What is another word for Gravity?
importance, force of attraction
gravitational force, attraction of celestial bodies
force of attraction, load
force of attraction, gravitation
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What is another word for gravity?
447 synonyms found
[ ɡɹˈavɪti], [ ɡɹˈavɪti], [ ɡ_ɹ_ˈa_v_ɪ_t_i]
Related words: gravity and weight, the force of gravity, gravity bike, gravity forces, surface gravity, gravitational fields
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Table of Contents
Synonyms for Gravity:
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- quality.
- balance,
- calorific,
- bonding,
- centripetal force,
- capillary action,
- air resistance,
- centrifugal force,
- absorbance,
- attraction,
- amplitude.
- ferociousness,
- important,
- savageness,
- explosiveness,
- extremity,
- starkness.
- attitude,
- humorlessness,
- officiousness,
- style,
- heavy.
- depth.
• austerity (noun)
- formalnesses,
- in clemencies,
- in clemency,
- in flexibilities,
- in-flexibility,
- in-flexibilities,
- exactingnesses,
- in-clemencies,
- astringences,
- in-clemency,
- in flexibility.
• decorum (noun)
- correctitudes,
- courtlinesses,
- convenances.
• dignity (noun)
- re nown,
- re-nown,
- re-gard,
- selfrespect,
- self respect,
- worthinesses,
- self-respects,
- statelinesses,
- re gards,
- noblenesses.
• earnestness (noun)
- de-liberations,
- seriousmindednesses,
- in tensity,
- de liberation,
- in-tensities,
- re-solves,
- re-solve,
- re solve,
- re solves,
- serious mindednesses,
- re solutions,
- de liberations,
- in tensities,
- in-tensity,
- serious mindedness,
- seriousmindedness,
- re-solutions,
- re-solution,
- de-liberation,
- serious-mindednesses,
- intentnesses.
• energy (noun)
- wattages,
- dynamism,
- voltage,
- radioactivity,
- kilowatts,
- wattage,
- juice,
- conductivities,
- conductivity,
- kilowatt,
- voltages,
- radioactivities,
- horsepower.
• force of attraction (noun)
- heaviness,
- pressure,
- force.
• grandeur (noun)
- handsomenesses,
- inclusivenesses,
- impressivenesses,
- pre eminences,
- luxuriousnesses,
- superbities,
- pre eminence,
- pre-eminences,
- expansivenesses,
- augustnesses.
• graveness (noun)
- graveness.
• gravitational attraction (noun)
- gravitational attraction.
• gravitational force (noun)
- gravitational force.
• gravity (noun)
- sobriety,
- somberness,
- soberness,
- solemnity.
• heaviness (noun)
- ponderousness,
- mass.
• hopelessness (noun)
- desperation.
• importance (noun)
- emphasis,
- precedence,
- eminence,
- status,
- dimension,
- substance,
- significance,
- priority,
- extent,
- magnitude,
- stress,
- proportion,
- profundity,
- sanctity,
- meaning,
- elevation,
- place.
• moment (noun)
- pro fits,
- pro-fits,
- pro fit.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- formality,
- grandeur,
- sublimity,
- stateliness,
- serious-mindedness,
- astringence,
- good grace,
- Habits,
- correctitude,
- politeness,
- Preponderancy,
- poise,
- poundages,
- courtliness,
- gravitation,
- Fame,
- obduracy,
- energy,
- poundage,
- persistence,
- formalness,
- renowns,
- opulence,
- impressiveness,
- decorum,
- worthiness,
- luxuriousness,
- handsomeness,
- tonnage,
- seriousness,
- Augustness,
- expansiveness,
- genuineness,
- pre-eminence,
- Sublimities,
- weight,
- urgency,
- heft,
- intentness,
- dignity,
- good graces,
- Nobleness,
- planetary motions,
- inclemency,
- hefts,
- planetary motion,
- savoir faire,
- superbity,
- Equability,
- adiposity,
- Inclemencies,
- warmth,
- etiquette,
- earnestness,
- exactingness,
- delicatesse,
- equabilities,
- tonnages,
- exactness,
- inclusiveness,
- validity,
- Convenance.
• poise (noun)
- self assurance,
- self possession,
- selfassurance,
- presence mind,
- delicatesses,
- selfpossession.
• seriousness (noun)
- earnests.
• validity (noun)
- validness,
- legitimacy.
Other synonyms:
- drift,
- gravitas,
- map,
- momentousness,
- austerity,
- importance,
- Solemnness,
- severity.
- weightiness.
• calmness
- composure.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- counterweight,
- pomposity,
- overbalance,
- intensity,
- temperance,
- moderation,
- starchiness,
- raciness,
- equilibrium,
- majestic,
- drag,
- critically,
- import,
- Extrinsicality,
- sobersides,
- grimness,
- static electricity,
- form,
- pith,
- Dismalness,
- sternness,
- stiffness,
- geotropism,
- gloominess,
- concern,
- accelerometer,
- consideration,
- tidal power,
- straight face,
- capillarity,
- magnetic attraction,
- intellectual,
- gloom,
- solar power,
- hydroelectric power,
- soberly,
- attention,
- elasticity,
- dignified,
- fatness,
- deadweight,
- solar energy,
- equanimity,
- draw,
- acuteness,
- severely,
- sincerely,
- regal,
- glow,
- coldness,
- electromagnetism,
- enormity,
- lofty,
- prominence,
- vis viva,
- overweight,
- burden,
- Apogeotropism,
- rigidness,
- pull,
- Sententiousness,
- wind power,
- Significancy,
- somberly,
- stuffiness,
- underscoring,
- loftiness,
- center of pressure,
- reserve,
- center of buoyancy,
- potential energy,
- adduction,
- atomic power,
- royal,
- self-restraint,
- importantly,
- dryness,
- live rail,
- burthen,
- noble,
- pomp,
- frigidity,
- hazardousness,
- Gravamen,
- grand,
- avoirdupois,
- affinity,
- stoicism,
- static,
- nuclear power,
- violence,
- underweight,
- Impersonality,
- greatness,
- Regality,
- note,
- Princeliness,
- ritual,
- ceremonious,
- deepness,
- electricity,
- matter,
- sedateness,
- traction,
- thoughtfully,
- long face,
- buckram,
- distinguished,
- Voltaism,
- solemnly,
- exalted,
- sincerity,
- ferocity,
- boldness,
- distinction,
- decorousness,
- formalization,
- solemness,
- solar panels,
- majesty,
- momentously,
- gravely,
- elegant,
- Water power,
- underlining,
- lordliness,
- rituality,
- Gravities,
- beefiness,
- paralipsis,
- greatly,
- perilousness,
- live wire,
- sacred,
- wearisomeness,
- elevated,
- lowness,
- Hauteur,
- moment,
- impressive,
- fire,
- thoughtfulness,
- sombreness,
- verve,
- bleakness,
- attractiveness,
- vigor,
- point,
- G,
- ceremonial,
- magnetism,
- net,
- no laughing matter,
- beef,
- taciturnity,
- earnestly,
- stiltedness,
- specific gravity,
- mutual attraction,
- dangerousness,
- self-control,
- immediacy,
- ponderosity,
- darkness,
- nobility,
- demureness,
- Kingliness,
- attraction of gravitation,
- aloofness,
- galvanism,
- ceremoniousness,
- exigency,
- power,
- primness,
- Areometer,
- heftiness,
- presence of mind,
- significantly,
- philosophy,
- Venerability,
- sadly,
- Ponderability,
- stylization,
- formal,
- capillary attraction,
- interest,
- self-command,
- attractance,
- virulence,
- temperateness,
- stately,
- seriously,
- graviton,
- allurement,
- Metacenter,
- staidness,
- ceremony,
- strong language,
- oafishness,
- center of percussion,
- courtly,
- deeply,
- piquance,
- sympathy,
- palatial,
- modesty,
- dreariness,
- fierceness,
- counterpoise,
- spirit,
- self-possession,
- voltaic electricity,
- thermonuclear power,
- tug,
- gross weight,
- pride of place,
- grievously,
- somber,
- sobersidedness,
- sober-mindedness,
- badly,
- no joke,
- piquancy,
- consequence,
- sedately,
- solemn,
- antithesis,
- weightily,
- vis inertiae,
- fuel cell,
- gravitational,
- Attractivity,
- equipoise,
- confidence,
- desperately,
- hydrometer,
- dynamic energy,
- static cling,
- ballast,
- terrestrial gravitation,
- net weight.
How to use «Gravity» in context?
Gravity is the force that attracts objects towards the center of the Earth. It is the force that keeps the planet Earth in its orbit around the sun. Gravity also holds the planets and stars in the Milky Way galaxy together. Gravity is so strong that it can pull small particles off of the face of the Earth.
Paraphrases for Gravity:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Proper noun, singular
seriousness, severity.
Noun, singular or mass
gravitation, seriousness, severity.
Proper noun, singular
Reverse Entailment
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
attraction, attractiveness, dangerousness, density, extent, importance, intensity, scale, weight.
Noun, singular or mass
Other Related
Noun, singular or mass
acuteness, degree, depth, earnest, enormity, grave, magnitude, severe, significance, solemnity, urgency, virulence, weightlessness.
Noun, singular or mass
Word of the Day
narrowed down
- Synonyms:
calm down,
cut down,
- GRAVITY synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- GRAVITY synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— GRAVITY synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of GRAVITY
— another words for GRAVITY
- pressure
- weight
- force
- heaviness
- consequence
- severity
- significance
- solemnity
- urgency
- acuteness
- concern
- exigency
- hazardousness
- momentousness
- perilousness
- weightiness
On this page you’ll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to gravity, such as: pressure, weight, force, and heaviness.
- insignificance
- unimportance
- frivolity
- inconsequentiality
- levity
- silliness
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use gravity in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- acerbity
- asperity
- astringence
- coldness
- exactingness
- exactness
- formality
- formalness
- gravity
- grimness
- hardness
- harshness
- inclemency
- inflexibility
- obduracy
- rigidity
- rigor
- seriousness
- solemnity
- sternness
- stiffness
- strictness
- stringency
- breeding
- civility
- conduct
- convenance
- convention
- correctitude
- correctness
- courtliness
- decency
- demeanor
- deportment
- dignity
- etiquette
- form
- formality
- gentility
- good grace
- gravity
- habits
- order
- orderliness
- politeness
- politesse
- properness
- propriety
- protocol
- punctilio
- respectability
- seemliness
- tact
- usage
- address
- cachet
- character
- consequence
- courtliness
- culture
- decency
- decorum
- distinction
- elevation
- eminence
- ethics
- etiquette
- glory
- grace
- grandeur
- gravity
- greatness
- hauteur
- honor
- importance
- loftiness
- majesty
- merit
- morality
- nobleness
- perfection
- poise
- prestige
- propriety
- quality
- rank
- regard
- renown
- respectability
- seemliness
- self-respect
- significance
- solemnity
- splendor
- standing
- state
- stateliness
- station
- stature
- status
- sublimity
- virtue
- worth
- worthiness
- absorption
- ardor
- attentiveness
- concentration
- decision
- deliberation
- devotion
- doggedness
- eagerness
- engrossment
- enthusiasm
- fervor
- firmness
- gravity
- intensity
- intentness
- keenness
- passion
- perseverance
- persistence
- purposefulness
- resolution
- resolve
- serious-mindedness
- sincerity
- sobriety
- solemnity
- stress
- tenacity
- urgency
- vehemence
- warmth
- zeal
- applications
- burns
- conductivities
- currents
- dynamism
- electricity
- forces
- frictions
- gravities
- heat
- horsepower
- juices
- kilowatts
- magnetism
- potentials
- pressures
- radioactivities
- rays
- reactions
- responses
- services
- steam
- strengths
- voltages
- wattage
- application
- burn
- conductivity
- current
- dynamism
- electricity
- force
- friction
- gravity
- heat
- horsepower
- juice
- kilowatts
- magnetism
- potential
- pressure
- radioactivity
- rays
- reaction
- response
- service
- steam
- strength
- voltage
- wattage
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.3 / 4 votes
dulness, seriousness, sobriety, solemnity, stolidity, stupidityAntonyms:
banter, burlesque, drollery, facetiousness, fun, humor, jest, jocularity, joke, playfulness, pleasantry, raillery, waggery, waggishness, wit, witticism
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 3 votes
gravity, gravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational forcenoun
(physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth’s mass for bodies near its surface
«the more remote the body the less the gravity»; «the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them»; «gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love»—Albert Einstein
sombreness, graveness, solemnity, gravitational attraction, somberness, gravitation, gravitational force, soberness, sobrietyAntonyms:
levity -
graveness, gravity, sobriety, soberness, somberness, sombrenessnoun
a manner that is serious and solemn
sombreness, solemnity, gloom, graveness, dryness, gravitational attraction, gloominess, temperance, somberness, gravitation, gravitational force, soberness, sobrietyAntonyms:
levity -
gravity, solemnitynoun
a solemn and dignified feeling
sombreness, graveness, solemnity, gravitational attraction, staidness, somberness, gravitation, solemness, gravitational force, sedateness, soberness, sobrietyAntonyms:
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «gravity»:
seriousness, severity, gravimetric, gravitation, acuteness, magnitude, weightlessness, serious, density, heaviness
How to pronounce gravity?
How to say gravity in sign language?
How to use gravity in a sentence?
Jeff Gordon:
I wouldn’t do any (type) racing if I couldn’t fully prepare for and I couldn’t bring something to that team to enhance the their chances of winning, if I feel healthy enough with my back. Physically fit enough to handle the (high gravity forces) … make the lap times. It would be definitely be the goal.
Matthew Knight:
The motion of’ Oumuamua didn’t simply follow gravity along a parabolic orbit as we would expect from an asteroid, but visually, it hasn’t ever displayed any of the cometlike characteristics we’d expect. There is no discernable coma — the cloud of ice, dust and gas that surrounds active comets — nor a dust tail or gas jets.
Scott Ransom:
Neutron stars have this tipping point where their interior densities get so extreme that the force of gravity overwhelms even the ability of neutrons to resist further collapse, each most massive neutron star we find brings us closer to identifying that tipping point and helping us to understand the physics of matter at these mind-boggling densities.
Yonatan Winetraub:
[Philae] was a completely different problem – the moon’s gravity is significantly stronger … the Moon’s geometry is very well understood – we have got a good idea of where we will land, we’re doing our best – it is rocket science!
Janvier Chouteu-Chando:
Fear is a basic human instinct and an indicator of the gravity of a situation. It becomes an asset if it is effectively controlled. It becomes a weakness for a man if he lets it to prevail over him.”
Translations for gravity
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- جاذبيةArabic
- gravetatCatalan, Valencian
- gravitaceCzech
- Ernst, Bedenklichkeit, Schwerkraft, Erdanziehung, GravitationGerman
- σοβαρότητα, βαρύτηταGreek
- gravito, seriozeco, gravecoEsperanto
- gravedadSpanish
- گرانش, جاذبهPersian
- painovoima, vakavuus, gravitaatioFinnish
- gravité, pesanteurFrench
- swiertekrêftWestern Frisian
- gravidadeGalician
- tömegvonzás, gravitáció, súly, nehézségi erőHungarian
- gravitation, gravitateInterlingua
- gravitasi, gaya tarik bumiIndonesian
- gravito, gravitadoIdo
- gravitàItalian
- ᐅᖁᒪᐃᓐᓂᖃᖅᑎᑦᑎᔪᖅInuktitut
- 重力, 引力Japanese
- სერიოზულობაGeorgian
- 중력, 引力, 重力, 인력Korean
- gravitasLatin
- gravitācijaLatvian
- tōāpapaMāori
- тежина, земјина тежа, гравитација, сериозност, важностMacedonian
- zwaartekrachtDutch
- gravitasjonNorwegian
- przyciąganie, powaga, grawitacja, ciążeniePolish
- gravitação, gravidadePortuguese
- тяготение, важность, серьёзность, гравитация, притяжение, весRussian
- tyngdSwedish
- gravitiSwahili
- ciddiyet, ağırbaşlılık, kütle çekimiTurkish
- کشش ثقلUrdu
- 重力, trọng lựcVietnamese
- ערלעכקייטYiddish
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- Polski (Polish)
- Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
- Românește (Romanian)
- Nederlands (Dutch)
- Ελληνικά (Greek)
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- فارسی (Persian)
- ייִדיש (Yiddish)
- հայերեն (Armenian)
- Norsk (Norwegian)
- English (English)
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Are we missing a good synonym for gravity?
Need another word that means the same as “gravity”? Find 21 synonyms and 30 related words for “gravity” in this overview.
Table Of Contents:
- Gravity as a Noun
- Definitions of «Gravity» as a noun
- Synonyms of «Gravity» as a noun (21 Words)
- Usage Examples of «Gravity» as a noun
- Associations of «Gravity» (30 Words)
The synonyms of “Gravity” are: gravitation, solemnity, graveness, soberness, sobriety, somberness, sombreness, attraction, pull, weight, heaviness, seriousness, importance, profundity, significance, momentousness, moment, weightiness, consequence, magnitude, severity
Gravity as a Noun
Definitions of «Gravity» as a noun
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, “gravity” as a noun can have the following definitions:
- The degree of intensity of gravity, measured by acceleration.
- A solemn and dignified feeling.
- Solemnity of manner.
- The force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth’s mass for bodies near its surface.
- Extreme importance; seriousness.
- (physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth’s mass for bodies near its surface.
- A manner that is serious and solemn.
- The force that attracts a body towards the centre of the earth, or towards any other physical body having mass.
Synonyms of «Gravity» as a noun (21 Words)
attraction | An entertainment that is offered to the public. The church is the town s main tourist attraction. |
consequence | A game in which a narrative is made up by the players in turn, each ignorant of what has already been contributed. His decision had depressing consequences for business. |
graveness | A manner that is serious and solemn. |
gravitation | Movement downward resulting from gravitational attraction. Irrigation by gravitation rather than by pumps. |
heaviness | An oppressive quality that is laborious and solemn and lacks grace or fluency. Nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss. |
importance | The quality of being important and worthy of note. The importance of a good education. |
magnitude | A number assigned to the ratio of two quantities two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power o. About the magnitude of a small pea. |
moment | A quantity that expresses the average or expected value of the first second third or fourth power of the deviation of each component of a frequency distribution from a given value typically mean or zero The first moment is the mean the second moment the variance the third moment the skew and the fourth moment the kurtosis. Virtue is of more moment than security. |
momentousness | Utmost importance. |
profundity | Intellectual depth; penetrating knowledge; keen insight; etc. The profundity of her misery. |
pull | A device used for pulling something. He was ruled out of the game with a hamstring pull. |
seriousness | The quality of arousing fear or distress. She replied with deadly seriousness. |
severity | Excessive sternness. Hay fever symptoms vary in severity. |
significance | The quality of being worthy of attention; importance. Adolescent education was felt to be a social issue of some significance. |
soberness | The state of not being under the influence of alcohol; sobriety. He leaves the festivities proclaiming his soberness. |
sobriety | The state of being sober and not intoxicated by alcohol. The price of beer compelled me to maintain a certain level of sobriety. |
solemnity | A solemn and dignified feeling. His ashes were laid to rest with great solemnity. |
somberness | A manner that is serious and solemn. |
sombreness | A feeling of melancholy apprehension. |
weight | A system of units used to express the weight of something. Be careful when lifting a heavy weight. |
weightiness | The relative importance granted to something. The progression implied an increasing weightiness of the items listed. |
Usage Examples of «Gravity» as a noun
- The more remote the body the less the gravity.
- Crimes of the utmost gravity.
- Has the poet ever spoken with greater eloquence or gravity?
Associations of «Gravity» (30 Words)
acceleration | A rate of increase of velocity. The three litre model has spectacular acceleration. |
agility | Ability to move quickly and easily. Games teach hand eye coordination mental agility and alertness. |
center | The person who plays center on a hockey team. That vase in the picture is not centered. |
centrifugal | Tending away from centralization, as of authority. The division of Europe into warring blocs produces ever increasing centrifugal stress. |
conduction | The process by which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through the material of a substance when there is a difference of temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the material. |
deceleration | The act of decelerating; decreasing the speed. Speed brakes enable the aircraft to carry out rapid deceleration. |
decline | Bend down; droop. The company declined to comment. |
earth | Used in names of stable dense non volatile inorganic substances e g fuller s earth. We now commit his body to the ground earth to earth ashes to ashes dust to dust. |
emasculate | Having unsuitable feminine qualities. The Senate emasculated the law. |
fall | Come as if by falling. We re worried that standards are falling. |
fastness | A strongly fortified defensive structure. The dyes differ in their fastness to light. |
force | Make a way through or into by physical strength break open by force. The force of popular opinion. |
going | Progress affected by the condition of the ground. She is a big support when the going gets tough. |
gravitation | The force responsible for gravitation gravity. Irrigation by gravitation rather than by pumps. |
gravitational | Denoting a forceful attraction or movement towards something. For many international companies Russia s gravitational pull is simply too strong to resist. |
haste | Excessive speed or urgency of movement or action; hurry. Working with feverish haste. |
hustle | Obtain illicitly or by forceful action. She hustled a free lunch from the waiter. |
move | Cause to move or shift into a new position or place both in a concrete and in an abstract sense. If you haven t moved your bowels today you d better do it now. |
nucleus | A discrete mass of grey matter in the central nervous system. The nucleus of a British film producing industry. |
physics | The branch of science concerned with the nature and properties of matter and energy The subject matter of physics includes mechanics heat light and other radiation sound electricity magnetism and the structure of atoms. The physics of plasmas. |
rush | Cause to move fast or to rush or race. We have to rush. |
shove | A strong push. The people pushed and shoved to get in line. |
slowly | Without speed slow is sometimes used informally for slowly. They moved forward slowly. |
speed | Of a motorist travel at a speed that is greater than the legal limit. Oak tables and chairs are more his speed. |
stronghold | A strongly fortified defensive structure. A Labour stronghold. |
submerse | Submerge. Pellets were then submersed in agar. |
swiftness | The quality of moving at high speed. The turtle ran on shore with remarkable swiftness. |
tropic | The parallel of latitude 23 26 north tropic of Cancer or south tropic of Capricorn of the equator. Tropical islands. |
waning | A gradual decrease in magnitude or extent. The waxing and waning of the moon. |
weaken | Lessen the strength of. His resistance had weakened. |
What is the another name of gravity?
What is another word for gravity?
gravitational force | force of gravity |
gravitation | gravitational attraction |
What is another word for force of gravity?
What is another word for gravitational force?
force of gravity | gravitation |
gravitational attraction | gravity |
downward pull | pull |
attraction | downward force |
downward pressure | force |
Is Weight Another name for gravity?
Weight W is just another word for the force of gravity F g F_g FgF, start subscript, g, end subscript. Weight is a force that acts at all times on all objects near Earth. The Earth pulls on all objects with a force of gravity downward toward the center of the Earth.
What’s the opposite of gravity?
The opposite of gravity is hilarity.
What is the gravity of the situation?
The gravity of a situation or event is its extreme importance or seriousness.
What you mean by gravity?
gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. On Earth all bodies have a weight, or downward force of gravity, proportional to their mass, which Earth’s mass exerts on them. Gravity is measured by the acceleration that it gives to freely falling objects.
Do you understand the gravity?
Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction between objects and the Earth. It is an attraction that exists between all objects, everywhere in the universe.
Can gravity be proven?
Most everyone in the scientific community believe gravitational waves exist, but no one has ever proved it. That’s because the signals from gravitational waves are usually incredibly weak.
Where is gravity the strongest?
Earth’s surface
Why is gravity so weird?
2. Why is gravity so weird? No force is more familiar than gravity — it’s what keeps our feet on the ground, after all. And Einstein’s theory of general relativity gives a mathematical formulation for gravity, describing it as a “warping” of space.
Is gravity an illusion?
Gravity, too, would be part of the illusion: a force that is not present in the two-dimensional world but that materializes along with the emergence of the illusory third dimension. A hologram is a two-dimensional object, but when viewed under the correct lighting conditions it produces a fully three-dimensional image.
What is the hardest theory to understand?
These are 10 of those theories, which are incredibly hard to understand.
- The Black Swan Theory.
- The Potato Paradox.
- Simulacra and Simulations.
- The Dichotomy Paradox.
- Vasiliev Equations.
- Maxwell’s Equations.
- Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem.
- The Theory of General Relativity.
Why is gravity always attractive?
In the case of gravity, mediated by spin 2 particles, charge is mass, which is always positive. Thus, q1q2 is always greater than zero, and gravity is always attractive. For spin 0 force mediators, however, there is no restriction on the charges and you can very well have repulsive forces.
Does anything repel gravity?
Anti-gravity it’s not, however. Gravity is the mutual attraction of matter and energy. If gravity causes two planets to attract each other, anti-gravity would cause them to repel each other. The repulsive force, however, is the property of empty space itself.
Which is the strongest force?
strong nuclear force
Why is gravity not repulsive?
The “gravitational force” is part of a theory of gravity that explains the phenomenon in terms of forces (so you can use Newton’s Laws of motion to make predictions). The force is attractive because the phenomenon is one of “accelerating together”. There is no way a repulsive force describes that.
Can gravity be a repulsive force?
Gravitational force can be repulsive if mass is negative.
Is force of gravity is an attractive force?
Gravitational force -an attractive force that exists between all objects with mass; an object with mass attracts another object with mass; the magnitude of the force is directly proportional to the masses of the two objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects.
Is electric force attractive or repulsive?
Direction of electric force The electric force F E F_E FEF, start subscript, E, end subscript can be either attractive or repulsive. Opposite charges, such as a positive charge and a negative charge, attract each other. Like charges, such as two negative charges or two positive charges, will repel each other.
Why is force attractive?
Force of attraction is a force that pulls the body near due to its attraction. Newton’s universal law of gravitation clarifies a lot more about how this force performs. It states that every mass that occurs in the universe attracts some or the other mass in the universe.
Is gravity repulsive or attractive?
Both in the Newton theory of gravitation and in the General Theory of Relativity the gravitational force is exclusively attractive one. However, the quantization of gravity shows that the gravitational forces can also be repulsive [3].
Is attractive force positive?
In general when the force is attractive, the potential energy is negative and as shown above force will be negative. In case of repulsion, with the same argument, the force will be positive.
Is negative energy attractive?
The positive gravitational attraction between two massive objects is accompanied by a negative amount of gravitational potential energy in the field which attracts them.
Is negative gravity possible?
Because unlike the electric force, which is generated by positive and negative charges, there’s only one type of gravitational “charge,” and that’s mass-and-energy. The gravitational force is always attractive, and there’s simply no way around that. But if you have negative gravitational mass, all of that changes.
Why is negative potential attractive?
attraction is negative potential energy while repulsion is positive potential energy. If the force between two particles is repulsive you must do work to bring them closer together, increasing their potential energy. If you pull them apart they do work on you, decreasing their potential energy.
Does negative force mean attraction?
According to Coulomb, the electric force for charges at rest has the following properties: Like charges repel each other; unlike charges attract. Thus, two negative charges repel one another, while a positive charge attracts a negative charge. The attraction or repulsion acts along the line between the two charges.
Is potential can be negative?
So, if the potential is negative, it means the coulomb at that point would have less potential energy compared to when it’s at the reference point. Hence potential at a point is always the potential difference between that point and some reference.
What is negative potential energy?
A negative potential energy means that work must be done against the electric field in moving the charges apart!
Is work a conservative force?
A conservative force exists when the work done by that force on an object is independent of the object’s path. Instead, the work done by a conservative force depends only on the end points of the motion. An example of a conservative force is gravity.
«gravity synonym» at online dictionary. Definition of gravity synonym. What is another word for gravity synonym? This is the right place where you will get the proper information. What does gravity synonym? However, check gravity synonym at our online dictionary below.
Table Of Content:
- 29 Synonyms & Antonyms for GRAVITY | Thesaurus.com
- Gravity Synonyms, Gravity Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
- 9 Synonyms & Antonyms for DEFY GRAVITY | Thesaurus.com
- What is another word for gravity? | Gravity Synonyms — WordHippo …
- Gravity synonyms | Best 47 synonyms for gravity
- Gravity Synonyms & Antonyms | Synonyms.com
- Gravity Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus
- Another word for GRAVITY > Synonyms & Antonyms
- Zero Gravity Synonyms & Antonyms | Synonyms.com
- Force of gravity synonyms, Force of gravity antonyms …
1. 29 Synonyms & Antonyms for GRAVITY | Thesaurus.com
https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/gravitysynonyms for gravity · consequence · solemnity · severity · urgency · significance · momentousness · exigency · acuteness …
2. Gravity Synonyms, Gravity Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus
https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/gravitySynonyms & Antonyms of gravity · decisiveness, · deliberation, · determination, · firmness, · purposefulness, · resoluteness, · resolve.
3. 9 Synonyms & Antonyms for DEFY GRAVITY | Thesaurus.com
https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/defy%20gravityFind 9 ways to say DEFY GRAVITY, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world’s most trusted free thesaurus.
4. What is another word for gravity? | Gravity Synonyms — WordHippo …
What is another word for gravity? · The force that attracts a mass towards the center of the earth · The fact or state of having great seriousness or importance.
5. Gravity synonyms | Best 47 synonyms for gravity
The best 47 synonyms for gravity, including: force, center-of-gravity, magnetic field, heaviness, somberness, sombreness, velocity, gravitational, …
6. Gravity Synonyms & Antonyms | Synonyms.com
https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/gravitySep 8, 2019 … gravity, gravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational forcenoun · graveness, gravity, sobriety, soberness, somberness, sombrenessnoun.
7. Gravity Synonyms | Collins English Thesaurus
https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english-thesaurus/gravityAnother word for gravity: seriousness, importance, consequence, significance, urgency | Collins English Thesaurus.
8. Another word for GRAVITY > Synonyms & Antonyms
9. Zero Gravity Synonyms & Antonyms | Synonyms.com
https://www.synonyms.com/synonym/zero+gravityFind all the synonyms and alternative words for zero gravity at Synonyms.com, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations …
10. Force of gravity synonyms, Force of gravity antonyms …
https://www.freethesaurus.com/Force+of+gravitySynonyms for Force of gravity in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for Force of gravity. 3 synonyms for gravitation: gravitational attraction, gravitational force, …
Finally, you got the answer of gravity synonym in this article. We update details about 29 Synonyms & Antonyms for GRAVITY | Thesaurus.com. Thank you for reading.
Table of Contents
- What is the another name of gravity?
- What is another word for force of gravity?
- Is Weight Another name for gravity?
- What’s the opposite of gravity?
- What is the gravity of the situation?
- What you mean by gravity?
- Do you understand the gravity?
- Can gravity be proven?
- Where is gravity the strongest?
- Why is gravity so weird?
- Is gravity an illusion?
- What is the hardest theory to understand?
- Why is gravity always attractive?
- Does anything repel gravity?
- Which is the strongest force?
- Why is gravity not repulsive?
- Can gravity be a repulsive force?
- Is force of gravity is an attractive force?
- Is electric force attractive or repulsive?
- Why is force attractive?
- Is gravity repulsive or attractive?
- Is attractive force positive?
- Is negative energy attractive?
- Is negative gravity possible?
- Why is negative potential attractive?
- Does negative force mean attraction?
- Is potential can be negative?
- What is negative potential energy?
- Is work a conservative force?
What is another word for gravity?
gravitational force | force of gravity |
gravitation | gravitational attraction |
What is another word for force of gravity?
What is another word for gravitational force?
force of gravity | gravitation |
gravitational attraction | gravity |
downward pull | pull |
attraction | downward force |
downward pressure | force |
Is Weight Another name for gravity?
Weight W is just another word for the force of gravity F g F_g FgF, start subscript, g, end subscript. Weight is a force that acts at all times on all objects near Earth. The Earth pulls on all objects with a force of gravity downward toward the center of the Earth.
What’s the opposite of gravity?
The opposite of gravity is hilarity.
What is the gravity of the situation?
The gravity of a situation or event is its extreme importance or seriousness.
What you mean by gravity?
gravity, also called gravitation, in mechanics, the universal force of attraction acting between all matter. On Earth all bodies have a weight, or downward force of gravity, proportional to their mass, which Earth’s mass exerts on them. Gravity is measured by the acceleration that it gives to freely falling objects.
Do you understand the gravity?
Gravity is a force of attraction that exists between any two masses, any two bodies, any two particles. Gravity is not just the attraction between objects and the Earth. It is an attraction that exists between all objects, everywhere in the universe.
Can gravity be proven?
Most everyone in the scientific community believe gravitational waves exist, but no one has ever proved it. That’s because the signals from gravitational waves are usually incredibly weak.
Where is gravity the strongest?
Earth’s surface
Why is gravity so weird?
2. Why is gravity so weird? No force is more familiar than gravity — it’s what keeps our feet on the ground, after all. And Einstein’s theory of general relativity gives a mathematical formulation for gravity, describing it as a “warping” of space.
Is gravity an illusion?
Gravity, too, would be part of the illusion: a force that is not present in the two-dimensional world but that materializes along with the emergence of the illusory third dimension. A hologram is a two-dimensional object, but when viewed under the correct lighting conditions it produces a fully three-dimensional image.
What is the hardest theory to understand?
These are 10 of those theories, which are incredibly hard to understand.
- The Black Swan Theory.
- The Potato Paradox.
- Simulacra and Simulations.
- The Dichotomy Paradox.
- Vasiliev Equations.
- Maxwell’s Equations.
- Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem.
- The Theory of General Relativity.
Why is gravity always attractive?
In the case of gravity, mediated by spin 2 particles, charge is mass, which is always positive. Thus, q1q2 is always greater than zero, and gravity is always attractive. For spin 0 force mediators, however, there is no restriction on the charges and you can very well have repulsive forces.
Does anything repel gravity?
Anti-gravity it’s not, however. Gravity is the mutual attraction of matter and energy. If gravity causes two planets to attract each other, anti-gravity would cause them to repel each other. The repulsive force, however, is the property of empty space itself.
Which is the strongest force?
strong nuclear force
Why is gravity not repulsive?
The “gravitational force” is part of a theory of gravity that explains the phenomenon in terms of forces (so you can use Newton’s Laws of motion to make predictions). The force is attractive because the phenomenon is one of “accelerating together”. There is no way a repulsive force describes that.
Can gravity be a repulsive force?
Gravitational force can be repulsive if mass is negative.
Is force of gravity is an attractive force?
Gravitational force -an attractive force that exists between all objects with mass; an object with mass attracts another object with mass; the magnitude of the force is directly proportional to the masses of the two objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the two objects.
Is electric force attractive or repulsive?
Direction of electric force The electric force F E F_E FEF, start subscript, E, end subscript can be either attractive or repulsive. Opposite charges, such as a positive charge and a negative charge, attract each other. Like charges, such as two negative charges or two positive charges, will repel each other.
Why is force attractive?
Force of attraction is a force that pulls the body near due to its attraction. Newton’s universal law of gravitation clarifies a lot more about how this force performs. It states that every mass that occurs in the universe attracts some or the other mass in the universe.
Is gravity repulsive or attractive?
Both in the Newton theory of gravitation and in the General Theory of Relativity the gravitational force is exclusively attractive one. However, the quantization of gravity shows that the gravitational forces can also be repulsive [3].
Is attractive force positive?
In general when the force is attractive, the potential energy is negative and as shown above force will be negative. In case of repulsion, with the same argument, the force will be positive.
Is negative energy attractive?
The positive gravitational attraction between two massive objects is accompanied by a negative amount of gravitational potential energy in the field which attracts them.
Is negative gravity possible?
Because unlike the electric force, which is generated by positive and negative charges, there’s only one type of gravitational “charge,” and that’s mass-and-energy. The gravitational force is always attractive, and there’s simply no way around that. But if you have negative gravitational mass, all of that changes.
Why is negative potential attractive?
attraction is negative potential energy while repulsion is positive potential energy. If the force between two particles is repulsive you must do work to bring them closer together, increasing their potential energy. If you pull them apart they do work on you, decreasing their potential energy.
Does negative force mean attraction?
According to Coulomb, the electric force for charges at rest has the following properties: Like charges repel each other; unlike charges attract. Thus, two negative charges repel one another, while a positive charge attracts a negative charge. The attraction or repulsion acts along the line between the two charges.
Is potential can be negative?
So, if the potential is negative, it means the coulomb at that point would have less potential energy compared to when it’s at the reference point. Hence potential at a point is always the potential difference between that point and some reference.
What is negative potential energy?
A negative potential energy means that work must be done against the electric field in moving the charges apart!
Is work a conservative force?
A conservative force exists when the work done by that force on an object is independent of the object’s path. Instead, the work done by a conservative force depends only on the end points of the motion. An example of a conservative force is gravity.