What is another word for not friendly

Предложения с «not friendly»

We sent emissaries; he was not friendly .

Мы посылали посредников, он не дружелюбен .

You mean, the not friendly versions?

Ты имеешь в виду, недружелюбная версия?

We are not friendly adversaries, Daniel.

Мы тут не для дружеских бесед, Дэниель.

The treme witches are not friendly to outsiders.

Ведьмы ковена Трим не жалуют посторонних.

He tried to weaken the powers of the ultra-conservative officer corps, who were not friendly to his regime.

Он пытался ослабить власть ультраконсервативного Офицерского корпуса, который был недружелюбен к его режиму.

Bajor is not friendly and there is no Federation here.

Бэйджор не дружелюбен , и здесь нет никакой Федерации.

Nupedia failed explicitly because it was not friendly to new users and could not sustain or grow articles.

Nupedia явно потерпела неудачу, потому что она не была дружелюбна к новым пользователям и не могла поддерживать или развивать статьи.

Some of them not so friendly , they look like they’re straight out of Terminator, in fact they may well be straight out of Terminator.

Другие не особо дружелюбны , они выглядят, будто прямо из Терминатора, и они действительно могут быть из Терминатора.

One said, My parents did not have good seeds, but there are friendly men out there who have spare seeds.

Один сказал: У родителей не было хороших семян, но есть добрые мужчины, у которых есть запасное семя.

I’m not feeling too friendly towards Jerry Martin.

Я не очень — то был дружен с Джерри Мартином.

Henry was not a warm, friendly , modest, jovial sort of person.

Генри не был тёплым, дружелюбным , скромным, жизнерадостным человеком.

She had not been very much in the village herself; they were neither friendly nor unfriendly to her.

Жители деревни не питали к ней ни дружеских, ни враждебных чувств.

It will ensure that you are not hit by friendly fire and will aid our militia in seizing our enemies.

Это гарантирует, что вы не погибнете под обстрелом, и поможет ополчению схватить наших врагов.

Sturdily handsome, framed by dark braids, smiling in an almost friendly fashion but not really paying her any mind.

Красивое, пышущее здоровьем, обрамленное темными косами лицо, которое украшала чуть ли не дружеская, добродушная улыбка.

The Spanish wine and the digestion of Poirot are not on the terms most friendly .

Испанское вино и пищеварение Пуаро находятся не в самых дружеских отношениях.

Let’s just keep this friendly , okay, Pops? Let’s not get too sensitive.

Слышь, папаня, давай подружелюбнее, без заводок.

Not only did you pay no heed to my friendly warnings, but you took advantage of our trust… to poke your nose in his case.

Мало того, что Вы не приняли во внимание мои дружеские предупреждения, Вы использовали в своих интересах мое доверие… и суете свой нос в это дело.

Accordingly, Ramil Safarov was not like an ordinary man killing a friendly course participant.

Таким образом, Рамиль Сафаров был не рядовым гражданином, который убил дружественно настроенного слушателя учебных курсов.

Mary was not treated in a friendly manner by the police officers, nor was her partner summoned.

Сотрудники полиции обошлись с Мэри не совсем дружелюбно , и ее партнер не был вызван для дачи показаний.

Second, it is possible, though not easy, to choose fiscal-consolidation packages that are more growth-friendly than others.

Во — вторых, это возможно, хотя и не просто — выбрать пакет финансовой консолидации, более благоприятный для роста, чем другие.

In the past, the North’s friendly gestures have not led to meaningful concessions or progress toward peace.

Предыдущие дружественные жесты КНДР не приводили к значимым уступкам или к прогрессу на пути к миру.

Viv strives to be the first consumer-friendly assistant that truly achieves that promise. It wants to be not only blindingly smart and infinitely flexible but omnipresent.

Программа Viv хочет стать первым ориентированным на потребителя интеллектуальным ассистентом, который и призван решить поставленные задачи; она хочет быть не только умной и гибкой, но и, так сказать, вездесущей.

They are not easy to find, but when you do track them down, they can be quite friendly .

Их не легко разыскать, но если у вас это получается, они могут оказаться вполне дружелюбными собеседниками.

For this reason, Iran should win assurances that a new leadership in Iraq will not be hostile to it, and will seek friendly bilateral relations.

По этой причине Иран должен получить заверения в том, что новое руководство в Ираке не будет настроено враждебно по отношению к нему, и будет стремиться к дружественным двусторонним отношениям.

The dinosaur was not big like I had imagined last night, but it was green, with red and yellow scales and a very friendly face.

Динозавр был не таким большим, каким я представлял его прошлой ночью, но он был зелёным, с красными и жёлтыми чешуйками и очень дружелюбной мордой.

To be concise, she is a very friendly good-natured woman; and so industrious to oblige, that the guests must be of a very morose disposition who are not extremely well satisfied in her house.

Короче говоря, это очень отзывчивая и добрая женщина, настолько услужливая, что только очень уж брюзгливые гости остаются недовольны ее заведением.

If she is beginning to compare- He broke off, not liking to betray all he felt, and then said, by the help of a little bitterness, But I thought you were friendly to me.

Если Мэри начнет сравнивать. — Не желая выдавать своих чувств, он умолк, затем добавил с горечью: — Но я — то думал, вы мне друг.

No, nothing special, she replied, coldly, since his look, friendly as it was, seemed to imply that he wanted something of her, though what it was she could not guess.

Ничего особенного, — холодно ответила она, чувствуя по его вкрадчивому тону, что он чего — то от нее домогается, но чего именно, она не могла догадаться.

She threw him a surprised look. It was unlike him not to give her a smile and a friendly word.

Джулия удивилась: не улыбнуться ей, не бросить дружеского слова — это было на него непохоже.

I’m not used to being on friendly terms with a priest.

Я не привыкла к дружескому отношению служителей церкви.

I soon became friendly with the boys, but the master and the priest did not like me.

С мальчиками я скоро поладил, но учитель и поп невзлюбили меня.

Gabriel’s not people-friendly.

Гэбриел не пылает любовью к людям.

I just felt the whole thing to be a bit stiff, uptight, not really user-friendly.

Мне показалось, что она была жесткой, зажатой и неудобной для пользователя.

Could I but have stiffened to the still frost-the friendly numbness of death-it might have pelted on; I should not have felt it; but my yet living flesh shuddered at its chilling influence.

О, если бы окоченеть и отдаться милосердию смерти — пусть тогда хлещет, я ничего не почувствую. Но моя все еще живая плоть содрогалась под холодными потоками.

Various banks might not be so friendly in the future.

Во многих банках с ним в дальнейшем будут менее предупредительны.

These friendly sounds took off at once the awful stress of vigilant watchfulness as of so many blind men not knowing whence the deathblow might come.

Этот дружеский голос сразу рассеял страшное напряжение и настороженность, когда он, словно слепой, не знал, — с какой стороны ждать смертельного удара.

All the time she suffered from some internal complaint and weighed barely ninety pounds-yet one never saw her other than friendly . She believed things were still not so bad with her.

Она была неизменно приветлива, она считала, что в общем ей живется не так уж плохо, хотя страдала язвой кишечника и весила девяносто фунтов.

Ve-ry friendly little party, are we not?

Мы оч — чень дружная компания, не правда ли?

Of course, not everyone I meet will be friendly .

Конечно, не все, что повстречается, будет дружественным.

You know what, this is probably not the most wheelchair-friendly environment.

Знаешь, это наверное не самое удобное место для гостей на колясках.

You’ve remained friendly with Ms. Vassal, have you not?

Вы продолжали оставаться друзьями с мисс Вассал, не так ли?

You would not wish to disappoint and mortify the Coles, I am sure, sir; friendly , good sort of people as ever lived, and who have been your neighbours these ten years.

Не захотите же вы, сэр, — я в том уверен — расстроить и унизить Коулов, безобидных, добрейших людей, и притом — ваших соседей вот уже десять лет!

He was not so friendly ; his glance was dark, and there was a certain sternness to his countenance which had never previously been manifested there in Cowperwood’s memory.

Батлер не приветствовал его, как обычно, смотрел исподлобья, и на лице его была написана такая суровость, какой Каупервуд у него никогда раньше не видел.

You’re just not being outwardly friendly to the man.

Ты просто не относишься к ней с напускным дружелюбием .

Say it’s friendly , with other husband agreeing and one she is getting rid of not making fuss.

Предположим, все происходит полюбовно, другой муж согласен, а тот, от которого она хочет отделаться, тоже шума не Поднимает.

By God, I WOULD hang you! repeated Nozdrev. I say this frankly, and not for the purpose of offending you, but simply to communicate to you my friendly opinion.

Ей — богу, повесил бы, повторил Ноздрев: я тебе говорю это откровенно, не с тем, чтобы тебя обидеть, а просто по — дружески говорю.

Not exactly a friendly chit-chat.

Это точно не дружеская болтовня.

Keller and I were competitors, adversaries for the most part, and not what you’d call friendly now.

Мы с Келлером были соперниками, противниками по большей части, и сейчас я бы не назвал нас друзьями.

Having read the manuscript, Mr. and Mrs. Germaine left it to us to decide whether we should continue our friendly intercourse with them or not.

После прочтения рукописи нам предоставили самим решить (как вы, может быть, помните), продолжать ли дружеские сношения с мистером и мистрис Джермень, или нет.

I’m just not user-friendly.

Просто у меня недружественный интерфейс.

You may not know me, but I have seen you around the Wiki, and you seem like a friendly/helpful person.

Возможно, вы меня не знаете, но я видел вас в Wiki, и вы кажетесь дружелюбным/полезным человеком.

Well, that’s not very Eco-friendly, Booth.

Это не очень экологично, Бут.

I know it’s not very eco-friendly, but…

Знаю, это не очень экологично, но…

You did not ask me here just to be friendly with the Russian soldiers.

Вы не спросили меня дружен ли я с русскими солдатами.

I … I’m not even friendly with myself, but you are.

Я… я сам — то себе не друг, но ты друг.

It was plain enough that he had not been on friendly terms with his sister, and he resented her suicide as a last injury that she had done him.

Мистер Прайс явно не ладил с сестрой и рассматривал ее самоубийство как последнюю гадость, которую она ему устроила.

They are not the type of people to be friendly with.

Они не из тех, с кем надо быть дружелюбнее .

I do not appreciate friendly relationships.

Я не приветствую дружеские отношения.

I’m not particularly fond of Sister Antonia and what’s more, several cardinals have told me she has a close and friendly relationship with halitosis.

Я далеко не в восторге от Сестры Антонии и, более того, несколько кардиналов говорили мне, что у нее тесные и дружеские связи с плохим запахом изо рта.

Sorry. If I go out, it’s going to be in a blaze of glory, not by friendly fire.

Извини, если мне суждено умереть, пусть это будет в лучах славы, а не от пули в спину.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the best antonym for friendly?
  2. Which of the following words does not mean friendly?
  3. What is the opposite adjective of friendly?
  4. What’s a synonym for silent?
  5. What is another word for smile?
  6. What is the antonym of silence?
  7. What does reticence mean?
  8. What is a fancy word for see?
  9. Is espy a word?
  10. What are the synonyms for tasty?
  11. What is a synonym for have a good look?
  12. What is another word for read quickly?
  13. What is the phrasal verb of read?
  14. What is the phrasal verb of established?
  15. What is the phrasal verb of quarrel?
  16. What is the phrasal verb of stay?
  17. What is the phrasal verb of chased?
  18. What is the phrasal verb of reared?
  19. What is the phrasal verb of search?
  20. What is the phrasal verb of started?
  21. What is the phrasal verb of resembles?
  22. What is the phrasal verb of give?

SYNONYMS FOR friendly 1 companionable, neighborly. 2 kindly, amiable, cordial, genial, affectionate, kindhearted. 3 benevolent, well-disposed, helpful, favorable; sympathetic, propitious.

What is the best antonym for friendly?

Antonyms for (adj) friendly

  • Definition: not disposed to friendship or friendliness. Antonyms: unsocial.
  • Definition: not seeking or given to association; being or living without companions. Antonyms: formal.
  • Definition: being in accord with established forms and conventions and requirements (as e.g. of formal dress)

Which of the following words does not mean friendly?

not amicable; not friendly or kindly in disposition; unsympathetic; aloof: an unfriendly coldness of manner.

What is the opposite adjective of friendly?

A word has synonyms as well as antonyms. In general, adjectives and adverbs have opposite meanings, that is, words reporting quality and quantity often have opposite words. Friendly means; kind and pleasant, affectionate, affable, amiable, genial, congenial, cordial. Opposites of Friendly; unfriendly.

What’s a synonym for silent?

static, smooth, understood, motionless, placid, inactive, mute, tranquil, soundless, unruffled, mum, dumb, quiet, tacit, unsounded, still, noneffervescent. Antonyms: audible, communicatory, hearable, explicit, noisy, communicative, expressed, articulate.

smile synonyms

  • beam.
  • grin.
  • laugh.
  • smirk.
  • simper.
  • be gracious.
  • express friendliness.
  • express tenderness.

What is the antonym of silence?

stature, tumult, rank, celebrity, acknowledgment, louden, sound, loquaciousness, praise, talk, kudos, significance, name, distinction, release, noise, preeminence, allow, glory, help, talkativeness, reputation, report, prominence, verboseness, unquietness, importance, recognition, let go, rep, windiness, popularity.

What does reticence mean?

1 : the quality or state of being reticent : reserve, restraint. 2 : an instance of being reticent. 3 : reluctance sense 1.

What is a fancy word for see?

What is another word for see?

view notice
identify look at
make out regard
remark catch a glimpse of
catch sight of descry

Is espy a word?

To espy something is to see it, or glimpse it. If you look through binoculars long enough, you might espy a colorful bird. Though you can use the verb espy whenever you want to say “see,” “spot,” or “notice,” it’s primarily a literary word that you’ll mostly find in books.

What are the synonyms for tasty?


  • appetizing.
  • delectable.
  • flavorful.
  • luscious.
  • pungent.
  • savory.
  • spicy.
  • yummy.

What is a synonym for have a good look?

What is another word for have a good look at?

stare at watch
take a shufti at consider
look over review
flash make eyes at
oversee overlook

What is another word for read quickly?

What is another word for reading quickly?

flicking through thumbing
glancing at glancing through
leafing through looking through
riffling riffling through
skimming skimming through

What is the phrasal verb of read?

Read off, read into, read over/through, read for, read up, read back.

What is the phrasal verb of established?

The word establish means to firmly hold ground in reference to a situation, building, truth or fact. Depending on the nature of its usage the phrasal verbs for established are : put up, build up, set up , lay out, find out, draw up, settled down.

What is the phrasal verb of quarrel?

quarrel with somebody/something to disagree with someone or something Nobody could quarrel with your conclusions.

What is the phrasal verb of stay?

Stay in. Example: I’m going to STAY IN and chill tonight; I can’t be bothered to go out.

What is the phrasal verb of chased?

Chase down Example: The press CHASED us DOWN when the story broke.

What is the phrasal verb of reared?

to give a person or an animal a particular type of food, entertainment, etc. while they are young I’m the son and grandson of sailors and was reared on stories of life at sea.

What is the phrasal verb of search?

Look for = to search / to try to find (transitive) When a person is searching for or trying to find someone or something. You often look for something when you have lost it or need it. A synonyms is to search. This phrasal verb is frequently used in a progressive tense.

What is the phrasal verb of started?

Answer. A frequent ‘start’ phrasal verb in American English is start over. To start over is to begin to do something again, sometimes in a different way. Leaving behind the ‘start’ phrasal verbs.

Stay over. Example: I STAYED OVER at a friend’s house last night because of the train strike.

What is the phrasal verb of resembles?


What is the phrasal verb of give?

give in (to somebody/something) 1to admit that you have been defeated by someone or something The rebels were forced to give in. Questions about grammar and vocabulary?

  • affable
  • affectionate
  • amiable
  • amicable
  • attentive
  • beneficial
  • chummy
  • cordial
  • familiar
  • favorable
  • good
  • helpful
  • loving
  • loyal
  • neighborly
  • peaceful
  • receptive
  • sympathetic
  • welcoming
  • close
  • faithful
  • kind
  • sociable
  • tender
  • thick
  • attached
  • auspicious
  • benevolent
  • benign
  • buddy-buddy
  • civil
  • clubby
  • comradely
  • conciliatory
  • confiding
  • convivial
  • fond
  • genial
  • kindly
  • on good terms
  • outgoing
  • peaceable
  • propitious
  • solicitous
  • well-disposed

On this page you’ll find 129 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to friendly, such as: affable, affectionate, amiable, amicable, attentive, and beneficial.

antonyms for friendly

  • aloof
  • bad
  • cold
  • cool
  • disadvantageous
  • disagreeable
  • disliking
  • distant
  • harmful
  • hostile
  • hurtful
  • hurting
  • ignorant
  • injurious
  • mean
  • reserved
  • surly
  • unfriendly
  • unhelpful
  • unpleasant
  • unsociable
  • inaccurate
  • loose
  • unkind
  • antagonistic
  • incompatible
  • uncompanionable
  • unreceptive

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING friendly

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use friendly in a sentence

Could this be the safe old house in which childish days had passed, in which all around were always friendly and familiar faces?


He put out his hand in the most cordial and friendly way, and greeted me with the most winning smile in the world.


Once he had galloped up to the open door, looked in, spoken in a friendly way to her, and ridden on.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • considerate
  • cooperative
  • friendly
  • generous
  • handy
  • helpful
  • hospitable
  • kind
  • neighborly
  • obliging
  • on deck
  • on tap
  • polite
  • unselfish
  • user friendly
  • all over
  • attached
  • caring
  • crazy over
  • dear
  • devoted
  • doting
  • fond
  • friendly
  • huggy
  • kind
  • lovey-dovey
  • loving
  • mushy
  • nutty about
  • partial
  • soft on
  • sympathetic
  • tender
  • warm
  • warmhearted
  • affable
  • amicable
  • attractive
  • benign
  • breezy
  • buddy-buddy
  • charming
  • cheerful
  • clubby
  • complaisant
  • cool
  • copacetic
  • cordial
  • cozy
  • delightful
  • downright neighborly
  • easy
  • engaging
  • friendly
  • genial
  • good-humored
  • good-natured
  • gracious
  • kind
  • kindly
  • lenient
  • lovable
  • mellow
  • mild
  • obliging
  • palsy-walsy
  • pleasant
  • pleasing
  • princely
  • responsive
  • right
  • righteous
  • sociable
  • sweet-tempered
  • swell
  • tight
  • warm
  • warmhearted
  • winning
  • admiring
  • affectionate
  • alive
  • aware
  • cognizant
  • conscious
  • considerate
  • cooperative
  • cordial
  • enlightened
  • enthusiastic
  • favorable
  • friendly
  • generous
  • keen
  • kindly
  • knowledgeable
  • magnanimous
  • mindful
  • perceptive
  • pleased
  • receptive
  • regardful
  • respectful
  • responsive
  • satisfied
  • sensitive
  • supportive
  • sympathetic
  • understanding
  • amiable
  • beneficent
  • benevolent
  • benignant
  • complaisant
  • congenial
  • favorable
  • friendly
  • generous
  • genial
  • gentle
  • good
  • goodhearted
  • gracious
  • kind
  • liberal
  • merciful
  • mild
  • obliging
  • sympathetic
  • colloquial
  • communicative
  • conversational
  • familiar
  • friendly
  • gabby
  • garrulous
  • gossipy
  • informal
  • intimate
  • loose-lipped
  • loquacious
  • multieloquent
  • spontaneous
  • talky

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. friendnoun


  2. friendnoun

    A Quaker; a member of the Society of Friends.

    boyfriend, mate, protagonist, booster, supporter, champion, pal, buddy, ally, admirer, acquaintance, buster, girlfriend, lover

  3. friendnoun

    (rock-climbing) Brand name of a spring-loaded camming device now manufactured by Wild Country. Now used (often without initial capital) to refer to any such device.


    ally, admirer, pal, lover, champion, protagonist, acquaintance, mate, buddy, buster, booster, boyfriend, girlfriend, supporter

    defriend, unfriend

  4. friendnoun

    An associate who provides assistance.

    pal, buster, mate, ally, acquaintance, lover, girlfriend, protagonist, champion, admirer, supporter, buddy, boyfriend, booster

    enemy, foe

  5. friendnoun

    A person with whom one is vaguely or indirectly acquainted

    buster, champion, admirer, lover, girlfriend, pal, buddy, booster, acquaintance, mate, boyfriend, ally, protagonist, supporter

  6. friendnoun

    A person who backs or supports something.

    I’m not a friend of cheap wine.

    acquaintance, buster, boyfriend, protagonist, supporter, admirer, girlfriend, mate, ally, buddy, champion, booster, pal, lover

  7. friendnoun

    An object or idea that can be used for good.

    Google is your friend.

    mate, pal, champion, lover, acquaintance, buddy, girlfriend, ally, supporter, booster, admirer, buster, protagonist, boyfriend

  8. friendnoun

    Used as a form of address when warning someone.

    You’d better watch it, friend.

    lover, buster, boyfriend, supporter, booster, buddy, mate, ally, champion, protagonist, girlfriend, acquaintance, pal, admirer

  9. friendnoun

    In object-oriented programming, a function or class granted special access to the private and protected members of another class.

    booster, protagonist, girlfriend, supporter, lover, acquaintance, mate, champion, pal, boyfriend, admirer, ally, buster, buddy

  10. friendnoun

    crony, mate, chum, buddy, bro, pal, amigo, bud

    enemy, nemesis, foe

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. friend

    An associate as used officially implies a chief, leader, or principal, to whom the associate is not fully equal in rank. Associate is popularly used of mere friendly relations, but oftener implies some work, enterprise, or pursuit in which the associated persons unite. We rarely speak of associates in crime or wrong, using confederates or accomplices instead. Companion gives itself with equal readiness to the good or evil sense, as also does comrade. One may be a companion in travel who would not readily become an associate at home. A lady advertises for a companion; she would not advertise for an associate. Peer implies equality rather than companionship; as, a jury of his peers. Comrade expresses more fellowship and good feeling than companion. Fellow has almost gone out of use in this connection, except in an inferior or patronizing sense. Consort is a word of equality and dignity, as applied especially to the marriage relation. Compare ACCESSORY; ACQUAINTANCE; FRIENDSHIP.

    accomplice, ally, associate, chum, coadjutor, colleague, companion, comrade, confederate, consort, fellow, helpmate, mate, partner, peer

    antagonist, enemy, foe, hinderer, opponent, opposer, rival, stranger

    These were the associates of the leader in the enterprise.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. friend

    associate, companion, acquaintance, familiar, ally, chum, messmate, coadjutor, confidant, adherent

    opponent, foe, adversary, antagonist, enemy

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.3 / 3 votes

  1. friendnoun

    a person you know well and regard with affection and trust

    «he was my best friend at the university»

    supporter, champion, acquaintance, ally, admirer, booster, protagonist

    enemy, foe

  2. ally, friendnoun

    an associate who provides cooperation or assistance

    «he’s a good ally in fight»

    acquaintance, ally, supporter, admirer, protagonist, champion, booster

    foe, enemy

  3. acquaintance, friendnoun

    a person with whom you are acquainted

    «I have trouble remembering the names of all my acquaintances»; «we are friends of the family»

    acquaintance, ally, booster, conversancy, admirer, familiarity, champion, supporter, conversance, acquaintanceship, protagonist

    enemy, foe

  4. supporter, protagonist, champion, admirer, booster, friendnoun

    a person who backs a politician or a team etc.

    «all their supporters came out for the game»; «they are friends of the library»

    booster shot, promoter, wiz, whiz, acquaintance, plugger, recall dose, booster station, takeoff booster, maven, adorer, protagonist, booster unit, paladin, athletic supporter, jock, whizz, ally, takeoff rocket, booster, shoplifter, relay link, assistant, hotshot, hero, sensation, lifter, mavin, suspensor, ace, genius, star, relay transmitter, title-holder, agonist, help, virtuoso, fighter, wizard, helper, supporter, booster dose, jockstrap, adept, relay station, superstar, champ, booster rocket, admirer, booster amplifier, garter, champion, sponsor, patron

    enemy, foe

  5. Friend, Quakernoun

    a member of the Religious Society of Friends founded by George Fox (the Friends have never called themselves Quakers)

    acquaintance, ally, supporter, trembler, admirer, protagonist, champion, booster

    enemy, foe

Matched Categories

    • Christian
    • Advocate
    • Associate
    • Person

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. pet

    why i say pet is a friend is because they are our everyday companion in whatever little things we do at home which involves fun and out door activities.

    example. fetch a ball when playing soccer or tennis

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. friendnoun

    patron, advocate, confidant, adherent, associate, ally, intimate, good genius, bosom friend

  2. friendnoun

    favorer, encourager, well-wisher

  3. friendnoun


Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. friendnoun

    wellwisher, intimate, confidante, chum, associate, patron, advocate, adherent, supporter, ally, confrère, quaker

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «friend»:

    amigo, boyfriend, girlfriend, ami, buddy, amie, freund, pal, mai, friends, friendly, mate, siddik, colleague

Suggested Resources

  1. friend

    Song lyrics by friend — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by friend on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce friend?

How to say friend in sign language?

How to use friend in a sentence?

  1. Bhartrihari:

    Idleness is a great enemy to mankind. There is no friend like energy, for, if you cultivate that, it will never fail.

  2. Arthur Fogel:

    With profound sadness we confirm that Dennis Sheehan, U2’s longstanding tour manager and dear friend to us all, has passed away overnight, our heartfelt sympathy is with his wonderful family.

  3. Robert Southey:

    The loss of a friend is like that of a limb time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired.

  4. President Barack Obama:

    As long as I’m president we’re going to keep on stepping up and make sure America remains as it’s always been: a place where people, who in other parts of the world are subject to discrimination or violence, that they have in America a friend and a place of refuge.

  5. The Talmud:

    Man has three friends on whose company he relies. First, wealth which goes with him only while good fortune lasts. Second, his relatives; they go only as far as the grave, leave him there. The third friend, his good deeds, go with him beyond the grave.


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  • letter writer, correspondent

  • associate, trusted intimate

  • trusted intimate, confidant

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