What is a word that means strong


an athlete with strong muscles

He’s as strong as an ox.

The table should be strong enough to survive the trip.

The builder added supports to make the walls stronger.

He’ll return to work when he’s feeling a little stronger.

Recent Examples on the Web

According to research from Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit that advocates for gun control, strong gun control laws are correlated with fewer gun deaths.

Elliot Hughes, Journal Sentinel, 13 Jan. 2023

This results in a charge imbalance that builds up an electric field strong enough to trigger flashes of lightning.

National Geographic, 13 Jan. 2023

This time, though, Europe’s households have strong balance sheets, partly thanks to government pandemic support programs, while millions of Ukrainian refugees are boosting the demand for housing.

Tom Fairless, WSJ, 12 Jan. 2023

The former Reds righthander posted a sub-3.00 ERA in September before a pair of strong starts in the postseason.

Michael Shapiro, Chron, 12 Jan. 2023

Today, though inflation’s back in our future, the big selloff launched a new era of strong real returns.

Shawn Tully, Fortune, 12 Jan. 2023

Hiring remained strong last month as employers added 233,000 jobs and wages grew a robust 4.6% compared to a year earlier.

Max Zahn, ABC News, 12 Jan. 2023

Carry it by hand or use the shoulder strap that attaches with strong metal buckles (not pictured).

Jessica Hartshorn, Good Housekeeping, 12 Jan. 2023

Deadwyler’s performance has had a strong effect on audiences.

Caryn James, Town & Country, 12 Jan. 2023

In both losses, Louisville came out strong and held the lead at halftime but could not hold on.

Alexis Cubit, The Courier-Journal, 25 Mar. 2023

That was tied for the season high against Alabama in a regulation game, with typically strong-finishing guard Jahvon Quinerly making only two of his eight second-half shots scored as layups — most of which were swatted away.

Mike Rodak | Mrodak@al.com, al, 24 Mar. 2023

January is typically a slow period in theaters, but a handful of strong-performing holdovers have helped prop up sales.

Time, 23 Jan. 2023

The reader is not cajoled so much as strong-armed into having the most delightful time: pigs in blankets appear just as the tummy grumbles; cheap champagne is sloppily topped off; cocaine, likely cut with creatine, is spooned into nostrils so that attention never lags.

Wyatt Mason, Harper’s Magazine , 6 Jan. 2023

Medical-grade compression socks feature gradient compression, or compression that starts off strong around the ankles and then slowly decreases further up the leg.

Sarah Bradley, Health, 20 Mar. 2023

January is typically a slow period in theaters, but a handful of strong-performing holdovers have helped prop up sales.

Time, 23 Jan. 2023

Regardless, the strong-armed Lonergan provides upside at the position.

Nick Alvarez | Nalvarez@al.com, al, 21 Dec. 2022

So he strong-armed him into joining the powerlifting team.

Andrew Beaton, WSJ, 6 Feb. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘strong.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Princeton’s WordNetRate this definition:1.8 / 4 votes

  1. strongadjective

    having strength or power greater than average or expected

    «a strong radio signal»; «strong medicine»; «a strong man»

  2. strongadjective

    not faint or feeble

    «a strong odor of burning rubber»

  3. potent, strongadjective

    having or wielding force or authority

    «providing the ground soldier with increasingly potent weapons»

  4. potent, strong, stiffadjective

    having a strong physiological or chemical effect

    «a potent toxin»; «potent liquor»; «a potent cup of tea», «a stiff drink»

  5. impregnable, inviolable, secure, strong, unassailable, unattackableadjective

    immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with

    «an impregnable fortress»; «fortifications that made the frontier inviolable»; «a secure telephone connection»

  6. solid, strong, substantialadjective

    of good quality and condition; solidly built

    «a solid foundation»; «several substantial timber buildings»

  7. strongadjective

    of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection

    «`sing’ is a strong verb»

  8. hard, strongadjective

    being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content

    «hard liquor»

  9. strong, warmadjective

    freshly made or left

    «a warm trail»; «the scent is warm»

  10. firm, strongadjective

    strong and sure

    «a firm grasp»; «gave a strong pull on the rope»

WiktionaryRate this definition:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. strongadverb

    in a strong manner

  2. strongadjective

    capable of producing great physical force.

  3. strongadjective

    capable of withstanding great physical force

  4. strongadjective

    fast moving water, wind, etc, which has a lot of power.

    The man was nearly drowned after a strong undercurrent swept him out to sea.

  5. strongadjective

    determined, unyielding

    He is strong in the face of adversity.

  6. strongadjective

    highly stimulating to the senses

  7. strongadjective

    having an offensive or intense odor or flavor

    a strong smell

  8. strongadjective

    having a high concentration of an essential or active ingredient

  9. strongadjective

    having a high alcoholic content

    a strong drink

  10. strongadjective

    inflecting in a different manner than the one called weak, such as Germanic verbs which change vowels

    a strong verb

  11. strongadjective

    not easily subdued or taken

    a strong position

  12. strongadjective

    impressive, good

    You’re working with troubled youth in your off time? That’s strong!

  13. strongadjective

    Having a specified number of people or units

    The enemy’s army force was five thousand strong.

Samuel Johnson’s DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. STRONGadjective

    Etymology: strang , Saxon.

    1. Vigorous; forceful; of great ability of body.

    Though ’gan the villain wax so fierce and strong,
    That nothing may sustain his furious force,
    He cast him down to ground, and all along
    Drew him through dirt and mire.
    Fairy Queen.

    The strong-wing’d Mercury should fetch thee up,
    And set thee by Jove’s side.
    William Shakespeare, Ant. and Cleopatra.

    That our oxen may be strong to labour.
    Psal. cxliv. 14.

    The Marsian and Sabellian race,
    Strong limb’d and stout.

    Orses the strong to greater strength must yield;
    He, with Parthenius, were by Rapo kill’d.

    2. Fortified; secure from attack.

    Within Troy’s strong immures
    The ravish’d Helen with wanton Paris sleeps.
    William Shakespeare.

    An army of English engaged in the midst, between an army of a greater number, fresh and in vigour on the one side, and a town strong in fortification, and strong in men on the other.
    Francis Bacon, War with Spain.

    It is no matter how things are, so a man observe but the agreement of his own imaginations, and talk conformably, it is all truth: such castles in the air will be as strong holds of truth as the demonstrations of Euclid.
    John Locke.

    3. Powerful; mighty.

    While there was war between the houses of Saul and David, Abner made himself strong for Saul.
    2 Sam. iii. 6.

    The merchant-adventurers being a strong company, and well underset with rich men and good order, held out bravely.
    Francis Bacon.

    Those that are strong at sea may easily bring them to what terms they please.

    The weak, by thinking themselves strong, are induced to proclaim war against that which ruins them; and the strong, by conceiting themselves weak, are thereby rendered as useless as if they really were so.
    Robert South, Sermons.

    4. Supplied with forces.

    When he was not six and twenty strong,
    Sick in the world’s regard, wretched and low,
    My father gave him welcome to the shore.
    William Shakespeare, Hen. IV.

    He was, at his rising from Exeter, between six and seven thousand strong.
    Francis Bacon.

    In Britain’s lovely isle a shining throng
    War in his cause, a thousand beauties strong.
    Thomas Tickell.

    5. Hale; healthy.

    Better is the poor being sound and strong in constitution, than a rich man afflicted in his body.
    Ecclus xxx. 14.

    6. Forcibly acting in the imagination.

    This is one of the strongest examples of a personation that ever was.
    Francis Bacon.

    7. Ardent; eager; positive; zealous.

    Her mother, ever strong against that match,
    And firm for doctor Caius, hath appointed,
    That he shall shuffle her away.
    William Shakespeare, Mer. Wives of Wind.

    In choice of committees for ripening business for the council, it is better to chuse indifferent persons, than to make an indifferency, by putting in those that are strong on both sides.
    Francis Bacon.

    The knight is a much stronger tory in the country than in town, which is necessary for the keeping up his interest.

    8. Full; having any quality in a great degree; affecting the sight or smell forcibly.

    Add with Cecropian thyme strong-scented centaury.

    By mixing such powders we are not to expect a strong and full white, such as is that of paper; but some dusky obscure one, such as might arise from a mixture of light and darkness, or from white and black, that is, a grey or dun, or russet brown.
    Isaac Newton, Opticks.

    Thus shall there be made two bows of colours, an interior and stronger, by one reflexion in the drops, and an exterior and fainter by two; for the light becomes fainter by every reflexion.
    Isaac Newton, Opticks.

    9. Potent; intoxicating.

    Get strong beer to rub your horses heels.
    Jonathan Swift.

    10. Having a deep tincture; affecting the taste forcibly.

    Many of their propositions favour very strong of the old leaven of innovations.
    Charles I .

    11. Affecting the smell powerfully.

    The prince of Cambay’s daily food
    Is asps, and basilisk and toad,
    Which makes him have so strong a breath,
    Each night he stinks a queen to death.

    The heat of a human body, as it grows more intense, makes the urine smell more strong.

    12. Hard of digestion; not easily nutrimental.

    Strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age.

    13. Furnished with abilities for any thing.

    I was stronger in prophecy than in criticism.

    14. Valid; confirmed.

    In process of time, an ungodly custom grown strong, was kept as a law.
    Wisdom xiv. 16.

    15. Violent; vehement; forcible.

    In the days of his flesh he offered up prayers, with strong crying and tears.
    Heb. v. 7.

    The scriptures make deep and strong impressions on the minds of men: and whosoever denies this, as he is in point of religion atheistical, so in understanding brutish.
    John Corbet.

    16. Cogent; conclusive.

    Of strong prevailment in unharden’d youth.
    William Shakespeare.

    What strong cries must they be that shall drown so loud a clamour of impieties.
    Decay of Piety.

    Produce your cause; bring forth your strong reasons.

    17. Able; skilful; of great force of mind.

    There is no English soul
    More stronger to direct you than yourself,
    If with the sap of reason you would quench,
    Or but allay the fire of passion.
    William Shakespeare, Henry VIII.

    18. Firm; compact; not soon broken.

    Full on his ankle fell the pond’rous stone,
    Burst the strong nerves, and crash’d the solid bone.
    Alexander Pope.

    19. Forcibly written; comprising much meaning in few words.

WikipediaRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes


    The Study of Transition, Outcomes, and Gender (STRONG) is a cohort study of health in transgender people before and during or after gender-affirming treatments such as gender-affirming hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery. It is being conducted at Kaiser Permanente sites in Northern California, Southern California, and Georgia and includes over 6,000 transgender people. The study was underway by 2015 and the first paper for the study was published in 2017. The STRONG cohort represents the largest cohort of transgender people studied to date and the first such large-scale study conducted in the United States.STRONG has published papers assessing transgender population size and demographics, agreement between electronic medical records and self-reported gender identity, gender dysphoria and mental health, suicidality, «passing» and mental health, progression of gender dysphoria in transgender youth, hematological parameters, liver parameters, acne risk, psoriasis risk, cardiovascular health, diabetes risk, and cancer risk.

Webster DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Strong

    having active physical power, or great physical power to act; having a power of exerting great bodily force; vigorous

  2. Strong

    having passive physical power; having ability to bear or endure; firm; hale; sound; robust; as, a strong constitution; strong health

  3. Strong

    solid; tough; not easily broken or injured; able to withstand violence; able to sustain attacks; not easily subdued or taken; as, a strong beam; a strong rock; a strong fortress or town

  4. Strong

    having great military or naval force; powerful; as, a strong army or fleet; a nation strong at sea

  5. Strong

    having great wealth, means, or resources; as, a strong house, or company of merchants

  6. Strong

    reaching a certain degree or limit in respect to strength or numbers; as, an army ten thousand strong

  7. Strong

    moving with rapidity or force; violent; forcible; impetuous; as, a strong current of water or wind; the wind was strong from the northeast; a strong tide

  8. Strong

    adapted to make a deep or effectual impression on the mind or imagination; striking or superior of the kind; powerful; forcible; cogent; as, a strong argument; strong reasons; strong evidence; a strong example; strong language

  9. Strong

    ardent; eager; zealous; earnestly engaged; as, a strong partisan; a strong Whig or Tory

  10. Strong

    having virtues of great efficacy; or, having a particular quality in a great degree; as, a strong powder or tincture; a strong decoction; strong tea or coffee

  11. Strong

    full of spirit; containing a large proportion of alcohol; intoxicating; as, strong liquors

  12. Strong

    affecting any sense powerfully; as, strong light, colors, etc.; a strong flavor of onions; a strong scent

  13. Strong

    solid; nourishing; as, strong meat

  14. Strong

    well established; firm; not easily overthrown or altered; as, a strong custom; a strong belief

  15. Strong

    violent; vehement; earnest; ardent

  16. Strong

    having great force, vigor, power, or the like, as the mind, intellect, or any faculty; as, a man of a strong mind, memory, judgment, or imagination

  17. Strong

    vigorous; effective; forcible; powerful

  18. Strong

    tending to higher prices; rising; as, a strong market

  19. Strong

    pertaining to, or designating, a verb which forms its preterit (imperfect) by a variation in the root vowel, and the past participle (usually) by the addition of -en (with or without a change of the root vowel); as in the verbs strive, strove, striven; break, broke, broken; drink, drank, drunk. Opposed to weak, or regular. See Weak

  20. Strong

    applied to forms in Anglo-Saxon, etc., which retain the old declensional endings. In the Teutonic languages the vowel stems have held the original endings most firmly, and are called strong; the stems in -n are called weak other constant stems conform, or are irregular

FreebaseRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Strong

    Strong is a town in Franklin County, Maine, United States. The population was 1,213 at the 2010 census. Strong is home to the annual Sandy River Festival.

Chambers 20th Century DictionaryRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. Strong

    strong, adj. firm: having physical power: hale, healthy: able to endure: solid: well fortified: having wealth or resources: moving with rapidity: impetuous: earnest: having great vigour, as the mind: forcible: energetic, determined, positive: affecting the senses, as smell and taste, forcibly offensive or intense in quality, pungent: loud, stentorian: hard, indigestible: having a quality in a great degree: intoxicating, rich in alcohol: bright: intense: well established, firm, steadily going upward without fluctuation: (gram.) inflecting by a change of radical vowel instead of by syllabic addition.—n. Strong′hold, a place strong to hold out against attack: a fastness or fortified place: a fortress.—adj. Strong′-knit, firmly jointed or compacted.—adv. Strong′ly.—adj. Strong′-mind′ed, having a vigorous mind: unfeminine, applied to women who unsex themselves to obtain the freedom of men.—ns. Strong′-mind′edness; Strong′-room, a firmly secured place where valuables are stored; Strong′-wa′ter, ardent spirits.—Strong escape (Shak.), an escape accomplished by strength. [A.S. strang, strong; Ice. strangr, Ger. streng, tight.]

Military Dictionary and GazetteerRate this definition:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. strong

    Well fortified; able to sustain attacks; not easily subdued or taken; as, a strong fortress or town. Having great military or naval force; powerful; as, a strong army or fleet; a nation strong at sea.

Surnames Frequency by Census RecordsRate this definition:0.0 / 0 votes


    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Strong is ranked #760 in terms of the most common surnames in America.

    The Strong surname appeared 45,432 times in the 2010 census and if you were to sample 100,000 people in the United States, approximately 15 would have the surname Strong.

    66.8% or 30,367 total occurrences were White.
    25.8% or 11,735 total occurrences were Black.
    2.6% or 1,181 total occurrences were of Hispanic origin.
    2.4% or 1,122 total occurrences were of two or more races.
    1.4% or 659 total occurrences were American Indian or Alaskan Native.
    0.8% or 363 total occurrences were Asian.

British National Corpus

  1. Spoken Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘strong’ in Spoken Corpus Frequency: #587

  2. Written Corpus Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘strong’ in Written Corpus Frequency: #994

  3. Adjectives Frequency

    Rank popularity for the word ‘strong’ in Adjectives Frequency: #52

How to pronounce strong?

How to say strong in sign language?


  1. Chaldean Numerology

    The numerical value of strong in Chaldean Numerology is: 6

  2. Pythagorean Numerology

    The numerical value of strong in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3

Examples of strong in a Sentence

  1. Gift Gugu Mona:

    Be still, for God remains the same. Even when you are not strong. He still reigns supreme. He will give you strength.

  2. Ralph Waldo Emerson:

    Men’s actions are too strong for them. Show me a man who has acted, and who has not been the victim and slave of his action.

  3. Katie Holmes:

    … We have to raise our girls to be very strong not just for themselves, but to open the doors for other people because as hard as we think we have it, there’s so many women in the world that have it so much harder, we need to really be strong and help them and help each other.

  4. Rick Nathan:

    This cycle is very strong and in my opinion it still has a long way to go.

  5. Cheng Chen:

    The strong retail sales report should go a long way in supporting September rate hike odds as the upcoming Fed decision continues to hinge crucially on the tone of domestic economic momentum.

Popularity rank by frequency of use


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Other forms: stronger; strongest

Strong can describe anything with firmness or power. You could have a strong will and resist the distractions of the internet while writing a paper all day, or your paper could have a strong argument, convincing your reader of your wisdom.

Even if you spend hours every day lifting weights, if you don’t eat enough food and drink enough water, you won’t be strong enough to do anything with all that muscle power. If you ran a national bank, you would try to make your currency stronger than that of other countries. Or you might be a woodworker who builds a chair strong enough to hold a three-hundred pound man.

Definitions of strong

  1. adjective

    having strength or power greater than average or expected

    strong radio signal”

    strong medicine”

    strong man”



    sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring

    impactful, powerful

    having great power or force or potency or effect


    sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction


    with full strength


    made greater or stronger

    brawny, hefty, muscular, powerful, sinewy

    (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful


    having a thick short powerful neck


    resembling a bullock in strength and power


    having something added to increase the strength

    hard, knockout, severe

    very strong or vigorous

    industrial-strength, weapons-grade

    extremely strong or concentrated or durable


    exhibiting strength or hardness like that of iron

    knock-down, powerful

    strong enough to knock down or overwhelm


    readily noticed

    reinforced, strengthened

    given added strength or support


    strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity




    characterized by great force or energy


    characterized by energy and vigor

    well-knit, well-set

    strongly and firmly constructed

    tough, toughened

    physically toughened

    see moresee less



    wanting in physical strength


    exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; susceptible to injury


    lacking power

    anaemic, anemic

    lacking vigor or energy

    adynamic, asthenic, debilitated, enervated

    lacking strength or vigor

    faint, feeble

    lacking strength or vigor

    feeble, lame

    pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness


    lacking solidity or strength

    jerry-built, shoddy

    of inferior workmanship and materials

    gutless, namby-pamby, spineless, wishy-washy

    weak in willpower, courage or vitality

    pale, pallid, sick, wan

    (of light) lacking in intensity or brightness; dim or feeble


    inferior in strength or significance


    capable of being wounded or hurt


    made weak or weaker

    tender, untoughened

    physically untoughened

    show more antonyms…

  2. adjective

    having or wielding force or authority



    impactful, powerful

    having great power or force or potency or effect

  3. adjective

    strong and sure

    “gave a
    strong pull on the rope”




    characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical)

  4. adjective

    of good quality and condition; solidly built


    solid, substantial


    in good condition; free from defect or damage or decay

  5. adjective

    immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with

  6. adjective

    not faint or feeble

    strong odor of burning rubber”



    possessing or displaying a distinctive feature to a heightened degree

  7. adjective

    having a strong physiological or chemical effect


    potent, stiff

    effective, effectual, efficacious

    producing or capable of producing an intended result or having a striking effect


    capable of reproducing


    having equal strength or efficacy


    able to many things

    impactful, powerful

    having great power or force or potency or effect

  8. adjective

    freshly made or left




    recently made, produced, or harvested

  9. adjective

    being distilled rather than fermented; having a high alcoholic content




    characteristic of or containing alcohol

  10. adjective

    of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection

    “`sing’ is a
    strong verb”



    contrary to rule or accepted order or general practice

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strong — перевод на русский


You’re stronger than you think.

— Ты сильнее, чем думаешь.

So he needs to, you know, solidify his pack and to make himself stronger.

Поэтому ему нужно, укрепить свою стаю, и этим стать сильнее.

In season two, Derek’s goal is really to, you know, solidify his pack and to make himself stronger.

Во втором сезоне, цель Дерека укрепить свою стаю, и этим стать сильнее.

Every new moon’s just going to make him stronger.

С каждым полнолунием он будет становиться сильнее.

=but that’ll only make me stronger.=

=но от этого я стану только сильнее.=

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It’s strong but I added milk.

Он крепкий, но я молока налил.

Oh, come on, Mr Destry. You’ll be wantin’ a nice, strong cup of tea. Tea?

Мистер Дэстри, я приготовила вам крепкий чай.

So strong, it almost threw me.

Такой крепкий, что чуть не одолел меня.

Still strong, right?

Всё ещё крепкий?

Tea will be good strong and red now, the way I like it.

Чай был бы кстати крепкий и черный, как я люблю.

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You’ll feel stronger in the morning.

Набирайтесь сил до утра.

The weak always have the strong to protect them.

Нам всегда недостает сил для защиты.

I knew he wasn’t strong enough to throw her out.

Я знал, что у него не хватит сил вышвырнуть её.

I’m strong enough for both of us. You’ll live.

У меня хватит сил позаботиться о нас.

Of course, I may not be strong enough…

Конечно, моих сил может не хватить…

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— Want to try something a little stronger?

— Может, хочешь чего-нибудь покрепче?

Come on into the bar. You’ve earned yourself a good strong drink.

Пойдёмте выпьем чего-нибудь покрепче.

They’re stronger.

Пожалуй, они покрепче.

— Fine, thank you. It’s ersatz, but I always try to make it strong. It’s fine.

Это эрзац, но я всегда стараюсь сварить покрепче.

You need to drink something strong.

Вам нужно выпить чего-нибудь покрепче.

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The strong will live forever… forever!

Сильнейший будет жить… вечно!

I am nidaršiè the Giant, the strongest man of the Balkans and Asia Minor.

Я Жнидаршич, Див, сильнейший человек Балкан и Малой Азии.

The strongest must win!

Победить должен сильнейший!

I’m nidaršiè the Giant, the strongest man in the Balkans and Central Europe.

Я Жнидаршич, Див, сильнейший человек Балкан и Центральной Европы.

Merlin, I am the strongest.

Мерлин, я сильнейший.

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Yes sir, Mr. Strong, excuse me.

— Да сэр, мистер Стронг, извините меня.

Well I don’t mind the insult to me, Mrs. Strong, but you’re insulting Jerry too.

Я не против оскорблений в мой адрес, миссис Стронг, но вы оскорбляете также и Джерри.

Mr. Strong is a man of the highest principles.

Мистер Стронг человек высоких принципов.

How about you, Mrs. Strong?

— А как насчет вас, миссис Стронг?

Excuse me, Mrs. Strong.

Простите меня, миссис Стронг.

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No, the cable Is strong.

Нет, кабель прочный.

A strong rope.

Прочный канат.

The material is too strong.

Слишком прочный материал.

He means that whenever the material is weakened, the atoms recombine, the molecules reconstitute themselves to form an even stronger material.

Это значит, что когда материал начинает разрушаться, атомы соединяются заново, а молекулы воссоздают себя, чтобы сформировать еще более прочный материал.

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He is not strong like his father.

Он не очень похож на своего отца.

I’m going to take very strong measures in the future.

Я собираюсь применить очень суровые меры.

Not that strong.

Ну, не так чтобы очень…

You have such strong memories of me.

Твои воспоминания очень яркие.


Его почерк очень похож на ваш.

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I did write and ask her to tea. Got a reply from the commander, Saying she wasn’t strong enough to accept invitations.

Я писала ей и приглашала на чай, но получила ответ от капитана, … что она недостаточно здорова, чтобы принимать приглашения.

Not strong enough?

— Недостаточно здорова?

Perhaps i’d better frankly state She’s not strong enough to make new friends.

Возможно, я бы сказал, что она… недостаточно здорова, чтобы заводить дружбу с новыми людьми.

He’s really so handsome and strong.

Бедный парень! Такой красивый, здоровый!

I got a strong stomach, too!

У меня здоровый желудок !

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But, that strong burst of radiation…

Но эта мощная вспышка излучения…

There’s a strong force at work somewhere, which is threatening my ship.

Есть мощная сила, где-то работающая, которая угрожает моему кораблю.

The Earth has a strong gravity.

У Земли мощная гравитация.

They gave him a power unit strong enough to put all human industry back into motion, and again the gates of the Future were closed.

Они дали ему источник энергии достаточно мощный, чтобы снова возродить технические производства людей, и снова ворота Будущего закрылись.

Immensely strong power generations, captain.

Очень мощный силовой генератор.

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Table of Contents

  1. What is the opposite word of strong?
  2. What is a stronger word for strong?
  3. What is the opposite of heavy?
  4. What is a word for inner strength?
  5. What’s a word for a strong woman?
  6. How do you praise a girl’s voice?
  7. When a woman is loved the right way?
  8. What are some happy words?
  9. Who is a zealous person?
  10. Is zealous a positive word?
  11. Is zealous and jealous the same thing?

What is another word for strong-minded?

What is the opposite word of strong?

Strong means; powerful, robust, potent, mighty, vigorous, having the power to move heavy weights. Opposites of Strong; impotent. helpless. ineffectual.

SYNONYMS FOR strong 1 mighty, sturdy, brawny, sinewy, hardy, muscular, stout, stalwart. 4 potent, capable, efficient. 5 valiant, brave.

What is the opposite of heavy?

Opposite Of Heavy, Antonyms of Heavy, Meaning and Example Sentences Heavy means; of great weight, severe, serious, hard, slow, heavyweight; severe, vigorous Opposites of Heavy; light lightweight weightless featherweight airy buoyant featherlike feathery ethereal floaty fluffy gossamer gossamery little small thin …

determined firm
forceful inexorable
persevering persistent
tenacious unfaltering
unshakeable unswerving

What is a word for inner strength?

noun. ( Synonyms. vigour intensity brunt energy intensiveness vigor force impulse forcefulness momentum zip.

What’s a word for a strong woman?

Thankfully, the English language is rich in beautiful and powerful adjectives to describe a strong woman….60 powerful words to describe a strong woman.

accountable educated positive
determined passionate tenacious
devoted patient thoughtful
disciplined persevering tough

How do you praise a girl’s voice?

  1. “You have a voice that makes girls want to throw their panties at you.”
  2. (True story) “You have a voice that melts panties.”
  3. “What’s my name? …
  4. “Go on.
  5. “Stop talking.
  6. (True story) “My utilities bill is going up, thanks to you.” “How come?” “Because I keep having to wash my boxers/briefs after every time we talk.”

When a woman is loved the right way?

When a woman is loved the right way, her walls will tumble down. She allows the best parts of herself to come out into the open and shine their brightest. She feels safe enough to show her true self. She will value a man who shows her that he can be trusted.

What are some happy words?

other words for happy

  • cheerful.
  • contented.
  • delighted.
  • ecstatic.
  • elated.
  • joyous.
  • overjoyed.
  • pleased.

Who is a zealous person?

Someone who is zealous spends a lot of time or energy in supporting something that they believe in very strongly, especially a political or religious ideal. She was a zealous worker for charity. Synonyms: enthusiastic, passionate, earnest, burning More Synonyms of zealous.

Is zealous a positive word?

Zealous is the adjective for the noun zeal, “eager partisanship”; the latter has a long e, but zealous has a short one: ZEL-uhs. It can have a slightly negative connotation, and people are sometimes described as overzealous, meaning they try too hard.

Is zealous and jealous the same thing?

Jealousy is a word we have all used, or rather, an emotion most of us have felt at some point of time. Jealous characterizes a person who is overly possessive or envious. Zealous, on the other hand, is a super-positive word implying passions, enthusiasm and dedication for something or someone.

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