What is a word with the prefix sub

Learning prefixes is an awesome way to increase your English vocabulary. This post will teach you how to use the prefix sub- with lots of real example sentences.

The prefix SUB- 

1. Below or less than

  • I live in a subtropical area.

2. Under

  • Let’s take the subway to save on parking.

3. A smaller part of something

  • Only a small subset of patients qualify for the drug trial.

Keep reading to learn some common words that use the prefix sub- and understand the meaning of the root words with their own dictionary definition links.

Table of Contents 

  • The Prefix SUB-
  • Adjectives with the prefix SUB-
  • FAQ – Difference between Urban and Rural
  • Nouns with the prefix SUB-
  • Verbs with the prefix SUB-
  • Advanced Vocabulary 
    • Subsidiary
    • Subterranean 
  • Prefix SUB- 9-page PDF

The prefix sub- has three meanings. 

#1. (in nouns and adjectives) below; less than
We are expecting heavy snow, strong winds, and sub-zero temperatures tomorrow.

#2. (in nouns and adjectives) under
– If we take the subway we can save money on parking downtown. 

#3. (in verbs and nouns) a smaller part of something
– They are building a new subdivision behind the school. 

sub- [prefix] Oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com 

Word Origin
from Latin sub ‘under, close to’.

For a word to be included in this post, the prefix sub- must be added to an already existing word to change the meaning. Words like subject and subvert did not qualify. (Ject and vert are not words.)

Adjectives with the prefix SUB-

subarctic – relating to the region just south of the Arctic Circle

  • Subarctic forests are at risk due to climate change. 

Root meaning arctic

subconscious – connected with feelings that influence your behavior even though you are not aware of them

  • Many commercials and advertisements try to affect your mind on a subconscious level. 

Root meaning conscious

suboptimal – of less than the best standard or quality

  • Military hospitals inside a warzone do the best they can in harsh conditions. The environment is suboptimal for healthcare. 

Root meaning optimal

subprime – connected with the practice of lending money to somebody who is likely to have difficulty paying it back

  • Dennis had a low-paying job so he applied for a subprime mortgage when he bought a house. 

Root meaning prime 

The Prefix sub- Subprime

sub-Saharan – from or relating to areas in Africa that are south of the Sahara Desert

  • Motorcycles have recently become quite popular in sub-Saharan Africa. There are more motorcycles on the road now than ever before. 

Root meaning Sahara

Did you know?
The Sahara desert is the largest hot desert in the world. Smaller only than the cold deserts of Antarctica and the northern Arctic. LINK

substandard – not as good as normal; not acceptable

  • After opening 3 cases, we discovered the products were substandard and immediately sent them back to the factory. 

Root meaning standard

subtropical – in or connected with regions that are near tropical parts of the world

  • Bananas grow well in subtropical climates. 

Root meaning tropical

suburban – in or connected with a suburb

  • I was lucky to be raised in a suburban environment. We were close enough to the city to enjoy the convenience but far enough away to not be bothered by large crowds, bright lights, and noise. 

Root meaning urban

sub-zero – below zero

  • We are expecting heavy snow, strong winds, and sub-zero temperatures tomorrow.

Root meaning zero

Did you know?
The Eastern Antarctic Plateau, Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. Air temperatures can be around -94°C. LINK

Two adverbs with the prefix sub-

subconsciously adverb – as a result of feelings that influence your behavior even though you are not aware of them

  • Commercials try to subconsciously affect our shopping habits. Ad companies are very sneaky. 

suboptimally adverb – not in the best way; not to the highest standard

  • Ryan’s stomach cramps were caused by a suboptimally distended bladder.

*This adverb is quite rare.

FAQ – Difference between Urban and Rural

The root word of Suburban is Urban. Some of my private students have asked me to explain the difference between urban and rural. Here is what I teach them.

Urban vs Rural
(city vs countryside)

Urban is an adjective that means connected with a town or city

“I used to live in Tokyo. Tokyo is very big, with lots of people, buildings, and businesses. Tokyo is an urban area.”

urban Oxford Learner’s Dictionary HERE
Rural is an adjective that means connected with or like the countryside

“My family is from a very rural part of Ontario. The population is small, and there are few big buildings or businesses.”

rural Oxford Learner’s Dictionary HERE

Urban Vs Rural

Nouns with the prefix SUB-

subconscious – the part of your mind that contains feelings that you are not aware of

  • Advertisers are always trying to influence our subconscious.

Root meaning conscious

The Prefix sub- Subconscious

subcontractor – a person or company that does part of the work given to another person or company

  • The renovation company uses subcontractors to do the carpeting and painting. 

Root meaning contractor

subculture – the behavior and beliefs of a particular group of people in society that are different from those of most people

  • The police send undercover officers inside the city’s criminal subculture. It’s dangerous work but it’s necessary. 

Root meaning culture

subdivision – an area of land that has been divided up for building houses on

  • They are building a new subdivision behind the school. 

Root meaning division

subfloor – a rough floor laid as a base for a finished floor

  • The subcontractor needs 3 days to do the floors. The first day is to measure and build the subfloor and the next 2 days are for tile installation. 

Root meaning floor

The Prefix sub- Subfloor

subgenre – a genre that is part of a larger genre

  • The found-footage subgenre of horror movies was very popular when I was younger.
    Found footage (film technique)

Root meaning genre

subgroup – a smaller group made up of members of a larger group

  • The survey asked 3 questions from people across 18 subgroups divided by ideology, religiosity, and age.

Root meaning group

Do you know Reddit?

Reddit is a network of communities where people can read and write about their interests, hobbies, and passions. A subreddit is a Reddit community or group dedicated to one topic. (A subgroup)

subheading – a title given to any of the sections into which a longer piece of writing has been divided

  • A good blog post is divided into clear headings and subheadings. This makes the information easier to read and understand. 

Root meaning heading

Writing blog posts is what I do! Check out one of my most popular prefix posts here: The Prefix RE – 60 examples (Definitions, Free PDF, Video)

sublet – property and especially housing obtained by or available through a sublease

  • When I get to town I’m going to look for a sublet that I can stay in for a few weeks. A quiet place where I can finish writing my book. 

Root meaning let

submarine – a ship that can travel underwater

  • France has a deal to sell nuclear submarines to Australia. 

Root meaning marine

Submariner is the name of a high-quality diving watch made by Rolex. Diving watches are specially made to work underwater. (Just like a submarine.) Rolex

The Prefix sub- Submariner watch


Namor The Sub-Mariner is the name of a Marvel Comic character who lives underwater. Wiki
Did you know? The Submariner comic came before Aquaman? LINK

The Prefix sub- Namor the Submariner

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

subplot – a series of events in a play, novel, etc. that is separate from but linked to the main story

  • I’m a big fan of this TV show, I like the characters and their subplots are always interesting. 

Root meaning plot

The Prefix sub- Subplot

subquery [computing] – A query embedded within a more extensive query, relating only to the data returned by the parent query.

  • The files I was looking for were located on a subquery on an external hard drive. 

Root meaning query

subset – a smaller group of people or things formed from the members of a larger group

  • Only a small subset of patients qualify for the drug trial.

Root meaning set

The Prefix sub- Subset

subtitles – words that translate what is said in a film into a different language and appear on the screen at the bottom

  • I like to watch foreign movies with subtitles.  

Root meaning title

The Prefix sub- Subtitles

subtotal – the total of a set of numbers which is then added to other totals to give a final number

  • I finally learned how to use the subtotal function in Microsoft Excel. 

Root meaning total

What Does Suburbs Mean?

Suburb is a noun that means an area where people live that is outside the center of a city.
We often talk about areas like using the plural form suburbs.

  • I liked growing up in the suburbs. I had many friends there’s always something fun to do. 

Prefix SUB- suburbs

Sub = below
Urb = urban (connected to a city)

Definition link for suburb
Definition link for urban

subway – an underground railway system in a city

  • I’ve lived in Japan for many years and I’m still surprised how the subways, trains, and buses are always on schedule. It’s amazing.

Root meaning way

subwoofer – a part of a loudspeaker that produces very low sounds

  • Lucas just bought some wireless subwoofers for his home theater system. They sound great. 

Root meaning woofer

The Prefix sub- Subwoofer

Verbs with the prefix SUB-

sublet – to rent to somebody else all or part of a property that you rent from the owner

  • I stay with my parents for a few months every summer. I sublet my apartment in the city during that time to make some extra money. 

Root meaning let   

subscribe – to arrange to have regular access to an electronic information service or other Internet services

  • I have subscribed to a YouTube channel and 3 subreddits about fishing. 

Root meaning scribe

subtitle – to give a subtitle or subtitles to a book, film, etc.

  • I have one client in Japan who subtitles western movies for the Japanese audience. I often consult with her on English movies and TV shows. 

Root meaning title

Do you watch English movies with subtitles? Do you study with English movies and TV shows? Check out my post: Learn English from TV – A complete guide (3 Tips)

Advanced Vocabulary 

I have included two more vocabulary words here that are a little bit advanced but I have heard them once or twice in movies or in conversation. 
Note that these two words are using the suffix sub- to mean below but they’re not connected to a root word that is used by itself.


A business or company that is owned or controlled by another, larger company is a subsidiary.

Google, Calico, and DeepMind are all subsidiaries of Alphabet Inc. They are companies owned by Alphabet.

More info about these companies from Wikipedia below:

  • Alphabet Inc.
  • Google
  • Calico
  • DeepMind

Word Origin
mid 16th cent. (in the sense ‘serving to help or supplement’): from Latin subsidiarius, from subsidium ‘support, assistance’.


If something is located under the ground we can use the adjective subterranean.

  • Many historical buildings have private access to underground chambers. Guided tours through the subterranean city are a tourist highlight.

Word Origin
early 17th cent.: from Latin subterraneus (from sub- ‘below’ + terra ‘earth’) + -an.

Can you think of some prefix sub- words that I left out? Please tell me in the comments.

Prefix SUB- 9-page PDF

Download your printable 9-page PDF E-guide below. (It’s FREE!) The PDF contains the live links from the post.↓

Check out these other great Prefix and Suffix posts.

The prefix sub-, with its variants which all begin with su-, is a prolific part of the English language. Examples using this prefix include subway, suffer, supply, and suggest. An easy way to remember that the prefix sub- means “under” is through the word submarine, or a vehicle that travels “under” the sea.

What does it mean to be called a sub?

A dom prefers to be dominant during sex. A sub prefers to submit, i.e. to be dominated. It follows that a sub pursuing another sub, or a dom pursuing another dom, is looking for something that his love object can’t really offer.

What does SSN mean for submarines?

general-purpose attack submarine

What is the most advanced submarine?

Seawolf class

Can a submarine ping kill you?

Yes, it can kill you if you are close enough. The U.S. Navy’s sonar emits 235-decibel pressure waves of unbearable pinging and metallic shrieking. At 200 Db, the vibrations can rupture your lungs, and above 210 Db, the lethal noise can bore straight through your brain until it hemorrhages that delicate tissue.

What is the United States most powerful submarine?

The Virginia class, also known as the SSN-774 class, is a class of nuclear-powered cruise missile fast-attack submarines, currently in service in the United States Navy….Virginia-class submarine.

Class overview
Beam: 34 ft (10 m)
Propulsion: S9G reactor 40,000 shp (30 MW)
Speed: 25 knots (46 km/h; 29 mph) or over
Range: Unlimited

What is the most dangerous US submarine?

The United States Navy’s Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine can carry 24 UGM-133 Trident II D5 submarine launched ballistic missiles that can each carry as many as twelve W88 475 kiloton thermonuclear warheads.

How do submarines get rid of human waste?

Waste that is discharged overboard must either be pumped out against the ambient sea pressure or blown out using pressurized air. The cans are ejected from the submarine using a trash disposal unit (TDU), which is a long cylindrical, vertical tube connected to the ocean through a ball valve.

Why do Subs not have windows?

Typically, submarines don’t have windows and hence the crew cannot see outside. When a submarine is near the surface, it uses a periscope for a view of the outside. Most submarines travel much deeper than periscope depth and navigation is done with the help of computers.

Can a submarine survive a tsunami?

Submarines are relatively unaffected by weather or tsunamis when submerged in deep open waters. Once a submarine is deep enough the conditions on the surface are not felt. However if a submarine has to go shallow or to periscope depth then conditions on the surface become a major concern.

Which is the most powerful submarine in the world?

The nuclear-powered VMF Typhoon-class submarine is the world’s largest-displacement submarine.

What is the most advanced warship in the world?

Escape will cancel and close the window. The U.S. Navy’s newest warship, USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) is the largest and most technologically advanced surface combatant in the world. Zumwalt is the lead ship of a class of next-generation multi-mission destroyers designed to strengthen naval power from the sea.

Who has the biggest navy in the world?

In sum, China has a surface warship fleet of 121 vessels, a submarine fleet of 56 platforms, and another 341 coastal patrol ships. For its part the United States Navy boasts a surface fleet of 11 aircraft carriers, 92 cruisers and destroyers, and 59 small surface combatants and combat logistics ships.

What country has the most advanced submarine?

Here are the 10 countries with the most submarines:

  • North Korea (83)
  • China (74)
  • United States (66)
  • Russia (62)
  • Iran (34)
  • South Korea (22)
  • Japan (20)
  • India (16)

Is there a stealth submarine?

Silent running is a stealth mode of operation for naval submarines. Nuclear submarines can run even more quietly, at very low speeds only, by turning off active reactor cooling during silent running. The reactor is then only cooled by natural convection of the water.

How many submarines does USA have?

The U.S. has 18 Ohio-class submarines, of which 14 are Trident II SSBNs (Ship, Submersible, Ballistic, Nuclear), each capable of carrying 24 SLBMs.

Which country has the best submarines in WW2?

Germany may have built large number of submarines in WW2, creating “wolfpacks” of U-boats, but the US had the best-ever Allied submarines of WW2, the Gato-class and Balao-class submarines.

Did the Allies have submarines in WWII?

Both the axis and the allies had submarines in World War II. The main class of American submarines was the Gato the British classes included the Rainbow, Grampus and S Class. The allied Submarines saw more use in the Pacific since the Germans were mainly a land power.

How deep can World War 2 submarines go?

World War II German U-boats generally had collapse depths in the range of 200 to 280 metres (660 to 920 feet). Modern nuclear attack submarines like the American Seawolf class are estimated to have a test depth of 490 m (1,600 ft), which would imply (see above) a collapse depth of 730 m (2,400 ft).

How many US submarines were lost in WWII?

Some 16,000 submariners served during the war, of whom 375 officers and 3,131 enlisted men were killed. Fifty-two submarines of the United States Navy were lost during World War II….During World War II.

Ship name Gudgeon
Hull number SS-211
Date of loss 18 April 1944
Cause Cause unknown; possibly air attack

Which US submarine sank the most ships in ww2?

USS Tang

Was the USS Wahoo ever found?

Please note — the wreck of USS Wahoo (SS-238) was found on July 28, 2006, in the La Perouse Strait by a team of Russian divers led by Vladimir Kartashev. The vessel is at a depth of 213 feet.

Has the US ever lost a nuclear submarine?

She is one of two nuclear submarines the U.S. Navy has lost, the other being USS Thresher….USS Scorpion (SSN-589)

United States
Fate: Lost with all 99 crew on 22 May 1968; cause of sinking unknown.

What really sank the Kursk?

The government report confirmed that Kursk had been sunk by a torpedo explosion caused when high-test peroxide (HTP), a form of highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide, leaked from cracks in the torpedo’s casing.

Has the missing submarine been found?

The wreckage of a lost Indonesian submarine has been located, according to the country’s military. The KRI Nanggala 402 went missing early Wednesday morning during a training exercise near Bali.

Was the Argentinian submarine ever found?

The wreckage of a submarine which went missing with 44 crew on board a year ago has been found, the Argentine navy says. The ARA San Juan submarine disappeared 430km (270 miles) off the Argentine coast on 15 November 2017.

How deep can US submarines go?

A nuclear submarine can dive to a depth of about 300m. This one is larger than the research vessel Atlantis and has a crew of 134. The average depth of the Caribbean Sea is 2,200 meters, or about 1.3 miles. The average depth of the world’s oceans is 3,790 meters, or 12,400 feet, or 2 1⁄3 miles.

How many submarines have gone missing?

Nine nuclear submarines have sunk, either by accident or scuttling. The Soviet Navy has lost five (one of which sank twice), the Russian Navy two, and the United States Navy (USN) two.

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «sub-«

This morpheme tends to mean «under, beneath«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: substitute, subtraction, subway

See the full list below:

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  • subject

  • substantial

  • subsequent

  • subsequently

  • substance

  • substitute

  • subtle

  • subsidiary

  • substantially

  • submit

  • subjective

  • submission

  • substantive

  • subordinate

  • subscription

  • subsidy

  • substitution

  • suburban

  • subsection

  • sub

  • submarine

  • suburb

  • subsistence

  • subscribe

  • subtly

  • subversive

  • substrate

  • subjectivity

  • subsidence

  • subconscious

  • sublime

  • subtlety

  • subordination

  • subset

  • subversion

  • subject-matter

  • subcommittee

  • subterranean

  • substantiate

  • subsidiarity

  • subunit

  • subway

  • subscriber

  • subduction

  • subtract

  • submissive

  • subsidise

  • subgroup

  • subconsciously

  • subservient

  • subdivision

  • subsystem

  • subdue

  • subvert

  • subjection

  • subcontinent

  • subcutaneous

  • subtraction

  • suburbia

  • sub-system

  • subjectively

  • subside

  • subculture

  • subsurface

  • submersible

  • subservience

  • subroutine

  • subcontractor

  • subjugation

  • sub-standard

  • subsoil

  • substandard

  • subsidize

  • subliminal

  • subterfuge

  • sub-paragraph

  • subtitle

  • subtype

  • subnormal

  • subclass

  • subcontract

  • subspecies

  • subcutaneously

  • substratum

  • subtropical

  • subtext

  • subjunctive

  • subdivide

  • subpoena

  • submatrix

  • subcultural

  • submerge

  • subscript

  • submucosal

  • subsist

  • subfamily

  • sub-national

  • sub-tropical

  • sublet

  • subaltern

  • subjectivism

  • subcortical

  • subpolar

  • subclinical

  • sublimation

  • subsea

  • suburbanization

  • sub-atomic

  • sub-zero

  • subatomic

  • subsume

  • subaerial

  • sublimely

  • submergence

  • sub-lieutenant

  • submucosa

  • subluxation

  • subjugate

  • substation

  • subliminally

  • sublease

  • sub-discipline

  • suboptimal

  • subjectivist

  • subvention

  • subdominant

  • substitutability

  • substantively

  • submachine

  • subadditivity

  • submissiveness

  • subepithelial

  • subtotal

  • subarctic

  • subtropics

  • sublimity

  • substage

  • submissively

  • subdirectory

  • subrogation

  • subtenant

  • substantiation

  • subfield

  • subhuman

  • submitter

  • sublimate

  • substructure

  • subgame

  • sub-surface

  • submersion

  • subsonic

  • substitutable

  • subtest

  • sub-category

  • subclause

  • submassive

  • submaximal

  • subpentagonal

  • subregional

  • subarachnoid

  • subsample

  • subtractive

  • suboesophageal

  • subadult

  • subserve

  • substate

  • subpopulation

  • subcellular

  • subzero

  • subhepatic

  • sub-par

  • subantarctic

  • submariner

  • subnormality

  • subsid

  • subsequence

  • subdeacon

  • subsidisation

  • subvocal

  • subfertility

  • subacute

  • substitutional

  • submicroscopic

  • sublanguage

  • subframe

  • subheading

  • sublittoral

  • substituent

  • subsalicylate

  • subaqueous

  • subaxial

  • submandibular

  • submerse

  • subplot

  • subclone

  • subconfluent

  • sublation

  • subsumption

  • subdural

  • subfulminant

  • subfusc

  • subglobular

  • subgrouping

  • subhorizontal

  • subjacent

  • subalpine

  • subassembly

  • subtend

  • subtenancy

  • subcomponent

  • submillimetre

  • subsidization

  • subversively

  • subgenre

  • subhead

  • submergent

  • subalar

  • submediant

  • suborder

  • subarea

  • subcategory

  • subspecialty

  • subtleness

  • subversiveness

  • subtyping

  • subcommission

  • subcontinental

  • subcostal

  • sublunar

  • submicron

  • suborbital

  • suborn

  • subrange

  • subdiscipline

  • subfecundity

  • subfraction

  • subfragment

  • subj

  • subjecthood

  • subjectless

  • sub-problem

  • subproblem

  • subtherapeutic

  • submentum

  • submenu

  • subprocess

  • subnational

  • subterraneous

  • subthreshold

  • subconsciousness

  • subcosta

  • sublunary

  • submaxillary

  • subnotebook

  • subpackage

  • subparallel

  • subnarial

  • subsaharan

  • subdivisional

  • subsolar

  • substitutive

  • substitutionary

  • subverter

  • subfertile

  • subfile

  • subgenus

  • subito

  • submembrane

  • sub-bass

  • subserosal

  • sub-light

  • sub-rectangular

  • sublethal

  • subskill

  • subterm

  • subvent

  • subadditive

  • subpool

  • subambient

  • subserviency

  • substring

  • subtile

  • subapical

  • subsecond

  • subwoofer

  • subtree

  • sublingual

  • subline

  • subparagraph

  • subcategorization

  • subterminal

  • subcommand

  • subcompact

  • subcoxa

  • subdermal

  • subordinacy

  • subnasal

  • subordinance

  • subregion

  • submucous

  • subsistent

  • subspecialist

  • subspace

  • substitutionally

  • subtask

  • subtense

  • subtility

  • subeditor

  • subsymbolic

  • subendocardial

  • subendothelium

  • subvolcanic

  • subentry

  • subepidermal

  • subtopian

  • subgeneric

  • subglacial

  • subjectiveness

  • sub-audible

  • sublexical

  • sub-deacon

  • sub-fusc

  • sub-prefecture

  • sub.

  • subnet

  • subsector

  • subsubsection

  • subxiphoid

  • subadar

  • subaerially

  • suboptimum

  • subspherical

  • subangular

  • subaortic

  • subtelomeric

  • subaqua

  • suburbanism

  • subarrangement

  • subbie

  • subcanopy

  • subcapsular

  • sublibrary

  • submodality

  • submillimetric

  • submembranous

  • sublevel

  • subcase

  • subcaste

  • subordinately

  • subproject

  • subcategorisation

  • subrent

  • subsaturation

  • subrounded

  • subsetted

  • subsolidus

  • subsoiling

  • substantiality

  • subcentre

  • substrategic

  • substitutivity

  • subchondral

  • subtheme

  • substantival

  • subclan

  • subword

  • subclassify

  • subclavian

  • subcloud

  • subcritically

  • subcuticular

  • subdean

  • sublicense

  • subliterature

  • sublate

  • submontane

  • subdiaphragmatic

  • subornation

  • suborner

  • subphonemic

  • subprincipal

  • subprogramme

  • subpotency

  • subperitoneal

  • subscale

  • subsampling

  • subrule

  • subperiod

  • sublabial

  • subserosa

  • subdivisible

  • subsoiler

  • subdocument

  • subst.

  • subspecific

  • subduct

  • substudy

  • subeconomic

  • subtidal

  • subtopia

  • subtilly

  • subkingdom

  • suburbanisation

  • subendothelial

  • subzone

  • subtour

  • suber

  • suberization

  • subfamilial

  • subfloor

  • subfunction

  • subgingival

  • subglottal

  • subgrid

  • subharmonic

  • subhedral

  • subhumanly

  • subhumid

  • subinfeudation

  • subjectify

  • subjet

  • sub atomic

  • sub bench

  • sub judice

  • sub out

  • sub silencio

  • sub voce

  • sub-

  • sub-Byzantine

  • Sub-Carpathian Rus

  • sub-cloud car

  • sub-desert

  • sub-element

  • sub-excavation

  • sub-floral

  • sub-Gaussian

  • sub-municipality

  • sub-page

  • sub-para.

  • sub-prime

  • sub-province

  • sub-provincial

  • sub-renter

  • sub-Saharan

  • Sub-Saharan

  • sub-Saharan Africa

  • Sub-Saharan Africa

  • sub-superstition

  • subactivating

  • subactive

  • subactivity

  • subacuminate

  • subacute regional lymphadenitis

  • subacutely

  • subadamantine

  • Subadar

  • subadarship

  • subadiabatic

  • subadiabaticity

  • subadjacent

  • subadnate

  • subadolescent

  • subaduncate

  • subadviser

  • subadvisor

  • subadvocate

  • subaffective

  • subaffluent

  • subagency

  • subagent

  • subagglutinating

  • subah

  • subahdar

  • subahdary

  • subahship

  • subaid

  • subalgebra

  • subalgebraic

  • subalignment

  • subaliquot

  • subalkaline

  • suballantoid

  • suballocate

  • suballocation

  • suballocator

  • subappendix

  • subaquatic

  • subaqueously

  • subarachnoid space

  • subarachnoidal

  • subarborescent

  • subarc

  • subarcmin

  • subarcsecond

  • subarcuate

  • subarcuated

  • subareal

  • subareolar

  • Subarian

  • subarid

  • subaridity

  • subarration

  • subarray

  • subarticular

  • subarticulate

  • Subartu

  • Subaru

  • subashi

  • subaspect

  • subassumption

  • subastral

  • subastringent

  • subathizone

  • subatlantic

  • subatmosphere

  • subatmospheric

  • subatom

  • subatomic particle

  • subatomically

  • subatomics

  • subattribute

  • subaudi

  • subaudible

  • subaudite

  • subaudition

  • subauditory

  • subauroral

  • subaverage

  • subaxillary

  • subbag

  • subband

  • subbarrier

  • subbasal

  • subbase

  • subbasement

  • subbasin

  • subbasis

  • subbatch

  • subbeadle

  • subber

  • subbilobate

  • subbimodule

  • subbituminous

  • subblock

  • subboard

  • subbotnik

  • subbottom

  • subbrachian

  • subbrachycephalic

  • subbranch

  • subbrand

  • subbreed

  • subbronchial

  • subbundle

  • subbureau

  • Subbuteo

  • subby

  • subcabinet

  • subcache

  • subcaliber

  • subcalibre

  • subcallosal

  • subcamp

  • subcampanulate

  • subcapital

  • subcircuit

  • subclade

  • subclaim

  • subclassification

  • subclassified

  • subclausal

  • subclavian artery

  • subclavian steal syndrome

  • subclavicular

  • subclavius

  • subcleithral

  • subclimate

  • subclinically

  • subclip

  • subclonal

  • subclosure

  • subcluster

  • subclustered

  • subcoastal

  • subcode

  • subcoeruleus

  • subcohort

  • subcollection

  • subcollege

  • subcollegiate

  • subcolony

  • subcolumn

  • subcolumnar

  • subcomb

  • Subcomm.

  • subcommander

  • subcommunity

  • subcompartment

  • subcompartmental

  • subcompartmentalization

  • subcomplex

  • subcomposition

  • subcompound

  • subcompounding

  • subcompressed

  • subconcave

  • subconcept

  • subconceptual

  • subcondensate

  • subcondition

  • subconducting

  • subcondylar

  • subcone

  • subconfiguration

  • subconfluence

  • subconfluency

  • subconfluently

  • subconformable

  • subcongenic

  • subconical

  • subconjunctiva

  • subconjunctival

  • subconjunctivally

  • subconsole

  • subconsomic

  • subconstellation

  • subconstituency

  • subconstituent

  • subconstruct

  • subcontemporaneous

  • subcontext

  • subcontextual

  • subcontiguous

  • subcontinuous

  • subcontinuum

  • subcontrabass

  • subcontractable

  • subcontractee

  • subcontraoctave

  • subcontrariety

  • subcontrary

  • subcontrol

  • subcontroller

  • subconversation

  • subconversational

  • subconvex

  • subconvexity

  • subcookie

  • subcool

  • subcooled

  • subcooling

  • subcoracoid

  • subcordate

  • subcoriaceous

  • subcorneal

  • subcorneous

  • subcorpus

  • subcortex

  • subcortically

  • subcosmopolitan

  • subcostalis

  • subcountability

  • subcountable

  • subcounty

  • subcourse

  • subcovariance

  • subcover

  • subcovering

  • subcranial

  • subcreation

  • subcreative

  • subcreator

  • subcrenate

  • subcrepitant

  • subcrescentic

  • subcriterion

  • subcritical

  • subcritical mass

  • subcriticality

  • subcross

  • subcrossing

  • subcrustaceous

  • subcrustal

  • subcrystalline

  • subcube

  • subcubic

  • subcuisine

  • subcultivate

  • subcultivation

  • subcultrate

  • subculturalist

  • subculturally

  • subculturing

  • subculturist

  • subcurative

  • subcurrent

  • subcurve

  • subcutis

  • subcycle

  • subcycling

  • subcylinder

  • subcylindric

  • subcylindrical

  • subcytotoxic

  • subdaily

  • subdatabase

  • subdataset

  • subdatasheet

  • subdeaconry

  • subdeaconship

  • subdeanery

  • subdeb

  • subdecanal

  • subdecibel

  • subdecision

  • subdeck

  • subzygomatic

  • subentire

  • subenvironment

  • subependyma

  • subependymal

  • subependymoma

  • subepicardial

  • subepidemic

  • subepiglottic

  • subequal

  • subequally

  • subequation

  • subequatorial

  • Suber

  • Subera

  • suberanilohydroxamic acid

  • suberate

  • suberect

  • subereous

  • subergorgiid

  • suberic

  • suberic acid

  • suberin

  • suberine

  • suberise

  • suberite

  • suberitid

  • suberize

  • suberone

  • suberose

  • suberosis

  • suberous

  • suberoyl

  • suberoylanilide

  • suberror

  • subesophageal

  • subessive

  • subessive case

  • subeth

  • subethnicity

  • subevent

  • subexcedant

  • subexponential

  • subexponentiality

  • subexponentially

  • subexpression

  • subextensive

  • subextremal

  • subf.

  • subfab

  • subface

  • subfacial

  • subfactor

  • subfactorial

  • subfan

  • subfascial

  • subfastigiate

  • subfastigiately

  • subfault

  • subfeature

  • subfebrile

  • subfemtomolar

  • subfemtosecond

  • subfemtotesla

  • subfenestral

  • subferulary

  • subfeu

  • subfibrous

  • subfigure

  • subfilter

  • subfix

  • subflooring

  • subflora

  • subfloral

  • subfluvial

  • subfolder

  • subfoliate

  • subfont

  • subforest

  • subform

  • subformat

  • subformula

  • subfornical

  • subforum

  • subfossil

  • subfossilized

  • subfovea

  • subfoveal

  • subfractal

  • subfractionation

  • subfranchise

  • subfranchisee

  • subfreezing

  • subfrequency

  • subfreshman

  • subfulgent

  • subfunctional

  • subfunctionalization

  • subfunctor

  • subfund

  • subfuscous

  • subfusk

  • subg.

  • subgalactic

  • subgaleal

  • subgap

  • subgaussian

  • subgelatinous

  • subgena

  • subgenal

  • subgender

  • subgeneration

  • subgenital

  • subgenitalia

  • SubGenius

  • subgenogroup

  • subgenome

  • subgenomic

  • subgenotype

  • subgens

  • subgenual

  • subgerminal

  • subgiant

  • subgigabyte

  • subgigahertz

  • subgingivally

  • subglabrous

  • subglacial lake

  • subglacially

  • subglandular

  • subglaucous

  • subglobose

  • subglossal

  • subglottic

  • subglottically

  • subglottis

  • subglumaceous

  • subgluteal

  • subglutinol

  • subgoal

  • subgovernment

  • subgovernor

  • subgrade

  • subgradient

  • subgrain

  • subgram

  • subgrammar

  • subgrant

  • subgrantee

  • subgranular

  • subgranule

  • subgraph

  • subgraywacke

  • subgreywacke

  • subgridding

  • subgroupoid

  • subgum

  • subgyrogroup

  • Subhaanu

  • Subhadra

  • subhadronic

  • subhallucinogenic

  • subhalo

  • subhaplogroup

  • subhaplotype

  • subharmonically

  • subhastation

  • subhauler

  • subheaded

  • subheader

  • subheadline

  • subheadword

  • subhealth

  • subheap

  • subhedging

  • subhelic arc

  • subhemolytic

  • subhertz

  • subhexagonal

  • subhierarchy

  • subhistory

  • subhomogeneous

  • subhorizon

  • subhorizontally

  • subhornblendic

  • subhourly

  • subhumanity

  • subhumanness

  • subhyaline

  • subhyaloid

  • subhymenium

  • subhyoidean

  • subhyperbolic

  • subhypergraph

  • subhypergroup

  • subhypsodont

  • Subia

  • subicular

  • subiculum

  • subidea

  • subidentity

  • subiect

  • subimage

  • subimago

  • subincise

  • subincision

  • subincumbent

  • subincusation

  • subindex

  • subindicate

  • subindication

  • subindividual

  • subinduce

  • subindustry

  • subinertial

  • subinfeodation

  • subinfer

  • subinfeudatory

  • subingression

  • subinhibitory

  • subiniac

  • subinjurious

  • subinspector

  • subinspectorship

  • subinstruction

  • subintellectual

  • subintelligitur

  • subinteraction

  • subinterface

  • subinterval

  • subintestinal

  • subintima

  • subintimal

  • subintrinsic

  • subinvestment

  • subinvolution

  • subirrigate

  • subirrigation

  • subisopygous

  • subisostatic

  • subitaneous

  • subitaneously

  • subitaneousness

  • subitany

  • subitem

  • subitemset

  • subitise

  • subitive

  • subitizable

  • subitization

  • subitize

  • subitizer

  • subjacency

  • subjacently

  • subject case

  • subject clause

  • subject complement

  • subject heading

  • subject indexing

  • subject matter

  • subject matter jurisdiction

  • subject of labor

  • subject pronoun

  • subject-clause

  • subject-control

  • subjectable

  • subjecter

  • subjectification

  • subjectile

  • subjectist

  • subjectivation

  • subjective case

  • subjective time

  • subjectivise

  • subjectivistic

  • subjectivistically

  • subjectivization

  • subjectivize

  • subjectness

  • subjector

  • subjectwise

  • subjicible

  • subjoin

  • subjoinder

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


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    Table of Contents

    1. What words start with the prefix sub?
    2. What are some sub words?
    3. What are words that have the root sub?
    4. Is sub a root word or prefix?
    5. What is root Mari?
    6. Does Mari mean sea?
    7. What does Mari mean?
    8. Does mare mean sea?
    9. What is Mare a nickname for?
    10. What does mare mean in nightmare?
    11. What is the female gender of Mare?
    12. What is the male version of Mare?
    13. What is a female tiger called?
    14. What is the feminine gender of Fox?
    15. What is feminine gender of Lion?
    16. What are the 4 genders?
    17. What is feminine of God?
    18. What is the feminine of gentleman?
    19. What is the feminine of sir?
    20. Does God have a wife?
    21. What gender is the Holy Spirit?
    22. What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?
    23. What are the seven spirits of the Holy Spirit?
    24. What is the Greek word for holy spirit?
    25. What is the Greek word for breath of God?
    26. What is Ruach Elohim?
    27. What Elohim means?
    28. What are some words for Sub?
    29. Is MIT Greek or Latin?
    30. Is Mort Greek or Latin?
    31. Is PLU Greek or Latin?
    32. What is MIT in commit?
    33. What is the root word of Greg?
    34. Is MIT in the English dictionary?
    35. What is a bene?
    36. What is the root word for time?
    37. What is the root word for FAC?
    38. What words have the root word fact?
    39. Is form a root word?
    40. What does the root word Bel mean?
    41. What is the root word of manufacture?
    42. What is manufacture date?
    43. What manufacture means?
    44. What is the synonym of manufacture?
    45. What’s another word for Cute?
    46. What is the best synonym for manufacture?
    47. What’s another name for pasture?

    The prefix sub-, with its variants which all begin with su-, is a prolific part of the English language. Examples using this prefix include subway, suffer, supply, and suggest. An easy way to remember that the prefix sub- means “under” is through the word submarine, or a vehicle that travels “under” the sea.

    What words start with the prefix sub?

    11-letter words that start with sub

    • substantial.
    • subordinate.
    • substantive.
    • subsistence.
    • subdivision.
    • substandard.
    • subcontract.
    • subservient.

    What are some sub words?

    12 letter words containing sub

    • subscription.
    • substitution.
    • subcommittee.
    • substantiate.
    • subconscious.
    • subterranean.
    • subcutaneous.
    • subcontinent.

    What are words that have the root sub?

    Terms in this set (10)

    • subconscious. not fully aware; occurring below your level of thinking and awareness.
    • subcutaneous. under the skin.
    • subdue. to bring under control.
    • subfreezing. below the freezing point.
    • subirrigate. to water something from under the ground.
    • subject. to put under someone elses control.
    • submarine.
    • submerge.

    Is sub a root word or prefix?

    This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix SUB which means UNDER & BENEATH.

    What is root Mari?

    Meaning of root mar, mari, mer : sea, pool. Examples : marine, marsh, maritime, mermaid.

    Does Mari mean sea?

    It is of Welsh and Latin origin, and the meaning of Mari is “star of the sea”. Variant of Mary; also a favored prefix for blending with other names, such as Marisol (Latin) “Mary alone” and Maricruz, “Mary of the cross”. See also Maria and Maribel.

    What does Mari mean?

    The name Mari is primarily a female name of Hebrew origin that means Of The Sea Or Bitter. Also a Japanese name meaning “Ten thousand, Village, Truth, Reason.”

    Does mare mean sea?

    A mare is an adult female horse. Another meaning of mare (“sea” in Latin) is “dark areas of the moon,” once believed to be actual oceans.

    What is Mare a nickname for?

    The name Mare is primarily a gender-neutral name of English origin that means Of The Sea Or Bitter. Diminutive form of Mary.

    What does mare mean in nightmare?

    The “mare” of “nightmare” comes from mære, an Old English term for an evil spirit that was supposed to settle on a sleeper’s chest and cause a feeling of suffocation. The “mare” that means an adult female horse was a merging of two Old English words: mearh (horse) and mīre (mare).

    What is the female gender of Mare?

    Explanation: Mare is the feminine gender of the horse. A mare is a ‘female horse’ usually over the ‘age of three’. The female horses under three are called as filly.

    What is the male version of Mare?

    Hint: The horse (Equus ferus caballus) is an odd-toed ungulate animal that has been domesticated. It is one of two extant subspecies of Equus ferus and belongs to the taxonomic family Equidae.

    What is a female tiger called?


    What is the feminine gender of Fox?


    What is feminine gender of Lion?


    What are the 4 genders?

    The four genders are masculine, feminine, neuter and common.

    What is feminine of God?

    The feminine of God is Goddess.

    What is the feminine of gentleman?

    Gentlemen is to male as lady is to female. Ladies and gentlemen is used to address the audience during a speech, and ladies and gents are used on the signs of public toilets for women and men respectively. Lady is the term, although the term gentlewoman exists.

    What is the feminine of sir?


    Does God have a wife?

    God had a wife, Asherah, whom the Book of Kings suggests was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel, according to an Oxford scholar. In 1967, Raphael Patai was the first historian to mention that the ancient Israelites worshipped both Yahweh and Asherah.

    What gender is the Holy Spirit?

    In Christian iconography, the Holy Spirit is most often represented as a dove. There is also a far less common tradition of depicting the Holy Spirit in human form, usually as male.

    What did Jesus say about the Holy Spirit?

    In John 15:26 Jesus says of the Holy Spirit: “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.” In 325, the First Council of Nicaea, being the first ecumenical council, ended its Creed with the words “and in the Holy …

    What are the seven spirits of the Holy Spirit?

    Including the Spirit of the Lord, and the Spirits of wisdom, of understanding, of counsel, of might, of knowledge and of fear of the LORD, here are represented the seven Spirits, which are before the throne of God.

    What is the Greek word for holy spirit?

    Paraclete (Greek: παράκλητος, Latin: paracletus) means advocate or helper. In Christianity, the term “paraclete” most commonly refers to the Holy Spirit.

    What is the Greek word for breath of God?

    Pneuma (πνεῦμα) is an ancient Greek word for “breath”, and in a religious context for “spirit” or “soul”.

    What is Ruach Elohim?

    The “Spirit of God” hovering over the waters in some translations of Genesis 1:2 comes from the Hebrew phrase ruach elohim, which has alternately been interpreted as a “great wind”. Rûach (רוּחַ) has the meanings “wind, spirit, breath,” and elohim can mean “great” as well as “god”.

    What Elohim means?

    Elohim, singular Eloah, (Hebrew: God), the God of Israel in the Old Testament. When referring to Yahweh, elohim very often is accompanied by the article ha-, to mean, in combination, “the God,” and sometimes with a further identification Elohim ḥayyim, meaning “the living God.”

    What are some words for Sub?


    • alternate.
    • auxiliary.
    • backup.
    • replacement.
    • second.
    • standby.
    • understudy.
    • below.

    sub- prefix. English Language Learners Definition of sub- (Entry 2 of 2) : under : beneath : below. : at a lower rank or secondary level.

    Is MIT Greek or Latin?

    The English root mit comes from a Latin word that means ‘to send. ‘ Mit also shows up as miss in many words, so be on the lookout! Some common words from this root include emit, mission, and dismiss.

    Is Mort Greek or Latin?

    The Latin root word mort means “death.” This Latin root is the word origin of a good number of English vocabulary words, including mortgage, mortuary, and immortal. The Latin root word mort is easily recalled through the word mortal, for a “mortal” is someone whom “death” will claim one day.

    Is PLU Greek or Latin?

    plu, plur, plus (Latin Root)

    What is MIT in commit?

    -mit- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “send. This meaning is found in such words as: admit, commit, committee, emit, intermittent, noncommittal, omit, permit, remit, remittance, submit, transmit.

    What is the root word of Greg?

    -greg- , root. -greg- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “group; flock. ” This meaning is found in such words as: aggregate, congregate, desegregate, gregarious, segregate.

    Is MIT in the English dictionary?

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    What is a bene?

    benenoun. A prayer, especially to God; a petition; a boon.

    What is the root word for time?

    Every student should know that chron is the Greek root for ‘time. ‘ From the chronometer to chronicling our lives, humankind is fascinated by ‘time.

    What is the root word for FAC?

    -fac-, [root.] -fac- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “do; make. ” This meaning is found in such words as: benefactor, de facto, facsimile, fact, faction, faculty, manufacture.

    What words have the root word fact?

    ‘ Some common English words that come from fact include manufacture, artifact, and satisfaction. A very easy way to remember fact is the original idea behind the word factory, which is a place where products are ‘made.

    Is form a root word?

    Definition & Meaning: Form Root Word The root word Form is taken from Latin word, conformity meaning correspondence in form, manner, or character or “a shape”. For instance, formation means something that is formed and reformatory is something intended for reformation.

    What does the root word Bel mean?

    Definition & Meaning: Bel Root Word “Imperfection is beautiful”. The word root bel comes from old French Bele “Beautiful”.

    What is the root word of manufacture?

    The word comes from manufacture, which as a noun originally meant “something made by hand,” from the Latin roots manus, “hand,” and factura, “a working.”

    What is manufacture date?

    A manufacture date (MFG) indicates the date that the product was produced. An expiration date (EXP) is a date established after the product meets or exceeds third party stability testing expectations.

    What manufacture means?

    1 : something made from raw materials by hand or by machinery imports most manufactures used by consumers— D. L. Cohn. 2a : the process of making wares by hand or by machinery especially when carried on systematically with division of labor the manufacture of automobiles.

    What is the synonym of manufacture?

    In this page you can discover 62 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for manufacture, like: assembling, forming, fashioning, fabrication, synthesize, make up, fabricate, make, have in production, produce and mass-produce.

    What’s another word for Cute?

    other words for cute

    • adorable.
    • beautiful.
    • charming.
    • delightful.
    • pleasant.
    • pretty.
    • dainty.

    What is the best synonym for manufacture?

    other words for manufacture

    • assemble.
    • complete.
    • construct.
    • create.
    • fabricate.
    • synthesize.
    • compose.
    • execute.

    What’s another name for pasture?

    In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for pasture, like: agist, grass, range, meadow, pasturage, grazing land, herbage, lea, farmland, and grassland.

    Оглавление —> Словообразование —> Структура производных слов —> Структура составных слов —> Префиксы

    Некоторые латинские и греческие приставки образуют слова с числами. Например: unison, octave, century. Есть префиксы, которые обозначают количество, размер и градацию. Например: microscope, ultrasound, hyperbole.

    Префиксы могут обозначать место, позицию и отношение в прямом и переносном смысле. Таким префиксом является префикс “SUB -”, который образует большое количество слов. О значениях многих из них можно догадаться и без словаря.

    В русском языке есть известные всем слова, которые начинаются с приставки “СУБ” или приставки “ПОД”, которые в английском языке начинаются с префикса “SUB-”.


    С приставкой “суб”: субтропики, субподрядчик, субаренда, субмарина, субординация, субсидия, субтитр.

    С приставкой “под”: подводный, подземный, подкожный, подсознательный, подводная лодка, подчиненный, подразделение, подзаголовок, подстанция.

    Общее значение префикса “SUB-” — это ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ НИЖЕ какого либо уровня. Это положение может быть истолковано в прямом смысле — подземный или подводный, или положение ниже по статусу и чину. В переносном смысле префикс «SUB-» обозначает более мелкое подразделение в офисе, военном деле, незначительную степень, малое количество чего-либо; второстепенность, “второе” лицо в любых сделках.

    Напишу несколько английских слов с префиксом “SUB-” .

    a) положение ниже чего-либо или под –чем-либо.

    SUBAQUEOUS (adj) = подводный;

    SUBCUTANEOUS (adj) = подкожный;

    SUBCONSCIOUS (adj) = подсознательный;

    SUBJACENT (adj) = расположенный ниже, у основания;

    SUBMARINE (n) = подводная лодка; подводное растение или животное;

    SUBMARINE (adj) = подводный;

    SUBMONTANE (adj) = находящийся у подножия горы;

    SUBNORMAL (adj) = ниже нормального;

    SUBSOIL (n) = подпочва;

    SUBSTANDARD (adj) = ниже установленного стандарта;

    SUBSTRATUM (n) = нижний слой, основание, подпочва; (множественное число) SUBSTRATA (n) = нижние слои, основания;

    SUBSURFACE (adj) = находящийся, лежащий под поверхностью чего-либо; подводный;

    SUBSTRUCTURE = SUBSTRUCTION (n) = основание, фундамент, нижняя часть строения;

    SUBTERRANEON = SUBTERRANEOUS (adj) = подземный, подпольный, секретный;

    SUBWAY (n) = тоннель, метрополитен;

    b) положение ниже по чину, статусу или служебному положению.

    SUBALTERN (n) = младший офицер;

    SUBLIEUTENANT (n) = младший лейтенант;

    SUBALTERN (adj) = подчиненный;

    SUB-COMMISIONER (n) = помощник комиссара;

    to SUBDUE = подчинять, покорять; смягчать, снижать. ослаблять;

    SUBDUAL (n) = подчинение, покорение;

    SUBDUED (adj) = подчиненный, покоренный; пониженный, ослабленный;

    to SUBJECT = подчинять, покорять; подчинять воздействию или влиянию;

    SUBJECT (adj) = подчиненный, подвластный;

    SUBJECTION (n) = покорение, подчинение, зависимость;

    to SUBJUGATE = покорять, порабощать, подчинять;

    SUBJUGATOR (n) = покоритель, поработитель;

    SUBJUGATION (n) = покорение, подчинение;

    SUBLIBRARIAN (n) = помощник библиотекаря;

    to SUBMIT = подчиняться, покоряться, представлять на рассмотрение;

    SUBMISSION (n) = подчинение, повиновение, покорность; представление, подача документов;

    SUBMISSIVE ( adj) = подчиненный, смиренный;

    to SUBORDINATE = подчинять;

    SUBORDINATE (adj) = подчиненный, второстепенный; низший; придаточный(грамматика);

    SUBORDINATE (n) = подчиненный;

    SUBORDINATION (n) = подчинение, субординация, подчиненность;

    to SUBSIDE = падать, убывать, опускаться;

    SUBCIDIARY (adj) = вспомогательный, дополнительный, субсидируемый;

    to SUBSIDIZE = субсидировать;

    SUBSIDY (n) = субсидия;

    SUBURB (n) = пригород, предместья, окрестности;

    SUBURBAN (adj) = пригородный, узкий, ограниченный, провинциальный;

    SUBURBAN = SUBURBANITE (n) = житель пригорода;

    c) разделение на более мелкие отделы, группы, отряды, виды или семейства.

    SUBCOMMITTEE (n) = подкомиссия;

    to SUBDIVIDE = подразделять;

    SUBDIVISION (n) = подразделение;

    to SUBEDIT = редактировать ( отдел газеты или журнала);

    SUBEDITOR (n) = редактор отдела, помощник редактора;

    SUBGROUP (n) = подгруппа;

    SUBFAMILY (n) = подсемейство ( биология);

    SUBHEAD (n) = подзаголовок; заместитель директора школы;

    SUBORDER (n) = подотряд ( биология);

    SUBSECTION (n) = подсекция;

    SUBTITLE (n) = подзаголовок, субтитр;

    SUBSTATION (n) = подстанция;

    d) передача второму лицу сделок или аренды.

    SUBCONTRACT (n) = передоверенный контракт или договор;

    to SUBCONTRACT = заключать передоверенный контракт или договор;

    to SUBLET = передавать в субаренду;

    to SUBLEASE = брать на правах субаренды; сдавать на правах субаренды;

    SUBLEASE (n) = субаренда;

    SUBLESEE (n) = субарендатор;

    SUBLESSOR (n) = отдающий в аренду;

    SUBSTENANT(n) = субарендатор;

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