What is an adjective for the word question


What is the adjective word for the word ‘Question’?
For example, we can say:
A negative sentence. A good sentence. A brilliant sentence.
The words ‘Negative’, ‘Good’ and ‘Brilliant’ are all adjectives.

Can we say: ‘A questional sentence’? / ‘A question-formed sentence’?
I mean, a sentence that is a question.
And I know some people may call this as ‘Interrogative’. But I need an adjective for the word ‘Question’.
Maybe we can simply say ‘A question sentence’, but I have doubts about it, because the word ‘Question’ isn’t an adjective.
And I don’t know if we can use a noun as an adjective or not.
I hope you understand what I mean.

Answers · 9

Sorry, but there isn’t an adjective based on the word ‘question’ which we can use when talking about grammatical constructions. As you say, the term is ‘interrogative’. But in some ways, we don’t need one. An interrogative sentence is a question.

Dear Hamed,
My opinion, a decent word that you are looking for might be «interrogative.» I had a job before in which we used radios for communication. When we had a question we would say; «interrogative» then ask the question with an intonation at the end.
Interrogate, interrogative, interrogatively.
I got acquired these words from the dictionary.

As the person above mentioned, a question sentence is simply a question and it would be redundant otherwise.

However, it would not wrong to describe a sentence in such way.

For example, you can describe a sentence as being, as you have already said, interrogative or something similar like inquisitive. However, you would have to structure your sentence differently to avoid sounding weird.

As opposed to, «a negative sentence», you would have to say, «this sentence is inquisitive».

Here’s proof that there just isn’t any such adjective in English.

is the popular U.S. game show «Jeopardy.» The ONLY natural way to explain the rule in English is:

«You must give your reply in the form of a question.»

Suppose the challenge is: «It is called the ‘Red Planet.'»

If someone answers «What is Mars?» their response is correct.

If someone answers «Mars,» their response is wrong.

The ONLY way to explain what is wrong is to say «That wasn’t in the form of a question,» or «You needed to respond with a question» or «That isn’t a question.»

You CAN’T say «Your response wasn’t questioning» or «questionable» or «dubious» or «declarative» or «uninterrogative.»

Here’s another example. In recent years, younger U.S. English speakers, particularly young women, have begun to use a rising intonation at the end of ordinary declarative sentences—«upspeak.» See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_rising_terminal . People who find this annoying can only describe it in one way:

«It makes the sentence sound like a question.»

The ONLY way to express the idea is with the words «like a question.»

Still haven’t found your answers?

Write down your questions and let the native speakers help you!

At length a squabble springs up between the President and the author of the Nebraska Bill, on the mere question of fact, whether the Lecompton Constitution was or was not in any just sense made by the people of Kansas; and in that quarrel the latter declares that all he wants is a fair vote for the people, and that he cares not whether slavery be voted down or voted up.

Besides Kemp fitted into my reconstruction of the tragedy on the vital question of time.

Is that not so?« For a while she was silent, her breath coming quickly, as she hesitated how to meet the direct question.

The Popular Review of Judicial Decisions upon constitutional questions; that is to say, a provision, under which, when a court of last resort has decided that a particular law is invalid, because in conflict with a constitutional provision, the law may nevertheless be made valid by a popular vote.

Once or twice there was a question of Louis XIV and what he would have done in certain cases,the religious question always a passionate one.

This is a momentous question which addresses itself to our nation at the present juncture.

Thisand nothing less than this, I thinkwas the practical political question really at stake in the sixteenth century between Protestantism and Catholicism.

Indeed, as the document was ready for signature, it became a grave question whether the remnant which remained had sufficient faith in their own work to subscribe their names, and if they failed to do so its adoption by the people would have been impossible.

A vexed question, destined to form part of a momentous issue, now arose.

There seems little question that the stains are blood, and that makes the whole business still more puzzling.

«I thanked him, made the best excuse I could for refusing, got down from the trap and hurried off through the dark village street, thankful to get away from those awkward questions.

« It was beautiful to hear this, but it was not what the little Pilgrim expected, for she thought they would have told her of the homes to which they all returned when their work was over, and a life which was like the life of the old time; but of this they said nothing, only looking at her with smiling eyes, as at the curious questions of a child.

That‘s what Dr. Denson always says,« continued the speaker, without waiting for any reply to his numerous questions.

It was a delicate question, an affair of nuances, of almost imperceptible graduations; and in debating a matter of such nicety, a man must necessarily lay aside all petty irritation, such as being nettled by an irrational nickname, and approach the question with unbiased mind.

It is usually not wise, however, to appeal to public opinion in this way, save on an abstract question, as the child loses his selfrespect, and becomes degraded in his own eyes, if his fault is trumpeted abroad.

Now and again, however, she nodded intently and, when he finished, had a pertinent question ready.

Many eager questions and beseechings which James and I could make nothing of, and on which she seemed to set her all, and then sink back ununderstood.

In former times theological questions largely occupied the attention of the people; and there is probably no part of the world where the Bible has been more attentively read, or where the mysteries of Christian doctrine have to so great an extent been made the subject of earnest discussion in every household.

«To Cherry Corners, of course,« answered Chet in a tone which very plainly meant, «why ask such a foolish question?«

This was manifestly too short a time in which to study the fundamental questions to which the researchers had addressed themselves.

It may be asked, (there are cavillers who ask impertinent questions about everything,) what business BURNSIDE has to meddle with European affairs?

And now, she was to arrive that afternoon, to domicile herself in his quiet house for two long weeksthis utter stranger, look you!and upset his comfort, ask him silly questions, expect him to talk to her, and at the end of her visit, possibly, present him with some outlandish gimcrack made of cardboard and pink ribbons, in which she would expect him to keep his papers.

But once and again his eye sought J.W. and the look was a question yet unanswered.

This I knew, and this I faced, calmly, but very surely, as, the preliminary questions having been answered, Mr. Moffat proceeded.

Face to face with chaos, one knows not where to begin the work of building up an orderly mind; nor will the selftaught genius brook a hint of possible ignorance, or endure the discussion of dull presuppositions, without much pawing of the ground and champing on the bit: «What I want,« he says, «is a plain answer to a plain question.«

What do you call a question that needs to be answered in the affirmative for a larger question to be answered in the affirmative?

I’m writing an introduction in this way:

This article attempts to answer the following question: <question specified>.

To answer this question, we also need to answer the ________ question: <subsidiary question specified>

What will fill the blank appropriately? «Subsidiary» seems weak and inelegant.

Any suggestions?

Glorfindel's user avatar


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asked Apr 9, 2017 at 12:37

Seshadri Kumar's user avatar


Consider preliminary:

coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else

(source: Merriam Webster)

It’s quite commonly used in (scientific) articles.

answered Apr 9, 2017 at 12:48

Glorfindel's user avatar


14.4k15 gold badges66 silver badges58 bronze badges

Table of Contents

  1. What are the three adjectives questions?
  2. Is questioning a verb or noun?
  3. What’s a word for questioning?
  4. What’s a antonym for questioning?
  5. What to say instead of I was wondering?
  6. What is a curious person called?
  7. What is the root word of curious?
  8. What is curiosity in one word?
  9. Is Inquisitivity a word?
  10. How do you respond to curiosity killed the cat?
  11. What is the full version of curiosity killed the cat?
  12. Is being curious a bad thing?
  13. What are disadvantages of curiosity?
  14. Is curiosity a mood?
  15. Why is it bad to be Nosey?
  16. What are Nosey questions?
  17. What are rude questions to ask?
  18. What to say when someone calls you nosy?
  19. What are rude comments?
  20. How do I let rude comments go?
  21. How do you tell someone they are rude in a nice way?

adjective. indicating or implying a question: a questioning tone in her voice. characterized by or indicating intellectual curiosity; inquiring: an alert and questioning mind.

What are the three adjectives questions?

Adjectives describe nouns by answering one of these three questions: What kind is it? How many are there? Which one is it? An adjective can be a single word, a phrase, or a clause.

Is questioning a verb or noun?

QUESTIONING (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What’s a word for questioning?

In this page you can discover 53 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for questioning, like: quizzical, interrogating, self-reflection, seeking, curious, investigate, skeptical, unbelieving, inquest, catechizing and asking.

What’s a antonym for questioning?

What is the opposite of questioning?

credulous gullable
inexperienced unsceptical
ignorant believing
accepting confiding
foolish unskeptical

What to say instead of I was wondering?

Some of the many alternatives are: Would it be possible to give me ? Do you think you might give me ? I would be most grateful if you could give me .

What is a curious person called?

Curious Synonyms. inquiring, questioning, prying; inquisitive, interested, meddlesome, inquisitive. curious, strange, nosy, interested, odd, inquisitive.

What is the root word of curious?

curious (adj.) mid-14c., “eager to know” (often in a bad sense), from Old French curios “solicitous, anxious, inquisitive; odd, strange” (Modern French curieux) and directly from Latin curiosus”careful, diligent; inquiring eagerly, meddlesome,” akin to cura “care” (see cure (n.)).

What is curiosity in one word?

1 : desire to know: a : inquisitive interest in others’ concerns : nosiness The construction inside their house aroused the curiosity of their neighbors. b : interest leading to inquiry intellectual curiosity Her natural curiosity led her to ask more questions. 2 archaic : undue nicety or fastidiousness.

Is Inquisitivity a word?

adjective. given to inquiry, research, or asking questions; eager for knowledge; intellectually curious: an inquisitive mind.

How do you respond to curiosity killed the cat?

“Curiosity killed the cat.” “Well, f#$% you, Schrodinger.” And if you don’t answer this question, am gonna Kill you. Curiosity killed my dad.

What is the full version of curiosity killed the cat?

3. “Curiosity killed the cat.” The popular version is again abridged from a longer statement: “Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.”

Is being curious a bad thing?

The new research reveals that the need to know is so strong that people will seek to slake their curiosity even when it is clear the answer will hurt. Curiosity is often considered a good instinct—it can lead to new scientific advances, for instance—but sometimes such inquiry can backfire.

What are disadvantages of curiosity?

Disadvantages of Curiosity: For example, you ask too many questions to someone. Rather than fulfilling your desire to know the right information, He/she will think that you are too noisy and might keep a distance from you.

Is curiosity a mood?

Curiosity is a familiar feeling among people. But as soon as we scrutinize that feeling, curiosity reveals itself to be a complex emotion indeed. But unlike lust, the object of curiosity’s desire is information. Curiosity is all about learning what we do not (yet) know.

Why is it bad to be Nosey?

It is simply not done, unless the goal is to comfort the individual or contribute to gossip. Being labeled as a nosy person can carry a very negative connotation, as someone solely interested in the negative things that is affecting a person’s life. Honestly, being nosy is more human and normal than anything else.

What are Nosey questions?

Nosy questions are not microaggressions, but they have some characteristics in common. For instance, they’re interpreted as negative by almost everyone they’re directed against, they reflect implicit assumptions, and they have an adverse impact on the recipient.

What are rude questions to ask?

As a gay man; you get a lot of rude questions:

  • Why are you gay?
  • Why did you choose to be gay?
  • Do you wish you were straight?
  • Will you be my gay BFF? I’ve always wanted someone to go shopping with.
  • Do you think you’re going to Hell?
  • Do you wish you were a woman?
  • What’s anal sex like?
  • Have you ever slept with a woman?

What to say when someone calls you nosy?

Top ten snappy comebacks for nosy people

  1. Hey, I found your nose, it’s in my business again!
  2. Remember when I asked for your opinion?
  3. Oh I didn’t tell you.
  4. My life, my mistakes, my choices.
  5. My business isn’t your business.

My definition of rude comments is those responses that doesn’t fit into normal society. They can be irrelevant, inappropriate, detrimental or just downright annoying. They are not written with a kindly disposition, but usually in contempt, with an aim to cause havoc or upset.

10 Effective Ways Intelligent People Deal With Rude People

  1. Realize that rudeness is nothing new.
  2. Stop the spiral of rudeness.
  3. Don’t take rudeness personally.
  4. React to rudeness with kindness.
  5. Use humor to defuse a difficult person.
  6. Call the person out on his or her behavior.
  7. Don’t escalate.
  8. Show empathy and sympathy.

How do you tell someone they are rude in a nice way?

Strategy 3: Be calm and assertive

  1. When you say…
  2. When you say things like that I don’t want to continue the conversation.
  3. I need you to speak in a more respectful way.
  4. I am finding your words hurtful and I need you to consider my feelings.
  5. I will give you time to calm down.
  6. I find that really rude, and it’s not okay.

What do you call a question that needs to be answered in the affirmative for a larger question to be answered in the affirmative?

I’m writing an introduction in this way:

This article attempts to answer the following question: <question specified>.

To answer this question, we also need to answer the ________ question: <subsidiary question specified>

What will fill the blank appropriately? “Subsidiary” seems weak and inelegant.

Any suggestions?


Consider preliminary:

coming before and usually forming a necessary prelude to something else

(source: Merriam Webster)

It’s quite commonly used in (scientific) articles.

Source : Link , Question Author : Seshadri Kumar , Answer Author : Glorfindel

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