What is a word worse than bad









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Q: Is there a word worse than bad?

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What is a word worse than terrible?

OTHER WORDS FOR horrible 1 terrible, awful, appalling, frightful; hideous, grim, ghastly, shocking, revolting, repulsive, horrid, horrendous, horrifying, repellent.

How do you express terrible?


  1. appalling.
  2. awful.
  3. bad.
  4. beastly.
  5. detestable.
  6. disgusting.
  7. dreadful.
  8. execrable.

More items…

What does absolutely disgusting mean?

adjective. If you say that something is disgusting, you are criticizing it because it is extremely unpleasant.

What means feeling terrible?

Feel terrible means you feel really bad. An example is if you are feeling really sick you could say «I feel terrible». Another example is if you did something that makes you feel guilt you could say «I feel terrible about doing that». Feel terrible expresses something that is really bad.

What is the strongest word for horrible?


  • appalling,
  • atrocious,
  • awful,
  • dreadful,
  • frightful,
  • ghastly,
  • grisly,
  • gruesome.

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What is a simile for terrible?

bad, abysmal, awful, dire, dreadful, poor, rotten (informal) fearful, dreadful, frightful, horrendous, horrible, horrifying, monstrous, shocking, terrifying.

What we can say instead of very bad?

horrendous, abysmal. We use horrendous and abysmal as more severe forms of terrible, horrible, and awful. If terrible, horrible, and awful mean “very bad,” then horrendous and abysmal mean “extremely bad.”

How do you say horrible politely?

100 Ways to Say “Bad”

  1. abject.
  2. abominable.
  3. annoying.
  4. appalling.
  5. atrocious.
  6. awful.
  7. barbaric.
  8. base.

More items…•Dec 30, 2013

Why do I feel so bad all the time?

Everyone feels sick sometimes, but in some circumstances, a person can feel sick all or most of the time. This feeling can refer to nausea, catching colds often, or being run-down. A person might feel sick continuously for a few days, weeks, or months due to a lack of sleep, stress, anxiety, or a poor diet.

What is the opposite word for terrible ‘? *?

Antonym of Terrible

Word Antonym
Terrible Lovely, Marvelous
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What can I say instead of bad?

What is another word for bad?

terrible awful
dreadful lousy
poor atrocious
cheap crummy
abysmal horrible

218 more rows

How do you call something disgusting?


  1. abhorrent,
  2. abominable,
  3. appalling,
  4. awful,
  5. distasteful,
  6. dreadful,
  7. evil,
  8. foul,

More items…

What is the difference between worst and worse?

There are few things worse than bad writing. But the worst is when writers confuse words like “worse” and “worst.” Either term is a comparative or superlative adjective for “bad” and “ill,” but that doesn’t mean we can use them interchangeably. 

Since “worse” and “worst” are comparative and superlative adjectives, they ultimately represent varying degrees of ‘bad’ or ‘ill.’ For instance, “worse” is ‘more bad,’ while “worst” is the ‘most bad.’ 

In addition to their adjective forms, we can also use the word “worse” as a noun or adverb, and “worst” as an adverb, noun, or verb. But as complicated as this looks, the general difference between the words stays the same: 

  • Worse = ‘more bad’ than bad/ill 
  • Worst = the ‘most bad’ 

It’s easy to see how English speakers confuse “worse” and “worst.” The words are homophones, which means they have similar spellings and pronunciations, but carry different meanings. The Word Counter covers similar word similarities within articles like “affective vs. effective” and “past vs. passed.” 

Worse and worst are also irregular adjectives, which means the words ‘bad’ and ‘ill’ don’t follow regular adjective patterns. For instance, we usually add “-er” or “-est” to the end of adjectives to indicate comparative and superlative forms (e.g., short, shorter, shortest). 

What does worse mean?

English speakers primarily use the term worse as a comparative adjective to describe a noun that is of lower quality, ‘more bad,’ or ‘lesser’ than another. In this sense, the concept of “bad” or “ill” applies to negative attributes, such as: 

  • Inferior value or lower standard
  • Less desirable 
  • Degree of difficulty
  • Lack of skill or efficiency 
  • More severe or serious 
  • More corrupt, evil, or reprehensible 
  • A poorer state of health 

Example sentences include, 

“I feel worse today than I did yesterday.” 
“You’re worse than your brother.” 
“The food tastes worse when you order to-go.”
“I’m not sure things could get any worse.”

Worse as a noun

As a mass noun, the word worse describes a person, place, or thing that is ‘more serious,’ ‘more unpleasant,’ or ‘less favorable.’ For example,

“His health took a turn for the worse.” 
“There’s worse that could happen.”
“I’ve been through worse than this.” 

Worse as an adverb

The adverb form of worse modifies other adverbs, adjectives, or verbs to imply ‘in a worse manner,’ ‘extent,’ or ‘what is worse.’ For example, 

“The less you sleep, the worse you’ll feel.” 
“Folks are worse prepared than ever before.” 
“They could have played a lot worse than we did.”

Synonyms of worse

Common, deficient, inferior, lame, lesser, lousy, lower, mediocre, normal, ordinary, substandard, poor, unsatisfactory, wanting, worst. 

Antonyms of worse

Exceptional, extraordinary, incomparable, nonpareil, rare, uncommon, unequaled, unmatched, unrivaled, unusual, unsurpassable. 

Etymology of worse

Worse” entered the English Language via Old English wiersa and wyrsa (adjectives) and wiers (adverb) Originally a form of Old High German (‘wirsiro’), the term transitioned again in Middle English as ‘werse’ and ‘worse.’ 

What does worst mean?

The word worst is a superlative adjective of “bad” and “ill” to describe something of the lowest standard or highest severity. 

Sentence examples include, 

“He was the worst Uber driver ever.” 
“This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“The memo reiterated my worst fears.” 

Worst as an adverb

As an adverb, the word worst modifies other adverbs, adjectives, and verbs to describe a high degree of inferiority, corruption, or distaste. For example, 

“Students are the worst affected by COVID school closures.” 
“Pickling is the worst-smelling hobby .” 
“Oregon regions worst hit by snow include Pendleton and Ontario.”

Worst as a noun

The noun form of worst describes someone or something that is “the worst.” For example, 

“Isn’t she the worst?” 
“I fear the worst is yet to come.”
Worst-case scenario, we can take a cab instead of the train.”

Worst as a verb

The verb worst defines the act of ‘getting the better of,’ defeating, or achieving victory over another. Additional verb forms include worsted, worsting, or worsts. For example, 

“The Portland Trail Blazers worsted the Philadelphia 76ers in 1977.” 
“The soldiers spent the week worsting their enemies.”

Synonyms of worst

Adj., adverb, noun: Atrocious, awful, bad, deficient, dissatisfactory, inferior, lesser, ordinary, routine, rotten, wanting, worse, vile. 

Verb: Annihilate, beat, conquer, defeat, master, overcome, prevail, subdue, surmount, sweep, triumph.

Antonyms of worst

Adj., adverb, noun: Exceptional, extraordinary, incomparable, rare, uncommon, unequaled, unmatched, unsurpassed, unusual. 

Verb: Collapse, fail, fall, flop, fold, give up, go under, lose. 

Etymology of worst

Modern English adapted “worst” from Middle English werste and worste and Old English wierresta and wystra. Both Old English forms represent the superlative forms of Old English wiersa for ‘worse.’ 

Worst vs. worse: understanding comparative and superlative adjectives

All adjectives contain comparative and superlative forms. Comparative adjectives describe the difference between the two nouns they modify (e.g., harder, better, faster, stronger). Superlative adjectives compare objects on a scale of upper to lower quality standards (e.g., hardest, best, fastest, strongest). But since “worst” and “worse” are irregular adjectives, their comparative and superlative forms don’t follow typical English grammar. 

Regular adjectives

Regular adjectives develop into comparative and superlative forms based on their number of syllables. Adjectives with one syllable follow a pattern of adding an -er for the comparative form and an -est for the superlative. 




If an adjective contains two or more syllables, the original adjective doesn’t always change. Instead, the words “more” and “most” precede adjectives for the comparative and superlative forms, respectively. For example, 


Comparative:more exclusive

Superlative:most exclusive.” 

English grammar poses an exception for certain two-syllable adjectives. If the adjective ends with -y, -ow, -er, -le-, we add an -er or -est for the comparative form and -est for the superlative forms. 










Irregular adjectives

Irregular comparative and superlative adjectives don’t follow a set pattern. Instead, they transform the original adjective into a unique comparative or superlative form. For example, 







When it comes to “worse” and “worst,” the irregular adjectives are “bad” and “ill.” Under normal conditions, we would add ‘-er’ or ‘-est’ for “badder” or “baddest.” But since “bad” and “ill” are irregular adjectives, we use “worse” for the comparative form and “worst” for the superlative form. 


Comparative:worse” or “iller” 

Superlative:worst” or “illest

How do you use worse and worst in a sentence?

To ensure correct usage of worse or worst, it’s important to remember two key factors: 

#1. Worse and worst = bad and ill

Worst and worse are extensions of the adjectives “bad” or “ill.” Therefore, anything that is “worse” or the “worst” carries a negative connotation. For example, 

“Are you feeling worse?” (illness)
“Brad is a worse writer than Kayla.” (unskilled)
“Skydiving is my worst fear.” (most severe) 
“Talking to family about politics is the worst.” (unpleasant) 

#2. Use worse or worst to compare nouns differently

Worse is a comparative adjective that compares one noun to another, while worst is a superlative adjective that compares one noun to a group of objects. For example, 

“Generic vitamins are worse than brand-name competitors.” (low quality) 
“Generic vitamins are the worst options available.” (lowest quality)

How to remember the difference between worse and worst?

There’s an old phrase in English that says, “if worst comes to worst” or “if worse comes to worst,” which means “if a bad situation becomes even worse,” or “worst-case scenario” (not worse case scenario).   

American English uses either phrase interchangeably, but we recommend memorizing “if worse comes to worst” to remember how “bad” can go to “worse,” and “worse” can go to “worst.” 

FAQ: Related to worse vs. worst

Is badder or baddest a word?

When the word “bad” (actually, as “baad”) conveys the “superabundance of good,” it no longer holds the same meaning of “worse” or “worst.” Therefore, many people resort to using “badder” or “baddest” as comparative and superlative forms. 

While dry “standard English” doesn’t yet recognize the use of “badder” and “baddest,” the terms are still common within Black American Vernacular (American English). English teachers may dock grammar points for using “badder” or “baddest,” but until the textbooks catch up, we say it’s perfectly correct to use these terms in this fashion. 

Is wurst an alternate spelling of worst?

A wurst is a type of sausage, but it sounds nearly the same as the word “worst” (aka, homophones). 

Test Yourself!

Test how well you understand the difference between worse and worst with the following multiple-choice questions. 

  1. True or false: the adjective “worse” is the comparative form of “bad” or “ill.”
    a. True
    b. False
  2. Which is not a superlative form of the adjective “ill”? 
    a. Baddest
    b. Worst
    c. Illest
    d. None of the above
  3. If ___________ is ‘low quality,’ ___________ is the ‘lowest quality.’ 
    a. Iller, illest
    b. Worst, worse
    c. Badder, baddest
    d. Worse, worst
  4. For the phrase “she’s the worst,” the word worst is a _____________.
    a. Adjective
    b. Adverb
    c. Noun
    d. All of the above
  5. Which of the following phrases is incorrect? 
    a. If worse comes to worst
    b. Worse case scenario
    c. If worst comes to worst
    d. Worst case scenario


  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B


  1. If the worst comes to the worst.” Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
  2. Kuehn, Paul R. “Homonyms, Homophones, and Homographs for ESL Students.” Owlcation, 18 May 2020. 
  3. Kperogi, Farooq A. “Black American Vernacular English Expressions You Should Know.” USA Africa Dialogue Series, Google Groups, 26 Feb 2017. 
  4. “The comparative and the superlative.” Resources for Learning English, EF Education First, 2020. 
  5. “Worse.” Lexico, Oxford University Press, 2020.
  6. “Worse.” The Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., 2020.
  7. “Worst.” The Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster Inc., 2020.
  8. “Worst.” The Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster Inc., 2020.

Table of Contents

  1. What does the word terrible suggest?
  2. What does the word horrible mean?
  3. Whats another word for really bad?
  4. What is another word for really?
  5. What’s worse than mean?
  6. Is could always past tense?
  7. How do you use would could should?
  8. When should you use which or that?
  9. How do you use shouldn’t in a sentence?
  10. Why you shouldn’t use should?
  11. Should not we or should we not?

SYNONYMS. nasty, disagreeable, unpleasant, horrid, awful, dreadful, terrible, appalling, horrendous, disgusting, foul, revolting, repulsive, repellent, ghastly. obnoxious, hateful, odious, objectionable, offensive, insufferable, vile, loathsome, abhorrent. informal frightful, lousy, godawful, hellish.

What does the word terrible suggest?

What does terrible mean? Terrible is commonly used to mean extremely bad—awful, dreadful, or horrible. It can also mean severe, as in I have a terrible case of the flu. (Of course, this sense of the word often overlaps with its meaning of “extremely bad.”)

What does the word horrible mean?

Horrible is popularly used to mean extremely bad—awful, dreadful, or horrendous. When it’s used to describe a person, it often means extremely disagreeable or cruel. Much less commonly, it can mean literally causing horror—horrifying or horrific.

Whats another word for really bad?

What is another word for very bad?

diabolical dreadful
terrible appalling
atrocious awful
frightful poor
shocking deplorable

What is another word for really?

What is another word for really?

certainly undoubtedly
surely truly
assuredly genuinely
honestly indeed
unquestionably verily

What’s worse than mean?

comparative of bad : more unpleasant, difficult, or severe than before or than something else that is also bad: The conditions they’re living in are worse than we thought. If the rain gets any worse we’ll have to go back. His manners are even worse than his sister’s..

Is could always past tense?

Could has no tenses, no participles, and no infinitive form. There is no past tense, but could have followed by a past participle is used for referring to something in the past that was not real, or something that may possibly have been real: I could have been killed.

How do you use would could should?

Difference between SHOULD, COULD, and WOULD

  1. Use SHOULD and SHOULDN’T for advice.
  2. Use COULD and COULDN’T for ability in the past.
  3. Use COULD for possibilities in the future.
  4. Use COULD to make polite requests.
  5. Use WOULD/WOULDN’T to talk about unreal or unlikely situations.
  6. Use WOULD YOU LIKE to make polite offers.

When should you use which or that?

Which vs. That: How to Choose

  1. In a defining clause, use that.
  2. In non-defining clauses, use which.
  3. Remember, which is as disposable as a sandwich bag. If you can remove the clause without destroying the meaning of the sentence, the clause is nonessential and you can use which.

How do you use shouldn’t in a sentence?

Shouldn-t sentence example

  1. It shouldn’t be hard to dig in this sand.
  2. Why shouldn’t I go?
  3. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
  4. You shouldn’t have given Jonny a gun.
  5. Shouldn’t we discuss this first?
  6. Dad shouldn’t have dragged you into this.
  7. You shouldn’t be cooped up with a sour old man every evening.

Why you shouldn’t use should?

Shoulds are an active form of self-criticism. They suggest that we don’t accept who or where we are. When we criticise and reject ourselves (even in such a subtle manner as when using the word should) we create anxiety and stress in our minds and bodies.

Should not we or should we not?

— Correct, we should not. In three out of four of these cases should is being used to express obligation or what is the correct action. Should we not. is the only case where the meaning is shifting to the conditional sense of the word should.


  • 1 What is a word worse than terrible?
  • 2 Can terrible mean good?
  • 3 What does I feel bad for you mean?
  • 4 What can I say instead of good and bad?
  • 5 What are the top 10 bad habits?
  • 6 What are common bad habits?
  • 7 Do you have any bad habits answer?
  • 8 How do I get rid of bad habits?
  • 9 How do you know you have a bad life habit?

scandalous, ghastly, horrendous, abominable, dreadful, horrid, eerie, disgusting, abhorrent, terrifying, hideous, heinous, grisly, shameful, awful, gruesome, nasty, grim, scary, terrible.

Can terrible mean good?

Terrible and terrific are both formed off the same root: terror. Both started out a few hundred years ago with the meaning of terror-inducing. But terrific took a strange turn at the beginning of the 20th century and ended up meaning really great, not terrible or terror-inducing at all.

How do you say bad in a positive way?

100 Ways to Say “Bad”

  1. abject.
  2. abominable.
  3. annoying.
  4. appalling.
  5. atrocious.
  6. awful.
  7. barbaric.
  8. base.

What does it mean to have it bad for someone?

“I’ve got it bad” suggests a desire for someone that is painful, or difficult to endure.

What does I feel bad for you mean?

Since feeling bad for someone means you sympathize and understand someone else’s emotional discomfort, physical pain, or current unfortunate circumstances, I’d only use that phrase in #2.

What can I say instead of good and bad?

Synonyms for Good and bad

  • good and evil.
  • advantages and disadvantages. n.
  • right and wrong.
  • strengths and weaknesses. n.
  • right or wrong.
  • pros and cons. n.
  • ups and downs. n.
  • good and the bad.

How do you say something good and bad?

What is another word for good and bad?

double-edged two-sided
ambiguous equivocal

What things are bad for you?

20 Foods That Are Bad for Your Health

  1. Sugary drinks. Added sugar is one of the worst ingredients in the modern diet.
  2. Most pizzas. Pizza is one of the world’s most popular junk foods.
  3. White bread.
  4. Most fruit juices.
  5. Sweetened breakfast cereals.
  6. Fried, grilled, or broiled food.
  7. Pastries, cookies, and cakes.
  8. French fries and potato chips.

What are the top 10 bad habits?

ts you need to quit now

  • #1: Nose picking.
  • #2: Binge drinking.
  • #3: You do not sleep for even 7 hours.
  • #4: Being negative.
  • #5: Wearing earphones for many hours.
  • #6: Being a couch potato.
  • #7: Wearing heels.
  • #8: Carrying a heavy bag every time.

What are common bad habits?

‘Bad’ habits you can keep

  • Fidgeting.
  • Double checking.
  • Drinking (in moderation).
  • Smoking.
  • Not exercising.
  • Not sleeping enough.
  • Looking at a screen right before bed.
  • Slouching.

What are the worst bad habits?

ts You Need to Quit Right Away

  • Stress Eating. I used to be a serious stress eater.
  • Nail Biting.
  • Hanging out with Naysayers.
  • Being with People Who Don’t Appreciate You.
  • Smoking.
  • Excessive Drinking.
  • Eating Junk Food (Including Diet Soda)
  • Eating Too Much Red Meat.

What are some bad habits to avoid?

Here are a few common bad habits that you should stop immediately to live a happier, healthier life:

  • Going to bed late. I get it, not everyone is a morning person.
  • Over-snacking.
  • Complaining.
  • Skipping breakfast.
  • Hitting snooze.
  • Ignoring your financial health.
  • Not taking stress seriously.
  • Saying “yes” to everything.

Do you have any bad habits answer?

My biggest bad habit is wasting money. I often eat out just for the sake of eating out. I often buy something just for the sake of buying it, and I will probably never use it after I buy it, but you know, I have to have it. So, wasting money is a big problem of mine.

How do I get rid of bad habits?

With the idea of the 3 Rs in mind, here are 15 tips to help you break that old, stubborn habit.

  1. Identify your triggers.
  2. Focus on why you want to change.
  3. Enlist a friend’s support.
  4. Practice mindfulness.
  5. Replace the habit with a different one.
  6. Leave yourself reminders.
  7. Prepare for slipups.
  8. Let go of the all-or-nothing mindset.

What is the hardest habit to break?

The Hardest Habits to Break

  • by Darci Maxwell. Bad habits often start as coping mechanisms — little things we do to help relieve stress and to relax.
  • Lying. Lying can be a hard habit to break, whether you lie to others or to yourself.
  • Snacking.
  • Low Self Esteem.
  • Addictions.
  • Love.
  • Using Slang.
  • Grooming.

Why is it so hard to break a habit?

Neurons located in the habit formation region fire at the beginning of a new behavior, subside while the behavior occurs, and then fire again once the behavior is finished. Over time, patterns form, both in behavior and in the brain. This can make it extremely difficult to break a habit.

How do you know you have a bad life habit?

Other bad habits include nail biting, procrastination, fidgeting, and overspending. Again, it’s important to identify the essence of willpower when addressing these repeated routines. If someone has no willpower to control a pattern of behaviour, then it becomes reassessed as an addiction or mental illness.

For better or (for) worseна радость или на беду.

Так переводится эта идиома. Сложно поверить, что слова «better» и «worse» — это формы таких совсем не похожих на них слов как «good» и «bad«. Это — сравнительная степень прилагательных «good» и «bad«. Подробнее о прилагательном «good» мы рассказывали в этой статье (переходи по ссылке).

Что такое сравнительные прилагательные, как они образуются, мы рассказывали в другой статье (жми на ссылку слева).

Здесь напомним основные правила:

Общие правила образования степеней сравнения прилагательных

степени сравнения прилагательных в английском

Bad  переводится с англ.яз. как «плохой, дурной, скверный, порочный».

Прилагательное «плохой» — bad  [ bæd ] входит в первые 300 самых часто используемых английских слов. Об этом мы рассказывали в нашей статье «1000 самых популярных английских слов. По порядку».  Что интересно, слово good — хороший входит в первые 200 самых популярных слов, что радует. Т.е. good используется в речи чаще. Значит, жизнь не так уж плоха! )))

Life isn’t so BAD! 

А то, что мы используем часто, нам хочется сделать максимально удобным для нас. И так древние англичане его изменяли и «прогибали» под себя, что сравнительные степени прилагательного bad стали совсем не похожи на свою основу.

Сравнительные степени и перевод прилагательного BAD

bad worse worst таблица

В ходе развития языка, английские слова «хуже» и «самый плохой» сильно трансформировались. Почему же это произошло.

Историческая справка. Этимология прилагательных bad — worse — the worst

Надо сказать, что сравнительные формы badder and baddest существуют и в наши дни. (Так они могли бы выглядеть, если бы прилагаетльное bad образовывало формы сравнения по правилам). Но это НЕ норма. Такие формы в наши дни используются только в диалектах и местных говорах. Но несколько веков назад — именно в такой форме они и использовались.

Вернемся на несколько веков назад. Истинное и однозначное происхождение слова «bad» не известно. В древне-английском (Old English) оно звучало как bæddel. В средне-английском bad все чаще стали использовать, заменяя такие слова как evil и ill (злой, порочный, дурной, пагубный), т.е., если упростить, то bad обозначало что-то «не хорошее». При этом в качестве сравнительных форм прилагательных evil и ill использовались формы worse и worst. Впоследствии bad вытеснил evil и ill, a вот сравнительные формы этих прилагательных так и продолжали использоваться.

Вот так современное слово bad имеет в качестве сравнительной и превосходной степеней сравнения — древние, хоть и изменённые, слова worse и worst, образованные от другого корня.

Эти формы необходимо заучить наизусть.

Примеры использования прилагательных bad, worse, the worst


Произносится по правилам английского языка: [ bæd ]

bad boy — плохой мальчик

bad boy перевод

Bad Boys — Плохие парни

bad girl — плохая девочка (также, дурная девчонка)

bad quality — плохое качество

bad habit — дурная привычка

It’s bad for you. — Для тебя это плохо / вредно.


Произносится [ wɜːrs ] . Послушать, как произносится слово.

Не путать со словом worth.

Примеры употребления:

Things could be worse. — Все могло быть и хуже.

I feel worse today. — Сегодня я чувствую себя хуже.

It can’t get any worse than this. — Хуже уже не будет.

You’ll only make bad worse. — Вы же сделаете ещё хуже. (Дословно: сделаешь плохое еще более плохим).

Why do you think you are better or worse than other people? — Почему ты думаешь, что ты лучше или хуже других?

The Worst

Произносится [ wɜːrst ]

the worst conditions — наихудшие условия

He is the worst player on the team — Он самый слабый игрок в команде.

That was the worst movie I’ve ever seen. — Это был самый плохой фильм, который я когда-либо видел.

at the worst possible time — в самое неподходящее время

You must be prepared for the worst. - Вы должны быть готовы к самому худшему.
the worst of it is that … - разг. хуже всего то, что …

his worst mistake - его самая большая /серьёзная/ ошибка

My worst fears came true. — Мои худшие опасения оправдались.

bad worse the worst степени сравнения

Идиомы и крылатые выражения со словами bad, worse, the worst

Too bad! — Очень жаль (дословно: Слишком плохо!)

It’s too bad! — Как жаль!

bad luck — неудача

bad try — неудачная попытка

come to a bad end — кончить скверно; кончить плохо; кончить дурно

bad language - сквернословие
to call smb. bad names — обзывать кого-л.

to take the bad with the good — стойко переносить превратности судьбы; ≅ в жизни всякое бывает

to exchange the bad for better — поправить свои дела

to take a turn for the worse — стать хуже, ухудшаться

Your bark is worse than your bite. — Твой лай страшнее твоего укуса.

bark is worse than bite перевод идиома

the cure is worse than the disease — лечение хуже самой болезни

for better or (for) worseк добру или к беде, хорошо это или плохо, на радость или на беду.

Our marriage has had its share of challenges, but we’ve vowed to stay together, for better or for worse. — Наш брак преодолел свою долю испытаний, но мы поклялись быть вместе, хорошо это или плохо.

Worst перевод

Худший враг лжеца — тот, у кого хорошая память.

His worst enemy — его худший враг

Cheer up! The worst is over. — Выше нос! Худшее уже позади.

Список английских прилагательных, которые образуют степени сравнения не по правилам

Помимо форм сравнения прилагательного «bad» рекомендуем вам выучить все английские прилагательные, которые образуют сравнительные формы не по правилам. С одной стороны, их не так много. С другой, это крайне часто используемые в речи слова. Они вам точно пригодятся!

Таблица с переводом и особенностями использования таких прилагательных

степени сравнения английских прилагательных исключения


Большая таблица прилагательных английского языка

Для вашего удобства мы подготовили большую таблицу английских прилагательных с переводом и примерами образования сравнительных и превосходных степеней прилагательных.

Для этой таблицы мы отобрали прилагательные из англ.яз., которые входят в первую тысячу самых популярных слов in English, а также такие качественные прилагательные, которые чаще всего используются для сравнения предметов и явлений.

Эту таблицу вы также можете использовать для тренировки правила по образованию сравнительной и превосходной степеней английских прилагательных.

Данная таблица будет полезна и для пополнения вашего словарного запаса.

плохо на английском языке, плохой перевод на английский, worse перевод на русский, bad перевод на русский, bad worse worst перевод на русский, best worst перевод, good worse перевод, bad better перевод, good bad перевод

сравнительная и превосходная степень в английском языке, степени сравнения прилагательных в английском исключения, английский сравнение прилагательных в английском языке, comparative adjectives, сравнение прилагательных в английском исключения 

В этой статье мы объясним, как отличить прилагательное от наречия в английском языке, на примере слов bad, badly и worse.


Bad — английское прилагательное, которое переводится как “плохой”.

Would you like me to start with some bad or good news first?
Хочешь, чтобы я начал с плохих или хороших новостей?

Constant overworking is bad for your health.
Постоянная переработка вредна для вашего здоровья.


Badly — наречие английского языка, которое переводится как “плохо”.

Разница между bad и badly, в том, что прилагательное (bad) описывает существительное, а наречие (badly) — глагол.

I think I did the exam badly.
Я думаю, что плохо сдал экзамен.

The result of my exam is quite bad.
У меня плохая оценка за экзамен.

Badly также употребляется в разговорном английском, когда мы указываем на то, что очень сильно хотим сделать или получить (можно заменить выражением “so / very much”).

I want this car so badly!
Я так сильно хочу эту машину

They badly need some help.
Им очень нужна помощь.


Worseсравнительная степень прилагательного (comparative adjective) bad в английском языке.
Пример: bad (плохой) — worse (хуже) — the worst (худший).

This colour is worse than that colour.
Этот цвет хуже, чем тот цвет.

This colour is the worst.
Это худший цвет.

Такой же формуле подчиняется слово badly в значении “плохо”.

We made it even worse than last time.
Мы сделали это еще хуже, чем в прошлый раз.

India is considered to be the worst polluted country.
Индия считается самой загрязненной страной.

NB! Сравнительная и превосходная степени наречия badly в значении “сильно хотеть” строятся с помощью слов more и most.

I want to be away from this place more badly than ever.
Я никогда раньше так сильно не хотел оказаться подальше от этого места, чем хочу этого сейчас.

They needed money most badly.
Они остро нуждались в деньгах.

Узнайте, как строятся сравнительные обороты в грамматике английского языка, перейдя по ссылке.

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