What is a word with the prefix extra

Understanding common English prefixes is a great way to quickly increase your vocabulary. In this post, you will learn some common words made with the prefix extra-.

  • extramarital
  • extraneous
  • extraordinaire
  • extraordinarily
  • extraordinary
  • extrasensory
  • extrasolar
  • extraterrestrial
  • extravagance
  • extravagant
  • extravagantly
  • extravaganza
  • extravert

Find the words, read their definitions, and see them used in natural examples. I also included some common compound words that use extra at the end of this post. Keep reading.

Table of contents

  • The Meaning Of The Word Extra
  • The Prefix Extra- Meaning
    • Types of Extra- Prefixes
  • The Prefix Extra- Clear Root Words
  • The Prefix Extra- Prefix With No Clear Root Word
  • EXTRA- for Size Adjectives
  • Compound Words With Extra
  • Extra Prefix – Frequently Asked Questions

The word extra can be an adjective, an adverb, or a noun. Please read the definitions and examples sentences below.

extra adjective​  more than is usual, expected, or than exists already

SYNONYM additional

  • We had some extra money so we decided to take a cruise to the Bahamas.

extra adve​rb in addition; more than is usual, expected, or exists already

  • The cruise doesn’t charge extra for the live performances and deck parties. Those are included in the regular fee.
  • The cruise includes all your regular meals but we need to pay extra if you want to enjoy fine dining at the captain’s restaurant.
  • I usually earn a bit extra in December. Customers tip more during the holidays.

extra noun 1. a thing that is added to something that is not usual, standard, or necessary and that costs more

  • Make sure you read the cruise package information well. Sometimes there are hidden extras that you didn’t expect. Those added fees can ruin a fun trip.

2. a person who is employed to play a very small part in a film, usually as a member of a crowd

  • Before I became a stuntman I made money and got film experience working as an extra. There were many movies and TV shows filming in Toronto when I started.

My first job was as an extra on a cruise ship. I was a passenger.

Extra Word Origin
mid 17th cent. (as an adjective): probably a shortening of extraordinary, suggested by similar forms in French and German. SOURCE

The prefix extra- can be used to show that something is outside another thing OR it can mean more than is expected.

extra– prefix (in adjectives)

1. ​outside; beyond

  • Benson was accused of an extramarital affair. He denied everything. 

2. ​(informal) very; more than usual

  • Tonight’s dinner was extraordinary. You are an amazing cook, thanks for inviting us over. 

Prefix Origin
via medieval Latin from Latin extra ‘outside’. SOURCE

In this blog post, I’m going to make 2 types of word lists that begin with extra-

#1 is what I call a True Prefix. This means that the word that comes after the prefix extra- (the root word) can be used by itself. For example:

connected with marriage or with the relationship between a married couple extra + marital
happening outside marriage
in a normal way extra + ordinarily
in a way that is unexpected

#2 is a word that takes its meaning from the prefix extra- but the root is not a word that can be used by itself. For example:

extraneous adjective not directly connected with the particular situation you are in  -neous is not a word
a large, expensive, and impressive event -vaganza is not a word

You will also find a list of compound words that use extra at the end of this post.

As always, I chose words that are commonly used by native speakers in English conversation.

extracurricular – adjective
not part of the usual course of work or studies at a school or college

  • Having many extracurricular activities looks great on a University application. 
  • Many high school students say that their extracurricular activities really helped them as they became adults and started working full-time jobs. 

*I included this word in the true prefix of extra- section. Curricular is an adjective that means relating to a school’s curriculum but it’s very very rare to hear the word curricular used in conversation. (In my lifetime as an English speaker, I have never used or heard this word even once.)

Curricular is a real word that is listed in the dictionary so I included it here. Extracurricular is a common word that is most often paired with the plural noun activities

extramarital – adjective
happening outside marriage

  • Benson was accused of an extramarital affair. He denied everything.
  • We often see celebrities in the news being exposed for their extramarital activities.

extraordinaire – adjective
(from French, approving, often humorous)

​used after nouns to say that somebody is a good example of a particular kind of person

  • Let me introduce you to my wife, my best friend, my life partner, and a Chef extraordinaire

You are a true chef extraordinaire!

extraordinarily – adverb
1. ​in a way that is unexpected, surprising or strange

  • I find Beth and Charlie’s relationship to be extraordinarily toxic. They’re always angry and fighting. I don’t know why they stay together.

2. ​in a way that is more, greater or better than usual

  • That exam was extraordinarily difficult. I think I passed but that test was much harder than I expected. 
  • I’m so proud of the whole team today, you all played extraordinarily well in tonight’s game and you should be proud. 

Idiom with ‘Extra’
Go the extra mile – to make a special effort to achieve something, help somebody, etc.

  • Jacob is a hard worker who always goes the extra mile. I think the company should promote him and give him a raise.

extraordinary – adjective
unexpected, surprising or strange

SYNONYM incredible

  • I can’t recommend that restaurant enough. The staff are very professional and the food is extraordinary

extrasensory perception – adjective (noun phrase)
The ability to know things without using the senses of sight, hearing, etc., for example to know what people are thinking or what will happen in the future

*Extrasensory perception is most often written as ESP. (You may have seen or heard it before.)

  • The TV show is about a woman with ESP who helps the police solve crimes.
  • Many people have claimed to have ESP but they have all failed to demonstrate it under testing conditions. 

She used a crystal ball to channel her ESP.

extrasolar – adjective

(of a planet, etc.) located outside our solar system

  • Scientists have found an extrasolar planet whose conditions are very similar to Earth’s. A planet like this may potentially have life. 

Have you ever heard of the movie E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial? Have you seen it? It is a popular movie from 1982. I recommend the movie if you have never seen it. Watch the trailer below!

extraterrestrial – adjective
connected with life existing outside the planet Earth

  • It’s amazing to think about another planet outside our solar system with extraterrestrial life on it. 
  • I watched a movie last night about an extraterrestrial monster that fell to Earth and destroyed a city. It was scary. 

extraterrestrial – noun
(in stories) a creature that comes from another planet; a creature that may exist on another planet

  • If you met an extraterrestrial and you could communicate with it, what would you say? What would you ask it? 

extradite – verb

​extradite somebody (to…) (from…) to officially send back somebody who has been accused or found guilty of a crime to the country where the crime was committed

  • The court has allowed the suspects to be extradited to the country where the crimes were committed. 

extradition – noun [uncountable, countable]

​the act of officially sending back somebody who has been accused or found guilty of a crime to the country where the crime was committed

  • The suspect escaped and traveled to a non-extradition country.
    This means a country that does not have an agreement with another country to send back anyone who has been accused of a crime there. 
  • The fugitive is fighting extradition back to his home country. 

extraneous – adjective
not directly connected with the particular situation you are in or the subject you are dealing with

SYNONYM irrelevant

  • Newspaper headlines should be clear and not include any extraneous words that are not necessary. 
  • Negotiations failed after one side kept adding extraneous issues to the deal.

extravagance – noun
[uncountable] the act or habit of spending more money than you can afford or than is necessary

  • The country’s president had a difficult time trying to explain his extravagance while many of his citizens are very poor. Some don’t have enough food to eat. 
  •  Ryan was a simple man but he had one extravagance, he loved expensive watches and owned a collection of them. 

Fine watches are his only extravagance.

extravagant – adjective
spending a lot more money or using a lot more of something than you can afford or than is necessary

  • For many women, an extravagant wedding is not necessary. A small ceremony with close friends and family is enough to make them happy. 
  • Penelope stunned everyone at the party when she arrived in an extravagant Chanel dress.

extravagantly – adverb
in a way that involves spending a lot more money or using a lot more of something than you can afford or than is necessary

  • Even after his promotion and a higher salary, Brendan doesn’t live too extravagantly. He has always enjoyed the simple things in life. 

extravaganza – noun
a large, expensive, and impressive event

  • There’s going to be a huge fashion extravaganza at my University next week. This is so exciting, I can’t wait. 
  • The city is having its annual two-day family extravaganza in the park next month. 

extravert – noun
a lively and confident person who enjoys being with other people

  • Dennis has always been an extravert, he has never had trouble making new friends or talking with new people. 

*Note – this word is sometimes spelled extrovert

  • Dennis has always been an extrovert, he has never had trouble making new friends or talking with new people. 

The opposite of an extravert is an introvert

introvert noun
​a quiet person who is more interested in their own thoughts and feelings than in spending time with other people

  • Dennis’ sister Grace is just the opposite. She is shy and doesn’t like to be in big groups, she is a real introvert.

Learn more helpful prefixes and grow your English vocabulary at my post here >>The Prefix RE – 60 examples (Definitions, Free PDF, Video)

We add the word extra before the clothing sizes small and large to emphasize that the size is VERY small or VERY large. We often see these sizes written on clothing labels as XL or XS

XL = extra large

  • My friend Oscar is really big. If I want to buy him a sweater for Christmas I always choose an extra large

the Prefix Extra. Can I get this in XXL? (Double XL)

Can I get this in XXL? (Double XL)

XS = extra small

  • Allison is very tiny. When she goes shopping for new clothes she always tries on an extra small, and it usually fits.

the Prefix Extra. Sometimes it's hard to find cute clothes that are XS.

Sometimes it’s hard to find cute clothes that are XS.

Does this hoodie come in extra large?

Extra large is also used with egg sizes.

Learn 14 Idioms with EGG at my blog post here >> WorldEnglishBlog.com/idioms-with-eggs

Extra is also used in other compound words describing size, condition, and power, often joined by a hyphen (-)

Extra-firm – more firm than usual

  • Whenever I book a hotel room I always asked for a bed with an extra-firm mattress. I can’t sleep well if the mattress is too soft. 

Extra-long – longer than usual

  • We ordered an extra-long shower curtain for the bathroom. 

Extra-strength – stronger than usual 

  • My headache is really bad, I think I need to take some extra strength pain reliever tablets and lay down for a while. 

Extra-thin – thinner than usual

  • The drug store is now selling extra-thin condoms. I’m not sure that I trust them. 

Extra-wide – wider than usual

  • Lance needs to buy extra-wide shoes or his feet get very sore after walking for just a short time. 

(I don’t hear the opposite – extra narrow)

extra time noun [uncountable] (sport)

​a set period of time that is added to the end of a sports game, etc., if there is no winner at the end of the normal period

  • The score was still tied after 90 minutes so the game went into extra time.

(North American English overtime)

  • The score was tied at the end of regulation time so the game went into overtime

extra virgin adjective

used to describe good quality oil obtained the first time that olives are pressed

  • Good chefs only cook with extra virgin olive oil, nothing else will do.

This restaurant buys extra virgin olive oil direct from Italy.

What is the difference between EXTRA and EXCESS?

Extra refers to something that is beyond what is expected or usual. (Adjective)
Excess refers to something that is in addition to an amount that is necessary, usual, or legal. (Adjective)

What is the origin of extra? 

The word and prefix EXTRA come from Latin adverb and preposition extra which means “outside, except, beyond”, and from exter which means “being on the outside.” SOURCE

If you can think of any words with this prefix that I left out, please tell me in the comments!

Thanks to The Free Dictionary by Farlex for the example list.

Find more GREAT Prefix/Suffix posts below.

What is a word with the prefix extra?

outsideextra-: outsideextraditeextraneousextravaganzaestrangeextrapolateexternalextracurricularextramaritalextramuralextraordinaireextraordinaryextrasensoryextraterrestrialextravagantextravert.

What is the origin of the prefix extra?

Extra comes from extraordinary, from the Latin root extra ordinem, “outside normal events.”

What is extra word?

The word extra can function as an adjective, noun or adverb and it can also be used as a prefix. As an adjective, it is used to describe something that is in addition to the usual or expected amount, as in ‘As an extra precaution, I turned off the electricity supply at the mains’.

Is extra a Greek or Latin root?

word-forming element meaning “outside; beyond the scope of; in addition to what is usual or expected,” in classical Latin recorded only in extraordinarius, but more used in Medieval Latin and modern formations; it represents Latin extra (adv.)

Whats are galaxy called?

A galaxy is a large group of stars, gas, and dust bound together by gravity. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The Milky Way is a large barred spiral galaxy. Our galaxy is called the Milky Way because it appears as a milky band of light in the sky when you see it in a really dark area.

What is the 4 types of galaxies?

In 1936, Hubble debuted a way to classify galaxies, grouping them into four main types: spiral galaxies, lenticular galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies.

What is a galaxy for kids?

A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems, all held together by gravity. A galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems. A galaxy is held together by gravity.

How is a galaxy classified?

Galaxies are classified by shape. There are three general types: elliptical, spiral, and irregular. The bulge and halo consist mainly of older stars, where spiral arms have more gas, dust and younger stars. Our Milky Way Galaxy is a spiral galaxy.

What are the 3 classifications of galaxies?

Astronomers classify galaxies into three major categories: elliptical, spiral and irregular. These galaxies span a wide range of sizes, from dwarf galaxies containing as few as 100 million stars to giant galaxies with more than a trillion stars.

Can you identify a galaxy?

Astronomer Edwin Hubble, after whom the space telescope is named, classified galaxies according to shape. The Hubble scale chart takes a wishbone, or tuning fork shape. Armless, elliptical galaxies are on the left. By measuring the amount of redshift, astronomers can determine how far away a given galaxy is.

What are the 5 types of galaxies?

There are four main categories of galaxies: elliptical, spiral, barred spiral, and irregular. Keep reading for even more facts and information. Galaxies are categorized according to their visual morphology as elliptical, spiral, spiral barred or irregular. They are sometimes further divided into subcategories.

What is a ghost galaxy?

The Ant 2 “ghost” galaxy is a large, dim dwarf galaxy that scientists have discovered near the edge of the Milky Way. While low in mass, Ant 2 is about the same size as the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC).

How do you describe an irregular galaxy?

An irregular galaxy is the catchall name given to any galaxy that does not neatly fit into one of the categories of the Hubble classification scheme. They have no defined shape nor structure and may have formed from collisions, close encounters with other galaxies or violent internal activity.

What words start with all?

10-letter words that start with all

  • allegiance.
  • allegation.
  • allogeneic.
  • allegretto.
  • allosteric.
  • allegorize.
  • allopatric.
  • allocution.

What is an example of non?

Hear this out loudPause

Is non a word by itself?

What is the term for non?

Is no a non in French?

What is mean by non?

How do you use the word non?

What does NOM mean?

Norma Oficial Mexicana

What does NaN mean?

Why is NaN a number?

What type is NaN Python?

Is a NaN a grandma?

Why are grandmothers called Nan?

What is the difference between Grandma and Nanna?

What are nicknames for Grandma?

The 10 most common nicknames for grandma in the United States are:

  • Nana.
  • Grammy/Grammie.
  • Granny/Grannie.
  • Nanny.
  • Mamaw.
  • Mawmaw.
  • Mimi.
  • Grandmother.

What is an Irish Grandma called?

Does Gigi mean Grandma?

What do the Kardashians call their grandma?

What is the most common name for Grandma?

What is the English name for Grandma?

Different Names for “Grandma”

Gramma Grams Grandmama
Gimmy G-Ma Granny
Gram Gran Grammers
Grandma [First Initial] Grandma [First Name] Grandma [Middle Name]
Grandmom Gram-Gran Marmee

What do celebrities call their grandparents?

Is lovey a name for Grandma?

What Grandpa name goes with Nana?

What do Kris grandkids call her?


Why do Kris Jenner grandchildren call her lovey?

What is the Irish name for grandma and grandpa?

What is another name for Grandpa?

What is another word for grandpa?

gramps grandfather
granddad granddaddy
pops grandad
grandpop grandaddy
nonno abuelo

What are names for Grandpa?

Traditional Grandfather Names

  • Big Daddy.
  • Big Paw.
  • Grandfather.
  • Grandpa.
  • Grampa.
  • Grandpappy.
  • Gramps.
  • Granddad.

10-letter words that start with extra

  • extraction.
  • extraneous.
  • extractive.
  • extramural.
  • extralegal.
  • extracting.
  • extractors.
  • extradited.

What is the full meaning of extra?

1a : more than is due, usual, or necessary : additional extra work. b : subject to an additional charge dessert is extra. 2 : superior extra quality. extra. noun.

What does the prefix extra mean medical?

Prefix denoting outside, beyond, additional. Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M.

What is extra word?

The word extra can function as an adjective, noun or adverb and it can also be used as a prefix. As an adjective, it is used to describe something that is in addition to the usual or expected amount, as in ‘As an extra precaution, I turned off the electricity supply at the mains’.

Does benefactor have a prefix?

The Latin roots of benefactor are bene, which means “well,” and facere, which means “to do” — literally, “to do well.” A benefactor does well by supporting (usually financially) a person or a good cause.

What kind of word is extra?

What is the medical term for Osis?

Osis is defined as state, diseased condition or increase. An example of the -osis suffix is cirrhosis, meaning an organ, usually the liver, in a diseased state. An example of the -osis suffix is fibrosis, meaning an increase in fibrous tissue in an injured part of the body.

How do you use extra?

Extra sentence example

  1. We have an extra room.
  2. I didn’t have enough time to plan for the extra we need.
  3. Instead, she decided to use that extra hour to take a relaxing bath.
  4. You’ll find extra blankets in the entry closet if you need them.

Is Extra an insult?

Merriam-Webster defines extra as “more than is due, usual, or necessary, which is still the case for the slang term. However, the slang word extra has taken on a more specific, negative connotation, as used to describe a person. One Urban Dictionary entry defines extra as “doing the absolute most for no reason.”

What is the root word of additional?

additional (adj.) 1640s, “added, supplementary,” from addition + -al (1).

What does OSIS stand for?


Acronym Definition
OSIS Open Source Infrastructure Software
OSIS One-Stop Internet Shop (European Union)
OSIS Open Shops for Information Services
OSIS Open Specification for Information Sharing

The authors of both passages as given above, would probably agree that

A. multiple agencies were responsible for the Love Canal incident.

B. Hooker Chemical should not have donated the Love Canal.

C. the Occidental Corporation should not have permitted development.

D. the Niagara Falls Board of Education lacked adequate funds.

E. Niagara Falls should have listened to the chemical company.

Prefixes of extra

  • bextra

    • noun a Cox-2 inhibitor (trade name Bextra) that relieves pain and inflammation without harming the digestive tract

    • More ‘bextra’ Meaning
    • bextra Associated Words
    • bextra Related Words

Suffixes of extra

  • extract

    • noun a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)
    • noun a passage selected from a larger work
      excerption; selection; excerpt.
      • he presented excerpts from William James’ philosophical writings

    • More ‘extract’ Meaning
    • extract Idioms/Phrases
    • extract Associated Words
    • extract Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extract Related Words
  • extract

    • noun a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)
    • noun a passage selected from a larger work
      excerption; selection; excerpt.
      • he presented excerpts from William James’ philosophical writings

    • More ‘extract’ Meaning
    • extracted Associated Words
    • extracted Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extracted Related Words
  • extraordinary

    • adjective beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable
      • extraordinary authority
      • an extraordinary achievement
      • her extraordinary beauty
      • enjoyed extraordinary popularity
      • an extraordinary capacity for work
      • an extraordinary session of the legislature
    • adjective satellite far more than usual or expected
      over-the-top; sinful.
      • an extraordinary desire for approval
      • it was an over-the-top experience

    • More ‘extraordinary’ Meaning
    • extraordinary Idioms/Phrases
    • extraordinary Associated Words
    • extraordinary Related Words
  • extraction

    • noun the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means
    • noun properties attributable to your ancestry
      origin; descent.
      • he comes from good origins

    • More ‘extraction’ Meaning
    • extraction Idioms/Phrases
    • extraction Associated Words
    • extraction Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extraction Related Words
  • extravagant

    • adjective satellite unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings
      overweening; excessive; exuberant.
      • extravagant praise
      • exuberant compliments
      • overweening ambition
      • overweening greed
    • adjective satellite recklessly wasteful
      prodigal; spendthrift; profligate.
      • prodigal in their expenditures

    • More ‘extravagant’ Meaning
    • extravagant Idioms/Phrases
    • extravagant Associated Words
    • extravagant Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extravagant Related Words
  • extract

    • noun a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)
    • noun a passage selected from a larger work
      excerption; selection; excerpt.
      • he presented excerpts from William James’ philosophical writings

    • More ‘extract’ Meaning
    • extracts Associated Words
    • extracts Related Words
  • extraordinarily

    • adverb extremely
      • she was inordinately smart
      • it will be an extraordinarily painful step to negotiate

    • More ‘extraordinarily’ Meaning
    • extraordinarily Associated Words
    • extraordinarily Related Words
  • extract

    • noun a solution obtained by steeping or soaking a substance (usually in water)
    • noun a passage selected from a larger work
      excerption; selection; excerpt.
      • he presented excerpts from William James’ philosophical writings

    • More ‘extract’ Meaning
    • extracting Associated Words
    • extracting Related Words
  • extracellular

    • adjective located or occurring outside a cell or cells
      • extracellular fluid

    • More ‘extracellular’ Meaning
    • extracellular Idioms/Phrases
    • extracellular Associated Words
    • extracellular Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extracellular Related Words
  • extra

    • noun a minor actor in crowd scenes
      spear carrier; supernumerary.
    • noun an additional edition of a newspaper (usually to report a crisis)

    • More ‘extra’ Meaning
    • extras Associated Words
    • extras Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extras Related Words
  • extravagance

    • noun the quality of exceeding the appropriate limits of decorum or probability or truth
      • we were surprised by the extravagance of his description
    • noun the trait of spending extravagantly
      prodigality; profligacy.

    • More ‘extravagance’ Meaning
    • extravagance Associated Words
    • extravagance Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extravagance Related Words
  • extraneous

    • adjective satellite not pertinent to the matter under consideration
      impertinent; orthogonal; immaterial.
      • an issue extraneous to the debate
      • the price was immaterial
      • mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point
    • adjective satellite not essential
      • the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play

    • More ‘extraneous’ Meaning
    • extraneous Associated Words
    • extraneous Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extraneous Related Words
  • extrapolate

    • verb draw from specific cases for more general cases
      generalize; infer; generalise.
    • verb estimate the value of

    • More ‘extrapolate’ Meaning
    • extrapolated Associated Words
    • extrapolated Related Words
  • extrapolate

    • verb draw from specific cases for more general cases
      generalize; infer; generalise.
    • verb estimate the value of

    • More ‘extrapolate’ Meaning
    • extrapolate Associated Words
    • extrapolate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extrapolate Related Words
  • extrapolate

    • verb draw from specific cases for more general cases
      generalize; infer; generalise.
    • verb estimate the value of

    • More ‘extrapolate’ Meaning
    • extrapolating Associated Words
    • extrapolating Related Words
  • extrapolation

    • noun (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values
    • noun an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and observations

    • More ‘extrapolation’ Meaning
    • extrapolation Associated Words
    • extrapolation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extrapolation Related Words
  • extradition

    • noun the surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a statute or treaty)

    • More ‘extradition’ Meaning
    • extradition Associated Words
    • extradition Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extradition Related Words
  • extraterrestrial

    • noun a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere
      alien; extraterrestrial being.
    • adjective originating or located or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere
      • is there extraterrestrial life?

    • More ‘extraterrestrial’ Meaning
    • extraterrestrial Idioms/Phrases
    • extraterrestrial Associated Words
    • extraterrestrial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extraterrestrial Related Words
  • extracurricular

    • adjective satellite outside the regular academic curriculum
      • sports and drama are popular extracurricular activities
    • adjective satellite outside the regular duties of your job or profession

    • More ‘extracurricular’ Meaning
    • extracurricular Idioms/Phrases
    • extracurricular Associated Words
    • extracurricular Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extracurricular Related Words
  • extramarital

    • adjective satellite characterized by adultery
      adulterous; extracurricular.
      • an adulterous relationship
      • extramarital affairs
      • the extracurricular activities of a philandering husband

    • More ‘extramarital’ Meaning
    • extramarital Idioms/Phrases
    • extramarital Associated Words
    • extramarital Related Words
  • extraterritorial

    • adjective outside territorial limits or jurisdiction
      • fishing in extraterritorial waters
      • enjoying exterritorial privileges and rights

    • More ‘extraterritorial’ Meaning
    • extraterritorial Associated Words
    • extraterritorial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extraterritorial Related Words
  • extravagance

    • noun the quality of exceeding the appropriate limits of decorum or probability or truth
      • we were surprised by the extravagance of his description
    • noun the trait of spending extravagantly
      prodigality; profligacy.

    • More ‘extravagance’ Meaning
    • extravagances Associated Words
    • extravagances Related Words
  • extravert

    • noun (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings
    • adjective satellite being concerned with the social and physical environment
      extroverted; extravertive; extrovertive; extraverted; extrovert.

    • More ‘extravert’ Meaning
    • extraverts Associated Words
    • extraverts Related Words
  • extravagantly

    • adverb in an abundant manner
      abundantly; profusely; copiously.
      • they were abundantly supplied with food
      • he thanked her profusely
    • adverb in a wasteful manner
      • the United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap

    • More ‘extravagantly’ Meaning
    • extravagantly Associated Words
    • extravagantly Related Words
  • extractor

    • noun an instrument for extracting tight-fitting components
    • noun an apparatus that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension
      centrifuge; separator.

    • More ‘extractor’ Meaning
    • extractor Idioms/Phrases
    • extractor Associated Words
    • extractor Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extractor Related Words
  • extraverted

    • adjective satellite being concerned with the social and physical environment
      extroverted; extravertive; extrovertive; extravert; extrovert.

    • More ‘extraverted’ Meaning
    • extraverted Associated Words
    • extraverted Related Words
  • extractor

    • noun an instrument for extracting tight-fitting components
    • noun an apparatus that uses centrifugal force to separate particles from a suspension
      centrifuge; separator.

    • More ‘extractor’ Meaning
    • extractors Associated Words
    • extractors Related Words
  • extrapolate

    • verb draw from specific cases for more general cases
      generalize; infer; generalise.
    • verb estimate the value of

    • More ‘extrapolate’ Meaning
    • extrapolates Associated Words
    • extrapolates Related Words
  • extraversion

    • noun (psychology) an extroverted disposition; concern with what is outside the self

    • More ‘extraversion’ Meaning
    • extraversion Associated Words
    • extraversion Related Words
  • extravasation

    • noun an extravasated liquid (blood or lymph or urine); the product of extravasation
    • noun (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)
      eructation; eruption.

    • More ‘extravasation’ Meaning
    • extravasation Idioms/Phrases
    • extravasation Associated Words
    • extravasation Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extravasation Related Words
  • extrapolation

    • noun (mathematics) calculation of the value of a function outside the range of known values
    • noun an inference about the future (or about some hypothetical situation) based on known facts and observations

    • More ‘extrapolation’ Meaning
    • extrapolations Associated Words
    • extrapolations Related Words
  • extraction

    • noun the process of obtaining something from a mixture or compound by chemical or physical or mechanical means
    • noun properties attributable to your ancestry
      origin; descent.
      • he comes from good origins

    • More ‘extraction’ Meaning
    • extractions Associated Words
    • extractions Related Words
  • extravaganza

    • noun any lavishly staged or spectacular entertainment

    • More ‘extravaganza’ Meaning
    • extravaganza Associated Words
    • extravaganza Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extravaganza Related Words
  • extractable

    • adjective satellite capable of being extracted

    • More ‘extractable’ Meaning
    • extractable Associated Words
    • extractable Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extractable Related Words
  • extradite

    • verb hand over to the authorities of another country
      deport; deliver.
      • They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there

    • More ‘extradite’ Meaning
    • extradite Associated Words
    • extradite Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extradite Related Words
  • extraterrestrial

    • noun a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earth or its atmosphere
      alien; extraterrestrial being.
    • adjective originating or located or occurring outside Earth or its atmosphere
      • is there extraterrestrial life?

    • More ‘extraterrestrial’ Meaning
    • extraterrestrials Associated Words
    • extraterrestrials Related Words
  • extradite

    • verb hand over to the authorities of another country
      deport; deliver.
      • They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there

    • More ‘extradite’ Meaning
    • extradited Associated Words
    • extradited Related Words
  • extragalactic

    • adjective outside or beyond a galaxy
      • extragalactic nebula

    • More ‘extragalactic’ Meaning
    • extragalactic Idioms/Phrases
    • extragalactic Associated Words
    • extragalactic Related Words
  • extralinguistic

    • adjective not included within the realm of language

    • More ‘extralinguistic’ Meaning
    • extralinguistic Associated Words
    • extralinguistic Related Words
  • extravaganza

    • noun any lavishly staged or spectacular entertainment

    • More ‘extravaganza’ Meaning
    • extravaganzas Associated Words
    • extravaganzas Related Words
  • extraordinaire

    • adjective satellite extraordinary in a particular capacity
      • a woodworker extraordinaire
      • a self-starter extraordinaire

    • More ‘extraordinaire’ Meaning
    • extraordinaire Associated Words
    • extraordinaire Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extraordinaire Related Words
  • extrajudicial

    • adjective satellite beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted
      • an extrajudicial penalty

    • More ‘extrajudicial’ Meaning
    • extrajudicial Associated Words
    • extrajudicial Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extrajudicial Related Words
  • extralegal

    • adjective satellite not regulated or sanctioned by law
      • there were only extralegal recourses for their grievances

    • More ‘extralegal’ Meaning
    • extralegal Associated Words
    • extralegal Related Words
  • extrasensory

    • adjective seemingly outside normal sensory channels

    • More ‘extrasensory’ Meaning
    • extrasensory Idioms/Phrases
    • extrasensory Associated Words
    • extrasensory Related Words
  • extradural

    • adjective on or outside the dura mater

    • More ‘extradural’ Meaning
    • extradural Associated Words
    • extradural Related Words
  • extramural

    • adjective carried on outside the bounds of an institution or community
      • extramural sports

    • More ‘extramural’ Meaning
    • extramural Associated Words
    • extramural Related Words
  • extravert

    • noun (psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings
    • adjective satellite being concerned with the social and physical environment
      extroverted; extravertive; extrovertive; extraverted; extrovert.

    • More ‘extravert’ Meaning
    • extravert Associated Words
    • extravert Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extravert Related Words
  • extravagancy

    • noun the quality of exceeding the appropriate limits of decorum or probability or truth
      • we were surprised by the extravagance of his description

    • More ‘extravagancy’ Meaning
    • extravagancies Related Words
  • extravagancy

    • noun the quality of exceeding the appropriate limits of decorum or probability or truth
      • we were surprised by the extravagance of his description

    • More ‘extravagancy’ Meaning
    • extravagancy Associated Words
    • extravagancy Related Words
  • extravasate

    • verb force out or cause to escape from a proper vessel or channel
    • verb become active and spew forth lava and rocks
      belch; erupt.
      • Vesuvius erupts once in a while

    • More ‘extravasate’ Meaning
    • extravasated Related Words
  • extravasate

    • verb force out or cause to escape from a proper vessel or channel
    • verb become active and spew forth lava and rocks
      belch; erupt.
      • Vesuvius erupts once in a while

    • More ‘extravasate’ Meaning
    • extravasate Associated Words
    • extravasate Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extravasate Related Words
  • extravasation

    • noun an extravasated liquid (blood or lymph or urine); the product of extravasation
    • noun (of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)
      eructation; eruption.

    • More ‘extravasation’ Meaning
    • extravasations Related Words
  • extraordinariness

    • noun the quality of being extraordinary and not commonly encountered

    • More ‘extraordinariness’ Meaning
    • extraordinariness Associated Words
    • extraordinariness Related Words
  • extradite

    • verb hand over to the authorities of another country
      deport; deliver.
      • They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there

    • More ‘extradite’ Meaning
    • extraditing Associated Words
    • extraditing Related Words
  • extradition

    • noun the surrender of an accused or convicted person by one state or country to another (usually under the provisions of a statute or treaty)

    • More ‘extradition’ Meaning
    • extraditions Associated Words
    • extraditions Related Words
  • extrados

    • noun the exterior curve of an arch

    • More ‘extrados’ Meaning
    • extrados Associated Words
    • extrados Related Words
  • extrasystole

    • noun a premature systole resulting in a momentary cardiac arrhythmia

    • More ‘extrasystole’ Meaning
    • extrasystoles Related Words
  • extrasystole

    • noun a premature systole resulting in a momentary cardiac arrhythmia

    • More ‘extrasystole’ Meaning
    • extrasystole Associated Words
    • extrasystole Prefix/Suffix Words
    • extrasystole Related Words
  • extracellular

    • adjective located or occurring outside a cell or cells
      • extracellular fluid

    • More ‘extracellular’ Meaning
    • extracellularly Related Words
  • extracurricular

    • adjective satellite outside the regular academic curriculum
      • sports and drama are popular extracurricular activities
    • adjective satellite outside the regular duties of your job or profession

    • More ‘extracurricular’ Meaning
    • extracurriculars Related Words
  • extraterritorial

    • adjective outside territorial limits or jurisdiction
      • fishing in extraterritorial waters
      • enjoying exterritorial privileges and rights

    • More ‘extraterritorial’ Meaning
    • extraterritorially Related Words
  • extrajudicial

    • adjective satellite beyond the usual course of legal proceedings; legally unwarranted
      • an extrajudicial penalty

    • More ‘extrajudicial’ Meaning
    • extrajudicially Associated Words
    • extrajudicially Related Words
  • extraordinary

    • adjective beyond what is ordinary or usual; highly unusual or exceptional or remarkable
      • extraordinary authority
      • an extraordinary achievement
      • her extraordinary beauty
      • enjoyed extraordinary popularity
      • an extraordinary capacity for work
      • an extraordinary session of the legislature
    • adjective satellite far more than usual or expected
      over-the-top; sinful.
      • an extraordinary desire for approval
      • it was an over-the-top experience

    • More ‘extraordinary’ Meaning
    • extraordinaries Related Words
  • extraneous

    • adjective satellite not pertinent to the matter under consideration
      impertinent; orthogonal; immaterial.
      • an issue extraneous to the debate
      • the price was immaterial
      • mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point
    • adjective satellite not essential
      • the ballet struck me as extraneous and somewhat out of keeping with the rest of the play

    • More ‘extraneous’ Meaning
    • extraneously Associated Words
    • extraneously Related Words

Derived words of extra

  • dextral

    • adjective of or on the right
      • a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer
      • a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost
    • adjective satellite preferring to use right foot or hand or eye
      • dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye

    • More ‘dextral’ Meaning
    • dextral Idioms/Phrases
    • dextral Associated Words
    • dextral Related Words

About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `extra`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `extra`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

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