What is another word for mean

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. mean

    base, beggarly, commonplace, contemptible, despicable, humble, inferior, lowly, paltry, undignified, vulgar

    alarming, appalling, august, awful, dire, direful, dread, dreadful, fearful, frightful, grand, horrible, imposing, majestic, noble, portentous, shocking, solemn, stately, terrible, terrific

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. meanadjective

    common, low, base, spiritless, dishonorable, contemptible, despicable, beggarly, sordid, vulgar, niggardly, vile

    high, exalted, eminent, spirited, honorable, lordly, princely, munificent, liberal, generous

  2. meanadjective

    middle, intermediate, average

    extreme, excessive, exorbitant

  3. meannoun

    medium, moderation, balance, average

    extreme, excess, preponderance, disproportion, deficiency, shortcoming, inadequacy

  4. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, signify, denote, indicate, hint, suggest

    say, state, enunciate, execute, perform

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.5 / 2 votes

  1. mean, mean valueadjective

    an average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n

    mean value

    generous, unnatural, estimable, rich, nice, abnormal, noble, unskilled

  2. average, mean(a)adjective

    approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value

    «the average income in New England is below that of the nation»; «of average height for his age»; «the mean annual rainfall»

    unnatural, unskilled, rich, generous, abnormal, nice, noble, estimable

  3. hateful, meanadjective

    characterized by malice

    «a hateful thing to do»; «in a mean mood»

    bastardly, miserly, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, meanspirited, tight, hateful, average

    unnatural, nice, abnormal, rich, noble, generous, estimable, unskilled

  4. base, mean, meanspiritedadjective

    having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality

    «that liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble»- Edmund Burke; «taking a mean advantage»; «chok’d with ambition of the meaner sort»- Shakespeare; «something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics»

    hateful, tight, mingy, basal, ungenerous, mean(a), humble, base, lowly, average, baseborn, meanspirited, bastardly, beggarly, immoral, miserly

    unskilled, generous, rich, estimable, noble, nice, unnatural, abnormal

  5. meanadjective


    «famous for a mean backhand»

    bastardly, tight, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, miserly, meanspirited, hateful, average

    abnormal, estimable, noble, rich, unnatural, unskilled, generous, nice

  6. beggarly, meanadjective

    marked by poverty befitting a beggar

    «a beggarly existence in the slums»; «a mean hut»

    bastardly, miserly, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, meanspirited, tight, hateful, average

    abnormal, rich, unnatural, nice, noble, generous, estimable, unskilled

  7. mean, mingy, miserly, tightadjective

    (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity

    «a mean person»; «he left a miserly tip»

    close, pissed, blind drunk, base, mean(a), besotted, slopped, rigorous, mingy, blotto, average, squiffy, pixilated, hateful, cockeyed, crocked, fuddled, tight, soused, compressed, meanspirited, sozzled, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, stiff, stringent, pie-eyed, bastardly, sloshed, smashed, soaked, loaded, wet, beggarly

    generous, unnatural, noble, abnormal, estimable, rich, nice, unskilled

  8. beggarly, meanadjective

    (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt

    bastardly, miserly, mean(a), base, beggarly, mingy, meanspirited, tight, hateful, average

    abnormal, rich, noble, generous, nice, unskilled, unnatural, estimable

  9. bastardly, meanverb

    of no value or worth

    «I was caught in the bastardly traffic»

    bastardly, misbegot, mean(a), misbegotten, hateful, miserly, spurious, beggarly, base, mingy, meanspirited, tight, average

    generous, noble, abnormal, rich, nice, unnatural, estimable, unskilled

  10. mean, intendverb

    mean or intend to express or convey

    «You never understand what I mean!»; «what do his words intend?»

    intend, stand for, designate, entail, specify, have in mind, destine, signify, think, imply, think of

    estimable, unnatural, abnormal, unskilled, generous, noble, rich, nice

  11. entail, imply, meanverb

    have as a logical consequence

    «The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers»

    intend, incriminate, involve, implicate, inculpate, entail, have in mind, connote, stand for, signify, fee-tail, think, imply, think of

    abnormal, estimable, unnatural, unskilled, rich, noble, nice, generous

  12. mean, intend, signify, stand forverb

    denote or connote

    «`maison’ means `house’ in French»; «An example sentence would show what this word means»

    entail, signify, typify, hold still for, represent, destine, stand for, imply, symbolise, specify, have in mind, designate, think, correspond, think of, symbolize, intend

    unnatural, noble, generous, unskilled, abnormal, rich, nice, estimable

  13. intend, mean, thinkverb

    have in mind as a purpose

    «I mean no harm»; «I only meant to help you»; «She didn’t think to harm me»; «We thought to return early that night»

    entail, call back, signify, guess, recollect, imagine, consider, retrieve, call up, destine, reckon, suppose, stand for, imply, cogitate, specify, conceive, designate, think, cerebrate, recall, remember, think of, opine, have in mind, intend, believe

    abnormal, nice, generous, unnatural, estimable, noble, rich, unskilled

  14. meanverb

    have a specified degree of importance

    «My ex-husband means nothing to me»; «Happiness means everything»

    intend, stand for, entail, have in mind, signify, think, imply, think of

    generous, unskilled, noble, estimable, rich, unnatural, nice, abnormal

  15. think of, have in mind, meanverb

    intend to refer to

    «I’m thinking of good food when I talk about France»; «Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!»

    entail, signify, think up, dream up, entertain, think about, repute, esteem, hatch, stand for, remember, concoct, have in mind, regard as, flirt with, look on, toy with, imply, look upon, think of, take to be, intend, think

    nice, rich, abnormal, generous, noble, unnatural, unskilled, estimable

  16. meanverb

    destine or designate for a certain purpose

    «These flowers were meant for you»

    intend, stand for, entail, have in mind, signify, think, imply, think of

    abnormal, unnatural, unskilled, rich, generous, nice, estimable, noble

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Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cuvitch

    someone who does not share

    don’t be such a cuvitch

    Submitted by anonymous on December 28, 2020  

  2. macabre

    not so nice.

    «why are you so mean mother ginger!»

    Submitted by rinat on August 19, 2019  

  3. thin lipped

    the thin lipped person is often portrayed in literature as a mean minded person

  4. trundling

    to be a savage or loud

    he was trundling through the depths of the mud

    Submitted by anonymous on May 3, 2020  

  5. underbred

    bad mannered, rude.

    the dog was weak and underbred.

    Submitted by anonymous on March 29, 2020  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. meanadjective

    middle, medium, average

  2. meanadjective

    intermediate, intervening, coming between

  3. meanadjective

    ignoble, plebeian, untitled, low, base-born, ordinary, common, vulgar, coarse, homespun

  4. meanadjective

    base, abject, grovelling, vile, contemptible, despicable, servile, beggarly, sneaking, dirty, scurvy, shabby, sorry, disingenuous, unfair, rascally, pitiful, base-minded, low-minded, dishonorable

  5. meanadjective

    sordid, penurious, miserly, stingy, niggardly, illiberal, ungenerous, selfish, narrow, mercenary, narrow-minded

  6. meanadjective

    small, little, paltry, insignificant, diminutive, petty, poor, wretched

  7. meannoun

    medium, mediocrity, middle state, middle course

  8. meannoun

    instrument, method, mode, way, means

  9. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, have in view

  10. meanverb

    signify, indicate, imply, denote, purport, import, express

  11. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, have in view, propose to one’s self

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. meanadjective

    contemptible, despicable, low-minded, base, abject, groveling, dishonorable, shabby, scurvy, servile, menial, undignified, unbecoming, disingenuous, obscure, ignoble, plebeian, inglorious, undistinguished, vulgar, penurious, illiberal, sordid, miserly, stingy, mercenary parsimonious, ungenerous, midway, average, moderate, middle, medium, mediocre, intermediate, mediate, intervening, insignificant, paltry, inconsequential, piddling, frivolous, inferior, poor

  2. meannoun

    middle, medium

  3. meanverb

    intend, purpose, design, contemplate, signify, purport, denote, betoken, imply, typify, indicate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «mean»:

    average, means, say, tell, imply, medium-sized, medium, signify, averages, entail, involve

Suggested Resources

  1. mean

    The mean symbol — In this Symbols.com article you will learn about the meaning of the mean symbol and its characteristic.

  2. MEAN

    What does MEAN stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the MEAN acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

How to pronounce mean?

How to say mean in sign language?

How to use mean in a sentence?

  1. Sara Du:

    Also be very careful where you go. These people are dealing with your eyes, with your vision. I mean, this morning I woke up and I wondered if I would ever be able to see again.

  2. Seve Ballesteros:

    I look into their eyes, shake their hand, pat their back, and wish them luck, but I am thinking, ‘I am going to bury you.
    On a golf course Seve has got everything. I mean everything: touch, power, know-how, courage and charisma.

  3. Barack Obama:

    When words don’t mean anything, when truth doesn’t matter, when people can just lie with abandon, democracy can’t work.

  4. Mothers Day approaches:

    Were getting a lot more sales and its also scary. I mean, are we going to have the product available? You know, are we going to have the staff available, can we pull this off? Coleman asked. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APP Coleman tells Fox News that he has about 500 flower deliveries each day leading up to Mothers Day on Sunday. Hes currently hiring more staff to help with demand. Were doing this the best way we can, we really take it seriously keeping our customers, their recipientsand our staff safe.

  5. James Mattis:

    I may not like a commander in chief one fricking bit, but our system puts the commander in chief there, and to further weaken him when we’re up against real threats — I mean, we could be at war on the Korean Peninsula, every time they start launching something.

Translations for mean

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • خسيس, لئيم, عنى, تعنيArabic
  • significar, voler dir, pretendre, mitjana, migCatalan, Valencian
  • znamenat, plánovat, chtít, aritmetický průměr, prostředekCzech
  • betyde, mene, middelDanish
  • mittelmäßig, gemein, böse, bedeuten, beabsichtigen, meinen, Mittel, Mittel-German
  • άγριος, άθλιος, κακός, μέσος όρος, μέσοςGreek
  • kruela, malafabla, malbonkvalita, voli diri, signifi, intenci, rimedo, mezaEsperanto
  • malo, malvado, tacaño, desconsiderado, inferior, formidable, mezquino, cruel, producir, decir en serio, pretender, significar, querer decir, proponer, resultar, intentar, medio, media, recurso, reclamar, apiadarse, compadecerse, lamentarse, significaráSpanish
  • anker, gaiztoBasque
  • میانهPersian
  • ilkeä, tarkoittaa, tietää, merkitä, aikoa, väline, keskiarvo, tapa, keino, keski-Finnish
  • cruel, inférieur, méchant, inférieure, signifier, vouloir dire, avoir l’intention, moyenne, moyenFrench
  • ciallaich, meadhan, cuibheas, cuibheasachdScottish Gaelic
  • התכוון, אמצעיHebrew
  • jelentHungarian
  • միջինArmenian
  • significar, ressource, media, medio, medieInterlingua
  • rata-rataIndonesian
  • meina, ætla, þýða, meðaltal, hreint meðaltal, innliður, milliliður, venjulegt meðaltalIcelandic
  • inferiore, eccellente, violento, formidabile, insignificante, meschino, favoloso, ignobile, maligno, potente, taccagno, avaro, gretto, malevolo, fantastico, furioso, sgarbato, mediocre, spilorcio, cattivo, voler dire, intendere, avere l’intenzione, significare, volere, portare, mezzo, media, medioItalian
  • 卑劣, 悪い, 腹黒い, 汚い, 劣る, 卑しい, 意地悪, 厄介, するつもり, 意味, 意図, 平均値, 平均, 平均的Japanese
  • 의미하다Korean
  • ناهه‌موارKurdish
  • volo, significo, indicō, habeo in animoLatin
  • reikštiLithuanian
  • nekrietns, zemisksLatvian
  • minMalay
  • gemeen, boosaardig, minderwaardig, bedoelen, betekenen, willen, menen, willen zeggen, van plan zijn, middel, gemiddelde, gemiddeldDutch
  • betyNorwegian
  • chcieć, znaczyćPolish
  • inferior, maldoso, formidável, terrível, excelente, ruim, mesquinho, tacanho, cruel, avarento, mau, ótimo, tencionar, falar sério, representar, significar, querer dizer, indicar, querer, pretender, média, alto, passo, recurso, meio, lamentar, compadecer-se, apiedar-se, médio, mediano, reclamarPortuguese
  • a vrea să spună, indica, gândi, vrea, a semnifica, avea intenția, am convingerea, însemna, mediu, medie, mijlocRomanian
  • зло́бный, злой, по́длый, означа́ть, думать, име́ть в виду́, зна́чить, намерева́ться, собира́ться, сре́днее, сре́дство, сре́днийRussian
  • elak, usel, gemen, innebära, mena, betyda, syfta på, tänka, genomsnitt, medelvärde, genomsnittlig, medel-Swedish
  • viomboSwahili
  • నాణ్యత లేని, కారణమగుట, భయంకరమైన, దురుసు, కష్ట సాధ్యము, స్వార్ధము, శక్తివంతమైన, పాడుచేయు, అనుకోవడము, అనుకొనుట, ఫలితము, అర్ధం ఏమిటి, పధకము వేయు, పూర్తి అయిందిTelugu
  • หมายความ, ตั้งใจ, หมายถึงThai
  • cimri, yolTurkish
  • nghĩa làVietnamese
  • 意味著Chinese

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What is another word for mean?

2970 synonyms found


[ mˈiːn], [ mˈiːn], [ m_ˈiː_n]

How to use «Mean» in context?

Most people would say that being mean is not a good thing. After all, it is essentially being nasty, unfair, and unkind. Some people might use this word to describe someone who is being overly critical or who is pulling rank, but for the most part, Mean is bad. As much as we might want to be mean to people we don’t like, it is actually not a very effective way to go about things. In fact, it can actually backfire and make the person you are mean to even more hostile. Sadly, for some people, meanness is a way of life.

What is antonym for mean?

abnormal, estimable, unnatural, unskilled, rich, noble, nice, generous. mean, intend, signify, stand for(verb) denote or connote. “`maison’ means `house’ in French”; “An example sentence would show what this word means”

What is the opposite of means?

Antonym opposite words contradict each other and meet opposite meanings. In general, adjectives and adverbs have opposite meanings, that is, words reporting quality and quantity often have opposite words. Mean means; intend to convey, indicate, purport, aim, refer, stand for. Opposites of Mean; disconfirm.

What is another term for mean?

What is another word for mean?

intend aim
consider mind
contrive devise
plot attempt
try destine

What can I use instead of means?

Synonyms of mean

  • denote,
  • express,
  • import,
  • intend,
  • signify,
  • spell.

What is meaning of Despite?

1 : the feeling or attitude of despising someone or something : contempt. 2 : malice, spite. 3a : an act showing contempt or defiance. b : detriment, disadvantage I know of no government which stands to its obligations, even in its own despite, more solidly …— Sir Winston Churchill.

What’s worse than mean?

comparative of bad : more unpleasant, difficult, or severe than before or than something else that is also bad: The conditions they’re living in are worse than we thought.

What is another word for rude?

SYNONYMS FOR rude 1 uncivil, unmannerly, curt, brusque, impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, fresh. 2 unrefined, uncultured, uncivilized, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, rough. 8 rustic, artless. 9 stormy, fierce, tumultuous, turbulent.

What does Worset mean?

closely twisted yarn

What is the meaning of malevolent?

1 : having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred. 2 : productive of harm or evil. Other Words from malevolent Synonyms & Antonyms On the Origin of Malevolent Example Sentences Learn More About malevolent.

What is a malevolent woman?

adjective. wishing or appearing to wish evil to others; arising from intense ill will or hatred. “a gossipy malevolent old woman”

What do you call a unhappy person?

1 sorrowful, downcast, cheerless, distressed. 2 hapless.

What makes someone malevolent?

wishing evil or harm to another or others; showing ill will; ill-disposed; malicious: His failures made him malevolent toward those who were successful. evil; harmful; injurious: a malevolent inclination to destroy the happiness of others.

What are the signs of an evil person?

16 Warning Signs Of Evil People

  • They enjoy the misfortune of others.
  • They have control issues.
  • They are habitually dishonest.
  • You feel strange around them.
  • They mislead you.
  • They lack remorse.
  • They are cruel.
  • They lack responsibility.

What is another word for malevolent?

Malevolent Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for malevolent?

malicious spiteful
vindictive evil
bitter rancorous
unkind malign
venomous hateful

What are dark personality traits?

The term dark personalities refer to a set of socially aversive traits (such as spitefulness, greed, sadism, narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism) in the subclinical range. The dark personalities have been associated with some of humanity’s greatest vices and also humanity’s key virtues.

What is dark side of a person?

The ‘dark side’ is the part of the self that lies hidden in the shadows of our personality. We are often surprised to learn that it exists and it is usually a part of ourselves that we would rather deny – a sort of motived forgetting. This ‘false self’ is what people present to the outside world.

What is a person with personality?

Personality is the way of thinking, feeling and behaving that makes a person different from other people. An individual’s personality is influenced by experiences, environment (surroundings, life situations) and inherited characteristics. A person’s personality typically stays the same over time.

What is a Machiavellian personality type?

What is Machiavellianism? Machiavellianism is a personality trait that denotes cunningness, the ability to be manipulative, and a drive to use whatever means necessary to gain power. Machiavellianism is one of the traits that forms the Dark Triad, along with narcissism and psychopathy.

What does Machiavellian mean?

characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, expediency, or dishonesty: He resorted to Machiavellian tactics in order to get ahead.

What is Type F personality?

Feeling (F) Personality People with the Feeling (F) trait follow their hearts and emotions – sometimes without even realizing it. They may show it to different degrees and in different ways, but however they do it, Feeling personality types tend to be caring, compassionate, and warm.

Is there a type B personality?

Are You Type B? The type B personality is often assessed by looking at the exclusion of type A traits. People who are low in characteristics and behaviors that are typical of the type A personality are often then considered a type B.

What are the 8 types of personalities?

The eight psychological types are as follows:

  • Extraverted sensation.
  • Introverted sensation.
  • Extraverted intuition.
  • Introverted intuition.
  • Extraverted thinking.
  • Introverted thinking.
  • Extraverted feeling.
  • Introverted feeling.

What are the four personality types ABCD?

In this article, you will learn all about the four main personality types. These are Type A, B, C and D. Knowing the four main personality types is very useful when dealing with other people. If you can quickly understand how they tick, then you can build rapport more quickly and create a deeper connection.

Are Type B personalities successful?

Everyone always seems to want to be a Type A personality as it’s often associated with success. But it’s not guaranteed to get you that promotion or corner office. Being a Type B personality can make you just as successful in the workplace – while keep you healthy outside of it.

How do you become a Type B personality?

Type B & C Personalities Type B personality is characterized by a relaxed, patient, and easy-going nature. Individuals with a Type B personality work steadily, enjoying achievements, but do not tend to become stress when goals are not achieved.

What are Type D personality traits?

Type D personality, a concept used in the field of medical psychology, is defined as the joint tendency towards negative affectivity (e.g. worry, irritability, gloom) and social inhibition (e.g. reticence and a lack of self-assurance). The letter D stands for “distressed”.

How do I motivate my type B personality?

‍You will want to place Type-B personalities somewhere where they can have frequent interaction with others such as in customer service or human resources. When it comes to rewarding these employees, letting them know you appreciate them verbally goes a long way.

Table of Contents

Rhymes with Mean

  • nitrosomine
  • trampoline
  • mujahideen
  • mujahedeen
  • bodenstein
  • valentin
  • unforeseen
  • sunscreen
  • submachine
  • seventeen
  • reconvene
  • propylene
  • poliquin
  • peloquin
  • norma-jean
  • marroquin
  • geraldine
  • circumvene
  • bornstein
  • benyamin
  • barentine
  • aquamarine
  • wolverine
  • thomasine
  • tangerine
  • tambourine
  • submarine
  • st_jean
  • smithereen
  • sixteen

How do you pronounce mean?

Pronounce mean as min.

US — How to pronounce mean in American English

UK — How to pronounce mean in British English

Sentences with mean

Quotes about mean

7. mean

adjective. [‘ˈmiːn’] characterized by malice.

  • nasty
  • awful
  • bless
  • demote
  • start
  • meene (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • meien (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
  • mene (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • menen (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • mænan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

10. mean

adjective. [‘ˈmiːn’] excellent.

  • nonmember
  • meene (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • meien (Old French (842-ca. 1400))
  • mene (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • menen (Middle English (1100-1500))
  • mænan (Old English (ca. 450-1100))

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