What is another word for journey

What is another word for Journey?

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What is another word for journey?

875 synonyms found


[ d͡ʒˈɜːnɪ], [ d‍ʒˈɜːnɪ], [ dʒ_ˈɜː_n_ɪ]

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    Table of Contents

    Synonyms for Journey:

    • n.

      • alteration,
      • modification,
      • Adaption,
      • game-changing,
      • change,
      • transformation,
      • transition,
      • stabilization,
      • conversion,
      • adaptation.

      • shuttle,
      • hitch,
      • hitchhike,
      • cover,
      • come up,
      • go down.

      • commute,
      • day trip,
      • remove.

      act (noun)

      • journeying,
      • journey.

      beat up (noun)

      • beat.

      circuit (noun)

      • circlings.

      cruise (noun)

      • sea trips,
      • boat trips.

      drive at (noun)

      • drive.

      emigration (noun)

      • ex patriations,
      • re location,
      • ex-patriations,
      • uprootings,
      • re establishment,
      • re-establishments,
      • ex-patriation,
      • re-settlements,
      • re settlements,
      • up-rooting,
      • re locations,
      • ex patriation,
      • homesteadings,
      • re-location,
      • re establishments,
      • reestablishments,
      • re settlement,
      • up rooting,
      • re-settlement,
      • re-locations.

      excursion (noun)

      • ramble,
      • vagabondage,
      • promenade,
      • trip,
      • odyssey,
      • tour,
      • safari,
      • range,
      • visit,
      • survey,
      • stroll,
      • adventure,
      • constitutional,
      • exploration,
      • hike,
      • round,
      • expedition,
      • outing,
      • run,
      • transmigration,
      • traveling,
      • pilgrimage,
      • airing,
      • sojourn,
      • crossing,
      • wayfaring,
      • patrol,
      • Roaming,
      • caravan,
      • campaign,
      • venture,
      • tramp,
      • traverse,
      • transit,
      • travel,
      • course,
      • jaunt,
      • trek,
      • wandering,
      • saunter,
      • vagrancy.

      existence (noun)

      • big game,
      • being,
      • lifing,
      • the big game,
      • hand one is dealt.

      exodus (noun)

      • re-treats,
      • re treats,
      • re-treat,
      • going outs,
      • exitings,
      • offgoings.

      expedition (noun)

      • excursion.

      immigration (noun)

      • trans-migration,
      • trans migration,
      • trans-migrations,
      • trans migrations.

      itinerary (noun)

      • out-line,
      • out line,
      • out-lines,
      • out lines.

      life (noun)

      • trials and tribulations,
      • existence,
      • human condition,
      • way of life.

      lift (noun)

      • car rides,
      • car ride.

      migration (noun)

      • hegiras.

      movement (noun)

      • movablenesses,
      • under-taking,
      • trans-planting,
      • dis-placements,
      • dis placements,
      • roamings,
      • trans planting,
      • transplantings,
      • under taking,
      • trans feral,
      • Translatings,
      • operativenesses,
      • dis-placement,
      • trans-feral,
      • dis placement,
      • dynamisms,
      • under-takings,
      • evolvings.

      Other relevant words: (noun)

      • PATHWAYS,
      • Re-search,
      • by-way,
      • dynamism,
      • evolution,
      • voyagings,
      • subsistence,
      • motilities,
      • hegira,
      • forward motion,
      • byway,
      • junket,
      • motility,
      • pike,
      • migration,
      • stirrings,
      • gallop,
      • tourism,
      • movement,
      • route,
      • peregrination,
      • ramblings,
      • way,
      • region,
      • Reestablishment,
      • homesteading,
      • sailings,
      • seekings,
      • egression,
      • immigration,
      • re-establishment,
      • sea trip,
      • life,
      • egressions,
      • offgoing,
      • movings,
      • resettlement,
      • quest,
      • settlings,
      • shiftings,
      • meanderings,
      • Pursual,
      • sally,
      • circumnavigations,
      • cruise,
      • windings,
      • resettlements,
      • short cut,
      • journeyings,
      • Movements,
      • movableness,
      • egress,
      • lift,
      • wanderings,
      • emigration,
      • changings,
      • probings,
      • airings,
      • boat trip,
      • pathway,
      • voyage,
      • circumnavigation,
      • circuit,
      • world,
      • operativeness,
      • pilgrimmage,
      • itinerary,
      • turnings,
      • thataway,
      • sail,
      • Elbowroom,
      • byways,
      • locomotion,
      • progress,
      • Voyaging,
      • roundabouts.

      passage (noun)

      • transferences,
      • Traject,
      • transmittals,
      • transmittal,
      • transference,
      • transmittance.

      peregrination (noun)

      • hikings.

      progress (noun)

      • Evolvement,
      • step forward,
      • flowerings,
      • Anabasis.

      quest (noun)

      • in quests,
      • in quest,
      • pilgrimmages,
      • in-quests,
      • in-quest,
      • pursuals,
      • ex-aminations,
      • ex aminations,
      • re searches,
      • re search,
      • delvings,
      • ex amination.

      route (noun)

      • short cuts,
      • de-tour,
      • de-tours,
      • de tour,
      • by way,
      • de tours.

      sally (noun)

      • sortie.

      transit (noun)

      • circumnavigation of the globe,
      • nonstop flight,
      • setting forth,
      • study at trip.

      way (noun)

      • ex-tent,
      • forward motions,
      • ex tents,
      • thataways,
      • ex-tents,
      • elbowrooms,
      • stone throw,
      • ex tent.
    • v.

      cruise (verb)

      • wanders about,
      • wandered about,
      • wandering about,
      • keeps steady pace,
      • keeping steady pace,
      • kept steady pace.

      do (verb)

      • stops in,
      • stopped in,
      • stopt in,
      • stopping in.

      fare (verb)

      • made headway,
      • gets by,
      • makes headway.

      go (verb)

      • make ones way,
      • gotten lost,
      • with drew,
      • de-parting,
      • gets going,
      • make one way,
      • made way,
      • bugging out,
      • runs along,
      • took a powder,
      • de part,
      • got lost,
      • bugs out,
      • de camped,
      • de parted,
      • de-parted,
      • running along,
      • makes one’s way,
      • with-drawn,
      • with drawing,
      • de camping,
      • makes a break for it,
      • taking hike,
      • skipped out,
      • made a break for it,
      • making one way,
      • hit road,
      • takes hike,
      • makes for,
      • de-camps,
      • skipping out,
      • making break for it,
      • makes way,
      • de-part,
      • making ones way,
      • making one’s way,
      • re tires,
      • takes powder,
      • skips out,
      • took hike,
      • de-camped,
      • re tired,
      • take powder,
      • make break for it,
      • made break for it,
      • gat lost,
      • taking a hike,
      • de camps,
      • sets off,
      • moving out,
      • took powder,
      • take hike,
      • took leave,
      • makes one way,
      • makes break for it,
      • ran along,
      • takes leave,
      • with-draw,
      • with drawn,
      • takes a hike,
      • de camp,
      • re-tire,
      • with-drew,
      • re tiring,
      • de-parts,
      • made ones way,
      • with draw,
      • getting lost,
      • re tire,
      • with-drawing,
      • made one way,
      • taking powder,
      • moves out,
      • de parting,
      • re-tiring,
      • taking a powder,
      • making a break for it,
      • with draws,
      • gat away,
      • took a hike,
      • made one’s way,
      • gat going,
      • de-camp,
      • makes ones way,
      • gets lost,
      • de parts,
      • gotten going,
      • takes flight,
      • de-camping,
      • lit out,
      • takes a powder.

      march (verb)

      • forges ahead,
      • hoofs it,
      • de bouches,
      • pound pavement,
      • stepping out,
      • forging ahead,
      • de-bouches,
      • steps out,
      • forged ahead,
      • hoofing it,
      • stepped out.

      migrate (verb)

      • trans migrate,
      • trans migrating,
      • Nomadized,
      • trans-migrate,
      • trans-migrating,
      • trans migrated,
      • Nomadizing,
      • trans-migrates,
      • nomadizes,
      • trans migrates,
      • trans-migrated.

      navigate (verb)

      • rode out,
      • lays course,
      • laid course,
      • heads out for,
      • laid the course,
      • rides out,
      • rid out,
      • lay course,
      • lays the course,
      • laying course,
      • laying the course,
      • riding out,
      • headed out for,
      • heading out for.

      pack (verb)

      • shlepping,
      • piggybacked,
      • shleps,
      • shlepped.

      pass (verb)

      • be fallen,
      • be-fell,
      • be falls,
      • blows past,
      • came pass,
      • blowing past,
      • be-falling,
      • be fell,
      • comes pass,
      • come pass,
      • ran by,
      • flies by,
      • went past,
      • re-aching,
      • blew past,
      • runs by,
      • coming pass,
      • glided by,
      • flying by,
      • gliding by,
      • slips away,
      • re ached,
      • be-falls,
      • slipped away,
      • fell out,
      • be fall,
      • be-fall,
      • running by,
      • slipt away,
      • re aching,
      • be-fallen,
      • re-ached,
      • trans-pire,
      • trans pire,
      • glides by,
      • be falling.

      proceed (verb)

      • got with,
      • getting with,
      • gets on with,
      • pressed on,
      • got on with,
      • presses on,
      • making a start,
      • getting on with,
      • gets under way,
      • gets with,
      • moved on,
      • gotten on with,
      • gotten under way,
      • made start,
      • get with,
      • got under way,
      • makes start,
      • moves on,
      • make start,
      • gat on with,
      • gotten with,
      • gat under way,
      • moving on,
      • sets motion,
      • gat with,
      • making start,
      • makes a start,
      • set motion.

      push off/push on (verb)

      • pushing on,
      • making scarce,
      • made scarce,
      • made oneself scarce,
      • makes oneself scarce,
      • pro-cessed,
      • pro cessing,
      • makes progress,
      • pro cessed,
      • makes scarce,
      • making oneself scarce,
      • pro-cessing,
      • keeping going,
      • keeps going.

      repair (verb)

      • re moved,
      • re-pair,
      • re pairing,
      • betaking oneself,
      • re curring,
      • re moving,
      • re-moves,
      • re-pairing,
      • re pairs,
      • re-sort,
      • heads for,
      • re-curring,
      • re-paired,
      • re-sorts,
      • re-pairs,
      • sets for,
      • setting off for,
      • re-curred,
      • re curred,
      • re sorted,
      • re-moving,
      • betook oneself,
      • re move,
      • setting for,
      • re-move,
      • sets off for,
      • betakes oneself,
      • re paired,
      • re pair,
      • heading for,
      • re-sorting,
      • re sorting,
      • re-sorted.

      ride (verb)

      • re-strained,
      • were supported,
      • hitching a ride,
      • wert supported,
      • re-strains,
      • re strain,
      • tooling around,
      • tools around,
      • re strained,
      • hitching ride,
      • hitches ride,
      • re-straining,
      • is supported,
      • sits on,
      • thumbs a ride,
      • are supported,
      • re strains,
      • art supported,
      • hitches a ride,
      • thumbs ride,
      • re-strain,
      • thumb ride,
      • hitch ride,
      • re straining,
      • was supported,
      • thumbing ride,
      • hitched a ride,
      • am supported,
      • hitched ride,
      • thumbed a ride,
      • tooled around,
      • wast supported,
      • thumbed ride,
      • sate on,
      • being supported.

      travel (verb)

      • roam,
      • drift,
      • wander,
      • globe trot,
      • rove.

      wander (verb)

      • amble,
      • walk,
      • cycle.
    • Other synonyms:

      • passage,
      • exodus.

      • hop,
      • wend,
      • peregrinate.


      • push off.


      • Nomadize,
      • emigrate.


      • Piloted,
      • Helming,
      • captained,
      • skippered,
      • captaining,
      • head out for,
      • Helmed,
      • ride out,
      • skippering,
      • lay the course,
      • helm,
      • piloting.

      Other relevant words:

      • go with,
      • running away,
      • explores,
      • fare,
      • skip out,
      • bug out,
      • took flight,
      • Jaunted,
      • goes away,
      • Promenaded,
      • march,
      • humped,
      • Debouching,
      • make one’s way,
      • Freighting,
      • betake oneself,
      • motored,
      • shove off,
      • getting going,
      • hoof it,
      • push on,
      • keep steady pace,
      • humping,
      • vamoose,
      • get on with,
      • take a hike,
      • set off for,
      • getting away,
      • navigate,
      • ferry,
      • passing through,
      • sets in motion,
      • motoring,
      • DO,
      • take flight,
      • pack,
      • Explored,
      • stomping,
      • setting off,
      • gotten away,
      • make scarce,
      • gunned,
      • get going,
      • Jagging,
      • shlep,
      • stomp,
      • making way,
      • make a start,
      • looked at,
      • head for,
      • looking at,
      • Freighted,
      • got away,
      • make headway,
      • bugged out,
      • headed for,
      • debouch,
      • migrate,
      • Promenading,
      • made progress,
      • runs away,
      • set in motion,
      • debouches,
      • make oneself scarce,
      • repaired,
      • ran away,
      • Gunning,
      • taking leave,
      • make progress,
      • press on,
      • getting under way,
      • making progress,
      • wander about,
      • passed through,
      • thumb a ride,
      • kept going,
      • proceed,
      • passes through,
      • run away,
      • Debouched,
      • spacing,
      • make way,
      • take leave,
      • nears,
      • ride,
      • set off,
      • pressing on,
      • traveled,
      • moved out,
      • make a break for it,
      • piggybacking,
      • Jaunting,
      • thumbing a ride,
      • making headway,
      • Boated,
      • looks at,
      • made a start,
      • make for,
      • exited,
      • stop in,
      • be supported,
      • step out,
      • set for,
      • look at,
      • taking flight,
      • get lost,
      • sit on,
      • pass through,
      • made for,
      • hitch a ride,
      • making for,
      • ridden,
      • setting in motion,
      • got going,
      • forge ahead,
      • go away,
      • stomped,
      • pushing off,
      • take a powder,
      • Striding,
      • pass,
      • Voyaged,
      • gets away,
      • Neared,
      • repair,
      • hoofed it,
      • move out,
      • get under way,
      • run along,
      • going away,
      • pound the pavement,
      • prosper,
      • piggyback,
      • explore,
      • went away,
      • Fared,
      • go,
      • went ahead,
      • keep going,
      • piggybacks,
      • tool around,
      • move on,
      • sitting on,
      • get away,
      • Strutted.


      • came to pass,
      • passing away,
      • taking place,
      • glide by,
      • go past,
      • come to pass,
      • goes past,
      • Passed,
      • comes to pass,
      • slip away,
      • blow past,
      • slipping away,
      • coming to pass,
      • run by,
      • flew by,
      • take place,
      • took place,
      • running out,
      • fly by,
      • takes place,
      • going past.

      Other relevant words (noun):

      • move around,
      • get,
      • career,
      • undertaking,
      • package tour,
      • direction,
      • move,
      • carriage,
      • ambulation,
      • itinerate,
      • navigation,
      • gallivant,
      • take,
      • entertainment,
      • conduit,
      • halt,
      • turning lathe,
      • cruel,
      • joyride,
      • nomadic,
      • rambling,
      • port,
      • Trebly,
      • procession,
      • transudation,
      • pace,
      • Triply,
      • turn,
      • distance,
      • opening,
      • Facilities,
      • flight,
      • fortune,
      • hajj,
      • foul hawse,
      • cross,
      • mission,
      • travelling,
      • labor,
      • take the road,
      • path,
      • fore,
      • prowl,
      • rush,
      • cinch,
      • gad,
      • stalk,
      • go places,
      • lapse,
      • rate,
      • perambulation,
      • step,
      • interpenetration,
      • gait,
      • travelled,
      • once,
      • hie,
      • transmission,
      • look,
      • roving,
      • take the air,
      • make a trip,
      • sightsee,
      • ado,
      • yacht,
      • stop,
      • process,
      • take a walk,
      • picnic,
      • reduce to submission,
      • errand,
      • locomote,
      • digression,
      • previously,
      • edge,
      • peripatetics,
      • shoot,
      • footfall,
      • Travels,
      • enterprise,
      • aviate,
      • passing,
      • jornada,
      • thrice,
      • sight see,
      • jet,
      • penetration,
      • stream,
      • velocity,
      • ambulant,
      • grand tour,
      • Intercurrence,
      • itinerant,
      • ingress,
      • out,
      • Discursion,
      • whirl,
      • migratory,
      • change location,
      • rubberneck tour,
      • food,
      • Journeys,
      • angular velocity,
      • melioration,
      • perambulatory,
      • jog,
      • hit the road,
      • knock about,
      • globe-trot,
      • when,
      • coast,
      • fly,
      • rubberneck,
      • steps,
      • unsettled,
      • ever,
      • hit the trail,
      • peregrinations,
      • permeation,
      • make a journey,
      • Wayfare,
      • tread,
      • travail,
      • accommodation oraccommodations,
      • Endosmosis,
      • method,
      • cadence,
      • crusade,
      • traversal,
      • skip,
      • pleasure trip,
      • field trip,
      • take a trip,
      • clip,
      • go abroad,
      • spin,
      • globe-trotting,
      • pilgrim,
      • arrangement,
      • infiltration,
      • depart.

    How to use «Journey» in context?

    One of the most defining things about a journey is the opportunity to explore new places and meet new people. Whether you’re taking a leisurely drive down a scenicByway or hitting the open road in your car or truck, a journey is a great way to get in touch with your inner adventurer and forget about the everyday stresses of life. Whether you’re on your way to see a friend or family member or venturing out into the unknown, a journey is all about discovering new facets of yourself, and eventually coming home again.

    Paraphrases for Journey:

    Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
    • Equivalence

      • Noun, singular or mass
    • Forward Entailment

      • Noun, plural
      • Verb, past tense
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
    • Reverse Entailment

      • Proper noun, singular
        tour, voyage, trips.
      • Noun, plural
        trips, rides, voyages.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        tour, trek.
      • Verb, past tense
    • Independent

      • Proper noun, singular
      • Noun, plural
        expenses, waybills, trails, collisions, trucks, crashes, travelers, flights, visits, roadways, visitors, highways.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        accommodation, commute, destination, displacement, distance, exploration, haul, mission, quest, transition, travelling, venture, runout.
      • Verb, past tense
        dove, left, Went, Sailed, Visited, rides.
      • Verb, gerund or present participle
        bringing, flying.
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present
        goes, gets.
    • Other Related

      • Proper noun, singular
        adventure, path, Paths, adventures.
      • Noun, singular or mass
        adventure, expedition, path, trajectory.
      • Verb, gerund or present participle
      • Verb, 3rd person singular present

    Homophones for Journey:

    • jurney.

    Hypernym for Journey:

    • n.

      • act
        odyssey, outing, passage, digression, mush, junket, ride, pleasure trip, pilgrimage, long haul, expedition, excursion, circuit, drive, transit, way, trek, schlep, tour, sashay, pilgrim’s journey, shlep, commute, voyage, jaunt, trip.
    • v.

      • motion
        navigate, ship, cruise, sledge, voyage, ride, fly, trek, globe-trot, sail, tour.

    Hyponym for Journey:

    • n.

      • act
        travel, travelling, traveling.
    • v.

      • motion
        trip, move, travel, jaunt, go, locomote.

    Meronym for Journey:

    • n.

      • act
        stage, leg.

    Word of the Day

    narrowed down

    calm down,
    cut down,

    Nearby words

    • Journalize
    • Journalized
    • journalizes
    • Journalizing
    • Journals
    • Journey
    • (just) between you and me
    • (just) the tip of the iceberg
    • J
    • J B S haldane
    • j bar


    • JOURNEY synonyms at Thesaurus.com
    • JOURNEY synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
    • Powerthesaurus.org
      — JOURNEY synonyms
    • Collins Dictionary — synonyms of JOURNEY
    • YourDictionary
      — another words for JOURNEY

    English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.3 / 7 votes

    1. journey

      A journey (French journée, from Latin diurnus, daily) was primarily a day’s work; hence, a movement from place to place within one day, which we now describe as «a day’s journey;» in its extended modern use a journey is a direct going from a starting-point to a destination, ordinarily over a considerable distance; we speak of a day’s journey, or the journey of life. Travel is a passing from place to place, not necessarily in a direct line or with fixed destination; a journey through Europe would be a passage to some destination beyond or at the farther boundary; travel in Europe may be in no direct course, but may include many journeys in different directions. A voyage, which was formerly a journey of any kind, is now a going to a considerable distance by water, especially by sea; as, a voyage to India. A trip is a short and direct journey. A tour is a journey that returns to the starting-point, generally over a considerable distance; as, a bridal tour, or business tour. An excursion is a brief tour or journey, taken for pleasure, often by many persons at once; as, an excursion to Chautauqua. Passage is a general word for a journey by any conveyance, especially by water; as, a rough passage across the Atlantic; transit, literally the act of passing over or through, is used specifically of the conveyance of passengers or merchandise; rapid transit is demanded for suburban residents or perishable goods. Pilgrimage, once always of a sacred character, retains in derived uses something of that sense; as, a pilgrimage to Stratford-on-Avon.

      excursion, expedition, pilgrimage, tour, transit, travel, trip, voyage

      A journey from Naples to Rome; through Mexico; across the continent; over the sea; a journey into Asia; among savages; by land, by rail, for health, on foot, on the cars, etc.

    Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes

    1. journey, journeyingverb

      the act of traveling from one place to another


    2. travel, journeyverb

      undertake a journey or trip

      move, locomote, travel, trip, move around, go, jaunt

    3. travel, journeyverb

      travel upon or across

      «travel the oceans»

      move, locomote, travel, trip, move around, go, jaunt

    Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:4.7 / 3 votes

    1. journeynoun

      travel (by land), tour, excursion, trip, expedition

    2. journeyverb

      travel, ramble, roam, rove, take a tour, make a tour, take a trip, make an excursion

    Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

    1. journeynoun

      trip, tour, pilgrimage, excursion, travel, jaunt, peregrination

      Associated words:
      itinerary, itinerancy, viatic, viaticum

    PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:5.0 / 1 vote

    1. List of paraphrases for «journey»:

      trip, travel, voyage, path, route, travelling, tour, travels, adventure, road, flight, way, ride, itinerary, traveling, út

    Suggested Resources

    1. journey

      Song lyrics by journey — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by journey on the Lyrics.com website.

    How to pronounce journey?

    How to say journey in sign language?

    How to use journey in a sentence?

    1. Victor Glover:

      It’s so much more than the four names that have been announced, we need to celebrate this moment in human history. … It is the next step in the journey that will get humanity to Mars.

    2. Will Packer:

      The show will flow, not unlike a movie, in that there will be different themes and a different feel and different energy throughout the night, it will not feel or look or sound like one show for three hours. It’s taking you through the course of this cinematic journey.

    3. Pauline Musariri:

      Life is a journey not a destination, so journey it!

    4. Louise Ramsay:

      Paul and I wanted to bring back beavers in order to restore the wetlands and because we believe that animals that have been here historically should be returned, what we learned as we went along that journey was that the beaver doesn’t just bring itself back, it brings back extraordinary habitat and an extreme boom in biodiversity.

    5. Mukesh Ambani:

      I am delighted that Mubadala Investment Company in exchange, one of the most astute and transformational global growth investors, has decided to partner [ with ] us in our journey to propel India’s digital growth.

    Translations for journey

    From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

    • سفر, رحلةArabic
    • cestaCzech
    • teithio, siwrnai, taithWelsh
    • rejseDanish
    • Fahrt, Reise, Tour, verreisen, reisenGerman
    • azɔlizɔzɔEwe
    • ταξίδιGreek
    • vojaĝoEsperanto
    • viaje, jornada, viajarSpanish
    • bidaia, bidaiatuBasque
    • سفرPersian
    • matkustaa, matkaFinnish
    • voyage, voyagerFrench
    • eachtraighIrish
    • slighe, taisteal, turas, cuairtScottish Gaelic
    • viaxeGalician
    • מסעHebrew
    • यात्रा, सफ़रHindi
    • utazásHungarian
    • viagiar, viageInterlingua
    • jalan, perjalananIndonesian
    • ferðast, ferð, leiðangurIcelandic
    • viaggio, viaggiareItalian
    • מסעHebrew
    • 旅行, ツアー, 旅Japanese
    • მგზავრობაGeorgian
    • ಪ್ರಯಾಣKannada
    • 旅行, 여행Korean
    • iter, itinereLatin
    • kelionė, keliautiLithuanian
    • brauciens, ceļot, ceļojumsLatvian
    • патување, патуваMacedonian
    • യാത്ര, സഞ്ചാരംMalayalam
    • op trektocht gaan, rondreizen, trekken, trektocht, reizen, reis, trip, rondtrekkenDutch
    • reise, ReisenNorwegian
    • podróżPolish
    • jornada, viajar, viagemPortuguese
    • voiaj, călători, călătorieRomanian
    • турне, путешествие, вояж, поездка, путешествоватьRussian
    • यात्राSanskrit
    • resaSwedish
    • safiri, safariSwahili
    • பயணம்Tamil
    • ప్రయాణము, ప్రయాణించుTelugu
    • การเดินทางThai
    • seyahatTurkish
    • подорож, подорожуватиUkrainian
    • سفرUrdu
    • hành trìnhVietnamese
    • täv, tävönVolapük
    • נסיעהYiddish
    • 旅程Chinese

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    Synonyms of journey

    • noun

    • as in trip

    • verb

    • as in to travel

    • as in trip
    • as in to travel

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    Definition of journeynext

    as in trip

    a going from one place to another usually of some distance

    they were hungry and tired after their long journey

    Synonyms & Similar Words


    • trip

    • expedition

    • trek

    • voyage

    • excursion

    • flight

    • tour

    • ride

    • errand

    • odyssey

    • peregrination

    • travel(s)

    • cruise

    • passage

    • pilgrimage

    • jaunt

    • commute

    • quest

    • walk

    • sail

    • progress

    • outing

    • hop

    • drive

    • commutation

    • sortie

    • hike

    • sally

    • junket

    • safari

    • walkabout

    • grand tour

    • slog

    • spin

    • tramp


    2 of 2


    as in to travel

    to take a trip especially of some distance

    an intense yearning to journey to distant lands

    Synonyms & Similar Words

    • travel

    • trek

    • voyage

    • tour

    • trip

    • pilgrimage

    • wander

    • roam

    • sail

    • ride

    • jaunt

    • cruise

    • fly

    • peregrinate

    • migrate

    • hop

    • bus

    • traipse

    • ramble

    • drive

    • coach

    • roadtrip

    • cab

    • navigate

    • rove

    • gig

    • motor

    • galavant

    • gallivant

    • jet

    • trundle

    • knock (about)

    • perambulate

    • roll

    • barnstorm

    Articles Related to journey


    8 Ways to Get Away From It All

    Whether it’s a jaunt or a junket, remember sunblock.

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    “Journey.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/journey. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.

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    Table of Contents

    1. Is Journey a verb or noun?
    2. Is Journey a adjective?
    3. What is the definition of a short journey?
    4. How do you wish a journey?
    5. What is another word for a long journey?
    6. What do you call the beginning of a journey?
    7. What is another way to say new journey?
    8. What is the word for excitement before a journey begins?
    9. What is to embark on a journey?
    10. What does embarking mean?
    11. What does Viewpoint mean?
    12. What does engaged mean?
    13. What is called engaged girl?
    14. How long can you be engaged?
    15. How do you get legally engaged?
    16. Is an engagement legal?
    17. Is being engaged legal?
    18. Do you sign papers when engaged?
    19. Do you need documents to be engaged?
    20. How do I become officially married?
    21. Who can marry us?
    22. Can anybody marry a couple?
    23. Can a minister get married?
    24. Is Journey is a common noun?
    25. Which part of speech is journey?
    26. How do you describe a journey?
    27. How do you use the word journey?
    28. What is another word for a nice journey?

    What is another word for journey?

    Is Journey a verb or noun?

    From the Old French journée, meaning a “day’s work or travel,” journey doubles as both noun and verb. The noun simply refers to a voyage; the verb is the act of taking that voyage.

    Is Journey a adjective?

    The Latin adjective diurnus means “pertaining to a day, daily”; English diurnal stems ultimately from this word. In modern English, journey now refers to a trip without regard to the amount of time it takes. The verb journey developed from the noun and is first attested in the 14th century.

    adventure campaign
    expedition trip
    voyage venture
    pilgrimage course
    quest crossing

    What is the definition of a short journey?

    expedition. noun. a short journey somewhere, especially for pleasure.

    How do you wish a journey?

    Generic Safe Journey Quotes

    1. Bon Voyage and get there safe!
    2. Safe Travels!
    3. Enjoy the journey!
    4. The road ahead may be long and winding but you’ll make it there safe and sound.
    5. Wishing you a safe journey and a relaxing vacation when you arrive!
    6. May your journey be free from stress and bring you home safely.

    What is another word for a long journey?

    What is another word for long journey?

    trek journey
    trail travel
    wander long haul
    tour excursion
    voyage jaunt

    What do you call the beginning of a journey?

    set off. phrasal verb. to start a journey, or to start going in a particular direction.

    Synonyms for New journey

    1. strange journey. n.
    2. novel journey. n.
    3. original trek. n.
    4. original journey. n.
    5. different journey. n.
    6. early journey. n.
    7. experimental journey. n.
    8. fashionable journey. n.

    What is the word for excitement before a journey begins?


    What is to embark on a journey?

    1 : to begin (a journey) They embarked on their trip to America with high hopes. 2 : to begin (something that will take a long time or happen for a long time) She’s embarking on a new career.

    What does embarking mean?

    1 : to go on board a vehicle for transportation the troops embarked at noon. 2 : to make a start embarked on a new career. transitive verb. 1 : to cause to go on board (a boat, an airplane, etc.) 2 : to engage, enlist, or invest in an enterprise.

    What does Viewpoint mean?

    : a position or perspective from which something is considered or evaluated : point of view, standpoint The novel is told from two major viewpoints and a number of minor ones …—

    What does engaged mean?

    1 : involved in activity : occupied, busy. 2 : pledged to be married : betrothed.

    What is called engaged girl?

    Fiancé or fiancée? These two words are borrowed directly from French, in which language they have equivalent but gendered meanings: fiancé refers to a man who is engaged to be married, and fiancée refers to a woman.

    How long can you be engaged?

    The average couple is engaged for 13 months, and we think that’s a great timeframe if you can make it work. We recommend waiting about three weeks before jumping into wedding planning. This gives you time to revel in your engagement, but not too long so you don’t lose momentum.

    How do you get legally engaged?

    1. Determine Readiness for Marriage. Before proposing, it is helpful to make sure each person is ready for marriage.
    2. Discuss Future Life and Family Goals.
    3. Plan the Marriage Proposal.
    4. Talk to the Bride’s Parents.
    5. Shop for a Ring.
    6. Propose Marriage.
    7. Announce the Engagement.

    Is an engagement legal?

    An engagement is associated with considerably fewer rights and obligations than a marriage. According to the law, the acceptance of a marriage proposal is a promise that cannot be sued for. This means that a marriage proposal is neither legally mandatory nor necessary for a wedding.

    Is being engaged legal?

    Engaged. An engagement is when two people involved in a romantic relationship intend to be married. Legal Rights: If you are already living in a common law or de facto relationship, or you have a cohabitation agreement, your rights would not change. Prenups cannot include terms that are unfair, illegal, or intimate.

    Do you sign papers when engaged?

    Ceremonies. To get married in Alberta, you must have a marriage ceremony; papers cannot just be signed. Both are equally legal in Alberta.

    Do you need documents to be engaged?

    Show a valid California I.D., driver’s license, passport, certified birth certificate, baptismal record and photo I.D., or alien resident card proving that you are over 18 years of age. Both of you must be unmarried.

    How do I become officially married?

    1. Step 1: Set a Date and Place for Your Wedding.
    2. Step 2: Visit the County Clerk.
    3. Step 3: Get Signatures From Your Officiant and Marriage License Witnesses.
    4. Step 4: The Officiant Turns in the Completed Marriage License to the County.

    Who can marry us?

    California Regulations: Section 400-402 of the California Family Code states that any “authorized person of any religious denomination” may officiate a wedding, including those who have received authorization via the Internet from religious groups.

    Can anybody marry a couple?

    A: The quick answer to that is yes; it is possible to have a friend of family member perform your marriage ceremony once they have been legally ordained to do so. Getting ordination can be as simple as filling out an online form from a ministry that will ordain anyone who wants to solemnize weddings.

    Can a minister get married?

    Judges, ministers and more For religious ceremonies, members of the clergy like priests, ministers or rabbis, et cetera, may officiate a marriage. They may need to register with the county in which the wedding will take place, especially if it’s out of state.

    Is Journey is a common noun?

    Unlike proper nouns, common nouns should not be capitalised unless they are the first word of a sentence. Both proper nouns and common nouns are examples of concrete nouns….When do children learn about common nouns?

    Singular word ending Plural Example
    a, e, i, o, u and ‘y’ Add ‘s’ journey becomes journeys

    Which part of speech is journey?

    part of speech: intransitive verb. inflections: journeys, journeying, journeyed.

    How do you describe a journey?

    a traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather long time; trip: a six-day journey across the desert. a distance, course, or area traveled or suitable for traveling: a desert journey. a period of travel: a week’s journey. passage or progress from one stage to another: the journey to success.

    How do you use the word journey?

    We do not use the word as a verb for travel. The word “journey” is a noun that means “the act of going from one place to another.” But, we use it in two specific ways: One is to talk about a trip that takes a long time, especially if there are either difficulties or discoveries in transit.

    What is another word for a nice journey?

    Synonyms for Happy journey

    • good journey. n.
    • happy trails.
    • pleasant journey.
    • bon voyage.
    • godspeed. n.
    • have a good trip.
    • jolly journey. n.
    • safe travels.

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