What is a word processor job


Learn all about Word Processor duties, skills and much more. Get expert advice on how to become a Word Processor.

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Brenna Goyette

Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Expert

Published October 28, 20224 min read

A word processor is a computer program used for the production of any sort of text document.

Word Processor job duties include:

  • Answer telephones and give information to callers, take messages, or transfer calls to appropriate individuals.
  • Open, read, and route incoming mail, answer correspondence, and prepare outgoing mail.
  • Maintain scheduling and event calendars.
  • Make travel arrangements for staff.
  • Order office supplies and maintain inventory of stock.
  • Greet visitors and direct them to the appropriate persons or offices.
  • Operate office equipment such as fax machines, copiers, and phone systems, and use computers for spreadsheet, word processing, database management, and other applications.
  • Transcribe dictated reports and correspondence.
  • Prepare statistical tables, charts, budgets, schedules, financial reports, manuals, and other documents.

Word Processor Job Requirements

There are no formal education requirements for word processors, although most have at least a high school diploma. Certification is not required, but many word processors choose to become certified through organizations such as the International Association of Administrative Professionals or the National Association of Legal Secretaries. Experience is also not required, but many word processors have several years of experience working in an office environment before becoming a word processor.

Word Processor Skills

  • Open and close documents
  • Create new documents
  • Save documents
  • Save documents as a different file type
  • Print documents
  • Edit documents
  • Cut, copy, and paste text
  • Find and replace text
  • Check spelling and grammar
  • Add or remove headers and footers
  • Insert page numbers
  • Add or remove watermarks

Related: Top Word Processor Skills: Definition and Examples

How to become a Word Processor

A word processor is a computer program that allows you to create, edit, and save documents. There are many different word processors available, and each has its own set of features. When choosing a word processor, it is important to consider your needs and the features that are most important to you.

If you want to become a word processor, there are a few things you need to do. First, you need to choose the right word processor for your needs. There are many different options available, so take some time to research the different options and find the one that best suits your needs.

Next, you need to learn how to use the features of your chosen word processor. This may take some time and practice, but it will be worth it in the end. Once you know how to use the features of your word processor, you will be able to create documents quickly and easily.

Finally, you need to make sure you save your documents regularly. This will help ensure that you do not lose any important work if something happens to your computer. Saving often will also help you keep track of your work and make it easier to find if you need to reference it later.

Becoming a word processor is a great way to improve your productivity and efficiency when working on computers. By taking the time to choose the right word processor and learn how to use its features, you can make working on computers much easier and more enjoyable.

Related: Word Processor Resume Example

Related: Word Processor Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

Find detail information about word processor job description, duty and skills required for word processor position.

What is word processing skills?

The software used to perform word processing is known as a Word Processor. This software is used to create, edit, save and print documents. One example of a Word Processor is Microsoft Word.

What is a word word processor?

An editor is a device or computer program that helps you write text. An editor can help you with different tasks, such as formatting your text, making it easy to read, and adding extra features.

Where can I learn word processing?

Usually, Microsoft Word is one of the most popular word-processing programs available to college students. This program is especially useful for college students who need to write creative English paragraphs. In addition, many classes will specifically require you to use Microsoft Word for your coursework.

What are the 5 examples of word processor?

A word processor is a program that helps you write documents by organizing and creating text. A word processor can be used on a computer to create papers such as letters, reports, and essays.

Is word processor a software?

Word processors can be used for a variety of tasks, including writing and editing documents. They can be used to store and display documents, enter commands and characters from the keyboard, and print them.

What are the benefits of word processing?

«When I was younger, I used to love writing poems. They were simple, easy to remember, and always had a happy ending. However, as time went on and I got more experience with writing, I quickly realized that poem writing was not as fun as I thought it would be.

Manual writers can get confused with the language they are using. For example, they might use the wrong word when they should use the correct one. This can result in a sentence that sounds confusing or nonsensical.

A word processor will also help you to improve your grammar and spelling skills. This will make your writing more consistent and error-free.» — source.

How do I work on a word document?

«Yesterday, I drove to the store to buy some eggs. As soon as I got there, I noticed that the shelves were PACKED with eggs! There were so many that I couldn’t even find a single one that I wanted. It was really amazing how many eggs there were, and it made me feel really excited.» — source.

How can I use word in Excel?

If you want to create a table in Word 2016, click the ?Insert? tab at the top of the window, and then click the ?Table? button. Click the ?Excel Spreadsheet? button in the drop-down menu.

The Excel table will open on your screen. In the left-hand column, you will see a list of sheets. The sheet on your left is called «Table 1». The sheet on your right is called «Table 2». In Table 1, there are three cells. In Table 2, there are six cells.

Is Microsoft Excel a word processor?

Excel is a spreadsheet application that is used to organize data in columns and rows. It can be used to write creative English paragraphs.

Is Powerpoint a word processor?

Microsoft PowerPoint is a word processor software that allows you to create beautiful, easy-to-read presentations. With its powerful tools and user-friendly interface, it can help you capture your ideas and make them into real-world documents.

Which is the best word processor?

Google Docs is a great word processor that can be used on any platform. It is features packed and supports offline writing which can be enabled through a Chrome extension.

Is Notepad a word processor?

Katie is a creative writer who enjoys writing in all different styles and formats. She has a passion for writing, whether it’s in the form of short stories, articles, or even novels. Katie has an innate ability to see the potential in a story and can often come up with unique and interesting ways to tell a story.

What are the types of word processing?

There are three types of electronic word processors: a personal computer, an electronic whiteboard, and a software program. Personal computers are designed for individual use, and are usually compact and easy to use. Electronic whiteboards provide a more interactive way to write than computers, but they also require time and space to be used effectively. Software programs are easy to use, but can be time-consuming to complete.

What are the 10 features of word processor?

A word processor is a computer software that consists of a main screen, where you can see the text you are writing, and several other screens that are used for different tasks. On the main screen, you can see the font selection, the editing tools, and the viewports. The editing tools include: a keyboard shortcut to make changes to the text itself, a mouse wheel to move around the text, and an undo/redo button. The viewports include: a simple table of contents, an index of contents, and a sidebar that shows all your worksheets in one place.

What is word processor give some example?

Here is a creative English paragraph about a flower. A flower is a beautiful addition to any room, and can be used as an ornament or decoration. Many people love to see flowers in their gardens, as they provide beauty and fragrance. The petals of a flower are often green and have many delicate lines running down them. Flowers also have pollinators, which means that the pollination process takes place outside of the flowers themselves. In order to produce seeds, flowers need sunlight and water.

Is Excel a word processing software?

MS Word is a powerful software which can be used to write letters, essays, notes, etc. It is easy to use and has a lot of features that make it a great choice for writers. MS Excel is a spreadsheet software which can be used to save data in a systematic tabular manner. This makes it an excellent choice for data entry and analysis.

Why is word processing important?

A word processor is a tool that can be used to create diagrams, reports, and other documents. It can also be used to correct common spelling and grammar errors.

What types of software is word processor?

This word processing software is a great way to write creative English paragraph. It offers many features that can help you write better papers.

What are the main features of word processor?

One of the many features of a word processor is the ability to include multiple font sets, so that your text will look legible regardless of its color. This can be especially helpful if you’re working on a document that will be displayed on a variety of devices. Additionally, spell checking and grammar checking are included in most word processors, so you can be sure that your writing will be error-free.

What are the differences between word processing and Microsoft Word?

«When I took my first English class, I was fascinated by how much easier it was to write than the other classes I had taken before. The syntax, grammar, and vocabulary were all so much easier to understand than in the other classes. It was like learning a new language all over again!» — source.

What is the difference between a text editor and word processor?

One of the most popular word processors is Microsoft Word. It provides a number of options onto which you can format your text or document. One of its many features is the ability to move the lines. This makes it perfect for creating creative English paragraphs.

What is difference between MS Word and PowerPoint?

With MS word and MS PowerPoint, users can create creative English documents and presentations. Ms word is used for data storage and Ms PowerPoint is used for slide and presentation graph.

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Reviewed & Published by Albert

Submitted by our contributor

Albert is an expert in internet marketing, has unquestionable leadership skills, and is currently the editor of this website’s contributors and writer.

Education and Training: High School

Salary: Median—$28,030 per year

Employment Outlook: Poor

Definition and Nature of the Work

Word processors set up and prepare reports, letters, mailing labels, and other materials on a computer using a keyboard and word processing software. The word processor uses word processing commands to format the material and instruct the machine to correct spelling or grammar errors, number pages automatically, adjust the margins or line length, or perform a host of other functions. After inspecting the completed document, the word processor can print out and arrange copies of the document for presentation or for filing. Word processors also often perform other clerical duties around an office such as copying documents and answering telephones.

Word processing has become an everyday part of office technology in private industry and government. In addition to the job of word processor, this new technology has given rise to a number of related positions. Word processing trainers train terminal operators and instruct users in machine capabilities and formatting options. Proofreader/format designers, in addition to proofreading hard copy, set standards for the word processor’s automated grammar and spelling correction and formatting processes. Word processing managers and supervisors coordinate and oversee other word processors and may be involved in the evaluation, design, and implementation of future word processing systems.

Education and Training Requirements

To become a word processor, a person generally needs a high school education. Employers look for applicants with all-around clerical skills, including a good command of the English language, fast and accurate typing, experience with basic word processing programs, and some secretarial experience. The actual technology of word processing—the use of computers and the software—is often acquired on the job or through employer-sponsored training programs. Many two-year colleges and business schools certify word processors who have completed a program in business and word processing. Some temporary placement services offer preliminary word processing training to clerical workers.

Word processing has become an everyday part of office technology in private industry and government. (Photograph by Kelly A. Quin. Thomson Gale. Reproduced by permission.)

Getting the Job

A high school or business school placement office may be able to help a student find a job as a word processor. Interested individuals can check Internet job banks and classified ads of local newspapers for job openings. State and private employment agencies may be able to lead a person to openings in word processing. For a government job, arrange to take the necessary civil service examination.

Advancement Possibilities and Employment Outlook

Word processors who work quickly and accurately can advance to positions as supervisors or to specialized clerical or administrative assistant jobs within their companies after gaining additional training in programming applications.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 194,000 people held word processing jobs in 2004.

Employment of word processors was expected to decline through the year 2014. In more and more companies professionals and other office personnel are doing their own word processing. Some experienced word processors will be needed because the occupation is a large one.

Working Conditions

Some word processors work independently at separate terminals. Others are clustered in a clerical pool. Word processors generally must sit at their machines for hours at a time. Their work can be tedious and can cause backaches, eyestrain, and repetitive motion injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Word processors usually work forty hours per week, although rotating or swing shifts and flexible time (for example, four ten-hour days a week) are options at some companies. Overtime may be expected during peak periods.

Earnings and Benefits

The median salary in 2004 for word processors and typists was $28,030 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The highest-paid 10 percent earned more than $43,190 per year. Most word processors receive benefits such as health insurance and paid vacations.

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to being a word processing specialist. For example, did you know that they make an average of $17.09 an hour? That’s $35,543 a year! Between 2018 and 2028, the career is expected to grow -7% and produce -276,700 job opportunities across the U.S.

Research Summary. After conducting research on a database of millions of profiles, Zippia’s data science team found the following results about word processing specialist careers:

  • The most common job after being a word processing specialist is a legal secretary.

  • There are approximately 29,974 job openings for word processing specialists in the US job market currently.

  • The annual salary for word processing specialists ranges from $24,000 to $51,000 per year.

  • About 36% of word processing specialists have a bachelor’s degree.

  • The three most common skills for word processing specialists are transcription, dictation, and powerpoint.

  • 88.5% of word processing specialists are women, while 11.5% are men.

What Does a Word Processing Specialist Do

There are certain skills that many word processing specialists have in order to accomplish their responsibilities. By taking a look through resumes, we were able to narrow down the most common skills for a person in this position. We discovered that a lot of resumes listed interpersonal skills, writing skills and organizational skills.

How To Become a Word Processing Specialist

If you’re interested in becoming a word processing specialist, one of the first things to consider is how much education you need. We’ve determined that 35.8% of word processing specialists have a bachelor’s degree. In terms of higher education levels, we found that 3.3% of word processing specialists have master’s degrees. Even though some word processing specialists have a college degree, it’s possible to become one with only a high school degree or GED.

Learn More About How To Become a Word Processing Specialist


Word Processing Specialist

Jobs Near You

Word Processing Specialist Career Paths

In addition to switching up your job search, it might prove helpful to look at a career path for your specific job. Now, what’s a career path you ask? Well, it’s practically a map that shows how you might advance from one job title to another. Our career paths are especially detailed with salary changes. So, for example, if you started out with the role of legal secretary you might progress to a role such as office manager eventually. Later on in your career, you could end up with the title senior account manager.

Word Processing Specialist

Top Careers Before Word Processing Specialist

Top Careers After Word Processing Specialist

Average Salary for a Word Processing Specialist

Word Processing Specialists

in America make an average salary of


per year or


per hour. The top 10 percent makes over


per year, while the bottom 10 percent under


per year.


Word Processing Specialist


$35,543 Yearly




What Am I Worth?


Roles and Types of Word Processing Specialist

There are several types of word processing specialist, including:



Processing… Processing… Processing… Yep. You guessed it. As a processor, you’ll have to do a lot of processing. Now, what you’ll be processing will depend on what industry you’re in. As an order entry processor, the main responsibility of your job will be making sure clients and customers are taken care of. That includes taking orders and making sure those orders are filled. But as a loan processor, your roles will be completely different. This just means you have plenty of room for job opportunities. Really the sky is the limit when it comes to a career as a processor.

For the most part, you’ll only need a high school diploma to dip your toe in the processing pool of possibilities. Once you have the job, most employers will require you to go through on-the-job training. A big part of being a processor is being able to process the customers’ emotions, as you always want them to keep coming back. That’s just good business.

  • Average Salary: $32,098
  • Degree: Bachelor’s Degree

Administrative Support


Administrative support workers, sometimes called administrative support specialists, take care of clerical tasks in an office that helps their employer serve the public. Most administrative support workers work for government offices, although they can also work for private companies. They handle tasks that help organize the office such as storing files and inputting data into the payroll system. Administrative support workers need to be strong communicators because they handle internal communications, for example by scheduling meetings, and communicate with the public via phone and email. Administrative support workers are often highly knowledgeable about procedures in the office they work for so they can help customers and coworkers with their questions.

There are a few different ways to become an administrative support worker. About half have a bachelor’s degree in business or administration. However, many do this job with only a high school diploma.

Administrative support workers usually need a few years of administrative experience, for example as assistants. Only then can they apply for an administrative support position, which usually pays around $33,023 a year.

  • Average Salary: $37,692
  • Degree: Bachelor’s Degree

Office Support Clerk


Office support clerks are responsible for performing all clerical and administrative duties in a company. Office support clerks are also referred to as receptionists or office assistants. As an office support clerk, your duties include recording minutes, answering client’s calls and directing them to the right department, and welcoming clients to the company, and directing them to the appropriate office. Also, you are in charge of scheduling meetings, booking travel arrangements, planning and organizing events. As an office support clerk, you will be required to perform different duties daily as you will often need to help other employees with planning and organizing activities.

You need interpersonal skills, organization skills, sound communication skills, customer service skills, data entry skills, time management skills, and computer literacy to be an office support clerk. Most office support clerks have a degree in business, accounting, psychology, or a related course. You will earn an average of $29,504 per year.

  • Average Salary: $32,040
  • Degree: Bachelor’s Degree

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States With The Most Word Processing Specialist Jobs

Number Of Word Processing Specialist Jobs By State

Word Processing Specialist Education

Word Processing Specialist Majors

Word Processing Specialist Degrees

Top Skills For a Word Processing Specialist

The skills section on your resume can be almost as important as the experience section, so you want it to be an accurate portrayal of what you can do. Luckily, we’ve found all of the skills you’ll need so even if you don’t have these skills yet, you know what you need to work on. Out of all the resumes we looked through, 13.8% of word processing specialists listed transcription on their resume, but soft skills such as interpersonal skills and writing skills are important as well.

  • Word Processing Equipment, 6.8%

Word Processing Specialist diversity

Word Processing Specialist Gender Distribution





After extensive research and analysis, Zippia’s data science team found that:

  • Among word processing specialists, 88.5% of them are women, while 11.5% are men.
  • The most common race/ethnicity among word processing specialists is White, which makes up 72.3% of all word processing specialists.
  • The most common foreign language among word processing specialists is Spanish at 56.3%.

Online Courses For Word Processing Specialist That You May Like

Advertising Disclosure  The courses listed below are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the course, we may receive a commission.

1. Master Microsoft Word — Word from Beginner to Advanced



Master the most famous Word processing tool, Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365…

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2. The Complete Microsoft Word Course: Master Microsoft Word



Microsoft Office — MS Word — Microsoft Word 2019 — Microsoft Word 2016 — Microsoft Word Advanced — MS Office…

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3. Professional documents using Word 2013



Learn how to effectively use Microsoft Word 2013 to create professional business documents…

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How Do Word Processing Specialists Rate Their Jobs?

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«Word Processors and Typist»

Job Description — Part 1 — Duties and Tasks

Job Duties and Tasks for:
«Word Processors and Typist»

1) Check completed work for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and format.

2) Perform other clerical duties such as answering telephone, sorting and distributing mail, running errands or sending faxes.

3) Gather, register, and arrange the material to be typed, following instructions.

4) Type correspondence, reports, text and other written material from rough drafts, corrected copies, voice recordings, dictation or previous versions, using a computer, word processor, or typewriter.

5) File and store completed documents on computer hard drive or disk, and/or maintain a computer filing system to store, retrieve, update and delete documents.

6) Print and makes copies of work.

7) Keep records of work performed.

8) Compute and verify totals on report forms, requisitions, or bills, using adding machine or calculator.

9) Collate pages of reports and other documents prepared.

10) Electronically sort and compile text and numerical data, retrieving, updating, and merging documents as required.

11) Reformat documents, moving paragraphs and/or columns.

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12) Search for specific sets of stored, typed characters in order to make changes.

13) Adjust settings for format, page layout, line spacing, and other style requirements.

14) Address envelopes or prepare envelope labels, using typewriter or computer.

15) Operate and resupply printers and computers, changing print wheels or fluid cartridges, adding paper, and loading blank tapes, cards, or disks into equipment.

16) Transmit work electronically to other locations.

17) Work with technical material, preparing statistical reports, planning and typing statistical tables, and combining and rearranging material from different sources.

18) Use data entry devices, such as optical scanners, to input data into computers for revision or editing.

19) Transcribe stenotyped notes of court proceedings.

Job Description for «Word Processors and Typist» continued here…

Part 1
Duties / Tasks
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

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