What is a word with the suffix ance

Writing blog posts that are the most helpful for English learners is a combination of experience and research. This post will answer any questions you have about how to use the suffix -ANCE. (And the suffix -ENCE. which it can be confused with.)

The suffix -ANCE is used to create nouns to mean the action or state of.
New nouns will be made from verbs: assist + ANCE = assistance (The act of assisting)
or from adjectives ending in -ANT: brilliant + ANCE = brilliance (The state of being brilliant)

Find new words and definitions with example sentences. Real examples to help you use these words right away. Plus you will find a helpful video and a free PDF download.

Suffix ANCE- Meaning 

-ance suffix (in nouns) the action or state of
Example: performance (The action of performing)
“I won the match but I wasn’t happy with my performance.”

ance suffix – OxfordLearnersDictionaries.com 

Suffix Word Origin
From Middle English -aunce, -ance, from Anglo-Norman -aunce and continental Old French -ance, from Latin -antia, -entia. SOURCE

How do you use the suffix -ANCE?

Here are some simple guidelines for using the suffix -ANCE. 

Adjectives ending in -ANT to Nouns
Just replace the final -ANT with -ANCE.
abundant – abundance – a large quantity that is more than enough
brilliant – brilliance – the quality of being extremely impressive, intelligent or skillful
important – importance – the quality of being important
Verbs to Nouns
Nouns that end in EAR will just add the suffix -ANCE.
clear – clearance – the process of removing things that are not wanted
Nouns that end in URE will drop the final E before adding the suffix -ANCE.
assure – assurance – a statement that something will certainly be true or will certainly happen
For most other verbs we just add the suffix -ANCE to the end of the word (with a few exceptions.)
assist – assistance – help or support
The final letter Y will change to an I before adding -ANCE.
rely – reliance – the fact of being able to rely on somebody/something

You will find exceptions to these VERB rules in the vocabulary lists below. 

The Suffixes -ANCE vs -ENCE

The suffixes -ANCE and -ENCE mean the same thing. They are both used to make nouns that mean the action or state of.

-ence suffix (in nouns) – the action or state of
Example: confidence (The state of being confident)
“In a job interview, you want to show confidence but also be careful not to appear arrogant.”

Here’s the key difference:
The suffix -ANCE is added to adjectives that end with -ANT. 

Brilliant becomes brilliance.

The suffix -ENCE is added to adjectives that end with -ENT.

Confident becomes confidence.

Suffix Origin
The suffix -ENCE also comes from Middle English, Old French, and Latin.
From Middle English -ence, from Old French -ence, from Latin -entia. Compare Old English -ende, -endu (“-ing, -ence”). SOURCE

Words with the Suffix -ANCE (Definitions and Examples)

Nouns From Adjectives Ending with -ANT

Just replace the final -ANT with -ANCE.

abundant – abundance – a large quantity that is more than enough

  • Many people are surprised to learn that Canada has an abundance of oil, and produces more than 50% of the oil sold in America. 

*We can add the prefix OVER to make the noun overabundance which means a large surplus: excess

  • The company found it had an overabundance of qualified applicants who wanted the job.

Understand this prefix in detail here: Your #1 Guide to using Over and Under as Prefixes (free PDF)

arrogant – arrogance – the behavior of a person when they feel that they are more important than other people, so that they are rude to them or do not consider them

  • Confidence is a great quality to have, but arrogance is not. 

brilliant – brilliance – the quality of being extremely impressive, intelligent or skillful

In the NEWS

Messi’s brilliance sends Argentina through to the World Cup final

clairvoyant – clairvoyance – the power that some people claim to have to be able to see future events or to communicate with people who are dead or far away

  • The psychic claimed to possess clairvoyance but when he was tested under proper conditions he failed to predict anything specific. 

elegant – elegance – ​the quality of being attractive and showing a good sense of style

  • The actress looked stunning on the red carpet. She wore a stunning black dress with casual elegance

extravagant – extravagance – the act or habit of spending more money than you can afford or than is necessary

  • Extravagance is often a symptom of someone feeling like they’re not special. 

distant – distance – the amount of space between two places or things

  • The beach is within walking distance of my house. I often see people carrying surfboards on the sidewalk. 

flamboyant – flamboyance – the fact of being different, confident and exciting in a way that attracts attention

  • The singer was known for his powerful voice and his flamboyance. He always wore flashy clothes on stage.

fragrant – fragrance – a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice

  • The fashion company is having a huge event this Saturday to release its new fragrance

ignorant – ignorance – a lack of knowledge or information about something

  • Prejudice and ignorance often go hand in hand.

important – importance – the quality of being important

  • The final exam is worth 65% of your total grade. I can’t stress the importance of this test enough! Make sure you study hard. 

instant – instance – a particular example or case of something

  • The teacher noticed several instances of students sleeping in class. 

radiant – radiance – a special bright quality that shows in somebody’s face, for example because they are very happy or healthy

  • The radiance of her smile puts everyone who talks to her at ease.

relevant – relevance – a close connection with the subject you are discussing or the situation you are in

  • Some people feel that the Royal Family has lost its relevance in these modern times. 

*We can add the prefix IR to make the noun irrelevance which means lack of importance to or connection with a situation 

  • Experts fear that cryptocurrency is nearing irrelevance. (It will not be important very soon.)

Understand the prefix IR in detail here: 9 Common Negative Prefixes (200 examples, Free PDF, Video)

reluctant – reluctance – the feeling of being unwilling to do something and hesitating before you do it, because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to do

  • Are you sure you want to help me with this big project? I’m feeling some reluctance from you.

significant – significance – the importance of something, especially when this has an effect on what happens in the future

  • The significance of the test results was not lost on him. He knew what it meant. 

*We can add the prefix IN to make the noun insignificance which means the fact of not being big or valuable enough to be considered important

  • We all have to deal with feelings of insignificance at some point in our lives. 

Understand the negative prefix IN here: 9 Common Negative Prefixes (200 examples, Free PDF, Video)

tolerant – tolerance – the quality of being willing to accept or tolerate somebody/something, especially opinions or behavior that you may not agree with, or people who are not like you

  • Countries that are free and open usually have more religious tolerance. People can practice any religion they like. 

*We can add the prefix IN to make the noun intolerance which means  the fact of not being willing to accept ideas or ways of behaving that are different from your own

  • Problems of intolerance can usually be resolved by calm discussion. 

vigilant – vigilance – great care that is taken to notice any signs of danger or trouble

  • Stopping the spread of the virus will take vigilance from everyone. 

Nouns From Verbs Ending with -EAR -URE 

Nouns that end in EAR will just add the suffix -ANCE.
Nouns that end in URE will drop the final E before adding the suffix -ANCE.

appear – appearance – the way that somebody/something looks on the outside; what somebody/something seems to be

  • Don’t let Mindy’s appearance fool you, she can hurt you! She’s a black belt in Taekwondo. 

*We can add the prefix NON to make the noun non-appearance which means failure to be in a place where people expect to see you

  • The judge noted the defendant’s non-appearance in court and ruled on behalf of the plaintiff.

Understand this prefix in detail here: No None and Non – Learn the difference (50 examples + PDF)

*We can add the prefix RE to make the noun reappearance which means the act of appearing again after not being heard of or seen for a period of time

  • Madison’s sudden reappearance shocked everyone. 

Understand this prefix RE in detail here: The Prefix RE – 60 examples (Meaning – Free PDF – Video)

assure – assurance – a statement that something will certainly be true or will certainly happen, particularly when there has been doubt about it

  • No one will be forced to work overtime this week, the boss gave me his assurance

*We can add the prefix RE to make the noun reassurance which means the fact of giving advice or help that takes away a person’s fears or doubts

  • He left for Europe giving her reassurance that he would return and they will soon be together again. 

clear – clearance – the process of removing things that are not wanted

  • We bought a new TV at a super low price. The electronics store near my house had a big clearance sale last week. 

disappear – disappearance – the fact of being lost or impossible to find

  • Police are investigating the disappearance of a university student from the park yesterday. 

endure – endurance – the ability to continue doing something painful or difficult for a long period of time without giving up

  • You need to have great endurance to compete in a triathlon. I respect anyone who competes in those events.

insure – insurance – an arrangement with a company in which you pay them regular amounts of money and they agree to pay the costs, for example, if you die or are ill, or if you lose or damage something

  • Owning a car can be expensive when you add up the cost of gas, maintenance, and insurance

Nouns From Other Verbs

For most other verbs we just add the suffix -ANCE to the end of the word with a few exceptions.
For verbs ending in the letter e, the e will be dropped before adding -ANCE.
Verbs like admit and rid will double the last consonant before adding -ANCE.

accept – acceptance – the act of accepting a gift, an invitation, an offer, etc.

  • The actor thanked his family for their support and his agent in his acceptance speech. 

acquaint – acquaintance – a person that you know but who is not a close friend

  • Jeremy is an acquaintance from work but we don’t spend time together outside of the office. 

admit – admittance – the right to enter or the act of entering a building, an institution, etc.

  • Without a proper passport, he was denied admittance into the country. 

allow – allowance – ① the amount of something that is allowed in a particular situation

  • A person’s recommended daily allowance of sodium changes depending on their age.

② an amount of money that is given to somebody regularly or for a particular purpose

  • I give my son an allowance of $5 per week. He thinks that it’s too low. 

assist – assistance – help or support

  • Devon qualified for financial assistance to help pay for his University tuition. 

attend – attendance – the act of being present at a place, for example at school

  • I liked my professor and always attended his lectures, even if attendance wasn’t necessary for class credit. 

avoid – avoidance – not doing something; preventing something from existing or happening

  • Self-driving cars are looking to improve their collision avoidance technology.

disturb – disturbance – actions that make you stop what you are doing, or that upset the normal state that something is in; the act of disturbing somebody/something or the fact of being disturbed

  • The park wants to reduce the disturbance of the wildlife living there. They limit the number of daily visitors. 

dominate – dominance – the fact of being more important, powerful or easy to notice than somebody/something else

  • From the opening kickoff the home team asserted its dominance

enter – entrance – a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place

  • In Japan, no one wears their shoes inside the house. Outside shoes are left at the entrance

guide – guidance – help or advice that is given to somebody, especially by somebody older or with more experience

  • My high school had several guidance counselors who helped students faced with important decisions. 

govern – governance – the activity of governing a country or controlling a company or an organization; the way in which a country is governed or a company or institution is controlled

  • Good governance is the key ingredient to improving a country’s development and status in the world. 

hinder – hindrance – a person or thing that makes it more difficult for somebody to do something or for something to happen

  • The new rules are less of a help and more of a hindrance

inherit – inheritance – the money, property, etc. that you receive from somebody when they die; the fact of receiving something when somebody dies

  • Kevin used the inheritance he got from his grandfather to help start his business. 

maintain – maintenance – the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly

  • Regular maintenance can double the lifespan of your car. 

observe – observance – the practice of obeying a law, celebrating a festival or behaving according to a particular custom

  • My friend’s family was very religious and always followed a strict observance of the religious holidays. 

*We can add the prefix NON to make the noun non-observance which means ​the failure to keep or to obey a rule, custom, etc.

  • Residents of Saskatchewan support the province’s non-observance of daylight savings time. This is the only province in Canada to not change its clocks in Spring and Autumn.

persevere – perseverance – the quality of continuing to try to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties

  • These were difficult times but the community showed great perseverance

perform – performance – how well or badly you do something; how well or badly something works

  • I won the match but I wasn’t happy with my performance.

remember – remembrance – the act or process of remembering an event in the past or a person who is dead

  • In Canada, Remembrance Day is November 11th. It’s the day to honor and remember armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. 

remit – remittance – a sum of money that is sent to somebody in order to pay for something

  • Remittance is now possible via bitcoin.

resemble – resemblance – the fact of being or looking similar to somebody/something

  • Rebecca bears a striking resemblance to her mother. 

resist – resistance – the act of using force to oppose somebody/something

  • The police were met with strong resistance from the angry protesters.

rid – riddance – Used with the adjective GOOD – good riddance (to somebody/something) – an  – unkind way of saying that you are pleased that somebody/something has gone

  • George has finally left the company and I say good riddance. I never liked that guy. 

surveil – surveillance – the act of carefully watching a person suspected of a crime or a place where a crime may be committed

  • The police suspected that drugs were being sold from the house. It was kept under constant surveillance

Verbs that end in -Y

The letter Y will change to an I before adding -ANCE. (Annoyance is an exception. The Y does not change to make this noun.)

annoy – annoyance – the feeling of being slightly angry

  • The students sensed their teacher’s annoyance, so they remained quiet for the rest of the class. 

comply – compliance – the practice of obeying rules or requests made by people in authority

  • The company rules must be followed at all times. Our corporate headquarters expect compliance from all staff members. 

*We can add the prefix NON to make the noun non-compliance which means the fact of failing or refusing to obey a rule

  • The warehouse received a strict fine for non-compliance with fire safety regulations. 

defy – defiance – the act of openly refusing to obey somebody/something

  • Holding up a blank sheet of paper has become the latest act of defiance among protesters in China. 

rely – reliance – the state of needing somebody/something in order to survive, be successful, etc.; the fact of being able to rely on somebody/something

  • Having a wide range of investments is important, too much reliance on one sector or one company can be dangerous.

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Alternative forms[edit]

  • -ence
  • ⠨⠑ (Braille)


From Middle English -aunce, -ance, from Anglo-Norman -aunce and continental Old French -ance, from Latin -antia, -entia.


  • IPA(key): /-əns/



  1. Added to an adjective or verb to form a noun indicating a state or condition, such as result or capacity, associated with the verb.
    ally + ‎-ance → ‎alliance
    perform + ‎-ance → ‎performance
    reluctant + ‎-ance → ‎reluctance
  2. Added to a verb to form a noun indicating a process or action.
    appear + ‎-ance → ‎appearance
    resist + ‎-ance → ‎resistance

Usage notes[edit]

  • Many words ending in «-ance» were formed in French or by alteration of a noun or adjective ending in «-ant».

Derived terms[edit]


  • -ency


a state

  • Catalan: -ança (ca) f
  • French: -ance (fr)
    Old French: -ance
  • Friulian: -ance
  • Hungarian: -ság (hu)/-ség (hu), -at (hu)/-et (hu), -alom (hu)/-elem (hu)
  • Italian: -anza f
  • Middle English: -aunce, -ing
  • Portuguese: -ança (pt) f
  • Romanian: -anță (ro) f
  • Spanish: -anza (es), -ancia (es) f
  • Swedish: -ans (sv) c
  • Venetian: -ansa f


  • Caen, CanE, Cane, Cena, Nace, acne, cane



From Old French -ance, from Latin -antia and -entia. Compare Spanish -anza, -enza, Italian -anza, -enza, Portuguese -ança, -ença, Romanian -ință.

Cognate to French -ence.


  • IPA(key): /ɑ̃s/
  • Homophone: -ence


-ance f (plural -ances)

  1. -ance; forms abstract nouns

Derived terms[edit]


  • -ant
  • -ence

Middle English[edit]



  1. Alternative form of -aunce

Middle French[edit]



  1. -ance (suffixed used to form nouns)

Derived terms[edit]


  • French: -ance

Old French[edit]

Alternative forms[edit]

  • -anche, -aunce


Inherited from Latin -antia(m), -entia(m).


  • IPA(key): /ˈãn.t͡sə/



  1. -ance (suffixed used to form nouns)

Derived terms[edit]


  • -ant


  • Middle French: -ance
    • French: -ance
  • Middle English: -aunce, -ance, -ans, -anse, -auns
    • English: -ance (-ence)
    • Scots: -ance (-ence)


Alternative forms[edit]

  • -ence


From Middle English -aunce, from Anglo-Norman -aunce and continental Old French -ance, from Latin -antia, -entia.


  • IPA(key): /əns/



  1. Forms nouns indicating states or processes, usually from verbs or other nouns;



-ance (Cyrillic spelling -анце)

  1. Suffix appended to words to create a neuter noun, usually to form a diminutive or as an expression of endearment, or to denote an object.

See also[edit]

  • -ce
  • -ence
  • Words with a certain ending
  • Nouns with the suffix «-ance»

This morpheme tends to mean «act or condition of«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: assistance, endurance, importance. It’s typically applied to nouns.

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  • performance

  • chance

  • importance

  • instance

  • balance

  • insurance

  • distance

  • finance

  • appearance

  • significance

  • assistance

  • maintenance

  • resistance

  • advance

  • guidance

  • alliance

  • dance

  • entrance

  • acceptance

  • substance

  • allowance

  • glance

  • accordance

  • assurance

  • attendance

  • stance

  • relevance

  • ambulance

  • compliance

  • inheritance

  • renaissance

  • ignorance

  • dominance

  • reluctance

  • nuisance

  • romance

  • clearance

  • reliance

  • disturbance

  • utterance

  • surveillance

  • tolerance

  • resemblance

  • allegiance

  • variance

  • disappearance

  • abundance

  • circumstance

  • acquaintance

  • reassurance

  • defiance

  • elegance

  • arrogance

  • avoidance

  • annoyance

  • imbalance

  • ordnance

  • vengeance

  • brilliance

  • deviance

  • resonance

  • conveyance

  • fragrance

  • freelance

  • endurance

  • reconnaissance

  • intolerance

  • lance

  • impedance

  • remembrance

  • reflectance

  • observance

  • grievance

  • provenance

  • vigilance

  • semblance

  • trance

  • predominance

  • governance

  • temperance

  • appliance

  • extravagance

  • continuance

  • deliverance

  • severance

  • inductance

  • hindrance

  • countenance

  • preponderance

  • pursuance

  • penance

  • capacitance

  • perseverance

  • exuberance

  • repentance

  • irrelevance

  • ordinance

  • durance

  • insignificance

  • sustenance

  • radiance

  • reappearance

  • issuance

  • remittance

  • reinsurance

  • furtherance

  • dissonance

  • pittance

  • nuance

  • concordance

  • parlance

  • conductance

  • abeyance

  • fiance

  • self-reliance

  • forbearance

  • valance

  • rance

  • self-assurance

  • admittance

  • conformance

  • pulsatance

  • covariance

  • contrivance

  • nonchalance

  • self-importance

  • absorbance

  • sundance

  • discontinuance

  • cognisance

  • connivance

  • petulance

  • seance

  • dalliance

  • flamboyance

  • insouciance

  • repugnance

  • consonance

  • riddance

  • obeisance

  • reactance

  • sufferance

  • counterbalance

  • clairvoyance

  • off-chance

  • recalcitrance

  • invariance

  • unimportance

  • valiance

  • irradiance

  • pleasance

  • encumbrance

  • cognizance

  • comeuppance

  • come-uppance

  • creance

  • prance

  • penetrance

  • nance

  • protuberance

  • assonance

  • purveyance

  • remonstrance

  • nurturance

  • mischance

  • disallowance

  • intemperance

  • noncompliance

  • overbalance

  • ambiance

  • monstrance

  • disinheritance

  • superabundance

  • luxuriance

  • underperformance

  • forbiddance

  • transhumance

  • discordance

  • offchance

  • misfeasance

  • pharmacovigilance

  • transmittance

  • existance

  • hance

  • ascendance

  • jouissance

  • outperformance

  • puissance

  • inelegance

  • occupance

  • happenstance

  • outrance

  • complaisance

  • sibilance

  • incumbrance

  • malignance

  • luminance

  • nonfeasance

  • misalliance

  • vibrance

  • esperance

  • recognizance

  • appurtenance

  • quittance

  • readmittance

  • f’rinstance

  • itinerance

  • nonconformance

  • acquittance

  • malfeasance

  • overabundance

  • microbalance

  • hinderance

  • susceptance

  • equidistance

  • abondance

  • half-chance

  • overreliance

  • compearance

  • obeyance

  • exitance

  • tendance

  • exorbitance

  • dependance

  • breakdance

  • poignance

  • reacquaintance

  • absorptance

  • concomitance

  • self-acceptance

  • fer-de-lance

  • subordinance

  • emittance

  • voidance

  • redundance

  • hesitance

  • recognisance

  • militance

  • somnambulance

  • usance

  • underabundance

  • conversance

  • expectance

  • brillance

  • aberrance

  • defeasance

  • nonperformance

  • indignance

  • reverberance

  • bancassurance

  • co-dominance

  • lifestance

  • jubilance

  • overperformance

  • reacceptance

  • delivrance

  • pregnance

  • plaisance

  • reconaissance

  • suffrance

  • ensurance

  • air-resistance

  • forebearance

  • survivance

  • misguidance

  • cabulance

  • immunosurveillance

  • confirmance

  • sortance

  • string distance

  • banker’s acceptance

  • life-assurance

  • surceasance

  • reprobance

  • global governance

  • obdurance

  • taxi distance

  • piece de resistance

  • underinsurance

  • cyberromance

  • pièce de résistance

  • leg glance

  • radioresistance

  • overdominance

  • manurance

  • concert performance

  • cognitive dissonance

  • Schumann resonance

  • contredance

  • garavance

  • disavowance

  • act of independent significance

  • homotolerance

  • codominance

  • immunotolerance

  • arrivance

  • resiance

  • unobservance

  • mésalliance

  • whambulance

  • seam allowance

  • eyeglance

  • utterance

  • acro dance

  • check and balance

  • hyperabundance

  • torquance

  • sovenance

  • disbalance

  • Cartesian distance

  • taxi-distance

  • acro-balance

  • cartesian distance

  • vicariance

  • teleassistance

  • Euclidean distance

  • creepage distance

  • recontinuance

  • multidistance

  • usurance

  • affirmance

  • taxicab distance

  • mayntenance

  • thermal conductance

  • extrance

  • missemblance

  • boundance

  • noyance

  • aquaintance

  • fire lance

  • overissuance

  • autoguidance

  • underdominance

  • Buckley’s chance

  • allurance

  • indurance

  • polyresistance

  • square dance

  • maison de tolérance

  • rutilance

  • Eurodance

  • line dance

  • antiromance

  • counterinstance

  • nonappearance

  • air ambulance

  • touchdown dance

  • defailance

  • belly dance

  • non-dance

  • thermal lance

  • microdistance

  • social insurance

  • discriminance

  • demonstrance

  • taxidistance

  • tools of ignorance

  • claircognizance

  • Eurodominance

  • contra dance

  • nuclear magnetic resonance

  • displeasance

  • renal clearance

  • coinheritance

  • habitance

  • acrobalance

  • tea dance

  • lion dance

  • accumbrance

  • assemblance

  • morris dance

  • reconveyance

  • wieldance

  • pance

  • analysis of variance

  • transadmittance

  • autoperformance

  • demilance

  • braindance

  • chemical imbalance

  • clairgustance

  • creeping elegance

  • différance

  • obstinance

  • showmance

  • magnetoimpedance

  • electromotance

  • perceivance

  • step dance

  • nondominance

  • hypervigilance

  • lap dance

  • dog’s chance

  • polarizance

  • radiation impedance

  • disobeisance

  • scance

  • semidominance

  • muscular endurance

  • e-quaintance

  • immittance

  • nonpenetrance

  • heterotolerance

  • nuclear quadrupole resonance

  • inconsonance

  • superhero insurance

  • oppugnance

  • inshurance

  • street dance

  • transimpedance

  • discompliance

  • womance

  • marriage guidance

  • noncompearance

  • nonresemblance

  • sunderance

  • cage dance

  • mass surveillance

  • hyperresistance

  • belly-dance

  • weasel war dance

  • countersurveillance

  • sorance

  • linguistic imbalance

  • æquidistance

  • Manhattan distance

  • hyperresonance

  • inconstance

  • bireflectance

  • line of dance

  • luminosity distance

  • thermoreflectance

  • effort distance

  • appendance

  • transresistance

  • inquirance

  • osmotolerance

  • rolling resistance

  • seroclearance

  • fan dance

  • preclearance

  • radiative balance

  • abaisance

  • panresistance

  • checkbox compliance

  • pastance

  • photoconductance

  • upbuoyance

  • lap-dance

  • operance

  • extuberance

  • avengeance

  • revengeance

  • self-distance

  • underattendance

  • wambulance

  • bromance

  • outside chance

  • ponderance

  • nanosubstance

  • frinstance

  • spitting distance

  • boastance

  • subvariance

  • coinsurance

  • cryotolerance

  • zone of avoidance

  • incogitance

  • nonsignificance

  • chemical substance

  • chrominance

  • séance

  • vociferance

  • coordinance

  • skirt dance

  • argument from ignorance

  • comeupance

  • cyberfinance

  • rain dance

  • thermic lance

  • break dance

  • occurrance

  • tarriance

  • thermoresistance

  • Chinaman’s chance

  • serodiscordance

  • slam-dance

  • snaphance

  • incognisance

  • American Renaissance

  • unacceptance

  • fartherance

  • nonresistance

  • recordance

  • unholy alliance

  • cyberformance

  • nondance

  • fan-dance

  • sideglance

  • Irish stepdance

  • unreluctance

  • galavance

  • statistical significance

  • liability insurance

  • electron spin resonance

  • sand lance

  • clog dance

  • step-dance

  • superradiance

  • antidominance

  • incognizance

  • contents insurance

  • bioimpedance

  • squinance

  • round dance

  • photoimpedance

  • preacquaintance

  • pseudodistance

  • re-surveillance

  • mountenance

  • umbrella insurance

  • cybersurveillance

  • line-dance

  • misperformance

  • convertance

  • pole dance

  • midstance

  • impact resistance

  • nonresonance

  • magnetoresistance

  • overelegance

  • fat chance

  • dysbalance

  • oxygen lance

  • ozone resistance

  • photoreconnaissance

  • cost avoidance

  • overcompliance

  • illuminance

  • bienséance

  • pseudodominance

  • reposance

  • thrillmance

  • total clearance

  • extance

  • disacquaintance

  • memresistance

  • photoreflectance

  • exultance

  • moderance

  • unremembrance

  • wahmbulance

  • magnetoresonance

  • memristance

  • nontolerance

  • Juba dance

  • overbearance

  • common parlance

  • megafinance

  • lapdance

  • wanchance

  • dissemblance

  • distemperance

  • appertinance

  • unaccordance

  • obeyance

  • disordinance

  • ground clearance

  • interplant distance

  • controlled substance

  • noninheritance

  • transcapacitance

  • precognizance

  • sonance

  • edit distance

  • war dance

  • halotolerance

  • court appearance

  • thermobalance

  • incessance

  • disconsolance

  • calavance

  • admirance

  • redeliverance

  • highland dance

  • radiotolerance

  • biosurveillance

  • avowance

  • household appliance

  • misissuance

  • fiancé

  • ultradistance

  • inhabitance

  • irredundance

  • discernance

  • pourveyance

  • deniance

  • stopping distance

  • botherance

  • medicine dance

  • autumn romance

  • folk dance

  • jouisance

  • preordinance

  • nonusance

  • subdominance

  • abettance

  • photoresistance

  • reaffirmance

  • perturbance

  • exuperance

  • autocovariance

  • iterance

  • adamance

  • Roberval balance

  • accustomance

  • monodominance

  • contradance

  • mumchance

  • stepdance

  • suppliance

  • connectance

  • daliance

  • suppliance

  • malgovernance

  • modern dance

  • vanbulance

  • tap dance

  • pet insurance

  • seismic performance

  • incomitance

  • affordance

  • nonacceptance

  • haemovigilance

  • transonance

  • fighting chance

  • court of first instance

  • Bhattacharyya distance

  • reperformance

  • thinking distance

  • flagrance

  • perpetuance

  • disaffirmance

  • Africanist dance

  • nanobalance

  • table dance

  • monoresistance

  • elastance

  • emparlance

  • Kapitza resistance

  • tholance

  • permeance

  • fluctuance

  • plebeiance

  • court of second instance

  • liegance

  • song and dance

  • air resistance

  • consensus trance

  • health insurance

  • aidance

  • resistance distance

  • inbalance

  • gravedance

  • aboundance

  • cash advance

  • ecquaintance

  • thermotolerance

  • sciance

  • slow dance

  • aerotolerance

  • unemployment insurance

  • recoverance

  • serosurveillance

  • biodistance

  • achievance

  • lunar distance

  • equiponderance

  • microinsurance

  • semitrance

  • fascinance

  • main chance

  • acutance

  • oxylance

  • bivariance

  • disagreeance

  • omittance

  • retardance

  • thermoconductance

  • noninstance

  • metagovernance

  • signifigance

  • usherance

  • unacquaintance

  • aggrievance

  • unrepentance

  • bladed stance

  • folkdance

  • Sadie Hawkins dance

  • tortfeasance

  • antisurveillance

  • noiance

  • scale invariance

  • desistance

  • Levenshtein distance

  • guardiance

  • excedance

  • disseverance

  • tremble dance

  • photo-romance

  • comportance

  • insitance

  • game of chance

  • enterparlance

  • imparlance

  • auto insurance

  • heritance

  • portance

  • braking distance

  • surseance

  • happenchance

  • memadmittance

  • exceedance

  • photoabsorbance

  • surseance

  • Roman balance

  • amount of substance

  • asshurance

  • pararesonance

  • impartance

  • inobservance

  • semivariance

  • inacquaintance

  • recreance

  • representance

  • failance

  • writ of assistance

  • univariance

  • nonregardance

  • quasidominance

  • nonacquaintance

  • torkance

  • attractive nuisance

  • necromance

  • cap of maintenance

  • affect perseverance

  • supportance

  • malefeasance

  • home appliance

  • chievance

  • second distance

  • classical inheritance

  • Puissance

  • disheritance

  • oversurveillance

  • horse stance

  • country dance

  • self acceptance

  • wide stance

  • demeanance

  • ralliance

  • trade acceptance

  • sun dance

  • susurrance

  • quality assurance

  • nonattendance

  • red-green alliance

  • absorbtance

  • trade balance

  • reascendance

  • red-green-brown alliance

  • chatoyance

  • cumbrance

  • wonderance

  • teleguidance

  • percussive maintenance

  • auto-insurance

  • country of provenance

  • merry dance

  • pharmacoresistance

  • exosubstance

  • autoresonance

  • performative utterance

  • impuissance

  • game-of-chance

  • buck dance

  • zero tolerance

  • barn dance

  • undulance

  • dataveillance

  • bobance

  • abidance

  • transconductance

  • dispurveyance

  • microfinance

  • subradiance

  • weroance

  • equisonance

  • incomplete dominance

  • reservance

  • heat conductance

  • hyperobservance

  • jazz dance

  • disencumbrance

  • werowance

  • overexuberance

  • elastoresistance

  • entreatance

  • antibioresistance

  • turnstile attendance

  • undercompliance

  • cytoresistance

  • steric hindrance

  • Hellinger distance

  • mutterance

  • country-dance

  • sousveillance

  • detailed balance

  • alarm substance

  • electrical conductance

  • permittance

  • perveance

  • attemperance

  • happy dance

  • interdistance

  • incompliance

  • surveyance

  • caravance

  • Romance

  • semiconductance

  • commorance

  • purtenance

  • heat intolerance

  • tax avoidance

  • extenuating circumstance

  • ligeance

  • yieldance

  • royal abundance

  • Tinker to Evans to Chance

  • faineance

  • fauxmance

  • giant magnetoresistance

  • electrical inductance

  • May-September romance

  • prevenance

  • Tinker to Evers to Chance

  • mucosubstance

  • crepance

  • electrical resistance

  • gyroresonance

  • Hamming distance

  • lead glance

  • misremembrance

  • amenance

  • basic balance

  • limerance

  • unattendance

  • irrepentance

  • buckdance

  • perdurance

  • motor insurance

  • intreatance

  • snowball’s chance

  • nonobservance

  • agreeance

  • allegeance

  • anchimeric assistance

  • sorrance

  • nonrelevance

  • off chance

  • biovigilance

  • life assurance

  • reconnoissance

  • e-finance

  • vraisemblance

  • uberveillance

  • convenance

  • spooky action at a distance

  • veil dance

  • scientific romance

  • invigilance

  • multiple inheritance

  • bioreactance

  • subcovariance

  • gubernance

  • command performance

  • preventative maintenance

  • space guidance

  • abearance

  • abstenance

  • St. Vitus’ dance

  • reutterance

  • piquance

  • attendance allowance

  • bank balance

  • pseudocapacitance

  • sweet savage romance

  • memcapacitance

  • preperformance

  • product variance

  • Eurotrance

  • immunoresistance

  • preheritance

  • heteroresistance

  • chevisance

  • counterresistance

  • forgettance

  • outrecuidance

  • tax resistance

  • preassurance

  • præponderance

  • cyberperformance

  • meditance

  • piezoresistance

  • joyance

  • protruberance

  • omnirelevance

  • miscontinuance

  • mutual inductance

  • brisance

  • counterfaisance

  • psytrance

  • resultance

  • symmetrical balance

  • affiance

  • e-governance

  • ceilidh dance

  • counterfeisance

  • mutual insurance

  • engendered reliance

  • connusance

  • xerotolerance

  • enheritance

  • sequence dance

  • uninsurance

  • lactose intolerance

  • vernacular dance

  • side entrance

  • declared abundance

  • geosurveillance

  • magnetocapacitance

  • e-guidance

  • plate appearance

  • invincible ignorance

  • life insurance

  • thromboresistance

  • unresistance

  • hemovigilance

  • nonsubstance

  • buzzword compliance

  • coappearance

  • buoyance

  • equivariance

  • misgovernance

  • indisturbance

  • considerance

  • unchance

  • Mexican hat dance

  • microfragrance

  • piss-elegance

  • doubtance

  • captivance

  • hypertolerance

  • tradesman’s entrance

  • cobordance

  • irresistance

  • reentrance

  • adoptance

  • equiveillance

  • pith and substance

  • gay-straight alliance

  • reëntrance

  • approvance

  • trial balance

  • counterfesance

  • realliance

  • chemoresistance

  • memimpedance

  • power balance

  • stintance

  • electroresistance

  • space reconnaissance

  • striking distance

  • work-life balance

  • gouvernance

  • abodance

  • hyperexuberance

  • miscreance

  • nonimportance

  • transportance

  • feasance

  • standards compliance

  • antiresonance

  • unisonance

  • reattendance

  • surance

  • magnetoconductance

  • technofinance

  • avant-dance

  • bankassurance

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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Оглавление —> Все суффиксы существительных

Продолжаем важную тему — словообразование. Зная суффиксы, можно гораздо реже заглядывать в словарь и самому догадаться о значении слова. В предыдущем сообщении я рассказала о суффиксах, которые большей частью создают абстрактные существительные. Сейчас я напишу еще несколько подобных суффиксов с примерами.

Суффиксы “-ANCE” и «- ENCE» — непродуктивные, родом с французского. Обозначают действие, состояние или качество.

to ABHOR = ненавидеть, питать отвращение + ENCE = ABHORRENCE = то, что вызывает отвращение, отвращение;

to ABIDE = оставаться верным, придерживаться правил + ANCE = ABIDANCE = соблюдение правил;

to ABSTAIN = воздерживаться от чего-либо + ENCE = ABSTINENCE = воздержание, умеренность;

to ABSENT = отсутствовать, уклоняться от чего-либо + ENCE = ABSENCE = отсутствие, отлучка; недостаток, отсутствие чего-либо;

to ACCEPT = принимать, допускать, соглашаться, признавать + ANCE = ACCEPTANCE = принятие, прием, одобрение;

to ADHERE = твердо держаться, придерживаться чего-либо; оставаться верным принципам + ENCE = ADHERENCE = приверженность, верность, строгое соблюдение правил, принципов;

to ADMIT = допускать, принимать, позволять, впускать + ANCE = ADMITTANCE = доступ, вход, разрешение на вход;

AFFLUENT = изобильный , богатый + ENCE = AFFLUENCE = изобилие, богатство;

to ALLY = соединять, вступать в союз, соединяться + ANCE = ALLIANCE= союз, альянс;

to ALLOW = позволять, разрешать; предоставлять, делать возможным + ANCE = ALLOWANCE = разрешение, позволение, допущение, принятие;

to APPLY = применять, употреблять, прикладывать, приспосабливать APPLIANCE = приспособление, прибор; электроприбор;

to ASSIST = помогать, содействовать + ANCE = ASSISTANCE = помощь, содействие;

to ASSURE = уверять, заверять, гарантировать + ANCE = ASSURANCE = уверение, заверение, гарантия;

to ATTEND = посещать, присутствовать на лекциях, на уроках, на собраниях + ANCE = ATTENDANCE = присутствие, посещение, посещаемость, аудитория, публика;

to AUDITION = слушать, выслушивать + ENCE = AUDIENCE = аудитория, слушатели, публика, зрители, слушание ( в суде);

to AVOID = избегать, сторониться, уклоняться + ANCE = AVOIDANCE = избежание, упразднение; отмена, аннулирование;

COINCIDENT = совпадающий соответствующий + ENCE = COINCIDENCE = совпадение, случайное стечение обстоятельств;

CONSCIENTIOUS = совестливый, добросовестный, сознательный, честный + ENCE = CONSCIENCE = совесть;

to CONTRIVE = придумывать, изобретать, затевать, замышлять + ANCE = CONTRIVANCE = изобретательность, выдумка, затея;

CONVENIENT = удобный, подходящий, пригодный + ENCE = CONVENIENCE = удобство;

CONVERSANT = хорошо знакомый, сведущий, относящийся к чему-то + ANCE = CONVERSANCE = осведомленность;

COUNTENANCE = выражение лица, лицо; спокойствие, самообладание; сочувственный взгляд, проявление сочувствия;

CREDENT = доверчивый + ENCE = CREDENCE = вера, доверие;

to DEFEND = оборонять(ся); защищать(ся); отстаивать + ENCE = DEFENCE = оборона, защита;

to DEFER = считаться с чьим-то мнением, уступать, поступать по совету или желанию другого + ENCE = DEFERENCE = уважение, почтительное отношение;

DEFIANT = вызывающий, открыто неповинующийся + ANCE = DEFIANCE = вызов, открытое неповиновение, пренебрежение;

DEFICIENT = недостаточный, недостающий, неполный + ENCE = DEFICIENCE = недостаток, отсутствие чего-либо, дефицит;

to DELIVER = освобождать, избавлять; торжественно высказывать мнение, произносить речь + ANCE = DELIVERANCE = освобождение, избавление; официальное заявление, мнение, высказанное публично;

DEPENDENT = подчиненный, подвластный, зависящий от кого-либо или чего-либо + ENCE = DEPENDENCE = зависимость, подчиненное положение;

DIFFERENT = другой, не такой, несходный, непохожий; различный, разный + ENCE = DIFFERENCE = разница, различие, отличительный признак; разногласие, расхождение;

DIFFIDENT = неуверенный в себе, скромный, застенчивый, робкий + ENCE = DIFFIDENCE = неуверенность в себе, скромность, застенчивость, робость;

DILIGENT = прилежный, старательный, усердный + ENCE = DILIGENCE = прилежание, усердие, старание;

ELEGANT = элегантный, изящный, изысканный + ANCE = ELEGANCE = элегантность, изящество;

EMERGENT = неожиданно появляющийся, внезапно всплывающий + ENCE = EMERGENCE = выход, появление;

EMINENT = возвышенный, возвышающийся; выдающийся, знаменитый + ENCE = EMINENCE = высота, возвышенность, высокое положение, знаменитость;

to ENDURE = выносить, терпеть, примиряться + ANCE = ENDURANCE = выносливость, способность терпеть;

to ENTER = входить, проникать+ ANCE = ENTRANCE = вход ( в здание); вступление, доступ, право входа;

EQUVALENT = равнозначный, равноценный, равносильный + ENCE = EQUVALENCE = эквивалентность, равноценность;

EVIDENT = очевидный, ясный + ENCE = EVIDENCE = очевидность, основание, доказательство

EXCELLENT = превосходный, отличный + ENCE = EXCELLENCE = превосходство, высокое качество, выдающееся мастерство;

EXISTENT = существующий, происходящий, наличный +ENCE = EXISTENCE = существование, жизнь; наличие; все существующее;

EXPECTANT = ожидающий, выжидательный + ANCE = EXPECTANCE = ожидание, предвкушение, надежда, вероятность;

EXPERIENTAL = основанный на опыте; эмпирический + ENCE = EXPERIENCE = опыт (жизненный); переживание; стаж практической деятельности;

FRAGRANT = ароматный, благоухающий + ANCE = FRAGRANCE = аромат, благоухание;

to GRIEVE = огорчать, глубоко опечаливать; горевать + ANCE = GRIVANCE = обида, повод для недовольства, жалоба;

to GUIDE = вести, быть чьим-то проводником; руководить, направлять + ANCE = GUIDANCE = руководство, водительство;

IGNORANT = невежественный, несведущий, не знающий + ANCE = IGNORANCE = невежество, неведение, незнание;

IMPORTANT = важный, значительный + ANCE = IMPORTANCE = важность, значительность;

IMPUDENT = дерзкий, нахальный, бесстыдный + ENCE = IMPUDENCE = дерзость, наглость, бесстыдство;

INDULGENT = снисходительный, терпимый, потворствующий + ENCE = INDULGENCE = снисхождение, снисходительность; индульгенция;

INNOCENT = невинный, чистый, наивный + ENCE = INNOCENCE = невинность, чистота, наивность;

INSURANT = застрахованный, платящий страховую премию + ENCE= INSURANCE = страхование;

to INTERFERE = вмешиваться, служить препятствием, мешать + ENCE = INTERFERENCE = вмешательство, препятствие, помеха;

JUVENESCENT = отроческий, становящейся юношей + ENCE = JUVENESCENCE = юность, переход от отрочества к юности;

to LICENSE = давать разрешение на что-либо ; давать право, патент , привилегию + ENCE = LICENCE = разрешение, лицензия, патент;

to MAINTAIN = поддерживать, удерживать; содержать в исправности, сохранять ; оказывать поддержку + ANCE = MAINTENANCE = поддержка, поддержание; сохранение;

MALEFICENT = зловредный, пагубный + ENCE = MALEFICENCE = зловредность;

NEGLIGENT = небрежный, халатный, беспечный; неряшливый в одежде + ENCE = NEGLIGENCE = небрежность, халатность; неряшливость;

NUISANCE = досада, неприятность; помеха, неудобство; надоедливый человек;

OBEDIENT = послушный, покорный + ENCE = OBEDIENCE = послушание, повиновение, покорность;

OBSERVANT = наблюдательный, внимательный; исполняющий законы, предписания + ANCE = OBSERVANCE = соблюдение законов, предписаний; обряд, ритуал;

to PERFORM = исполнять , выполнять (обещание, приказ); представлять, играть (пьесу, роль) + ANCE = PERFORMANCE = исполнение, выполнение; игра, театральное представление;

PERSISTENT = упорный, настойчивый, стойкий + ENCE = PERSISTENCE = упорство, настойчивость, живучесть, стойкость;

PETULANT = раздражительный, нетерпеливый + ANCE = PETULANCE = раздражительность, нетерпеливость;

to PREFER = предпочитать + ENCE = PREFERENCE = предпочтение; то, чему отдается предпочтение;

PRESENT = присутствующий, имеющийся налицо + ENCE = PRESENCE = присутствие, наличие, соседство, непосредственная близость;

to PRETEND = притворяться, делать вид, симулировать + ENCE = PRETENCE = отговорка, притворство, обман;

PREVALENT = широко распространенный + ENCE = PREVALENCE = широкое распространение; распространенность;

PROMINENT = выдающийся, видный, известный; выступающий, торчащий + ENCE = PROMINENCE = выступ, выпуклость,; выдающиеся положение;

PROVIDENT = предусмотрительный, осторожный, бережливый; + ENCE= PROVIDENCE = предусмотрительность, бережливость; провидение;

PRUDENT = благоразумный, предусмотрительный; осторожный, осмотрительный + ENCE = PRUDENCE = благоразумие, предусмотрительность; осторожность, осмотрительность;

RECURRENT = периодический, повторяющийся время от времени + ENCE = RECURRENCE = возвращение, повторение; возврат, рецидив;

REDUNTANT = излишний, лишний, чрезмерный + ANCE = REDUNTANCE = чрезмерность, избыток;

to REFER = отсылать, посылать, наводить справки, справляться + ENCE = REFERENCE = ссылка, сноска, справка, упоминание, намек;

RELEVANT = уместный, относящийся к делу + ANCE = RELEVANCE = уместность;

RELUCTANT = делающий что-либо с неохотой, неохотный, вынужденный ( о согласии) + ANCE = RELUCTANCE = неохота, нежелание, нерасположение;

to REMEMBER = помнить, вспоминать + ANCE = REMEMBRANCE = воспоминание, память; сувенир, подарок на память;

REPENTANT +кающийся, раскаивающийся + ANCE = REPENTANCE = покаяние, раскаяние, сожаление;

RESIDENT = проживающий, постоянно живущий + ENCE = RESIDENCE = местожительство, местопребывание, резиденция;

RESISTANT + сопротивляющийся, стойкий, прочный + ANCE = RESISTANCE = сопротивление, противодействие, сопротивляемость.

REVEREND = почтенный + ENCE + REVERENCE = почтение, почтительность, поклон, реверанс;

SENESCENT = стареющий, ущербный (о луне) + ENCE = SENESCENCE = старение;

SEQUENT = следующий, являющийся следствием + ENCE= SEQUENCE = последовательность, следование; порядок следования, ряд; последствие, результат;

SILENT = безмолвный, немой; молчаливый + ENCE = SILENCE = молчание, безмолвие, тишина; забвение;

SUBSTANTIAL = реальный, материальный, вещественный, существенный, важный + ANCE = SUBSTANCE = вещество, материя (философия);субстанция; сущность, суть, содержание;

TOLERANT = терпимый, толерантный + ANCE = TOLERANCE = терпимость; толерантность;

to UTTER = издавать звук, произносить; выражать словами + ANCE = UTTERANCE = выражение, произнесение; дикция, произношение, манера говорить;

VARIANT = отличный от других, иной, различный + ANCE = VARIANCE = разногласие, размолвка;

VIOLENT = неистовый, яростный; сильный, интенсивный; насильственный + ENCE = VIOLENCE = сила, неистовство; насилие;

a suffix used to form nouns either from adjectives ending in -ant or from verbs: brilliance; appearance.

In this manner, What words have ance in them?

10 letter words containing ance

  • importance.
  • acceptance.
  • assistance.
  • appearance.
  • compliance.
  • resistance.
  • attendance.
  • chancellor.

Keeping this in view, Is acne a skin disease?

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages. Effective acne treatments are available, but acne can be persistent.

Furthermore, What acne means?

Acne is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that causes spots and pimples, especially on the face, shoulders, back, neck, chest, and upper arms. Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules are all types of acne.

What are three words that use the root word dom?


  • predominant.
  • predominate.
  • condominium.
  • domesticity.
  • indomitable.
  • domineering.
  • pseudomonas.
  • thalidomide.

Secondly, What does ence ance and ship mean?

Terms in this set (11) -ence, -ance, –ship. an act, state, or condition of. abundance. (n) a very large amount; plentiful supply.

What is a word that has ness in it?

15 letter words containing ness

  • restrictiveness.
  • retentivenesses.
  • righteousnesses.
  • resourcefulness.
  • respectableness.
  • responsibleness.
  • resistivenesses.
  • repulsivenesses.

How do you get clear skin?

This article will help answer those questions by providing 11 evidence-based tips on what you can do to get the glowing complexion you want.

  1. Wash your face twice a day. …
  2. Use a mild cleanser. …
  3. Apply an acne-fighting agent. …
  4. Apply a moisturizer. …
  5. Exfoliate. …
  6. Get plenty of sleep. …
  7. Choose makeup that won’t clog your pores.

Does drinking water help acne?

Water has many ways in which it can improve your skin, which helps to improve your acne over time. Drinking water has both direct and indirect benefits for treating acne. Firstly, with bacterial acne, water helps to remove toxins and bacteria on the skin, reducing the potential for pore-clogging in the process.

How get rid acne fast?

How to Get Rid of Pimples Fast: 18 Dos & Don’ts of Fighting Acne

  1. Do ice the pimple. …
  2. Do apply a paste made of crushed aspirin. …
  3. Don’t pick your face. …
  4. Don’t overdry the affected area. …
  5. Do tone down on toner. …
  6. Do use makeup with salicylic acid. …
  7. Do change your pillowcase. …
  8. Don’t wear makeup with pore-clogging ingredients.

What are the 3 types of acne?

What are the different types of acne?

  • Blackheads: Open bumps on the skin that fill with excess oil and dead skin. …
  • Whiteheads: Bumps that remain closed by oil and dead skin.
  • Papules: Small red or pink bumps that become inflamed.
  • Pustules: Pimples containing pus.

What is a crush Pimple?

According to doctors, there is a reason why such pimples called “love” or “crush” pimple. They say boys and girls become much too conscious about their appearance when they discover someone has a crush on them and get stressed about their looks. This may result in pimples be on the nose and around the lips.

What does domesticity mean in English?

1 : the quality or state of being domestic or domesticated. 2 : domestic activities or life. 3 domesticities plural : domestic affairs.

What does being a don mean?

Don is defined as a Spanish title used to refer to a gentleman, or is a term used to describe a leader in an organized-crime family. An example of Don is the title used to refer to a Spanish gentleman. The head of a large branch of the Mafia family is an example of the don. noun. 18.

Is the DOM a tree?

The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent interface that treats an XML or HTML document as a tree structure wherein each node is an object representing a part of the document. The DOM represents a document with a logical tree.

What does IC suffix mean?

Suffix. -ic. Used to form adjectives from nouns with the meaning “of or pertaining to”.

What does ISM mean?

1 : a distinctive doctrine, cause, or theory. 2 : an oppressive and especially discriminatory attitude or belief we all have got to come to grips with our isms— Joycelyn Elders. -ism.

What happens when you add ance to the word elegant?

When we add “ance” to many verbs, some verbs are changed to a noun or adjective.

For English learners: The Suffix “ance” – Part 8A.

Verb Suffix Noun/Adjective
elegant + ance elegance
signify +ance significance
+ ance allegiance

What is a word that ends with ly?

Common -ly Adverbs

accidentally accusingly adamantly
gladly gracefully greatly
happily highly hungrily
ironically loudly lovely
lowly massively motionlessly

What word ends with less?

8-letter words that end in less

  • wireless.
  • homeless.
  • seamless.
  • needless.
  • helpless.
  • harmless.
  • reckless.
  • hopeless.

What word ends with ish?

8-letter words that end in ish

  • flourish.
  • diminish.
  • sluggish.
  • childish.
  • demolish.
  • goldfish.
  • feverish.
  • starfish.

How can I get Korean skin?

7 Korean Beauty Secrets Insiders Know That You Don’t

  1. Use Pimple Patches for Blemishes. …
  2. Do Deep Cleanses Before Applying Makeup. …
  3. Add Face Oil to Your Foundation for Improved Hydration. …
  4. Invest in a More Extensive Skincare Routine. …
  5. Tap Your Skin, Don’t Rub It. …
  6. Use a Product With Snail Mucin. …
  7. Go Lightweight for Dewy Skin.

Does vodka clear up acne?

Vodka acts as a natural astringent or toner, and due to its disinfectant properties, can deep-clean your pores. (Just be sure to dilute it with equal parts water first.) It’ll also tighten the skin on your face and can treat acne breakouts with it’s drying and detoxifying properties.

How do you get clear skin fast?

People may wish to try these general tips for getting clear skin fast.

  1. Avoid popping pimples. A pimple indicates trapped oil, sebum, and bacteria. …
  2. Wash twice daily, and again after sweating. …
  3. Avoid touching the face. …
  4. Moisturize. …
  5. Always wear sunscreen. …
  6. Focus on gentle products. …
  7. Avoid hot water. …
  8. Use gentle cleansing devices.

Last Updated: 16 days ago – Authors : 17 – Contributors : 11 – References : 48 interviews and posts; 10 Videos.

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