What is a word vault

свод, склеп, погреб, подвал, опорный прыжок, прыгать, перепрыгивать, вольтижировать


- архит. свод

cloister vault — монастырский свод
vault head — замок /ключ, шелыга/ свода

- поэт. небосвод (тж. the vault of heaven)

the blue vault — голубой купол

- анат. свод

cranial vault — свод черепа

- подвал, погреб (винный и т. п.)
- склеп (тж. sepulchral vault)

family vault — фамильный склеп, усыпальница

- хранилище; (стальная) камера; сейф

safety vault — хранилище (ценностей) (в банке и т. п.)
cash in vault — наличность кассы; денежная наличность (в кассе банка)

- фильмохранилище
- пещера
- прыжок, скачок (особ. через препятствие)

vault over a gate [from the saddle, upon a horse] — прыжок /скачок/ через ворота [с седла, на коня]

- спорт. опорный прыжок

free vault — свободный прыжок
rear vault — прыжок углом
double-rear vault — опорный прыжок углом с поворотом на 180u00B0
flank /side/ vault — опорный прыжок боком
horse vault — прыжок через коня (одна нога сбоку прямая, другая согнута)
straddle vault — прыжок ноги врозь


- архит. покрывать сводом; возводить свод (над чем-л.)
- выситься сводом (над чем-л.); накрывать (как) куполом (тж. vault over)

the sky vaulted over the sea — купол неба над морем

- изгибаться

to vault like the rainbow — изгибаться сводом /радугой/

- перепрыгивать, перескакивать; прыгать

to vault (over) a fence — перескочить через забор
to vault into the saddle — вскочить на коня /в седло/
to vault a river — воен. форсировать реку

- прыгать с опорой обо что-л. (гимнастика)
- вольтижировать (конный спорт)

Мои примеры


a light-fingered burglar who can crack the combination of a bank vault — искусный вор-взломщик, который способен раскрыть код банковского хранилища  
induction to the vault — вход в склеп  
palate vault — нёбный свод  
wine vault — винный погреб  
bank vault — банковское хранилище  
record vault — хранилище документов и архива  
vault over a gate — прыжок /скачок/ через ворота  
bending of vault — кривизна свода  
below-ground vault — шахта ниже уровня земли  
cellar vault — свод подвала  
vault of heaven — небесный свод; твердь  

Примеры с переводом

The robber vaulted over the counter and took $200 in cash.

Грабитель перемахнул через прилавок и взял $200 наличными.

He took a running jump at the fence and vaulted over (it).

Он с разбегу перепрыгнул через забор.

Edwards cleared 18 feet in the pole vault.

Эдвардс взял высоту 18 футов в прыжках с шестом.

Looking across the vast expanse, with the wide blue sky vaulted over it.

Глядя вдоль широких простор и голубого неба, раскинувшегося над ними.

On Sunday Michigan vaulted from No. 4 to the nation’s top team.

В воскресенье команда Мичигана совершила скачок с 4-го места на первое.

Возможные однокоренные слова

vaulted  — сводчатый, арочный
vaulting  — свод, своды, вольтижировка, прыжки, прыгающий, скачущий
vaulter  — прыгун

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: vault
he/she/it: vaults
ing ф. (present participle): vaulting
2-я ф. (past tense): vaulted
3-я ф. (past participle): vaulted

ед. ч.(singular): vault
мн. ч.(plural): vaults

Recent Examples on the Web

Now the boys sing the Magnificat, the song of Mary, their voices rising to the ribs of the vault.

Peter Ross, Smithsonian Magazine, 5 Apr. 2023

After Tom Cruise’s super spy Ethan Hunt suspended himself from a cable and dropped down from ceiling of the high-security CIA vault to steal the NOC list, Donloe was promptly fired and reassigned to a polar substation in Alaska.

Jordan Moreau, Variety, 22 Mar. 2023

But neither of these explanations makes sense of Brandon Johnson’s vault from obscurity to the runoff.

Keeanga-yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker, 14 Mar. 2023

However much has been lost, glimpses of the vaults at the Library of Congress and the voluminous holdings in archives and cinematheques around the world are daunting: That’s a lot of material to keep at optimal temperature.

Sheri Linden, The Hollywood Reporter, 4 Mar. 2023

The height of the Gothic vaults allowed this polyphonic music to soar, the lower notes reverberating warmly, the higher notes disappearing more quickly.

Yuliya Parshina-kottas, New York Times, 3 Mar. 2023

In lieu of bringing something out of the vault, the royal turned to high-street favorite Zara for her earrings.

Hayley Maitland, Vogue, 19 Feb. 2023

That’s when Michelle grabbed her briefcase and headed to the vault.

Tracy Smith, CBS News, 11 Feb. 2023

Tiaras of yore were taken out of the vault for occasions like balls and coronations.

Nancy Macdonell, WSJ, 27 Dec. 2022

Virgin Orbit was founded in 2017 after spinning off from its sister company, Virgin Galactic, which is focused on using supersonic planes to vault high-paying tourists on joy rides to the edge of space.

Jackie Wattles, CNN, 30 Mar. 2023

No, not his game-winning grand slam, which lifted Team USA to an exhilarating 9-7 comeback victory over Venezuela, vaulting them into the World Baseball Classic semifinals Sunday night (7 p.m. ET, FOX) against Cuba.

Bob Nightengale, USA TODAY, 19 Mar. 2023

Gambit is the only mode in the game that has not just gotten no real support, but actually has had things taken away from it, as two of its paltry six maps were vaulted and never returned.

Paul Tassi, Forbes, 17 Mar. 2023

Sharp, recognizing help was on the way, delivered a bounce pass to Enmanuel, who collected it in stride and vaulted toward the rim for what everyone on his team — and everyone else in the small arena — expected to be a stanchion-shaking dunk.

Billy Witz, New York Times, 5 Mar. 2023

But UConn still wasn’t getting the production from the bench or showing off the depth that vaulted them into national title conversations in December.

Joe Arruda, Hartford Courant, 26 Feb. 2023

Now, Dak must do it again to extend the season and vault the Cowboys into the NFC Championship for the first time since the 1995 season.

Dallas News, 18 Jan. 2023

Democrats were confident those ballots would vault their candidate into the lead.

Nicholas Riccardi And Ken Ritter, Anchorage Daily News, 12 Nov. 2022

Thompson-Robinson and Charbonnet are each getting some Heisman Trophy hype and a road upset would vault them and the Bruins firmly into the national conversation with only one major test left on their schedule.

oregonlive, 17 Oct. 2022

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘vault.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

  • 1

    * * *


    /vi/ возводить свод

    Англо-русский строительный словарь.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > vault

  • 2

    vault [vɔ:lt]

    1) свод;

    2) подва́л, по́греб, склеп ( со сводом);



    возводи́ть свод (над чем-л.)

    vault [vɔ:lt]


    n спорт.

    опо́рный прыжо́к, прыжо́к с шесто́м

    1) пры́гать, перепры́гивать (


    опираясь на что-л.)

    2) вольтижи́ровать

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > vault

  • 3

    vault underground — подземное убежище (сооружение, хранилище); подвальное помещение, подвал

    Англо-русский пожарно-технический словарь > vault

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > vault

  • 5

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > vault

  • 6

    Англо-русский строительный словарь > vault

  • 7

    1. n поэт. небосвод

    2. n анат. свод

    3. n подвал, погреб

    4. n склеп

    5. n хранилище; камера; сейф

    6. n фильмохранилище

    7. n пещера

    8. v архит. покрывать сводом; возводить свод

    9. v выситься сводом; накрывать куполом

    10. v изгибаться

    11. n прыжок, скачок

    12. n спорт. опорный прыжок

    13. v перепрыгивать, перескакивать; прыгать

    14. v вольтижировать

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. arch (noun) arcade; arch; ceiling; dome; roof

    2. grave (noun) catacomb; cavern; cellar; cenotaph; crypt; grave; mausoleum; sepulcher; sepulchre; tomb; undercroft

    5. jump (verb) bounce; bound; clear; hop; hurdle; jump; leap; lop; mount; negotiate; over; overleap; saltate; spring; surmount

    English-Russian base dictionary > vault

  • 8

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > vault

  • 9

    1. свод

    2. хранилище; сейф

    annular vault — цилиндрический свод, имеющий в плане очертание кольца или части кольца

    basement vault — подвальный свод, свод подвального перекрытия

    money vault — сейф для хранения кассы, хранилище для денег

    storage vault — шахта для хранения; шахтное хранилище

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > vault

  • 10


    vault head — замок /ключ, шелыга/ свода


    небосвод (

    the vault of heaven)

    2. подвал, погреб ()

    3. склеп (

    sepulchral vault)

    family vault — фамильный склеп, усыпальница

    4. 1) хранилище; (стальная) камера; сейф

    cash in vault — наличность кассы; денежная наличность ()

    2) фильмохранилище

    5. пещера

    1. 1)

    покрывать сводом; возводить свод ()

    2) выситься сводом (); накрывать (как) куполом (

    vault over)

    2. изгибаться

    to vault like the rainbow — изгибаться сводом /радугой/


    1) прыжок, скачок (

    через препятствие)

    vault over a gate [from the saddle, upon a horse] — прыжок /скачок/ через ворота [с седла, на коня]

    flank /side/ vault — опорный прыжок боком

    1. перепрыгивать, перескакивать; прыгать

    to vault into the saddle — вскочить на коня /в седло/

    2. 1) прыгать с опорой обо что-л. ()

    НБАРС > vault

  • 11


    vault подвал, погреб, склеп (со сводом); wine vault винный погреб; family vault фамильный склеп vault банковское хранилище vault возводить свод (над чем-л.) vault вольтижировать vault спорт. опорный прыжок, прыжок с шестом vault подвал, погреб, склеп (со сводом); wine vault винный погреб; family vault фамильный склеп vault подвал для хранения ценностей vault прыгать, перепрыгивать (особ. опираясь на что-л.) vault свод; the vault of heaven небесный свод vault сейф vault свод; the vault of heaven небесный свод vault подвал, погреб, склеп (со сводом); wine vault винный погреб; family vault фамильный склеп

    English-Russian short dictionary > vault

  • 12

    ̈ɪvɔ:lt I
    1. сущ.
    1) свод bank vault vault of heaven
    2) подвал, погреб, склеп( со сводом) to keep one’s valuables in a vault ≈ хранить ценности в склепе/подвале/тайнике Syn: grave
    2. гл. возводить свод (над чем-л.) to vault over ≈ возвышаться сводом над чем-л. II
    1. сущ.;
    спорт опорный прыжок, прыжок с шестом
    2. гл.
    1) прыгать, перепрыгивать( особ. опираясь на что-л.) (тж. vault over) He took a running jump at the fence and vaulted over (it). ≈ Он с разбегу перепрыгнул через забор.
    2) вольтижировать
    (архитектура) свод — cloister * монастырский свод — * head замок свода небосвод — the blue * голубой купол (анатомия) свод — сranial * cвод черепа подвал, погреб (винный и т. п.) склеп — family * фамильный склеп, усыпальница хранилище;
    (стальная) камера;
    сейф — safety * хранилище (ценностей) (в банке и т. п.) — сash in * наличность кассы;
    денежная наличность( в кассе банка) фильмохранилище пещера( архитектура) покрывать сводом;
    возводить свод (над чем-л.) выситься сводом (над чем-л.) ;
    накрвать (как) куполом — the sky *ed over the sea купол неба над морем изгибаться — to * like the rainbow изгибаться сводом прыжок, скачок( особ. через препятствие) — * over a gate прыжок через ворота( спортивное) опорный прыжок — free * свободный прыжок — rear * прыжок углом — double-rear * опорный прыжок углом с поворотом на 180 градусов — flank * опорный прыжок боком — horse * прыжок через коня (одна нога сбоку прямая, другая согнута) — straddle * прыжок ноги врозь перепрыгивать, перескакивать;
    прыгать — to * (over) a fence перескочить через забор — to * into the saddle вскочить на коня — to * a river( военное) форсировать реку прыгать с опорой обо что-л. (гимнастика) вольтижировать (конный спорт)
    ~ подвал, погреб, склеп (со сводом) ;
    wine vault винный погреб;
    family vault фамильный склеп
    vault банковское хранилище ~ возводить свод (над чем-л.) ~ вольтижировать ~ спорт. опорный прыжок, прыжок с шестом ~ подвал, погреб, склеп (со сводом) ;
    wine vault винный погреб;
    family vault фамильный склеп ~ подвал для хранения ценностей ~ прыгать, перепрыгивать (особ. опираясь на что-л.) ~ свод;
    the vault of heaven небесный свод ~ сейф
    ~ свод;
    the vault of heaven небесный свод
    ~ подвал, погреб, склеп (со сводом) ;
    wine vault винный погреб;
    family vault фамильный склеп

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > vault

  • 13

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > vault

  • 14

    хранилище; сейф; касса банка или другого финансового учреждения

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > vault

  • 15

    (банковское) хранилище, стальной сейф; подвал (для хранения ценностей)

    Англо-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > vault

  • 16

    English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > vault

  • 17

    Англо-русский технический словарь > vault

  • 18



    2) подвал, погреб



    ; = vault of heaven небосвод





    Looking across the vast expanse, with the wide blue sky vaulted over it. — Глядя на широкие просторы и голубое небо, раскинувшееся над ними.

    б) образовывать свод, арку




    опорный прыжок, прыжок с шестом



    1) прыгать, перепрыгивать

    He took a running jump at the fence and vaulted over (it). — Он с разбегу перепрыгнул через забор.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > vault

  • 19

    money vault — сейф для хранения кассы, хранилище для денег

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > vault

  • 20

    хранилище; сейф; металлическая камера; шахта

    English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > vault


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Vault — (v[add]lt; see Note, below), n. [OE. voute, OF. voute, volte, F. vo[^u]te, LL. volta, for voluta, volutio, fr. L. volvere, volutum, to roll, to turn about. See {Voluble}, and cf. {Vault} a leap, {Volt} a turn, {Volute}.] [1913 Webster] 1. (Arch.) …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Vault — Vault, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Vaulted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Vaulting}.] [OE. vouten, OF. volter, vouter, F. vo[^u]ter. See {Vault} an arch.] [1913 Webster] 1. To form with a vault, or to cover with a vault; to give the shape of an arch to; to arch; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vault — vault1 [vôlt] n. [ME voute < OFr < VL * volvita, an arch, vault < * volvitus, pp. of * volvitare, intens. of L volvere, to turn around, roll: see WALK] 1. an arched roof, ceiling, or covering of masonry 2. an arched chamber or space, esp …   English World dictionary

  • Vault — Nombre publicitario Vault Lanzada en 2005 Operada por Chart Show Channels Share 2,7% Sitio Web thevault.tv Frecuencias Satélite …   Wikipedia Español

  • Vault — Vault  коммерческая, проприетарная система управления версиями, разработанная компанией SourceGear LLC, которая позиционирует свой продукт как замену Microsoft Visual SourceSafe. Система Vault использует Microsoft SQL Server в качестве базы… …   Википедия

  • Vault — est une série de cymbales Ride, Crash, Chinesse, Hats, Splash, de percussions et de cymbales orchestrales commercialisée par Sabian. Cette série est caractérisée par un grand nombre de modèles Signature, modèles adaptés aux goûts et préférences… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • vault — ‘arched roof’ [14] and vault ‘jump’ [16] are distinct words, although they share a common ancestor: Latin volvere ‘roll, turn’ (source also of English involve, revolve, etc). Its feminine past participle volūta evolved in Vulgar Latin into *volta …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • vault — vault·age; vault·er; vault·man; vault; …   English syllables

  • vault — ‘arched roof’ [14] and vault ‘jump’ [16] are distinct words, although they share a common ancestor: Latin volvere ‘roll, turn’ (source also of English involve, revolve, etc). Its feminine past participle volūta evolved in Vulgar Latin into *volta …   Word origins

  • Vault — Vault, v. i. [Cf. OF. volter, F. voltiger, It. volt?re turn. See {Vault}, n., 4.] [1913 Webster] 1. To leap; to bound; to jump; to spring. [1913 Webster] Vaulting ambition, which o erleaps itself. Shak. [1913 Webster] Leaning on his lance, he… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vault|ed — «VAWL tihd», adjective. 1. in the form of a vault; arched: »a vaulted ceiling. 2. built or covered with a vault: »a vaulted room. SYNONYM(S): domed. 3. having vaults or underground passages: »the vaulted catacombs …   Useful english dictionary

Other forms: vaulted; vaults; vaulting

Vault is a verb that means «to jump over something.» If you were hurrying out to the pasture to visit your favorite cow, you might vault over the gate in your excitement.

When you support yourself with your hands as you jump over some hurdle, you vault, just as a gymnast might do across a vault — a piece of gymnastic equipment made to be vaulted over after a running start. Another meaning of vault is the arched roof of a building, or something that resembles such an archway. A storage chamber, especially one that’s kept underground, is also a vault, like a bank vault.

Definitions of vault

  1. noun

    a burial chamber (usually underground)

  2. noun

    a strongroom or compartment (often made of steel) for safekeeping of valuables

  3. noun

    an arched brick or stone ceiling or roof

    see moresee less


    barrel vault

    the simplest form of vault; a single continuous arch

    groined vault

    two barrel vaults intersecting at right angles

    ribbed vault

    vault that resembles a groined vault but has ribbed arches

    type of:


    a protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building

  4. noun

    the act of jumping over an obstacle

  5. verb

    jump across or leap over (an obstacle)

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘vault’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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an arched structure, usually made of stones, concrete, or bricks, forming a ceiling or roof over a hall, room, sewer, or other wholly or partially enclosed construction.

an arched structure resembling a vault.

a space, chamber, or passage enclosed by a vault or vaultlike structure, especially one located underground.

an underground chamber, as a cellar or a division of a cellar.

a room or compartment, often built of or lined with steel, reserved for the storage and safekeeping of valuables, especially such a place in a bank.

a strong metal cabinet, usually fireproof and burglarproof, for the storage and safekeeping of valuables, important papers, etc.

a burial chamber.

Anatomy. an arched roof of a cavity.

something likened to an arched roof: the vault of heaven.

verb (used with object)

to construct or cover with a vault.

to make in the form of a vault; arch.

to extend or stretch over in the manner of an arch; overarch: An arbor vaulted the path.

to store in a vault: The paintings will be vaulted when the museum is closed.

verb (used without object)

to curve or bend in the form of a vault.



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Origin of vault


First recorded in 1300–50; Middle English noun vaut(e), vout(e), volt(e), volute, from Old French volte, vote, from unrecorded Vulgar Latin volvita, for Latin volūta, noun use of feminine past participle of Latin volvere “to turn”; verb derivative of the noun


vaultlike, adjective

Words nearby vault

vaudevillian, Vaudois, Vaughan, Vaughan Williams, Vaughn, vault, vaulted, vaulting, vaulting horse, vault light, vaulty

Other definitions for vault (2 of 2)

verb (used without object)

to leap or spring, as to or from a position or over something: He vaulted over the tennis net.

to leap with the hands supported by something, as by a horizontal pole.

to arrive at or achieve something as if by a spring or leap: to vault into prominence.

verb (used with object)

to leap over: to vault a fence.

to cause to leap over or surpass others: Advertising has vaulted the new perfume into first place.


the act of vaulting.

a leap of a horse; curvet.

Gymnastics. a running jump over a vaulting horse or a pommel horse, usually finishing with an acrobatic dismount.

Origin of vault


First recorded in 1530–40; verb from Middle French volter “to leap,” from Old Italian voltare, from unrecorded Vulgar Latin volvitāre “to turn, leap”; the noun is derivative of the verb

synonym study for vault


vaulter, noun

Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to vault

basement, box, cellar, mausoleum, pit, safe, tomb, ascend, bounce, bound, leap, soar, can, catacomb, cavern, crib, crypt, dungeon, grave, repository

How to use vault in a sentence

  • Reading this book is like sticking a stethoscoped ear to the vault containing the cryptocurrency industry’s origins.

  • VOSD resident historian Randy Dotinga — we truly don’t know where he gets these things — is back with another one from the vault in honor of Wednesday’s vice presidential debate.

  • You can set how the software interacts with your browser, set up alerts for when your credentials are involved in a data breach, and set a default vault for new passwords.

  • All the closing documents go into a digital vault that attorneys and lenders can access online.

  • A gymnast launching off the vault will flip and twist multiple times within a single second.

  • It was fronted by what looked like a heavily reinforced bank vault door.

  • They are simply repositories of capital, like so many gold bars in the vault of a bank.

  • It was, he writes, like “looking into the vault of the universe.”

  • For decades, these fascinating recordings languished in the Cash Family vault, unheard and unremembered.

  • Now, we’re in a very small, very hot room with no decor—there is only an ominous-looking vault door.

  • (b) To open the Treasury vault, the presence of two persons designated by the Secretary of the Treasury is required.

  • Each entry on the vault record book shall be signed by the persons having access to the safe.

  • On the 18th fifty heavy shells, including 12-inch and 14-inch, dropped out of the blue vault of heaven on to the Anzacs.

  • Coloured shafts mapped the vault from horizon to zenith like the spokes of a prodigious wheel of fire.

  • Cautiously they began to go up into the dark vault of the upper house, the boards creaking under their weight.

British Dictionary definitions for vault (1 of 2)


an arched structure that forms a roof or ceiling

a room, esp a cellar, having an arched roof down to floor level

a burial chamber, esp when underground

a strongroom for the safe-deposit and storage of valuables

an underground room or part of such a room, used for the storage of wine, food, etc

anatomy any arched or domed bodily cavity or spacethe cranial vault

something suggestive of an arched structure, as the sky


(tr) to furnish with or as if with an arched roof

(tr) to construct in the shape of a vault

(intr) to curve, arch, or bend in the shape of a vault

Derived forms of vault

vaultlike, adjective

Word Origin for vault

C14: vaute, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin volvita (unattested) a turn, probably from Latin volvere to roll

British Dictionary definitions for vault (2 of 2)


to spring over (an object), esp with the aid of a long pole or with the hands resting on the object

(intr) to do, achieve, or attain something as if by a leaphe vaulted to fame on the strength of his discovery

dressage to perform or cause to perform a curvet


the act of vaulting

dressage a low leap; curvet

Derived forms of vault

vaulter, noun

Word Origin for vault

C16: from Old French voulter to turn, from Italian voltare to turn, from Vulgar Latin volvitāre (unattested) to turn, leap; see vault 1

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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