What is a word with the prefix non

Through just three simple letters, the prefix “non” drastically alters plenty of different adjectives in the English language, accomplished by simply putting it before the terms. This article will teach you plenty of those words with “non” as a prefix.

What are Some Good Words with the Prefix “Non”?

The prefix “non” is one of those terms that are actually endlessly useful, and that you will find in plenty of different words. There are a lot of great words that use the prefix “non”, some of which are “nonsense”, “nonetheless”, “non-existent”, “nonconformist” and “non-verbal”.

words with the prefix non

Here is a list that showcases some of the best words with the prefix “non” at the start of them:

  1. Nonsense
  2. Nonetheless
  3. Non-existent
  4. Nonconformist
  5. Non-verbal
  6. Non-stop
  7. Non-aligned
  8. Non-standard
  9. Non-specific
  10. Non-governmental

There’s a lot of very popular words with the prefix “non”, and this gives us a lot of options for this category. We’ve decided to highlight some of the most common terms that have the prefix “non”, such as “non-profit”, “non-proliferation”, “nonconformity”, “non-traditional” and “non-party”.

Here’s a list that will show you some of the most popular words with the prefix “non” in them:

  1. Non-profit
  2. Non-proliferation
  3. Nonconformity
  4. Non-traditional
  5. Non-party
  6. Non-stick
  7. Non-violent
  8. Non-league
  9. Non-political
  10. Non-linear

Rare Words with the Prefix “Non”

If the prefix “non” is so popular, then it stands to reason that some of the words that have the “non” prefix will be less popular, because there are many words with the “non” prefix. Some rare words that have the “non” prefix are “non-human”, “non-resident”, “non-intervention”, “non-committal” and “non-academic”.

This is a list with some rare words that have the “non” prefix at the start of them:

  1. Non-human
  2. Non-resident
  3. Non-intervention
  4. Non-committal
  5. Non-academic
  6. Non-agricultural
  7. Non-essential
  8. Non-metropolitan
  9. Non-professional
  10. Non-transferable

Words with the Prefix “Non” Meaning “Not”

The prefix “non” is usually done to mean “not”, so when a word has the prefix “non”, it means that the word is not something in particular. There are a lot of words with this meaning of “non”, such as “non-member”, “nonsensical”, “non-smoker” and “non-invasive”.

Here’s a list with a lot of words where the “non” prefix means “not”:

  1. Non-member
  2. Nonsensical
  3. Non-smoker
  4. Non-invasive
  5. Non-native
  6. Non-renewable
  7. Non-binding
  8. Non-threatening
  9. Non-negative

Words with the Prefix “Non” Meaning “Nine”

Though the prefix “non” usually refers to “not”, that’s not always the case. In some words, the prefix “non” actually means “nine”. Some examples of this are “nonachloride”, “polyprenyl”, “nonatomic”, and “nonasyllabic”.

Here is a list showcasing some of the rare examples in which “non” means “nine”:

  1. Nonachloride
  2. Nonaprenyl
  3. Nonatomic
  4. Nonasyllabic
  5. Nonary
  6. Nonaoxide

Words that Start with the Prefix “Non”

There are still even more terms that start with the prefix “non”. It’s a prefix that’s very easy to apply to words, so you’ll find it’s very common. Some other terms that start with “non” are “nonapology”, “nonapparent”, “nonantiviral”, “nonapertured” and “nonapplicant”.

Here’s a list of some words that all start with the prefix “non”:

  1. Nonapology
  2. Nonapparent
  3. Nonantiviral
  4. Nonapertured
  5. Nonapplicant
  6. Nonappreciative

Words with the Prefix “Non” for 3rd Grade

“Non” is a very good prefix for kids to learn, because it’s really simple and easy to understand. There are a lot of words with the prefix “non” that 3rd graders can understand. Some examples are “nonaquatic”, “nonarmored”, and “nonapple”.

words with the prefix non 3rd grade

Here’s a list of terms that kids can understand that all have the prefix “non”:

  1. Nonaquatic
  2. Nonarmored
  3. Nonapple
  4. Nonattack
  5. Nonauthor
  6. Nonaudio
  7. Nonatopic

Alphabetic List

Here’s all of the terms brought up in this article, in full alphabetical order, for you to utilize as you wish:

  1. Non-academic
  2. Non-agricultural
  3. Non-aligned
  4. Non-binding
  5. Non-committal
  6. Non-essential
  7. Non-existent
  8. Non-governmental
  9. Non-human
  10. Non-intervention
  11. Non-invasive
  12. Non-league
  13. Non-linear
  14. Non-member
  15. Non-metropolitan
  16. Non-native
  17. Non-negative
  18. Non-party
  19. Non-political
  20. Non-professional
  21. Non-profit
  22. Non-proliferation
  23. Non-renewable
  24. Non-resident
  25. Non-smoker
  26. Non-specific
  27. Non-standard
  28. Non-stick
  29. Non-stop
  30. Non-threatening
  31. Non-traditional
  32. Non-transferable
  33. Non-verbal
  34. Non-violent
  35. Nonachloride
  36. Nonantiviral
  37. Nonaoxide
  38. Nonapertured
  39. Nonapology
  40. Nonapparent
  41. Nonapple
  42. Nonapplicant
  43. Nonappreciative
  44. Nonaprenyl
  45. Nonaquatic
  46. Nonarmored
  47. Nonary
  48. Nonasyllabic
  49. Nonatomic
  50. Nonatopic
  51. Nonattack
  52. Nonaudio
  53. Nonauthor
  54. Nonconformist
  55. Nonconformity
  56. Nonetheless
  57. Nonsense
  58. Nonsensical

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a word with the prefix non?
  2. What are words that begin with non?
  3. What type of word is non?
  4. Why do the French say no?
  5. How do you politely decline in French?
  6. How do you say no in all languages?
  7. What language is nay for no?
  8. What is yes in another language?
  9. How do you say yes in Welsh?
  10. How do you say hi in Bisaya?

Quick Summary. The English prefix non-, which means “not,” appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, such as nonsense, nonfat, and nonreturnable. You can remember that the prefix non- means “not” via the word nonpoisonous, for a substance that is nonpoisonous is “not” poisonous.

What are words that begin with non?

14-letter words that start with non

  • nonsignificant.
  • nondestructive.
  • noncooperation.
  • nonrestrictive.
  • noninvolvement.
  • nondisjunction.
  • nonchromosomal.
  • nonrecombinant.

What type of word is non?

Non is an adverb – Word Type.

Why do the French say no?

At school, French children are graded, scolded, graded and scolded some more. The Nordic systems of no grades and letting children make mistakes are frowned upon with suspicion and distain. So this fear is translated into many French adults preferring to say “no” rather than getting the request wrong.

How do you politely decline in French?

Examples of politely refusing an invitation in French:

  1. Non, désolée, je ne peux pas dîner avec toi ce soir. J’ai déjà des projets.
  2. Non, je ne veux pas acheter ce magazine ! Arrêtez d’insister !
  3. Malheureusement, nous ne pouvons pas ce soir.
  4. Je voudrais bien, mais malheureusement, je ne peux pas.

How do you say no in all languages?

How to Say No in 23 Different Languages

  1. Afrikaans: Nee (nee-uh)
  2. Arabic: لا or La (lah – “a” as in “yacht”)
  3. Bengali: না or Nā (nah – “a” as in “yacht”)
  4. Dutch: Nee (nay)
  5. French: Non (noh)
  6. German: Nein (nine)
  7. Greek (modern): Όχι or óchi (oh-hee)
  8. Hausa: A’a (ah-ah – “a” as in “yacht”)

What language is nay for no?

Yes and No in many languages

Language Yes No
Norwegian Ja Nei
Polish Tak Nie
Portuguese Sim Não
Romanian Da Nu

What is yes in another language?

‘Yes’ In 10 Languages German — Ja. Spanish — Sí French — Oui. Italian — Si. Portuguese — Sim.

How do you say yes in Welsh?

Yes/No Response – Present Tense (Bod)

  1. Question. Ydw i’n hapus? (Am I happy?) Wyt ti’n hapus? (Are you happy?) Ydy o’n hapus? (Is he happy?) Ydy hi’n hapus?
  2. Response (Yes) Wyt. (Yes, you are.) Ydw. (Yes, I am.) Ydy. (Yes, he is.)
  3. Response (No) Nac wyt. (No, you aren’t.) Nac ydw. (No, I’m not.) Nac ydy. (No, he isn’t.)

How do you say hi in Bisaya?

Hello, how are you? The standard Bisaya greeting is “Kumusta naman ka?”

What words have the prefix non?

Words with the Prefix Non-

Word Definition
nonexistent not real; a thing that has no existence
nonfat without fat or fat solids; having the fat solids removed, e.g., skim or nonfat milk
nonfiction writing that is not made up; a true story about facts or real events
nonflammable not easy to set on fire

What are the prefix of not?

Non-, Un-, Dis-, and Ir- are all prefixes meaning “not.”

What is definition non?

1 : not : other than : reverse of : absence of nontoxic nonlinear. 2 : of little or no consequence : unimportant : worthless nonissues nonsystem. 3 : lacking the usual especially positive characteristics of the thing specified noncelebration nonart.

What does the Latin prefix non mean?

a prefix used freely in English and meaning “not, lack of,” or “sham,” giving a negative sense to any word, 14c., from Anglo-French noun-, from Old French non-, from Latin non “not, by no means, not at all, not a,” from Old Latin noenum “not one” (*ne oinom, from PIE root *ne- “not” + PIE root *oi-no- “one, unique”).

What’s the difference between non and UN?

Also here it is said that “non-” means “no” but “un-” means either no or lack/absence of something. 1. According to Grammarist , un- suits best “Latin derivatives that end in suffixes such as -ed and -able” (in- suits just some rare Latin words) whereas non- suits “any noun, verb, adjective, or adverb“.

Is non a word by itself?

Meaning “not” in phrases taken from Latin and some other languages, non is a separate word and is not hyphenated: non compos mentis, persona non grata. As non- is a living prefix, the list of words having the prefix non- is practically unlimited. It is particularly common in the sciences.

What kind of affix is UN?

a prefix meaning “not,” freely used as an English formative, giving negative or opposite force in adjectives and their derivative adverbs and nouns (unfair; unfairly; unfairness; unfelt; unseen; unfitting; unformed; unheard-of; un-get-at-able), and less freely used in certain other nouns (unrest; unemployment).

Is UN a base word?

‘Un’ is a prefix that means ‘not. ‘ ‘Able’ is a suffix that means ‘capable. ‘ So, the base word must be ‘imagine. ‘ All these word parts put together mean ‘not able to be imagined.

Why does Ravel mean unravel?

When we are introduced to prefixes in school, un- is one of the first we are taught, probably because the idea of negation is relatively easy to understand. ‘Unravel’ and ‘ravel’ both mean the same thing: “to cause to come apart by or as if by separating the threads of.”

Are ravel and unravel synonyms?

ravelen “to tangle, fray, unweave,” from rafel “frayed thread.” The seemingly contradictory senses of this word (ravel and unravel are both synonyms and antonyms) are reconciled by its roots in weaving and sewing: as threads become unwoven, they get tangled.

What’s the opposite of unravel?

Antonyms: ravel, knot, tangle. Synonyms: knot, run, ravel out, ravel, tangle, untangle, unscramble, unpick, unknot. run, unravelverb.

What are the synonyms for unravel?

Synonyms & Antonyms of unravel

  • disentangle,
  • ravel (out),
  • unbraid,
  • unlay,
  • unsnarl,
  • untangle,
  • untwine,
  • untwist,

What means unravel?

transitive verb. 1a : to disengage or separate the threads of : disentangle. b : to cause to come apart by or as if by separating the threads of. 2 : to resolve the intricacy, complexity, or obscurity of : clear up unravel a mystery.

What is the root word of unravel?

unravel (v.) 1600 (transitive), from un- (2) + ravel (v.). Intransitive from 1640s. “The prefix is either reversive or intensive, according as ravel is taken to mean ‘tangle’ or ‘untangle’” [Century Dictionary].

What does unravel mean in reading?

Introduction: Good readers interact with a text as they read. One such method is commonly known as UNRAVEL, and this strategy will help you unravel the important parts of whatever you choose to read. U Underline the title. Make notes around the title.

Is unravel single player?

The game centres on Yarny, a small anthropomorphic creature made of yarn the player navigates through the environment, utilizing the unraveling yarn which makes up Yarny to solve puzzles, avoid dangerous creatures, and traverse obstacles….Unravel (video game)

Genre(s) Puzzle-platformer
Mode(s) Single-player

Is unravel a sad game?

Unravel isn’t a bad videogame. It has some mild charm, and it’s one of the most visually stunning things I’ve seen in a long time. It’s just unremarkable. Which is a pity, because with the clear passion that went into its development, it’s easy to picture it being so much more.

Can you play unravel 2 single player?

The big draw to Unravel Two is that it is primarily a game intended for co-op play. It only allows couch co-op – there is no way to play online, and you must be either in TV or tabletop mode to play co-op. If you’re in handheld mode with the Joy-Cons attached, only single player is available.

Is unravel worth playing?

Unravel is one of the most beautiful games I’ve ever played. The natural environments like beaches and forests almost look photorealistic, thanks to the phenomenal lighting effects, depth of field, and high-quality textures.

How long is unravel game?


Single-Player Polled Median
Main Story 244 6h
Main + Extras 163 7h 30m
Completionists 50 12h
All PlayStyles 457 6h 40m

What is the story in Unravel 2?

The game focuses on two Yarnys (which can be controlled by one or two players) which must work together in order to solve puzzles and manipulate the world. The game’s main storyline is set on an island, and it includes additional, more difficult challenge levels.

Does unravel have a platinum?

This trophy will be awarded the first time you complete the eleventh level in the game; “Last Leaf”. The video guide below will show you how to complete this level without dying. There are no collectibles or miscellaneous trophies in this level.

How many levels are in unravel?

12 levels

Is unravel split screen?

Unravel™ Two is a platforming adventure game seen from a unique perspective, or two. Play as a pair of Yarnys – small beings made of yarn and connected by a single thread – in local co-op or as a single player.

What words have the prefix non?

Alex Heath


What words have the prefix non?

Words with the Prefix Non-

Word Definition
nonexistent not real; a thing that has no existence
nonfat without fat or fat solids; having the fat solids removed, e.g., skim or nonfat milk
nonfiction writing that is not made up; a true story about facts or real events
nonflammable not easy to set on fire

How do you use the prefix non?


  1. prefix. Non- is used in front of adjectives and nouns to form adjectives that describe something as not having a particular quality or feature.
  2. prefix. Non- is used in front of nouns to form nouns which refer to situations where a particular action has not or will not take place.
  3. prefix.

What are some short words that start with non?

  • Nonabrasive.
  • Nonabstract.
  • Nonacademic.
  • Nonadaptive.
  • Nonadditive.
  • Nonadhesive.
  • Nonadjacent.
  • Nonadmirers.

What are the 5 examples of prefixes?

The prefixes are: anti-, auto-, counter-, de-, dis-, ex-, il-, in-, mis-, non-, over-, pre-, pro-, re-, un-.

What is the prefix for 7?


Is Hepta a 7?

a combining form meaning “seven,” used in the formation of compound words: heptahedron.

What is the prefix for 1?

Numerical Prefixes

Prefix Prefix meaning Sample words
mono- 1 monorail: train that runs on one track
bi- 2 bicycle: two-wheeled vehicle
tri- 3 triceratops: three-horned dinosaur
quadr- 4 quadruped: four-footed animal

Is Hydra a word?

Any persistent or ever-increasing evil with many sources and causes.

What is a 6 headed dragon called?

Lernaean Hydra

What is the scientific name for Hydra?


Do hydras have eyes?

The tiny freshwater hydra has no eyes but it will contract into a ball when exposed to sudden bright light.

Which one is found in hydra?

As Cnidaria they have stinging cells on their tentacles. They are hydrozoa, and belong to the same order as other polyps. Most Hydra are microscopic in size. Hydras can be found in almost any unpolluted body of water….Hydra (animal)

Class: Hydrozoa
Order: Hydroida
Family: Hydridae
Genus: Hydra Linnaeus, 1758

What is the largest species of Hydra?

Hydra vulgaris, the fresh-water polyp, is a small animal freshwater hydroid with length from 10mm to 30mm and width about 1 mm….

Hydra vulgaris
Order: Anthoathecata
Family: Hydridae
Genus: Hydra
Species: H. vulgaris

Does Salt Kill Hydra?

Salt Addition Adding salt to your freshwater tank will also help killing hydra but this method sometimes is not proper to use due to the livestock sensitivity to salt. But, in case the fish can tolerate salt, it can be a good option.

What is a dragon Hydra?

The Lernaean Hydra was a dragon-like water serpent with fatally venomous breath, blood and fangs, a daughter of Typhon and Echidna. The creature was said to have anywhere between five and 100 heads, although most sources put the number somewhere between seven and nine.

  • Words beginning with certain letters
  • Words with the prefix «non-«

This morpheme tends to mean «completely not«. Some of the most representative words that include it are: nonsense, nonrefundable, nonprofit

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  • none

  • nonsense

  • nonetheless

  • non-existent

  • nonconformist

  • non-verbal

  • non-stop

  • non-aligned

  • non-standard

  • non-specific

  • non-governmental

  • non-profit

  • non-proliferation

  • nonconformity

  • non-traditional

  • non-party

  • non-stick

  • non-violent

  • non-league

  • non-political

  • non-linear

  • non-human

  • non-resident

  • nonsensical

  • non-intervention

  • non-zero

  • nonchalantly

  • non-committal

  • non-fiction

  • non-toxic

  • non-violence

  • nonlinear

  • non-academic

  • nondescript

  • non-commercial

  • non-alcoholic

  • non-invasive

  • non-agricultural

  • non-

  • nonchalant

  • non-smoker

  • non-essential

  • non-member

  • non-smoking

  • non-exclusive

  • non-metropolitan

  • nonchalance

  • non-partisan

  • non-professional

  • non-slip

  • non-starter

  • non-singular

  • non-conformist

  • non-native

  • non-renewable

  • non-binding

  • non-threatening

  • non-transferable

  • non-fatal

  • nonexistent

  • non-selective

  • nonstop

  • non-recurring

  • non-consensual

  • non-negative

  • nonentity

  • non-existence

  • non-sexual

  • non-competitive

  • non-denominational

  • non-ferrous

  • nonzero

  • non-rational

  • nonesuch

  • non-disclosure

  • non-religious

  • non-volatile

  • noncommittal

  • non-commissioned

  • non-lexical

  • non-uniform

  • non-playing

  • non-scientific

  • non-polar

  • non-return

  • non-trivial

  • non-metallic

  • non-monetary

  • non-empty

  • non-living

  • non-negotiable

  • nonstandard

  • nonsexist

  • non-capitalist

  • non-finite

  • non-past

  • non-use

  • non-word

  • nonspecific

  • nonprofit

  • non-combatant

  • non-expert

  • nonna

  • non-event

  • noninverting

  • nonce

  • non-science

  • non-taxable

  • nonlinearity

  • nonnie

  • non-communicable

  • non-random

  • non-conforming

  • non-operational

  • nonconforming

  • non-contact

  • non-issue

  • non-lethal

  • noncompliance

  • non-metal

  • non-progressive

  • nonhuman

  • nonsinusoidal

  • nonpublic

  • nonstick

  • nones

  • non-identical

  • non-migratory

  • non-public

  • nonpayment

  • non-sequential

  • nonrandom

  • noncommittally

  • nonliving

  • non-flying

  • non-perishable

  • non-believer

  • non-compulsory

  • non-magnetic

  • non-rigid

  • nonsuch

  • nonviolent

  • nonessential

  • nonverbal

  • non-drinker

  • non-printing

  • non-quantitative

  • non-racist

  • non-royal

  • nonsmoker

  • non-stoichiometric

  • non-terminal

  • non-woven

  • nonagenarian

  • nonpareil

  • nonagricultural

  • nonthermal

  • non-degenerate

  • non-fulfilment

  • nonwoven

  • non-integer

  • non-logical

  • non-malignant

  • non-poisonous

  • non-syllabic

  • non-tonal

  • noncallable

  • nonamer

  • non-binary

  • non-black

  • non-canonical

  • nonconformism

  • nonexecutive

  • nonparametric

  • non-flammable

  • non-prescription

  • non-relativistic

  • nonwhite

  • non-sustained

  • non-unit

  • nonacademic

  • nondeterminism

  • nonexistence

  • nonfiction

  • noncalcareous

  • nonjuring

  • nonaggression

  • nonmuscle

  • nonperiodic

  • nonviral

  • non-allergenic

  • non-commital

  • non-contiguous

  • non-contradiction

  • nondeterministic

  • non-qualified

  • non-reflexive

  • non-relative

  • nonmanual

  • non-self

  • non-striker

  • nonconducting

  • nondestructive

  • nonfeasance

  • nong

  • nonpolitical

  • nonprofessional

  • nonquantum

  • nonfeminist

  • nono

  • non-administrative

  • non-aesthetic

  • nonrotating

  • non-daily

  • non-empirical

  • non-enzymatic

  • nonspecialist

  • nonreporting

  • non-iron

  • non-mimetic

  • non-modern

  • non-periodic

  • non-plussed

  • nondeterministically

  • non-redundancy

  • non-representational

  • nonparty

  • non-sequitur

  • non-skid

  • non-traumatic

  • nonreactive

  • noncommissioned

  • nonconformance

  • nonlimiting

  • nonagon

  • nonrandomly

  • nonresident

  • nonsmoking

  • nonsingular

  • nontrivial

  • nonviolence

  • nonsuit

  • nonslip

  • non-adjustable

  • nonjudgemental

  • nonmetallic

  • nondenominational

  • non-comparable

  • nondecreasing

  • non-descriptive

  • non-determinism

  • non-deterministic

  • non-edible

  • non-electrified

  • noncompetitive

  • noneconomic

  • non-factual

  • nonthreatening

  • non-idiomatic

  • non-interactive

  • noncore

  • non-moral

  • non-pareil

  • non-precious

  • nonformal

  • non-programmer

  • noninteractive

  • non-redundant

  • non-regulated

  • nonoxynol

  • non-sense

  • nonsensically

  • non-stationary

  • non-tropical

  • non-venomous

  • noncircular

  • nonclinical

  • noncrystallographic

  • noncontroversial

  • nondiscriminatory

  • nondisclosure

  • nonenzymatic

  • noninstrumental

  • noninclusion

  • nonaesthetic

  • noninvertible

  • nonionic

  • nonjuror

  • nonmarket

  • nonmarine

  • nonlocal

  • nonmoney

  • nonny

  • nonperishable

  • nonpossessor

  • nonobjective

  • nongravitational

  • nonbusiness

  • nonreciprocal

  • nonrealistic

  • nonsequential

  • nonspherical

  • nonstrategic

  • nonuniform

  • nontrading

  • nonveridical

  • nonproductive

  • non

  • noninterference

  • noncontestable

  • noncomparable

  • nondisposable

  • non-affiliated

  • non-agenda

  • nonhydrogen

  • noncovalently

  • nonunion

  • non-bonus

  • non-breaking

  • noncomittally

  • non-cancerous

  • non-causality

  • nondivergent

  • nonpolar

  • nonresidence

  • non-constituent

  • nonrealist

  • nonfatal

  • nonfulfilment

  • noncom

  • nonpermissive

  • non-evolutionary

  • nonlogic

  • non-fan

  • nonchurch

  • nonstatutory

  • nonpublication

  • nonvanishing

  • non-gestural

  • nonterminated

  • nonrigorous

  • non-gradable

  • non-heterosexual

  • non-killing

  • non-obvious

  • non-paper

  • nonconsciousness

  • nondiabetic

  • non-proletarian

  • nonjury

  • nonhomosexual

  • non-rhotic

  • non-sensical

  • nonindustrial

  • noncleaved

  • nonrandomised

  • nonstarter

  • nonuniversity

  • nontransfected

  • nonteaching

  • non-suit

  • nontarget

  • nonclassical

  • nonabsorbent

  • nonabstract

  • nonadaptive

  • noncatalytic

  • noncoding

  • noncommunicating

  • nonadherent

  • noncomprehension

  • noncash

  • nonconstitutionally

  • noncontributory

  • noncontradiction

  • nonconservative

  • noncutaneous

  • nonconventional

  • nondecaying

  • nondepartmental

  • nondenaturing

  • noncyclic

  • nondrip

  • nondrinker

  • nonempty

  • nonequilibrium

  • nondurable

  • noneventful

  • nonfast

  • nonferrous

  • nonfamily

  • nonfunctional

  • nonflammable

  • nonglacial

  • nongovernmental

  • nongenotoxic

  • nonet

  • nondepressed

  • noninjurious

  • nonaerosol

  • nonhierarchically

  • noninterventionist

  • nonintervention

  • nonintellectual

  • nonjudgementally

  • nonintimate

  • noninteger

  • nonhazardous

  • nonlactating

  • nonlanguage

  • nonkin

  • nonlethal

  • nonlegalistic

  • nonage

  • nonliteral

  • nonlinguist

  • nonlegal

  • nonjudgmental

  • nongreasy

  • nonlogical

  • nonmaterial

  • nonaggressive

  • nonobedience

  • nonmarried

  • nonoverlapping

  • nonperformance

  • nonpeasant

  • nonpaying

  • nonornamental

  • nonphysical

  • nonphotosynthetic

  • nonplus

  • nonplaying

  • nonliterary

  • nonproliferating

  • nonresidential

  • nonrenormalizable

  • nonrhythmic

  • nonroutine

  • nonrivalrous

  • nonresonant

  • nonredundant

  • nonprogressive

  • nonsensicality

  • nonsectarian

  • nonserious

  • nonsexual

  • nonscientist

  • nonaligned

  • nonstatic

  • nonsignificant

  • nonsatisfaction

  • nontemplate

  • nontoxic

  • nontechnical

  • nonstopping

  • nonturbulent

  • nontraditional

  • nonuniformity

  • nonurban

  • nonvolatile

  • nonworking

  • nonword

  • nonviable

  • nonstochastic

  • nonbook

  • nonanimal

  • nonassociative

  • nonbiological

  • non assumpsit

  • non constat

  • non distributio medii

  • non est factum

  • non obst.

  • non obstante

  • non partant

  • non possumus

  • non troppo

  • non-ablative

  • non-accredited

  • non-addicting

  • non-Archimedean

  • non-aromatic

  • non-attachment

  • non-auto

  • non-baryonic dark matter

  • non-Bayesian

  • non-bio

  • non-biting midge

  • non-breaking space

  • non-brewed condiment

  • non-compete

  • non-con

  • non-concordant

  • non-consumably

  • non-contagious

  • non-creational

  • non-creationary

  • non-creedal

  • non-crossing

  • non-crystallising

  • non-cut

  • non-dance

  • non-denial denial

  • non-denominal

  • non-denumerable

  • non-derivable

  • non-detachable

  • non-detected

  • non-diegetic

  • non-directionality

  • non-directory

  • non-disclosure agreement

  • non-disjoint

  • non-doing

  • non-dom

  • non-effeminate

  • non-giving

  • non-governmental organization

  • non-harmonic tone

  • non-het

  • non-heuristic

  • non-Hodgkin

  • non-hydrodynamic

  • non-imitation

  • non-Japanese

  • non-kinkster

  • non-leaguer

  • non-leap year

  • non-lemma

  • non-life-threatening

  • non-luminous

  • non-manifold

  • non-maskable interrupt

  • non-mechanised

  • non-military service

  • non-mimetic fiction

  • non-minimal

  • non-minimally

  • non-Muslim

  • non-native speaker

  • non-newsworthy

  • non-Newtonian

  • non-Newtonian fluid

  • non-notable

  • non-nude

  • non-null persistent

  • non-official cover

  • non-op

  • non-optical

  • non-over-the-counter

  • non-packable

  • non-periodic comet

  • non-perv

  • non-physician

  • non-player character

  • non-TAS

  • non-temporary

  • non-terminal symbol

  • non-tropical sprue

  • non-U

  • non-ubiquitous

  • non-vascular plant

  • non-veg

  • non-verbal leak

  • non-virtual interface

  • non-virtual interface pattern

  • non-volatile random access memory

  • non-weight-bearing

  • non-weightbearing

  • non-Western

  • non-Witness

  • Non.

  • nonabandoned

  • nonabdominal

  • nonabductive

  • nonabelian

  • nonaberrant

  • nonability

  • nonabine

  • nonablated

  • nonablative

  • nonabnormal

  • nonaboriginal

  • nonaborted

  • nonaborting

  • nonabortive

  • nonabrasive

  • nonabsence

  • nonabsolute

  • nonabsolutism

  • nonabsorbable

  • nonabsorbed

  • nonabsorbing

  • nonabsorptive

  • nonabstainer

  • nonabstracted

  • nonabstractive

  • nonabundant

  • nonabused

  • nonabuser

  • nonabusive

  • nonabusively

  • nonabutting

  • nonacademically

  • nonaccelerated

  • nonaccelerating

  • nonaccent

  • nonaccented

  • nonaccentual

  • nonacceptable

  • nonacceptance

  • nonaccepted

  • nonaccepter

  • nonaccepting

  • nonaccess

  • nonaccident

  • nonaccidental

  • nonaccommodative

  • nonaccomplishment

  • nonaccountability

  • nonaccountable

  • nonaccountant

  • nonaccounting

  • nonaccreditation

  • nonaccredited

  • nonaccrual

  • nonaccumulation

  • nonaccusative

  • nonaccusatory

  • nonacetate

  • nonacetylated

  • nonacetylation

  • nonachievement

  • nonachiever

  • nonachlazine

  • nonachloride

  • nonachlorobiphenyl

  • nonacicular

  • nonacid

  • nonacidemic

  • nonacidic

  • nonacidified

  • nonacidity

  • nonacidotic

  • nonacontane

  • nonacoordinate

  • nonacosane

  • nonacosanoic

  • nonacosanoic acid

  • nonacq.

  • nonacquaintance

  • nonacquiescence

  • nonacquiescing

  • nonacquired

  • nonacquisition

  • nonacquisitive

  • nonacquisitiveness

  • nonacrimonious

  • nonactic

  • nonactic acid

  • nonactin

  • nonacting

  • nonactinide

  • nonaction

  • nonactionable

  • nonactivated

  • nonactivation

  • nonactivational

  • nonactive

  • nonactivism

  • nonactivist

  • nonactivity

  • nonactor

  • nonactual

  • nonactualized

  • nonactuarial

  • nonacupoint

  • nonacute

  • nonacylated

  • nonad

  • nonadaptable

  • nonadaptation

  • nonadapted

  • nonadapting

  • nonadaptiveness

  • nonaddict

  • nonaddicted

  • nonaddicting

  • nonaddictive

  • nonadditional

  • nonadditive

  • nonadditivity

  • nonaddressable

  • nonaddressed

  • nonadecamer

  • nonadecameric

  • nonzoonotic

  • nonalphabetical

  • nonalphabetically

  • nonalphanumeric

  • nonalternating

  • nonalternative

  • nonaltruistic

  • nonaltruistically

  • nonaluminium

  • nonambiguous

  • nonambitious

  • nonambulance

  • nonambulant

  • nonambulatory

  • nonamenable

  • nonamended

  • nonameric

  • nonamidated

  • nonamino

  • nonaminoacylated

  • nonamnesic

  • nonamniote

  • nonamortizable

  • nonamortized

  • nonamphetamine

  • nonamphibian

  • nonamphibious

  • nonamphiphilic

  • nonamphoteric

  • nonampliative

  • nonamplification

  • nonamplified

  • nonamplifying

  • nonampullar

  • nonamputee

  • nonamyloid

  • nonamyloidogenic

  • nonamylolytic

  • nonanal

  • nonanaldehyde

  • nonanalgesic

  • nonanalog

  • nonanalogue

  • nonanalyst

  • nonanalytic

  • nonanalytical

  • nonanalyticity

  • nonanaphoric

  • nonanaplastic

  • nonanarchist

  • nonanatomic

  • nonancestral

  • nonancient

  • nonancillary

  • nonandic

  • nonandrogenic

  • nonandrogynous

  • nonane

  • nonanecdotal

  • nonanedioic acid

  • nonanemic

  • nonanesthetic

  • nonaneurysmal

  • nonangel

  • nonangelic

  • nonanginal

  • nonangiogenic

  • nonangiosperm

  • nonangled

  • nonangler

  • nonangling

  • nonanhydrous

  • nonanimated

  • nonanimation

  • nonannealable

  • nonannealed

  • nonannealing

  • nonannexed

  • nonannotated

  • nonannual

  • nonannualized

  • nonanoic

  • nonanoic acid

  • nonanomalous

  • nonanone

  • nonanonymous

  • nonanorexic

  • nonanoyl

  • nonanswer

  • nonanswerable

  • nonanswered

  • nonanswering

  • nonantagonistic

  • nonanterior

  • nonanthrax

  • nonanthropogenic

  • nonanthropological

  • nonanthropologist

  • nonanthropomorphic

  • nonantibacterial

  • nonantibiotic

  • nonanticholinergic

  • nonanticipative

  • nonanticoagulated

  • nonantigen

  • nonantigenic

  • nonantihypertensive

  • nonantimicrobial

  • nonantioxidant

  • nonantiparallel

  • nonantipseudomonal

  • nonantique

  • nonantiretroviral

  • nonantisense

  • nonantisocial

  • nonantistatic

  • nonantiviral

  • nonanucleotide

  • nonanxiety

  • nonanxiolytic

  • nonanxious

  • nonaoxide

  • nonapathetic

  • nonapeptide

  • nonapertured

  • nonapical

  • nonapocalyptic

  • nonapologetic

  • nonapology

  • nonapology apology

  • nonapoptotic

  • nonapostolic

  • nonapparent

  • nonappealing

  • nonappearance

  • nonappearing

  • nonappendiceal

  • nonappetitive

  • nonapple

  • nonapplicable

  • nonapplicant

  • nonapplication

  • nonapplied

  • nonapplying

  • nonappointed

  • nonappointment

  • nonappreciable

  • nonappreciation

  • nonappreciative

  • nonapprehension

  • nonappropriative

  • nonapprovable

  • nonapproved

  • nonaprenoxanthin

  • nonaprenyl

  • nonaquarium

  • nonaquatic

  • nonaqueous

  • nonarable

  • nonarbitrariness

  • nonarbitrary

  • nonarboreal

  • nonarchaeological

  • nonarchaeologist

  • nonarchaic

  • nonarched

  • nonarcheological

  • nonarchetypal

  • nonarchimedean

  • nonarchitect

  • nonarchitectural

  • nonarchitecture

  • nonarchival

  • nonarchived

  • nonarcing

  • nonargument

  • nonargumental

  • nonargumentative

  • nonarid

  • nonaristocrat

  • nonaristocratic

  • nonaristotelian

  • nonarithmetic

  • nonarmed

  • nonarmored

  • nonarmoured

  • nonarmy

  • nonaromatic

  • nonaromatizable

  • nonarousal

  • nonaroused

  • nonarousing

  • nonarrest

  • nonarrested

  • nonarrival

  • nonarrogation

  • nonart

  • nonarterial

  • nonarteriosclerotic

  • nonarteritic

  • nonarthritic

  • nonarticular

  • nonarticulated

  • nonartificial

  • nonartillery

  • nonartist

  • nonartistic

  • nonarts

  • nonary

  • nonasbestos

  • nonascetic

  • nonaspectual

  • nonaspirant

  • nonaspirate

  • nonaspirated

  • nonaspirational

  • nonaspirin

  • nonassault

  • nonassaulted

  • nonassent

  • nonasserted

  • nonassertion

  • nonassertive

  • nonassertively

  • nonassertiveness

  • nonassessable

  • nonassessed

  • nonassessment

  • nonassignable

  • nonassigned

  • nonassignment

  • nonassimilated

  • nonassisted

  • nonassistive

  • nonassociated

  • nonassociation

  • nonassociatively

  • nonassociativity

  • nonasterisked

  • nonasthma

  • nonasthmatic

  • nonastrological

  • nonastronomer

  • nonastronomical

  • nonasyllabic

  • nonasymptotic

  • nonasynchronous

  • nonatavistic

  • nonatheist

  • nonatheistic

  • nonatherosclerotic

  • nonathlete

  • nonathletic

  • nonatmospheric

  • nonatomic

  • nonatomicity

  • nonatomistic

  • nonatopic

  • nonatretic

  • nonatriacontane

  • nonatrial

  • nonattachable

  • nonattached

  • nonattachment

  • nonattack

  • nonattackable

  • nonattacking

  • nonattainment

  • nonattendance

  • nonattendant

  • nonattender

  • nonattending

  • nonattention

  • nonattentive

  • nonattenuated

  • nonattenuation

  • nonattenuative

  • nonattested

  • nonattitudinal

  • nonattracted

  • nonattracting

  • nonattractive

  • nonattributable

  • nonattributably

  • nonattributive

  • nonatypical

  • nonauction

  • nonaudible

  • nonaudio

  • nonauditory

  • nonaugmentative

  • nonaugmented

  • nonauthentic

  • nonauthenticity

  • nonauthigenic

  • nonauthor

  • nonauthorial

  • nonauthoritarian

  • nonauthoritative

  • nonauthorized

  • nonautistic

  • nonauto

  • nonautobiographical

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


Write a comment about this list

What is a word with the prefix non?

The English prefix non-, which means not, appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, such as nonsense, nonfat, and nonreturnable. You can remember that the prefix non- means not via the word nonpoisonous, for a substance that is nonpoisonous is not poisonous.

Is a dentist an MD?

The DDS and DMD degrees are considered equivalent. The DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) and DMD (Doctor of Dental Medicine) are the same degrees. They are awarded upon graduation from dental school to become a General Dentist. The majority of dental schools award the DDS degree; however, some award a DMD degree.

Is dentistry harder than medicine?

Zayan, Dentistry is a field which you can be a scientist, artist, engineer at the same. There’s nothing called harder or easier. both of them are same!but the truth is medicine degree graduate faster much much faster than dentistry. lot of requirment for being in dentist.

What is MD in dentistry?

A MD is awarded after medical school and is the most common degree fully trained physicians earn in the United States. A DDS is a doctor of dental surgery degree which is one of the common degrees earned by Dentistry, the other being the DMD or doctor of dental medicine.

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