What is a word without vowel

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English orthography typically represents vowel sounds with the five conventional vowel letters ⟨a, e, i, o, u⟩, as well as ⟨y⟩, which may also be a consonant depending on context. However, outside of abbreviations, there are a handful of words in English that do not have vowels, either because the vowel sounds are not written with vowel letters or because the words themselves are pronounced without vowel sounds.

Words without written vowels[edit]

There are very few lexical words (that is, not counting interjections) without vowel letters. The longest such lexical word is tsktsks,[1] pronounced /ˌtɪskˈtɪsks/. The mathematical expression nth /ˈɛnθ/, as in delighted to the nth degree, is in fairly common usage.[2] Another mathematical term without vowel letters is ln, the natural logarithm. A more obscure example is rng /ˈrʌŋ/, derived from ring by deleting the letter ⟨i⟩.
Vowelless proper names from other languages, such as the surname Ng, may retain their original spelling, even if they are pronounced with vowels.

In the Middle English period, there were no standard spellings, but ⟨w⟩ was sometimes used to represent either a vowel or a consonant sound in the same way that Modern English does with ⟨y⟩, particularly during the 14th and 15th centuries. This vocalic ⟨w⟩ generally represented /uː/,[3][4] as in wss («use»).[5] However at that time the form ⟨w⟩ was still sometimes used to represent a digraph ⟨uu⟩ (see W), not as a separate letter. This practice exists in modern Welsh orthography so that words borrowed from Welsh may use ⟨w⟩ this way, such as:

  • The crwth[6] (pronounced /ˈkrʊθ/ or /ˈkruːθ/, also spelled cruth in English) is a Welsh musical instrument similar to the violin)[7]
He intricately rhymes, to the music of crwth and pibgorn.[8] in the Welsh alphabet W is a vowel so this word should not be counted.
  • cwtch (a hiding place or cubby hole) is also from Welsh (albeit a recent word influenced by English, and used almost exclusively in the variant of English spoken in Wales, not in standard English), and crwth and cwtch are the longest English dictionary words without ⟨a, e, i, o, u, y⟩ according to Collins Dictionary.[9] in the Welsh alphabet W is a vowel so this word should not be counted.
  • A cwm[10] (pronounced /ˈkuːm/) is used in English in a technical geographical or mountaineering context to mean a deep hollow in a mountainous area, usually with steep edges on some sides, like a corrie or cirque, such as the Western Cwm of Mount Everest. It is also sometimes used, by way of more recent borrowing from Welsh, in a more general sense of a valley. The spellings coombe, combe, coomb, and comb come from the Old English cumb,[11] which appears either to be a much earlier borrowing from a predecessor of modern Welsh, or to have an even earlier origin, given that there was an ancient Greek word κὑμβη (kumbē) meaning a hollow vessel.[12] In English literature, one can find the spellings combe (as in Ilfracombe and Castle Combe), coomb (as in J. R. R. Tolkien) or comb (as in Alfred, Lord Tennyson).

There are also numerous vowelless interjections and onomatopoeia found more or less frequently, including brr (brrr is occasionally accepted[clarification needed]), bzzt, grrr, hm, hmm, mm, mmm, mhmm, sksksksk,[13][14] pfft, pht, phpht,[7] psst, sh, shh, zzz.

Alphabetical list of words without vowels A, E, I, O, U[edit]


















































































































Wry (ly)














Alphabetical list of words without vowels A, E, I, O, U, and Y.[edit]













































Words without vowel sounds[edit]

Weak forms of function words may be realized without vowel sounds, as in I can go [aɪ kŋ̍ ˈɡoʊ] and I must sell [aɪ ms̩ ˈsɛl].[15] Some of these forms are reflected in orthography as contractions, such as s, ll, d, and n’t.

See also[edit]

  • Wiktionary:List of words that comprise a single sound
  • Disemvoweling – Removal of vowels from a text
  • Words without vowels in other languages


  1. ^ «How to beat everyone at board games this Christmas». Yorkshire Post. Johnston Press Plc. December 21, 2007. Retrieved October 11, 2012.
  2. ^ «Are there any English words that have no vowels?». Dictionary.com Word FAQs. Retrieved 4 October 2012.
  3. ^ «Y, n.». OED Online. September 2012. Oxford University Press. 4 October 2012.
  4. ^ «W, n.». OED Online. September 2012. Oxford University Press. 4 October 2012.
  5. ^ Rogers, Bruce (1999). You Can Say That Again!: A Fun Approach to Sounding Better When You Open Your Mouth to Speak. Dumdum. p. 104. ISBN 9780888822086.
  6. ^ Alan Peterson (December 27, 1986). «Why The Silly Season Can Be A Bit Short On Fun». Saturday Review. The Sydney Morning Herald. p. 24. Retrieved October 11, 2012.
  7. ^ a b Charlie Fidelman (May 28, 1992). «War Of The Words». News. Montreal Gazette. p. G8. Others memorize words without vowels: «crwth» for example, which means an ancient string instrument. Another is «phpht», defined as an interjection.
  8. ^ Dylan Thomas, Under Milk Wood, 1954
  9. ^ «The Longest Word in the Collins English Dictionary». Collins Dictionary website. 4 April 2012.
  10. ^ Viva Sarah Press (February 15, 1999). «At Scrabble club, politics get no score: Jerusalem group, founded by ex-Montrealer, unites Israelis from across the spectrum». News. Montreal Gazette. p. A18.
  11. ^ Chambers Dictionary
  12. ^ Liddell & Scott
  13. ^ Vendetti, Tyler (October 20, 2020). The Illustrated Compendium of Essential Modern Slang: Including Cray, Lit, Basic, and More. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 9781951511029 – via Google Books.
  14. ^ Strapagiel, Lauren. «Like Most Slang, ‘Sksksksk’ Originated In Black And LGBTQ Communities». BuzzFeed News.
  15. ^ Ladefoged, Peter; Johnson, Keith (2010). A Course in Phonetics (6th ed.). Wadsworth. p. 109. ISBN 978-1-42823126-9.

It is quite interesting to find the list of words which do not have any vowels. Whether it is three-letter words or six-letter words, a vowel looks like the skeleton of a word. Without any vowel, the words look as if there is no life in the words. But, there are a lot of words in English which exist without vowels in them but add a lot of value to our communication skills. Below in this article, we have provided a list of words without vowels with their meanings. Learning English words is easy, but finding words that are only made up of consonants is a little difficult. Learning and practising these words will be helpful in improving your vocabulary and strengthening your communication skills. Therefore, we have found a few words without vowels.

English Words without Vowels

There are a lot of English words which are made up of vowels and consonants. But, there are also certain words which exist without vowels, for example, HTML, DVD, etc. A lot of words exist as abbreviations or shorter forms of words. Check the below-listed words without vowels.

Dry Gym Psst Why
Cry Hmm Lymph Rhythm
Brr Cysts Drys Wry
Cyst Dryly Ply Thy
Fly Lynch Sylph Thymy
Gypsy Myths Spy Try
Crypt Myths Slyly Why
Fry Nymph Sly Wynd

English Words Without Vowels with Meanings

Check the below-listed words without vowels with their meanings.

Myrrh A gum resin that is used to make incense.
Pygmy Any person, animal, or plant that is disproportionately small
Shyly In a shy manner
Crwth A Celtic instrument from the past
Phpht Interjection used to express slight irritation.
Rhythm A pattern of movement or sound that is repeated on a regular basis
Syzygy A pair of things that are related or corresponding.
Sylphy Three celestial planets are arranged in a nearly straight line.
Spryly Lively, active, and brisk; vigorous.
Brr An exclamation used to convey how someone feels when they are cold.
Cwm A cirque, particularly one in the Welsh mountains.
Grrl A young lady who is powerful and independent, or who is aggressive.
Hmm An exclamation that means “I’m thinking,” “I’m not sure,” or “I’m not sure.”
Mm An exclamation that expresses happiness or fulfilment.
Nth In a series, it refers to an indeterminate item or incident, usually the last or latest in a long series.
Pfft A dull sudden sound, such as that of a minor crash or explosion, is represented by this sound.
Psst Surreptitiously attracts someone’s attention with an outburst.
Sh An exclamation used to be used to signal a need for silence.
Tch Irritation, annoyance, or impatience are expressed with this exclamation.
Tsk An exclamation used to express irritation, annoyance, or impatience.
Xlnt Abbreviation of excellent.

We hope that the above-mentioned words without vowels will be helpful to you. Learning the various words will be helpful in improving your vocabulary.

Frequently Asked Questions on Words Without Vowels


What are the vowels in the English language?

The vowels in the English language are a, e, i, o, u.


What are the words without vowels?

The words without vowels are why, hmm, hymn, xlnt, wynd, myths, thy, dry, cyst, etc.


Is y a vowel?

It’s a question that just about every English learner has asked: “Are there any English words that have no vowels?”

The answer to this depends what you mean by “vowel” and “word.”

In this article, we explain what vowel means and how English words without vowels can—and do!—exist. We also talk about the examples that some people may or may not believe are actually words.

Are there words with no vowels?

There are two things we mean by the word vowel: a speech sound made with the vocal tract open, or a letter of the alphabet standing for a spoken vowel.

Cwm and crwth do not contain the letters a, e, i, o, u, or y, the usual vowels (that is, the usual symbols that stand for vowel sounds) in English. But in those words the letter w simply serves instead, standing for the same sound that oo stands for in the words boom and booth. Dr., nth (as in “to the nth degree”), and TV also do not contain any vowel symbols, but they, like cwm and crwth, do contain vowel sounds.

Shh, psst, and hmm do not have vowels, either vowel symbols or vowel sounds. There is some controversy whether they are in fact “words,” however. But if a word is “the smallest unit of grammar that can stand alone as a complete utterance, separated by spaces in written language and potentially by pauses in speech,” then those do qualify. Psst, though, is the only one that appears in the Oxford English Dictionary.

WATCH: Words That Are Their Own Opposites

In non-rhotic English dialects, such as Received Pronunciation, every lexical word must contain at least one spoken vowel in its pronunciation. In rhotic dialects, such as General American, a word may contain no other vowel sounds if it instead has an R sound, as in «word.»

However, there are many words that do not contain a vowel letter (defined as A, E, I, O, U) in their written form. In most of these, such as «try,» the letter Y stands for a vowel sound. (Abbreviations such as «km» are of course not considered words in their own right.)

There are also some truly vowelless interjections and onomatopoeia which do not contain R.

Words without vowel letters

A large number of Modern English words spell the IPAEng|ɪ or IPA|/aɪ/ sound with the letter Y, such as «cry, by, sky, why, wry, spy, gym, crypt, hymn, lynx, myth, glyph, tryst, nymph, Gypsy, pygmy, flyby,» and «syzygy.» The longest such word in common use is «rhythms,» and the longest such word in Modern English is the obsolete 17th-century word «.» (If archaic words and spellings are considered, there are many more, the longest perhaps being «twyndyllyngs,» the plural of «.»)

In the computer game «The 7th Guest», one of the puzzles involves a vowelless sentence,:»Shy gypsy slyly spryly tryst by my crypt.»

Similarly, the letter «w» stands for a vowel sound (IPA|/u/) in Welsh words, and two of these have entered Modern English:
*The «crwth» (pronounced IPA|/ˈkrʊθ/ or IPA|/ˈkruːθ/ and also spelled «cruth») is a Welsh musical instrument similar to the violin::»He intricately rhymes, to the music of crwth and pibgorn.» [Dylan Thomas, «Under Milk Wood,» 1954]
*A «cwm» (pronounced IPA|/ˈkuːm/) is a deep hollow within a mountain, usually with steep edges, such as the Western Cwm of Mount Everest. However, it is nearly always spelled «combe» (as in Ilfracombe and Castle Combe), «coomb» (as in J. R. R. Tolkien) or «comb» (as in Alfred, Lord Tennyson).

There is also the mathematical expression «n»th (pronounced IPA|/ɛnθ/), as in «delighted to the nth degree,» which has entered common usage.

Many acronyms contain no vowels, such as MC and DJ (also spelled «emcee» and «deejay)» for Master of Ceremonies and disc jockey.

Words without vowel sounds

Rhotic dialects, such as in the United States and Canada, have many words such as «bird, learn, girl, church, worst,» which some phoneticians analyze as having no vowels, only a syllabic consonant, IPA| [ɹ̩] . However, others analyze these words instead as having a rhotic vowel, IPA| [ɝ] . The difference may be partially one of dialect.

There are a few such words which are disyllabic, like «cursor, curtain,» and «tercel:» IPA| [ˈkɹ̩sɹ̩] , IPA| [ˈkɹ̩tn̩] and IPA| [ˈtɹ̩sl̩] (or IPA| [ˈkɝsɚ] , IPA| [ˈkɝtən] , and IPA| [ˈtɝsəl] ). The word «myrrh,» perhaps uniquely in the English language, contains neither a vowel letter nor a vowel sound in these dialects: IPA| [ˈmɹ̩] (or IPA| [ˈmɝ] ).

The word «and» frequently contracts to a simple nasal consonant «’n,» as in «lock ‘n key» IPA| [ˌlɒk ŋ ˈkiː] . Words such as «will, have,» and «is» regularly contract to «’ll» [l] , «’ve» [v] , and «’s» [z] . However, none of them are pronounced alone without vowels.

Onomatopoeic words that can be pronounced alone, and which have no vowels or Rs, include «hmm, pht!, pst!, shh!, tsk!,» and «zzz».

Other languages

There are languages that form lexical words without any vowel sounds. The best known are probably the Slavic languages. In Croatian, for example, the consonants IPA| [r] and IPA| [rː] (the difference is not written) can act as a syllable nucleus and carry rising or falling tone; examples include the tongue-twister «na vrh brda vrba mrda» and geographic names such as «Krk». In Czech, either IPA| [l] or IPA| [r] can stand in for vowels: «vlk» IPA| [vl̩k] «wolf», «krk» IPA| [kr̩k] «neck». A particularly long word without vowels is «čtvrthrst,» meaning «quarter-handful», with two syllables (one for each R). Whole sentences can be made from such words, such as «Strč prst skrz krk,» meaning «stick a finger through your neck» (follow the link for a sound file), and «Smrž pln skvrn zvlhl z mlh» «A morel full of spots wetted from fogs». (Here «zvlhl» has two syllables based on L; note that the preposition «z» consists of a single consonant. Only prepositions do this in Czech, and they normally link phonetically to the following noun, so do not really behave as vowelless words.) In Russian, there are also prepositions that consist of a single consonant letter, like «k» «to», «v» «in», and «s» «with». As in Czech, and English «’ll, ’ve, ’s, etc.,» they do not normally occur alone.

So far, all of these syllabic consonants, at least in the lexical words, have been sonorants, such as [r] , [l] , [m] , and [n] , which have a voicing quality similar to vowels. However, there are languages with words that not only contain no vowels, but contain no sonorants at all, like «shh!» in English. These include Lolo, a few dialects of Berber, some of the northwestern Bantu languages, and some languages of the American Pacific Northwest, such as Nuxálk. An example from the latter is «sxs» «seal fat» (pronounced|sxs, as spelled), and a longer one is «unicode|xłp̓x̣ʷłtłpłłskʷc̓» (pronounced|xɬpʼχʷɬtʰɬpʰɬːskʷʰʦʼ) «he had had in his possession a bunchberry plant». (Follow the Nuxálk link for other examples.) Such words cannot be said very loud, as the human voice can only be loud when pronouncing sonorants.

In Mandarin Chinese, words and syllables such as «sī» and «zhī» are sometimes described as being syllabic fricatives and affricates phonemically, IPA|/ś/ and IPA|/tʂ́/, but phonetically they contain a sonorant segment that carries the tone.


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Орфография английского языка обычно представляет гласный звучит с использованием пяти обычных гласных букв ⟨a, e, i, o, u⟩, а также y⟩, которые также могут быть согласными в зависимости от контекста. Однако, помимо сокращений, в английском языке есть несколько слов, в которых нет гласных, либо потому, что гласные звуки не пишутся с гласными буквами, либо потому, что сами слова произносятся без гласных звуков.


  • 1 Слова без написанных гласных
  • 2 Слова без гласных
  • 3 См. Также
  • 4 Ссылки

Слова без письменных гласных

Лексических слов очень мало (то есть не считая междометий) без гласных букв. Самое длинное такое лексическое слово — цкцкс, произносится / ˌtɪskˈtɪsks /. Математическое выражение nth / ˈɛnθ /, как в выражении «доволен до энной степени», встречается довольно часто. Другой математический термин без гласных букв — это ln, натуральный логарифм. Более неясный пример — rng / ˈrʌŋ /, полученный от слова «кольцо» путем удаления буквы ⟨i⟨. Безгласные собственные имена из других языков, такие как фамилия Ng, могут сохранять свое первоначальное написание, даже если они произносятся с гласными.

В период Среднеанглийского не существовало стандартных вариантов написания, но ⟨w⟩ иногда использовалось для обозначения гласного или согласного звука точно так же, как современный английский с ⟨ y, особенно в XIV и XV веках. Этот вокальный ⟨w⟩ обычно представлен / uː /, как в wss («использовать»). Однако в то время форма ⟨w⟩ все еще иногда использовалась для обозначения орграфа ⟨uu⟩ (см. W ), а не как отдельную букву. Эта практика существует в современной валлийской орфографии, поэтому слова, заимствованные из валлийского, могут использовать ⟨w⟩ таким образом, например:

  • crwth (произносится / ˈKrʊθ / или / ˈkruːθ /, также пишется cruth на английском языке) — валлийский музыкальный инструмент, похожий на скрипку :
. Он замысловато рифмуется под музыку crwth и pibgorn.
  • cwtch (укрытие или закутка hole) также происходит из валлийского (хотя это недавнее слово находится под влиянием английского языка и используется почти исключительно в варианте английского языка, на котором говорят в Уэльсе, а не в стандартном английском), а crwth и cwtch — самые длинные слова английского словаря без ⟨a, e, i, o, u, y⟩ согласно словарю Коллинза.
  • Cwm (произносится / ˈkuːm /) используется в английском языке в техническом географическом или альпинистском контексте для обозначения глубокой впадины в горной местности, обычно с крутыми склонами. края с некоторых сторон, например, корри или цирк, например, Western Cwm на горе Эверест. Он также иногда используется в качестве более позднего заимствования из валлийского языка в более общем смысле слова «долина». Написание coombe, combe, coomb и comb происходит от древнеанглийского cumb, который, по-видимому, является либо гораздо более ранним заимствованием из предшественника современного валлийского языка, либо имеет еще более раннее происхождение, учитывая, что там было древнегреческим словом κὑμβη (kumbē), означающим полый сосуд. В английской литературе можно найти варианты написания combe (как в Ilfracombe и Castle Combe ), coomb (как в JRR Tolkien ) или comb (как в Альфред, лорд Теннисон ).

Также более или менее часто встречаются многочисленные безгласные междометия и звукоподражания, в том числе brr (иногда принимается brrr), bzzt, grrr, hm, hmm, mm, mmm, mhmm, pfft, pht, phpht, psst, sh, shh, zzz.

Слова без гласных звуков

Слабые формы из служебных слов могут быть реализованы без гласных звуков, например, в I can go [ aɪ kŋ̍ ˈɡoʊ], и я должен продать [aɪ ms̩ ˈsɛl]. Некоторые из этих форм отражены в орфографии как сокращения, например ‘s,’ ll, ‘d и n’t (они могут вызывать слоговые согласные.)

См. также

  • Слова без согласных
  • Викисловарь: Список слов, состоящих из одного звука
  • Disemvoweling — Удаление гласных из текст.
  • Слова без гласных на других языках


It’s very interesting to know and understand the words without vowels.

Many words are made up of vowels and consonants. The difference between the two is due to the way the letters are pronounced. Vowel (a, e, i, o, you are also in English) is a spoken sound made with the mouth open and without the tongue touching the roof of the mouth, teeth, etc. You can break the spoken sound completely or slightly block the flow of air through the mouth.

But are there words in English without vowels at all? 

Yes, you will be surprised to know that there are more than a hundred words that do not have vowels, but most of these are initialism (abbreviations containing initials called separately) such as HTML, DVD, and LBD. Then there are words like fly, myth, and psych that do not have a, e, i, o, or u, but have ‘y’ that acts as a vowel.

English Words without Vowels with Meanings

Following are examples of words with no vowels in them:

Word Meaning
Brr An exclamation used to express someone’s reaction to feeling cold.
Cwm A cirque, especially one in the mountains of Wales.
Cwtch A cupboard or cubbyhole. A cuddle or hug.
Grrl A young woman regarded as independent and strong or aggressive.
Hmm An exclamation used to express reflection, uncertainty, or hesitation:
Mm An exclamation used to express contentment or pleasure.
Nth Denoting an unspecified item or instance in a series, typically the last or latest in a long series.
Pfft Used to represent a dull abrupt sound as of a slight impact or explosion.
Psst An exclamation used to attract someone’s attention surreptitiously.
Sh An exclamation used to call for silence.
Tch An exclamation used to express irritation, annoyance, or impatience.
Tsk An exclamation used to express irritation, annoyance, or impatience.
Xlnt An informal abbreviation of excellent.

Let us work on more English words without vowels, and we use such words quite often:

Dry Gym Psst Why
Cry Hmm Lymph Whys
Brr Cysts Drys Wry
Cyst Dryly Ply Thy
Fly Lynch Sylph Thymy
Gypsy Myths Spy Try
Crypt Myths Slyly Why
Fry Nymph Sly Wynd

Five and Six Letter Words without Vowels

Let us work on five and six letter words without vowels in a tabular form:

Five Letter Words MEANING
MYRRH A gum resin used in making incense
Pygmy Any person, animal or plant that is abnormally undersized
Shyly In a shy manner
Crwth An ancient Celtic instrument
Phpht Interjection to indicate mild annoyance
Six Letter Words MEANING
Rhythm Regular repeated pattern of movement or sound
Syzygy A pair of connected or corresponding things.
Sylphy The nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies 
Spryly Lively, active, and brisk; vigorous.
Smyths Smyth is an early variant of the common surname

Further, the longest word having seven letters which has none of the five vowels is: Nymphly

However, two six letters word which is Glycyl and Rhythm can as well be considered as seven letters word if we add “s” at the end of each word.

Quick Links

Last Updated: December 21, 2021 | Author: Kurt Damiano


  • 1 What 7 letter word has no vowels?
  • 2 What is the longest word without a vowel?
  • 3 How many words have no vowels?
  • 4 What 6 letter word has no vowels?
  • 5 Is there a word with all 26 letters?
  • 6 What word takes 3 hours to say?
  • 7 Are W and Y vowels?
  • 8 Which word has all 5 vowels?
  • 9 Are there any words with only vowels?
  • 10 Can H be a vowel?
  • 11 Is the letter XA vowel?
  • 12 Is yell a consonant or vowel?
  • 13 Is Z voiced or voiceless?
  • 14 Why do we say an hour?
  • 15 Is it an xray or a xray?
  • 16 Is WA velar?
  • 17 Is Ga velar stop?
  • 18 Is k voiced?
  • 19 How is w articulated?
  • 20 Is R an approximant?
  • 21 Is ɰ a glide?
  • 22 What sounds does Y make?

What 7 letter word has no vowels?

Not including plurals, there is only one seven-letter word which has none of the five vowels. That word is nymphly, which is a rare variation of ‘nymphlike’. However, two six-letter words, glycyl and rhythm, can have an ‘s’ added in the plural to make a seven-letter word without a vowel.

What is the longest word without a vowel?

Originally Answered: What is longest English word written without vowel letters? Twyndyllyngs is the longest word in English that doesn’t contain one of the five vowels (AEIOU). It comes from Welsh and is obviously rare, but it does appear in the Oxford English Dictionary.

How many words have no vowels?

Found 88675 words without vowels for Scrabble, Words With Friends, WordHub, and Crosswords.

What 6 letter word has no vowels?

In a “standard” English Dictionary, and including the “y”, the longest words excluding plural nouns are rhythm, spryly, sylphy, and syzygy. They each have six letters, although rhythm could be could become a plural noun. Excluding the letter “y”, the top two words are crwth, and cwtch.

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet. The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. My favorite pangram is “Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.”

What word takes 3 hours to say?

Note the ellipses. All told, the full chemical name for the human protein titin is 189,819 letters, and takes about three-and-a-half hours to pronounce. The problem with including chemical names is that there’s essentially no limit to how long they can be.

Are W and Y vowels?

A, E, I, O, U, Y, and, as we’ll see, W, are called vowels, but let’s get technical. They are symbols (letters) that represent a special type of speech sound called a vowel. According to phoneticians, a vowel is a speech sound that is made without significant constriction of the flow of air from the lungs.

Which word has all 5 vowels?

Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

Are there any words with only vowels?

Words (found in major English dictionaries) consisting entirely of vowels include AA (a type of lava), AE, AI, AIEEE, IAO, OII, EAU, EUOUAE, OE, OO, I, O, A, IO, and UOIAUAI, the last of these being the longest vowel-only word (seven letters).

Can H be a vowel?

In English, The pronunciation of ⟨h⟩ as /h/ can be analyzed as a voiceless vowel. That is, when the phoneme /h/ precedes a vowel, /h/ may be realized as a voiceless version of the subsequent vowel.

Is the letter XA vowel?

No. The letter “X”, is not a vowel. The letter Y”, however, is usually considered a vowel-like letter.

Is yell a consonant or vowel?

In yell, the <e> makes the vowel sound while the <y> makes the sound it spells in yes. So, <y> is acting as a consonant.

Is Z voiced or voiceless?

The technical names of consonants tell three things about a sound: The state of the vocal cords (voiced or voiceless)

Consonants in the IPA.

b voiced bilabial stop
t voiceless alveolar stop
v voiced labiodental fricative
w voiced velar glide
z voiced alveopalatal fricative

Why do we say an hour?

An hour is the correct one. It is because in the word hour the letter h is not pronounced, therefore when hour is pronounced the first letter sounds like a vowel sound. The general rule is: a) when the first letter of a word is a consonant or sounds like consonant the indefinite article a lies in front of the word.

Is it an xray or a xray?

In the word “X-ray”, you pronounce the name of the first letter rather than the sound it represents. Thus, it’s pronounced “Ecks-ray”, not “Ks-ray”. Therefore, you would say “an X-ray”, not “a X-ray”.

Is WA velar?

On a consonant chart [w] would occur in both the labial column and the velar column. That makes it a labiovelar (hyphenation optional) consonant, like Latin QU and Lushootseed k̉ʷ. Labiovelars are produced by simultaneous articulation, using different articulators.

Is Ga velar stop?

Conversely, some languages have the voiced post-velar plosive, which is articulated slightly behind the place of articulation of the prototypical velar plosive, though not as back as the prototypical uvular plosive.

Voiced velar plosive
Unicode (hex) U+0261

Is k voiced?

Voiced consonants are pronounced with vocal cords vibration, as opposed to voiceless consonants, where the vocal cords are relaxed. a. The voiced consonants are b, bh, c, ch, d, dh, g, gh, l, r, m, n, z, and j, w. … The voiceless consonants are p, t, k, q, f, h, s, x.

How is w articulated?

Its place of articulation is labialized velar, which means it is articulated with the back part of the tongue raised toward the soft palate (the velum) while rounding the lips. … Close transcriptions may avoid the symbol [w] in such cases, or may use the under-rounding diacritic, [w̜].

Is R an approximant?

The most common sound represented by the letter r in English is the voiced postalveolar approximant, pronounced a little more back and transcribed more precisely in IPA as ⟨ɹ̠⟩, but ⟨ɹ⟩ is often used for convenience in its place.

Is ɰ a glide?

The most common type of this approximant is glide or semivowel. The term glide emphasizes the characteristic of movement (or ‘glide’) of [ɰ] from the [ɯ] vowel position to a following vowel position. … It is an oral consonant, which means air is allowed to escape through the mouth only.

What sounds does Y make?

The letter “y” can make three sounds:

  • y can make the /y/ sound as in “yellow”
  • y can make the long i sound as in “shy”
  • y can make the long e sound as in “happy”

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Our recent discussions about syllabicity («Readings» below) made me wonder whether it’s possible to have syllables, words, and whole sentences without vowels.  That led me to this example from Nuxalk on Omniglot:


clhp’xwlhtlhplhhskwts’ / xłp̓χʷłtłpłłskʷc̓

IPA transcription



Then he had had in his possession a bunchberry plant.

This is an example of a word with no vowels, something that is quite common in Nuxalk.

Souce: Nater, Hank F. (1984). The Bella Coola Language. Mercury Series; Canadian Ethnology Service (No. 92). Ottawa: National Museums of Canada.

If you want to hear what the above sample sounds like, listen here.  The slides following the first one have words, phrases, and sentences meaning:

2. shape; style

3. bent; curved

4. bunchberry

5. he already arrived

6. little boy

7. saliva

8. northeast wind

9. cut with a knife

10. animal fat

11. that’s my animal fat over there

12. seal fat

13. strong

14. go to the shore

15. bent; curved — a synonym of #3

16. then you saw me pass by on a path

Information about the Nuxalk Language (from Omniglot):

Nuxalk [nuχalk] is a Salishan language spoken in Bella Coola in British Colombia in Canada. In 2014 there were 17 Nuxalk speakers, all of whom were elderly. The language is also known as Bella Coola, although Nuxalk is the preferred name, particularly for the Nuxalk Nation government. The name Bella Coola comes from bḷ́xʷlá, which means «stranger» in Heiltsuk, a Wakashan language also spoken in British Colombia.



Native Languages of the Americas



First Voices

Selected readings

  • «Syllables» (2/24/20)
  • «English syllable detection» (2/26/20)

[Thanks to Diana Shuheng Zhang]

March 2, 2020 @ 1:58 am
· Filed by Victor Mair under Orthography, Parsing, Phonetics and phonology


Table of Contents

  1. What are some of the longest German words?
  2. Which is the largest word without vowel?
  3. What 7 letter word has no vowels?
  4. What 6 letter word has no vowels?
  5. What is the only 9 letter word with one vowel?
  6. What is the shortest 2 syllable word?
  7. What is the shortest three syllable word?
  8. What’s the longest word with only 1 consonant?
  9. Is Shh a word?
  10. Which is the longest English word?
  11. What is the hardest hangman word?
  12. What is a 3 letter word?
  13. What’s a good hangman word?
  14. What is the best hangman word?
  15. What are some weird words?
  16. How many guesses do you get in hangman?
  17. How do you guess hangman?

Words with no vowels Cwm and crwth do not contain the letters a, e, i, o, u, or y, the usual vowels (that is, the usual symbols that stand for vowel sounds) in English. Shh, psst, and hmm do not have vowels, either vowel symbols or vowel sounds.

What are some of the longest German words?


Which is the largest word without vowel?


What 7 letter word has no vowels?

Not including plurals, there is only one seven-letter word which has none of the five vowels. That word is nymphly, which is a rare variation of ‘nymphlike’. However, two six-letter words, glycyl and rhythm, can have an ‘s’ added in the plural to make a seven-letter word without a vowel.

What 6 letter word has no vowels?

6 letter words without vowels: Rhythm, Crypts….

  • Brrr or brr. An expression of being cold.
  • Crypt. A crypt contains a grave.
  • Ghyll. A deep ravine, especially a wooded one.
  • Hymn.
  • Lynx.
  • Myrrh.
  • Myth.
  • Nth.

What is the only 9 letter word with one vowel?


What is the shortest 2 syllable word?


What is the shortest three syllable word?


What’s the longest word with only 1 consonant?


Requesting silence. Asking people to keep silent.

Which is the longest English word?


What is the hardest hangman word?


What is a 3 letter word?

3-letter words

  • aba.
  • abs.
  • ace.
  • act.
  • add.
  • ado.
  • aft.
  • age.

What’s a good hangman word?

9 Words to Make You a Boss at Hangman

  • Chthonic. adjective : of or relating to the underworld : infernal.
  • Squush. verb 1 : to squash or crush (something) 2 : to emit a sucking sound : to squish.
  • Kickshaw. noun 1 : a fancy dish : delicacy 2 : trinket, gewgaw.
  • Zugzwang.
  • Ytterbium.
  • Randkluft.
  • Yclept.
  • Diphthong.

What is the best hangman word?

Hangman Words

  • yummy.
  • zephyr.
  • zigzag.
  • zigzagging.
  • zilch.
  • zipper.
  • zodiac.
  • zombie.

What are some weird words?

Here are the fifteen most unusual words in the English language.

  • Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words.
  • Gobbledygook.
  • Scrumptious.
  • Agastopia.
  • Halfpace.
  • Impignorate.
  • Jentacular.
  • Nudiustertian.

How many guesses do you get in hangman?

The number of incorrect guesses before the game ends is up to the players, but completing a character in a noose provides a minimum of six wrong answers until the game ends. The first player to guess the correct answer thinks of the word for the next game.

How do you guess hangman?

11 Strategies For Dominating Hangman

  1. 1 | Aim for a simple Hangman.
  2. 2 | Don’t bring up minimum word length.
  3. 3 | Hustle the other person in by curbing early cleverness.
  4. 4 | Now play a short word with obscure letters.
  5. 5 | After one or two turns, get off the Z words.
  6. 6 | Prepare for the switch to longer words.

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