a small lunch society»; «men from the fraternal order will staff the soup kitchen today»

          guild, auberge, company, night club, parliamentary law, social club, decree, clubhouse, rules of order, society, fellowship, parliamentary procedure, club, high society, golf club, hunting lodge, bon ton, hostel, monastic order, fiat, cabaret, beau monde, orderliness, ball club, lodge, purchase order, rescript, nightclub, inn, baseball club, edict, nine, hostelry, order of magnitude, indian lodge, gild, smart set, ordination, golf-club, nightspot, ordering, companionship

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        9. order, rules of order, parliamentary law, parliamentary procedurenoun

          a body of rules followed by an assembly

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        10. Holy Order, Ordernoun

          (usually plural) the status or rank or office of a Christian clergyman in an ecclesiastical hierarchy

          «theologians still disagree over whether `bishop’ should or should not be a separate Order»

          society, social club, holy order, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        11. order, monastic ordernoun

          a group of person living under a religious rule

          «the order of Saint Benedict»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        12. ordernoun

          (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        13. ordernoun

          a request for something to be made, supplied, or served

          «I gave the waiter my order»; «the company’s products were in such demand that they got more orders than their call center could handle»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        14. ordernoun

          (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        15. order, orderingverb

          the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement

          «there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list»

          society, social club, order of magnitude, rescript, edict, gild, club, parliamentary law, ordination, ordering, purchase order, parliamentary procedure, fiat, guild, rules of order, orderliness, lodge, decree, monastic order

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        16. order, tell, enjoin, sayverb

          give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority

          «I said to him to go home»; «She ordered him to do the shopping»; «The mother told the child to get dressed»

          tell apart, distinguish, dictate, suppose, place, ordain, put, differentiate, read, pronounce, range, enjoin, enounce, enunciate, evidence, tell, regulate, state, assure, say, govern, severalize, arrange, separate, regularize, severalise, ordinate, regularise, grade, aver, articulate, secern, set up, allege, rank, consecrate, rate, recite, narrate, recount, sound out, prescribe, secernate

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        17. orderverb

          make a request for something

          «Order me some flowers»; «order a work stoppage»

          put, govern, ordain, regularise, rate, dictate, arrange, set up, say, grade, ordinate, range, rank, consecrate, enjoin, regulate, tell, prescribe, place, regularize

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        18. order, prescribe, dictateverb

          issue commands or orders for

          put, govern, ordain, regularise, rate, dictate, arrange, set up, say, grade, ordinate, range, rank, consecrate, enjoin, regulate, tell, prescribe, place, regularize

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        19. regulate, regularize, regularise, order, governverb

          bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations

          «We cannot regulate the way people dress»; «This town likes to regulate»

          put, govern, ordain, regularise, dictate, arrange, set up, say, grade, ordinate, range, influence, determine, mold, baffle, consecrate, rule, enjoin, modulate, rank, regulate, rate, tell, shape, prescribe, place, regularize

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        20. orderverb

          bring order to or into

          «Order these files»

          put, govern, ordain, regularise, rate, dictate, arrange, set up, say, grade, ordinate, range, rank, consecrate, enjoin, regulate, tell, prescribe, place, regularize

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        21. orderverb

          place in a certain order

          «order the photos chronologically»

          put, govern, ordain, regularise, rate, dictate, arrange, set up, say, grade, ordinate, range, rank, consecrate, enjoin, regulate, tell, prescribe, place, regularize

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        22. ordain, consecrate, ordinate, orderverb

          appoint to a clerical posts

          «he was ordained in the Church»

          align, sanctify, govern, put, ordain, dedicate, set up, rate, enact, arrange, give, devote, grade, dictate, ordinate, bless, say, rank, consecrate, coordinate, range, enjoin, hallow, regularise, commit, regulate, vow, tell, prescribe, place, regularize

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        23. arrange, set up, put, orderverb

          arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events

          «arrange my schedule»; «set up one’s life»; «I put these memories with those of bygone times»

          tack together, commit, put together, ordain, dress, found, prepare, instal, piece, tack, range, fix, establish, put in, dictate, rate, gear up, put up, place, lay out, entrap, regulate, position, coiffure, arrange, govern, rig, assign, redact, ordinate, lay, coiffe, regularize, do, rank, frame, fix up, regularise, erect, ensnare, raise, couch, stage, coif, launch, pitch, cast, ready, set up, enjoin, put, effect, invest, effectuate, install, consecrate, rear, grade, assemble, tell, format, set, prescribe, pose, say

          disorder, disorderliness, disarray

        24. rate, rank, range, order, grade, placeverb

          assign a rank or rating to

          «how would you rank these students?»; «The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide»

          roll, vagabond, dictate, score, rank, ramble, mark, set up, identify, localize, range, enjoin, run, target, stray, rove, tell, post, station, place, browse, point, come in, regulate, array, graze, say, govern, cast, straddle, arrange, send, pasture, lay, wander, regularize, position, ordinate, aim, ordain, regularise, direct, grade, lay out, swan, site, tramp, value, put, crop, invest, outrank, localise, consecrate, rate, commit, drift, pose, come out, set, prescribe, locate, roam, set out

          disorderliness, disorder, disarray

        Matched Categories

          • Architecture
          • Arrange
          • Artistic Style
          • Biology
          • Command
          • Condition
          • Impose
          • Military
          • Request
          • Rule
          • Sect
          • State
          • Status
          • Taxonomic Group

        Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

        1. ordernoun

          method, regularity, symmetry, regular arrangement

        2. ordernoun

          fit condition, proper state

        3. ordernoun

          regulation, rule, canon, prescription, law, standing rule

        4. ordernoun

          mandate, precept, injunction, command, direction, instruction, bidding

        5. ordernoun

          rank, class, grade, degree

        6. ordernoun

          (Bot.) family, tribe

        7. ordernoun

          (Zoöl.) sub-class, subordinate class

        8. orderverb

          regulate, arrange, systematize, adjust, methodize

        9. orderverb

          manage, conduct, carry on

        10. orderverb

          command, instruct, direct, bid, require, give an order to

        Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

        1. ordernoun

          mandate, command, precept, direction, decree, decretal, injunction, rule, regulation, law, canon, prescription, method, system, disposition, arrangement, succession, sequence, dictation, bidding, commission, grade, degree, class, tranquillity, quiet

        2. orderverb

          methodize, systematize, regulate, bid, command, dictate, enjoin

        PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

        1. List of paraphrases for «order»:

          end, orden, decree, orders, ordre, purpose, prescription, ‘ordre, warrant, ordering, view, ordinance, sequence, arrested, aim, order-in-council, injunction, ‘ordonnance, ordonnance, adopted, request, fin, sort, way, providencia, procedure, object, goal, reorder, condemn, sight, command, manner, behest, po, décret, decision, mode, coven, objective, nature

        How to pronounce order?

        How to say order in sign language?

        How to use order in a sentence?

        1. Paul DiGiacomo:

          The governor needs to make a decision. Either go one way or the other. She’s dancing, and she’s not taking a stance on either side. And that’s not right, either, take the side of law and order or take the side of no law and order – one or the other. You know, you can’t keep dancing.

        2. Margaret Young:

          Often people attempt to live their lives backwards they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.

        3. David Anber:

          The police again have been conducting themselves as though they have unlimited powers to do whatever they feel is necessary to restore order, that’s just simply not the case.

        4. Zhang Xiaoming:

          We must defend the city’s rule of law, but we must also safeguard the national constitutional order.

        5. Zig Ziglar:

          Sometimes adversity is what you need to face in order to become successful.

        Translations for order

        From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

        • أمر, طَلَب, رتب, ترتيب, وسام, طلبArabic
        • тәртип, бойороҡBashkir
        • о́рдэн, пара́дакBelarusian
        • редBulgarian
        • ordre, orde, comandaCatalan, Valencian
        • pořadí, řád, pořádek, uspořádaná množina, rozkaz, uspořádání, uspořádat, objednávka, rozkázat, objednat, povelCzech
        • urddWelsh
        • ordreDanish
        • Order, Befehl, ordnen, anordnen, Orden, Ordnung, Bestellung, befehlen, Ordo, Ordnungszahl, bestellen, ordern, ReihenfolgeGerman
        • σειρά, παραγγελία, τάγμα, τάξι, διαταγή, παραγγέλνωGreek
        • ordeno, aranĝi, mendi, ordono, mendo, ordigi, ordoniEsperanto
        • orden, mandato, arreglar, ordenar, mandar, pedir, pedidoSpanish
        • korraldus, korrastama, järjestama, käskima, tellima, tellimus, orduEstonian
        • menBasque
        • چیدمان, فرمان, سفارش دادن, اُرد, دستور, فرمودن, سفارش, اردرPersian
        • tilaus, veljeskunta, käskeä, ritarikunta, kunniamerkki, lahko, lyöntijärjestys, aste, järjestys, käsky, komento, järjestää, määrätä, tilataFinnish
        • ordre, ranger, commander, relation d’ordre, degré, commandeFrench
        • skiftWestern Frisian
        • ordaigh, bailIrish
        • òrdugh, òrdaichScottish Gaelic
        • ordeGalician
        • סֵדֶרHebrew
        • मंगानाHindi
        • rend, rendelés, rendel, rendezés, parancs, rendez, elrendelHungarian
        • հրաման, կարգ, պատվեր, շքանշանArmenian
        • ordine, ordinarInterlingua
        • aturan, perintah, ordo, memerintah, pesanan, mengatur, memesanIndonesian
        • ordinoIdo
        • ættbálkur, panta, röð, pöntunIcelandic
        • ordine, comando, ordinare, ordinazioneItalian
        • 注文, 勲章, 命じる, 打順, 次, 位数, 順序, 秩序, 命令, 目Japanese
        • លំដាប់Khmer
        • 秩序, 주문, 注文, 질서, 명령, 命令, 훈장, 勳章Korean
        • ēdictum, iubēre, ordinemLatin
        • Uerder, bestellenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
        • pavēle, pavēlētLatvian
        • ōta, raupapa, whakaraupapa, whakahau, tonoMāori
        • редMacedonian
        • ഉത്തരവ്, ആജ്ഞ, കൽപനMalayalam
        • မှာBurmese
        • befale, beordreNorwegian
        • order, ordenen, orde, bevelen, verordonneren, bevel, bestelling, bestellen, volgordeDutch
        • beordre, befaleNorwegian Nynorsk
        • orden, ordre, bestille, ordning, ordneNorwegian
        • ନିର୍ଦ୍ଦେଶOriya
        • porządek, zakon, rozkaz, zamówienie, rządPolish
        • encomenda, pedido, ordenar, ordem, pedir, encomendarPortuguese
        • urdenRomansh
        • poruncă, ordin, rânduială, ordine, comandăRomanian
        • поря́док, о́рдер, упорядочить, выстраивать, о́рден, отря́д, [[приводить]] [[в]] [[порядок]], заказать, [[привести]] [[в]] [[порядок]], заказывать, прика́з, зака́з, упорядочивать, сте́пень, выстроить, приказывать, приказатьRussian
        • आज्ञाSanskrit
        • поредак, poredakSerbo-Croatian
        • poriadok, objednávkaSlovak
        • ukazati, ureditev, red, naročilo, naročiti, ukazSlovene
        • befallning, order, beställning, beställa, ordna, ordning, ge order, orden, lägga en order, följdSwedish
        • odaSwahili
        • క్రమ పద్ధతి, ఆదేశము, వరుస, అమరిక, క్రమము, అమర్చు, ఆదేశించుTelugu
        • emir, sipariş, düzen, takım, dereceTurkish
        • о́рден, поря́док, порядокUkrainian
        • تنظیم, منگانا, طلب کرنا, ترتیب, منظم, حکمUrdu
        • gọi mónVietnamese
        • khuza, biza, odaZulu

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